2)L M2596处理输出+5V。
3)A IC1084输出+3.3V。
1.CON1各脚功能:1)p in1为+12V电源输入脚(Vin)。
2)p in2为接地脚(GND)。
3)p in3为软开关也称为背景灯开关(ENB)脚(Blalk Hight--EN)。
正常工作状态下CPU Pin8输出高电位,使Q1、Q2导通,12V电源输入U1的Pin2 U1进入工作状态,Panel背景灯亮,当切换画面或进入节能状态时,CPU Pin8变为低电平,Q1、Q2截止,U1供电断开,Panel背景灯关掉。
4)p in4为Panel亮度控制输入脚。
5)P in5为空脚。
2.U1各脚功能:1)P in1为PWM输出脚。
2)P in2为IC电源+12V供电输入脚。
3)P in3为比较输出脚。
4)P in4为INVERTER电源输出反馈脚。
5)P in5为电路短路保护脚。
6)P in6为死区时间控制脚。
7)P in7为振荡器外接电阻脚。
8)P in8为接地脚。
3.TL5001工作原理:1)I NVERTER输出反馈:TL5001第4脚为INVERTER输出反馈电路,反馈回路由R17、R18、D3、C5、R5构成,负载信息通过该回路取样反馈到IC内部的比较器(如图1)。
空裁保护:当CON3和CON2没有接Panel背景灯管负载时,TL5001第4脚没有反馈电压,这时IC内部误差放大器输出为高电位,即Comp(IC Pin3)为高电位,并超出DTC电压值,使输出关掉,即IC Pin1 PWM输出关掉,同时,由于Comp电位的升高,通过内部电路SCP comparator1的比较,使输出为低电位,内部基准2.5V 为SCP外接电容充电,当电位升到大于1V时,SCP comparator2动作也同样使输出关掉。
Title21F, 88, Sec.1, Hsin Tai Wu Rd., Hsichih,Wistron CorporationTaipei Hsien 221, Taiwan, R.O.C.<Variant Name>1067/800MHzAGTL+ FSBIntel ICH9-MUSB 2.0 (12 ports)LAN Connect I/F (LCI)AC97 2.3/Azalia InterfaceACPI 2.0INT. RTCLPC I/FPCI Rev 2.3L7:GND L3:Signal 1System DC/DCVINT20L4:VCC L8:ComponentL1:Component OUTPUTSL6:Signal 3L2:GND PCB Layer StackupINPUTSTPS51221L5:Signal 2Sep.4VCC3MVCC5M Battery Charger/SelectorADP3808DOCK_PWR20_FM-BAT-PWR VINT20VT1311CPU DC/DCVCCCPUCORE3,47,8,9,10,11,124449Penryn SV IntelIntel Cantiga-GMLVDS INTEGRATED GRAHPICSDDR3 1067/800MHz DMI x4MLF68Clock Generator 35,36H8S/2116BG20VKBCLPC Bus / 33MHz12.1'' WXGA LCDLVDS1617RGB CRT CRT SELECTIONWPCN38539LPC Debug Board Conn2938PMH-7G/ASerial ATA I/FUSB 2.0Port1Mocha-1 Block Diagram34Media Slice VCC1R8BS-BAT-PWRCRT UltraSlimBayRJ45USB2514USB HubSMSC MAX6694Thermal SensorSMBusSATA Port 1 I/F20,21,22,2334CRT PortMedia Slice19540Processor15Serial ATA 150MB/sPCI Express CRT I/FG-Sensor42CH10Bluetooth31CH8DDR3 1067/800Channel A UNBUFFERED DDR3 SODIMM Reverse Socket204-PIN DDR3 SODIMM1314Channel B DDR3 1067/800VCC1R05AMT/VCC1R5AVCC5V_OUTVCC3M VCC1R05AMT VCC1R5AVCC1R8BBD3550VT351A5052,53I2C Bus / SM Bus Thermal Sensor LM265UNBUFFERED DDR3 SODIMM Normal SocketWWAN Card27Mini PCI-E 24Intel GLANBOAZMANWLAN Card 27Mini PCI-E USB 2.0 CH3PCI Express25GBE Switch PI3L500AZFEXMedia Slice34RJ45 Conn263131USB2.0 CH5,6USB 2.0 CH7CH0,1USB 1USB 2Bus Switch ICCH9Finger Print1636Int. KB Track point IVKeyboard LightSPI-FLASHSPI GMCH GFX COREVT451&VT45051VINT20VCCGFXCOREVCC0R75AMT5455VCC1R05AUX/1R8AUX56VCC1R05AUX VCC1R8AUXVCC3MPort0Serial ATA I/F PCI Express USB 2.0 CH2PCI Express UWB28Mini PCI-E USB 2.0 CH4PCI Express 33Express Card SoltSATA HDDSATA CONNSUPER I/O WINBOND Camera (LCD Conn)USB 2.0 CH1107226-2-FinalProject Code: 91.47Q01.001PCB(Raw Card): 48.47Q01.001ITP Conn.6AC Coupling18Display Port3029Azalia bus IOSUB Card Conn.32USB 2.0CH5Media Card Reader 3-in-1 SlotUSB 3USB2.0 CH6VCC1R5A VCC0R75AMTBD3550MAX1510Display Port RJ 11Conn Audio CodecIOSUB Card(LCD Conn)HP OUT MIC IN16Trace should be less than 0.5 inch22222 TPAD3022 22 2222E222 2MAX6694TE9A-2-GP2E2 2SC2200P50V2KX-2GPE2 222222222 2VCC3BM_ODT32C 220R1J-GP 2275R1J-GP 2233R1J-GPTPAD30280D6R1F-GP 24K02R1F-GP 275R1J-GP 21KR1J-GP20R1J-GPAD46K24K02R1F-GP21KR1J-GP22K2R1J-GP 2C 2100KR1J-GP21KR1J-GP 230D1R1F-GP 222K2R1J-GP22K2R1J-GP 2100R1J-GP22K2R1J-GP 2222K2R1J-GP 22K2R1J-GP 22C2382SK3541-3-GP2C448222K2R1J-GP 22K4R2F-GP280D6R1F-GP222230D1R1F-GP 2C 2499R1F-GP2475R1F-GP222100KR1J-GP2275R1J-GP 2C2222C2372222222C2662C220DY2222BLM15EG121SN1D-GP 2222222C19120R3-0-U-GP 22222C460220R0306-PAD-GP 2C4372C2132C1802C4232222222222C233222C2862IND-10UH-106-GP222C2852K 2C24122C 4D 7U 6D 2R54122BLM15EG121SN1D-GP SC22U6D3V5MX-4-GP2U 6D 3V 520R0306-PAD-GP 2IND-10UH-106-GP2C43222C301222C422222C25021SC10U6D3V3MX-GP22222227K32R1F-GP2C463SC1KP50V2KX-1GPDY222222C2052SC2D2U6D3V3MX-1-GPSC2D2U10V3KX-1GP22SCD1U10V2KX-4GP2C1762SCD1U10V2KX-4GP2222SC2D2U10V3KX-1GP2SC2D2U6D3V3MX-1-GP2222SCD1U10V2KX-4GP222SCD1U10V2KX-4GP2222C177222C178VCC3AMT_CLKGEN_SECPUCLK_CPU_266M_R-CPUCLK_CPU_266M_R222R1J-GP 222233R1J-GP 2X-14D31818M-43GP20R1J-GP 233R1J-GP 20R1J-GP2SC22P50V2JN-4GPC660222K2R1J-GP 22C53222222222R1J-GP2SC12P50V2JN-3GP2C524SLG8SP568VTR-4-GP212R1J-GPDY22K2R1J-GP 22C305212R1J-GP DY 22C5262210KR1J-GP 2233R1J-GP 2Close to pinK2222MLX-CONN60A-9-GPU2PDTC114EE-1GPU2222DTC115EE-2-GP2DY42SCD047U25V3KX-GP2C52224545452SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2SCD1U10V2KX-4GP222216TC7WT126FU-2GP2SC10P50V2JN-4GPSC10P50V2JN-4GP133332SC10P50V2JN-4GP3222222LPC_AD3254D9R1F-GP 23C65822222KCH520S-30PT-GP222222MLX-CON3-7-GP-UK22222C6732C64122P 22247R1J-GP 215R1J-GP 222P 22P 2P 222SCD1U10V2KX-4GP2P22222P 2522P 2P 22210KR1J-GP93102P92102P22100KR1J-GP 2P20R1J-GP 210KR1J-GP 28K2R1J-GP210KR1J-GP 2P210KR1J-GP2222P 2222C64222222SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2D 1U 12222SC1U10V2KX-1GP2222C640222SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2222C495TP702SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 2Keep to place on the same side of GBE KDS:25MHZ / 9PFUSE INTERNAL REGULATOR FOR 1.05V WG82567LM-Q036-GP2C672SC15P50V2JN-2-GP2222222 22 22222R7442 2DY22 2R656222222SKT-JACK-257-GPSC1KP50V2KX-1GP SKT-JACK-257-GP SCD1U10V2KX-4GPSCD1U10V2KX-4GPSKT-JACK-257-GPSC1KP50V2KX-1GP42SC4D7U10V5KX-1GP2SC1U10V2KX-1GP2C321222222C4312222SC1U10V2KX-1GP222222C602VCC3M_SPI233R1J-GP222233R1J-GP 233R1J-GP 22233R1J-GP233R1J-GP 252602222220R0306-PAD-GPSKT-SATA7P+15P-GP-USKT-USB-257-GP2 25 42222425TPS2066DGN-1-GPPDTC115EE-1-GP SDM20U30-7-GP22SDM20U30-7-GP HRS-CON40-5-GP2C6632222222U 1223CARDBUS-SKT99-GP-U12R800DY22222SC6800P25V2KX-1GP21K P 5100KR2J-1-GPEXPRESSCARD-26P-GP-U2227U 6D 222SCD1U50V3KX-GP 2SCD01U16V2KX-3GPK SCD01U16V2KX-3GP20R2J-2-GP SCD1U50V3KX-GPFDS6675BZ-GPSCD1U50V3KX-GP22222DF2116VBG20MSJV-GP K2210KR1J-GP 212330R1J-GPKD822DAP222-1-GP-U 210KR1J-GP21KR1J-GP2212SCD1U25V3KX-GP2C150SDM20U30-7-GP3321KR2J-1-GP DF2116VBG20MSJV-GP 22560R1J-GP3220R1J-GP20R1J-GPK SDM20U30-7-GP225SCD01U16V2KX-3GPK 2282621292722202JAE-CONN40A-1-U1GP233R1J-GP 220R1J-GP5RN1622SCD1U10V2KX-4GP233R1J-GP 2220R1J-GP 2227233R1J-GP 22SC1KP50V2KX-1GP20R1J-GP2232622RN14R 1J -222SCD1U10V2KX-4GPWPCN385DG-GPSRN10KJ-10-GP-UE2220R2J-2-GP E2NC7SZ384P5X-1-GPPDTC115EE-1-GP2NC7SZ384P5X-1-GP2C108SCD1U10V2KX-4GPNC7SZ384P5X-1-GP22C109SCD1U10V2KX-4GP2C145SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 222C110SCD1U10V2KX-4GP 22C144SCD1U10V2KX-4GP222222NC7SZ384P5X-1-GP 2222SCD1U16V2KX-3GPFDC658AP-GP222SCD1U10V2KX-4GPSCD1U10V2KX-4GPSCD1U10V2KX-4GP16SCD1U10V2KX-4GPE2247U 2522FDS6675BZ-GP122PDTC115EE-1-GPE FUSE-D5A32V-10-GPPDTC115EE-1-GP 2222E 2FUSE-D5A32V-10-GPPDTC115EE-1-GP2DAP222-1-GP-U222SCD01U50V2KX-1GP2SC2200P50V2KX-2GP22252252C350222C3972C 3402222C4622C2022C2822220R2J-2-GP ADP3808AJCPZS3-GP22222C342SCD01U25V2KX-3GPPDTC115EE-1-GP2S 22SCD1U25V3KX-GPSI3483DV-T1-GPDAN222-1-GP2DAN222-1-GP2470KR1J-GP22C352G P 212AMP-CON7-10-GP2C3532FUSE-10A125V-4GPE2DY22222SCD1U10V2KX-4GP22DY 222SC1KP50V2KX-1GPK 21002232222222232C782222222R101SC10U25V6KX-2GP2C872222522C13252DY22220R2J-2-GP 2D 1U 22C6322C8422252222R81222C154SC10U25V6KX-2GP5U15D2C4582VCORE_DB0Close to U51,pin32L8 PA2143NL_PA215-->CPL-2-50-R28K66R2D-GP 24K7R2D-GP20R2J-2-GP 2210KR2J-3-GP 239K2R2D-GP210KR2J-3-GP SRN0J-11-GP-U22VT1311SFCX-GP-U2100KR2F-L1-GP 222IND-350NH-1-GP210KR2J-3-GP 2DY2DY210KR2J-3-GP24K7R2D-GP210KR2J-3-GP 210KR2J-3-GP SRN0J-10-GP-U 210K7R2D-1-GP 268R2-GP2211KR2D-1-GP2222211K3R2D-GP 211KR2D-1-GP 20R2J-2-GP22DY2DY。
TM1723 LCD驱动控制专用电路说明书
1.概述TM1723是一种带键盘扫描接口的LCD驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LCD 驱动、键盘扫描、幻彩背光驱动等电路。
主要应用于VCR、VCD、DVD 及家庭影院等产品的显示屏驱动。
2.443..4.▲注意:DIO在时▲SEGx/KEYx5.显示寄存器该寄存器存储通过串行接口从外部器件传送到TM1723 的数据,有效地址寄存器共11字节单元,分别与芯片SGE和COM管脚所接的LCD段位对应,分配如下图:写LCD显示数据的时候,按照从显示地址从低位到高位,从数据字节的低位到高位操作。
采用地址自动加一模式送数据时,00H、01H、06H~08H、0DH 地址数据可任意填充,建议填充数据0。
6.1. 显示模式设置工作模式设置好后,不允许在使用中切换工作模式。 地址命令设置图(2)键扫数据储存地址如下所示,先发读键命令后,开始读取按键数据BYTE1—BYTE2字节,读数据从低位开始输出。
7.2.该寄存器存储通过串行接口从TM1723的读取数据,地址分配如下:▲注意与KS3三7.3.t=130us图(7)T、t 和IC工作的振荡频率有关,我公司TM1723经过多次完善,振荡频率不完全一致,测量参数仅仅提供参考,以实际测量为准。
TFT LCD MODULE2.4” 262K 240RGB*320DOTS MODULE NO.: GYTF024HS41-36APlease sign the cover page of the spec for your approval and return it to our local sales within a month after your receipt of the spec from Fair. In the case Fair does not receive the signed spec even after one month later, in general we will consider that the spec was already accepted by your company.Prepared Checked Approved YIRECORDS OF REVISIONREVISIONREVISED DESCRIPTIONS DATE NO.00 Generation first version 2013-01-29CONTENTS1.LCD MODULE PHYSICAL DATA (2)2.OUTLINE DIMENSIONS (3)3.BLOCK DIAGRAM (4)4.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (4)5.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (5)6.ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (6)7.INTERFACE PIN CONNECTIONS (10)8.INITIALIZED CODE (11)9.SPECIFICATION OF QUALITY ASSURANCE (12)10.RELIABILITY (17)ING LCD MODULES (18)1 LCD MODULE PHYSICAL DATA1.1General DescriptionDisplay Type TFT/TransmissiveViewing Direction 12 o’clockConnection Type COG + FPC+BLOperation temperature -20℃ ~70℃Storage temperature -30℃ ~80℃Driving IC ILI9341MPU interface 8/16-bit Parallel 8080 interfaceTable 1.1.2Mechanical DescriptionItem Standard Value Unit Screen size 2.4 inchNumber of dots 240 RGB x320 dots -LCM dimension 42.72 (W ) x 59.46 (H) x 2.50(T) mmActive area 36.72 (W) x 48.96(H) mmDot size 0.153 (W) x 0.153 (H) mmApprox. weight TBD gBacklight 4 chip white LED parellelTable 2.2 OUTLINE DIMENSIONSFigure 1.3 BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 2.4 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSTANDARD V ALUEITEMSYMBOL CONDITIONMIN TYP MAXUNIT Power Supply V oltage(1) VDD Ta= +25℃ -0.3 - 3.2V Power Supply V oltage(2) Iovcc Ta= +25℃ -0.3 -3.2 V Power Supply V oltage(3) Vci Ta= +25℃ -0.3 - 3.2 V Input V oltage Vin Ta=+25 ℃-0.3 - Vcc+0.3 V Operating Temperature Top ---- 20 - +70 ℃Storage TemperatureTst---- 30-+80℃Table 3.NOTE:(1). If the module is used above these absolute maximum ratings. It may become permanently damaged. Using the module within the following electrical characteristic conditions are also exceeded, the module will malfunction and cause poor reliability (2). LCM should be grounded during handing LCM. (3). VDD>GND must be maintained.5 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS5.1 DC CharacteristicsSTANDARD V ALUE ITEMSYMBOLCONDITIONSMIN TYP MAXUNITPower Supply V oltage for Logic VDD-GNDTa= +25 ℃2.83.0 3.3 V Power Supply V oltage for I/O circuitIOVCC Ta =+25 ℃ 2.8 3.0 3.3Input High V oltage for LCD VIH - 0.8Iovcc - Iovcc V Input Low V oltage for LCD VIL - Vss - 0.2 IovccVOutput High V oltage for LCD VOH - 0.8Iovcc - Iovcc V Output Low V oltage for LCDVOL-Vss-0.2 IovccVTable 4.5.2 Back-Light unitSTANDARD V ALUE PARAMETERSYMBOL REMARK MIN TYP MAXUNIT FORWARD VOLTAGEVF If =15mA 12.0 12.8 13.5 V LUMINOUS INTENSITY(INCLUDE LCD)Iv If =15mA 200 -- cd/m2 LUMINOUS TOLERANCE Iv-m (min/max)/100- 80 - % X 0.260-0.300CHROMATICITY COORDINATESYIf =15mA0.260 - 0.300OPERATING TEMPERATURE -20 ~ 70℃℃ STORAGE TEMPERATURE-30 ~ 80℃℃Table 5.5.3 AC CharacteristicsRefer to ILI9341 data sheet.6 ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSParamete Symbol Condition Min Typ Max Unit RemarkVsat 2.7 3.0 3.2 VThreshold voltageVth 1.2 1.5 1.8 VNote 1Left(9’) - 65 - Deg HorizontalRight(3’) - 65 - DegUp(12’) - 55 - Deg ViewingAngle rangeVerticalDown(6’) CR > 10- 50 - DegNot 2Contrast ratioC/RӨ = 0° - 350 - Not 3 Transmittance T(%) Ө = 0°- 5.5 - Not 4 x w 0.302 0.322 0.342 White Chromaticityy w Ө = 0°0.323 0.343 0.362 x R 0.609 0.629 0.649 Redy R 0.321 0.341 0.361 x G 0.291 0.311 0.331 Green y G 0.549 0.569 0.589 x B0.121 0.141 0.161 Reproduction Of colorBluey BӨ= 0°0.094 0.114 0.134Not 5 *Color FilterGlassResponse TimeTr+TfӨ= 0°30smecNot 6Table 6.Note :1. The definition of Vth & VsatFigure 3. The definition of Vth & Vsat2.Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The viewing are determined for the horizontal or 3, 9 o’clock direction and the vertical or 6, 12 o’clock direction with respect to the optical axis which is normal to the LCD surface.Figure 4.Definition of viewing angle3. Contrast measurements shall be made at viewing angle of Ө= 0° and at the center of the LCD surface.Luminance shall be measured with all pixels in the view field set first to white, then to the dark (black) state.Luminance when displaying a white rasterCR=Luminance when displaying a black raster4. Transmittance is the value with Polarizer.5. The color chromaticity coordinates specified in Table6. shall be calculated from the spectral data measured with all pixels first in red, green, blue and white. Measurements shall be made at the center of the C/F. Measurement condition is C - light source & Halogen Lamp.Figure 5 Optical test equipment.6. The electro-optical response time measurements shall be made as FIGURE 3 shown in Appendix by switching the “data” input signal ON and OFF. The times needed for the luminance to change from 10% to 90% is Tr, and 90% to 10% is TdFigure 6.Definition of response time: Tr+Tf7 INTERFACE PIN CONNECTIONS引脚序号引脚符号功能描述1 NC2 NCNo connection3 NC4 NC5 NC6 RESETsignalReset7 NC8 NCNo connection9 NC10 NC11-28 DB17-DB0 Data bus ( No connection fo Ground)29 RD Read operation signal30 WR Writer operation signal31 DC Register select signalselectChip32 CSGround33 VSS34 VCC Power supply for circuit35 LED- The backlight ground36 LED+ Power supply for backlightTable 6.8 INITIALIZED CODEPlease contact us for details.9 SPECIFICATION OF QUALITY ASSURANCE9.1SummaryThe customer should check and accept the products of GY within one month after reception. This standard for Quality Assurance should affirm the quality of LCD products to supply to purchaser by GY COMPANY LIMITED. Entire process is controlled according to QS9000.9.2Standard for quality test(1) InspectionBefore delivering, the supplier should take the following tests, and affirm the quality of product.(2) Electro-Optical CharacteristicsAccording to the individual specification to test the product.(3) Test of Appearance Characteristics:According to the individual specification to test the product.(4)Test of Reliability CharacteristicsAccording to the definition of reliability on specification for test product.(5) Delivery TestBefore delivering, the supplier should take the delivery test(6)Sampling Method: GB/T2828.1-2003, Level II(7) The defects classify of AQL as followingMajor defect: AQL=0.65Minor defect: AQL=1.59.3Nonconforming Analysis & Deal With Manners☆Nonconforming Analysis(1) Purchaser should supply the detail data of nonconforming sample and the non-suitable state.(2) After accepting the detail data from purchaser ,the analysis of nonconforming should befinished in two weeks.(3) If supplier can not finish analysis on time ,must announce purchaser before two weeks.☆Disposition of nonconforming(1) If find any supplier defect during assembly line, supplier must change the goodproduct for every defect after recognition.(2) Both supplier and customer should analysis the reason and discuss the disposition ofnonconforming when the reason of nonconforming is not sure.9.4Agreement items.Both sides should discuss together when the following problems happen:(1) There is any problem of standard of quality assurance ,and both sides think that must be modifier.(2) There is any argument item which does not record in the quality assurance.(3) Any other special problem.9.5Standard of the Product Appearance Test9.5.1Manner of appearance test(1) The test must be under 20W*2 or 40W fluorescent light ,and the distance of view must be at 30±5 cm.(2) When test the model of Transmissive product must add the reflective plate.(3) The test direction is base on about around 30 degree(within θ range)of vertical line.Vertical line EyesFigure 7.(4) Definition of Area:A Area: Active areaB Area: Viewing areaC Area: Out of viewing areaD Area: Seal areaC AreaB AreaA AreaD AreaFigure principle:(1) It will accord to the AQL when the standard can not be described.(2) The sample of the lowest acceptable quality level must be discussed by both supplier andcustomer when any dispute happened.(3) Must add new item on time when it is necessary.9.6Inspection specificationNO Item Criterion AQL01 Electrical Testing1.1 Missing vertical, horizontal segment, segmentcontrast defect.1.2 Missing character, dot or icon.1.3 Display malfunction.1.4 No function or no display.1.5 Current consumption exceeds product specifications.1.6 LCD viewing angle defect.1.7 Contrast defect0.6504 Chipped glass Symbols:a: Chip length b: Chip width c: Chip thickness t: Glass thickness 4.1 ITO electrode4.2 General ,corner portion1.505 Cracked glassThe LCD with extensive crack is not acceptable.0.6506 Backlight elements 6.1 Illumination source flickers when lit.6.2 Spots or scratches that appear when lit must be judgedusing LCD spot, lines and contamination standards.6.3 Backlight doesn’t light or color is wrong0.651.50.6507 Soldering 7.1 No unmelted solder paste may be present on the PCB.7.2 No cold solder joints, missing solder connections, oxidationor icicle.7.3 No residue or solder balls on PCB.7.4 No short circuits in components on PCB. General appearance 8.1 No oxidation, contamination, curves or, bends on interfacepin (OLB) of TCP.8.2 No cracks on interface pin(OLB) of TCP8.3 NO contamination, solder residue or solder balls onproduct.8.4 The IC on the TCP may not be damaged, circuits.8.5 The residual rosin or tin oil of soldering (component or chip component) is not burned into brown or black color. 8.6Sealant on top of the ITO circuit has not hardened8.7 Pin type must match type in specification sheet.8.8 LCD pin loose or missing pins.8.9 Product packaging must the same as specified on packaging specification sheet.8.10 Product dimension and structure must conform to product specification sheet.1.50.651.50.651.51.50.650.650.650.65Table 7.10 RELIABILITYNO.. Test Item Description Test Condition1HightemperaturestorageEndurance test applying the high storagetemperature for a long time70,240 H℃2LowtemperaturestorageEndurance test applying the low storagetemperature for a long time-20,240H℃3HightemperatureoperationEndurance test applying the electric stressunder high temperature for a long time60,96H℃4LowtemperatureoperationEndurance test applying the electric stressunder low temperature for a long time-10,96H℃5Hightemperature/humiditystorageEndurance test applying the high temperatureand high humidity storage for a long time50℃,90% R.H 240H6Hightemperature/humidityoperationEndurance test applying electric stress underhigh temperature and high humidity for a longtime40 90% R.H 96H℃7 TemperatureCycleEndurance test applying the low and hightemperature cycle -20→ 25→ 70℃℃℃→25 30min 5min 30min 5min one cycle℃-20/70 10 cycles℃℃8 Vibration test Endurance test applying the vibration duringtransportation and using10Hz~50Hz Swing:0.75mmtime:30min9 Fall test Endurance test dropping the LCM from a highplace600mm height10Staticelectricity testEndurance test applying static electric stress toterminal Contact discharge: ±2KV~4KVAir discharge: ±2KV~10KVTable 8.NOTE: TEST CONDITION(1) Temperature and humidity: If no specification, temp. set at 25±2°C, humidity set at 60±5%RH.(2) Operating state: Samples subject to the test shall be in “operating” condition.11 USING LCD MODULES11.1LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY MODULESLCD is composed of glass and polarizer. Pay attention to the following items when handling.(1) Please keep the temperature within specified range for use and storage. Polarization degradation,bubble generation or polarizer peel-off may occur with high temperature and high humidity.(2) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with anything harder than an HB pencil lead(glass, tweezers, etc.).(3) N-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front/rear polarizers andreflectors made of organic substances which will be damaged by chemicals such as acetone,toluene, ethanol and isopropylalcohol.(4) When the display surface becomes dusty, wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materiallike chamois soaked in petroleum benzin. Do not scrub hard to avoid damaging the displaysurface.(5) Wipe off saliva or water drops immediately, contact with water over a long period of time maycause deformation or color fading.(6) Avoid contacting oil and fats.(7) Condensation on the surface and contact with terminals due to cold will damage, stain or dirtythe polarizers. After products are tested at low temperature they must be warmed up in a container before coming is contacting with room temperature air.(8) Do not put or attach anything on the display area to avoid leaving marks on.(9) Do not touch the display with bare hands. This will stain the display area and degradateinsulation between terminals (some cosmetics are determinated to the polarizers).(10) As glass is fragile. It tends to become or chipped during handling especially on the edges.Please avoid dropping or rising.11.2PRECAUTION FOR HANDING LCD MODULESSince LCM has been assembled and adjusted with a high degree of precision, avoid applyingexcessive shocks to the module or making any alterations or modifications to it.(1) Do not alter, modify or change the the shape of the tab on the metal frame.(2) Do not make extra holes on the printed circuit board, modify its shape or change the positions ofcomponents to be attached.(3) Do not damage or modify the pattern writing on the printed circuit board.(4) Absolutely do not modify the zebra rubber strip (conductive rubber) or heat seal connector.(5) Except for soldering the interface, do not make any alterations or modifications with a solderingiron.(6) Do not drop, bend or twist LCM.(7) In order to avoid the cracking of the FPC,you should to pay attention to the area ofFPC(R50mm) where the FPC was bent .the edge of coverlay;the area of surface of Ni-Au plating,the area of soldering land,the area of through hole.11.3ELECTRO-STATIC DISCHARGE CONTROLSince this module uses a CMOS LSI, the same careful attention should be paid to electrostaticdischarge as for an ordinary CMOS IC.(1) Make certain that you are grounded when handing LCM.(2) Before remove LCM from its packing case or incorporating it into a set, be sure the module andyour body have the same electric potential.(3) When soldering the terminal of LCM, make certain the AC power source for the soldering irondoes not leak.(4) When using an electric screwdriver to attach LCM, the screwdriver should be of groundpotentiality to minimize as much as possible any transmission of electromagnetic waves produced sparks coming from the commutator of the motor.(5) As far as possible make the electric potential of your work clothes and that of the work bench theground potential.(6) To reduce the generation of static electricity be careful that the air in the work is not toodried. A relative humidity of 0%-60% is recommended.11.4PRECAUTIONS FOR OPERATION(1) Viewing angle varies with the change of liquid crystal driving voltage (VO). Adjust VO to showthe best contrast.(2) Driving the LCD in the voltage above the limit shortens its life.(3) Response time is greatly delayed at temperature below the operating temperature range. However,this does not mean the LCD will be out of the order. It will recover when it returns to the specified temperature range.(4) If the display area is pushed hard during operation, the display will become abnormal. However,it will return to normal if it is turned off and then back on.(5) Condensation on terminals can cause an electrochemical reaction disrupting the terminal circuit.Therefore, it must be used under the relative condition of 40°C , 50% RH.(6) When turning the power on, input each signal after the positive/negative voltage becomes stable.Figure 9.11.5STORAGEWhen storing LCDs as spares for some years, the following precaution are necessary.(1) Store them in a sealed polyethylene bag. If properly sealed, there is no need for dessicant.(2) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose to sunlight or fluorescent light, keep the temperaturebetween 0°C and 35°C.(3) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other objects. (We advise you to storethem in the container in which they were shipped.)(4) Environmental conditions :- Do not leave them for more than 160hrs. at 70°C.- Should not be left for more than 48hrs. at -20°C.11.6SAFETY(1) It is recommended to crush damaged or unnecessary LCDs into pieces and wash them off withsolvents such as acetone and ethanol, which should later be burned.(2) If any liquid leakes out of a damaged glass cell and comes in contact with the hands, wash offthoroughly with soap and ater.11.7LIMITED WARRANTYUnless agreed between GY and customer, GY will replace or repair any of its LCD modules which are found to be functionally defective when inspected in accordance with GY LCD modules acceptance standards (copies available upon request) for a period of one year from date of shipments. Cosmetic/visual defects must be returned to GY within 90 days of shipment. Confirmation of such date shall be based on freight documents. The warranty liability of GY limited to repair and/or replacement on the terms set forth above. GY will not be responsible for any subsequent or consequential events.11.8RETURN LCM UNDER WARRANTYNo warranty can be granted if the precautions stated above have been disregarded. The typical examples of violations are :- Broken LCD glass.- Circuit modified in any way, including addition of components.Module repairs will be invoiced to the customer upon mutual agreement. Modules must be returned with sufficient description of the failures or defects. Any connectors or cable installed by the customer must be removed completely without damaging the PCB’s eyelet, conductors and terminals.。
DOT MATRIXLIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYMODULECOMPANY NAME : 伍豐科技USER‘MANUALSBS02002D0 SerialSBS02002D0LEW10(英日英日文版文版) LCD Module Description: SBS02002D0LEW20(英歐英歐文版文版)SBS02002D0LEW30(英俄英俄文版文版)PROPOSED BYAPPROVEDDesignApprovedSDEC TECHNOLOGY CORP.ADDRESS: 10F, No. 100, Shing De Rd., San Chung City 241Taipei Hsien, Taiwan R.O.C.TEL: 886-2-2999-2512/886-2-8512-1288 FAX: 886-2-2999-2510/886-2-8512-2828LCM SAMPLE APPROVAL (液 晶 顯 示 模 組組 樣 品 確 認 書)1. P ART A:FILLED BY SDEC TECH (由SDEC 填寫填寫))1) COMPANY NAME (客戶名稱客戶名稱):):):伍豐科技股份有限公司伍豐科技股份有限公司2) SDEC ITEM NO.(產品型號產品型號)):SBS02002D0LEW10/SBS02002D0LEW20/SBS02002D0LEW30 3) CUSTOMER ITEM NO.(客戶產品型號客戶產品型號)):RD9000PH03AJ/RD9000PH03AI/RD9000PH03AK 4) LCM Function (LCM 內容):ALCD TYPE (LCD 種類):□ TN, □ HTN, ■ STN, □ FSTN ( □ POSITIVE/正向正向,,■ NEGATIVE/反向, □ BLACK MASK/內黑絲印) B VIEWING AREA (視角方向):□ 3H, □ 6H, □ 9H, ■ 12HC POLARIZER COLOR (偏光板顏色):□ GRAY/灰色, □ YELLOW GREEN/黃綠色黃綠色,,■ BLUE/藍色, □ BLACK/黑色D BACKLIGHT COLOR (背光顏色):□ YELLOW GREEN/黃綠光, □ ORANGE/橘光□ RED/紅光, □ BLUE/藍光, □ GREEN/翠綠光, ■ WHITE/白光E TEMPERATURE (溫度):□ NORMAL/常溫, ■ WIDE/廣溫F Rom Code CheckSum :AF37H (Check Sum is not Read Back).GSBS02002D0LEW10 : SPLC780D1-01 CONTROL IC (控制IC): SBS02002D0LEW20 : SPLC780D1-03SBS02002D0LEW30 : SPLC780D1-02 SAMPLE DELIVERY DATE (出樣日期出樣日期):):2010.09.20 2.PART B:FILLED BY CUSTOMER (請客戶填寫請客戶填寫))CHECK LIST ITEMS (檢查項目檢查項目):):OK NG REASON (原因原因)) 1).LCM SIZE AND THICKNESS:(LCM 尺寸及厚度尺寸及厚度)): □ □ ________ 2).POLARIZER COLOR :(:(偏光板色澤偏光板色澤偏光板色澤):): □ □ ________ 3).ELECTRO CHARACTERISTIC :(:(電氣特性電氣特性電氣特性):): □ □ ________ 4).VIEWING AREA (視角範圍視角範圍):):□ □ ________ 5).BACKLIGHT ILLIMINATION (背光亮度背光亮度):): □ □ ________ 6).TEMPERATURE RANGE (溫度範圍溫度範圍):):□□________APPROVED BY (批准批准):): DATE OF APPROVAL (批准日期批准日期):):REVISION RECORDRevisionPage Contents2008.07 Mass Production2009.03A1. Change Instruction Code Table2. Add “€”Pattern in Font Table 07H & 0FH3. PCB R15~R25:100Ω change to 0Ω 2009.05A2 1. Add Customer Item No. 2 2. Add Rom code CheckSum.3. PCB Rev No :Rev.3 up date to Rev.4 2010.09A1. Initial Delay 30ms2. PCB U4:AT89C2051 change to SM894051C 23. CheckSum :AF37HCONTENTSPAGE ●LCM Sample Approval 2●REVISION RECORD 31. Mechanical Specification 52. Mechanical Diagram 53. Interface Pin Connections 54. Block Diagram 55. Backlight Electronic Characteristics 56. Absolute Maximum Ratings 67. Electrical Characteristics 68. Optical Characteristics 69. Optical Definitions 610. Instruction Set 711.Instruction Description 812. User Font Patterns 1113. Character Generator ROM Map13.1 SBS02002D0LEW10 Font Table 1213.2 SBS02002D0LEW20 Font Table 1313.3 SBS02002D0LEW30 Font Table 1414. Reliability Condition 1515. Function Test & Inspection Criteria 1516. Test – Normal Temperature 1817. Test – Wide Temperature 1918. Precautions Against Product Handling 2019. Warranty 211.Mechanical SpecificationITEM STANDARD VALUE UNITNUMBER OF CHARACTERS 20 CHARACTERS X 2 LINES --CHARACTER FORMAT 5 X 8 DOTS --MODULE DIMENSION167.0 (W) X 46.0 (H) X 18.5(Max) (T) mm EDGE LED BACKLIGHTVIEWING DISPLAY AREA 123.0 (W) X 23.0 (H) mmACTIVE DISPLAY AREA 118.85 (W) X 19.0 (H) mmCHARACTER SIZE 4.85 (W) X 9.32 (H) mmCHARACTER PITCH 6.00 (W) X 9.77 (H) mmDOT SIZE 0.93 (W) X 1.11 (H) mmDOT PITCH 0.98 (W) X 1.16 (H) mmNO SYMBOL FUNCTION1 VDD DC +5V2 VSS GND ( 0V)3 DI Series Data Input4 FGND FRAME GND5. Backlight Electronic CharacteristicsTa=25℃ITEM SYMBOL Ratings UNIT Absolute maximum forward current IFm 2*80 mA Peak forward current IFp 2*160 mAReverse Voltage Vr 4 VPower Dissipation Pd 2*160 mW Operating Temperature Range Top -20~+70 ℃Storage Temperature Range Tst -30~+80 ℃ITEM SYMBOL MIN. TYPE MAX. UNIT CONDITION Forward Voltage VF 3.8 4.0 4.2 V IF=2*40mAReverse Current Ir -- -- 2*200 μA Vr=4VLuminance LV 500 600 -- cd/m2IF=2*40mARange X=0.25~0.29 , Y=X-0.0135~X+0.0175 IF=2*40mA6. Absolute Maximum RatingsITEM SYMBOLMIN. TYPE MAX. UNIT INPUT VOLAGEVI VSS ── VDD V SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR LOGIC VDD-VSS ── 5.0 6.5 V SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR LCD VDD-VO ── ── 6.5 V NORMAL TEMPERATURE RANGE OPTERATING 0~+50 STORAGE -10~+60 ℃ TN HTN WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE OPTERATING -20~+70 STORAGE -30~+80 ℃ STN FSTNWIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE OPTERATING-20~+70STORAGE-30~+80℃STATIC ELECTRICITYBe sure that you are grounded when handing LCM.7. Electrical CharacteristicsITEMSYN CONDITIONMIN. TYPE MAX. UNIT SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR LOGIC VDD -VSS ── 4.5 5.0 5.5 V SUPPLY VOLTAGE FOR LCD VDD -VO Ta =-20℃ Ta =25℃ Ta =+70℃ ── 4.1 ── 4.9 4.3 3.9 ── 4.5 ── V V V INPUT HIGH VOLTAGE VIH ── 2.2 ── VDD V INPUT LOW VOLTAGE VIL ── 0 ── 0.6 V OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE VOH ── 2.4 ── ── V OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE VOL ── ── ── 0.4 V SUPPLY CURRENT (Without Backlight)IDDVDD=+5V──3.04.5mA8. Optical Characteristics Ta at 25℃ITEMSYM CONDITIONMIN. TYPE MAX.UNIT VIEW ANGLE (TOP /BOTTOM) θ1~θ2 CR ≧5 -35o ── 45odeg. VIEW ANGLE (LEFT /RIGHT)φ1.φ2 CR ≧5 -35o ── 35o deg. CONTRAST RATIO CR ── ── 8 ── ── RESPONSE TIME (RISE) TON /Tr ── ── 170 ── mS RESPONSE TIME (DECAY)TOFF /Tf────220──mS9. Optical Definitions10. COMMAND SETC ommand C ode(hex)D escriptionESC @ 1B 40 Initialize.ESC _ n 1B 5F n (n=0, 1) Cursor hide/Show.HT 09 Cursor right.ESC [ C 1B 5B 43 Cursor right.BS 08 Cursor left.ESC [ D 1B 5B 44 Cursor left.LF 0A Cursor down.ESC [ B 1B 5B 42 Cursor down.ESC [ A 1B 5B 41 Cursor up.ESC [ H 1B 5B 48 Cursor homeHOM 0B Cursor homeCR 0D Cursor left-endESC [ L 1B 5B 4C Cursor left-end.ESC [ R 1B 5B 52 Cursor right-end.ESC [ K 1B 5B 4B Cursor to the bottom.ESC C n d0….d7 1B 43 n d0….d7 (00h<=n<=07h) Create custom character patternsESC l x y 1B 6C x y (01h<=x<=14h, 01h<=y<=02h) Cursor to specified position.CLR 0C Clear screen.ESC Q A 1B 51 41 [datax15] 0D Set string display mode, write string to upper line.ESC Q B 1B 51 42 [datax15] 0D Set string display mode, write string to lower line.ESC DC1 1B 11 Overwrite modeESC DC2 1B 12 Vertical scroll modeESC DC3 1B 13 Horizontal scroll modeCAN 18 Clear cursor line, clear string modeESC W s x1 x2 y 1B 57 s x1 x2 yS = 00h , 01h01h<=x1<=x2<=14h,Y = 01h , 02hSet/cancel the window range inHorizontal scroll modeThere are basically four display modes for the LCD. The user may choose the mode that is most appropriate for the application.Overwrite Mode:******************************************************************************************* from left to right, if it is at the end of the Line, it moves to the beginning of the other line. Characters are displayed at the Current cursor position, overwriting what is originally there, the cursor is then moved to the next position.Vertical Scroll Mode:If the cursor is at the upper line it behaves like the overwrite mode. When it is at the end of the lower line, the next character would scroll the content of the lower line to the upper line, the lower line is cleared and the cursor is moved to the beginning of the lower line.Horizontal Scroll Mode:In this mode the cursor stays in what ever line it is at, unless changed by cursor Movement commands. When the cursor is not at the end of the line, the input Character is displayed at current cursor position, the cursor is then moved right. Once at the end of the line, subsequent character input would scroll the current Line left one position, and the new character is displayed at the end position. There is also a command, ESC W, to set display window in this mode. The effective display line would be limited within the window as defined by the command.String Mode:This mode is perhaps the simplest used. The two display lines are treated independently. Only two commands, ESC Q A and ESC Q B, are needed. ESC Q A followed by a string on the upper line, left aligned. A CR (0DH) character terminates the command. If the string is less than twenty characters in length, the rest of display line is padded with plank. ESC Q B does the same for the lower display line. The only other commands active in this mode are CLR and CAN. CLR would clear the display and change the LCD into overwrite mode. CAN clears the last line that was changed and change the LCD into overwrite mode. The initialization command, ESC @, has no effect in this mode.11. Instruction Description11.1 ESC @ / Initialize display /ASCII Format:ESC @DEC Format:[027] [064]HEX Format:[1BH][40H]Description:Clear the data in the input buffer and reset setting to power on defaults.11.2 CLR / Clear display screen, and clear string mode /ASCII Format:CLRDEC Format:[012]HEX Format:[0CH]Description:Clear all the characters displayed, clear string mode.11.3 CAN / Clear cursor line, and clear string mode /ASCII Format:CANDEC Format:[024]HEX Format:[18H]Description:Clear the line where the cursor is at, clear string mode.11.4 ESC Q A d1d2d3…dn CR / Set string display mode, write string to upper line /ASCII Format:ESC Q A d1d2d3…dn CRDEC Format:[027][081] [065] d1d2d3…dn [013]HEX Format:[1BH] [51H] [41H] d1d2d3…dn [0DH] {20h<=dn<=ffh ,1<=n<=20}Description:Set string display mode, write to upper line.The string display mode can be cancelled with CLR or CAN.11.5 ESC Q B d1d2d3…dn CR / Set string display mode, write string to lower line /ASCII Format:ESC Q B d1d2d3…dn CRDEC Format:[027] [081][066] d1d2d3…dn [013]HEX Format:[1BH][51H][42H] d1d2d3…dn [0DH] {20h<=dn<=ffh ,1<=n<=20}Description:Set string display mode, write to lower line.The string display mode can be cancelled with CLR or CAN.11.6 ESC [ A / Move cursor up /ASCII Format:ESC [ ADEC Format:[027] [091] [065]HEX Format:[1BH] [5BH] [41H]Description:move the cursor up one line.When the cursor is at the upper line, this command operates differently depending on the display mode:a. Overwrite mode: The cursor is moved to the same column on the lower lineb. Vertical scroll mode: The characters displayed on the upper line are scrolled to the lower line, and the upper line iscleared. The cursor remains at the same position.c. Horizontal scroll mode: The cursor is not moved.11.7 ESC [ B / Move cursor down /ASCII Format:ESC [ BDEC Format:[027][091][066]HEX Format:[1BH][5BH][42H]Description:move the cursor down one line.When the cursor is at the lower line, this command operates differently depending on the display mode:a. Overwrite mode: The cursor is moved to the same column on the upper line.b. Vertical scroll mode: The characters displayed on the upper line are scrolled to the lower line, and the upper line iscleared. The cursor remains at the same position.c. Horizontal scroll mode: The cursor is not moved.11.8 ESC [ C / Move cursor right /HTASCII Format:ESC [ CHTDEC Format:[027][091][067][009]HEX Format:[1BH][5BH][43H][09H]Description:Move the cursor one position to the right.When the cursor is at the right end, this command operates differently depending on the display mode:a. Overwrite mode: The cursor moves to the left end of the other line.b. Vertical scroll mode: When the cursor is at the upper right end, it is moved to the lower left end. When the cursor is atthe lower right end, the lower line message is moved to the upper line. The lower line is cleared,and the cursor moved to the lower right end.c. Horizontal scroll mode: All characters on the current line are scrolled one to the left in the window. The cursor is notmoved but the character area at the right end of the windows is cleared.11.9 ESC [ D / Move cursor left /BSASCII Format:ESC [ DBSDEC Format:[027][091][068][008]HEX Format:[1BH][5BH][44H][08H]Description:Move the cursor one position to the left.When the cursor is at the left end, this command operates differently depending on the display mode:a. Overwrite mode: The cursor moves to the right end of the other line.b. Vertical scroll mode: When the cursor is at the lower left end, it is moved to the upper right end. When the cursor is atthe upper right end, the upper line message is moved to the lower line. The upper line is cleared,and the cursor moved to the upper right end.c. Horizontal scroll mode: All characters on the current line are scrolled one to the right in the window. The cursor is notmoved but the character area at the left end of the windows is cleared .11.10 ESC _ n / Set cursor ON or OFF /ASCII Format:ESC _ nDEC Format:[027] [095] n {0<=n<=1}HEX Format:[1BH] [5FH] nDescription:Set cursor ON or OFF.When n = 0, cursor is set to OFF.When n = 1, cursor is set to ON.11.11 ESC [ H / Move cursor to home position /HOMASCII Format:ESC [ HHOMDEC Format:[027][091][072][011]HEX Format:[1BH][5BH][48H][0BH]Description:Move the cursor to the left -most position on the upper line.11.12 ESC [ L / Move cursor to left-most position /CRASCII Format:ESC [ LCRDEC Format:[027][091][076][013]HEX Format:[1BH][5BH][4CH][0DH]Description:Move the cursor to the left-most position on the current line.11.13 ESC [ R / Move cursor to the right-most position /ASCII Format:ESC [ RDEC Format:[027][091][082]HEX Format:[1BH][5BH][52H]Description:Move the cursor to the right -most position on the current line.11.14 ESC [ K / Move cursor to the specified position /ASCII Format:ESC [ KDEC Format:[027][091][075]HEX Format:[1BH][5BH][4BH]Description:Move the cursor to the right -most position on the lower line.11.15 ESC l X Y / Move cursor to the specified position /ASCII Format:ESC l X YDEC Format:[027][108] X Y {01H<=X<=14H, 01H<=Y<=02H}HEX Format:[1BH][6CH] X YDescription:Move the cursor to the X-th column on the Y-th line.11.16 ESC W s x1 x2 y / Set or cancel the windows range at horizontal scroll mode /ASCII Format:ESC W s x1 x2 yDEC Format:[027][087][000][027][087][001] x1 x2 y {01h<=x<=14h , 01h<=y<=02h}HEX Format:[1BH][57H][00H][1BH][57H][01H] x1 x2 yDescription:Set or cancel the window range on the display screen.When s = 0, window is cancelled.When s = 1, window is set, where x1 and x2 set the position of the left-most and the right-most columns of thewindow.y sets the upper or lower line.The window is effective in the horizontal scroll mode.11.17 ESC C n d0….d7 / Create character pattern /ASCII Format:ESC C n d0….d7DEC Format:[027][067] n d0….d7 {00h<=n<=07h}HEX Format:[1BH][43H] n d0….d7Description:Create custom character patterns.n specifies which custom character to be generated.d0..d7 specify the bit pattern for the character to be generated.There are eight customer definable characters. They are numbered from 0 to 7, corresponding to character codes00h to 07h, and are duplicated at character codes 08h to 0Fh.The relation between n and the character codes is as below:n Char code N Char code0 00h 0 08h1 01h 1 09h2 02h 2 0Ah3 03h 3 0Bh4 04h 4 0Ch5 05h 5 0Dh6 06h 6 0Eh7 07h 7 0FhBelow is an example for generating as a custom character:NO 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (Bit Pattern) Data Value in hexd0 * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1FHd1 * * * 1 0 0 0 1 11Hd2 * * * 1 0 0 0 1 11Hd3 * * * 1 0 0 0 1 11Hd4 * * * 1 0 0 0 1 11Hd5 * * * 1 0 0 0 1 11Hd6 * * * 1 0 0 0 1 11Hd7 * * * 1 1 1 1 1 1FH11.18 ESC DC1 / Set overwrite mode /ASCII Format:ESC DC1DEC Format:[027][017]HEX Format:[1BH][11H]Description:Set the display to overwrite mode. This is the default power on display mode.11.19 ESC DC2 / Set vertical scroll mode /ASCII Format:ESC DC2DEC Format:[027][018]HEX Format:[1BH][12H]Description:Set the display to vertical scroll mode.11.20 ESC DC3 / Set horizontal scroll mode /ASCII Format:ESC DC3DEC Format:[027][019]HEX Format:[1BH][13H]Description:Set the display to horizontal scroll mode.12. User Font Patterns ( CG RAM Character )Character Code (DD RAM data) CG RAM Address Character Pattern (CG RAM data) Hi 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Lo 5 4 3 2 1 0 Hi 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Lo0 0 0 0 x 0 0 00 0 00 0 10 1 00 0 0 0 1 11 0 01 0 11 1 01 1 1x x x 1 1 1 1 0x x x 1 0 0 0 1x x x 1 0 0 0 1x x x 1 1 1 1 0x x x 1 0 1 0 0x x x 1 0 0 1 0x x x 1 0 0 0 1x x x 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 x 0 0 10 0 00 0 10 1 00 0 1 0 1 11 0 01 0 11 1 01 1 1x x x 1 0 0 0 1x x x 0 1 0 1 0x x x 1 1 1 1 1x x x 0 0 1 0 0x x x 1 1 1 1 1x x x 0 0 1 1 0x x x 0 0 1 0 0x x x 0 0 0 0 0---------------- ---------------- --------------------------------0 0 0 0 x 1 1 10 0 00 0 10 1 01 1 1 0 1 11 0 01 0 11 1 01 1 113.Character Generator ROM Map13.1 SBS02002D0LEW10 (英日文版)Font Table13.2 SBS02002D0LEW20 (英歐文版)Font Table13.3 SBS02002D0LEW30 (英俄文版)Font Table14.Reliability Condition15.Functional Test & Inspection Criteria15.1 Sample planSample plan according to MIL-STD-105D level 2, and acceptance/rejection criteria is. Base on: Major defect: AQL 0.65 Minor defect: AQL 2.5 15.2 Inspection conditionViewing distance for cosmetic inspection is 30cm with bare eyes, and under an environment of 800 lus (20W) light intensity. All direction for inspecting the sample should be within 45°against perpendicular line.15.3 Definition of Inspection Zone in LCDZone A: Character / Digit area Zone B: Viewing area except Zone A (Zone A + Zone B = minimum Viewing area) Zone C: Outside viewing area (invisible area after assembly in customer’s product)Note: As a general rule, visual defects in Zone C are permissible, when it is no trouble forquality and assembly of customer’s product.15.4 Major DefectAll functional defects such as open (or missing segment), short, contrast differential, excess power consumption, smearing, leakage, etc. and overall outline dimension beyond the drawing. Are classified as major defects.15.5 Inspection Parameters And Glass Pixel(偏光板和玻璃圖像檢驗)NO Polarizer(偏光板) Criteria1Black or White spots And Piercing(黑/白點和刺孔)D/面積=(Length/長度+Width/寬度)/2 => * :Disregard(忽略)Dimension (面積) Acceptable number (可接受數量)D <0.15 * 0.15≦D ≦0.2 4 0.2≦D ≦0.25 2 D ≦0.30 2Scratch (刮傷)*0.04≧W * 3.0≧L 0.06≧W 4 2.0≧L 0.08≧W 2-0.1≧WX :Length(長度) Y :Width(寬度) *:Disregard(忽略)X(mm)Y(mm)Acceptable number (可接受數量)3Air Bubbles(between glass & polarizer) 氣泡(玻璃跟偏光板之間)D ≦0.15 * 0.15<D ≦0.25 20.25<D*:Disregard (忽略)Dimension (面積) Acceptable number (可接受數量)4Glass of Pixel (玻璃的圖像)(1)Pixel shape (with Dent) /圖像凹度●Less than 0.152 mm is no counted (小於0.152mm 者不計)(2)Pixel shape (with Projection)/圖像凹度Should not be connected next pixel(點與點間不可先連接)(3)Deformation/變形( X + Y ) / 2 ≦ 0.15mm ●Less than 0.1 mm is no counted (小於0.15mm 者不計)(4) Deformation/變形( X + Y ) / 2 ≦ 0.3mm ●Less than 0.3 mm is no counted (小於0.3mm 者不計)(在不改變原先顯示下進行以下測試操作)Conditions : Unless otherwise specified, test will be conducted under the following condition. Temperature : 20±5 ℃ Humidity : 40±5%RHTests will be not conducted under functioning state.(條件:除非其他特殊情況,否則測試將以溫度:20±5 ℃,濕度:40±5%RH 為主)NO ParameterConditionsNotes 1 High Temperature Operating50℃±2 ℃ , 96 hrs (operation state)(96小時,溫度50℃±2 ℃電源開啟的操作情況下) 2 Low Temperature Operating0℃±2 ℃ , 96 hrs (operation state)(96小時,溫度0℃±2 ℃電源開啟的操作情況下) 1 3 High Temperature Storage60℃±2 ℃ , 96 hrs(96小時,溫度60℃±2 ℃電源關閉靜態操作下) 2 4 Low Temperature Storage -10℃±2 ℃ , 96 hrs(96小時,溫度-10℃±2 ℃電源關閉靜態操作下) 1 , 2 5Damp ProofTest40℃±2 ℃ , 85 ~ 90%RH , 96hr(96小時,溫度:40℃±2 ℃,濕度:85~90%RH 電源關閉靜態操作下)1 , 26Vibration TestTotal fixed amplitude : 1.5 mm (完全固定輻射:1.5mm) Vibration Frequency : 10 ~ 55 Hz (震動頻率:10~55 Hz) One cycle 60 seconds to 3 directions of X , Y , Z foreach 15 minutes (每一個循環 X ,Y ,Z 軸方向各做60秒,連續做5次,共計15 分鐘)37Shock Test To be measured after dropping from 60cm high on the concrete surface in packing state. (包裝材從60公分高的地方向地面落下)Dropping method comer dropping (角落落下方式)A comer :once Edge dropping (側邊落下)B ,C ,D edge : onceFace dropping (表面落下)E ,F ,G face : onceNote 1:No dew condensation to be observed. (不要在”水氣凝結點”下觀察) Note 2:The function test shall be conducted after 4 hours storage at the normalTemperature and humidity after removed from the test chamber(從實驗室移出後,放在一般常溫 (溫度:25℃,濕度:45%RH), 且四小時後通電流或電壓,看它是否能正常動作)(在不改變原先顯示下進行以下測試操作)Conditions : Unless otherwise specified, test will be conducted under the following condition. Temperature : 20±5 ℃ Humidity : 40±5%RHTests will be not conducted under functioning state.(條件:除非其他特殊情況,否則測試將以溫度:20±5 ℃,濕度:40±5%RH 為主)NO ParameterConditionsNotes 1 High Temperature Operating70℃±2 ℃ , 96 hrs (operation state)(96小時,溫度70℃±2 ℃電源開啟的操作情況下) 2 Low Temperature Operating-20℃±2 ℃ , 96 hrs (operation state)(96小時,溫度-20℃±2 ℃電源開啟的操作情況下) 1 3 High Temperature Storage80℃±2 ℃ , 96 hrs(96小時,溫度80℃±2 ℃電源關閉靜態操作下) 2 4 Low Temperature Storage -30℃±2 ℃ , 96 hrs(96小時,溫度-30℃±2 ℃電源關閉靜態操作下) 1 , 2 5Damp ProofTest40℃±2 ℃ , 85 ~ 90%RH , 96hr(96小時,溫度:40℃±2 ℃,濕度:85~90%RH 電源關閉靜態操作下)1 , 26Vibration TestTotal fixed amplitude : 1.5 mm (完全固定輻射:1.5mm) Vibration Frequency : 10 ~ 55 Hz (震動頻率:10~55 Hz) One cycle 60 seconds to 3 directions of X , Y , Z foreach 15 minutes (每一個循環 X ,Y ,Z 軸方向各做60秒,連續做5次,共計15 分鐘)37Shock Test To be measured after dropping from 60cm high on the concrete surface in packing state. (包裝材從60公分高的地方向地面落下)Dropping method comer dropping (角落落下方式)A comer :once Edge dropping (側邊落下)B ,C ,D edge : onceFace dropping (表面落下)E ,F ,G face : onceNote 1:No dew condensation to be observed. (不要在”水氣凝結點”下觀察) Note 2:The function test shall be conducted after 4 hours storage at the normalTemperature and humidity after removed from the test chamber(從實驗室移出後,放在一般常溫 (溫度:25℃,濕度:45%RH), 且四小時後通電流或電壓,看它是否能正常動作)事項]:產品使用注意事項18. Precautions Against Product Handling [產品使用注意The following precautions will guide you in handling our product correctly.[下列警戒引導正確地使用產品]18.1 Care of the LCD module against static electricity discharge. [LCD模組靜電注意事項]18.1.1 When working with the module, be sure to ground your body and any electricalequipment you may be using. We strongly recommend the use of anti static mats (made ofrubber), to protect work tables against the hazards of electrical shock.[操作模組時,避免操作者身體接地及任何造成靜電的設備同時使用,強烈建議(橡膠製)抗靜電墊的使用,以免工作台面遭受到電氣干擾]18.1.2 Slowly and carefully remove the protective film from the LCD module, since this operationcan generate static electricity.[緩慢小心地移除LCD模組上的保護膜,以防靜電產生]18.1.3 Avoid the use of work clothing made of synthetic fibers. We recommend cotton clothingor other conductivity-treated fibers.[避免穿著人造合成的工作服,建議棉質或是有傳導性的纖維質料]18.2 Liquid crystal display devices (LCD devices) [液晶螢幕顯示器的組成]18.2.1 The polarizer adhering to the surface of the LCD is made of a soft material.Guard against scratching it. [偏光板是軟性原料製成,請勿刮傷]18.2.2 The LCD device panel used in the LCM is made of plate glass. Avoid any strong mechanicalshock. Should the glass break handle it with care.[模組使用的玻璃為平面玻璃,避免任何強烈的機械撞擊,且觸碰時請小心]18.3 When the LCD module alone must be stored form long periods of time[當LCD模組須長時間存放時]18.3.1 Protect the modules from excessive external forces. [避免外力壓迫]18.3.2 Protect the modules from high temperature and humidity. [避免處於高溫高濕下]18.3.3 Keep the modules out of direct sunlight or direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.[遠離陽光曝曬或直接曝露在紫外線下]18.4 Use the module with a power supply that is equipped with an overcurrent protector circuit, since themodule is not provided with this protective feature.[因為模組本身沒有防護,所以模組的供應器應配有過高電流的保護迴路]18.5 Do not ingest the LCD fluid itself should it leak out of a damaged LCD module. Should hands orclothing come in contact with LCD fluid, wash immediately with soap.[LCD破裂液晶外漏時,切勿食下液晶;若手或衣服接觸到液晶,請立刻用肥皂清洗]18.6 Conductivity is not guaranteed for models that use metal holders where solder connections between themetal holder and the PCB are not used. Please contact us to discuss appropriate ways to assure conductivity.[當金屬框並沒焊接於PCB板上時,無法保證使用金屬框是具有傳導性,請連絡我們商討適當方式傳導]18.7 For models which use CCFL [CCFL的模組]:18.7.1 High voltage of 1000V or greater is applied to the CCFL cable connector area.[CCFL排線連接器用於1000V以上的高電壓]18.7.2 Protect CCFL cables from rubbing against the unit and thus causing the wire jacket to becomeworn. [CCFL排線必須有保護CCFL與模組磨擦,以防CCFL外殼受到損害]18.7.3 The use of CCFLs for extended periods of time at low temperatures will significantly shortentheir service life. [長時間低溫使用CCFL會明顯縮減其使用壽命]18.8 For models which use touch panels [觸控式面板模組]:18.8.1 Do not stack up modules since they can be damaged by components on neighboring modules.[勿堆疊模組以防損壞]18.8.2 Do not place heavy objects on top of the product. This could cause glass breakage.[勿將重物放置在產品上,會導致玻璃破損]18.9 For models which use COG & TAB [COG及TAB模組]:18.9.1 The mechanical strength of the product is low since the IC chip is faces out unprotected from therear. Be sure to protect the rear of the IC chip from external forces.[由於IC晶片表面無防護,所以抗壓力有限,須加強保護以防外力]18.9.2 Given the fact that the rear of the IC chip is left exposed, in order to protect the unit fromelectrical damage, avoid installation configurations in which the rear of the IC chip runs the riskof making any electrical contact.[勿暴露IC晶片以防電氣干擾,且避免安裝IC時有任何電子接觸]18.10 Models which use flexible cable, heat seal, or TAB [加有軟排線、熱封條或TAB的模組]:18.10.1 In order to maintain reliability, do not touch or hold by the connector area.[以維持產品信賴度,請勿觸碰或握住連接器]18.10.2 Avoid any bending, pulling, or other excessive force, which can result in brokenconnections. [避免彎曲、拉扯或過度力量,會造成連接器損壞]18.11 In case of acrylic plate is attached to front side of LCD panel, cloudiness (very small cracks) can occuron acrylic plate, being influenced by some components generated from polarizer film.Please check and evaluate those acrylic materials carefully before use.[貼在LCD玻璃前面的壓克力板若有模糊情況(微小裂縫),即會影響偏光板;使用前請仔細確認壓克力材質]18.12 In case of buffer material such as cushion/gasket is assembled into LCD module, it may have anadverse effect on connecting parts (LCD panel-TCP/ HEAT SEAL/ FPC, PCB-TCP/HEAT SEAL/FPC, TCP-HEAT SEAL, TCP-FPC, HEAT SEAL-FPC) depending on its materials.Please check and evaluate these materials carefully before use.[緩衝原料像是減震墊/襯墊,或許會對連接器(LCD panel-TCP/ HEAT SEAL/ FPC, PCB-TCP/HEAT SEAL/FPC, TCP-HEAT SEAL, TCP-FPC, HEAT SEAL-FPC)造成反效果,使用前請仔細確認材料]19. Warranty [保證]:This product has been manufactured to your company’s specifications as a part for use in your company’s general electronic products. It is guaranteed to perform according to delivery specifications. For any other use apart from general electronic equipment, we cannot take responsibility if the product is used in medical devices, nuclear power control equipment, aerospace equipment, fire and security systems, or any other applications in which there is a direct risk to human life and where extremely high levels of reliability are required. If the product is to be used in any of the above applications, we will need to enter into a separate product liability agreement.[此產品的製造是依照客戶的規格,被使用於客戶的一般電子產品上,保證產品製作根據出貨的規格,若產品的使用不是在一般電子設備,而組裝於下列產品上則無法受理(如醫療產品、核心電源控制設備、航空設備、防火及保全系統,或任何相關儀器會直接影響人類生命等),若模組使用於上述的儀器,則需商討各別產品責任義務的協定]。
创维32-37寸LED电视(LG V6屏)通用电源速查速修手册
Nokia/诺基亚5110 LCD 原理应用资料:LPH7366 是NOKIA 公司生产的可用于其 5110、 6150 , 6100等系列移动电话的液晶显示模块, 国内厂家也生产有类似的兼容产品。
与其它类型的产品相比,该模块具有以下特点:• 84x48的点阵LCD ,可以显示4行汉字,•采用串行接口与主处理器进行通信,接口信号线数量大幅度减少,包括电源和地在内的信 号线仅有9条。
支持多种串行通信协议(如 AVR 单片机的SP I 、MCS51的串口模式0 等),传输速率高达 4Mbps ,可全速写入显示数据,无等待时间。
•可通过导电胶连接模块与印制版,而不用连接电缆,用模块上的金属钩可将模块固定到印 制板上,因而非常便于安装和更换。
• LCD 控制器/驱动器芯片已绑定到LCD 晶片上,模块的体积很小。
•采用低电压供电,正常显示时的工作电流在200卩A 以下,且具有掉电模式。
LPH7366的这些特点非常适合于电池供电的便携式通信设备和测试设备中GNDGNDCLK VCC ^H DI 3 D/C 4 ICS 5L Cl 「J X xo u_ u_ NLED1ALED1K R5 1k1011ledvcc ( GNDfLCDRST 104C7Du T§LED2A2K 6ZD寸12 13GNDNokia511O?(t 晶棋块说明PINokiflMIQg 牛导电胶管闻 P2Noha511O 与軻机删8伟脚 耳中卜5为10管肌 6为电®SA7为背熾入 8 为 GNDR 礼R4IW 舸鼎泊t 心可则胆虾峽if®电阻 DSL D 卫删晶背光LED,需髓用专用的 眈輔览也的1皿 腕删片⑻效果福! 两有的元件切■片封装07-07-3011emflilzlia oliang_OSO 1 g dl. cnC8051F 学习笔记:Nokia 5110驱动Nokia5110是一款经典机型,可能由于经典的缘故,旧机器很多,所以很多 电子工程师就把旧机器的屏幕拆下来, 自己驱动Nokia5110,用于开发的设备显 示,取代LCD1602。
3.0寸 37PIN(CMO+R61509V)(8bit,16bit)16;9 规格书
修改记录日期版本修改内容拟制检查核准2012-8-28 01 初版发行上线目录1. 概述 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 32. 产品特征 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 33. 机械规格- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 34. 外形尺寸 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 45. 接口定义 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 56. 功能框图 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 67. 接口时序 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 68. 复位时序 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 79. DDRAM 映射表 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 810. 极限技术参数 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 1011. 电气参数 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1012. 背光参数 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 1113. 光电参数 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 1114. 极限环境参数- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - 1515. 可靠性测试 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1516. LCM检验标准 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - 1617. LCM的使用- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - 191. 概述1-1范围:此份规格书涵盖了LCM从上线科技到客户的运输过程中应该注意的所有要求。
奥索凌阳方案适用屏编码和驱动对照奥索凌阳方案适用屏编码和驱动对照2011-10-4 08:27阅读(26)转载自风的味道2.8寸屏:5408B----FPCHL2401 07CV05408------H2801 FPCHL2401.14A SXD0017 2401QQ AO24QN029325------12N 17N 154000 SAT28S01A05 SXD0002 SAT24000 37H 12A05 2803 HW240320F-2L-0A-20 HJ2810AO-AOFPC 0000000024-0019325C----3225LS2088A SAT28009A05 DST280AU006 4N 88N V029325B----LS24XD 22N 17N9320------19E TS028HA 1N 07N 9N SR779028-AO DST28014L037 CMS21019331-----FTM280F17N 17E FTM280F6W 7N 6E FTM280F10E 7NV 8Q 8A18 21N FPC2802-VO TTPHJ07NVO1289-----JS28ND603C-FPC WST240320S280AV02 1298-----SK001V02 HL2802 36B 10N M30111A197 CMS2101-03A SX2.8C98-4_3-37C T28-A T28-B FPC4218-V0123225-----AU28 036 SXD0006 001 7C SAT2400 12A FPC2803-VO 28A03-VO 12A05 KK240037 0039-C 280NP04-04 3728E SX2.8T28-4_3-37H SXD0001PNL9328------T-0028-A61505V---LS28XD 21N 21E 07NVO A18 FPC1A0027-01-A SYM280T01-A093116----15400053909335IH----24008C18 0367781-----21VO 24N 11N 4N 10N 18V2 FPC-TTHJ07CVO CM012 81-36A 8B26 SY280CM0204535-----SXD00179331LG----Q365205----17V0 YSD FPC 28A03-V0 18V21505C----2.4TE8347-----46E FPC-FTM280C05N 61N 80E TP65K9320LG----SAT28008A18 8K1304 KFM529B21 SR7790928-A061505W----SAT28008A18-Q337502----16N 13N 16E 17E 13E 12N SXD00651297----SAT28009A1161505U-FTM----B21 FPA-SH9873-01A_56-PCB RO61505R(3062主控上用)S6D04M0----TF28001A68070-----NT4PTM3728B MHJ101V1 ZBH028GT-01 SXD00688347D-----ZBH028GT-06 FPC-FTM280C58W-008367-----ZBH028GT-02V18230----XY-2405-HSD10-V2 LC2803.1R61509----QXD028-1000-FB9328LG----07V9338-----91N TFT028E001 EY028CMIL-001-V029335LG----LS28003ILI9320----826709341-----T-280A03-B-16 YQ24TM41-36CLCM0154------2805-PR112-V22.4屏5408-----A024QN025408B----FPCHL2401 SAT24001005 NOATS-V019325-----FPC-S2 TM240320C1NFWCWC FP-29325C----25N3225----Q36 154002660 FTP240F17N FTP240F22N 8C 24N 25W V1 66N 3624A9328----SPT-024-0061298----SK001V02 10N M30111A1978347----FTP240C61N 46E 5N FTP240C65N 3624F 240C29N 240C09N M403A1079325B----22N LS24XD FPC-JTBJ05JUO1505C----XY-2.4TE-V161580----FTP240H25N FTO240HO 32N 04N 25N9335HY----AST24011C19 091110S61505BOE----AST24011C19L LS-100810背面7781----24N 11N 81-36A61505W----LS24Q35 24036095205----53F F240253F 17V09320----01-1D FPC-FTS240W01 JC T24-E T24-A29340----T24BDHJ71V1 240A28-A-16 40-36A 134 240A37-A FPC-FTM240C179N-00S6D04H0----36PIN SXD0066HX8230------LC32002.1 XY-2405 HSDIO-V34535------SXD00249341-----YQ24TM41-36C T-240A82-D-16261卡屏的屏驱动----32063.5寸ST2102----KR035PA5S VT320240S70-A350TMT035---15400T4500 HW320 158000300 S805037535C R0HS 3.5_FPC_10FTS350----735M2 SN570 FMFU-2F 413450017002 513450006002LQ035----8501显示屏编号与屏驱动对应表1 排线丝印侧面丝印驱动IC2 024-22V1 93203 24WIT36-FPC01 93204 1540001660 TS024HAADD04-00 5408B5 1540002660 9325C6 24008C05-V1 93257 AF240B-36B V1.0 AL240EI-3501 77878 AF-240B-2V4.1 AL-240B-S1 77879 AF283E1-37A V1.2 9320-2.810 AF240E1-36C V1.0 778511 AF240E1-36C V2.0 778512 AF283P3-37A V1.0 9325-2.813 CMS2101-03A 080815 080918-2801A背光片 540814 CMS2101-03A 080815 CMS2101 HCT003-280-41F背光片1298CMT304-1(1)-08 8 30 5408B15 CMS2101-3 932516 FPC-FTS240F01 FTS240H03 150517 FPC-FTS240D03 129818 FPC-FTS240D14 129819 FPC-FTP240CO9N FTS240B03 834720 FPC-FTS240W01 FTP240W47N 129821 FPC-FTM280P04N M30111A150 9325C-2.822 FPC-FTM280C05N 8347-2.823 FPC-FTM280F01N FTM280F01N-00 9320-2.824 FPC-FTM280F06W FPC-FTM280F06N-00 090313(背面)933125 FPC-FTM280F07N R61505-2.826 FPC-FTM280C13N 932527 FPC-FTM280P05N M403A486 9325C28 FPC-Y80032 V01 N0711-14-04 9325-2.829 FTP240D10N-01 0703 129830 FTP240D24N-00 090307 778131 FPC-FTP280P05N FTP280P14N-01背面 778132 FTP240W17N-03 080807 9325B33 FG0280FLW-0802-1 8347-2.834 FPC_HL_2401 540835 HL2801 5408-2.836 HL2402B 5408B CMO37 HL2402A 5409B CMO38 LDH240*320F08M 778539 LS2288A 6813-2.840 M30111A116 129841 M30111A059 932542 MFC-S07024 V02 834743 MT321TLLKJ-13 排线接口不同 9320B-2.844 SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325B45 SAT28009A5 9325C-2.846 STA28008A18 9331-2.847 XJ2402-V01 834748 XD028-V01 9325-2.849 XSY LL240-003-081024 R61505(2.4)50 ZCT-24FPC-S1 778551 ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325xp024cp25-36v0 9325hw240320f-0j-0c-10 9325m403a545 1298hw240400f-3a 5420ygg000240ns04-03 9325zc24t04m 9320kfm281e01 9320truly-c tft8k1081fpc-a1-e 9320cf024lgg31-36av1 9320huaruit-0033-a-fpc 9325huaruit-0012-b 9325af240B-36b 7787af-283e1-37av1.2 9320GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1D 9320 GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1B 9320CF024LGG31-36AV1 9320 GIANTPLUS KFM281101-1A 9320JLST24PV25-36A 9325ZC24T02 9325DST280CPT003 9325 2.8寸 13SX-2.8CPT-932502 9325 2.8寸 13BX280V003(B0XIANTICH) 9325 2.8寸 13NT4SGP3T28A 5408B 2.8寸 10NT4SGP3T28A AU9325 2.8寸 17NT4PC36728A-BL AU9325 2.8寸 17FPC-TGG000280NP04-07 9325 2.8寸 24LEB-DO428000028C1 9325 2.8寸 24CMS210-03 9325 2.8寸 12HW240320F-2D-0B-10 9325 2.8寸 12HW240320F-2D-0B-20 9325 触摸 13SAT28009A05 9325 2.8寸 13LS2288A 9325 2.8寸 13LS2289A 1505 2.8C寸 9LS2288A 9328 2.8寸 13FPC-FTP280P04N-00 9325 2.8C寸 13FPC-FTM280F0TN-00 61505 2.8寸 27FPC-FTPM280F09N-01、FTM240D17N-00 61505 2.8寸 27 FPC-FTM280F06W-00(FTM280F06N-00) 9331 2.8寸 32NTSAU3624A 5408B 2.4寸 10NT4SHY3624A 3225+HY 2.4寸 35024HAADD04 9325 2.4寸 13FPC-T240BQC 9325 2.4寸 13AF240E3-36D 9325 2.4寸 13(AL240E1-3S01) 9325 2.4寸SX-TGS240STCPYB00-00 7785 2.4寸 15(TGS240STCP-8V1,LDH240X320F008M)SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325 2.4寸 18(SX-TGS2.4CPT)FPC-FTS240D03-02 1298 2.4寸 6(FTP240D10N-02) 9325 2.4寸 13SX-TGS24C98-4:3-36B 1298 2.4寸 6FPC-BKS2401 1298 2.4寸 6SAT24009C05 9325 2.4寸 13SAT24009C05L 9325 2.4寸 13(18)KTM377A01-1A 1298 2.4寸 6SAT24009C05 9325 2.4寸 13TGG000240NS04-03 9325 2.4寸 18(13)(LCM-TGG000240NS04-03)FPC-TTHJ05E00XA 9325 2.4寸 27 (FECHTKONCPT24-9325)24008CIT-Q29 1505 2.4寸 37 1540003250(FMARK) 9325 2.4寸 26 T-0033-B(HUARUI) 9325 2.4寸 26T-0053-A 1297 2.4寸 30T-0033-B 68B(CPT) 2.4寸 26T-0012-B(T-0024-A) 9325 2.4寸 18 (T-0059-A)T-0028-A(HUARUI) 9325 2.8寸2X-GT009BL 7783 2.4寸 25JLST24IH81-36A 7781 2.4寸 25JST24TM25-36A 9328 2.4寸 13SX24C98-413-36B 1298 2.4寸 6(SX-TGS240SDCPET00-00)CF024LCD87-36AVO 7787 2.4寸 4AF240B-36B V1.0 7787 2.4寸 4凌达所有屏 9320 1T-0030 9320 2.4寸 1KT240FC-003B 9320 2.4寸 1FPC-FTS240W01 9320 2.4寸 1FPC1032 9320 2.4寸 124WIT36-FPC01 9320 2.4寸 1FPC-FTS240F01 1505 2.4寸PF240320F-2C-OA-30 8347 2.4寸FPC24T49-A1 9325 2.4寸FPC-TGG000280NP04-07 9325 2.8寸TSA24002C05 9325 2.4寸ST24TM25-36A V1.0 9325 2.4寸FPC-0047A2 9320 2.4寸排线丝印侧面丝印驱动ICAF240B-36B V1.0 :AL240EI-3501 7787AF-240B-2V4.1 : AL-240B-S1 7787AF283E1-37A V1.2 9320-2.8AF240E1-36C V1.0 7785AF240E1-36C V2.0 7785AF283P3-37A V1.0 9325-2.8FPC-FTS240F01 FTS240H03 1505FPC-FTS240D03 1298FPC-FTS240D14 1298FPC-FTP240CO9N FTS240B03 8347FPC-FTM280C05N 8347-2.8FPC-FTM280F01N FTM280F01N-00 9320-2.8 FPC-Y80032 V01 N0711-14-04 9325-2.8 FTP240D10N-01 0703 1298FTP240W17N-03 080807 9325BJLST24PV25-36A V1.0 9325T-0033-B 9325024-22V1 9320FPC_HL_2401 5408HL2801 5408-2.8MFC-S07024 V02 8347MFC-S07001 V04 932024WIT36-FPC01 9320MFC-M240702-A 9320XJ2402-V01 8347XD028-V01 9325-2.8ZCT-24FPC-S1 7785ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325LDH240*320F08M 77851540001660 TS024HAADD04-00 5408B1540002660 9325C24008C05-V1 9325MT321TLLKJ-13 排线接口不同 9320B-2.8SX-2.4CPT-9325 9325BCMS2101-3 9325CMS2101-03A 080815 080918-2801A背光片 540834 M30111A116 1298HW240320F-oj-oc-10 9325FPC24T49-A1 9325ZCT-24FPC-S2 9325NOAIS NT4SAU3624A V01 5408CMS057-2 @ HX(8347)T028 0741Z HL240HYF 0803 7787Hantech HR24F11#02 7787JYD-G5060 GWIL36S03240A-A恻边号GXBL240-019LL240-003 08031141 9325FPC-Y80030 V01 恻边号yxd02436l09 je-c068(b) 9320FPC-Y80030 V01 9320M30111A055 8347M403A107 8347DM2432003-001 这个是2.8的,37线,驱动9320FPC24T49-A1 2.4 9325AF240E1-36B V2.0 7785FPC-Q90044-1 2.8 9325QD -24034Bo-1 2.4 9325NOAIS NT4SAU36 24A V01JLST24CP25-36A 2.4 9325板号:MP-763C-SL V1.1 2005.12.16上位屏CM50011ACT6-01AL 2006/03/06 20针1.5寸元件排列:由上到下整齐一行:C11-C7-C5-C12-R1-R2-C1-C6-C2-C3-C21-C22-C23-C31-C4-C0-D1可代换下位屏:CD50006ACT6-27PIN 2005/10/24 27针元件排列:由上到下整齐一行:RL-CVLCD-CVB0A-CVB1A(这是个利用同尺寸不同针数进行的代换)板号:SD008-V2 2006-07-25-MDLU (ROCKCHIPS 2606A)原屏:CMT027 V1.0 2006-08-09 29针可用屏:FPC-S95012-1 V01 SZSUCCESS 06.01 29针板号:JR040_MAIN_V3.1 2007.04.17 (2608a JXD858)原屏:TFT-2.4-S3D 36PIN IL9320可用屏:DZX2.4-S2 V06 (2608A JXD859)资源:GAUO GASP29P03200-002-A-FPC SA VER 1.3(即屏侧边的标记)板号:SG243 V2 0703140941P2原屏:GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1D可用:CF024LGG31-36AV1(36P,2.4')可用:GIANTPLUS KFM281E01-1B可用:TRULY-C TFT8K1081FPC-A1-E适用机型:纽曼K8 (2.0版)-ANYKA-AK3225。
1.3inch LCD HAT 用户手册说明书
产品概述1.3inch LCD HAT 是微雪电子专为树莓派开发的1.3寸LCD显示屏模块,分辨率为240 * 240,LCD带有内部控制器,使用SPI接口通信,与树莓派ZERO大小一致,已封装好基本函数,可以实现图片旋转、画点、线、圆、矩形,显示英文字符,显示BMP图片。
产品参数工作电压: 3.3V通信接口:SPI屏幕类型:TFT控制芯片:ST7789VM分辨率:240(H)RGB x 240(V)显示尺寸:23.4(H)x 23.4(V)mm像素大小:0.0975(H)x 0.0975(V)mm产品尺寸65 x 30.2(mm)1接口说明2硬件说明1.LCD及其控制器本款LCD使用的内置控制器为ST7789VM,是一款240 x RGB x 320像素的LCD控制器,而本LCD本身的像素为240(H)RGB x 240(V),同时由于初始化控制可以初始化为横屏和竖屏两种,因此LCD的内部RAM并未完全使用。
此LCD使用四线SPI通信接口,这样可以大大的节省GPIO 口,同时通信速度也会比较快。
2.通信协议从上的得知使用的是4线SPI通信,查阅数据手册可以得到如下的通信时序图,以传输RGB556为例:注:与传统的SPI协议不同的地方是:由于是只需要显示,故而将从机发往主机的数据线进行了隐藏,该表格详见Datasheet Page 105。
SPVA 24 7操作多功能显示器说明书
SPVA1920 x 1080DVI-DMini D-sub 15 pin5 BNC (RGB/HV)DisplayPortComposite (BNC)S-VideoHDMIBNCStereo Mini JackRS-232C in/out for multiple monitor control, Ethernet, IR, DDC/CI15W Stereo / 8Ω10W Stereo / 8Ω41-104°F / 5-40°C20-80%55”4000:147.6 x 26.8 in. /1209.6 x 680.4 mm4.6 A@100-120V1.85 A@220-240V255W<0.5W0.73 in. / 0.73 in.,18.5 mm / 18.5 mm49.2 x 28.4 x 4.9 in. /1250.2 x 721 x 125.4 mm60.2 x 37.1 x 12.2 in.1530 x 942 x 311 mm88.2 lbs. / 40 kg111.3 lbs. / 50.5 kg400 x 400 mm (4 holes)46”0.530 mm3500:140.1 x 22.5 in. /1018.1 x 572.7 mm3.6 A@100V1.5 A@240V155W0.6 in. / 0.6 in.,16.5 mm / 16.5 mm41.6 x 24 x 4.1 in. /1055.4 x 608.6 x 103 mm47.6 x 30.8 x 10.3 in. /1210 x 782 x 261 mm52.5 lbs. / 23.8 kg67.9 lbs. / 30.8 kg40”0.461 mm3000:134.9 x 19.6 in. /885.6 x 498.2 mm3.5 A@100V1.45 A@240V145W0.6 in. / 0.6 in.,15.5 mm / 15.5 mm36.2 x 21 x 4.1 in. /919.7 x 532.2 x 103 mm42 x 26.9 x 10.3 in. /1066 x 682 x 261 mm45.9 lbs. / 20.8 kg59.1 lbs. / 26.8 kgViewable Size (Diagonal)Panel TechnologyNative ResolutionPixel PitchBrightness (Typical/Maximum)Contrast Ratio (Typical)Active Screen Area (W x H)Input TerminalsOutput TerminalsExternal ControlSpeaker OutputAdditional FeaturesPower RequirementsPower Consumption (Typical)Power Consumption (Standby Mode)Bezel Width (L/R, T/B)Dimensions (without stand; WxHxD)Packaging Dimensions (WxHxD)Net Weight (without stand)Gross Weight (with box)VESA Hole ConfigurationOperating TemperatureOperating HumidityIncludedOptionalRGB1 (Digital)RGB2 (Analog)RGB3 (Analog)RGB4 (Digital)Video 1Video 2Video 3Component Video 1 (DVD/HD)AudioRGB (Analog)RGB (Digital)VideoAudioExternal Speaker JackInternal SpeakerLCD MODULECONNECTIVITYFEATURESPOWERPHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONSENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONSACCESSORIES70”0.807 mm420 cd/m² / 600 cd/m²2000:161.0 x 34.3 in. /1549.4 x 871.6 mm8.2 A@100-120V3.3 A@220-240V545W2.5 in. / 2.5 in.,62.4 mm / 63.4 mm66.1 x 39.5 x 7.8 in. /1680 x 1004 x 198 mm76.8 x 49.6 x 18.1 in. /1950 x 1260 x 460 mm208.3 lbs. / 94.5 kg251.3 lbs. / 114 kgAdvanced thermal capabilities, Sealed professional panel, Expansion slot, Ethernet control and Communication, CableComp+, TileMatrix (10x10),TileComp, Programmable lookup tables, Plug and Play (DDC/CI, DDC2B), PIP (remote), POP, 6-axis colour adjustment, Multi-level programmable zoom,Scheduler (w/ RTC), Sharpness/softness, Off-timer (countdown), Screen saver, Vacation switch, 10-bit gamma,AutoBright (signal input), Windows Vista-certified IR, Portrait-capable,Metal rear cabinet, Handles, Touch- and protective screen-ready, Ambient light sensor,Carbon footprint meter, Colour temperature adjustment (2600-10,000K)Stand (ST-4020),Speakers (SP-P4046PV),DVI Daisy Chain Board (SB-L008WU),SBC (NET-SBC-01/NET-SBC-02),Media Player Board (SB-L008KU),HD-SDI Board (SB-L007KK),Slot Adapter (SB-02AM),SBC (N8000-8830 / N8000-8822) *3Stand (ST-4620),Speakers (SP-P4046PV),Speakers (SP-RM1),DVI Daisy Chain Board (SB-L008WU),SBC (NET-SBC-01/NET-SBC-02),Media Player Board (SB-L008KU),HD-SDI Board (SB-L007KK),Slot Adapter (SB-02AM),SBC (N8000-8830 / N8000-8822) *3Power cord, Mini D-sub 15 pin cable, Wireless remote control, Batteries, Cable cover,Setup manual, Clamps, Screws, CD-ROM (user manual), Thumbscrew for optional stand (*1), Eyebolt (*2)300 x 300 mm (4 holes)0.630 mm500 cd/m² / 700 cd/m²500 cd/m² / 650 cd/m²<0.5WStand (ST-701), Speakers (SP-RM1),DVI Daisy Chain Board (SB-L008WU),SBC (NET-SBC-01/NET-SBC-02),Media Player Board (SB-L008KU),HD-SDI Board (SB-L007KK),Slot Adapter (SB-02AM),SBC (N8000-8830 / N8000-8822) *3Stand (ST-5220), Speakers (SP-RM1),DVI Daisy Chain Board (SB-L008WU),SBC (NET-SBC-01/NET-SBC-02),Media Player Board (SB-L008KU),HD-SDI Board (SB-L007KK),Slot Adapter (SB-02AM),SBC (N8000-8830 / N8000-8822) *3/ap/Large-Screen LCDDimensionsProfessional Series LCD Public Displays P702: 1680P702: 198P702: 60.5P72:14P72:877.2P402: 888.7P462: 1022.4P552: 1213.2P402: 919.7P462: 1055.4P552: 1250.2P402: 103P462: 103P552: 125.4P42:51.2P462:575.6P552:684P42:532.2P462:68.6P552:721P702: 1555.2All hardware and software names are brand namesand/or registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers.All rights reserved.All specifications are subject to change without notice.Feb 2012WLCD-1202-083D(mm)*1 : Excludes P702 *2 : Only for P702 *3:SB-02AM requiredSharing with 5 BNC (RGB/HV)Audio 1 & 2 (Stereo Mini Jack), Audio 3 Stereo (RCA), HDMINoDVI-D ( DVI-D IN, HDMI IN), DisplayPort ( DisplayPort IN)Stable and reliable 24/7 operation in full HDThe professional-grade construction of P Series panels contributes to 24/7 usage, an overalllonger panel life, lower likelihood of the Mura effect from localized heat, virtually no imageretention and the ability to use in landscape or portrait orientation. Thermal protection of thepanels starts with an extra thermal layer on the display panels to diffuse heat, followed bymulti-fan-based technology specially designed to work in both landscape and portrait modesand be controlled locally or remotely. Internal temperature sensors control self-protective circuits,while special self-diagnostics communicate the status of the thermal characteristics.The screen is equipped with an advanced slim bezel that has beenreduced to 15.5 mm. The bezel* is so slim and inconspicuous that itblends in well with the installation environment while highlighting thepicture.The discreet, slim bezel enables the stunningfull HD images to become the focus of the display*On the P402. The P552 and P462 have bezels of 18.5 mm and 16.5 mm, respectively.A built-in expansion slot for flexible functionality and installationFlexible installation opportunitiesThe expansion slot enables you to integrate an internal board, whichprovides greater flexibility to install displays in locations without space fordisplay devices like computers and display controllers. With a conversionadapter(SB-02AM: option), you can also use OPS*-compliant SBC.Expansion slot for enhanced functionalityThis series comes with an expansion slot, enabling you to expand or addfunctions to the display. You can integrate an internal board at any time,future proofing your investment.*OPS is a standard set up by Intel Corporation.*SB-02AM requiredW i th thi s fe atu re the b r i g htne s s leve l i s adju s te dautomatically, ensuring perfect brightness at all timesavoiding uncomfortable brightness levels and reducingunnecessary power consumption. The ambient light sensorcan be programmed by the user to perfectly adjust thesensor performance to the users needs.Ambient light mode adjusts the panel brightnessautomatically to match ambient light conditionsHigh reliability and user-friendly control function for professional useRS-232C enables multi-display control and daisy chain, allowingfor individual and group-addressable control, and simple,effective setup and monitoring of the display.Ethernet connectivity adds the same RS-232C control plusautomatic email notification for diagnostic purposes.SNMP function allows users to control and monitor items suchas power, brightness and screen mode via network.NaViSet™ software offers an intuitive graphical interface,allowing easy adjustment of display settings via mouse andkeyboard operations. NaViSet Administrator provides all theadvanced control to remotely located IT professionals.DDC/CI standard allows PC control of the display based on theVESA command set.HDMI connector Thinner and lighter (excludes P702)Board SBC (Single Board Controller)Media Player BoardSlot Adapter HD-SDI BoardNET-SBC-01 (with OS)NET-SBC-02 (without OS)N8000-8830/N8000-8822SB-L008KUSB-02AM SB-L007KKThe P Series boasts the industry’ s most extensive control, diagnostics and communication features, providing the highest level of remote display management.。
杰微( NTER(775 针)
梦想家.冠捷显示器三年 MT270D/27LCD MR2460.WD/23。6 MR230W/23 英寸新品 MG222WD/带钢化屏 MQ221WD+
JT7 泰坦/770/无显/DDR3
N78M3/ 集显 GF8100/DDR3
300 270 260 210 325 3350 2330
三星 E1920NR 三星 E1720NR 三星 E1920NW 三星 B2230W 三星 BX2031 三星 E2220W/22 1110 880 780 1110 915 1055 1100 2070
300 365
GMA78GTS-v 新品
GT220 战将版/TC1G/D3
GT220 加强版 TC1G
GT240 加强版 TC512M GT240 重炮手/512M
AM3 X2 250 原
AM3 X2 255 原包 AM3 X3 440 原 AM3X3 445 原
785GM-P45/DDR3 特价 785GTM-E45/DDR2 特价
770T-C45/DDR2 特价 760GM-E51/DDR3 740GTM-P25/DDR3/DDR3 MF725GTM-P31/DDR2/ 集显 G31TM-P21/G31 G41TM-P31/DDR2 特价 G41TM-E43/DDR2 H55M-E21/DDR3
菲利普LCD TV Ambilight 94cm(37英寸)全高清1080p数字电视37PFL840
PhilipsLCD TV with Ambilight Spectra and Pixel Precise HD94 cm (37")Full HD 1080p digital TV37PFL8404HEnjoy a movie night inwith AmbilightTreat yourself to a movie night in. Enjoy the pleasure of the movies in your living room with Pixel Precise HD and the immersive power of Ambilight.Immersive viewing experience•Ambilight Spectra enhances the viewing experience See precise details in action•Pixel Precise HD for extremely sharp and clear pictures •Full HD LCD display, with a 1920x1080p resolution•100Hz LCD, 3ms performance for superb motion sharpness Exciting and powerful sound •2x10W with Incredible SurroundIn-built internet TV•Philips Net TV for popular online services on your TV•Enjoy a rich selection of web videos from YouTube and others •DLNA PC network link for watching videos from your computer Ready for digital•MPEG4 HDTV reception via DVB-T and DVB-C tuner with CI+*HighlightsAmbilight SpectraAdd a new dimension to your viewing experience with Ambilight Spectra. This patented Philips technology enlarges the screen further by projecting a glow of light from the back of the screen onto the surrounding wall. Ambilight adjustsautomatically the colour and brightness of the light surrounding the TV to match with the picture, creating an immersive viewingexperience. With Ambilight Spectra movies truly come to life!Pixel Precise HDPixel Precise HD builds on the award winning Pixel Plus foundation. It brings the picture quality to the next level with 4 trillion colours with HD Natural Motion making all your movies fluently moving and razor sharp.Thanks to Pixel Precise 100Hz LCD, you are buying the fastest LCD TV's in the category with 3ms response time delivering extreme motion sharpness for all your movies and sports.Full HD LCD display 1920x1080p The Full HD screen has the widescreenresolution of 1920 x 1080p. This is the highest resolution of HD sources for the best possible picture quality. It is fully future proof as it supports 1080p signals from all sources, including the most recent like Blu-ray and advanced HD game consoles. The signalprocessing is extensively upgraded to support this much higher signal quality and resolution. It produces brilliant flicker-free progressive scan pictures with superb brightness and colors.Philips Net TVExperience a rich selection of online services with Philips Net TV. Enjoy movies, pictures, infotainment and other internet directly on your TV whenever you like. Simply connect directly to your home network through the ethernet connection, and navigate and select what you want to watch with the remote control. The Philips menu gives you access to popular Net TV services fitted for your TV screen. Additionally, with the DLNA certified PC network you can watch videos or access pictures stored on your computer using your remote control.100Hz LCD (3ms)100Hz LCD creates extreme motionsharpness for clear and vibrant images even with fast on-screen motion. The Double FrameRate Insertion works with a high 100Hz refresh rate. It increases the sharpness of motion reproduction to more than twice that of conventional LCD, resulting in a performance with a response time of 3 milliseconds (measured in Perceived Blur-Edge-Width; BEW). This unique Philipstechnology brings motion sharpness of LCD displays to an unprecedented level.2x10W with Incredible SurroundAn invisible sound system that blends perfectly with the design of the cabinet. The Incredible Surround allows you to experience total surround with greater depth and width of sound. It gives a clear and spacious sound stage complementary to the rich viewing experience.DLNA PC network link for videoDLNA PC network link lets you watch videos, view pictures and listen to music from your PC MPEG4 DVB-T/C tuner with CI+*HDTV allows you to watch TV in the best possible picture and sound quality, without additional set-top box. Thanks to the built in tuner that supports DVB-Terrestrial and DVB-Cable signals for both MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 formats, you receive high definition TV programs in exceptional quality. Moreover, with Common Interface Plus (CI+) you benefit from premium high definition content directlyon your TV.Issue date 2022-07-14 Version: 12.6.912 NC: 8670 000 49795 EAN: 87 12581 46583 4© 2022 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.SpecificationsPicture/Display•Aspect ratio: Widescreen•Brightness: 500 cd/m²•Dynamic screen contrast: 80000:1•Response time (typical): 3 ms•Viewing angle: 176º (H) / 176º (V)•Diagonal screen size: 37 inch / 94 cm •Display screen type: LCD Full HD W-UXGA Act. matrix•Panel resolution: 1920x1080p•Picture enhancement: Pixel precise HD, 3/2 - 2/2 motion pull down, 3D Combfilter, Active Control + Light sensor, Digital Noise Reduction, Dynamic contrast enhancement, Luminance Transient Improver, Progressive scan, 2D/3D noise reduction, 100Hz LCD, HD Natural Motion •Screen enhancement: Anti-Reflection coated screen•Color processing: 4 trillion colors (14bit RGB)•Color cabinet: High gloss black deco front with black cabinetAmbilight•Ambilight Features: Ambilight Spectra, Lounge light mode•Dimming Function: Manual and via Light Sensor •Ambilight light system: LED wide color Supported Display Resolution •Computer formatsResolution Refresh rate640 x 480 60Hz800 x 600 60Hz1024 x 768 60Hz1280 x 1024 60Hz1360 x 768 60Hz1600 x 1200 60Hz1920 x 1080 60Hz•Video formatsResolution Refresh rate480i 60Hz480p 60Hz576i 50Hz576p 50Hz720p 50, 60Hz1080i 50, 60Hz1080p 24, 25, 30, 50, 60Hz Sound•Output power (RMS): 2 x 10W•Sound Enhancement: Incredible Surround, Trebleand Bass Control•Sound System: Nicam StereoConvenience•Child Protection: Child Lock+Parental Control•Clock: Sleep Timer•Ease of Installation: Auto Program Naming,Automatic Channel Install(ACI), Automatic TuningSystem (ATS), Autostore, Fine Tuning, PLL DigitalTuning, Plug & Play•Ease of Use: Auto Volume Leveller (AVL), DeltaVolume per preset, Program List, Settings assistantWizard, One-stop Home button, Favorite programselection•Electronic Program Guide: Now + Next EPG, 8dayElectronic Program Guide*•Remote control type: RC PF04E09B•Screen Format Adjustments: Auto Format, Movieexpand 16:9, Super Zoom, Widescreen, unscaled(1080p dot by dot)•Teletext: 1000 page Smart Text•Firmware upgradeable: Firmware auto upgradewizard, Firmware upgradeable via USB•Multimedia: DLNA media Browser, Internetbrowser, Net TV services, USB media browser•Smart mode: Game, Cinema, Personal, Standard,VividMultimedia Applications•Multimedia connections: Ethernet-UTP5, USB•Playback Formats: MP3, LPCM, WMA v2 up tov9.2, JPEG Still pictures, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4,AVI, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, MPEG-Progam-streamPAL, WMV9/VC1Tuner/Reception/Transmission•Aerial Input: 75 ohm coaxial (IEC75)•TV system: DVB COFDM 2K/8K•Video Playback: NTSC, SECAM, PAL•Digital TV: DVB-T MPEG4*, DVB-C MPEG4*•Tuner bands: Hyperband, S-Channel, UHF, VHFConnectivity•Ext 1 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS in, RGB•Ext 2 Scart: Audio L/R, CVBS in, RGB•Ext 3: YPbPr, Audio L/R in•Front / Side connections: HDMI v1.3, S-video in,CVBS in, Audio L/R in, Headphone Out, USB•PC network link: DLNA 1.0 certified•Other connections: Analog audio Left/Right out,PC Audio in, PC-In VGA, S/PDIF out (coaxial),Common Interface Plus (CI+), Common Interface•HDMI1:HDMI v1.3•HDMI2:HDMI v1.3•HDMI3:HDMI v1.3•EasyLink (HDMI-CEC): One touch play, Remotecontrol pass-through, System audio control,System standbyPower•Ambient temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C•Mains power: 220 - 240V, 50Hz•Power consumption (typical): 116 W•Standby power consumption: 0.15 WDimensions•Set dimensions(W x H x D): 886 x 542 x 88 mm•Set dimensions with stand (W x H x D):886 x 598 x 260 mm•Weight incl. Packaging: 20.7 kg•Product weight: 14.5 kg•Product weight (+stand): 17.3 kg•Box dimensions(W x H x D):1111 x 644 x 265 mm•Wall mount compatible: 200 x 200 mmAccessories•Included accessories: Tabletop swivel stand, Powercord, Quick start guide, Warranty certificate,Remote Control, Batteries for remote control*DVB-T, supported in selected countries only*DVB-C in selected countries and for selected operators only. Mostup to date information is available on the type plate of the TV.*Net TV, service offering is dependent on country and subject toterms of use.。
●HBM ESD可以达到±4KV以上。
3.引脚说明HLS024C-SOP8NO.管脚名称I/O描述1TP1I/O触摸输入通道12CMOD I/O触摸灵敏度采样,接10nf-47nf电容到地3VDD P电源输入脚4VSS P电源地5TP4I/O触摸输入通道46TP3I/O触摸输入通道37DT_OUT OD按键数据输出(开漏输出)需要外部上拉8TP2I/O触摸输入通道24.数据协议无触摸:DT_OUT开漏输出高电平(主控IO内部上拉或外加4.7K上拉电阻)。
MST6M68FQ包含一个拥有高级段滤波能力的MPEG-2传输处理器,一个MPEG-2视频解码器,一个杜比数字(AC3)/MPEG层I和层II数字音频解码器,拥有设计支持DMB -TH HD/SD TV模拟音频输出,此外,它还能解码象从外部USB界面输入的
通过集成包括USB热插控制器,UART,IR,SPI,I2C和PWM等外围设备,MST6M68FQ 能实现高级数字电视的所有要求,对未来降低系统成本,MST6M68FQ还集成了智能电源管理能力以适应绿色环保模式和展布频谱支持EMI管理。
Receiving CardSpecificationsDocument Version:V1.2.0A5sCopyright © 2018 Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a registered trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.StatementYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as NovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. Any problem in use or a n y good suggestion, please contact us through ways provided in the document. We will do our utmost to solve the problems and adopt the suggestions after evaluation as soon as possible.Receiving Card A5sSpecifications Change HistoryChange History Receiving CardSpecifications Contents12 Overview ..........................................................................................................................23Features (4)3.1 Improvement in Display Effect .....................................................................................................................43.2 Improvement in Maintainability (4)3.3 Improvement in HardwareReliability (5)3.4 Improvement in SoftwareReliability (6)4 Hardware (7)4.1 Appearance .................................................................................................................................................. 74.2Dimensions ............................................................................................................................................ (7)4.3 Indicators .......................................................................................................................................... (8)4.4 Definition of Data Interface( Top ) (9)4.1.1 32-Group ParallelData (9)A5s4.1.2 64-Group SerialData ..............................................................................................................................124.1.3 Extended FunctionsDesign (15)5 Firmware Update (17)6 Applications (18)7 Specifications (19)A Abbreviation (20)B Terms (21)1 Safety1 SafetyThis chapter illustrates safety of the A5s receiving card to ensure the product’sstorage, transport, installation and use safety. Safety instructions are applicable to allpersonnel who contact or use the product. First of all, pay attention to following points.●Read through the instructions.●Retain all instructions.●Comply with all instructions.Storage and Transport Safety●Pay attention to dust and water prevention.●Avoid long-term direct sunlight.●Do not place the product at a position near fire and heat.●Do not place the product in an area containing explosive materials.●Do not place the product in a strong electromagnetic environment.●Place the product at a stable position to prevent damage or personal injurycaused by dropping.●Save the packing box and materials which will come in handy if you ever have tostore and ship the product. For maximum protection during storage and shipping,repack the product as it was originally packed at the factory.Installation and Use Safety●Only trained professionals may install the product.●Plugging and unplugging operations are prohibited when the power is on.●Ensure safe grounding of the product.●Always wear a wrist band and insulating gloves.●Do not place the product in an area having frequent or strong shake.●Perform dust removing regularly.●Contact NovaStar for maintenance at any time, rather than have the productdisassembled and maintained by non-professionals without authorization.●Replace faulty parts only with the spare parts supplied by NovaStar.2 Overview2 OverviewA5s is a high-end receiving card developed by NovaStar, featuring small size and large loading capacity with a single card loading up to 320 x 256(PWM IC) pixels.A5s supports pixel level brightness and chroma calibration by working with NovaLCT and NovaCLB to realize calibration on each pixel. It can effectively remove color difference and greatly improve LED display image consistency, presenting smoother images to users. In addition, it also supports image rotation in 90° increments, creating richer images and improving visual experiences.Software and hardware designs of the A5s concern the user deployment as well as operating and maintenance scenarios, enabling easier deployment, more stable operating and more efficient maintenance.Advanced hardware design:●The small-size hardware design is applicable to scenarios of small cabinet spaceand small pixel pitch.●Use high-density connector which is resistant to dust and vibration and featureshigh stability and high reliability.●Assembly network transformer features simple design and improved magneticcompatibility, helping user’s products to successfully pass the EMCauthentication.Useful software design:●Support for LVDS transmission (Supported by dedicated firmware program).●Support for smart module (Supported by dedicated firmware program).●Support for quick seam correction.●Support for 3D function.●Support for auto module calibration.●Support for Mapping function.●Support for pre-stored image setting of the receiving card.●Support for module Flash management.●Supports monitoring voltage and temperature of itself without using otherperipherals.●Support for monitoring of Ethernet cable communication status (Supported bydedicated firmware program).●Support for 5-pin LCD module.2 Overview●Support for image rotation in 90° increments.Receiving Card A5sSpecifications 3 Features3.4Improvement inSoftwareReceiving Card A5sSpecifications4 HardwareBoard thickness is not greater than 2.0 mm, and the total thickness (board thickness + thickness of both front panel and back panel) is not greater than 7.5 mm.Unit of the dimension chart is “mm ”. Ground connection is enabled for location hole(GND).4.3 Indicators4Hardware4.1 Appearance4.24.4 Definition of Data Interface ( Top ) 4.4.1 32-Group Parallel Data4.4.2 64- G roup Serial Data5 Firmware Update6Application sInput voltage 3.3 V –5.5 V Rated current0.5 ARated power consumption 2.5 W Operating temperature -20°C –70°CStorage temperatureOperating humidity 10%RH –90%RHDimensions 70.0 mm × 45.0 mm × 7.3 mm Net weight 17.3g● RoHS● EMC Class BCertification s 5Firmware UpdateStep 1 Visit to download the firmware update package and save it to PC.Step 2 Run NovaLCT and choose User > Advanced Synchronous System User Login tolog in.Step 3 Type the secret code " admin " to enter the program loading page.Step 4 Click Browse to select the program (the firmware update package you saved on PC) path and then click U pdate . Step 5 Click Refresh to check current hardware version information.6ApplicationsA5s is applied to LED display synchronous system which is generally composed of the LED display, HUB board, receiving card, video controller and controller peripheral. The receiving card is connected to the display over a HUB board. Synchronous system requires connecting a computer to display the compute r ’ s images and texts on the LED screen. Structure of the synchronous system is as shown in the following figure.cifications7Specifications XI'ANAAbbreviatio nB Term sBT ermsCalibration coefficientCalibration system generates a group of values for each LED lamp, includinginformation about brightness and chroma. After display calibration, the calibration values of each lamp are just the calibration coefficient. Smart module The smart module is composed of Flash and MCU.Flash could store calibration coefficients and lamp panel information. MCU could communicate with the receiving card to realize monitoring over temperature, voltage and wiring communication status, Working with the driver chip, A5s supports open circuit detection on LED.The smart module could make monitoring unit smaller, requiring no independent monitoring card and saving cabinet space. MappingAfter the Mapping function is enabled on NovaLCT, the target cabinet will display the cabinet number and Ethernet port information, and the user could get the receiving card ’s location and wiring route.AAbbreviationE EMC Electro m a gn e tic CompatibilityF FPGAField - P rogrammable Gate ArrayLLED Light Emitting Diode M MCU Microcontroller Unit R RCFG Receiving Card Configuration。
RK3288A CPU 四核 23.8 英寸 LCD 显示屏 充电及控制机柜说明书
23.8寸屏23.8 -inch screen产品规格表Item Specification各部件名称Component Name使用说明书25口机柜2主板型号(Mainboard Model):RK3288A CPU :RK3288, 四核(Quad-core),主频(mainfrequency) 1.8GHz,And roid 5.1.1Operating Instruction5 slots station注:机柜包装箱不含移动电源Note: The station packing case does not contain a power supply产品特点product feature本产品适合于公共场所及店铺中为客人提供共享充电服务的充电及控制机柜,产品正面23.8寸LCD 显示屏幕。
This product is suitable for charging and control cabinets thatprovide shared charging services for guests in public places and stores.The front of the product has a 23.8-inch LCD display screen. 扣手Handle喇叭trumpet23.8寸屏23.8 -inch 充电宝底座power bank产品名称productname 型号model尺寸size支持通讯communication support 机柜输入电压station input voltage机柜输入最大电流Maximum station input current机柜额定功率Rated cabinet power AC电源适配器输入AC power adapter input 螢幕机柜输出power outputscreen5V1.5A*25口100Vac-240Vac(60Hz/60Hz)1.31A(满载状态)/0.41A(待机状态)1.31A(full load) /0.41A(standby)530W(充电宝充电状态)(Charging status of the power bank)220V/50hz4G WIFI 2G 23.8英寸23.8-inch445mm(L)*600mm(W)*1780mm(H)23.8寸广告机23.8inch advertising machine YBT-107电源孔位指示灯轴视图Axis viewPower socket indicatorpedestal1.将AC电源线连接机柜背面的输入口。
7SEG-MPX4-CC 四个公阴二极管显示器 1234 是阴公共端7SEG-MPX8-CC 八个公阴二极管显示器 12345678 是阴公共端7SEG-MPX4-CA 四个公阳二极管显示器 1234 是阳公共端7SEG-MPX8-CA 八个公阳二极管显示器 12345678 是阳公共端共阴极数码表uchar dispcode[]={0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c,0x39, 0x5e,0x79,0x71};共阳极数码表uchar dispcode[]={0xc0,0xf9,0xa4,0xb0,0x99,0x92,0x82,0XD8,0x80,0x90, 0x88,0x83,0xc 6,0xa1,0x86,0x8e,0x7f,0xbf,0x89,0xff}共阳极数码管的公共阳极接+5V,当各段阴极上的电平为“0”时,该段点亮,电平为“1”时,该段熄灭。
AND 与门ANTENNA 天线BATTERY 直流电源BELL 铃,钟BVC 同轴电缆接插件BRIDEG 1 整流桥(二极管)BRIDEG 2 整流桥(集成块)BUFFER 缓冲器BUZZER 蜂鸣器CAP 电容CAPACITOR 电容CAPACITOR POL 有极性电容CAPVAR 可调电容CIRCUIT BREAKER 熔断丝COAX 同轴电缆CON 插口CRYSTAL 晶体整荡器DB 并行插口DIODE 二极管DIODE SCHOTTKY 稳压二极管DIODE VARACTOR 变容二极管DPY_3-SEG 3段LEDDPY_7-SEG 7段LEDDPY_7-SEG_DP 7段LED(带小数点) ELECTRO 电解电容FUSE 熔断器INDUCTOR 电感INDUCTOR IRON 带铁芯电感INDUCTOR3 可调电感JFET N N沟道场效应管JFET P P沟道场效应管LAMP 灯泡LAMP NEDN 起辉器LED 发光二极管METER 仪表MICROPHONE 麦克风MOSFET MOS管MOTOR AC 交流电机MOTOR SERVO 伺服电机NAND 与非门NOR 或非门NOT 非门NPN NPN三极管NPN-PHOTO 感光三极管OPAMP 运放OR 或门PHOTO 感光二极管PNP 三极管NPN DAR NPN三极管PNP DAR PNP三极管POT 滑线变阻器PELAY-DPDT 双刀双掷继电器RES1.2 电阻RES3.4 可变电阻RESISTOR BRIDGE ? 桥式电阻RESPACK ? 电阻SCR 晶闸管PLUG ? 插头PLUG AC FEMALE 三相交流插头SOCKET ? 插座SOURCE CURRENT 电流源SOURCE VOLTAGE 电压源SPEAKER 扬声器SW ? 开关SW-DPDY ? 双刀双掷开关SW-SPST ? 单刀单掷开关SW-PB 按钮THERMISTOR 电热调节器TRANS1 变压器TRANS2 可调变压器TRIAC ? 三端双向可控硅TRIODE ? 三极真空管VARISTOR 变阻器ZENER ? 齐纳二极管DPY_7-SEG_DP 数码管SW-PB 开关元件名称中文名说明7407 驱动门1N914 二极管74Ls00 与非门74LS04 非门74LS08 与门74LS390 TTL 双十进制计数器7SEG 4针BCD-LED 输出从0-9 对应于4根线的BCD码7SEG 3-8译码器电路BCD-7SEG转换电路ALTERNATOR 交流发电机AMMETER-MILLI mA安培计AND 与门BATTERY 电池/电池组BUS 总线CAP 电容CAPACITOR 电容器CLOCK 时钟信号源CRYSTAL 晶振D-FLIPFLOP D触发器FUSE 保险丝GROUND 地LAMP 灯LED-RED 红色发光二极管LM016L 2行16列液晶可显示2行16列英文字符,有8位数据总线D0-D7,RS,R/W,EN三个控制端口(共14线),工作电压为5V。
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Contents1 Introduction-------------------------------------------- 42 General specification------------------------------------- 53 Mechanical drawing-------------------------------------- 64 Absolute maximum ratings--------------------------------- 75 Typical Electrical characteristics----------------------------- 76 B/L Characteristics-------------------------------------- 77 Optical characteristics ------------------------------------ 88 Interface Pin Function------------------------------------ 119 Block diagram ------------------------------------------ 1210 Caution ----------------------------------------------- 1311 LCM quality criteria--------------------------------------- 1312 Packing method----------------------------------------- 191. Introduction1.1 Scope of applicationThis specification applies to the Negative type TFT transmissive dotmatrix LCD module that is supplied byThis LCD module should be designed for mobile phone use.LCD specification: Duty 1/320, Dots 240xRGBx320.As to basic specification of the driver IC, refer to the IC (ILI9325) specification and data book.All material & processing of the LCD module should be Lead Free.TFT features:Single display structure (thickness Max3.0mm): 2.41 TFT MODULE+ FPC+BL+TP; Transmissive Negative Type LCD240 dot-segment and 320 dot-common outputs; FULL 262k Color TFT LCD ;One bare chip with gold bump (COG) TECH; 16BITS 80 parallel series interface;1.3 Applications: Mobile phoneSHENZHEN LCD TECHNOLOGY COMPANYLITMITED2. General specification3. Mechanical drawing4. Absolute Maximum Ratings1. If the LSI is used above these absolute maximum ratings, it may become permanently damaged. Using the LSI within the following electrical characteristics limit is strongly recommended for normal operation. If these electrical characteristic conditions are also exceeded, the LSI will malfunction and cause poor reliability.2. VDD, G ND must be maintained3.DC characteristics and AC characteristics of shipping chips and shipping wafer are guaranteed at 85℃.5. Typical Electrical Characteristics6. B/L Characteristics※ LEDs in 4- parallel of B/L module ※ PWM control.7. Optical CharacteristicsNote 2: Definition of contrast ratio CR:CR=Brightness of non-selected dots (white) Brightness of selected dots (black)Note 3: Definition of response time (T R, T F)8. Interface Pin Function9. Block DiagramRESETWR,RD,RS DB0-DB15 GNDVCI,VCC,IOVCC CS10. Caution10.1 Handling of LCM. Be sure to ground the body when handling the LCM.. Don’t give external shock. Don’t apply excessive force on the surface.. Liquid in LCD is hazardous substance. Must not lick and swallow.When the liquid is attach to your hand, skin, cloth etc. Wash it outthoroughly and immediately.. Don’t operate it above the absolute maximum rating.. Don’t disassemble the LCM10.2 Storage.Store in an ambient temperature of 5℃ to 45℃,and in a relative humidity of 40% to 60%. Don’t expose to sunlight or intensive ultraviolet rays. Storage in a clean environment, free from dust, active gas, and solvent.. Store in anti-static electricity container.. Store without any physical load.11.LCM Quality Criteria11.1 RELIABILITY TESTThe reliability status will be tested as monitor during mass production. The individual reliability test shall be managed by lot. Moreover, the individual reliability item shall be decided accordingreliability plan.11.2VISUAL & ELECTRONIC INSPECTION STANDARD11.2.1 Inspection conditionsTest and measurement are performed under the following conditions, unless otherwise specified.Test conditions:Temperature 20+/-15℃ Humidity 65+/-20% RHPressure 860~1060 hPa(mm bar)Viewing Angle: Normal to the Front SurfaceFluorescent lamp: 20w; viewing distance 30~50cm20 WM Power Lamp Normal line Upper PolarizerGlassBottom Polarizer11.2.2 DefinitionA Zone: Effective ViewingB Zone: Non-effective Viewing11.2.3 Quality Level:According to: ANSI Z 1.4 NORMAL LEVEL IICriteria (functional items)11.3 Safety instructions:10.3.1If the LCD panel breaks, be careful not to get the liquid crystal to touch you skin.10.3.2 If the liquid crystal touches your skin or clothes, please wash it off immediately by usingsoap and water.11.4 Handling10.4.1 Avoid static electricity which can damage the LSI.10.4.2 Do not remove the panel or frame from the module.10.4.3 The polarizing plate of the display is very fragile. So, please handle it very carefully.10.4.4 Do not wipe the polarizing plate with a dry cloth, as it may easily scratch the surface the plate.10.4.5 Do not use ketonic solvent & aromatic solvent. Use a soft cloth soaked with a cleaning naphtha solvent.10.4.6 The color tone of display and background on LCD has the possibility to be changed in thestorage temperature range.10.4.7 Pay attention to the working environment, as the element may be destroyed by static electricity.--Be sure to ground human body and electric appliance during work.--Avoid working in a dry environment to minimize the generations of static electricity.--Static electricity may be generated when the protective film is fast peeled off.11.5 Operation instructions:It is recommended to drive the LCD within the specified voltage limits, try to adjust the operating voltage for the optimal contrast, the color and contrast of LCD panel will varies at differenttemperature, adjust the operating voltage for the optimal contrast.The response time of the LC fluid is considerably longer response at low temperatures than that in the normal operating temperature range.Do not operate the LCD at the environments over the specified conditions, this may cause damage on the LCD and shorten the lifetime.11.6 Storage instructions:10.6.1Keep the LCD panel at a temperature of 15℃~35℃ and at a relative humidity of 65% or less for long-term storage.10.6.2 Keep the LCD panel away from high temperature (>40℃) and high humidity (>80%)environment for long-term storage.10.6.3 Store away from direct sunlight and fluorescent light for long term storage, store the LCDpanel in a dark place or cover it with black clothes, avoid to cover something or make marks on part of the LCD panel when exposing to light for long time.10.6.4 Do not store the LCD panels in the environments over the specified storage conditions.。