



大学物理与电子学院课程设计报告基于TEA5767的数字调频收音机报告人:王世威专业:通信工程设计小组成员:王世威、何康目录前言 (3)一、主要器材介绍 (4)1.1 STC89C52单片机 (4)1.2 TEA5767收音模块儿 (4)1.3 1602LCD显示屏 (5)1.4 LM386音频功率放大器 (6)二、系统原理及功能介绍 (7)2.1数字FM收音机基本原理 (7)2.2系统功能介绍 (7)三、元件清单 (9)四、制作过程 (10)4.1 前期准备 (10)4.2 实物图 (10)4.3焊接过程中遇到的问题和注意事项 (12)五、程序 (13)六、结论 (23)前言十九世纪无线电通讯技术的发明,使通信摆脱了依赖导线的传统方式,是通信技术上的一次飞跃,也是人类科技史上的一个重要成就。













[分享]单片机控制的TEA5767高性能FM收音机DIY(含原理图,源代码)Post By:2007-10-10 11:41:57本帖向大家介绍新型FM收音机的设计及制作。







TEA5767 ,零调整。



通过I2C 接口送几个字节的数据进去就ok。


本文用到的收音模块可到:/参考// WINAVR GCC// ATmega8// clock: internal 1Mhz#include <avr/io.h>#include <avr/interrupt.h>#include <avr/signal.h>#include <avr/delay.h>#include <avr/eeprom.h>#include '3310LCD_function.c'#define uchar uint8_t#define uint uint16_t#define SLA_W 0b11000000 #define SLA_R 0b11000001uchar senddata[5] ;uchar readdata[5] ;uchar search = 0;uchar search_up = 0;uchar mode = 1;uchar station = 0;uint pll = 0x29da; // 88Mhz uint fre = 8750;//-------------------------------// 延时void delay_ms(uint ms){uint i;for(i=0;i<ms;i++)_delay_loop_2(250);}//I2C主机模式输出void set5767(void){uchar i = 0;TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN); // SEND START SIGNAL while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT))); // WAIT FOR START SIG//if ((TWSR & 0xF8) != START) ERROR();TWDR = SLA_W; // send addressTWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN);while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));//if ((TWSR & 0xF8) !=MT_SLA_ACK) ERROR();for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){TWDR = senddata;TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN); // send datawhile (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));// if ((TWSR & 0xF8) != MT_DATA_ACK) ERROR();}TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWSTO); //SEND STOP SIGNAL//LCD_write_english_string(60,3,'sOK');}//I2C主机模式输入void read5767(void){uchar i = 0;TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWSTA)|(1<<TWEN); // SEND START SIGNAL while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT))); // WAIT FOR START SIG//if ((TWSR & 0xF8) != START) ERROR();TWDR = SLA_R; // send addressTWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN);while (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ){TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN); // read datawhile (!(TWCR & (1<<TWINT)));readdata = TWDR ;// if ((TWSR & 0xF8) != MT_DATA_ACK) ERROR();}TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWSTO); //SEND STOP SIGNAL//LCD_write_english_string(10,3,'rOK');}void show_frequency(void){uint32_t nPLL =0; //Decuint32_t frequency = 0; //Khzuchar display_bit[5];uchar tbTmp1=readdata[1];uchar tbTmp2=readdata[0];tbTmp2&=0x3f;nPLL=pll ;//tbTmp2*256+tbTmp1;// calculate searched station frequencyif(senddata[2]&0x10)frequency =(unsigned long)(nPLL*82/10-225);elsefrequency =(unsigned long)(nPLL*82/10+225);display_bit[0] = frequency / 100000 ;if ( display_bit[0] == 0 ) display_bit[0] = 0x20;else display_bit[0] += 0x30;display_bit[1] = (frequency / 10000)%10 +0x30;display_bit[2] = (frequency / 1000)%10 +0x30;display_bit[3] = (frequency / 100)%10 +0x30; display_bit[4] = (frequency / 10)%10 +0x30; LCD_write_english_string(0,2,' ' );LCD_write_char(display_bit[0]);LCD_write_char(display_bit[1]);LCD_write_char(display_bit[2]);LCD_write_english_string(30,2,'.' );LCD_write_char(display_bit[3]);LCD_write_char(display_bit[4]);LCD_write_english_string(48,2,' MHz' );}void show_frequency2(void){uchar display_bit[5];display_bit[0] = fre / 10000 ;if ( display_bit[0] == 0 ) display_bit[0] = 0x20; else display_bit[0] += 0x30;display_bit[1] = (fre / 1000)%10 +0x30; display_bit[2] = (fre / 100)%10 +0x30;display_bit[3] = (fre/10) %10 +0x30;display_bit[4] = fre%10+0x30;LCD_write_english_string(0,2,' ' );LCD_write_char(display_bit[0]);LCD_write_char(display_bit[1]);LCD_write_char(display_bit[2]);LCD_write_english_string(30,2,'.' );LCD_write_char(display_bit[3]);LCD_write_char(display_bit[4]);LCD_write_english_string(48,2,' MHz' );}void show_rx_power(void){uchar temp;temp = (readdata[3]>>4);LCD_write_english_string(60,0,' ');LCD_write_char((temp/10)%10 + 0x30 ); LCD_write_char(temp%10 + 0x30 );}void show_rx_power_blank(void){LCD_write_english_string(60,0,' ');}void calculate_pll(void){uint32_t temp;temp = fre;pll = (uint)( ( (temp*10-225)*4000)/32768);}void init(void){DDRB = 0XFF;PORTB = 0XFF;DDRD = 0B11100000;PORTD = 0XFF;DDRC = 0B00000000;PORTC = 0Xff; // IO initdelay_nms(250);delay_nms(250);delay_nms(250);delay_nms(250);//TWITWBR = 12;TWCR = (1<<TWEN); //SEND STOP SIGNALOSCCAL=0x9d; // 8M系统内部时钟校准//设置MCU的I/O口DDRB |= LCD_RST | LCD_DC | LCD_CE | SPI_MOSI | SPI_CLK;SPSR |= (1<<SPI2X); // 设置SPI时钟倍速SPCR |= (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR); // 使能SPI接口,主机模式,4M时钟LCD_init(); //初始化液晶}//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////int main(void){init();uint x;senddata[0] = pll/256; //load 100MHz pllsenddata[1] = pll%256; // away's low side injection senddata[2] = 0b00100000;senddata[3] = 0b10010000;senddata[4] = 0b01000000;readdata[0] = senddata[0];readdata[1] = senddata[1];LCD_write_english_string(0,0,'FM STEREO' );//LCD_write_english_string(0,5,' stereo' );//LCD_write_english_string(0,2,' 99.1Mhz' );show_frequency();LCD_write_inverse_string(0,5,' UP ');LCD_write_inverse_string(48,5,' DOWN ');station = eeprom_read_byte(22);fre = eeprom_read_word( station *2);calculate_pll();show_rx_power_blank();senddata[0] = pll/256;senddata[1] = pll%256;set5767();delay_nms(200);//delay_nms(200);read5767();show_frequency2();show_rx_power();LCD_write_english_string(0,4,'CH' );LCD_write_char(station/10 +0x30);LCD_write_char(station%10 +0x30);while(1){start:if ( (PIND&0x0c) == 0x04){delay_nms(50);if ( (PIND&0x0c) == 0x04){LCD_write_english_string(48,5,' DOWN ' );delay_nms(200);x= 0;while(bit_is_clear(PIND, 3)){x++;if ( x > 65530 ) //判断是否长按{if ( mode ){mode = 0; //改变模式LCD_write_english_string(0,4,'SET CH' );LCD_write_char(station/10 +0x30);LCD_write_char(station%10 +0x30);}else{mode = 1; //改变模式LCD_write_english_string(0,4,'CH' );LCD_write_char(station/10 +0x30);LCD_write_char(station%10 +0x30);LCD_write_english_string(24,4,' ' );eeprom_write_word(station*2,fre);}loop_until_bit_is_set(PIND, 3);LCD_write_inverse_string(48,5,' DOWN '); goto start;}}//LCD_write_english_string(0,4,'KEY1 press' ); LCD_write_inverse_string(48,5,' DOWN ');if ( mode ){station --;if ( station < 1 ) station = 10; eeprom_write_byte( 22,station);//*pst = station *2;fre = eeprom_read_word( station *2); calculate_pll();show_rx_power_blank();senddata[0] = pll/256;senddata[1] = pll%256;set5767();delay_nms(200);delay_nms(200);read5767();show_frequency2();show_rx_power();LCD_write_english_string(0,4,'CH' ); LCD_write_char(station/10 +0x30); LCD_write_char(station%10 +0x30); }else{fre -=5;if ( fre <= 8750 ) fre = 10800;calculate_pll();show_rx_power_blank();senddata[0] = pll/256;senddata[1] = pll%256;set5767();delay_nms(200);delay_nms(200);read5767();show_frequency2();show_rx_power();}}if ( (PIND&0x0c) == 0x08){delay_nms(50);if ( (PIND&0x0c) == 0x08){LCD_write_english_string(0,5,' UP ');delay_nms(200);if ( mode ){loop_until_bit_is_set(PIND, 2);LCD_write_inverse_string(0,5,' UP ');station ++;if ( station >= 11 ) station = 1;eeprom_write_byte( 22,station);//*pst = station *2;fre = eeprom_read_word( station *2); calculate_pll();show_rx_power_blank();senddata[0] = pll/256;senddata[1] = pll%256;set5767();delay_nms(200);delay_nms(200);read5767();show_frequency2();show_rx_power();LCD_write_english_string(0,4,'CH' ); LCD_write_char(station/10 +0x30); LCD_write_char(station%10 +0x30); }else{fre +=5;if ( fre >= 10800 ) fre = 8750;calculate_pll();show_rx_power_blank();senddata[0] = pll/256;senddata[1] = pll%256;set5767();delay_nms(200);delay_nms(200);read5767();show_frequency2();show_rx_power();//loop_until_bit_is_set(PIND, 2);LCD_write_inverse_string(0,5,' UP ');}}}}}。



5 设计成果展示

项目设计之初,通过查阅各种资料, 通过对原理的了解,进行了液晶屏、收音 模块儿等器材的选购,为硬件的制作奠定 了基础。软件方面,通过Keil软件用C语 言编程,利用Proteus软件对部分电路 进行仿真。程序调试无误之后,用单片机 开发板将程序烧进STC89C52单片机, 来使系统正常工作。
题目:基于单片机和TDA5767的收音机 系统设计
指导老师:李育贤 姓名:王溢 班级:自动1002班 学号:06101058


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
课题简介 系统组成 各模块电路设计 主要程序展示 设计成果展示 感言 致谢
1 引 言

汇报完毕,感谢大家静心倾听。 请老师批评指正,谢谢!
3 主要程序展示
*************按键扫描程序************************** void key_scan(void) { if(Key1==0) { delay10ms(); //按键消抖 if(Key1==0) { while(Key1==0); search_up(); //频率向上 LCDshow(); delay600ms(); } } if(Key2==0) { delay10ms(); if(Key2==0) { while(Key2==0); search_down(); //频率向下 LCDshow(); delay600ms(); } } }
3 各模块电路设计
3.4 功率放大模块LM386
3 各模块电路设计
3.4 稳压模块LM7805

大学生毕业设计 基于TEA5767和单片机的数字FM收音机设计

大学生毕业设计 基于TEA5767和单片机的数字FM收音机设计










关键词:STC89C52 Lcd1602 TEA5767模块目录摘要 (2)1.绪论 (5)1.1 课题背景 (5)1.2 课题概述 (5)2.设计要求与思路 (5)2.1 收音机的设计要求 (5)2.2 系统设计整体思路 (5)3.主要电路模块的实现方案比较及选择 (6)3.1 控制模块方案选择 (7)3.2 液晶显示模块方案选择 (7)3.3 无线芯片方案选择 (7)4.系统电路图 (8)4.1 微控制器模块 (8)4.2 FM模块 (9)4.2.1 FM模块介绍 (9)4.3 工作原理 (10)4.3.1串行总线工作模式 (10)4.3.2 串行总线基本操作 (10)4.3.3数据传送 (12)4.3.4、三线总线工作模式 (12)5.系统软件设计 (13)5.1 主程序设计 (13)5.2 流程图 (14)6.硬件电路测试与检测 (14)6.1 硬件装配 (14)6.2 系统测试 (14)7.结束语 (15)8.参考文献 (15)9.致谢 (15)10.附录 (16)10.1 电路原理图 (16)10.2 电路PCB图 (16)10.3 电路实物图 (17)10.3 元器件清单 (18)11.操作框图 (19)程序框图 (20)12.程序 (21)12.1 主程序 (21)12.2 I2C总线 (26)12.3 Lcd1602程序 (29)基于TEA5767模块的数字FM收音机设计一.绪论1.1课题背景随着科学技术的不断发展,新颖的调频收音机的不断出现,技术不断的提高,设计出来的收音机外型精致和小巧。



题目:基于单片机和TDA5767HN的收音机系统设计An overview of microcontrollerDescriptionThe AT89C52 is a low-power, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with4K bytes of Flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard MCS-51 instruction set and pinout. The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C52 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly-flexible and cost-effective solution to many embedded control applications. Function characteristicThe AT89C52 provides the following standard features: 4K bytes of Flash, 128 bytes of RAM, 32 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C52 is designed with static logic for operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The Idle Mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The Power-down Mode saves the RAM contents but freezes the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.Pin DescriptionVCC:Supply voltage.GND:Ground.Port 0:Port 0 is an 8-bit open-drain bi-directional I/O port. As an output port, each pin can sink eight TTL inputs. When 1s are written to port 0 pins, the pins can be used as highimpedance inputs.Port 0 may also be configured to be the multiplexed loworder address/data bus during accesses to external program and data memory. In this mode P0 has internal pullups.Port 0 also receives the code bytes during Flash programming,and outputs the code bytes during programverification. External pullups are required during programverification.Port 1:Port 1 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pullups.The Port 1 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs.When 1s are written to Port 1 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs,Port 1 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups.Port 1 also receives the low-order address bytes during Flash programming and verification.Port 2:Port 2 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pullups.The Port 2 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs.When 1s are written to Port 2 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs,Port 2 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current, because of the internal pullups.Port 2 emits the high-order address byte during fetches from external program memory and during accesses to external data memory that use 16-bit addresses. In this application, it uses strong internal pullupswhen emitting 1s. During accesses to external data memory that use 8-bit addresses, Port 2 emits the contents of the P2 Special Function Register.Port 2 also receives the high-order address bits and some control signals during Flash programming and verification.Port 3:Port 3 is an 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pullups.The Port 3 output buffers can sink/source four TTL inputs.When 1s are written to Port 3 pins they are pulledhigh by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs,Port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pullups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89C52 as listed below:Port 3 also receives some control signals for Flash programming and verification.RST Reset input. A high on this pin for two machine cycles while the oscillator is running resets the device.ALE/PROG Address Latch Enable output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during accesses to external memory. This pin is also the program pulse input (PROG) during Flash programming.In normal operation ALE is emitted at a constant rate of 1/6 the oscillator frequency, and may be used for external timing or clocking purposes. Note, however, that one ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external Data Memory.If desired, ALE operation can be disabled by setting bit 0 of SFR location 8EH. With the bit set, ALE is active only during a MOVX or MOVC instruction. Otherwise, the pin is weakly pulled high. Setting the ALE-disable bit has no effect if the microcontroller is in external execution mode.PSEN Program Store Enable is the read strobe to external program memory.When the AT89C52 is executing code from external program memory, PSEN is activated twice each machine cycle, except that two PSEN activations are skipped during each access to external data memory.EA/VPP External Access Enable. EA must be strapped to GND in order to enable the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting at 0000H up to FFFFH. Note, however, that if lock bit 1 is programmed, EA will be internally latched onreset.EA should be strapped to VCC for internal program executions.This pin also receives the 12-volt programming enable voltage(VPP) during Flash programming, for parts that require12-volt VPP.XTAL1Input to the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to the internal clock operating circuit.XTAL2Output from the inverting oscillator amplifier.Oscillator CharacteristicsXTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively,of an inverting amplifier which can be configured for use as an on-chip oscillator, as shown in Figure 1.Either a quartz crystal or ceramic resonator may be used. To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL2 should be left unconnected while XTAL1 is driven as shown in Figure 2.There are no requirements on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, since the input to the internal clocking circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop, but minimum and maximum voltage high and low time specifications must be observed.Figure 1. Oscillator Connections Figure 2. External Clock Drive ConfigurationIdle ModeIn idle mode, the CPU puts itself to sleep while all the onchip peripherals remain active. The mode is invoked by software. The content of the on-chip RAM and all the special functions registers remain unchanged during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated by any enabled interrupt or by a hardware reset.It should be noted that when idle is terminated by a hard ware reset, the device normally resumes programexecution,from where it left off, up to two machine cycles before the internal reset algorithm takes control. On-chip hardware inhibits access to internal RAM in this event, but access to the port pins is not inhibited. To eliminate the possibility of an unexpected write to a port pin when Idle is terminated by reset, the instruction following the one that invokes Idle should not be one that writes to a port pin or to external memory.Power-down ModeIn the power-down mode, the oscillator is stopped, and the instruction that invokes power-down is the last instruction executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain their values until the power-down mode is terminated. The only exit from power-down is a hardware reset. Reset redefines the SFRs but does not change the on-chip RAM. The reset should not be activated before VCC is restored to its normal operating level and must be held active long enough to allow the oscillator to restart and stabilize.Program Memory Lock BitsOn the chip are three lock bits which can be left unprogrammed (U) or can be programmed (P) to obtain the additional features listed in the table below.When lock bit 1 is programmed, the logic level at the EA pin is sampled and latched during reset. If the device is powered up without a reset, the latch initializes to a randomvalue, and holds that value until reset is activated. It is necessary that the latched value of EA be in agreement with the current logic level at that pin in order for the device to function properly.Structure and function of the MCS-51 seriesStructure and function of the MCS-51 series one-chip computer MCS-51 is a name of a piece of one-chip computer series which Intel Company produces. This company introduced 8 top-grade one-chip computers of MCS-51 series in 1980 after introducing 8 one-chip computers of MCS-48 series in 1976. It belong to a lot of kinds this line ofone-chip computer the chips have,such as8052, 8031, 8751, 80C51BH, 80C31BH,etc., their basic composition, basic performance and instruction system are all the same.8052 daily representatives- 51 serial one-chip computers .An one-chip computer system is made up of several following parts: ( 1) One microprocessor of 8 (CPU). ( 2) At slice data memory RAM (128B/256B),it use not depositting not can reading /data that write, such as result not middle of operation, final result and data wanted to show, etc. ( 3) Procedure memory ROM/EPROM (4KB/8KB ), is used to preserve the procedure , some initial data and form in slice. But does not take ROM/EPROM within some one-chip computers, such as 8031 , 8032, 80C ,etc.. ( 4) Four 8 run side by side I/O interface P0 four P3, each mouth can use as introduction , may use as exporting too. ( 5) Two timer / counter, each timer / counter may set up and count in the way, used to count to the external incident, can set up into a timing way too, and can according to count or result of timing realize the control of the computer. ( 6) Five cut off cutting off the control system of the source . ( 7) One all duplexing serial I/O mouth of UART (universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter (UART) ), is it realize one-chip computer or one-chip computer and serial communication of computer to use for. ( 8) Stretch oscillator and clock produce circuit, quartz crystal finely tune electric capacity need outer. Allow oscillation frequency as 12 megahertas now at most. Every theabove-mentioned part was joined through the inside data bus .Among them, CPU is a core of the one-chip computer, it is the control of the computer and command centre, made up of such parts as arithmetic unit and controller , etc.. The arithmetic unit can carry on 8persons of arithmetic operation and unit ALU of logic operation while including one, the 1 storing device temporarilies of 8, storing device 2 temporarily, 8's accumulation device ACC, register B and procedure state register PSW, etc. Person who accumulate ACC count by 2 input ends entered of checking etc. temporarily as one operation often, come from person who store 1 operation is it is it make operation to go on to count temporarily , operation result and loopback ACC with another one. In addition, ACC is often regarded as the transfer station of data transmission on8052 inside . The same as general microprocessor, it is the busiest register. Help remembering that agreeing with A expresses in the order. The controller includes the procedure counter , the order is depositted, the order decipher, the oscillator and timing circuit, etc. The procedure counter is made up of counter of 8 for two, amounts to 16. It is a byte address counter of the procedure in fact, the content is the next IA that will carried out in PC. The content which changes it can change the direction that the procedure carries out . Shake the circuit in8052 one-chip computers, only need outer quartz crystal and frequency to finely tune the electric capacity, its frequency range is its 12MHZ of 1.2MHZ. This pulse signal, as8052 basic beats of working, namely the minimum unit of time.8052 is the same as other computers, the work in harmony under the control of the basic beat, just like an orchestra according to the beat play that is commanded.There are ROM (procedure memory , can only read ) and RAM in8052 slices (data memory, can is it can write ) two to read, they have each independent memory address space, dispose way to be the same with general memory of computer. Procedure8052 memory and 8751 slice procedure memory capacity 4KB, address begin from 0000H, used for preserving the procedure and form constant. Data8052- 8751 8031 of memory data memory 128B, address false 00FH, use for middle result to deposit operation, the data are stored temporarily and the data are buffered etc.. In RAM of this 128B, there is unit of 32 byteses that can be appointed as the job register, this and general microprocessor is different,8052 slice RAM and job register rank one formation the same to arrange the location. It is not very the same that the memory of MCS-51 series one-chip computer and general computer disposes the way in addition. General computer for first address space, ROM and RAM can arrange in different space within the range of this address at will,namely the addresses of ROM and RAM, with distributing different address space in a formation. While visiting the memory, corresponding and only an address Memory unit, can ROM, it can be RAM too, and by visiting the order similarly. This kind of memory structure is called the structure of Princeton.8052 memories are divided into procedure memory space and data memory space on the physics structure, there are four memory spaces in all: The procedure stores in one and data memory space outside data memory and one in procedure memory space and one outside one, the structure forms of this kind of procedure device and data memory separated form data memory, called Harvard structure. But use the angle from users,8052 memory address space is divided into three kinds: (1) In the slice, arrange blocks of FFFFH , 0000H of location , in unison outside the slice (use 16 addresses). (2) The data memory address space outside one of 64KB, the address is arranged from 0000H 64KB FFFFH (with 16 addresses ) too to the location. (3) Data memory address space of 256B (use 8 addresses). Three above-mentioned memory space addresses overlap, for distinguishing and designing the order symbol of different data transmission in the instruction system of8052: CPU visit slice, ROM order spend MOVC , visit block RAM order uses MOVX outside the slice, RAM order uses MOV to visit in slice.8052 one-chip computer have four 8 walk abreast I/O port, call P0, P1, P2 and P3. Each port is 8 accurate two-way mouths, accounts for 32 pins altogether. Every one I/O line can be used as introduction and exported independently. Each port includes a latch (namely special function register ), one exports the driver and a introduction buffer . Make data can latch when outputting, data can buffer when making introduction , but four function of passway these self-same. Expand among the system of memory outside having slice, four port these may serve as accurate two-way mouth of I/O in common use. Expand among the system of memory outside having slice, P2 mouth see high 8 address off; P0 mouth is a two-way bus, send the introduction of 8 low addresses and data / export in timesharing Output grade , P3 of mouth , P1 of P1 , connect with inside have load resistance of drawing , every one of they can drive 4 Model LS TTL load to output. As while inputting the mouth, any TTL or NMOS circuit can drive P1 of8052 one-chip computers as P3 mouth in a normal way . Because draw resistance on output grade of them have, can open away collector too or drain-source resistance is it urge to open a way, do not need to have the resistance of drawing outerly . Mouths are all accurate two-way mouths too. When the conduct is input, must write the corresponding port latch with 1 first . As to 80C51one-chip computer, port can only offer milliampere of output electric currents, is it output mouth go when urging one ordinary basing of transistor to regard as, should contact a resistance among the port and transistor base , in order to the electricity while restraining the high level from exporting P1~P3 Being restored to the throne is the operation of initializing of an one-chip computer. Its main function is to turn PC into 0000H initially , make the one-chip computer begin to hold the conduct procedure from unit 0000H. Except that the ones that enter the system are initialized normally,as because procedure operate it make mistakes or operate there aren't mistake, in order to extricate oneself from a predicament , need to be pressed and restored to the throne the key restarting too. It is an input end which is restored to the throne the signal in8052 China RST pin. Restore to the throne signal high level effective , should sustain 24 shake cycle (namely 2 machine cycles ) the above its effective times. If 6 of frequency of utilization brilliant to shake, restore to the throne signal duration should exceed 4 delicate to finish restoring to the throne and operating. Produce the logic picture of circuit which is restored to the throne the signal:Restore to the throne the circuit and include two parts outside in the chip entirely. Outside that circuit produce to restore to the throne signal (RST ) hand over to Schmitt's trigger, restore to the throne circuit sample to output , Schmitt of trigger constantly in each S5P2 , machine of cycle in having one more , then just got and restored to the throne and operated the necessary signal insidly. Restore to the throne resistance of circuit generally, electric capacity parameter suitable for 6 brilliant to shake, can is it restore to the throne signal high level duration greater than 2 machine cycles to guarantee. Being restored to the throne in the circuit is simple, its function is very important. Pieces of one-chip computer system could normal running,should first check it can restore to the throne not succeeding. Checking and can pop one's head and monitor the pin with the oscillograph tentatively, push and is restored to the throne the key, the wave form that observes and has enough range is exported (instantaneous), can also through is it restoreto the throne circuit group holding value carry on the experiment to change.With the costant growing consumption of fossil energy, global energy crisis and environmental problems have become more and more acute. Among various green renewable energy resources, solar energy has drawn the attention from the scientific circles of various countries due to its unique advantages such as bountless storage content, cleaness and safety, and easiness to obtain. In particular, the application of solar photovoltaic technology has become a universal focus. China has relatively scarce fossil energy resources while a huge energy consumption. Therefore, the research and application of solar photovoltaic technology has important strategic meaning for the future economic development of China. A basic solar photovoltaic system is generally composed of solar panels, storage batteries, DC (direct current) control system and inverters, among which, DC control system is the central part of the solar photovoltaic system.The major content of this subject includes the development and application of the solar photovoltaic system, the classification of the solar photovoltaic system, solar photovoltaic cells, the design of DC (direct current) control system, settings of maximum power point tracking, circuit design and determination of the capacity of the inverter, and the settings of three-phase transformer and the AC (alternating current) distribution system.solar photovoltaic power, photovoltaic cells, DC (direct current) control system, AC (alternating current) distribution system.The8052 microcontroller is an industry standard architecture that has broad acceptance, wide-ranging applications and development tools available. There are numerous commercial vendors that supply this controller or have it integrated into some type of system-on-a-chip structure. Both MRC and IAμE chose this device to demonstrate two distinctly different technologies for hardening. The MRC example of this is to use temporal latches that require specific timing to ensure that single event effects are minimized. The IAμE technology uses ultra low power, and layout and architecture HBD design rules to achieve their results. These are fundamentally different than the approachby Aeroflex-United Technologies Microelectronics Center (UTMC), the commercial vendor of a radiation– hardened8052, that built their8052 microcontroller using radiation hardened processes. This broad range of technology within one device structure makesthe8052an ideal vehicle for performing this technology evaluation.The objective of this work is the technology evaluation of the CULPRiT process [3] from IAμE. The proc ess has been baselined against two other processes, the standard8052 commercial device from Intel and a version using state-of-the-art processing from Dallas Semiconductor. By performing this side-by-side comparison, the cost benefit, performance, and reliability trade study can be done.In the performance of the technology evaluation, this task developed hardware and software for testing microcontrollers. A thorough process was done to optimize the test process to obtain as complete an evaluation as possible. This included taking advantage of the available hardware and writing software that exercised the microcontroller such that all substructures of the processor were evaluated. This process is also leading to a more complete understanding of how to test complex structures, such as microcontrollers, and how to more efficiently test these structures in the future.IV. TEST DEVICESThree devices were used in this test evaluation. The first is the NASA CULPRIT device, which is the primary device to be evaluated. The other two devices are two versions of a commercial8052, manufactured by Intel and Dallas Semiconductor, respectively.The Intel devices are the ROM less, CMOS version of the classic 8052 MCS-51 microcontroller. They are rated for operation at +5V, over a temperature range of 0 to70 °C and at a clock speeds of 3.5 MHz to 24 MHz. They are manufactured in Intel’sP629.0 CHMOS III-E process.The Dallas Semiconductor devices are similar in that they are ROMless 8052 microcontrollers, but they are enhanced in various ways. They are rated for operation from 4.25 to 5.5 V olts over 0 to 70 °C at clock speeds up to 25 MHz. They have a second full serial port built in, seven additional interrupts, a watchdog timer, a power fail reset, dual data pointers and variable speed peripheral access. In addition, the core is redesigned so that the machine cycle is shortened for most instructions, resulting in an effective processing ability that is roughly 2.5 times greater (faster) than the standard 8052 device. None of these features, other than those inherent in the device operation, were utilized inorder to maximize the similarity between the Dallas and Intel test codes.The CULPRiT technology device is a version of the MSC-51 family compatible C8052 HDL core licensed from the Ultra Low Power (ULP) process foundry. The CULPRiT technology C8052 device is designed to operate at a supply voltage of 500 mV and includes an on-chip input/output signal level-shifting interface with conventional higher voltage parts. The CULPRiT C8052 device requires two separate supply voltages; the 500 mV and the desired interface voltage. The CULPRiT C8052 is ROMless and is intended to be instruction set compatible with the MSC-51 family.V. TEST HARDWAREThe8052 Device Under Test (DUT) was tested as a component of a functional computer. Aside from DUT itself, the other componentsof the DUT computer were removed from the immediate area of the irradiation beam. A small card (one per DUT package type) with a unique hard-wired identifier byte contained the DUT, its crystal, and bypass capacitors (and voltage level shifters for the CULPRiT DUTs). This "DUT Board" was connected to the "Main Board" by a short 60-conductor ribbon cable. The Main Board had all other components required to complete the DUT Computer, including some which nominally are not necessary in some designs (such as external RAM, external ROM and address latch).The DUT Computer and the Test Control Computer were connected via a serial cable and communications were established between the two by the Controller (that runs custom designed serial interface software). This Controller software allowed for commanding of the DUT, downloading DUT Code to the DUT, and real-time error collection from the DUT during and post irradiation. A 1 Hz signal source provided an external watchdog timing signal to the DUT, whose watchdog output was monitored via an oscilloscope. The power supply was monitored to provide indication of latchup.VI. TEST SOFTWAREThe8052 test software concept is straightforward. It was designed to be a modular series of small test programs each exercising a specific part of the DUT. Since each test was stand alone, they were loaded independently of each other for execution on the DUT. This ensured that only the desired portion of the8052 DUT was exercised during the test and helped pinpoint location of errors that occur during testing. All test programs resided on the controller PC until loaded via the serial interface to the DUT computer. In this way, individual tests could have been modified at any time without the necessity of burning PROMs. Additional tests could have also been developed and added without impacting the overall test design. The only permanent code, which was resident on the DUT, was the boot code and serial code loader routines that established communications between the controller PC and the DUT.All test programs implemented:• An external Universal Asynchronous Receive and Transmit device (UART) for transmission of error information and communication to controller computer.• An external real-time clock for data error tag.• A watchdog routine designed to provide visual verification of8052 health and restart test code if necessary.• A "foul-up" routine to reset program counter if it wanders out of code space.• An external telemetry data storage memory to provide backup of data in the event of an interruption in data transmission.The brief description of each of the software tests used is given below. It should be noted that for each test, the returned telemetry (including time tag) was sent to both the test controller and the telemetry memory, giving the highest reliability that all data is captured.Interrupt – This test used 4 of 6 available interrupt vectors (Serial, External, Timer0 Overflow, and Timer1 Overflow) to trigger routines that sequentially modified a value in the accumulator which was periodically compared to a known value. Unexpected values were transmitted with register information.Logic – This test performed a series of logic and math computations and provided three types of error identifications: 1) addition/subtraction, 2) logic and 3)multiplication/division. All miscompares of computations and expected results weretransmitted with other relevant register information.Memory – This test loaded internal data memory at locations D:0x20 through D:0xff (or D:0x20 through D:0x080 for the CULPRiT DUT), indirectly, with an 0x55 pattern. Compares were performed continuously and miscompares were corrected while error information and register values were transmitted.Program Counter -The program counter was used to continuously fetch constants at various offsets in the code. Constants were compared with known values and miscompares were transmitted along with relevant register information.Registers – This test loaded each of four (0,1,2,3) banks of general-purpose registers with either 0xAA (for banks 0 and 2) or 0x55 (for banks 1 and 3). The pattern was alternated in order to test the Program Status Word (PSW) special function register, which controls general-purpose register bank selection. General-purpose register banks were then compared with their expected values. All miscompares were corrected and error information was transmitted.Special Function Registers (SFR) – This test used learned static values of 12 out 21 available SFRs and then constantly compared the learned value with the current one. Miscompares were reloaded with learned value and error information was transmitted.Stack – This test performed arithmetic by pushing and popping operands on the stack. Unexpected results were attributed to errors on the stack or to the stack pointer itself and were transmitted with relevant register information.VII. TEST METHODOLOGYThe DUT Computer booted by executing the instruction code located at address0x0000. Initially, the device at this location was an EPROM previously loaded with "Boot/Serial Loader" code. This code initialized the DUT Computer and interface through a serial connection to the controlling computer, the "Test Controller". The DUT Computer downloaded Test Code and put it into Program Code RAM (located on the Main Board of the DUT Computer). It then activated a circuit which simultaneously performed two functions: held the DUT reset line active for some time (~10 ms); and, remapped the Test Code residing in the Program Code RAM to locate it to address 0x0000 (the EPROM will。




TEA5767具有高性能的RF AGC电路,其接收灵敏度高、参考频率选择灵活、可实现自动搜台。

本课题采用STC89C52单片机和TEA5767为核心器件,用I2C通信方式联接单片机与TEA5767,实现数字FM 收音机系统。



关键词:数字调频; STC89C52; TEA5767; TDA2030ABSTRACTNowadays people usually use the radio for manual FM accept , it is much trouble, and because the rx sensitivity is not high, the frequency band received is very narrow。

TEA5767 has high-performance RF AGC circuit, high sensitivity receiving, reference frequency selection flexible and it can be the realization of automatic search platform。

So in this designing I will use the STC89C52 single-chip microcomputer and TEA5767 as the core components of digital FM radio system and Use the I2C communication to connect between STC89C52 and TEA5767 chip。







关键词:单片机技术;收音机;频率搜索;液晶显示The Design of Digital FM Radio Which Based on Single ChipMicrocomputerAbstract:This paper mainly proposes the method of using single chip computer to control digital FM radio . It gives the specific hardware and software design which based on a detailed analysis on of the technical characteristics of STC89C52 SCM and digital FM radio. The system uses STC89C52 SCM as CPU for overall control, mainly composed of STC89C52 SCM, LCD display, keypad, FM radio module TEA5767 and LM386 amplifier. When it operates, firstly you should use the TEA5767 display to show the search frequency. Then, control and process it with STC89C52 SCM. By the way magnify the audio power through LM386 chip. The LCD display frequency. Ultimatel y, it’ll reach a broadcast reception range from 87.5MHz to 108MHz FM. Some related functional verification experiments show that the system achieves the established design goals.Keywords:SCM technology; Radio; Frequency search;Liquid-crystal display目录序言 (1)第1章课题分析与方案论证 (2)1.1 课题任务分析 (2)1.2 方案论证 (2)第2章硬件电路 (5)2.1主控电路 (5)2.2音频输出电路 (9)2.3FM收音电路 (12)2.4LCD1062液晶屏模块 (15)2.5按键电路 (16)2.6I2C总线简介 (16)2.7电路装配注意事项 (18)第3章软件设计 (19)3.1主程序设计 (19)3.2液晶屏显示控制子程序 (21)3.3收音机控制子程序 (23)第4章系统测试 (25)4.1硬件测试 (25)4.2软件测试 (25)4.3整机调试 (26)4.4调试结果 (26)结束语 (27)参考文献 (28)致谢 (29)附录 (30)附录1 程序清单 (30)附录2 硬件原理图 (42)附录3 硬件实物图 (43)附录4 外文资料原文 (44)外文资料译文 (50)序言当前时代,虽然电视、手机、互联网等媒体和各种便携式娱乐设备已经普及到千家万户,但传统的收音机在丰富的娱乐媒介中任然占有重要地位。





这是因为飞利浦公司研发的TEA5768设计的数字FM收音机使这种低成本的实现可能,它可以实现手动、自动、搜台和存台、带有I2C 和3-Wire 两个总线接口, 最小供电电压为2.5V, 外围只需要少量元器件即可实现FM收音机功能, 具有体积小、功耗低、频率稳定性好、高灵敏度、高保真等特点。



EA5767HN 芯片前端具有高性能的RF AGC电路,其接收灵敏度高,并且兼容欧洲、美国和日本FM频段;参考频率选择灵活,可通过寄存器设臵选择32.768kHz和13MHz的晶体振荡器或者6.5MHz的外部时钟参考频率;可通过IIC系统总线进行各种功能控制并通过IIC总线输出7位IF计数值;立体声解调器完全免调,可用软件控制SNC、HCC、暂停和静音功能;具有两个可编程I/O口,可用于系统的其他相关功能;由于其软件设计简单,再加上小尺寸的封装,使得它非常适合应用于电路板空间相当有限的设计上;可集成到便携式数码消费产品的设计中,如移动电话、MP3播放器、便携式CD 机、玩具等众多产品,使它们具有FM收音功能。












关键词:STC89C52 Nokia5110 TEA5767AbstractThe design is a digital FM radio (FM), It is to receive the frequency modulated radio signals, electronic equipment restored to the original signal after demodulation, the use of dedicated chip MCU control FM functions, design a radio system. The system consists of the control module, FM audio module, power module and power amplifier module. The The micro-processing system microcontroller. The singlechip has come out since the 1970s, compared to is valued people's and the attention by the extremely high performance price, therefore the application is very broad, the development is very quick.STC89C52 Monolithic integrated circuit's characteristic is the volume is small, theintegration rate is high, the weight is light, antijamming ability, is not high to the environment request, the low in price, the reliability is high, the flexibility is good, the development is easier. What this design uses is the TEA5767 chip, it is promotes by PHILIPS Corporation in view of the low voltage application single chip digit harmonious FM stereophonic receiver chip. In the TEA5767 chip integrated the complete IF frequency selection and the frequency discrimination system, only need the very few low cost periphery part, be possible to realize the FM radio's complete function.The design of the LCD screen is Nokia5110, The LCD screen have high cost , simple interface, fast, and suitable for portable power supply equipment. A more vital significance was monolithic integrated circuit's application changed the control system tradition design concept and the method.Keywords:STC89C52 , Nokia5110 , TEA5767目录摘要 (2)Abstract (3)目录 (5)绪论 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。



ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING & PRODUCT WORLD2022.4电子产品世界基于单片机的FM收音机设计Design of home internet detection system based on STM32许可嘉,杨晓军 (成都大学电子信息与电气工程学院,成都610106)摘 要:该设计是单片机控制电路与TEA5767模块电路及音频功率放大电路共同组成的FM收音机电路,用来实现频道接收、保存、播放等功能。



最终测试结果表明:该设计可以实现频率在87.5 MHz~108 MHz调频广播的接收,本设计能够达到了既定的设计目标。


1 系统方案1.1 系统总体设计该系统设计采用模块化设计,主要由存储模块,主控制器,数字处理芯片和音频功率放大器组成。


2 系统硬件设计该系统的硬件设计部分分为TEA5767数字处理电路、主控制器电路和音频功放电路。












关键词:STC89C52 Lcd1602 TEA5767模块目录摘要 (2)1.绪论 (5)1.1 课题背景 (5)1.2 课题概述 (5)2.设计要求与思路 (5)2.1 收音机的设计要求 (5)2.2 系统设计整体思路 (5)3.主要电路模块的实现方案比较及选择 (6)3.1 控制模块方案选择 (7)3.2 液晶显示模块方案选择 (7)3.3 无线芯片方案选择 (7)4.系统电路图 (8)4.1 微控制器模块 (8)4.2 FM模块 (9)4.2.1 FM模块介绍 (9)4.3 工作原理 (10)4.3.1串行总线工作模式 (10)4.3.2 串行总线基本操作 (10)4.3.3数据传送 (12)4.3.4、三线总线工作模式 (12)5.系统软件设计 (13)5.1 主程序设计 (13)5.2 流程图 (14)6.硬件电路测试与检测 (14)6.1 硬件装配 (14)6.2 系统测试 (14)7.结束语 (15)8.参考文献 (15)9.致谢 (15)10.附录 (16)10.1 电路原理图 (16)10.2 电路PCB图 (16)10.3 电路实物图 (17)10.3 元器件清单 (18)11.操作框图 (19)程序框图 (20)12.程序 (21)12.1 主程序 (21)12.2 I2C总线 (26)12.3 Lcd1602程序 (29)基于TEA5767模块的数字FM收音机设计一.绪论1.1课题背景随着科学技术的不断发展,新颖的调频收音机的不断出现,技术不断的提高,设计出来的收音机外型精致和小巧。



..河南大学物理与电子学院课程设计报告基于TEA5767的数字调频收音机报告人:王世威专业:通信工程设计小组成员:王世威、何康. ... 目录前言 (3)一、主要器材介绍 (4)1.1 STC89C52单片机 (4)1.2 TEA5767收音模块儿 (4)1.3 1602LCD显示屏 (5)1.4 LM386音频功率放大器 (6)二、系统原理及功能介绍 (7)2.1数字FM收音机基本原理 (7)2.2系统功能介绍 (7)三、元件清单 (9)四、制作过程 (10)4.1 前期准备 (10)4.2 实物图 (10)4.3焊接过程中遇到的问题和注意事项 (12)五、程序 (13)六、结论 (23)..前言十九世纪无线电通讯技术的发明,使通信摆脱了依赖导线的传统方式,是通信技术上的一次飞跃,也是人类科技史上的一个重要成就。


















本设计另一核心采用的是TEA5767芯片,它是由PHILIPS 公司推出的针对低电压应用的单芯片数字调谐FM立体声收音机芯片。




关键词:STC89C52 Nokia5110 TEA5767AbstractThe design is a digital FM radio (FM), It is to receive the frequency modulated radio signals, electronic equipment restored to the original signal after demodulation,the use of dedicated chip MCU control FM functions, design a radio system. The system consists of the control module, FM audio module, power module and power amplifier module. The Themicro-processing system microcontroller.The singlechip has come out since the 1970s, compared to is valued people's and the attention by the extremely high performance price, therefore the application is very broad, the development is very quick.STC89C52 Monolithic integrated circuit's characteristic is the volume is small, the integration rate is high, the weight is light, antijamming ability, is not high to the environment request, the low in price, the reliability is high, the flexibility is good, the development is easier. What this design uses is the TEA5767 chip, it is promotes by PHILIPS Corporation in view of the low voltage application single chip digit harmonious FM stereophonic receiver chip. In the TEA5767 chip integrated the complete IF frequency selection and the frequency discrimination system, only need the very few low cost periphery part, be possible to realize the FM radio's complete function.The design of the LCD screen is Nokia5110, The LCD screen have high cost , simple interface, fast, and suitable for portable power supply equipment. A more vital significance was monolithic integrated circuit's application changed the control system tradition design concept and the method.Keywords:STC89C52 , Nokia5110 , TEA5767目录摘要 (2)Abstract (2)目录 (3)绪论 ................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。





下面的程序可以直接运行了,绝对没问题的,这个也是参考了几个网站的程序,做了些修改,可以手动自动调台了,手动调台有问题,算法好像不对,但是出来的频率问题不大,自动搜索的结果是正确的,我要提醒大家一点,自动搜台的效果和接受强度,也就是天线,有很大的关系,我的天线是一截不到15mm的软导线,good luck!1./*********************************************************** ****************************************2.TEA5767采用I2C接口控制,单片机用AT89S52.晶振11.0592Mhz。


3.TEA5767采用I2C接口控制.TEA5767读写数据都是5个字节,其中PLL参数14位. Fosc =11.0592Mhz.4.************************************************************ ****************************************/5.#include "regx52.h"6.#include "intrins.h"7./*********************************************************** ************************/8.#define max_freq 108000 //108Mhz9.#define min_freq 87500 //87.5Mhz10.#define max_pll 0x339b //108MHz时的pll.11.#define min_pll 0x299d //87.5MHz时的pll.12.#define Add_Freq 113.#define Dec_Freq 014.#define REFERENCE_FREQ 32.76815.#define ATIIcxxDriverAddressW 0xC016.#define ATIIcxxDriverAddressR 0xC117.#define _Nop()_nop_(),_nop_(),_nop_(),_nop_(),_nop_() /*定义空指令*/18.#define LED P019.void Initialization(void);20.void Get_Pll(void);21.void Get_Frequency(void);22.void Search(unsigned char mode);23.void Auto_Search(unsigned char mode);24.unsigned char GetKey();25.void Delay(unsigned char Time);26.void Led_Display(unsigned long i);27.void DelayD(unsigned char Time);28.unsigned char GetKey();29.void Delay(unsigned char Time);30.void ATIICxx_PWrite(unsigned char *McuAddress,unsigned char count);31.void ATIICxx_PRead(unsigned char *McuAddress,unsigned char count);32.void I2C_Send_Byte(unsigned char sendbyte);33.unsigned char I2C_Receive_Byte(void);34.void I2C_Start(void);35.void I2C_Stop(void);36.void I2C_Ack(void);37.void I2C_Noack(void);38.39./******************************************************** *************/40./* IIC读写程序芯片型号*/41.sbit I2C_SCK=P3^0; /*实时时钟时钟线引脚 */42.sbit I2C_SDA=P3^1; /*实时时钟数据线引脚 */43.sbit k1=P1^7;44.sbit k2=P1^6;45.sbit k3=P1^5;46.sbit k4=P1^4;47./******************************************************** *************/48./******************************************************** ****************/49.sbit ge=P2^3;50.sbit shi=P2^2;51.sbit bai=P2^1;52.sbit qan=P2^0;53.unsigned char tab[]={ 0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0xf8,0x80,0x90};//共阳54.//0, 1, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 955./******************************************************** ****************/56.unsigned char radio_write_data[5]={0x2d,0x56,0x20,0x11,0x00}; //初始化写入TEA5767的数据(FM89.8Mhz)57.unsigned char radio_read_data[5];58.unsigned int Pll_Data;59.unsigned long Frequency_Data;60./******************************************************** ***************************/61.void Initialization(void)62.{63.TMOD = 0x11;64.TH0 = 0x5d;65.TL0 = 0x3d;66.TR0 = 0; //25ms67.TH1 = 0x5d;68.TL1 = 0x3d;69.TR1 = 0; //25ms70.T2CON = 0x30;71.T2MOD = 0x00;72.RCAP2H = 0xFE;73.TH2 = RCAP2H;74.RCAP2L = 0xFB;75.TL2 = RCAP2L;76.TR2 = 0; //2400bps77.PCON = 0x00;78.SCON = 0xD0;79.IP = 0x14;80.EX0 = 1;81.IT0 = 1;82.ET0 = 1;83.EX1 = 1;84.IT1 = 1;85.ES = 0;86.EA = 0;87.}88.89./******************************************************** ***************************/90.//读TEA5767状态,并转换成频率91.void Radio_Read(void)92.{93.unsigned char temp_l,temp_h;94.Pll_Data = 0;95.96.ATIICxx_PRead(&radio_read_data[0],5);97.98.temp_l = radio_read_data[1];99.temp_h = radio_read_data[0];100.temp_h &= 0x3f;101.Pll_Data = temp_h*256+temp_l;102.Get_Frequency();103.}104.105./******************************************************** ***************************/106.//由PLL计算频率107.void Get_Frequency(void)108.{109.unsigned char hlsi;110.unsigned int npll = 0;111.112.npll = Pll_Data;113.hlsi = radio_read_data[2]&0x10;114.if (hlsi)115.Frequency_Data = (unsigned long)((float)(npll)*(float)REFERENCE_FREQ*(float)0.25-225); //频率单位:KHz116.else117.Frequency_Data = (unsigned long)((float)(npll)*(float)REFERENCE_FREQ*(float)0.25+225); //频率单位:KHz118.}119.120./******************************************************** ***************************/121.//由频率计算PLL122.void Get_Pll(void)123.{124.unsigned char hlsi;125.126.hlsi = radio_read_data[2]&0x10;127.if (hlsi)128.Pll_Data = (unsigned int)((float)((Frequency_Data+225)*4)/(float)REFERENCE_FREQ); //频率单位:k129.else130.Pll_Data = (unsigned int)((float)((Frequency_Data-225)*4)/(float)REFERENCE_FREQ); //频率单位:k131.}132.133./******************************************************** ***************************/134.//手动设置频率,mode=1,+0.1MHz; mode="0:-0".1MHz ,不用考虑TEA5767用于搜台的相关位:SM,SUD135.void Search(unsigned char mode)136.{137.Radio_Read();138.139.if(mode)140.{141.Frequency_Data += 100;142.if(Frequency_Data > max_freq)143.Frequency_Data = min_freq;144.}145.else146.{147.Frequency_Data -= 100;148.if(Frequency_Data < min_freq)149.Frequency_Data = max_freq;150.}151.152.Get_Pll();153.radio_write_data[0] = Pll_Data/256;154.radio_write_data[1] = Pll_Data%256;155.radio_write_data[2] = 0x41;156.radio_write_data[3] = 0x11;157.radio_write_data[4] = 0x40;158.ATIICxx_PWrite(&radio_write_data[0],5);159.}160.161./******************************************************** ***************************/162.//自动搜台,mode=1,频率增加搜台; mode="0:频率减小搜台".163.void Auto_Search(unsigned char mode)164.{165.Radio_Read();166.Get_Pll();167.if(mode)168.{169.radio_write_data[2] = 0xb1;170.if(Pll_Data > max_pll)171.{172.Pll_Data = min_pll;173.}174.}175.else176.{177.radio_write_data[2] = 0x41;178.if(Pll_Data < min_pll)179.{180.Pll_Data = max_pll;181.}182.}183.184.radio_write_data[0] = Pll_Data/256+0x40;185.radio_write_data[1] = Pll_Data%256;186.radio_write_data[3] = 0x11;187.radio_write_data[4] = 0x40;188.ATIICxx_PWrite(&radio_write_data[0],5);189.Radio_Read();190.while(!(radio_read_data[0]&0x80)) //RF电台就绪标志191.{192.Radio_Read();193.}194.}195.196./******************************************************** ***************************/197.void main(void)198.{199.//0x2d,0x56,0x20,0x11,0x00200.unsigned long temp;201.Initialization();202.radio_write_data[0] =0x2A;203.radio_write_data[1] =0xB6;204.radio_write_data[2] =0x41;205.radio_write_data[3] =0x11;206.radio_write_data[4] =0x40;207.ATIICxx_PWrite(&radio_write_data[0],5);//初始化TEA5767(89.8Mhz)208.Frequency_Data = 89800;209.210.while(1)211.{ temp= Frequency_Data;212.Led_Display(Frequency_Data);213.214.if( k1 == 0)215.{ DelayD(2);216.while(k1 == 0);//等待键松开217.Search(Add_Freq);218.}219.if( k2 == 0)220.{ DelayD(2);221.while(k2 == 0);//等待键松开222.Search(Dec_Freq);223.}224.if( k3 == 0)225.{ DelayD(2);226.while(k3 == 0);//等待键松开227.Auto_Search(Add_Freq);228.}229.if( k4 == 0)230.{ DelayD(2);231.while(k4 == 0);//等待键松开232.Auto_Search(Dec_Freq);233.}234.235.}236.}237.238./******************************************************** *************/239.struct bytedata_2240.{241.unsigned char ByteH;242.unsigned char ByteL;243.};244.245.union int2byte246.{247.unsigned int IntData;248.struct bytedata_2 ByteData;249.};250./******************************************************** *************/251.//启动I2C总线,退出时SCL为低252.void I2C_Start(void)253.{254.I2C_SDA=1; /*发送起始条件的数据信号*/255._Nop();256.I2C_SCK=1;257._Nop();_Nop();_Nop();_Nop();_Nop();/*起始条件建立时间大于4.7us,延时*/258.I2C_SDA=0; /*发送起始信号*/259._Nop();_Nop();_Nop();_Nop();_Nop(); /* 起始条件锁定时间大于4μs*/260.I2C_SCK=0; /*钳住I2C总线,准备发送或接收数据 */261._Nop();_Nop();_Nop();_Nop();_Nop();/*起始条件建立时间大于4.7us,延时*/262.}263.//*停止I2C总线264.void I2C_Stop(void)265.{266.I2C_SCK=0;267.I2C_SDA=0; /*发送结束条件的数据信号*/268._Nop(); /*发送结束条件的时钟信号*/269.I2C_SCK=1; /*结束条件建立时间大于4μs*/270._Nop();_Nop();_Nop();_Nop();_Nop();271.I2C_SDA=1; /*发送I2C总线结束信号*/272.}273.//MCU等待应答位(返回0表示应答)274.bit I2C_WaitAck(void)275.{276.unsigned char ucErrTime = 200; //因故障接收方无ACK,超时值。


delay_xms(20); //延时20毫秒
if (KEY != 0x0f) //有键按下处理
m = KEY; //键值放入寄存器m
SDA_5767=1; //释放SDA数据线
return (temp);
void write_radio()
void stop_5767(void)//停止
void Check_Ack(void) //检查应答信号
unsigned char tmp_data;
unsigned int pll_data;
frequencry= (pll_data*32768/4-225000)/1000; //(单位KHZ)
void delay_xms(unsigned int count) //1MS延时函数



基于单片机和TEA5767HN的FM收音机系统的设计蓝土庆;黄春贵【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2011(034)011【摘要】In order to meet the requirements of consumers for electronic products, the function of digital FM stereo radio embedded in electronic products is achieved. MCU AT89S52 and TEA5767HN are taken as the hardware core. The software design is conducted with I2C bus communication mode. The manual tuning and automatic tuning functions of digital FM radio were implemented. The audio processing is performed by PT2257 to achieve the stereo output. The system has the characteristics of light weight, easy operation, wide band, low-power and high sensitivity, and can be embedded in MP3, mobile phones, portable players and other small electronic products.%为了在电子产品中嵌入立体声FM数字收音机功能.采用单片机AT89S52和TEA5767HN为硬件核心,运用I2C总线通信方式进行软件设计,给出了实现手动搜台、自动搜台等功能的FM数字调频收音机的设计方法.该方法采用PT2257对音频进行处理,以实现立体声输出,因而具有轻巧、方便、频带范围宽、低功耗、高灵敏度等特点,并可以嵌入MP3、手机、便携式播放器等小型电子产品中.【总页数】4页(P181-184)【作者】蓝土庆;黄春贵【作者单位】重庆大学计算机学院,重庆400044;湛江师范学院实验教学管理处,广东湛江524048;茂名市第一职业技术学校,广东茂名525400【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN8-34【相关文献】1.基于单片机实验系统设计的称重系统硬件设计 [J], 邓玉良2.基于AT89S52单片机单片机压力测控系统设计 [J], 隋鹏3.基于单片机系统的人体生理参数远程监控系统模拟设计 [J], 张毅4.基于单片机系统的人体生理参数远程监控系统模拟设计 [J], 张毅5.基于单片机的微型嵌入式温度测量仪的设计与实现分析基于PIN光电二极管的毫米级物体速度测量系统设计 [J], 何滔;雷富坤因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



百度文库- 好好学习,天天向上-I河南大学物理与电子学院开放实验室单片机设计报告基于TEA5767的数字调频收音机设计人:开放实验室入室人员百度文库- 好好学习,天天向上-I 目录目录 (I)0 前言 (1)1主要器材介绍 (2)1.1STC89C52单片机 (2)TEA5767收音模块儿 (2)X9511数字电位器 (3)四位共阴数码管 (4)2系统原理及功能介绍 (5)数字FM收音机基本原理 (5)基本原理仿真图 (5)拓展仿真图(显示音量值) (6)系统功能介绍 (6)3程序 (7)程序流程图 (7)核心程序(部分) (7)89C百度文库- 好好学习,天天向上-II百度文库- 好好学习,天天向上.. 9 -III百度文库- 好好学习,天天向上-1基于TEA5767的数字调频收音机开放实验室入室人员(河南大学物理与电子学院,河南开封,475004)0 前言十九世纪无线电通讯技术的发明,使通信摆脱了依赖导线的传统方式,是上的一次飞跃,也是人类科技史上的一个重要成就。









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1 系统整体设计思路本立体声FM数字收音机的设计目标是通过单片机AT89S52来控制FM接收芯片TEA5767HN,从而实现可自动搜索并存储10多个电台节目(也可手动搜索并存储电台节目)。






本设计使用单片机P3口的两个I/O脚来模拟I2C总线的SDA和SCL时序并与TEA5767HN 通信;TEA5767HN输出的左右声道音频信号可通过音量控制模块进行前级放大及音量控制,然后输入到TDA7057进行后级功率放大,最后输出到扬声器。



稳压电源模块产生的5 V和3.3 V电压可分别为各个模块器件供电。

2 硬件系统电路设计由于本系统硬件设计的关键在于FM接收、音频处理等模拟电路部分,其余电路均为常规电路,因而其硬件系统的设计着重分析收音模块、音量控制模块这两部分电路。

2.1 收音模块电路分析FM接收电路是系统硬件电路中的核心部分之一,本硬件系统采用单芯片TEA5767HN作为FM接收电路的核心元器件。




图中,VCC接稳压电源模块中的3.3 V电源,并通过磁珠FB及电容器进行干扰抑制。



DATA和CLK为I2C通信的数据线和时钟线,系统的MCU通过I2C接口来对FM Module进行控制。





2.2 音量控制模块音量控制电路使用的单芯片PT2257是由CMOS技术制造而成的2声道音量控制IC,可采用I2C控制,具有0~79 dB的衰减范围,而且噪音低、立体声分离度高、使用外围元件少,是较为流行的AV视频产品音量控制元件。



3 系统软件设计基于AT89S52单片机控制平台的TEA5767HN数字收音机的软件设计主要包括六个部分:I2C总线通信协议、TEA5767HN收音模块控制、PT22 57音量控制、时钟闹钟模块的中断服务、AT24C02存储模块控制、键盘扫描及状态显示。



其中系统初始化包括AT89S52的初始化、TEA5767HN的初始化和LCD 的初始化;按键处理通过调用函数的方法实现按键复用功能,可实现手动搜台、自动搜台、音量控制、时间调整、闹钟调整等操作;显示模块可显示系统的各个工作状态。

3.1 TEA5767HN模块的软件设计3.1.1 TEA5767HN读写寄存器TEA5767HN有5个写寄存器和5个读寄存器,每个寄存器可存储8位数据。


读寄存器可检测接收电路状态,反馈控制信息,包括搜索到有效电台标志位、搜索到有效电台后PLL可编程计数器的状态、4 b ADC的输出、以及7 b IF中频输出等。

3.1.2 TEA5767HN的数据传输TEA5767HN的数据顺序是:地址、字节1、字节2、字节3、字节4、字节5,数据传送必须按照这个顺序。







3.1.3 TEA5767HN的读写流程根据TEA5767HN的读写协议,调用公用I2C驱动即可编写出TEA5767HN的读写函数:radio_write(),radio_read()。




3.1.4 收音模块的初始化TEA5767HN在上电复位时,静音位设置为“1”,其他所有位设置为“0”。





本系统写入数据让TEA5767HN接收的频率为88100 kHz,选择欧洲制式和32.768 MHz晶振,同时采用立体声输出。




3.1.5 手动搜台手动搜台主要由按键扫描和调用radio_write()等函数来完成。


当按下up键时,当前的频率将增加100 kHz,然后调用函数get_pll()将十进制的频率值转化为14位的PLL值,然后再将PLL值进一步转化为两个二进制分别写入TEA57 67HN的写寄存器的第一和第二个字节。


3.1.6 自动搜台与读台自动搜台主要使系统从最低频率87.5 MHz开始全频率搜索,每次步进100 kHz,如此不断地写入和读出,同时调用频率显示函数不断地刷新频率。

当搜索到最高频率108MHz 时,自动退出搜台模式。






3.2 PT2257的音量控制设计本系统使用PT2257来控制收音机输出的音量,以实现数字化音量控制。



PT2 257的写操作先由单片机发出启动信号写入PT2257的片地址0x88,然后,由PT2257送回应答信号,单片机收到应答信号后,即向PT2257发送音量衰减量数据,单片机再次收到应答信号后,即发出停止信号,如此即可完成一次控制过程。






4 电路设计说明本设计在硬件方面以经典电路为主,所以在常规电路设计方面不难。


在设计样品的调试过程中,为提高抗干扰能力,作者得出以下经验:(1)I2C总线的布线技巧在TEA5767HN收音模块设计时,由于I2C总线与32.768 kHz的布线靠得太近,信噪比和灵敏度都可能很差。




为了尽量减少电源对收音模块的干扰,本设计使用了特征频率为100 MHz的磁珠串接入3.3 V电路中。


