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D0I: 10. 12174/j.i s s n. 1004-6852. 2020. 11. 41
[摘要]以《中医杂志》(英文版)M atu re M edicine》<C T h e American Journal o f C hinese M edicine》中医学论文的英文摘要为语料,分析医学科技论文英文摘要的时态运用规律,指出英文摘要中的研究目的、方 法和结果3个部分的时态以一般过去时为主,研究背景和结论多使用一般现在时或现在完成时。

[中图分类号]R-4 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1004-6852 (2020) 11-0161-04
A Study on the Use of Tense in English Abstracts in Medical Scientific Papers
YAO Qiuhui
School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University o f Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jinan 250355, China
Abstract By taking English abstracts of "Journal o f Traditional Chinese Medicine"(English version), "Nature Medicine" and "The American Journal o f Chinese Medicine" as the corpus, the laws o f the tense used in English abstracts in medical scientific papers were analyzed, it is found that the simple past tense is mainly used in the objective, method and results, present tense and present perfect are used in the background and conclusion mostly.
Keywords medical scientific papers; English abstract; the use o f tense
摘要是医学科技论文的重要组成部分,是对 论文的简要陈述和概括,是论文内容的浓缩和精华。

联合国教科文组织明确规定全世界公开发表的 论文,无论何种文字,必须随附一篇简短的英文摘 要。

”对于一篇医学科技论文而言,其英文摘要一 般包括以下几个部分:背景与目的、方法、结果和 结论。

时态是英文摘要写作的一个难点,其运用的 正确与否直接关系到整篇摘要的好坏。

摘要中的 时态非单一性,其结构的各部分对时态的要求不同。

而且国内外众多期刊在时态的使用方面存在差 异,缺乏统一性。

因此,许多作者在英文摘要写作 的时态运用上感到茫然,无明确依据,使用混乱,其 中部分使用错邀1]。

本文以《中医杂志》(英文版) ((Nature Medicine)) ((The American Journal of Chinese Medicine》中医学论文的英文摘要为语 料,分析探讨医学科技论文英文摘要的时态运用 规律。

I背景和目的[日ackgraund and Ctijedive)
背景是指当前研究所涉及的社会或学术背 景,常用一两句话概括或说明,其目的是帮助读者 更好地理解论文的内容或为后文提出的研究目的 做铺垫。

因这部分内容多是对一般现象、原理或众人己知的理论常识的描述,因此时态的运用以一 般现在时和现在完成时为主,但如果有明显的过 去时间标志词,则用一般过去时。

目的是指简要而准确地描述实验和撰写此文 的意义或本文欲解决的主要问题[2]。

因目的是研 究开始前设想并设计的,时间范畴上属于过去,因此多用一般过去时。

例 l:Large_scale natural disasters,such as earthquakes,tsunamis,volcanic eruptions, and typhoons,occur worldwide.After the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami,our medi­cal support operation's experiences sugge­sted that traditional medicine might be useful for treating the various symptoms of the survivors.However,little information is available regarding herbal medicine treat­ment in such situations.Considering that further disasters will occur,we performed a literature review and summarized the tra­ditional medicine approaches for treatment after large-scale disasters1-3-1.

动态•诱林轵查Western Journal o f Traditional Chinese Medicine,2020 Vol.33 No. 11
第一句和第三句是对社会背景和学术背景的客观 描述,使用一般现在时;第二句出现了过去时间标 志词after,因此使用一般过去时。

第四句是研究 目的,使用一般过去时。

例 2:Complementary and alternative me­dicine,including Chinese medicine (CM),has been used to treat acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS)for almost 30 years.We aimed to compare the main differences between AIDS treatment and evaluation strategies between CM and Western Medicine (WM),and ana­lyze advantages and disadvantages^3.
例2中,第一句是研究背景,根据时间标志词 for almost 30 years判断,时态是现在完成时;第二句话是研究目的,时态为一般过去时。

需要指出,不同学术期刊,甚至同一期刊,摘 要中研究目的的时态使用并不完全一致。

大部分 文章摘要中研究目的使用一般过去时,但也有一 些作者使用一般现在时或现在完成时。

例 1:This study describes development and validation of a questionnaire as an adjunct to Traditional Chinese Medicine dia­gnosis of Fin-Def iciency Syndrome(Fin-DS)[5例 2:Here we report results from a randomized phase 2 study of neoadjuvant nivolumab versus combined ipilimumab with nivolumab in 23 patients with high-risk resectable melanoma (NCT02519322)[6].
例 3:In the present research,we have summarized clinical and primary studies concerning various remedies of TCM for alcohol abuse,including herbal components (such as Kudzu/PuerariaLobata,Pediculus- melo,Hypericumpperforatum L),decoctions and acupuncture.[7]
2 方法(Methocte)
方法部分主要描述论文中的实验设计、实施 过程和采用的实验手段,一般包括研究设计、研究 对象、处理和测定方法、统计分析4方面。

因为整 个研究过程都是过去发生的事情,因此一般过去 时为该部分的主导时态。

例 1:79 healthy volunteers and 44 pa­tients diagnosed with Yin~dS were enrolled for the evaluation of discriminant validity and factorial validity.Another group of 83healthy volunteers participated for test- retest reliability testC5].
^i j 2:A database of Zang-fu syndromes was established.The relationship between the Zang-fu syndromes was analyzed by means of frequency analysis,association rule,and coe­fficient-coefficient correlation1-8
例 3:To address this issue,we created an expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) atlas for the glomerular and tubular com­partments of the human kidney.Through inte­grating the CKD GWAS with eQTL,singlecell RNA sequencing and regulatory region maps, we identified novel genes for CKD[9].
3 结果 R esulfc)
结果讲述的是在己完成的研究中观察到的结 果、测定的数据及效果的差异等[1()]。

在众多文献 中,多数文章都使用一般过去时。

这主要出于以下 考虑:其一,论文结果的特异性,即某一特定结果 只可能源于特定的实验;其二,结果部分的主要目 的在于报告和描述得以推论出结论的原始资料,因而在时间上属于“过去”范畴[11]。

例 1:The reaction induced by the chall­enge peaked 1-3 days after d eosinophilia(6%) was observed in two cases. All liver injuries induced by challenge cleared within 2 weeks,and neither severe nor fatal liver injury was observed1-12-1.
例 2:The ASPQ had adequate internal con­sistency reliability (a=0. 874) and sensi ti- vity,with significant correlations between the changes in scores of the AS,the SS-QOL and the ASPQ,with three domains. In a con­struct validity test,six factors were extra- cted;the overall variance explained by all factors was 72.6%.For empirical validity, mean values of 19 items and 3 domains were all higher in the depressive patients than in the non-depressive patients[13].
笔者发现,一些理论研究性质的医学科技论 文,作者常用一般现在时描述摘要中的结果部分。

究其原因,笔者认为与实验研究不同(实验在论文 写作之前完成,时间范畴属于过去),理论研究是 对理论内容的客观描述和探讨,因而可以使用一 般现在时。

a m*h
而却H" i t.冷2020年第jj卷第//期
例 1: ResultsiPreventive treatment has the distinctive features:l)strengthening and pro­tecting the vital-^i is paid much attention to;2)the intervention time is well grasped;
3) tonification points are importantly used;
4) the action of moxibustion is stressed on;and 5)the change of disease is judged[14].
例 2:Results:The six Zang-fu organs of the heart,liver,spleen,lung,kidney,and sto­mach prove to be the main components of the Zang-fu pattern.The large intestine,small intestine,gallbladder,bladder,triple ener­gizer,and pericardium have strong association and positive correlation with the above- mentioned six Zang-fu organs,and their cli­nical symptoms can all be included into the symptoms of these six Zang-fu〇rg3.n sc8].々结论tandusdn)
结论是作者对研究结果的综合分析,体现研 究的价值和意义,有时也包括研究的局限性和未 来展望。

文章的结论源于结果,是由具体"结果”抽 象演绎出的一般性原理,按英语习惯,应该用一般 现在时[1()]。

此外,在摘要结论中,作者还经常使用 can,may,could,might,should 等情态动词,用来 表达"能够”“可能”“应该”等含义。

例 1:Some Kampo formulas are efficacious for treating several ocular diseases in humans and animals.Some herbal extracts and their components inhibit some forms of experimental uveitis[15].
例 2:Thus,we present an approach to distinguish the source of various blood­stream infections,which may facilitate more accurate tracking and prevention of hospi­tal acquired infections[16].
例 3:TCM diagnosis reasoning method may lack rigorousness,continuity,systematic in­duction and deduction,but its logical thin­king still can attain its goal following a process with rigorous,regulated and scien­tific formal logic1-17].
但如果作者认为其研究结论不具有一般性而 仅仅是本实验的结论,则用一般过去时[11]。

例1:In conclusion,a challenge with a small dose of Kampo medicine conducted in
动态• #林麫砉
our case and in the previous literature induced mild and reversible liver injury. The safety and availability of challenge with a small dose of Kampo medicine should
be further examined in a larger population with Kampo medicine-induced liver injury1^12-1.
例 2:ZYXH granules and ZSQG granules both affected the size of the mammary nuc­leus in girls with PPP,and improved Chinese medicine symptom patterns.ZYXH granules showed slight advantages over ZSQG granules
in terms of the decrease in the size of the uterus,ovaries,and ovarian follicles[18].
作者在结论中表述研究的局限性或未来展望 时,使用一般现在时或一般将来时。

例 1:But by the influence of number and quality of researches,publication bias, more evidence from high quality studies, and larger cohorts for observational trials are needed1-19-1.
例 2:Further study will be needed to clarify the usefulness of herbal medicine after disasters1-3-1.
例 3:With the further development of science and technology,research concerning the theory of lung being connected with large intestine will be greatly stimulated and contribute to the modernization of TCM[20].



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*基金项目:2018年度全国中医药研究生教育研究课题(10001787-5903-4);山东中医药大学2017年教育教学研究课题 (ZYY2017041);2019年山东省研究生教育质量提升计划项目(SDY1CC19141);2019年山东中医药大学教育教学研究课题(ZYY2019039); 2019年山东中医药大学年教学成果奖培育项目 (CGPY2019012)。



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