MAX9722AEUE -40°C to +85°C 16 TSSOP
16 Thin QFN-EP*
MAX9722BETE -40°C to +85°C (3mm ✕ 3mm ✕
MAX9722BEUE -40°C to +85°C 16 TSSOP
*EP = Exposed paddle.
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1
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16-Pin Thin QFN (derate 14.7mW/°C above +70°C)....1176mW 16-Pin TSSOP (derate 9.4mW/°C above +70°C) .........755mW Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Operating Temperature Range............................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C
MAX485中文资料2009-11-28 14:49MAX485中文资料,MAX485 PDF,DATASHEET,电路图,通讯程序内容介绍:MAX481、MAX483、MAX485、MAX487-MAX491以及MAX1487是用于RS-485与RS-422通信的低功耗收发器,每个器件中都具有一个驱动器和一个接收器。
MAX483、MAX487、MAX488以及MAX489具有限摆率驱动器,可以减小EMI,并降低由不恰当的终端匹配电缆引起的反射,实现最高250kbps 的无差错数据传输。
这些收发器在驱动器禁用的空载或满载状态下,吸取的电源电流在120(A 至500(A 之间。
下面是基于mega128 16AU的485通信中断接收的程序,调试通过,晶振为外部16M,MAX485的DE和RE短接连PC0口,程序如下:#define SEND_485 PORTC|=0x01#define READ_485 PORTC&=0xfevoid Usart1_init(void) //16Mhz频率,设置波特率9.6k,8位数据位,无校验,接收发送使能,1位停止位{UBRR1H=0;UBRR1L=103;UCSR1B=(1<<RXCIE1)|(1<<RXEN1)|(1<<TXEN1); //发送接收使能,使用中断方式,UCSR1C=(1<<UCSZ10)|(1<<UCSZ11); //0x06 8位数据,1位停止位,无校验}void Usart1_transmit(unsigned char c) //查询方式发送接收字符函数{SEND_485;DelayBus();DelayBus();DelayBus();while( !(UCSR1A&(1<<UDRE1)));//等待发送缓冲区为空UDR1=c;while(!(UCSR1A&(1<<TXC1)));// UDCR0=c;UCSR1A |= _BV(TXC1);//将发送结束标志位清零// SET_BIT(UCSR1A,);READ_485;direction++;}SIGNAL(SIG_UART1_RECV)//serial port 1 {if(UCSR1A&(1<<RXC1)){rec1buff=UDR1;rec1_flag=1;。
Ordering Information
*EP = Exposed Paddle. Package code T2855-6 (see Package Information section). Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .
Stereo Audio DAC with DirectDrive Headphone Amplifier MAX9850
(Voltages with respect to AGND.) DVDD, AVDD, PVDD ..................................................-0.3V to +4V AVDD Referenced to PVDD ....................................-0.3V to +0.3V SVSS, PVSS ...............................................................-4V to +0.3V SVSS Referenced to PVSS .....................................-0.3V to +0.3V DGND, PGND........................................................-0.3V to +0.3V BCLK, LRCLK, HPS, SDIN.......................-0.3V to (DVDD + 0.3V) GPIO, MCLK.............................................................-0.3V to +4V REF, PREG ...............................................-0.3V to (AVDD + 0.3V) NREG ........................................................+0.3V to (SVSS - 0.3V) SDA, SCL, ADD ........................................................-0.3V to +4V INL, INR .......................................................................-2V to +2V HPR, HPL.....................................(SVSS - 0.3V) to (AVDD + 0.3V) OUTL, OUTR .............................(NREG - 0.3V) to (PREG + 0.3V) C1N ............................................(PVSS - 0.3V) to (PGND + 0.3V) C1P ............................................(PGND - 0.3V) to (PVDD + 0.3V) Current Into/Out of Any Pin ...............................................100mA Duration of HPL, HPR, OUTL, OUTR Short Circuit to AGND .................................Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) 28-Pin Thin QFN (derate 35.7mW/°C above +70°C) .....2857mW Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C
M A X262中文资料(总5页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除在电子电路中,滤波器是不可或缺的部分,其中有源滤波器更为常用。
1 MAX262芯片介绍MAX262芯片是Maxim公司推出的双二阶通用开关电容有源滤波器,可通过微处理器精确控制滤波器的传递函数(包括设置中心频率、品质因数和工作方式)。
图1 MAX262引脚V+ ——正电源输入端。
V- ——负电源输入端。
GND ——模拟地。
CLKA ——外接晶体振荡器和滤波器A 部分的时钟输入端,在滤波器内部,时钟频率被2分频。
CLKB ——滤波器B 部分的时钟输入端,同样在滤波器内部,时钟频率被2分频。
CLKOUT ——晶体振荡器和R-C振荡的时钟输出端。
OSCOUT ——与晶体振荡器或R-C振荡器相连,用于自同步。
INA、INB ——滤波器的信号输入端。
WR ——写入有效输入端。
A0、A1、A2、A3 ——地址输人端,可用来完成对滤波器工作模式、f0和Q的相应设置。
General DescriptionThe MAX2605–MAX2609 evaluation kits (EV kits) simplify evaluation of this family of voltage-controlled oscillators (VCOs). These kits enable testing of the devices’ per-formance and require no additional support circuitry.Both signal outputs use SMA connectors to facilitate connection to RF test equipment.These EV kits are fully assembled and tested. Their oscil-lation frequencies are set to approximately the midrange of the respective VCOs.Featureso Easy Evaluationo Complete, Tunable VCO Test Board with Tank Circuit o Low Phase Noiseo Fully Assembled and TestedEvaluate: MAX2605–MAX2609MAX2605–MAX2609 Evaluation Kits19-1673 Rev 0; 9/00Ordering InformationComponent SuppliersFor free samples and the latest literature, visit or phone 1-800-998-8800.For small orders, phone 1-800-835-8769.MAX2606 Component ListMAX2605 Component ListE v a l u a t e : M A X 2605–M A X 2609MAX2605–MAX2609 Evaluation Kits 2_______________________________________________________________________________________Quick StartThe MAX2605–MAX2609 evaluation kits are fully assembled and factory tested. Follow the instructions in the Connections a nd Setup section for proper device evaluation.Test Equipment Required•Low-noise power supplies (these are recommended for oscillator noise measurement). Noise or ripple will frequency-modulate the oscillator and cause spectral spreading. Batteries can be used in place of power supplies, if necessary.– Use a DC power supply capable of supplying +2.7V to +5.5V. Alternatively, use two or three 1.5V batteries.– Use a DC power supply capable of supplying +0.4V to +2.4V, continuously variable, for TUNE.Alternatively, use two 1.5V batteries with a resistive voltage divider or potentiometer.•An RF spectrum analyzer that covers the operating frequency range of the MAX2605–MAX2609• A 50Ωcoaxial cable with SMA connectors •An ammeter (optional)Connections and Setup1)Connect a DC supply (preset to +3V) to the V CC and GND terminals (through an ammeter, if desired) on the EV kit.2)Turn on the DC supply. If used, the ammeter readingMAX2607 Component ListMAX2608 Component ListEvaluate: MAX2605–MAX2609MAX2605–MAX2609 Evaluation Kits_______________________________________________________________________________________3approximates the typical operating current specified in the MAX2605–MAX2609 data sheet.3)Connect the VCO output (OUT+ or OUT-) to a spec-trum analyzer with a 50Ωcoaxial cable.4)Apply a positive variable DC voltage between 0.4V and 2.4V to TUNE.5)Check the tuning bandwidth on the spectrum analyz-er by varying the tuning voltage (+0.4V to +2.4V).Layout ConsiderationsThe EV kit PC board can serve as a guide for laying out a board using the MAX2605–MAX2609. Generally, the VCC pin on the PC board should have a decoupling capacitor placed close to the IC. This minimizes noisecoupling from the supply. Also, place the VCO as far away as possible from the noisy section of a larger sys-tem, such as a switching regulator or digital circuits.The VCO ’s performance is strongly dependent on the availability of the external tuning inductor. For best per-formance, use high-Q components and choose their val-ues carefully. To minimize the effects of parasitic ele-ments, which degrade circuit performance, place the tuning inductor and C BYP close to the VCO. For higher-frequency versions, include the parasitic PC board inductance and capacitance when calculating the oscillation frequency. In addition, remove the ground plane around and under the tuning inductor to minimize the effect of parasitic capacitance.Noise on TUNE translates into FM noise on the outputs;therefore, keep the trace between TUNE and the control circuitry as short as possible. If necessary, use an RC filter to further suppress noise, as done on the EV kits.E v a l u a t e : M A X 2605–M A X 2609MAX2605–MAX2609 Evaluation Kits 4_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 2. MAX2608/MAX2609 EV Kits SchematicFigure 1. MAX2605/MAX2606/MAX2607 EV Kits SchematicEvaluate: MAX2605–MAX2609MAX2605–MAX2609 Evaluation Kits_______________________________________________________________________________________5Figure 3. MAX2605/MAX2606/MAX2607 EV Kits ComponentPlacement Guide—Top Silk ScreenFigure 4. MAX2608/MAX2609 EV Kits Component PlacementGuide—Top Silk ScreenFigure 5. MAX2605/MAX2606/MAX2607 EV Kits PC BoardLayout—Component SideFigure 6. MAX2608/MAX2609 EV Kits PC Board Layout—Component SideMa xim ca nnot a ssume responsibility for use of a ny circuitry other tha n circuitry entirely embodied in a Ma xim product. No circuit pa tent licenses a re implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.6_____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2000 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.E v a l u a t e : M A X 2605–M A X 2609MAX2605–MAX2609 Evaluation Kits Figure 7. MAX2605/MAX2606/MAX2607/MAX2608/MAX2609EV Kits PC Board Layout—Ground Plane。
Part Input Voltage(V)AVDD Boost Output (V)Buck Output(V)V GON (V)Switch ControlPackage MAX872810.8 to 13.2V IN to 17 2.0 to 3.635✓32-TQFN MAX170148.0 to 16.5V IN to 20 1.5 to 3.340-TQFN MAX8795 2.5 to 6V IN to 18—32-TQFN MAX87236 to 13.2—2.0 to3.6—16-TQFNPart Topology Dimming Interface Frequency SynchronizationV IN(MAX)(V)Package MAX8751Full bridge Analog✓2832-TQFN MAX8729Half bridge40-TQFNCCFL Backlight ControllersPart No. of AmpsPeak Current per Amp (mA)Operating Voltage (V, max)Package MAX95501800208-µMAX ®-EP, 5-SOT23MAX955128-µMAX-EP MAX9552414-TSSOP-EPHigh-Current VCOM BuffersPOWER CONTROLLERBACKLIGHT LAMPSPower SuppliesSolutions for LCD-TV DisplaysµMAX is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Highly Efficient White-LED Drivers Have Multistring Current Regulation for LCD Backlight Applications2SMBus TM INTERFACE8-STRING WLED DRIVER WITH EXTERNAL STEP-UP•Accurate Dimming Control UsingSMBus, PWM Interface•Dimming Range with 256-StepResolution •Regulated String Current Accuracyof ±3% •Low 800mV Feedback Voltage at FullCurrent Improves Efficiency•15mA to 30mA Full-Scale LED Current•Step-Up Controller Regulates Output Just Above the Highest LED String Voltage •Open- and Short-Circuit LED Protection;Output Overvoltage Protection •500kHz/750kHz/1MHz SwitchingFrequency Allows Small External Components WLED Drivers for LCD Notebook ApplicationsSMBus is a trademark of Intel Corporation.N E W3Power Supply with Integrated Scan Driver for LCD ApplicationsOptimized for TFT LCDs with On-Glass Row DriversThe MAX17010 is the first LCD power supply in the industry to include a high-voltage, level-shifting scan driver designed to drive TFT panels with row drivers integrated on the panel glass. Its seven outputs swing from -10V (min)to +30V (max) and can swiftly drive capacitive loads. The MAX17010’s high level of integration is fully compatible with the most advanced L CD panel-glass technologies and offers customers a highly cost-effective and reliable solution.LOGIC INPUTSCAN DRIVER'S INPUT/OUTPUT WAVEFORMS WITH LOGIC INPUT4µs/div 0V0VV A 5V/divV Y10V/div•1.8V to 5.5V Input-Voltage Range•3mA DC-DC Converter Quiescent Current (Switching)•High-Voltage Level-Shifting Scan Driver •Seven Logic-Level Inputs •-10V to +30V Output Rails•1.2MHz Current-Mode Step-Up Regulator •Fast Transient Response•High ±1.0% Output-Voltage Accuracy •Built-In 20V , 1.9A, 200m ΩMOSFET •High Efficiency (> 85%)•Digital Soft-Start •High-Speed Op Amp•150mA Output Current •45V/µs Slew Rate•20MHz, -3dB Bandwidth •Thermal-Overload Protection•5mm x 5mm, 40-Pin TQFN PackageHIGH-EFFICIENCY STEP-UP CONVERTERLOAD CURRENT (mA)E F F I C I E N C Y (%)10010102030405060708090100011000OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER'S FAST TRANSIENT RESPONSE20µs/div0mV0mAV VCOM(AC-COUPLED)100mV/divI VCOM 50mA/divN E W4Quad-Output, TFT-Supply, DC-DC Controller for LCD TV Offers the Smallest, Most Optimized SolutionThe MAX17014 is an LCD-TV , TFT, DC-DC supply that integrates: step-up and step-down converters; charge-pump regulators; two high-current op amps designed to drive the LCD backplane (VCOM); and a series p-channel FET that sequences power to A VDD during IC startup. Through this high level of integration, the MAX17014 reduces the number of external components, thereby saving space and minimizing external BOM.•8.0V to 16.5V Input-Voltage Range •650kHz/1.2MHz Selectable Operation •Current-Mode Step-Up Regulator •Fast Load-Transient Response •±1.0% Accurate Output Voltage •Built-In 20V , 2.8A, 100m ΩMOSFET •Current-Mode Step-Down Regulator •Fast Load-Transient Response •Output Voltage Adjustable Down to 1.5V•2.5A, 100m ΩMOSFET•Integrated High-Voltage Switch for Gate-Driver Control•T wo High-Speed Op Amps•±150mA Short-Circuit Current •45V/µs Slew Rate•20MHz, -3dB Bandwidth•200m Ωp-Channel FET for AVDD Sequencing•Input Undervoltage Lockout and Thermal-Overload Protection•7mm x 7mm, 48-Pin TQFN PackageTypical Component Values (1.2MHz)N E W5•1.2MHz Current-Mode Step-Up Regulator•Fast Transient Response•High ±1.5% Output-Voltage Accuracy •Built-In 20V , 2.4A n-Channel MOSFET•Linear-Regulator Controllers for V GON and V GOFF•Timer-Delay Fault Latch for All Regulator Outputs•High-Performance Op Amps •±130mA Output Short-Circuit Current•45V/µs Slew Rate•20MHz, -3dB Bandwidth •Rail-to-Rail Inputs/Outputs •Logic-Controlled, High-Voltage Switch with Adjustable Delay •Thermal-Overload ProtectionTFT-LCD DC-DC Converter with Op Amps Offers the Smallest SolutionThe MAX8795A DC-DC converter includes: a high-performance step-up regulator; two linear-regulator controllers; a logic-controlled, high-voltage switch with adjustable delay; and five high-current op amps for active-matrix TFT LCDs. This high level of integration enables the smallest solution for notebook and monitor applications.Designed to drive the L CD backplane and/or the gamma-correction divider string, the integrated high-perfor-mance op amps feature a high ±130mA output current, fast 45V/µs slew rate, wide 20MHz bandwidth, and rail-to-rail inputs and outputs.N E W6ELECTRICAL EFFICIENCY vs.INPUT VOLTAGEINPUT VOLTAGE (V)E L E C T R I C A L EF F I C I E N C Y (%)22191613106070809010050725•> 85% Efficiency Maximizes Battery Life•MAX8759 Includes Special Features to Further Improve Efficiency •Proprietary Control Scheme •Ambient-Light Sensing Support•Intel DPST (Display Power-Saving Technology) Support •Wide 4.6V to 28V Input-Voltage Range •DPWM Dimming Control•SMBus-/Analog-Controlled 256:1 Dimming Range (MAX8759)•SMBus-Controlled 32:1 Dimming Range (MAX8709)•Analog-Controlled 10:1 Dimming Range (MAX8722)•Comprehensive Fault Protection•Secondary Voltage Limit Reduces Transformer Stress •Adjustable Lamp-Out Protection with 1s Timer •Secondary Current LimitHigh-Efficiency CCFL Backlight Controllers Handle Wide Input-V oltage RangeMAX8759 Supports Ambient-Light Sensing and Intel ®DPSTThe MAX8759/MAX8722/MAX8709 integrated backlight controllers are optimized to drive cold-cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) using a resonant, full-bridge inverter architecture for maximum power-to-light-output effi-ciency. Operating over a 4.6V to 28V input-voltage range while achieving > 85% efficiency, these controllers are ideal for battery-powered applications such as notebook computers. The MAX8759/MAX8722/MAX8709 achieve dimming by “chopping” the lamp current on and off. The devices include safety features that protect against lamp-out and short-circuit faults.Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.LED Backlight ControllersTrue Shutdown and UCSP are trademarks of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.78ON /OFFIDEAL FOR NOTEBOOKS, PDAs, LCD TVs, AND MONITORSLow-Cost, Internal-Switch, Step-Down Regulator Is Ideal for LCD Panels and 8V/12V Industrial ApplicationsThe MAX8723 is a high-efficiency, switch-mode, step-down regulator with a 14V internal power switch. With only a few external passive components, this low-cost regulator takes a 6V to 13.2V DC source and generates a fixed 3.3V or adjustable DC-output voltage of 2.0V to 3.6V (dual mode). The 13.2V input-voltage range makes this partideal for LCD panels, point-of-load regulators, and other 8V/12V industrial equipment applications.•6V to 13.2V Input-Supply Range •Integrated 14V , 2A, n-Channel MOSFET Switch•Preset ±1.5% Accurate, 3.3V Fixed Output, or 2.0V to 3.6V Adjustable Output (Dual Mode)•Current-Mode PWM Operation •Frequency-Selectable 500kHz/1MHz/1.5MHz•Internal 5V Linear RegulatorSupports Up to 25mA External Load •Small, 4mm x 4mm, 16-Pin TQFN Package Low-Noise, High-Efficiency Step-Up DC-DC Converters for TFT LCDsThe MAX1790/MAX8715/MAX8740/MAX8752 step-up converters provide > 90% efficiency for notebook,monitor, and LCD-TV applications. The converters incorporate high-performance (at 1.2MHz), current-mode, fixed-frequency PWM circuitry with a built-in n-channel MOSFET to provide a highly efficient regulator with fast response.This fixed-frequency, current-mode operation at high switching frequencies (640kHz or 1.2MHz) allows easy filtering and fast loop performance.10VCOM Calibrator Adjusts Voltage over Wide Temperature RangeThe DS3501 7-bit nonvolatile digital potentiometer features an output voltage of up to 15.5V and is the first VCOM calibrator to incorporate temperature sensing and a lookup table (LUT) for about the cost of a standard VCOM calibrator . Whereas previous-generation calibrators only offer a fixed voltage for all temperatures, the DS3501 gives the LCD-panel designer a powerful new tool for controlling flicker over a wide operating range.DIGITAL POT OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )•128 Wiper Tap Points•On-Chip Temperature Sensor and ADC •Nonvolatile Initial-Value Register •36-Byte Nonvolatile Lookup Table (Temp vs. Voltage or Temp vs. ∆V)•I 2C-Compatible Serial Interface•2.7V to 5.5V Digital Operating Voltage •4.5V to 15.5V Analog Operating Voltage •-40°C to +100°C Operating Temperature •10-Pin µSOP PackageA1A0SDA SCLRHRLRWN E WOUTPUT0.1mA TO 24mA PER LED100908070605040Li+ BATTERY VOLTAGE (V, TIME WEIGHTED)EFFICIENCYPLED/PBATT(%)•Six Adaptive CurrentRegulators•Drive Up to Six Whiteor RGB LEDs•±0.4% Accurate CurrentMatching•Low 70µA I Q•1MHz Fixed-FrequencySwitching for SmallComponents•T A Derating Protects LEDs•Serial-Pulse-DimmingInterface (MAX8648)•EV Kit Available•Prices Start at $1.95†(MAX8647) and $1.70†(MAX8648)Industry’s First Negative, White-LED Charge Pumps Achieve Highest Efficiency Independent Adaptive Mode Switching Improves Efficiency by 12%The MAX8647/MAX8648 utilize a negative charge-pump architecture to reduce in-line resistance and maximize efficiency by delaying mode switching from 1x to 1.5x operation during battery discharge. Combined with indepen-dent adaptive mode switching for each L ED, this architecture improves efficiency by 12%, even with high L ED forward-voltage (V F) mismatching. These superior features make the MAX8647/MAX8648 ideal for cell phones, smartphones, portable media players, and other portable devices in which every milliamp-hour of battery life is crucial.†2.5k-up pricing provided is for design guidance and is FOB USA. International prices will differ due to local duties, taxes, and exchange rates. Not all packages are offered in 1k increments, and some may require minimum order quantities.N E WFirst LED Charge Pump to Integrate Audio Amp Saves 50% SpaceDifferential Input, 1.1W Amplifier Provides Excellent Noise ImmunityLi+E V K I TA V A I L AB L E COMPETITIVE SOLUTION = 18mm 2vs.6-LED CHARGE PUMPCLASS AB AMPLIFIERP R I C E SS T A R T A T $1.36†Maxim's SOLUTION = 9mm 250% SMALLER THAN COMPETITIONLED Charge Pump•No Inductor Required•Adaptive, Independent Current Regulator for Each LED•32 Pseudo-Logarithmic Dimming Levels, Down to 0.1mA•Low 140µA Quiescent Current •Single-Wire, Serial-Pulse-Dimming InterfaceAudio Amplifier•Single-Supply Operation •High 90dB PSRR at 1kHz •Low 0.004% THD+N at 1kHz•-9dB to +18dB Gain Settings in 3dB Steps •Integrated Click-and-Pop Suppression •No Output-Coupling Capacitors,Snubber Networks, or Bootstrap Capacitors Required†2.5k-up recommended resale. Prices provided are for design guidance and are FOB USA. International prices will differ due to local duties, taxes, and exchange rates. Not all packagesare offered in 1k increments, and some may require minimum order quantities.N E WIndustry’s Most Accurate 18-Channel Programmable Gamma BufferOnly 8mV Buffer Error Reduces FlickerDIGITAL INPUT CODEI N L (L S B )19212864- THAN 0.05 LSB INLDIGITAL INPUT CODED N L (L S B )19264128- THAN 0.05 LSB DNLOUT_REFU_HOUT1OUT2OUT3OUT4OUT5OUT6OUT7OUT_REFU_L OUT_REFL_H OUT8OUT9OUT10OUT11OUT12OUT13OUT14OUT_REFL_LREFU_H REFU_LAVDDDV DDSDA SCL A0DVRSETREFL_H REFL_LGND•14 Programmable and 4 Static Gamma Buffers•128-Step Programmable VCOM Calibrator•Custom Power-Up Voltages Available•9V to 16.5V Analog Supply Range •I 2C-Compatible Serial Interface•5mm x 5mm, 32-Pin TQFN PackageProgrammable Gamma Reference Generator Integrates 18 Buffers and All LCD-Panel Calibration FunctionsIntegrating all LCD-panel calibration functions, the MAX5678*provides a 128-step VCOM calibrator and 18buffered channels, including 14 channels of 8-bit programmable gamma reference voltages. Featuring an easy-to-program I 2C interface, the MAX5678 enables factory or dynamic calibration of flicker level and color variances in LCD panels. A wide supply range makes it ideal for a variety of panel sizes.F U T U R E P R O DU C T*Future product—contact factory for availability.LOAD TRANSIENT (MAX9550)High-Current VCOM Buffers Reduce Flicker on Large LCD PanelsMAX9550/51/52 Drive Large Capacitive Loads for Fast VCOM Settling Time—Settles 2x Faster than Competition• Requires Series Resistor to Remain Stable • Low-Current Drive• Can Directly Drive LCD C LOAD• High-Current DriveSlow Settling Time (> 4µs)Fast Settling Time (< 2µs)N E WSpread-Spectrum Clock Modulators Reduce Peak EMI in LCD PanelsPin-Selectable Dither Rate and Magnitude Reduce Radiated Emissions by Up to 17dBAn integrated phase-locked loop (PLL) modulates the output clock around the center frequency at a pin-selectable magnitude, thus reducing peak EMI at fundamental and harmonic frequencies. EMI reduction is accomplished without changing clock rise/fall times or adding the space, weight, design time, and costs associated with mechanical shielding.For Additional EMI-Reduction Solutions, Visit: /Spread-SpectrumFlexible•Wide Operating-Temperature Range•Wide Input-Frequency Range•User-Selectable Dither Magnitude and RateKey Benefits•EMI Reduction Saves Shielding Costs•High Performance:±75ps Cycle-to-Cycle Jitter Applications•LCD Televisions and Computer Monitors•Automotive Infotainment and Telematics•POS Terminals •Printers17dB EMI REDUCTION0-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-800.960.970.98 1.03 1.00x f OUTP O W E R S P E C T R U M (d B m )NO DITHERN E WHIGH EFFICIENCY EXTENDS BATTERY LIFEOUTPUT POWER (W)E F F I C I E N C Y (%)86421020304050607080901000010FREQUENCY (MHz)2202006080100140160120180510152025303540030240 260 280300FILTERLESS SPREAD-SPECTRUM OPERATIONREDUCES EMI AND BOM COSTEMI with inexpensive ferrite-bead filters (V DD = 12V, 1m cable, 8Ω load).A M P L I T U D E (dB µV /m )Wide-Supply-Range, High-Efficiency, 2 x 15W Class D AmplifierThe MAX9744 single-supply filterless amplifier provides Class AB amplifier performance with Class D efficiency,thus conserving board space and eliminating the need for a bulky heatsink. To further reduce BOM cost and to simplify portable-multimedia dock designs, the MAX9744 integrates a 64-step dual-mode (analog or digital) program-mable volume control.For Information on Maxim’s Complete Line of Class D Speaker Amplifiers,Go to: /ClassD-AmpsN E W。
Single 3V/5V Systems
Portable/Battery-Powered Systems
Threshold Detectors/Discriminators
GPS RecLeabharlann iversLine Receivers
Zero-Crossing Detectors
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct! at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .
19-1129; Rev 4; 3/99
Single/Dual/Quad, Ultra-High-Speed, +3V/+5V, Beyond-the-Rails Comparators
_________________General Description
VCM = - 0.1V or 5.1V,
VCC = 5V (Note 3)
All other packages
±2.0 ±3.5 ±2.0 ±3.5
±6.5 mV
Input-Referred Hysteresis Input Offset Voltage
VCM = - 0.1V µMAX,
5-Pin SOT23 (derate 7.1mW/°C above +70°C).......571mW/°C 8-Pin SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C)...........471mW/°C 8-Pin µMAX (derate 4.10mW/°C above +70°C) ......330mW/°C
由于电脑串口rs232电平是-10v +10v,而一般的单片机应用系统的信号电压是ttl电平0 +5v,max232就是用来进行电平转换的,该器件包含2驱动器、2接收器和一个电压发生器电路提供TIA/EIA-232-F电平。
该器件符合TIA/EIA-232-F标准,每一个接收器将TIA/EIA-232-F电平转换成5-V TTL/CMOS电平。
主要特点1、单5V电源工作2、 LinBiCMOSTM工艺技术3、两个驱动器及两个接收器4、±30V输入电平5、低电源电流:典型值是8mA6、符合甚至优于ANSI标准 EIA/TIA-232-E及ITU推荐标准V.287、ESD保护大于MIL-STD-883(方法3015)标准的2000V下图为MX232双串口的连接图,可以分别接单片机的串行通信口或者实验板的其它串行通信接口:三.max232应用电路,注意电容接法。
制作at89s51单片机器编程器的电路图MAX232获得正负电源的另一种方法在单片机控制系统中,我们时常要用到数/模(D/A)或者模/数(A/D)变换以及其它的模拟接口电路,这里面要经常用到正负电源,例如: 9V,-9V; 12V,-12V.这些电源仅仅作为数字和模拟控制转换接口部件的小功率电源。
1.外接;2.DC-DC变换......在这里我介绍一块大家常用的芯片:MAX232. MAX232是TTL--RS232电平转换的典型芯片,按照芯片的推荐电路,取振荡电容为uF的时候,若输入为5V,输出可以达到-14V左右,输入为0V ,输出可以达到14V,在扇出电流为20mA的时候,处处电压可以稳定在 12V和-12V.因此,在功耗不是很大的情况下,可以将MAX232的输出信号经稳压块后作电源使用。
Figure 图 3.详细的串行接口时序图
数字输入 数字输入与 CMOS 逻辑兼容。当通过 0.3 ✕ VDD 和 0.7 ✕ VDD 之间的过渡区切换逻辑 输入时,电源电流稍微增加。 微处理器接口 MAX5222 串行接口与 Microwire、SPI 和 QSPI 兼容。对于 SPI,清除 CPOL 和 CPHA 位 (CPOL=0 和 CPHA=0)。cpol=0 将非活动时 钟状态设置为零,CPHA=0 更改 SCLK 下降沿 的数据。此设置允许 SPI 以全时钟速度运行。 如果您的祄 P 上没有串行端口,则可以使用 并行端口的 3 位逐位模拟串行端口操作。只 有在必要时才操作串行时钟,从而使电压输 出处的数字馈通最小化。
工作温度范围…………-40°C 至+85°C
接 地 的 所 有 其 他 插 脚 ( 注 1 ) -0.3V 至 结温…………………………………+150°C
储存温度范围……………………-65°C 至
8 针 SOT23(在+70°C 以上减额 8.7mW/° 铅温度(焊接 10s)……………………………
电压输出滑移速率 电压输出稳定时间 数字馈通 和串扰
电源电压范围 电源电流
CL = 100pF
To ± 1⁄2LSB, CL = 100pF
All 0s to all 1s
Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-60°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) .................................+300°C
The MAX5432–MAX5435 feature an internal, nonvolatile, electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) that returns the wiper to its previously stored position at power-up. The fast-mode I2C-compatible serial interface allows communication at data rates up to 400kbps, minimizing board space and reducing interconnection complexity. Each device is available with multiple factory-preset I2C addresses (see the Ordering Information/Selector Guide).
Braun CombiMax K600 手册说明书
Combimax 600 braun manual Home | Contact |DMCAFile Name: Combimax 600 braun manual.pdfSize: 2803 KBType: PDF, ePub, eBookCategory: BookUploaded: 18 May 2019, 23:43 PMRating: 4.6/5 from 830 votes.Download Now!Book Descriptions:Combimax 600 braun manualBraun Food Preparation Center User Manual. COMBIMAX 600 Food Processor pdf manual download. Also for Combimax 650. Braun Blade Slicing Fine Robot Multiquick Combimax K 600 650. View and Download Braun CombiMax K600 user manual online. Braun CombiMax 600 User Guide. CombiMax K600 Food Processor pdf manual download. Also for Combimax k650, Combimax 650, 3205, Combimax 600. All our Braun Food Processors parts are covered by our price match promise, with many parts available for Next Day.Reload to refresh your session. Reload to refresh your session. Dieses Gerat darf am Ende seiner Lebensdauer nicht mit dem Hausmull entsorgt werden. Messer nur am Knauf anfassen. We hope you thoroughly enjoy your new Braun appliance. Please do not dispose of the product in the household waste at the end of its useful life. Take hold of the blade by the knob only. Nous esperons que vous prendrez plaisir a utiliser votre nouvel appareil Braun. B 1 2 click click Pour retirer le bol universel et le couvercle Arreter l’appareil. A la fin de vie de votre appareil, veuillez ne pas le jeter avec vos dechets menagers. Mainteinir le couteau par le couvercle uniquement. Esperamos que disfrute plenamente de su nuevo electrodomestico Braun. Solamente sujete la cuchilla por la empunadura. Esperamos que desfrute plenamente do seu novo aparelho Braun. Antes de voltar a encher, desligue o motor. Utilize o pressor 8 para aplicar uma ligeira pressao ao empurrar as batatas para dentro do tubo. Segurea penas pelo manipulo. Ci auguriamo che il vostro nuovo prodotto Braun risponda pienamente alle vostre aspettative. Si raccomanda di non gettare il prodotto nella spazzatura al termine della sua vita utile. Maneggiatele sempre impugnandole dal manico. We hopen dat u veel plezier zult hebben van dit nieuwe Braun apparaat. Gooi dit apparaat aan het eind van zijn nuttige levensduur niet bij het huisafval. Pak het mes uitsluitend bij de knop vast. Vi haber, at du vil fa stor glde af dit nye Braunprodukt./userfiles/etec-re10-manual.xmlcombimax 600 braun manual, braun combimax 600 manual english, braun combimax 600 manual, braun combimax 600 user manual english, braun combimax 600 user manual, braun combimax 600 service manual, braun combimax 600 food processor manual, 1.0, combimax 600 braun manual, braun combimax 600 manual english,braun combimax 600 manual, braun combimax 600 user manual english, brauncombimax 600 user manual, braun combimax 600 service manual, braun combimax 600 food processor manual.Drej laget mod uret og loft det af. Hakning med knivindsatsen 9 Eksempler pa tilberedning De angivne tider er ca. Apparatet bor efter endt levetid ikke kasseres sammen med husholdningsaffaldet. Hold altid kun pa plastikskaftet af kniven. Vi haper du far mye glede av ditt nye Braun produkt.Ikke kast dette produktet sammen med husholdningsavfall nar det skal kasseres. Det kan leveres hos et Braun servicesenter eller en miljostasjon. Hold kniven kun i handtaket. Vi hoppas du kommer att bli helt nojd med din nya Braun matberedare. Nar produkten ar forbrukad far den inte kastas tillsammans med hushallssoporna. Hall alltid i knivens handtag. Toivomme, etta uudesta Braunlaitteestasi on Sinulle paljon iloa ja hyotya. Lue kayttoohjeet huolellisesti ennen ensimmaista kayttoa. Tarvittava aika riippuu raakaaineen laadusta, maarasta ja halutusta hienousasteesta. Kun laite on tullut elinkaarensa paahan, saasta ymparistoa alaka havita sita kotitalousjatteiden mukana. Tartu siihen vain varresta. Gratulujemy udanego zakupu i yczymy duo zadowolenia przy korzystaniu z nowego urzadzenia firmy Braun. Ask your question here. Provide a clear and comprehensive description of the issue and your question. The more detail you provide for your issue and question, the easier it will be for other Braun CombiMax 600 owners to properly answer your question. Ask a question About the Braun CombiMax 600 This manual comes under the category Kitchen Machines and has been rated by 2 people with an average of a 7.9. This manual is available in the following languages English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Portuguese, Danish, Polish, Norwegian, Finnish, Turkish. Do you have a question about the Braun CombiMax 600 or do you need help. Ask your question here Braun CombiMax 600 specifications Brand It is recommended to always look up per product which parts are dishwasher safe and which are not. ensures that you will find the manual you are looking for in notime./UserFiles/etec-re10-universal-remote-manual.xmlOur database contains more than 1 million PDF manuals from more than 10,000 brands. Every day we add the latest manuals so that you will always find the product you are looking for. Its very simple just type the brand name and the type of product in the search bar and you can instantly view the manual of your choice online for free. ManualSearcher. com If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Read more Ok. Post your question here in this forum. Were committed to dealing with such abuse according to the laws in your country of residence. When you submit a report, well investigate it and take the appropriate action. Well get back to you only if we require additional details or have more information to share. Note that email addresses and full names are not considered private information. Please mention this; Therefore, avoid filling in personal details. Please enter your email address. How to trouble shoot. Like Share More No answers Bill S asked 4 months ago Can we get in touch with the Braun Combimax 600the MANUAL. Like Share More No answers Gabriel S. asked 7 months ago PDF Manual does not show parts names in English or Spanish, even after marking the language flag. It is a Combimax 600 Like Share More No answers Stefan B. asked 7 months ago How do u use one of them plz. Like Share More No answers abimbola n. asked 7 months ago Have a combiMax 600 but just stopped working after storing it for some time, any suggestions how to get it to work again. Thanks! Like Share More No answers khalid iqbal asked 1 year ago Braun CombiMax 600 does not spin, cutting on load, sound comes, belt moving. Any help Khalid Like Share More No answers sarah asked 2 years ago Are the parts dishwasher safe Blades. Like Share More No answers Jan asked 3 years ago what would be the best for grating, chopping, mixing to use in time when I am not able to use my hands.I always use this to chop my onions, garlic and ginger as I don’t want my eyes to water, my hands to smell. It’s perfect for coarse chopping and fine too when done at a higher speed. You can make tomato coarse puree as well. I grate my carrots which are perfect for my salad and sandwiches. Like Report housemanager 3 years ago Also consider a stick blender for mixing cooked foods, like soups, as the cleanup process is easier and faster than for a food processor. Like Report Jan 3 years ago Thankyou very much Like Report Kirra21 asked 4 years ago When where the Combimax 600 released. Like Share More 2 answers housemanager 4 years ago I dont know where it was releasedbut we bought our 650 model in about 2002 in Sydney. Like Report butterflykiss 4 years ago Yep Ivehad mine about 10 years Like Report Denise asked 4 years ago I recently acquired a Braun CombiMax 600. No manual. Icant seem to get the bowl locked into place. Can someone give me direction on how to do this. It doesnt appear to be rocket science but it just doesnt seem to want to to and click into the groove. Like Share More 1 answer housemanager 4 years ago Try pushing the handle all the way to the right anticlockwise. Then push the bowl down into the channel. Then twist the handle all the way to the left clockwise. It should then click into place. You have to be forceful and executive with it. I have a scanned copy of the manual if you want it sent via email. Like Report Wanda asked 4 years ago I have the Combi Max 600 but since new I did not have the fine shredder. Is it possible to get one. Please see my other answers provided for Braun Combi Max food processors for additional parts purchase options. Like Report Braun asked 5 years ago I have the k650. Will the small processor insert work with the K600 model. Like Share More 1 answer housemanager 5 years ago I am sorry but I dont know for sure. you mean the chopper attachment CH600, it is listed as an accessory in my user manual but I have yet to try it. The user manual names both the K600 and the K650 on its front page so they MAY have interchangeable parts. Try asking Tien at OBriens Appliance Service in Seven Hills, Sydney. His number is 02 9620 8188. Otherwise, Braun Household Customer Support on 1800 126 659 MonFri 9am to 5pm. Like Report abdul123 asked 6 years ago Where I found it. Like Share More 2 answers housemanager 6 years ago This is an old model so it may be difficult to find. There are a couple of used ones currently listed for sale or via auction on ebay in the USA you would need to use an adaptor and in the UK only the base motor is listed so you would need to buy parts and accessories. The postage may be expensive. Most parts and accessories are still listed for sale on ebay and the internet and the instruction manual is also still available online. However, it may be cheaper to buy a more recent model. I may sell mine in a few years to buy a new food processor. Like Report Kirra21 4 years ago When were these released. Like Report Sueb asked 7 years ago I need a replacement jug. Any suggestions where to purchase. Like Share More 1 answer housemanager 7 years ago Hi, Thanks for your question. Try Tien at OBriens in Seven Hills NSW 2147 ph 9620 8188. Otherwise, Ireceived an email in 2012 from Proctor and Gamble who said that they make Braun appliances. They have Key Service Centres in most Australian states. Email me your state and I will provide relevant contact details for you. Kind regards. Like Report chilliworker asked 8 years ago Does anyone have instructions on how to whisk egg whites until they are STIFF, but real stiff. Like Report paljoey asked 9 years ago i want to shred cabbage with my K600. What do I have to do. I have the disc with blade insert and the regular blade that i use for chopping onions, etc. Need help asap.https:///images/canon-vl-5-manual.pdfThanks Like Share More 1 answer butterflykiss 9 years ago Insert the correct blade into the disc. When chopping the cabbage, cut it into small enough pieces to fit in the shute. Whether you love or loath being in the kitchen, our community of reviewers have determined that out of almost 5,000 appliances on .au, these are the best available! Nathan S. Nov 01, 2019 Best Fridges and Dishwashers in 2020. These large kitchen appliances are the backbone of your kitchen, meant to last you many years. The initial cost of a fridge or dishwasher is high, so to make sure youre not buying a lemon, here are the best fridges and best dishwashers of 2020. Our reviewers have provided detailed ratings for important factors to consider when choosing a refrigerator or dishwasher, such as Noise Level and Internal Layout. Wendy Z. Nov 12, 2019 Brand Manager for Braun. Register now and take advantage of ProductReviews Brand Management Platform. Manage this listing .au has affiliate partnerships. View and Download Braun COMBIMAX 600 user manual online. Braun Food Preparation Center User Manual. COMBIMAX 600 Food Processor pdf manual download. Also for Combimax 650.Braun Food Processor Manual Download Braun combimax 600 user manual pdf download, view and download braun combimax 600 user manual online braun food preparation. View and Download Braun CombiMax K600 user manual online. CombiMax K600 Food Processor pdf manual download. 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Product data and legal conditions are valid only in the printed user manuals provided with every purchased Braun product. To display a PDF file you need to have installed the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Acrobat Reader is available free from the Adobe website. Read and download Braun Combimax KF 600 User s Manual Online. Braun combimax k600 user manual pdf download, view and download braun combimax k600 user manual online braun combimax 600 user guide combimax k600 food processor pdf manual download also for combimax k650, combimax 650. INCLUDED, THIS Braun Combimax 600 Food processor. For details about manual, see the info below. Find owners guides and pdf support documentation for blenders. Braun 600 Food Processor User Manual. Please try our search function first. Braun combimax k600 user manual pdf download, view and download braun combimax k600 user manual online braun combimax 600.Nominal power approx. 600 W load dependent No load power approx. 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.................................. 37
2-3-12 RS485 ID 输入 (选配功能)
............................................. 38
命令格式说明 ...................................................................................................................... 39
2-3-9 RS232 一般或简易输出重量 6 位或 7 位选择
..................... 35
2-3-10 RTC 时间调整
............................................................... 36
2-3-11 调整打印时年月日或日月年显示方式
2-3-3 输出格式选择
.................................................................... 29
2-3-4 传送方式设定
.................................................................... 30
一. 请将本机放置于稳固且平坦之桌面上使用,勿放于摇动或振动之台架上。 二. 避免将本机放置于温度变化过大或空气流动剧烈之场所,如日光直射或冷气机之出风口。 三. 请使用独立之电源插座,以避免其它电器用品干扰。 四. 打开电源时,秤盘上请勿放置任何东西。 五. 产品使用时,秤物之重心须位于秤盘之中心点,且秤物不超出秤盘范围,以确保其准确度。 六. 使用本机前,请先温机 15 ~ 20 分钟。 七. 请注意当低电源警示之符号( )闪烁时,则表示须再行充电。 八. 如对本产品有任何建议,请不吝指正。
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_____________________________ 定购信息
PART MAX220CPE MAX220CSE MAX220CWE MAX220C/D MAX220EPE MAX220ESE MAX220EWE MAX220EJE MAX220MJE TEMP RANGE 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -55°C to +125°C PIN-PACKAGE 16 Plastic DIP 16 Narrow SO 16 Wide SO Dice* 16 Plastic DIP 16 Narrow SO 16 Wide SO 16 CERDIP 16 CERDIP
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+5V 供电、多通道 RS-232 驱动器/接收器 MAX220–MAX249
Supply Voltage (VCC) ...............................................-0.3V to +6V V+ (Note 1) ..................................................(VCC - 0.3V) to +14V V- (Note 1) .............................................................+0.3V to +14V Input Voltages TIN..............................................................-0.3V to (VCC - 0.3V) RIN (Except MAX220) ........................................................±30V RIN (MAX220).....................................................................±25V TOUT (Except MAX220) (Note 2) .......................................±15V TOUT (MAX220)...............................................................±13.2V Output Voltages TOUT ...................................................................................±15V ROUT .........................................................-0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V) Driver/Receiver Output Short Circuited to GND.........Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) 16-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C) .842mW 18-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 11.11mW/°C above +70°C)..889mW 20-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C) ..440mW 16-Pin Narrow SO (derate 8.70mW/°C above +70°C) ...696mW 16-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C)......762mW 18-Pin Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C)......762mW 20-Pin Wide SO (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C)....800mW 20-Pin SSOP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C) ..........640mW 16-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C).....800mW 18-Pin CERDIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C).....842mW Operating Temperature Ranges MAX2_ _AC_ _, MAX2_ _C_ _ .............................0°C to +70°C MAX2_ _AE_ _, MAX2_ _E_ _ ..........................-40°C to +85°C MAX2_ _AM_ _, MAX2_ _M_ _ .......................-55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s) (Note 3) ...................+300°C
1MSM9552/MSM9553¡ SemiconductorGENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe MSM9552 and MSM9553 are LSI devices which demodulate FM character multiplex signals in the DARC (DAta Radio Channel)* format to acquire digital data. The MSM9552 and MSM9553operate on 5V and 3V, respectively. In the DARC format, baseband signals at ordinary FM broadcasting frequencies are multiplexed with 16k-bps digital data which are L-MSK-modulated at 76kHz.Each of the MSM9552 and MSM9553 has a bandpass filter consisting of SCF, frame synchroniza-tion circuit, error correction circuit, etc. on a single chip.So, a system for acquisition of digital data can be easily constructed by externally mounting an FM receiver tuner, microcontroller for control, and memory for temporary storage of data.The MSM9552 and MSM9553 have a simple configuration, and are equipped with only necessary functions. By making changes to software for the external microcontroller, the MSM9552 and MSM9553 can meet the various requirements of FM multiplex broadcasting services which will be offered in future.These LSI devices are best suited to the radio sets and information devices for FM character multiplex broadcasting, which started in Japan in October 1994. Especially, the MSM9553 is suitable for portable units.* DARC is a registered trademark of NHK ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC.Note that a contract needs to be made with NHK Engineering Service if a manufacturer produces/sells electronic equipment utilizing the DARC technology.FEATURES•Built-in bandpass filter (SCF)•Built-in block synchronization circuit and frame synchronization circuit •Setting of the number of synchronization protecting stages •Regeneration of data clocks by digital PLL •1T delay detection•Built-in error correction circuit•Built-in layer 4 and layer 2 CRC check circuit •Microcontroller parallel interface•Clock output for external devices (64kHz to 8.192MHz selectable)•International standard frame format •Power source:5V (MSM9552), 3V (MSM9553)•Package44-pin plastic QFP (QFP44-P-910-0.80-2K)¡ Semiconductor MSM9552/MSM9553LSI for FM Multiplex Data DemodulationMSM9552/MSM9553 2BLOCK DIAGRAMData bus DB0-DB7AddressAD0-AD5CSWRRD CLRXTAL1XTAL2XOUT INT¡ Semiconductor3MSM9552/MSM9553¡ Semiconductor 44-Pin Plastic QFPNote:Leave the NC pins open.PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW)A0XOUT CS XTAL2XTAL1DV DD DGND DB7DB6DB5DB4D B 3D B 2D B 1D B 0R DN CW RI N TM O U T 6M O U T 5M O U T 4MON ADETIN AV DD AGND SG A IN XOUTC MOUT0MOUT1MOUT2MOUT3A 1A 2A 3A 4A 5N CC L RI O R DI O W RN CN C¡ SemiconductorMSM9552/MSM95534PIN DESCRIPTIONFunction Symbol Pin Type DescriptionMicro-controller interfaceWR 16I Write signal to internal register RD 18I Read signal to internal registerINT 15O Interrupt signal to microcontroller. "L": Occurrence of an interruptCS 31I Chip select signal."L": Read, write, and data bus signals valid CLR 40I "L" initializes internal registers, and the device enters power down modeA0 to A533 to 38I Address signal to internal register DB0 to DB719 to 26I/O Data bus signal to internal register A IN 6I FM multiplex signal inputSG 5O Analog reference voltage output pin. To prevent noise, connect a capacitor between this pin and analog ground.MON 1O Analog section waveform monitor pin. The analog block is specified by the analog control register.ADETIN 2I Analog signal input pin for testingIORD IOWR 4142I Digital section test signal input pins. Internally pulled up.MOUT0 to MOUT68 to 14O Digital section test signal output and monitor output pins XTAL129I 8.192MHz crystal oscillator connection pin XTAL230O 8.192MHz crystal oscillator connection pinXOUT 32O Pin for supply of 64kHz to 8.192MHz clock to the outside XOUTC7I XOUT output control pin."L"=Clock output, "H"=Output disabled. Pulled up internally.AV DD 3—Analog section power supply pin AGND 4—Analog ground pinDV DD 28—Digital section power supply pin DGND27—Digital ground pinTuner interface Analog section test Digitalsection testClockPower supply5MSM9552/MSM9553¡ Semiconductor ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (MSM9552)ParameterSymbol Condition Rating UnitPower supply voltage AV DD =DV DD Ta=25°C AV DD DV DD –0.3 to +7.0V Input voltage Output voltageV I V O –0.3 to AV DD +0.3–0.3 to DV DD +0.3Maximum power dissipation Ta=25°C per package P D 400mW Ta=25°C per output50Storage temperature—T STG–55 to +150°C RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (MSM9552)ParameterSymbol Condition Range Unit Power supply voltage AV DD =DV DDAV DD DV DD 4.5 to 5.5V Applied PinAV DD DV DD Crystal frequency —f XTAL 8.192MHz ±100ppm—XTAL1XTAL2FM multiplex signal input voltageComposite signals,including multiplex signalsV AIN 0.5 to 2V P-P A IN Operating temperature—T OP–40 to +85°C—ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (MSM9552)ParameterSymbol Condition Min.Unit Current consumptionDuring operation, No load f=8.192MHzI DD—Applied Pin AV DD DV DDTyp.Max.1632mA During power down, No load——20m A BPF pass band attenuation72 - 80kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN1—MON —3.0dBBPF reject band attenuation 0 - 53kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN250MON——dB BPF reject band attenuation 100 - 500kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN350MON——dB¡ SemiconductorMSM9552/MSM95536ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (MSM9553)RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (MSM9553)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (MSM9553)ParameterSymbol Condition Rating UnitPower supply voltage AV DD =DV DD Ta=25°C AV DD DV DD –0.3 to +7.0V Input voltage Output voltageV I V O –0.3 to AV DD +0.3–0.3 to DV DD +0.3Maximum power dissipation Ta=25°C per package P D 400mW Ta=25°C per output50Storage temperature—T STG–55 to +150°C ParameterSymbol Condition Range Unit Power supply voltage AV DD =DV DDAV DD DV DD 2.7 to 3.3V Applied PinAV DD DV DD Crystal frequency —f XTAL 8.192MHz ±100ppm—XTAL1XTAL2FM multiplex signal input voltageComposite signals,including multiplex signalsV AIN 0.2 to 0.9V P-P A IN Operating temperature—T OP–20 to +75°C—ParameterSymbol Condition MIN Unit Current consumptionDuring operation, No load f=8.192MHzI DD—Applied Pin AV DD DV DDTYP MAX 1322mA During power down, No load——10m A BPF pass band attenuation72 - 80kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN1—MON —3.0dBBPF reject band attenuation0 - 53kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN250MON——dB BPF reject band attenuation100 - 500kHzVariable gain amplifier gain: 0dBGAIN350MON——dB (1)(2)7MSM9552/MSM9553¡ SemiconductorAPPLICATION CIRCUITLCD driver with built-in 128-channelRAM for liquid crystal dot matrixMSM6794:。
General DescriptionThe MAX5842 is a quad, 12-bit voltage-output, digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with an I 2C ™-compatible, 2-wire interface that operates at clock rates up to 400kHz. The device operates from a single 2.7V to 5.5V supply and draws only 230µA at V DD = 3.6V. A power-down mode decreases current consumption to less than 1µA. The MAX5842 features three software-selec-table power-down output impedances: 100k Ω, 1k Ω,and high impedance. Other features include internal precision Rail-to-Rail ®output buffers and a power-on reset (POR) circuit that powers up the DAC in the 100k Ωpower-down mode.The MAX5842 features a double-buffered I 2C-compati-ble serial interface that allows multiple devices to share a single bus. All logic inputs are CMOS-logic compati-ble and buffered with Schmitt triggers, allowing direct interfacing to optocoupled and transformer-isolated interfaces. The MAX5842 minimizes digital noise feedthrough by disconnecting the clock (SCL) signal from the rest of the device when an address mismatch is detected.The MAX5842 is specified over the extended tempera-ture range of -40°C to +85°C and is available in a miniature 10-pin µMAX package. Refer to the MAX5841data sheet for the 10-bit version.ApplicationsDigital Gain and Offset Adjustments Programmable Voltage and Current Sources Programmable Attenuation VCO/Varactor Diode Control Low-Cost Instrumentation Battery-Powered Equipment ATEFeatureso Ultra-Low Supply Current230µA at V DD = 3.6V 280µA at V DD = 5.5Vo 300nA Low-Power Power-Down Mode o Single 2.7V to 5.5V Supply Voltage o Fast 400kHz I 2C-Compatible 2-Wire Serial Interface o Schmitt-Trigger Inputs for Direct Interfacing to Optocouplers o Rail-to-Rail Output Buffer Amplifierso Three Software-Selectable Power-Down Output Impedances100k Ω, 1k Ω, and High Impedance o Read-Back Mode for Bus and Data Checking o Power-On Reset to Zero o 10-Pin µMAX PackageMAX5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, SerialVoltage-Output DAC________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1Pin ConfigurationOrdering InformationTypical Operating Circuit19-2317; Rev 0; 1/02For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .Rail-to-Rail is a registered trademark of Nippon Motorola, Ltd.I 2C is a trademark of Philips Corp.M A X 5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, Serial Voltage-Output DAC 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V DD = +2.7V to +5.5V, GND = 0, V REF = V DD , R L = 5k Ω, C L = 200pF, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values areStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.V DD , SCL, SDA to GND............................................-0.3V to +6V OUT_, REF, ADD to GND..............................-0.3V to V DD + 0.3V Maximum Current into Any Pin............................................50mA Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)10-Pin µMAX (derate 5.6mW above +70°C).................444mWOperating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Maximum Junction Temperature.....................................+150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, SerialVoltage-Output DAC_______________________________________________________________________________________3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)M A X 5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, Serial Voltage-Output DAC 4_______________________________________________________________________________________INTEGRAL NONLINEARITYvs. INPUT CODEM A X 5842 t o c 01INPUT CODEI N L (L S B )307220481024-3-2-101234-44096INTEGRAL NONLINEARITY vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 5842 t o c 02SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)I N L (L S B ) NONLINEARITY vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 5842 t o c 03TEMPERATURE (°C)I N L (L S B )603510-15123450-4085DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITYvs. INPUT CODEM A X 5842 t o c 04INPUT CODED N L (L S B )307220481024-0.75-0.50-0.2500.250.500.751.00-1.004096DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITYvs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 5842 t o c 05SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)D N L (L S B ) 5.5DIFFERENTIAL NONLINEARITYvs. TEMPERATUREM A X 5842 t o c 06TEMPERATURE (°C)D N L (L S B )603510-15-0.75-0.50-0.25-1.00-4085Typical Operating Characteristics(V DD = +5V, R L = 5k Ω.)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V DD = +2.7V to +5.5V, GND = 0, V REF = V DD , R L = 5k Ω, C L = 200pF, T A = T MINto T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at V = +5V, T = +25°C.) (Note 1)Note 1:All devices are 100% production tested at T A = +25°C and are guaranteed by design for T A = T MIN to T MAX .Note 2:Static specifications are tested with the output unloaded.Note 3:Linearity is guaranteed from codes 115 to 3981.Note 4:Offset and gain error limit the FSR.Note 5:Guaranteed by design. Not production tested.MAX5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, SerialVoltage-Output DAC_______________________________________________________________________________________5ZERO-CODE ERROR vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 5842 t o c 07SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)Z E R O -C O D E E R R O R (m V ) LOADZERO-CODE ERROR vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 5842 t o c 08TEMPERATURE (°C)Z E R O -C O D E E R R O R (m V )603510-152468100-4085NO LOADGAIN ERROR vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 5842 t o c 09SUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)G A I N E R R O R (%F S R ) LOADGAIN ERROR vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 5842 t o c 10TEMPERATURE (°C)G A I N E R R O R (%F S R )603510-15-0.4-0.8-1.2-1.6-2.00-4085NO LOADDAC OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs. OUTPUT SOURCE CURRENT (NOTE 6)OUTPUT SOURCE CURRENT (mA)D A C O U T P U T V O L T A GE (V )8642123456010DAC OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs. OUTPUT SINK CURRENT (NOTE 6)OUTPUT SINK CURRENT (mA)D A C O U T P U T V O L T A GE (V )86420. CURRENT vs. INPUT CODEM A X 5842 t o c 13INPUT CODES U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )3276245716388192602803003202404096SUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA ) 5.5Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = +5V, R L = 5k Ω.)M A X 5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, Serial Voltage-Output DAC 6_______________________________________________________________________________________POWER-DOWN SUPPLY CURRENTvs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)P O W E R -D O W N S U P P L YC U R R E N T (nA ) 2.75.5POWER-UP GLITCHMAX5842 toc17100µs/divV DDOUT_5V10mV/divEXITING SHUTDOWN2µs/divOUT_500mV/divC LOAD = 200pF CODE = 800 hexMAJOR CARRY TRANSITION(POSITIVE)2µs/divOUT_5mV/divMAJOR CARRY TRANSITION(NEGATIVE)MAX5842 toc202µs/divOUT_5mV/div C LOAD = 200pFR L = 5k ΩCODE = 800 hex TO 7FF hex Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = +5V, R L = 5k Ω.)SETTLING TIME (POSITIVE)2µs/divOUT_500mV/divC LOAD = 200pFCODE = 400 hex TO C00 hexMAX5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, SerialVoltage-Output DAC_______________________________________________________________________________________7SETTLING TIME (NEGATIVE)2µs/divOUT_500mV/divC LOAD = 200pFCODE = C00 hex TO 400 hex DIGITAL FEEDTHROUGH40µs/divOUT_2mV/divC LOAD = 200pF f SCL = 12kHz CODE = 000 hexSCL 2V/divCROSSTALKMAX5842 toc244µs/divV OUTB1mV/divV OUTA 2V/divTypical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = +5V, R L = 5k Ω.)Note 6:The ability to drive loads less than 5k Ωis not implied.M A X 5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, Serial Voltage-Output DAC 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Detailed DescriptionThe MAX5842 is a quad, 12-bit, voltage-output DAC with an I 2C/SMBus-compatible 2-wire interface. The device consists of a serial interface, power-down cir-cuitry, four input and DAC registers, four 12-bit resistor string DACs, four unity-gain output buffers, and output resistor networks. The serial interface decodes the address and control bits, routing the data to the proper input or DAC register. Data can be directly written to the DAC register, immediately updating the device out-put, or can be written to the input register without changing the DAC output. Both registers retain data as long as the device is powered.DAC OperationThe MAX5842 uses a segmented resistor string DAC architecture, which saves power in the overall system and guarantees output monotonicity. The MAX5842’s input coding is straight binary, with the output voltage given by the following equation:where N = 12 (bits), and D = the decimal value of the input code (0 to 4095).Output BufferThe MAX5842 analog outputs are buffered by preci-sion, unity-gain followers that slew 0.5V/µs. Each buffer output swings rail-to-rail, and is capable of driving 5k Ωin parallel with 200pF. The output settles to ±0.5LSB within 4µs.Power-On ResetThe MAX5842 features an internal POR circuit that ini-tializes the device upon power-up. The DAC registersare set to zero scale and the device is powered down,with the output buffers disabled and the outputs pulled to GND through the 100k Ωtermination resistor.Following power-up, a wake-up command must be initi-ated before any conversions are performed.Power-Down ModesThe MAX5842 has three software-controlled, low-power, power-down modes. All three modes disable the output buffers and disconnect the DAC resistor strings from REF, reducing supply current draw to 1µA and the reference current draw to less than 1µA. I n power-down mode 0, the device output is high imped-ance. I n power-down mode 1, the device output is internally pulled to GND by a 1k Ωtermination resistor.I n power-down mode 2, the device output is internally pulled to GND by a 100k Ωtermination resistor. Table 1shows the power-down mode command words.Upon wake-up, the DAC output is restored to its previ-ous value. Data is retained in the input and DAC regis-ters during power-down mode.Digital InterfaceThe MAX5842 features an I 2C/SMBus-compatible 2-wire interface consisting of a serial data line (SDA)and a serial clock line (SCL). The MAX5842 is SMBus compatible within the range of V DD = 2.7V to 3.6V. SDA and SCL facilitate bidirectional communication between the MAX5842 and the master at rates up to 400kHz.Figure 1 shows the 2-wire interface timing diagram. The MAX5842 is a transmit/receive slave-only device, rely-ing upon a master to generate a clock signal. The mas-ter (typically a microcontroller) initiates data transfer on the bus and generates SCL to permit that transfer.A master device communicates to the MAX5842 by transmitting the proper address followed by commandand/or data words. Each transmit sequence is framedMAX5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, SerialVoltage-Output DAC_______________________________________________________________________________________9by a START (S) or REPEATED START (S r ) condition and a STOP (P) condition. Each word transmitted over the bus is 8 bits long and is always followed by an acknowledge clock pulse.The MAX5842 SDA and SCL drivers are open-drain outputs, requiring a pullup resistor to generate a logic high voltage (see Typical Operating Circuit). Series resistors R S are optional. These series resistors protect the input stages of the MAX5842 from high-voltage spikes on the bus lines, and minimize crosstalk and undershoot of the bus signals.Bit TransferOne data bit is transferred during each SCL clock cycle. The data on SDA must remain stable during the high period of the SCL clock pulse. Changes in SDA while SCL is high are control signals (see STAR T andSTOP Conditions). Both SDA and SCL idle high when the I 2C bus is not busy.START and STOP ConditionsWhen the serial interface is inactive, SDA and SCL idle high. A master device initiates communication by issu-ing a START condition. A START condition is a high-to-low transition on SDA with SCL high. A STOP condition is a low-to-high transition on SDA, while SCL is high (Figure 2). A START condition from the master signals the beginning of a transmission to the MAX5842. The master terminates transmission by issuing a not acknowledge followed by a STOP condition (see Acknowledge Bit (ACK )). The STOP condition frees the bus. I f a repeated START condition (Sr) is generated instead of a STOP condition, the bus remains active.When a STOP condition or incorrect address is detect-ed, the MAX5842 internally disconnects SCL from the serial interface until the next START condition, minimiz-ing digital noise and feedthrough.Early STOP ConditionsThe MAX5842 recognizes a STOP condition at any point during transmission except if a STOP condition occurs in the same high pulse as a START condition (Figure 3). This condition is not a legal I 2C format; at least one clock pulse must separate any START and STOP conditions.Repeated START ConditionsA REPEATED START (S r ) condition may indicate a change of data direction on the bus. Such a change occurs when a command word is required to initiate a read operation. S r may also be used when the bus master is writing to several I 2C devices and does not want to relinquish control of the bus. The MAX5842 ser-ial interface supports continuous write operations with or without an S r condition separating them. ContinuousM A X 5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, Serial Voltage-Output DAC 10read operations require S r conditions because of the change in direction of data flow.Acknowledge Bit (ACK)The acknowledge bit (ACK) is the ninth bit attached to any 8-bit data word. ACK is always generated by the receiving device. The MAX5842 generates an ACK when receiving an address or data by pulling SDA low during the ninth clock period. When transmitting data,the MAX5842 waits for the receiving device to generate an ACK. Monitoring ACK allows for detection of unsuc-cessful data transfers. An unsuccessful data transfer occurs if a receiving device is busy or if a system fault has occurred. I n the event of an unsuccessful data transfer, the bus master should reattempt communica-tion at a later time.Slave AddressA bus master initiates communication with a slave device by issuing a START condition followed by the 7-bit slave address (Figure 4). When idle, the MAX5842waits for a START condition followed by its slaveaddress. The serial interface compares each address value bit by bit, allowing the interface to power down immediately if an incorrect address is detected. The LSB of the address word is the Read/Write (R/W ) bit.R/W indicates whether the master is writing to or read-ing from the MAX5842 (R/W = 0 selects the write condi-tion, R/W = 1 selects the read condition). After receiving the proper address, the MAX5842 issues anACK by pulling SDA low for one clock cycle.The MAX5842 has four different factory/user-pro-grammed addresses (Table 2). Address bits A6through A1 are preset, while A0 is controlled by ADD.Connecting ADD to GND sets A0 = 0. Connecting ADD to V DD sets A0 = 1. This feature allows up to four MAX5842s to share the same bus.Write Data FormatIn write mode (R/W = 0), data that follows the address byte controls the MAX5842 (Figure 5). Bits C3-C0 con-figure the MAX5842 (Table 3). Bits D11-D0 are DAC data. I nput and DAC registers update on the falling edge of SCL during the acknowledge bit. Should the write cycle be prematurely aborted, data is not updated and the write cycle must be repeated. Figure 6 shows two example write data sequences.Extended Command ModeThe MAX5842 features an extended command mode that is accessed by setting C3-C0 = 1 and D11-D8 = 0.The next data byte writes to the shutdown registers (Figure 7). Setting bits A, B, C, or D to 1 sets that DACFigure 2. START and STOP ConditionsFigure 3. Early STOP ConditionsMAX5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, SerialVoltage-Output DAC______________________________________________________________________________________11to the selected power-down mode based on the states of PD0 and PD1 (Table 1). Any combination of the four DACs can be controlled with a single write sequence.Read Data FormatIn read mode (R/W = 1), the MAX5842 writes the con-tents of the DAC register to the bus. The direction of data flow reverses following the address acknowledge by the MAX5842. The device transmits the first byte of data, waits for the master to acknowledge, then trans-mits the second byte. Figure 8 shows an example read data sequence.I 2C CompatibilityThe MAX5842 is compatible with existing I 2C systems.SCL and SDA are high-impedance inputs; SDA has an open drain that pulls the data line low during the ninth clock pulse. The Typical Operating Circuit shows a typ-ical I 2C application. The communication protocol sup-ports the standard I 2C 8-bit communications. The general call address is ignored. The MAX5842 address is compatible with the 7-bit I 2C addressing protocol only. No 10-bit address formats are supported.Digital Feedthrough SuppressionWhen the MAX5842 detects an address mismatch, the serial interface disconnects the SCL signal from the core circuitry. This minimizes digital feedthrough caused by the SCL signal on a static output. The serial interface reconnects the SCL signal once a valid START condition is detected.Applications InformationDigital Inputs and Interface LogicThe MAX5842 2-wire digital interface is I 2C/SMBus compatible. The two digital inputs (SCL and SDA) load the digital input serially into the DAC. Schmitt-trigger buffered inputs allow slow-transition interfaces such as optocouplers to interface directly to the device. The digital inputs are compatible with CMOS logic levels.Power-Supply Bypassing andGround ManagementCareful PC board layout is important for optimal system performance. Keep analog and digital signals separate to reduce noise injection and digital feedthrough. Use a ground plane to ensure that the ground return from GND to the power-supply ground is short and low impedance. Bypass V DD with a 0.1µF capacitor to ground as close to the device as possible.Chip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 17,213PROCESS: BiCMOSFigure 6. Example Write Command SequencesM A X 5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, Serial Voltage-Output DAC 12______________________________________________________________________________________MAX5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, SerialVoltage-Output DAC______________________________________________________________________________________13Table 3. Command Byte Definitions (continued)Figure 8. Example Read Word Data SequenceM A X 5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, Serial Voltage-Output DAC 14______________________________________________________________________________________Functional DiagramMAX5842Quad, 12-Bit, Low-Power, 2-Wire, SerialVoltage-Output DACMaxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________15©2002 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.Package Information。
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General DescriptionThe MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 provide a VCOM source for TFT LCDs. The MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 source and sink a large current to quickly restore the VCOM voltage, making it ideal for TFT LCDs.The output settles to within 0.1% in less than 2µs. In addition, the MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 directly drive the capacitive load in the VCOM layer of the TFT LCDs without the need for a series resistor.The MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 feature single, dual,and quad channel VCOM amplifiers, respectively. The MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 can drive up to 800mA of peak current per channel and operate up to 20V. The devices feature soft-start to reduce inrush current, output short-circuit protection, and thermal shutdown.The MAX9550 is available in a space-saving 5-pin thin SOT23 package, and an 8-pin µMAX ®package with an exposed paddle. The MAX9551 is available in an 8-pin µMAX package with an exposed paddle. The MAX9552is available in a 14-pin TSSOP package. All devices are specified over the -40°C to +85°C temperature range.ApplicationsTFT-LCD PanelsInstrument Control Voltage SourcesFeatures♦Operates Up To 20V ♦800mA Peak Output Current♦Settles to Within 0.1% of V OUT in Less than 2µs ♦Excellent Load Regulation ♦Thermal-Shutdown Protection ♦Short-Circuit Protection to Both Rails ♦Soft-Start to Reduce Inrush CurrentMAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffersfor TFT LCDs________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products 1Ordering Information19-3858; Rev 1; 2/06For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .Pin Configuration appears at end of data sheet.µMAX is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.M A X 9550/M A X 9551/M A X 9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffers for TFT LCDs 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V= 16V, GND = 0V, V = V = V / 2, C = 1µF, T = T to T , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Supply Voltage (V DD to GND)................................-0.3V to +22V Any Other Pin to GND................................-0.3V to (V DD + 0.3V)IN+/IN- (current)...............................................................±20mA OUT, OUT_ (current)................................................................1A Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)5-Pin Thin SOT23 (derate 9.5mW/°C above +70°C)....727mW8-Pin µMAX (derate 10.3mW/°C above +70°C)........824.7mW 14-Pin TSSOP (derate 20.8mW/°C above +70°C).....1667mW Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CMAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffersfor TFT LCDs_______________________________________________________________________________________3ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V DD = 16V, GND = 0V, V CM = V OUT = V DD / 2, C L = 1µF, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.) (Note 1)Typical Operating Characteristics(V DD = 16V, GND = 0V, V CM = V OUT = V DD / 2, C L = 1µF, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE DEVIATIONvs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEV DD (V)V O S (m V )201510- OFFSET VOLTAGE DEVIATIONvs. TEMPERATUREM A X 9550 t o c 02TEMPERATURE (°C)V O S (m V )755025-25-0.3-0.2- vs. OUTPUT CURRENTOUTPUT CURRENT (mA)T R A N S C O N D U C T A N C E (S )4002000-200-4001020304050600-600600M A X 9550/M A X 9551/M A X 9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffers for TFT LCDs 4_______________________________________________________________________________________SUPPLY CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGESUPPLY VOLTAGE (V)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )2015100. CURRENT vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 9550 t o c 05TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (m A )7550-250250. TRANSIENT (±600mA)2µs/divI OUT 500mA/divV OUT 50mV/div AC-COUPLEDSHORT-CIRCUIT WAVEFORMSM A X 9550 t o c 075ms/divV CC 5V/divV OUT 5V/divI OUT 200mA/divI CC200mA/div STARTUP WAVEFORMM A X 9550 t o c 0820µs/divV OUT 5V/divIN +5V/div V CC 10V/div I OUT 200mA/div Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V DD = 16V, GND = 0V, V CM = V OUT = V DD / 2, C L = 1µF, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffersfor TFT LCDs_______________________________________________________________________________________5M A X 9550/M A X 9551/M A X 9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffers for TFT LCDs 6_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 1. Settling Time Test CircuitDetailed DescriptionThe MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 operational transcon-ductance amplifiers (OTA) hold the VCOM voltage sta-ble while providing the ability to source and sink a high current quickly (800mA typ) into a capacitive load such as the backplane of a TFT-LCD panel. The output settles to within 0.1% in less than 2µs. The fast settling time is achieved by increasing the transconductance of the buffer as the output current increases (see the Typical Operating Characteristics ).In addition, the MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 directly drive the capacitive load in the VCOM layer of the TFT LCD without the need for a series resistor.The MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 unity-gain band-width is:GBW = g M / 2πC OUT where C OUT is the capacitive load at the output and g M is the transconductance.To insure buffer stability, place a 1µF low-ESR capaci-tor as close to the OUT pin as possible. However, this value may be reduced if the TFT-LCD panel load pro-vides some of the capacitance and the resistance in series when this capacitance is low. Connect the feed-back at OUT using a Kelvin connection at the low-ESR capacitor.Thermal Shutdown with TemperatureHysteresisThe MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 are capable of high output currents and therefore, feature thermal-shutdown protection with temperature hysteresis. When the die tem-perature reaches +160°C, the devices shut down. When the die cools down by 15°C, the devices turn on again.MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffersfor TFT LCDs_______________________________________________________________________________________7Applications InformationOutput Load CapacitorThe output load capacitor must have a low ESR value (50m Ωor lower) and it must be placed as close as pos-sible to the OUT pin to ensure buffer stability (see Figure 2). Ceramic capacitors are an excellent choice.Power Supplies and Bypass CapacitorsThe MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552 operate from a 6V to 20V single supply, or from ±3V to ±10V dual supplies.Proper supply bypassing ensures stability while driving high transient loads. The MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552require minimum 4.7µF (C1)and 0.1µF (C2) power-sup-ply bypass capacitors placed as close as possible tothe power-supply pin (V DD ). See Figure 2.For dual-supply operation, use 4.7µF and 0.1µF bypass capaci-tors on both supplies (V DD and GND) with each capacitor placed as close as possible to the V DD and GND pins.Layout and GroundingThe exposed paddle on the µMAX and TSSOP pack-ages provides a low thermal resistance for heat dissi-pation. Solder the exposed paddle to a ground plane for best results. Do not route traces under these pack-ages. For dual-supply operation, the exposed paddle (EP) must be electrically connected to the negative supply or it can be left unconnected.Figure 2. Typical TFT-LCD Backplane Drive CircuitM A X 9550/M A X 9551/M A X 9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffers for TFT LCDs 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Pin ConfigurationsChip InformationPROCESS: BiCMOSMAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffersfor TFT LCDs_______________________________________________________________________________________9Package Information(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages.)T H I N S O T 23.E P SM A X 9550/M A X 9551/M A X 9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffers for TFT LCDs 10______________________________________________________________________________________Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages.)MAX9550/MAX9551/MAX9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffers for TFT LCDs______________________________________________________________________________________11Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)M A X 9550/M A X 9551/M A X 9552High-Current VCOM Drive Buffers for TFT LCDsMaxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.12____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2006 Maxim Integrated Products Printed USA is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)。