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• bench 常指一条长椅坐满的人的数 例:a bench of judges board 常指会议或委员会全班人马例: a board of directors choir 常 指 合 唱 团 或 唱 诗 班 例 : a choir of singers congregation 常指定期的宗教性质的集会 a congregation of prayers crew 常指在一条船上飞机上的工作人员 a crew of sailors crowd 常 指 拥 挤 的 人 群 例 : a crowd of people mob 常 指 混 乱 无 秩 序 的 暴 动 的 人 群 例 : a mob of demonstrators • pack 一 伙 ( 贬 义 ) 例 : a pack of thieves party 指 出 席 晚 会 的 所 有 来 宾 例 : a party of guests staff 常指一个单位所有的员工 例: a staff of teachers team 常 指 参 赛 的 团 队 例 : a team of players troop 常 指 行 军 中 的 队 伍 例 : a troop of soldiers
• a grove of trees a gush of flood/water/oil/heat/enthusiasm/interest/laughter/anger a gust of wind/rain/smoke/fire/rage a hail of curse/blows/bullets/stones a handful of earth/rice/candy/seeds/peanuts/beans/sand a kind of matter/fruit/power/tea/ a line of people/trees/chairs/houses/desks a load of cargo/vegetables/grave/wood/hay/fuel/sand a loaf of bread(一条面包 | 一块面包 | 一只面包) a mass of snow/stone/letters/ice/dough/ore/earth/clouds/colour/sand/ trees/green a mountain of debts/letters/problems/products/records a mouthful of water/soup/bread/fresh air/ a nest of beakers a pang of headache/toothache/hunger
• glass 常用来盛水或酒的玻璃杯的量 例:a glass of water/wine can/tin 常指铝质的装食品或饮料的罐的量 例:a can of food/a tin of peas bucket 常指有提手的小提桶的量 例:a bucket of water/sand bowl 一碗所盛的量 例:a bowl of rice/soup jar 常指陶制的坛子或罐子 例:a jar of strawberry jam truckload/trainload 一卡车或一火车所装载的量 例:a trainload of goods/coal • 六. 其它指方式或状态的单位词: peal 常指发出的大而宏亮的声音 例:a peal of thunder/laughter/lightning burst 常指突发的短暂而巨大的潜力或作的努力 例:a burst of cry/speed/energy ray 一道/线,常指好事或所希望的事出现的点滴迹 例:a ray of hope/sunshine/comfort roll 常指滚滚的大的声音 例:a roll of thunder
• a pail of water/milk a package of cigarettes/towels/razor blades a patch of ground/grass garden/plastic/earth/cloud/sunlight a pot of water/candy/beans/jam a quiver of arrows(一袋箭) a range of mountains a rope of pearls(一串...) a rush of wind/sympathy/tense work/dizziness/ a sea of clouds/soap bubbles/troubles/work/difficulties/flame/blood/cheers/flowers a series of events/experiments/victories/storms/contests/explosions/ earthquakes a section of railway/pipe/essay/legend a shower of sparks/abuse/applause a sip of tea/wine/brandy/lemonade a slice of cucumber/bread/meat/beef
• 1) Persons a arm of workmen/assistants/unemployed men a galaxy (n. 银河;[天] 星系;银河系;一群显赫的人)of beauties/talents/film stars a gang (n. 群;一伙;一组) of workers/slaves/prisoners/thieves/robbers/devils/swimmers/ convicts/criminals a mob (n. 暴民,暴徒;民众;乌合之众vt. 大举包围,围攻; 蜂拥进入vi. 聚众生事,聚众滋事)of thieves/rioters/hooligans/gangsters/angry women a posse(n. 一队;民防团;地方武装团队) of police a party of soldiers/tourists a college of translators a cloud of horsemen a couple of partners/players a regiment of soldiers (一群士兵)
• a burst of flames/tears/blood/energy/strength/sobbing/laughter/a pplause/energy/ sympathy/smoke/hail/thunder/gunfire(n. 炮火;炮火声 )/bomb a cake of soap/ice/clay/mud/tobacco a chain of mountains/events/strikes/thoughts/errors a chest of drawers a drop of oil/water/blood/rain/tear/dew/sweat a field of snow/corn/ice/rice/wheat(n. 小麦;小麦色) a fit of pain/coughing/dizziness/rage/energy/madness/temper/ despair/ a flight of steps/stairs/airplanes/arrow/imagination/fancy a flood of rain/light/tears/anger
• a troop(n. 军队;组;群;多数vi. 群集;成群而行;结队vt. 把 (骑兵)编成骑兵连) • of dancers/actors/horsemen/soldiers/welcomes/demonstrators/ a mass (n. 块,团;群众,民众;大量,众多adj. 群众的,民 众的;大规模的,集中的vi. 聚集起来,聚集)of children/people a pack of thieves a set of people/friends • 2)Things a bag of candy/money/groceries a ball of fire/wool/string/paper a belt of trees a bouquet of flowers(一束花) a bucket of milk/water/gasoline/ a bundle of hay/sticks/shirts/firewood/straw/sticks/newspapers/magazines/ clothes
• 三. 与人相关的群的表达单位词:
army 为了某一目的自愿组成的团体 例:an army of volunteers/soldiers band 常指为同一目的组成的乐队 例: a band of musicians bunch 一伙干坏事的人 例: a bunch of rascals batch 指一批加入的成员 例:a batch of recruits
第四讲 名词和名词词组
• 一. 指事物形状的单位词:
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
1. 条状,块状 block 大块的木头/金属/石头等,常指至少有一面是平面的块。 例: a block of ice(海中漂的大块冰)/marble strip 狭长的一块,常指土地或布等材料的形状 例:a strip of land/cloth • 2. 片状,薄页状 sheet 原意指床单,用作单位词指床单状相似的薄片状物体 例: a sheet of paper blade 原意指刀锋,作单位词指刀片状的狭长且薄的物体 例:a blade of grass 3.其他形状(都与单位词原始意义相关) speck 斑点状大小 例:a speck of ink/dirt stick 细长如短棍状 例:a stick of chalk/candle
• 二. 指按事物排列置放方式的单位词:
bunch 一串/伙 指同一性质的事物串在一起的量 例:a bunch of keys/grapes/bananas cluster 一簇/团 指丛生的植物或密密匝匝在一起的群 例:a cluster of flowers/bees/islands packet 一小包的量 例:a packet of cigarettes series 相关的事物组成的一个系列 例:a series of films/lectures tuft 一绺/撮,常指从同一底部而生的物 例:a tuft of hair/grass/feathers
• 四. 与动物相关的群的表达单位词:
brood 一窝孵出的幼小动物 例:a brood of chickens litter 一窝胎生的幼小动物 例: a litter of puppies/little pigs swarm 大量的移动中的鸟类或昆虫,尤指蜂王后跟随的蜂 群 例: a swarm of bees bevy 唧唧喳喳的聚集在一起的大的群体 例: a bevy of birds cluster 密密匝匝聚集在一堆的群 例: a cluster of bees/ants flock 同一种类的禽类或兽类 例: a flock of birds/sheep herd 放牧的动物群或群聚生存的动物群 例:a herd of cattle/deer pack 野兽的群体 例: a pack of wolves shoal/school 尤指鱼群 例:a shoal/school of fish field 遍地的分散的群 例:a field of cattle • 五. 指盛装事物的容积的单位词: bottle 细长的有颈的瓶子盛的量 例:a bottle of milk/wine cup 矮的瓷杯,有耳的杯子,常用来盛咖啡或茶的杯子的 量 例:a cup of tea/coffee