
If a man knows why he lives, he can endure any life.2、如果你从一开始就不打算为自己的梦想负责,那你将永远无法实现它们。
If you don't intend to be responsible for your dreams from the beginning, you will never be able to achieve them.3、打从半高处看,这世界最美好。
From half high, the world is the best.4、高贵的灵魂,是自己尊敬自己。
The noble soul is self respectful.5、我祈求我的高傲要永远伴随我的智慧。
I pray that my pride will always be accompanied by my wisdom.6、那些没有消灭你的东西,会使你变得更强壮。
Those things that do not destroy you will make you stronger.7、他们把水搅混,以使其看上去更深。
The water they wish to make it look deeper.8、一切荣耀、尊敬、智慧、感谢、赞美和力量归于我们的上帝,永永远远!All glory, respect, wisdom, gratitude, praise and strength are to our God for ever and ever!9、如果没有音乐,生活就是一个错误。
If there is no music, life is a mistake.10、道德有两种:有独立心而勇敢者曰贵族道德;谦逊而服从者曰奴隶道德。

See the knowledge with the eye of art, look at the art with the eye of life.2、约定的重点是言语之后的信任。
The focus of the agreement is the trust after the speech.3、寂寞是一种心的疾病。
Loneliness is a heart disease. Alone is a kind of treatment.4、只有那登上最高山巅的人,才能嘲笑生命中所有真假游戏的悲哀。
Only the climb the highest mountain, to laugh at all true game in the life of sorrow.5、一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。
A person who knows why he lives, can endure any kind of life.6、成熟不过是个性被磨去了棱角,变得世故而圆滑了。
But mature personality is rubbed off the edges and corners, become sophisticated and smooth.7、人生最难的阶段不是没有懂你,而是你自己不懂自己!The most difficult stage of life is not to understand you, but that you do not understand yourself.8、当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。
When you look at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.9、最高的道德是难得而无价的,同时还散发着柔和的光泽。
The highest morality is rare and priceless, and it also gives out a soft gloss.10、要和人类在一起生活十分困难,因为不易保持缄默。

When I learn to fly, I can move from one place to another without pushing.2、对于纯粹的认知者而言,知识无关紧要。
Knowledge does not matter to pure cognizers.3、世上的滑稽大大多于悲剧,人欢笑的频率大大高于震惊的频率。
There are more funny things in the world than tragedies. People laugh more often than shocks.4、精神怎么变成骆驼,骆驼怎么变成狮子,狮子怎么变成孩子。
How does spirit become a camel, how does camel become a lion, how does lion become a child?5、寂寞是一种心的疾病。
Loneliness is a heart disease. It's a treatment alone.6、一切弊病的根源:逆来顺受、贞洁、忘我和绝对服从。
The root causes of all ills are: resignation, chastity, selflessness and absolute obedience. These slave morals had triumphed.7、一口好牙和一个强健的胃,便是我对你的期待!只要你受得了我的书,我们就一定合得来!A good tooth and a strong stomach are my expectations for you! As long as you can stand my book, we will certainly get along!8、天啊!哪里还有我们可以自沉的海呢?God! Where else can we sink?9、在高傲负伤之处,会长出一种比高傲更佳的东西。

Man is a bridge, between Superman and beast.2、苍生啊,你们肃然倒地了吗?宇宙啊,你感悟到那创造者了吗?People ah, you touch down? Are you aware of the creator of the universe, O universe?3、出于爱所做的事情,总是发生在善恶的彼岸。
What is done out of love always happens on the other side of good and evil.4、创造了这个有价值的世界的是我们!The creation of this valuable world is us!5、我身上带着许多锈得最严重的钥匙,也知道如何用它们来开启最破旧的门。
I have a lot of rusty keys on me, and I know how to use them to open the worst door.6、人类的生命,不能以时间长短来衡量,心中充满爱时,刹那即为永恒!Human life can not be measured by the length of time. When the heart is full of love, the moment is eternal.7、我认为他们还不够洁净。
I don't think they are clean enough. They make their water muddy, so that they look very deep.8、孤独,因你无法爱自己。
Loneliness, because you can't love yourself.9、人才出于贫寒家庭,莲花开在死水。
Talent out of the poor family, the lotus flower in the dead.10、谁不把一天的三分之二留给自己,谁就是奴隶。

All that can not kill you will eventually make you stronger.2、湿透的衣裳,终究会干。
The drenched clothes will eventually dry. All that can be forgotten is no longer important.3、我的灵魂平静而明亮,宛若清晨的群山。
My soul is calm and bright, like the hills of the morning.4、为了使爱成为可能,上帝必须是人。
In order to make love possible, God must be man.5、你们一本正经,我万事游戏。
You are serious, I play all the games.6、笑意味着幸灾乐祸,不过伴随着良心。
Laughter means gloat, but with conscience.7、造就伟人的,不是高尚感情的强度,而是高尚感情的持续时间。
It is not the strength of the noble feelings, but the duration of the noble feelings that makes great men.8、窥视深渊者,必为深渊所窥视。
A peep of the abyss will be peeped by the abyss.9、那些不能杀死我们的,使我们更强大。
Those that can't kill us make us more powerful.10、在认识一切事物之后,人才能认识自己,因为事物仅仅是人的界限。
After knowing all things, people can know themselves, because things are only the boundaries of human beings.11、闭上你喋喋不休的嘴,去行动吧,这才是你赢得信赖的捷径。

尼采语录英文导读:1、Without music,life would be a mistake。
2、Faith:not wanting to know what the truth is。
3、That which does not kill us makes us stronger。
4、Alle Vorurteile kommen aus den Eingeweiden。
5、Morality is the herd instinct in the individual。
6、It is not a lack of love,but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages。
7、That which does not kill us makes us stronger。
8、Ignorance is the curse of God,knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven。
9、It is not a lack of love,but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages。
10、And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music。
11、The true man wants two things:danger and play。

Love has a desire to raise people as much as possible.2、不尊重死亡的人,不懂得敬畏生命。
People who do not respect death do not know how to fear life.3、凡不能毁灭我的,必使我强大。
Whoever can not destroy me will make me strong.4、知道为什么而活的人,便能生存。
People who know why they live can survive.5、习惯会使我们的双手伶俐而头脑笨拙。
Habits make our hands clever and our minds clumsy.6、人类唯有生长在爱中,才得以创造出新的事物。
Human beings only grow in love to create new things.7、不能服从自己的人,就要服从他人。
If you can't obey yourself, you must obey others. This is the nature of the living.8、男人骨子里坏,女人骨子里贱。
Men are bad in their bones, and women are cheap in theirbones.9、这些今日之人,他们不过是使我发笑的异乡人罢了。
These people today are just a stranger who makes me laugh.10、那杀不死我的,使我更坚强。
It killed me, and made me stronger.11、你们受够了自己,你们的拼命工作只是一种自我逃避罢了。

Life without music is a kind of error.2、自己既感到痛苦,也叫别人痛苦。
Both feel their pain, also called others pain.3、知道为什么而活的人,便能生存。
Who knows why to live, can survive.4、你以自己的毒药制成自己的止痛剂。
You with their own poison made their own painkillers.5、自爱者才能爱人,富裕者才能馈赠!Self-love is to lover, the rich can gift!6、凡是不能毁灭我的,将使我更强大。
Who can not destroy me, will make me stronger.7、我祈求我的高傲要永远伴随我的智慧。
I pray that my proud to always accompany my wisdom.8、焦躁不安,是兵家最忌讳的一种情绪。
Military commander restless, it is one of the most taboo.9、笑意味着幸灾乐祸,不过伴随着良心。
Smile means to gloat, but with conscience.10、我的时代尚未到来,有的人死后方生。
My time has not yet come, some people behind the death.11、没有一贯的蔑视,又怎能不断地欣赏呢?No consistent contempt, constantly to appreciate how again?12、凡是不能杀死你的,最终都会让你更强。
Who can't kill you, will eventually make you stronger.13、任何不曾杀死我的东西,让我变得更强大。

The can't kill me, makes me stronger.2、既然无法逃避,那就相爱吧。
Since can't escape, love it for you.3、摧毁是容易的,问题是创造!It is easy to destroy, the problem is to create!4、子夜已经来临,而我必须是光!Midnight has come, and I must be the light!5、你应当喃喃诉说并赞美自己的美德。
You shall be mumbling about and praise his own virtue.6、上帝死了,人类的信仰大厦崩塌了。
God is dead, human faith building collapsed.7、高处并不可怕,可怕的是陡峭的斜坡。
Height is not terrible, terrible is the steep slope.8、天啊!哪里还有我们可以自沉的海呢?Oh, my gosh! Where is there we can ZiChen sea?9、能教人类飞翔者终将转移所有的路标。
Can you teach the human to fly will transfer all road signs.10、习惯会使我们的双手伶俐而头脑笨拙。
Habits can make our hands are clever and clumsy.11、你不仅要向前,同时也要向上繁衍自己。
You should not only forward, at the same time also to reproduce themselves up.12、对于纯粹的认知者而言,知识无关紧要。
It doesn't matter for the pure cognition, knowledge.13、寂寞是一种心的疾病。

尼采名言中英文导读:本文是关于尼采名言中英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、Faith:not wanting to know what the truth is。
2、Without music,life would be a mistake。
3、Alle Vorurteile kommen aus den Eingeweiden。
4、What does not kill me,makes me stronger。
5、That which does not kill us makes us stronger。
They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent。
7、Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have chosen,few in pursuit of the goal。
8、Prefer to pursue the emptiness,also cannot have no pursuit。
9、Is man one of God’s blunders?Or is God one of man’s blunders?人类是上帝犯的一个错误,还是上帝是人类犯的一个错误。
10、Growth in wisdom may be exactlyi measured by decrease in bitterness。
11、Neid und Eifersucht sind die Schamteile der menschlichen Seele。

All that can not kill you will eventually make you stronger.2、湿透的衣裳,终究会干。
The drenched clothes will eventually dry. All that can be forgotten is no longer important.3、我的灵魂平静而明亮,宛若清晨的群山。
My soul is calm and bright, like the hills of the morning.4、为了使爱成为可能,上帝必须是人。
In order to make love possible, God must be man.5、你们一本正经,我万事游戏。
You are serious, I play all the games.6、笑意味着幸灾乐祸,不过伴随着良心。
Laughter means gloat, but with conscience.7、造就伟人的,不是高尚感情的强度,而是高尚感情的持续时间。
It is not the strength of the noble feelings, but the duration of the noble feelings that makes great men.8、窥视深渊者,必为深渊所窥视。
A peep of the abyss will be peeped by the abyss.9、那些不能杀死我们的,使我们更强大。
Those th at can’t kill us make us more powerful.10、在认识一切事物之后,人才能认识自己,因为事物仅仅是人的界限。
After knowing all things, people can know themselves, because things are only the boundaries of human beings.11、闭上你喋喋不休的嘴,去行动吧,这才是你赢得信赖的捷径。

尼采名言警句英语尼采(Friedrich Nietzsche)是19世纪末期德国的哲学家,诗人和文化批评家,以其对道德、宗教、文化、哲学和科学的独特见解而闻名。
以下是一些尼采的名言警句及其英文翻译:1. "没有音乐,生活将是一场错误。
" - "Without music, life would be a mistake."2. "那些听不见音乐的人认为那些跳舞的人疯了。
" - "Those who dance are considered mad by those who cannot hear the music."3. "如果你的生活中没有某种热情,你就没有生活。
" - "He who hasa why to live can bear almost any how."4. "成为你自己。
" - "Become who you are."5. "那些杀不死我的,使我更强大。
" - "What does not kill me, makes me stronger."6. "在疯狂中寻找理智的人,比在理智中寻找疯狂的人更疯狂。
" - "He who seeks the insane in the sane is more insane than they."7. "如果你的生活有为什么,你几乎可以忍受任何怎样。
" - "If you have a why in your life, you can bear almost any how."8. "在自己身上克服这个时代。
" - "Become the best version of yourself."9. "人是应该被超越的东西。

2. 'In every real man, a child is hidden that wants to play.' - 在每一个真正的男人身上,都隐藏着一个想要玩耍的孩子。
3. 'The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything.' - 真正的男人想要两件事情:危险和游戏。
4. 'The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, youwill be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But noprice is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself.' - 个人总是不得不与部落抗争,以免被淹没。
5. 'The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude.' - 所有美丽的艺术,所有伟大的艺术的本质,就是感恩。
6. 'One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.' - 为了能够孕育出跳跃的星星,人必须仍然拥有混沌。

If a man knows why he lives, he can endure any life.2、人类根本就是不平等的,况且,他们也不应该是平等的。
Human beings are fundamentally unequal, and besides, they should not be equal either.3、幸福追逐我。
Happiness chases me. This is because I do not chase women, and happiness is a woman.4、成为你自己!你现在所做、所想、所追求的一切,都不是你自己。
Be yourself! What you do, what you think, and what you pursue is not yourself.5、如果你从一开始就不打算为自己的梦想负责,那你将永远无法实现它们。
If you don't intend to be responsible for your dreams from the beginning, you will never be able to achieve them.6、高贵的灵魂,是自己尊敬自己。
The noble soul is self respectful.7、要真正体验生命,你必须站在生命之上。
To truly experience life, you must stand on your life.8、许多人浪费了整整一生去等待符合他们心愿的机会。
Many people have wasted a whole life to wait for the opportunity to meet their wishes.9、女人忘记如何妩媚动人的速度越快,学会憎恨他人的速度也就越快。

尼采英文语录尼采英文语录弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(德语:Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,1844年10月15日-1900年8月25日),德国哲学家,西方现代哲学的开创者,同时也是卓越的诗人和散文家,其兼具艺术家的浪漫气质,是现代最伟大的思想家和哲学家之一。
But it is the same with man as with the tree. The more he seeks to rise into the height and light, the more vigorousl" y do "his roots struggle earthward, downward, into the dark, the deep - into evil. ——尼采"2、那些没有消灭你的.东西,会使你变得更强壮。
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. ——尼采3、但凡不能杀死你的,最终都会使你更强大。
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. ——尼采4、 And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. 那些听不见音乐的人认为那些跳舞的人疯了。
——尼采5、 "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. 你有你的路。

尼采语录英文及译文1、What does not kill me,makes me h2er。
2、Jetzt bin ich leicht,jetzt fliege ich,jetzt sehe ich mich unter mir,jetzt tanzt ein Gott durch mich。
3、Wer einst fliegen lernen will,der muss erst stehn und laufen und klettern und tanzen lernen:man erfliegt das Fliegen nicht!谁要学习飞翔,必须先学习站立、奔跑、跳跃和舞蹈:人无法从飞翔中学会飞翔!4、Alle Vorurteile kommen aus den Eingeweiden。
5、Was macht mich nicht umbringt,macht mich st?rker!那些没能杀死我的,使我变得更坚强!6、Neid und Eifersucht sind die Schamteile der menschlichen Seele。
1————来源网络整理,仅供供参考7、Man liebt zuletzt seine Begierde,und nicht das Begehrte。
8、Aber mit meiner Liebe und Hoffung beschw?re ich dich:wirf den Helden in deiner Seele nicht weg!Halte heilig deine h?chste Hoffnung!但是凭着我的爱和希望我请求你:切莫抛弃掉你灵魂中的英雄吧!保持你内心中最高的希望吧!————来源网络整理,仅供供参考 2。

see the knowledge with the eye of art, look at the art with the eye of life.2、约定的重点是言语之后的信任。
the focus of the agreement is the trust after the speech.3、寂寞是一种心的疾病。
loneliness is a heart disease. alone is a kind of treatment.4、只有那登上最高山巅的人,才能嘲笑生命中所有真假游戏的悲哀。
only the climb the highest mountain, to laugh at all true game in the life of sorrow.5、一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。
a person who knows why he lives, can endure any kind of life.6、成熟不过是个性被磨去了棱角,变得世故而圆滑了。
but mature personality is rubbed off the edges and corners, become sophisticated and smooth.7、人生最难的阶段不是没有懂你,而是你自己不懂自己!the most difficult stage of life is not to understand you, but that you do not understand yourself.8、当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。
when you look at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.9、最高的道德是难得而无价的,同时还散发着柔和的光泽。
the highest morality is rare and priceless, and it also gives out a soft gloss.10、要和人类在一起生活十分困难,因为不易保持缄默。

All that can not kill you will eventually make you stronger.2、湿透的衣裳,终究会干。
The drenched clothes will eventually dry. All that can be forgotten is no longer important.3、我的灵魂平静而明亮,宛若清晨的群山。
My soul is calm and bright, like the hills of the morning.4、为了使爱成为可能,上帝必须是人。
In order to make love possible, God must be man.5、你们一本正经,我万事游戏。
You are serious, I play all the games.6、笑意味着幸灾乐祸,不过伴随着良心。
Laughter means gloat, but with conscience.7、造就伟人的,不是高尚感情的强度,而是高尚感情的持续时间。
It is not the strength of the noble feelings, but the duration of the noble feelings that makes great men.8、窥视深渊者,必为深渊所窥视。
A peep of the abyss will be peeped by the abyss.9、那些不能杀死我们的,使我们更强大。
Those that can't kill us make us more powerful.10、在认识一切事物之后,人才能认识自己,因为事物仅仅是人的界限。
After knowing all things, people can know themselves, because things are only the boundaries of human beings.11、闭上你喋喋不休的嘴,去行动吧,这才是你赢得信赖的捷径。
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See the knowledge with the eye of art, look at the art with the eye of life.2、约定的重点是言语之后的信任。
The focus of the agreement is the trust after the speech.3、寂寞是一种心的疾病。
Loneliness is a heart disease. Alone is a kind of treatment.4、只有那登上最高山巅的人,才能嘲笑生命中所有真假游戏的悲哀。
Only the climb the highest mountain, to laugh at all true game in the life of sorrow.5、一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。
A person who knows why he lives, can endure any kind of life.6、成熟不过是个性被磨去了棱角,变得世故而圆滑了。
But mature personality is rubbed off the edges and corners, become sophisticated and smooth.7、人生最难的阶段不是没有懂你,而是你自己不懂自己!The most difficult stage of life is not to understand you, but that you do not understand yourself.8、当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。
When you look at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.9、最高的道德是难得而无价的,同时还散发着柔和的光泽。
The highest morality is rare and priceless, and it also gives out a soft gloss.10、要和人类在一起生活十分困难,因为不易保持缄默。
It is difficult to live with human beings, because it is not easy to remain silent.11、许多人浪费了整整一生去等待符合他们心愿的机会。
Many people have wasted a whole life to wait for the opportunity to meet their wishes.12、不要停在平原,不要登上高山,从半山上看,世界显得最美。
Don't stop in the plain, don't climb up the mountain. From half the mountain, the world looks the most beautiful.13、女人比男人了解小孩,但是男人比女人更像小孩。
Women know more about children than men, but men are more like children than women.14、读书给我更多的憩息,引导我散步在别人的知识与灵魂中。
Reading gives me more rest, I walk in the knowledge and guide the soul to others.15、大多数人只需极少的乐趣就能感受生活的美好,人是多么容易知足啊!Most people only need little fun to feel the beauty of life, how easy people are enough to be satisfied with!16、所有深奥的东西都喜欢面具:最深奥的东西甚至憎恨外形和相似。
All profound things like masks: the most profound things even hate the shape and the similarity.17、未清醒之人的爱是乞丐的爱,未清醒之人的爱只不过是肉欲而已。
The love of a man who is not sober is the love of a beggar, and the love of a man who is not sober is only the flesh of the flesh.18、在爱情中总是免不了有那么一点点疯狂,但疯狂中也有它的理由。
There is always a little madness in love, but there is a reason for it in madness.19、当我们对拥有的东西产生厌倦的同时,我们也对自身产生厌倦。
When we are tired of what we have, we are also tired of ourselves.20、成为你自己!你现在所做、所想、所追求的一切,都不是你自己。
Be yourself! What you do, what you think, and what you pursue is not yourself.21、读书就是沿着作者的脚印去看沿途的风景。
Reading is to follow the author's footprints to see the scenery along the way.22、成功没有偶然。
There is no chance of success. Even some winners modestly say that their success is by chance.23、你想要他对你有好感吗?那你必须在他面前显得局促不安。
Do you want him to have a good feeling for you? Then you have to look awkward in front of him.24、凡是不愿意看别人长处的人,总是一眼就看到别人不如自己之处。
Anyone who does not want to see the strengths of others always sees others as not as good as their own.25、痛苦的人没有悲观的权利。
A man of pain has no right to be pessimistic.26、一段不幸的婚姻不是缺乏爱,而是缺乏友谊。
An unfortunate marriage is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship.27、对真理而言,信服比流言更危险。
For truth, convincing is more dangerous than a rumor.28、焦躁不安,是兵家最忌讳的一种情绪。
Restless, is a kind of mood a taboo.29、白昼之光,岂知夜色之深。
The light of the day knows the depth of the night.30、英雄不但要知道适时而生,更应知道适时而死。
The hero should not only know the time and life, but also know how to die at the right time.31、良好的歌声要求获得良好的响应;在良好的歌声之后应当有良久的沉默。
Good singing calls for good response; after a good song, there should be a long silence.32、贬低自己是为了刺痛自己的高傲,表现出愚钝是为了嘲弄自己的智慧。
To degrade oneself is to prick his own arrogance, and to show that dull is to mockery of his own wisdom.33、最大的恶乃包含在最大的善之中,而这就是创造性的善。
The greatest evil is included in the greatest goodness, and this is the creative good.34、平淡的生活,往往是最危险的。
A dull life is often the most dangerous.35、我已经写够了这个世界,现在让这个世界来写我吧!I have already written enough of the world, now let the world write me!36、生命是知识的途径。
Life is the way of knowledge.37、对自己的害怕成了哲学的灵魂。
The fear of one's own is the soul of philosophy.38、那些听不见音乐的人认为那些跳舞的人疯了。
Those who can't hear the music think those dancers are crazy.39、获取生活中最丰硕果实和最大享受的秘密在于,冒险犯难地生活!Get the fruits and enjoy life in the biggest secret is that adventurous life!40、你们所谓的权力、金钱、权威的快乐只不过是一种偏头痛而已。
What you call the happiness of power, money and authority is just a migraine.41、当灵魂缺乏施与之心时,那就是退化的开始。
When the soul lacks the heart of giving, it is the beginning of the degeneration.42、时间一逝不返,而所有会朽灭的都仅仅是一句谎言而已。
Time does not return, and all that will die is just a lie.43、邪恶在法官的眼神里,因为里面没有怜悯。
The evil is in the eyes of the judge because there is no pity in it.44、我发现在人群中要比在动物群中危险多了。