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[1 ̄4]
[8 ̄10]
. 对城市空气
[11 ̄14]
点. 研究 [15 ̄18] 表明ꎬ大气污染物浓度的高低不仅与污
1 资料与方法
1 1 资料来源
监测总站 2014 年 5 月 13 日—2017 年 12 月 31 日成
3 06
环 境 科 学 研 究
第 33 卷
maximum hourly rainfall to PM 2 5 ꎬ PM 10 ꎬ NO2 ꎬ O3 ꎬ CO and SO2 were 29 48%ꎬ 26 95%ꎬ 22 02%ꎬ 26 87%ꎬ 11 94%ꎬ 28 75%
of calm windꎬ and high air humidityꎬ which do not favor rapid diffusion of atmospheric pollutants. Atmospheric pollutants are mainly
removed by the scavenging effect of precipitation. Based on the hourly air pollutant concentration ( PM 2 5 ꎬ PM 10 ꎬ NO2 ꎬ O3 ꎬCO and SO2 )
除作用去除大气污染物. 利用 2014 年 5 月 13 日—2017 年 12 月 31 日成都市逐小时 ρ( PM 2 5 ) 、ρ( PM 10 ) 、ρ( NO2 ) 、ρ( O3 ) 、ρ( CO) 、
ρ( SO2 ) 监测数据和同期地面降水量观测数据ꎬ分析了降水前污染物质量浓度、小时最大降水量、降水持续时间及累积降水量对
市区(30 72°N、103 97°E) ꎬ地势平坦ꎬ附近无明显的
气候站(30 75°N、103 87°E) 同时期的逐小时地面气
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
彬等 [27] 分析了无锡市降水对气溶胶颗粒物的清除效
10 km( 见图 1) .
data of Chengdu City from May 13 th ꎬ 2014 to December 31 st ꎬ 2017 simultaneous precipitation dataꎬ the scavenging effects of precipitation
on the removal of atmospheric pollutants are analyzed according to pollutant concentration before precipitationꎬ maximum hourly rainfallꎬ
收稿日期: 2019 ̄01 ̄02 修订日期: 2019 ̄08 ̄10
作者简介: 曹杨(1989 ̄) ꎬ女ꎬ四川资中人ꎬ工程师ꎬ博士ꎬ主要从事环境气象与服务研究ꎬ279827828@ qq.com.
基金项目: 高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室科技发展基金项目 ( No. SCQXKJQN2019021) ꎻ 国家高技术研究发 展计划 ( 863) 项目
染源的排放有关ꎬ也受气象条件的影响. 在一定时期
都 市 空 气 质 量 指 数 ( AQI ) 逐 小 时 ρ ( PM 2 5 ) 、
ρ( PM 10 ) 、ρ( NO 2 ) 、ρ( O 3 ) 、ρ( CO) 、ρ( SO 2 ) 数据. 该研
National High Technology Research and Development Program of China ( ‘863’ Program) ( No.2014AA06A512) ꎻ CMA Special Forecaster Projectꎬ China
( No.CMAYBY2019 ̄100)
度 [19 ̄22] . 降水是影响大气污染物浓度的主要气象要
着大气中污染物的源、汇平衡和大气自清洁 [23 ̄26] . 周
3.Heavy Rain and Drought ̄Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan Provinceꎬ Chengdu 610072ꎬ China
Abstract: Due to its special topography and climate conditionsꎬ Chengdu City is characterized by low surface wind speedꎬ high proportion
respectivelyꎬ and the mean scavenging effects of cumulative rainfall were 31 64%ꎬ 30 66%ꎬ 24 38%ꎬ 26 31%ꎬ 13 89%ꎬ 32 91%
respectively. The scavenging effects of CO was less than that of other pollutants because of its low solubility in water. In conclusionꎬ the
文献标志码: A
DOI: 10 13198∕j issn 1001 ̄6929 2019 08 15
Scavenging Effect of Precipitation on Removal of Atmospheric Pollutants in
Chengdu City
CAO Yang 1ꎬ3 ꎬ LIU Weihua 1 ꎬ WANG Chenxi 1 ꎬ ZHAO Xiaoli 1 ꎬ SUN Xiaoguang 2 ꎬ YANG Jingchao 1
rainfall duration and cumulative rainfall. The results showed that:(1) The scavenging effects of precipitation on the removal of atmospheric
pollutants increased with the increase of pollutant concentration before precipitationꎬ and were higher in the rainy season than that in the
大气污染物清除效果的影响. 结果表明:①降水对 6 种大气污染物的清除率随降水前污染物质量浓度的增加而增大ꎬ并且汛期降
水对大气污染物的清除率大于非汛期降水. ②降水对大气污染物起正清除作用ꎬ清除率随降水持续时间的增加而增大. ③不同
降水量对不同污染物的清除效果不同ꎬ对 PM 2 5 、PM 10 、NO2 、CO 和 SO2 的清除率随降水量的增加而逐渐增大ꎬ对 O3 的清除效果
易溶于水ꎬ降水对其清除作用明显小于其他几种污染物. 研究显示ꎬ降水对大气污染物的清除作用显著ꎬ对 SO2 、PM 2 5 和 PM 10 的
清除效果较好ꎬ而对 CO 的清除效果较差.
关键词: 成都市ꎻ 降水ꎻ 大气污染物ꎻ 清除效果
中图分类号: X51 文章编号: 1001 ̄6929(2020)02 ̄0305 ̄07
Keywords: Chengdu Cityꎻ precipitationꎻ atmospheric pollutantsꎻ scavenging effect
[5 ̄7]
scavenging effects of precipitation on the removal of atmospheric pollutants were obviousꎬ which were better on the removal of SO2 ꎬ PM 2 5
and PM 10 than other atmospheric pollutantsꎬ and the rainfall had less scavenging effect on CO.
( No.2014AA06A512) ꎻ 中国气象局预报员专项项目( No.CMAYBY2019 ̄100)
Supported by Heavy Rain and Drought ̄Flood Disasters in Plateau and Basin Key Laboratory of Sichuan Provinceꎬ China ( No. SCQXKJQN2019021 ) ꎻ
第 33 卷 第 2 期
环 境 科 学 研 究
2020 年 2 月
Research of Environmental Sciences
曹 杨1ꎬ3 ꎬ 刘炜桦1 ꎬ 王晨曦1 ꎬ 赵晓莉1 ꎬ 孙晓光2 ꎬ 杨景朝1
pollutants. The scavenging effects of PM 2 5 ꎬ PM 10 ꎬ NO2 ꎬ CO and SO2 were increased with the increase of amount of precipitation.
Howeverꎬ O3 concentration was almost the same in different amount of precipitation and it was always high. The mean scavenging effects of
相差不大且清除率均较大ꎻ小时最大降水量对 PM 2 5 、PM 10 、NO2 、O3 、CO、SO2 的清除率平均值分别为 29 48%、26 95%、22 02%、
26 87%、11 94%、28 75%ꎬ累积降水量的清除率平均值分别为 31 64%、30 66%、24 38%、26 31%、13 89%、32 91%ꎬ其中 CO 不
non ̄rainy season. (2) Precipitation played a positive role in the removal of atmospheric pollutantsꎬ and the scavenging effects increased
with the increase of rainfall duration. ( 3 ) Moreoverꎬ different amount of precipitation had different removal efficiency for different
1.Sichuan Meteorological Disasters Prevention Technology Centerꎬ Chengdu 610072ꎬ China
2.China Meteorological Administration Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Soundingꎬ Chengdu 610225ꎬ China
1.四川省气象灾害防御技术中心ꎬ 四川 成都 610072
2.中国气象局大气探测重点开放实验室ꎬ 四川 成都 610225
3.高原与盆地暴雨旱涝灾害四川省重点实验室ꎬ 四川 成都 610072
摘要: 成都市受特殊地形和气候条件影响ꎬ地面风速小ꎬ静风比例高ꎬ空气湿度大ꎬ大气污染物扩散缓慢ꎬ主要靠降水的冲刷和清