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摘要:针对传统叶片数字检测方法中存在的分区不合理、检测效率低、容易漏检等问题,提出了 一 种新的叶片数字射线检测分区及透照参数确定方法。在叶片设计模型未知的情况下,采用近似算 法获得叶片在平板探测器上的投影面积与转台转动角度的变化关系,以叶片投影面积最大时的方 向作为透照方向,结合检测设备的几何参数以及焦距对透照图像质量的影响,确定了焦距。通过分 析不同曝光量下平板探测器的响应情况,获取了平板探测器的线性响应灰度区间。以控制各分区 透照图像的灰度值在平板探测器的线性响应灰度区间内为原则,实现了叶片的分区。所提方法可 有效避免传统方法中存在的分区不合理、检测效率低、容易漏检等问题%通过实验对传统方法和所 提方法进行了比较,结果表明:传统方法中分区1和分区4的部分区域灰度值过高,分区4和分区 5的部分区域灰度值过低,可能造成缺陷的漏检,而所提方法不存在此问题;所提方法获得的透照 图像中除分区4外,其他各分区的检测灵敏度均高于传统方法% 关键词:透平叶片;数字射线;分区;透照参数 中图分类号:TG115. 28 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0 253-987X(2 0 19)1 00 0 310 9
第53卷第1 0期
西安交通大学Hale Waihona Puke 报2 0 19 年 1 0 月
Method for Determining Partition and Exposure Parameters of Gas Turbine Blades by Digital Radiography
LI Bing12 , LI Zhangbing12 , CHEN Lei1'2 (1. State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 71 0 0 49, China;
sure that the gray intervals of the radiographic images are in the gray scale interval of linear response & thus the inappropriate partition & low efficiency and the missed detection in the traditional method are avoided. The comparison experiments show that the gray value of partition 1 and 4 in the traditional method is too high and that of partition 4 and 5 is too low, which often leads to a missed detection, and the detection sensitivity of this method is higher than that of the traditional method except partition 4. Keywords: turbine blades; digital radiography; partition; exposure parameters
收稿日期:2019-04-18" 作者简介:李兵(1965-),男,教授,博士生导师。 基金项目:国家航空发动机及燃气轮机重大
网络出版地址:http: [/ kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/61. 1069. T. 20190706. 1116. 006. html
Vol.53 No.1 Oct.2 19
DOI: 1 0 . 7652/xjtuxb2 0 191 0 0 0 5
燃气轮机透平叶片数字射线检测分区 及透照参数确定方法
(1.西安交通大学机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室,71 00 49,西安; 2.西安交通大学微纳制造与测试技术国际合作联合实验室,71 0 049,西安)
2. International Joint Research Laboratory for Micro/Nano Manufacturing and Measurement Technologies, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China)
Abstract: The traditional digital radiography methodology of defect detection has many shortcomings, suchasinappropriatepartition,loweficiencyandmisseddetection.A methodfor determiningpartitionandexposureparametersofgasturbinebladesbasedondigitalradiography ispresented.Therelationshipbetweenprojectionareaofbladesandturntablerotationunderthe conditionthatthedesignmodelisunknownisobtainedbyanapproximationalgorithm.According totherelationship, thedirectionofiluminationforbladedetectionisdeterminedto makesure thattheprojectionareaisbiggest.Choosingthefocallength byanalyzingtheefectoffocus length on the quality of radiographic images and the geometric parameters of radiographic equipment, the gray scale interval of linear response through the analysis of the response of flat panelde;ec;orsondiferen;exposureisfoundou;forde;ermining;hepar;i;ionsofblades;omake
第53卷第1 0期
西安交通大学Hale Waihona Puke 报2 0 19 年 1 0 月
Method for Determining Partition and Exposure Parameters of Gas Turbine Blades by Digital Radiography
LI Bing12 , LI Zhangbing12 , CHEN Lei1'2 (1. State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 71 0 0 49, China;
sure that the gray intervals of the radiographic images are in the gray scale interval of linear response & thus the inappropriate partition & low efficiency and the missed detection in the traditional method are avoided. The comparison experiments show that the gray value of partition 1 and 4 in the traditional method is too high and that of partition 4 and 5 is too low, which often leads to a missed detection, and the detection sensitivity of this method is higher than that of the traditional method except partition 4. Keywords: turbine blades; digital radiography; partition; exposure parameters
收稿日期:2019-04-18" 作者简介:李兵(1965-),男,教授,博士生导师。 基金项目:国家航空发动机及燃气轮机重大
网络出版地址:http: [/ kns. cnki. net/kcms/detail/61. 1069. T. 20190706. 1116. 006. html
Vol.53 No.1 Oct.2 19
DOI: 1 0 . 7652/xjtuxb2 0 191 0 0 0 5
燃气轮机透平叶片数字射线检测分区 及透照参数确定方法
(1.西安交通大学机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室,71 00 49,西安; 2.西安交通大学微纳制造与测试技术国际合作联合实验室,71 0 049,西安)
2. International Joint Research Laboratory for Micro/Nano Manufacturing and Measurement Technologies, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049, China)
Abstract: The traditional digital radiography methodology of defect detection has many shortcomings, suchasinappropriatepartition,loweficiencyandmisseddetection.A methodfor determiningpartitionandexposureparametersofgasturbinebladesbasedondigitalradiography ispresented.Therelationshipbetweenprojectionareaofbladesandturntablerotationunderthe conditionthatthedesignmodelisunknownisobtainedbyanapproximationalgorithm.According totherelationship, thedirectionofiluminationforbladedetectionisdeterminedto makesure thattheprojectionareaisbiggest.Choosingthefocallength byanalyzingtheefectoffocus length on the quality of radiographic images and the geometric parameters of radiographic equipment, the gray scale interval of linear response through the analysis of the response of flat panelde;ec;orsondiferen;exposureisfoundou;forde;ermining;hepar;i;ionsofblades;omake