relyon plasma BA-KommCAN_ ES F03536 00 产品说明书
ÍndiceBA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600junio 20161Manual de instruccionesPaquete de comunicación CANBA-KommCAN_ES / F03536002BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600Nos alegramos de que se haya decidido por un producto de alta calidad de la empresa relyonplasma GmbH y le agradecemos la confianza depositada en nosotros.Para poder utilizar el producto de forma óptima, lea atentamente el manual de instrucciones.¡Nota importante!¡Es imprescindible que lea todo el manual antes del montaje, la instalación y la puesta enservicio!¡Tenga en cuenta a toda costa las indicaciones de seguridad! El incumplimiento de las indicaciones de seguridad puede provocar accidentes y conllevar heridas graves para las personas o daños en la máquina. ¡La puesta en servicio y el funcionamiento del producto solo puede llevarlos a cabo personal técnico cualificado y con la debida formación!¡Instruya al personal! El explotador/usuario es responsable de que el personal haya comprendidocompletamente el manejo del aparato y las disposiciones de seguridad.© Copyright relyon plasma GmbH 2016.Todos los derechos reservados. All rights reserved.Los textos, las imágenes y los gráficos así como su disposición están protegidos por los derechos de propiedadintelectual así como otras leyes sobre protección. Se prohíbe la transferencia así como la distribución de estedocumento, la utilización y la comunicación de su contenido siempre que no se indique expresamente. Las infracciones implicarán una indemnización por daños y perjuicios. Todos los derechos reservados para el caso de registro depatente, registro de modelo de utilidad industrial o registro de modelo estético.Manual de instrucciones originalÍndiceBA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600 junio 2016 31Seguridad .................................................................................................................................. 4 1.1 Peligros residuales ............................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 Indicaciones y obligaciones para el usuario ..................................................................................... 4 1.3 Servicio de acuerdo con la normativa ............................................................................................... 5 1.4 Condiciones de servicio no admisibles ............................................................................................. 5 2Descripción del sistema ........................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Función.............................................................................................................................................. 6 2.2 Vista general del sistema .................................................................................................................. 6 2.2.1 Descripción de los componentes ........................................................................................ 6 2.2.2 Volumen de suministro ....................................................................................................... 7 2.2.3 Componentes de hardware necesarios adicionales ........................................................... 7 3Transporte/Almacenaje ............................................................................................................ 7 4Desembalaje e instalación ....................................................................................................... 7 4.1 Desembalaje ..................................................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Requisitos para la instalación ........................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Instalación de componentes de sistema ........................................................................................... 8 5Funcionamiento ........................................................................................................................ 9 5.1 Puesta en servicio ............................................................................................................................. 9 6 Medio ambiente .. (10)6.1 Eliminación (10)1SeguridadEl sistema se ha construido según las correspondientes normas internacionales. Noobstante, al igual que en cualquier producto técnico, en caso de un uso incorrecto o noadecuado pueden presentarse peligros derivados del sistema.Trabajar con el sistema puede resultar peligroso y provocar heridas graves, o incluso enalgunos casos la muerte. Por este motivo, le recomendamos se proteja usted mismo y aterceros.Además de las indicaciones de este manual de instrucciones, tenga en cuenta lasdisposiciones de seguridad válidas en general.Atención: ¡Peligro!Tenga en cuenta y cumpla las indicaciones de seguridad y los requerimientos de estemanual de instrucciones, ya que en caso de incumplimiento es posible que se produzcanheridas graves al manipular el sistema.1.1Peligros residualesEste sistema se ha fabricado según el estado actual de la técnica. A pesar de ello, nopueden excluirse riesgos residuales.Tenga en cuenta a toda costa las siguientes indicaciones de seguridad:Atención: ¡Tensión eléctrica!•Peligro debido a 230 V. Si se detectan daños en la conexión eléctrica, en el cable de red o en el sistema:- no ponga en servicio el sistema- encargue a un técnico que repare las piezas dañadas o sustitúyalas.¡Peligro de tropezar!Tienda las líneas de conexión en guías de cable adecuadas. Tienda el cable de maneraque no exista peligro de tropezarse con el mismo.1.2Indicaciones y obligaciones para el usuario•En principio, debe contarse con emisiones de interferencias.- El sistema ha sido comprobado según la disposición CEM.- El usuario debe comprobar y garantizar la compatibilidad electromagnética con otros aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos situados justo al lado.•Asegúrese de que:- el personal operario haya leído y comprendido este manual de instrucciones- las personas que se hallan cerca del aparato también hayan sido informadas sobre los peligros y estén equipadas con los medios de protección necesarios- los trabajos de mantenimiento solo sean realizados por personal técnicocualificado.•Instruya al personal operario especialmente sobre las indicaciones de seguridad de este manual de instrucciones.•Mantenga siempre la instalación en estado en condiciones para funcionar.•Las modificaciones en el aparato implicarán la extinción de los permisos de utilización y de la garantía. Excepción: en caso de que el fabricante haya autorizado lasmodificaciones expresamente.4 junio 2016 BA-KommCAN_ES / F03536001.3Servicio de acuerdo con la normativaEl sistema únicamente se ha previsto para el funcionamiento con la fuente de alta tensiónPS2000 y un generador de plasma de la empresa relyon plasma GmbH.Junto con un generador de plasma adecuado, el aparato únicamente es adecuado para eltratamiento de plasma de superficies de materiales (metales, tejidos, vidrio, plásticos) parala activación, la limpieza, el revestimiento o la eliminación de residuos con presiónatmosférica.En ningún caso, el sistema podrá ser accionado por personal que no disponga de ladebida formación.1.4Condiciones de servicio no admisiblesEl servicio del sistema no está permitido en las siguientes condiciones:•uso en áreas con peligro de explosión (EX)•en caso de grandes depósitos de polvo•en caso de humedad del aire muy elevada (>80 % rel.)•con temperaturas fuera del rango 0-40 °C o 32-104 °F•en caso de fuertes vibraciones.¡Nota!Le rogamos tenga en cuenta además las indicaciones de los manuales de instruccionesde todos los componentes adicionales conectados al sistema.BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600junio 2016 52Descripción del sistema2.1FunciónLos componentes de este sistema son los elementos básicos de una comunicación conuna fuente de corriente PS2000 mediante el bus CAN con un PLC de orden superior.2.2Vista general del sistema2.2.1Descripción de los componentes23146 junio 2016 BA-KommCAN_ES / F03536002.2.2Volumen de suministroEl volumen de suministro incluye los siguientes componentes:•línea CAN (longitud 2 m)•resistencia terminal CAN (Sub-D)•paso de resistencia terminal CAN (Sub-D)•memoria USB con archivo EDS•manual de instrucciones2.2.3Componentes de hardware necesarios adicionalesSegún el PLC utilizado, se precisan componentes de hardware adicionales para unsistema completo en funcionamiento. A continuación encontrará recomendaciones paraello.Otros fabricantes de módulos PLC ofrecen para sus sistemas componentes similares.3Transporte/Almacenaje•Proteja el sistema frente a suciedad y cuerpos extraños.•Proteja el sistema frente a golpes.4Desembalaje e instalación4.1Desembalaje•Abra el embalaje con cuidado.•Extraiga los componentes del embalaje.4.2Requisitos para la instalaciónAntes de instalar el aparato, deben cumplirse los siguientes puntos:•los componentes deben estar en buen estado•en la instalación de tendido fijo y/o en la instalación del edificio, según lasespecificaciones de las respectivas disposiciones de seguridad nacionales (Alemania:VDE 0100) debe preverse un interruptor adecuado o un interruptor automático comodispositivo de aislamiento para todos los polos preconectado para poder aislar elsistema de la tensión de alimentación. Este dispositivo de aislamiento debe disponersecerca del aparato y debe ser fácilmente accesible para el usuario. Además, esteinterruptor debe identificarse como dispositivo de aislamiento para el aparato.•El cableado del sistema solo debe ejecutarlo un técnico electricista con la debida formación.•Tenga en cuenta todos los requisitos de instalación e indicaciones de seguridad de los aparatos conectados adicionalmente.BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600junio 2016 78 junio 2016 BA-KommCAN_ES / F03536004.3 Instalación de componentes de sistemaPara instalar el sistema ejecute los siguientes puntos en la secuencia indicada:1. Conecte la resistencia de terminal CAN (paso) en el módulo previsto para ello del PLC deorden superior (véase al respecto el capítulo 2.2.3 Componentes de hardware necesarios adicionales).2. Conecte el cable CAN a la resistencia de terminal CAN (paso).3. Conecte la línea CAN con la conexión de la parte trasera de la fuente de corrientePS2000.4. Conecte el bus CAN a la PS2000 con la resistencia de terminal prevista para ello;véase al respecto también en caso necesario el manual de instrucciones de la fuentede corriente PS2000.5. Ajuste el número nodal de la PS2000 según el ajuste especificado en el software delPLC de orden superior.6. Establezca el circuito de parada de emergencia de la PS2000 así como todo el restode conexiones de los aparatos adicionales como se describe en los manuales deinstrucciones correspondientes.El sistema está instalado.5345Funcionamiento5.1Puesta en servicioPara accionar el sistema deben cumplirse los siguientes puntos:- Los interruptores principales de las fuentes de corriente conectadas PS2000 deben estar conectados.- El circuito de parada de emergencia debe estar conectado correctamente.- Las líneas de bus CAN deben estar conectadas, los dos extremos deben finalizar con resistencias terminales y las dirección de bus CAN debe estar ajustadacorrectamente en la parte posterior de la fuente de corriente.- La velocidad en baudios de la fuente de corriente es de 500 kBd. Esto debetenerse en cuenta en la programación del control de orden superior y ajustarsecorrectamente.- El suministro de gas del generador de plasma debe estar presente.- Todos los aparatos/componentes conectados adicionalmente deben estar bien conectados.Si se cumplen estos puntos, podrá controlar su proceso de plasma con el PLC de ordensuperior.Tenga en cuenta que para operar el generador de plasma es imprescindible que sedisponga de un flujo de gas. Se aconseja realizar una comprobación mediante el PLC deorden superior para controlar si hay suficiente flujo de gas. Esto puede realizarse porejemplo con un caudalímetro del tipo SFAB de Festo. Esta comprobación debe preverseen el sistema global. Antes de conectar la alta tensión a la generación de plasma, debeestar disponible durante como mínimo 2 segundos un flujo de gas mediante el generadorde plasma.Cuidado: ¡Daños en el aparato!El generador de plasma puede resultar dañado en caso de accionarse sin gas o con muypoco gas.- ¡No conecte en ningún caso la alta tensión si no fluye suficiente gas por el generador de plasma!BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600junio 2016 96Medio ambiente 6.1EliminaciónTenga en cuenta la protección del medio ambiente.Los aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos no deben tirarse a la basura doméstica.- El aparato contiene materias primas valiosas que pueden reutilizarse. Por este motivo, recomendamos entregar el aparato en el puesto de recogida correspondiente.relyon plasma GmbHWeidener Straße 1693057 RegensburgAlemaniaTeléfono: +49-941-60098-0Fax: +49-941-60098-100email:**********************10 junio 2016 BA-KommCAN_ES / F0353600。
○:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 ×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。
X的技术原因:以下情况之一,电子元器件的玻璃中含铅,或者快削钢中含有 0.35wt% 以下的铅, 或者铜合金中含有 4wt% 以下的铅,或者铝中含有 0.4wt% 以下的铅。
发生故障时 就色带的更换方法及发生故障时应采取的措施加以说明。
第 7 章 定期做清洁的方法
附 录 就本打印机的规格、字符代码表、控制代码一览表和售后服务加以说明。
1 使用前须知 ................................................................................................. 12
部件名称 铅 (Pb)
1、机械结构 (电机、风扇、 ×
汞 (Hg) ○ ○
有毒有害物质或元素 镉 (Cd) 六价铬 (Cr (VI) ) 多溴联苯 (PBB) 多溴二苯醚 (PBDE)
3. Oki Data 及 Oki Data 的技术输出方对于文献资料概不负任何责任(含以下事项): (1) 文献资料无差错。 (2) 未侵犯第三者的权利。 (3) 适合用于特殊目的。 此外,文献资料若有完善、变更,恕不另行通知。
General DescriptionThe MAX9939 is a general-purpose, differential-input programmable-gain amplifier (PGA) that is ideal for con-ditioning a variety of wide dynamic range signals such as those found in motor current-sense, medical instru-mentation, and sonar data acquisition applications. I t features SPI ™-programmable differential gains from 0.2V/V to 157V/V, input offset-voltage compensation, and an output amplifier that can be configured either as a high-order active filter or to provide a differential output.The PGA is optimized for high-signal bandwidth and its gain can be programmed to be 0.2V/V, 1V/V, 10V/V,20V/V, 30V/V, 40V/V, 60V/V, 80V/V, 119V/V, and 157V/V.Precision resistor matching provides extremely low gain tempco and high CMRR. Although the MAX9939 oper-ates from a single supply V CC between 2.9V to 5.5V, it can process signals both above and below ground due to the use of an input level-shifting amplifier stage.Furthermore, its inputs are protected to ±16V, allowing it to withstand fault conditions and signal overranges.The output amplifier is designed for high bandwidth and low-bias currents, making it ideal for use in multi-ple-feedback active filter topologies that offer much higher Qs and stopband attenuation than Sallen-Key architectures.The MAX9939 draws 3.4mA of quiescent supply current at 5V, and includes a software-programmable shut-down mode that reduces its supply current to only 13µA. The MAX9939 is available in a 10-pin µMAX ®package and operates over the -40°C to +125°C auto-motive temperature range.ApplicationsSensorless Motor Control Medical Signal ConditioningSonar and General Purpose Data Acquisition Differential to Single-Ended Conversion Differential-Input, Differential-Output Signal AmplificationSensor Interface and Signal ProcessingFeatures♦SPI-Programmable Gains: 0.2V/V to 157V/V♦Extremely Low Gain Tempco♦Integrated Amplifier for R/C Programmable Active Filter ♦Input Offset-Voltage Compensation ♦Input Protection to ±16V ♦13µA Software Shutdown Mode♦-40°C to +125°C Operating Temperature Range ♦10-Pin µMAX PackageMAX9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products119-4329; Rev 0; 11/08Ordering InformationFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,or visit Maxim's website at .+Denotes a lead-free/RoHS-compliant package.Functional Diagram appears at end of data sheet.SPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc.µMAX is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Pin ConfigurationM A X 9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.V CC to GND..............................................................-0.3V to +6V INB, OUTA, OUTB, SCLK, DIN, CS ............-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V)INA+, INA- to GND..................................................-16V to +16V Output Short-Circuit Current Duration........................Continuous Continuous Input Current into Any Terminal.....................±20mA Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)10-Pin µMAX (derate 5.6mW/°C above +70°C)...........707mWOperating Temperature Range .........................-40°C to +125°C Junction Temperature......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10s).................................+300°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSMAX9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp_______________________________________________________________________________________3CC Note 3:For gain of 0.25V/V, the input common-mode range is -1V to V CC - 2V.Note 4:The input current of a CMOS device is too low to be accurately measured on an ATE and is typically on the order of 1pA.Note 5:Parts are functional with f SCLK = 10MHz.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V CC = 5V, V GND = 0, V INA+= V INA-, Gain = 10V/V, R OUTA = R OUTB = 1k Ωto V CC /2, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.Typical values are at T = +25°C.) (Note 1)M A X 9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp 4_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 1. SPI Interface Timing DiagramTypical Operating Characteristics(V CC = 5V, V GND = 0, V IN+= V IN-= 0, Gain = 10V/V, R OUTA = R OUTB = 1k Ωto V CC /2, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)PGA GAIN vs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B )10.110-60-40-200204060-800.01100PGA GAIN vs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B )10.1-3-2-10123-40.0110AMPLIFIER B GAIN vs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B )10.110-60-40-200204060-800.01100AMPLIFIER B GAIN vs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (MHz)G A I N (d B )10.1-3-2-10123-40.0110COMMON-MODE REJECTION RATIOvs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (MHz)C M R R (d B )1010.010.1-70-60-50-40-30-20-100-800.001100GAIN ERROR vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 9939 t o c 06TEMPERATURE (°C)G A I N E R R O R (%)1109580655035205-10- Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp_______________________________________________________________________________________5Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V CC = 5V, V GND = 0, V IN+= V IN-= 0, Gain = 10V/V, R OUTA = R OUTB = 1k Ωto V CC /2, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)INPUT V OS vs. TEMPERATUREM A X 9939 t o c 07TEMPERATURE (°C)O F F S E T (m V )1109580655035205-10- V OS TRIM RESPONSEOUTA 10mV/divGAIN = 1V/VDIFFERENTIAL PSRR vs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (kHz)P S R R (d B )1001-80-60-40-20-1000.0110,000100.11000TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTIONvs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (kHz)D I S T O R T I O N (d B )0.110-100-80-60-40-200-1200.011001NOISE VOLTAGE DENSITYFREQUENCY (Hz)N O I S E D E N S I T Y (n V /√H z )10010,000100010010,0001010100,0001000NOISE VOLTAGE DENSITYFREQUENCY (Hz)N O I S E D E N S I T Y (n V /√H z )10010,00010010001010100,0001000M A X 9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp 6_______________________________________________________________________________________1μs/div RECOVERY FROM INPUT OVERLOAD(PGA, GAIN = 1V/V)INA+ - INA-2V/divMAX9939 toc15OUTA1V/div 400ns/divRECOVERY FROM INPUT OVERLOAD(PGA, GAIN = 157V/V)INA+ - INA-2mV/divMAX9939 toc16OUTA1V/div1μs/divRECOVERY FROM INPUT OVERLOAD(OUTPUT AMPLIFIER)IN 2V/divMAX9939 toc17OUTB 2V/div200μs/divGAIN ADJUST RESPONSEINA+ - INA-2mV/divOUTA 1V/divGAIN = 157V/VGAIN = 40V/VGAIN = 10V/V GAIN = 1V/VTypical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V CC = 5V, V GND = 0, V IN+= V IN-= 0, Gain = 10V/V, R OUTA = R OUTB = 1k Ωto V CC /2, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)2001004003006005007009008001000406020801001201401601% SETTLING TIME vs. GAIN (PGA)GAIN (V/V)S E T T L I N G T I M E (n s )OUTPUT IMPEDANCE vs. FREQUENCYFREQUENCY (MHz)I M P E D A N C E (Ω) Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp_______________________________________________________________________________________7Detailed DescriptionThe MAX9939 is a general-purpose PGA with input off-set trim capability. I ts gain and input offset voltage(V OS ) are SPI programmable. The device also includes an uncommitted output operational amplifier that can be used as either a high-order active filter or to provide a differential output. The device can be put into shut-down through SPI.The gain of the amplifier is programmable between 0.2V/V and 157V/V. The input offset is programmable between ±17mV and can be used to regain output dynamic range in high gain settings. An input offset-volt-age measurement mode enables input offset voltage tobe calibrated out in firmware to obtain excellent DC accuracy.The main amplifier accepts a differential input and pro-vides a single-ended output. The relationship between the differential input and singled-ended output is given by the representative equation:V OUTA = V CC /2 + Gain x (V INA+- V INA-) + Gain x V OSArchitectureThe MAX9939 features three internal amplifiers as shown in the Functional Diagram . The first amplifier (amplifier LVL) is configured as a differential amplifier for differential to single-ended conversion with an input offset-voltage trim network. I t has extremely highTypical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V CC = 5V, V GND = 0, V IN+= V IN-= 0, Gain = 10V/V, R OUTA = R OUTB = 1k Ωto V CC /2, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)200μs/divCOMMON-MODE REJECTION RESPONSEINA+1V/div INA-1V/divOUTA 2V/divSHUTDOWN CURRENT vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEM A X 9939 t o c 20VOLTAGE (V)S H U T D O W N C U R R E N T (μA )3.64.0162084122. A X 9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp 8_______________________________________________________________________________________CMRR, gain accuracy, and very low temperature drift due to precise resistor matching. The output of this amplifier is level shifted to V CC /2.This amplifier is followed by a programmable-gain inverting amplifier (amplifier A) with programmable R F and R I resistors whose gain varies between 0.2V/V and 157V/V. The output of this amplifier is biased at V CC /2 and has extremely high gain accuracy and low temperature drift.The MAX9939 has an uncommitted op amp (amplifier B) whose noninverting input is referenced to V CC /2. Its inverting input and output are externally accessible,allowing it to be configured either as an active filter or as a differential output.A robust input ESD protection scheme allows input volt-ages at INA+ and INA- to reach ±16V without damag-ing the MAX9939, thus making the part extremely attractive for use in front-ends that can be exposed to high voltages during fault conditions. I n addition, its input-voltage range extends down to -V CC /2 (e.g., -2.5V when powered from a 5V single supply) allowing the MAX9939 to translate below ground signals to a 0V to 5V output signal. This feature simplifies interfacing ground-referenced signals with unipolar-input ADCs.SPI-Compatible Serial InterfaceThe MAX9939 has a write-only interface, consisting of three inputs: the clock signal (SCLK), data input (DIN),and chip-select input (CS ). The serial interface works with the clock polarity (CPOL) and clock phase (CPHA)both set to 0 (see Figure 1). I nitiating a write to the MAX9939 is accomplished by pulling CS low. Data is clocked in on the rising edge of each clock pulse, and is written LSB first. Each write to the MAX9939 consistsof 8 bits (1 byte). Pull CS high after the 8th bit has been clocked in to latch the data and before sending the next byte of instruction. Note that the internal register is not updated if CS is pulled high before the falling edge of the 8th clock pulse.Register DescriptionThe MAX9939 consists of three registers: a shift register and two internal registers. The shift register accepts data and transfers it to either of the two internal regis-ters. The two internal registers store data that is used to determine the gain, input offset voltage, and operating modes of the amplifier. The two internal registers are the Input V OS Trim register and Gain register. The format of the 8-bit write to these registers is shown in Tables 1and 2. Data is sent to the shift register LSB first.SEL: The SEL bit selects which internal register is writ-ten to. Set SEL to 0 to write bits D5:D1 to the input V OS trim register. Set SEL to 1 to write D4:D1 to the Gain register (D5 is don’t care when SEL = 1).Figure 2. SPI Interface Timing Diagram (CPOL = CPHA = 0)MAX9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp_______________________________________________________________________________________9SHDN:Set SHDN to 0 for normal operation. Set SHDN to 1 to place the device in a low-power 13µA shutdown mode. In shutdown mode, the outputs OUTA and OUTB are high impedance, however, the SPI decode circuitry is still active. Each instruction requires a write to the SHDN bit.MEAS:The MAX9939 provides a means for measuring its own input offset voltage. When MEAS is set to 1, the I NA- input is disconnected from the input signal path and internally shorted to I NA+. This architecture thus allows the input common-mode voltage to be compen-sated at the application-specific input common-mode voltage of interest. The input offset voltage of the PGA is the output offset voltage divided by the programmed gain without any V OS trim (i.e., V3:V0 set to 0):V OS-INHERENT = (V OUTA - V CC /2)/Gain Program V OS to offset V OS-INHERENT . The input V OS also includes the effect of mismatches in the resistor-dividers. Setting MEAS to 0 switches the inputs back to the signals on INA+ and INA-. Each instruction requires a write to the MEAS bit.Programming GainThe PGA’s gain is set by the bits G3:G0 in the Gain reg-ister. Table 3 shows the relationship between the bits G3:G0 and the amplifier’s gain. The slew rate and small-signal bandwidth (SSBW) of the PGA depend on its gain setting as shown in Table 3.Programming Input Offset Voltage (V OS )The input offset voltage is set by the bits V4:V0 in the Input Offset Voltage Trim register. Bit V4 determines the polarity of the offset. Setting V4 to 0 makes the offset positive, while setting V4 to 1 makes the offset negative.Table 4 shows the relationship between V3:V0 and V OS .To determine the effect of V OS at the output of the ampli-fier for gains other than 1, use the following formula:V OUTA = V CC /2 + Gain x (V OS-INHERENT + V OS )where V OS-INHERENT is the inherent input offset voltage of the amplifier, which can be measured by setting MEAS to 1.Applications InformationUse of Output Amplifier as Active FilterThe output amplifier can be configured as a multiple-feedback active filter as shown in Figure 3, which tradi-tionally has better stopband attenuation characteristics than Sallen-Key filters. These filters also possess inher-ently better distortion performance since there are no common-mode induced effects (i.e., the common-mode voltage of the operational amplifier is always fixed at V CC /2 instead of it being signal dependent such as in Sallen-Key filters). Choose external resistors and capacitors to create lowpass, bandpass, or high-pass filters.M A X 9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp 10______________________________________________________________________________________Differential-Input, Differential-Output PGAThe output amplifier can be configured so that the MAX9939 operates as a differential-input, differential-output programmable gain amplifier. As shown in Figure 4, use a 10k Ωresistor between OUTA and INB,and between INB and OUTB. Such a differential-output configuration is ideal for use in low-voltage applications that can benefit from the 2X output voltage dynamic range when compared to single-ended output format.Use of Output Operational Amplifier as TIACMOS inputs on the output op amp makes it ideal for use as an input transimpedance amplifier (TIA) in cer-tain current-output sensor applications. In such a situ-ation, keep in mind that the inverting input operates at fixed voltage of V CC /2. Use a high-value resistor as a feedback gain element, and use a feedback capacitor in parallel with this resistor if necessary to aid amplifi-er stability in the presence of high photodiode or cable capacitance. The output of this TIA can be rout-ed to I NA+ or I NA- for further processing and signal amplification.Power-Supply BypassingBypass V CC to GND with a 0.1µF capacitor in parallel with a 1µF low-ESR capacitor placed as close as possi-ble to the MAX9939.Table 4. Input Offset-Voltage TrimMAX9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp______________________________________________________________________________________11Figure 3. Using the MAX9939 Output Amplifier as an Anti-Aliasing Filter (Corner Frequency = 1.3kHz) to Maximize Nyquist BandwidthM A X 9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp 12______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 4. Using the MAX9939 as a Differential-Input, Differential-Output PGAChip InformationPROCESS: BiCMOSMAX9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp______________________________________________________________________________________13Functional DiagramM A X 9939SPI Programmable-Gain Amplifierwith Input Vos Trim and Output Op Amp Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.14____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2008 Maxim Integrated Productsis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.Package InformationFor the latest package outline information and land patterns, go to /packages .。
国内外压敏电阻型号及参数压敏电阻220V电压的电路国内型号:MYG14K471(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-14D)MYG05K471(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-5D)22V左右的电路国内型号:MYG14K470(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-14D)MYG05K470(对应的国外型号:US 470NR-5D)。
英文名称叫“Voltage Dependent Resistor”简写为“VDR”,或者叫做“Varistor"。
目录[隐藏]1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用2、压敏电阻的应用类型3、保护用压敏电阻的基本性能4. 压敏电阻的基本参数1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用2、压敏电阻的应用类型3、保护用压敏电阻的基本性能4. 压敏电阻的基本参数[编辑本段]1、压敏电阻电路的“安全阀”作用压敏电阻有什么用?压敏电阻的最大特点是当加在它上面的电压低于它的阀值" UN"时,流过它的电流极小,相当于一只关死的阀门,当电压超过UN时,流过它的电流激增,相当于阀门打开。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
能模块,使该机芯具有了接收高清信号和电脑VGA信 号的功能。 采用了ST公司的立体声功放TEA2025,并在功能方面 做到了全部具有AV立体声或AV双声道功能 。 指示灯的显示改为待机时指示灯亮,而开机时指示 灯熄灭,而以前的普通模拟机为指示灯常亮,待机 和开机无变化。
CRT板 功放
LSR、LSL Rin1、Lin1 通道切换
进入工厂模式:按电视机键控面板“音量减”按 键,将音量减为0,再按用户遥控器的“屏显”按键。 进入工厂模式后,按频道加减键进行单项的选择, 也可以按数字键等快捷键直接选择某一单项,按音 量加减键进行数值的更改。按菜单键可进入前面两 页的几何调试菜单。如果按数字键6,会要求输入密 码,如果输入“789”,按菜单键不仅可以进入前面 两页的几何调试菜单,还可以进入后面的工程调试 菜单 。 退出共产模式:按屏显键或冷关机可退出工厂模 式。
1、3P90、3P91机芯区别 2、3P90、3P91机芯特点及功能 3、3P90、3P91框图及原理分析 4、3P90、3P91机芯调试
拟机芯;3P91机芯为15K模拟高清机芯,是在3P90机 芯基础上,增加了使用晶宝利公司的PLM1000芯片作 为高清接口的功能模块,使该机芯具有了接收高清 信号和电脑VGA信号的功能。 TDA12155:使用在 21寸短管、24、25、29寸时,具 有EW输出和音效处理功能。 TDA11105:使用在21寸纯平和普通管上。
Power Measuring InstrumentsThe M o s t Comprehen sive Portable PQA on The MarketCatch Power Quality Problems on the Fly...Monitor for:✔ Inrush Current ✔ Voltage Swells ✔ Voltage Dips✔ Transient Overvoltage ✔ InterruptionsMeasure and Record:✔ Power and Power Factor ✔ Active/Reactive Energy ✔ Demand✔ Load Changes (with graph display!)✔ Voltage and Current...Before They Catch You!POWER QUALITY ANALYZER3197Measure Power and Power Quality 319P With QuickSet, all you have to do is just Set, Clamp and Measure!Let QuickSet help you take care Feature 2:QuickSetTesting Parameters Automatically DefiRedefi ne Thresholds Easily with Intuitive Key PanelLine frequencyMeasurement Interval Nominal VoltageEventthresholdsagainst nominal voltage Swell Dip Interruption TransientMeasure all the necessary power parameters simultaneously✓Voltage ✓Current A quick glance at the correct vector map will show you if your wiring is correctM E AS UR E3●Convenient Stand forHands-free ViewingType N U1U2U3Region1Black Red Yellow Blue Japan, U.K.2Blue Orange Black Gray EU (new)3Black Yellow Green Red China4Blue Black Red White EU (former)5White Black Red Blue N. AmericaSelect from 5 Types of Color-codedInput Terminal Labels to Suit YourApplication Region●Pull Strap Throughfor Ultimate Portability●USB Port for PCCompatibility●AC Adapter forQuick Recharge orLong Recordings●Power SwitchW I R I NGR EC&E V EN Tis as Easy as1-2-3QuickSetUse the correct vectordiagram to check that yourwiring is right beforemeasuring, particularlyuseful when measuring3-Phase circuits Use QuickSet to automatically setthe default values for line frequency,nominal voltage, interval, and powerquality thresholds for event detectionSelect yourclamp sensorSelect yourwiring123Make detailedsettings on how andwhen to measure, andcustomize your levelof eventdetection as desired.Toggle between screensto customize yourmeasurement settingsVECTORand LagFull-colorwaveforms andRMS readingsObtain real-timemoving data onvoltage, current,power, and more!●Rugged and Durable Casing towithstand even the toughestenvironments and uses4DEMANDmin and averagevalues for any pointcursorGet a detailed picture dur-ing voltage anomalies -fl uctuation range forchannelsDemand Graphand maximum andaverage valuesone✓Active PowerReactive PowerToggle between the trendgraphs for a complete analysisof the power situationHARMONICSDMMGRAP/LISTHarmonicwaveforms ofvoltage, current andactive power to the50th orderDETAILRMSINRUSHDisplay eventsAND their waveformsat the same timeRMS voltagefl uctuations suchas swells and dipsare clearly displayedat event detectionRecord up to 20graphs ininternal memory50 Events"I" marks anInrush EventScroll down andselect to display the fi nerdetails of any event5Standard 3197 Package Fulfi lls All the Requirementsfor Checking Voltage AnomaliesCarrying CaseUSB CableVoltage CordsRechargeable Battery PackPC ApplicationAC AdapterTo measure current and power, please select one or more of our HIOKI Clamp On Sensors detailed on the back of this catalog.n Measurement Specifications (Guaranteeed Accuracy Period: 1 Year)RMS Voltage and CurrentTrue RMS (200 ms calculation )Voltage Accuracy ±0.3% rdg. ±0.2%f.sCurrent Accuracy±0.3% rdg. ±0.2%f.s. + Clamp sensor accuracy Voltage (1/2) RMS MeasurementTrue RMS(one cycle calculation refreshed every half cycle)Accuracy±0.3% rdg. ±0.2%f.s.Current (1/2) RMS MeasurementTrue RMS(half-cycle calculation, half-cycle voltage synchronized)Accuracy±0.3% rdg. ±0.2%f.s. + Clamp sensor accuracy FrequencyEffective Measurement range: 45.00 to 66.00 Hz Accuracy±0.01 Hz ±1 dgt. (when input is at least 10% of range)Active Power Accuracy (for consumption and regeneration)±0.3% rdg. ±0.2% f.s.+ clamp-on sensor accuracy (P.F.=1)Reactive Power Accuracy (for lags and leads)±1 dgt. of calculation from each measurementvalueEffect of Power Factor ±1.0% rdg. (50 /60Hz, P.F.=0.5)Apparent Power Accuracy ±1 dgt. of calculation from each measurement value Power Factor andDisplacement PowerFactor Accuracy(leading phase indicated)±1 dgt. of calculation from each measurement value(DPF calculated from phase difference betweenfundamental voltage and current waveforms)Active or Reactive Energy Consumption Selectable between consumption, regeneration, lag and leadAccuracy±1 dgt. applied to active and reactive powermeasurement accuracyDemand Selectable between active or reactive powerAccuracy±1 dgt. applied to active and reactive powermeasurement accuracyHarmonic Analysis Orders Up to 50th (2048 points/window, rectangular)Harmonic Voltage,Current and PowerAccuracy(accuracy is not definedfor harmonic power)1st to 15th order ±0.5% rdg. ±0.2% f.s.16th to 25th order ±1.0% rdg. ±0.3% f.s.26th to 35th order ±2.0% rdg. ±0.3% f.s.36th to 45th order ±3.0% rdg. ±0.3% f.s.46th to 50th order ±4.0% rdg. ±0.3% f.s.(add accuracy of clamp sensor to harmonic current accuracy)Other Measurement Items Peak Voltage and Current, K Factor, Voltage Unbalance Factor, Max/Min/Ave of Time Seriesn Event DetectionVoltage Swells (Rise), Voltage Dips (Drop), Interruptions RMS value detected using voltage (1/2) measured every half cycleInrush CurrentRMS value detected using current (1/2) every half cycle Transient OvervoltageDetection Range: 50 Vrms (±70.7 Vpeak equiv.) or more, 10 to 100 kHz Timer DetectionDetect events at preset intervals selectable fromOFF, 1, 5, 15 or 30 minutes; 1, 2 or 12 hours; or 1 dayManual Detection Detect events when keys are pressedThresholds Set to OFF or to specified value, except fordetection of transient overvoltages. (Waveformrecording not available for transients.)Event Recording LengthsWaveform 20ms before detection + 200ms upon detection + 30ms after detectionEvent voltage fluctuation graph 0.5s before + 2.5s after detectionInrush current graph 0.5s before + 29.5s after detection Maximum Number of Recordable Events 50 event waveforms, 20 event voltage fluctuation graphs, 1 inrush current graph, 1000 event countsn Input SpecificationsWiring Configurations Single-phase 2-wire (1P2W), single-phase 3-wire(1P3W), three-phase 3-wire (3P3W2M and 3P3W3M), three-phase four-wire (3P4W and 3P4W2.5E)Measurement Line frequency Auto-select (50/60 Hz)Maximum Allowable Input VoltageVoltage input terminal: 780 V AC (1103 Vpeak)Current input terminal: 1.7 V AC (2.4 Vpeak) Maximum Rated Voltage to Ground Voltage input terminal: CATIII 600 V AC, CATIV 300 V AC (50/60 Hz)Current input terminal: per clamp-on sensors usedMeasurement MethodSimultaneous digital sampling of voltage and current(sampling frequency: 10.24 kHz per channel)Voltage MeasurementRange600.0V (Crest factor 2 or less)Current Measurement Range: Manual ranging according to clamp sensor (Crest factor 3 or less)Clamp Sensor Range Clamp Sensor Range 9657-10, 9675500.0 mA/5.000 A 9661, 9667 (500A)50.00 A/500.0 A 9694, 9695-025.000 A/50.000 A 9669100.0 A/1.000 kA 9660, 9695-03 10.00 A/100.0 A 9667 (5000A)500.0 A/5.000 kAPower MeasurementRange: Depends oncombination of current range and measurement line 500mA 300.0W/600.0W/900.0W 100A 60.00kW/120.0kW/180.0kW 5A 3.000kW/6.000kW/9.000kW 500A 300.0kW/600.0kW/900.0kW 10A 6.000kW/12.00kW/18.00kW 1kA 600.0kW/1.200MW/1.800MW 50A 30.00kW/60.00kW/90.00kW 5kA 3.000MW/6.000MW/9.000MW6 Hours of Continuous Use on a Single RechargeNon-volatile Ni-MH rechargeable Two Integrated Programs for Data Download and ViewingStandard USB connection lets you SoftwareOpen downloaded recordings with DataViewer to manage Event ListEvent DetailsTime Plot GraphEvent WaveformSettingsHeadquarters : 81 Koizumi, Ueda, Nagano, 386-1192, Japan TEL +81-268-28-0562 FAX +81-268-28-0568 http://www.hioki.co.jp/E-mail:***************.jp HIOKI USA CORPORATION : TEL +1-609-409-9109 FAX +1-609-409-9108 /E-mail:******************All information correct as of Sep. 10, 2012. All specifications are subject to change without notice.3197E9-29M-01K Printed in JapanDISTRIBUTED BYHIOKI (Shanghai) Sales & Trading Co., Ltd. :TEL +86-21-63910090 FAX +86-21-63910360 /E-mail:**************.cn Beijing Office : TEL +86-10-84418761FAX+86-10-84418763/E-mail:*****************.cn Guangzhou Office : TEL +86-20-38392673FAX+86-20-38392679/E-mail:*****************.cn Shenzhen Office : TEL +86-755-83038357FAX+86-755-83039160/E-mail:*****************.cnHIOKI INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED :TEL +91-731-6548081 FAX +91-731-4020083 E-mail:*************HIOKI SINGAPORE PTE. LTD. :TEL +65-6634-7677 FAX +65-6634-7477 E-mail:**************.sgNote: Company names and Product names appearing in this catalog are trademarks or registered trademarks of various companies.300Vn COMPLETE LIST OF OPTIONSCLAMP ON SENSOR (100A)CLAMP ON SENSOR (500A)FLEXIBLE CLAMP ON SENSOR (5000A)CLAMP ON SENSOR (1000A)CLAMP ON SENSOR (5A) CLAMP ON SENSOR (50A)CLAMP ON SENSOR (100A)CONNECTION CORD (for the 9695-02/9695-03)CLAMP ON LEAK SENSOR (10A)CLAMP ON LEAK SENSOR (10A)VOLTAGE CORD (bundled with the standard 3197)AC ADAPTER (bundled with the standard 3197)BATTERY PACK (bundled with the standard 3197)PQA-HiVIEW Pro PC Application Software9660 9661CT9667966996949695-029695-0392199657-109675L9438-559418-1594599624-50CAT III 1000V。
【21】空调电子设备通风气滤:QB0776或QB0639【23】通讯客舱阅读灯:2LA455163-02 (AMM23-73)【25】设备及装饰驾驶舱遮阳板sunvisor:160-11103-990或160-10732-990热水器water boiler : 62197-001-001 (AMM25-35)烤箱OVEN:8201-30-0000-01 (AMM25-35)咖啡壶coffee maker : 64753-001-003 (AMM25-35)小桌板锁扣:854746-403(B6157飞机) 854745-410G(B6169飞机) 300006024600108(祥鹏319/CMM25-01-35)座椅作动筒:849900-409座椅作动筒盖板:849592-27A 易拉得:BACS38K2第三观察员座椅扶手:168670-1和133614-1和133613-1第三观察员座椅扶手组件:168610-1应急手电:P2-07-0001-214 电池:P4-01-0021乘务员座椅弹簧(自动收起):150500-08厨房长锁扣:0-132-004600000座椅靠背调节按钮+钢索(recline cable):830941-403或MC21-35GN座椅靠背调节按钮:JS-1292【33】灯光导航灯右绿:CM8A103 尾白:8GH005597-12 (AMM33-41)导航灯罩绿:29120B2140089Z 配对封圈:29100A2140094H客舱窗灯/顶灯:F30W/840 (短:F15W/840或15w/640)起飞灯/着陆灯takeoff light/landing light :Q4559X滑行灯taxi light : Q4554转弯灯runway turnoff light : 4626大翼照明灯:HLX64621加油面板泛光灯:LN9333-303停留刹车指示灯泡:327【35】氧气机组氧气瓶:89794015 封圈:NSA835070-5C【38】水/废物厕所水龙头:2980332100000厕所呼叫电门线束:F1000457-00【52】门客舱门封严:ABS0306B02-2-11 胶:RTV3145 驾驶舱门strike : AR4714-7 或AR4714-11【57】机翼襟翼整流罩小圆盖板:D5754052520200。
16f630中文数据手册【Word版】9p (2)
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COM Express Type 6 PMC XMC Ultra Lite Carrier 用户指南
COM Express® PMC/XMC Ultra LiteCarrierConnect Tech Inc.Tel:519-836-129142 Arrow Road Toll:800-426-8979 (North America only)Guelph, Ontario Fax:519-836-4878N1K 1S6 Email:********************* *********************** CTIM-00431 Revision 0.06 2018-01-08Table of ContentsPreface (4)Disclaimer (4)Customer Support Overview (4)Contact Information (4)Limited Product Warranty (5)Copyright Notice (5)Trademark Acknowledgment (5)ESD Warning (6)Revision History (6)Introduction (7)Product Features and Specifications (7)Product Overview (8)Block Diagram (8)Connector Locations (9)Connector Summary (10)Jumper Summary (11)Detailed Feature Pinouts and Functional Descriptions (11)Serial/GPIO Connector (11)VGA Video Connector (12)COM Express Module Connector (12)LVDS Video Connector (13)miniPCIe/mSATA Slots (14)Dual Function miniPCIe/mSATA Slots (14)Jumper Selection (14)Half and Full Length miniPCIe/mSATA module Installation (14)External SATA Connector (16)CPU Fan (16)System and Miscellaneous Connector (17)SIM Socket (17)HD Audio Connector (18)Software Support for the CS4207 (18)USB 2.0 Connector (18)DisplayPort Connector (19)HDMI / DVI / VGA from DisplayPort++ (19)10/100/1000 Ethernet (GBE) (20)USB 3.0/2.0 Connector (20)microSD CARD Connector (21)Power Connector (21)SATA/LVDS Power Connector (22)XMC Connector (22)PMC Connector (23)Typical Hardware Installation Procedure (24)On-board Indicator LEDs (24)Jumper Settings (25)J1 Jumper – LVDS PANEL (25)J2 Jumper – RTC Battery (25)J3 Jumper – RTC Battery (25)J6 Jumper – Shutdown Battery (25)J6 Jumper – Power Control (26)J4 Jumper – mSATA/miniPCIe (26)J8 Jumper – USB (26)J7 Jumper – GPIO-V (26)Thermal & Current Consumption Details (27)Thermal Details (27)Mechanical Details (27)Cables and Cable Kit Information (28)Cable Kits (28)CKG028 –“Full” Cable Kit (28)CKG021 –“Starter” Cable Kit (28)PrefaceDisclaimerThe info rmation contained within this user’s guide, including but not limited to any productspecification, is subject to change without notice.Connect Tech assumes no liability for any damages incurred directly or indirectly from anytechnical or typographical errors or omissions contained herein or for discrepancies between theproduct and the user’s guide.Customer Support OverviewIf you experience difficulties after reading the manual and/or using the product, contact theConnect Tech reseller from which you purchased the product. In most cases the reseller can help you with product installation and difficulties. In the event that the reseller is unable to resolveyour problem, our highly qualified support staff can assist you. Our support section is available24 hours a day, 7 days a week on our website at: /support/resource-center/.See the contact information section below for more information on how to contact us directly. Our technical support is always free.Contact InformationMail/CourierConnect Tech Inc.Technical Support42 Arrow RoadGuelph, OntarioCanada N1K 1S6Email/Internet********************************************Telephone/FacsimileTechnical Support representatives are ready to answer your call Monday through Friday, from8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Our numbers for calls are:Toll Free: 800-426-8979 (North America only)Telephone: 519-836-1291 (Live assistance available 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST,Monday to Friday)Facsimile: 519-836-4878 (on-line 24 hours)Limited Product WarrantyConnect Tech Inc. provides a two-year Warranty for the COM Express® PMC/XMC Ultra LiteCarrier. Should this product, in Connect Tech Inc.'s opinion, fail to be in good working orderduring the warranty period, Connect Tech Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace this product atno charge, provided that the product has not been subjected to abuse, misuse, accident, disaster or non-Connect Tech Inc. authorized modification or repair.You may obtain warranty service by delivering this product to an authorized Connect Tech Inc.business partner or to Connect Tech Inc. along with proof of purchase. Product returned toConnect Tech Inc. must be pre-authorized by Connect Tech Inc. with an RMA (Return MaterialAuthorization) number marked on the outside of the package and sent prepaid, insured andpackaged for safe shipment. Connect Tech Inc. will return this product by prepaid groundshipment service.The Connect Tech Inc. Limited Warranty is only valid over the serviceable life of the product.This is defined as the period during which all components are available. Should the product prove to be irreparable, Connect Tech Inc. reserves the right to substitute an equivalent product ifavailable or to retract the Warranty if no replacement is available.The above warranty is the only warranty authorized by Connect Tech Inc. Under nocircumstances will Connect Tech Inc. be liable in any way for any damages, including any lostprofits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of, orinability to use, such product.Copyright NoticeThe information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Connect TechInc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages inconnection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document containsproprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of thisdocument may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the priorwritten consent of Connect Tech, Inc.Copyright 2016 by Connect Tech, Inc.Trademark AcknowledgmentConnect Tech, Inc. acknowledges all trademarks, registered trademarks and/or copyrights referred to in this document as the property of their respective owners.Not listing all possible trademarks or copyright acknowledgments does not constitute a lack ofacknowledgment to the rightful owners of the trademarks and copyrights mentioned in thisdocument.ESD WarningElectronic components and circuits are sensitive toElectroStatic Discharge (ESD). When handling any circuitboard assemblies including Connect Tech COM Expresscarrier assemblies, it is recommended that ESD safetyprecautions be observed. ESD safe best practices include,but are not limited to:∙Leaving circuit boards in their antistatic packaginguntil they are ready to be installed.∙Using a grounded wrist strap when handling circuitboards, at a minimum you should touch a groundedmetal object to dissipate any static charge that maybe present on you.∙Only handling circuit boards in ESD safe areas,which may include ESD floor and table mats, wriststrap stations and ESD safe lab coats.∙Avoiding handling circuit boards in carpeted areas.∙Try to handle the board by the edges, avoidingcontact with components.Revision HistoryIntroductionConnect Tech’s PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier is an extremely small carrier board featuringrugged, locking connectors and offers the ultimate durability. The PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier is ideal for space constrained applications, harsh environments, demanding conditions and supports extended temperature ranges of -40°C to +85°C.Product Features and SpecificationsProduct Overview Block DiagramConnector LocationsConnector SummaryJumper SummaryDetailed Feature Pinouts and Functional Descriptions Serial/GPIO ConnectorThe CCG013 allows access to the COM Express modules GPIO by routing them out to a GPIO header. Also present is a direct connected RS-232 signal that utilizes the COM Express module’s UART.VGA Video ConnectorTo allow for greater flexibility, the CCG013 provides a VGA Video output. Routed directly from the COM Express Type 6, this provides additional video output formats for operation.COM Express Module ConnectorThe processor and chipset are implemented on the CCG013s COM Express Type 6 module, whichconnects to the CCG013 Carrier Board via a Tyco fine pitch stacking connector.LVDS Video ConnectorThe CCG013 provides dual 18 or 24 bit LVDS display channels via P9, which are connected directly from the COM Express Type 6 module.Note [1]: This voltage can be selected from Jumper J2 to be +3.3V, +5V, or +12VminiPCIe/mSATA SlotsDual Function miniPCIe/mSATA SlotsThe CCG013 has two special dual purpose miniPCIe/mSATA slots. Each of these slots can accept either a miniPCIe module or an mSATA SSD module. These slots have special circuitry that allows for the selection between connecting PCIe lanes or SATA lanes.Each of these slots are also provided with a USB 2.0 in addition to the PCIe as per the mini PCIe specification, see below for a block diagram of the slots functionality.miniPCIe/mSATA Dual Functionality Diagram**Please note, a SIM card is only availabe on miniPCIe/mSATA slot 0Jumper SelectionHalf and Full Length miniPCIe/mSATA module InstallationThe CCG013 comes with dual mounting solutions to allow for the population of a half and a full length module. If you would prefer to have a single slot or both slots populated with half-length hardware at the ****************************************************************************.External SATA ConnectorThe CCG013 provides two SATA plugs that are SATA-PCIe/104 switched. Please see SATA-PCIe/104 switching description for additional details.CPU FanSystem and Miscellaneous ConnectorThe System header can be used to connect the power button, reset button, and LED’s required to monitor the module performance or state.SIM SocketHD Audio ConnectorThe CCG013s features HD Audio capabilities with the assistance of the Cirrus Logic CS4207 Codec device. From the codec, 1 microphone input and 1 headphone output are available.Software Support for the CS4207The audio codec used on the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier board is the CS4207 from Cirrus Logic.Additional drivers will be needed to properly operate audio on the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier . Some downloadable links can be found below.Windows XP Driver :/en/support/lic/lic3.html?uri=/en/pubs/software/CS4207_WinXP_1-0-0-38.zip Windows 7/8 Driver :/en/support/lic/lic3.html?uri=/en/pubs/software/CS4207_LogoedDriverPackage_6-6001-1-39.zipLinux Driver : Included in kernels 2.6.30 and up.USB 2.0 ConnectorThe CCG013 has multiple USB Ports. USB 2.0 Port 6 is sourced directly from the COM Express module. USB 2.0 Port 7 however has multiple functionality options. Using Jumper J727, Port 7 can either be a Client USB, or it can be used to connect the SD Card to the COM Express module.Note [2]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used as client USB. Simply remove the Jumper from J8A to enable Note [3]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used to enable the SD Card. Simply remove the Jumper from J8B to enableDisplayPort ConnectorTwo DisplayPort++ connections from the COM Express module are available and can be configured to output DisplayPort, or HDMI/DVI/VGA through the use of a dongle. The configuration of each interface is setup via the COM Express module’s BIOS settings. Refer to the COM Express module’s documentation for more details.Note [4]: Cable assembly must tie high (+3.3V) for adapter output (HDMI/DVI/VGA) and low (GND) for DisplayPort outputHDMI / DVI / VGA from DisplayPort++The COM Express Type 10 Mini Carrier’s DisplayPort++ connector can be used for display outputs other than DisplayPort. The use of HDMI, DVI or VGA can be done through a simple dongle or cable assembly like the ones shown below. These can be purchased from any OEM vendor (such as ) or directly through Connect Tech.10/100/1000 Ethernet (GBE)The CCG013 features dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet Ports. GBE 0 is sourced from the COM Express module. Meanwhile, GBE 1 is sourced from an Intel 82574 PCIe PHY Controller located on the CCG013 Carrier Board, connected via PCIe x1 to the COM Express module.USB 3.0/2.0 ConnectorThe CCG013 provides up to a maximum of 4 USB 3.0 Ports. The USB 3.0 signals are sourced directlyfrom the COM Express Type 6 module, and run through a Pericom Semiconductor PI3EQX7502AIZDE re-driver. Over current protection, power supply filtering and ESD protection is provided.microSD CARD ConnectorThe CCG013 provides a microSD Card Slot. This microSD can be accessed by the COM Express module[9]Note [9]: USB 2.0 Port 7 can be optionally be used to enable the SD Card. Simply remove the Jumper from J8B to enablePower ConnectorThe CCG013 accepts a single power input to power all on-board devices. The CCG013 accepts a wide input range of +12V to +48V for operation.SATA/LVDS Power ConnectorThe CCG013 also provides power for external SATA Hard Drives and/or LVDS screens. The power connectors can be found next the External SATA connectors.XMC ConnectorThe CCG016 allows for I/O expansion with two XMC slots, both capable of x8 PCI Express connectivity.The XMC connectors comply with the VITA 42.0/42.3 standard. +VPWR is +5V, with an option to move to +12V +VPWR power.PMC ConnectorThe CCG016 allows for I/O expansion with two PMC slots, both capable of 32bit PCI connectivity. TheTypical Hardware Installation Procedure1.Ensure all external system power supplies are OFF.2.Install the necessary cables for the application. At a minimum, this would include:a)Power cable to the input power connectorb)Connect a video display cablec)Keyboard and mouse via USBd)SATA or mSATA hard driveFor additional information on the relevant cables, please see the Cables and Interconnects section of this manual.3.Connect the power cable to power supply4.Ensure your power supply is in the range of +12V to +48V DC5.Switch ON the power supply. DO NOT power up your system by plugging in live power.On-board Indicator LEDsThe CCG013 has 10 on-board indicator LEDs.** D32 Only on when on-board NAND option is implemented.Jumper SettingsThe CCG013 utilizes jumper blocks to control various features like LVDS, mSATA/miniPCIe switching, and Client USB.J1 Jumper – LVDS PANELJ2 Jumper – RTC BatteryJ3 Jumper – RTC BatteryJ6 Jumper – Shutdown BatteryJ6 Jumper – Power ControlJ4 Jumper – mSATA/miniPCIeNote [11]: See mSATA/miniPCIe Slots for detailed description of functionalityJ8 Jumper – USBJ7 Jumper – GPIO-VThermal & Current Consumption DetailsBelow are measurements taken with the CCG013 running in various configurations. Some values will change depending on what COM Express module, and what PMC/XMC modules are installed. Please refer to the module or card m anufacturer’s manual for full details on the current consumption of the particular module or peripheral you are using.Note [12]: COM Express Type 6 Module used for measurements - 4th Gen i7-4700Thermal DetailsAll components on the CCG013 are rated to a maximum operating temperature of -40°C to +85°C. Mechanical DetailsA complete 3D STEP Model file of the carrier can be downloaded here:/ftp/3d_models/CCG013_3D_MODEL.zipCables and Cable Kit InformationCable KitsThe following tables summarize the PMC/XMC Ultra Lite Carrier’s available cable kits from Connect Tech.CKG062 –“Full” Cable KitCKG021 –“Starter” Cable Kit。
Output Sink Current Iosink (mA)
HA17903, HA17393 Series
Output Sink Current vs. Ambient Temperature 20
VCC = 36 V
15 V
5V 10
Ambient Temperature Ta (°C)
HA17903 HA17903 HA17903 HA17903 HA17903 HA17393 HA17393
Symbol PS
Input offset current
Common mode input voltage*3
2.0 5.0 mV
3.5 —
250 nA
IIN (+) or IIN (–) | IIN (+) – IIN (–) |
Supply current
board. Derate by 7.14mW/°C above that temperature.
3. Short circuit between the output and VCC will be a cause to destory the circuit. The maximum output current is about 20mA for any supply voltage.
LM399H LM399AH
LM199H LM199AH LM199AH-20 LM399AH-20 LM399AH-50
Note 3: These specifications apply for 30V applied to the temperature stabilizer and –55°C ≤ TA ≤ 125°C for the LM199; and 0°C ≤ TA ≤ 70°C for the LM399.
Consult LTC Marketing for parts specified with wider operating temperature ranges.
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS The ● denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating
The LM199/LM399 precision shunt reference features excellent temperature stability over a wide range of voltage, temperature and operating current conditions. A stabilizing heater is incorporated with the active Zener on a monolithic substrate which nearly eliminates changes in voltage with temperature. The subsurface Zener operates over a current range of 0.5mA to 10mA, and offers minimal noise and excellent long-term stability.
SOURIAU ARINC 801 Termini和38999连接器产品介绍说明书
ARINC 801 Fiber Optic ConnectorsARINC 801Termini and 38999 ConnectorsQuality and service100% SOURIAU components: termini,patchcord and connectors.The high density fiber optic connection made by SOURIAU using 1.25mm ferrules.Wide range of materialFrom composite, aluminum, to stainless steel material connectors in stock.A qualified technology Flight proven qualified ARINC 801 standard.Description• Screw coupling • Shell size from 11 to 25• Large number of layouts from 2 to 32 termini • Composite, aluminum, stainless steel material • Protected by cadmium, nickel, green zinc cobalt or black zinc nickel plating• Accessories and tools available (protective caps,backshells, etc… )Optical• Multimode insertion loss (IEC 61300-3-4 method B): Typical 0.3 dBMechanical• Endurance:Minimum 100 mating/unmating operations • Shock:300 g, 3ms as per TIA/EIA 455-14• Vibration:23.1 Grms as per TIA/EIA 455-11• Contact retention:68N, as per SAE AS 13441 method 2009.1 for 1.8mm cableEnvironmental• Salt spray:. Aluminum shell:Olive Drab Cadmium (W): 500 Hrs Nickel (F): 48 HrsBlack Zinc Nickel (Z): 500 Hrs . Composite shell:Olive Drab Cadmium (J): 2000 Hrs Nickel (M): 2000 HrsWithout plating (X): 2000 Hrs . Stainless steel shell:Passivated (K): 500 Hrs Nickel (S): 500 Hrs• Temperature range:. Thermal cycling 50 cycles between -55°C to +125°C as per TIA/EIA 455-3. Temperature life 1000 hours at 125°C as per TIA/EIA-455-4C• Humidity:10 cycles/24h, -25 to +65°C, 90% RH as per TIA/EIA 455-5• Altitude immersionPressure equivalent to 50,000 ft (15,200 m)Technical featuresNote: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm)Termini8.13 Max.12.3 Max. after crimping14.2 Min. forward positionØ2.25 M a Ø3.40 M a Ø2.75 M a Protective capFerruleOrdering informationSOURIAU ARINC 801 TerminiARC1G18TAFiber type:G: Multimode fiber 50/125μm or 62.5/125μmE: Singlemode fiber 9/125μm - consult us for availability Cable type and diameter:09T: Ø 900μm fiber cable - non waterproof18T: Ø 1.6mm to Ø 2.2mm fiber cable, tight structure 18L: Ø 1.6mm to Ø 2.2mm fiber cable, loose structure Contact version indexConnectorOrdering information8D Connector8D5U25F32BNShell type:0: Square flange receptacle (male insert only) 5: Plug (female insert only) 7: Jam nut receptacle (male insert only) U: ARINC 801 optical connectorShell size: 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Material and plating:Aluminum:W: Olive green cadmium F: NickelZ: Zinc Nickel Stainless steel: K: Passivated S: NickelComposite:J: Olive green cadmium M: NickelX: Without platingLayout: See below Insert gender:A: Male B: FemaleOrientation: N, A, B, C, D, ELayoutsSleeve holder front view* Please consult us for availability.SOURIAU offers a wide range of cables, from cost efficient to high performance aeronautical cables.Select your optical fiber’s properties. Temperature range can be critical for your applications.If you need any help on a criteria selection, please contact us.* 1st value @850nm for multimode cable, 2nd value @1300nm for multimode (respectivly 1300nm and 1550nm for singlemode)Consult us for other harsh environment cables.1 Select CableOrdering informationPatchcord LengthPatchcord Cable/Terminus Combination CodePatchcord - Your optical patchcord in 3 steps!W D S A R I N C 801W U S E N 03 © C o p y r i g h t S O U R I A U J u l y 2020 - S O U R I A U i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k .A l l i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s d o c u m e n t p r e s e n t s o n l y g e n e r a l p a r t i c u l a r s a n d s h a l l n o t f o r m p a r t o f a n y c o n t r a c t . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d t o S O U R I A U f o r c h a n g e s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i fi c a t i o n o r p u b l i c a n n o u n c e m e n t . A n y d u p l i c a t i o n i s p r o h i b i t e d , u n l e s s a p p r o v e d i n w r i t i n g .Tooling and accessories2 Select Termini End 1 & 2 according to your selected cable,and get your finalPatchcord Cable/Terminus Combination CodeMost common cables with most common contacts - For other combinations please consult us.All contacts are UPC polished otherwise specified.M81969/14-03ARINC 801 adaptor for LC polishing and measuringLC Adaptor + ARINC 801 termini= LC compatible interfacePart Number: ALC1 (contact us for availability)For further information contact us at technical.emear @ (Europe - Asia - Africa)technical.americas @ (North America)or visit our web site 。
HBEN 5 SHDN 6 D7 7 D6 8 D5 9 D4 10 D3/D11 11 D2/D10 12 D1/D9 13 D0/D8 14
24 INT 23 CH7 22 CH6 21 CH5 20 CH4 19 CH3 18 CH2 17 CH1 16 CH0 15 AGND
Functional Diagram appears at end of data sheet.
The MAX197 multi-range, 12-bit data-acquisition system (DAS) requires only a single +5V supply for operation, yet accepts signals at its analog inputs that may span both above the power-supply rail and below ground. This system provides 8 analog input channels that are independently software programmable for a variety of ranges: ±10V, ±5V, 0V to +10V, or 0V to +5V. This increases effective dynamic range to 14 bits, and provides the user flexibility to interface 4mA-to-20mA, ±12V, and ±15V powered sensors to a single +5V system. In addition, the converter is overvoltage tolerant to ±16.5V; a fault condition on any channel does not affect the conversion result of the selected channel. Other features include a 5MHz bandwidth track/hold, a 100ksps throughput rate, software-selectable internal or external clock and acquisition, 8+4 parallel interface, and an internal 4.096V or an external reference. A hardware SHDN pin and two programmable powerdown modes (STBYPD, FULLPD) are provided for lowcurrent shutdown between conversions. In STBYPD mode, the reference buffer remains active, eliminating start-up delays. The MAX197 employs a standard microprocessor (µP) interface. A three-state data I/O port is configured to operate with 8-bit data buses, and data-access and bus-release timing specifications are compatible with most popular µPs. All logic inputs and outputs are TTL/CMOS compatible. The MAX197 is available in 28-pin DIP, wide SO, SSOP, and ceramic SB packages. For a different combination of ranges (±4V, ±2V, 0V to 4V, 0V to 2V), refer to the MAX199 data sheet. For 12-bit bus interface, refer to the MAX196 and MAX198 data sheets.
Trapezoidal-Connectors Series TMCGeneralSeries TMC connectors are available in 5 different housing sizes with 9, 15, 25, 37 and 50 pins. In applications these connectors are frequently used for interface connections.Owing to the various sizes of housing series TMC connectors match virtually any application.Wires can be connected by manual soldering, insulation displacement and crimping. For use on PC boards there are versions with straight or angled pins for machine soldering. For versions with straight pins there is also the solderless press-fit technique (ERNIPRESS).You can find ordering details for connectors with crimp terminiation and ERNIPRESS on separate data sheets.AccessoriesFor series TMC connectors ERNI has a wide range of acces-sories available.No matter whether the important criterion is easy assembly, different types of mounting, electromagnetic compatibility, locking devices or connector housings, you will find attractive solutions at ERNI.Main features•Indirect mating system•International approval certificates such as UL and CSA • 5 housing sizes with 9, 15, 25, 37 and 50 pins •Accessories integrated into the connector•Tinned metal housing•Laminated ground contact on the male housings for optimal screening• 3 different connector housing types available•Various types of termination available•Solid contacts on the male connectors with tinned manual soldering terminationSubminiature-D Connectors to DIN 41 652/IEC 807-3D-Sub TerminationPerformance Levels207to DIN 41 652/IEC 807-3MIL-C-24308, CCTU 08-14and IEC-Recommendation 48 B200 mating cyclesContact zone gold-platedterminal zone tinned201as for version 207 butterminal zone gold-plated 107to DIN 41 652/IEC 807-3MIL-C-24308, CCTU 08-14and IEC-Recommendation 48 B500 mating cyclesContact zone gold-platedterminal zone tinned101as for version 107 butterminal zone gold-platedPerformance level 107and101connectors are available on request.Approval CertificatesUL All male and female connectors from this data sheet are approved by the American certification authority …Under-writers Laboratories Inc.“.File no. E 84703CSA All types are listed by the Canadian certification author-ity …Canadian Standards Association“.File Nr. LR 62503 and LR 62504.For ERNIPRESS, crimping and insulation displacement (IDC)there are separate data sheets available.Integrated AccessoriesRiveted nut (see fig. 1)On the version with riveted nut there is a nut riveted into the mounting flanges of the connector so that it cannot twist. The thread is available as a M3 and 4/40" version. This facilitates fitting into housings or front panels.Threaded bolt (see fig. 2)To ensure secure connector locking, a screw locking device is frequently used with threaded bolts. TMC connectors from ERNI are available with riveted threaded bolts. These hexagon bolts are available with internal threads of M3 and 4/40". For the user it means there is no need for loose accessories.Spacer bolt (see fig. 3)Due to the design of the TMC connectors a spacer is required for vertical assembly on pc boards. These parts are supplied by ERNI as individual accessories.Ground pin (see fig. 4)The additional ground pin is designed for connecting up to the pc board chassis contact for example.Spacer bolt with mounting clip (on request)(see fig. 5)These spacer bolts can be snapped into the mounting holes on the pc board. If the holes are plated-through there will also be a solder joint.Ground clip (see fig. 6)For screening contact there are angled ERNI TMC connector ground clips available. These clips are soldered into the mounting holes on the pc board, thus creating a firm chassis connection.Ground bar (see fig. 7)Ground bars on angled connectors are attached to the guide frame on the pc board. This makes it possible to make connection with chassis conductors on the pc board.Ground eyelet (on request) (see fig. 8)With the ground lug the chassis contact can be soldered on.D-Sub Tinned metal housings andlaminated ground contactsThe metal housings on the TMC connectors (standardversions) from ERNI are tinned so as to achieve better contactfor the chassis connection. Specially punched grooves on themetal protective collar of the male connectors ensure reliable contact. Together with the ERNI connector housings in the metallized version and grounding accessories on the connec-tors an optimal electromagnetically compatible application is achieved.Solid punched male contactsDue to a special manufacturing process we are in a positionto offer solid punched male contacts.These versions have a tinned terminal zone and are suitablefor a current-carrying capacity of up to 7.5 A.Guide frame for angled connectorsFor mounting purposes and better guidance of angled TMC connectors with pins for dip-soldering the standard versionsare equipped with a guide frame made of plastic.With this guide frame the connectors can be screwed orriveted onto pc boards.Versions with a guide frame and mounting clip are clipped intothe pc boards and soldered in place.Connector housings for TMC connectorsERNI has also developed connector housings for series TMC interface connectors.• KSG 183housing with engagement locking• KSG 184housing with slide locking• KSG 185housing with engagement and/or screwlocking, integrated codingThese two-shell connector housings are also available inmetallized versions. Together with the ERNI TMC connectors,which have laminated ground contacts, screening is optimized.Versions Numbers of pins 2-rows of 9, 15, 25, 37 and 3-rows of 50 contactsTemperature range -65°...+125°CPermissible humidity Annual average ≤80%, max. 100%Creepage and clearance ≥1,0 mmWorking current 7,5 A max. 5 A max.Test voltage 1250 V rms 1000 V rms Contact resistance ≤2,5 m Ω≤10 m ΩInsulation resistance≥1014ΩShock and vibration proofness No discontinuity at 20 g and 10...2000 HzShock proofness up to 50 gMetal protective collar Tinned steelMR St 4, 1+1 µm Ni, 8±2 µm SNMouldingPBT 30% GVInflammability of the plastic Non flammable as per UL 94 V-0Comperative creepagefigure to CTI 275 / CTI 175 MDIN IEC 112 for PBT Service lifePerformance Level 2 ≥250 mating-cyclesContact force perfemale element0,4 NTMC-male connectors to PerformanceLevels 207 and 201TMC-female connectors to Performance Levels 201TMC-female connectors to Performance Level 207Example of how to orderElectrical and mechanical data023122023123023124023125023126*Dimension tablesPin connectors (P)D-Sub Socket connectors (S)Termination for the versions listed in this data sheetLoe= Solder eyelet tinned (male connector)L= Solder cupTL= Straight solder pin termination for print assemblyLP= Angled solder pin termination for print assembly (with and without guide frame)W= Wire-wrap terminationContact identification (wiring side)9 pins15 pins25 pins37 pins50 pinP S P S P S P S P STMC with manual soldering terminationDimensional drawingsMale connector Female connectorOrdering details004617004620004613004926004615023127023128023129023130023131*004125013522013635004633013844D-SubAssembly detailsTMC with manual solder terminationAssembly cutoutFront assemblyRear assemblyZone of reliable contactTMC with straight dip-solder termination Dimensional drawingsMale connectorFemale connectorDimensional drawings023132023133023019023134023135* 023136023137023138023139023140* 023141023142023143023144023145* 023146023147023148023149023150* 023151023152023153023154023155*003552003553003554003555013920 003634013052003625013702013897 003633013551003626013701013898 003635013550003628013700013892 003636013549003627013699013893Assembly detailsTMC with straight dip-solder terminationPC board hole patterns9 – 37 pin 50 pinSpacer sleeve(available as integrated accessory)PC board Zone of reliablecontact023156023157023158023159023160*013032013033013029013034013641D-SubTMC with straight dip-solder termination (with guide frame)Dimensional drawingsMale connectorFemale connectorOrdering details023166023167023168023169023170*003644004154003643004153013922023171023172023173023174023175*003599013533003622013707013894023181023182023183023184023185*003600013535003623013710013899023186023187023188023189023190*003601013534003624013709013900023176023177023178023**********003598013532003621013708013895D-Sub 023191023192023193023194023195*023196023197023198023199023200023201023202023203023204023205*023206023207023208023209023210023249023250023251023252023253*023279023280023281023282023283 023211023212023213023214023215*023254023255023256023257023258 023216023217023218023219023220*013973434287023259023260023261 023221023222023223023224023225*023262023263023264023265023266 023226023227023228023229023230*003585004225003608023367023268 023284023285023286023287023288*003584013541003464023304023305 023289023290023291023292023293*003583004925003606023306434705 433196023231023232023233023234*433197023049023082023269023270 023235023236023237023238023239*023104023271023272023273023274For further accessories and other combination options please consult ERNI’s local office sales. Assembly detailsTMC with straight dip-solder terminationPC board hole patterns9 – 37 pin 50 pinPC boardZone of reliablecontact013966023240023241023242023243023244023245023246023247023248*023294023295023296023297023298*023299023300023301023302023298*013965023275003605023276004869003581013542013834023277023278003579013014023307004448023308003580023309003603023310023311D-SubSpecial version with solder pitch of 2.84 mm between the rows TMC with angled dip-solder termination (solder pitch 2.84 mm)Dimensional drawingsMale connectorFemale connectorOrdering details about special version with solder pitch of 2.84 mmDue to the wider pitch between the rows, there is more space for conductors on the PC board. The clearance and creepage ages are greater on these versions.PC board hole patterns9 – 37 pin023317023318023319023320023*********TMC with angled dip-solder termination (without guide frame)Dimensional drawingsMale connectorFemale connectorOrdering detailsIntegrated accessories are also available on request for TMC connectors with angled terminals without guide frame.For assembly, an assembly comb is available on request.023322023323023324023325023326*013487013525013624013714013930D-SubAssembly detailsTMC with angled dip-soldered termination without guide framePC board hole patterns9 – 37 pin50 pinPC boardZone of reliable contactPC boardTMC with wire wrap terminations Dimensional drawingsMale connectorFemale connectorOrdering detailsScrew locking accessories (for all TMC standard version connectors)Ordering details434831434832434833434830023327023328023329023330023331*013492013553013632013698013928。
产品目录 (3)描述 (3)订货信息 (3)特征 (3)各封装引脚配置 (4)系统方框图 (6)管脚描述 (7)特殊功能寄存器(SFR) (8)功能描述 (12)1.总特征 (12)1.1嵌入式程序存储器 (12)1.2IO口 (12)1.3指令时钟周期选择 (12)1.4时钟输出选择 (13)1.5复位 (13)1.6时钟源 (15)2.指令设置 (16)3.存储器结构 (20)3.1程序存储器 (20)3.2数据存储器 (21)3.3数据内存-低128字节(00H TO 7F H) (21)3.4数据存储器-高128字节(80H TO FF H) (21)3.5存储器-扩展的256字节($00到$FF) (21)4.CPU结构 (22)4.1累加器 (22)4.2B寄存器 (22)4.3程序状态字 (23)4.4堆栈指针 (23)4.5数据指针 (23)4.6数据指针1 (24)4.7时钟控制寄存器 (24)4.8接口控制寄存器 (25)5.GPIO管脚型态 (26)6.定时器0 和定时器1 (28)6.1定时器/计数器模式控制寄存器(TMOD) (28)6.2定时/计数控制寄存器(TCON) (29)6.3定时器输入频率控制寄存器 (29)6.4模式0(13位定时/计数) (30)6.5模式1(16位定时/计数) (31)6.6模式2(8位自动重载定时/计数) (31)6.7模式3(两个独立8位定时/计数(仅定时器0)) (32)7.定时器2 以及捕捉/比较单元 (32)7.1定时器2功能 (35)7.2比较功能 (36)7.3捕获功能 (38)8.串行接口0 (39)8.1串行接口由以下4种模式可以设置 (40)8.2串行接口的多重机通讯 (42)8.3输入频率控制寄存器 (42)8.4波特率发生器 (42)9.看门狗定时器 (44)10.中断 (48)10.1优先权配置 (51)11.电源管理单元 (53)11.1待机模式(空闲模式) (53)11.2停止模式 (53)12.脉宽调制器(PWM) (54)13.IIC 功能 (57)14.SPI功能 (62)15.KBI –键盘接口 (67)16.LVI –低压侦测中断 (70)17.10位模拟数字转换器(ADC) (71)18.在系统编程(INTERNAL ISP) (75)18.1ISP服务程序 (75)18.2锁定位(N) (75)18.3对ISP服务程序编程 (76)18.4启动ISP服务程序 (76)18.5ISP寄存器–TAKEY,IFCON,ISPFAH,ISPFAL,ISPFD AND ISPFC (76)19.比较器(COMPARATOR) (80)工作环境 (83)DC电气特性 (83)ADC电气特性 (85)COMPARATOR 电气特性 (85)LVI& LVR电气特性 (86)产品目录SM39R16A3U20,SM39R16A3U16,SM39R16A3U14,描述原来的8052有12时钟结构,一个机器周期需要12个时钟,大多数指令是一个或两个机器周期.因此,除了乘和除指令, 8052的每个指令使用12或24个时钟,此外,8052中的每个周期用了两个记忆提取.在许多情况下,第二个是假的提取,和额外的时钟被浪费了该SM39R16A3是一个快速的单芯片8位微控制器内核.这是一个全功能的8位嵌入式控制器,执行所有ASM51指令,具有与MCS - 51相同的指令设置订货信息SM39R16A3ihhkL yymmvi: 工艺标志{ U = 1.8V ~ 5.5V}hh: 封装脚位k: 封装形式后缀{as table below }L: 无铅标志{无文字即含铅,”P” 即无铅}yy: 年mm: 月v: 版本标志{ A, B,…}Postfix PackageN PDIP (300 mil)S SOP (300 mil)O SOP (150 mil)G SSOP (150 mil) 特征●工作电压: 1.8V ~ 5.5V●高速1T 架构,最高可达25MHz●1~8T 模式可使用软件编程●指令设置兼容 MCS-51●内置22.1184MHz RC振荡器,及可程序化的分频器●16KB字节的片上闪存程序存储器●512B 字节的标准的8052 RAM●双16-bit 数据指针 (DPTR0&DPTR1)●一个全双工通信的串行接口.附加波特率产生器●三个16-bit 的定时器/计数器(计时器0,1,2)●12 ~18 GPIOs(14L~ 20L封装脚位),GPIOs 可选择四种型态(准双向口、推挽、开漏、只输入),默认准双向口(上拉)●具有四级优先权的外部中断0&外部中断1●可编程的看门狗定时器(WDT)●一个IIC 接口(主/从机模式)●一个SPI 接口(主/从机模式)●4路 10bit 脉宽调制(PWM)●4路16bit 比较(PWM)/捕获/重载功能●7路10bit 模拟数字转换(ADC)加上1路通道0链接内部Vref●片上内建比较器●片上闪存存储器支持ISP/IAP/ICP及EEPROM 功能●ISP服务程序存储空间设置为N*128 byte (N=0 to 8) ●片上在线仿真功能(ICE)及片上在线调试功能(OCD) ●键盘接口(KBI) 共4个的中断源●ALE 输出选择●低电压中断/低电压复位(LVI/LVR )●管脚ESD性能超过4KV●增强用户代码保护●电源管理单元空闲及掉电模式各封装引脚配置20 Pin PDIP/SOP/SSOPCmp1Out/SPICLK/KBI0/P0.0 PWM1/MOSI/CC2/P1.7PWM0/MISO/CC1/P1.6RST/P1.5VSSOSC_IN/XTAL1/P3.1CLKOUT/XTAL2/P3.0SS/INT1/P1.4 OCISDA/IICSDA/INT0/P1.3 OCISCL/IICSCL/T0/P1.2P0.1/KBI1/ADC1/Cmp1NInP0.2/KBI2/ADC2/Cmp1PInP0.3/KBI3/T2/ADC3/Cmp0NIn P0.4/ADC4/Cmp0PInP0.5/ADC5/CC0/PWM2 VDDP0.6/ADC6/Cmp0OutP0.7/T1/ADC7/CC3/PWM3P1.0/TXDP1.1/RXD/T2EX16 Pin SOPPWM0/MISO/CC1/P1.6RST/P1.5VSS OSC_IN/XTAL1/P3.1CLKOUT/XTAL2/P3.0SS/INT1/P1.4 OCISDA/IICSDA/INT0/P1.3 OCISCL/IICSCL/T0/P1.2P0.3/KBI3/T2/ADC3/Cmp0NIn P0.4/ADC4/Cmp0PInP0.5/ADC5/CC0/PWM2 VDDP0.6/ADC6/Cmp0OutP0.7/T1/ADC7/CC3/PWM3P1.0/TXDP1.1/RXD/T2EX14 Pin SOPSM39R16A3PWM0/MISO/CC1/P1.6RST/P1.5VSSOSC_IN/XTAL1/P3.1CLKOUT/XTAL2/P3.0OCISDA/IICSDA/INT0/P1.3P1.2/IICSCL/T0/OCISCLVDD P1.0/TXD P1.1/RXD/T2EX PWM1/MOSI/CC2/P1.7P0.0/KBI0/SPICLK/Cmp1Out P0.1/KBI1/ADC1/Cmp1NIn P0.2/KBI2/ADC2/Cmp1PIn附注:出厂默认值注意事项(1) 管脚RST/P1.5于出厂时设置为一般双向I/O(P1.5)脚,若使用者需切换为复位脚可于刻录时将此管脚定义为RESET 脚(2) 2. 为避免偶然的情况下误入ISP 刻录状态(参考第18.4单元),在上电时请确保没有连续的脉冲信号在管脚RXD P1.1及管脚P1.6必须置高,可于刻录时(3) 3. OSI_SDA/P1.3及OCI_SCL/P1.2于复位期间为ICP 刻录功能管脚,复位完成后切换成双向I/O.系统方框图Port 0Port 1Port 3T0T1CC0~CC3T2T2EXI C _S C L P W M 0P W M 1R X DX Dm p 0N I n /C m 1N I n m p 0O u t /C m p 1O u tXTAL1XTAL2D C 1 D C 2 D C 3 I C _S D AP I _M I S O P I _M O S I P I _C L K P I _S SD C 4D C 5 D C 6 D C 7O C I _S C (s h a r e w i t h I I C O C I _S D (s h a r e w i t h I I C RESET m p 0P I n /C m p 1P I n P W M 2P W M 3管脚描述20L 16L 14L 代号I/O 描述1 - 14 P0.0/KBI0/SPICLK/ADC0/ CMP1OutI/O P0口的位0 & 键盘接口中断0 & SPI 接口时钟&模数转换通道0 &比较器1输出2 - 1 P1.7/CC2/MOSI/PWM1 I/O P1口的位7 &计时器2及捕获/比较单元通道2& SPI 接口串行数据线主输出或从输入口&宽脉调制通道13 1 2 P1.6/CC1/MISO/PWM0 I/O P1口的位6 &计时器2及捕获/比较单元通道1& SPI 接口串行数据线主输入或从输出口&宽脉调制通道04 2 3 P1.5/RST I/O P1口的位5 &复位 5 3 4 VSSI 供电电源地6 4 5 P3.1/XTAL1/OSC_IN I/O P3口的位1 &晶振输入&外部振荡器输入7 5 6 P3.0/XTAL2/CLKOUT I/O P3口的位0 &晶振输出&时钟输出8 6 - P1.4/INT1/SS I/O P1口的位4 &外部中断1& SPI 接口从机跳线9 7 7 P1.3/INT0/IICSDA/OCISDA I/O P1口的位3 &外部中断0 & IIC 串行数据线 & ICE 和 ICP 功能的指令及数据输入10 8 8 P1.2/T0/IICSCL/ OCISCL I/O P1口的位2 &计时器0外部输入& IIC 串行时钟线 & ICE 和 ICP 功能的时钟输入11 9 9 P1.1/RXD/T2EX I/O P1口的位1 & 串行接口通道接收/发送数据 & 计时器2捕捉触发及捕获触发器12 10 10 P1.0/TXDI/O P1口的位0 &串行接口通道数据传输或接收模式0时钟13 11 - P0.7/T1/ADC7/ CC3/PWM3I/O P0口的位7 &计时器1外部输入&模数转换通道7 &计时器2及捕获/比较单元通道3 &宽脉调制通314 12 - P0.6/ADC6/CMP0Out I/O P0口的位6 & 模数转换通道6 &比较器0输出 15 13 11 VDDI 数位电源电压16 14 - P0.5/ADC5/CC0/PWM2 I/O P0口的位5 & 模数转换通道5 &计时器2及捕获/比较单元通道0 &宽脉调制通道217 15 - P0.4/ADC4/ CMP0PIn I/O P0口的位4 & 模数转换通道4 & 比较器0非反向输入18 16 - P0.3/KBI3/T2/ ADC3/CMP0NIn I/O P0口的位3 & 键盘接口中断3 & 计时器2外部输入时钟 &模数转换通道3 & 比较器0反向输入19 - 12 P0.2/KBI2/ADC2/ CMP1PIn I/O P0口的位2 & 键盘接口中断2 & 模数转换通道2 & 比较器1非反向输入20-13P0.1/KBI1/ADC1/ CMP1NInI/OP0口的位0 & 键盘接口中断1 & 模数转换通道1 & 比较器1反向输入特殊功能寄存器(SFR)特殊功能寄存器分布图如下所示:注:SM39R16A3特殊功能寄存器的重置值在下表描述寄存器地址重置值描述SYSTEMSP 81h 07h Stack PointerACC E0h 00h AccumulatorPSW D0h 00h Program Status WordB F0h 00h B RegisterDPL 82h 00h Data Pointer 0 low byteDPH 83h 00h Data Pointer 0 high byteDPL1 84h 00h Data Pointer 1 low byteDPH1 85h 00h Data Pointer 1 high byteAUX 91h 00h Auxiliary registerPCON 87h 00h Power ControlCKCON 8Eh 10h Clock control registerINTERRUPT & PRIORITYIRCON C0h 00h Interrupt Request Control RegisterIRCON2 97h 00h Interrupt Request Control Register 2寄存器地址重置值描述IEN0 A8h 00h Interrupt Enable Register 0IEN1 B8h 00h Interrupt Enable Register 1IEN2 9Ah 00h Interrupt Enable Register 2IP0 A9h 00h Interrupt Priority Register 0IP1 B9h 00h Interrupt Priority Register 1KBIKBLS 93h 00h Keyboard level selector RegisterKBE 94h 00h Keyboard input enable RegisterKBF 95h 00h Keyboard interrupt flag RegisterKBD 96h 00h Keyboard interface De-bounce control register UARTPCON 87h 00h Power ControlAUX 91h 00h Auxiliary registerSCON 98h 00h Serial Port, Control RegisterSBUF 99h 00h Serial Port, Data BufferSRELL AAh 00h Serial Port, Reload Register, low byteSRELH BAh 00h Serial Port, Reload Register, high bytePFCON D9h 00h Peripheral Frequency control registerADCADCC1 ABh 00h ADC Control 1 RegisterADCC2 ACh 00h ADC Control 2 RegisterADCDH ADh 00h ADC data high byteADCDL AEh 00h ADC data low byteADCCS AFh 00h ADC clock selectWDTRSTS A1h 00h Reset status registerWDTC B6h 04h Watchdog timer control registerWDTK B7h 00h Watchdog timer refresh key.TAKEY F7h 00h Time Access Key registerPWMPWMC B5h 00h PWM control registerPWMD0H BCh 00h PWM channel 0 data high bytePWMD0L BDh 00h PWM channel 0 data low bytePWMD1H BEh 00h PWM channel 1 data high bytePWMD1L BFh 00h PWM channel 1 data low bytePWMD2H B1h 00h PWM channel 2 data high bytePWMD2L B2h 00h PWM channel 2 data low bytePWMD3H B3h 00h PWM channel 3 data high bytePWMD3L B4h 00h PWM channel 3 data low bytePWMMDH CEh 00h PWM Max Data Register, high byte. PWMMDL CFh FFh PWM Max Data Register, low byte.寄存器地址重置值描述TIMER0/TIMER1TCON 88h 00h Timer/Counter ControlTMOD 89h 00h Timer Mode ControlTL0 8Ah 00h Timer 0, low byteTL1 8Bh 00h Timer 1, low byteTH0 8Ch 00h Timer 0, high byteTH1 8Dh 00h Timer 1, high bytePFCON D9h 00h Peripheral Frequency control registerPCA(TIMER2)CCEN C1h 00h Compare/Capture Enable RegisterCCL1 C2h 00h Compare/Capture Register 1, low byteCCH1 C3h 00h Compare/Capture Register 1, high byteCCL2 C4h 00h Compare/Capture Register 2, low byteCCH2 C5h 00h Compare/Capture Register 2, high byteCCL3 C6h 00h Compare/Capture Register 3, low byteCCH3 C7h 00h Compare/Capture Register 3, high byteT2CON C8h 00h Timer 2 ControlCCCON C9h 00h Compare/Capture ControlCRCL CAh 00h Compare/Reload/Capture Register, low byte CRCH CBh 00h Compare/Reload/Capture Register, high byte TL2 CCh 00h Timer 2, low byteTH2 CDh 00h Timer 2, high byteCCEN2 D1h 00h Compare/Capture Enable 2 registerGPIOP0 80h FFh Port 0P1 90h FFh Port 1P3 B0h FFh Port 3P0M0 D2h 00h Port 0 output mode 0P0M1 D3h 00h Port 0 output mode 1P1M0 D4h 00h Port 1 output mode 0P1M1 D5h 00h Port 1 output mode 1P3M0 DAh 00h Port 3 output mode 0P3M1 DBh 00h Port 3 output mode 1ISP/IAP/EEPROMIFCON 8Fh 00h Interface control registerISPFAH E1h FFh ISP Flash Address-High registerISPFAL E2h FFh ISP Flash Address-Low registerISPFD E3h FFh ISP Flash Data registerISPFC E4h 00h ISP Flash control registerTAKEY F7h 00h Time Access Key registerLVI/LVR/SOFTRESET寄存器地址重置值描述RSTS A1h 00h Reset status registerLVC E6h 20h Low voltage control registerSWRES E7h 00h Software Reset registerTAKEY F7h 00h Time Access Key registerSPIAUX 91h 00h Auxiliary registerSPIC1 F1h 08h SPI control register 1SPIC2 F2h 00h SPI control register 2SPITXD F3h 00h SPI transmit data bufferSPIRXD F4h 00h SPI receive data bufferSPIS F5h 40h SPI status registerIICAUX 91h 00h Auxiliary registerIICS F8h 00h IIC status registerIICCTL F9h 04h IIC control registerIICA1 FAh A0h IIC channel 1 Address 1 registerIICA2 FBh 60h IIC channel 1 Address 2 registerIICRWD FCh 00h IIC channel 1 Read / Write Data buffer IICEBT FDh 00h IIC Enable Bus Transaction register OPAOPPIN F6h 00H Comparator Pin Select registerCMP0CON FEh 00h Comparator 0 Control registerCMP1CON FFh 00h Comparator 1 Control register功能描述1. 总特征SM39R16A3是一个8位的微处理器,它的所有功能以及特殊功能寄存器(SFR)的详细定义将在以下章节给出.1.1 嵌入式程序存储器可通过编程器或在线编程(ISP)将程序加载到16KB的嵌入式闪存体中,其高品质的闪存体具有100K次的重复可擦写编程并记忆数据,如EEPROM。
1 3 方框图
XDCPTM 是 Xicor 公司的注册商标
免费电话 800-8808051
1 4 引脚排列及说明
1 引脚排列图
*需要 FCP 封装请与厂家联系
X93156 订购代码 订购代码
X93156WM8I-2.7 X93156UM8I-2.7
只要当 CS 转变为高而这时 INC 输入端也是高时 计数器的值即被储存在非易失性存储器中 为避 免上电时的意外存入 在初次上电期间 CS 脚必须随 VCC 变高 在开路时 CS 引脚被一个内部 30k 的
电阻拉升到 VCC 系统可能选中 X93156 移动滑动端 而后又中断选择该器件而不必将最终的滑动端位置储存在非易
免费电话 800-8808051
二 特性
2 1 极限参数*
工作温度 贮存温度
CS INC U/ D RH RL 和 VCC 引脚上的电压 相对于 VSS
引线温度 焊接 10 秒 最大回流温度 40 秒 最大电阻电流
–65°C 至+135°C –65°C 至+150°C
–1V 至+6.5V
300°C 240°C
2 3 电位器特性
电位器特性如下表所列 在推荐的工作条件下工作 除非另有规定
注 1 绝对线性用于确定实际滑动端的电压与期望电压之差= (VH(n)(实际)–VH(n)(期望)) = ±1 Ml 最大值 仅在 n = 1 .. 29 时
2 相对线性用于测量抽头间的步距误差= VH(n+1)—[VH(n)+ Ml] = ±0.5 Ml, 仅在 n = 1 .. 29 时 3 1 Ml = 最小增量 = RTOT/31 4 典型值是在TA= 25°C 和额定电源电压条件下的值 5 该参数为周期取样 未经100%测试
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With twice the capacitance of Type 3191 capacitor, Type 3199 extends output filtering performance into higher power, especially with cold temperature require-ments. It’s available with the capacitor element pot-ted in place for lowest cost or secured by rills, spoon shaped dimples in the side of the can. Rilled construc-tion offers high vibration and shock withstanding and excellent heat transfer for higher ripple current.HighlightsScrew Terminal Capacitors for Power Output FilteringStud mount available High current application Industrial applications Smoothing and filtering Audio power supplies•••••SpecificationsOperating Temperature:Rated Voltage:Capacitance Range:Capacitance Tolerance:Ripple Current Multiplier:Life Test: Shelf Life:Vibration:–55 to + 85 ºC7.5 Vdc to 75 Vdc 3900 µF to 1.2 FFrequency 60 Hz 120 Hz 300 Hz 1000 Hz ≥10 Khz I R Multiplier0.901.–10 to + 30%; –10 to +50%; ±20%Temperature 45 ºC 55 ºC 65 ºC 75 ºC 85 ºC I R Multiplier2.24 2.00 1.73 1.411.00Outline Drawing Endurance, 5000 h at rated voltage and 85 ºCΔ Capacitance: ±10% ESR ≤ 200% of limit DCL ≤ 100% of limitStorage, 500 h at 85 ºCΔ Capacitance: ±10% ESR ≤ 175% of limit DCL ≤ 200% of limit10 to 500 Hz, 0.75 mm or 10 g* if less,3 directions, 2 h ea Δ Capacitance: ±5%no visible damage or leakage *15 g if rilled constructionAmbient TemperatureFrequencyComplies with the EU Directive 2002/95/EC requirement restricting the use of Lead (Pb), Mercury (Hg), Cadmium (Cd), Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)), PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBB) and PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE).Case Dimensions, Uninsulated Bare CanCase Code Diameter (D)Length (L)Pitch (P)Plug (A)TypicalOptionalBracketPart No. ±0.031(Inches)±0.79(mm)±0.062(Inches)±1.157(mm)±0.014(Inches)±0.356(mm)A(Inches)A(mm)Weight(oz)Weight(g)BA 1.37534.9 2.12554.00.50012.70.3909.9 2.5372115058-06 BB 1.37534.9 2.62566.70.50012.70.3909.9 3.1790115058-06 BC 1.37534.9 3.12579.40.50012.70.3909.9 3.70105115058-06 BD 1.37534.9 3.62592.10.50012.70.3909.9 4.22120115058-06 BE 1.37534.9 4.125104.80.50012.70.3909.9 4.75135115058-06 BF 1.37534.9 4.625117.50.50012.70.3909.9 5.98170115058-06 BG 1.37534.9 5.125130.20.50012.70.3909.97.74220115058-06 BH 1.37534.9 5.625142.90.50012.70.3909.99.50270115058-06 DA 1.7544.5 2.12554.00.75019.10.45311.5 5.63160115058-15 DB 1.7544.5 2.62566.70.75019.10.45311.5 6.16175115058-15 DC 1.7544.5 3.12579.40.75019.10.45311.5 6.34180115058-15 DD 1.7544.5 3.62592.10.75019.10.45311.57.22205115058-15 DE 1.7544.5 4.125104.80.75019.10.45311.57.74220115058-15 DF 1.7544.5 4.625117.50.75019.10.45311.58.27235115058-15 DG 1.7544.5 5.125130.20.75019.10.45311.58.80250115058-15 DH 1.7544.5 5.625142.90.75019.10.45311.59.50270115058-15 EA250.8 2.12554.00.87522.20.50012.7 5.98170115058-09 EB250.8 2.62566.70.87522.20.50012.7 6.34180115058-09 EC250.8 3.12579.40.87522.20.50012.7 6.69190115058-09 ED250.8 3.62592.10.87522.20.50012.77.74220115058-09 EE250.8 4.125104.80.87522.20.50012.78.98255115058-09 EF250.8 4.625117.50.87522.20.50012.710.21290115058-09 EG250.8 5.125130.20.87522.20.50012.711.26320115058-09 EH250.8 5.625142.90.87522.20.50012.78.80250115058-09 FB 2.563.5 2.62566.7 1.12528.60.62515.910.56300115058-14 FC 2.563.5 3.12579.4 1.12528.60.62515.913.023********-14 FD 2.563.5 3.62592.1 1.12528.60.62515.914.0840*******-14 FE 2.563.5 4.125104.8 1.12528.60.62515.915.66445115058-14 FF 2.563.5 4.625117.5 1.12528.60.62515.921.12600115058-14 FG 2.563.5 5.125130.2 1.12528.60.62515.922.88650115058-14 FH 2.563.5 5.625142.9 1.12528.60.62515.921.12600115058-14 GC376.2 3.12579.4 1.25031.80.75019.118.30520115058-11 GD376.2 3.62592.1 1.25031.80.75019.120.06570115058-11 GE376.2 4.125104.8 1.25031.80.75019.121.12600115058-11 GF376.2 4.625117.5 1.25031.80.75019.125.34720115058-11 GG376.2 5.125130.2 1.25031.80.75019.129.92850115058-11 GH376.2 5.625142.9 1.25031.80.75019.134.14970115058-11 GJ376.2 5.825148.0 1.25031.80.75019.136.961050115058-11 GN376.28.625219.1 1.25031.80.75019.151.391460115058-11Part Numbering SystemRatings3199BA 393M7R5BPA1TypeCodeCapacitanceToleranceVoltage Terminal Construction *3199Case 393 = 39000 µF M = ±20%7R5 = 7.5 Vdc A = high post P = 0.008" PVC A1 = potted Code125 = 1.2 FS = –10 +30%020 = 20 Vdc B = low postH = 0.012" PVC R1 = rilled T = –10 +50% D = high current N = none S1 = stud & potted U = –10 +75%low post With mounting T1 - stud & rilled**K = high currrentbracket:* Construction code is also a sequence number, e.g., A1, A2, — A9, high postR = 0.008" PVCB1, B2, —, for customer specifications. Sequence number 1 in A1, R1M = M5 high post J = 0.012" PVC S1 and T1 denotes the standard catalog capacitor with no special J = M6 low postX = Nonerequirements.* Mounting stud not available for 1.375" diameter cases, case codes BA, BC and BEType 3199ESR max Ripple maxCase Size Cap Catalog 120 Hz 25 ºC 120 Hz 85 ºC DxL (µF)Part Number (m Ω) potted(A)rilled(A)(in)7.5 Vdc (9 Volts Surge)390003199BA393M7R5APA19.48.18.8 1.375x2.125470003199BB473M7R5APA19.68.89.5 1.375x2.625560003199BC563M7R5APA17.910.411.2 1.375x3.125680003199BD683M7R5APA1 6.811.812.7 1.375x3.625820003199BD823M7R5APA1 6.012.713.7 1.375x3.6251000003199BF104M7R5APA1 1.375x4.6251200003199BG124M7R5APA1 4.417.118.5 1.375x4.1251500003199DD154M7R5APA1 4.616.618.1 1.75x3.6251800003199DE184M7R5APA1 4.218.320.0 1.75x4.1252200003199DG224M7R5APA1 3.422.324.4 1.75x5.1252700003199EF274M7R5APA1 3.821.523.6 2.00x4.6253300003199EH334M7R5APA1 3.923.325.5 2.00x5.6253900003199FE394M7R5APA1 2.628.631.7 2.50x4.1254700003199FG474M7R5APA1 2.531.334.7 2.50x5.1255600003199FH564M7R5APA1 2.235.339.2 2.50x5.6256800003199GF684M7R5APA1 2.237.640.5 3.00x4.6258200003199GH824M7R5APA1 3.00x5.62512000003199GN125M7R5APA1 1.946.450.03.00x8.625Type 3199ESR max Ripple maxCase Size Cap Catalog 120 Hz 25 ºC 120 Hz 85 ºC DxL (µF)Part Number (m Ω) potted(A)rilled (A)(in)10 Vdc (12 Volts Surge)330003199BA333M010APA19.68.18.8 1.375x2.125390003199BB393M010APA18.49.410.2 1.375x2.625470003199BC473M010APA17.510.311.1 1.375x3.125560003199BC563M010APA1 6.911.112.0 1.375x3.125680003199BD683M010APA1 6.112.613.6 1.375x3.625820003199BE823M010APA1 5.5 4.7 5.1 1.375x4.1251000003199BG104M010APA1 4.517.118.5 1.375x5.1251200003199DD124M010APA1 4.616.518.0 1.75x3.6251500003199DE154M010APA1 1.75x4.1251800003199DG184M010APA1 3.812.013.1 1.75x5.1252200003199DH224M010APA1 3.223.826.0 1.75x5.6252700003199EG274M010APA1 3.623.225.4 2.00x5.1253300003199FE334M010APA1 2.628.531.6 2.50x4.1253900003199FF394M010APA1 2.430.934.3 2.50x4.6254700003199FH474M010APA1 2.433.337.0 2.50x5.6255600003199GF564M010APA1 2.237.540.4 3.00x4.6256800003199GH684M010APA1 3.00x5.62512000003199GN125M010APA1 1.746.450.03.00x8.625For CasePost Diameter H max min Full Thread Torque Terminal Style Diameters Code inmminmm Threadin mm in·lb N·m Low Post 1⅜ to 3B 0.3148.00.094 2.410–320.218 5.525 2.82High Post 1⅜ to 3A 0.3148.00.2817.110–320.3759.525 2.82High Current, Low 2½ & 3D 0.68417.40.125 3.2¼–280.3448.760 6.78High Current, High 2½ & 3K 0.68417.40.2817.1¼–280.46911.960 6.78M5 Post, Small 1⅜ to 2M 0.3148.00.2817.1M50.3759.525 2.82M6 Low Post3J 0.68417.40.125 3.2M60.3448.7606.78Terminal DimensionsClick here to see Hardware & Mounting OptionsRatingsType 3199ESR max Ripple max Case Size Cap Catalog 120 Hz 25 ºC120 Hz 85 ºC DxL (µF)Part Number(mΩ) potted(A)rilled(A)(in)16 Vdc (20 Volts Surge)220003199BA223M016APA124.6 5.0 5.4 1.375x2.125 270003199BB273M016APA121.3 5.9 6.4 1.375x2.625 390003199BC393M016APA117.17.07.6 1.375x3.125 470003199BD473M016APA114.88.18.7 1.375x3.625 560003199BE563M016APA113.39.09.7 1.375x4.125 680003199BG683M016APA110.311.212.1 1.375x5.125 820003199BH823M016APA19.812.013.0 1.375x5.625 1000003199DE104M016APA17.014.115.4 1.75x4.125 1200003199DF124M016APA1 5.816.217.7 1.75x4.625 1500003199DH154M016APA1 5.218.720.4 1.75x5.625 1800003199EG184M016APA1 3.723.025.2 2.00x5.125 2200003199FE224M016APA1 3.524.427.1 2.50x4.125 2700003199FF274M016APA1 3.226.729.6 2.50x4.625 3300003199GE334M016APA1 3.00x4.125 3900003199GF394M016APA1 2.832.935.5 3.00x4.625 4700003199GH474M016APA1 2.537.740.6 3.00x5.625 8200003199GN824M016APA1 2.246.450.0 3.00x8.62525 Vdc (30 Volts Surge)180003199BA183M025APA124.8 5.0 5.4 1.375x2.125 270003199BC273M025APA117.4 6.97.5 1.375x3.125 330003199BD333M025APA115.08.08.6 1.375x3.625 390003199BE393M025APA113.58.99.6 1.375x4.125 470003199BG473M025APA110.511.112.0 1.375x5.125 560003199BH563M025APA19.9 2.7 2.9 1.375x5.625 680003199DE683M025APA17.114.015.3 1.75x4.125 820003199DF823M025APA1 5.916.017.5 1.75x4.625 1000003199DG104M025APA1 5.517.419.0 1.75x5.125 1200003199EF124M025APA1 4.021.323.3 2.00x4.625 1500003199EH154M025APA1 3.524.426.7 2.00x5.625 1800003199FF184M025APA1 3.326.429.3 2.50x4.625 2200003199FG224M025APA1 3.028.531.6 2.50x5.125 2700003199FG274M025APA1 2.831.735.2 2.50x5.125 3300003199GG334M025APA1 2.635.338.0 3.00x5.125 5600003199GN564M025APA1 2.246.450.0 3.00x8.62540 Vdc (50 Volts Surge)100003199BA103M040APA132.0 4.4 4.8 1.375x2.125 120003199BB123M040APA127.4 5.2 5.6 1.375x2.625 150003199BC153M040APA118.2 6.87.4 1.375x3.125 180003199BD183M040APA115.77.98.5 1.375x3.625 220003199BE223M040APA114.08.79.4 1.375x4.125 270003199BF273M040APA113.59.310.1 1.375x4.625 330003199BH333M040APA111.810.911.8 1.375x5.625 390003199DD393M040APA19.411.512.6 1.75x3.625 470003199DE473M040APA18.412.914.1 1.75x4.125 560003199DG563M040APA1 6.615.917.4 1.75x5.125 680003199DH683M040APA1 1.75x5.625 820003199EG823M040APA1 4.321.223.2 2.00x5.125 1000003199FE104M040APA1 4.322.224.6 2.50x4.125 1200003199FF124M040APA1 3.924.327.0 2.50x4.625 1500003199FH154M040APA1 3.428.131.2 2.50x5.625 1800003199GG184M040APA1 3.132.334.8 3.00x5.125 2200003199GH224M040APA1 2.934.637.3 3.00x5.625 3300003199GN334M040APA1 2.246.450.0 3.00x8.625Type 3199ESR max Ripple max Case Size Cap Catalog 120 Hz 25 ºC120 Hz 85 ºC DxL (µF)Part Number(mΩ) potted(A)rilled(A)(in)50 Vdc (65 Volts Surge)82003199BA822M050APA141.0 3.9 4.2 1.375x2.125 100003199BB103M050APA134.9 4.6 5.0 1.375x2.625 120003199BC123M050APA127.6 5.6 6.0 1.375x3.125 150003199BD153M050APA123.2 6.4 6.9 1.375x3.625 180003199BE183M050APA120.37.27.8 1.375x4.125 220003199BF223M050APA116.68.49.1 1.375x4.625 270003199BH273M050APA114.29.910.7 1.375x5.625 330003199DE333M050APA19.811.913.0 1.75x4.125 390003199DF393M050APA18.213.614.9 1.75x4.625 470003199DG473M050APA17.514.916.3 1.75x5.125 560003199EF563M050APA19.613.614.9 2.00x4.625 680003199EH683M050APA18.116.117.6 2.00x5.625 820003199FF823M050APA1 6.618.620.6 2.50x4.625 1000003199FH104M050APA1 5.621.724.1 2.50x5.625 1200003199GF124M050APA1 5.323.825.7 3.00x4.625 1500003199GH154M050APA1 4.527.930.1 3.00x5.625 2200003199GN224M050APA1 3.537.740.6 3.00x8.62563 Vdc (85 Volts Surge)47003199BA472M063APA141.5 3.9 4.2 1.375x2.125 56003199BB562M063APA135.4 4.5 4.9 1.375x2.625 68003199BB682M063APA132.4 5.0 5.4 1.375x2.625 82003199BC822M063APA127.5 5.6 6.0 1.375x3.125 100003199BD103M063APA123.2 6.57.0 1.375x3.625 120003199BE123M063APA120.37.37.9 1.375x4.125 150003199BG153M063APA115.59.29.9 1.375x5.125 180003199BH183M063APA114.39.910.7 1.375x5.625 220003199DE223M063APA110.011.812.9 1.75x4.125 270003199DG273M063APA17.814.716.0 1.75x5.125 330003199DH333M063APA17.215.817.3 1.75x5.625 390003199EG393M063APA18.615.016.4 2.00x5.125 470003199FE473M063APA17.516.618.4 2.50x4.125 560003199FF563M063APA1 6.718.420.4 2.50x4.625 680003199FH683M063APA1 5.721.523.9 2.50x5.625 820003199GF823M063APA1 5.323.825.6 3.00x4.625 1000003199GH104M063APA1 4.527.729.9 3.00x5.625 1500003199GN154M063APA1 3.637.440.3 3.00x8.62575 Vdc (95 Volts Surge)39003199BA392M075APA142.5 3.8 4.1 1.375x2.125 47003199BB472M075APA136.2 4.5 4.9 1.375x2.625 56003199BB562M075APA132.6 5.0 5.4 1.375x2.625 68003199BC682M075APA128.1 5.5 5.9 1.375x3.125 82003199BD822M075APA123.7 6.4 6.9 1.375x3.625 100003199BE103M075APA120.77.27.8 1.375x4.125 120003199BG123M075APA115.89.19.8 1.375x5.125 150003199DD153M075APA111.610.411.3 1.75x3.625 180003199DE183M075APA110.211.612.7 1.75x4.125 220003199DG223M075APA18.014.515.8 1.75x5.125 270003199EF273M075APA19.613.614.9 2.00x4.625 330003199EH333M075APA18.216.017.5 2.00x5.625 390003199FF393M075APA1 6.918.120.1 2.50x4.625 470003199FG473M075APA1 6.319.721.9 2.50x5.125 560003199FH563M075APA1 5.821.323.7 2.50x5.625 680003199GG683M075APA1 5.025.527.5 3.00x5.125 820003199GH823M075APA1 4.627.629.7 3.00x5.625 1200003199GN124M075APA1 3.637.240.1 3.00x8.625。