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follows. The energy utilization efficiency of the ship's refrigeration and air-conditioning system can be improved
through system improvement and component performance improvement. Solar adsorption refrigeration systems
1 船舶环控系统特性
1.1 船舶航行环境特点 船舶航行环境复杂多变,其包含地理环境、
气象环境、水文环境与通航环境等,并随航行过 程演变,具有多维性[6]。尤其对于远洋舰船,其在 航程过程中,并非航行在某一固定海域。不同季 节和不同海域外界气候温度为−50~40 ℃,舷外水 温在−2~35 ℃范围变化,且在不同纬度的海域,太 阳平均辐射强度波动较大[7],因此,船舶空气调节 系统的设计需兼顾船舶航行的不同环境,确保在 任何环境下,维持船上人员和设备等处于适宜的 温度和湿度。 1.2 船舶空调负荷特点
existing marine refrigeration and air conditioning equipment were combed, and their respective characteristics
were analyzed. The application and development status of dehumidification technology, heat pump technology,
根据目前船舶空调设计,并参照文献[10],舱 内外空气设计条件可根据航区进行分类,如表 1
第 52 卷
1.2.5 洁净度特性
表 1 船舶空调设计温度和湿度条件 Table 1 Temperature and humidity conditions for ship
marine refrigerants and marine refrigerant recycling devices should be developed.
Key words: environment control system; refrigeration and air conditioning technology; marine application
(Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200011, China)
Abstract: The ship cabin environment control system provided proper environment for safety of the personnel and stable operation of the equipment on board. Refrigeration and air-conditioning system played an important role in improving cabin atmospheric environment quality and the refrigeration and freshness preservation of food on board. At present, the development of refrigeration and air conditioning technology in ship cabin environmental control system shows a diversified and complicated trend. The purpose of the paper was to study the current situation of refrigeration and air conditioning technology of ship cabin environmental control system and explore its future development direction. Firstly, environmental characteristics, heat and humidity load characteristics and
Application status of refrigeration and air-conditioning technology in marine cabin environment control system
CHANG Xuanyu, WEI Xiaodong
compared. Based on the ship characteristics, the restrictive factors for the application of multiple technologies on
ships were analyzed. Finally, considering characteristics of ship navigation operation and maintenance, the
文献标志码:A 开放科学(资源服务)标识码(OSID)
船舶环境控制系统用于调节或控制船舶上的 人员居住、活动区域,设备舱室以及货物储藏舱 室的空气温度、湿度、速度、洁净度和气压等, 同时兼顾振动噪声指标。船舶环境控制系统是军 用舰艇和民用船舶的关键技术之一,而制冷空调 技术是船舶环境控制技术的关键。
近年来,随着海洋技术的发展,人类进行深 远海领域的探索更加深入。同时,随着我国海军 装备的发展以及海军执行多样化任务的需要,对 舰船空调系统设计提出了新要求。一方面,在船 舶设计中贯彻“以人为本”的理念[1],空调通风系 统的设计标准不断提高,改进船舶空调系统的舒 适性迫在眉睫;另一方面,环境条件对船舶设备 的影响极大,据统计,在设备现场故障中,有 52% 是环境因素引起的(如温度和湿度)[2]。制冷空 调技术在陆上的发展和研究日臻成熟[3],在船舶上 的应用还处于不断摸索和创新阶段,陈文战[4]分析 了我国舰船环境研究的不足,提出了现代化的舰 船应该采用高效节能的智能化设备;李冬冬等[5]提 出将大温差送风技术、变风量送风技术和温湿度 独立控制技术 3 项技术整合应用于舰船舱室空调系 统。前人没有全面分析各空调制冷技术船用化可 行性和前景,为此,本文梳理了船舶环控特性及 需求,并结合其特性与需求列举分析了几种制冷 空调技术的特点和船舶应用情况及发展方向。
can be used on oil tankers. Energy recovery devices such as heat pipes and temperature and humidity independent
control methods can be used to improve the comfort of the ship cabin environment. Alternatives to traditional
environment control system[J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2021, 52(6): 1924−1933.
常烜宇,魏小栋 (中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院,上海,200011)
development prospect of ship refrigeration and air conditioning technology in the future was forecasted from the
perspectives of energy saving, environmental protection and humanization. In general, it can be summarized as
air conditioning design
收稿日期:2021−01−15;修回日期:2021−03−15 通信作者:常烜宇,工程师,从事船舶空调通风冷藏研究;E-mail:changxuanyu@
functional requirements of ship navigation were summarized. Secondly, the thermodynamic principles of the
船舶空调负荷随航区、航行时刻发生变化。 通风负荷占总负荷的 51.92%,而舱壁导热和辐射 负荷仅分别占总负荷的 7.47% 和 6.68%,在同一航 区同一时刻,功能舱室最大负荷为最小负荷的 2.684 倍 。 由 回 归 分 析 可 知 , 可 变 舱 室 负 荷 的 91.72% 受室外温度变化的影响[8]。对于定航线船舶 空调设计,应考虑航行途中航向角变化导致的负 荷波动[9]。 1.2.1 船舶参数指标
cold storage technology, control technology, comfortable air supply technology and other refrigeration and air
conditioning technology in ships were expounded, and advantages and disadvantages of each technology were
引用格式:常烜宇, 魏小栋 . 船舶舱室环境控制系统制冷空调技术应用现状[J]. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 52(6): 1924−1933. Citation: CHANG Xuanyu, WEI Xiaodong. Application status of refrigeration and air-conditioning technology in marine cabin
第 52 卷第 6 期 2021 年 6 月
中南大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)
DOI: 10.11817/j.issn.1672-7207.2021.06.022
Vol.52 No.6 Jun. 2021