


( ±1 %) 1 O V范围 内, 此之内, 在 控制面板给 出“ 绿灯 ” 指示 , 示三 相交流供 电正常 ,交流 电压 ” 表 “ 监控采
2年8( 7 ) f南专 。 第期总 2 鸯 ● 1 。 第期 ' 穗
样信 号接入的 U 2 C 为高电平 , 10 ̄ 若检测不在 3 01- 0 低 电平 , 8 ( 41 %) 封锁主 电源输 出。 上述监控均正常时 , 10  ̄输 出 U 2C

要 :T 一 3 中波 发 射 机 监 控 系统 的 功 能就 是 管 理 发 射 机 的 运 行 , 它是 发 射 S 0C
机 的 大脑 。它 的核 心元 件 采 用 集 成运 放 、 成 逻 辑 电路 , 些 元件 耐 压低 , 击性 差 , 集 这 抗 容
易损坏 。本 文就监 控 系统对 T 一 3 中波发射 机的开机过程 的监控 原理进行 分析 , S 0C 对

侣V 、+ 4 、 门开关 1 、 门开关 2 、 外部联 锁” ” “ 2 V” “ ”“ ”“ 的指示灯均 为绿色 ; 当合 “ 电源 ” 主 开关后 , 主
电源 ( 4 V) 一10 开始 工作 , 射 机 中间 放 大 器 工 作 ,推 动 电压 表 ” “ 动 电流 表 ” 指 示 : 合 “ 出 ” 发 “ 、推 有 当 播 开
二 、 机 监 控 原 理 分 析 开 ( )S 0 C 发 射 机 的 开 机 步 骤 一 T 一3 30 8 V交 流 电压 从 稳 压 配 电柜 接 入 发 射 机 , 射 机 控 制 面板 上 的 “ 制 方 式 ” 置 于 “ 控 ” “ 发 控 应 手 或 遥 控 ” 置 。 合 上 “ 压 ” 关后 , 压 电源 工 作 , 常 时 , 射 机 控 制 面 板 上 “ 8 V”“ 2 、 + V 、 位 当 低 开 低 正 发 3 0 、+1V” “ 侣 ”





关键词:>镉汞;短/中波双色;红外探测器;分子束外延中图分类号:TN213文献标志码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-8785.2021.02.001Research on Fabrication of S3MW Dual-bandMCT Infrared DetectorsV\ANG Jing-wei,8Zhong-he,GAO Da,XING Yan-lei,W\NG Cheng-gang(.Department of Focal Plane Arrays,North China Research Institute ofElectro-Optics,Beijing100015,China)Abstract:The latest research progress of SQ/MW dual-band mercury cadmium telluride(MCT)materials and devices based on molecular beam epitaxy(MBE)is reported.High-quality SW/MW dual-band MCT materials are grown by the MBE method,and the surface defect density is controlled below300cm2by improving the material quality.On this basis,the chip fabrication process is further optimized,especially in terms of reducing the pixel pitch.A320X256SW/MW dual-band MCT infrared detector assembly is fabricated based on the a-bove-mentionedvariousmaterialanddeviceproce s es1Theresultsshowthatthetestperformanceandimaginge f ectofthea s emblyaregood1Key words:HgCdTe;SW/MW dual-band;infrared detector;molecular beam epitaxy0引言随着红外探测器应用范围的不断扩展和红外隐身技术水平的日益提高,人们期望在更为复杂的背景及环境下实现高精度的高速红外探测,同时提高识别准确率。

NACE TM0103—2003湿H2S用钢板耐SOHIC性能评估的实验室试验程序标准试验方法(中文翻译版)

NACE TM0103—2003湿H2S用钢板耐SOHIC性能评估的实验室试验程序标准试验方法(中文翻译版)

NACE TM0103—2003湿H2S用钢板耐SOHIC性能评估的实验室试验程序标准试验方法(中文翻译版)本NACE国际标准代表了已审查本文件、其范围和条款的个别成员的共识。













NACE 国际标准的购买者可通过联系NACE国际会员服务部(地址:1440 South Creek Dr.,德克萨斯州休斯顿77084—4906)(电话+1(281)228—6200)获得所有标准和其他NACE国际出版物的最新信息。

批准日期:2003—01—17美国腐蚀工程师协会South Creek路1440号德克萨斯州休斯顿77084—4906+1(281)228—6200ISBN 1—57590—161—7@2003年,NACE国际前言焊接压力容器中使用的碳钢板在暴露于湿H2S环境中可能会受到一种或多种形式环境开裂的影响。

DNV-OS-C401(2010) 中文版(DNT部分)

DNV-OS-C401(2010) 中文版(DNT部分)

2013年4月SECTION 3 NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTING第三章无损检测1.General 通则1.1 Scope 范围1.1.1 This section gives requirements for non-destructive testing.本章节给出了无损探伤的要求。

2. Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) 无损探伤测试(NDT)2.1General 通则2.1.1Prior to commencement of fabrication the contractor shall submit a plan for NDT, NDT proce dures and documents for NDT inspectors’ certification for acceptance by the purchaser. The progr amme shall contain information and documents for planning, controlling and reporting在装配前,卖方必须向买方递交NDT 图,NDT 工艺文件以及NDT人员资格证,并经卖方接受。

这个程序必须包括计划、控制和报告DNT 的信息和文件。

2.1.2 The inspection categories shall be defined in accordance with DNV-OS-C101 Sec.4 or DNV-O S-C201 Sec.4 and shall be specified in relevant design drawings.检测类别应根据DNV-OS-C101第四节或DNV-OS-C201第四节来划分,并指定相关图纸。

2.1.3Welds shall be subject to NDT in progress with fabrication. The results of these activities shal l be consecutively reported to the purchaser.在制造过程中,焊缝质量主要依据无损探伤试验,试验结果应不断报告给买方。






产品符合GB/ T18456-1997的要求。


产品符合《固体废弃物试验方法》( GB/ T30378.1)。











可根据用户需要配备上位机( PC 机),实现对碳氢元素含量的计算、显示、储存、打印等功能。

还可以通过专门开发的分析软件对样品数据进行分析,并且对所获取的结果可以用 EXCEL、 WORD、 EXCBWER 等文档进行保存,然后打印输出。



宝云兴业科贸 专业空气测计仪器 产品说明书

宝云兴业科贸 专业空气测计仪器 产品说明书

北京宝云兴业科贸有限公司成立于1998 年,自成立伊始,就秉持着“诚信、执着、创新、快速”的经营理念。




美国TSI 公司成立于1961年,它是全球精密测量仪器设计和生产的行业领导者,出品的室内空气质量检测仪、颗粒物检测仪等都在国际上享有盛誉。

Sun Nuclear 成立于1984年,由一支经验丰富的辐射检测科学家和工程师队伍组成。


Mesalabs 股份有限公司是一家研发、制造及销售为一体的综合型企业,总部位于美国科罗拉多州的丹佛市。


公司简介成功案例合作伙伴COMPANY PROFILESUCCESSFUL CASESPARTNERS美国SKC 公司是世界上最大的空气采样器制造商,是世界空气采样技术的领跑者,距今已有近60年的发展历史。



其生产的 FP-30MK2(C)甲醛检测仪,检测方法已被列为中国国标检测方法。

手动采样泵&检气管风速/新风量检测仪甲醛检测仪大气压力表射线检测仪水质检测套装空气采样泵流量校准器温湿度计振动测试仪细菌/病毒微生物采样系统差压计气体检测仪集中空调采样设备便携式B超检测仪在线监测系统采样附件颗粒物检测仪照度计热辐射检测仪撞击式空气微生物采样器室内空气质量检测仪测氡仪噪声检测仪水质检测仪061317263549 01082532 061520273655 05092633 0716252937产品手册 目录THE WHOLE INDUSTRYPRODUCT MANUALS01便携式采样泵(5-5000mL/min)产品特点AirChek Connect 型AirChek Connect 型便携式采样泵可通过蓝牙和USB 两种方式连接手机和电脑的低噪声采样泵。


779K 于 2010 年 11 月 15 日 22 时 30 分
ECODRIVE03 设备一般自动化 本机具有串行实时通信系统,模拟和并行接口。
INDRAMAT 有限公司,1999 传输,以及本文件复制,商业 使用或将其内容不得沟通无 明确的书面许可。违反这些规定将要求 赔偿。为实施专利或者发行版权所有 注册外观设计。 (德国工业标准 34-1) 保留所有权利就这个文件的内容 和可用性的产品。 INDRAMAT 有限公司· Bgm.,博士,纳贝尔- STR 基因。 2 ·的 D – 97816 加尔各答 电话 09352/40-0 ·发送 689421 ·传真 09352/40-4885 部完(OS/TH) 本文件印在无氯漂白纸。
本说明书由 779K 于 2010 年 11 月 15 日用谷歌翻译 系统完成翻译,对于翻译之准确不做保证,仅供各位同 行在不急需时参考。在本说明书的后半部分,附有英文 原版说明书,如遇到不能理解之词汇,读者可以再次翻 译更正。翻译此说明书耗时 30 多小时,时间匆促,书中 错误部分希望各位同仁继续更正发布,因为目前参数中 文说明书网上基本没有。
总结文件 - 概述
Hale Waihona Puke 内容1 一般资料 1-1 使用本手册............................................... ................................ 1-1 定义................................................. ............................................ 1-2 2 月 2 日至 1 日



DIN EN 10228-3标准钢质锻件的NDT内容页码前言 21.范围 32.标准 33.定义 34.协定项目 45.成文程序 46.人员资质 57.设备以及附件 58.日常校合及检查 69.制作阶段 610.表面状况711.敏感度712.扫描813.分类1114.记录级别以及接受标准1415.尺寸1616.报告16附录A 环向剪波扫描最大测试深度。

B 有关%DAC的波幅前言本欧洲标准由ECISS/TC28 钢制锻件技术委员会编制。



根据CEN/CENELEC内部规定,下列国家的标准机构使用在欧洲标准:.奥地利比利时丹麦芬兰法国德国希腊冰岛爱尔兰意大利卢森堡公国荷兰挪威葡萄牙西班牙瑞典瑞士和英国1.范围EN10228-3 描述了使用的技术指南,铁素体以及马氏体锻件的超声波探伤,机械扫描技术,如可能使用油浸测试,但是需要买卖双方进行协商。





EN473 NDT人员资质PrEN 12668 NDT-UT设备的特性以及核实PART1:设备PART2:探头PART3:组合设备PrEN583 UT检验PART2:敏感度以及范围设置PART5:特性以及不连续的尺寸PrEN12223 UT检验-校合块PrEN1330 NDT-术语PART4:使用在UT中的术语。



ASNT III级学习资料(中文)第一章人员资格鉴定及认证的管理................................ 错误!未定义书签。

第二章推荐性实施细则SNT-TC-1A ................................ 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A的历史............................................... 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A的内容及使用......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2001版SNT-TC-1A综述.......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A前言................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A的1、2、3部分 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A第1部分的问题 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A第2、3部分的总体评论 ................................ 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A第4部分............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A第4部分问题......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A第4部分的总体评论 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。

SNT-TC-1A第5部分............................................. 错误!未定义书签。



超 出所 指示 的范围 , 本机 将发 出报警信号 , 同时 发出故 障保
护指示 , 并封 锁发 射 机 , 以保 证 设 备免 受损 坏 。本 文 主 要 对 其
中 的 三 相 交 流 电源 监 测 进 行 阐述 其 工 作 原 理 。
该 电 路 监 测 对 象 是 外 部 交 流 供 电三 相 3 8 0 V 的 线 电压 ,

. I I 一
图 1 交流 电 源监 测 方 框 图
深入剖析 , 并 对 出现 的 问题 根 据 自 己 的工 作 经 验 提 出 一 些 应 急措施 , 供 同行 进 行 探 讨 , 不 足 之 处请 予 指 正 。

三相 交流 电源 监测 电 路 原 理 及 特 点
T S 一 0 3 C 中 波 发 射 机 的 电源 监 测 由 三 相 交 流 电 源 监 测 、 低 压 电源 监 测 和 主 电源 监 测 三 部 分组 成 。一 旦 所 监 测 的 电压
送 到 上 限 电压 比较 器 U 1 O 1 A, 由隔 离 电阻 R 1 0 4 、 R 1 0 5 、 R 1 0 6 封锁。 送 到 下 限 电压 比较 器 U 1 O 1 C。低 功 耗 电压 比较 器 L M3 3 9由
图 2中 U1 1 6 A为 与 门 , 它 的 逻辑 关 系 为 F : A・ B, 即无 论 U1 0 1 A 及 U1 O 1 C组 成 , U1 0 1 A 用 于 电压 上 限 监 测 , U1 0 1 C U1 1 6 A 的“ 1 l , 端或“ 2 ” 端 只 要 有 一 个 为低 电平 , 那 么输 出“ 3 ” 用 于 电压 下 限监 测 。 上 限监 测 的 U 1 O 1 A同相端( 5脚 ) 由 电源 端 就 一 定 为低 电平 , 保 证 了 电路 中 无论 是 电压 超 出 上 限 还 是

KL03 芯片系列参考手册说明书

KL03 芯片系列参考手册说明书

KL03 Sub-Family Reference Manual Supports: MKL03Z8VFG4(R), MKL03Z16VFG4(R), MKL03Z32VFG4(R), MKL03Z32CAF4R, MKL03Z8VFK4(R),MKL03Z16VFK4(R), and MKL03Z32VFK4(R)Document Number: KL03P24M48SF0RMRev 3, June, 2014ContentsSection number Title PageChapter 1About This Document1.1Overview (27)1.1.1Purpose (27)1.1.2Audience (27)1.2Conventions (27)1.2.1Numbering systems (27)1.2.2Typographic notation (28)1.2.3Special terms (28)Chapter 2Introduction2.1KL03 sub-family introduction (29)2.2Module functional categories (29)2.2.1ARM Cortex-M0+ core modules (30)2.2.2System modules (31)2.2.3Memories and memory interfaces (32)2.2.4Clocks (32)2.2.5Analog modules (32)2.2.6Timer modules (33)2.2.7Communication interfaces (33)2.2.8Human-machine interfaces (34)2.3Module to module interconnects (34)2.3.1Interconnection overview (34)2.3.2Analog reference options (35)2.4Orderable part numbers (36)Chapter 3Core Overview3.1ARM Cortex-M0+ core introduction (37)3.1.1Buses, interconnects, and interfaces (37)3.1.2System tick timer (37)3.1.3Debug facilities (37)3.1.4Core privilege levels (38)3.2Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) (38)3.2.1Interrupt priority levels (38)3.2.2Non-maskable interrupt (38)3.2.3Interrupt channel assignments (38)3.3AWIC introduction (41)3.3.1Wake-up sources (41)Chapter 4Memory and Memory Map4.1Flash memory (43)4.1.1Flash memory map (43)4.1.2Flash security (44)4.1.3Flash modes (44)4.1.4Erase all flash contents (44)4.1.5FTFA_FOPT register (44)4.2SRAM (45)4.2.1SRAM sizes (45)4.2.2SRAM ranges (45)4.2.3SRAM retention in low power modes (46)4.3System Register file (46)4.4Memory map (47)4.4.1Introduction (47)4.4.2System memory map (47)4.4.3Flash memory map (48)4.4.4SRAM memory map (48)4.4.5Bit Manipulation Engine (49)4.4.6Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) memory map (49)4.4.7Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map (54)Chapter 5Clock Distribution5.1Introduction (55)5.2Programming model (55)5.3High-level device clocking diagram (55)5.4Clock definitions (56)5.4.1Device clock summary (57)5.5Internal clocking requirements (59)5.5.1Clock divider values after reset (59)5.5.2VLPR mode clocking (60)5.6Clock gating (60)5.7Module clocks (60)5.7.1PMC 1-kHz LPO clock (61)5.7.2COP clocking (62)5.7.3RTC clocking (62)5.7.4RTC_CLKOUT and CLKOUT32K clocking (63)5.7.5LPTMR clocking (63)5.7.6TPM clocking (64)5.7.7LPUART clocking (64)Chapter 6Reset and Boot6.1Introduction (67)6.2Reset (67)6.2.1Power-on reset (POR) (68)6.2.2System reset sources (68)6.2.3MCU resets (71)6.2.4RESET pin (72)6.3Boot (72)6.3.1Boot sources (72)6.3.2FOPT boot options (73)6.3.3Boot sequence (75)Chapter 7Power Management7.1Introduction (77)7.2Clocking modes (77)7.2.1Partial Stop (77)7.2.2Compute Operation (78)7.2.3Peripheral Doze (79)7.2.4Clock gating (79)7.3Power modes (80)7.4Entering and exiting power modes (82)7.5Module operation in low-power modes (82)Chapter 8Security8.1Introduction (87)8.1.1Flash security (87)8.1.2Security interactions with other modules (87)Chapter 9Debug9.1Introduction (89)9.2Debug port pin descriptions (89)9.3SWD status and control registers (90)9.3.1MDM-AP Control Register (91)9.3.2MDM-AP Status Register (92)9.4Debug resets (94)9.5Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) (94)9.6Debug in low-power modes (95)9.7Debug and security (96)Chapter 10Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions10.1Introduction (97)10.2Signal multiplexing integration (97)10.2.1I/O Port control and interrupt module features (98)10.2.2Clock gating (98)10.2.3Signal multiplexing constraints (98)10.3Pinout (98)10.3.1KL03 signal multiplexing and pin assignments (98)10.3.2KL03 pinouts (100)10.4Module Signal Description Tables (101)10.4.1Core modules (101)10.4.2System modules (102)10.4.3Clock modules (102)10.4.4Memories and memory interfaces (103)10.4.5Analog (103)10.4.6Timer Modules (103)10.4.7Communication interfaces (104)10.4.8Human-machine interfaces (HMI) (105)Chapter 11Kinetis ROM Bootloader11.1Introduction (107)11.2Functional Description (108)11.2.1Memory Maps (108)11.2.2The Kinetis Bootloader Configuration Area (BCA) (109)11.2.3Start-up Process (110)11.2.4Clock Configuration (112)11.2.5Bootloader Entry Point (113)11.2.6Bootloader Protocol (114)11.2.7Bootloader Packet Types (117)11.2.8Bootloader Command API (123)11.2.9Bootloader Exit state (135)11.3Peripherals Supported (136)11.3.1I2C Peripheral (136)11.3.2SPI Peripheral (138)11.3.3UART Peripheral (140)11.4Get/SetProperty Command Properties (143)11.4.1Property Definitions (144)11.5Kinetis Bootloader Status Error Codes (145)Chapter 12Port Control and Interrupts (PORT)12.1Chip-specific PORT information (147)12.1.1GPIO instantiation information (147)12.1.2Port control and interrupt summary (148)12.2Introduction (149)12.3Overview (149)12.3.1Features (149)12.3.2Modes of operation (149)12.4External signal description (150)12.5Detailed signal description (150)12.6Memory map and register definition (151)12.6.1Pin Control Register n (PORT x_PCR n) (154)12.6.2Global Pin Control Low Register (PORT x_GPCLR) (156)12.6.3Global Pin Control High Register (PORT x_GPCHR) (157)12.6.4Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORT x_ISFR) (157)12.7Functional description (158)12.7.1Pin control (158)12.7.2Global pin control (159)12.7.3External interrupts (159)Chapter 13General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)13.1Chip-specific GPIO information (161)13.2Introduction (161)13.2.1Features (161)13.2.2Modes of operation (162)13.2.3GPIO signal descriptions (162)13.3Memory map and register definition (163)13.3.1Port Data Output Register (GPIO x_PDOR) (164)13.3.2Port Set Output Register (GPIO x_PSOR) (165)13.3.3Port Clear Output Register (GPIO x_PCOR) (165)13.3.4Port Toggle Output Register (GPIO x_PTOR) (166)13.3.5Port Data Input Register (GPIO x_PDIR) (166)13.3.6Port Data Direction Register (GPIO x_PDDR) (167)13.4FGPIO memory map and register definition (167)13.4.1Port Data Output Register (FGPIO x_PDOR) (168)13.4.2Port Set Output Register (FGPIO x_PSOR) (169)13.4.3Port Clear Output Register (FGPIO x_PCOR) (169)13.4.4Port Toggle Output Register (FGPIO x_PTOR) (170)13.4.5Port Data Input Register (FGPIO x_PDIR) (170)13.4.6Port Data Direction Register (FGPIO x_PDDR) (171)13.5Functional description (171)13.5.1General-purpose input (171)13.5.2General-purpose output (171)13.5.3IOPORT (172)Chapter 14System Integration Module (SIM)14.1Chip-specific COP information (173)14.2COP clocks (173)14.3COP watchdog operation (173)14.4Introduction (175)14.4.1Features (175)14.5Memory map and register definition (176)14.5.1System Options Register 1 (SIM_SOPT1) (177)14.5.2System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2) (178)14.5.3System Options Register 4 (SIM_SOPT4) (180)14.5.4System Options Register 5 (SIM_SOPT5) (181)14.5.5System Options Register 7 (SIM_SOPT7) (182)14.5.6System Device Identification Register (SIM_SDID) (184)14.5.7System Clock Gating Control Register 4 (SIM_SCGC4) (186)14.5.8System Clock Gating Control Register 5 (SIM_SCGC5) (187)14.5.9System Clock Gating Control Register 6 (SIM_SCGC6) (189)14.5.10System Clock Divider Register 1 (SIM_CLKDIV1) (190)14.5.11Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG1) (192)14.5.12Flash Configuration Register 2 (SIM_FCFG2) (193)14.5.13Unique Identification Register Mid-High (SIM_UIDMH) (194)14.5.14Unique Identification Register Mid Low (SIM_UIDML) (194)14.5.15Unique Identification Register Low (SIM_UIDL) (195)14.5.16COP Control Register (SIM_COPC) (195)14.5.17Service COP (SIM_SRVCOP) (197)14.6Functional description (197)Chapter 15System Mode Controller (SMC)15.1Chip-specific SMC information (199)15.2Introduction (199)15.3Modes of operation (199)15.4Memory map and register descriptions (201)15.4.1Power Mode Protection register (SMC_PMPROT) (202)15.4.2Power Mode Control register (SMC_PMCTRL) (203)15.4.3Stop Control Register (SMC_STOPCTRL) (204)15.4.4Power Mode Status register (SMC_PMSTAT) (206)15.5Functional description (206)15.5.1Power mode transitions (206)15.5.2Power mode entry/exit sequencing (209)15.5.3Run modes (211)15.5.4Wait modes (212)15.5.5Stop modes (213)15.5.6Debug in low power modes (215)Chapter 16Power Management Controller (PMC)16.1Introduction (217)16.2Features (217)16.3Low-voltage detect (LVD) system (217)16.3.1LVD reset operation (218)16.3.2LVD interrupt operation (218)16.3.3Low-voltage warning (LVW) interrupt operation (218)16.4I/O retention (219)16.5Memory map and register descriptions (219)16.5.1Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register (PMC_LVDSC1) (220)16.5.2Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register (PMC_LVDSC2) (221)16.5.3Regulator Status And Control register (PMC_REGSC) (222)Chapter 17Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM)17.1Introduction (225)17.1.1Features (225)17.2Memory map/register descriptions (225)17.2.1Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration (MCM_PLASC) (226)17.2.2Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration (MCM_PLAMC) (226)17.2.3Platform Control Register (MCM_PLACR) (227)17.2.4Compute Operation Control Register (MCM_CPO) (229)Chapter 18Crossbar Switch Lite (AXBS-Lite)18.1Introduction (231)18.1.1Features (231)18.2Memory Map / Register Definition (231)18.3Functional Description (232)18.3.1General operation (232)18.3.2Arbitration (233)18.4Initialization/application information (234)Chapter 19Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)19.1Chip-specific LLWU information (235)19.2Introduction (235)19.2.1Features (235)19.2.2Modes of operation (236)19.2.3Block diagram (237)19.3LLWU signal descriptions (238)19.4Memory map/register definition (238)19.4.1LLWU Pin Enable 1 register (LLWU_PE1) (239)19.4.2LLWU Pin Enable 2 register (LLWU_PE2) (240)19.4.3LLWU Module Enable register (LLWU_ME) (241)19.4.4LLWU Flag 1 register (LLWU_F1) (243)19.4.5LLWU Flag 3 register (LLWU_F3) (244)19.4.6LLWU Pin Filter 1 register (LLWU_FILT1) (246)19.4.7LLWU Pin Filter 2 register (LLWU_FILT2) (247)19.5Functional description (248)19.5.1VLLS modes (249)19.5.2Initialization (249)Chapter 20Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)20.1Introduction (251)20.1.1Features (251)20.1.2General operation (251)20.2Functional description (252)20.2.1Access support (252)Chapter 21Reset Control Module (RCM)21.1Introduction (253)21.2Reset memory map and register descriptions (253)21.2.1System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SRS0) (254)21.2.2System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SRS1) (255)21.2.3Reset Pin Filter Control register (RCM_RPFC) (256)21.2.4Reset Pin Filter Width register (RCM_RPFW) (257)21.2.5Force Mode Register (RCM_FM) (259)21.2.6Mode Register (RCM_MR) (259)21.2.7Sticky System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SSRS0) (260)21.2.8Sticky System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SSRS1) (261)Chapter 22Bit Manipulation Engine (BME)22.1Introduction (263)22.1.1Overview (264)22.1.2Features (264)22.1.3Modes of operation (265)22.2Memory map and register definition (265)22.3Functional description (266)22.3.1BME decorated stores (266)22.3.2BME decorated loads (273)22.3.3Additional details on decorated addresses and GPIO accesses (279)22.4Application information (280)Chapter 23Micro Trace Buffer (MTB)23.1Introduction (283)23.1.1Overview (283)23.1.2Features (286)23.1.3Modes of operation (287)23.2External signal description (287)23.3Memory map and register definition (288)23.3.1MTB_RAM Memory Map (288)23.3.2MTB_DWT Memory Map (301)23.3.3System ROM Memory Map (311)Chapter 24Multipurpose Clock Generator Lite (MCG_Lite)24.1Introduction (317)24.1.1Features (317)24.1.2Block diagram (317)24.2Memory map and register definition (318)24.2.1MCG Control Register 1 (MCG_C1) (319)24.2.2MCG Control Register 2 (MCG_C2) (319)24.2.3MCG Status Register (MCG_S) (320)24.2.4MCG Status and Control Register (MCG_SC) (321)24.2.5MCG Miscellaneous Control Register (MCG_MC) (321)24.3Functional description (322)24.3.1Clock mode switching (322)24.3.2LIRC divider 1 (323)24.3.3LIRC divider 2 (323)24.3.4Enable LIRC in Stop mode (324)24.3.5MCG-Lite in Low-power mode (324)Chapter 25Oscillator (OSC)25.1OSC modes of operation with MCG_Lite and RTC (325)25.2Introduction (325)25.3Features and Modes (325)25.4Block Diagram (326)25.5OSC Signal Descriptions (327)25.6External Crystal / Resonator Connections (327)25.7External Clock Connections (328)25.8Memory Map/Register Definitions (329)25.8.1OSC Memory Map/Register Definition (329)25.9Functional Description (330)25.9.1OSC module states (330)25.9.2OSC module modes (332)25.9.3Counter (333)25.9.4Reference clock pin requirements (333)25.10Reset (334)25.11Low power modes operation (334)25.12Interrupts (334)Chapter 26Flash Memory Controller (FMC)26.1Introduction (335)26.1.1Overview (335)26.1.2Features (335)26.2Modes of operation (336)26.3External signal description (336)26.4Memory map and register descriptions (336)26.5Functional description (336)Chapter 27Flash Memory Module (FTFA)27.1Introduction (339)27.1.1Features (339)27.1.2Block Diagram (340)27.1.3Glossary (341)27.2External Signal Description (342)27.3Memory Map and Registers (342)27.3.1Flash Configuration Field Description (342)27.3.2Program Flash IFR Map (343)27.3.3Register Descriptions (343)27.4Functional Description (352)27.4.1Flash Protection (352)27.4.2Interrupts (353)27.4.3Flash Operation in Low-Power Modes (354)27.4.4Functional Modes of Operation (354)27.4.5Flash Reads and Ignored Writes (354)27.4.6Read While Write (RWW) (355)27.4.7Flash Program and Erase (355)27.4.8Flash Command Operations (355)27.4.9Margin Read Commands (360)27.4.10Flash Command Description (361)27.4.11Security (375)27.4.12Reset Sequence (377)Chapter 28Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)28.1Chip-specific ADC information (379)28.1.1ADC0 connections/channel assignment (379)28.1.2ADC analog supply and reference connections (380)28.1.3ADC Reference Options (380)28.1.4Alternate clock (381)28.2Introduction (381)28.2.1Features (381)28.2.2Block diagram (382)28.3ADC signal descriptions (383)28.3.1Analog Power (VDDA) (384)28.3.2Analog Ground (VSSA) (384)28.3.3Analog Channel Inputs (ADx) (384)28.4Memory map and register definitions (384)28.4.1ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC x_SC1n) (385)28.4.2ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADC x_CFG1) (389)28.4.3ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADC x_CFG2) (390)28.4.4ADC Data Result Register (ADC x_R n) (391)28.4.5Compare Value Registers (ADC x_CV n) (392)28.4.6Status and Control Register 2 (ADC x_SC2) (393)28.4.7Status and Control Register 3 (ADC x_SC3) (395)28.4.8ADC Offset Correction Register (ADC x_OFS) (397)28.4.9ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADC x_PG) (397)28.4.10ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLPD) (398)28.4.11ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLPS) (398)28.4.12ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP4) (399)28.4.13ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP3) (399)28.4.14ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP2) (400)28.4.15ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP1) (400)28.4.16ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP0) (401)28.5Functional description (401)28.5.1Clock select and divide control (402)28.5.2Voltage reference selection (403)28.5.3Hardware trigger and channel selects (403)28.5.4Conversion control (404)28.5.5Automatic compare function (411)28.5.6Calibration function (412)28.5.7User-defined offset function (414)28.5.8Temperature sensor (415)28.5.9MCU wait mode operation (416)28.5.10MCU Normal Stop mode operation (416)28.5.11MCU Low-Power Stop mode operation (417)28.6Initialization information (418)28.6.1ADC module initialization example (418)28.7Application information (420)28.7.1External pins and routing (420)28.7.2Sources of error (422)Chapter 29Comparator (CMP)29.1Chip-specific CMP information (427)29.1.1CMP input connections (427)29.1.2CMP external references (428)29.1.3CMP trigger mode (428)29.2Introduction (429)29.2.1CMP features (429)29.2.26-bit DAC key features (430)29.2.3ANMUX key features (430)29.2.4CMP, DAC and ANMUX diagram (430)29.2.5CMP block diagram (431)29.3Memory map/register definitions (432)29.3.1CMP Control Register 0 (CMP x_CR0) (433)29.3.2CMP Control Register 1 (CMP x_CR1) (434)29.3.3CMP Filter Period Register (CMP x_FPR) (435)29.3.4CMP Status and Control Register (CMP x_SCR) (436)29.3.5DAC Control Register (CMP x_DACCR) (437)29.3.6MUX Control Register (CMP x_MUXCR) (437)29.4Functional description (438)29.4.1CMP functional modes (438)29.4.2Power modes (442)29.4.3Startup and operation (443)29.4.4Low-pass filter (443)29.5CMP interrupts (445)29.6Digital-to-analog converter (446)29.7DAC functional description (446)29.7.1Voltage reference source select (446)29.8DAC resets (447)29.9DAC clocks (447)29.10DAC interrupts (447)29.11CMP Trigger Mode (447)Chapter 30Voltage Reference (VREF)30.1Chip specific VREF information (449)30.1.1Clock Gating (449)30.2Introduction (449)30.2.1Overview (450)30.2.2Features (450)30.2.3Modes of Operation (451)30.2.4VREF Signal Descriptions (451)30.3Memory Map and Register Definition (452)30.3.1VREF Trim Register (VREF_TRM) (452)30.3.2VREF Status and Control Register (VREF_SC) (453)30.4Functional Description (454)30.4.1Voltage Reference Disabled, SC[VREFEN] = 0 (455)30.4.2Voltage Reference Enabled, SC[VREFEN] = 1 (455)30.4.3Internal voltage regulator (456)30.5Initialization/Application Information (457)Chapter 31Timer/PWM Module (TPM)31.1Chip-specific TPM information (459)31.1.1Clock options (459)31.1.2Trigger options (460)31.1.3Global timebase (460)31.1.4TPM interrupts (460)31.2Introduction (461)31.2.1TPM Philosophy (461)31.2.2Features (461)31.2.3Modes of operation (462)31.2.4Block diagram (462)31.3TPM Signal Descriptions (463)31.3.1TPM_EXTCLK — TPM External Clock (463)31.3.2TPM_CHn — TPM Channel (n) I/O Pin (464)31.4Memory Map and Register Definition (464)31.4.1Status and Control (TPM x_SC) (465)31.4.2Counter (TPM x_CNT) (466)31.4.3Modulo (TPM x_MOD) (467)31.4.4Channel (n) Status and Control (TPM x_C n SC) (468)31.4.5Channel (n) Value (TPM x_C n V) (469)31.4.6Capture and Compare Status (TPM x_STATUS) (470)31.4.7Configuration (TPM x_CONF) (472)31.5Functional description (473)31.5.1Clock domains (474)31.5.2Prescaler (474)31.5.3Counter (475)31.5.4Input Capture Mode (478)31.5.5Output Compare Mode (478)31.5.6Edge-Aligned PWM (EPWM) Mode (480)31.5.7Center-Aligned PWM (CPWM) Mode (481)31.5.8Registers Updated from Write Buffers (483)31.5.9Output triggers (484)31.5.10Reset Overview (484)31.5.11TPM Interrupts (484)Chapter 32Low-Power Timer (LPTMR)32.1Chip-specific LPTMR information (487)32.1.1LPTMR pulse counter input options (487)32.1.2LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clocking options (487)32.2Introduction (488)32.2.1Features (488)32.2.2Modes of operation (488)32.3LPTMR signal descriptions (489)32.3.1Detailed signal descriptions (489)32.4Memory map and register definition (489)32.4.1Low Power Timer Control Status Register (LPTMR x_CSR) (490)32.4.2Low Power Timer Prescale Register (LPTMR x_PSR) (491)32.4.3Low Power Timer Compare Register (LPTMR x_CMR) (493)32.4.4Low Power Timer Counter Register (LPTMR x_CNR) (493)32.5Functional description (494)32.5.1LPTMR power and reset (494)32.5.2LPTMR clocking (494)32.5.3LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter (494)32.5.4LPTMR compare (496)32.5.5LPTMR counter (496)32.5.6LPTMR hardware trigger (497)32.5.7LPTMR interrupt (497)Chapter 33Real Time Clock (RTC)33.1Chip-specific RTC information (499)33.1.1RTC_CLKOUT options (499)33.2Introduction (499)33.2.1Features (499)33.2.2Modes of operation (500)33.2.3RTC signal descriptions (500)33.3Register definition (500)33.3.1RTC Time Seconds Register (RTC_TSR) (501)33.3.2RTC Time Prescaler Register (RTC_TPR) (501)33.3.3RTC Time Alarm Register (RTC_TAR) (502)33.3.4RTC Time Compensation Register (RTC_TCR) (502)33.3.5RTC Control Register (RTC_CR) (504)33.3.6RTC Status Register (RTC_SR) (506)33.3.7RTC Lock Register (RTC_LR) (507)33.3.8RTC Interrupt Enable Register (RTC_IER) (508)33.4Functional description (509)33.4.1Power, clocking, and reset (509)33.4.2Time counter (510)33.4.3Compensation (510)33.4.4Time alarm (511)33.4.5Update mode (511)33.4.6Register lock (512)33.4.7Interrupt (512)Chapter 34Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)34.1Chip-specific SPI information (513)34.2Introduction (513)34.2.1Features (513)34.2.2Modes of operation (514)34.2.3Block diagrams (515)34.3External signal description (517)34.3.1SPSCK — SPI Serial Clock (517)34.3.2MOSI — Master Data Out, Slave Data In (518)34.3.3MISO — Master Data In, Slave Data Out (518)34.3.4SS — Slave Select (518)34.4Memory map/register definition (519)34.4.1SPI Status Register (SPI x_S) (519)34.4.2SPI Baud Rate Register (SPI x_BR) (520)34.4.3SPI Control Register 2 (SPI x_C2) (521)34.4.4SPI Control Register 1 (SPI x_C1) (523)34.4.5SPI Match Register (SPI x_M) (524)34.4.6SPI Data Register (SPI x_D) (525)34.5Functional description (525)34.5.1General (525)34.5.2Master mode (526)34.5.3Slave mode (527)34.5.4SPI clock formats (529)34.5.5SPI baud rate generation (532)34.5.6Special features (532)34.5.7Error conditions (534)34.5.8Low-power mode options (535)34.5.9Reset (536)34.5.10Interrupts (537)34.6Initialization/application information (538)34.6.1Initialization sequence (538)34.6.2Pseudo-Code Example (539)Chapter 35Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)35.1Chip-specific I2C information (543)35.2Introduction (543)35.2.1Features (543)35.2.2Modes of operation (544)35.2.3Block diagram (544)35.3I2C signal descriptions (545)35.4Memory map/register definition (546)35.4.1I2C Address Register 1 (I2C x_A1) (546)35.4.2I2C Frequency Divider register (I2C x_F) (547)35.4.3I2C Control Register 1 (I2C x_C1) (548)35.4.4I2C Status register (I2C x_S) (549)35.4.5I2C Data I/O register (I2C x_D) (551)35.4.6I2C Control Register 2 (I2C x_C2) (552)35.4.7I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register (I2C x_FLT) (553)35.4.8I2C Range Address register (I2C x_RA) (554)35.4.9I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C x_SMB) (555)35.4.10I2C Address Register 2 (I2C x_A2) (556)35.4.11I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C x_SLTH) (557)35.4.12I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2C x_SLTL) (557)35.4.13I2C Status register 2 (I2C x_S2) (558)35.5Functional description (558)35.5.1I2C protocol (558)35.5.210-bit address (564)35.5.3Address matching (565)35.5.4System management bus specification (566)35.5.5Resets (569)35.5.6Interrupts (569)35.5.7Programmable input glitch filter (571)35.5.8Address matching wake-up (572)35.5.9Double buffering mode (573)35.6Initialization/application information (574)Chapter 36Low Power Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (LPUART)36.1Chip-specific LPUART information (579)36.2Introduction (579)36.2.1Features (579)36.2.2Modes of operation (580)36.2.3Signal Descriptions (581)36.2.4Block diagram (581)36.3Register definition (583)36.3.1LPUART Baud Rate Register (LPUART x_BAUD) (584)36.3.2LPUART Status Register (LPUART x_STAT) (586)36.3.3LPUART Control Register (LPUART x_CTRL) (590)36.3.4LPUART Data Register (LPUART x_DATA) (595)36.3.5LPUART Match Address Register (LPUART x_MATCH) (597)36.4Functional description (597)36.4.1Baud rate generation (597)36.4.2Transmitter functional description (598)36.4.3Receiver functional description (600)36.4.4Additional LPUART functions (605)36.4.5Interrupts and status flags (607)Chapter 1About This Document1.1Overview1.1.1PurposeThis document describes the features, architecture, and programming model of the Freescale microcontroller.1.1.2AudienceA reference manual is primarily for system architects and software application developers who are using or considering using a Freescale product in a system.1.2Conventions1.2.1Numbering systemsThe following suffixes identify different numbering systems:1.2.2Typographic notationThe following typographic notation is used throughout this document:1.2.3Special termsThe following terms have special meanings:Chapter 2Introduction2.1KL03 sub-family introductionThe device is highly-integrated, market leading ultra low-power 32-bit microcontroller based on the enhanced Cortex-M0+ (CM0+) core platform. The features of the KL03 family derivatives are as follows.•Core platform clock up to 48 MHz, bus clock up to 24 MHz•Memory option is up to 32 KB flash, 2 KB RAM and 8 KB ROM with build-in boot loader•Wide operating voltage ranges from 1.71–3.6 V with fully functional flash program/ erase/read operations•Multiple package options from 16-pin to 24-pin•Ambient operating temperature ranges from –40 °C to 85 °C for WLCSP package and –40 °C to 105 °C for all the other packages.The family acts as an ultra low-power, cost-effective microcontroller to provide developers an appropriate entry-level 32-bit solution. The family is the next-generation MCU solution for low-cost, low-power, high-performance devices applications. It’s valuable for cost-sensitive, portable applications requiring long battery life-time.2.2Module functional categoriesThe modules on this device are grouped into functional categories. Information found here describes the modules assigned to each category in more detail.2.2.1ARM Cortex-M0+ core modules The following core modules are available on this device.2.2.2System modulesThe following system modules are available on this device.2.2.3Memories and memory interfacesThe following memories and memory interfaces are available on this device.2.2.4ClocksThe following clock modules are available on this device.2.2.5Analog modulesThe following analog modules are available on this device:。

Aerofab NDT产品目录说明书

Aerofab NDT产品目录说明书

This catalog is a sample of what Aerofab NDT Offers, please contact our sales department at ********************or toll free at 844 495-9219 for any parts you do not see represented in these pages. Table of ContentsRotary and Countersink Probes (2)Pencil/Surface Probes (3)Blade Probes (4)Ring, Spot, Sliding Probes (5)Transducers.......................................................................................... 6-8 Reference Standards (9)Cables and Adaptors (10)Custom Kits (11)Aerofab NDT Offers a One Year Warranty On All PartsRotary Hole ProbesFull range rotary designs with an assortment of sizes and frequency’s.Standard working length 1.5 to 2.0, custom sizes and lengths upon request.OptionsFrequency, Connectors, Working Length, Flexible, Shielded/Unshielded, Split End, Stainless Steel Rotary Probes Adjustable Y Probes Adjustable X ProbesHocking, MiniMite & Rohman (Universal)Rechii & RA-2000 (Nortec)Hocking,MiniMite &Rohman(Universal)Rechii & RA-2000(Nortec)Hocking,MiniMite &Rohman(Universal)Rechii & RA-2000 (Nortec)AUR-.125 ARR-.125 AURY-.125-.156 ARRY-.125-.156 AURX-.187-.250 ARRX-.187-.250 AUR-.156 ARR-.156 AURY-.156-.187 ARRY-.156-.187 AURX-.250-.312 ARRX-.250-.312 AUR-.187 ARR-.187 AURY-.187-.218 ARRY-.187-.218 AURX-.312-.375 ARRX-.312-.375 AUR-.250 ARR-.250 AURY-.218-.250 ARRY-.218-.250 AURX-.375-.437 ARRX-.375-.437 AUR-.312 ARR-.312 AURY-.250-.312 ARRY-.250-.312 AURX-.437-.500 ARRX-.437-.500 AUR-.375 ARR-.375 AURY-.312-.375 ARRY-.312-.375 AURX-.500-.625 ARRX-.500-.625 AUR-.437 ARR-.437 AURY-.375-.437 ARRY-.375-.437 AURX-.625-.687 ARRX-.625-.687 AUR-.500 ARR-.500 AURY-.437-.500 ARRY-.437-.500 AURX-.687-.750 ARRX-.687-.750 AUR-.625 ARR-.625 AURY-.500-.625 ARRY-.500-.625 AURX-.750-.875 ARRX-.750-.875 AUR-.687 ARR-.687 AURY-.625-.687 ARRY-.625-.687 AURX-.875-1.0 ARRX-.875-1.0 AUR-.750 ARR-.750 AURY-.687-.750 ARRY-.687-.750AUR-.875 ARR-.875 AURY-.750-.875 ARRY-.750-.875AUR-1.0 ARR-1.0 AURY-.875-1.0 ARRY-.875-1.0Counter Sink Probes Manual Counter Sink ProbesHocking, MiniMite & Rohman (Universal)Rechii & RA-2000 (Nortec)Triax MicrodotAURCS100-.156 ARRCS100-.156 ATCS100-.156 ACSM100-.156/2M AURCS100-.187 ARRCS100-.187 ATCS100-.187 ACSM100-.187/2M AURCS100-.250 ARRCS100-.250 ATCS100-.250 ACSM100-.250/2MPencil/Surface ProbesFull range rotary designs with an assortment of sizes and frequency’s.Sta ndard working length is 5.0”, custom sizes and lengths upon request.Surface/Pencil ProbesShaft Ø Straight/Drop Connector Frequency Shielded/UN X= Extra Small 0.072 Straight Microdot 50-500KHZ S= Small 0.093 45° 45 Triax T 1-3MHZRegular 0.125 90° 95AXTPN-5 Extra Small .072, Straight, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAXPN-5 Extra Small .072, Straight, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZASTPN-5 Small .093, Straight, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZASPN-5 Small .093, Straight, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZATPN-5 Regular .125, Straight, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAPN-5 Regular .125, Straight, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAPNU-5 Regular .125, Straight, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZ, Unshielded APNU-5/2M Regular .125, Straight, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 1-3MHZ, UnshieldedAXTPN45-5 Extra Small .072, 45°,.500 Drop, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAXPN45-5 Extra Small .072, 45°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZASTPN45-5 Small .093, 45°, .500 Drop, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZASPN45-5 Small .093, 45°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZATPN45-5 Regular .125, 45°, .500 Drop, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAPN45-5 Regular .125, 45°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAPNU45-5 Regular .125, 45°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZ, Unshielded APNU45-5/2M Regular .125, 45°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 1-3MHZ, Unshielded AXTPN95-5 Extra Small .072, 90°, .500 Drop, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAXPN95-5 Extra Small .072, 90°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZASTPN95-5 Small .093, 90°, .500 Drop, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZASPN95-5 Small .093, 90°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZATPN95-5 Regular .125, 90°, .500 Drop, Triax Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAPN95-5 Regular .125, 90°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZAPNU95-5 Regular .125, 90°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 50-500KHZ, Unshielded APNU95-5/2M Regular .125, 90°, .500 Drop, Microdot Connector, 5" length, 1-3MHZ, UnshieldedBlade ProbesFull range blade designs with an assortment of sizes and frequency’s.Sta ndard working length is 5.0”, custom sizes and lengths upon request.Blade ProbesShaftThickness Straight/Drop Connector FrequencyStraight Microdot 50-500KHZ0.045 45° 45 Triax T0.060 60° 600.090 90° 90ATBL045-6 Shaft Ø .045, Straight, Triax Connector, 6" LengthABL045-6 Shaft Ø .045, Straight, Microdot Connector, 6" Length ATBL060-6 Shaft Ø .060, Straight, Triax Connector, 6" LengthABL060-6 Shaft Ø .060, Straight, Microdot Connector, 6" Length ATBL090-6 Shaft Ø .090, Straight, Triax Connector, 6" LengthABL090-6 Shaft Ø .090, Straight, Microdot Connector, 6" Length ATBL445-6 Shaft Ø .045, 45° Drop, Triax Connector, 6" LengthABL445-6 Shaft Ø .045, 45° Drop, Microdot Connector, 6" Length ATBL660-6 Shaft Ø .060, 60° Drop, Triax Connector, 6" LengthABL660-6 Shaft Ø .060, 60° Drop, Microdot Connector, 6" Length ATBL990-6 Shaft Ø .090, 90° drop, Triax Connector, 6" LengthABL990-6 Shaft Ø .090, 90° Drop, Microdot Connector, 6" LengthRing, Spot, Sliding Probes Full range of designs with an assortment of sizes and frequency’s. Custom sizes and lengths upon request. Specify OD, ID, and Height when orderingRing – Low Frequency Probe – Triax Ring – Low Frequency Probe - MicrodotSpot – Low Frequency Probe – Triax Spot – Low Frequency – MicrodotSliding Surface Probe – Triax Sliding Surface Probe – MicrodotTransducersFull range of Shear Wave Transducers with an assortment of frequencies, connectors, mounts and materials. Custom designs upon requestShear Wave / Angle Beam TransducerCase Size/Dims Frequency Angle Material MicrodotConnectorOrientationExtra Small X 0.187 .375x.375x.260 2.25MHZ 35° Aluminum A Side Mount SSmall S 0.187 .550x.450x.260 5MHZ 45° Stainless Steel S Top Mount T Medium M 0.250 .750x.500x.370 10MHZ 60°Large L 0.375 1.00x.600x.500 70°Shear Wave5MHZ - Extra Small .187X.187 5MHZ - Small .187X.187AFX-545AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-545AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-545AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-545AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-545ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-545ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFX-545SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-545SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFX-560AT 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-560AT 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-560AS 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-560AS 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-560ST 60° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-560ST 60° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFX-560SS 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-560SS 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFX-570AT 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-570AT 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-570AS 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-570AS 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-570ST 70° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-570ST 70° IN SS TOP MOUNTAFX-570SS 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-570SS 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT 5MHZ - Medium .250x.250 5MHZ - Large .375x.375AFM-545AS 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFL-545AS 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFM-545AT 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFL-545AT 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFM-545SS 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFL-545SS 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFM-545ST 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFL-545ST 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFM-560AS 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFL-560AS 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFM-560AT 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFL-560AT 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFM-560SS 60° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFL-560SS 60° IN SS TOP MOUNTAFM-560ST 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFL-560ST 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNTAFM-570AS 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFL-570AS 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFM-570AT 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFL-570AT 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFM-570SS 70° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFL-570SS 70° IN SS TOP MOUNTAFM-570ST 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFL-570ST 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT 10MHZ - Extra Small .187X.187 10MHZ - Small .187X.187AFX-1045AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-1045AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-1045AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-1045AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-1045ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-1045ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNTAFX-1045SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-1045SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT 10MHZ - Medium .250x.250 10MHZ - Large .375x.375AFM-1045AS 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFL-1045AS 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFM-1045AT 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFL-1045AT 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFM-1045SS 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFL-1045SS 45° IN SS TOP MOUNTAFM-1045ST 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFL-1045ST 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT Angle Beam5MHZ - XX Small .187X.187 5MHZ - Extra Small .187X.187AFS-545AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-545AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-545AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-545AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-545ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-545ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-545SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-545SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-560AT 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-560AT 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-560AS 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-560AS 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-560ST 60° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-560ST 60° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-560SS 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-560SS 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-570AT 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-570AT 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-570AS 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-570AS 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFS-570ST 70° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-570ST 70° IN SS TOP MOUNTAFS-570SS 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-570SS 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT 5MHZ - Small .187X.187 5MHZ - Medium .250x.250AFX-545AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFL-545AS 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-545AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFL-545AT 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-545ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFL-545SS 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFX-545SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFL-545ST 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFX-560AT 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFL-560AS 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-560AS 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFL-560AT 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-560ST 60° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFL-560SS 60° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFX-560SS 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFL-560ST 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFX-570AT 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFL-570AS 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-570AS 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFL-570AT 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-570ST 70° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFL-570SS 70° IN SS TOP MOUNTAFX-570SS 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFL-570ST 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT 5MHZ - Large .375x.375 10MHZ - XX Small .187X.187AFM-545AS 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-1045AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFM-545AT 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-1045AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFM-545SS 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFX-1045ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFM-545ST 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFX-1045SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNTAFM-560AS 60° IN AL TOP MOUNT 10MHZ - Extra Small .187X.187AFM-560AT 60° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFX-1045AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNTAFM-560SS 60° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFX-1045AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT AFM-560ST 60° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFX-1045ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFM-570AS 70° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFX-1045SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFM-570AT 70° IN AL SIDE MOUNT 10MHZ - Small .187X.187AFM-570SS 70° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFS-1045AT 45° IN AL TOP MOUNTAFM-570ST 70° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFS-1045AS 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT 10MHZ - Medium .250x.250 AFS-1045ST 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFM-1045AS 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFS-1045SS 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFM-1045AT 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNT 10MHZ - Large .375x.375AFM-1045SS 45° IN SS TOP MOUNT AFL-1045AS 45° IN AL TOP MOUNT AFM-1045ST 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNT AFL-1045AT 45° IN AL SIDE MOUNTAFL-1045SS 45° IN SS TOP MOUNTAFL-1045ST 45° IN SS SIDE MOUNTReplaceable Delay TransducerFrequency Element OD0.250 0.5005MHZ ARD-525 ARD-55010MHZ ARD-1025 ARD-105015MHZ ARD-1525 ARD15501.0MHZ ARD-1502.25MHZ ARD-225 ARD-2503.50MHZ ARD-325 ARD-350Fixed Delay TransducerFrequency Element OD0.2505MHZ APD-52510MHZ APD-102515MHZ APD-15252.25MHZ APD-225Dual Element Transducer -2 Pin MicrodotFrequency Element OD0.250 0.5005MHZ ADL-525 ADL-55010MHZ ADL-1025 ADL-105015MHZ ADL-1525 ADL-1550Reference Standards Full range of configurations and materials with an assortment of surface, corner and mid-wall EDM notches. Custom designs upon request.Bolt Reference Standards Hole Reference StandardsSurface Reference Standards Ultrasonic Reference StandardsCables & AdaptorsFull range of Cable and Adaptor designs and connector configurations. Standard length is 6’ custom lengths and connector configurations upon request.CablesAdaptorsRotary Scanner Adaptors11* 8629 S 212th St Kent, WA 98031 * 844-495-9219 * *Probe KitsFull range of designs with an assortment of sizes and frequency’s. Custom sizes and lengths upon request.Surface Probe Kits UT Probe Kits Low Frqeuncy Probe Kit。

无损检测NDT 知识

无损检测NDT 知识

NDT 无损检测技术标准ASME BPVC V卷
附录D 为EN45013人员认证总则
EN12062 金属材料NDT通则
RT 444,1435
UT 12223 27063校准试块 12668 探头校验
PT ISO3452
MT ISO9934
TSG Z8001—2019
NBT 47013.3-2015 承压设备无损检测
NB/T47013-2015 承压设备无损检测
Map2 (2).mmap - 2020/3/13 - Unregistered。



∙输出型号类别: 模拟传感器
∙原理类别: 真空度传感器
∙用途类别: 速度传感器
∙材质: 金属
超小尺寸:10mm* 17.5mm 提供原理图

中英文-PDA TR03 干热灭菌验证

中英文-PDA TR03 干热灭菌验证
some may be subject to change in the future. However, the terms used in a validation program must be clearly defined and well understood within the company and clearly defined in internal Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), standards, and in regulatory filings. For the purposes of this technical report, the following definitions are used. 使用的是当前FDA、 ICH以及其他管理当局的名词定义, 但技术报告团队添加上更清晰的内容这 种情况除外。可以考虑法规指南提供的其他定义。一些术语在各公司之间的使用可能是不同的, 而一些术语在未来可能会有变化。但是,验证程序中使用的术语必须清晰定义并且能够在公司 内被清楚理解,在内部标准操作规程(SOP)、标准及管理文件中也应清楚定义。本技术报告 出于这样的目的,使用如下定义。
术方法也可能存在并被应用,如果这些其他方法有合理的科学方法做支持。 This technical report is intended to give information about current industry practices and approaches to validating dry-heat depyrogenation and sterilization processes. In addition, sections will cover various aspects of dry-heat sterilization using biological indicators. 这份技术报告的目的是为目前工业实践以及干热除热原和灭菌工艺验证方法提供信息支持。此 外,报告的一些章节覆盖了干热灭菌使用的生物指示剂的各方面。 This technical report is organized in a chronological fashion, starting with a discussion of the general concepts of depyrogenation and sterilization science which are the foundation upon which to build a robust process. This includes use of biological indicators and endotoxin indicators. Also included are points to consider in equipment design, equipment verification, process development and performance qualification for new systems and the development and validation of processes for existing systems. 该技术报告是以时间顺序排列,以除热原和灭菌科学的通用概念开始,而这是建立稳固工艺的 基础。其中包括了生物指示剂和内毒素指示剂的使用。也包括了新系统的设备设计、设备确证、 工艺开发以及性能确认,还包括现有系统中工艺设计和验证中所需考虑的问题。 In the discussion of process development, particular attention has been given to the load type, loading patterns, and temperature profiles for depyrogenation and sterilization in both ovens and tunnels. The sections are followed by a brief discussion of items for consideration during routine processing and ongoing maintenance of the validated process. 工艺开发的讨论中,对于在烘箱和隧道中进行除热原和灭菌的负载种类、负载模式以及温度曲 线都给予特殊的关注。在已验证工艺的日常操作和持续维护中所需考虑的内容在这一部分也做 了简要讨论。 The background sections on depyrogenation/sterilization science and endotoxin/biological indicators are not comprehensive—but provide information specific to dry-heat processes. Information within the technical report is applicable to both forced hot air dry-heat batch processes (chambers) and to continuous processes (tunnels). Information within this technical report does not apply to dry-heat processes used for the sterilization of oil bases and oil based products, fixed processing streams or to those processes using infrared and microwave heating media. 关于除热原/灭菌科学和内毒素/生物指示剂的背景部分并不全面——但是所提供的信息是针对 干热工艺的。技术报告中的信息既适用于强制热空气干热批生产工艺(腔体),也适用于连续 性工艺(隧道)。本技术报告中的信息不适用于油性基质及油性基质产品,固定工艺流程或者 那些使用红外及微波加热介质的工艺中灭菌所用的干热工艺。 Current FDA, ICH, and other regulatory definitions are used except when more clarity is added by the Technical Report Team. Regulatory guidelines offer other definitions that maybe considered. Variations in the use of some terms may differ from company to company and













例子:(线路水准测量数据)410003+? (2)110004+00999906 83..16+00000000110005+00999906 32..00+00012610 331128+00124086 52..08+0002+002110006+00000001 32..00+00012620 332128+00126510 52..08+0002+000110007+00000001 32..00+00012620 336128+00126508 52..08+0002+000110008+00999906 32..00+00012600 335128+00124084 52..08+0002+001110009+00000001 571..8-00000001 572..8-00000001 573..0-00000020 574..0+00025230 83..06-00000242 110010+00000001 32..00+00009880 331128+00129195 52..08+0002+002110011+00999952 32..00+00009930 332128+00136182 52..08+0002+003110012+00999952 32..00+00009930 336128+00136177 52..08+0002+006110013+00000001 32..00+00009880 335128+00129196 52..08+0002+003110014+00999952 571..8-00000007 572..8-00000008 573..0-00000070 574..0+00045040 83..06-00000941 以上数据中,410003+?…..2表示一个测段开始,其中41是字索引,用于标识该数据块,如果是410013+!....332,则表示重测332(前视读数)。



NBT47013无损检测专业词汇中英对照承压设备无损检测nondestructive testing of pressure equipments涡流检测ET eddy current testing衍射时差法超声检测TOFD ultrasonic time of flight diffraction techniqueX射线数字成像检测standard practice for X-ray digital radiography漏磁检测magnetic flux leakage testing脉冲涡流检测pulsed eddy current testing无损检测NDT nondestructive testing在不损坏检测对象的前提下,以物理或化学方法为手段,借助相应的设备器材,按照规定的技术要求,对检测对象的内部及表面的结构、性质或状态进行检查和测试,并对结果进行分析和评价。

未焊透incomplete penetration焊接时接头根部未完全熔透的现象。


未熔合lack of fusion焊缝金属和母材或焊缝金属各焊层之间未结合的部分,可能是如下某种形式:A)侧壁未熔合;B)层间未熔合;C)根部未熔合。









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