环境保护 污染物排放标准 [中英]



DB52/ 864—2013
1 范围
本标准规定了贵州省水污染物和固定污染源大气污染物排放的术语与定义、污染物排放控制要求和 污染物监测要求。
本标准适用于贵州省辖区内向环境排放水和大气污染物的一切排污单位,以及建设项目的环境影响 评价、环境保护设施设计、竣工验收及其建成投产后的排放管理。
2 规范性引用文件
下列文件对于本文件的应用是必不可少的。凡是注日期的引用文件,仅所注日期的版本适用于本文 件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。
GBZ/T 160.1 工作场所空气有毒物质测定 锑及其化合物 GBZ/T 160.13 工作场所空气有毒物质测定 锰及其化合物 GB 3095 环境空气质量标准 GB 3838 地表水环境质量标准 GB 5468 锅炉烟尘测试方法 GB/T 11896 水质氯化物的测定硝酸银滴定法 GB/T 11911 水质铁、锰的测定火焰原子吸收分光光度法 GB/T 14671 水质 钡的测定 电位滴定法 GB/T 14678 空气质量硫化氢、甲硫醇、甲硫醚和二甲二硫的测定气相色谱法 GB/T 16157 固定污染源排气中颗粒物测定与气态污染物采样方法 GB 16297 大气污染物综合排放标准 HJ/T 28 固定污染源排气中氰化氢的测定 异烟酸-吡唑啉酮分光光度法 HJ/T 55 大气污染物无组织排放监测技术导则 HJ/T 84 水质无机阴离子的测定离子色谱法 HJ/T 91 地表水和污水监测技术规范 HJ/T 343 水质氯化物的测定硝酸汞滴定法(试行) HJ/T 345 水质铁的测定邻菲啰啉分光光度法(试行) HJ 493 水质 样品的保存和管理技术规定 HJ 494 水质采样技术指导 HJ 495 水质采样方案设计技术规定 HJ 533 环境空气和废气氨的测定纳氏试剂分光光度法 HJ 540 环境空气和废气砷的测定二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法(暂行) HJ 541 黄磷生产废气气态砷的测定二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法 HJ 546 环境空气五氧化二磷的测定抗坏血酸还原—钼蓝分光光度法 (暂行) HJ 602 水质钡的测定石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法 HJ 603 水质钡的测定火焰原子吸收分光光度法



加油站大气污染物排放标准Emission standard of air pollutant for gasoline filling stations(发布稿)2007-06-22 发布2007-08-01 实施国家环境保护总局国家质量监督检验检疫总局发布前言为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》和《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》,保护环境,保障人体健康,改善大气环境质量,制定本标准。






本标准国家环境保护总局2007 年 4 月26 日批准。

本标准自2007 年8 月 1 日起实施。


加油站大气污染物排放标准1 范围本标准规定了加油站汽油油气排放限值、控制技术要求和检测方法。


2 规范性引用文件本标准内容引用了下列文件中的条款。


GB 50156 汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范3 术语与定义下列术语和定义适用于本标准。

3.1加油站gasoline filling station为汽车油箱充装汽油的专门场所。

3.2油气gasoline vapor加油站加油、卸油和储存汽油过程中产生的挥发性有机物(非甲烷总烃)。

3.3油气排放浓度vapor emission concentration标准状态下(温度273K,压力101.3kPa),排放每m3干气中所含非甲烷总烃的质量,单位为g/m3。



1.美国水污染物排放标准1948 年,美国国会制定了《Federal Water Pollution ControlAct》;1972 年,以名为《Clear Water Act》的修正案对《Federal WaterPollution Control Act》进行了大幅修订。

《Clear Water Act》规定,公共处理设施必须在1977 年7 月 1 日前达到二级处理设施标准。

其污染物排放限值的确定有2 个依据,一是基于技术,另一个是基于水环境美国的污染物指标设计采用多日平均值,比如规定了常规污染指标BOD5、TSS 的7d 平均限值或30d 平均限值,30d 平均限值远小于7d 平均限值,同时考虑污染物去除率。

其30d 平均限值相当于我国的日均值二级排放标准。





2.欧盟水污染物排放标准为了对零散的水资源管理法规进行整合,欧盟于2000 年颁布了《欧盟水框架指令》(Water Framework Directive)。


该指令要求污水处理厂执行的排放标准见表2,均为年均值,总氮与我国污水处理厂一级A 排放标准相当,其余指标类似于我国的二级排放标准。


3.日本水污染物排放标准日本1970 年颁布了《水质污浊防止法》,水质标准包括健康项目和生活环境项目两大类,采用浓度限值,允许地方根据当地水域特点制定地方排水限值标准。



1.美国水污染物排放标准1948 年,美国国会制定了《Federal Water Pollution ControlAct》;1972 年,以名为《Clear Water Act》的修正案对《Federal WaterPollution Control Act》进行了大幅修订。

《Clear Water Act》规定,公共处理设施必须在1977 年7 月 1 日前达到二级处理设施标准。

其污染物排放限值的确定有2 个依据,一是基于技术,另一个是基于水环境美国的污染物指标设计采用多日平均值,比如规定了常规污染指标BOD5、TSS 的7d 平均限值或30d 平均限值,30d 平均限值远小于7d 平均限值,同时考虑污染物去除率。

其30d 平均限值相当于我国的日均值二级排放标准。





2.欧盟水污染物排放标准为了对零散的水资源管理法规进行整合,欧盟于2000 年颁布了《欧盟水框架指令》(Water Framework Directive)。


该指令要求污水处理厂执行的排放标准见表2,均为年均值,总氮与我国污水处理厂一级A 排放标准相当,其余指标类似于我国的二级排放标准。


3.日本水污染物排放标准日本1970 年颁布了《水质污浊防止法》,水质标准包括健康项目和生活环境项目两大类,采用浓度限值,允许地方根据当地水域特点制定地方排水限值标准。



Discharge standard of water pollutants for leather and fur making
( GB 30486—2013 2014-03-01实施)




制革及毛皮加工工业水污染物排放标准(GB 30486—2013)



环境标准物质标准英文Environmental Standard and Substances Standard。

Environmental standard and substances standard refer to the regulations and criteria set by government or international organizations to control and manage the quality of the environment and the substances that may have an impact on the environment. These standards are crucial for maintaining a healthy and sustainable environment, as well asfor protecting human health and the ecosystem.Environmental standard includes air quality standard, water quality standard, soil quality standard, noise standard, and radiation standard. These standards specify the acceptable levels of pollutants and contaminants in the environment, and provide guidelines for monitoring and managing these levels. For example, air quality standard sets limits for pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulate matter in the air, while water quality standard defines the maximum allowable concentrations of heavy metals, organic pollutants, and pathogens in water bodies.Substances standard, on the other hand, focuses on regulating the production, use, and disposal of hazardous substances. These standards cover a wide range of substances, including chemicals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and industrial waste. They aim to minimize the release of harmful substances into the environment, and to ensure that the handling and disposal of these substances are carried out in a safe and responsible manner. For instance, substances standard may specify the permissible levels of toxic chemicals in consumer products, as well as the requirements for labeling, packaging, and storage of hazardous substances.Compliance with environmental standard and substances standard is essential for businesses, industries, and government agencies. By adhering to these standards, they can minimize their environmental impact, reduce the risk of pollution and contamination, and fulfill their legal and ethical responsibilities. Moreover, meeting these standards can enhance their reputation, build trust with stakeholders, and create a competitive advantage in the market.In addition, environmental standard and substances standard play a key role in international trade and cooperation. They serve as a common framework for countries to harmonize their environmental regulations, facilitate the exchange of goods and services, and address transboundary environmental issues. By aligning their standards with international norms, countries can promote environmental sustainability, protect public health, and promote a level playing field for businesses operating in the global market.In conclusion, environmental standard and substances standard are essential tools for protecting the environment, safeguarding human health, and promoting sustainable development. By establishing clear and enforceable criteria, these standards help to prevent pollution, minimize the release of hazardous substances, and ensure that natural resources are used in a responsible and efficient manner. It is imperative for governments, industries, and individuals to uphold these standards and work together to create a clean, safe, and healthy environment for present and future generations. Only by doing so can we achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental protection, and build a more resilient and prosperous world for all.。



环境法律法规清单中英文Environment Laws and Regulations List (中英文环境法律法规清单) Introduction (介绍)The protection of the environment is of utmost importance in today's world. To ensure the sustainability and well-being of our planet, governments across the globe have implemented a range of laws and regulations. This article presents a comprehensive list of environment laws and regulations in both Chinese and English, providing an essential resource for individuals, organizations, and policymakers.I. Air Pollution Control (大气污染控制)1. The Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution (中华人民共和国大气污染防治法)2. Clean Air Act (美国《清洁空气法》)3. The Air Pollution Control Regulation in the United Kingdom (英国《大气污染防治法规》)II. Water Pollution Prevention (水污染防治)1. Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国水污染防治法)2. Clean Water Act (美国《清洁水法》)3. Water Resources Act in the United Kingdom (英国《水资源法》)III. Waste Management (固体废物管理)1. Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste (中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法)2. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (美国《资源保护和回收法》)3. Waste Management Regulations in Australia (澳大利亚固体废物管理法规)IV. Biodiversity Conservation (生物多样性保护)1. Law of the People's Republic of China on the Conservation of Biodiversity (中华人民共和国生物多样性保护法)2. Endangered Species Act (美国《濒危物种法》)3. Wildlife and Countryside Act in the United Kingdom (英国《野生动植物及乡间环境法》)V. Environmental Impact Assessment (环境影响评价)1. Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国环境影响评价法)2. National Environmental Policy Act (美国《全国环境政策法》)3. Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations in Canada (加拿大环境影响评价法规)VI. Climate Change (气候变化)1. Law of the People's Republic of China on Combating Climate Change (中华人民共和国应对气候变化法)2. Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (联合国气候变化框架公约下的清洁发展机制)3. Climate Change Act in the United Kingdom (英国《气候变化法》)Conclusion (结论)The listed environment laws and regulations offer a glimpse into the extensive efforts made globally to safeguard the environment. Each country's legal framework plays a crucial role in protecting air, water, manage waste, conserve biodiversity, and address climate change. Understanding and complying with these laws is essential for a sustainable future. This article serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking information on environment laws and regulations in both Chinese and English. Let us join hands to protect our planet and create a greener future.。




污水综合排放标准 Integrated wastewater discharge standard标准编号GB 8978-1996批准日期1996年10月4日实施日期1998年1月1日所属标准中华人民共和国国家标准代替情况GB 8978-88 污水综合排放标准现行状态现行目录.1相关文件.▪内容.▪范围.2标准.3概念.4技术.5数据.6排放标准相关文件编辑现行状态:现行(查国家标准改革委员会官网,国家标准文献服务平台,工标网等是现行)替代标准:GB18466-2005部分代替GB 8978-1996、GB 20426-2006 部分代替GB 8978-1996、GB 20425-2006 部分代替GB 8978—1996国家环境保护总局公告 2005年第35号(摘)GB18466-2005 医疗机构水污染物排放标准本标准自实施之日起,代替《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中有关医疗机构水污染物排放标准部分,并取代《医疗机构污水排放要求》(GB18466-2001)。


[1]( GB 20426-2006 部分代替GB 8978-1996 GB 16297-1996 2006-10-01实施)为控制原煤开采、选煤及其所属煤炭贮存、装卸场所的污染物排放,保障人体健康,保护生态环境,促进煤炭工业可持续发展,根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》、《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》和《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》,制定本标准。



污染物排放标准英语词汇------------------------------------------------------ GB 3096-1993 城市区域环境噪声标准Standard of environmental noise of urban areaGB 3544-1992 造纸工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for paper industryGB 3547-1983 合成脂肪酸工业污染物排放标准Effluent standard for pollutants from sythetic fatry acid industryGB 3551-1983 石油炼制工业水污染物排放标准Effluent standard for pollutants from petroleum refining industryGB 3552-1983 船舶污染物排放标准Effluent standard for pollutants from shipGB/T 3841-1983 锅炉烟尘排放标准Standard of smoke and dust emission for boilerGB 4274-1984 梯恩梯工业水污染物排放标准Effluent standards for pollutants from TNT manufacturing industryGB 4275-1984 黑索金工业水污染物排放标准Effluent standards for pollutants from RDX manufacturing industryGB 4278-1984 二硝基重氮酚工业水污染物排放标准Effluent standards for pollutants from dinitrodiazophenol manufacturing industryGB 4279-1984 叠氮化铅、三硝基间苯二酚铅、D.S 共晶工业水污染物排放标准Effluent standards for water pollutants from lead azide, lead styphnate and D.S crystals manufacturing industryGB 4280-1984 铬盐工业污染物排放标准Emission standards for pollutants from chromium salt industryGB 4283-1984 黄磷工业污染物排放标准Effluent standards for pollutants from phosphor industryGB 4284-1984 农用污泥中污染物控制标准Control standards for pollutants in sludges from agricultural useGB 4287-1992 纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for dyeing and finishing of textile industryGB 4914-1985 海洋石油开发工业含油污水排放标准Effluent standards for oil-bearing waste water from offshore petroleum development industryGB 4915-1996 水泥厂大气污染物排放标准Emission standard of air pollutants for cement plantGB 5085.1-1996 危险废物鉴别标准腐蚀性鉴别Identification standard for hazarvdouswastes-Identification for corrosivityGB 5085.2-1996 危险废物鉴别标准急性毒性初筛Identification standard for hazardous wastes-Screening test for acute toxicityGB 5085.3-1996 危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别Identification standard for hazardouswastes-Identification for extraction procedure toxicityGB/T 5181-1985 汽车排放物术语和定义Automotive emissions-Terms and definitionsGB/T 5466-1993 摩托车排气污染物的测量怠速法Measurement method for exhaust emissions from motorcycle at idle speedGB/T 6456-1986 柴油机排放试验方法-第一部分: 汽车及工程机械用Diesel engine exhaust emission-Test method-Part 1: Automobile and construction machinery applicationsGB 8172-1987 城镇垃圾农用控制标准Control standards for urban wastes for agricultural useGB 8173-1987 农用粉煤灰中污染物控制标准Control standards of pollutants in fly ash for agricultural useGB 8978-1996 污水综合排放标准Integrated wastewater discharge standardGB 9078-1996 工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准Emission standard of air pollutants for industrial kiln and furnaceGB 12348-1990 工业企业厂界噪声标准Standard of noise at boundary of industrial enterprisesGB 12523-1990 建筑施工场界噪声限值Noise limits for construction siteGB 12525-1990 铁路边界噪声限值及其测量方法Emission standards and measurement methods of railway noise on the boundary alongside railway lineGB 13015-1991 含多氯联苯废物污染控制标准Control standard on poly chlorinated biphenyls for waste slagsGB 13223-1996 火电厂大气污染物排放标准Emission standard of air pollutants for thermal power plantsGB 13271-1991 锅炉大气污染物排放标准Emission standard of air pollutants for coal-burning boilersGB 13456-1992 钢铁工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for iron and steel industryGB 13457-1992 肉类加工工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for meat packing industryGB 13458-1992 合成氨工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for ammonia industryGB 13801-1992 燃油式火化机污染物排放限值及监测方法Limit value and determination of pollutants emission for diesel oil crematorGB 14374-1993 航天推进剂水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for space propellantGB 14470.1-1993 兵器工业水污染物排放标准火炸药Discharge standard for water pollutants from ordnance industry-Powder and explosiveGB 14470.2-1993 兵器工业水污染物排放标准火工品Discharge standard for water pollutants from ordnance industry-Explosive componentsGB 14470.3-1993 兵器工业水污染物排放标准弹药装药Discharge standard for water pollutants from ordnance industry-Ammunition loadingGB 14554-1993 恶臭污染物排放标准Emission standards for odor pollutantsGB 14621-1993 摩托车排气污染物排放标准Emission standard for exhaust emissions from motorcycleGB/T 14623-1993 城市区域环境噪声测量方法Measuring method of environmental noise of urban areaGB 14761.2-1993 车用汽油机排气污染物排放标准Emission standard for exhaust pollutants from gasline engine of vehicleGB 14761.5-1993 汽油车怠速污染物排放标准Emission standard for pollutants at idle speed from vehicle with petrol engineGB 14761.6-1993 柴油车自由加速烟度排放标准Emission standard for smoke at free acceleration from vehicle with diesel engineGB 15580-1995 磷肥工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for phosphate fertilizer industryGB 15581-1995 烧碱、聚氯乙烯工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for caustic alkali and polyvinyl chloride industryGB 16169-1996 摩托车和轻便摩托车噪声限值Limits of noise emitted by motorcycles and mopedsGB 16170-1996 汽车定置噪声限值Limits of noise emitted by stationary road vehiclesGB 16171-1996 炼焦炉大气污染物排放标准Emission standard of air pollutants for coke ovenGB 16297-1996 大气污染物综合排放标准Integrated emission standard of air pollutantsGB 16487.1-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准废骨料(试行) Environmental protection control standard for importod scrap material-Waste animal bone as raw materialGB 16487.2-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准冶炼渣(试行) Environmental protection control standard for importcd scrap material-Slag as raw materialGB 16487.3-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准木、木制品废料Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Scrap wood and wooden products as raw materialGB 16487.4-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准废纸或纸板(试行)Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Scrap paper and board as raw materialGB 16487.5-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准纺织品废物(试行)Environmental protection control standard for importedscrap material-Scrap cotton and cloth as raw materialGB 16487.6-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准废钢铁(试行) Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Iron and steel scrapsGB 16487.7-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准废有色金属Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Nonferrous metal scrapsGB 16487.8-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准废电机(试行) Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Scrap motorGB 16487.9-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准废电线电缆(试行)Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Waste electrical line and cableGB 16487.10-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准废五金电器(试行)Environmental protection control standard for imported scrap material-Metal and electrical appliance scrapsGB 16487.11-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准供拆卸的船舶及其他浮动结构体(试行)Environmental protection control standard for importedscrap matcrial-Scrapping ships and floating facilitiesGB 16487.12-1996 进口废物环境保护控制标准废塑料Environmental protection control standard for lmported scrap material-Plastic scrap as raw materialGB 16889-1997 生活垃圾填埋污染控制标准Stnadard for pollution control on the landfill site for domestic wasteGB 17691-1999 压燃式发动机和装用压燃式发动机的车辆排气污染物限值及测试方法Limits and measurement method for exhaust pollutants from compression ignition (C.I.)engines and vehicles equipped with C.I.enginesGB 14761-1999 汽车排放污染物限值及测试方法Limits and measurement methods for emissions of pollutants from motor vehiclesGB 3847-1999 压燃式发动机和装用压燃式发动机的车辆排气可见污染物限值及测试方法Limits and measurement methods for exhaust visible pollutants from compression ignition(C.I.)engines and vehicles equipped with C.I.engines。



中华人民共和国国家标准大气污染物综合排放标准Integrated emission standard of air pollutantsGB16297-1996代替GB3548-83、GB4276-84、GB4277-84、GB4282-84、GB4286-84、GB4911-85、GB4912-85、GB4913-85、GB4916-85、GB4917-85、GBJ4-73各标准中的废气部分国家环境保护局1996-04-12批准1997-01-01实施前言根据《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》第七务的规定,制定本标准。







•GBJ4-73 工业“三废”排放试行标准•GB3548-83 合成洗涤剂工业污染物排放标准•GB4276-84 火炸药工业硫酸浓缩污染物排放标准•GB4277-84 雷汞工业污染物排放标准•GB4282-84 硫酸工业污染物排放标准•GB4286-84 船舶工业污染物排放标准•GB4911-85 钢铁工业污染物排放标准•GB4912-85 轻金属工业污染物排放标准•GB4913-85 重有色金属工业污染物排放标准•GB4916-85 沥青工业污染物排放标准•GB4917-85 普钙工业污染物排放标准本标准的附录A、附录B、附录C都是标准的附录。



纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standards of water pollutants for dyeing and finishing of textile industry (发布稿)(Release)前言Foreword为贯彻《中华人民共和国环境保护法》、《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》、《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》、《国务院关于加强环境保护重点工作的意见》等法律、法规和《国务院关于编制全国主体功能区规划的意见》,保护环境,防治污染,促进纺织染整工业生产工艺和污染治理技术的进步,制定本标准。

This standard is formulated to carry out the laws and regulations of Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Marine Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Major Environmental Protection Work and Opinions of the State Council on Establishing National Main Functional Areas Planning, also to protect the environment, prevent and remedy pollution and promote the progress of production process and pollution control technology in dyeing and finishing of textile industry.本标准规定了纺织染整工业企业生产过程中水污染物排放限值、监测和监控要求。



IEC 60335-1家用电器及类似电器的平安第一部份:一样要求目录前言 (5)介绍 (8)条款 .................................................................................................................................... 页1.范围 (9)2.参考标准 (9)3.概念 (12)4.一样要求 (19)5.测试的一样条件 (20)6.分类 (23)7.铭牌和说明书 (23)8.防触及带电体的爱惜 (28)9.电机型器具的启动 (30)10.输入电流和功率 (30)11.加热 (31)12.无效 (36)13.在运行温度下的泄漏电流和介电强度 (36)14.瞬时过载3915.防潮 (40)16.泄漏电流和介电强度 (42)17.变压器和相关电路的过载爱惜 (44)1.耐久测试 (44)2.非正常操作 (44)3.稳固性和机械危险 (50)4.机械强度 (51)5.结构 (52)6.内部导线 (61)7.元件 (63)8.电源连接和外部软导线 (66)9.外部导线的接线端子 (73)10.接地连接 (76)11.螺栓和连接 (78)12.爬电距离、电气间隙和绝缘穿通距离 (80)13.防热、防火 (87)14.防锈 (90)15.辐射、侵蚀和类似的危险 (90)附录A(提示的附录)常规实验 (102)附录B(标准的附录)利用充电电池做电源的器具 (104)附录C(标准的附录)电机的老化测试 (107)附录D(标准的附录)爱惜电机的替代要求 (109)附录E(标准的附录)针焰实验 (110)附录F(标准的附录)电容 (111)附录G(标准的附录)平安隔离变压器 (113)附录H(标准的附录)开关 (114)附录I(标准的附录)具有设计和器具额定电压不符的大体绝缘的电机 (116)附录J(标准的附录)覆膜印刷电路板 (118)附录K(标准的附录)过载种类 (119)附录L(提示的附录)电气间隙和爬电距离的测试指导 (120)附录M(标准的附录)污染品级 (122)附录N(标准的附录)跟踪记录证据 (123)附录O(提示的附录)条款30中测试的选择和顺序 (124)书目 (126)图1-在工作温度下单相连接的Ⅱ类器具泄露电流测试电路图 (91)图2-在工作温度下单相连接的非Ⅱ类器具泄露电流测试电路图 (92)图3-在工作温度下三相连接的非Ⅱ类器具泄露电流测试电路图 (93)图4-在工作温度下三相连接的非Ⅱ类器具泄露电流测试电路图 (94)图5-在工作温度下电气强度测试电路图 (95)图6-低功率点的电路图例如 (96)图7-指尖实验 (97)图8-弯曲实验器具 (98)图9-软线固定装置的结构 (99)图10-接地端子部份的例如 (100)图11-电气间隙的例如 (101)图电气间隙概念的顺序 (120)图爬电距离概念的顺序 (121)图耐热实验 (124)图耐燃实验 (125)表1-输入功率误差 (30)表2-电流误差 (31)表3-最大正常温升 (34)表4-电气强度实验电压 (38)表5-高压电源特性 (39)表6-脉冲实验电压 (39)表7-实验电压 (43)表8-最大绕组温度 (46)表9-最大非正常温升 (50)表10-软线和导管的直径 (67)表11-导线的最小横截面积 (68)表12-拉力和扭距 (70)表13-导线的正常横截面积 (75)表14-螺钉和螺母的实验扭距 (79)表16-最小电气间隙 (81)表17-大体绝缘的最小爬电距离 (85)表18-功能绝缘的最小爬电距离 (86)表实验电压 (103)表实验条件 (107)国际电工委员会家用和类似用途电器的平安第一部份:通用要求前言1)IEC同国家委员会相较是一个国际范围的标准化组织。

GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准(英文版)》

GB 3095-1996 《环境空气质量标准(英文版)》

National Standard of the People’s Republic of China Ambient Air Quality Standard(GB3095-1996)National Standard of the People’s Republic of ChinaAmbient Air Quality Standard(GB3095-1996)1.Subject and ScopeThis Standard stipulates the designation of functional areas of ambient air quality, standard classification, pollutants, sampling time and concentration limits, sampling and analyzing methods as well as the definition of validity of data statistics.This Standard is applicable to the evaluation of countrywide ambient air quality.2.Reference StandardGB/T 15262 Air Quality Determination of sulfur dioxide — Formaldehyde absorbing-pararosaniline spectrophotometryGB 8970 Air Quality Determination of sulfur dioxide in ambient air—Tetrachloromercurate(TCM)-pararosaniline methodGB/T 5432 Ambient Air Determination of total suspended particles — Gravimetric methodGB6921 Air Quality Determination of the concentration of airborne particulate mattersGB/T15436 Ambient Air Determination of nitrogen oxides — Saltzman methodGB/T15435 Ambient Air Determination of nitrogen dioxides — Saltzman methodGB/T15437 Ambient Air Determination of ozone — Indigo disulphonate spectrophotometryGB/T15438 Ambient Air Determination of ozone — Ultraviolet photometric methodGB9801 Air Quality Determination of carbon monoxide — Non-dispersive infraredspectrometryGB8971 Air Quality Determination of Benzo[a]pyrene in flying dust — Acetylated paperchromatography fluoroscene spectrophotometric methodGB/T15439 Ambient Air Determination of Benzo[a]pyrene in ambient air — High performanceliquid chromatographyGB/T15264 Air Quality Determination of lead—Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometricmethodGB/T15434 Ambient Air Determination of the mass concentration of fluoride — Method byfilter sampling and fluorine ion-selective electrode analysisGB/T15433 Ambient Air Determination of the fluoride — Method by lime-paper sampling andfluorine ion-selective electrode analysis3. Definition3.1 Total suspended particles (TSP): The particles that can be suspended in the air with an aerodynamic equivalent diameter ≤ 100 micrometer.3.2 Breathable particles (PM10): The particles that can be suspended in the air with an aerodynamic equivalent diameter ≤ 10 micrometer.23.3 Nitrogen oxide (as NO2): The nitrogen oxide existing in the air in the form of nitrogen monoxide and nitrogen dioxide.3.4 Lead (Pb): The lead and its compounds existing in TSP.3.5 Benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P): The benzo[a]pyrene existing in breathable particles.3.6 Fluoride (as F): Inorganic fluoride existing in gaseous and particulate states.3.7 Annual average: The arithmetic mean of daily average concentration in any year.3.8 Quarterly average: The arithmetic mean of daily average concentration in any quarter.3.9 Monthly average: The arithmetic mean of daily average concentration in any month.3.10 Daily average: The average concentration on any day.3.11 Hourly average: The average concentration in any hour.3.12 Average in plant growth season: The arithmetic mean of monthly average concentration in any plant growth season.3.13 Ambient air: Outside air which human beings, plants, animals, and buildings are exposed to.3.14 Normal state: The state at a temperature of 273K and a pressure of 101.325Kpa.4. Grouping and Standard Classification of Functional Area of Ambient Air Quality4.1 Grouping of functional area of ambient air qualityGroup I area includes natural protection zones, scenic spots and other areas for which special protections are necessary.Group II area includes the residential quarters designated in town planning, mixed areas of business, communication and living, cultural areas, normal industrial areas and rural areas.Group III area includes specialized industrial areas.4.2Standard classification of ambient air qualityThe standard of ambient air quality is classified as three classes.Class 1 standard is imposed for Group I area.Class 2 standard is imposed for Group II area.Class 3 standard is imposed for Group III area.5. Concentration LimitThis Standard stipulates the concentration limits of various pollutants that are not allowed to be exceeded. For the details, refer to the following table:www.bzfxw.com4Table 1 - Concentration Limit for Various PollutantsConcentration limitPollutant Sampling timeClass 1 standard Class 2 standard Class 3 standardUnit of concentration Sulfurdioxide SO 2 Annual average Daily average Hourly average 0.02 0.05 0.15 0.06 0.15 0.50 Totalsuspended particles TSPAnnual average Daily average0.08 0.12 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.50Breathable particles PM 10 Annual average Daily average 0.04 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.25 Nitrogen oxide NO xAnnual average Daily average Hourly average 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 0.30 Nitrogendioxide NO 2 Annual average Daily averageHourly average0.04 0.08 0.12 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.08 0.12 0.24 Carbon monoxide CODaily average Hourly average 4.00 10.00 4.00 10.006.00 20.00Ozone O 0 Hourly average 0.12 0.160.20mg/m 3 (normal state) Lead pb Quarterly averageAnnual average1.50 1.00 Benzo[a] Pyrene B[a]P Daily average 0.01Fluoride F Daily average Hourly average 7 20μm/m 3 (normal state)Fluoride FMonthly average in plant growth season 1.8 1.23.0 2.0μm/(dm 2/day)Note: is applicable to urban area; is applicable to pastoral area, agricultural-pastoral area in which priority is given to pastoral, silkworm breeding area; is applicable for agricultural area and forest zone. 6. Monitoring 6.1 SamplingThe requirements of sampling point, sampling environment, sampling attitude and frequency for monitoring the ambient air are executed in accordance with “Technical Specifications of Environment Monitoring” (Section: Atmosphere)www.bzfxw.com6.2 Analyzing MethodFor the analyzing methods for various pollutants, refer to Table 2.Table 2 - Analyzing methods for various pollutantsPollutant Analyzing method SourceSulfur dioxide(1) Formaldehydeabsorbing-pararosaniline spectrophotometry(2) Tetrachloromercurate (TCM)-pararosaniline method(3) Ulraviolet photometric methodGB/T15262-94 GB8970-88Total suspended particles Gravimetric method GB/T15432-95 Breathable particles Gravimetric method GB6921-86Nitrogen oxide(as NO 2)(1) Saltzman method (2) Chemiluminescene GB/T15436-95 Nitrogen dioxide (1) Saltzman method (2) ChemiluminesceneGB/T15435-95Ozone (1) Indigo disulphonate spectrophotometry (2) Ultraviolet photometric method (3) ChemiluminesceneGB/T15437-95GB/T15438-95 Carbon monoxide Non-dispersive infrared spectrometry GB9801-88 Benzo[a]pyrene (1) Acetylated paper chromatography fluorescene spectrophotometry (2) High-performance liquid chromatographyGB9871-88GB/T15439-95 Lead Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric methodGB/T15264-94Fluoride (as F) (1) Method by filter sampling and fluorine ion-selective electrode analysis (2) Method by lime-paper sampling and fluorine ion-selective electrode analysis ° GB/T15434-95GB/T15433-95Note: ISO/CD10498, ISO7996, ISO10313 are executed respectively for , and for the time being. Corresponding national standards will be implemented after their issuance; is used for daily average and hourly average; ° is used for monthly average and average in plant growth season. 7. Definition of Validity of Data StatisticsFor definition of validity of data statistics, refer to Table 3.www.bzfxw.com6Table 3 - Definition of Validity of Data Statistics for Various PollutantsPollutantSamplint time Definition of validity of dataSO 2, NOx, NO 2Annual averageAt least 144 evenly-distributed daily averages are available each year.At least 12 evenly-distributed daily averages are available each month.TSP, PM 10, pbAnnual average At least 60 evenly-distributed dailyaverages are available each year.At least 5 evenly-distributed daily averages are available each month.SO 2, NOx, NO 2 , CO Daily average At least 18 hours for sampling areavailable each day.TSP, PM 10, B(a)P, pb Daily average At least 12 hours for sampling are availabeeach day.SO 2, NOx, NO 2, CO, O 3 Hourly average At least 45 minutes for sampling areavailable each hour.pbQuarterly average At least 15 evenly-distributed dailyaverages are available each quarter.At least 5 evenly-distributed daily averages are available each month.Monthly average At least 15 days for sampling are availableeach month.Average in plant growth season At least 70% of the monthly averages are available during each growth season. Daily average At least 12 hours for samling are availableeach day.FHourly average At least 45 minutes for sampling areavailable each hour. 8. Implementation of Standard8.1 The environemntal protection authorities at various levels are responsible for the supervision andimplementation of this Standard.8.2 This Standard stipulates the hourly, daily, monthly, quarterly and annual averages of concentration limits, however, the environemntal protection authorities at various levels shall supervise the implementation of this Standard based on different purposes.8.3 The functional areas of ambient air quality are designated by the environemntal protection authorities of cities above the prefecture-level (including prefecture-level cities), and submitted to the people’s government of the same level for approval and implementation.。

各国环保标准 (5P 6P 7P)

各国环保标准 (5P 6P 7P)

美国CPSIA Phthalates 美国CPSIA & CA Porposition Proposition 65 - Phthalates 欧盟 1999/815/EC Phthalates 其他








503 美国EPA的PART503原文(中译)

503 美国EPA的PART503原文(中译)

美国污水污泥利用与处置标准环境保护第一章美国环保署第0节污水污泥503部分——污水污泥利用与处置标准A 总则503.1 目的与适用性503.2 遵守阶段503.3 许可及管理实施力503.4 与其它法规的关系503.5 附加及更为严格的规定503.6 不属本法规的内容503.7 对污泥制备者的要求503.8 取样与分析503.9 总体定义B 土地利用503.10 适用性503.11 术语与定义503.12 总体要求503.13 污染物质的极限503.14 管理实践503.15 操作标准——减少病原体和对病媒的吸引503.16 监测频率503.17 保存记录503.18 报告C 地表处置503.20 适用性503.21 术语与定义503.22 总体要求503.23 污染物质的极限(不同于生活腐泥)503.24 管理实践503.25 操作标准——减少病原体和对病媒的吸引503.26 监测频率503.27 保存记录503.28 报告D 减少病原体数量和对病媒的吸引503.30 范围503.31 术语与定义503.32 病原体503.33 减少对病媒的吸引E 焚烧503.40 适用性503.41 术语与定义503.42 总体要求503.43 污染物质的极限503.44 操作标准——总烃503.45 管理实践503.46 监测频率503.47 保存记录503.48 报告附录A 全年污水污泥总利用率的确定过程附录B 病原体处理过程4.1 总则503.1 目的与适用性目的(1)本法案为城市污水处理厂在处理污水的过程中产生的污泥的最终利用和处置建立了标准,该标准包括:总体要求、污染物质的极限、管理实践和操作标准。





中华人民共和国大气污染防治法实施细则中英对照中华人民共和国大气污染防治法实施细则Enforcement Regulations for Law on Prevention of Air Pollution of the People's Republic ofChina(1991年5月8日国务院批准,1991年5月24日国家环保局令第5号公布)(Approved by the State Council on 8 May 1991, and issued in Decree No. 5 by the State Bureau of Environmental Protection on May 24, 1991)第一章总则Chapter I General Provisions第一条根据《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》第四十条的规定,制定本实施细则。

Article 1. The Enforcement Regulations herein are formulated in accordance with the provisions under Article 40 of the " Law on the Prevention of Air Pollution of People's Republic of China".第二条地方各级人民政府,应当对本辖区的大气环境质量负责,并采取措施防治大气污染,保护和改善大气环境。

Article 2. The People's Governments at various levels under the Central Administration are held responsible for the quality of atmospheric environment of areas under their jurisdiction, and should adopt measures to prevent air pollution, and protect and improve the atmospheric environment.第三条各级人民政府的经济建设部门,应当根据同级人民政府提出的大气环境保护要求,把大气污染防治工作纳入本部门的生产建设计划,并组织实施。

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环境保护污染物排放标准 [中英]
1 GB 3096-1993 城市区域环境噪声标准
Standard of environmental noise of urban area
2 GB 3544-1992 造纸工业水污染物排放标准
Discharge standard of water pollutants for paper industry
3 GB 3547-1983 合成脂肪酸工业污染物排放标准
Effluent standard for pollutants from sythetic fatry acid industry
4 GB 3551-1983 石油炼制工业水污染物排放标准
Effluent standard for pollutants from petroleum refining industry
5 GB 3552-1983 船舶污染物排放标准
Effluent standard for pollutants from ship
6 GB/T 3841-1983 锅炉烟尘排放标准
Standard of smoke and dust emission for boiler
7 GB 4274-1984 梯恩梯工业水污染物排放标准
Effluent standards for pollutants from TNT manufacturing industry
8 GB 4275-1984 黑索金工业水污染物排放标准
Effluent standards for pollutants from RDX manufacturing industry
9 GB 4278-1984 二硝基重氮酚工业水污染物排放标准
Effluent standards for pollutants from dinitrodiazophenol manufacturing industry
10 GB 4279-1984 叠氮化铅、三硝基间苯二酚铅、D.S 共晶工业水污染物排放标准
Effluent standards for water pollutants from lead azide, lead styphnate and D.S crystals manufacturing industry
11 GB 4280-1984 铬盐工业污染物排放标准
Emission standards for pollutants from chromium salt industry
12 GB 4283-1984 黄磷工业污染物排放标准
Effluent standards for pollutants from phosphor industry
13 GB 4284-1984 农用污泥中污染物控制标准
Control standards for pollutants in sludges from agricultural use
14 GB 4287-1992 纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准
Discharge standard of water pollutants for dyeing and finishing of textile industry
15 GB 4914-1985 海洋石油开发工业含油污水排放标准Effluent standards for oil-bearing waste water from offshore petroleum development industry
16 GB 4915-1996 水泥厂大气污染物排放标准
Emission standard of air pollutants for cement plant
17 GB 5085.1-1996 危险废物鉴别标准腐蚀性鉴别Identification standard for hazarvdous
wastes--Identification for corrosivity
18 GB 5085.2-1996 危险废物鉴别标准急性毒性初筛Identification standard for hazardous wastes--Screening test for acute toxicity
19 GB 5085.3-1996 危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别Identification standard for hazardous
wastes--Identification for extraction procedure toxicity 20 GB/T 5181-1985 汽车排放物术语和定义
Automotive emissions--Terms and definitions
21 GB/T 5466-1993 摩托车排气污染物的测量怠速法Measurement method for exhaust emissions from motorcycle at idle speed
22 GB/T 6456-1986 柴油机排放试验方法--第一部分: 汽车及工程机械用
Diesel engine exhaust emission--Test method--Part 1: Automobile and construction machinery applications
23 GB 8172-1987 城镇垃圾农用控制标准
Control standards for urban wastes for agricultural use
24 GB 8173-1987 农用粉煤灰中污染物控制标准
Control standards of pollutants in fly ash for agricultural use
25 GB 8978-1996 污水综合排放标准
Integrated wastewater discharge standard
26 GB 9078-1996 工业炉窑大气污染物排放标准
Emission standard of air pollutants for industrial kiln and furnace
27 GB 12348-1990 工业企业厂界噪声标准
Standard of noise at boundary of industrial enterprises
28 GB 12523-1990 建筑施工场界噪声限值
Noise limits for construction site
29 GB 12525-1990 铁路边界噪声限值及其测量方法
Emission standards and measurement methods of railway noise on the boundary alongside railway line
30 GB 13015-1991 含多氯联苯废物污染控制标准
Control standard on poly chlorinated biphenyls for waste slags
31 GB 13223-1996 火电厂大气污染物排放标准
Emission standard of air pollutants for thermal power plants
32 GB 13271-1991 锅炉大气污染物排放标准
Emission standard of air pollutants for coal-burning boilers
33 GB 13456-1992 钢铁工业水污染物排放标准
Discharge standard of water pollutants for iron and steel
34 GB 13457-1992 肉类加工工业水污染物排放标准Discharge standard of water pollutants for meat packing industry
35 GB 13458-1992 合成氨工业水污染物排放标准
Discharge standard of water pollutants for ammonia industry。
