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Vegetable is the stable food that people necessarily acquire in everyday life , and the vital source of vitamin, mineral substance, dietary fiber and so on. Vegetable is the indispensable nutrition in our bodies , and play a role in daily life. Vegetables cleaning is to remove the surface of the sediment, impurities and parasite eggs, vegetables for subsequent processing to provide a clean source of food, it is the important link in the process of vegetable processing. Clean vegetables processing is a fresh vegetable after picking, cleaning, sorting, drain well, packing and so on process after processing, the sale in the form of small package of clean vegetables type goods, clean vegetables has many characteristics, such as clean, hygiene, convenience, safety, and the future development of it market prospect is very broad. Dominated by hand at present, China's vegetable cleaning method, manual cleaning, with large labor intensity, low efficiency, high water consumption, and clean dispersion, etc, and vegetable processing will develop in the direction of the preservation, nutrition, convenience, manual cleaning cannot meet the needs of vegetable processing. Therefore, using vegetable cleaner or cleaning equipment, can improve labor productivity. According to the resent position, the vegetable cleaning device was designed, the existing washen of vegetable is prone to damage the leaf-vegetable and is unfit for leaf-vegetable cleaning. Therefore, A new-style washer of vegetable was developed. The machi ne’s washing force is ultrasonic and air bubble. When the washer is used to clean vegetable, the contamination of vegetable surface is clear away effectively and the bacterium is killed to a certain extent and the vegetable organizational structure (including leaf-vegetable) is not damaged.

Key Word: vegetable; washer; ultrasonic; air bubble; killing bacteria


摘要................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。第一章绪论. (3)

1.1 蔬菜清洗的目的及意义....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2 清洗工艺及设备设计的要求............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3 蔬菜清洗机的工作原理..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.4蔬菜清洗机的研究现状 (4)

1.5 我国蔬菜清洗技术存在的问题及发展趋势 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。第二章方案设计........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.1 总体方案的论证 (6)

2.2 传动方案的论证 (6)

第三章结构设计 (9)

3.1 电动机的选用....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.2 减速器的选择 (10)

3.3 机械传动装置的总体设计与计算 (13)

3.4 机械传动件的设计与计算 (14)

3.4.1 链传动的设计与计算 (16)

3.4.2 链条的设计与计算 (16)

3.4.3 链传动的主要失效形式 (16)

3.4.4 滚子链的静强度计算 (17)

3.5链轮的基本参数和尺寸 (18)

3.6 滚子链传动的故障与维修 (19)

3.7 摩擦轮的设计与计算 (19)

3.7.1摩擦轮方案的选择 (19)

3.7.2 摩擦轮的主要失效形式 (21)

3.7.3 摩擦轮的材料 (21)

3.7.4 摩擦轮传动的设计与计算 (21)

3.8轴的设计与计算 (23)

3.8.1 轴的材料 (23)

3.8.2 轴的结构设计 (23)

3.9 轴承盖的设计与计算 (24)

3.10轴承的选择和润滑及其寿命的计算 .................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.10.1 轴承的选择................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3.10.2 轴承的润滑 (26)

第四章超声波清洗装置的运用................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

4.1 超声波清洗的原理 (28)

4.2超声波清洗的方式................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

4.3 超声波清洗的特点 (29)

4.4 超声波清洗的主要技术参数 (29)
