



Unit4 Passage A 课后练习Read and think2 Answer the following questions with the information you got from the passage.1 She decided to experience living abroad early in her college years and she actually went to liv e abroad two months after she graduated from college.2 Her classmates looked for permanent jobs in the “real world” but she looked for a temporary job in another country.3 Because she only had a work visa but no job or place to live.She had no one to rely on but to depend entirely on herself.4 She had her first interview the first week and she had three altogether.5 She thought it had many advantages.Firstly she truly got to learn the culture. Secondly,it was an economical way to live and travel in another country.Thirdly,she had the chance to gain valuable working experience and internationalize her resume.She strongly recommended it.Read and complete3 Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the passage.Don’t refer back to it until you have finished.1 living abroad;the“real world”2 go and work;interviewing for3 to live abroad;was willing to do anything4 a program;with the interest5 language;opportunities6 graduated from college;traveled throughout7 finding a job;financial resources;paycheck8 found a job in London;very well—known;employers9 accepted;international bank;located10 the best decision;hesitate for a secondLanguage FocusRead and complete4 Fill in the blanks with the words given below.Change the form where necessary.1 undertaken2 had intended3 resources4 inquiries5 investigated6 recommend7 participates8 aspects9 hesitate 10 economical5 Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the passage. Change the form where necessary.1 running low2 turned out3 participate in4 as a result5 so far6 Rewrite the following sentences,replacing the underlined words with their synonyms you have learned in this unit.1 employment 2 opportunities 3 advantages 4 expenses 5 accommodation(s)Read and translate7 Translate the following sentences into English.1 I have faxed my resume and a cover letter to that company, but I haven’t received a reply yet.2 John will not hesitate for a second to offer help when others are in trouble.3 I have to admit that I desire very much to work or study abroad for some time but I know it is not easy to get a visa.4 It was not until 2 years after he arrived in London that he found/took a job in an international bank.5 After finishing his teaching,Tom traveled throughout China for 2 months before returning home in America.Read and simulate8 Read and compare the English sentences,paying attention to their italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.1 Of the three jobs available/offered,I chose this one because of the pay and the working condition.2 It wasn’t until 6 months after my graduation that I found my first job and went to work in a computer company.3 I was most scared about the next day’s job interview since 1 was not well prepared and I needed t o do more homework /preparation.4 The university I work at is in a beautiful.scenic spot Located two miles from the Xiang River.5 Exercise has many advantages.For one,it helps you to lose weight.Secondly, it helps prevent disease.Thirdly, exercising everyday keeps you fit and strong.Unit4 Passage A课文译文玛塞娜的工作经历进大学不久我就下定决心,在进入“现实世界”前先到国外呆一段。



In Britain, people tend to make jokes about some jobs or professions, or to S1.hold stereotyped views of them. For example, sailors are S2.supposed to have a "wife" in every port, university professors are often seen as S3.absent-minded or forgetful. there are a lot of dirty jokes about sales representatives and they are generally regarded as not particularly S4.dependable other jobs may be well-paid or very S5.responsible, but the general public think they are funny or rather S6.boring For instance, in most other European countries S7.to be an engineer is to be somebody Funnily enough, in Britain engineers are thought of as gloomy rather than cheerful S8.as result of people's ignorance of the importance of engineers in society.The man and the woman in the play were1.tourists Their names were 2.Sidney and Ethel Shakespeare wrote a lot of 3.plays The woman thought that he wrote them on a 4.typewriter,The man said that Shakespeare used a tape-recorder, and imagined him with a 5.microphone , in his hand. The man said that Shakespeare was too busy to watch television, because he went to the 6.theatre every night. They thought the other man was Shakespeare’s 7.grandchild They told him he was lucky to live in a 8.famous house.English is becoming the world's language of the 21st Century and this is no time to1.Discourage U.S. residents or immigrants 2. from learning English. English is now the second most widely spoken language in the world, with only Chinese 3.dialects spoken by more people. English is 4. overwhelmingly,the second language of 5.choice, for non-English-speaking people. English is the official language of the European Central Bank and the working language of the Asian trade group ASEAN.In multilingual continental Europe, a 6.fierce battle over language popularity appears to be ending with English emerging as the 7.standard for the 21st century. The Germans have given up trying to persuade more British people to learn their language and, instead,8.are now promoting English as the language of the 21st centuryGermany's leading newspaper produces an eight-page English edition and declares that "9.English is going to be the lingua franca of the new century."Switzerland has three official languages, German, French, and Italian, plus a fourth language spoken in one canton, Romansh. But Switzerland recently 10.adopted English to be taught as the second language of choice rather than one of its official languages.1.Taxes are an obligation which may fall on everybody.2.2. We applauded the authority's decision not to close the hospital.3.3. The doctor's instructions must be fulfilled exactly; the sick man's life depends on it.4.4. Do these opinion polls really mirror what people are thinking?5.5. I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words and phrases.6.6. In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staff.7.7. The history of train transport has partly been a history of striving for greater efficiency and profit.8.8. He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it entailed .9.9. He is supposedly one of the greatest experts in this field.10.10. Absolute secrecy is essential. Consequently , the fewer who are aware of the project the better.1.By the age of 20, Mozart had written some ten operas and was well prepared for the demanding audiences that awaited him in Vienna.2.2. After only three years in the American market, our US sales have overtaken those in Japan. .3.3. Earthquakes pose such serious danger to the country that Japan has become a world leader inearthquake prediction, earthquake-proof construction techniques, and disaster preparedness by both civil defense forces and the general public.4.4. American artists often took their cues from European literary salons and art schools, and cultured Americans traveled to Europe to become educated.5.5. A series of body explosions has undermined all the hopes for a peaceful solution in the Middle East.6.6. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man made for the exit as quickly as possible.7.Many of the scientists and engineers are judged in terms of how profitable their achievements .8.8. A person who moves to a house on a busy street may initially be distracted every time a loud vehicle drives by but after a month he will become used to it.9.9. These publishers all depended on the favor of the English crown for their existence, and so they only published materials that did not offend royalty.10.10. They will seek to persuade others that they are moral in the accepted sense of the term in order to mask their motives to gain the awards.1. It is well-known that photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.2. The first part of Law School Admission Test evaluates skills in reading comprehension, in figure classification and in the evaluation of written material.3. Because they are not sufficiently literate and job-prepared, some young people can’t hold a job for long.4. The boss managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money and into the topic of environmental protection.5. Sam’s familiarity with pop music is so astonishing that he can sing a large number of pop songs.6. His car broke down on the way and consequently he was late for the meeting with his clients.7. One reward of doing this social work is that I can learn to be independent, tolerant and get to meet people from different parts of the country.8. Mary has got all the right qualifications for the job but is temperamentally unsuitable for it.9. As college students, we should have a command of the fundamentals of not only social sciences but also natural sciences.10.The personnel manager said that he could n’t evaluate Mike’s ability without actually seeing him at work.1.随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。





” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。



















2018 年 12 月大学英语四级考试英语四级听力真题(全):News 1A device that weighs less than one kilogram is part ofa mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourthgeneration or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019 。

If successful , the tiny device will provide the moon with itsfirst ever mobile phone network 。

The lunar network willsupport high definition streaming of video and databetween the moon and earth 。

The network is part of amission to the moon 。

This is a project with the goal oflanding the first privately paid for mission to the moon 。

The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in theUnited States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019 。

Mission to the moon intends to establish and test thefirstelements of a communications network on the moon 。

The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4Grather than a fifth generation or 5G network 。



2018年12月大学英语四级参考真题(第一套)Section ANews Report One(1) A device that weighs less than 1 kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019. If successful, the tin y device will provide the m oon with its first ever mobile phone n etwork. The lunar n etwork will support high defi niti on stream ing of video and data betwee n the moon and the earth. The network is part of a mission to the moon. This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon. The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Can averal in the Un ited States on a space X Falc on Nine Rocket in 2019. Missio n to the moon intends to establish and test the first eleme nts of a com muni cati ons n etwork on the moon. (2)The scie ntists work ing on the project opted to build 4G rather tha n the fifth gen eratio n or 5G work.This is because fifth ge nerati on n etworks are still intesting and trial phases. This means that a 5G network may not yet be stable eno ugh to work on the moon ' s surface.Questi onl: What are scie ntists pla nning to do?Questi on2: Why did scie ntists choose to set up a 4Gn etwork in their missi on?News Report TwoFirefighters resp on ded to a fire Wed nesday ni ght at an aba ndoned mall in Heywood. The fire was reported at 9:26 p.m. at an old shopp ing cen ter on Michiga n Ave nue n ear St. Mary ' s Church. Six fire engines, two trucks and two chiefs resp on ded to the sce ne. Crews had the fire un der con trol in about 45 minu tes and man aged to contain the fire to its point of orig in. There were some people in side the buildi ng whe n the fire broke out, (3) but there were no reports of any injuries. Fire inv estigators have resp on ded to the sce ne but have not yet determ ined the cause of the fire. Firefighters will rema in on the scene until later this morning to ensure that the fire doesn ' t start up again. The shopping mall had not been in use since 2002.⑷In2014,_City_Hall_developed_a_plan_to ______________________ knock down the building and replace it with affordable hous ing. However, the pla n was dropped due to lack of fun ds.Questio n4: What had City Hall pla nned to do ?News Report Three(5)Potato chips in Japa n are being sold for 6 times theirnormal price. This is after the country ' s main manufacturer stopped sales due to a potato shortage. Storms and floods and its main potato grow ing regi on last year caused the worst harvest and more tha n 3 decades. Local media reports suggest Calbee and its main rival Koike-ya are halting almost50 products. “We don ' t know when we ‘II be able to restart ”, a compa ny spokesma n said. Sn ack lovers are panic buying and many supermarket shelves are bare. (6) Japanese laws limit the amount of imported potatoes that can be used in Japan ese made products. Japa n says fear of disease is its main reason to block fresh imports. It still only allows potatoes from selected US states. This is only at certain times and on con diti on that they are processed at factories based near Japanese ports. (7) But global warming has raised the possibility that domestic produce could be seriously affected by rare weather eve nts more ofte n.Question6 : Why does Japan limit the import of potatoes ?Question7 : What might affect Japanese domesticproduce ?Secti on BCon versati on OneM: (8) Mr. Brown ' s lectures are so boring.W: Yes, he is not a very excit ing speaker. But the subjectis in teresti ng.M: During every one of his lectures, I try to listen. I reallytry. But after about 10 mi nutes my mind beg ins to wan derand I lose concen tratio n. But I see that you seem to be OK.How do you stay focused through the en tire hour?W: Well, (9-1) what I do is keep my pen moving. _____M: What do you mea n?W: It' s a method of active concentration I read about.(9-2)O ne of the most effective ways to concen trate is to writethings dow n. But it has to be done by hand, not typing on a keyboard. You see writing by hand forces you to actually engage with what you ' re learning in a more physical way.M: Do you review your no tes afterwards the n?W: Sometimes, but that ' s not important. My notes mayor may not be useful but the point is that by writing down what Mr. Brand says I can follow his line of thinking more easily .In fact, sometimes I draw a little too.M: You draw in class and that helps me pay attention?W: (10) Yes, hon estly it works for me. I just draw littlelines and nonsense really. It was also in that article I read. It can keep the mind active, preve nt gett ing bored and help to concen trate. Agai n the point is to liste n hard while keep ing the pen moving. (11 ) If I ' m at home and I need to study what I do is read out loud. It has a similar effect to writing by han d. It helps memorize in formati on in a physical way.Question8: What does the man think of Mr. Brown ' s lectures?Questi on9: What does the woma n do duri ng Mr. Brow ns lectures?Questi on 11: What does the woma n say about read ing out loud?Con versati on TwoM: And where is this?W: These photos are from the Taj Mahal in In dia. (12)We __ went there about ten years ago for our hon eym oon.M: Was it roma ntic.W: Yeah. The Taj Mahal was a very romantic place. The guide told us there is a famous love story behi nd this buildi ng that all Indians learn in school. (13)1 think it was during the 1600 and the princess at that time died while giving birth to her 14th child. The Emperor loved the prin cess so much and was so sad whe n she died that he ordered the palace to be built in her honor.M: Wow. That sounds very romantic. It looks amazing.W: Yes, it ' s gorgeous. It ' s also larger in real life than itlooks in the photos. The build ing is very tall and there aregarde ns in a wall aro und it all. It ' all built in this white stone (14)And some walls of the building are decorated with jewels.M: It must have bee n very crowded whe n you were there.W: Yes, it ' s a very famous tourist destination. So there are thousa nds of visitors every day.M: Was the rest of India crowded?W: Yes, very crowded in many cities. It was sometimes so crowded that it was difficult to walk along the streets especially through busy markets. And there are so many cars. Traffic was terrible but the people were frie ndly. The culture is amaz ing and we had a great time.M: What about the food?W: The In dia n food is great. There are lots of differe nt dishes to try and every regi on has its own special food.Questi on 12: For what purpose did the woma n go to In dia?Question13: Why was the Taj Mahal built?Questi on 14: What does the woma n say about the Taj Mahal?Question 15: what is the woman ' s impression of Indian cities?Secti on CPassage OneA Pew Research Cen ter survey of more tha n 1000America ns con ducted in April 2016 finds that America ns con ti nue toexpress largely positive views about the curre nt state of their local public libraries. (16)For instanee, around three quarters say that public libraries provide them with the resources they n eed. And 66% say the clos ing of their local public library would have a major impact on their com muni ty.Although no tably just 33% say this would have a major impact on them pers on ally or on their family. A majority of America ns feel libraries are doing a good job of provid ing a safe place for people to hang out or spe nd time as well as opening up educational opportunities for people of all ages(17) A nd roughly half thi nk their libraries con tribute “ a lotto their communities in terms of helping spark creativity among young people. And providi ng a trusted place for people to lear n about new tech no logies. As in past PewResearch Cen ter surveys of library use the April 2016 survey also measured America ns usage of and en gageme nt with libraries. Overall, 53% of America ns ages 16 and older have had some in teracti on with the puppet library in the past year either through an in person visit or using a library website(18) Some 48% of adults specifically visited a library in the ________ past 12 mon ths, a modest in crease from the 44% who said that in late2015.Questi on 16: What do most America ns say about localpublic libraries?Questi on 17: How can local public libraries ben efit young people?Questio n18: What does the 2016 survey show aboutadult library users?Passage Two(19) A Sava nnah cat is a crossbreed betwee n a domesticcat and a medium-sized wild Africa n cat called the Serval.The unu sual cross became popular among breeders at theend of the 1990s. And in 2001, the International CatAssociati on accepted it as a new registered breed. The sava nn ahs are tall and slim and can weigh up to nine point one kilograms, making them one of the largest breeds of cats that people can own. They have a spotted code similar to that of many types of wild cats and their ears are very large.(20) They are also com monly compared to dogs in their loyalty. And can be trained to walk on a lead and to fetch, and ofte n no ted characteristic of the Sava nnah is its jumpi ng ability. They are known to jump on top of doors and high cab in ets.Some can leap about2.5 meters high from a sta nding positi on. Cats are typically known for being very inq uisitive and so are the Sava nn ahs. They ofte n lear n how to ope n doors and cupboards. Many Sava nnah cats do not fear water and will play with or eve n dive into water.(21)Some owners eve n shower with their Sava nnah Cats. Prese nti nga water bowl to Sava nnah may also prove a challe nge, as some will promptly begin to bat all the water out of the bowl until it is empty using their front paws.Questi on 19: What do we lear n about the sava nnah cat?Questi on 21: What do some people do with theirSava nnah cats?Passage Three(22)Whe n childre n start school for the very first timepare nts ofte n feel a sense of exciteme nt coupled with a touch of sad ness at the end of an era. This is the start of a new adve nture for childre n play ing and in teract ing with new friends sharing, taking turns and settling into a new routine.(23)But of course, this is not the start of your child ' seducati on which in fact bega n at birth. Back the n, you would have bee n your child ' s most in flue ntial teachers. Duringthis time at home, your child would have learnt more than at any other period in their life. During your child ' s first yearin school much time will be spent in learning to read and they need to know that this is fun and worthwhile. (24)Your child will n aturally copy you so it is importa nt that you are see n read ing and enjoying books n ewspapers and magaz ines rather tha n just absorbed in scree ns. Ultimately an excelle nt educati on should be a close part nership betwee n pare nts and teachers. A child ' s year splits fairly neatly into thirds: a third at school, a third asleep and a third awake at home or on holiday. (25)lrrespective of the quality of a school, a child ' s home life is of key importance.lt is the determining factor of their academic success.欢迎下载iiYour child may have started on a new jour ney but your work is far from fini shed.Questi on 22: How do pare nts feel whe n their childre n start going to school?Questi on 23: What does the passage say about childre n s educati on?Questi on 24: What should pare nts do for the success of their children ' s education?Questi on 25: What does the passage say is the key factor of children ' s academic success?欢迎下载12。



大学体验英语视听说教程4听力原文UNIT 2Challenges of Understanding a Culturescript―Most people you meet know more about comics than I do,‖ laughs Naif Al-Mutawa, creator of The 99, the world‘s first comic-book series whose superheroes are based on Islamic culture.―Strength, honor, truth, mercy, invention, generosity, wisdom, tolerance—these are some of the superpowers possessed by my heroes,‖ emphasizes Al-Mutawa. ―No one hero has more than a single power, and no power is expressed to the degree that God po ssesses it,‘‘ he adds. There are 99 young heroes from 99 countries, from all walks of life. All of them are Muslim, but not all are Arabs, and the number is almost evenly split between boys and girls. As Al-Mutawa explains, whenever these characters collaborate to solve problems, there is an implicit message of tolerance and acceptance, a theme central to the series.Unlike many comic book heroes, the 99 do not use weapons. ―They use the gifts they have within themselves,‖ Al- Mutawa notes, adding that ―The 99 is not about what kids shouldn‘t be doing. It‘s about learning how to use the power within them to make a difference.‖Although the series is not religious, it aims to communicate Islamic virtues which are, as viewed by Dr. Al-Mutawa, universal in nature. ―The 99 is all about making a conscious choice not to let others define who you are. It is about being proactive in choosing the backdrop against which you are to be judged. Islamic culture and Islamic heritage have a lot to be proud and joyful about. The 99 is about bringing those positive elements into global awareness. Now it does.‖ ScriptHello everyone. Because this is my first time at TED, I‘ve decided to bring along an old friend to help break the ice a bit. Y es. That‘s right. This is Barbie. She‘s 50 years old. And she‘s looking as young as ever. But I‘d also like to introduce you to what may be an unfamiliar face. This is Fulla. Fulla is the Arab world‘s answer to Barbie.Now, according to the proponents of the clash of civilizations, both Barbie and Fulla occupy these completely separate spheres. They have different interests. They have divergent values. And should they ever come in contact ... well, I‘ve got to tell you, it‘s just not going to be pretty.My experience however, in the Islamic world is very different. Where I work, in the Arab region, people are busy taking up Western innovations and changing them into things which are neither conventionally Western, nor are they traditionally Islamic. I want to show you two examples. The first is 4Shbab. It means ―for youth‖ and it‘s a new Arab TV channel.Script(V ideo): Video clips from across the globe. The USA.♫I am not afraid to stand alone ♫♫I am not afraid to stand alone, if Allah is by my side ♫♫I am not afraid to stand alone ♫♫Everything will be all right ♫♫I am not afraid to stand alone ♫The Arab world.(Music)♫ (U rdu) ♫Shereen El Feki: 4Shbab has been dubbed Islamic MTV. Its creator, who is an Egyptian TV producer called Ahmed Abou Haïba, wants young people to be inspired by Islam to lead better lives. He reckons the best way to get that message across is to use the enormously popular medium of music videos.In the world of 4Shbab, it‘s not about bump and grind. But it‘s not about fire and brimstone either. Its videos are intended to show a kinder, gentler face of Islam, for young people to deal with life‘s c hallenges.scriptNow, my second example is for a slightly younger crowd. And it‘s called ―The 99.‖ Now, these are the world‘s first Islamic superheroes. They were created by a Kuwaiti psychologist called Nayef Al Mutawa. And his desire is to rescue Islam from images of intolerance, all in a child-friendly format. ―The 99,‖ the characters are meant to embody the 99 attributes of Allah, justice, wisdom, mercy, among others. So, for example, there is the character of Noora. She is meant to have the power to look inside people and see the good and bad in everyone. Another character called Jami has the ability to create fantastic inventions.Now, ―The 99‖ is not just a comic book. It‘s now a theme park. There is an animated series in the works. And by this time next year the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman will have joined forces with ―The 99‖ to beat injustice wherever they find it.―The 99‖ and 4Shbab are just two of many examples of this sort of Islamic cross-cultural hybridization. We‘re not talking here about a clash of civilizations. Nor is it some sort of indistinguishable mash. I‘d like to think of it as a mesh of civilizations, in which the strands of different cultures are intertwined.ScriptThe Danger of a Single Story (Part I)I‘m a storyteller. And I would like to tell you a few personal stories about what I‘d like to call ―the danger of the single story.‖I was an early writer. And when I began to write stories in pencil with crayon illustrations that my poor mother was obligated to read, I wrote exactly the kinds of stories I was reading. All my characters were white and blue-eyed. They played in the snow. They ate apples. Now, this despite the fact that I lived in Nigeria. I had never been outside Nigeria. We didn‘t have s now. We ate mangoes.I come from a conventional, middle-class Nigerian family. And so we had, as was the norm, live-in domestic help, who would often come from nearby rural villages. So the year I turned eight we got a new house boy. His name was Fide. The only thing my mother told us about him was that his family was very poor. My mother sent yams and rice, and our old clothes, to his family. And when I didn‘t finish my dinner my mother would say, ―Finish your food! Don‘t you know? People like Fide‘s family have nothing.‖ So I felt enormous pity for Fide‘s family.ScriptThen one Saturday we went to his village to visit. And his mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket, made of dyed raffia, that his brother had made. I was startled. It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something. All I had heard about them is how poor they were, so that it had become impossible for me to see them as anything else but poor. Their poverty was my single story of them.ScriptThe Danger of A Single Story (Part II)Y ears later, I thought about this when I left Nigeria to go to university in the United States. I was 19. My American roommate was shocked by me. She asked where I had learned to speak English so well, and was confused when I said that Nigeria happened to have English as its official language. She asked if she could listen to what she called my ―tribal music‖, and was consequently very disappointed when I produced my tape of Mariah Carey. She assumed that I did not know how to use a stove.What struck me was this: She had felt sorry for me even before she saw me. Her default position toward me, as an African, was a kind of patronizing, well-meaning, pity. My roommate had a single story of Africa. A single story of catastrophe. In this single story there was no possibility of Africans being similar to her, in any way. No possibility of feelings more complex than pity. No possibility of a connection as human equals.So after I had spent some years in the U.S. as an African, I began to understand my roommate‘s response to me. If I had not grown up in Nigeria, and if all I knew about Africa were from popular images, I too would think that Africa was a place of beautiful landscapes, beautiful animals, and incomprehensible people, fighting senseless wars, dying of poverty and AIDS, unable to speak for themselves, and waiting to be saved, by a kind, white foreigner. I would see Africans in the same way that I, as a child, had seen Fide‘s family.ScriptWhen I learned, some years ago, that writers were expected to have had really unhappy childhoods to be successful, I began to think about how I could invent horrible things my parents had done to me. But the truth is that I had a very happy childhood, full of laughter and love, in a very close-knit family. But I also had grandfathers who died in refugee camps. My cousin Polle died because he could not get adequate healthcare. One of my closest friends, Okoloma, died in a plane crash because our fire trucks did not have water. I grew up under repressive military governments that devalued education, so that sometimes my parents were not paid their salaries. And so, as a child, I saw jam disappear from the breakfast table, then margarine disappeared, then bread became too expensive, then milk became rationed. And most of all, a kind of normalized political fear invaded our lives.All of these stories make me who I am. But to insist on only these negative stories is to flatten my experience, and to overlook the many other stories that formed me. The single story creates stereotypes. And the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete.Stories matter. Many stories matter. Stories have been used to dispossess and to malign. But stories can also be used to empower, and to humanize. Stories can break the dignity of a people. But stories can also repair that broken dignity.I would like to end with this thought: That when we reject the single story, when we realize that there is never a single story about any place, we regain a kind of paradise. Thank you.Home ListeningStereotypes: Being Content with MyselfBy Kamaal MajeedWhy don‘t you act black? Since my middle school years, I‘ve been asked this question more than any other. It seems to me that too many people have what society1) programs intotheir brains, what should be expected of me, a black person, before ever interacting with me. But I believe in being who I am, not who others want me to be.On my first day of high school, going into math class, two of my classmates pointed and laughed at me. I initially thought my fly was open, or that something was 2) stuckin my teeth. But as I took my seat, I heard one of the students whisper, why is a black person taking honors? So my fly wasn‘t open. An 3) honors-level classhad simply been joined by a student whose skin was an unsettling shade of brown.Many people think that my clothes should be big enough for me to live in, or expect me to listen exclusively to black music. In seventh grade, a group of my peers4) fixed their cold stareson my outfit. Cargo shorts and a plain, fitting T-shirt. They 5) called out to me, go get some gangster clothes, white boy.I am now in my junior year of high school. I still take all of the honors courses. My wardrobe still 6) consists solely ofclothes that are appropriate to my proportions. My music library spans from rock to pop to techno, and almost7) everything in between. When it comes to choosing my friends, I am still8) colorblind. I continue to do my best work in school in order to reach my goals. And yet, when I look in the mirror, I still see skin of that same shade of brown.My skin color 9) has done nothing to change my personality, and my personality has done nothing to change my skin color.I believe in being myself. I believe that I — not any stereotype — should10) define who I am and what actions I take in life.UNIT 3 CopyrightscyiptThe recent blockbuster Avatar is one among a string of new movies to come out during a period being called the ―3D renaissance‖. But has the 3D for mat cut down on the amount of movie piracy as Hollywood hopes? It doesn‘t look like it.―While Hollywood claims 3D movies will slow piracy, they are only partially right,‖ said Chris Chinnock, president of a U.S.-based marketing research and consulting firm. He said if pirates try to use a regular video camcorder to record 3D films, it would result in the images coming back in double. However, those with knowledge of video equipment can get around the 3D deterrent, he said.Chinnock‘s assess ment seems to hold true. More than a week before Avatar was set forits China release, copies of it were shelved in pirated DVD shops throughout Beijing.He also speculated that the lack of impact on the pirate market might be because the film was also released in 2D. The problem with releasing a film strictly in 3D is that many theaters, in both the U.S. and China, are not equipped to handle the new technology. China has roughly 200 mainland theaters equipped to show 3D films. Less availability for movie-goers means more devious minds finding alternative ways to watch blockbusters.Hurvitz of the foreign counsel for intellectual property law firm Kangxin Partners PC pointed out that while filming in the cinema is one of the biggest and easiest ways to contribute to pirated films, there are hundreds of people with industry ‗ins‘ willing to pass along exclusive copies of the film for big bucks.Still the problem persists and, while stringent laws are in place, neither the Chinese gove rnment nor the U.S. filming industry knows what to do. ―They‘re snuck out of the studios, sent overseas, duplicated a million times and then sold on the streets,‖ Hurvitz said.ScriptAnchorThe Motion Picture Association of America, which represents Hollywood‘s major studios, has put aside 150,000 US dollars to reward informers whose tips lead to raids on DVD factories in Asia. But as Mike Chanoi reports in this week‘s ―Look at the Business of Film‖, movie piracy still runs rampant in Asia.Mike Chanoi, CNN correspondentAt a plant near Taipei, InfoDisk is pumping out CDs and DVDs, tens of millions of them. The company is the largest legitimate producer of such products in Taiwan. Its major clients –MGM and Warner Bros. But these days, the label ―Made in Taiwan‖ has acquired a new meaning. The island has become one of Asia‘s leading centers of copyright piracy. A huge underground trade fueled by organized crime, ineffective government and a public more interested in cheap pr oducts than legal ones. Chu Y en Ping is one of Taiwan‘s leading movie directors.Chu Y en Ping―We work hard to shoot a film, but it doesn‘t sell because the pirates get there first.‖MikeBy some estimates, legitimate sales account for barely half of all the movies and music available in Taiwan. The rest is pirated. Even greater quantities of fake goods are exported, to markets from Southeast Asia to South America. The loss, just for American entertainment companies, is believed to be over 750 million dollars a year.ScriptRichard Vuylsteke, American Chamber of CommerceThis is on the front burner of our agenda. And I think a lot of companies will be reexamining their investments in this part of the world, if in fact this issue is not solved forthwith.MikeNight markets like these are at the center of the trade, which thrives in part, because under Taiwan law piracy isn‘t considered a quote, public crime. That is, police are powerless to seize fakes and arrest those involved, unless the copyright holders collect evidence and file a complaint. That job falls to men like these. Private investigators for the Motion Picture Association, who wanted their identities disguised for their own safety. ―It‘s dangerous work,‖ says one investigator. ―These criminal organizations have guns and knives. If you get in their way,you could be attacked.‖MikeThe situation is so bad that top Asian movie and music stars have marched to demand action. The US government, which has placed Taiwan on a copyright piracy watch list, has also stepped up the pressure.Lu W en-HsiangPiracy is not something we can wipe out overnight, we have to do it gradually.MikeBut with losses and complaints mounting almost as fast as legitimate manufacturers turn out discs, the Taiwan legislature now looks set to toughen anti-piracy laws. The critics though, are waiting to see the results. Mike Chanoi, CNN, Taipei.ScriptWhen Dan Brown‘s blockbuster novel ―The Lost Symbol‖ hit stores in September, it may have offered a peek at the future of bookselling.On , the book sold more digital copies for the Kindle e-reader in its first few days than hardback editions. However, less than 24 hours after its release, pirated digital copies of the novel were found on file-sharing sites like Rapidshare. Within days, it had been downloaded for free more than 100,000 times.Digital piracy, long confined to music and movies, is spreading to books. And as electronic reading devices such as Amazon‘s Kindle and the Sony Reader boost demand for e-books, experts say the problem may only get worse. Digital theft may pose a big headache in 2010 for the slumping publishing industry, which relies increasingly on electronic reading devices and e-books to stimulate sales.Piracy is a serious issue for publishers. The company that publishes Stephenie Meyer‘s wildly popular ―Twilight‖ teen-vampire series says it ―considers copyr ight protection to be of paramount importance.‖ Authors are concerned as well. ―With the open-source culture on the Internet, the idea of ownership --- of artistic ownership --- goes away,‖ said novelist and poet Sherman Alexie last month. ―It terrifies me.‖As to how to combat e-book piracy, views vary. Some publishers have tried to minimize theft by delaying releases of e-books for several weeks after physical copies go on sale. Some authors have even gone as far as to shrug off e-book technology altogether.However, some evidence suggests that authors‘ and publishers‘ claims of damage from illegal piracy may be overstated. Recent statistics have shown that consumers who purchase an e-reader buy more books than those who stick with traditional bound volumes. Amazon reports that Kindle owners buy, on average, 3.1 times as many books on the site as other customers. ScriptGoogle wants to be the repository of all of the world‘s information. For five years, users have been able to read classic books that are out of copyright along with shorter previews of more recent titles. But then Google started to scan the full text of millions of books that are out of print but are still in copyright. After a lawsuit in the U.S., it has agreed to a $125 million settlement, sharing sales of books with authors and the rights agency to settle copyright disputes and giving authors just until last Friday to opt out of the service.Now Google wants to bring this model to Europe, today telling a European commission hearing that they want to give new life to old works.Santiago De La Mora, Director, Google Book Partnerships―Win for the authors and publishers who are able to showcase their content, win for us because we‘re satisfying our use rs and of course from the user point of view, much more access, easy access to the world‘s information and our universal heritage.‖But Google‘s U.S. model might not work across the ponds. There, all books published before 1923 are outside copyright, but in Europe books remain in copyright until 70 years after the death of the author.Benjamin Cohen, ITN Technology Correspondent―One day, Google might have scanned as many books as you‘ll find here on theScriptshelves at the British Librar y. And Google is one of the major players in the online books‘ market and they‘ve achieved this primarily because they started scanning books before ever asking the permission of authors, publishers or other rights holders.‖That ultimately led to the U.S. out of court settlement which the Europeans say has given Google an effective monopoly.Jessica Sanger, German Publishers and Booksellers Assoc.―Google is being rewarded for breaking the law in the first place for doing something that wa s at first not permissible and is now gaining an advantage through such actions.‖Simon Bell, Head of Partnerships, British Library―The monopoly, something that concerns the British library, and it concerns everybody else really that‘s in the information world.‖Today, France supported Germany in a court submission which said that the U.S. settlement will have a dramatic and long-range effect of creating a new worldwide copyright regime as it has a hint of an uncontrolled, authoritarian concentration of power. But until an agreement can be reached with the EU, European visitors will be blocked from accessing the books under dispute although there are simple online services just one Google search away that will allow users to circumnavigate the blocks.Home ListeningIndian Film Industry, Bollywood, Steps Up Fight Against PiracyThe Indian Hindi language movie industry - popularly known as Bollywood - is stepping up its fight against film piracy both at home and overseas. As Anjana Pasricha reports from New Delhi, Bollywood films lose billions of dollars because of infringement of copyright laws.In a busy market in Central Delhi, 1) ___pirated____ CDs and DVDs of popular Hindi movies produced by the Mumbai-based Bollywood film industry are freely available. Ask a shop owner for DVDs of the 2) ___latest____ Hindi movie hits and he produces them from under the counter. A quick 3) __bargain_____ drives down the price from two dollars to just a dollar and a half.A recent study 4) ___estimates_____ that India‘s entertainment industry loses $4 billion, and 800,000 jobs, each year, because of piracy. These losses are not 5) ___unique____ to India. Piracy is also a growing problem in Western countries, like the United States and Britain, which are home to large Indian 6) ____populations_______. Film Federation of India Secretary Supran Sen says tens of thousands of people in these countries buy 7) __illegal______ DVDs of Hindi films. He says these are easily available in smallretail stores, usually owned by Indians.The Western markets have become so big that Bollywood film producers are 8) ____basing____ some of their biggest blockbusters on Indians living overseas. In Mumbai, Komal Nahata, publisher of a Bollywood trade magazine called ―Film Information‖ noted that in some cases, 9) ______the overseas market is almost as huge as the Indian market__________________________ ____________________.The huge scale of the problem has prompted Bollywood to step up the fight against piracy both at home and overseas. On a recent visit to Washington, Indian filmmakers urged American enforcement agencies to help plug the losses suffered by them. An advocacy group, 10) _____the U.S.-India Business Council, and Americanfilm companies are collaborating with Bollywood to combat piracy by raisingawareness of the problem with American authorities__________________________________.UNIT 4Secrets to Win the Chinese MarketscriptChina has changed enormously over the last 20 years. Its economy has been growing at 10% a year. Today, 80% of the world‘s electronic goods are made in China. As a result, more and more western companies want to do business in China. But how easy is it for a westerner to do business there? Here are some tips from the British Embassy in Beijing.Build relationships. In the west, it‘s usual to do business first, and then see if a relationship is possible. In China, it‘s the opposite. Y ou need to build a relationship before you can do bus iness. This leads to the idea of ‗guanxi’. Guanxi means using personal contacts and relationships to do business, and westerners need to understand how real and strong this is in China.It can also be useful to find a reliable Chinese ally to work with you. He or she will be able to help with language or cultural problems and will also be able to understand Chinese body language.Y ou must remember to respect ‗face‘. ‗Face‘ means having high status with your peers. ‗Face‘ can be lost, given or e arned. Never criticize or insult someone in front of others, as losing face will make it impossible to make a deal. On the other hand, if you praise someone by saying good things about him or her, then he or she will gain face, but be careful not to do it too much.All these tricks of the trade can help you to play the game and do business successfully in China. Be prepared, and be patient if you want to be a winner in China.ScriptSam Goodman: By far, the most common is not doing your homework, which, of course, is the whole reason why I wrote Where East Eats West. Because, you know, it‘s not, because it‘s not China books out there. But it‘s not so much that people, everyone can start with millions of dollars or huge corporation behind them. And so what I wanted to do is sort of lay out all the China rookie mistakes that people make. I mean, that‘s, you know, that was the whole purpose of it all within chapters, you know, under three pages long. Y ou know, really, Where East Eats West is for the person who is on the ground and in the trenches, not so much in the boardroom. I mean, specifically, I guess you would say that a lot of the foreigners come here, and they over-mystifyconcepts like ―face‖ or guanxi. Guanxi is really nothing more than your network or your connections. But on the other side of the things, it‘s really underestimating exactly how important both face and guanxi are to doing business in China.ScriptCNN’s Pauline Chiou: A lot of people look at China as a huge market with 1.3 billion people there. But in your book, you actually say don‘t look at China as one market. What do you mean by that?Sam: Well, again, like you said, China is a huge market. Geographically speaking, it‘s bigger than Europe. So most people would not think of going, this is my Europe strategy, in order to come in, and we‘re going to just succeed in this way. Y ou got to understand that China, again, as a vast country has its own nuances. So if you are going to be targeting your market in Shanghai, it‘s going to be very different than if you are going to be in a second or even in a third tier city. And of course, there‘s gonna to be differences in terms of whether it is in the north or in the south, or in the west, or in the east, or again, in the first tier, seco nd tier cities, which, if you don‘t know the differences between the first and second tier cities, you need to do some more homework to understand that.Pauline:Tell us a little bit more about first tier cities and second tier cities, what are they and what is corporate life like in those different tiers.ScriptSam: Okay, that‘s a big question. Let‘s see. First tier cities would be, I guess, what you used to call the most cosmopolitan, the most advanced if you will, the most international. Beijing, Sha nghai, Guangzhou are considered first tier cities. Those are the ones where you‘ll see the most number of western brands. And of course, in that sense, if you are a small entrepreneur, that‘s where you are gonna find the most amount of competition. So if you are doing business from a corporate setting, a lot of the people tend to be in these first tier cities. And of course, now they are expanding into the second tier cities, and some of them are even venturing into the third tier cities.I personally think that the most challenging aspect and therefore the most opportunities are going to be in your second and third tier cities. And you need to understand as a westerner coming to China, that the way of doing business from a corporate setting in the first tier city is going to be very similar to what you are gonna see on the international stage. But as soon as you step out of the corporate setting and go into a second or third tier city, that‘s where it becomes much more the wild wild west in the East.Pauline: And if you are in that wild wild west of the East, how severely disadvantaged are you if you do not speak Mandarin Chinese? Y ou yourself are fluent, so I imagine that‘s very helpful. But if you are a westerner wanting to go into that second or third tier city, do you really need to learn Mandarin Chinese?Sam:Well, I guess the best way I can explain this is when you‘re thinking of a language, it‘s really a tool to communicate. And the more tools that you have that you can use in your utility belt, the m ore chance you have of actually succeeding. Is it critical? That‘s difficult to say. If you are going to be a CEO coming into a second or third tier city, then I would have to say it‘s not necessary to have the language. But if you are a small entrepreneur, you are gonna be building everything from the ground up, not having a language is certainly gonna make it a lot more。



Unit 1一. all-white ;racial identity ;self-conscious ;worried ;caught ;identifying with ;African Americans ;more confused ;believe ;beaccepted ;community ;belonging二.introverted/shy/timid三.1.his way of being was unusual/there was something wrong with the speaker.2.he never thought his way of being was problematic/he never wanted to play with the other children.3.confused/different/disoriented.四.1.play games ;reading and writing ;reacted to ;what's wrong with you ;had an interest ;only natural ;want to play with ;feel myself different ;a different universe ;my inner world ;further away ;casual social chat五.being refused by both societies六.Department manager七.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C八.1.plane ;think about ;going shopping 2.wrong ;moreimportant ;bonding 3.stores ;looking for ;handbag ;black leather dresses 4.a couple of ;really fitted ;How much 5.save up ;go shopping ;go with you ;what are you going to get 6.kidding ;affordto 7.jeans ;enjoy myself ;on holiday ;something 8.anyone ;worry about ;no need to ;cooking dinner十.1.funny ;tourist ;passport 2.pulling ;dead 3.brightness ;grabbed4.poor ;extra5.renewed6.inconvenient ;documents十二.1.panic ;misplaced 2.everywhere ;rubbish 3.world 4.two-step ; police 5.straightforward ;SECURITYunit 2一.1.Forgiveness 2.Integrity ;fashionable 3.ungrateful ;inability4.honesty5.Patience ;tolerance ;perseverance6.Flexibility ;essentialpassion二. A taxi driver who takes a visitor the long way around cheats./Footballers who pretend to be hurt for a free-kick cheat./Riders who take drugs in a cycling tour cheat.三.1.Footballers will do nothing for a free-kick or a penalty shot.2.In 1998,the world's greatest cycling event was hit by a drug-taking scandal./From bottles drugs were found with a team in the cycling tour./One rider was banned for nine months because of drug problem.四. Fake products are everywhere./It has become socially acceptable to buy fake Gucci bags./More pupils than ever are caught cheating during exams. 五.Keys to exam papers were put up for sale on the Internet./Cheating took place by pupils using their mobile phones to receivetexted answers./Pupils admitted to candidate substitution.六.George lied to his father七.1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.e八.disapproving ;oddballs ;bizarre ;greasy-haired ;parental ;eccentric ;oppose ;fancied ;guaranteed ;encountered ;dissuade ;lovesick ;wily ;approach ;get-t ogether ;universal ;fulfill ;witness十.1.settle ;thirty 2.wouldn't ;born 3.personality ;compatible5.ox ;loyal6.natured ;sociable十二.1.extroverted ;introverted 2.versus ;debate 4.behavior ;theo ry 5.determines 6.hung 7.Nonetheless ;intelligentunit3一.1.carpooling ;drive ;dizzy ;rage 2.chores ;laundry ;allowance 3.relapse ;cig arettes ;row二.A home business owner→the second speaker A stay-at-home mom→the first speaker三.需挂时间四.drug五.需挂时间六.c c七.soak ;surf ;foreigncuisines ;sacred ;connoisseur ;expressway ;preferred ;cyber ;contemporary ;fl at-screen monitor;vacation ;precisely ;soothingly ;promise ;virulent ;orderup ;crack ;dragons ;relic ;comforts九.1.equality 2.sign ;wage 3.disoriminatory ;professionals ;administr ators 4.average ;female 5.improvement ;direction十一pelling 2.empowerment 4.feminists ;opportunities 5.s ensitive ;discriminates ;Non-discriminatory ; 7.sales representativeunit4一.1.financial hardship ;die prematurely 2.sexual equality ;stay athome 3.lose their social status 4.bringup their children 5.afford nurseries 6.Divorce ;toughing itout 7.investment ;are dedicated to二.1.democracy 2.breaking apart 3.strengthen families三.1.Each family member can have a say/A sense of equality often exists in American homes2.Over half of US marriages now end in divorce3.Many women are quitting their jobs to stay home with their children./Families are going on vacations and outingstogether./Husbands and wives are making a concentrated effort to keep their marriages solid四.househusbands五.There is a growing acceptance of men as househusbands./Male white-collar workers were excessive in the last three years六.There is an increasing need for one parent to hold down the fort and take care of the kids./Young women put their personal happiness before a big salary or high-powered career./And for a mother,watching her children growing up is the greatest pleasure even in the worldMany women are highly educated and they have tremendous earningpotential./Dropping out of the workforce means a reducation in work experience and the loss of a promotion ./She will completely lose her identity七.not altogether ;fresh from a recent divorce ;was ironing ;occurred ;keep trackof ;appointments ;keep them mende d ;nurturing ;arranges ;with their peers ;miss classes ;physical needs ;pick up after me ;replaced when needed ;personal things ;the minute ;rambling complaints ;come across ;course of studies九.1.tiff ;hear 2.career ;somewhat 3.value ;adult 4.wasting ;intention5.grateful ;qualified6.responsibilities ;definitely十一.1.realize ;scheduled 2.department ;consensus 3.successful ;collaborator5.self-sufficient ;achieving6.initiative ;balanceunit5一.1.resolution;workouts;target;sessions 2.routines;recovery 3.stretch;flexible4.sportswear;well-fittedmitment;hydrated二.1.She is too busy to cook 2.The resolution she made a few years ago 3.Her family recipes 4.She posted her family recipes to her website三.just ;turned ;40 ;public ;relations ;consultant ;6 ;family ;recipes ;cookbooks ;magazin es ;newspaper ;clippings ;四.edible-4 enzyme-2 digestions-3 appetizer-5 ingredient-1五.firm ;ripe ;thinly ;sliced ;outer ;skin ;in ;half ;seeds ;lengthwise ;slices ;thin ;sheets ;w edges六.Gabby's advice on how to stay in shapeHow often should people do their workouts七.1.start by walking and then move on by jogging and sprinting2.stretch the muscles which have been used the most3.it's up to different individuals八.an RH negative mother ;were set aside to die ;feed the baby by dropper ;be of any value ;get some nourishment ;transfer ;equipment and pediatricians ;accompanied by a nurse ;on this transfer ; in an ambulance;ambulance ;started wailing ;broke out in a sweat ;left the heat on ;took home a live baby; the odds are overwhelmingly against 十.1.wedding ;congratulate 2.fancy ;recipe 3.jogging ;volleyball ;yoga 5.di et ;brownies 6.craving ;refreshed十二.1.awesome ;routine 2.trim ;Discipline 3.stretching ;jog 4.gym ;cardio5.muscle ;joints6.impressive ;triathlonunit6一.afflicted ;adventurous ;boarded ;runny ;letout ;exhausted ;checked ;failing ;compatible ;embarrassed二.1.Diarrhea 2.Concerned 3.He was embarrassed三.需挂时间四.1.wear a vest with many pockets 2.his money was nearly stolen 3.he found he was carrying his swiss army knife五.F ; T ; F ;F ;T ;F ;I don't know ;I don't know六.mutual ;co-op tour ;found out ;away from home ;steel-blue-eyed ;backat ;oxymoron ;within walking distance ;cousin ;a highclass ;micro-breweries ;tourist八.1.tent ;camping 2.hike ;rainforest ;jungle 3.fascinating ;reptiles ;a mphibians 4.snakes ;dolphins 5.incredible ;tripod ;wildlife 6.sli deshow ;storytelling十.1.ecotourism ;buzzword ;ecotravel ;ecolodges ;ecotourism ;ecotourism2.negative ;destinations3. drawbacks ;pollutes ;littered4.friendl y5.empowerment ;awarenessmendable ;ecotouristunit7一.1.demonstrated ;symbol ;overwhelming 2.movements ;locations ;identify 3.deaf ;hearing ;visual ;spatial ;facial二.$700,000 from the Defense Department /$1.3 billion from the Senate三.F ;F ;F ;T ;F ;F四.expressions whose figurative meanings are known through conventional use五.1.literal ;figurative ;conventional 2.confused ;idiomatic 3.constructs ;200 ;in terpretation ;original六.Are all idioms translatable across languages? /What are the differences between idioms and other expressions invocabulary?七.F ;F ;F ;T ;T ;T八.Zoo ;a gorilla ;the baby ;picked up ;Health Beat ;who are happy ;who are nothappy ;why ;Financial Times ;announces ;game system ;boy and girl ;from Switzerland ;are missing ;an avalanche ;World News ;from Italy ;passenger train;the tracks十.2.idioms ;descriptors ;idiomatic ;might 3.appreciate ;cause ;rock 4.piece of cake 5.test ;context 6.hang十二.1.rommance ;poetry 2.prospects ;follow 3.bilingual ;trilingual 5.tough ;Span ish 6.Senegal ;Cameroon ;fascinatingunit8一.1.multiple-choice ;reward ;create ;retention ;infallible 2.scale ;assume ;nutrition ;administer 3.pbservation ;assessment二.1.he feels scared 2.she is worried 3.he never assigns a research because of the exam 4.she is suspiciousof the consequence of the exam三.1.scared ;erratic ;squishing ;stabbing 2.worries ;21 ;failing 3.doesn't ;don't ;state-mandated 4.struggling ;A's ;experiment四.no one五.1.constructive 2.making decisions ;upcoming ;long termplanning 3.accountability ;strengths and weaknesses ;addressed ;academic training 六.SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test) ACT(American College Testing Pr ogram)GRE(Graduate Record Exam) GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)七.SAT:criticalthinking ;problem-solving ;three ;verbal ;reasoning ;200-800 ;20 ;subject-area ACT:content ;achievement ;36GRE:analytical ;applicants ;16 ;Paper-and-computer basedGMAT:business ;writing ;quantitative ;computer-adaptive八.bad commute ;stupid train ;missed my connection ;already ;commute ;an hourand a half ;every day ;make it ;that is long ;at least ;the trees and smalltowns ;minutes ;gets closer to ;concrete and steel ;So many people ;move closer to ;fresh and clean ;all that ;work all day ;more worthwhile ;newspaper ;really enjoy it ;audio tapes ;relaxation tapes ;look into it ;complaining about十.1.freeing ;mention 2.admissions ;Chicago 3.Basically 4.Biology ;Medici ne 5.geared ;science-reasoning 6.solving ;critical十二.1.nervous ;IELTS 2.lift ;spirits 3.terrific ;smoothly 4.predict ;coherent ;l ogical pliments 6.stressed ;interview ;fluent 7.celebrateunit9一.wrap ;glitterati ;glamorous ;acceptance ;AcademyAwards ;statuette ;features ;ceremony ;categories ;Best Picture;releases二.1.she was surprised at the nomination2.her trip to San Francisco was paid for by her company3. she felt it a brilliant experience to be sitting in the sams room with whose big stars4. she didn't go to the Vanity Fair Party because she can only get in with anOscar-winner三.San ;Francisco ;nominees ;her ;category ;animation ;studios ;going ;nuts ;the ;carpet ;photographers ;and ;people ;in ;the ;limo ;called ; it ;a ;night四.the name of the movie /the major story of the movie /the inspiration to do the movie五.1.quest ;true ;loving ;singing ;effect ;wildlife ;all2.voices ;Nicole ;Kidman ;Robin ;Williams ;feet ;tap ;dancer3.documentary ;Life ; in ; the ;Freezer4.Emperor ;penguins ;survived ;led ;to ;Happy ;Feet六.the preparation made to do the movie /the moral in the movie七.3-5-7 1-4-6-9 10-11 2-8八.overall ;first-ever ;intense ;handle ;around the net ;announcer's ;dealwith ;dominant ;elite ;All-star team ;agile ;foul trouble ;was forced to ;fellow十.1.marvelous ;critics ;richly-enjoyable2.true-life ;exuberant ;therapist ;3.sure ;st ammer4.involuntary ;repetitions ;eloquently5.inspiration ;Oscar6.Lea ding十二.1.coolest ;rock &roll ; 2.pretty ;70 3.originated ;combination ;genres ;gospel 4.rhythms ;in strument 5.awesome 6.enroll ;bandunit10一.optimism ;take a break ;do somethingdifferent ;Regular exercise ;stretch ;tiding yourdesk ;origanizing ;Itemize ;Socializing with ;do your own thing ;at your own rate 二.the era of guaranteed jobs in history /we are all temporary workers /you haveto equip yourself with the skills三.1.a career activist should take the long view of his career2.in temp world you must withstand disappointments,juggle stressful situations,and handle pressure /you must learn from your setbacks and use them to your advantage in the future四.before you consider quitting your job, try these boss-taming strategies五.you should change your own ways to track your boss's patterns /you should respond to the content of your boss's criticism and accusation ,not his curses /if your boss is intolerably abusive ,you may have to go above his head to yourpersonnel department or senior manager.六. 1.The cave man didn't have to worry about the stock marker or the nuclear weapons ./the cave man worried aboutbeing eaten by a bear while he was asleep or about dying of hunger. /if you really managed to avoid stress completely,you would be dead ./everybody thinks he o she is under the greatest stress.2.the causes of stress differ in various civilizations and historical time periods ./stress may emerge when demands cannot be met ./people should break large demands into small and manageable parts ./people should work throughone task at a time.七.follow your bliss ;follow a direction ;on their quest ; well-worn ;legislature ;triedfor ;held to ;went bankrupt ;in history ;expelled ;at one point ;treasure九.1.academic 2.struggle 3.toss ;pressure 4.recommend ;recollect 5.fresh ;e nergy 7.simplifying ;solvable ;weaknesses 8.self-confidence十一.1.graduates ;intelligently 2.hunt ; Gladly 3.specific ;focus 4.potential ;re sume 5.qualifications ;criteria ;maximize 6.easiest 7.tipsunit11一.1.rudeness ;hasten the deterioration oftraditional courtesy 2.interrupting ;invisible 3.stoppedtalking 4.setback to the intimacy of human interaction 5.fool someone into 6.ridiculous ;listen in without the slightest hindrance二. Mobiles may not always be useful in an emergencyIt's the height of rudeness to him when friends use their mobiles at table三.The guy who had a parachuting accident landed on top of a cliffWhat he hates most is how his daily life is affected negatively by other people using their mobile phones /She thinks it is rude to use mobile phone in public places like restaurants or concert halls四.There is the strongest sign that mobile phones will inherit the earth /The number of cellphone subscribers is much greater than that of Personal Computers五.dial ;balance ;chat-room ;make a vending machine give you a pepsi or a car wash六.It's too amusing!/He doesn't mind although it is second-hand七.Tom:T ;F ;not mentioned ;T ;T Jerry:F ;T ;T ;F ;F八.over the internet ;life mates ;chat room ;by phone ;In no time at all ; in bloom ;awe and delight ;call for ;blossomed ;work itself out ;endearment ;secure ;matched ;in every way ;at Christmas十.1.contact ;attend 3.kidding ;anymore ;addiction 4.exaggerating 5.chatting ;interrupted ;ruining十二.1.easy ;E-commerce 2.log ;recommendations 3.purchases ;webstore; genre 4.bookworm ;purchase 6.rid ;e-shopaholicunit12一.tension ;discomfort ;squeeze ;grumble ;groceries ;yearning ;fluency ;expatriate ;comp ensation ;social services二.1.to teach their baby three languages 2.each of them speaks more than one language三.F ;T ;F ;T ;not mentioned;F ;F ;T ;F四.1.No 2. sometimes happy,sometimes unhappy五.1,the swiss were racists 2.berlin 3.the cost of living is cheap六.Ethiopia ,Holland and Sri Lanka ;Ethiopia七.1.Norwegian ;Spain ;French 2.NewYork ;Srilanka ;Indonesia ;Holland ;Ethiopia 3.Spanish ;English ;Bahasa;Dutch ;Ethi opian ;Italian八.plague ;as to ;midst ;wholeheartedly ;exotic ;frustrating ;befuddling ;as muchas ;compensate ; 缺个;ongoing ;charades ;willingness ;ass ;at long last ;armpits ;leads to;square ;缺个;approaching十.5.university ;exchange ;China ;miss 6.shock ;euphoria ;honeymoon ;adjusting7.adjusted 8.friendly ;hospitable十二.1.nationality ;ethnicity 2.culturally ;rasied 3.background ;belong ;naturalization4.Basically ;passport5.marriages6.Namibian-Italian7.parent ;M ulticulturalunit13一.January:Was sworn in March:solar April:fair trade ;nuclear weapons July:clash ;hit August:astronomers September:blastedoff;giant ;mission December:Senate ,nomination二.2003 ;2006 ;2000 ;2010 ;1998 ;2002三.1.the international Space Station 2.space lab in the sky 3.Scientists from many countries 4.was bulit in 1998;220 miles 5.giant solar panels 6.the sun's energy ;make power四.Barack-African-American Hillary-Woman candidate Bill -Governor of New Mexico ,Hispanic Mitt -Governor of Massachusetts ,Republican ,Mormon Sam -Conservative五. F ;F ;T ;T ;F ;F六.1.she had a dog to take care of at home 2.he had to walk down 86 flights of stairs to get out of the building3.no,it was just an electrical blackout4.by pay phones5.no,he was relaxed七.1.PhilFisher ;extra-curricular 2.foremost ;enhances 3.participate ;positive 4.distra cts ;future 5.contrary ;significantly九.1.Club ;choosing municate ;acquire 3.psychologically ;academically;prob lematic ;academic 4.patient ;crucialunit14一.pick up the phone ;disconnected ;a real nightmare ;aftermath ;frustrating ;postal service;compensate ;cell towers ;place a call ;devastating ;demonstrated ;dependent二.there was a hole in the side of the aircraft三.四.became ;sick ;swapped ;tickets ;with ;being ;sucked ;out五.international response /the general situation after the disaster /the difficulty of the relief effort /the casualty六.totally ;destroyed ;flattened ;swept ;out ;to ;sea七.why it could happen /what people can do about it八.arming people with weapons is not the solution to mass killings /the killer often show signs of a possible attack /the perpetrator often plans to kill himself after a mass killing 九.smells and bright colors ;Homemade sausage ;get some ;all sorts ofthings ;fruit ;eggs ;spices ;batteries ;at the market over there ;why are they allyelling ;what they have in their booths ;saying ;some of it ;from all over the place ;different languages ;what do they sell here ;you name it ;Is it expensive ;reasonable ;walkman ;a new pair of pants ;what you want ;bargaining is a must ;come down ;come down alittle ;shopping here ;exciting十一.1.Honey 2.meaningful ;devastating 3.rebuilt 4.delegation ;complexes 5.rein forced ;earthquake-proof 7.Prevention ;Reduction ;undoubtedly十三.1.fireproofing ;laboratories ;labs ;ensure 2.eliminate ;hazards 3.extension ;outl ets ;hooked ;appliances 4.sparks ;overheats 5.double-check ;rugs ;extinguisherunit15一.1.give the same measure as I haverecived 2.Curiosity ;comprehend 3.Passive acceptance ; independentthought ;disastrous 4.wiser people 5.truth and love have alwayswon 6.Freedom ;precious 7.how close they were success二.Edison's laboratory was virtually destroyed by fire in December ,1914三.1.spectacular flames that December night 2.anxiously searched for hisfather 3.There is great value in disaster 4.deliver his first phonograph四.the longing for love /the search for knowledge /the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind五.1.first ,because it brings ecstasy ;next, because it relieves loneliness ;finally ,because in the union of love ;the heaven that saints and poets have imagined2.love and knowledge ;cries of pain ;victims ;the whole world ofloneliness ,poverty ,and pain六.poverty is the worst form of violence /Nonviolence is a constructive program to india's agony /there are defeats and great pain when we use nonviolence solution /we should be prepared to die like a solider when we use nonviolencesolution七.vice presidential debates ;sponsored by ;Theater for the Arts ;going to be moderatig ; the participants ;Democratic ;Senator ;vicepresidential ;nominee ;candidate ;ground rules ;opening statement ;present the issues ;to respond ;five-minute discussion ;by a drawing ;candidate ;an equal allocation ;auditorium ;refrain from ;demonstration ;with that plea九.1.staff ;endorsespetitive ;innovative 4.brainstorming ;teamwork5.timid ;biweekly6.diverse ;perspectives十一.1.touching ;respond 2.imaginative ;psych 3. solutions 4.outside 5. eelings 6.mental block。

大学体验英语 视听说4听力材料及课后答案

大学体验英语 视听说4听力材料及课后答案

Famous Quote— Benjamin FranklinUnit OverviewModern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems, not only physically but also psychologically. In this unit, students will be introduced to the importance of psychological health and ways to achieve it through listening, watching and reading. Various activities will inspire the students to talk about ways to cope with stress and to be happy by using the words and expressions in this unit. And finally, they will conduct a poll on “Stress on Campus ” with their peers.In this unit, you willget to know ways to deal with stress that comes from stressful situations, different life periods and difficult people through listening, watching and readingtalk about the impact of stress on your physical and especially mental health, and the ways to deal with stress through guided activitiesconduct a poll on “Stress on Campus ” with your peerspick up useful words and expressionslearn to reflect on your own learning and comment on that of your peers learn to think independently, critically and creatively Background InformationModern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Stress isn’t always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you’re consta ntly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price.Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. When you sense danger--- whether i t’s real or imagined--- the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight -or-flight” reaction, or the stress response.The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you. When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life – giving you extra strength to defend yourself, for example, or spurring you to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident.Benjamin Franklin (1706 — 1790): One of the Founding Fathersof the United States. As a noted polymath, Franklin was a leadingauthor and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician,scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, soldier, and diplomat. He helped draw up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution; he played a major role in the American Revolution and negotiated French support for the colonists; as The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.The stress response also helps you rise to meet challenges. Stress is what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work, sharpens your concentration when you’re attempting the game-winning free throw, or drives you to study for an exam when you’d rather be watching TV.But beyond a certain point, stress stops being helpful and starts causing major damage to your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships, and your quality of life.Effects of chronic stressThe body doesn’t distinguish between physical and psychological threats. When you’re stressed over a busy schedule, an ar gument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if you were facing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress response may be “on” most of the time. The more your body’s stress system is activated, the easier it is to trip and the harder it is to shut off.Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. Long-term stress can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.Many health problems are caused or exacerbated by stress, including: Pain of any kindHeart diseaseDigestive problemsSleep problemsDepressionObesityAutoimmune diseasesSkin conditions, such as eczemaTopic Preview1. Read the passage on Page X and learn useful expressions related to the relationship between healthy mind and healthy body.2. Log on line and search for information concerning the importance of psychological health and some kinds of psychological health problems.Lesson OneLead inTask 1 Describing the PictureTeaching Tipsquestions.1.How differently did the remaining Bell Labs executives perform according to thestudy conducted by Dr Salvatore Maddi and his team?Answer: One group of them developed severe performance problems and health issues over the next few years; the other group remained healthy, enthusiastic and performed well at work.2.What does the case of Smitha, the airhostess, tell us?Answer: It is possible to learn these attitudes of dealing with stress.3.What did the study conducted by Drs Dacher Keltner and LeeAnne Harker reveal?Answer: A happy disposition is one of the better predictors of health.4.Why did the author say “In our busy world, we need to make time and demonstratelove and affection to our children”?Answer: Studies show that children need this to grow happily and healthily.5.What did Writer William Helmreich deem an important factor in the thousands ofJews’building a good life after they had survived the German death and torture factories and moved to America?Answer: T o find meaning in their experience and “interpret their surviv al ina way to give meaning to the rest of their lives.”appropriate meaning in the right-hand column.1. expert A. the degree to which a thing extends2. active B. a person with special knowledge, skill or training in sth.3. involved C. being part of sth. or connected with sth.4. constantly D. unwillingly5. extent E. all the time; repeatedly6. reluctantly F. always busy doing things, especially physical activities Key: 1-B 2-F 3-C 4-E 5-A 6-DAudio StudioWord BankTask 1 Identifying the GistTeaching Tips1. This task is designed to train students to understand the general idea of theaudio clip.2. Ask students to go over the questions and make their choices quickly.3. Tell them not to worry about individual words but to focus on understanding thewhole passage.4. Play the audio clip and ask students to make the correct choices.Listen to the audio clip, and choose the right answers to the questions.1. What ’s the topic of this audio clip?A) Symptoms of heart diseaseB) A new report from Dr. DavidsonC) Dr. Davidson and her report2. Which is NOT true about happiness?A) It may lead to more chance of heart attack.B) Happiness is contagious.C) Happiness can keep you healthy..1. contagious2. obscure3. protective4. content5. reveal6. coronary7. clinicaladj.adj.adj.adj.v.adj.adj.spreading easily from one person to another 感染的 not easily or clearly seen or understood; indistinct; hidden 不分明的 that protects or is intended to protect 保护的 satisfied with what one has; not wanting more; happy 满足的 make (fact, etc.) known 使(事实等)显露出来 of the arteries supplying blood to the heart 冠状动脉的 of or relating to the examination and treatment of patients and their illness 临床的1.Who is Dr. Davidson?Answer: A New York researcher.2.How long does Dr. Davidson’s research last?Answer:10 years.3.What does her study imply?Answer:Remaining happy may help prevent heart disease.&extra=page%3D1Video Studio1.be gaga over be crazy about 对……着迷2.be on be on air 上节目3.counteract v.oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions消解5.adrenalin n.肾上腺素6.apathetic adj.showing little or no emotion or animation 冷淡的7.in knots nervous, strained 紧张的8.cumulative adj.increasing by successive addition, accumulative 累积的9.sleep in sleep later than usual or customary, sleep late 睡懒觉10.beat adj.very tired 非常疲惫的11.hamper v.prevent the progress or free movement of 防碍12.cortisol n.皮质(甾)醇13.tax v.make heavy demands on (sth.), strain 造成(某事物)的重负Complete the following statements with the phrases given below. Predict what will be talked about in the video. Then check your answers after watching the video clip.fight off pump out break uplead to in knots sleep in1.And then the last guy hired me, because, you know, when you’re kind of overit, you’re no longer in knots.2.That’s why a lot of people, they want to sleep in on the weekends or on Fridaynights.3.…so everything all your body’s resources are being taken to focus on dealingwith the stress instead of fighting off the cold.4.Yea, I mean when you’re stressed, your body is pumping out more chemicals andhormones like cortisol and…5.It does. Well, it’s like laughing. It’s something physical that sort of likebreaks up the hormones that are going through your body.Task 2 Bridging the GapWatch the video clip again. Identify the incorrect information in the following statements, and make corrections where necessary.1. Stress makes people nervous, so all stress is not helpful at all.Correction: Some stress called EU-stress helps people focus.2.In stressful situations, people should not pay attention to their heart beatingfast.Correction:In some stressful situations, people can even focus on their heart beating fast.3.Stress would go away all by itself.Correction: Stress is cumulative.4. Drinking helps people to deal with the week-long stress effect on them.Correction: Drinking actually can worsen the body’s reaction.5. Amy admits she is stressed at the end of the show.Correction: Amy claims that she is not stressed and that she feels ok.WorkshopExpressions & Structures to UseTask 1 Summarizinghave learned in the audio and video clips. Then prepare an oral presentation with the help of the tips.TipsThere is one more reason to remain happy:… not all stress is bad stress… to deal with some stressful situations…… help because …… also help to… it is also very important to…… stress is cumulative……make sure that…Task 2 Solving the Problemthe problem described. You are expected to share your ideas and justify yourself in this process. Use as many phrases from the “Expressions & Structures to Use”box as possible.Situation1.Work in groups of four. Suppose the four students are chatting about next week’swork load. One of you is going to have a very stressful week and is very much in knots. He/she turns to the rest of you for effective advice on how to deal with the stressful situations.2.You have 15 minutes to discuss within your own group.3.Several groups will be selected to present their role plays. The rest of theclass will vote for the one they feel happiest to support in each group’s performance.Project BulletinWork on the following real-life project with your group members and present your report in the next class.Real-Life ProjectWork in a group of six to eight. As a workgroup from the TV program Mental HealthToday, you are assigned to present a program on “Stress on Campus”. Design a questionnaire which can gather the information concerning the stress the college students are experiencing and how they react to the stress. Ask students in your university to fill in the questionnaires. Summarize and analyze the answers. Then present in the next class a program which includes the results of the survey and suggestions of effective treatment for stress.Lesson TwoLead inTask 1 BrainstormingYou may have read or learnt from your observation of people around you that adults are dealing with tons of stress in their career life and in their family life. Recall as much as possible of the stress.appropriate meaning in the right-hand column.1.interact A.declare to be true or admit the existence or reality ortruth of2.preoccupied B.act together or towards others or with others3.deception C.having abnormal and excessive love or admiration foroneself4.patronizing D.the act of causing someone to believe a false statement5.narcissistiE.having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with sth.c6.acknowledge F.(of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treatothers as an inferiorKey: 1-B 2-E 3-D 4-F 5-C 6-AAudio StudioWord Bank1. trigger v.be the cause of a sudden (often violent reaction; set an actionor process in motion) 引发adv.not including sb./sth. ; not counting sb. 排他的2.exclusivelyn.praises 赞扬3.compliments4. refrain v.keep oneself from doing sth. 克制强迫症5. obsessivecompulsivedisorderTask 1 Identifying the GistTeaching Tips1.This task is designed to train students to understand the general idea of theaudio clip.2.Ask students to go over the questions and make their choices quickly.3.Tell them not to worry about individual words but to focus on understanding thewhole passage.4.Play the audio clip and ask students to make the correct choices.Listen to the audio clip, and choose the right answers to the questions.1.Which of the following sentences can serve as the summary of the clip?A)Everyone knows someone who is difficult to be around.B) Some people could have a personality disorder.C) There are simple ways to deal with some behaviors.2.How many kinds of people have been talked about?A)Three.B) Four.C) Five.Teaching Tips1.This task is designed to train students to focus on key information or usefulexpressions in the audio clip and lay a solid foundation for note-taking skills in the future.2.Before playing the audio clip again, ask students to fill in the blanks frommemory.3.Play the audio clip. Ask students to focus on the detailed information.4.Allow students enough time to fill in the blanks.1. A person with a paranoid personality is someone who is very much preoccupiedwith the loyalty of other people.2.The solution: stick to conversation topics that are safe and not too personal,avoid any signs of criticisms or attack and refrain from using language that is patronizing.3. A narcissistic person really believes that she is better than you essentiallyand that “because I’m another person I’m better than you, I’m entitled to expect you to do things for me; I’m entitled to be focused exclusively on my own needs and kind of disregard yours.”4.So how do you deal with those ego maniacs? Don’t be defensive with this person.It could trigger a fight and try to make you an important part of his or her world in order to keep up the relationship.5.People with obsessive compulsive disorder can make others jumpy. Tryacknowledging their hard work with promise with them when possible and also avoid conflict.ScriptEveryone knows someone who is difficult to be around. It is very difficult to put up with them. The bad news is often times you are forced to interact with these people on a daily basis and they could have a personality disorder but the good news is there are simple ways you can learn to deal with their behaviors.A person with a paranoid personality is someone who is very much preoccupied with the loyalty of other people. It is a person who constantly scans the environment and other people looking for possible indications or signs of some sort of deception.The solution: stick to conversation topics that are safe and not too personal, avoid any signs of criticisms or attack and refrain from using language that is patronizing.A narcissistic person really believes that she is better than you essentially and that “because I’m another person I’m better than you, I’m entitled to expect you to do things for me; I’m entitled to be focused exclusively on my own needs&extra=page%3D1Video StudioWord Bank1.ups and downs alternate good and bad luck 幸运与不幸的交替2.blues n. a state of depression 忧郁的情绪bat v.fight or struggle against 与(某人/某物)战斗4.intense adj. (of sensation) very great or severe; extreme (感觉)强烈的5.gear up make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particularpurpose or for some use, event, etc.增速传动6.feel-goodchemicalchemical that makes you feel good 让人心情变好的元素7.boost v.increase the strength or value of (sth.); help orencourage (sb./sth.) 增强8. PMS premenstrual syndrome, a syndrome that occurs in manywomen from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation经前综合症9.delegate v.choose sb. to carry out (duties, a task, etc.) 委派某人执行(职责、任务等)10 .serotonin n. a neurotransmitter involved in . sleep and depression andmemory血清素11 .raging adj.characterized by violent and forceful activity ormovement; very intense非凡的12 .elevate v.lift sth./sb. up; raise sth./sb. to a higher place or rank提升13.bloating n. being swollen with fat, gas or liquid 肿胀的14 .rule of thumb rough practical method of assessing or measuring sth.,usu. based on past experience rather than on exactmeasurement, etc. (and therefore not completely reliablein every case or in every detail) (对事物)粗略但实用的估计方法(通常指凭经验而不作精确的计量等,故并非时时处处均可靠)15drag v.move slowly and with effort 拖拖拉拉.spouse n.husband or wife 配偶16.prioritize v.assign a priority to 优先17.18get into a rut start leading a routine existence 开始过刻板的生活.Complete the following statements with the phrases given below. Predict what will be talked about in the video. Then check your answers after watching the video clip.gear up trigger off pick outlead to rule of thumb ups and downs1.…are there actually different things that trigger off the blues and depressiondepending on your age?2.Well, that’s a time of intense stress, because a lot of people are really gearingup their careers, so they’re working very hard, …3. A good rule of thumb is if you actually look forward to it, say yes, but if you’rekind of dragging it, that’s the time to say no, …4.Women, mothers especially think, “I’m the only one to pick out my kid’sdress.”5.It is good for sleep problems, because that can also lead to depression as well.1.Why are there different ways to combat depression at different ages?Answer:Because at different stages of life, people are dealing with differentstresses.2.What are the triggers of the depression in the 30s?Answer:Working very hard and raising young children or getting pregnant.3.Why is saying yes a default especially of women?Answer:Because women are trained to be sort of pleasing.4.What are some of the issues the 40s have to face?Answer:Being the sandwich generation and their raging hormones level.5.Why are the 40s called the Sandwich Generation?Answer:Because they not only have to care for their kids but take care of aging parents.Watch the video clip again and complete the following table concerning the ways to deal with depression and be happy at different ages.SourceSpeaking WorkshopExpressions & Structures to Usehave learned in the video clip. Then prepare an oral presentation with the help of the tips.TipsAt different ages, people are facing… However, there are ways …People in their 30s are experiencing a very stressful time because …To combat the possible blues, Dr. Roshini…People in the 40s are called sandwich generation because…Dr. Roshini suggests…Debate on the motion The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.~ Mark TwainRead through the Pros and Cons of the motion provided in the box, and develop your own arguments. During the debate, you are expected to justify yourself, challenge the opposite view and respond to your opponents properly and skillfully.Alternative debate: Wealth brings happiness.Teamwork showPros: Happiness is contagious. Happiness can always be found in other people ’s happiness. Happiness held is the seed; happiness shared is the flower. ~ unknown author Making others happy gives you a sense of achievement which makes you happy. …Cons:The best way to cheer yourself up is to solve the problem you are having. To be happy you need to take some time for yourself, especially in modern time when life is already too stressful. You can ’t please everyone.…Task 1 Team ReviewIn each group, discuss with each other how you designed and researched your project and reflect on what you have learnt in the process. You should consider the areasTask 2 Project ReportPresent your project to the class and hand in your report. Include in your comments to the class reflections on the areas of similarities and differences within your group as established in Task 1 above.Task 3 Challenging & DefendingAfter each group’s presentation, other students in the class should raise questions and make suggestions. Members of the group should respond when challenged.Home ListeningListen to the audio clip and fill in the blanks with the exact words or sentences. You are expected to do it after class and check the answers on your own.It’s common sense that if you are extremely unhappy in your job, and you come home and dump on your spouse about it every day, it could start to wear on the relationship.So is the opposite true, then? 1) If you’re happy in your job,can your marriage actually improve? According to long-term research conducted by The Love Doctor Terri Orbuch, the answer is “yes”.Orbuch, who is author of “5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great,” has been following and observing hundreds of married couples for nearly a quarter century in order to find out what makes marriages happy, strong and long lasting. She has found that there is a definite positive spillover 2) from work to marriage.Here are her four suggestions on putting this into practice:Suggestion 1: 3) Seek support and help from your spouse. If you’re having a problem at work, solicit advice from your spouse. Research shows that the need for assistance is one of the three basic needs of all people in relationships (intimacy and reassurance of one’s value are the other two). Seeking solutions to work-related problems together strengthens the ma rital bond and feeling that “we’re in this together.” Moreover, because your spouse knows yo u so well, he or she is likely to come up with valuable insights and feedback.Suggestion 2: 4) “Grow” in your job. A recent large-scale study in Harvard Business Review found that the No. 1 factor5)that keeps employees happy and motivated in their jobs is “making progress.” Workers who are fulfilled and stimulated during the workday tend to be happier individuals, and much of that happiness gets transferred to their spouse at the end of the day.Suggestion 3: 6) Practice behaviors that relieve stress.Numerous studies have documented a link between workplace stress and poor health. The two most common workplace stressors are 7) feeling as if you haven’t been heard or supported, and 8) negative interpersonal work relationships. Find ways to express your needs, ask for assistance and manage conflicts at your job. Good health is sexy and attractive to a spouse, and so is an upbeat attitude.Suggestion 4: 9) Share your work life. Orbuch’s study found that the happiest marriages are ones in which partners feel their spouse regularly discloses information about his or her life, even details from work that might be deemed “boring.” The bonus: 10) Work life becomes interwoven with home life, promoting a satisfying feeling of work-life balance, which makes you happier overall. SourceAppendix A Supplementary Reading Unit 6 Psychological HealthUseful ExpressionsAdapted from。



Unit 7 I really take after my DadVocabulary TaskAnswers1. brother’s daughter = niece2. Dad’s new wife = stepmother3. uncle and aunt’s children = cousins4. sister’s new husband = brother-in-law5. my mother’s two girls = my half-sisters6. bro ther’s three boys = nephews7. made her our legal child = adoptedScript1. My niece is so cute. She’s only two but she can sing 10 songs2. I get along okay with my stepmother. She’s actually pretty nice.3. When I was little, I used to go to camp with my cousins. They were like my brothers and sisters.4. everybody had a great time at my sister’s wedding. My brother-in-law was even dancing on the tables.5. After my mother remarried, she and Robert had two girls – my half-sisters. But we feel like one family and I call them my sisters.6. I’m not in a hurry to have kids yet. I spend a lot of time with my nephews andI know they can be a handful.7. We are so happy to have Lena. We adopted her when she was just three months old.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. The man in front of him is his father.2. Angie is his stepmother.3. Tara is his half-sister.4. Jake is Steve’s older brother.5. The woman to the right of Jake is Steve’s sister-in-law. Cristina is Steve’s niece.2 Second ListeningAnswersTara – c. likes to read and play pianoJake – a. looks like Steve’s fatherHis mother – d. lives in CaliforniaCristina – b. Was adoptedScript1. Sylvia: When was this picture taken? You look so young!Steve: Oh, that was when I was still in high school.Sylvia: Is that your mom and dad?Steve: Well, yeah, that’s my dad, but that’s not my real mom. She’s my stepmother.My real mother lives in California.2. Sylvia: So, who is this next to you? Is that your sister?Steve: Y eah, that’s my half-sister, Tara. She’s great. We’re a lot alike. Sylvia: In what way?Steve: Well, we both like reading books, and we both like playing the piano.3. Sylvia: And who’s this next to your stepmother?Steve: That’s Jake, my older brother.Sylvia: Wow, he looks a lot like your father.Steve: Yeah, people say he looks more like my father than the rest of us.4. Sylvia: That must be Jake’s wife next to him. And your niece?Steve: Yep, that’s little Cristina.Sylvia: Wow, she…she doesn’t really look like either of her parents, does she? Steve: No, she doesn’t. Actually she was adopted. But she does take after Jake in a lot of ways.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerM has beautiful eyesF loves surfingF enjoys dangerous activitiesF likes snowboarding2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. Jane looks like her mother. They both have beautiful eyes.2. Jane acts like her father. They both ride motorcycles, surf and skydive.3. Jane is proud that she takes after her father.ScriptNate: Are these your parents?Jane: Yeah, that’s my whole family.Nate: Oh. Y ou look a lot like your mom…especially your eyes. V ery deep, beautiful eyes.Jane: Oh, thank you…Nate: And the same figure…same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I don’t want to hear that. I may look like my mom, but I really take after my dad.Nate: Really, in what way?Jane: We’re both very adventurous. My dad was, like into motorcycles when he was younger…and he was in one of those. Y ou know, motorcycle clubs.Nate: Y ou mean, like a motorcycle gang?Jane: Yeah…but that was before he was married. I’ve been riding a motorcycle myself since I was 17.Nate: Y ou? No way!Jane: Yeah, I’ve always done stuff like that.Nate: Really, like what else?Jane: Well, surfing, snowboarding…My dad and I even went skydiving once. We didn’t tell my mom, though. Shewould have killed us! Unit 8 where the heck am I?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/Script1. Go to the end of this hallway. It’s the last door on your left.2. Marla’s house? Go down this street. Her place is across the bridge.3. Drive down Spring Street about half a mile.Turn right at University.4. Walk until you get to the river. Then go along the river until you get to the tower.5. The Hard Rock Café is very hard to find. You’d better take a taxi.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. Hotel Vancouver =32. Century Plaza=13. Hyatt Regency=44. Days Inn=8Second ListeningAnswers1. Turn left at Thurlow. Go along the park.2. You’ll see it on your right. When you get to Burrard turn right.3. It’s across Georgia on the left. Turn left at Burrard.4. It’s on the corner. Go down to West HastingsScript1. A: Excuse me, can you help me? I’m looking for Hotel Vancouver.B: Sure! Go along the park until you get to Thurlow Street.A: Um-hum.B: Turn left at Thurlow. Walk until you get to Alberni Street.A: Yeah.B: Turn right on Alberni and go one block.A: Okay. so turn left at Thurlow, down to Alberni and turn right?B: Yep, and you’ll run right into it.2. A: The Century Plaza? Yeah, that’s real close to here.B: Great!A: Go down Nelson Street until you get to Burrard Street. When you get to Burrard turn right. And you’ll see it on you right.B: Take Nelson to Burrard, turn right and the Century Plaza is on the left?A: No, it’s on the right .The hotel on the left is the Sheraton.B: Okay, thanks.3. A: Excurse me. I’m looking for the Hyatt Regency.B: The Hyatt Regency? Yeah, okay. Go down this street and turn left at Burrard . A: go down Nelson and turn left at Burrard.B: Yeah. Then follow Burrard until you get to Georgia. It’s across Georgia, on the left. Great, got it!4. A: What you want to do is go down here to Hornby.B: Down Nelson Street?A: Yeah. Turn left at Hornby and go all the way down till you get to West Hastings Street. It’s on the corner of Hornby and West Hastings.B: On the right or the left?A: On the far left .It’s kind of far .You might want to take a taxi.Real World listeningPredictAnswer: she got lost.Get the main ideasAnswers1. Paula was feeling adventurous, so she went out alone.2. A Turkish man helped Paula.3. He took her to his nephew’s restaurant.4. Paula felt scared.5. Paula had the best Turkish food on her whole trip.ScriptPaula: I was in Istanbul once…Part this group tour…and I thought I’d try to find a restaurant and eat dinner alone for a change. So I walked out of the hotel by myself.I was looking around at all the restaurants and I couldn’t decide which one to go to. And this little T urkish man comes up to me and he says, “My nephew has a good restaurant. Come with me.” So I decided to follow him. And we went down these little streets… and back…and it was getting dark… back alleys, and I didn’t know what was going on. People were starting to stare at me. And I got really scared. And I thought, “I’d just better leave.” So I was going to run. And then suddenly we rounded the corner and there we were at the restaurant. And it ended up being the best Turkish food I had the whole time I trav eled. And ever since then, I haven’t been so afraid to take chances.Unit 9 You can meet lots of important peopleVocabulary TaskAnswers1. travel2. responsibility3. flexible schedule4. prestige5. high pay6. long hours7. teamwork8. telecommutingScript1. I’m a tour guide. I get to see a lot of exotic places all over the world. I love to travel.2. I’m a teacher. I like my job because I feel that, in a way, the future of my students is in my hands. I like the responsibility.3. I like the flexible schedule of my job. I’m a flight attendant. I only have to work three days a week.4. I enjoy the prestige of my job. As a journalist, I get to meet a lot of important people.5. I’m a stockbroker. My job is stressful, but I’ll be able to r etire by the time I’m 40! The thing I like most about my job is the high pay.6. I’m a nurse. I love helping people get better, but sometimes I don’t get home until late at night. My job has long hours.7. I love being a firefighter. I especially like the teamwork. My co-workers and I really count on each other during a fire.8. I’m a computer programmer. My company allows me to work from my computer at home.I love telecommuting.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. an accessories shop2. a fast food place3. an insurance company4. a tourist hotel2 Second ListeningAnswers1. Leslie: could practice foreign languages2. Arthur: learned to work quickly3. Nima: learned to work on computers4. Anna: had many chances to skiScript1. Leslie: I worked in an accessories shop in the middle of London. I used to work on Fridays and Sundays. It was quite tiring – I was on my feet the whole time. And I had to do quite menial things, like tidy up. But I got of customers from foreign countries. They often told me about where they were from and I liked talking to them.2. Arthur: I finally got a promotion at the fast food place. I was allowed to work the cash register, which was challenging because it had many pictures. It’s for people who coul dn’t read or write who wanted to work as cashiers. So when the customer said, “Can I get a two-piece with fries?” you’d look for the picture with the two pieces of chicken and fries. I would see how fast I could find the picture while the customer was telling me the order. It was like a game.3. Nima: My first job was data entry at an insurance company. It wasn’t very hard.I pretty much did the same thing all day. The great thing about it was that I learneda lot about computers. Every time the computer crashed I had to figure out how to fix it. My knowledge of computers is what got me the job I have now.4. Anna: I was working in Switzerland, actually, as a maid in a tourist hotel. It was up in the mountains, so you could ski after you got off work. It was cool, since I love skiing. I made good money, and the scenery was magnificent.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerAmy believes her ideal job is as a journalist, specifically a foreign correspondent.2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. She applied for the job because she has always wanted to be a journalist, she likes traveling, and she wants to interview important people.2. The interviewer asked about her qualifications for the job: experience in journalism, teamwork and journalism courses.3. A my’s strong points are that she has taken acting lessons, looks good on camera and enjoys travel.4. Amy’s weak points are that she has had little experience and few courses in journalism, and has no evidence of her writing skills.ScriptInt: So, Ms. Spencer, why did you apply for this job at CNN?Amy: Well, I’ve always wanted to be a journalist, and I like traveling. And you can interview lots of important people.Int: Tell me about your experience in journalism.Amy: Um…well, I make a newsletter fo r my family. And I worked on my high school newspaper. And I read a lot of newspapers and newsmagazines…Int: Do you think you’re qualified for the prestige of this job?Amy: Absolutely. I’ve taken acting lessons. And I look good on camera. And I travel a lot so I think I’d be good as a foreign correspondent.Int: what about teamwork? Have you ever worked as part of a team?Amy: Of course, I was really great at sports in high school, and…Int: You don’t seem to have much experience as a writer.Amy: W ell, that’s not exactly true. I write a lot of e-mail to my friends.Int: And you haven’t taken any journalism courses, have you?Amy: Well, I took a class in modern film, and one in communications, or something like that.Int: Well, thanks, Ms. Spencer. We’ll be in touch.Unit 10 We have a few rulesVocabulary TaskAnswersHenry has to come home for dinnerHenry comes home early every nightMary has to cook for himself/ herselfMary can bring friends homeMary is independentMary can play loud musicAmy can stay out lateAmy keeps his/her room cleanAmy has to follow rulesAmy has to play his/her music quietlyMary hoes out a lotAmy has a lot of freedomScript1. Hi, I’m Amy. I’m on a homestay. I live with a family. I have a lot of freedom, like I can stay out late. But I also have to follow a lot of rules. Like I have to keep my room clean and play my music quietly.2. My name is Mary, and I live alone. I’m very independent. I go out a lot. I can bring friends to my apartment if I want. I can play loud music. Basically I can do whatever I want. The bad thing is I have to cook for myself.3. Hi, I’m Henry, and I live with my parents. I have to come home early every night. My mom always wants me to be home for dinner by 6:00. the only good point is that I don’t have to do my own laundry.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. Parents’ schedule2. Not used to rules3. Hard to get a lot of sleep4. Has to clean and do laundry2 Second ListeningAnswers1. mom’s cooking2. doesn’t have to clean any more3. can stay out as late as you want4. can choose her own scheduleScript1. John: When I come home from school for the summer, my routine changes. My parents have all these rules and stuff. I have to getup early and help around the house. If I don’t go out by 7:30 at night, I have to stay home; they think it’s too late. At least I don’t have to cook, though. That’s the best part about going home: mom’s cooking.2. Susan: I just moved into this retirement community. I like it and everything, but I’m no t used to all the rules. I can only have visitors during visiting hours, and I have to tell the clerk at the front desk when I go out shopping and things. Well, at least I don’t have to clean anymore.3. Eli: I like the variety of living in a dorm, you can eat in the cafeteria, or you can eat out with friends. There’s always somebody in the next room or down the hall to do things with. And you can stay out as late as you want. But I must say it is kind of noisy and hard to get a lot of sleep.4. Tracy: I like choosing my own schedule. I decide when I wake up, when I go to bed, when to study, and I can cook what I want to eat. I don’t like having to clean and do my own laundry everyday, but if I don’t, my room will be dirty, and I won’t have any clean clothes.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerThey will read, talk, think and go for long hikes.2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. This week’s program” says there are computer classes. There are no computers.2. Rule 2 says no reading books. This is wrong.3. Guests do not stay in tents. They stay in an old hotel.4. Rule 4 says there is no TV after 10:00 p.m. There is no TV at all.5. Y ou don’t go by train, you go to the island by boat.ScriptKevin: Hey, Cathy, I found a good place for a vacation this summer.Cathy: What is it?Kevin: It’s called Camp Star.Cathy: Hmmm. Looks pretty. But what can you do there?Kevin: It’s kind of isolated.Cathy: Isolated? What do you mean?Kevin: It’s off the coast, and you have to take a boat to get there. This week’s program is that you hike and hear lectures and talk about current issues.Cathy: Where do you stay? Tents?Kevin: No, it’s an old hotel. They have a couple of rules, though.Cathy: Uh-huh…Kevin: It says here there’s no TV and you can’t use any electrical applianc es.Cathy: No TV? And no electrical…Wait a minute. What about my notebook computer?Kevin: No, no computers, and there’s only one telephone on the whole island.Cathy: What? So I won’t be able to check my e-mail either?Kevin: Y ou’ll get by. It’ll be fun! Look, you can read, and talk, and think. And every morning you go for a long hike.Cathy: Ahh. Sounds like work.Kevin: I think it would be relaxing. I’d like to get away from the phone for a week. And I think it’d be good for you.Cathy: So you’re telling me there’s no TV, no computers, and I have to wake up every morning to go hiking. Why on earth would anybody want to go there?Unit 11 They lost my luggage!V ocabulary TaskAnswers/Script1. Y our attention, please. Flight 275 to Miami will be delayed for two hours.2. I’m sorry, there are no window seats left. Would you like an aisle seat?3. Uh-oh, I think I left my carry-on bag on the plane.4. Y our passport has expired. Y ou can’t leave the country.5. Aagh! I waited for over an hour in the wron g line6. Excuse me. I left. My ticket at home. Can I get a replacement?7. My suitcase is not here at the baggage claim.8. I’m sorry, all our economy seats are sold out. How about business class?9. Too much luggage? But I only have three suitcases.10. Y ou’ll need a tourist visa to enter the country.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. forgot passport2. wrong line3. flight is sold out4. lost luggage2 Second ListeningAnswers1. He will call Susan.2. The flight will be delayed.3. He will fly first class.4. He will have his bags delivered.Script1. Female: Do you have your passport, honey?Male: Oh, shoot! I forgot it.Female: Oh… we don’t have time to go back home and get it. What are we gonna do? Male: Why don’t we call Susan and ask her to bring it? I think she’s at home. Female: Good idea. She should have plenty of time.Male: Good thing we got here early!2. Male: Can I help you?Female: Yes, I’m on the flight to New York. It’s leaving in about 10 minutes. Ma le: I’m sorry, ma’am. This is the line for Los Angeles. The New York linew is over there.Female: But I’ve been waiting in this line for 30 minutes! Male: Don’t worry, that flight is delayed. You have plenty of time.Female: Oh, wonderful!3. Female: I’m sorry, sir, both business class and economy are sold out. Male: Mmm. Is there space on the next flight?Female: Yes, I can book you on the first flight tomorrow morning.Male: Tomorrow morning? I gotta get out of here tonight. I have to be at a meeting tomorrow at 8 am.Female: Hold on, let me check something… Oh, we do have space in first class. Male: Oh. All right. I’ll take it.4. Male: Excuse me, isn’t this the luggage carousel for flight 275?Female: Yes, it is. Is there a problem?Male: I do n’t see my bags.Female: Oh. Well, if you’ll just step over to the counter you can fill out a missing luggage report.Male: What good will that do?Female: As soon as we find your bags, we’ll have them delivered to your home. Male: Great! Give me the form, then!Real World Listening1 PredictAnswer(student answers may vary slightly)forgot engine daymissed stop luggage2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. b. He forgot his passport.2. a. He missed his flight.3. b. He plane needed repairs.4. a. His luggage was lost.ScriptAngela: I’m thinking about going to Costa Rica…Trevor: Great. I went to Costa Rica once… but I had a terrible time getting there… Angela: Oh, yeah? What happened?Trevor: Well, when I got to the airport, I realized I didn’t have my passport… Angela: Oh no.Trevor: So I called a friend… and he broke into my house…got my passport and brought it to me. But I missed that flight so I had to stay overnight in San Francisco. Angela: Oh, that’s too bad.Trevor: Yeah. So I got the flight the next day… and of course on the way we had engine trouble… so we had to stop in Mexico City… I was stuck there for another, like, 22 hours while they got the part.Angela: Oh, my gosh!Trevor: And I mean stuck. They wouldn’t even let us out of the airport…Angela: You’re kidding!Trevor: I’m telling you. So finally, we, like, after all this time, I get to Costa Rica two days late and –Angela: And don’t tell me, your luggage isn’t there.Trevor: You guessed it. I go into the airline office to complain and there was this really wonderful woman working at the counter.Angela: Oh, yeah?Trevor: And she was really nice and helped me out…Angela: Mm-hmm…Trevor: …and we sort of hit it off…Angela: Yeah? And then what?Trevor: About two months later we got married! Unit 12 Check this out! Vocabulary TaskAnswers1. c2. b3.a4.e5.f6.d7.h8.i9.gScript1. A: Is this your new modem?B: Yes. It lets me hook up to the Internet at 138 kilobytes per second.2. A: How Much did that laser printer cost?B: It wasn’t too expensive, and it prints out high-quality copies.3. A: So this is a zip drive, huh?B: Yeah. I can store up to 100 megabytes of data with it.4. A: Wow! Is that your new scanner?B: Uh-huh. Check out these pictures I scanned for my website.5. A: What does the mouse do?B: It lets you move the pointer around the screen and click on things.6. A: What kind of software do you have?B: I have a graphics program, a word processing program, and an e-mail program.7. A: Why do they call it a notebook?B: Because it’s so small it can fit in your bag.8. A: What kind of disks can this computer read?B: It’ll read DVDs and CD-ROMs.9. A: What size Monitor should I buy?B: The bigger it is, the more you can see on the screen.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. scanner2. notebook3. zip drive4. computer program CD (CD-ROM)2 Second ListeningAnswers1. to send pictures to her customers2. to shop on the Internet3. to store art work4. to organize her financesScript1. A: What is that? Some kind of printer?B: No! It’s the newest scanner on the market. See, you open it up here, put your photo or whatever on the glass, then click the scan button on the screen to scan in the picture.A: Wha t’s it good for?B: Well, I use it to send pictures of our products to my customers.2. A: So why did you get a notebook computer instead of a desktop computer?B: Well, I travel a lot and I need something that I can use when I’m traveling. A: Does it connect to the internet?B: You bet. I can shop on the Internet even when I’m in an airport… or at the beach.3. A: So why did you get that thing there?B: This? It’s my new zip drive. Each disk can hold up to 100 megabytes of data. A: That’s a lot. Wh y do you need so much space?B: I have very large files of my artwork… so I need lots of storage space.4. A: Hey, is that a new CD?B: Yeah, it’s a CD, but it’s not a music Cd. It’s software.A: Oh, what kind of software?B: It’s called Money Magic. It’s accounting software.A: What do you use it for?B: I use it to organize my home finances. It really helps!Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerMovies on DVD2 Get the main ideasAnswersScanner: scan in graphics for the web pageHeadset: talk to customers on the phoneDVD player: check out the DVD moviesCardboard boxes: for shipping out ordersScript[Knock on the door]Leon: Come in! (Andy walks in.) Andy! Hi!\Andy: Are you ready to go? Pat and Chris are in the car. Let’s go – Hey, what is all this stuff?Leon: This is my home office.Andy: Whoa! You’ve gotta lot of stuff in here.Leon: Yeah, well, I need it all for the different types of things I do for my business. Andy: You’ve got your own businessLeon: Yep. . I got 50,000hits on my website so far this week. Andy: Cool. And you need all this stuff?Leon: Oh, yeah, absolutely! This is my headset so I can talk on the phone to my customers while I type on the keyboard.Andy: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. And what’s this big thing next to your computer?Leon: That’s my scanner. I scan in graphics and pictures to put on the web page. Andy: I see. Oh, cool… And what are these things?Leon: Those are my DVD players. I got four of em. I have to check out the DVDs before I sell them, you know.Andy: Uh-huh. So you just watch these DVDs all day?Leon: Well, yeah. I have to be more, um, disciplined, though, you know. It’s easy to want to watch them all day instead of doing my work.Andy: Yeah. And what are all these boxes for?Leon: Those cardboard boxes? They’re for shipping out orders.Andy: Whoa, sounds busy. So are you selling a lot of disks?Leon: Um, no, not yet. But things are looking better all the time.Unit 13 I can squeeze you in...Vocabulary TaskScriptSheil a: Tom, I can’t make that meeting on Tuesday. My schedule is pretty full. Tuesday is impossible.Tom: Yeah. Looks like you’ll be too busy. You’re booked solid all day. Can you make it Monday?Sheila: I might be able to squeeze it in at 10:00. It’ll be ti ght, though. Tom: How’s Wednesday? Do you have any free time?Sheila: Wednesday’s schedule is pretty light. After 10:00 I’m open.Tom: Ok, let’s try for 11:00 on Wednesday.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. watch his children2. have dinner with Sandy and see a movie with Sandy3. see a baseball game with Bob4. go to work2 Second ListeningAnswers1. Thursday – add; watch his children from 6:00; remove; Gym2. Friday –add: Have dinner & a movie with Sandy from 8:00; remove: Drink with Bob3. Saturday – add: Gym; remove: go out with Sandy?4. Sunday –add: See a baseball game with Bob (all day) remove: see a baseball game with Bob (all day), add: work for Larry (all day)Script1. Voice: Steve, your ex-wife is on line one.Ste ve: Mary? Tell her I’m not here!Voice: Sorry, too late.Steve: [sighs] Mary? This is not a good time-Mary: Steve, are you free on Thursday night? I need someone to watch the kids ‘cause I’ve got a meeting.Steve: Well, I’m kinda busy. I go to the gym on Thursday nights.Mary: Hey, they’re your kids, too. This meeting’s important.Steve: Okay, I’ll just go to the gym on Saturday.Mary: You should be here in time to make dinner. Say, six o’clock?Steve: Oh, great. Can’t just buy McDonalds?2. (one side of a telephone conversation)Steve: Hello, Sandy? This is Steve, Jack’s friend. We, uh, met at his party.[…] Steve: I was wondering if you’d like to go out for a drink with me on Saturday night. […]Steve: Huh? Friday at 8:00 for dinner? I’m suppos ed to meet a friend at 9:00 but I can cancel. I gotta work a little late, but I’m sure I can squeeze you in at 8:00. […]Steve: What? A movie after dinner? Sure.3. Bob’sVoice: Hi, it’s Bob. Please leave a message after the beep. [beep]Steve: Bob, Steve. Listen I gotta cancel Friday night. I know we planned this a long time ago, but something really important has come up. I’m totally free on Sunday, though. And there’s a double-header, so let’s go see the Giants then. My treat! Give me a call when you come home. See ya. [beep]4. Steve: Hello? Oh, hi, Mr. Wilson. What can I do for you? […]Steve: What? Work Sunday? I’d like to help you out, but I’m booked. I’ve got tickets to the Giants and Dodgers double-header. I thought Larry was supposed to come in. […]Steve: His dog died? Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But why can’t he come in? […] Steve: Okay. I guess if you really need my… Right. Okay, Mr. Wilson. Bye-bye. [hangs up, sighs] Let’s see, where’s Bob’s number again?Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerGo to an autograph signing sessionPlay at the Rock and Roll Hall of FameRecord a new CDDo a live online chat on 2 Get the main ideasAnswersPlay at the Summer Fest – MiddleburgPlay and sign autographs at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – ClevelandDo a live online chat and play at the Starlight Dome – AkronPlay at the Waterfront Fair – PittsburghRecord a CD – St. LouisScriptManager: Ok, time to get up, women! Your public is waiting for you!Woman 1: Huh? What day is it?Manager: It’s Wednesday. We’re in Middleburg, Ohio, tonight, at the Summer Fest in the town park.Woman 2: Yeah. Hope it doesn’t rain.Manager: Then tomorrow it’s up to Cleveland to play for Sarah’s induction into the Hall of Fame, followed by an autograph signing session.Woman 1: Wish it was us being inducted. The first all-girl rock band in the rock and Roll Hall of Fame… What’s on for Friday?Manager: Friday we have to be in the studio in Akron. We’re doing a live online chat on . come on, guys. You’ll love it. It’s at 4:00, and then we’re in the Starlight Dome that night.Woman 1: Where are we playing Saturday?Manager: Pittsburgh, at the Waterfront Fair. We’ll be there Sunday afternoon, too. Women 2: This schedule is brutal. When do we get a bay off?Manager: Hah! We’re booked through the weekend, but we have a light schedule on Monday. We just have to drive out to record the new CD in St. Louis, but at least you can sleep on the bus. Hmm?Unit 14 It was a real scorcher!Vocabulary TaskAnswersSpring Summer Fall Winterbreezy thunder chilly freezingshowers lightning rainy overcastdamp scorching flurrieshumid blizzardmuggyScriptIn spring, the city of Washington is breezy and there are frequent showers. The ground is very damp, so flowers begin sprouting. When summer comes, there may be storms with thunder and lightning, or it can be scorching hot. Late summer gets humid, and people try to avoid the muggy heat in the city by going to the countryside or the beach. In the fall, we enjoy the crisp cool days of October before it gets chilly and rainy。






































Unit1 You‘ll really like himV ocabulary TaskAnswers1. c2. b3. a4. e5. d6. fScript1. A: Hello, my name is Elizabeth.B: Hi, Elizabeth. I‘m Jason.2. A: This is my friend Taka.B: Hey, Taka. How‘s it going?3. A: I‘d like to introduce our n ew director, Andrea Williams.B: It‘s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Williams.4. A: Have you met Jane?B: Oh, yeah, we have met. How are you? 5. A: I‘d like you to meet Sheila Howard. B: It‘s nice to meet you.6. A: Dad, this is my roommate, Lee.B: Good to meet you.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers 1. This is … 2. I‘d like you to meet…3. Have you met…第 1 页共84 页4. Hello, my name is …2 Second ListeningAnswers1. It‘s a pleasure to meet you.2. Pleased to meet you.3. Oh, yeah, we‘ve met.4. Hi, Kathy.Script1. Businessman: Good afternoon, Ms. Watson. This is Jim Bauman from Hyundai.Ms. Watson: It‘s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bauman. Mr. Bauman: Good to meet you, Ms. Watson.2. Student: Mom, I‘d like you to meet John Lee. He‘s a classmate of mine.Mr. Lee: Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Gray.Ms. Gray: Oh, please call me Norma.3. Sherry: Kiri, have you met my good friend James? Kiri: Oh, yeah, we‘ve met.James: We have?Kiri: Yeah, at the New Year‘s party!James: Oh, right. How are you?4. Kathy: Hello, my name is Kathy! I‘ll be your server tonight.Customer: Hi, Kathy. What are the specials?第 2 页共84 页Real World ListeningAnswerAlice wants to go out with Robert. AnswersT Alice likes Robert.E Robert is interested in Alice.T Alice introduces Jean to Robert. T Jean thinks Robert is handsome.F Jean is going out with Sam.T Robert is interested in Jean.T Jean and Robert have met before. ScriptAlice: Look, there he is. Jean: Who?Alice: Robert, the guy I‘ve been telling you about. Jean: Oh. The guy you‘re going out with?Alice: I wish. The guy I WANT to go out with. Jean: Oh, he‘s really handsome. Um, let‘s go talk to him.Alice: Oh, OK. I‘ll introduce you. I think you‘ll really like him…Hi, Robert.Robert: Oh, hi.Alice: Have you met my friend, Jean?Robert: Hey, Jean. I think we‘ve met before.Jean: We have? Where?Robert: Last December, at Sam‘s party第 3 页共84 页Jean: Oh, Sam.Robert: Oh? Aren‘t you going out with him anymore? Jean: No, we broke up a couple of months ago. Robert: Oh… Oh, really?Unit 2 How can I reach you?V ocabulary TaskAnswers:1. Country Code__ 1(USA), 64 (New Zealand)2. Area Code__613 (Kingstion, Ontario), 212 (New York)3. E-mail address__barb@4. Web Address__5. Zip (Postal) Code__K7L 3J1 (Canada), NN40SN (England), 95973 (USA)Script1. The country code for the USA is 1. It‘s 64 for New Zealand.2. So if I want to call a number in Kingston, Ontario, I have to dial 613 before the phone number, and for New York 212.3. Send me an e-mail. My address is barb@4. You can get information on the company‘s website at 5. I‘ve lived in three countries. My zip code in England was NN4 0SN, in the USA 95973, and in Canada it was第 4 页共84 页K7L 3J1.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. postal code2. phone number3. e-mail address4. web address2 Second ListeningAnswers1. 655-5670 3. barb@2. 213-555-3421 4. Script 1. A: Say, I can‘t read this number at the e nd of your address. Is it your phone number?B: No, that‘s my postal code. It‘s 655-5670.2. A: [talking on the phone] Okay, I‘ll call and get tickets to the concert. Oh, do you have the number of the ticket agent? 555-3421? Okay, great. I‘ll call. Oh, w ait a second. What‘s the area code? 213, I got it!3. A: Barb‘s on vacation but I need to get in touch with her.B: Oh, well, she can get e-mail even when she‘s at the beach. Send it to barb@your 4. A: I need to get in touch with Hewlett Packar d. I‘m having problems with this printer. Don‘t they have a第 5 页共84 页website?B: Yeah, I think it‘s Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerDad asks: Did I call the right number? Do you have a place yet? What‘s your e-mail addressf?1 Get the main ideasAnswers1. A Japanese woman.2. At a school in Japan.3. yes, she does.4. Yes, he is Because she hasn‘t contacted him since she went to Japan.5. Yes, she is.ScriptWoman: Moshi-moshi. Gengo sentaa…Father: Hello…Hello…Veronica…Veron…Ve-ro-ni-ca S mith…Is Veronica Smith there, Please?Woman: Ah, Ah…Veronica-sensei…Veronica-sensei? Ah, wait a moment, please…Father: [muttering to himself] Wait a moment? What‘s going on?Veronica: Hello.Father: Hello, Veronica. Is that you?第 6 页共84 页Veronica: Yes, Dad. I t‘s me.Father: Where is this place? Somebody was speaking Japanese to me. I mean, did I call the right number? Veronica: Dad, you called the school number. And you‘re lucky I‘m here now. Dad, I told you. Don‘t call the school number. Remember?Father: Yes, but you didn‘t give me your home phone number. Why didn‘t you call me.Veronica: I just got here a few days ago… okay, let me give it to you. Are you ready?Father: Uh, ready. Ready. Okay.Veronica: Okay. It‘s 798-55-4123.Father: 798-55-4123. Veronica: Oh, oh, wait. Dial the country code. And that‘s 81…and then… and then the number.Father: Why is the number so long?Veronica: Because it is, Dad.Father: Do you have a place yet?Veronica: Yeah. Let me give you the address. Are you ready?Fat her: Um…yeah. Okay. What is it?Veronica: It‘s one dash one dash one fifty-five… Uegahara B356.Father: Uh, w-wh-wait. Wait, One…one what? Why is it so long?Veronica: Dad, I‘ve got to go. I‘ll send it to you by第7 页共84 页e-mail. Bye. [kiss sound]Father: But, w hat‘s your e-mail address?Unit3 Don‘t you wish we could live here?V ocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. –I don‘t like the place I live now. It‘s too isolated. (negative)2. + I have a big balcony with a great view. I love it! (positive)3. –I don‘t like my parents‘ house. It‘s so old-fashioned. (negative)4. + Her new place is really wonderful —it‘s so roomy. (positive)5. + He thinks it‘s important to feel comfort-able in a home. (positive)6. + I think it‘s great to live in a modern building, don‘t you? (positive)7. –This apartment is too cramped; it‘s too small for our family. (negative)8. + Amy has a beautiful spacious loft for her art studio. She‘s really happy there. (positive)9. + Bill and Sherry have a nice, cozy little apartment in the city. They call it their love nest. (positive) Listening Task1 First Listening第8 页共84 页Answers1. a small house2. a cozy apartment3. a modern house4. something old2 Second ListeningAnswers1. warm and cozy in the winter2. a great view3. modern house, easy to keep clean4. roomy, lots of spaceScript1. I want a small house, something that‘ll be warm and cozy in the winter. My big old house is spacious, but it‘s too hard to keep warm.2. I‘m looking for a small, cozy apartment, but with a great view. I want to look at the mountains, not another apartment building.3. After living in an ld house all my life, I‘m ready for a modern house, one that‘s easy to keep clean. It should have all wood floors, no carpets.4. We‘re looking for something old but roomy. Since we have three kids, they need lots of space to move around. Real World Listening1 PredictAnswer第9 页共84 页It‘s spacious, it has modern furniture, it has a view2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. It‘s spacious and modern.2. It has a view of the ocean.3. It makes her feel elegant and relaxed.4. It‘s phony, uncomfortable, and he feels like he‘s in a museum.ScriptDiane: Isn‘t this place fantastic?John: Well, I don‘t know…I mean, it‘s okay.Diane: It‘s so big. So spacious. So much room. I fee l so…free here. John: It must be cold in the winter. Our place is so cozy and warm.Diane: Oh, John! And the view! Look at the view of the ocean from this window! I feel so relaxed.John: Oh, god. It makes me seasick. Our place is so much more down to earth.Diane: Look at this furniture. It‘s so modern. I feel so elegant here.John: You do? I feel like I‘m in a museum. It‘s so phony, so uncomfortable. Are you supposed to sit in these chairs?Diane: Oh, John, don‘t you wish we could live in a place like this?第10 页共84 页John: What‘s wrong with our place?Unit 4 It means a lot to meV ocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. b Henna tattoos – For fun2. d Leather ring – Grandmother gave it to me3. a Rakari bracelet – To protect me4. f Silk scarf – Makes me look good5. g Digital watch – Reminds me of appointments.6. c Crystal necklace –Friends said it has special powers7. e Silver pin – Has a lot of sentimental value Listening Task 1 First ListeningAnswers1. a rakari – a cloth bracelet2. a crystal necklace3. a diamond ring4. a gold earring2 Second ListeningAnswers1. a. to protect him2. b. she likes the way it looks3. a. it has sentimental value4. b. it makes him look goodScript第11 页共84 页1. Mark: Hey, Steve, whatcha got on your wrist there? S teve: Oh, it‘s something my sister gave me.Mark: Uh, a bracelet?Steve: Sort of. It‘s a ―rakari,‖ a special piece of cloth Indian women give their brothers every August. Mark: What‘s it for?Steve: To protect me.Mark: Cool. I guess you‘re safe for a nother year.2. Andrea: Oh, Shelly, what‘s that on your necklace? Shelly: It‘s a quartz crystal.Andrea: Oh, do you believe in crystals?Shelly: Not really, but my boyfriend does, and he gave me this. Andrea: What‘s it supposed to do?Shelly: He said it‘s supposed to make our love last forever. And I like the way it looks.3. Claire: That‘s an interesting ring, Bridget. Where‘d you get it?Bridget: Oh, I got this with money from my grandmotherClaire: Yeah? Is it a real diamond?Bridget: Mm-hmm. I t‘s small, but it has a lot of sentimental value.Claire: ‗Cause it reminds you of your grandma? Bridget: Of course.4. Lisa: Oh, Scott. Is that an earring?第12 页共84 页Scott: It‘s a gold earring. I got it in Thailand.Lisa: Is it something special?Scott: No, I just think it makes me look good!Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerIt protects her from illness.2 Get the main ideasAnswersThe necklace is made of silver. The witch doctor told her to wear it. Her grandmother gave it to her. When she took the necklace off, she got sick. When she put it back on, she got better. ScriptJean: I‘m ready, are you? Why don‘t you take that necklace off before you go in the pool?Chandra: Oh, this? No, I never take it off. I wear it all the time. I‘ve had it sinc e I was a kid.Jean: Really? You‘ve worn it since you were little? Why?Chandra: Well, when I was a baby, I lived in India. And I was sick all the time, so my parents took me to a doctor. And well, the doctor at first didn‘t want to treat me because —Jean: What? Why?Chandra: Well, because I was a girl.第13 页共84 页Jean: Huh? Because you were a girl?Chandra: Yeah, well, that‘s the way it was. Anyway, so my parents took me to this witch doctor, and I… Jean: A witch doctorChandra: Yeah, well, I guess you could call her a (I)don‘t know, a spiritual healer. She was an old woman in our village. And she took a look at me and she said I needed silver.Jean: Silver?Chandra: Yeah. She said I needed silver so that I could get better. And then my grandmother went to a jeweler and she had this silver necklace made for me. They put it on me, and I got better. Jean: I don‘t believe that.Chandra: Well, I didn‘t either for a while. But you know what? When I was 20 I took it off and I put it in a drawer for a little while. And then, I started to get sick again. And I didn‘t get better. I was just sick all the time. And then I remembered the necklace, and I put it on. And after that, I was fine.Jean: Wow.Unit 5 It changed my lifeV ocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. Japan/Japanese2. Canada/French/English第14 页共84 页3. Panama/Spanish4. Brazil/Portuguese5. Thailand/Thai6. India/Hindi7. South Africa/ Afrikaans8. Morocco/ Arabic9. Germany/ German10. Norway/NorwegianScript1. Helen is going to Japan to study Japanese.2. Pam is from Canada. She speaks French and English.3. Linda‘s family lives in Panama. They speak Spanish.4. Andrea is from brazil. She speaks Portuguese.5. Vira moved here from Thailand. He speaks Thai.6. Sita‘s grandmother came from India 50 ye ars ago. She speaks Hindi.7. Jean is South African. She speaks Afrikaans.8. Ali is from Morocco. He speaks Arabic.9. Hans lives in Germany. He speaks German.10. Lars is from Norway. He speaks Norwegian.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. French 3. Spanish第15 页共84 页2. Japanese 4. Russian2 Second ListeningAnswers1. His relatives are French. He wants to travel to France.2. He‘s interested in business. There are business opportunities in Japan.3. No other language was offered. Her friends speak Spanish.4. It‘s a challenge. It‘s the hardest language she can think of.Script1. A: What language are you studying? B: French.A: Why are you studying French?B: Some of my relatives are French and I‘d like to go visit them in France someday.A: Don‘t they speak English?B: Only a little. But I think it‘d be fun to use my French and see if they can understand me and all. I want to work on my accent, too.2. A: So why did you choose Japanese?B: Well, I guess the main reason I‘m intereste d in Japanese is international business. I know there are a lot of business opportunities in Japan, so I figured it was the best language for me to study.第16 页共84 页3. A: Why are you studying a foreign language?B: Um, well… I don‘t know. I started Spanish cause i t was the only language offered in our middle school. And then I just kept doing it. And there‘re a lot of Spanish speakers where I live cause we live in Southern California and we‘re close to Mexico so almost everyone speaks Spanish. My friends at school speak Spanish outside of class.4. A: What language are you studying?B: I just wanted a challenge so I thought, ―Hey, I‘m gonna do the hardest language I can think of.‖ So I chose Russian, Just to see if I could do it, I guess. And you know what? It is the hardest language I can think of and it takes a lot of work. But I‘m gonna keep at it…Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerIt has different tones.The writing system is different.Thai people help him learn the language.2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. F Dave lives in Thailand. He has visited Thailand and hopes to return.2. T Dave had a good experience in Thailand.第17 页共84 页3. ? Dave likes writing Thai. He doesn‘t talk about writing.4. F Thailand is ―The land of Laughs.‖ It‘s called ―The Land of Sm iles.‖5. F People in Thailand laugh at him when he makes a mistake. They smile.6. T Thai is easy to learn. It may be hard for some people, but it‘s not hard for him.ScriptCindy: What the heck is that?Dave: It‘s a Thai magazine.Cindy: Thai? You can read Thai?Dave: Well, a little. Cindy: How?Dave: I went to Thailand last summer and I lived with a Thai friend and his family. I had such a great experience I want to go back.Cindy: Why? What was your experience like?Dave: Well, I started to l earn some Thai…and practiced talking with people and ordering in restaurants and everybody was so nice… you know, Thailand is called the Land of the Smiles…they even smiled when I made a mistake speaking the language. The people were beautiful. Everything was beautiful. It changed my life. Cindy: But I‘ve always heard that Thai was impossible to learn.第18 页共84 页Dave: Maybe for some people but not for me. I mean it is totally different from English. The writing system is different, they use different tones, every- thing is different, but I really want to learn it. I want to understand more when I go back.Cindy: I wish I felt that way about learning French. Maybe I should study another language.Dave: No, Cindy, it‘s not the language, you‘ve just got to get into it.Unit 6 What do you like about him?V ocabulary TaskAnswers/script1. Steve is great! He‘s sweet and he has a good sense of humor.2. I like people who are funny, because I like to laugh. I don‘t care for people who are too serious3. Sure, Jana is v ery honest; it‘s too bad she‘s also kind of selfish.4. Brad is a little odd, but I like that he‘s so outgoing and talkative.5. Cindy is so cute! I just love how sensitive and shy she is.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers第19 页共84 页1. honest, a sense of humor2. outgoing, talkative3. a little bit odd, like to have fun4. kind of shy, sensitive2 Second ListeningAnswersThey don‘t like people who are:1. selfish2. shy or quiet3. too serious4. loud and talk too muchScript1. Paul: Lisa, what sort of people do you like to hang out with?Lisa: Well, I like people who are honest and have a sense of humor. I think honesty is very important among friends. Oh, and they can‘t be selfish. I don‘t get along with selfish people.2. Mark: You know, I like most people, but there are certain things I look for in a friend.Francine: Yeah, like what?Mark: Oh, you know, people who are out going and talkative. I love having long conversations on the phone.3. Francine: This might sound weird, Lisa, but I like people that are a little bit odd.第20 页共84 页Lisa: Why? What do you enjoy about odd people? Francine: You know, they‘re different and like to have fun doing off-the-wall stuff. They have to like having fun and not be too serious.4. Jane: Stuart, what kind of people do you like? Stuart: What kind of people do I like?Jane: Yes, what kind of people do you get along with? Stuart: Hmm. Gook question. I guess I like people who are kind of shy and sensitive. I don‘t really get along with people who are loud and talk too much.Jane: Yeah, you‘re kind of a sensitive person yourself. Stuart: Oh? Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerHe‘s sensitive.2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. They went to a romantic movie.2. He cried.3. She thought he was sensitive.4. Jeremy said he cries at movies, too.ScriptSheri: Hey, I went out with the neatest guy over the weekend!第21 页共84 页Jeremy: Yeah, what‘s he like? Tall? Handsome? Sheri: Not really.Jeremy: Dress nice? Drive a nice car?Sheri: Not especially.Jeremy: Then he must be buff. Does he work out a lot? Sheri: No…but he has a nice smile…dimples. I like dimples. He‘s kind of cute.Jeremy: And that‘s what you like about him?Sheri: No, it‘s more than that. He‘s sensitive. Jeremy: Sensitive? How can you tell?Sheri: Well, we went to this really romantic movie, and there was this really sad part, and, and he…cried. Jeremy: He cried? Sheri: Yeah, he just cried and he didn‘t try to hide it or anything. It was so sweet.Jeremy: Oh…you like that, huh? Well, I cry at mov ies. Too!Unit 7 I really take after my DadV ocabulary TaskAnswers1. brother‘s daughter = niece2. Dad‘s new wife = stepmother3. uncle and aunt‘s children = cousins4. sister‘s new husband = brother-in-law5. my mother‘s two girls = my half-sisters第22 页共84 页6. brother‘s three boys = nephews7. made her our legal child = adoptedScript1. My niece is so cute. She‘s only two but she can sing 10 songs2. I get along okay with my stepmother. She‘s actually pretty nice.3. When I was little, I used to go to camp with my cousins. They were like my brothers and sisters.4. everybody had a great time at my sister‘s wedding. My brother-in-law was even dancing on the tables.5. After my mother remarried, she and Robert had two girls – my half-sisters. But we feel like one family and I call them my sisters.6. I‘m not in a hurry to have kids yet. I spend a lot of time with my nephews and I know they can be a handful.7. We are so happy to have Lena. We adopted her when she was just three months old.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. The man in front of him is his father.2. Angie is his stepmother.3. Tara is his half-sister.第23 页共84 页4. Jake is Steve‘s older brother.5. The woman to the right of Jake is Steve‘s sister-in-law. Cristina is Steve‘s niece.2 Second ListeningAnswersTara – c. likes to read and play pianoJake –a. looks like Steve‘s fatherHis mother – d. lives in CaliforniaCristina – b. Was adoptedScript1. Sylvia: When was this picture taken? You look so young!Steve: Oh, that was when I was still in high school. Sylvia: Is that your mom and dad?Steve: Well, yeah, that‘s my dad, but that‘s not my real mom. She‘s my stepmother. My real mother lives in California.2. Sylvia: So, who is this next to you? Is that your sister?Steve: Yeah, that‘s my half-sister, Tara. She‘s great. We‘re a lot alike.Sylvia: In what way?Steve: Well, we both like reading books, and we both like playing the piano.3. Sylvia: And who‘s this next to your stepmother? Steve: That‘s Jake, my o lder brother.第24 页共84 页Sylvia: Wow, he looks a lot like your father.Steve: Yeah, people say he looks more like my father than the rest of us.4. Sylvia: That must be Jake‘s wife next to him. And your niece?Steve: Yep, that‘s little Cristina.Sylvia: Wow, she…she doesn‘t really look like either of her parents, does she?Steve: No, she doesn‘t. Actually she was adopted. But she does take after Jake in a lot of ways.Real World Listening1 Predict AnswerM has beautiful eyesF loves surfingF enjoys dangerous activitiesF likes snowboarding2 Get the main ideasAnswers1. Jane looks like her mother. They both have beautiful eyes.2. Jane acts like her father. They both ride motorcycles, surf and skydive.3. Jane is proud that she takes after her father.Script第25 页共84 页Nate: Are these your parents?Jane: Yeah, that‘s my whole family.Nate: Oh. You look a lot like your mom…especially your eyes. Very deep, beautiful eyes.Jane: Oh, thank you…Nate: And the same figure…same shape.Jane: Uhh, hey, I don‘t want to hear that. I may look like my mom, but I really take after my dad.Nate: Really, in what way?Jane: We‘re both very adventurous. My dad was, like into motorcycles when he was younger…and he was in one of those. You know, motorcycle clubs.Nate: You mean, like a motorcycle gang? Jane: Yeah…but that was before he was married. I‘ve been riding a motorcycle myself since I was 17. Nate: You? No way!Jane: Yeah, I‘ve always done stuff like that.Nate: Really, like what else?Jane: Well, surfing, s nowboarding…My dad and I even went skydiving once. We didn‘t tell my mom, though. She would have killed us!Unit 8 where the heck am I?V ocabulary TaskAnswers/Script1. Go to the end of this hallway. It‘s the last door on your left.第26 页共84 页2. Marla‘s house?Go down this street. Her place is across the bridge.3. Drive down Spring Street about half a mile.Turn right at University.4. Walk until you get to the river. Then go along the river until you get to the tower.5. The Hard Rock Caféis very hard to find. You‘d better take a taxi.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. Hotel Vancouver =32. Century Plaza=13. Hyatt Regency=44. Days Inn=8Second ListeningAnswers1. Turn left at Thurlow. Go along the park.2. You‘ll see it on your rig ht. When you get to Burrard turn right.3. It‘s across Georgia on the left. Turn left at Burrard.4. It‘s on the corner. Go down to West HastingsScript1. A: Excuse me, can you help me? I‘m looking for Hotel Vancouver.B: Sure! Go along the park until you get to Thurlow第27 页共84 页Street.A: Um-hum.B: Turn left at Thurlow. Walk until you get to Alberni Street.A: Yeah.B: Turn right on Alberni and go one block.A: Okay. so turn left at Thurlow, down to Alberni and turn right?B: Yep, and you‘ll run right into it.2. A: The Century Plaza? Yeah, that‘s real close to here. B: Great!A: Go down Nelson Street until you get to Burrard Street. When you get to Burrard turn right. And you‘ll see it on you right.B: Take Nelson to Burrard, turn right and the Century Plaza is on the left?A: No, it‘s on the right .The hotel on the left is the Sheraton.B: Okay, thanks.3. A: Excurse me. I‘m looking for the Hyatt Regency. B: The Hyatt Regency? Yeah, okay. Go down this street and turn left at Burrard .A: go down Nelson and turn left at Burrard.B: Yeah. Then follow Burrard until you get to Georgia. It‘s across Georgia, on the left. Great, got it!4. A: What you want to do is go down here to Hornby.第28 页共84 页B: Down Nelson Street?A: Yeah. Turn left at Hornby and go all the way down till you get to West Hastings Street. It‘s on the corner of Hornby and West Hastings.B: On the right or the left?A: On the far left .It‘s kind of far .You might want to take a taxi.Real World listeningPredictAnswer: she got lost.Get the main ideasAnswers 1. Paula was feeling adventurous, so she went out alone.2. A Turkish man helped Paula.3. He took her to his nephew‘s restaurant.4. Paula felt scared.5. Paula had the best Turkish food on her whole trip. ScriptPaul a: I was in Istanbul once…Part this group tour…and I thought I‘d try to find a restaurant and eat dinner alone for a change. So I walked out of the hotel by myself. I was looking around at all the restaurants and I couldn‘t decide which one to go to. And t his little Turkish man comes up to me and he says, ―My nephew has a good restaurant. Come with me.‖ So I decided to第29 页共84 页follow him. And we went down these little streets… and back…and it was getting dark… back alleys, and I didn‘t know what was going on. Peopl e were starting to stare at me. And I got really scared. And I thought, ―I‘d just better leave.‖ So I was going to run. And then suddenly we rounded the corner and there we were at the restaurant. And it ended up being the best Turkish food I had the whole time I traveled. And ever since then, I haven‘t been so afraid to take chances.Unit 9 You can meet lots of important peopleV ocabulary TaskAnswers1. travel2. responsibility3. flexible schedule4. prestige5. high pay6. long hours7. teamwork8. telecommutingScript1. I‘m a tour guide. I get to see a lot of exotic places all over the world. I love to travel.2. I‘m a teacher. I like my job because I feel that, in a way, the future of my students is in my hands. I like the responsibility.第30 页共84 页3. I like the flexible schedule of my job. I‘m a flight attendant. I only have to work three days a week.4. I enjoy the prestige of my job. As a journalist, I get to meet a lot of important people.5. I‘m a stockbroker. My job is stressful, but I‘ll b e able to retire by the time I‘m 40! The thing I like most about my job is the high pay.6. I‘m a nurse. I love helping people get better, but sometimes I don‘t get home until late at night. My job has long hours.7. I love being a firefighter. I especially like the teamwork. My co-workers and I really count on each other during a fire. 8. I‘m a computer programmer. My company allows me to work from my computer at home. I love telecommuting.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. an accessories shop2. a fast food place3. an insurance company4. a tourist hotel2 Second ListeningAnswers第31 页共84 页。



Unit One:Listing tasks:1. A: Jake Sutton! Is that you, man? How are you?•B: Hey, Andrew! I didn’t recognize you for a moment. Long time no see!•A: Yeah, wow, I haven’t seen you since high school graduation! What’ve you been up to? •B: I’ve been back East, at college.•A: College? Where?•B: Boston. B.U.•A: Oh, cool.•B: And this past year, I got to go to Spain as an exchange student.•A: Spain? No kidding? I remember you always hoped for an international lifestyle.•B: Exactly.•A: So how was it, amigo?•B: Oh, man, it was so great. I got to see a lot of Europe.•A: Yeah? Like where?•B: All over. Italy, France, Greece, and my homestay family was really nice. They’ve invited me back again if I want to go to graduate school there.•A: Sounds like we won’t be seeing you for another few more years then, eh?•B: I dunno. Half of me wants to go. Half of me wants to stay here. You know, when I was there, I missed home a lot more than I thought I would.•A: I can imagine.2. A: So, Terry, How have you been?•B: Good, good.•A: How are things going? Did you graduate this year?•B: Me? Nah!I went to State, but after my second year, I realized that what I really want to do is take over for my mom in the restaurant.•A: Oh, that’s right. Your family owns a little restaurant. Well, I mean, it’s not so little, but …•B: So I came back home and started apprenticing as a chef.•A: Really? That is so cool!You know, now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense for you. Even back in high school, you could cook up a storm. So, how is it being in the business?•B: Well, I love to cook, but, man, I have a lot to learn about running a business. I’m really glad my mom’s around to teach me.•A: Well, I’ll have to come by to try your cooking. What nights do you work?•B: Take your pick. I’m there seven nights a week.3. A: Ken? Ken Mackney, is that you?•B: Uh, yeah, I’m Ken Mackney.•A: It’s me. Barry Simmons. You know, Mr. Jones’s calculus class, senior year?•B: Um, so, how’s it going? What are you up to these days?•A: I’m pretty busy. I’m working as an accountant in the city.•B: Oh, that’s great!It sounds like you really put your math skills to good use.•A: Yeah. And I got married last fall. Hey, you might actually know my wife, Tina Chan, Jason Chan’s little sister?•B: Tina. Is she the one who went to Harvard Medical School?•A: No, that was Lisa Fong. Tina went to art school.•B: Oh! Well, I guess you and Tina are a good match, then. You were always into art, too, weren’t you?•A: No, not really. That’s my brother Tom you’re thinking of. You don’t remember very much from high school, do you?•B: No, I guess not! It’s been a long time!4. A: Hi, Kate. It’s me, Cindy Lohan. You remember me, don’t you?•B: Cindy, Cindy. I can’t seem to place the name. Oh, my gosh, yes!I do remember you!But …•A: But what?•B: Well, it’s just that you don’t look like the free-spirited Cindy I remember. You look so, so normal.•A: Normal? I guess you’re referring to my hair?•B: Yeah. I mean, you’re just a regular brunette now. When I knew you, you always had your hair dyed some interesting color. Blue one day, pink the next.•A: Well, I’m a lawyer now. Most judges have a thing against pink hair, so …•B: I can see your sense of humor hasn’t changed much!Real world listening:•Charisse: Karen, I can’t get over how gorgeous you look. I guess you must’ve become an actress, like you always wanted.•Karen: Thanks, but you’re not going to believe this.•Charisse: What?•Karen: Well, I moved away to Hollywood and did the usual waitress thing for a while. •Charisse: Yeah?•Karen: Eventually, I got a small part in a horror movie, and that’s when I discovered my true calling.•Charisse: What’s that? Playing zombies?•Karen: Nope. I’ve become a movie makeup artist!•Charisse: No way!That’s so amazing! But what made you give up acting?•Karen: I guess I just prefer working behind the scenes. But enough about me. How are you and Craig?•Charisse: Craig? Oh, him. You know, we broke up about a year after you left town. •Karen: Oh, I’m sorry. It just seemed like you two were so eager to get married and start a family.•Charisse: Funny how that ended up. I was too busy with school and then my job, and we just sort of drifted apart.•Karen: Huh!So what’ve you been doing all this time, Charisse?•Charisse: Well, a few years ago I got a great job with an advertising agency. And guess what?•Karen: What?•Charisse: They’ve just promoted me. I’m an account executive now!•Karen: Wow, pretty impressive.Unit Two:Listening tasks:1. A: Oh, my gosh. You won’t believe this!•B: What? What happened, Katie?•A: You know that guy Brett, from the football team?•B: Oh, yeah, the big, dumb jock. What did he do this time?•A: He gave me a poem.•B: A poem?•A: I mean, it’s beautiful!It’s romantic and it’s full of imagery. I just couldn’t believe it came from him.•B: You got that right. I didn’t even think he could read.•A: I just found out he plays two musical instruments and speaks French fluently!•B: Hmm. Well, maybe there’s more to Brett than meets the eye!2. A: Hey, Jeff, I didn’t know you took dance lessons.•B: What? How did you know that?•A: Your girlfriend showed me some pictures of you dancing.•B: Man, I told her not to show those to people!•A: Aw, come on. Actually, I think it’s pretty cool. I wish there was something I felt that passionate about.•B: Really? You know, I love to dance, but I don’t tell my friends about it. Dancing is a private thing for me. It’s just something I do for myself.3. A: Hey, Kayla. Can I borrow your notes from today’s math class?•B: Yeah, sure. Just make sure to give them back to me before my band plays tonight. I need time to study.•A: Did you say your “band”?•B: Yeah. I’m in a band called Rock Hard. I play the drums.•A: You’re kidding! You play the drums for a rock band? I never would’ve guessed.•B: Why? ’Cause I’m a straight A student?•A: Yeah. I mean, you’re the one everyone comes to for math help. I just assumed you were a …•B: A nerd?•A: Well, I don’t know about that.•B: Don’t worry. I’m not offended. I am a nerd. But who says nerds can’t play the drums?Real World Listening:•C: TJ, my man!How’s it goin’?•TJ: Hey, Cesar. What’s up, dude?•C: Oh, not much. But you, man. You’re all over the place. I saw you on TV last week. The Pro-Am skateboarding championship. Man, you tore it up on the half-pipe.•TJ: I guess I did OK. I got second place.•C: That flip you did was totally awesome. Anyway, I can’t believe you’ve gone pro, man. You’ve totally made it.•TJ: Yeah, I know. Contests, sponsorships, kids asking for my autograph all the time.It’s weird.•C: Sounds like it. But good weird.•TJ: Yeah. And you won’t even believe what the latest is.•C: What?•TJ: Nike wants me to do a commercial. They’ve been calling my agent. Nike, man.•C: Wow! I don’t believe that. That’s crazy, man. You’ve got it made.•TJ: Yeah, sorta.•C: What’s wrong?•TJ: Well, you know the fame and fortune are great, but sometimes I just want to have my old life back again.•C: Why? With the way things are going for you?•TJ: No, but it’s my family and my friends, like you. They think I’m too good for them now. They think I don’t have time for the stuff we used to do, like go to movies and just hang out.•C: Wow, man. That’s rough. But you know, your life is kinda different now.•TJ: Sure, I mean, people recognize me and stuff, but I’m still the same person I was before I went pro. I just wish everyone would understand that.•C: Don’t you like all the attention you’re getting?•TJ: I dunno, man. The truth is, it’s kind of embarrassing. I guess I’m shy or something.•C: You? No way, TJ. I thought you lived for the crowds.•TJ: Nah, it’s the sport I love. I can live without the spectators.•C: So what are you gonna do, man?•TJ: Just keep doing what I’m doing. I’ve gotta be true to myself, no matter what anyone else thinks about it.Unit Three:Listening tasks:1. A: So, Amy, how many kids do you and Tom have?•B: Uh, kids, none. Not yet.•A: Not yet? Did you say “not yet”? Hey, are you and Tom keeping score here or what?You must be, what, 35 by now. Clock’s a’tickin’. Tick-tock, tick-tock, you know?•B: Yeah, I think we’re aware of all that, but it’s kind of complicated. We’ve got our careers right now, and …•A: Complicated? You think you’re the only people who are trying to juggle careers and family?•B: No, no. I’m sure we’re not. Just, it’s kind of a personal thing.2. A: So, Jerry, have you thought about where you’re going to live after you graduate in June?•B: Uh, yeah. I think I’m going to move back in with my folks, save a little money, you know.•A: Your folks? You gotta be kidding!Don’t you think it’s time to leave the nest?•B: Um, yeah, I guess. But it’s not like it’s gonna be forever. Just until I can save upenough money to …•A: I gotta say, man, I think it’s a mistake.•B: Well, I’ve thought about it a lot, and I really think it’s the best decision for me right now.•A: But you need to go out on your own, get your own place, find yourself. Your parents are just going to get in the way.•B: Well, you know, I’m not the only one moving back home after college. Seems like half the people I know are doing it.3. A: Excuse me, ma’am.•B: Yes?•A: Your son’s tantrum is disturbing everyone in the store.•B: I know, I know. I’m trying to calm him down. Bobby, please be a good little boy for Mommy. I’ll give you a nice, yummy cookie if you stop crying.•A: If you ask me, what your son needs is a little good old-fashioned discipline. A nice spanking will do the job!You know what they say: Spare the rod and spoil the child!•B: Listen. How I raise my son is none of your business. We don’t believe in using physical violence with our children.4. A: So, Lucie, do you have anyone special in your life?•B: No. Not right now. It’s been a while since I’ve dated anybody.•A: Well, what have you been doing about it? You know, you can’t meet someone sitting at home on your couch on Friday nights eating chocolate ice cream. You’ve got to get yourself out there, girl!•B: Well, I don’t know. Meeting someone at a bar or club just isn’t for me.•A: I know! I’m fixing you up with a friend of mine. He’s perfect for you.•B: That’s OK. I’m not really into blind dates.•A: Don’t be ridiculous! You’re gonna love him!•B: You know, I’m not sure I really want to be dating anyone right now.Real World Listening:•Part 1. Andrea talks to Jackie.•Andrea: Andrea Price on “Who Needs Advice.”What’s your problem?•Jackie: Hi, I’m Jackie, from Toronto.•Andrea: Jackie, what’s your problem?•Jackie: My parents are driving me crazy! I’m in college, and my parents make me come home before midnight. Plus …•Andrea: Just a second, Jackie. Slow down. You’re in college, you’re living at home, your parents want you home at midnight. What’s wrong with that?•Jackie: Well, it’s not only that. They always want to know who I’m going out with, and if I’ve done my homework. How can I get them to leave me alone?•Andrea: Jackie, grow up already. If you live at home, you should follow their rules, or move out of their house. Clear enough?•Part 2. Andrea talks to Beatrice.•Andrea: Andrea Price on “Who Needs Advice.”•Beatrice: This is Beatrice from Atlanta.•Andrea: OK, Beatrice. What’s your problem?•Beatrice: I need some advice about dieting. Every time I go on a diet, I lose a few pounds, but it only lasts a little while.•Andrea: Uh huh. Go on.•Beatrice: Once I start eating normally again, I always gain the weight back.•Andrea: Do you exercise regularly?•Beatrice: No.•Andrea: There’s your problem. You can’t lose weight without exercise. Talk to your doctor about an exercise plan, and stick to it.•Part 3. Andrea talks to Pete.•Andrea: Andrea Price on “Who Needs Advice.”•Pete: This is Pete, from Denver.•Andrea: What’s your problem?•Pete: Could I ask you something?•Andrea: That’s what I’m here for.•Pete: Well, my car has been making funny noises lately. Like this—fffft fffft fffft fffft—but only when it’s moving. When it’s idle, it makes sounds sort of like, vvvttt, vvvtttt, vvvttt.•Andrea: Look, Pete.•Pete: I really don’t know what to do.•Andrea: Look, Pete, I give advice about people, not cars. You need to call a mechanic.Unit Four:Listening tasks:1. My sister is a really strict vegan. It’s not for religious or health reasons. It’s just she’s just a little nuts. Every time she comes over for a family dinner we have to make a special dish just for her. And if, like, the fork we’ve used to serve some meat even touches her plate for a split second, she freaks out and has to get another plate. Recently, she started this new thing where she can’t even eat any vegetables that are cooked. They have to be raw. And she put her cat on a vegan diet, too. The poor thing only eats vegetables. Every time I go over to her place, the cat looks at me with these sad eyes, like, “Meat … please?”2. My cousin Pat is a professional clown. He goes by the name Patty Cakes. He gets hired to do special events like kids’birthday parties. The thing about Pat is that he just can’t stop being a clown even when he’s not working. He’ll show up at his friend’s house and start making balloon hats for everyone. And then there’s his pet duck, Phoebe. Pat uses Phoebe in his clown act, but sometimes he doesn’t have time to take her home after work, so he just brings her along wherever he’s going. It’s just so strange to see Pat walk in somewhere with Phoebe following behind him wearing a diaper.3. My Aunt Samantha collects dolls. She’s a real fanatic. Most people have hobbies, you know,like sports or music or movies, but Aunt Samantha spends all her money on dolls. She has one room in her apartment completely devoted to Barbie dolls. I mean, the whole room is wall-to-wall Barbies!She’s got over a thousand of them lined up on shelves from floor to ceiling. The dolls are all in perfect condition. She stores them in their boxes and never takes them out. It’s kind of scary, actually. When you walk into that room, you just feel surrounded by them. It’s like they’re all watching you or something.4. My brother Andrew is really into TV and movies and, um ... How can I put this nicely? He can get pretty extreme about it. He’s always pretending to be a character from a movie or TV show. Now, when he was twelve or thirteen, he used to watch the TV show Star Trek all the time, and he’d go around talking exactly like Mr. Spock. Like if I’d say, “Andrew, get out of my room. I’m studying. You’re so irritating.”And he’d say, “Irritating? Ah, yes, one of your earthling emotions.”Stuff like that, a line right out of Star Trek. Now, sometimes, it’s funny. Like now he’s doing Harry Potter voices. But we worry about him a lot. I mean, does he even know who he is? He’s always acting like someone else.Real world listening:•Lydia: OK, Greg, I got the wedding invitations back from the printers. Let’s do this!•Greg: OK, I’m ready.•Lydia: Got your list?•Greg: Yeah, I just have a short list, though. Just my parents, and my brother Tim, and his wife, and my sister Tanya, and Jamie, my friend from college, and that’s about it. I can’t think of anyone else that I really want to invite.•Lydia: Greg, that’s like, what, ten people? Are you joking? This is our wedding.•Greg: Well, I guess we could invite my mom’s cousin Abigail. She lives nearby, but I don’t know her very well, and she’s kind of crazy. She has, like, fifteen cats.•Lydia: Greg, if she’s family, you should invite her.•Greg: I guess.•Lydia: So, including your mom’s cousin Abigail, you’ve now got a grand total of eleven guests. That just isn’t enough to fill up a reception room.•Greg: Well, how many people are you inviting?•Lydia: Um, let’s see. Here’s my list. I’ve got my brother and his wife.•Greg: Right.•Lydia: And her parents and relatives.•Greg: You’re inviting your sister-in-law’s relatives, too?•Lydia: Greg, this is a family event. Can’t leave anyone out.•Greg: Can’t leave anyone out?•Lydia: And then there’s my mother’s two brothers and their families.•Greg: They’ll come all the way from San Francisco for this?•Lydia: Oh, absolutely. And then my aunt Chia-Lin.•Greg: I thought she lived in Shanghai.•Lydia: She does, but she’ll come for the wedding.•Greg: Really?•Lydia: She wouldn’t miss it for the world, and besides, my mother would never forgiveher if she didn’t come to my wedding.•Greg: Ah.•Lydia: And then my father will want to invite all his close friends from work.•Greg: Wait a sec. Your father’s friends from work are coming? How many is that?•Lydia: Oh, Greg, he’s in the restaurant business. He’s got so many friends. There must be like, one, two, three, eight people who work in the restaurant alone, and then the suppliers, and all of his regular big customers.Maybe eighty or ninety. Something like that.•Greg: Eighty people!•Lydia: There’s no way he wouldn’t invite all of them to his daughter’s wedding. It’d be an insult!•Greg: But I thought we were just inviting family and close friends.•Lydia: Believe me, my father’s business associates are like family.•Greg: Wow! How many people are on that list there?•Lydia: Oh, just a few. This is just like three or four hundred people. I’m trying to keep it small.•Greg: Gosh, Lydia, where are we going to have this wedding, in Yankee Stadium?Unit Five:Listening tasks:1. A: Honey, I’ve been thinking.•B: Huh?•A: I’ve been thinking. I think I’d like to go back to work.•B: Really? Why?•A: Well, the kids are growing up. Jenny is off to university, and Ted is going to be in high school next year.•B: Uh huh, yeah, right?•A: Well, I just don’t think I need to be a stay-at-home mom anymore.•B: But, but who’s going to make dinner and do the laundry, and who’s going to clean the house?•A: I don’t know, honey, but we’ll figure it out. I’ve been weighing the pros and cons, and now it just seems like the best time to make a change.2. A: Hey, how’s it going, Frank?•B: Oh, not too sure.•A: Oh, what’s the problem?•B: It’s not really a problem. It’s kind of a good thing, I guess.•A: You guess?•B: Well, I applied for a job with a really good engineering firm a couple of months ago, and I talked to the boss yesterday.•A: Yeah?•B: And they want to hire me.•A: That’s great news.•B: Well, sort of. But the downside is the job’s in Texas. I would have to move. And they want me to start in six weeks.•A: Ooh, Texas. That’s really far away. What are you leaning toward?•B: At this point, I’m seriously considering accepting the offer. But I have until next week to let them know.3. A: Hey, Jamie, you look stressed out. What’s wrong?•B: Oh, I have to choose my major this month, and I’m still undecided.•A: I thought you were majoring in theater. Didn’t you say you wanted to be the next Angelina Jolie?•B: Yeah, but I changed my mind last semester and started taking more psychology classes.•A: Well, why don’t you do that? You could be the next Sigmund Freud, the female version.•B: I would, but I don’t know. I’m taking a really great physics class this semester. I totally love it.•A: Then why not do physics?•B: So I could be the next Albert Einstein, right? I don’t know about that, either. I kinda want to take some French classes. Yeah, that sounds good! Maybe I should major in French. Although, if I take French, then I can’t really take the physics. And I mean, theater still is really fun.4. A: What do you think about getting a puppy, Rick?•B: A puppy? Why would we do that?•A: Well, I was at the supermarket today, and there was this guy with a box of Labrador puppies out front, and they were so cute.•B: Yeah, of course they’re cute. Puppies are always cute. But they’re messy, too. •A: I know, but you should have seen them. Their little tails and their little faces.•B: The problem with a puppy is that it eventually becomes a dog, a big dog. What’s a big dog gonna do in our little apartment?•A: We’ll take it for walks. It’ll be great. C’mon.•B: I don’t know. I’ll think about it. Why don’t we get a cat instead?•Real World Listening :•Our topic today is decision making. We make decisions every day, right? Maybe about simple, personal things like which train to take to work or should you get a puppy as a pet, and also more complex things like what to major in at college or whether to take a job offer in a new city. We’re going to look at four dimensions of the decision-making process, OK? Approach, information, risk, and decisiveness.•The first dimension is approach, or the way that you view the decision-making process.There are two types of decision makers here: originators and adapters. Adapters tend to think in terms of the minimum change necessary to produce the results they want. They stick with ideas that have worked in the past. Originators, on the other hand, tend to produce decisions that are less similar to past ideas. They make decisions that seem unique and creative.•The second dimension is information. What kind of information do you need to make a decision? Are you a concrete information processor or an abstract information processor?Concrete information processors need complete and detailed information before making a decision. They prefer to work with clear, absolute, and exact facts and values. Abstractinformation processors, on the other hand, focus on the big picture and general information before they make their decision.•The third dimension is risk. What kind of risk taker are you when you make a big decision? How do you deal with struggles and challenges when you face a tough decision?Two types of risk takers here: conciliators and challengers. Conciliators prefer to be cautious and avoid risks. They avoid taking actions that might involve losing too much.The other type is the challenger. And a challenger will take a more extreme and risky choice in order to get a greater gain, even if the situation has a good chance of turning out badly.•The fourth dimension is decisiveness—how fast you make the decision, and how quickly you take steps towards implementing your decision. For this dimension, the two types of decision makers are called organized and flexible. Organized decision makers are quick to choose—bang, come on, make a decision—and also quick to act upon their decisions: OK, let’s do it!They commit their energy and time sooner than others. Flexible decision makers, on the other hand, are slow to choose and also slow to act upon their decisions.•They tend to change plans frequently, and they also procrastinate or postpone their plans unless they become absolutely necessary.•So that’s the theory: four dimensions of decision making. Where do you stand in each dimension? There’s no right or wrong way to make a decision, but by understanding our own decision making styles, we can make more effective, well-informed, and conscious decisions.。



可编辑修改精选全文完整版大学体验英语听说教程4第四版答案李霄翔1、39.—What do you ________ my new dress?—Very beautiful. [单选题] *A.look atB.think aboutC.think of(正确答案)D.look through2、Which is _______ city, Shanghai, Beijing or Chengdu? [单选题] *A. largeB. largerC. largestD. the largest(正确答案)3、He gathered his courage and went on writing music. [单选题] *A. 从事B. 靠······谋生C. 继续(正确答案)D. 致力于4、--What’s your _______, Jim Green?--Jim. [单选题] *A. full nameB. first name(正确答案)C. last nameD. family name5、Sorry, I can't accept your invitation. [单选题] *A. 礼物B. 观点C. 邀请(正确答案)D. 好意6、I _______ the job because I couldn’t stand(忍受) the rules. [单选题] *A. gave inB. gave outC. gave backD. gave up(正确答案)7、You should _______ fighting with your parents although you may have different ideas from time to time. [单选题] *A. suggestB. enjoyC. avoid(正确答案)D. practice8、It is an online platform _____ people can buy and sell many kinds of things. [单选题] * A.whenB. where(正确答案)C.thatD.which9、The traffic jams often happen in _______ hours. [单选题] *A. lunchB. workC. leisureD. rush(正确答案)10、He was proud of what he had done. [单选题] *A. 对…感到自豪(正确答案)B. 对…感到满足C. 对…表示不满D. 对…表示后悔11、There is something wrong with my teeth. I’ve had?a _______. [单选题] *A. toothache(正确答案)B. headacheC. stomachacheD. heartache12、28.—Where is Fujian Province?—It’s ________ the southeast of China. [单选题] * A.in (正确答案)B.onC.toD.at13、How _______ Grace grows! She’s almost as tall as her mother now. [单选题] *A. cuteB. strongC. fast(正确答案)D. clever14、Everyone here is _______ to me. [单选题] *A. happyB. wellC. kind(正确答案)D. glad15、Mrs. Black is on her way to England. She will _______ in London on Sunday afternoon. [单选题] *A. reachB. attendC. arrive(正确答案)D. get16、34.My mother isn't in now, but she will be back ______ ten minutes. [单选题] *A.forB.beforeC.in(正确答案)D.at17、I hadn't realized she was my former teacher _____ she spoke [单选题] *A. asB. sinceC. until(正确答案)D. while18、Kids will soon get tired of learning _____ more than they can. [单选题] *A. if they expect to learnB. if they are expected to learn(正确答案)C. if they learn to expectD. if they are learned to expect19、( ) My mother told me _____ in bed. [单选题] *A. not readB. not readingC. don’t readD. not to read(正确答案)20、Last year Polly _______ an English club and has improved her English a lot. [单选题] *A. leftB. sawC. joined(正确答案)D. heard21、If you do the same thing for a long time, you'll be tired of it. [单选题] *A. 试图B. 努力C. 厌倦(正确答案)D. 熟练22、She’s _______ with her present _______ job. [单选题] *A. boring; boringB. bored; boredC. boring; boredD. bored; boring(正确答案)23、—______ do you play basketball?—Twice a week.()[单选题] *A. How often(正确答案)B. How muchC. How manyD. How long24、This message is _______. We are all _______ at it. [单选题] *A. surprising; surprisingB. surprised; surprisedC. surprising; surprised(正确答案)D. surprised; surprising25、We ______ boating last weekend.()[单选题] *A. goB. went(正确答案)C. are goingD. will go26、There are about eight ______ students in my school.()[单选题] *A. hundred(正确答案)B. hundredsC. hundred ofD. hundreds of27、33.Will Mary's mother ______ this afternoon? [单选题] * A.goes to see a filmB.go to the filmC.see a film(正确答案)D.goes to the film28、As for the quality of this model of color TV sets, the ones made in Chine are by no means _____ those imported. [单选题] *A inferior thanB less inferior toC less inferior thanD. inferior to(正确答案)29、Many people prefer the bowls made of steel to the _____ made of plastic. [单选题] *A. itB. ones(正确答案)C. oneD. them30、—Who came to your office today, Ms. Brown?—Sally came in. She hurt ______ in P. E. class. ()[单选题] *A. sheB. herC. hersD. herself(正确答案)。



⼤学体验英语视听说4听⼒材料及课后答案Famous Quote— Benjamin FranklinUnit OverviewModern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems, not only physically but also psychologically. In this unit, students will be introduced to the importance of psychological health and ways to achieve it through listening, watching and reading. Various activities will inspire the students to talk about ways to cope with stress and to be happy by using the words and expressions in this unit. And finally, they will conduct a poll on “Stress on Campus ” with their peers.In this unit, you willget to know ways to deal with stress that comes from stressful situations, different life periods and difficult people through listening, watching and readingtalk about the impact of stress on your physical and especially mental health, and the ways to deal with stress through guided activitiesconduct a poll on “Stress on Campus ” with your peerspick up useful words and expressionslearn to reflect on your own learning and comment on that of your peers learn to think independently, critically and creatively Background InformationModern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For many people, stress is so commonplace that it has become a way of life. Stress isn’t always bad. In small doses, it can help you perform under pressure and motivate you to do your best. But when you’re consta ntly running in emergency mode, your mind and body pay the price.Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. When you sense danger--- whether i t’s real or imagined--- the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process known as the “fight -or-flight” reaction, or the stress response.The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you. When working properly, it helps you stay focused, energetic, and alert. In emergency situations, stress can save your life – giving you extra strength to defend yourself, for example, or spurring you to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident.Benjamin Franklin (1706 — 1790): One of the Founding Fathersof the United States. As a noted polymath, Franklin was a leadingauthor and printer, satirist, political theorist, politician,scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, soldier, and diplomat. He helped draw up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution; he played a major role in the American Revolution and negotiated French support for the colonists; as The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.The stress response also helps you rise to meet challenges. Stress is what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work, sharpens your concentration when you’re attempting the game-winning free throw, or drives you to study for an exam when you’d rather be watching TV.But beyond a certain point, stress stops being helpful and starts causing major damage to your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships, and your quality of life.Effects of chronic stressThe body doesn’t distinguish between physical and psychological threats. When you’re stressed over a busy schedule, an ar gument with a friend, a traffic jam, or a mountain of bills, your body reacts just as strongly as if you were facing a life-or-death situation. If you have a lot of responsibilities and worries, your emergency stress response may be “on” most of the time. The more your body’s stress system is activated, the easier it is to trip and the harder it is to shut off.Long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious health problems. Chronic stress disrupts nearly every system in your body. It can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, contribute to infertility, and speed up the aging process. Long-term stress can even rewire the brain, leaving you more vulnerable to anxiety and depression.Many health problems are caused or exacerbated by stress, including: Pain of any kindHeart diseaseDigestive problemsSleep problemsDepressionObesityAutoimmune diseasesSkin conditions, such as eczemaTopic Preview1. Read the passage on Page X and learn useful expressions related to the relationship between healthy mind and healthy body.2. Log on line and search for information concerning the importance of psychological health and some kinds of psychological health problems.Lesson OneLead inTask 1 Describing the PictureTeaching Tipsquestions.1.How differently did the remaining Bell Labs executives perform according to thestudy conducted by Dr Salvatore Maddi and his team?Answer: One group of them developed severe performance problems and health issues over the next few years; the other group remained healthy, enthusiastic and performed well at work.2.What does the case of Smitha, the airhostess, tell us?Answer: It is possible to learn these attitudes of dealing with stress.3.What did the study conducted by Drs Dacher Keltner and LeeAnne Harker reveal?Answer: A happy disposition is one of the better predictors of health.4.Why did the author say “In our busy world, we need to make time and demonstratelove and affection to our children”?Answer: Studies show that children need this to grow happily and healthily.5.What did Writer William Helmreich deem an important factor in the thousands ofJews’building a good life after they had survived the German death and torture factories and moved to America? Answer: T o find meaning in their experience and “interpret their surviv al ina way to give meaning to the rest of their lives.”appropriate meaning in the right-hand column.1. expert A. the degree to which a thing extends2. active B. a person with special knowledge, skill or training in sth.3. involved C. being part of sth. or connected with sth.4. constantly D. unwillingly5. extent E. all the time; repeatedly6. reluctantly F. always busy doing things, especially physical activities Key: 1-B 2-F 3-C 4-E 5-A 6-DAudio StudioWord BankTeaching Tips1. This task is designed to train students to understand the general idea of theaudio clip.2. Ask students to go over the questions and make their choices quickly.3. Tell them not to worry about individual words but to focus on understanding thewhole passage.4. Play the audio clip and ask students to make the correct choices.1. What ’s the topic of this audio clip?A) Symptoms of heart diseaseB) A new report from Dr. DavidsonC) Dr. Davidson and her report2. Which is NOT true about happiness?A) It may lead to more chance of heart attack.B) Happiness is contagious.C) Happiness can keep you healthy..1. contagious2. obscure3. protective4. content5. reveal6. coronary7. clinicaladj.adj.adj.adj.v.adj.adj.spreading easily from one person to another 感染的 not easily or clearly seen or understood; indistinct; hidden 不分明的 that protects or is intended to protect 保护的 satisfied with what one has; not wanting more; happy 满⾜的 make (fact, etc.) known 使(事实等)显露出来 of the arteries supplying blood to the heart 冠状动脉的 of or relating to the examination and treatment of patients and their illness 临床的1.Who is Dr. Davidson?Answer: A New York researcher.2.How long does Dr. Davidson’s research last?Answer:10 years.3.What does her study imply?Answer:Remaining happy may help prevent heart disease.&extra=page%3D1Video Studio1.be gaga over be crazy about 对……着迷2.be on be on air 上节⽬3.counteract v.oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions消解5.adrenalin n.肾上腺素6.apathetic adj.showing little or no emotion or animation 冷淡的7.in knots nervous, strained 紧张的8.cumulative adj.increasing by successive addition, accumulative 累积的9.sleep in sleep later than usual or customary, sleep late 睡懒觉10.beat adj.very tired ⾮常疲惫的11.hamper v.prevent the progress or free movement of 防碍12.cortisol n.⽪质(甾)醇13.tax v.make heavy demands on (sth.), strain 造成(某事物)的重负Complete the following statements with the phrases given below. Predict what will be talked about in the video. Then check your answers after watching the video clip.fight off pump out break uplead to in knots sleep in1.And then the last guy hired me, because, you know, when you’re kind of overit, you’re no longer in knots.2.That’s why a lot of people, they want to sleep in on the weekends or on Fridaynights.3.…so everything all your body’s resources are being taken to focus on dealingwith the stress instead of fighting off the cold.4.Yea, I mean when you’re stressed, your body is pumping out more chemicals andhormones like cortisol and…5.It does. Well, it’s like laughing. It’s something physical that sort of likebreaks up the hormones that are going through your body.Task 2 Bridging the GapWatch the video clip again. Identify the incorrect information in the following statements, and make corrections where necessary.1. Stress makes people nervous, so all stress is not helpful at all.Correction: Some stress called EU-stress helps people focus.2.In stressful situations, people should not pay attention to their heart beatingfast.Correction:In some stressful situations, people can even focus on their heart beating fast.3.Stress would go away all by itself.Correction: Stress is cumulative.4. Drinking helps people to deal with the week-long stress effect on them.Correction: Drinking actually can worsen the body’s reaction.5. Amy admits she is stressed at the end of the show.Correction: Amy claims that she is not stressed and that she feels ok.WorkshopExpressions & Structures to UseTask 1 Summarizinghave learned in the audio and video clips. Then prepare an oral presentation with the help of the tips.TipsThere is one more reason to remain happy:… not all stress is bad stress… to deal with some stressful situations…… help because …… also help to… it is also very important to…… stress is cumulative……make sure that…Task 2 Solving the Problemthe problem described. You are expected to share your ideas and justify yourself in this process. Use as many phrases from the “Expressions & Structures to Use”box as possible.Situation1.Work in groups of four. Suppose the four students are chatting about next week’swork load. One of you is going to have a very stressful week and is very much in knots. He/she turns to the rest of you for effective advice on how to deal with the stressful situations.2.You have 15 minutes to discuss within your own group.3.Several groups will be selected to present their role plays. The rest of theclass will vote for the one they feel happiest to support in each group’s performance.Project BulletinWork on the following real-life project with your group members and present your report in the next class.Real-Life ProjectWork in a group of six to eight. As a workgroup from the TV program Mental HealthToday, you are assigned to present a program on “Stress on Campus”. Design a questionnaire which can gather the information concerning the stress the college students are experiencing and how they react to the stress. Ask students in your university to fill in the questionnaires. Summarize and analyze the answers. Then present in the next class a program which includes the results of the survey and suggestions of effective treatment for stress.Lesson TwoLead inTask 1 BrainstormingYou may have read or learnt from your observation of people around you that adults are dealing with tons of stress in their career life and in their family life. Recall as much as possible of the stress.appropriate meaning in the right-hand column.1.interact A.declare to be true or admit the existence or reality ortruth of2.preoccupied B.act together or towards others or with others3.deception C.having abnormal and excessive love or admiration foroneself4.patronizing D.the act of causing someone to believe a false statementE.having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with sth.5.narcissistic6.acknowledge F.(of behavior or attitude) characteristic of those who treat others as an inferiorKey: 1-B 2-E 3-D 4-F 5-C 6-AAudio StudioWord Bank1. trigger v.be the cause of a sudden (often violent reaction; set an actionor process in motion) 引发adv.not including sb./sth. ; not counting sb. 排他的2.exclusivelyn.praises 赞扬3.compliments4. refrain v.keep oneself from doing sth. 克制5. obsessive强迫症compulsivedisorderTeaching Tips1.This task is designed to train students to understand the general idea of the audio clip.2.Ask students to go over the questions and make their choices quickly.3.Tell them not to worry about individual words but to focus on understanding the whole passage.4.Play the audio clip and ask students to make the correct choices.1.Which of the following sentences can serve as the summary of the clip?A)Everyone knows someone who is difficult to be around.B) Some people could have a personality disorder.C) There are simple ways to deal with some behaviors.2.How many kinds of people have been talked about?A)Three.B) Four.C) Five.Teaching Tips1.This task is designed to train students to focus on key information or usefulexpressions in the audio clip and lay a solid foundation for note-taking skills in the future.2.Before playing the audio clip again, ask students to fill in the blanks frommemory.3.Play the audio clip. Ask students to focus on the detailed information.4.Allow students enough time to fill in the blanks.1. A person with a paranoid personality is someone who is very much preoccupiedwith the loyalty of other people.2.The solution: stick to conversation topics that are safe and not too personal,avoid any signs of criticisms or attack and refrain from using language that is patronizing.3. A narcissistic person really believes that she is better than you essentiallyand that “because I’m another person I’m better than you, I’m entitled to expect you to do things for me; I’m entitled to be focused exclusively on my own needs and kind of disregard yours.”4.So how do you deal with those ego maniacs? Don’t be defensive with this person.It could trigger a fight and try to make you an important part of his or her world in order to keep up the relationship.5.People with obsessive compulsive disorder can make others jumpy. Tryacknowledging their hard work with /doc/96f74152ce7931b765ce0508763231126edb7780.html promise with them when possible and also avoid conflict.ScriptEveryone knows someone who is difficult to be around. It is very difficult to put up with them. The bad news is often times you are forced to interact with these people on a daily basis and they could have a personality disorder but the good news is there are simple ways you can learn to deal with their behaviors.A person with a paranoid personality is someone who is very much preoccupied with the loyalty of other people. It is a person who constantly scans the environment and other people looking for possible indications or signs of some sort of deception.The solution: stick to conversation topics that are safe and not too personal, avoid any signs of criticisms or attack and refrain from using language that is patronizing.A narcissistic person really believes that she is better than you essentially and that “because I’m another person I’m better than you, I’m entitled to expect you to do things for me; I’m entitled to be focused exclusively on my own needs&extra=page%3D1Video StudioWord Bank1.ups and downs alternate good and bad luck 幸运与不幸的交替2.blues n. a state of depression 忧郁的情绪/doc/96f74152ce7931b765ce0508763231126edb7780.html bat v.fight or struggle against 与(某⼈/某物)战⽃4.intense adj. (of sensation) very great or severe; extreme (感觉)强烈的5.gear up make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particularpurpose or for some use, event, etc.增速传动6.feel-goodchemicalchemical that makes you feel good 让⼈⼼情变好的元素7.boost v.increase the strength or value of (sth.); help orencourage (sb./sth.) 增强8. PMS premenstrual syndrome, a syndrome that occurs in manywomen from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation经前综合症9.delegate v.choose sb. to carry out (duties, a task, etc.) 委派某⼈执⾏(职责、任务等)10 .serotonin n. a neurotransmitter involved in . sleep and depression andmemory⾎清素11 .raging adj.characterized by violent and forceful activity ormovement; very intense⾮凡的12 .elevate v.lift sth./sb. up; raise sth./sb. to a higher place or rank提升13.bloating n. being swollen with fat, gas or liquid 肿胀的14 .rule of thumb rough practical method of assessing or measuring sth.,usu. based on past experience rather than on exactmeasurement, etc. (and therefore not completely reliablein every case or in every detail) (对事物)粗略但实⽤的估计⽅法(通常指凭经验⽽不作精确的计量等,故并⾮时时处处均可靠)15drag v.move slowly and with effort 拖拖拉拉.spouse n.husband or wife 配偶16.prioritize v.assign a priority to 优先17.18get into a rut start leading a routine existence 开始过刻板的⽣活.Complete the following statements with the phrases given below. Predict what will be talked about in the video. Then check your answers after watching the video clip.gear up trigger off pick outlead to rule of thumb ups and downs1.…are there actually different things that trigger off the blues and depressiondepending on your age?2.Well, that’s a time of intense stress, because a lot of people are really gearingup their careers, so they’re working very hard, …3. A good rule of thumb is if you actually look forward to it, say yes, but if you’rekind of dragging it, that’s the time to say no, …4.Women, mothers especially think, “I’m the only one to pick out my kid’sdress.”5.It is good for sleep problems, because that can also lead to depression as well.1.Why are there different ways to combat depression at different ages?Answer:Because at different stages of life, people are dealing with differentstresses.2.What are the triggers of the depression in the 30s?Answer:Working very hard and raising young children or getting pregnant.3.Why is saying yes a default especially of women?Answer:Because women are trained to be sort of pleasing.4.What are some of the issues the 40s have to face?Answer:Being the sandwich generation and their raging hormones level.5.Why are the 40s called the Sandwich Generation?Answer:Because they not only have to care for their kids but take care of aging parents.Watch the video clip again and complete the following table concerning the ways to deal with depression and be happy at different ages.Source Speaking Workshop。



1. 大学体验英语上机听力1级答案Unit11.special;roller skating;terrific;idea;you up;then2.wongering;party;wonderful;holding ;wear;formal;dress up;3.free;I'm not sure;movie;I have a test;Never mind;weekend4.Petty good;going out for diner;love to ;club;great idea5.play tennis;have to;make it;that's to bad;thst's greatUnit21.anything;blank;change;recept;sorry about;that'OK2.matter;worry;repaired;sorry;May I use yours ;no problem;appreciate3.help me;to find the way ;go straight ;blacks;cross road;I see;You are welcome4.helping me with;no trouble ;so difficult;give me a call;Many thanks5.so sorry ;nothing ;terrible;forget itUnit31.office ;make appointment ;come in ;get off work ;waiting for2.sales deparment ;here ;take a message ;arrange;check;this diary ;fine ;early afternoon;that's fine;you're welcome3.can you help me;speaking ;there;gone out ;I see;season;I'mafraid;postphoto;No problem4.remember;sure;frogs;come over;be away;kind of busy ;othertime 5.How are you doing;Are you free;concert;that's terrific;pick you upUnit41.lend;welcome;by the way;downtown;mind;quite;simple2.getting on;doing just fine;warm and friendly ;accompany; happy to;Great;3.May I know ;surname;my given;phone number;Of course;362025794.rush;About;want it typed;manage;work late;a lot;5.wonder;I beg your pardon;none of your bussiness;offend;personallyUnit51.Take a seat ;bear;wine;specially;have a sip.2.dishes;taste dellcious;care for ;favourite;to your health;our cooperation3.perfer;take;sugar;care for;dessert;sweat.4.favorite;mean;more specific;pine;every colour;boring.5.arrive in;ago;weather;all right;How do you like;enjoy.Unit 61.in your office;on a report;finished;almost done;very tired;go for a walk.2.advice;diet;improtant;have a heart attack;take your advice;helpful3.novels;improve;recommend;start on;advice;shelves4.cold feet;preparing;confident;courage;point.5.reay for;leave it out;Like who;How aboutUnit71.weather;sunny;temperature;degrees2.lovely;weatherman;last;change;windly;take my umbrella4.picnic;fun;fine;You bet;sunny.5.rainy days;neither;gloomy;clear;rainbow;wonderful;fresh airUnit81.some information;number;per day;And the other;leaves;does itmakes;goes throuth;take a little longer.2.rent a car;charge;current rates;reasonable;deposit;calls for ;becredited to;a comoact car;turn in;have offices throw out.rmation dest;The You Line;What's the fare;A doller sixty;go for ;go through;ticket-barrier;be in directly;a lot;4.a ticket;park;How fast;per hour;in such harry;the rush hour; make it;the policemanrmation;Where are you going;to;missing;Is that right;exactly; get something to eat;car;platform5;very much;Unit91.get to;excuse me;ge to ;go easy;turn left;2.on the corner;bookstore;public librar;get a book3.just a minute;possible;go straighton;crossroad4.on the fifth floor;lift;take the left to;5.on foot;Which bus;get off;on the left hand side of;don't mention itUnit 101.hurry up;ready for breatfast;be careful;no worries;be home2.the post office;when does it;on saturdays;At half past nine3.season;the english name;for season;Autumn beings;beings;march;summer;months;the best season;winter months;December;January and Februray are very cold4.what day;Thursday;to and for;on Saturday;on Saturday evening5.the date;April 28;your birthday;on the second of December;spare me a few minutes;for instance;on Christmas Day.2.大学体验英语上机听力2级答案e in,let me introduce,please call me betty,and this is hen,take your coat,this is for you,don't mention it,2.care for ,what do you have,write ,a lively house,really likeit too,too long,show you around way,please;3.excellent look,steak.this is really very good;i'm glad you like itwonderful meal,ejoyed meal;enjoyed it be great,4.delicious,should be going,so soon i'm afraid so ,it'smy pleasure,well,i am glad you like ,wonderful meal/enjoyyed it/desert/be/great第九单元1.reserve a table,facing the Thames, May I have your, At what time, see you then2. reserve a table, this way, here is the menu, care for a drink, how about you, some here, All right3. take your order, today's special, fried fish stead, medium, well-done, go with that, a bottle, good4. bill please, enjoyed your dinner, special, This is for you, a wonderful evening, to have you,must be going, Goodbye第十单元1.transfer to, do me a favor, Fifty pence, pay the fare, break any notes, take a rest, cheerio 2 get me to, caught, first-class single, platform 4, change train 3 have to be there, plenty of time, Here we are, Give me 4 trying to get to,Take the District, Take the escalator, My pleasure第十一单元1.very glad to meet you, It's a pleasure to meet you, go over,get used to it 2.moved, for that, collect some materials, can't complain, come for a drink, hunting for a job,Good luck, Bye-Bye3.Happy birthday, Do come in, this is for you, How nice it is, happy returns, what I've brought, you are so sweet4 Marry Christmas, The same to you, special, join a big celebration, having a party, The same to you第十二单元1.look place, I'm afraid not, What's wrong with you, had a temperature, go and see, been busy writing, above health, follow, Take care2.make an appointment, be convenient, got a temperature, Let me see, full name3.to be the trouble, had a score, feeling chills, take your temperature, Information, Is it serious , give you an injection, medicine, get better, as much as possible4.prescriptions, have them filled, medicine, take the medicine, three times a day, for your help 第十三单元1.looking, perfumes, perfums,What a good idea, Take this brand2.Just the bill, accept checks, accept cash, wrap it up, sure3.Here is, a tax-refund, get back the duty, the customs I see4.get back the duty, tax-refund form, pounds, pounds第十四单元1.sure, undergraduste, Bachelor degree, testing, credit, attend, pass rank, Any time2.a part-time job, an assistant, on-campus job, apply to, off-campus jobs , off-campus work, Isee3.a part-time, sort of, nothing particular, qualification, straight form, appeal to, learn, sounds good4.doing cleaning, offer, say, think so, between two jobs, bad luck,Good luck第十五单元1.say goodbye, off, flying home, see you then, say goodbye,a good journey, Thank you 2 I'm calling, leave, My flight,Take care of, You're done, a pleasure 3 How times flies, thsnk you enough, miss you, keep in touch, remember to, miss you 4 .jump in, Bon voyage, a copy of, very much, check, hang around, have a good journey, all the best.3.大学体验英语上机听力3级答案1Unit 1 Hi! How are you?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/Script1. Hello!Hi, how are you doing?Pretty good.2. Hi, how are you?Fine, thanks.3. Good morning.Morning. What’s new?Not much.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers4 (at school), 2 (home), 3 (at a reception desk), 1 (in the park)2 Second ListeningAnswers/Script1. A: Hello!B: Oh, Hi!A: It’s a beautiful day!B: Yeah, a good day for running.2. A: Hello. I’m home.B: Hi! How are you?A: I’m tired. It’s good to be home.3. A: Good morning.B: Good morning.A: I’m Mia Clark. Is Mr. Lee here?B: Yes, just a moment. Mr. Lee, Ms. Clark is here to see you.4. A: Hi!B: Hey. What’s new?A: Not much. Look, the teacher is coming!B: We need to go to class.Real World Listening1 Predict2 Get the main ideasAnswersGood morning.Hi. How are you?Hi, Nadia.Hey, Nadia. How’s it going?Hello, Ms. Barnes.Good morning…coffee?Good morning, Ms. Barnes.ScriptMan-1: Good morning, Nadia!Nadia: Good morning.Woman-1: Hi! How are you?Nadia: Hi! Fine thanks.Woman-2: Hi, Nadia. How are you doing? Nadia: Great. I had a great weekend! Man-2: Hey, Nadia! How’s it going?Nadia: Morning. Fine. How about you?Woman-3: Hello, Ms. Barnes. Did you have a good weekend? Nadia: Yes, it was very good. How about you?Woman-4: Good morning.Nadia: Good morning.Woman-4: Coffee?Nadia: Sure, thanks… Sorry. Gotta go.Nadia: Good morning, everyone.Students: Good morning. Ms. Barnes.Unit 2 What’s your address?Vocabulary TaskAnswers:1. 1. Petra Fields2. 2. 1904 Broadway, San Francisco, CA 940013. 3. 554-09124. 4.5. 5. March 19, 19806. 6. Apple ComputerScript1. 1. A: What is your name?B: Petra fields.2. 2. A: And what is your address?B: 1904 Broadway, San Francisco.3. 3. A: Okay. What’s your phone number?B: It’s 554-0912.4. 4. A: How about e-mail? What is your e-mail address? B: Petra, P-E-T-R-A, at news dot com.5. 5. A: Okay. When is your birthday?B: March 19th, 1980.6. 6. A: And where do you work?B: At Apple Computer.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. 1. David Gomez14A Park StreetSeattle, WA 981172. 2. Skiers Sports Shop3. 3. Sarah Cahill912-477-11244. 4. 03/14/86 (March 14, 1986)Hillview High School2 Second ListeningAnswers1. 1. What’s your name?2. 2. Where do you work?3. 3. And your home phone number?4. 4. Where do you go to school?Script1. 1. A: Good morning. Netcom.B: Uh…Hello. I’d like to get an internet connection.A: Okay, no problem. What’s your name?B: My name’s David Gomez.A: And what’s your address, please?B: 14A Park Street, Seattle, Washington 981172. 2. A: Okay, Scott. Where do you work?B: I work at Skiers Sports Shop.A: Oh, I know the place. Now, do you have e-mail?B: Yes, I do.A: sometimes the club sends inform ation over the Net. What’s your e-mailaddress?B: It’s Scott S-C-O-T-T at mountain dot com.3. 3. A: I want to sign up for the jazz dance class.B: Sure. Your name, please?A: It’s Sarah Cahill. That’s C-A-H-I-L-L.B: And your home phone number?A: 933-0160.B: Do you also have a cell phone or pager number?A: My cell phone is 912-477-1124.4. 4. A: Hi. I’d like to join the tennis club for the summer.B: Okay. Fill in your name, address, telephone number, and so on, here… Let’ssee. You forgot to write your date of birth.A: It’s March 14, 1986.B: And, where do you go to school?A: I go to Hillview High School/Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerDo you have your card? What’s your name? How do you spell that? And what’s youraddress? What is your telephone number? Where do you work?2 Get the main ideasAnswersTed Mendrou27 Red Tree Drive818-777-0768NA (He doesn’t work, he’s a student.)NA (HE doesn’t have a credit card.)ScriptClerk: Next.Ted: Yes, I’d like this video.Clerk: Do you have your card?Ted: No, I don’t have a card.Clerk: Okay. I’ll make a card. What’s your name? Ted: Ted Mendrou.Clerk: How do you spell that?Ted: M-E-N-D-R-O-U.Clerk: And what’s you’re address?Ted: 27 Red Tree Drive.Clerk: Red Tree? Is that one word or two?Ted: It’s two words: Red. Tree.Clerk: What is your telephone number?Ted: 777-0768Clerk: Is that the 818 area code?Ted: Yep.Clerk: Where do you work?Ted: I don’t work. I’m a student.Clerk: Okay, now I just need a credit card number.Ted: A credit card?Clerk: Yes, you know, VISA MasterCard…Ted: Uh-oh.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 3 What’s in your kitchen?Vocabulary TaskAnswersA large bathtub (BR), a stove (K), a dresser (BD), an old couch (LR), a bed(BD), a refrigerator (K), a shower (BR), a toilet (BR), a lamp (LR), a smalltable (BD), a soft chair (LR), a small sink (BR), a big book-case (BD), a TV ( -), a kitchen sink (K), a table & chairs (K), a coffee table (LR) ScriptIn my living room there is an old couch, a soft chair, a table, and a lamp. Inmy kitchen there is a stove, a sink, and a refrigerator. There’s also a bigtable and two chairs. My bathroom has a large bathtub, a small sink, a shower,and, of course, a toilet. And my bedroom has a bed, a dresser, a small table,and a lamp. There’s also a big bookcase.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers5. 1. bedroom 3. bathroom6. 2. kitchen 4. living room2 Second ListeningAnswers5. 1. This is a pretty big room.6. 2. It’s nice and sunny.7. 3. This room is very small.8. 4. This room is great.Script1. 1. This is a pretty big room, I think. The bed is in the corner, andthere’s a small table next to the bed. There’s a lamp on thetable. There’s adresser, too, and two big bookcases.2. 2. Now, I like this room. It’s nice and sunny. There’sa stove and asmall refrigerator. The sink is next to the stove. There is one chair and asmall table where you can eat. There’s a small TV on the table.3. 3. Now, there’s this room. I know, this room is very small, but it’sokay. It has a shower and a toilet. There’s a sink, too, next to the toilet,but, as you can see, no bathtub.4. 4. Isn’t this a nice room? It’s big. There’s a big old couch and two softchairs. There’s a table next to the couch. And there’s a lamp on the table. Butthe best thing is there is a really big TV. This room is great! Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerSize of room, furniture, how much it costs, swimming pool.2 Get the main ideasAnswersBusiness hotel: two beds, a bathtub, a couch, a tableRitz Hotel: two beds, a bathtub, a shower, a couch, a table, chairs,refrigerator, TV, poolScriptAlan: I looked on the Internet today and I think I found a hotel for us.Bob: Oh, yeah? Me, too. What does yours have?Alan: Well, it’s a business hotel. The room has two beds. And, of course, abathroom. The bathroom has a bathtub, but no shower.Bob: That’s it?Alan: Well, in the picture it looks like there’s also a couch and table.Bob: Two beds, a couch, a table and no shower. Okay. Want to hear about myhotel?Alan: All right, but I –Bob: It’s the Ritz Hotel. It looks great! The room is really two rooms: abedroom with two really big beds and a living room with a couch,a table andchairs. There is a bath room with a shower and a big bathtub. And listen tothis. You also get a refrigerator and a big-screen TV! Alan: Sounds expensive.Bob: Wait. There’s even a health club with a pool!Alan: How much?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 4 T-shirts and jeansVocabulary TaskAnswers/scriptMiguel is wearing a blue T-shirt, jeans, socks, sneakers, and a red hat.Lydia is wearing a yellow dress, a green sweater, and brown shoes.Ricardo is wearing a black suit, a white shirt, and a light brown coat.Yasu is wearing green shorts, a blue sweatshirt, and sneakers. Trudi is wearing a blue swimming suit and a yellow jacket. Jennifer is wearing a blue jacket, black pants, and black shoes.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers7. 1. Lisa has a new job (at a bank).8. 2. Erin is going to a party.9. 3. Jeff wants to swim and run after work.10. 4. Colin works at a hotel. He is a waiter.Script1. 1. Lisa has a new job at a bank. In Lisa’s bag there are two dresses, ablue suit, a brown coat, and some shoes. She has a big bag!2. 2. In Erin’s bag there is a red party dress, red shoes, and a black coat.They’re for a big party!3. 3. Jeff wants to swim and run after work. In Jeff’s bag is a blueswimming suit. He also has socks, sneakers, and green shorts. He bought twoyellow T-shirts, too.4. 4. Colin works at a big hotel. He’s a waiter. In his bag are two blacksuits, four white shirts, and some black shoes.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerThey’ll take everything except the running shorts.2 Get the main ideasAnswersA ski jacket, 2 sweaters (a blue one and a yellow and green one), ski boots, apair of gloves, a (yellow and black) ski hat, a (blue) swimming suit, a (white)bathrobe, a (black) suit, a white shirt, a (red) tie, an extra pair of jeans, afew shirtsScriptSusan: Come on, David. Let’s get ready for the ski trip. David: Already?Susan: What do you mean “already”? We’re leaving tomorrow morning.David: Oh. Well. I don’t need to get ready. I can just take a few things, youknow, a ski jacket, a sweater, my ski boots. I don’t need much. Susan: you need more than that. How about gloves?David: Oh, yeah. I guess I need a pair of gloves.Susan: Right. And how about a hat? You’ve got a great yellow and black ski hat.Take that.David: Oh, right. Okay. Where is my hat? Great. I found it. And here are myblack gloves. Ahhh…here’s my blue sweater. I’ll take this too. Susan, where’s myyellow and green ski sweater?Susan: I thought you only needed one sweater.David: Well, yeah, but…It’s always good to have two. Let’s see. What else? MaybeI’ll take this…Susan: David, our hotel has a spa and a swimming pool. Take a swimming suit.Your blue one.David: Right, right. My blue swimming suit. Then, of course.I need to take myw hite bathrobe. Okay. I think I’m ready…Wait, I guess I’ll take my black suit,too. And this white shirt and my red tie. So we can go out at night.Susan: I thought you only needed a ski jacket, a sweater, and a pair of skiboots…David: no, actually, what I need is a bigger suitcase. I think I’ll take anextra pair of jeans, and maybe a few more shirts…Susan: David!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 5 Where are you from?Vocabulary TaskAnswersColombian, Korean, French, Brazilian, Japanese, American, English, ThaiScriptHere is our music club. There are members from all over the world!First is Carlos. He’s Colombian. He’s from Bogota, Colombia. Second is Sang-kai. He’s Korean. He’s from Seoul, Korea. Third is Michael. He’s French. He’s from Nice, France. Fourth is Maria. She’s from Sao Paulo, Brazil.Next is Michiko. She is Japanese. She’s from Osaka, Japan.Then Jackie. She’s American. She’s from Miami, F lorida.And Jonathan. He’s British. He’s from Cornwall, England.And last is Sunt. He’s Thai. He’s from Bangkok, in Thailand. Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers11. 1. Australia 2. Spain 3. China 4. India2 Second ListeningAnswers9. 1. Liz (Walker) 3. Yu-an (Lee)10. 2. Carlos (Fernandez) 4. PurniScriptA: Is everyone ready? Please come up when I call your number…Number 1.1: My name is Liz Walker. L-I-Z.A: Are you British?1: No. No, I’m Australian. I’m from Sydney, Australia, butI live in the UnitedStated.A: Number 2.2: My name is Carlos Fernandez.A: Carlos?2: Yes. Carlos. C-A-R-L-O-S. I’m Spanish. I’m from Barcelona, Spain.A: Number 3.3: My name is Yu-an Lee. That’s Y-U-A-N.A: Okay. And, Yuan, where are you from?3: I’m Chinese. I’m from Shanghai, China.A: Number 4.4: my name is Purni.A: Perdi?4: No. Purni. P-U-R-N-I. I’m Indian. I’m from New Delhi, India.Real World Listening1 PredictAnswerThey met at a youth hostel.2 Get the main ideasAnswersThey are at a youth hostel in London.Robert is from San Francisco, California.Miguel is from Bogota, Colombia.Keiko is from Japan, but she lives in Paris. She works there. She wants to do something fun.Silvia is from a small town near Venice, Italy.ScriptRobert: Hi, I’m Robert. How’s it going?Miguel: Hi. My name’s Miguel. Sorry, I didn’t catch your name. Robert: It’s Robert. I’m from San Francisco, in the U.S. Nice to meet you –Miguel.Miguel: Nice to meet you, too.Robert: Is this your first day here?Miguel: Yes. I just got to London today.Robert: Where are you from?Miguel: I’m Colombian. From Bogota, Colombia.Keiko: Hi. Can I sit here?Robert: Hello. Sure. There’s plenty of room. I’m Robert. Keiko: Hi. My name’s Keiko. Where are you from, Robert? Robert: Hi. Keiko. I’m from California. And you…? Are you from Japan?Keiko: Yes, I’m from Osaka, originally. Now I live in Paris. Robert: Really? What do you do there?Keiko: I work for a high-tech company. I’m so glad to be awayfrom work.Robert: Right.Keiko: Do you have any ideas on fun things to do here in London? Robert: Yeah. Let me get my guidebook. And my map. I’ll be right back.Silvia: Hello. I’m Silvia. Do any of you know what tim e it is? Miguel: It’s 6:15. I think dinner is at 7:00. have a seat. Silvia: Thank you.Miguel: I’m Miguel. I’m from Colombia. And this is Keiko, from Japan. Where’reyou from, Silvia?Silvia: I’m from Italy. From a small town near Venice. Have you been to Italy?Miguel: No, but I’d love to go. I like Italian food. And, Italian cars.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 6 Curly or straight?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/script7. 1. Carl is tall.He has short, wavy, blond hair.8. 2. Yumi is thin.She is also short.9. 3. Ana is pretty.She has long, straight, black hair.10. 4. Andrew is handsome.He’s a little heavy.He has curly brown hair.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers3, 1, x, 2, x, 42 Second ListeningAnswersScript1. 1. A: I can’t find your sister.B: She’s tall. She’s very tall. She has long brown hair. She likes to wearjeans and a sweatshirt.A: Oh, I see her.2. 2. A: Tell me again what your brother looks like. B: He’s kind of short. He has black curly hair. He likes towear T-shirts withpictures on them.A: I think I see him.3. 3. A: Is that your son, there?B: No, my son is tall. He has short brown hair. His hair is straight. And he’s alittle heavy.A: Let me look again.4. 4. A: I think I see your wife now.B: She’s short. She has short, wavy, blond hair. She is thin and…A: Kind of pretty?B: Well, yeah, I guess so.A: Yeah, I see her.Real World Listening1 Predict2 Get the main ideasAnswersBefore: fat, long, brown, curly (hair)After: thin, short, straight, blond (hair)ScriptK: Hello?L: Hi, Karen. This is Lisa.K: Wow! How are you? Where are you?L: I am at home. I just got back last night. From Hawaii. K: So how was it? Tell me.L: It was so great. Great. You should see me. The new me. K: What do you mean “the new me”? What did you do?L: Well remember my hair?K: Yeah…L: It was brown.K: Yeah…And long and curly.L: Well, now it’s blond. And…K: Le t me guess. It’s short?L: Yeah. It looks so great. It’s short and it’s straight. And so blond!K: Blond, short, and straight? Wow! I can’t wait to see you! L: And, there’s?? more. I walked and jogged every day. And I went swimming alot. So good-bye, fat. No more fat. Now I’m thin.K: Thin and short, straight hair? I won’t know you.L: Wait. There’s more. A surprise.K: Can you come over now?L: Sure, I’ll run over right-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 7 Who’s that?Vocabulary TaskAnswers11. 1. Carlos: grandfather, husband, fatherTeresa: grandmother, wife, motherKurt: father, son, husbandMaria: mother, daughter, wife12. 2. Thomas: (older) brother, son, nephewAnna: sister, daughter, nieceMarta: aunt, wifeRobert: uncle, husbandGabriella: aunt, wifeScript1. 1. My grandfather’s name is Carlos. My grand mother is next to him. Hername is Teresa. My father is next to her. His name is Kurt. My mother’s name isMaria.2. 2. my older brother’s name is Thomas. My sister is nextto him. Her nameis Anna. My aunt next to her is my aunt Marta. Her husband is my Uncle Robert.3. 3. My other uncle is Uncle Pedro. His wife is my aunt Gabriella.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswersAnswers may vary, but should include:12. 1. brother, (younger) sister13. 2. grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, younger sister14. 3. mother, father, son15. 4. wife, son, daughter, mother, family2 Second ListeningAnswers1. my brother Marco 3. looks like father2. my younger sister 4. looks like motherScript1. 1. A: Oh, is this your brother and sister?B: Yeah, that’s my brother, Marco. And that’s my younger sister, Sarah. And ofcourse that’s me in the middle.A: I can see that!2. 2. A: These are my grandparents. My grandmother, she’s 81. but mygrandfather, he’s even older, he’s 84.B: Wow! But they look so young!A: I know, don’ they?B: And who is this?A: Oh, that’s my younger sister, and that’s our dog next to her. A goldenretriever. His name’s Clarence.3. 3. A: Is that your mother and father?B: Yeah, an d that’s me, of course. Before I got my hair cut short.A: You look just like your father!B: Yep. I’m definitely his son!4. 4. A: This is my wife, my son, and my daughter. We’re at a hotel inHawaii.B: You have a nice family. Your daughter. Looks like her mother.A: Yes, everyone says that.Real World Listening1 Predict2 Get the main ideasAnswersTop row, left to right: mother, grandmother, stepsister, sister Second row, left to right: stepfather, stepbrother, brother ScriptTony: Well, I brought some photos of my family with me. I want to show them toyou.Friend: Wow, you brought lots of photos. Great!Tony: here’s the first one.Friend: Let me see. Oh, what a nice family. Is she your mother? Tony: Yes, she’s my mother.Friend: And who’s in the second picture?Tony: Oh, this is my grandmother.Friend: Does she live with you?Tony: Yep. She lives with us.Friend: How about in this picture? Who are the girls? Tony: Well, the one on the right is Carla –she’s my sister. Friend: And the one on the left is who?Tony: Um, that’s Ellen. She’s also my… sister.Friend: Oh?Tony: And in this picture, this is Lenny and Marty. They’re my brothers.Friend: Wait a minute. How many brothers and sisters do you have?Tony: Well, it’s a little hard to follow, but I’ll explain. This is my mother.And this is my mother’s husband Evan.Friend: that’s your father.Tony: No, he’s not my father. My mother and father are divorced. And, Evan isalso divorced.Friend: Okay.Tony: And he married my mother last year. He has two children, also, one boy andone girl. Marty and Ellen. So, actually, Marty is my stepbrother and Ellen is mystepsister.Friend: Stepbrother and stepsister?Tony: Yeah. That means my mother isn’t their mother, but my mother is married totheir father.Friend: Oh, it’s a little hard to follow.Tony: Well, it really doesn’t matter now. We all just live together and we’re afamily.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unit 8 where are we going?Vocabulary TaskAnswers/ScriptThe post office is next to the First National Bank.The bank is between Broadway Bookstore and First Aid drugstore. Antonio’s Restaurant is across from the library.Sherwood hospital is on the corner. It is next to Apple Tree Flower Shop.Listening Task1 First ListeningAnswers1. 1. post office 3. bank2. 2. hospital 4. library2 First ListeningAnswers。



鍏叡鑻辫鍥涚骇鍚姏-18(鎬诲垎锛?0.00锛屽仛棰樻椂闂达細90鍒嗛挓)涓€銆?strong>Listening ComprehensionDirections:This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English.(鎬婚鏁帮細0锛屽垎鏁帮細0.00)浜屻€?strong>Part ADirections:For Questions 1锝?, you will hear a dialogue about two kinds of music. While you listen, fill out the table with the information you have heard. Some of the information has been given to you in the table. Write only 1 word in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below.(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細5.00)(1).[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細Classical锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 1-5W: What kind of music do you like?M: I like dance music. You know, I go to a disco almost every week. You prefer classical music, don't you?W: Yes. I find it very relaxing. I often listen to Mozart in the evening after a hard day at work.M: I must admit that I like several pieces of classical music.W: Classical music is supposed to be good for your brain. Researches suggest that it makes your brain more active. Students who listen to classical music while studying perform better.M: Really? Perhaps I should listen to classical music often. I heard that listening to classical music is helpful in reducing stress.W: Yes. That's why I listen to it in the evenings. I usually play it as background music while I'm doing housework.M: I've got a few classical music CDs. I should follow your lead and increase my brain power.W: You can find plenty of recordings on the Internet too. You can listen to samples and then buy them very cheaply if you like them.M: Good idea. You should do the same with dance music. It might make you livelier and happier.W: That's true. There's clear evidence that people who listen to lively music are lively people. Music can influence a person's feeling and character.(2).[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細Lively锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細active锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(4).[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細stress锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(5).[*]锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細happier锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>涓夈€?b>Directions:(鎬婚鏁帮細1锛屽垎鏁帮細5.00)(1).Creative people are better at ______ to justify their actions to6 themselves.Creativity leads people to be more ______ flexible. 7Creativity helps people resolve some ______ between something. 8The study shows the " ______ " of creativity. 9 Creative people should be thinking about the fact that their10 creativitycan be used for ______锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細creating excuses锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 6-10Not all cheaters are creative. But apparently enough creative people cheat to interestresearchers like Francesca Gino. Professor Gino tested volunteers to see how creative theywere. Then she tested them in situations involving small amounts of money, where they couldearn extra by cheating.For example, they took a test and had to copy their answers onto another paper. But on thatother paper the correct answers were already lightly marked, supposedly by mistake. Thetest-takers knew they would earn more for correct answers. They were led to believe theycould cheat without getting caught.The results showed that the more creative people were more likely to cheat. By comparison,people who were more intelligent but less creative were not more likely to cheat. ProfessorGino says creative people are better at creating excuses to justify their actions tothemselves.Professor Gino says, "What we find is that creativity leads people to be more morallyflexible, so they're more able to come up with justification for the behavior that they'reabout to engage in and as a result, they are more likely to cheat. "Professor Gino says, "We think that creativity really helps people resolve this conflictbetween something that is more longer term鈥攚hich is the idea of being good and mortal鈥攁nd something that is more short term, and is the idea of advancing your own self-interest. And that does not necessarily mean getting money out of cheating, but it couldalso be getting other types of pleasures or utilities. "The study shows the "dark side" of creativity. Professor Gino says, "So it's not that we'retrying to say that people shouldn't be creative, we're trying to say that they should becreative but they should be thinking about the fact that their creativity can be used forthe wrong reasons. /(2).Creative people are better at ______ to justify their actions to6 themselves.Creativity leads people to be more ______ flexible. 7Creativity helps people resolve some ______ between something. 8The study shows the " ______ " of creativity. 9 Creative people should be thinking about the fact that theircreativity10 can be used for ______锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細morally锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).Creative people are better at ______ to justify their actions to6 themselves.Creativity leads people to be more ______ flexible. 7Creativity helps people resolve some ______ between something. 8The study shows the " ______ " of creativity. 9 Creative people should be thinking about the fact that theircreativity10 can be used for ______锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細conflict锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(4).Creative people are better at ______ to justify their actions to6 themselves.Creativity leads people to be more ______ flexible. 7Creativity helps people resolve some ______ between something. 8The study shows the " ______ " of creativity. 9 Creative people should be thinking about the fact that their10 creativitycan be used for ______锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細dark side锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(5).Creative people are better at ______ to justify their actions to6 themselves.Creativity leads people to be more ______ flexible. 7Creativity helps people resolve some ______ between something. 8The study shows the " ______ " of creativity. 910Creative people should be thinking about the fact that their creativitycan be used for ______锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>濉┖椤?:__________________ 锛堟纭瓟妗堬細the wrong reasons锛?/div>瑙f瀽锛?/div>鍥涖€?strong>Part CDirections:You will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C, or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear each piece ONLY ONCE.(鎬婚鏁帮細3锛屽垎鏁帮細10.00)Questions 11锝?3 are based on the following talk about wisdom teeth. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11锝?3.Questions 11锝?3 are based on the following talk about wisdom teeth. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 11锝?3.锛堝垎鏁帮細3.00锛?/div>(1).The wisdom teeth need NOT be removed when ______.A. they fail to completely grow outB. they even grow sidewaysC. they take up other teeth'roomD. they make no difference in chewing锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C.D. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 11-13Wisdom teeth are normally the last teeth to appear. This usually happens when people are in their late teen years or early twenties鈥攊n other words, when they are older and wiser. Wisdom teeth are chewing teeth, at the back of the mouth. The third set of chewing teeth, if you have them, are your wisdom teeth.They can grow into place normally and never cause a problem. But often there is not enough room for them in the mouth. They might crowd other teeth. Sometimes they even grow sideways. Sometimes they fail to completely grow out and thus leave space for bacteria to enter around the teeth. These wisdom teeth are often removed.But why do we have wisdom teeth if we often need to get them removed? One theory has to do with our diets. Scientists say the diet of ancient humans probably required more chewing teeth. Life was probably a little rougher on the teeth back then, too. So it was good to have extras.Doctors say if removal is advised, the best time to do it is before the teeth cause any problems or pain.Experts say young adults are the best candidates for wisdom teeth removal. They say that older patients may be at greater risk for disease in the tissue surrounding the chewing teeth.Patients can choose to have a local painkiller and remain awake. It may depend on the condition of the wisdom teeth and the number to be removed.After the surgery, there can be swelling of the gums and face and some pain. Both can be treated with cold wraps and medication.(2).When is the best time to remove wisdom teeth, if removal is advised?A. At birth.B. In late teen years.C. In early twenties.D. Before they cause any pain.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C.D. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).Which of the following about wisdom teeth removal is NOT true?A. The surgery is often used to remove wisdom teeth.B. Young adults are the best candidates for the surgery.C. Patients are unconscious in the surgery.D. After the surgery, you may feel some pain.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>D.瑙f瀽锛?/div>Questions 14锝?6 are based on the following dialogue about buying tickets. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14锝?6.Questions 14锝?6 are based on the following dialogue about buying tickets. You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 14锝?6.锛堝垎鏁帮細3.00锛?/div>(1).At what time of the day does this conversation probably take place?A. In the morning.B. At noon.C. In the afternoon.D. In the evening.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>D.瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 14-16M: Excuse me. Are you going to buy basketball tickets?W: Yes, I am. So are all these people in front of me.M: Have you been here long?W: About 45 minutes. I've moved forward a total of just one foot in that time.M: You are kidding!W: Not at all. There was a couple up ahead of me who got so disgusted that they finally gave up and left. They said they'd been waiting for more than an hour.M: It's terrible! Does anyone know what's causing the delay?W: No one has let us know. It could be that there aren't enough people selling tickets this afternoon. Or maybe their computer was down.M: I just hope they don't run out of tickets before I get there.W: That really would be annoying, wouldn't it?M: I guess I should have come before lunch.W: In fact, before I came I tried calling to charge my tickets over the phone, just to avoid this long wait. But they are not taking phone orders, or checks, or credit cards. It's cash or nothing, and you have to come in person.M: Well, there are two more hours before the tickets office closes. Tickets for a good basketball game are worth waiting for. So I think I'll just make myself comfortable.(2).What is the woman's attitude toward what's happening?A. Helpless.B. Hopeful.C. Bitter.D. Satisfied.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A. 鈭?/span>B.C.D.瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).What will the man probably do next?A. Give up and leave.B. Ask the ticket-seller.C. Call to charge the tickets.D. Wait in the line.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C.D. 鈭?/span>瑙f瀽锛?/div>Questions 17锝?0 are based on the following talk about Christmas. You now have 20 secondsto read Questions 17锝?0.Questions 17锝?0 are based on the following talk about Christmas. You now have 20 secondsto read Questions 17锝?0.锛堝垎鏁帮細4.00锛?/div>(1).What problem does the man have around Christmas?A. He usually receives lots of bills at that time.B. He doesn't know what gifts to prepare.C. He has no money preparing for Christmas.D. He doesn't know what to do at Christmas.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A. 鈭?/span>B.C.D.瑙f瀽锛歔瑙f瀽] 17-20The trouble with Christmas is that it comes just before the end of the year. Early in January, lots of bills arrive. There I am, surrounded by parents, having spent all lastyear's salary, and most of this year's, too, when little brown envelopes start dropping through the letter box. The gas, the electricity, and the telephone, lots of pieces of paper, all ask for money.I suppose the people who sent these bills didn't want to destroy my Christmas, because they didn't send them to me before 25th December. It is really very kind of them, but I wish they would send a letter to my bank manager explaining what is going to happen immediately after the holiday. Then he would be ready for me when I go to see him. And it would save mefifteen minutes while I explain why I need to borrow 200 dollars and he tells me why I can't have it.Next year it's all going to be different. In my house, we are going to have Christmas inJuly, during our summer holiday, so that next December I'll have enough money in the bank to pay all the bills. It's a wonderful idea, but the only problem is that my wife and children don't seem to like it very much.(2).Why did the man visit his bank manager after Christmas?A. Because he wanted to show his bills to his bank manager.B. Because the bank manager sent him a letter to invite him to visit.C. Because he wanted to borrow some money from his bank manager.D. Because he wanted to send his wishes to his bank manager.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>D.瑙f瀽锛?/div>(3).How does the man want to solve this problem next year?A. Borrow money from the bank manager.B. Travel during Christmas.C. Have Christmas in July.D. Don't celebrate Christmas.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B.C. 鈭?/span>D.瑙f瀽锛?/div>(4).What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man does not like Christmas.B. The man is always in debt after Christmas.C. The bills are always sent during Christmas.D. Christmas is an important festival in the west.锛堝垎鏁帮細1.00锛?/div>A.B. 鈭?/span>C.D.瑙f瀽锛?/div>。



2018年12月大学英语四级考试英语四级听力真题(全):News 1A device that weighs less than one kilogram is part of a mission that will allow scientists to deliver fourth generation or 4G mobile coverage to the moon in 2019。

If successful, the tiny device will provide the moon with its first ever mobile phone network。

The lunar network will support high definition streaming of video and data between the moon and earth。

The network is part of a mission to the moon。

This is a project with the goal of landing the first privately paid for mission to the moon。

The 4G mission is set to launch from Cape Canaveral in the United States on a space X Falcon 9 rocket in 2019。

Mission to the moon intends to establish and test the first elements of a communications network on the moon。

The scientists working on the project opted to build a 4G rather than a fifth generation or 5G network。



【关键字】英语新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说4(Unit test 1-8)Unit1短对话5题Directions:Listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1)A. The woman doesn't worry about important things in society.B. The woman doesn't know what's important in society.C. The man doesn't consider himself part of society.D. The man doesn't care about children saying ma'am or sir.参照答案:1) D听力文本:W: When was the last time that you heard a child use the words ma'am and sir? Honestly, I think civility is fading from society.M: Come on! Isn't there anything more important to worry about?Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?∧ 收起答案2)A. The reasons why the woman is important.B. The reasons why the woman is wrong.C. The woman's working experience.D. The woman's work as a writer.参照答案:2) D听力文本:W: When I took this writing job, I thought you'd give me something worthwhile to do. When will I be able to write a big story?M: I think you're looking at your job all wrong. Write about these small things as if they are important.Q: What are the speakers talking about?∧ 收起答案3)A. Have independent thought.B. Show respect to the teacher.C. Disagree with the teacher.D. Get angry at the teacher.参照答案:3) B听力文本:W: My teacher gets angry every time I don't agree with her. This is ridiculous! She should encourage independent thought!M: I don't think she'd get angry if you were a little more respectful when you disagreed. Try that next time.Q: What does the man want the woman to try?∧ 收起答案4)A. The company policy.B. The shop.C. The shirt.D. The service.参照答案:4) C听力文本:M: I bought the shirt last week, but it is too small for me. Can I change it for a larger size? W: Sorry, Sir. That's against the company policy.Q: What are they talking about?∧ 收起答案5)A. One's own values.B. One's hard work.C. One's personal contacts.D. One's special abilities.参考答案:5) D听力文本:W: What do you think is more important to success in the arts – talent or hard work?M: Talent, I suppose. But I wouldn't discredit the value of hard work. Oh, and good looks are important too, as are personal contacts.Q: According to the man, what's the most important?∧收起答案长对话5题Directions:Listen to a long conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.6)A. Responsibilities in the home.B. Things they do together.C. Troubles in their marriage.D. The worst day.7)A. They agreed to share the work.B. They have responsibilities.C. They are both tired.D. They are bothered by it.8)A. The state of the marriage.B. The silly things they did.C. The terrible cold she had.D. They haven't gotten married.9)A. Go to their parents.B. Have arguments.C. Walk in the park.D. Go to the cinema.10)A. The park.B. The cinema.C. A parent's home.D. Their home.参考答案:6) C 7) A 8) A 9) A 10) D听力文本:W: You know, it doesn't look like you've cleaned the living room.M: No, I haven't. Ugh. I had the worst day. I am so tired. Look, I promise I'll do it this weekend.W: Listen, I know the feeling. I'm tired, too. But I came home and I did my share of the housework. I mean, that's the agreement, right?M: All right. We agreed. I'll do it in a minute.W: Come on. Don't be that way. You know, I shouldn't have to ask you to do anything. I mean, we both work, we both live in the house, we agreed that housework is ... is both of our responsibility. I don't like to have to keep reminding you about it.M: What's the matter with you today? You seemed bothered by something? W: It's us.M: What do you mean by "us"?W: Well, we used to talk to each other before we were married. Remember? M: What do you mean? We are talking now, aren't we?W: Oh, yes, but we used to do so much together.M: We still go to the cinema together, don't we?W: Yes, but we used to go out for walks together. Remember?M: Of course.W: And we used to do silly things, like running barefoot through the park ... M: Yes. I used to catch terrible colds. Honestly, you are being totally ridiculous. W: But we never argued. You used to think I was wonderful. Once ... Where are you going?M: Back to live with my parents. That's something else we never used to do before we were married.Q 6: What are the speakers talking about?Q 7: Why did the woman say she shouldn't ask the man to do anything?Q 8: What is the woman bothered by?Q 9: What did they never do?Q 10: Where is the conversation taking place?∧收起答案短文理解5题Directions:Listen to a short passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.11)A. A lawyer friend, Patricia.B. High fees for lawyers.C. Public interest lawyers.D. Clients who need legal help.12)A. Public interest lawyers are expensive.B. Some people can't afford lawyers.C. Some lawyers don't make much money.D. Some clients need legal help.13)A. Public interest lawyers are expensive.B. Public interest lawyers are unfair.C. Some lawyers have nothing at all.D. Some lawyers choose to receive less money.14)A. Sometimes clients cheat lawyers.B. Sometimes lawyers are like criminals.C. Sometimes stores get legal help.D. Sometimes lawyers don't charge a client.15)A. Trouble with a client.B. Trouble with a lawyer.C. Trouble with one's landlord.D. Trouble with a criminal.参考答案:11) C 12) B 13) D 14) D 15) C听力文本:A lawyer friend of mine, Patricia, has devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her special area is called "public interest law".Many other lawyers represent only clients who can pay high fees. They have had expensive and highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they earn. But what happens to the people who need legalhelp and cannot afford to pay these lawyers' fees? It is unfair if these people cannot get the legal help they need.Public interest lawyers, who also have had expensive and highly specialized training, fill this need. Patricia, like other public interest lawyers, earns a salary much below what some lawyers can earn. Because she is willing to take less money, her clients have the help they need, even if they can pay nothing at all. Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with faulty goods. Others are in unsafe apartments, or are threatened to be driven out of their homes and have no place to go. Their cases are all called "civil" cases. Still others are accused of criminal acts, and seek those public interest lawyers who handle "criminal" cases.Q 11: What is this passage about?Q 12: What is unfair according to the speaker?Q 13: What can be inferred from this passage?Q 14: What do we know from this passage?Q 15: What is an example of a civil case?∧收起答案复合式听写10题Directions:Listen to a short passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. When the passage is read for the third time, check what you have written.A few years ago, my friend and I were walking 16) at noon on a street near my home in a northern 17) section of Teheran. This area is well-known because it is a beautiful avenue that 18) connects two major traffic circles. It is located 19) at the bottom of a high mountain.That day, the sun was 20) shining , but the weather suddenly changed. 21) As we were walking between the two circles, it started raining very hard. We started to 22) cross the boulevard to get to the second circle. It was raining so hard that we decided to go inside a restaurant instead. Ten minutes later, as we were looking out the window, we saw everyone was 23) running away from something. At first, we did not know what was going on. We went outside the restaurant to see what was happening. People seemed shocked.A huge flood was 24) streaming down the mountain. We were standing on a higher place, so we could see everything. We were scared. Cars, rocks, and people were floating on the water like little toys toward the little market at the south end of the circle. The height of the water was almost to the top of the trees.After a few minutes, the flood's flow was reduced, so we decided to leave the area before the water entered the street we were on.It was reported that the flood 25) destroyed a big area and approximately 300 people were killed or disappeared that day. Later, we also learned that a dam had burst during the rain.Unit2短对话5题Directions:Listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1)A. Young people are too quick in making decisions.B. Young people seldom stay long on the same job.C. Young people lose their jobs easily.D. Young people are too eager to succeed.参考答案:1) B听力文本:M: It was the third time Cliff had phoned me to say he had a new job.W: It's difficult to keep a young man on one job for life nowadays.Q: What does the woman mean?∧收起答案2)A. To go and see if the supervisor can meet him right now.B. To put him through to the supervisor.C. To have a talk with the supervisor about his work.D. To arrange an appointment for him with the supervisor.参考答案:2) D听力文本:M: I'd like to have a talk with your supervisor sometime this week. Could you arrange it for me?W: He's rather busy these days. But I'll see what I can do.Q: What's the man asking the woman to do?∧收起答案3)A. Attend a meeting.B. Have an interview.C. Attend the graduation ceremony.D. Join a company.参考答案:3) C听力文本:W: I don't know what I'm going to wear to the graduation ceremony? All of my clothes are so casual.M: Why don't you wear your newly bought green suit?Q: What is the woman going to do?∧收起答案4)A. He agrees with the woman.B. He doesn't agree with the woman.C. He has no idea of that.D. He has seen Adam playing.参考答案:4) B听力文本:W: Adam is really a gifted piano player.M: Is he? You should have seen him when he was six.Q: What does the man mean?∧收起答案5)A. Go to blame the teacher.B. Consult a history book.C. Go to ask Grandpa.D. Give up the question.参考答案:5) C听力文本:M: How can I know when Abraham Lincoln was killed! That's long before I was born.W: You are right, son, neither do I. Let's see if Grandpa knows this.Q: What are the speakers going to do?∧收起答案长对话5题Directions:Listen to a long conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.6)A. The piano.B. Mozart.C. Parents.D. Child geniuses.7)A. The man doesn't think geniuses play the piano.B. The man doesn't think Mozart was a genius.C. The man doesn't expect the child to be a genius.D. The man doesn't think he is a genius.8)A. Being positive.B. Mozart.C. Being a genius.D. High expectation.9)A. The speakers both think that the child playing the piano is a genius.B. The speakers have different opinions about the intelligence of the child.C. The speakers are among the few geniuses that exist in the world.D. The speakers are given a lot of trouble by others who are geniuses.10)A. Husband and wife.B. Brother and sister.C. Mother and son.D. Father and daughter.参考答案:6) D 7) C 8) C 9) B 10) A听力文本:W: Look how smart our boy is! He's playing the piano!M: He's only banging on the keys.W: He's only 2, honey. Give him time.M: Everyone thinks his child is a genius.W: What, are you saying – that our child isn't a genius?M: I'm saying that there are few geniuses in the world. And while most people think their children are geniuses, not many of these children grow up to be geniuses.W: For all you know, our son could be the next Mozart.M: He's drooling on the piano. Maybe you should clean it up so he can start composing his next symphony.W: I don't know why you can't be more positive about our little guy. What kind of parent are you?M: Hey, don't think I don't love our son, or that I don't have high expectations for him. I think he's great. But genius? Well, why would anyone want to be a genius anyway? Being a genius causes a lot of trouble for people.Q 6: What are the speakers talking about?Q 7: What can be inferred from the conversation?Q 8: What causes a lot of trouble for people according to the man?Q 9: What do we know from the conversation?Q 10: What is the relationship between the two speakers?∧收起答案短文理解5题Directions:Listen to a short passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.11)A. Types of career advice that people toss around.B. Old rules for finding a job that are not so good.C. People who give common advice for jobs.D. Common careers that people are hunting for.12)A. Most common people are not careful.B. Job hunting rules will always hold you back.C. Some people have bad ideas about job hunting.D. Rules no longer apply to the workplace.13)A. They should give just enough information to make the employer interested.B. They should tell a complete story of a person's life.C. Theyshould draw a complete picture of yourself.D. They should make your voice heard at work.14)A. Encouraging the employer to want more information about you.B. Giving the employer some of your marketing documents.C. Providing the employer with a list of your goals.D. Telling the employers the story of your life.15)A. They are everything to everyone.B. They are on high and low markets together.C. They are narrow in their goals.D. They are suitable to different people.参考答案:11) B 12) C 13) A 14) A 15) D听力文本:Among the most common types of career advice that people toss around are tips for job hunting. But be careful who you take advice from, because the workplace is changing very fast right now. As the new generation makes its voice heard at work, a lot of the old rules no longer apply. Here are two job-hunting rules that will hold you back if you're not careful:Bad Rule No. 1: Draw a clear picture of yourself. A résumé is not supposed to give the story of your life; it's a marketing document. So the goal is not to tell every single thing about yourself, but rather to get an interview. And the best way to land an interview is to make the employer want to find out more about you.Bad Rule No. 2: Don't be too narrow. If you're not narrow, then what are you selling? Think about cars. Is a BMW the car that meets every need for every person? Is a Saturn the car for high-end and low-end markets? You're no different from a car. You can't be everything to everyone.Q 11: What is the passage about?Q 12: What can we infer from the passage?Q 13: What does the author think about résumés?Q 14: What is the best way to get an interview?Q 15: In what sense are people like cars?∧收起答案复合式听写10题Directions:Listen to a short passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. When the passage is read for the third time, check what you have written.The name Christian Dior is considered by many to be the most recognized name in fashion. Its founder, Christian Dior was born in 1905 in the small town of Granville in Normandy, France. Dior spent some time as an artist and 16) launched a gallery in 1928, with generous financing by his father.Hard times were just around the 17) corner though. The Great Depression resulted in the 18) bankruptcy of the family business, forcing them to sell 19) virtually everything they owned. Dior moved in with a friend and soon began 20) directing his attention to the fashion industry. After being 21) discharged from army service in 1940, he returned to Paris in 1941 and 22) secured employment with the fashion house of Lucien Lelong. In 1946, Marcel Boussac, the richest man in France at the time, provided 23) substantial financial backing for Dior to launch his own fashion house. Dior's first clothing line released in 1947 was an overwhelming success, winning favor for the designer, both in Europe and the distant USA. 24) Not surprisingly , in 1949 Dior established a presence in New York City and soon expanded again to London in 1952. Wider global expansion followed shortly after. In 1948, Dior launched a perfume line which proved to be a great success. And in a 1950 decision he expanded the brand into 25) fashion accessories like hats, ties and handbags. Dior was preparing for retirement when a heart attack took his life in 1957. Later the group experienced many ups and downs over the years. Despite all these ups and downs, Dior is still considered as one of the most popular and innovative fashion houses in the world.Unit3短对话5题Directions:Listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1)A. The woman wants to play golf while the man wants to play tennis.B. The man wants to play golf while the woman wants to play tennis.C. Both the man and woman suggest playing golf.D. Both the man and woman suggest playing tennis.参考答案:1) A听力文本:W: Hey, Joel, how about some golf on Friday after work?M: Not for me. I can never play golf well; I find it too frustrating. How about playing tennis?Q: What do the man and woman say?∧收起答案2)A. No one is dancing there.B. No one will pay attention to how the man dances.C. No one knows how to dance.D. It's too crowded to dance.参考答案:2) B听力文本:M: I'd love to dance, but I don't know the steps.W: It doesn't matter. No one will be looking at us in the crowd.Q: What does the woman mean?∧收起答案3)A. An exciting football match.B. A beautiful scene.C. The man's interest in her.D. The man's inviting her to a football match.参考答案:3) B听力文本:W: Look how beautiful the lake is with the sun setting on it. It gives me a sense of happiness.M: I agree completely, but we should leave now. The football game starts at eight o'clock, and we can't miss it.Q: What is the woman happy about?∧收起答案4)A. She always spends weeks to plan her trips.B. She likes to take long camping trips.C. She doesn't like camping.D. She seldom goes camping on weekends.参考答案:4) B听力文本:M: Viola is quite enthusiastic about camping, isn't she?W: Yes, she often goes for weeks at a time. Last summer she went camping in Yellow Stone Park for two weeks.Q: What does the woman say about Viola?∧收起答案5)A. Excited.B. Indifferent.C. Annoyed.D. Joyous.参考答案:5) C听力文本:M: You know I'm not a party animal, so I'm really fed up with Mary. She invites her friends to party in our apartment every other day!W: Yeah. I know what you mean.Q: How does the man feel about Mary having parties in their apartment?∧收起答案长对话5题Directions:Listen to a long conversation and choose the best answer to each question you hear.6)A. Joining a family.B. Becoming a fantastic dancer.C. Going out for the night.D. Dancing at the woman's home.7)A. Dancing.B. Dinner.C. A concert.D. A movie.8)A. The man is important to his parents.B. The woman had a great time with her parents.C. The woman isn't serious about her parents.D. The man doesn't want to go out with the woman's parents.9)A. To be more serious about the parents.B. To have tea with the parents.C. To go with the woman without her parents.D. To go with the woman and her parents.10)A. Wife and husband.B. Girlfriend and boyfriend.C. Sister and brother.D. Mother and son.参考答案:6) C 7) C 8) D 9) D 10) B听力文本:M: Hey, babe, you want to join me?W: Where are you going, love?M: I thought about going to a movie, but I just heard about a concert, and I think I'm going to that –that is, unless you have something else in mind. Dinner, dancing, what do you want to do?W: Do you mind if my parents come and join us?M: You're kidding, right? I was hoping to take you out on a regular date.W: I guess we haven't been going out long enough for you to really know me. But my parents are very important to me. And I'd really like to spend some time with them tonight. So how about it? We can all go dancing tonight.M: This doesn't sound much like my cup of tea. I mean, are you serious?W: Sure. My parents are fantastic dancers. You'd really have a great time. Won't you give it a chance?M: I... well, you know what? I think I could go in for this. Let's go.Q 6: What are the speakers talking about?Q 7: When the conversation begins, where is the man planning to go?Q 8: What can be inferred from the passage?Q 9: What does the man decide in the end?Q 10: What is the relationship between the two speakers?∧收起答案短文理解5题Directions:Listen to a short passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.11)A. The most popular forms of vacations in the Favorite vacation spots in the Effects of vacations on Americans.D. Types of vacations in the U.S.12)A. It is more comfortable than staying in tents.B. It is less comfortable than staying in tents.C. It is less adventurous than living in motels.D. It is more expensive than living in a luxurious hotel.13)A. America is large and has many tourist attractions.B. America has more tourist attractions than Europe.C. It is cheaper than traveling abroad.D. There is no language barrier.14)A. Its major cities are more attractive than its natural scenes.B. Its natural scenes are more attractive than its major cities.C. Both its major cities and its natural scenes are attractive.D. Its major cities and natural scenes are less attractive than those in Europe.15)A. They can spend the vacation together with the kids.B. They might upset the balance of nature.C. They can go fishing, skiing or rafting.D. They can look at plants and flowers at close quarters.参考答案:11) D 12) A 13) B 14) C 15) D听力文本:For many Americans, summer is the season to travel. Why? Because school is out and the weather is great. And most of all, because we all deserve a break. When Americans take a break, they often head for their favorite vacation spots.Most companies provide an annual vacation for their employees, and people often use that time to travel. Some people just visit friends or relatives in distant states. Others go on low-budget weekend excursions and stay in economy motels. Those with more expensive tastes choose luxurious resorts and hotels. Camping out in the great outdoors appeals to adventurous types. Some travel in recreational vehicles to camp out in comfort, while others "rough it" by sleeping in tents.Most Americans prefer to travel within their nation's border. Why? For one thing, it's cheaper than traveling abroad, and there's no language problem. Besides that, the vast American territory offers numerous tourist attractions. Nature lovers can enjoy beaches, mountains, canyons, lakes and a wealth of natural wonders. Major cities offer visitors a multitude of urban delights. Theconvenience of modern freeways, railways and airplanes makes travel in America as easy as pie.Many American vacations are as unique as the people who take them. Families often plan their trips with the kids in mind. More and more "family friendly" vacation resorts offer special programs for children. Environmentalists prefer "green vacations". These trips allow them to observe plants and flowers closely without disturbing the sensitive balance of nature. Some people find sea cruises relaxing and refreshing. Others hit the water to go fishing, skiing or rafting. Daring tourists get the thrill of a lifetime on expeditions in remote places from Africa to Asia.Q 11: What is the passage mainly about?Q 12: Which of the following is true of traveling in recreational vehicles?Q 13: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason why Americans prefer to travel within the United States?Q 14: Which of the following is true of America, according to the passage?Q 15: How can environmentalists benefit from "green vacations"?∧收起答案复合式听写10题Directions:Listen to a short passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, listen for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear. When the passage is read for the third time, check what you have written. If you listen to American music, watch American television, or read American magazines, you will probably agree that the most popular subject of these forms of entertainment is love. Romantic love always finds an 16) audience in the United States. Falling in love, solving the problems of love, and achieving the happy ending –the big wedding –are subjects of interest to the adults as well as the 17) teenage public. Millions of Americans 18) celebrate Valentine's Day with special cards and gifts that announce their love to their mates, their friends, their coworkers, and their families. 19) Popular songs tell us that "All the world loves a lover". A popular saying is "Love 20) conquers all". Numerous 21) columns in magazines and newspapers offer advice to the lovelorn, those with difficulties of the heart. To most Americans, romantic love22) is central to a happy life. Americans consider marriage 23) a private arrangement between the two people involved. Young Americans feel free 24) to choose their own marriage partners from any social, economic, or religious background. The man or woman may have strong ties with parents, brothers, or sisters, but when he or she falls in love, the strongest feelings are supposed to be for the loved one. When an American couple marries, they generally plan to live 25) apart from both sets of (apart from) parents and build their own independent family structure.听力文本:If you listen to American music, watch American television, or read American magazines, you will probably agree that the most popular subject of these forms of entertainment is love. Romantic love always finds an audience in the United States. Falling in love, solving the problems of love, and achieving the happy ending – the big wedding – are subjects of interest to the adults as well as the teenage public. Millions of Americans celebrate Valentine's Day with special cards and gifts that announce their love to their mates, their friends, their coworkers, and their families. Popular songs tell us that "All the world loves a lover". A popular saying is "Love conquers all". Numerous columns in magazines and newspapers offer advice to the lovelorn, those with difficulties of the heart. To most Americans, romantic love is central to a happy life. Americans consider marriage a private arrangement between the two people involved. Young Americans feel free to choose their own marriage partners from any social, economic, or religious background. The man or woman may have strong ties with parents, brothers, or sisters, but when he or she falls in love, the strongest feelings are supposed to be for the loved one. When an American couple marries, they generally plan to live apart from parents and build their own independent family structure.参考答案:16) audience 17) teenage 18) celebrate 19) Popular 20) co nquers 21) columns 22) is central to 23) a private arrangement 24) to choose 25) apart fromUnit4短对话5题Directions:Listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1)A. His house was broken into.B. His bicycle was broken.C. He failed the exams.D. He's worried about the coming exams.参考答案:1) D听力文本:W: Hey, Joel, why are you so depressed?M: My house is leaking, my bicycle is lost, and the exams are coming. I'm really worried that I'll fail them all.Q: Which of the following is one of the causes of the man's depression?∧收起答案2)。



⼤学体验英语4复习资料_短⽂听⼒选词填空短语作⽂翻译全部在⼀个⽂档⼤学体验英语4复习Unit11. It seems that the only time fathers merit attention is when they are criticized for not helping enough with the housework ... or when they die .看起来似乎⽗亲唯⼀值得⼈们提及的是因为他们做家务太少⽽受到指责的时候,或者是在他们去世的时候。

2. One exception to the ―unnecessary father‖ syndrome is the glowing media attention that athome dadshave received.这种―⽆需⽗亲‖综合征的⼀个例外是家庭全职⽗亲所受到的媒体的赞扬。

3. By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job change entails.同样,家庭唯⼀的⼯资收⼊者在想辞去不太满意的⼯作时,其灵活程度也要⼩⼀些,因为这种⼯作变换会使他们失去收⼊。

4. Today, there is widespread agreement among researchers that the absence of fathers form households causes serious problems for children, for society at large.⽬前,研究者们普遍认为家庭中没有⽗亲会对⼩孩——继⽽也对整个社会——带来严重的问题。

5. As a society, we need to realize that fathers are just as important to children as mothers are—not only for financial support, but for emotional support, education and discipline as well.作为⼀个社会,我们需要认识到,对于孩⼦来说,⽗亲是与母亲同等重要的,不仅仅在经济⽀持上,⽽且在感情依靠、教育和纪律训导⽅⾯都是如此。



大学体验英语4复习<all in one>Unit11. It seems that the only time fathers merit attention is when they are criticized for not helping enough with the housework ... or when they die .看起来似乎父亲唯一值得人们提及的是因为他们做家务太少而受到指责的时候,或者是在他们去世的时候。

2. One exception to the ―unnecessary father‖ syndrome is the glowing media attention that athome dadshave received.这种―无需父亲‖综合征的一个例外是家庭全职父亲所受到的媒体的赞扬。

3. By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job change entails.同样,家庭唯一的工资收入者在想辞去不太满意的工作时,其灵活程度也要小一些,因为这种工作变换会使他们失去收入。

4. Today, there is widespread agreement among researchers that the absence of fathers form households causes serious problems for children, for society at large.目前,研究者们普遍认为家庭中没有父亲会对小孩——继而也对整个社会——带来严重的问题。

5. As a society, we need to realize that fathers are just as important to children as mothers are—not only for financial support, but for emotional support, education and discipline as well.作为一个社会,我们需要认识到,对于孩子来说,父亲是与母亲同等重要的,不仅仅在经济支持上,而且在感情依靠、教育和纪律训导方面都是如此。

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Unit18Shopping here is so exciting! Vocabulary Task
1. clothing
2. toiletries 4. toys electronics
3. groceries 5. liquor
furniture hardware 6. baked goods Script
1. 1.Elevator operator: Men’s Clothing: shirts, pants,
sweaters…Third floor. Electronics: computers, televisions, video cameras…Fourth floor. Furniture: sofas, tables…
2. 2.Customer: Excuse me, could you tell me where I could find
deodorant and shampoo?
Store Clerk: That’s in toiletries – aisle 5.
3. 3.Woman: I’m going to the grocery store. I’ve got to get some
milk and eggs.
Man: Could you stop by the hardware store and get a new key made for the front door?
4. 4.Child: What a neat toy store! Look at that train set!
5. 5.Roommate 1: You want me to get anything for the party while
I’m out?
Roommate 2: Yeah, could you drop by the liquor store and get some
more beer?
6. 6.Friend 1: I just went to that new bakery. Want a bagel?
Friend 2: Sure! Thanks.
Listening Task
1 First Listening
1. baked goods
2. furniture
3. clothing
4. toiletries
2 Second Listening
1. 1.It’s fun.
2. 2.I want to buy too much.
3. 3.The service is great.
4. 4.It’s hard to find things.
1. 1.In Paris I shop for stuff differently. They’ve got big
supermarkets and stuff like back home, but I like to buy everything at
a different shop. Today I’m going to the bakery for bread, cheese shop
for cheese, and to the open market for fruits and vegetables. It takes longer to shop, but it’s not as expensive, and it’s more fun!
2. 2.I don’t know how I’m going to get all my stuff back home
when I move. Last time I came to this store I got a really nice table and a set of chairs, a desk and a chest of drawers…They make the
nicest things out of the finest wood here. I really can’t get anything else though…[pause] except for this coffee table I’ve got to have it! 3. 3.I tell you, Thailand is THE place to shop. I mean, the service is
great. Like here they measure you and make you anything you want.
Today I’m having a silk blouse and a cashmere overcoat made. You can bargain with them to get a be tter price, but even if you don’t it’s not that expensive.
4. 4.I really like living here, but sometimes it’s so hard to find the
things I need. Like toothpaste with fluoride, and I still haven’t been able to find deodorant. I’ve gone to drugstores, the grocery store…
I’ve even tried to describe deodorant to the shopkeepers. On hot days when I sweat a lot, I try not to get too close to people…
Real World Listening
1 Predict
There are many languages spoken, you must bargain, the vendors come from a lot of different countries
2 Get the main ideas
Things they want to buy: sausages, batteries, pants
What is new for Amy: bargaining, the different languages, smells, the shouting
Amy: Wow this place is great! There’re so many different smells and bright colors… What’s that?
Peggy: Homemade sausage. It’s great for sandwiches. Let’s get some for lunch.
Amy: I thought this was a vegetable market.
Peggy: Yeah, it is, but you can get all sorts of things here, fruit, eggs, spices, candy…
Amy: Can I get batteries here?
Peggy: No, but we can get that at the market over there. Let’s go. Amy: Why are they all yelling?
Peggy: They’re telling everyone what they have in their booths. Amy: Can you understand what they’re saying?
Peggy: Well, some of it. There are people from all over the place: Senegal, Nigeria, Cape Verde… So they’re speaking different
Amy: What do they sell here?
Peggy: Clothing, toiletries, hardware, electronics, you name it. Amy: What do they sell here?
Peggy: Clothing, toiletries, hardware, electronics, you name it.
Amy: Is it expensive?
Peggy: No, it’s pretty reasonable.
Amy: Ok. I wanna get batteries for my Walkman and a mew pair of pants.
Peggy: Ok, just point to what you want. Oh, one more thing, bargaining is a must. When they tell you a price, offer half of
what they ask.
Amy: Will they come down that far?
Peggy: No, but they’l l come down a little.
Amy: Wow! Shopping here is so exciting!。
