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[6] (印度)尼提 · 昆格编;陈泽仪译 . 化学剥脱美容术 [M]. 上海:上海科学技术出版社 .2018:155-158.
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范莉华 1,陈清华 2,吴碧连 1,赖色玉 1,陈慧燕 1 (1. 福建省漳州市皮肤病防治院医学美容科,福建 漳州,363000; 2. 解放军联勤保障部队第九〇九医院皮肤科,福建 漳州,363000)
【摘 要】目的 研究对轻中度寻常性痤疮患者给予果酸换肤联合胶原贴敷料治疗的近期疗效。方法 从我院寻常性痤疮患者 中随机抽取 110 例,使用随机数表法分为 2 组,对照组 55 例给予果酸换肤单独治疗,观察组联合胶原贴敷料治疗,对比两组 近期疗效。结果 对照组治疗有效率 45 例(81.8%)。观察组治疗有效率 52 例(94.5%)。对照组治疗 4 周 TEWL(13.47±1.38), 治疗 8 周 TEWL(12.34±1.29)。观察组治疗 4 周 TEWL(12.03±2.15),治疗 8 周 TEWL(10.36±1.42)。对照组治疗 4 周面部脂溢评分(4.52±0.67)分,治疗 8 周面部脂溢评分(3.21±0.72)分。观察组治疗 4 周面部脂溢评分(3.85±0.52)分, 治疗 8 周面部脂溢评分(2.26±0.57)分。对照组脱皮 3 例(5.5%),结痂 1 例(1.8%),紧绷感 3 例(5.5%),瘢痕 2 例(3.6%), 合计 9 例(16.4%)。观察组脱皮 1 例(1.8%),结痂 1 例(1.8%),紧绷感 1 例(1.8%),合计 3 例(5.5%)。2 组对比, 差异显著(P < 0.05)。结论 对轻度、中度寻常性痤疮给予果酸换肤以及胶原贴敷料联合治疗,可有效改善患者面部溢脂症状, 有效补充角质层水分,取得更理想临床疗效,具有安全性保障,在临床上推广应用具有重要价值。 【关键词】寻常性痤疮;果酸换肤;胶原贴敷料;近期疗效 DOI:10.19593/j.issn.2095-0721.2020.12.021
[ABSTRACT] Objective To study the short-term curative effect of fruit acid peel combined with collagen dressing for patients with mild to moderate acne vulgaris. Methods From the patients with acne vulgaris in our hospital, 110 cases were randomly selected and divided into 2 groups using a random number table. The 55 cases in the control group were treated with fruit acid peeling alone, and the observation group was combined with collagen dressing to compare the short-term effects of the two groups.Results The effective rate of treatment in the control group was 45 cases (81.8%). The effective rate of treatment in the observation group was 52 cases
《中国医疗美容》第10卷 第12期(总第88期)2020年12月
肤 病 及 面 部 年 轻 化 中 的 应 用 [J]. 中 华 皮 肤 科 杂 志 , 2019, 52(3):200-203. DOI:10.3760/cma. j.issn.0412-4030.2019.03.012 [4] Kessler E , Flanagan K , Chia C , et al. Comparison of α‐ and β‐Hydroxy Acid Chemical Peels in the Treatment of Mild to Moderately Severe Facial Acne Vulgaris[J]. Dermatol Surg, 2008,34(1):45-51. DOI: 10.1111/ j.1524-4725.2007.34007.x. [5] In Jae J , Dong Ju H , Dong Hyun K , et al. Comparative study of buffered 50% glycolic acid (pH 3.0) + 0.5% salicylic acid solution vs Jessner's solution in patients with acne vulgaris[J]. J Cosmet Dermatol, 2018,17(5):797-801. DOI: 10.1111/jocd.12445.
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 以本院110例患者为样本,对照组55例,性
别:男/女=19/36,年龄(24.86±2.53)岁,病 程(2.30±1.03)年,均为面颊及额部发病,据 Pillsburg分级Ⅱ级19例、Ⅲ21例、Ⅳ级15例。观察 组55例,性别:男/女=18/37,年龄(25.46±2.51) 岁,病程(2.29±1.01)年,均为面颊及额部发病, 据Pillsburg分级Ⅱ级20例、Ⅲ21例、Ⅳ级14例。两 组患者具有可比性(P >0.05)。 1.2 纳入与排除标准
(5.5%) in total. The difference between the two groups was significant (P < 0.05). Conclusion Treatment of mild and moderate acne
vulgaris with fruit acid peeling and collagen dressing can effectively improve the patient’s facial sebum symptoms, effectively replenish stratum corneum moisture, and achieve better clinical effects, with safety guarantees, and clinically Promotion and application have important value. [KEY WORDS] Acne vulgaris; fruit acid; collagen dressing; short-term efficacy
纳入标准:(1)所有患者均为寻常性痤疮,发 病部位为面部,据Pillsbury分级标准,患者为中度 或轻度[3]。(2)近1一个月内未接受过其他抗痤疮 治疗。(3)经医院伦理委员会批准,患者对研究知 情。
排除标准:(1)对果酸或胶原贴敷料过敏者。 (2)排除患有面外伤的患者。(3)排除患有免疫系 统、器官功能障碍的患者。(4)面部5天内去角质, 15天内染烫头发,6个月内口服或外用过维甲酸类药 物患者。(5)排除其他类型痤疮患者。
Clinical Observation on the Treatment of Light and Medium Ordinary Acne with Fruit Acid Change
and Gelatin Dressing
FAN Li-hua1, CHEN Qing-hua2, WU Bi-lian1, LAI Se-yu1, CHEN Hui-yan1 (1.Department of Medicine and Beauty, Department of Dermatology, Fujian Province, 363000, China;2.Department of Dermatology, No.909 Hospital of PLA joint logistics support force, Fujian Province, 363000, China)
China Medical Cosmetology Vol.10 No.12(Total No.88)Dec2020
《中国医疗美容》第10卷 第12期(总第88期)2020年12月
(94.5%). The control group was treated with TEWL (13.47±1.38) for 4 weeks and TEWL (12.34±1.29) for 8 weeks. The observation group was treated with TEWL (12.03±2.15) for 4 weeks and TEWL (10.36±1.42) for 8 weeks. The control group had facial seborrheic score (4.52±0.67) for 4 weeks of treatment and (3.21±0.72) facial seborrhoea score for 8 weeks of treatment. Observation group had facial seborrheic score (3.85±0.52) for 4 weeks of treatment, and facial seborrhoea score of (2.26±0.57) for 8 weeks of treatment. In the control group, there were 3 cases of peeling (5.5%), 1 case of scabs (1.8%), 3 cases of tightness (5.5%), 2 cases of scars (3.6%), a total of 9 cases (16.4%). In the observation group, there was 1 case (1.8%) peeling, 1 case (1.8%) crusting, 1 case (1.8%) tightness, 3 cases
作者简介:范莉华(1983-),女, 汉族,广西桂林,本科, 主管护师,研究方向: 皮肤美容护理
寻常性痤疮多表现为毛囊皮脂腺慢性炎症,由 于皮肤油脂过度分泌,造成皮脂腺堵塞,皮脂无法排 出,治疗难度较大[1]。果酸是一种天然有机酸,在皮 肤病治疗中常见,广泛应用于色素沉着、黄褐斑、痤 疮等治疗中[2]。胶原贴敷料可保护创面,促进皮损愈 合,减少色素沉着。联合治疗有突出疗效,可改善患 者症状,减少皮肤溢脂,提高角质层含水率。为研究 联合治疗疗效,本文从本院2018年5月~2020年5月的 患者中,随机选取110例分析: