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顺序; ‘s
速记 口诀
基变序有规律,一,二,三个别记; -th 从四起,八加-h, 九去-e; -ve要用-f替,以y结尾变-ie; 几十几,几百几,首词不变尾变序。
Enjoy it !
c. 序数词表分数
英语分数不费力,“子基母序”四个字; 分子若是大于1, 分母还须加-s。
¼ one fourth ¾ three fourths
1 3
Nearly of Beijing is covered by trees and grass. A. one two B. one second C. one seconds (08甘肃) of the students in our school are fans of Li Yuchun. A. Two fifth B. Two fifths C. Fifths two
one two three four five eight nine twenty thirty-one one hundred and eight
first second third fourth fifth eighth ninth twentieth thirty-first one hundred and eighth
b. 序数词表日期 My birthday is on March the first. is National Day. A. October 1st B. October 1rd C. October 1nd D. October 1th 注:序数词=数字+st /nd /rd /th first → 1st second → 2nd third → 3rd fourth → 4th
序数词(Ordinal Numbers) 表示顺序,次序的数词叫做序数词。 This is the sixth class. This is my first class.
速记 口诀
基变序有规律,一,二,三个别记; -th 从四起,八加-h, 九去-e; -ve要用-f替,以y结尾变-ie; 几十几,几百几,首词不变尾变序。
a. 表顺序,次序 ①标志词:the September is the n
month of a year.
(08山西)Can you answer the (第 三)question and the fourth one in Chinese?
②. 序数词用在“名词’s” 或“形容词性物主代词”后 (10广东)This is Mr. white’s visit to Beijing. He has been here twice before. A. two B. second C. three D. third (10重庆) I got a beautiful bike on birthday. I like it very much. A. fifteenth B. fifteen C. my fifteen D. my fifteenth
• Monday is the first day of a week. • November is the eleventh month of a year. • December the thirty-first is the last day of a year. • He tried again and again, and the one hundred and eighth was successful.
d. 序数词表编号 We are in Grade Four. = We are in the fourth grade. Part One = the first part; Grade Six = the sixth grade (10安徽) Now, everybody, please turn to Page and look at the picture. A. Fifth; five B. Five; fifth C. Fifth; fifth D. Five, five