ICEM 生成网格 方法

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The CFL3D interface writes an input file and a grid file for the multiblocks CFL3D flow solver. The input file contains a list of terms describing the physical properties, block dimensions, topology, boundary conditions and control settings for the flow solver. The grid file is written in the PLOT3D multiblocks unformatted format with no iblank array.Creating the CFL3D input file and grid file
The translator writes the CFL3D files using a multiblock structured mesh, the boundary conditions file the topology file and the CFL3D parameters file. To create the CFL3D files, select the translator "CFL3D" in the "Output" menu. After clicking "Write input" you can specify the following options for the CFL3D interface:
∙select the multiblock mesh to include in the CFL3D file
∙give the name of the topology file
∙give the name of the boundary condition file
∙option to write the grid coordinates in single or double precision
∙option to specify a scaling factor in the x, y and z directions
∙give the name of the CFL3D files
(default input file: cfl3d.inp, default grid file:
The parameters window opens automatically after setting the above options. the parameters are saved in a file called cfl3d.params
The interface generates the CFL3D files in the project directory.
Defining boundary conditions for CFL3D
Boundary Condition Type
The boundary condition types must be assigned on the block faces, except for singular faces where they are assigned to edges. After selecting a face, assign the appropriate type by clicking on it from the list of CFL3D boundary condition types. If auxiliary variables are necessary for the selected type, simply fill in their values in the GUI window.
If no boundary condition types are defined by the user, the translator assigns automatically:
∙type 0 for a block interface
∙type 1005 for an external wall.
∙type 1013 for a singular line.
Force Calculation Flag
To turn on the flag IFORCE for a face, select the face and select the tag FORCE. The translator will apply this tagging to all appropriate faces of all blocks sharing the surface.
For more details on how to define boundary conditions, please refer to the General
Remarks section.
∙This translator supports only 3D grids.
∙All block interfaces must be C0-continuous.。
