



史上最有用最全的注册码的(序列号)Panasonic MPEG Encoder Plugin For Adobe Premiere v2.1--sn:900-4018000 Password:8762NGC4594Panopticum Fire for Adobe After Effects v1.1--FirstName:SiEGE LastName:1999 sn:37991555Pantone HexImage for Adobe Photoshop--Name:PWA sn:C077ADC599F540AD Panopticum Fire for Adobe Photoshop v1.0--FirstName:SiEGE LastName:1999 sn:68716Panopticum Fire for Adobe Photoshop v2.0--NameAnything)sn:F2P-90327-1975Absolute security pro 3.9--Name: CROSSFIRE ROCKER s/n: JDHULALBFRHMLQY or Name: FIREANGEL [EVD] s/n: NVMFTMKNPTUCHJAAcdSee 3.1 build 921 Retail--sn:243478918944730541安全之星XP正式版--SN:CHR-SSV456-9985303DSK-3或者CHR-SSV234-9913220CHR-3Adobe After Effects V5.0--sn:EWE780A7645038-389-588或者SN:EWW471R7080005-040-498Adobe After Effects V4.1--sn:EWW400R4000123-666-922Adobe Acrobat 5.0.1 简体中文版--SN:KWC500R6538415-885Adobe Acrobat 5.0 正式完全版--sn:AEB100R3498245-291或者sn:KWW500R7150122-128Adobe Acorobat full 4.0--sn:AOW301R7136978-298Adobe Acorobat read 1.2--sn:ARM100R3100034-100-397Adobe Acorobat distiller 2.1--snEE100R3001172-010-496Adobe Acorobat capture--sn:WCW100R3101909-171Adobe Dimission 3.01--snJW301R2100011-348Adobe Genesis--sn::44444 autoriznatincode:2077229778Adobe Illustrator 9.0繁体中文版--sn:ABT800R7100102-625Adobe Illustrator 8.0中文版--sn:ABW800X7102095-685或者sn:EXX500R5900103198-517Adobe PageMaker.v7.0--S/N:1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545Adobe Pagemaker 6.0--sn:03W600R1124621-479Adobe Pagemaker NL v5.0--sn: 03-5025-303224614Adobe Premiere 6.0 final--sn:MBF500B7205104-998Adobe Premiere 5.1--sn:MXX500R145503-500-448Adobe Premiere RT 5.1 for 9x/NT--sn: MBF420U3000205-940Adobe PhotoShop v6.01 中文版--PWC601R3382269-296或者PWC601R4999617-923或者PWW600R7105467-948或者PWW550R7162534-100 Adobe Photoshop 6.0--sn:PWW600R7105467-948或者EXX600B6311279-428 Adobe Photoshop 5.0--sn:PWW400R7106337-339Adobe Photoshop 4.0--sn:PWW250R3107069-312Adobe Photo deluxe--sn:HTW200R7100048-493Adobe Streamline v4.0--sn:SBW400U7102000-766或者SBW400U7100000-392 Adobe Streamline v3.0--sn:SBW300S1100640-184Adobe Type manager--sn:AWW400P0101591-292Adobe Wild type--sn:FHW251R31003373OFFICE XP 简体中文正式版--序列号:P2KDC-9HMXH-9QFVK-PMQCB-V2XMM Office 2000 简体中文企业版--序列号:J2MV9-JYYQ6-JM44K-QMYTH-8RB2W office 2000 Full--s/n: GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8office 2000 Permium--s/n: DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJoffice 2000 Porfessional--s/n: XVG79-Q2WK3-JRPMD-9H26V-7TBYToffice 2000 Small Buiness Edition--s/n: TW2RX-PPYX4-MW4FQ-YVYDQ-7CCCQ office 2000 Upgrade--s/n: RMYXR-DJ6FK-M8WBR-FKMB4-JXCCCP TOP翩跹压缩 v3.0--注册名:jieao 注册码:85DA9113F0C377Panda Antivirus Titanium熊猫钛金零售版--name:U38V92LK3Hpassword:2a16sd7xekx79PartitionMagic Pro6.01 for Win9x 精简汉化版--注册码:PP601CDSP1-12345678PartitionMagic Pro6.01 for NT/2000 精简汉化版--注册码:PP601CDSP1-12345678PartitionMagic 6.0 for NT/2000--sn:PM600ENSP1-11111131Particle Fire 2(火焰屏保)--注册码:2222222222Panasonic MPEG Encoder Plugin For Adobe Premiere v2.1--sn:900-4018000 Password:8762NGC4594Panopticum Fire for Adobe After Effects v1.1--FirstName:SiEGE LastName:1999 sn:37991555Pantone HexImage for Adobe Photoshop--Name:PWA sn:C077ADC599F540AD Panopticum Fire for Adobe Photoshop v1.0--FirstName:SiEGE LastName:1999 sn:68716Panopticum Fire for Adobe Photoshop v2.0--NameAnything)sn:F2P-90327-1975PageMaker.v7.0--S/N:1039-1121-2998-7586-7388-7545Pagemaker 6.0--sn:03W600R1124621-479Pagemaker NL v5.0--sn: 03-5025-303224614Premiere 6.0 final--sn:MBF500B7205104-998Premiere 5.1--sn:MXX500R145503-500-448Premiere RT 5.1 for 9x/NT--sn: MBF420U3000205-940PhotoShop v6.01 中文版--PWC601R3382269-296或者PWC601R4999617-923或者PWW600R7105467-948或者PWW550R7162534-100Photoshop 6.0--sn:PWW600R7105467-948或者EXX600B6311279-428 Photoshop 5.0--sn:PWW400R7106337-339Photoshop 4.0--sn:PWW250R3107069-312Photo deluxe--sn:HTW200R7100048-493PC-Cillin 2001 V8.05 英/日文版--sn:PCEW-0011-4881-2059-1555PC-Cillin 2001 V8.04--Code:OSJF-9999-6388-8759-0082PC-Cillin 2001 V8.02-- sn:OSJF-9999-6388-8759-0082PC-Cillin 2001 V8.0-- SN:OSJF-9999-6388-8759-0082PCGhost 4.0 Beta 2(电脑幽灵)--SN:abc-2972178Panda Antivirus Platinum熊猫卫士白金版--注册号:4nzdcdpb6j5Painter 6(自然画笔)--SN:PF60WRZ-0015375-WRBPictureMore 2.30--Name:teamORiON2000 Code:gqm8kGirPolyView 3.61--Name:Mr.Grey [WkT!] SN:3049316813PolyView 3.54--Name:Mr.Grey [WkT!] SN:3049316813Power DVD 3.0.1114 For WiN9X/NT 正式零售版--CD-key:AM12112110760255 PowerDVD 3.0 简体中文正式版--SNV29795362671898PowerQuest DataGone v2.4--注册码2553-0000-1355-5571PowerQuest Server Magic V4.0 For WinNT/2K 简体中文版--username:leggylady@,password:tightsPro Magic 5.12--sn:513001023001DPL8K14W 或者 sn:SCHINA030904TFHDVMWA ProtectX 4.16专业版--Name:Mackoi SN:5AG4ACC41DA56D1Private Pix 2.51--Name:PIX Code:06C6BD3710Process Manager(Windows进程管理)3.01--注册名:Nicsoft 注册码:11064 或者 name:sunfeng SN:EG12376Process Manager(Windows进程管理)3.0--name:dyiyd [CCG] code:CCG15688 Q TOPQuickTime 5.02 完全版--Name:Luke Key:UEAU-TMXW-REME-3UAW-5678或者Name:microke s/n:PMME-GGQM-EMRU-UPE3-5678QuickTime 5 Preview 3--Name:Anonymous Code:0DB4-DD8B-19DB-58B8-6969 R TOPRealPlayer v8.0 Basic Build中文版--sn:0444-90-4466 或者sn:0094-32-4766RealPlayer V8.0 Basic Build中文版--sn:0094-32-4766 或者SN:1356-04-4068RealPlay助理 1.0.0--name:2000yeah code:0411225518Real 格式文件压缩至尊 v1.3 --注册码:TianYusoftware is good RealProducer Plus 8.51--sn:212-09483-1266 或 212-15087-3664 RealProducer Plus 8.5--SN:212-08976-3639RegRun v2.90--SN:Neme:CZY Last Name: E-mail:REG@ Code:424798RichWin2000(四通利方中文平台2000)--SN:PF00-7WLX-0001-0000273或者SN:RNA0-5GXO-0001-0000108瑞星杀毒软件千禧世纪版--序列号:I49ISF-RUNLD3-OV3CD1-S30000 或者CRMLLL-518AI4-H20JII-640000瑞星千禧世纪版升级序列号--name:qdj pass:1789882 n:csxk p:2298915 n:a p:2671367 n:b p:2570049 n:cq p: 2547100瑞星千禧世纪版ID:TAIHN5YJ TAK4KTNK TAK4N5AV TAPJ5UBU TAQ484SF TA94DIZKTA54HA2E TALIVVR8 TA6HM4J1 TAGIYWCQ TAZ4MDK7 TAWI5LL9TAEIM62X TAP4IED4 TAVHMEUY TAQ4726Q TABH9K1Q TAQHPJYVTA6IX48P TAU4ED8B TAU4GVRJ TA74IQ26 TA7IJF9W TAVIFUMZTA1ISG6F TAB417N2 TAHIW2PB TA1IPVRT TA64G64K TA24HC33TA64FJLN TAS444VN TASHT5MX TAR42DEC TAXIXHBR TAMIKJTQTAB4NJUS TAZI69Y7 TAV43UWK TAUJM6AT TARIRBK6 TA54HA2ES TOPSystem Commander Pro 2000 V5.04正式版--serial:SC2K5-ENE-1013673-XRRT SyGate Home Network v4.0 Build 727--Name:anythingSerial:44D46441-3127CFBA Code:BCF3D581Sygate Personal Firewall--序列号为:H1001001Screen Saver Toolbox v3.3 汉化专业版--Name:Gmwz.FreeUserSN:755310-15066738SmartDraw Professional 5.50 正式版--SN:SD-00-207514-000A-00000-50-45711Snappy Fax 2000 V2.11.5.1--Name:Free User Code:8B4D0AF5CFC821E413S-Spline 2.04--序列号:314AR-JVC65-JXFVO-VW6NG-PPVVE-4KHIASuper Tools v1.0--用户名: 密码:gOJnrcmotrpjOr76ZgM SuperCleaner 2.00--Name: ReanimatoR^LasH Code:2034-76128-1644-20496 SuperCleaner 2.00 Beta 1--注册码:1175-43316-941-11662Super magic 2000(超极兔子魔法设置魔2000)简体中文版--SN:SM2003-KOP8J3-YJ0YH1-HY5Q45Swish 1.5 beta 3--用户名: 注册号:CmR9qXxp15zOZbd0mxiqDQxAMkFesGgHqcWitM73XSmUG5K5Streamline v4.0--sn:SBW400U7102000-766或者SBW400U7100000-392 Streamline v3.0--sn:SBW300S1100640-184数据备份专家2.0--用户码:121212 注册码:YanZhiYang1998神奇注册表 0.5版--用户名:copyyour 注册码:12070019神奇注册表 0.4版--用户名:copyyour 注册码:12070019四通利方中文平台2000(RichWin2000)--SN:PF00-7WLX-0001-0000273或者SN:RNA0-5GXO-0001-0000108四川省麻将(Kyodai Mahjongg) v15.25--注册名: 注册码:002805471661672810617 或者注册名:Free User 注册码:445237065T TOPTransMac 4.2--Name:Free User Code:K7E7PAAM6SF2Trojan Remover 4.3.0--number:22222 key:875873717Trojan Remover 4.3.0--Number:189891 Key:46339488573227112Trojan Remover 4.2.2--SN: 12345678 / 376003664581841Trojan Remover 4.1.7--Name:[eGIS! '98] Company:UCF/PCE '98Code:3743079544TuneSpark.CD.Maker.v1.1.214--Name:stcsr SN:870648E6044E75E3Tweaki for Power Users 3.0.12--sn:YOQNPGTWTxEdit 4.7--Name:LwAkUsChI Org:cOoL Code:4015466477Type manager--sn:AWW400P0101591-292听网 1.0--SN:41EF-2645-04560647天网防火墙 v2.0.3.102-v2.3通用--用户名:evrybody 注册号:582f 或者注册名:microke 注册码:3d8f天音怒放 V2.15--用户名:fpxfpx 注册码:505-0853-45天音怒放 V2.14--Name: SN:443-7672-13天音怒放 V2.13b--Name: SN:443-7672-13天音怒放 V2.13--注册名:世纪动力注册码:999-1962-28 或者注册名:师大附中注册码:974-8525-71 或者注册名:RIRI 注册码:632-0390-88天音怒放2.1修正版--用户名:密码:685-4091-45U TOPUlead Photo Express(我形我速) 4.0 Trial-sn:12903-54000-87045955 Ulead Photo Explorer Pro 7.0 iso--sn:11103-67000-00262910Ulead PhotoImpact V6.0 ESD--sn:11103-06000-00085757Ulead VideoStudio 5.0正式版--SN:11102-85000-00015330Ulead COOL 3D 3.0 简体中文正式版--SN:12905-03000-00381553V TOPVirtual Drive(虚拟光驱) 2001 个人版--安装序列号:FSX31000000VRV北信源杀毒专家2001 正式零售版--序列号:FJDLKICPEAEVoptMe 6.20--Name:0000000000 Location:0000000000 PersonalKey:CE9391A5GCOBR6F00000或者Name:w Location:[CCG]Code:C7D6623C37O2R16WSMKSVisualRoute 5.2c--CLIENT KEY: VISUALROUTE-PWV5C1-5A3245-4A61 SERVER KEY: VISUALROUTE-PWV5S10-FBA833-95E4VuePrint Pro 7.7b--Code:11168520W TOP网络小吸星 v1.0--用户名: 密码:N89HN4WN3J五子棋大战--注册码: g216lab031b5xup376我形我素 4.0--sn:12903-54000-87045955WPS Office 金山办公组合(企业版)--SN:KSW026-110000-428123-807600 Wps2000序列号--KSW00-13328-76201 或者 KSW00-42712-80739WPS2000万能序列号--KSW00-00000-00000WinISO 注册码--Name:fixdownCode:9988c3cad629cd2d0000006b00000000WinISO V3.9.0.100正式版注册码--user:winiso sn:998814fe1ad423ec0000005f00000000或者Name:Free UserCode:9988be39150d1ffa0000006d00000000WinISO 3.X通用注册码--Name:Free UserCode:9988be39150d1ffa0000006d00000000Winmsg 消息精灵3.13 v3.13.3649--用户名:白菜乐园注册码:58-F0-89-58-06-53-53-2AWinmsg 消息精灵3.00 v3.12.3472--注册名: 注册码:09-2B-79-43-B5-1E-24-0CWinImage V5.00.5009 Beta--Name:CrazyKnight [ORiON] CN:E3744D08或者Name:The Netmech^LasH Regcode: 44C66A34WinImage V5.00.5007--Name:John Hunt sn:122CA601Windows Power Tools 2.85--Code:b87d789wnfijwefh87eyf87hWindows进程管理(Process Manager) v3.0.1--注册名:Nicsoft 注册码:11064 或者 name:sunfeng SN:EG12376Windows进程管理(Process Manager) v3.0--name:dyiyd [CCG]code:CCG15688Wild type--sn:FHW251R31003373WinImp 1.21--Name:IMP Key1:3E8FC381 Key2:6884663CWinZip 8.1 beta Build 4180--Name:x SN:00020000或者Name:cTRLdSN:1D4C036CWinzip v8.0 build3105--注册名:among 注册码:514A0431 或者注册名:wang qiang 注册码:c97b0c33 或者注册名:ldr 注册码:77940148或者name:wangds code:529c0641WinZip v7.0 SR-1--注册码:Name:The Krazy Nomad [DEViANT] sn:0BB3629F WinDVD v2.3 DTS ISO--sn:4432GHT7C7R84E0万能五笔2000+通用注册码--用户名:shenwei168 PASSWORD: 2546781324578124(可以是十六个任意数字)万能五笔注册码--用户名:cniti 用户码:3821-076433-0764WebZip s/n:1981862877 Key:A7BB94087900 WebZip s/n:1981862877 Key:A7BB94087900 WebZip 4.10 Build 624--Name:among Seria Numberl:1981862877 Reg Key:A7BB94087900WebZip 4.00版本通用注册码--name:among Seria Numberl:1981862877 Reg Key:A7BB94087900 或者 name:1key serial:love1key code:6ED1140C1600 或者姓名:sNoOFy [AmoK] 序列号:nICE tO sEE yOU! 注册码:A8EF3C7C1A00 WinGate 4.4.0(0728)--Name:oDDiTy PHEAR Code:666CA61E5DDB490FE6D07C12 Wingate Pro v4.40--name: oDDiTy PHEAR key: 666CA61E5DDB490FE6D07C12 或者name: ODDITY BASTARD key: CA160578A130655A442D34F9WinGate 4.4 Beta A--用户名: MFD Corp. 注册码:36BF3E69EEAEE1E83E36132E 或者NameDDiTy PHEAR s/n:666CA61E008F4E0F86D07C12WinGate vx.x--Name: United Cracking Force - QTsn:419764B050C2EF1DD21CAB12WinGate v4.3--Name:Boy SN:AE5F56E5D95781E99FCEA546 或者 Name: DFA OWNZ SN:666CA61E008F4E0F86D07C12WinGate V4.2--Name:MFD Corp.sn:36BF3E69EEAEE1E83E36132EWinRescue 98 5.04--注册:Code:SvetCHRISTAWinRescue 95 V10.04--注册:msR3I8aUi9y2E84LWinRescue Me 1.04--注册:Code:myONEthingWinRescue 2000 2.04--注册:Code:NashBOGvseMogysheeWinRescue NT V2.04--Code:IBNTB-IMN4KJOWinRescue 98 V5.03--Code:SvetCHRISTAWinRescue 95 V10.03--Code:msR3I8aUi9y2E84LWinRescue Me 1.03--Code:myONEthingWinRescue 2K V2.03--Code:NashBOGvseMogysheeWinRescue NT V2.03--Code:IBNTB-IMN4KJOWindowsXP可以无限次激活的号码:CXGDD-GP2B2-RKWWD-HG3HY-VDJ7J或者RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQWindowsXP 2520 Pro 英文版--60天免激活序列号:RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQWindows XP 2505 RC1--序列号:DTWB2-VX8WY-FG8R3-X696T-66Y46Q3R8Y-MP9KD-3M6KB-383YB-7PK9Q 411Y0-URB45-34R3B-310N6-70U51F0R6R-347JU-57IC3-M0V34-11Z16 50M38-0DY53-7UPU5-7H380-M8111 WindowXP(windows whistler) Beta2 build 2428--CD Key:RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows Mellinium(Windows Me)简体中文最终正式版--s/n:B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33Windows2000 Professional 中文版--SN:PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTW Windows2000 Professional英文正式版--s/n:RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGWindows2000 Server 简体中文完全正式版--S/N:XF7DK-7X2WM-2QRCT-Y9R23-4BHDGWindows2000 Server--CD-KEY:H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMWindows 98 SE 标准正式版--s/n: HMTWJ-VPPWP-9BXP8-WD73Y-GGT6M Windows98序列号--K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3X TOP熊猫钛金零售版Panda Antivirus Titanium--name:U38V92LK3Hpassword:2a16sd7xekx79熊猫卫士白金版Panda Antivirus Platinum--注册号:4nzdcdpb6j5熊猫卫士白金版Panda Antivirus Platinum 6.30--Code:4nzdcdpb6j5虚拟光驱(Virtual Drive) 2001 个人版--安装序列号:FSX31000000现在就打字1.2注册号--姓名: 密码:105277772612 下载软件管理盒(FlashSoft) V1.06--用户名: 注册码:873359396Y TOP鹦鹉螺网络助手(Nautilus NetKit)v2.20中文版--Name:husoftCode:rkdwpibung 或者 Name:nicsoft code:mfyrkdwpib鹦鹉螺网络助手(Nautilus NetKit)v2.11中文版--注册名:dyiyd [CCG] 注册码exqjcvohat友情强档 5.82.0999(08.01)--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档5.82.999国际版--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档5.80.978国际版--Name:getfox SN:172392-EIVJYH友情强档 V5.63国际版--Name:wind[CCG] SN:196350-XIEVVQVIR音画时尚(ICE Player) v2.6--注册码:PL68A-yhss-style-98566-55860或者6615-FCJX-LDgs-155868-ice260a音画时尚(ICE Player) v2.18--注册码:TD98c-00ip-Q65Z-4129C-8521 或者fyal-WMCZ-LDco-slyy-ice218音乐贝贝(CDOK)--姓名:洋白菜公司:Email:yang119@ sn:CA9C8419 或者注册名:copyyour 公司:CCG信箱:cncrack@ 注册码:7E868430Z TOP中文版拼图游戏1.0--注册码:ffrjj_196418中华压缩(ChinaZip) 6.02--用户名: 注册码:AKEM9752 自然画笔(Painter) 6.0--SN:PF60WRZ-0015375-WRB智能陈桥五笔5.03正式版--注册信息码:CCJXQ7X5S智能狂拼II正式版--序列号:350-00161634365653智能狂拼完全正式版--sn:300-812522036449中文之星 2001--SN:310-1219640374430-9 TOP32-bit FTP f9.31.1--Name:stcs Code:3033353B353932-bit FTP f9.28.01--Name:FTP Code:30323B373D3B32-bit FTP f9.26.15--Name:FTP Code:30323B373D3B32-bit Fax x9.31.1--Name:stcsr Code:3034323B373832-bit Fax x9.28.01--Name:CZY Code:3033373C383A3DS MAX R4 最终零售版软件预安装密码为--cdkey:226-19791979 &key:XLSQBQ3DS MAX 3.1--Serial: 110-12345678 CDKey: S4ED6W Authorization Code: a84983813D Morfit 3D WorldBuilder v3.9--SN:M-2000-MVR-1737Galley Master MM for Adobe PageMaker--sn:50336-150-77196444Galley Master XD for Adobe PageMaker--sn:70336-150-97196444 ACDsee SR1 PowerPack Retail--sn:243478918944730541ACDsee 3.1--sn:132728175249781441AceFTP V2.01--Name: Free User s/n: A333U4-4XZ7PK-TTMDZC-WMBHAU AceHTML Pro 4.30.1--Name:Free User Code:Q4LB-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6 AceHTML Pro 4.22.2--Name:Free User Code:Q4LB-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6 AceHTML Pro 4.22.1--Name:Free User Code:Q4LB-KG9X-Q8PB-3TN6 Advanced Gif Animator 2.2 中文注册版--注册码:0qT+7ks91OS6TwwuLvuwXOgnH9C1VS Eo9HIWngLCMBIuHEWyJzuGuNjjAVvsQIf8lo8MhU4c6QZfVgfvrKE7u6ZOsd sLI8UGMKEK3nDr1cRHcvufQ9LTGS3Bz16BSbF7c7cd7gkAFbooFcHO/P8lPf FRTTAg+2Mnrz28OeYhZSIk=Advanced PDF Password Recovery 1.33--注册码:PDFP-99322-EYSVY-886 Advanced Archive Password Recovery 1.01--NAME:Juan Lozada SERIAL:ARCHPR-TBHW5SSMYGQS-CUQ9SNYDE59T4KMMAdvanced ZIP Password Recovery v3.11--sn:00003112193920061941Nqu5h797f6cAjz4UAltoMP3 Maker 2.2--Name:Free User SN:1LfDE2UKh1F5i9fCAlgolab_photo_vector_v1.01--Name:stcsr Companv: Email:stcsr@ Serial:ALPVHFCHINCTMGOPQRSAqua 3D Screen Saver 1.5 汉化破解版--name:任意Code:1234-6789-1234-67C2(程序运行时按空格键即可输入注册码)AutoCAD 2002 最终零售版--Serial:400-12345678 CD-KEY:T4ED6P 找E8B2FEFFFF 85C0 744F 8D4DF0 改为 E8B2FEFFFF 85C0 754F 8D4DF0 就可以用了Audio Converter 3.0(0402)特别版--Use Name:chaoruan Company:china Licenses:1 Serial key:08199-04923680536126119550AudioCD MP3 Studio 2000 V2.3--SN:CSN77B-174094802faB TOP冰雨音画(音画时尚)ICE Player 2.6--注册码:PL68A-yhss-style-98566-55860 6615-FCJX-LDgs-155868-ice260a北信源杀毒专家VRV2001 正式零售版--序列号:FJDLKICPEAEBlindWrite v0.99.1.4--sn:GOLXB3GJE4S46LFJBlindRead v3.0.1.4--sn:KSI1G8JT32UXBAFJ卜算子.天问体育彩票摇奖预测器 v1.20--姓名:白菜乐园密码:ShuanglongDKSF卜算子.三颂个人人气运势分析预测 v1.20--姓名:白菜乐园密码:ShuanglongJWKD卜算子权谋 5.8--Name:洋白菜 SN:EricFuminFHMIOAC TOP彩票点金术2.0--注册邮箱 fpx 注册码 w>]_>KVk卡丽来相片VCD制作系统心动版--SN:CHAMP-9C05EF50-2000词痴 1.5--注册名: 注册码:194394184064284305784305284064105105105CyberLink PowerVCR II v3.0 PRO 简体中文正式版--sn:PD7000EPS0000453 4.0A--Name: Company: UnlockKey:9130D087-C2FD21AA-6312FA87-FE3636FE CheckKey:6F06E679-53CDF12D-A1EFDB2D-9D24CC79 或者 Name: CoKeBoTtLe99 Company/Email: Cokebottle@ Unlock Code:60D015F4-600893EB-BEFF5755-53E4E943 Check Code:3334FCB7-00D8861F-DEF7C4BE-ED1BBE16Clean Disk Security 4.9 --Code:deepgreenChinaZip(中华压缩) 6.02--用户名: 注册码:AKEM9752 CDOK音乐贝贝--姓名:洋白菜公司:Email:yang119@ sn:CA9C8419或者注册名:copyyour 公司:CCG 信箱:cncrack@ 注册码:7E868430Copernic 2001 Pro 5.0 完全版--sn:7336-791157997CPU Cool v6.1.1--Code:7398356CPUCool V6.0.0 Beta--sn:4337148超级兔子魔法设置(Magic Set)3.91简体中文版--Name: Sun Bird Code: CXM-AYYABBXDSPG超级兔子魔法设置(Magic Set) 3.9简体中文版---Name: Sun Bird Code: CXM-AYYABBXDSPG 或者用户名:我爱蔡兔子密码:CX-BBBAWBETUVB超级兔子注册表优化v4.12增强版--Name:Only For ChineseCode:AFABXBCVWXB或者Name:conanxu[BCG] Code:conanxu[BCG]超级兔子魔法设置v3.88简体中文版完美注册--Name: Sun Bird [CCG] Sn: CX-AYYABBPDOLG超级兔子魔法设置v3.88中文版--Name:swnetcn17 Code:SPQHQRSWOXW或者Name:Only For Chinese Code:AFABXBCVWXB或者Nameurewom Code:2Y2PMEFG3或者Name:Al Gore Code:1W1IFHIJ8或者Name:Bauer Lindemann Code:3U5YVLMN6或者Name:蔡旋 Code:ABASGBCXMCB超级兔子魔法设置v3.86中文版--Name:Only For Chinese Code:AFABXBCVWXB 或者Nameurewom Code:2Y2PMEFG3或者Name:Al Gore Code:1W1IFHIJ8或者Name:Bauer Lindemann Code:3U5YVLMN6超级兔子魔法设置V3.85多语言版--注册码:NAME:swnetcn17 CODE:SPQHQRSWOXW(适用于简体中文版的超级兔子魔法设置),注册表优化可以用conanxuBCG的注册码:AFABXBCVWXB,注册名任意。

BS 6853-1999

BS 6853-1999

英国标准载客列车防火设计和建造规范经许可由澳大利亚标准复制除版权法允许外,没有BSI的许可不得复印BS 6853:1999 包括1号修改案BSI英国标准目录页码负责的委员会封面内侧前言iii介绍1 范围2 参考标准3 术语和定义以及符号4 车辆类别的划分5 设计根据6 材料7 火灾的蔓延与火灾形成物的控制8 火探测和灭火系统,以及旅客通讯装置9 关键和紧急系统的控制和功能10 帮助旅客和工作人员逃亡1 2 2 3 5 6 7 14161718附录A(提供信息资料的)论烟气和有毒气体排气物的检测附录B (提供信息资料的)有毒气体加权总和,R的测定附录C(提供信息资料的)关于分类研究法的一般说明附录D(标准的)检测烟气浓度的方法附录E(提供信息资料的)试验数据的整理分析2021 23 25 39文献目录41图D.2——测光系统图D.3——光电管的电路图图D.4——理想曲线图D.5——拐点的推断图D.6——不同损失机械装置导致的Am(ON)偏差图D.7——单一状态(地面材料)试验图D.8——单一状态(小型)试验图D.9——小型试验的示意图图D.10——板试验的示意图图D.11——座位试验的示意图图D.12——地面材料试验的示意图图D.13——电缆试验的示意图333334 343435 3535363738 38表1——内部水平朝上的表面表2——内部垂直面表3——内部水平朝下的表面表4——外部水平朝上的表面表5——外部垂直表面表6——外部水平朝下的表面表7——内部质量为100g至500g的较小用途材料表8——外部质量为400g至2000g的较小用途材料表9——座位装饰表10——座位构架(后靠背和基座)表11——纺织品(可随意立起和放倒)(朝上表面、向下表面和垂直表面)表12——垫子表13——内部电缆9 9 9 10 10 1010111112 121213表14——外部电缆表B.1——IDLH数值表B.2——各种气体的参考值表C.1——检测Ao用材料的数量13212223介绍本标准的目的是在一个车辆或构成载客列车的车辆上或车辆周围着火时确保车辆上旅客的安全。


3.1.3 火警监测系统
电缆情缘 对火焰的一个或多个产物发生反应,触发声音或视觉警报。
3.1.4 防火 在标准防火试验中,物体在设定的一段时间内,应有能力满足要求的稳定性和/ 或整体性和/或热绝缘和/或其他应满足的性能。
3.1.5 固定灭火系统 该系统固定在一特定区域,当其手动或自动启动时,将喷出灭火物质。 垂直表面 与垂直角度在 45 度之内的“墙类”表面。 有限长度表面 最大水平长度小于 1m 的水平朝下表面(见,该表面上任意一点与其他 任何有限长度表面的距离都比它的最大水平长度要大。或最大垂直长度小于 1m 的水平朝下表面(见,该表面上任意一点与其他任何有限长度表面的距 离都比它的最大垂直长度要大。 注 以上分别称为“水平朝下有限表面”及“垂直有限表面”。 3.2 符号
3.1.10 对火反应 在特定实验条件下材料的反应,表现为材料对火焰暴露时的自身分解。

制定安全规定的权威机构 为铁路制定、认可安全要求,并确保其实施的具有法律责任的一个或多个机构。 3.1.12 表面 水平朝下表面 与水平角度在 45 度之内的“天花板类”朝下表面。 水平朝上表面 与水平角度在 45 度之内的“地板类”朝上表面。
电缆情缘 条件:
-达到对着火危险可接受的控制。 -当所有主要用到的材料表面暴露于火源时,达到对热量、烟及毒气总量等级的 可接受的控制。 -所有要求作为防火板使用的材料或物品,以及在暴露于火源时要求发挥作用的 材料及物品,应达到可接受的防火性能。 如未能与本数字或设计指导一致,并不意味着存在不能接受的情况,但因此决定 了,应向安全权威部门提供额外的证据,说明已达到可接受的防火安全水平。这 些证据可包括附加试验结果,可选择的试验,理论研究或专家评审。 附录 D 是关于标准化的,附录 A、B、C、E 是提供信息的。 一个英国标准并不包括合同的所有必要规定。英国标准的用户对自己的正确使用 负责。 仅遵守英国标准并不能构成法律上的免责。

Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书

Motorola 3.5 kHz 产品说明书

RVN4126 3.59100-386-9100-386/T DEVICERVN41772-CD2-3.5MCS/MTSRVN41821-CD2-3.5XTS3000/SABER PORTABLE YES RKN4046KHVN9085 3.51-20 R NO HLN9359 PROG. STAND RVN4057 3.532 X 8 CODEPLUG NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG KITRVN4053 3.5ASTRO DIGITAL INTERFACE NO3080385B23RVN41842-CD RKN4046A (Portable) 2-3.5ASTRO PORTABLE /MOBILE YES3080369B73 or0180300B10 (Mobile) RVN41831-CD3080369B732-3.5ASTRO SPECTRA MOBILE YES(Low / Mid Power)0180300B10 (High Power) RVN4185CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MOBILE NO MANY OPTIONS; SEESERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4186CD ASTRO SPECTRA PLUS MANY OPTIONS;MOBILE/PORTABLE COMB SEE SERVICE BRIEF#SB-MO-0101RVN4154 3.5ASTROTAC 3000 COMPAR.3080385B23RVN5003 3.5ASTROTAC COMPARATORS NO3080399E31 Adpt.5880385B34RVN4083 3.5BSC II NO FKN5836ARVN4171 3.5C200RVN4029 3.5CENTRACOM SERIES II NO VARIOUS-SEE MANUAL6881121E49RVN4112 3.5COMMAND PLUS NORVN4149 3.5COMTEGRA YES3082056X02HVN6053CD CT250, 450, 450LS YES AAPMKN4004RVN4079 3.5DESKTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4093 3.5DESKTRAC TRUNKED YES3080070N01RVN4091 3.5DGT 9000 DESKSET YES0180358A22RVN4114 3.5GLOBAL POSITIONING SYS.NO RKN4021AHVN8177 3.5GM/GR300/GR500/GR400M10/M120/130YES3080070N01RVN4159 3.5GP60 SERIES YES PMLN4074AHVN9128 3.5GP300 & GP350RVN4152 3.5GP350 AVSRVN4150 3.5GTX YES HKN9857 (Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) HVN9025CD HT CDM/MTX/EX SERIES YES AARKN4083/AARKN4081RiblessAARKN4075RIBLESS NON-USA RKN4074RVN4098H 3.5HT1000/JT1000-VISAR YES3080371E46(VISAR CONV)RVN4151 3.5HT1000 AVSRVN4098 3.5HT1000/ VISAR CONV’L.YES RKN4035B (HT1000) HVN9084 3.5i750YES HLN-9102ARVN4156 3.5LCS/LTS 2000YES HKN9857(Portable)3080070N01(Mobile) RVN4087 3.5LORAN C LOC. RECV’R.NO RKN4021ARVN4135 3.5M100/M200,M110,M400,R100 includesHVN9173,9177,9646,9774YES3080070N01RVN4023 3.5MARATRAC YES3080070N01RVN4019 3.5MAXTRAC CONVENTIONAL YES3080070N01RVN4139 3.5MAXTRAC LS YES3080070N01RVN4043 3.5MAXTRAC TRK DUPLEX YES3080070N01RVN4178CD MC SERIES, MC2000/2500DDN6124AW/DB25 CONNECTORDDN6367AW/DB9 CONNECTOR RVN41751-CD Rib to MIC connector 1-3.5MCS2000 RKN4062BRVN41131-3.5MCS2000RVN4011 3.5MCX1000YES3000056M01RVN4063 3.5MCX1000 MARINE YES3000056M01RVN4117 3.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESRVN4105 3.5MOBILE PROG. TOOLRVN4119 3.5MOBITEX DEVICESRVN4128 3.5MPT1327-1200 SERIES YES SEE MANUALRVN4025 3.5MSF5000/PURC/ANALOG YES0180355A30RVN4077 3.5MSF5000/10000FLD YES0180355A30RVN4017K 3.5MT 1000YES RTK4205CRVN4148 3.5MTR 2000YES3082056X02RVN4140 3.5MTRI 2000NORVN41761-CD MTS2000, MT2000*, MTX8000, MTX90001-3.5*programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176RVN4131 3.5MTVA CODE PLUG FIXRVN4142 3.5MTVA DOCTOR YES3080070N01RVN4131 3.5MTVA3.EXERVN4013 3.5MTX800 & MTX800S YES RTK4205CRVN4097 1-CD MTX8000/MTX9000,MTS2000,MT2000*,* programmed by DOS which is included in the RVN4176HVN9067CD MTX850/MTX8250MTX950,MTX925RVN4138 3.5MTX-LS YES RKN4035DRVN4035 3.5MX 1000YES RTK4203CRVN4073 3.5MX 800YES RKN4006BHVN9395 P100, P200 LB, P50+, P210, P500, PR3000RVN4134 3.5P100 (HVN9175)P200 LB (HVN9794)P50+ (HVN9395)P210 (HVN9763)P500 (HVN9941)PR3000 (HVN9586)YES RTK4205HVN9852 3.5P110YES HKN9755A/REX1143 HVN9262 3.5P200 UHF/VHF YES RTK4205RVN4129 3.5PDT220YVN4051 3.5PORTABLE REPEATER Portable rptr.P1820/P1821AXRVN4061C 3.5PP 1000/500NO3080385B23 & 5880385B30 RVN5002 3.5QUANTAR/QUANTRO NO3O80369E31RVN4135 3.5R100 (HVN9177)M100/M200/M110/M400YES0180358A52RVN4146 3.5RPM500/660RVN4002 3.5SABER YES RTK4203CRVN4131 3.5SETTLET.EXEHVN9007 3.5SM50 & SM120YESRVN4039 3.5SMART STATUS YES FKN5825AHVN9054 3.5SOFTWARE R03.2 P1225YES3080070N01HVN9001 3.5SOFTWARE R05.00.00 1225LS YES HLN9359AHVN9012 3.5SP50RVN4001N 3.5SPECTRA YES3080369B73 (STANDARD)0180300B10 (HIGH POWER) RVN4099 3.5SPECTRA RAILROAD YES3080369B73RVN4110 3.5STATION ACCESS MODULE NO3080369E31RVN4089A 3.5STX TRANSIT YES0180357A54RVN4051 3.5SYSTEMS SABER YES RTK4203BRVN4075 3.5T5600/T5620 SERIES NO3080385B23HVN9060CD TC3000, TS3000, TR3000RVN4123 3.5VISAR PRIVACY PLUS YES3080371E46FVN4333 3.5VRM 100 TOOLBOX FKN4486A CABLE &ADAPTORRVN4133 3.5VRM 500/600/650/850NORVN4181CD XTS 2500/5000 PORTABLES RKN4105A/RKN4106A RVN41002- 3.5XTS3000 ASTRO PORTABLE/MOBILERVN4170 3.5XTS3500YES RKN4035DRIB SET UPRLN4008E RADIO INTERFACE BOX (RIB)0180357A57RIB AC POWER PACK 120V0180358A56RIB AC POWER PACK 220V3080369B71IBM TO RIB CABLE (25 PIN) (USE WITH XT & PS2)3080369B72IBM TO RIB CABLE (9 PIN)RLN443825 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) ADAPTOR (USE W/3080369B72 FOR AT APPLICATION) 5880385B308 PIN MODULAR TO 25 PIN ”D” ADAPTOR (FOR T5600 ONLY)0180359A29DUPLEX ADAPTOR (MOSTAR/TRAXAR TRNK’D ONLY)Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required Number Item Disk Radio RIB Cable Number Size Product Required NumberUtilizing your personal computer, Radio Service Software (RSS)/Customer Programming Software (CPS)/CustomerConfiguration Software (CCS) enables you to add or reprogram features/parameters as your requirements change. RSS/CPS/CCS is compatible with IBM XT, AT, PS/2 models 30, 50, 60 and 80.Requires 640K RAM. DOS 3.1 or later. Consult the RSS users guide for the computer configuration and DOS requirements. (ForHT1000, MT/MTS2000, MTX838/8000/9000, Visar and some newer products —IBM model 386, 4 MEG RAM and DOS 5.0 or higher are recommended.) A Radio Interface Box (RIB) may be required as well as the appropriate cables. The RIB and cables must be ordered separately.Licensing:A license is required before a software (RVN) order is placed. The software license is site specific (customer number and ultimate destination tag). All sites/locations must purchase their own software.Be sure to place subsequent orders using the original customer number and ship-to-tag or other licensed sites; ordering software without a licensed customer number and ultimate tag may result in unnecessary delays. To obtain a no charge license agreement kit, order RPX4719. To place an order in the U.S. call 1-800-422-4210. Outside the U.S., FAX 847-576-3023.Subscription Program:The purchase of Radio ServiceSoftware/Customer Programming/Customer ConfigurationSoftware (RVN & HVN kits) entitles the buyer/subscriber to three years of free upgrades. At the end of these three years, the sub-scriber must purchase the same Radio Service Software kit to receive an additional three years of free upgrades. If the sub-scriber does not elect to purchase the same Radio Service Software kit, no upgrades will be sent. Annually a subscription status report is mailed to inform subscribers of the RSS/CPS/CCS items on our database and their expiration dates.Notes:1)A subscription service is offered on “RVN”-Radio Service Software/Customer Programming/Customer Configuration Software kits only.2)“RVN” software must only be procured through Radio Products and Services Division (RPSD). Software not procured through the RPSD will not be recorded on the subscription database; upgrades will not be mailed.3)Upgrades are mailed to the original buyer (customer number & ultimate tag).4)SP software is available through the radio product groups.The Motorola General Radio Service Software Agreement is now available on Motorola Online. If you need assistance please feel free to submit a “Contact Us” or call 800-422-4210.SMART RIB SET UPRLN1015D SMART RIB0180302E27 AC POWER PACK 120V 2580373E86 AC POWER PACK 220V3080390B49SMARTRIB CABLE (9 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH AT)3080390B48SMARTRIB CABLE (25 PIN (F) TO 9 PIN (M) (USE WITH XT)RLN4488ASMART RIB BATTERY PACKWIRELESS DATA GROUP PRODUTS SOFTWARERVN4126 3.59100-386/9100T DEVICES MDVN4965 3.59100-WS/T CONFIG’TN RVN41173.5MDC/RDLAP DEVICESPAGING PRODUCTS MANUALS6881011B54 3.5ADVISOR6881029B90 3.5ADVISOR ELITE 6881023B20 3.5ADVISOR GOLD 6881020B35 3.5ADVISOR PRO FLX 6881032B30 3.5BR8506881032B30 3.5LS3506881032B30 3.5LS5506881032B30 3.5LS7506881033B10 3.5LS9506881035B20 3.5MINITOR III8262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 20008262947A15 3.5PAGEWRITER 2000X 6881028B10 3.5TALKABOUT T3406881029B35 3.5TIMEPORT P7308262947A15 3.5TIMEPORT P930NLN3548BUNIVERSAL INTERFACE KITItem Disk Radio NumberSize Product。



产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31180903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050660BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0903082 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030383 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030418 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31090903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050669BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030384 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31060903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050657BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030578 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030577 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31070903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050658BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904255 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030370 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司5#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311040903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050655BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904260 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030591 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 不明制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311050903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050656BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030399 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030572 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#1单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311020903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050653BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030594 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030592 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC311030903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050654BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904252 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 08年05月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030400 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030593 制造日期 2009.03.26试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司6#2单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31100903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050661BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030431 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030432 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31110903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050662BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030425 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030426 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#3单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31120903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050663BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 不明 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030436 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH43A1210 出厂编号 09030435 制造日期 2009.03.16试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 缓冲行程 210mm 最大质量 300kg 最小质量 600kg 额定速度 ≤1.75m/s河北东方富达机械有限公司7#4单元南轿厢客用电梯800kg10人产品型号 E额定速度 1.75m/s出厂编号 SEC31130903 控制方式 集选 层/站/门 27/27/27 制造日期 2009.03苏州铃木电梯有限公司SEC 无齿轮永磁同步电梯曳引机(机房)型号 WYT —S1.75C 额定速度 380V 额定频率 28HZ 防护等级 1P41 交轴电感 16.1MH 绕组相电阻 0.82/PHASE曳引轮直径 400mm 额定负载 800kg 额定电流 21.7A额定转速 168rpm/min 工作制 S5 40% 直轴电感 16.1MH出厂编号09050664BC 悬挂方式 211 额定转矩 550NM 额定功率 9.7KW 绝缘等级 F 重量 420kg 出厂日期 2009.05沈阳蓝光驱动技术有限公司制造(苏州铃木电梯有限公司监制)OX —24OF 双向限速器(机房)检测报告编号 080128 电梯额定速度 1.75m/s 电器动作速度 2.05m/s 机械动作速度 2.25m/s 出厂编号 0904263 上海交通大学检测中心检测 上行夹绳器动作速度 2.28m/s 绳直径ф 8mm绳张紧力 ≥700n 绳轮节径ф240 出厂日期 2009.04宁德奥德普电梯部件有限公司配电箱(机房)型号 HDX 电压 380V 电流 100A出厂日期 09年06月石家庄红建达电器有限公司轿厢油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110280 对重油压缓冲器(底坑)型号 YH42A1160 最大允许总重量 3000kg 最小允许总重量 600kg试验单位 国家电梯质量监督检验中心 额定速度 ≤1.5m/s 缓冲行程 160mm 制造日期 20081126 产品编号 08110281河北东方机械厂制造7#4单元北轿厢客用电梯800kg10人。


P T A 780-G 5
排量:780立方英寸(12.8L) 中冷进气 AFTER COOLER 增压进气 TURBO CHANGE 系列号:P、Q
发电用途(C:工程机械、M:船用) 增压进气 TURBO CHANGE 1000系列,缸数4
1. 康菱-HD斗山大宇系列 2. 机组备用功率:150kW-620kW 3. 柴油机产地:韩国斗山集团 4. 柴油机系列: 5. P086 / P126 / P158 / P180 / P222
12. 4008TAG2A 13. 4012-46TWG2A 、G3A 、G4A 14. 4012-46TAG2A 、G3A 15. 4016TWG2 、4016TAG 、4016TAG1A 、G2A 、4016-61TRG3
发展代号:1/ 2 G:发电用途 A:空气中冷 T:增压进气 18:排量 18L / 15L / 13L E:电喷 C:排放受控 缸数 2800系列、2200、2500系列
N T A 855-G 1
发展代号 发电用途(C:工程机械、M:船用) 排量:855立方英寸(14L)\ 19L\ 38L 中冷进气 AFTER COOLER 增压进气 TURBO CHANGE 系列号:N、K、M、QSK
1. 康菱-HC东风康明斯系列 2. 机组备用功率:22kW-220kW 3. 柴油机产地:湖北 4. 柴油机系列: 5. 4B3.9-G2、4BT3.9-G2、4BTA3.9-G2 6. 6BT5.9-G2、6BTA5.9-G2 、6BTAA5.9-G2 7. 6CTA8.3-G2 8. 6CTAA8.3-G2 9. 6LTAA8.9-G2



S35VB10 THRU S35VB120Bridge RectifiersFeatures● UL recognition file number E230084 ● High-Reliability ● Heat Resistance ● Low IR● Solder dip 275 °C max. 7 s, per JESD 22-B106Typical ApplicationsGeneral purpose use in AC/DC bridge full wave rectification for power supply, home appliances, office equipment, industrial automation applications. Mechanical Data ●P ackage : S25VBMolding compound meets UL 94 V-0 flammability rating,RoHS- compliant●Terminals : Tin plated leads, solderable per J-STD-002 and JESD22-B102■Maximum Ratings (T a =25℃ Unless otherwise specified )PARAMETERSYMBOL UNITS35VB10S35VB20S35VB40S35VB60S35VB80 S35VB100S35VB120Device marking codeS35VB10S35VB20S35VB40S35VB60S35VB80 S35VB100S35VB120Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage V RRM V 100 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Average Rectified Output Current@60Hz sine wave, R-load, With heatsink Tc=85℃I OA35Surge(Non-repetitive)Forward Current @60H Z Half- sine Wave, 1 cycle, T a =25℃I FSM A 500 Current Squared Time @1ms ≤t<8.3ms Tj=25℃, Rating of per diode I 2t A 2S 1040 Storage Temperature T stg ℃ -55~+150 Junction T emperatureT j℃-55 ~+150Dielectric Strength, Terminals to case ,AC 1 minute V disKV2.5Mounting TorqueTORkg·cm 10■Electrical Characteristics (T a =25℃ Unless otherwise specified )PARAMETERSYMBOL UNIT TESTCONDITIONS S35VB10S35VB20S35VB40S35VB60 S35VB80 S35VB100S35VB120Maximum instantaneous forwardvoltage drop per diodeV FM VI FM =17.5A1.05 Maximum DC reverse current at rated DC blocking voltage per diodeI RRMμA V RM =V RRM10■Thermal Characteristics (T a =25℃ Unless otherwise specified )PARAMETERSYMBOL UNIT S35VB10S35VB20S35VB40S35VB60S35VB80S35VB100S35VB120Thermal ResistanceBetween junction and case, With heatsinkR θJ-C℃/W1.0COMPLIANTRoHS~+-~+~~‐■Ordering Information (Example)PREFEREDP/N PACKAGE CODEUNIT WEIGHT(g)MINIMUM PACKAGE(pcs)INNER BOX QUANTITY(pcs)OUTER CARTON QUANTITY(pcs)DELIVERY MODES35VB10~S35VB120A1 Approximate 205050500Paper Box■ Characteristics (Typical)A v e r a g e R e c t i f i e d O u t p u t C u r r e n t (A )FIG1:Io-Tc CurveCase Temperature(°C)1030125102050100P e a k F o r w a r d S u r g e C u r r e n t (A )Number of CyclesFIG2:Surge Forward Current Capability5002500.1FIG3:Instantaneous Forward VoltageI n s t a n t a n e o u s F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (A )Instantaneous Forward Voltage (V)*********0.1110100Percent Rated Peak Reverse Voltage(%)FIG4:Typical Reverse CharacteristicsI n s t a n t a n e o u s R e v e r s e C u r r e n t (u A )■Outline DimensionsS25VBDim Min MaxA 31.1 32.1B 31.1 32.1C 17.6 18.6D 13.7 14.7E 15.8 16.8F 15.8 16.8G 0.75 0.85H 9.5 10.5I / 25 J 6.2 6.4DisclaimerThe information presented in this document is for reference only. Yangzhou Yangjie Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. reserves the right to make changes without notice for the specification of the products displayed herein to improve reliability, function or design or otherwise.The product listed herein is designed to be used with ordinary electronic equipment or devices, and not designed to be used with equipment or devices which require high level of reliability and the malfunction of with would directly endanger human life (such as medical instruments, transportation equipment, aerospace machinery, nuclear-reactor controllers, fuel controllers and other safety devices), Yangjie or anyone on its behalf, assumes no responsibility or liability for any damages resulting from such improper use of sale.This publication supersedes & replaces all information previously supplied. For additional information, please visit our website http:// , or consult your nearest Yangjie’s sales office for further assistance.。



9、CRM 工作模式:
在轻载或空载时,CR6850C 进入 CRM 工作模式,工作频率降低。频率的变化由取自电压反馈环的反馈电 压控制,当反馈电压低于内部门限电压时,振荡器频率线性减小到最小绿色工作频率,约 22KHz 左右 (RI=100KΩ) 。在此振荡频率工作时,MOSFET 的开关损耗和磁芯、电感、吸收电路等各部分的损耗均减小, 从而减小了总损耗。在正常工作或重载时,PWM 频率增大到最大工作频率,约 67kHz 左右(RI=100KΩ) ,工 作频率不受绿色工作模式的影响。
管脚信息: 管脚信息:
典型应用电路图: 典型应用电路图:
CR6850C 应用指导书
CR6853 是用于 36W 以内离线式开关电源 IC,其高集成度,低功耗的电流模 PWM 控制芯片,该芯片适用 于离线式 AC-DC 反激拓扑的小功率电源模块。芯片可以通过外接电阻改变工作频率;在轻载和无负载情况 下自动进入 PFM 和 CRM,这样可以有效减小电源模块的待机功耗,达到绿色节能的目的。CR6850C 具有很低 的启动电流,因此可以采用一个 2 兆欧姆的启动电阻。为了提高系统的稳定性,防止次谐波振荡, CR6850C 内置了同步斜坡补偿电路;而动态峰值限制电路减小了在宽电压输入(90V~264V)时最大输出功率的变化; 内置的前沿消隐电路可以消除开关管每次开启产生的干扰。CR6850C 内置了多种保护功能:过压保护 、逐 周期峰值电流限制、欠压锁定(可以用它实现短路和过流保护)以及输出驱动的高电平钳位在 16.8V 以下。 而驱动输出采用的图腾柱和软驱动有效降低了开关噪声。 CR6850C 提供 SOT23-6L, SOT-8 和 DIP-8 无铅封装。 由于 CR6850C 高度集成,使用外围元件较少。采用 CR6850C 可以简化反激式隔离 AC-DC 开关电源设计, 从而使设计者轻松的获得可靠的系统。

Powerbuilt Hydraulic Transmission Jack 产品说明书

Powerbuilt Hydraulic Transmission Jack 产品说明书

Hydraulic Transmission Jack, Telescopic Model CapacityT-2501 700 lb.WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm.AVERTISSEMENT: Cancer et dommages au système reproducteur.ADVERTENCIA: Cáncer y daño reproductivo.SAFETY and GENERAL INFORMATIONSave these instructions. For your safety, read, understand, and follow the information provided with and on this jack before using. The owner and operator of this equipment shall have an understanding of this jack and safe operating procedures before attempting to use. The owner and operator shall be aware that use and repair of this product may require special skills and knowledge. Instructions and safety information shall be conveyed in the operator's native language before use of this jack is authorized. If any doubt exists as to the safe and proper use of this jack, remove from service immediately.Inspect before each use. Do not use if broken, bent, cracked or damaged parts are noted. Any jack that appears damaged in any way, or operates abnormally shall be removed from service immediately. If the jack has been or suspected to have been subjected to a shock load (a load dropped suddenly, unexpectedly upon it), immediately discontinue use until jack has been checked by a factory authorized service center (contact distributor or manufacturer for list of authorized service centers). It is recommended that an annual inspection be done by qualified personnel. Labels and Operator's Manuals are available from manufacturer.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONHydraulic Transmission Jack is designed to be used as an aid in the removal and installation of automotive and light truck transmissions, transfer cases and transaxles. This telescopic style transmission jack is for use under an overhead lift or in a garage pit.NEVER use for any purpose other than those uses outlined above!PREPARATIONAssembly (refer to Figure 1)Tools required: M16 & M18 wrench.1. Four major parts should be included in the package:(a) Hydraulic unit; (b) Upright Post; (c) Saddle Assembly; (d) 2 pieces of base half with hardware.2. Attach the base halves to the upright post, then secure using threaded pins, washers and M12 nuts.3. Attach the casters onto the base halves using M12 nuts and washers.4. Place hydraulic unit on top of the upright post and secure with M10x25 bolts and washers.5. Attach saddle assembly above the ram of hydraulic unit and secure using pin and spring pin provided.6. Attach all four bracket supports onto saddle plate with bolts and wing nuts.7. Attach saddle brackets to bracket support with provided nuts.8. Finally, attach chains with bolts, washers, and nuts to saddle bracket.Before Use1. Verify that the product and application are compatible, if in doubt call Technical Service (888) 332-6419.2. Before using this product, read the operator's manual completely and familiarize yourself thoroughly with theproduct, its components and recognize the hazards associated with its use.3. With ram plunger fully retracted, remove the oil filler plug. Insert the handle into the handle sleeve, then pump 6to 8 strokes. This will help release any pressurized air, which may be trapped within the reservoir. Ensure the oil level is just below the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler plug.4. To familiarize yourself with basic operation, turn the release valve lever:a. Clockwise until firm resistance is felt to further turning. This is the ‘CLOSED’ release valve position used toraise the ram/saddle.b. Counter-clockwise, but no more than 2 turns from the closed position. This is the ‘OPEN’ release valve positionused to lower the ram/saddle.5. Ensure that jack rolls freely. Raise and lower the unloaded jack throughout the lifting range before putting intoservice to ensure the pump operates smoothly. Replace worn or damaged parts and assemblies with authorized replacement parts only.Figure 1- Transmission Jack ComponentsOPERATIONFollow the instruction for removal and installation of transmission, transfer case or transaxle according to the vehicle manufacturer's service manual.Raise saddle assembly:1. Close release valve by turning the release valve level clockwise until firm. Pump handle until saddle reaches desired height.2. Secure the load using the provided chains.Ensure center gravity of load is centered on the saddle and load is stable before moving jack. An off-centertransmission could cause the jack to tip or flip over .Be sure all tools and personnel are clear before lowering load. Slowly engage release valve!Maintain control of the rate of speed at which the load lowers at all times!Open release valve by turning lever counter-clockwise, but never more than 2 full turns. Control the rate of descent at all times. The more you open the release valve, the faster the load descends.Neveruse this jack as a work station!TROUBLESHOOTINGMAINTENANCEImportant: Use only good grade hydraulic jack oil. Avoid mixing different types of fluid and NEVER use brake fluid, turbine oil, transmission fluid, motor oil or glycerin. Improper fluid can cause premature failure of the jack and the potential for sudden and immediate loss of load.Adding oil1. With saddle fully lowered, set jack in its upright, level position. Remove oil filler plug.2. Fill until oil is level with the oil filler hole, reinstall oil filler plug.Changing oilFor best performance and longest life, replace the complete fluid supply at least once per year.1. With saddle fully lowered, remove oil filler plug.2. Lay the jack on its side and drain the fluid into a suitable container. Note. Dispose of hydraulic fluid in accordance with local regulations.3. Set jack in its level position. Fill until oil is level with the oil filler hole, reinstall oil filler plug.LubricationA periodic coating of light lubricating oil to pivot points, axles and hinges will help to prevent rust and assure that casters and pump assemblies move freely.CleaningPeriodically check the pump piston and ram for signs of rust or corrosion. Clean as needed and wipe with an oily cloth.Note: Never use sandpaper or abrasive material on these surfaces! StorageWhen not in use, store the jack with saddle fully lowered.SymptomPossible CausesCorrective ActionJack will not lift load• Release valve not tightly closed • Load is too heavy• Ensure release valve tightly closed • Consider higher capacity jack Jack will lift, but not maintain pressure• Release valve not tightly closed • Hydraulic unit malfunction • Ensure release valve tightly closed • Discontinue use, Contact Tech. ServiceJack will not lower after unloading• Reservoir overfilled • Linkage binding• Ensure load is removed, then drain fluid to proper level• Clean and lubricate moving parts Poor lift performance• Fluid level low• Air trapped in system• Ensure proper fluid level• With ram fully retracted, remove oil filler plug to let pressurized air escape, then reinstall oil filler plug Jack will not lift to full extension • Fluid level low• Ensure proper fluid levelReplacement Parts Illustration for Models T-2501:Figure 2 - Replacement Parts Illustration for Models T-2501REPLACEMENT PARTS (page 6 & 7)Not all components of the jack are replacement items, but are illustrated as a convenient reference of location and position in the assembly sequence. When ordering parts, please give the Model number and parts description. Call or write for current pricing: SFA Companies 10939 N. Pomona Ave. Kansas City, MO 64153, U.S.A.Tel: (888) 332-6419 Fax: (816) 891-6599Website:;Email:*************************Replacement Parts List for Models T-2501:ONE YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYFor a period of one (1) year from date of purchase, SFA Companies will repair or replace, at its option, without charge, any of its products which fails due to a defect in material or workmanship under normal usage. This limited warranty is a consumer's exclusive remedy.Performance of any obligation under this warranty may be obtained by returning the warranted product, freight prepaid, to SFA Companies Warranty Service Department, 10939 N. Pomona Ave., Kansas City, MO 64153.Except where such limitations and exclusions are specifically prohibited by applicable law, (1) THE CONSUMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE PRODUCTS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE. (2) SFA Companies SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGE OR LOSS WHATSOEVER. (3) ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SHALL BE LIMITED TO ONE YEAR, OTHERWISE T HE REPAIR, REPLACEMENT OR REFUND AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY IS THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE CONSUMER, AND IS PROVIDED IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. (4) ANY MODIFICATION, ALTERATION, ABUSE, UNAUTHORIZED SERVICE OR ORNAMENTAL DESIGN VOIDS THIS WARRANTY AND IS NOT COVERED BY THIS WARRANTY.Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights, which vary from state to state.。






1. 0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al标准的含义及元素组成0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al标准代表了其化学成分,其中0Cr表示其含铬量为零,13表示含铬百分比为13%,Ni8表示含镍百分比为8%,Mo2表示含钼百分比为2%,Al表示含铝量。


2. 0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al标准的性能特点根据相关测试和实践经验,0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al标准具有以下性能特点:- 耐腐蚀性能:由于其含有铬、镍和钼等元素,0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al材料具有优异的耐腐蚀性能,主要用于耐酸、耐碱、耐盐等恶劣环境下的工作条件。

- 耐高温性能:0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al材料在高温下能够保持较好的力学性能和稳定性,因此在高温环境下得到广泛应用。

- 加工性能:这种材料具有较好的加工性能,可以进行切削、焊接、锻造等加工工艺,适用于各种复杂形状的加工。

3. 0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al标准的应用领域基于其优异的性能特点,0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al标准被广泛应用于以下领域:- 化工设备:用于生产储存酸碱类化学品的容器、管道及泵阀等设备。

- 核工业:用于制造核反应堆、核电站及核燃料加工设备等。

- 石油化工:用于制造原油提炼、化工合成等领域的设备和零部件。

- 海洋工程:用于制造海水淡化、海底勘探及海洋资源开发等设备。

4. 个人观点和理解在我看来,0Cr13Ni8Mo2Al标准的出现和广泛应用,为工业生产和科学研究提供了重要的金属材料选择。





⑵ 半双工 RS485,9600bps
DB9 Female 1 2 5 雷达端 导线颜色 棕 白 绿 PC 端 信号 A+ B- GND DB9 male 1 2 5 信号 A+ B- GND
1. 总述 雷达上电复位后输出 FEh FDh FDh FEh,然后进入测速状态。默认测量车速范围 05h~F0h(对应 5~240 km/h) 。在测速状态输入“进入设置状态”命令,可对雷达进行参数设置,完成各种设置后,输 入“退出设置状态”可回到测速状态。 测速状态有三种工作模式,一种持续送数模式,无车持续输出 00h,若车辆通过探测区则输出一 串车速数据,数据间隔约为 26ms。另一种为触发模式,当雷达探测到有车辆通过时,只送 1 次数据, 同时具有输出车速和实时触发功能(具体见后命令) 。第三种是应答模式,只有在测速状态时上位机下 发数据请求 (F7h) 才回送车速数据。 设备出厂默认为触发模式, 车速数据格式默认为单字节 16 进制数, 具体见后命令。 2.设置命令 设置命令基本格式 帧头 FAh 其中x指示具体命令 回 应 帧头 FAh 长度 3xh 内容 帧尾 FBh 命令 3xh 参数(2字节) yyh yyh 帧尾 FBh
北 京 川 速 微 波 科 技 有 限 公 司
3)监测雷达上电瞬间,在通信区域 3 中是否出现上电标识 0xFE、0xFD、0xFD、0xFE。如显示正常, 雷达处于测速状态,可以进行探测目标。 4)如需进行参数设置或调试,点击“进入设置状态”按钮,在设置状态中相关参数在通信设置区域 中调整:
CSR﹣I 系列 平板型微波测速雷达 产品使用说明书



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NI C Series 功能安全模块产品简介说明书

NI C Series 功能安全模块产品简介说明书

PRODUCT FLYERC Series Functional Safety ModuleCONTENTSC Series Functional Safety ModuleDetailed View of C Series Functional Safety ModulesKey FeaturesWhat is C Series?Platform-Based Approach to Control and MonitoringHardware ServicesC Series Functional Safety Module NI-9350•Measurements, control, and safety integrated into a single system•Powerful and easy-to-use Functional Safety Editor software•I/O—analog input, digital input, and digital output •Safety Integrity Level (SIL) 3 capable •Functional safety certifications—IEC 61508, IEC 62061, and IEC 61511 •Built-in diagnosticsMeasurements, Control, and Safety ConvergeC Series Functional Safety Modules provide IEC 61508 SIL 3 level safety functions to a CompactRIO-based measurement or control system. The safety logic solver resides inside the module, and you can program it with the included Functional Safety Editor software. The module contains built-in diagnostics that can monitor the status of the hardware as well as the integrity of the connections. You can use these modules to control critical safety functions in manufacturing assembly and test cells, large physical systems tests, condition monitoring applications, and process monitoring and control.Table 1. C Series Functional Safety Module SpecificationsNumber of Channels 8 DI, 8 DO 4 AI, 4 DI, 4 DO Type of Digital Input/Output Sinking DI, Sourcing DOType of Analog Input -- 0-20 mA, 16 bit Rated Digital Input/Output Voltage 24V DCInput Voltage Range, “1” Input Current, “1”11-30V 1.1 mA @ 24 VInput Voltage Range, “0”Input Current, “0” 0-6VOutput Current 250 mA maxSafety Response Time 250 µs max 2.1 ms max SIL Level Certified SIL 3 Capable Certification IEC 61508, IEC 62061 Connectivity Spring TerminalProtectionInputs: ±30 V;Outputs: short circuit protection fromCOM to VsupDigital Inputs: ±30 V;Analog Inputs: 20 V single channelup to 55°COutputs: short circuit protection fromCOM to VsupDiagnostics • Open loop & over current detection• Configurable test pulse outputs• Redundant DI with discrepancy timers• Open loop & over current detection• Configurable test pulse outputs• Redundant DI with discrepancy timers• Overcurrent AI detection• Internal AI redundancyIsolation 60VDC (bank) Operating Temperature -40⁰C to70⁰CDetailed Views of the Functional Safety C-Series Modules NI-9350 Digital I/ONI-9351 Analog and Digital I/OKey FeaturesMeasurements, Control, and Safety in a Single SystemThe CompactRIO platform improves the way you design and deploy advanced control and monitoring systems with its endless capabilities and unrivaled performance. From controlling complex machines to monitoring critical assets, the CompactRIO platform offers unsurpassed advantages in any application. Connect to sensors, displays, cameras, motors, databases, and the enterprise directly from CompactRIO controllers to create a powerful, reliable system that you can customize and reconfigure through software—even after deployment in rugged environments.In addition to conditioned measurements and control, you can integrate functionally safe I/O into aCompactRIO system with the C Series Functional Safety Module. When you use the same platform for safety and control, you get the advantages of a single integrated development environment. You no longer need redundant sensors for both your control and safety systems because you can share the input values of the safety modules with the CompactRIO host without compromising the safety of your system. You also can place the modules into a pass-through mode where the output values can be controlled via the host. This is often valuable when automating tasks that don’t need to be functionally safe such as proof testing. Finally, by integrating functional safety into your measurement or control system, you save significantly on total system and integration costs. This is especially true when deploying to hazardous environments where equipment such as explosion-proof enclosures are required. Eliminating the need for this extra equipment can significantly reduce the overall cost of your system.SIL 3 CapableC Series Functional Safety Modules are certified by exida to be SIL 3 capable with a hardware fault tolerance (HFT) of 0 under IEC 61508, IEC 62061, and IEC 61511.Figure 1. C Series Functional Safety Modules are certified by exida to be SIL 3 capable with a HFT = 0.Their logic solvers feature a unique design. The logic solver is self-contained within the module and uses an FPGA. This approach yields some of the fastest safety response times available on the market and provides an architecture that can be used alongside safety PLCs and relays when a unique and diverse backup solution is required.Easy-to-Use Functional Safety EditorThe logic solver in C Series Functional Safety Modules is programmed with a stand-alone software package called the Functional Safety Editor. This software allows you to easily develop safety logic via state machines and create the necessary file to download to the module’s logic solver. Using a graphical programming technique, you can create complex safety logic in an easy-to-use way. The graphical design flow lets you design safety logic like the safety diagrams in your safety instrumented system (SIS) manual were created.Figure 2. The Functional Safety Editor allows you to easily develop safety logic.What Is C Series?Connect to Any Sensor or Any BusDigital systems interface with the physical world through sensors, and in the hyper-connected world of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), these connections are growing rapidly. Take advantage of decades of NI leadership and innovation in acquiring high quality signals from any sensor or bus and high speed control with C Series I/O modules that feature measurement-specific signal conditioning and options for bank and channel-to-channel isolation.With more than 150 NI and third-party C Series modules for measurement, control, and communication to choose from, you can connect C Series I/O to any sensor, signal, or bus. C Series I/O modules can be inserted into any CompactDAQ or CompactRIO chassis or controller to create a mix of channel counts and measurement types within one system. In addition to built-in signal conditioning, these hot-swappable modules feature numerous options for direct sensor connectivity and are designed to operate in the harshest of environments – with extended operating temperature ranges of -40 °C to 70 °C (-40 °F to 158 °F), 50 g shock rating, and a variety of international safety, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and environmental certifications and ratings.Table 2. Connect to any sensor on any bus with C Series I/O modules.Signal Type Channels Measurement Types Max Rate Special FeaturesAnalog Input*Voltage 4, 8, 16, 32 ±200 mV, ±1 V, ±5 V, ±10 V, ±60 V,300 V rms, 400 V rms, 800 V rms 1 MS/s/ch Ch-ch isolation, high-voltage bank isolation, anti-aliasing filtersCurrent 4, 8, 16 ±20 mA, 5 A rms200 kS/s Anti-aliasing filters, ch-ch isolation, built-in shuntresistorsUniversal 2, 4 V, mA, TC, RTD, strain, Ω, IEPE51.2kS/s/chExcitation, bridge completion, anti-aliasing filters, ch-ch isolation, built-in shunt resistors,amplificationThermocouple 4, 16 J, K, T, E, N, B, R, and S types 75 S/s/ch CJC, bank isolation, amplification, filtering RTD 4 100 Ω400 S/s 50/60 Hz filteringStrain/BridgeBased 4, 8 1/4, 1/2, full bridge (120 or 350 Ω)50 kS/s/ch Excitation, bridge completion, anti-aliasing filtersAccelerationand Sound 3, 4 ±5 V, ±30 V102.4kS/s/ch IEPE, anti-aliasing filtersAnalog Output**Voltage 4, 16 ±10 V 100 kS/s/ch Ch-ch isolation, bank isolation Current 4 0 mA - 20mA 100 kS/s/ch Open-loop detection Digital I/OInput 4, 8, 16, 32 LVTTL, 5 VTTL, 12 V, 24 V, 30 V, 250VDC/VAC 55 ns Ch-ch isolation, bank isolation, sinking andsourcingOutput 4, 8, 16, 32 LVTTL, 5 VTTL, 12 V, 24 V, 60 V,0 V - 50 V programmable 55 ns Ch-ch isolation, bank isolation, sinking andsourcingInput/Output 4, 8, 16, 32 LVTTL, 5 VTTL, 12 V, 24 V 55 ns Ch-ch isolation, bank isolationRelays 4, 8 30 VDC, 60 VDC, 250 VAC,SPST and SS 1 op/sec Ch-ch isolation, bank isolation SpecialtyMotion 1, 1 step/dir, CW/CCW, analog PWM - Stepper and servo drive signals, incrementalencoder feedbackSynchronization 1, 3 Cabled, GPS - Pulse per second (PPS) accuracy of ±100 ns for multi-chassis synchronization*Up to 24-bit resolution **Up to 16-bit resolutionPlatform-Based Approach to Advanced Control and Monitoring What Is the CompactRIO Platform?The CompactRIO platform is built on three foundations: productive software, reconfigurable hardware, and an expansive ecosystem. Every CompactRIO product is built upon these pillars, resulting in a hardware platform that allows your business to standardize, customize, and accelerate productivity.The integrated run-time software, development environments, IP libraries, drivers, middleware, and enterprise & systems management tools, along with high quality hardware and global services and support, provide the capabilities to support your business needs.Monetize Your EffortsFocus on the core expertise of your business while leaving the foundational elements of your embedded design to us. Spend time delivering innovation, competitive differentiation, and value-add features to your customers by customizing a pre-built, pre-validated embedded system from NI. Get your equipment or machines shipping faster, with less engineering expense and risk, and more features.©2018 National Instruments. All rights reserved. CompactRIO, LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, and are trademarks of National Instruments. Other product and company names listed are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. The registered trademark Linux® is used pursuant to a sublicense from LMI, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a worldwide basis. National Instruments Alliance Partner is a business entity independent from National Instruments and has no agency, partnership, or joint-venture relationship with National Instruments.Hardware ServicesAll NI hardware includes a one-year warranty for basic repair coverage, and calibration in adherence to NI specifications prior to shipment. CompactRIO systems also include basic assembly and a functional test. NI offers additional entitlements to improve uptime and lower maintenance costs with service programs for hardware. Learn more at /services/hardware .Program Duration 3 or 5 years3 or 5 years Length of service programExtended Repair Coverage●●NI restores your device’s functionality and includes firmware updates and factory calibration.SystemConfiguration,Assembly, and Test 1 ● ●NI technicians assemble, install software in, and test your system per your custom configuration prior to shipment.Advanced Replacement 2 ●NI stocks replacement hardware that can be shipped immediately if a repair is needed.System Return MaterialAuthorization (RMA)1 ●NI accepts the delivery of fully assembled systems when performing repair services.Calibration Plan (Optional) Standard Expedited 3NI performs the requested level of calibration at the specified calibration interval for the duration of the service program.1This option is only available for PXI, CompactRIO, and CompactDAQ systems.2This option is not available for all products in all countries. Contact your local NI sales engineer to confirm availability. 3Expedited calibration only includes traceable levels.PremiumPlus Service ProgramNI can customize the offerings listed above, or offer additional entitlements such as on-site calibration, custom sparing, and life-cycle services through a PremiumPlus Service Program. Contact your NI sales representative to learn more.Technical SupportEvery NI system includes a 30-day trial for phone and e-mail support from NI engineers, which can be extended through a Software Service Program (SSP) membership. NI has more than 400 supportengineers available around the globe to provide local support in more than 30 languages. Additionally, take advantage of NI’s award winning online resources and communities .。

不锈钢片电阻器 不锈钢电阻器

不锈钢片电阻器  不锈钢电阻器


2.型号含义3.主要技术参数序号型号额定工作电流(A)电阻值电阻元件替代原电阻器系列总的阻值分级的型号数量1 2 3 4 51 ZX26-0.1 237 0.1 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 ZH-1-12 ZX26-0.14 200 0.14 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.028 0.028 ZH-1-23 ZX26-0.2 167 0.2 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 ZH-1-34 ZX26-0.28 141 0.28 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 0.056 ZH-1-45 ZX26-0.4 118 0.4 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 ZH-1-56 ZX26-0.56 100 0.56 0.112 0.112 0.112 0.112 0.112 ZH-1-67 ZX26-0.8 84 0.8 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 0.16 ZH-1-7 ZX18 ZX26-1.1 71 1.1 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22 ZH-1-8 ZX99 ZX26-1.6 59 1.6 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 ZH-1-9 ZX1210 ZX26-2.2 50 2.2 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 ZH-2-1 ZX1511 ZX26-3 2 3 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 ZH-2-212 ZX26-4.2 37 4.2 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 ZH-2-313 ZX26-5.6 32 5.6 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.12 ZH-2-414 ZX26-8 27 8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 ZH-2-515 ZX26-11 23 11 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 ZH-2-616 ZX26-16 19 16 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 ZH-2-717 ZX26-2 53 2 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 ZH-3-118 ZX26-2.5 47 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 ZH-3-2 2019 ZX26-3.3 41 3.3 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 0.66 ZH-3-320 ZX26-4 37 4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 ZH-3-421 ZX26-5 34 5 1 1 1 1 1 ZH-3-522 ZX26-6.6 29 6.6 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 ZH-3-623 ZX26-7 28 7 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.4 ZH-3-724 ZX26-9 25 9 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 ZH-3-825 ZX26-11 23 11 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 ZH-3-9 ZX226 ZX26-14.5 20 14.5 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 ZH-3-1027 ZX26-19.5 17 19.5 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 ZH-3-1128 ZX26-28 14 28 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.6 ZH-3-1229 ZX26-35 13 35 7 7 7 7 7 ZH-3-1330 ZX26-44 11 44 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 ZH-3-1431 ZX26-58 9.8 58 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 ZH-3-1532 ZX26-80 8.4 80 16 16 16 16 16 ZH-3-164.5.技术性能参数ZX26系列电阻器安全可靠,具有耐腐蚀、无感应电阻值稳定(误差为7.5%)。

bs 6853标准

bs 6853标准

BS 6853标准是英国防火阻燃测试标准,其目的是保证旅客在列车的车辆上或周围发生意外时的安全。


BS 6853标准适用于多种材料,包括橡胶制品(密封件、过滤器)、三聚氰胺保温泡沫、隔音毯、窗帘、座椅靠背用纺织品、海绵(座位)、地板(胶水和粘合剂)、塑料制品(灯罩、电池外壳)、耐火涂料、耐火胶、电缆等。

BS 6853标准对产品的防火性能和耐火程度进行了规定和分类,对列车车辆的构造和材料提出了防火安全要求。


总之,BS 6853标准是列车防火安全的重要标准之一,对于保障旅客的生命安全具有重要意义。

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125 ºC, Hermetically Sealed, Axial Leaded, Solid Tantalum CapacitorsType CSR13 (MIL-C-39003/01) military grade, ax-ial leaded, solid tantalum capacitors are hermetically sealed for rugged environmental applications. They are miniature in size and are available in graded failure rate levels.HighlightsHermetically Sealed Graded Failure Rates Low DC Leakage Long Shelf Life Low DFTemperature Stable Frequency Stable•••••••SpecificationsCapacitance Range:Voltage Range:Capacitance Tolerance:Operating Temperature Range:Reverse Voltage (Non-continuous)DC Leakage:Capacitance Change Maximum:Maximum Power Dissipation @ +25 ºC:.0047 to 330 µF6 to 100 WVdc at +85 ºC±10%, ±20%, (±5% by special order)–55 to +125 ºC15% of rated voltage @ +25 ºC 5% of rated voltage @ +85 ºC 1% of rated voltage @ +125 ºC At +25 ºC – See ratings limit At +85 ºC – 10 x ratings limit At +125 ºC – 12.5 x ratings limit –10% @ –55ºC +8% @ +85 ºC+12% @ +125 ºCOutline DrawingCase SizesCase Code UninsulatedInsulatedD L D L d Quantity ±.005 ±.031 ±.010 ±.031 C ±.001 Per(±.13) (±.79) (±.25)(±.79)Maximum(±.03)Reel A .125 (3.18) .286 (7.26) .422 (10.72) 3,500 B .175 (4.45) .474 (12.04) .610 (15.49) 2,500RatingsMIL-C-39003/1 (CSR13) Dash NumbersMax.Exponential Failure Rate Weibull Failure RateMax DF(% per 1000 hours)(% per 1000 hours) Catalog Cap Case DCL@ +25 ºC'M''P''R''S''B''C''D' Cap Part Number Tol. ±Code@ +25 ºC120 Hz Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (µF)(%)(µA)(%)(1.0)(.10)(.01)(.001)(.10)(.01)(.001)6 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 4 WVdc @ +125 ºC5.6CSR13B565K* 10 A 0.3422412481272129616002700280026.8CSR13B685K* 10 A 0.3622422482272229626004700480046.8CSR13B685M* 20 A 0.36224324832723296360057005800547CSR13B476K* 10 B 1.562244248427242964600770078007 47CSR13B476M* 20 B 1.562245248527252965600870088008 56CSR13B566K* 10 B 1.562246248627262966601070108010 150CSR13B157K* 10 C 4.562247248727272967601270128012 150CSR13B157M* 20 C 4.562248248827282968601370138013 180CSR13B187K* 10 C 5.562249248927292969601570158015 270CSR13B277K* 10 D 6.082250249027302970601770178017 330CSR13B337K* 10 D 7.582251249127312971601970198019 330CSR13B337M* 20 D 7.58225224922732297260207020802010 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 7 WVdc @ +125 ºC3.9CSR13C395K* 10 A 0.3422532493273329736022702280224.7CSR13C475K* 10 A 0.4422542494273429746024702480244.7CSR13C475M* 20 A 0.44225524952735297560257025802527CSR13C276K* 10 B 2.062256249627362976602770278027 33CSR13C336K* 10 B 2.062257249727372977602970298029 33CSR13C336M* 20 B 2.062258249827382978603070308030 39CSR13C396K* 10 B 2.062259249927392979603270328032 82CSR13C826K* 10 C 3.062260250027402980603470348034 100CSR13C107K* 10 C 5.062261250127412981603670368036 100CSR13C107M* 20 C 5.062262250227422982603770378037 120CSR13C127K* 10 C 6.062263250327432983603970398039 180CSR13C187K* 10 D 9.062264250427442984604170418041 220CSR13C227K* 10 D 10.082265250527452985604370438043 220CSR13C227M* 20 D 10.08226625062746298660447044804415 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 10 WVdc @ +125 ºC2.7CSR13D275K* 10 A 0.3422672507274729876046704680463.3CSR13D335K* 10 A 0.4422682508274829886048704880483.3CSR13D335M* 20 A 0.44226925092749298960497049804918CSR13D186K* 10 B 2.062270251027502990605170518051 22CSR13D226K* 10 B 2.062271251127512991605370538053 22CSR13D226M* 20 B 2.0 6.02272251227522992605470548054 56CSR13D566K* 10 C 4.0 6.02273251327532993605670568056 68CSR13D686K* 10 C 5.0 6.02274251427542994605870588058 68CSR13D686M* 20 C 5.0 6.02275251527552995605970598059 120CSR13D127K* 10 D 6.0 6.02276251627562996606170618061 150CSR13D157K* 10 D 8.0 6.02277251727572997606370638063 150CSR13D157M* 20 D 8.0 6.02278251827582998606470648064RatingsMIL-C-39003/1 (CSR13) Dash NumbersMax.Exponential Failure Rate Weibull Failure RateMax DF(% per 1000 hours)(% per 1000 hours) Catalog Cap Case DCL@ +25 ºC'M''P''R''S''B''C''D' Cap Part Number Tol. ±Code@ +25 ºC120 Hz Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (µF)(%)(µA)(%)(1.0)(.10)(.01)(.001)(.10)(.01)(.001)20 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 13 WVdc @ +125 ºC1.2CSR13E125K* 10 A 0.3622792519275929996066706680661.5CSR13E155K* 10 A 0.3622802520276030006068706880681.5CSR13E155M* 20 A 0.3622812521276130016069706980691.8CSR13E185K* 10 A 0.3622822522276230026071707180712.2CSR13E225K* 10 A 0.4622832523276330036073707380732.2CSR13E225M* 20 A 0.4622842524276430046074707480748.2CSR13E825K* 10 B 1.06228525252765300560767076807610CSR13E106K* 10 B 1.062286252627663006607870788078 10CSR13E106M* 20 B 1.062287252727673007607970798079 12CSR13E126K* 10 B 1.062288252827683008608170818081 15CSR13E156K* 10 B 2.062289252927693009608370838083 15CSR13E156M* 20 B 2.062290253027703010608470848084 27CSR13E276K* 10 C 2.562291253127713011608670868086 33CSR13E336K* 10 C 3.062292253227723012608870888088 33CSR13E336M* 20 C 3.062293253327733013608970898089 39CSR13E396K* 10 C 3.062294253427743014609170918091 47CSR13E476K* 10 C 4.562295253527753015609370938093 47CSR13E476M* 20 C 4.562296253627763016609470948094 56CSR13E566K* 10 D 5.562297253727773017609670968096 68CSR13E686K* 10 D 6.062298253827783018609870988098 68CSR13E686M* 20 D 6.062299253927793019609970998099 82CSR13E826K* 10 D 6.062300254027803020610171018101 100CSR13E107K* 10 D 10.062301254127813021610371038103 100CSR13E107M* 20 D 10.06230225422782302261047104810435 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 23 WVdc @ +125 ºC5.6CSR13F565K* 10 B 1.0423032543278330236106710681066.8CSR13F685K* 10 B 1.5423042544278430246108710881086.8CSR13F685M* 20 B 1.54230525452785302561097109810922.0CSR13F226K* 10 C 4.04230625462786302661117111811122.0CSR13F226M* 20 C 4.04230725472787302761127112811227.0CSR13F276K* 10 D 4.54230825482788302861147114811433.0CSR13F336K* 10 D 5.54230925492789302961167116811633.0CSR13F336M* 20 D 5.54231025502790303061177117811739.0CSR13F396K* 10 D 6.04231125512791303161197119811947.0CSR13F476K* 10 D 6.04231225522792303261217121812147.0CSR13F476M* 20 D 8.04231325532793303361227122812250 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 33 WVdc @ +125 ºC0.0047CSR13G472K* 10 A 0.122314255427943034612471248124 0.0047CSR13G472M* 20 A 0.122315255527953035612571258125 0.0056CSR13G562K* 10 A 0.122316255627963036612771278127RatingsRatingsMIL-C-39003/1 (CSR13) Dash NumbersMax.Exponential Failure Rate Weibull Failure RateMax DF(% per 1000 hours)(% per 1000 hours) Catalog Cap Case DCL@ +25 ºC'M''P''R''S''B''C''D' Cap Part Number Tol. ±Code@ +25 ºC120 Hz Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (µF)(%)(µA)(%)(1.0)(.10)(.01)(.001)(.10)(.01)(.001)50 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 33 WVdc @ +125 ºC1CSR13G105M* 20 A 0.4223572597283730776195719581951.2CSR13G125K* 10 B 0.4423582598283830786197719781971.5CSR13G155K* 10 B 0.5423592599283930796199719981991.5CSR13G155M* 20 B 0.5423602600284030806200720082001.8CSR13G185K* 10 B 0.5423612601284130816202720282022.2CSR13G225K* 10 B 0.8423622602284230826204720482042.2CSR13G225M* 20 B 0.8423632603284330836205720582052.7CSR13G275K* 10 B 0.8423642604284430846207720782073.3CSR13G335K* 10 B 1.2423652605284530856209720982093.3CSR13G335M* 20 B 1.2423662606284630866210721082103.9CSR13G395K* 10 B 1.5423672607284730876212721282124.7CSR13G475K* 10 B 1.7423682608284830886214721482144.7CSR13G475M* 20 B 1.7423692609284930896215721582155.6CSR13G565K* 10 C 2.2423702610285030906217721782176.8CSR13G685K* 10 C 2.2423712611285130916219721982196.8CSR13G685M* 20 C 2.2423722612285230926220722082208.2CSR13G825K* 10 C 2.54237326132853309362227222822210CSR13G106K* 10 C 2.542374261428543094622472248224 10CSR13G106M* 20 C 2.542375261528553095622572258225 12CSR13G126K* 10 C 0.342376261628563096622772278227 15CSR13G156K* 10 C 4.042377261728573097622972298229 15CSR13G156M* 20 C 4.042378261828583098623072308230 18CSR13G186K* 10 C 4.542379261928593099623272328232 22CSR13G226K* 10 D 5.542380262028603100623472348234 22CSR13G226M* 20 D 5.54238126212861310162357235823575 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 50 WVdc @ +125 ºC0.10CSR13H104K* 10 A 0.3223822622286231026237723782370.10CSR13H104M* 20 A 0.3223832623286331036238723882380.12CSR13H124K* 10 A 0.3223842624286431046240724082400.15CSR13H154K* 10 A 0.3223852625286531056242724282420.15CSR13H154K* 20 A 0.3223862626286631066243724382430.18CSR13H184K* 10 A 0.3223872627286731076245724582450.22CSR13H224K* 10 A 0.3223882628286831086247724782470.22CSR13H224M* 20 A 0.3223892629286931096248724882480.27CSR13H274K* 10 A 0.3223902630287031106250725082500.33CSR13H334K* 10 A 0.3223912631287131116252725282520.33CSR13H334M* 20 A 0.3223922632287231126253725382530.39CSR13H394K* 10 A 0.3223932633287331136255725582550.47CSR13H474K* 10 A 0.3223942634287431146257725782570.47CSR13H474M* 20 A 0.3223952635287531156258725882580.68CSR13H684M* 20 A 0.322398263828783118626372638263MIL-C-39003/1 (CSR13) Dash NumbersMax.Exponential Failure Rate Weibull Failure RateMax DF(% per 1000 hours)(% per 1000 hours) Catalog Cap Case DCL@ +25 ºC'M''P''R''S''B''C''D' Cap Part Number Tol. ±Code@ +25 ºC120 Hz Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (µF)(%)(µA)(%)(1.0)(.10)(.01)(.001)(.10)(.01)(.001)75 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 50 WVdc @ +125 ºC0.56CSR13H564K* 10 A 0.322396263628763116626072608260 0.68CSR13H684K* 10 A 0.3223972637287731176262726282620.82CSR13H824K* 10 B 0.3223992639287931196265726582651.0CSR13H105K* 10 B 0.322400264028803120626772678267 1.0CSR13H105M* 20 B 0.322401264128813121626872688268 1.2CSR13H125K* 10 B 0.342402264228823122627072708270 1.5CSR13H155K* 10 B 0.642403264328833123627272728272 1.5CSR13H155M* 20 B 0.6424042644288431246273727382731.8CSR13H185K* 10 B 0.7424052645288531256275727582752.2CSR13H225K* 10 B 0.842406264628863126627772778277 2.2CSR13H225M* 20 B 0.8424072647288731276278727882782.7CSR13H275K* 10 B 1.0424082648288831286280728082803.3CSR13H335K* 10 B 1.242409264928893129628272828282 3.3CSR13H335M* 20 B 1.2424102650289031306283728382833.9CSR13H395K* 10 B 1.5424112651289131316285728582854.7CSR13H475K* 10 C 3424122652289231326287728782874.7CSR13H475M* 20 C 3424132653289331336288728882885.6CSR13H565K* 10 C 3424142654289431346290729082906.8CSR13H685K* 10 C 542415265528953135629272928292 6.8CSR13H685M* 20 C 542416265628963136629372938293 8.2CSR13H825K* 10 C 542417265728973137629572958295 10CSR13H106K* 10 C 542418265828983138629772978297 10CSR13H106M* 20 C 542419265928993139629872988298 12CSR13H126K* 10 D 542420266029003140630073008300 15CSR13H156K* 10 D 742421266129013141630273028302 15CSR13H156M* 20 D 742422266229023142630373038303100 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 67 WVdc @ +125 ºC0.0047CSR13J472K* 10 A 0.32242326632903314363057305+8305 0.0047CSR13J472M* 20 A 0.32242426642904314463067306+8306 0.0056CSR13J562K* 10 A 0.32242526652905314563087308+8308 0.0068CSR13J682K* 10 A 0.32242626662906314663107310+8310 0.0068CSR13J682M* 20 A 0.32242726672907314763117311+8311 0.0082CSR13J822K* 10 A 0.32242826682908314863137313+8313 0.010CSR13J103K* 10 A 0.32242926692909314963157315+8315 0.010CSR13J103M* 20 A 0.32243026702910315063167316+8316 0.012CSR13J123K* 10 A 0.32243126712911315163187318+8318+ C failure rate: Not QPL for +7390 thru +7401+ D failure rate: Not QPL for +8305 thru +8401MIL-C-39003/1 (CSR13) Dash NumbersMax.Exponential Failure Rate Weibull Failure RateMax DF(% per 1000 hours)(% per 1000 hours) Catalog Cap Case DCL@ +25 ºC'M''P''R''S''B''C''D' Cap Part Number Tol. ±Code@ +25 ºC120 Hz Level Level Level Level Level Level Level (µF)(%)(µA)(%)(1.0)(.10)(.01)(.001)(.10)(.01)(.001)100 WVdc @ +85 ºC — 67 WVdc @ +125 ºC0.015CSR13J153K* 10 A 0.3224322672291231526320 7320+8320 0.015CSR13J153M* 20 A 0.3224332673291331536321 7321+8321 0.018CSR13J183K* 10 A 0.3224342674291431546323 7323+8323 0.022CSR13J223K* 10 A 0.3224352675291531556325 7325+8325 0.022CSR13J223M* 20 A 0.3224362676291631566326 7326+8326 0.27CSR13J274K* 10 A 0.3224552695293531756358 7358 +8358 0.33CSR13J334K* 10 A 0.3224562696293631766360 7360+8360 0.33CSR13J334M* 20 A 0.3224572697293731776361 7361+8361 0.39CSR13J394K* 10 A 0.3224582698293831786363 7363+8363 0.47CSR13J474K* 10 A 0.3224592699293931796365 7365+8365 0.47CSR13J474M* 20 A 0.3224602700294031806366 7366+8366 0.56CSR13J564K* 10 A 0.3224612701294131816368 7368+8368 0.68CSR13J684K* 10 B 0.3224622702294231826370 7370 +8370 0.68CSR13J684M* 20 B 0.3224632703294331836371 7371+83710.82CSR13J824K* 10 B 0.4224642704294431846373 7373+83731.0CSR13J105K* 10 B 0.5224652705294531856375 7375+8375 1.0CSR13J105M* 20 B 0.5224662706294631866376 7376+8376 1.2CSR13J125K* 10 B 0.5324672707294731876378 7378+8378 1.5CSR13J155K* 10 B 0.7324682708294831886380 7380+8380 1.5CSR13J155M* 20 B 0.7324692709294931896381 7381+83811.8CSR13J185K* 10 B 0.7324702710295031906383 7383+83832.2CSR13J225K* 10 B 0.9324712711295131916385 7385+8385 2.2CSR13J225M* 20 B 0.9324722712295231926386 7386+83862.7CSR13J275K* 10 B 1.1324732713295331936388 7388 +83883.3CSR13J335K* 10 C 1.5351575357555757576390+7390+8390 3.3CSR13J335M* 20 C 1.5351585358555857586391+7391+83913.9CSR13J395K* 10 C 1.5351605360556057606393+7393+83934.7CSR13J475K* 10 C 2.5351625362556257626395+7395+83954.7CSR13J475M* 20 C 2.5351635363556357636396+7396+83965.6CSR13J565K* 10 C 2.5351655365556557656398+7398+83986.8CSR13J685K* 10 C 2.5351675367556757676400+7400+8400 6.8CSR13J685M* 20 C 2.5351685368556857686401+7401+8401+ C failure rate: Not QPL for +7390 thru +7401。
