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Listen to the record ing two or threetimesand then thinkover the follow ing questi ons:
1. Of all places imagin able, whichone does the singer thinkis the best for holida ys?
2. Accord ing to the singer, why are people busy coming and goingon holida ys?
3. In what way is Thanks givin g simila r to our Spring Festiv al?
4. Is the song closel y relate d to the themeof the unit -- how to celebr ate holida ys? How?
The follow ing word in the record ing may be new to you:
beat vt. 超过,超越
To beginwith, let's listen to a song called There's No PlaceLike Home for the Holida ys.
There's No PlaceLike Home for the Holida ys
Oh, there's no placelike home for the holida ys
'Causeno matter how far away you roam
When you pine for the sunshi ne of a friend ly gaze
For the holida ys you can't beat home sweethome
I met a man who livesin Tennes see
And he was headin g for
Pennsy lvani a and some homema de pumpki n pie
From Pennsy lvani a folksare travel ing
Down to Dixie's sunnyshore
From Atlant ic to Pacifi c
Gee, the traffi c is terrif ic
Oh, there's no placelike home for the holida ys
'Causeno matter how far away you roam
If you want to be happyin a millio n ways
For the holida ys you can't beat home sweethome
PerryComo has a very fine, silkyvoice. Just the sort of voiceone needsfor a sentim ental song full of famili ar phrase s such as "there's no placelike home" and "home sweethome". It sounds as if he is singin g aboutThanks givin g, as he singsof "homema de pumpki n pie", a tradit ional dish for the Thanks givin g holida y.
Thanks givin g for Americ ans is much like Spring Festiv al for us, a time when famili es try to get back togeth er. In Americ a people oftentravel many milesto get back to theirhometo wn, whethe r it's from northto south, "Pennsy lvani a...down to Dixie" (Dixieis a tradit ional name for the Americ an South) or from east to west, "the Atlant ic to Pacifi c."
Text A
interg rated course
A lex Haleyserved in the CoastGuardduring WorldWar ll. On an
especi allylonely day to be at sea -- Thanks givin g Day -- he beganto give
s eriou s though t to a holida y that has become, for many Americ ans, a day of
overea tingand watchi ng endles s gamesof footba ll. Haleydecide d to
c elebr ate the true meanin g of Thanks givin g by writin g threevery specia l
letter s.
Writin g ThreeThank-You Letter s
Alex Haley
1 I t was 1943, during WorldWar II, and I was a youngU. S.
c oastg uards man. My ship, the USS Murzim, ha
d been underway for severa l
days. Most of her holdscontai ned thousa nds of carton s of canned or dried
foods. The otherholdswere loaded with five-hundre d-poundbombspacked
delica telyin padded racks. Our destin ation was a big base on the island
of Tulagi in the SouthPacifi c.
2 I was one of the Murzim's severa l cooksand, quitethe same as for
folk ashore, this Thanks givin g mornin g had seen us busily prepar ing a
tradit ional dinner featur ing roastturkey.
3 Well, as any cook knows, it's a lot of hard work to cook and servea
big meal, and cleanup and put everyt hingaway. But finall y, around
s undow n, we finish ed at last.
4 I decide d firstto go out on the Murzim's afterd eck for a breath of
open air. I made my way out there, breath ing in great, deep draugh ts while
w alkin g slowly about, stillwearin g my whitecook's hat.
5 I got to thinki ng aboutThanks givin g, of the Pilgri ms, Indian s, wild
turkey s, pumpki ns, corn on the cob, and the rest.
6 Yet my mind seemed to be in questof someth ing else -- some way that
I couldperson allyapplyto the closeof Thanks givin g. It must have taken
me a half hour to sensethat maybesome key to an answer couldresult from
revers ing the word "Thanks givin g" -- at leastthat sugges ted a verbal
direct ion, "Giving thanks."
了半个小时左右我才意识到,问题的关键也许在于把T hanksgivin g这个字前后颠倒一下――那样一来至少文字好懂了:Giving
7 Giving thanks -- as in prayin g, thanki ng God, I though t. Y es, of
c ourse. Certai nly.
8 Yet my mind contin ued turnin g the idea over.
9 Aftera while, like a dawn's bright ening, a furthe r answer did come
-- that therewere people to thank, people who had done so much for me
that I couldneverpossib ly repaythem. The embarr assin g truthwas I'd
always just accept ed what they'd done, takenall of it for grante d. Not
one time had I ever bother ed to expres s to any of them so much as a
s imple, sincer e "Thankyou."
10 At leastsevenpeople had been partic ularl y and lastin gly helpfu l to
me. I realiz ed, swallo winghard, that abouthalf of them had sincedied --
s o they were foreve r beyond any possib le expres sionof gratit ude from me.
The more I though t aboutit, the more ashame d I became. Then I pictur ed
the threewho were stillaliveand, within minute s, I was down in my
c abin.
11 Sittin g at a tablewith writin g paperand memori es of things each
had done, I triedcompos ing genuin e statem entsof heartf elt apprec iatio n
and gratit ude to my dad, SimonA. Haley, a profes sor at the old
Agricu ltura l Mechan icalNormal Colleg e in Pine Bluff, Arkans as; to my
grandm a, Cynthi a Palmer, back in our little hometo wn of Hennin g,
Tennes see; and to the Rev. Lonual Nelson, my gramma r school princi pal,
retire d and living in Ripley, six milesnorthof Hennin g.
12 The textsof my letter s begansometh ing like, "Here, this
Thanks givin g at sea, I find my though ts upon how much you have done for
me, but I have neverstoppe d and said to you how much I feel the need to
thankyou -- " And briefl y I recall ed for each of them specif ic acts
perfor med on my behalf.
13 For instan ce, someth ing upperm ost aboutmy father was how he had
impres sed upon me from boyhoo d to love booksand readin g. In fact, this
gradua ted into a family habitof after-dinner quizze s at the tableabout
booksread most recent ly and new wordslearne d. My love of booksnever
dimini shedand laterled me toward writin g booksmyself. So many timesI
have felt a sadnes s when expose d to modern childr en so immers ed in the
electr onicmediathat they have little or no awaren ess of the marvel ous
w orldto be discov eredin books.
14 I remind ed the Revere nd Nelson how each mornin g he wouldopen our
little countr y town's gramma r school with a prayer over his assemb led
s tuden ts. I told him that whatev er positi ve things I had done sincehad
been influe ncedat leastin part by his mornin g school prayer s.
15 In the letter to my grandm other, I remind ed her of a dozenways she
used to teachme how to tell the truth, to share, and to be forgiv ing and
c onsi
d erat
e o
f others. I thanke d her for the yearsof eatin
g her good
c ookin g, the equalof whichI ha
d not foundsince. Finall y, I thank
e d her
s imply for having sprink led my life with stardu st.
16 Before I slept, my threeletter s went into our ship's office mail
s ack. They got mailed when we reache d Tulagi Island.
17 We unload ed cargo, reload ed with someth ing else, then againwe put
to sea in the routin e famili ar to us, and as the days became weeks, my
little person al experi encerecede d. Someti mes, when we were at sea, a mail
s hip wouldrendez vousand bringus mail from home, which, of course, we
accord ed topmos t priori ty.
18 Everytime the ship's loudsp eaker rasped, "Attent ion! Mail call!"
two hundre d-odd shipma tes came poundi ng up on deck and cluste red aboutthe
two seamen, standi ng by thoseprecio us bulgin g gray sacks. They were
altern ately pullin g out fistfu ls of letter s and barkin g succes sivenames
of sailor s who were, in turn, shouti ng back "Here! Here!" amid the
pushin g.
19 One "mail call" brough t me respon ses from Grandm a, Dad, and the
Revere nd Nelson -- and my readin g of theirletter s left me not only
astoni shedbut more humble d than before.
20 Rather than saying they wouldforgiv e that I hadn't previo usly
thanke d them, instea d, for Pete's sake, they were thanki ng me -- for
having rememb ered, for having consid eredthey had done anythi ng so
except ional.
21 Always the colleg e profes sor, my dad had carefu lly avoide d anythi ng
he consid eredtoo sentim ental, so I knew how movedhe was to writeme
that, afterhaving helped educat e many youngpeople, he now felt that his
best result s includ ed his own son.
22 The Revere nd Nelson wrotethat his decade s as a "simple,
old-fashio ned princi pal" had endedwith school s underg oingsuch swift
c hange s that he ha
d retir
e d in self-doubt. "I heardmore o
f what I had
done wrongthan what I did right," he said, adding that my letter had
brough t him welcom e reassu rance that his career had been apprec iated.
23 A glance at Grandm a's famili ar handwr iting brough t back in a flash
memori es of standi ng alongs ide her whiterockin g chair, watchi ng her
"settin' down" some letter to relati ves. Charac ter by charac ter, Grandm a
w ouldslowly accomp lishone word, then the next, so that a finish ed page
w ouldconsum e hours. I wept over the page repres entin g my Grandm a's recent
hoursinvest ed in expres singher loving gratef ulnes s to me -- whom she
used to diaper!
24 Much later, retire d from the CoastGuardand trying to make a living
as a writer, I neverforgot how thosethree"thankyou" letter s gave me an
insigh t into how most humanbeings go aboutlongin g in secret for more of
theirfellow s to expres s apprec iatio n for theireffort s.
25 Now, approa ching anothe r Thanks givin g, I have askedmyself what will
I wish for all who are readin g this, for our nation, indeed for our whole
w orld-- since, quotin g a good and wise friend of mine, "In the end we are
mighti ly and merely people, each with simila r needs." First, I wish for
us, of course, the simple common senseto achiev e worldpeace, that being
paramo unt for the very surviv al of our kind.
26 And thereis someth ing else I wish -- so strong ly that I have had
this line printe d across the bottom of all my statio nery: "Find the good
-- and praise it."
T ext B
Thanks givin g, like Spring Festiv al, brings famili es back togeth er
from across the countr y. Waitin g for her childr en to arrive, EllenGoodma n
reflec ts on the changi ng relati onshi p betwee n parent s and childr en as they
grow up and leavehome, oftento settle far away.
WhereIs Home?
EllenGoodma n
1 "The kids are coming home for the holida y."
2 My friend announ ces this as we swap recipe s and plansfor
Thanks givin g.
3 I stop; amused for a moment at the langua ge we now share. "When," I
ask, "did we become the people who call theiradultchildr en, 'the kids'?"
4 We laughbriefl y at the passag e of time, at though ts of our own
mother s who stillreferto us as 'the girls,' and then she pauses.
5 "When," asks my old friend, "did our kids become the people who come
home only at holida ys?" Thereis a moment as bitter sweet as cranbe rry
sauce. “从什么时候起,”我的老朋友问道,“我们的孩子成了到节假日才回家的人?”两人心头一时又酸又甜。
6 (1)This is the week when our friend s bringin the younge r genera tion,
eagerl y harves tingthem from bulgin g airpor ts. We noisil y arrang e
c hildr en, nieces, nephew s, cousin s aroun
d tables, placin g them lik
e good
c hinathat we take out for specia l occasi ons.
7 Theseenerge tic offspr ing do not come over the riverand throug h the
w oodsanymor e. They strugg le past check-in counte rs and wrestl e theirgear
into stuffe d overhe ad bins. They migrat e back on airlin es whoseowners
pray with theiroverbo okedhearts that the weathe r will hold.
8 (2)It is a testim ony to the joyful pull of family that Americ ans
satura ted the air and highwa ys this week to return to the placethey no
longer live but nevert heles s call home. To get home for the holida ys.
9 Yet my old friend has touche d, howeve r delica tely, on that other
truthabouta countr y scatte red over genera tions and geogra phy. We have
gone from family life as everyd ay, from knowin g everysock in our
c hildr en's drawer s an
d everyfrownon theirfaces, to welcom ing them home
to design atedguestrooms.
10 We have visita tionrights in each other's livesnow, say my friend,
a mother in 617 who looksforwar d to greeti ng the childr en from 415 and
011. We keep in touch, we catchup, we say hellos and goodby es. But we are
s tilltrying to learnhow to compre ss "qualit y time" into small
quanti ties.
11 My friend is not compla ining. Neithe r of us longsto return to those
w onder ful yester days. The neststhat once felt emptynow feel roomy.
12 More to the pointwe raised our childr en to look over the horizo ns.
We told them, the worldis yours, go for it. One by one, they went for it,
to 305 and 215 and 406. It is, afterall, the Americ an way.
13 So we emailand travel and are gratef ul at how much easier it is to
keep in touch-- at leastvirtua l touch-- todaythan when our parent s
w ere young. We take joy in the "kids" creati ng theirown lives.
14 Yet at timesan unpatr iotic though t crosse s our minds. Is this
Americ an way, this long-distan ce family, an odd tradit ion as unique to our
people as Thanks givin g?
15 We are a nation of movers, founde d by people on pilgri mages,
popula ted by thosewho were willfu lly or forcib ly uproot ed. Our nation al
mythol ogy is basedon the lure of kickin g out and starti ng fresh. (3)We
movedwest and west againon a promis e of the last best place, which
turned out to be just a way statio n.
16 Even Robert Frost's most famili ar and most Americ an defini tion--
"home is the placewhere, when you have to go there, they have to take you
in" -- has anothe r subtex t, Home is not whereyou stay.
17 From the middle of the age spectr um, my friend and I have seen
elders move from houseto condo, northto south, agingsunbir ds still
migrat ing. On the otherside of the genera tiona l sandwi ch we watchour
c hildr en's words. They are "coming home" on Tuesda y an
d "goingback home"
on Sunday.
18 Todaymany Americ ans find it hard to answer the questi on "Whereare
you from?" Do we all hold dual citize nship? Does the nation al concer n
aboutweaker family ties say less aboutour feelin gs than aboutour
geogra phy?
19 Thesequesti ons hang lightl y in the Novemb er air as we turn the
s ubjec t from coming s and goings of childr en to the advant agesand
disadv antag es of chestn uts in the stuffi ng. This is the time, afterall,
of celebr ating reunio n, not musing s aboutsepara tion.
20 "The kids" are coming home. It is not the scarci ty of food that
brings us back to this full table. It is each other. And somewh ere betwee n
the turkey and pies we settle down to savortogeth ernes s.
21 (4)Over this Thanks givin g holida y and in this restle ss countr y, we
s top and feaston family.
Choose the best answer for each of the follow ing:
1. The author is amused at her friend callin g the childr en "the kids"
becaus e ___________.
a. she has only recent ly learne d the langua ge
b. her friend was joking
c. it showshow time has passed
d. it is slang
T ip: referback to paragr aph 4
2. When her friend speaks of theirkids beingthe people who only come
home at holida y time, she is implyi ng ________________________.
a. she and her friend are differ ent from otherparent s
b. famili es no longer live togeth er in the same place
c. theirchildr en do not care enough aboutthem
d. she wouldprefer them to visitoutsid e the holida y period
T ip: referback to paragr aph 9
3. Her friend s collec t theirchildr en from ____________________________.
a. across the river
b. school
c. work
d. the airpor t
T ip: referback to paragr aphs6-7
4. We can inferthat the author ___________________________________.
a. regret ted her childr en leavin g home at first, but laterwelcom ed it
b. welcom ed her childr en leavin g home at first, but laterregret ted it
c. has always been happie r with her childr en away from home
d. neverwanted her childr en to leave
T ip: referback to paragr aph 11
5. Many Americ ans find it hard to answer the questi on "Whereare you
from?" becaus e ______________________________.
a. they have more than one nation ality
b. they are embarr assed by the though t of wherethey come from
c. they have set up new homesdistan t from theirparent s
d. they have no fixedaddres s
T ip: referback to paragr aphs18-19
参考答案: 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. c
Transl ate into Chines e the underl inedsenten ces in the essay.
1. This is the week when our friend s bringin the younge r genera tion,
eagerl y harves tingthem from bulgin g airpor ts.
参考答案: 这个星期是我们的朋友们将小辈带回家的时候,是急切地把子女从人满为患的机场接回去的时候。
2. It is a testim ony to the joyful pull of family that Americ ans satura ted
the air and highwa ys this week to return to the placethey no longer live
but nevert heles s call home.
参考答案: 这个星期美国人挤满飞机和公路,都想回到他们已不再居住却仍称为家的地方。
3. We movedwest and west againon a promis e of the last best place, which
turned out to be just a way statio n.
参考答案: 我们西进,再西进,期待得到最后那片最好的土地,而那却只是路上一个小站而已。
4. Over this Thanks givin g holida y and in this restle ss countr y, we stop
and feaston family.
参考答案: 在这个人们流动不停的国家里,整个感恩节期间我们却始终留在家中享受天伦之乐。
Read aloudthe follow ing poem:
Giving Thanks
Author Unknow n
For the hay and the corn and the wheatthat is reaped,
For the laborwell done, and the barnsthat are heaped,
For the sun and the dew and the sweethoneyc omb,
For the rose and the song and the harves t brough t home --
Thanks givin g! Thanks givin g!
For the tradeand the skilland the wealth in our land,
For the cunnin g and streng th of the workin gman's hand,
For the good that our artist s and poetshave taught,
For the friend shipthat hope and affect ion have brough t --
Thanks givin g! Thanks givin g!
For the homesthat with purest affect ion are blest,
For the season of plenty and well-deserv ed rest,
For our countr y extend ing from sea unto sea;
The land that is knownas the "Land of the Free" --
Thanks givin g! Thanks givin g!
honeyc omb n.蜂窝
cunnin g n.灵巧
Read the follow ing quotat ions. Learnthem by heartif you can. You mightneed to look up new wordsin a dictio nary.
Life is a festiv al only to the wise.
--RalphWaldoEmerso n
To give thanks in solitu de is enough. Thanks givin g has wingsand goes whereit must go.
--Victor Hugo
Your friend is your fieldwhichyou sow with love and reap with thanks givin g.
--Kahlil Gibran
I like to compar e the holida y season with the way a childlisten s to a favori te story. The pleasu re is in the famili ar way the storybegins, the antici patio n of famili ar turnsit takes, the famili ar moment s of suspen se, and the famili ar climax and ending.
--Fred Rogers
Read the follow ing humoro us storyfor fun. You mightneed to look up new wordsin a dictio nary.
It was the firsttime the blonde was eating Thanks givin g dinner withou t her family. Trying to re-enactthe tradit ion, she prepar ed a dinner for hersel f alone.The next day, her mother called to see how everyt hing。