



Appendix有机合成化学文献附录 1有机合成化学文献有机合成文献检索主要是化合物和合成方法两个方面,下面简要例举有关的杂志、丛书和专著。

一、化合物检索1.Beilstein handbuch der Organischen Chemie, 4th Ed., Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1985.近期该大全又推出了多种形式的计算机版,如CrossFire Plus Reaction 据称是世界上最大最完备的有机化合物及反应数据库。

2.Chemical Abstracts Vol. 1~ (1907 ~ ), American Chemical Society.大全性二次文献。


3.Dictionary of Organic Compounds, 6th. Ed., Chapman and Hall, London,1996.目前已出第六版。




主要的有下列几种:1.W. Theiheimer Theiheimer抯 Synthetic Methods of Org.Chem. Vol.1~(1947~ ), 连续出版物。

2.Houben-Weyl Methoden der Organiche Chemie, 连续出版物。

3.Harrison & Harrison Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods 至1995 年已出 Vol. 1 ~ 8.4.Bueler & Pearson Survey of Organic Synthesis, Vol.1~2, JohnWieley & Sons,Inc., Canada, 1977.5.J. Mathieu & Formation of C-C Bonds Vol. 1 ~ 3.Georg Thieme Pub.J. Weill-Raynaller et al. Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis每年出版7.H. T. Clarke et al. Organic Synthesis, Vol. 1 ~ ( 1942~ ),John Wieley &Sons, Inc. 每年出版,定期汇集成 Organic Synthesis Collective 8.Fieser & Fieser Reagents for Organic Synthesis Vol. 1~17(1967~1994),John Wieley & Sons, Inc. Vol. 18 ~ (1999 ~ ) 由 Lse-Lok Ho 编集。

Appendix 有 机 合 成 化 学 文 献

Appendix 有 机 合 成 化 学 文 献

附录 1有机合成化学文献有机合成文献检索主要是化合物和合成方法两个方面,下面简要例举有关的杂志、丛书和专著。

一、化合物检索1.Beilstein handbuch der Organischen Chemie, 4th Ed., Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1985.近期该大全又推出了多种形式的计算机版,如 CrossFire Plus Reaction 据称是世界上最大最完备的有机化合物及反应数据库。

2.Chemical Abstracts Vol. 1~ (1907 ~ ), American Chemical Society.大全性二次文献。


3.Dictionary of Organic Compounds, 6th. Ed., Chapman and Hall, London,1996.目前已出第六版。




主要的有下列几种:1.W. Theiheimer Theiheimer抯 Synthetic Methods of Org.Chem. Vol.1~(1947~ ), 连续出版物。

2.Houben-Weyl Methoden der Organiche Chemie, 连续出版物。

3.Harrison & Harrison Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods 至1995 年已出 Vol. 1 ~ 8.4.Bueler & Pearson Survey of Organic Synthesis, Vol.1~2, JohnWieley & Sons,Inc., Canada, 1977.5.J. Mathieu & Formation of C-C Bonds Vol. 1 ~ 3.Georg Thieme Pub.J. Weill-Raynaller et al. Annual Reports in Organic Synthesis每年出版7.H. T. Clarke et al. Organic Synthesis, Vol. 1 ~ ( 1942~ ),John Wieley &Sons, Inc. 每年出版,定期汇集成 Organic Synthesis Collective 8.Fieser & Fieser Reagents for Organic Synthesis Vol. 1~17(1967~1994),John Wieley & Sons, Inc. Vol. 18 ~ (1999 ~ ) 由 Lse-Lok Ho 编集。



对称八溴代酞菁的合成及其特征K.R. Venugopala Reddy a,*, J. Keshavayya ba Department of Studies in Industrial Chemistry, Kuvempu University,Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta - 577 451Shimoga District,Karnataka, Indiab Department of Studies in Chemistry, Kuvempu University,Jnanasahyadri, Shankaraghatta - 577 451Shimoga District,Karnataka, IndiaReceived 5 November 2001; received in revised form 14 December 2001;accepted 18 January 2002* Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-08282-56225; fax: +91-08282-37255.E-mail address: universitysancharnet.in (K.R. Venugopala Reddy).摘要现在已经提出一条既方便又简单合成对称1,3,8,10,15,17,22,24-溴代金属—Cu,Co,Ni,Zn酞菁颜料的路线。





有机化学23_The Organic Chemistry of Amino Acids,Peptides,and Proteins

有机化学23_The Organic Chemistry of Amino Acids,Peptides,and Proteins
Amide bond formation Removal of t-BOC protecting group
Carboxylic acid activation of N-terminal amino acid
Amide bond formation
Removal of t-BOC protecting group
The particular PTH–amino acid can be identified by chromatography using known standards
The C-terminal amino acid can be identified by treating the protein with carboxypeptidase:
• Anions bind most strongly to anion-exchange resins. • An amino acid analyzer is an instrument that automates ion-exchange chromatography.
Synthesis of Amino Acids
An Improved Peptide Synthesis Strategy
C-terminal amino acid
Attachment of Nprotected amino acid to resin
Removal of t-BOC protecting group
Carboxylic acid activation of second amino acid
The pI of an amino acid that has an ionizable side chain is the average of the pKa values of ionized groups of the same charge:







国外一些科研基金会和统计局调查著名科学家对于科研工作的时间分配, 结果如下: 计划 8 %, 文献查阅 51 %, 实验 32 %, 编写报告 9 %. 由上面资料可以知道文献资料查阅的重要性. 文献按内容区分有一次文献, 二次文献和三次文献. 一次文献即原始文献, 例如期刊, 杂志, 专利等作者直接报导的科研论文. 二次文献指检索一次文献的工具书, 例如美国化学文摘及其相关索引. 三次文献为将原始论文数据归纳整理形成的综合资料, 例如综述, 图书, 词典, 百科全书, 手册等. 下面简述几种常用的有机化学文献:(一). 三次文献 (1). 词典类: i). 英汉,汉英化学化工大词典: 编辑简洁明了, 是查阅化学名词英翻中或中翻英方便省时的工具书. 阅读英文化学书籍或期刊论文, 有些英文单字在一般英文字典查不到, 需要用英汉化学词典, 例如 menthol (薄荷醇); 汉英化学词典在写作英文化学论文时特别需要, 也是出国必备, 例如共轭二烯的英文为 conjugated diene. 较著名的有以下几种版本 br /> a. 英汉,汉英化学化工大词典 (学苑出版社): 英汉和汉英分别报导 12 万和 14 万条目. b. 英汉,汉英化学化工词汇 (化学工业出版社): 分为英汉和汉英两个单行本, 各报导 8 万个条目, 携带方便. c. 英汉化学化工词汇 (科技出版社): 列出 17 万条目, 报导详尽. ii). 化合物命名词典 (上海竹书出版社): 介绍化合物的命名规则, 有 7000 多个例子, 依序报导无机化合物 (一元, 二元, 多元化合物, 无机酸和盐, 配位化合物), 有机化合物 (脂肪族, 碳环, 杂环, 天然产物以及含各种官能基化合物) 的命名介绍. 每个化合物给结构式及同义词的中英文名字. 例如 C6H5OCH3 anisole (茴香醚), methoxybenzene (甲氧基苯), methyl benzyl ether (苯甲醚). 本词典索引齐全, 有分子式索引, 名字索引. 名字索引按照中文笔画排序, 或按照中文或英文拼音排序.(2). 安全手册: 初入实验室的学生以及首次使用某化学品的人员应了解清楚实验所涉及的化学品的性质及其危险指标. i). 常用化学危险物品安全手册 (中国医药科技出版社): 报导约 1000 种使用, 生产, 运输中最常见的化学药品的安全资料. 报导内容有: 化合物的理化性质, 毒性, 包装运输方法, 防护措施, 泄漏处置, 急救方法 (例如皮肤接触溴, 用水冲洗 10 分钟后再用 2% 碳酸氢钠溶液冲洗; 食入溴立即漱口, 饮用牛奶及蛋清). 本书按照中文笔画排序, 卷末有英文索引, 以及中英对照, 英中对照索引. ii). 化学危险品最新实用手册 (中国物资出版社): 报导约 1300 种化学药品的性状 (外观, 气味, 熔点, 沸点, 闪点, 密度, 折射率), 危险性 (剧毒, 低毒, 致癌, 遇水释放毒气), 禁忌 (怕水, 火, 高热), 贮存和运输方式, 泄漏处理, 防护急救措施等.(3). 百科全书, 大全, 手册, 目录 i). The Merck Index (默克索引): 是德国 Merck 公司出版的非商业性的化学药品手册, 其自称是“化学品, 药品, 生物试剂百科全书”. 报导 1 万种常用化学和生物试剂的资料. 描述简洁, 字数数十至数百, 以叙述方式介绍该化合物的物理常数 (熔点, 沸点, 闪点, 密度, 折射率, 分子式, 分子量, 比旋光度, 溶解度), 别名, 结构式, 用途, 毒性, 制备方法以及参考文献. 默克索引已经成为介绍有机化合物数据的经典手册, CRC, Aldrich 等手册都引用化合物在默克索引中的编号. 书的后半部简单介绍有著名的有机名称反应 (Name Reactions), 例如 acyloin condensation, Knorr pyrrole synthesis, Curtiues rearrangement 等. 书中刊出许多表格, 报导实用资料, 例如缩写, 放射性同位素含量, Merck 编号与 CA 登记号的对照表, 重要化学试剂生产公司等. 本书编排按照英文字母排序, 书末有分子式及名字索引. ii). Dictionary of Organic Compounds (有机化合物字典), 简称 DOC, 1934 年首版, 每几年出一修订版, 是有机化学,生物化学, 药物化学家重要的参考书. 内容和和排版与 Merck Index 类似, 但数目多了近十倍, 报导 10 多万种化合物的资料. 按照英文字母排序, 有许多分册, 刊载化合物的分子式, 分子量, 别名, 理化常数 (熔点, 沸点, 密度等), 危险指标, 用途, 参考文献. 因为数目庞大, 另外出版有索引分册, 包括分子式索引 (例如C5H13N, 2-Pentylamine, P-00561), CA 登记号对照索引 (例如 60-35-5, acetamide, A-00092), 名字索引 (例如Bromoacetic acid, see B-01884). iii). Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (CRC 化学物理手册), 简称 CRC, 是美国化学橡胶公司 (Chemical Rubber Company) 出版的理化手册. 1913 年首版, 目前已出第 79 版本 (1999 年). 早期 (例如第 63 版) 内容分为 6 大类, 报导数学用表, 无机, 有机, 普化, 普通物理常数, 及其它. 目前扩充报导 14 部, 包括基本常数单位 (section 1), 符号和命名 (section 2), 有机 (section 3), 无机 (section 4), 热力学动力学 (section 5), 流体 (section 6), 生化 (section 7), 分析 (section 8) 等. 其中第 3 部的有机化学报导占 740 页, 用表格很简略的介绍 12000 种化合物的理化资料 (例如分子量, 熔点, 沸点, 密度, 折射率, 溶解度), 以及别名, Merck index 编号, CAS 登记号, 及在 Beilstein 的参考书目 (Beil. Ref) 等. Beilstein 参考书目的写法早期为 B84, 252, 新版改为 4-08-00-00252, 代表在 Beilstein 第 4 系列 (补篇)第 8 卷252 页 (新版的 00 表附卷). 化合物的名字排序仿照美国化学文摘, 以母体化合物为主, 例如 p-bromoaniline (对溴苯胺) 查法为 Benzenamine, 4-bromo.紧接着表格, 刊出有以上 1 万多种化合物的结构式. 本章后面的索引有同义词索引, CAS 登记号索引等. CRC 是个多用途的手册, 其它章节报导有科技名词的定义, 命名规则, 数学公式, 还有许多表格刊载例如蒸汽压, 游离能, 键角键长等有用的资料.早期的 CRC 有机部分有熔点 (-197 - 913 °C) 和沸点索引 (-164 - 891 °C), 可以从熔点沸点数据查出可能的化合物结构. CRC 根据International System of Units, Symbols and Terminology for Physical and Chemical Quantities, Definitions of Scientific Term System 的规定, 列出了书百个国际承认的单位, 符号, 名称的缩写. iv). Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry (兰氏化学手册): 内容和 CRC 类似, 分 11 章分别报导有机, 无机, 分析, 电化学, 热力学等理化资料. 其中第七章报导有机化学, 刊载 7600 种有机化合物的的名称, 分子式, 分子量, 熔点, 沸点, 闪点, 密度, 折射率, 溶解度, 在Beilstein 的参考书目等. 其它章节报导有介电常数, 偶极炬, 核磁氢谱碳谱化学位移, 共沸物的沸点和组成等有用的资料. 本手册有中文翻译本出版. v). Beilstein Handbuch der Organischen Chemie (贝尔斯坦有机化学大全): 简称 Beilstein, 为德国化学家 Beilstein 编写, 1882 年首版, 之后由德国化学会编辑, 以德文书写, 是报导有机化合物数据和资料十分权威的巨著. 内容介绍化合物的结构, 理化性质, 衍生物的性质, 鉴定分析方法, 提取纯化或制备方法以及原始参考文献. Beilstein 所报导化合物的制备有许多比原始文献还详尽, 并且更正了原作者的错误. 虽然德文不如英文普遍, 但是许多早期的化学资料仍需借助 Beilstein 查询, 加上目前 Beilstein Onlin 网络的流行 (价格比 CA 便宜广用), 因此学习和了解 Beilstein 的编辑和使用方法仍是不可免的. Beilstein 目前出版有 7 大系列( H, E I, E II, E III, E III/IV, E IV, E V), 其中 H 表 Hauptwerk (正编), E 表Erganzungswerk (补编). H 系列为基本系列 (Basic Series), 报导 1910 年以前的文献资料, 之后每 10 年增加一个系列 (补篇). 后面的补编逐渐采用英文书写. 每个系列有 27 卷主卷 (其它为索引), 横向分为三大部分: Acyclics (非环系, 1-4 卷), Isocyclics (碳环族, 5-6 卷), Heterocyclics (杂环化合物, 7-27 卷). 按照所具有的官能基纵向依序分为: 无, OH, C=O, CO2H, SO3H, Se, NH2, NHOH, 金属有机等 17 类; 有 "Table of Contents of the 27 Volumes of the Beilstein Handbook" 帮助了解上述分类. 如果能由分子式索引得到化合物, 便能直接找到其在书卷中的位置. 从 CRC , Lange's Handbook 或 MerckIndex 中得到的 Beil. ref 也是捷径, 例子如 B72, 243 代表该化合物出现在 Beilstein 第 2 系列 (补篇)第 7 卷 243 页. Beilstein 的索引不够齐全, 因此查阅资料需要了解其编排方式以判定所查化合物的位置. Beilstein 的编号有一特点, 化合物的卷号可以和其它系列通用. Beilstein 还有主题索引, 比分子式索引实用和广用, 用来查找母体结构化合物. vi). 商用试剂目录: 优点为目录免费索取, 每年更新, 用来查阅化合物的基本数据 (分子量, 结构式, 沸点, 熔点, 命名等) 十分方便实用. 这些商用试剂目录大小适中, 在国外实验室人手一册, 被当做化学字典或数据手册使用, 也是很好的化学产品购物指南. 目录中化合物的价格可以做为实验设计的重用参考. 目录中还提供参考文献, 光谱来源, 毒性介绍等. 比较著名的商用试剂目录有以下几种br />a. Aldrich: 全名为 Aldrich Catalog Handbook of Fine Chemicals, 美国 Aldrich 公司出版, 总部设在 Wisconsin 州 Milwarkee. 在美国研究室人手一册. 本目录报导 37000 种化学品的理化常数和价格, 编排简洁. 除了化学试剂, 也刊载和出售各种实验设备例如玻璃仪器, 化学书籍, 仪表等; 有详细附图和功能说明, 是本很好的购物指南, 可以借由图文介绍了解化学仪器的用途或其英文名称.b. Acros: 欧洲出版的试剂目录, 目前在国内流行. 因供货期短 (2-4 周), 订购化合物方便, 供应实验室一些国内买不到的试剂.c. Sigma: 全名为 Sigma Biochemical and Organic Compounds for Research and Diagnostic Clinical Reagents, 主要提供生化试剂产品. 总部在美国 Missouri 州 St. Louis.d. Fulka: 总部在瑞典, Fluka 化学公司. 其产品有些是 Aldrich 找不到的.e. Merck Catalogue: 德国 Merck 公司的商品目录, 包括有 8000 种化学和生物试剂, 及实验设备.(4). 有机化学从书, 实验辅助参考书br />i). Organic Reactions (有机反应): 是一套介绍著名有机反应的综述丛书, 1942 年首版, 每 1-2 年出版一期, 目前已经 40 几期. 每期都会列出以前几期的目录和综合索引. 稿件为特邀稿, 综述介绍一些著名的反应, 题目例如: The Cannizzaro Reaction (2-3, 第二期第三章), The Michael Reaction (10-3), The Beckmann Rearrangement (11-1), The Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reaction (21-1), Reduction with diimide (40-2) 等. 内容描述极为详尽, 包括前言历史介绍, 反应机理, 各种反应类型, 应用范围和限制, 反应条件和操作程序, 总结. 每章有许多表格刊载各种研究过的反应实例, 附有大量的参考文献. 国外有机课程经常以此书做为课外作业, 让学生查阅和描写某反应的内容, 机理和应用范围. ii). Organic Synthesis (有机合成): 是一套详细介绍有机合成反应操作步骤的丛书. 内容可信度极高, 每个反应都经过至少两个实验室重复通过. 最引人入胜的是后面的Notes, 详细说明操作时应该注意事项及解释为何如此设计, 不当操作可能导致的副产物等. 是本学习搆 now how”的反应丛书. iii). Reagents for Organic Synthesis (有机合成试剂): Fieser & Fieser 主编, 1967 年出版的系列丛书, 每 1-2 年出版一期. 其前身是Expeirments in Organic Chemistry (有机化学实验). 每期介绍这 1-2 年期间一些较特殊的化学试剂所涉及的化学反应. 例如Butyllithium, Trifuloroacetic acid, Ferric chloride 或最新发明的试剂. 可以从索引查阅试剂名字, 转而查找其反应应用. 每个反应都有详细的参考书目.iv). Vogel ‘s textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry”, 简称 Vogel. 1948 年首版, 是一本十分实用的反应参考书, 国外每个研究组都有一本置于书架. 可以参考归纳书中介绍的许多类似反应来设计未知的反应条件. 内容主要按照官能团刊载反应. 如同本科生的实验教材一般, 本书对于反应条件和操作程序描述得十分清楚, 有许多反应实例和其参考文献. 书末刊载化合物的理化常数, 和 CRC 等其它化学手册不同的是本书按照官能团排序, 因此能同时列出该化合物衍生物的熔点或沸点数据. 书的前面几章介绍实验操作技术. 附录有各种官能团的光谱介绍, 例如红外吸收位置, 核磁氢谱和碳谱的化学位移等. v). Purification of Laboratory Chemicals (实验室化合物的纯化): Perrin 等主编. 这是实验室中经常使用到的参考书籍. 内容报导各种化合物的纯化方法, 例如重结晶的溶剂选择, 常压和减压蒸馏的沸点, 以及纯化以前的处理手续等. 从粗略纯化到高度纯化都有详细报导, 并附参考文献. 前几章介绍提纯相关技术 (重结晶, 干燥, 色谱, 蒸馏, 萃取等), 还有许多实用的表格, 介绍例如干燥剂的性质和使用范围, 不同温度的浴槽的制备, 常用溶剂的沸点及互溶性等资料. vi). Chemical Reviews (化学综述): 美国化学会主办, 1924 年创刊, 一年出版 8 期, 为特邀稿. 影响因子为 17.1, 比一般期刊高近十倍, 可见其受欢迎和重视的程度. 综述文献的优点在于可以从各个角度充分了解报导的专题, 文献后面附有大量的参考文献, 有利于原始资料的查阅. 报导的专题例如: Chromatography (1989), Reactive Intermediate (1991), Boron Chemistry (1992), Photochemistry (1993), Heterogeneous Catalysis (1995), Combinatorial Chemistry (1997). 文章内容包括有前言历史介绍, 各种反应类型及应用, 结论和未来前景.(二). 二次文献br />美国化学文摘 (Chemical Abstracts): 简称 CA, 美国化学会主办, 1907 年创刊, 是目前报导化学文摘最悠久最齐全的刊物. 报导范围含盖世界 160 多个国家 60 多种文字, 17000 多种化学及化学相关期刊的文摘. 每周出版一期, 一年共报导 70 万条化学文摘, 占全球化学文献的 98 %. 每一期按照化学专业分为 5 大部 80 类: 生化 (1-20 类), 有机(21-34), 大分子 (35-45), 应用化学和化工 (47-64), 物化无机分析 (65-80). 有机部门的例子如物理有机化学 (22), 脂肪族化合物 (23), 脂环族化合物 (24), 多杂原子杂环化合物 (28), 有机金属 (29), 甾族化合物 (32), 氨基酸和蛋白质 (34). 每一期的化学文摘可以当做图书阅读, 例如物理有机或有机金属专业的研究人员, 可以定期阅读每期第 22 类或 29 类的文摘, 很容易的便可了解这一周中世界主要化学期刊, 会议录, 科技报告, 学位论文, 新书, 专利 (以上为 CA 刊载的刊物类别) 报导这些领域的科研资料. 由于文摘数量庞大, CA 设计和出版了许多不同形式的索引, 按照时间区分有期索引 (一周), 卷索引 (每 26 期), 累积索引 (每 10 卷, 约 5 年) 三种; 按照内容区分有关键词索引(keyword index), 作者索引 (author index), 专利索引 (patent index), 主题索引(subject index), 普通主题索引 (general subject index), 化学物质索引 (chemical substance index), 分子式索引 (formula index), 环系索引 (index of ring system), 登记号索引 (registry number index), 母体化合物索引 (parent compound index). 以及索引指南 (index guide), 资料来源索引 (CAS source index) 等. 每种索引的使用方法可以参阅每期, 每卷或每累积本的第一本前面的范例说明. CA 除了做为图书文摘阅读, 其主要功用在于查找文献资料, 例如: 查某个化合物的原始报导 (可以从分子式索引, 登记号索引, 环系索引等着手) , 查某个化学反应 (化学物质索引), 查某人近年来的科研情形 (作者索引), 查某项专利内容 (专利索引). 实例如查找对甲苯酚和烯的加成反应: 可以从化学物质索引着手, 找到 p-cresol 后由 reaction 副标题找和烯烃的反应, 得到文摘号后阅读文摘, 如果对内容满意, 由其提供的资料找寻原始文献. 进一步, 得到文章和作者Saha, M. 后, 可以从作者索引追查其所研究的完整系列. 国内目前已从美国化学文摘服务社购入 1992 年以后的累积或卷索引及文摘的光盘 (CA on CD), 可以联机检索.(三). 一次文献: (1). 国外化学期刊 i). 美国出版的化学期刊 a. The Journal of the American Chemical Society (美国化学会志): 简写为 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 是目前化学期刊中级别较高的, 影响因子 5.9. 报导综合化学 (有机, 无机, 分析, 物化等), 内容有长篇论文和短篇简报 (1-2 页, Communication to the Editors) 各十余篇, 参考文献出现在每页文章下面, 如此著名的期刊到目前却还没有制作图文摘要 (graphic abstract). 在图书馆的摆设, 有些从 J, 有些从 T (例如目前北大图书馆现刊室), 也有些从 A. b. The Journal of Organic Chemistry (有机化学会志), 简写为 J. Org. Chem., 美国化学学会主办, 双周刊, 总部在 Ohio State University, 影响因子 3.7. 报导有机和生物有机化学方面的论文, 有长篇的 articles 以及较短篇的 notes 和 communications. 文献题目做成图文摘要 (graphic abstract) 方便了解文章内容. ii). 英国出版的化学期刊: a. Journal of the Chemical Society (英国化学会志), 简称 J. Chem. Soc., 英国皇家化学学会主办, 1848 年创刊, 是最老的化学期刊. 1976 年起分成下面几个部分: 1.. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Transactions I: 报导有机和生物有机化学领域的合成反应. 文献内容比较长, 本期刊不接受明显将完整文章分段投稿的情形. 影响因子 1.6. 2. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Transactions II: 物理有机领域, 报导有机, 生物有机, 有机金属化学方面的反应机理, 动力学, 光谱及结构分析等文章. 影响因子 1.7. 3. J. Chem. Soc.Faraday Transactions: 物理化学和化学物理领域, 报导动力学, 热力学文章.4. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Transactions: 无机化学领域.5. J. Chem. Soc. Chemical Communication: 为半月刊, 内容简短, 不超过两页, 没有前言讨论结论, 平铺直叙而简洁的介绍实验新的进展或发现. 影响因子 3.1. b. Tetrahedron (四面体): 1957 年创刊, 半月刊, 有机化学领域, 刊载有机反应, 光谱和天然产物. 影响因子 2.1. c. Tetrahedron Letters (四面体快报): 1959 年创刊, 周刊. 文章内容简洁, 一般 2-4 页, 影响因子 2.3. 本期刊和四面体在中国地区的审稿由上海有机所负责. 快报的文章发表后将来可以组合成大文章重新发表. iii). 报导杂环化合物的期刊 a. Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry (杂环化学杂志): 1964 年创刊, 双月刊, 报导杂环化学方面的长篇论文近 30 篇, 简讯 3-5 篇. 每年的最末期刊出全年的索引, 有作者索引 (author index) 和环系索引 (ring index). b. Heterocycles (杂环化合物): 日本出版, 栏目生动, 有通讯, 论文, 综述, 以及近年新发现的杂环天然产物 (分萜, 固醇等 6 类), 近年进行全合成探讨的天然产物. 后二者并附有期刊出处. iv). 德国出版的化学期刊: a. Synthesis (合成): 以英文书写, 着重反应合成报导, 十分详细, 不乏数十页的文章, 但刊印出来的比较简洁, 只有主要内容大意. 而完整的部分得从微缩胶片调阅, 不另出书. 是本期刊的特点. b. Angewandte Chemie International Edition in English: 1965 年出版, 是德文版 Angewandte Chemie 的英文翻译版, 二者报导的内容相同. 栏目有 reviews, highlight 以及 communications. 其中highlight 类似小型综述, 描述某个比较生动的课题. 网络查询, 网址为: www.wiley.vch.de/home/angewandte c. Angewandte Chemie: 内容与栏目和上述的 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 相同, 只是本期刊以德文出版 (但每期偶尔有几篇英文文献). 是用来练习化学德英对照阅读的机会. d. Chemische Berichte (德国化学学报): 1868-1945. 德文书写. 许多早期化学资料仍得从本期刊以及下面介绍的 Ann. 查找.e. Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie (利比希化学纪事), 简称 Ann, 1932 年出版, 德文书写, 刊载有机化学与生物有机方面的论文. 目录有英德对照, 论文附有英文摘要. v). 综合科技方面的期刊: 以下两种期刊是所有期刊中级别最高的, 影响因子皆在 20 以上. 虽然只有薄薄几页报导, 但因属于科技的创新 (发明或发现), 特别受到重视, 许多作者成为当地具有影响力的学术带头人. a. Science (科学): 美国出版, 影响因子 21.9 b. Nature (自然): 英国出版, 1869 年出版, 周刊, 影响因子 27.1(2). 国内化学期刊: 与国外期刊比较, 中国的化学期刊栏目较多而且生动. 比较有名的期刊多由中国化学会, 中科院, 教育部或几所重点学校主办. 目前为 SCI 收录的有化学学报, 中国化学, 高等学校化学学报等. 以英文出版的有中国化学 (Chinese Journal of Chemistry) 和中国化学快报 (Chinese Chemical Letters) 两种. 专门发表有机化学领域论文的有合成化学, 有机化学, 化学通报等. 以下简略介绍国内较著名的化学期刊: i). 上海有机所和中国化学会合办的三种化学期刊: (2000 年开始可以从网络上查阅, 网址为/publication) a. 有机化学 (Organic Chemistry): 1980 年创刊, 专门报导有机化学领域的论文, 包括有机合成, 生物有机, 物理有机, 天然有机, 金属有机和元素有机等方面. 栏目有长篇的斞芯柯畚臄, 短篇的撗芯客ㄑ稊, 撗芯考虮〝. b. 化学学报 (Acta Chimica Sinica): 刊载综合化学, 包括有机, 无机, 分析, 物化等专业, 栏目有研究专题, 研究论文, 研究简报. 题目附有图文摘要方便了解文章内容. 本期刊为 SCI 收录成为国际核心期刊. c. Chinese Journal of Chemistry (中国化学): 以英文书写, 报导综合化学, 为 SCI 收录. 本期刊原名 Acta Chimica Sinica English Edition, 1983 年创刊, 1990 年改成目前名称. ii). 中科院化学所和中国化学会合办的两种化学期刊: a. 化学通报 (Huaxue Tongbao Chemistry): 中科院化学所和中国化学会主办, 1934 年创刊, 月刊, 发表有机化学领域的论文, 栏目有科研与探索, 科研与进展, 实验与教学, 研究快报, 进展评述, 知识介绍. 期刊已上网, 网址为: hppt:// b. Chinese Chemical Letters (中国化学快报): 中科院化学所和中国化学会主办, 以英文书写出版, 月刊, 内容简短生动, 2-4 页. iii). 高等学校化学学报 (Chemical Journal of Chinese University): 教育部主办, 吉林大学承办. 1980 年创刊, 月刊. 栏目有研究论文, 研究快报, 研究简报. 每篇文章后面附有英文摘要. 本期刊为SCI 收录. iv). 北京大学学报 (Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis) 自然科学版: 北京大学出版, 1955 年创刊, 双月刊. 内容含盖所有自然学科 (化学, 物理, 生物, 地质, 数学等). 栏目有长篇论文和研究简报. v). 大学化学 (University Chemistry): 中国化学会和高等学校教育研究中心合办. 栏目有今日化学, 教学研究与改革, 知识介绍, 计算机与化学, 化学实验, 师生笔谈, 自学之友, 化学史, 书评. vi). 合成化学 (Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry): 中科院成都有机所和四川省化工学会主办, 双月刊, 报导有机化学领域论文, 栏目有研究快报, 综述, 研究论文, 研究简报. vii). 应用化学(Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry): 中国化学会和中科院长春应用化学研究所合办, 1983 年创刊, 双月刊. 内容有研究论文和研究简报, 文章后面附有英文摘要. viii). 化学试剂 (Chemical Reagents): 化工部化学试剂信息站主办, 1979 年创刊. 栏目有研究报告与简报, 专论与综述, 试剂介绍, 分析园地, 经验交流, 生产与提纯技术, 消息.1。

几种常用的有机化学文献(Several commonly used organic chemistry literature)

几种常用的有机化学文献(Several commonly used organic chemistry literature)

几种常用的有机化学文献(Several commonly used organicchemistry literature)DOC documents may experience poor browsing on the WAP side. It is recommended that you select TXT first or download the source file to the local machine.The allocation of time, some foreign scientific research foundation and the Bureau of Statistics survey of famous scientists to research work and results are as follows: 8%, literature 51%, experiment 32%, report writing 9. From the above data can know the importance of literature. The literature according to the content to distinguish a literature, two times and three times a literature literature. The literature that the original literature, such as journals, magazines, patents and other authors reported direct research paper. Two literature refers to a literature retrieval tool, such as chemical abstracts and related documents for three times. The index for comprehensive information, summed up the formation of the original papers data such as reviews, books, dictionaries, encyclopedias. The following manuals. Several commonly used organic chemical literature:(a). Documents for three times (1). Dictionary: I). English and Chinese, Chinese English dictionary editor: chemical chemical is concise, convenient and time-saving tool for translation from English to Chinese or refer to chemical terms. English chemical reading books or journals papers, some English words can not find in the general English dictionary need to use the English Chinese Dictionary of chemistry, for example, menthol (Bo Hechun); Chinese English Dictionary of chemistry specialneeds in writing English chemical papers, but also abroad, such as conjugated diene. English conjugated dienes are well-known in several versions of BR / A. English Chinese, Chinese English Dictionary of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering (Academic Press): English Chinese and Chinese English are reported in 120 thousand and 140 thousand entries. B. English Chinese, Chinese English vocabulary of chemistry and Chemical Engineering (Chemical Industry Press): divided into English Chinese and Chinese English two booklet, each reported 80 thousand items, easy to carry. Chinese chemical C. Chemical vocabulary (Science and Technology Press): a list of 170 thousand entries, reports detailed. II). Compound named Dictionary (Shanghai bamboo Press): the naming of compounds, there are more than 7000 examples, according to the sequence reported inorganic compounds (one yuan, two yuan, compound, inorganic salt and acid coordination compounds, organic compounds) (aliphatic and heterocyclic ring, carbon, and natural products containing various functional groups compounds) named introduction. In the name of each compound to English structure and synonyms. For example, C6H5OCH3 anisole (Hui Xiangmi), Methoxybenzene (4-methoxyphenyl), methyl benzyl ether (Ben Jiami). The dictionary index is complete, has the molecular formula index name index name index. According to the Chinese stroke sorting, or according to the Pinyin Chinese or English sort.(2). The safety manual: entering the laboratory and the first use of a chemical student personnel should understand clearly the nature and risk index of experimental chemicals involved.I). Handbook of chemical dangerous goods (China medicine science and Technology Press): report of about 1000 kinds of use, production, the most common chemical safety informationin the transportation. Reports include: physical and chemical properties, toxicity, packaging and transportation.Method, protective measures, leakage disposal, emergency method (such as skin contact water rinse; bromine, with 2% sodium bicarbonate solution 10 minutes after ingestion of bromine immediately mouthwash, drinking milk and egg white). According to the book Chinese volume at the end of English stroke sorting, indexing, and in English on the photos, index II).. the latest practical handbook of chemical dangerous goods (Chinese material press): about 1300 chemicals reported traits (appearance, odor, melting point, boiling point, flash point, density, refractive index), hazardous (toxic, toxic, carcinogenic, water release gas), taboo (fear of water, fire, heat). Storage and transportation, processing, protection of emergency measures.(3). The encyclopedia, encyclopedia, manual, I). The Merck Index directory (Merck): German Merck company published non commercial chemicals manual, which claimed to be "chemicals, drugs, biological agents reported encyclopedia". 10 thousand kinds of chemical and biological reagents. Brief description,Number of tens to hundreds, narrative to introduce physical constants of the compound (melting point, boiling point, flash point, density, refractive index, molecular formula, molecular weight, specific rotation, solubility), alias, structure, use, toxicity, preparation methods and references. The Merck Index has become the data of organic compounds classic handbook, CRC, Aldrich and other manual reference number for compounds in the Merck Index. In the latter part of the book introduces the nameof the famous organic reaction (Name Reactions), such as acyloin condensation, Knorr pyrrole synthesis, Curtiues rearrangement and so on. The book published a lot of useful information, such as report form, abbreviation, content of radioactive isotopes table Merck number and registration number CA, an important chemical reagent production companies. This book arrangement sorted according to the English letters at the end of the book, a molecular formula And the name index. II). Dictionary of Organic Compounds (referred to as DOC, dictionary of organic compounds), first published in 1934, every few years a revised edition, is the organic chemistry, biochemistry, medicinal chemists have important reference books. The content and layout with Merck similar to Index, but the number of nearly ten times, reported about 100000 compound materials. English sorted according to the letter, there are many volumes, published in molecular formula of compounds, molecular weight, alias, physicochemical constants (melting point, boiling point, density), risk index, use the references. Because a large number, also published index volumes, including molecular index (such as C5H13N, 2-Pentylamine P-00561, CA), registration number index (such as 60-35-5, acetamide,A-00092), name index (such as Bromoacetic acid, see B-01884). III Handbook of Chemistry and Physics). (CRC Handbook of Chemical Physics), referred to as CRC, is an American Chemical Rubber Company (Chemical Rubber Company) Handbook published in 1913. The first version has a version seventy-ninth (1999). Early (e.g. sixty-third Edition) content is divided into 6 categories, reported mathematical tables, inorganic, organic, chemical, physical constants at present, and the other 14 expansion reports including the basic unit, constant (Section 1), the symbol and name (Section 2), organic, inorganic(Section 3) (Section 4), thermodynamics, fluid (Section 5) (Section 6) (section, 7), biochemical analysis (Section 8). The organic chemistry department reported. Third accounted for 740 of the page, using physical and chemical information form is brief introduction of 12000 compounds (such as molecular weight, melting point, boiling point, density, refractive index, solubility, and alias, Merck) index number, registration number CAS, And in the bibliography of Beilstein (Beil. Ref). Early Beilstein bibliography written for B84, 252 version to 4-08-00-00252, on behalf of the Beilstein fourth series (Supplement) eighth volume 252 page (the 00 version of the table attached). The compound name order after the American Chemical Abstract, mainly to the parent compound for example,p-bromoaniline (p-bromoaniline) method for Benzenamine,4-bromo.Then the table structure has more than 10 thousand kinds of compounds were published. This chapter is a synonym index index, CAS index and CRC registration number. It is a multi-purpose manual, a definition of scientific terms in other sections reported naming rules, mathematical formula, there are many tables published such as vapor pressure, free energy. The bond length bond angle etc. useful information. CRC organic part of the early melting point (-197 - 913 C) and boiling point index (-164 - 891 C), you can find out the structure of the compound may from the melting point and boiling point data. According to the CRC International System of Units, Symbols and Terminology for Physical and Chemical Quantities,定义的科学术语系统的规定,列出了书百个国际承认的单位,符号,名称的缩写。

双语有机化学Carboylic Acids and Their Drivatives..

双语有机化学Carboylic Acids and Their Drivatives..

Some straight chain acids
Water Solubility (g 100mL-1 H2O) Structure
3.7 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 5.3 6.4 6.4
• Positions of substituents on the chain are labeled with Greek letters. • Carbon adjacent to the carbonyl carbon is α-carbon, the carbon adjacent to α-carbon is βcarbon, and so on.
6 5 4 3 2
4-Methylhexanoic acid
4-Hexenoic acid (or hex-4-enoic acid)

The common names for many carboxylic acids remain in use
• Carbon is sp2 hybridized. • Bond angles are close to 120. • O-H eclipsed with C=O, to get overlap of orbital with orbital of lone pair on oxygen.



5-Pyrrolidin-2-yltetrazole as an asymmetric organocatalyst for theaddition of ketones to nitro-olefinsAlexander J. A. Cobb, Deborah A. Longbottom, David M. Shaw and Steven V. Ley*Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, UK CB2 1EW.E-mail: svl1000@; Tel: +44 (0)1223 336398Received (in Cambridge, UK) 24th June 2004, Accepted 5th July 2004First published as an Advance Article on the web 26th July 2004The organocatalytic Michael addition of enamines derived fromketones to a range of nitro-olefins has been effected using theproline derived 5-pyrrolidin-2-yltetrazoleAsymmetric organocatalysis is becoming an increasingly well-investigated area of organic chemistry. This is primarily because ofthe obvious advantages it holds over its metal-mediated counter-part; there is no need for expensive and often toxic metals, andorganocatalysts are generally easier to make and more easilyrecoverable than standard catalytic reagents.We recently reported the first use of proline-derived organocata-lyst 12in an asymmetric Mannich-type reaction.use of a tetrazole in catalytic asymmetric organocatalysis had beenreported and subsequently the importance of this catalyst overScheme 1General pyrrolidine-mediated nitro-Michael additionCatalyst Solvent T/°CYield(%)a,bL-Proline DMSO20931DMSO2097L-Proline MeOH20371MeOH20611MeOH5042L-Proline DCM2001DCM2020L-Proline DCM Reflux01DCM Reflux981THF2033Based on isolated product. b All drs were >15 : 1 by spectroscopy. c Determined by chiral HPLC (Daicel Chiralpak AD-HC o m m u n.,2004,1808–1809However, this could be ascribed either to the difference in hydrogen-bonding strengths between the tetrazole and the car-boxylic acid functionality or to the increased size of the tetrazole In conclusion, several advances in the asymmetric addition of a RYield (%)a ,b p -MeO-C 6H 43832-Furanyl 459m -NO 2-C 6H 45922-Thiophene 674p -CF 3-C 6H 47582-Pyridinyl 847Based on isolated product. b All drs were >15 : 1 by spectroscopy. c Determined by chiral HPLC (Daicel Chiralpak AD-H Ketone Catalystt /h Yield (%)a Dr(syn : anti )b L -Proline244710 : 11246210 : 115246710 : 11241006 : 1124719 : 114872—17268>19 : 1Based on isolated product. b Determined by 1H NMR spectroscopy.Determined by chiral HPLC (Daicel Chiralpak AD-H column). HPLC showed that opposite enantiomer 14was formed. e * Indicates position of enamine formation.。



《中国科学》( Zhongguo Kexue) (英文版 )Science in China 《化学通报》 HuaXue TongBao)《中国通报》( Chinese Science Bulletin)《自然》 Nature 《科学》 Science《化学学报》 Acta Chimica Sinica, HuaXue XueBao)《化学世界》 (Chemical World, HuaXue Shijie)《利比希化学纪事》 (Liebigs Annalender Chemie)《中国化学》 ( Chinese Journal of Chemistry )《无机化学学报》( Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry) 《无机化学》( Inorganic Chemistry)《无机化学杂志》 (Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry) 《多面体》(Polyhedron)《配位化学杂志》( Journal of Coordination Chemistry)《分析化学》( Analytical Chemistry)《有机化学杂志》( The Journal of Organic Chemistry)《光谱化学学报》( Spectrochimica Acta)《物理化学杂志》(Journal of Physical Chemistry )《四面体:不对称》(Tetrahedron:Asymmetry)《色谱科学杂志》(Journal of Chromatographic Science)《化学物理杂志》 (Journal of Chemical Physics)《放射分析化学》( Journal of Radioanalytical Chemistry)《催化杂志》( Journal of Catalysis )《化学学报,缩 Chem.Ber.》(Chemische Berichte)《分析师》(Analyst )《塔兰塔》( Talanta )《物理化学化学物理学,简称PCCP 》( Physical Chemistry《放射化学学报》( Radiochimica Acta)Chemical Physics) 《生物化学》( Biochemistry)《聚合物科学杂志》(Journal of Polymer Science)《绿色化学》( Green Chemistry )《大分子科学杂志》(Journal of Macromolecular Science)《四面体快报》( Tetrahedron Letters)《生物化学杂志》( Journal of Biological Chemistry)《合成通讯》(Synthetic Communications)《放射化学与放射分析化学快报》(Radiochemical and《合成》(Synthesis) 《四面体》(Tetrahedron)Radioanalytical Letters )《应用辐射和同位素》( Applied Radiation and Isotopes)《辐射物理学与化学》( Radiation Physics and Chemistry)《环境科学与技术》(Environment Science and Technology )《高等学校化学学报》( Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities)《英国化学会志缩写J.Chem.So》( Journal of Chemical Society)《化学情报与计算机科学杂志》(Journal of ChemicalInformation&Computer Science)《HRC& CC ,高分离度色谱法杂志与色谱法通讯》(Journal ofHigh Resolution Chromatography & Chromatography Communications)《欧洲无机化学杂志》( European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry)《电化学分析与界面电化学杂志》( Journal of ElectroanalyticalChemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry )《中国化学物理杂志》( Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics)《国际量子化学杂志》(International Journal of Quantum Chemistry)《国际化学动力学杂志》( International Journal of Chemical Kinetics )《化学热力学杂志》(The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics )《电化学会会志》( Journal of the Electrochemical Society )《应用聚合物科学杂志》(Journal of Applied Polymer Science)《国际环境分析化学杂志》(International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry )《美国化学会志,刊名缩写为J.Am.Chem.Soc》(Journal of the American Chemical Society)《环境科学与技术学会志》(Journal of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology)《标记化合物与放射药物杂志》(Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals )。



英语化学文献综述范文The field of chemistry has a rich and diverse body of literature that spans centuries of scientific exploration and discovery. From the ancient alchemists to the modern-day researchers, the chemical sciences have been at the forefront of our understanding of the natural world. In this literature review, we will delve into the various aspects of chemistry-related literature, exploring its historical development, current trends, and future directions.The origins of chemistry can be traced back to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China, where early practitioners sought to understand the fundamental nature of matter and its transformations. The emergence of alchemy, a precursor to modern chemistry, was marked by a blend of scientific inquiry and mystical beliefs. The alchemists of the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods were driven by the pursuit of transmuting base metals into gold, as well as the search for the elixir of life.As the scientific revolution took hold in the 16th and 17th centuries, the study of chemistry began to evolve into a more systematic andempirical discipline. Pioneers such as Robert Boyle, Antoine Lavoisier, and John Dalton laid the foundations for the modern understanding of atomic theory, chemical reactions, and the periodic table of elements. The 19th century saw the rapid development of organic chemistry, with the synthesis of numerous compounds and the elucidation of the structure of complex molecules.The 20th century marked a period of unprecedented advancements in the field of chemistry. The rise of quantum mechanics and the development of advanced analytical techniques, such as spectroscopy and chromatography, have revolutionized our understanding of the atomic and molecular world. The discovery of new elements, the synthesis of complex organic compounds, and the application of chemistry in diverse fields, such as materials science, biotechnology, and environmental science, have all contributed to the ever-expanding body of chemical literature.One of the key aspects of the chemical literature is its interdisciplinary nature. Chemistry is inherently connected to other scientific disciplines, such as physics, biology, and engineering, and the literature reflects this interconnectedness. Researchers in these fields often collaborate and publish their findings in interdisciplinary journals, furthering our understanding of the natural world and the technological applications of chemical principles.Another important aspect of the chemical literature is the role of peer-reviewed journals. These scholarly publications serve as the primary channels for the dissemination of new research findings, as well as the critical evaluation of existing knowledge. The peer-review process ensures the quality and reliability of the published work, contributing to the overall credibility of the chemical literature.In recent years, the chemical literature has also been shaped by the increasing availability of digital resources and the rise of open-access publishing. The digitization of scientific journals and the proliferation of online databases have made it easier for researchers to access and share information, fostering greater collaboration and accelerating the pace of scientific progress. The open-access movement has also challenged the traditional publishing model, making more research freely available to the global scientific community.Looking to the future, the chemical literature is poised to continue its evolution, driven by emerging technologies, new areas of research, and the changing landscape of scientific communication. The increasing use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in data analysis and the development of advanced computational methods are expected to transform the way research is conducted and disseminated.Additionally, the growing emphasis on interdisciplinary andcollaborative research, as well as the need to address global challenges such as climate change, sustainable energy, and human health, will likely shape the future direction of the chemical literature. The ability to effectively communicate and share scientific knowledge will be of paramount importance, as researchers and policymakers work together to address the pressing issues of our time.In conclusion, the chemical literature is a vast and dynamic body of knowledge that reflects the rich history and ongoing evolution of the chemical sciences. From the early alchemists to the modern-day researchers, the literature has been shaped by the pursuit of scientific understanding, the development of new technologies, and the need to address the pressing challenges facing our world. As we move forward, the chemical literature will continue to be a vital resource for advancing our knowledge and shaping the future of the field.。

有机化学26_The Organic Chemistry of the Metabolic Pathways

有机化学26_The Organic Chemistry of the Metabolic Pathways
returning the cycle to its starting po acid cycle are similar to reactions
1, 2, and 3 in β-oxidation of fatty acids (Section 26.6)
The Catabolism of Proteins
The first stage of protein catabolism is enzymatic hydrolysis of proteins to amino acids:
Amino acids are then converted to acetyl-CoA, pyruvate, or citric acid cycle intermediates
The Catabolism of Fats
• A kinase is an enzyme that puts a phosphoryl group on its substrate.
• A dehydrogenase is an enzyme that oxidizes its substrate.
A fatty acid has to be activated before it can be metabolized:
The fatty acyl-CoA is converted to acetyl-CoA via
1. acyl-CoA dehydrogenase 2. enoyl-CoA hydratase 3. 3-L-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase
catabolism: complex molecules simple molecules + energy anabolism: simple molecules + energy complex molecules


Chapter 3
An Introduction To Organic Reactions: Acids & Bases
Types of Organic Reactions
– 1) Free Radical; 2) Nucleophilic; 3) Elห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ctrophilic
Acid- electron acceptor; Base- electron donor No proton exchange required and acids do not need to be protic Example
Any electron-deficient atom can act as Lewis Acid
Acidity and pKa
For acetic acid
Larger value of pKa weaker acid
Acidity Comparison of Some Common Acids
Acidity Behavior of Water
Acidity strength
Which is the electrophile and which is the electrophile?
Nucleophilic reaction?
The Use of Curved Arrows in Illustrating Reactions
Curved arrow is used to show the direction of electron flow in a reaction The curved arrow begins with a covalent bond or unshared electron pair and points toward a site of electron deficiency



译文: 美国化学学会杂志在无溶剂条件下钯催化C-H 活化的末端烯烃的烯丙基及高烯丙基碳的二胺化合成杜海峰、袁伟成、赵保国、史一安美国科罗拉多州立大学化学系,科罗拉多州柯林斯堡市80523,在2007年3月23日收稿;E-mail: yian@二胺类烯烃提供了一个有效地的合成邻二胺的方法,其中包含各种生物活性化合物的重要功能基团合成并广泛应用在不对称合成手性化学元件1。


最近,我们报道了共轭二烯、三烯可以用氮代二叔丁基二氮杂环丙酮(2)7作为氮源以Pd-(PPh 3)4作催化剂有效的在高立体选择性下进行二胺化合成(如图1)8。


使末端烯烃在先前的二胺化条件[量浓度10%的Pd(PPh 3)4在氘代苯中65℃] (方案1)下得到没有二胺化的烯烃,相反却观察到少量在烯丙和高烯丙碳的二胺化产物。


例如,用4-苯基-1-丁烯和物质量浓度5%的Pd-(PPh 3)4和2(2.75当量,缓慢加入)在65℃反应7小时得到纯的二胺化产物(5a ),产率90%(表1,项目1)。

这种二胺化反应可以推广到各种末端烯烃,包括单取代(表1,项目 2-6)和1,1 - 二取代烯烃(表1,项目7-11)。



(如图3) 双二胺化反应也可发生在基链含有末端双键的物质上,例如用1,9-癸二烯和量浓度10%的Pd(PPh 3)4和2反应12小时形成双二胺化的混合物(内消旋/DL ), 8a 和 8b ,产率61%(如图4)8a 的X 射线结构如图形1,它显示第一步产生的二胺化产物对第二步产生的二胺化产物的立体化学构型影响不大,然而当用1,7 - 辛二烯进行反应得到单一的非对映体二胺化产物11,产率47%(如图5)。



Organic Syntheses, Vol. 81, p. 254-261 (2005); Coll. Vol. 11, p. 874-878 (2009).254 PREPARATION OF PIVALOYL HYDRAZIDE IN WATER (Propanoic acid, 2,2-dimethyl-, hydrazide)2 +NaOH/H2OH2NNH2 · H2OSubmitted by Bryan Li,1Raymond J. Bemish, David R. Bill, Steven Brenek, Richard A. Buzon, Charles K-F Chiu and Lisa Newell.Checked by Claire Coleman and Peter A. Wipf.1. ProcedurePivaloyl hydrazide. A 1-L, three-necked, round-bottomed flask equipped with a T eflon-coated thermocouple and mechanical stirrer is charged with 400 mL of water and sodium hydroxide (12.87 g, 322 mmol), and the resulting mixture is stirred until all of the solids dissolve (Note 1). Hydrazine (35% aqueous solution, 36.83 g, 400 mmol) is then added in one portion. T he mixture is cooled in an ice-water/acetone bath to an internal temperature of –5 to 0 °C, and trimethylacetyl chloride (38.6 mL, 320 mmol) is added dropwise (Note 2) over a period of 40-60 min while maintaining the reaction temperature between –5 and 0 °C (Note 3). T he reaction mixture is then transferred to a 1-L, pear-shaped flask and concentrated to a volume of ca. 100 mL by rotary evaporation (at ca. 100 mm) (Notes 4, 5) and the resulting suspension is filtered (Note 6). T he filtrate is further concentrated to a volume of ca. 40 mL (Note 7) and 100 mL of toluene is then added. The resulting solution is transferred to a three-necked, round-bottomed flask equipped with a Dean-Stark water separator, thermometer, and rubber septum. Distillation is continued at atmospheric pressure until a constant boiling point is reached (Note 8) and then the pot volume is further reduced to ca. 40 mL. The resulting heterogenous mixture is filtered (Note 9) and the filtrate is concentrated by rotary evaporation under reduced pressure to provide the desired product as a colorless oil,255which on sta nding solidifies to a white semi-solid. This ma teria l is recrysta llized from 100 mL of isopropyl ether to a fford 18.6-20.4 g (50-55%) of pivaloyl hydrazide (Notes 10, 11).2. Notes1. All rea gents were purcha sed from Aldrich Chemica l Compa ny (except for trimethyla cetyl chloride, which the checkers obta ined from Acros) and were used without further purification. The checkers used a low temperature alcohol thermometer in place of a Teflon-coated themocouple. The third neck of the flask was left open to the atmosphere.2. A syringe pump was used for the addition of acid chloride in order to achieve a steady flow rate. The tip of the syringe needle (gauge 20) was submerged in the rea ction mixture. Dropwise a ddition of trimethyla cetyl chloride at 0-5 °C resulted in the immediate formation of a precipitate.3. The rea ction wa s complete a t the end of the piva loyl chloride addition. On 5-L or larger scale, the reaction was conducted at temperatures of 10-15 °C without loss of selectivity.4. A small a mount of hydrazine hydrate was present in the reaction mixture a t this point, but a sa fety eva lua tion indica ted the fina l rea ction mixture ha d a very low therma l potentia l (DH=15.3 J/g). This poses a minimum thermal hazard for vacuum distillation.5. The submitters concentra ted the rea ction mixture by va cuum distilla tion (100 mm, ba th tempera ture 70 °C, va por tempera ture 51 °C). The weight a fter concentra tion wa s ca. 120 g. The checkers used rota ry evaporation with a bath temperature of 65 to 70 °C without any problems, and employed an explosion shield as a safety precaution.6. The bis-a cyl a tion byproduct (Me 3CCONHNHCOCMe 3) w a s removed by filtration; 20 mL of water was used for washing the filter cake.7. The submitters removed solvent by vacuum distillation (100 mm, bath temperature 70 °C, vapor temperature 51 °C).8. Azeotropic remova l of wa ter wa s complete when the va por temperature reached 111 °C.9. Sodium chloride was removed by filtration.10.T he submitters obtained the product in 72% yield without recrystallization and determined the product to be >97% pure by HPLC (by area; conditions: 250 mm Kromasil C4 column using acetonitrile (A)/water(B) and 0.1% TFA in water (C), 0:90:10 A:B:C ramp to 90:0:10 A:B:C over15 min and hold for 5 min.Waste Disposal InformationAll toxic materials were disposed of in accordance with “Prudent Practice in the Laboratory”; National Academy Press; Washington, DC, 1995.3. DiscussionHydrazides (RCON HN H2) are highly useful starting materials and intermediates in the synthesis of heterocyclic molecules.2 They can be synthesized by hydrazinolysis of amides, esters and thioesters.3 The reaction of hydrazine with acyl chlorides or anhydrides is also well known,4 but it is complicated by the formation of 1,2-diacylhydrazines, and often requires the use of anhydrous hydrazine which presents a high thermal hazard. Diacylation products predominate when hydrazine reacts with low molecular weight aliphatic acyl chlorides, which makes the reaction impractical for preparatory purposes.5Recently we needed to prepare large amounts of pivaloyl hydrazide (1). A literature survey indicated several approaches: (1) heating pivalic acid with hydrazine hydrate with a Lewis acid catalyst such as activated alumina6 or titanium oxide;7 (2) heating hydrazine hydrate at high temperature (140 °C) with ethyl pivalate;8 (3) condensing phthaloyl hydrazine with pivaloyl chloride, followed by deprotection of the phthaloyl group;9 and (4) reaction of ethyl thiopivalate with hydrazine hydrate. Reaction safety evaluations revealed that hydrazine monohydrate has an onset temperature of ca. 125 °C in a Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) experiment, and possesses a very high thermal potential ( H = 2500 J/g),10,11 which prompted us to develop a method for the synthesis of 1 that did not require heating. After some experimentation we determined that the reaction of pivaloyl chloride with hydrazine proceeds most efficiently in water to give a 4:1 ratio12 of 1 to Me3CCONHNHCOCMe3(2). The use of organic solvents (MeOH, THF, 2-propanol) with water13 invariably led to formation of biphasic mixtures and predominant formation of 2.14 Reaction workup is also simplified using256water as solvent. Upon partial concentration the bis-acylhydrazide byproduct 2precipitated out of the reaction mixture and is convenientlyremoved by filtration. Removal of the remainder of the water bydisplacement with toluene leads to precipitation of NaCl, which is alsoeasily removed by filtration. The filtrate is then further concentrated toprovide 1 in >97% purity, typically in 55–75% yield. This procedure hasbeen employed to prepare 10 Kg batches of 1 with no difficulty.译文:在水相中制备特戊酰氯 (丙酸,2,2-二甲基酰肼)论文由Bryan Li, Raymond J 、Bemish, David R 、Bill, Steven Brenek,Richard A 、Buzon, Charles K-F Chiu 和 Lisa Newell 等发表,经Claire Coleman 与Peter A. Wipf 审核。



英语作文有机化学Title: The Fascinating World of Organic Chemistry。

Organic chemistry, often dubbed as the "chemistry of life," is a captivating field that delves into the structures, properties, reactions, and synthesis of carbon-containing compounds. Its significance permeates various aspects of our daily lives, from the medicines we take to the materials we use. In this essay, we will embark on a journey through the intricate realm of organic chemistry, exploring its fundamental concepts, diverse applications, and profound implications.At the heart of organic chemistry lies the carbon atom, a versatile element that forms the backbone of countless molecules found in nature. The unique ability of carbon to form stable covalent bonds with other atoms, including itself, allows for the creation of a vast array of compounds with diverse structures and functionalities. From simple hydrocarbons like methane to complex biomoleculessuch as proteins and DNA, carbon compounds exhibit remarkable diversity and complexity.One of the defining characteristics of organicchemistry is the concept of functional groups, specific arrangements of atoms within a molecule that conferdistinct chemical properties. These functional groups playa pivotal role in determining the reactivity and behaviorof organic compounds. For instance, the presence of a hydroxyl group (-OH) endows a molecule with properties characteristic of alcohols, while a carbonyl group (C=O) imparts characteristics of ketones or aldehydes.Organic chemistry encompasses a wide range of reactions, each governed by its own set of principles and mechanisms. From the venerable reactions of substitution andelimination to the more intricate processes of addition and rearrangement, these transformations lie at the heart of synthetic organic chemistry. Chemists leverage these reactions to construct complex molecules with precision, enabling the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and advanced materials.The synthesis of organic molecules is a cornerstone of drug discovery and development. Medicinal chemists meticulously design and optimize molecules to targetspecific biological pathways, thereby treating orpreventing diseases. Through the application of organic chemistry principles, scientists have developed an impressive array of therapeutics, ranging from antibioticsto anticancer agents. Moreover, the emergence of computational methods and high-throughput screening techniques has accelerated the pace of drug discovery, ushering in a new era of precision medicine.In addition to pharmaceuticals, organic chemistry finds widespread applications in materials science and technology. Polymers, large molecules composed of repeating subunits, form the basis of numerous materials, including plastics, elastomers, and fibers. Through careful manipulation of monomeric units and polymerization processes, chemists can tailor the properties of polymers to meet diverseindustrial and consumer needs. From lightweight composites used in aerospace applications to biodegradable plasticsaimed at mitigating environmental impact, organic chemistry plays a pivotal role in shaping the materials of the future.The principles of organic chemistry also underpin the burgeoning field of sustainable chemistry, which seeks to develop environmentally friendly processes and products. Green chemistry initiatives focus on minimizing waste, conserving energy, and reducing the use of hazardous substances throughout the chemical lifecycle. By leveraging the principles of atom economy, catalysis, and renewable feedstocks, chemists strive to create a more sustainableand circular economy. From the design of eco-friendly solvents to the development of bio-based polymers, organic chemistry offers innovative solutions to global challenges.In conclusion, organic chemistry stands as acornerstone of modern science, driving innovation across diverse fields ranging from medicine to materials science. Its principles govern the synthesis of complex molecules essential for life and industry, while its applications continue to expand into new frontiers. As we unravel the mysteries of organic chemistry, we gain deeper insightsinto the workings of the natural world and unlock new possibilities for the future.。



Chemical Aspects of Drug Delivery Systems Chemical Bonding In Solids Chemical Bonding In Solids And Fluids The Chemical Bond: Structure And Dynamics Chemische Studien - A. Constitutions - Formeln der organischen Chemie in geographischer Darstellung. B. Das Mariotte'sche Gesetz Chemistry and Technology of Isocyanates Chemistry of Heterocycles: Structures, Reactions, Synthesis, and Applications, 2nd edition revised and enlarged Chemistry Of Organic Fluorine Compounds: An Update Chemistry in Three Dimensions Chemometrics Chiral Auxiliaries and Ligands in Asymmetric Synthesis Chirality in Drug Design and Development Chirality in Industry I: The Commercial Manufacture and Applications of y Active Compounds Chirality in Industry II: Developments in the Commercial Manufacture and Applications of Optically Active Compounds Chiral Separations: Applications and Technology Chiral Separations: Methods and Protocols Chirotechnology: Industrial Synthesis of Optically Active Compounds Classics in Total Synthesis: Targets, Strategies, Methods Classics in Total Synthesis II: More Targets, Strategies, Methods Cluster Chemistry Combinatorial Chemistry: Synthesis and Application Compendium of Macromoleuclar Nomenclature Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. I Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. II Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. III Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. IV Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. V Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. VI Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. VII Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. VIII Compendium Of Organic Synthetic Methods Vol. IX Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods, Volume 10



BIOORG MED CHEM LETT详评文介0960-894X bioorganic & medicinal chemistry lettersJ ORG CHEM 详评文介0022-3263 journal of organic chemistryORG BIOMOL CHEM详评文介1477-0520 organic & biomolecular chemistryEUR J ORG CHEM详评文介1434-193X european journal of organic chemistryBIOORGAN MED CHEM详评文介0968-0896 bioorganic & medicinal chemistryRUSS J ORG CHEM+详评文介1070-4280 russian journal of organic chemistryCHINESE J ORG CHEM详评文介0253-2786 chinese journal of organic chemistryARKIVOC详评文介1551-7004 ARKIVOC(Archive for Organic Chemistry)CURR ORG CHEM详评文介1385-2728 current organic chemistryBEILSTEIN J ORG CHEM详评文介1860-5397 Beilstein Journal of Organic ChemistryJ PHYS ORG CHEM 详评文介0894-3230 journal of physical organic chemistryLETT ORG CHEM详评文介1570-1786 letters in organic chemistryORG GEOCHEM 详评文介0146-6380 organic geochemistryINDIAN J CHEM B详评文介0376-4699 indian journal of chemistry section b-organicchemistry including medicinal chemistryRUSS J BIOORG CHEM+详评文介1068-1620 russian journal of bioorganic chemistryJ SYN ORG CHEM JPN 详评文介0037-9980 journal of synthetic organic chemistry japanMINI-REV ORG CHEM详评文介1570-193X mini-reviews in organic chemistryBIOINORG CHEM APPL详评文介1565-3633 bioinorganic chemistry and applicationsADV PHYS ORG CHEM 详评文介0065-3160 advances in physical organic chemistryBIOORG CHEM详评文介0045-2068 bioorganic chemistry。



有机化学有机化学英文命名Organic Chemistry: English Naming of Organic CompoundsIntroductionIn the field of organic chemistry, the naming of organic compounds follows a systematic set of rules established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). These rules enable chemists and researchers around the world to communicate effectively and precisely when referring to various organic substances. In this article, we will explore the principles behind the English naming of organic compounds and provide examples to illustrate the application of these naming conventions.I. Basics of Organic ChemistryBefore delving into the intricacies of naming organic compounds, it is essential to grasp the fundamentals of organic chemistry. Organic chemistry primarily focuses on the study of carbon-containing compounds, their properties, structure, composition, reactions, and synthesis. The unique feature of carbon is its ability to form covalent bonds with various other elements, resulting in a vast array of organic compounds.II. IUPAC Nomenclature SystemThe IUPAC nomenclature system provides a consistent and logical approach to naming organic compounds. It establishes a standardized vocabulary and set of rules to accurately describe the structure and composition of a wide range of organic molecules. The naming process involves several steps, including identifying the parent chain, namingsubstituents, numbering the carbon atoms, and assembling the complete systematic name.III. AlkanesAlkanes are the simplest type of organic compounds, consisting of only carbon and hydrogen atoms connected by single bonds. The naming of alkanes follows a straightforward pattern. The parent chain is named based on the number of carbon atoms, with the suffix "-ane" indicating that it is an alkane. For example, a hydrocarbon chain containing four carbon atoms is called butane.IV. SubstituentsWhen naming organic compounds, substituents refer to any additional groups or atoms attached to the parent chain. Substituents are named using prefixes such as methyl, ethyl, propyl, etc. These prefixes indicate the number of carbon atoms in the substituent group. For instance, a methyl substituent consists of one carbon atom.V. Functional GroupsFunctional groups are specific arrangements of atoms or bonds within a molecule that determine the compound's reactivity and properties. Examples of common functional groups include alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters, and amines. Each functional group has a unique name and is designated by a specific suffix or prefix, depending on its position in the molecule.VI. Numbering the Parent ChainIn order to provide a precise description of the molecular structure, carbon atoms within the parent chain are numbered systematically. The numbering starts from the end nearest to the first substituent encountered. The substituents are then assigned a number indicating their position on the parent chain. This numbering system ensures clarity and consistency in the naming process.VII. ExamplesLet us illustrate the IUPAC naming conventions with a few examples. Consider the organic compound shown below:CH3 ─ CH(CH3) ─ CH═CH21. Identify the parent chain: The longest continuous chain of carbon atoms is four, forming butene.2. Number the chain: Begin numbering from the end nearer to the double bond.3. Name the substituents: The substituent on the second carbon is a methyl group.4. Assemble the name: The complete systematic name for this compound is 2-methylbutene.Let us examine another example:CH3 ─ CH2 ─ C(CH3)═O1. Identify the parent chain: The longest continuous chain of carbon atoms is three, forming propanone.2. Number the chain: Begin numbering from the end nearer to the carbonyl group.3. Name the substituents: The substituent attached to the second carbon is a methyl group.4. Assemble the name: The complete systematic name for this compound is 2-methylpropanone.ConclusionThe IUPAC nomenclature system plays a crucial role in organic chemistry by providing a standardized framework for naming organic compounds. By following this systematic approach, chemists can effectively communicate and understand the structure and composition of various organic molecules. Understanding the rules of English naming in organic chemistry allows scientists to navigate this vast field with clarity and precision.。

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CAN 催化2-羟基-1,4-萘醌和二乙烯硫醚的氧化环加成,继之以硫醇的消除,CAN催化2-羟基-1,4-萘醌和烯醇醚的氧化环加成,之后消除乙醇。




















2-羟基-3-乙烯基-1,4-萘醌(7a-7i)是由2-羟基-1,4-萘醌和醛或酮根据Bo ck’s程序制备来的。

如表2所示,2-羟基-3-乙烯基-1,4-萘醌7的环化同烷基和苯基在双键上的取代一样好,得到产率为45%~93%的角性呋喃萘醌8. 取代基的立体效应在反应时间和产率上都能被观察到。

取代基空间位阻最大的7d反应了6个小时8d(4条,表2)产率仅仅为45%. R2的电效应对7的环化活性影响较大。

有甲氧苯基和甲苯基R2供电子取代基的化合物7f,7h,7i环化速度普遍比苯基R2取代的化合物7e 快。



当2-溴苯基被吸电子性更强的2-或4-氯苯基替代时,化合物7k-7l 不能得到所需的角性呋喃萘醌8k-8l(11-12条,表2)



如表3所示,化合物7j-7i有吸电子取代基R2时,没有得到想要的线性呋喃萘醌9j-9l. R2为2-溴苯基的化合物7j反应停留在角性产物8j阶段,化合物7k/7l 的R2为2-氯苯基或4-氯苯基,得到复杂的混合物。






半缩醛12进一步分解得到1,4二酮中间体13,再通过一个传统的Paal–Knorr 反应最终得到线性呋喃萘醌9. 有吸电子2-溴苯基R2的角性呋喃萘醌8j没有得到相应的同分异构体可能是因为它的质子化能力减弱了。

