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Medical Terminology
a-; an 缺乏;不足 atrophy n./v. 萎缩
ab- 偏离;脱离 abduction n.诱导
abdomen- 肚子;腹部 abdominalgia 腹痛
acou-; acu- 听;听觉 acoustic n.原声乐器 adj.音响的
acr-; acro- 最高;开头 acromegaly n.肢端肥大症
actin- 放线 actiniform adj.放射型的
ad- 向…… adrenal n.肾上腺 adj.肾上腺的
aden- 腺 adenitis n.腺炎
-agogue 鼓动着;引导者 cholagogue n.利胆剂 adj.利胆的alge-; algo- 痛 algetic adj.疼痛的
-algia 疼痛 myalgia n.肌痛
amb- 两面的;双面的 ambidexterity n. 两面派手法ambly 微暗 amblyopia n. 弱视
ant; anti- 反对抵抗 antibiotic n.抗生素 adj.抗生的ante- 在…之前 antenatal adj.出生前的
antero- 位于前部的 anterolateral adj.前外侧的
arthr- 关节 arthral adj.关节的
audio- 听 audiogenic adj.音源性的
aut-; auto- 自动自我 autistic n/adj 孤僻的
bi- 有二的;双边的 bisexual adj.双性恋
bio- 生命;生物 biopsy n.活组织检查
blast- 芽 blastula n. 胚泡
blenn- 粘液 blennogenic 粘液的
blephar- 眼睑 blepharitis n. 眼睑炎
brachi- 手臂 brachial adj.臂状的
brachy 短 brachydactylia n.短指
brady- 迟钝 bradycardia n.心动过缓
bronch 支气管 bronchoscope n.气管镜
bucc- 口;颊 buccal adj.口腔的
carcin- 肝癌细胞 carcinoma n.肿瘤
cardi- cardiac adj.心脏的 n.强心剂
-cele 腔肿 cystocele n.膀胱突出
centi- 百分之一 centimeter n.厘米
cephal- 头 cephalalgia n.头痛
cheil- 唇;边缘 cheilitis n.唇炎
cheir- 手 chiropractic n.脊椎按摩疗法
chol- 胆汁 cholochrome 胆色素
chondr- 软骨 chondrocyte n.软骨细胞
chrono- 时间 chronology n.年表
-cid 降落 suicide n/adj 自杀的
circum- 在…周围 circumrenal 肾脏周围的
colp- 阴道 colposcope n.阴道镜
contra- 反对;相反 contraindication n.禁忌症
costa-; costo 肋骨;叶脉 intercostal n/adj肋间的部分
counter- 相反; countertraction 对抗牵引
crani- 颅 craniotomy n.穿颅术
cry- 叫喊;哭 cryogenic adj.冷冻的
crypt 地下室隐窝 cryptic adj.神秘的
cut- 切割;伤口 subcutaneous adj.皮下的
cysti- 囊 cystitis n.膀胱炎
cyt-; cyto-; cyte- 细胞 cytemia n.异细胞血症dacry- 泪泪器 dacryocyst n.泪囊
dactyl- 手指 dactylitis n.指炎
derm- 皮肤 dermatitis n.皮肤炎
di-; diplo- 复;双 diglossia n.双舌
dia- 通过 ;横穿 diaphragm n.隔膜
dis- 分离;相反 disarticulation n.关节脱落dolicho- 长 dolichocephalic n/adj 长头的
dorsi- 背 dorsiflexion n背屈
-dynia 疼痛 myodynia n.肌痛
dys- 不良 dysentery n. 痢疾
-ectasis 扩张;膨胀 angiectasis 血管扩张
ecto- 外部;外面 ectoderm n.外胚层
-ectomize 切除 thyroidectomize 给…切除甲状腺-emia glycemia n.血糖过多
encephal- 脑的 encephalitis n. 脑炎
end- 内 endarterial adj.脑脉内的
enter- 肠 enterocolitis n.小肠结肠炎
epi- 在…上面 epicardium n.心外膜
eryth- 红斑 erythema n.红斑
-esthesia 感觉 anesthesia n.麻痹
eu- 真正良好 euphoria n.欣快症
ex-; exo- 外;超过 excretion n.排泄extra- 在…之外 extrasystole n.期外收缩-ferent afferent adj.传入的
fibr- 纤维 fibrillation n.纤维性颤动galact- 乳 galactemia 血乳
gastr- 腹侧 gastritis n.胃炎
-gen 产生 allergen n.过敏原
-genic 产生的 endogenic adj.内生的genito- 生殖 genitoplasty n.生殖器成形术geno- 种 genotype n.基因型
geny- 颌 genyantrum 上颌窦
-geny 起源;产生 progeny n.子孙
glio-; -glio 胶质 glioma n.胶质瘤
gloss- 光泽 glossitis n.舌炎
gly- 甘氨酸 glycemia n血糖过多
gon- 生养 gonad n. 性腺
-gram 图画 electrocardiogram n.心电图
-graph 书写器 electrocardiograph n.心电图仪
gyn-; gyne- 雌 gynatresia 阴道闭锁
hem-; hema- 血 hematoma n.血肿
hemi- 半 heminephrectomy 半肾切除术
hepat- 肝 hepatitis n. 肝炎
heter-; hetero- 其他的 heterocrine adj.多种分泌的hist-; histio- 组织 histology n.组织学
homeo- 相同 homosexual n/adj 同性恋的
hydr-; hydro- 水 hydrocele n.积水
hyper- 高于 hyperesthesia n.感觉过敏
hypo- 在…下 hypodermic n/adj皮下注射器
hyster- 子宫 hysterectomy n.子宫切除
-iatrics;-trics 分科 pediatrics n.小儿科
idio- 个人的 idiopathic adj先天的
ilio- 髂 iliotibial 髂胫的
im-;in- 在内 infiltration n.渗透
inter- 在…之间 intercostal n/adj 肋间的
-itis 发炎 keratitis n. 角膜炎
kerat-;kerato- 角膜 keratoplasty n.角膜移植术
lact-;lacto- 乳 lactation n. 哺乳
leck-;leuko- 无色的 leukoplakia n.黏膜白斑病
lith-;litho- 石 lithopedion 胎儿石化
-logy;-ology …学 graphology n.图表法
lyso-;-lysis 分解 hemolysis n.血细胞溶解
macro- 大的 macroblast 巨成红细胞
mal- 坏 malocclusion n. 咬合不正
malac-;malaco-;-malacia 软 malacosarcosis 肌肉松软mast-;masto- 乳房;乳腺 mastocarcinoma n.乳癌
meg-;mega-;megal-;megalo- 巨 megalencephalon 巨脑men-;meno- 月经 menorrhagia n.月经过多
mening-;meningo- 脑膜 meningitis n. 脑膜炎
ment-;mento- 下巴 mentum n. 下巴
mes-;mesa-;meso- 中央 mesaortitis 中央
meta- 在…后 metacarpus n. 掌
micro- 微;小 microcyte 小红细胞
my-;myo- 肌肉 myometrium n.子宫肌层
myc-;mycet-;myco- 真菌 mycete …菌类
myel-;myelo- 骨髓 osteomyelitis n.骨髓炎
necr-;necro- 死死尸 necropsy n.验尸
neo- 新的 neopathy 新病
neph-;nephro- 肾 nephron n. 肾元
neur-;neuro- 神经 neuralgia n. 神经痛
noct-;nocti- 夜 noctiphobia n. 黑夜恐怖症
nos-;noso- 疾病 noctambulation 梦游
ocul-;oculo- 眼 oculomotor adj. 动眼神经的
odont-;odonto- 牙 odontology n. 牙科
-oid 像…的 lymphoid adj.淋巴的
olig-;oligo- 低 oligospermia n. 精子减少
-oma 瘤 hematoma n.血肿
onych-;onycho- 指甲 paronychia n.甲沟炎
oo-;ovi-;ovo- 卵 oviduct n.输卵管
oophor-;oophoro- 卵巢 oophorocystectomy 卵巢囊肿切除术ophthalm-;ophthalmo- 眼 ophthalmoscope n.眼底镜
orth-;ortho- 直的 orthodontist n.正牙医生
oss-;osseo-;ossi-;oste-;osteo- 骨 osteitis n.骨炎
-ostomy 造口术 colostomy n.结肠造口术
ot-;oto- 耳 otomycosis 耳霉病菌
-otomy 切开术 phlebotomy n.放血
ovar-;ovario- 卵巢 ovariectomy n.卵巢切除术
para- 并行;超越 paramedical adj.辅助医务的
path-;patho-;-pathy 疗法 endocrinopathy n.内分泌病
ped-;pedia- 儿童 pediatrician n.儿童医师
-penia 缺乏… thrombocytopenia n.血小板减少
per- 通;总 peracidity n.过酸性
peri- 周围;邻近 pericardium n.心包
-pexy 固定 nephropexy 肾固定术
phag-; phago- 吞噬 phagocyte n.吞噬细胞
-phagia; -phagy 食 dysphagia n.咽下困难
-phasia 某种语言的变态 dysphasia n.语言障碍症
-phil;-philic 喜…的 eosinophilia n.嗜伊红血球过多
phleb-;phlebo- 静脉 phlebotomy n.放血
phob-;-phobia 恐惧 acrophobia n.恐高症
pile-;pili-;pilo- 堆;累积 pilonidal adj藏毛的
-plasty 形成 kineplasty n. 运动成形切断术
pleur-;pleuro- 在旁 pleurisy n.胸膜炎
-pnea 呼吸 dyspnea n.呼吸困难
pneum-;pneuma-;pneumo-;pneumon-;pneumato- 肺pneumonia n.肺炎
pod-;podo- 足 podiatry n.足部医疗
-poiesis 形成 hematopoiesis n.造血作用
polio- 小儿麻痹 poliomyelitis n.小儿麻痹症
poly- 表示多的;多个的 polyarthritis n.多发性关节炎
post- 在…后 postocular 眼后的
pre- 在…前 precancerous adj癌症前期的
presby- 老 presbyophrenia n. 年老精神病态
pro- 赞成;领先 prodromal adj前驱的
proct-;procto- 直肠 proctologist n.直肠病学家
pseud-;pseudo- 假;伪 pseudoarthrosis 假关节
psych-;psycho- 精神 psychotherapy n.心理疗法
-ptosis 下垂 enteroptosis n.肠下垂
pulmo-;pulmono- 肺 pulmonic adj肺的
py-;pyo- 与脓有关的 pyogenic adj;化脓的
pyel-;pyelo- 肾盂 pyelonephrosis 肾盂肾病
rachi-;rachio- 脊柱 rachiocentesis 椎管穿刺
ren- 肾 renal adj.肾脏的
retro- 向后;追溯 retroperitoneal adj.腹膜后的
rheo- 流 rheology n.流变学
rhin-;rhino- 鼻 rhinitis n.鼻炎
-rrhage;-rrhagia 过量出血 menorrhagia n.月经过多-rrhaphy 缝合 enterorrhaphy 肠缝合术
-rrhea 分泌 gonorrhea n.淋病
salping-;salpingo- 输卵管 salpingitis n.输卵管炎scler-;sclero- 硬化 scleroderma n.硬皮病
scolio- 弯曲 scoliosis n.脊柱侧凸
-scope 范围;眼界 bronchoscope n.气管镜
semi- 半 semicanalis 半管
sep-;septic 腐烂物 sepsis n.败血症
-sis 过程 dermatosis n.皮肤病
somat-;somato- 躯体 somatalgia 躯体痛
splanchn-;splanchno- 内脏 splanchnoptosis n.内脏下垂
sta- 静止 static n/adj 静电
sten-;steno-;-sthenia;-sthenic 强壮 sthenophotic 强光的视力sub- 在…下方 subcutaneous adj皮下的
super- 在…之上 supernatant n/adj 上层的
supra- 在上 suprarenal n/adj 肾上腺
sym-;syn- 类似 synapse n.突触
syring-;syringo- 管 syringomyelia n.脊髓空洞症
tacho-;tachy- 加速 tachycardia n.心动过速
tars-;tarso- 跗骨 tarsoptosis 扁平足
-taxia;-taxis 排列 thermotaxis n. 向热性
tens- 拿住 extension n. 延长
therm-;thermo-;-thermy 热 thermocautery n.热烙术
tox-;toxic-;toxico- 毒 toxicosis 中毒
trache- 气管 tracheitis n.气管炎
trans- 横过;贯穿 transpiration n.蒸发
tri- 三 triad n. 三和音
trich-;tricho- 毛 trichocardia n.绒毛心
-trophic;-trophy 营养 hypertrophy n.肥大
-tropic 旋转 adrenotropic adj.促肾上腺的
uni- 一; 单 unilateral adj.单边的
-uria 尿 hematuria n. 血尿
vas-;vaso- 管 vasodilation n. 血管舒张
viscer-;viscero- 内脏 visceroptosis n.内脏下垂xero- 干燥 xeroderma n.皮肤干燥病
a- not; without; less
ab- from; away from; off
abs- from; away from; off
ad- increase; adherence; motion toward; very
-ad toward; in the direction of; -ward
alge- pain
algesi- pain
algio- pain
algo- pain
ambi- around; on both sides; on all sides; both amyl- starch; polysaccharide nature or origin amylo- starch; polysaccharide nature or origin an- not; without; -less
ana- up; toward; apart
ante- before
anti- against; opposing; curative; an antibody apo- separated from; derived from
arteri- artery
arterio- artery
arthr- a joint; an articulation
arthro- a joint; an articulation
-ase an enzyme
-ate a salt or ester of an “ic” acid
aut- self; same
auto- self; same
bacteri- bacteria
bacterio- bacteria
bi- twice; double
bio- life
blasto- budding by cells or tissue
bronch- bronchus
bronchi- bronchus
broncho- bronchus
carcin- cancer
carcino- cancer
cardi- the heart; esophageal opening of stomach cardio- the heart; esophageal opening of stomach cata- down
cephal- the head
cephalo- the head
chem- chemistry
chemo- chemistry
chlor- green; chlorine
chloro- green; chlorine
chol- bile
chondrio- cartilage; granular; gritty
chrom- color
chromat- color
chromo- color
-cidal killing; destroying
-cide killing; destroying
cis- on this side; on the near side
co- with; together; in association; very; complete col- with; together; in association; very; complete com- with; together; in association; very; complete con- with; together; in association; very; complete cor- with; together; in association; very; complete carni- cranium
cranio- cranium
cry- cold
cryo- cold
cycl- a circle; a cycle; the ciliary body
cyst- the bladder; the cystic duct; a cyst cysti- the bladder; the cystic duct; a cyst cysto- the bladder; the cystic duct; a cyst cyt- cell
-cyte cell
cyto- cell
dactyl- the fingers; the toes
dactylo- the fingers; the toes
de- away from; cessation
derm- skin
derma- skin
dermat- skin
dermato- skin
dermo- skin
dextr- right; toward or on the right side dextro- right; toward or on the right side
di- separation; taking apart; reversal; not; un-dif- separation; taking apart; reversal; not; un-dir- separation; taking apart; reversal; not; un-dis- separation; taking apart; reversal; not; un-duodeno- the duodenum
-dynia pain
dynamo- force; energy
dys- bad; difficult
ect- outer; on the outside
ecto- outer; on the outside
encephal- the brain
encephalo- the brain
end- within; inner
endo- within; inner
enter- the intestines
entero- the intestines
epi- upon; following; subsequent to
ergo- work
erythr- red; redness
erythro- red; redness
esthesio- sensation; perception
eu- good; well
ex- out of; from; away from
exo- exterior; external; outward
extra- without; outside of
ferri- the presence in a compound of a ferric ion ferro- metallic iron; the divalent ion Fe 2+
fibr- fiber
fibro- fiber
-form in the form or shape of
galact- milk
galacto- milk
-gen producing; coming to be; precursor of gloss- the tongue
glosso- the tongue
gluco- glucose
glyco- sugars
gnath- the jaw
gnatho- the jaw
-gram a recording
granul- granular; granule
granulo- granular; granule
-graph a recording instrument
gyn- woman
gyne- woman
gyneco- woman
gyno- woman
hem- blood
hema- blood
hemat- blood
hemato- blood
hemi- one-half
hemo- blood
hepat- the liver
hepatico- the liver
hepato- the liver
hidr- sweat
hidro- sweat
hist- tissue
histio- tissue
histo- tissue
hydr- water; hydrogen
hydro- water; hydrogen
hyper- excessive; above normal
hypo- beneath; diminution; deficiency; the lowest hyster- uterus; hysteria; ;late; following
-ia a condition
-iasis a condition; a state
-ic pertaining to
-ics organized knowledge; practice; treatment
ileo- the ileum 回肠
infra- below
inter- between; among
intra- within
irid- the iris
irido- the iris
ischi- the ischium 坐骨
ischio- the ischium
-ism condition; disease; a practice; doctrine
-ismus spasm; contraction
iso- equal; like; “isomer of”; sameness -ite the nature of; resembling
-ites -y; -like
-itides plural of –itis
-itis inflammation 炎症
karyo- nucleus
kerat- the comea 角膜
kerato- the comea
kin- movement
kine- movement
kinesi- motion
kinesio- motion
kineso- motion
kino- movement
lact- milk
lacti- mile
lacto- milk
laryng- the larynx 喉
laryngo- the larynx
latero- lateral; to one side; a side
-lepsis a seizure
-lepsy seizure
lepto- light 轻; slender 细; thin 薄; frail 弱leuk- white
leuko- white
linguo- tongue
lip- fat; lipid
lipo- fat; lipid
lith- a stone; calculus; calcification
litho- a stone; calculus; calcification
-log speech; words
log- speech; words
-login study of; collecting
logo- speech; words
-logy study of; collecting
lymph- lymph
lympho- lymph
lys- lysis; dissolution
lyso- lysis; dissolution
macr- large; long
macro- large; long
mast- breast
masto- breast
meg- large; oversize; one million mega- large; oversize; one million megal- large
megalo- large
-megaly large
melan- black
melano- black
mening- meninges 脑脊膜
meningo- meninges
mes- middle; mean; intermediacy; mesentery 肠系膜meso- middle; mean; intermediacy; mesentery
meta- after; behind; joint action; sharing
micr- smallness; one-millionth; microscopic
micro- smallness; one-millionth; microscopic
mon- single
mono- single
morph- form; shape; structure
morpho- form; shape; structure
myx- mucus 粘液
myxo- mucus
necr- death; necrosis
necro- death; necrosis
nephr- the kidney
nephro- the kidney
neur- a nerve; the nervous system neuri- a nerve; the nervous system neuro- a nerve; the nervous system oculo- eye; ocular
odont- tooth
odonto- tooth
odyn- pain
odyno- pain
-oid resemblance to
olig- few; little
oligo- few; little
-oma tumor; neoplasm
-omata plural of –oma
onco- tumor; bulk; volume
-one a ketone -CO- 酮 group
onych- fingernail 指甲; toenail 趾甲onycho- fingernail; toenail
oo- egg; ovary 卵巢
oophor- ovary
oophoro- ovary
ophthalm- the eye
ophthalmo- the eye
orchi- testis 睾丸
orchido- testis
orchio- testis
-oses plural of –osis
-osis process; condition; state
ossi- bone
ost- bone
oste- bone
osteo- bone
ovari- ovary
ovario- ovary
ovi- egg
ovo- egg
oxa- the presence or addition of oxygen atoms oxo- addition of oxygen
oxy- sharp; acid; acute; shrill; quick; oxygen pachy- thick
pan- all; entire
pant- all; entire
panto- all; entire
para- abnormal; involvement of two like parts
path- disease
patho- disease
-pathy disease
ped- child; foot
pedi- child; foot
pedo- child; foot
-penia deficiency
per- through; thoroughly; intensely
peri- around; about
-pexy fixation; usually surgical
phaco- lens-shaped; relation to a lens 晶状体;透镜-phage eating; devouring
-phagia eating; devouring
phago- eating; devouring
-phagy eating; devouring
pharmaco- drugs; medicine
pharyng- the pharynx 咽
pharyngo- the pharynx
phleb- vein
phlebo- vein
phon- sound; speech
phono- sound; speech
phor- carrying; bearing; a carrier; a bearer; phoria 隐phoro- carrying; bearing; a carrier; a bearer; phoria phos- light 光
phot- light
photo- light
phren- diaphragm 横膈膜; the mind; phrenic 膈膜的;精神的phreni- diaphragm; the mind; phrenic
-phrenia of mind
phrenico- diaphragm; the mind; phrenic
phreno- diaphragm; the mind; phrenic
physi- physical; natural; the science of physics physio- physical; natural; the science of physics physo- tendency to swell or inflate; air; gas phyt- plants
phyto- plants
-plasia formation
plasma- plasma 血浆
plasmat- plasma
plasmato- plasma
plasmo- plasma
-plegia paralysis 麻痹;
pleur- rib 肋骨; side; pleura 胸膜;肋膜
pleura- rib; side; pleura
pleuro- rib; side; pleura
pluri- several; more
-pnea breath; respiration
pneo- breath; respiration
pneum- air; gas; the lungs; breathing pneuma- air; gas; the lungs; breathing pneumat- air; gas; the lungs; breathing pneumato- air; gas; the lungs; breathing pod- foot; foot-shaped
-pod foot; foot-shaped
podo- foot; foot-shaped
-poiesis production
post- after; behind; posterior
pre- anterior; before
pro- before; forward; precursor of
proct- the anus 肛门; the rectum 直肠procto- the anus; the rectum
psych- the mind
psyche- the mind
psycho- the mind
pyel- renal pelvis 骨盆:肾盂
pyelo- renal pelvis
pyo- suppuration 化脓; an accumulation of pus; pus 脓pyreto- fever
pyro- fire; heat; fever
rachi- the spine
rachio- the spine
radio- radiation 辐射; chiefly x-ray; radius 桡骨
re- again; backward
rect- the rectum
recto- the rectum
retro- backward; behind
rhin- the nose
rhino- the nose
-rrhagia discharge
-rrhaphy surgical suturing 缝合
-rrhea a flowing; a flux
salping- a tube:输卵管;咽鼓管
salpingo- a tube
sarco- muscular substance; flesh-like
schisto- split; cleft
schiz- split; cleft; division
schizo- split; cleft; division
scler- hardness induration 硬化;sclerosis; the sclera 巩膜sclero- hardness induration; sclerosis; the sclera
-scope an instrument for viewing
-scopy the use of an instrument for viewing
semi- one-half; partly
sial- saliva 涎; the salivary glands 唾液腺;涎腺
sialo- saliva; the salivary glands
sigmoid- sigmoid; the sigmoid colon
sigmoido- sigmoid; the sigmoid colon
sito- food; grain
somat- the body; bodily
somatico- the body; bodily
somato- the body; bodily
spasmo- spasm
sperma- semen 精液; spermatozoa 精子
spermato- semen; spermatozoa
spermo- semen; spermatozoa
splanchn- the viscera 内脏
splanchni- the viscera
splanchno- the viscera
splen- the spleen
spleno- the spleen
staphyl- a grape; a bunch of grapes; staphylococci 葡萄球菌staphylo- a grape; a bunch of grapes; staphylococci
-stat an agent to prevent changing or moving
steno- narrowness; constriction
stheno- strength; force; power
stom- mouth
stoma- mouth
stomat- mouth
stomato- mouth
sub- beneath; less than normal; inferior
super- in excess; above; superior; in the upper part sy- together
syl- together
sym- together
syn- together
sys- together
thel- the nipples 乳头
thelo- the nipples
therm- heat
thermo- heat
thorac- the chest; the thorax
thoracico- the chest; the thorax
thoraco- the chest; the thorax
thromb- blood clot
thrombo- blood clot
thyr- the thyroid gland
toco- childbirth
-tome a cutting instrument; a segment; section -tomy a cutting operation
tono- tone; tension; pressure
top- place; topical
topo- place; topical
tox- a toxin; a poison
toxi- a toxin; a poison
toxico- a toxin; a poison
toxo- a toxin; a poison
trache- the trachea 气管
tracheo- the trachea
trans- across; through; beyond
trich- the hair; a hairlike structure trichi- the hair; a hairlike structure -trichia the hair; a hairlike structure tricho- the hair; a hairlike structure -trophic food; nutrition
tropho- food; nutrition
-trophy food; nutrition
-tropic turning toward; affinity
uri- uric acid
uric- uric acid
urico- uric acid
vas- a duct; a blood vessel vasculo- a blood vessel
vaso- a duct; a blood vessel
vesic- a vesica 膀胱; a vesicle vesico- a vesica; a vesicle
xanth- yellow; yellowish
xantho- yellow; yellowish
zo- an animal; animal life
zoo- an animal; animal life
zym- fermentation 发酵; enzymes 酶zymo- fermentation; enzyme。