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第一节True/False/Not Given(正误及无关判断题型)
原文:Hurricanes have winds of at least 74 miles per hour.
题目:Hurricanes are winds with the speed of up to 74 miles per hour.
原文:The Mayans also showed their respect for hurricanes by building their major settlements away from the hurricane-prone coast-line.
题目:The Mayans lost many of their major settlements because of hurricanes.
原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise.
题目:Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying.
原文:Booking in advance is strongly recommended as all Daybreak tours are subject to demand. Subject to availability, stand by tickets can be purchased from the driver.
题目:Tickets must be bought in advance from an authorized Daybreak agent.
原文:Frogs are sometimes poisonous.
题目:Frogs are usually poisonous.
原文:But generally winter sports were felt to be too specialized.
题目:The Antwerp Games proved that winter sports were too specialized.
原文:The Internet has often been criticized by the media as a hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users.
题目:The media has often criticized the Internet because it is dangerous.
原文:Our computer club provides printer.
题目:Our computer club provides color printer.
原文:His aim was to bring together, once every four years, athletes from all countries on the friendly fields of amateur sport.
题目:Only amateur athletes are allowed to compete in the modern Olympics.
原文:In Sydney, a vast array of ethnic and local restaurants can be found to suit all palates and pockets.
题目:There is now a greater variety of restaurants to choose from in Sydney than in the past.
题目:The parents of top athletes have often been successful athletes themselves.
文章:No one theory can explain improvements in performance, but the most important factor has been genetics. The athletes must choose his parents carefully. ……
题目:There was little improvement in athletic performance before the twentieth century.
文章:Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump and how far they are able to hurl massive objects…….
原文: And the future? It is anticipated that, in the years to come, leisure spending will account for between a third to a half of all household spending, whilst it is difficult to give exact figures, the leisure industry will certainly experience a long period of sustained growth.
题目: In future, people will pay less for the leisure facilities they use than they do today.
原文: Healthcare providers diagnose insomnia in several ways. One way is to categorize insomnia by how often it occurs. Another way is to identify the insomnia by what is causing the sleep deprivation. The two main types of insomnia have been described as Primary Insomnia and Secondary Insomnia. Primary Insomnia is a chronic condition with little apparent association with stress or a medical problem. The most common form of primary insomnia is psychophysiological insomnia. Secondary insomnia is caused by symptoms that accompany a medical condition such as anxiety, depression or pain.
题目: Secondary insomnia is far more common than Primary insomnia.
原文: Working hours are not expected to decrease, partly because the 24-hour society will need to be serviced; and secondly, because more people will be needed to keep the service/leisure industries running. In the coming decades, the pace of change will accelerate generating greater wealth at a faster rate than ever before. Surveys show that this is already happening in many parts of Europe. The south-east of England, for example, is now supposedly the richest area in the EEC. The ‘leisure pound’ is one of the driving forces behind this surge.
题目: The 24-hour society will have a negative effect on people’s attitudes to work.
原文: The future, we are told, is likely to be different. Detailed surveys of social and economic trends in the European Community show that Europe’s population is falli ng and getting older. The birth rate in the Community is now only three-quarters of the level needed to ensure replacement of the existing population. By the year 2020, it is predicted that
more than one in four Europeans will be aged 60 or more and barely one in five will be under 20. In a five-year period between 1983 and 1988 the Community’s female workforce grew by almost six million. As a result, 51% of all women aged 14 to 64 are now economically active in the labour market compared with 78% of men.
题目: The rise in the female workforce in the European Community is a positive trend.
原文: I would suggest that foxes pose a greater problem, yet there is no passionate public campaign to oust foxes, presumably because it is obvious we can never eliminate the millions of wild foxes in Australia. Yet the same common sense thinking is not applied to cats. It is thought instead that, if everyone would only spay their cats, string bells around their necks and keep them in at night, cats would no longer kill wildlife. But what of the millions of feral cats in our deserts and woodlands? They are the bigger problem, but they are no more controllable than foxes or cane toads.
题目: The author believes that all wild foxes should be killed.
原文: In the last 20 years, scientists have detected an increasing variety of toxic contaminants in the North, including pesticides from agriculture, chemicals and heavy metals from industry, and even radioactive fall-out from Chernobyl. These are substances that have invaded ecosystems virtually worldwide, but they are especially worrisome in the Arctic.
题目: Industry in the Arctic has increased over the last 20 years.
原文: Scientists have found that a smoked substance reaches the brain more quickly than one swallowed, snorted (such as cocaine powder) or even injected.
题目: Snorted substances reach the brain faster than injected substances.
原文: Nearly half the world’s population will ex perience critical water shortages by 2025, according to the United Nations (UN). Wars over access to water are a rising possibility in this century and the main conflicts in Africa during the next 25 years could be over this most precious of commodities, as countries fight for access to scarce resources.
题目: Some African countries are currently at war over water resources.
原文: Hydroelectric power is at present the earth’s chief renewable electricity source, generating 6% of global energy and about 15% of worldwide electricity. Hydroelectric power in Canada is plentiful and provides 60% of their electrical requirements. Usually regarded as an inexpensive and clean source of electricity, most big hydroelectric projects being planned today are facing a great deal of hostility from environmental groups and local people.
题目: Canada uses the most hydroelectric power in the world today.
Exercise A Questions 1——9
Do the statements below agree with the information in the sentence above them? Write
TRUE if the statement agrees with the information in the text
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information in the text
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say whether the statement agrees with or contradicts the information in the text
1.Many lecturers find their jobs very rewarding.
A Many lecturers are well paid.
B All lecturers get something positive from their work.
C The majority of lecturers get satisfaction from their work
puters are gaining in popularity,despite their cost.
A Computers are getting cheaper
B Computers are expensive
C Computers used to be more popular than they are now
3.As a result of increasing affluence,an ever larger number of families now have two cars.
A Most families nowadays have two cars
B People are getting richer。

C Cars are becoming more expensive.
cational standards in schools have,in general,been gradually improving.
A Schools have been getting better.
B The education in schools has not been improving.
C Educational standards are not as unsatisfactory as they used to be.
5.In families,the traditional roles of men and women are often reversed
if the man becomes unemployed.
A Unemployment can affect the way that families operate.
B In families where the woman has a job,men and women usually have traditional roles.
C Unemployment does not affect the role of a man in the fami1y.
6.Although the hazards of boxing have been well publicized,the government has not yet to introduce a ban on the sport.
A The government does not want to ban boxing.
B The hazards of boxing are not very well.known
C A ban on boxing has not been introduced yet.
7.There is as much money to be made from the sale of umbrellas on rainy days,as there is from cold drinks when the temperature rises.
A Cold drinks sell well when it gets warmer.
B When it rains,older people buy umbrellas
C The author is a shopkeeper.
8.While it is acknowledged for many years that an increasing number of animals are bound to become extinct,it is only recently that the problem has been addressed by politicians.
A Recently people have been writing to our politicians about animals becoming extinct.
B We have known for a long time that more species of animals will disappear.
C Politicians have been fighting animal extinction for many years.
9.Most people would be amazed if they realized how many different types of insect life exist in their very own garden.
A The majority of gardeners are not surprised at the range of insect life in their garden.
B It is impossible to count the different types of insect life in a garden.
C There are more types of insect life in the average garden than most people think
Exercise B
The term formal learning is used in this paper to refer to all learning which takes place in the classroom,irrespective of whether such learning is informed by conservative or progressive ideologies.Informal learning on the other hand is used to refer to learning which takes place outside the classroom.
These definitions provide the essential,though by no means sole,difference between the two modes of learning.Formal learning is decontextualized from daily life and,indeed,as Scribner and Cole(1 973:553)have observed,may actually promote ways of learning and thinking which often run counter to those nurtured in practical daily life.A characteristic feature of formal learning is the centrality of activities which are not closely paralleled by activities outside the classroom.The classroom can prepare for,draw on,and imitate the challenges of adult life outside the classroom,but it cannot,by its nature,consist of these challenges.
In doing this,language plays a critical role as the major channel for information exchange.”Success“in the classroom requires a student to master this abstract code.As Bernstein(1 969:1 52)noted,the language of the classroom is more similar to the language used by middle—class families than that used by working—class families.Middle—class children thus find it easier to acquire the language of the classroom than their working—class peers.
Informal learning,in contrast,Occurs in the setting to which it relates,making learning immediately relevant.In this context.1anguage does not occupy such an important role:the child’s experience of learning is more holistic,involving sight,touch,taste,and smell-senses that are under-utilised in the classroom.
Whereas formal learning is transmitted by teachers selected to perform this role informal learning is acquired as a natural part of a child’s socialization. Adults or older children who are proficient in the skill or activity provide——sometimes unintentionally——target models of behaviour in the course of everyday activity.Informal learning,therefore,can take place at any time and is not subject to the limitations imposed by institutional timetabling.
The motivation of the learner provides another critical difference between the two modes of learning.The formal learner is generally motivated by some kind of external goal such as parental approval,social status,and potential financial reward.The informal learner,however,tends to be motivated by successful completion of the task itself and the partial acquisition of adult status.
Given that learning systems develop as a response to the social and economic contexts in which they are embedded.it is understandable that modern,highly urbanised societies have concentrated almost exclusively on the establishment of formal education systems.What these societies have failed to recognize are the ways in which formal learning inhibits the child‘S multi—sensory acquisition of practical skills.Wolthorpe(1 973:23)speculates that the failure to provide a child with a holistic education may in part account for many of the social problems which plague our societies.Questions 1——8
Do the following statements agree with the information in the Reading Passage? Write:
TRUE if the statement is true according to the passage
FALSE if the statement is false according to the passage
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
1.Scribner and Cole regard classroom learning as parallel to learning in daily life.
nguage does not occupy as important a role in informal learning as it does in formal learning.
3.In quoting Bernstein,the author implies that working—class children are disadvantaged by the language used in the classroom.
4.FormaI learning excludes the use of sight,touch,taste and smell.
5.Classroom teachers do not provide models of adult behaviour
6.Adults and older children always seek to provide target models of behaviour for younger children.
7.The informal learner is generally more highly motivated than the formal learner.
8.There may be a link between the absence of holistic education in modern urbanized societies and the incidence of social problems in these societies
Exercise C
When was the last time you saw a frog? Chances are, if you live in a city, you have not seen one for some time. Even in wet areas once teeming with frogs and toads, it is becoming less and less easy to find those slimy, hopping and sometimes poisonous members of the animal kingdom. All over the world, and even in remote parts of Australia, frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise. Are amphibians simply oversensitive to changes in the ecosystem? Could it be that their rapid decline in numbers is signaling some coming environmental disaster for us all?This frightening scenario is in part the consequence of a dramatic increase over the last quarter century in the development of once natural areas of wet marshland; home not only to frogs but to all manner of wildlife. However, as yet, there are no obvious reasons why certain frog species are disappearing from rainforests in Australia that have barely been touched by human hand. The mystery is unsettling to say the least, for it is known that amphibian species are extremely sensitive to environmental variations in temperature and moisture levels. The danger is that planet Earth might not only lose a vital link in the ecological food chain (frogs keep populations of otherwise pestilent insects at manageable levels), but we might be increasing our output of air pollutants to levels that may have already become irreversible. Frogs could be inadvertently warning us of a catastrophe.
An example of a species of frog that, at far as is known, has become extinct, is the platypus frog. Like the well-known Australian mammal it was named after, it exhibited some very strange behaviour; instead of giving birth to tadpoles in the water, it raised its young within its stomach. The baby frogs were actually born from out of their mother's mouth. Discovered in 1981, less than ten years later the frog had completely vanished from the crystal clear waters of Booloumba Creek near Queensland's Sunshine Coast. Unfortunately, this freak of nature is not the only frog species to have been lost in Australia. Since
One theory that seems to fit the facts concerns the depletion of the ozone layer, a well documented phenomenon which has led to a sharp increase in ultraviolet radiation levels.The ozone layer is meant to shield the Earth from UV rays, but increased radiation may be having a greater effect upon frog populations than previously believed. Another theory is that worldwide temperature increases are upsetting the breeding cycles of frogs.
Questions 1——5
Do the following statements agree with the information in the Reading Passage? Write:
TRUE if the statement is true according to the passage
FALSE if the statement is false according to the passage
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
1.Frogs are disappearing only from city areas.
2.Frogs and toads are usually poisonous.
3.Biologists are unable to explain why frogs are dying.
4.The frogs' natural habitat is becoming more and more developed.
5.Attempts are being made to halt the development of wet marshland.。
