

As we all know,China overtook Germany to become the world's largest exporter, and it also surpassed Japan as the world's No. 2 economy. But as China gains international heft, its lack of global brands threatens its dream of becoming a superpower.

By using SWOT, the paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats confronted with China’s Manufacturing Industry。

Strengths:Advantage of cost advantages as well as the accumulation of years of rapid development of industrialization in China. Made in China by low-cost way to enter the world market, the cost of raw materials, workers, resource consumption rely advantage。The accumulation of industrial scale in China is becoming one of the main competitive advantage of China's manufacturing industry. Weaknesses:Chinese manufacturers in the low end of the industry chain, its low value-added, profits are limited, vulnerable to the impact of the external environment, the ability to resist risks. Cost advantage in China is speeding up the lost speed, especially demographic dividend, in recent years, there are obvious signs of acceleration lost, including multiple occurrences of a labor shortage in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other regions is warning.

Opportunities:Made in China is brewing a comprehensive restructuring, upgrading the industrial chain, especially the weak economies of Europe and the United States, made in China can thus undertake more high-end manufacturing transfer, greatly help improve the industrial chain in China. The Chinese government will provide a large number of policies to support the comprehensive transformation of the Chinese manufacturing.

In China 2011 will face more overseas business acquisition opportunities, technology and market these overseas enterprises in China may strengthen the influence worldwide..

Threats:the worldwide economic stagnation will reduce demand,direct impact on the export market in China;trade complaint against Chinese products, as well as the pressure of RMB appreciation will profoundly affect China's manufacturing industry. the vicious competition among Chinese companies, multiple industries swirl into a price war. Chinese manufacturers a complete industrial chain, a product produced by a number of companies, will inevitably lead to price competition between new incoming or purpose impure some companies often quoted in the below-cost prices, in fact the real with strength the

enterprises not get orders, and these enterprises also damage the confidence of foreign buyers of Chinese enterprises.

改革开放以来,中国制造业的发展非常迅速Since the reform and opening up, China's manufacturing industry is developing very fast。。China's manufacturing industry after nearly 5

o years of development, through the self。The creator of new and international cooperation, in many fields has mastered the international Advanced with independent intellectual property rights of the core technology, and inDomestic and international manufacturing technology market occupy a certain amount of.中国制造业经过近5O 年的发展,通过自主创新和国际合作,在很多领域已掌握了居国际先进水平的具有自主知识产权的核心技术,并在国内和国际制造业的技术市场上占据了一定的份额。In China's manufacturing industry development, cultivate the great Group of talents.在中国制造业的发展过程中,培养了大批人才。China's manufacturing industry sprung up a batch of strength, have The international competitiveness of the enterprise.中国制造业涌现出一批实力雄厚,具备国际竞争力的企业。China's manufacturing industry structure level is

low.中国制造业的产业结构级别偏低。China's manufacturing technology and management level and the whole country。International advanced level and large gap, independent research and development ability is not strong.中国制造业的整体技术与管理水平和国际先进水平还有较

大的差距,自主研发能力不强。Countries manufacturing low labor productivity, product added value Is not high.国制造业劳动生产率低,产品附加值不高。China's manufacturing industry lack the real meaning of international famous product Brand.中国制造业缺乏真正意义的国际知名品牌。The national policy to guide and support.国家政策的大力引导与扶持。manufacturing export face crisis, promote the enterprise change hair Show the direction. )制造业出口面临危机,促使企业转变发展方向。relative favorable international economic environment.相对有利的国际经济

环境。International industry transfer opportunities国际制造业转移的机遇

跨国公司的威胁。高成本的威胁。我国制造业企业在国内基本是靠低廉的成本获得竞争优势。自然资源储量较大,劳动力资源充足,各种原材料和人力成本都比较低。复杂的市场环境。发达国家和地区的市场往往高度竞争The threat of multinational companies。The high cost of threat. Chinese

manufacturing enterprise in China

Basic is to rely on low cost to obtain competitive advantages. Natural resources storage。In large quantities, labor resources enough, all kinds of raw materials and labor costs Are low. Complicated market environment. Developed countries and areas of the city。Field are often highly competitive


商务英语写作(2)(B卷) 考试有关事项说明 考试日期:年月日(星期) 答题时间:120分钟。 考试地点: 考试形式:闭卷 Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. (15%, 1 point for each blank) (1) Technical writing is a form of , a type of , an interactive that involves writers and readers who response to one another. (2) Some reports might present the to solve a business problem; other reports might record that will be useful to assist in future decision making. Either way, is being “reported” that will be useful in making decisions. (3) Doing a business, it usually includes and replies, , orders and their fulfillment, terms of payment, and , etc. (4) A business report conveys information to assist in . It may be long or short, , public or private, or reported on special occasions. (5) Technical writing has many forms, including letters, , reports, , presentations, and . Ⅱ. Multiple choices (15%, 1.5 point for each one)


Statistics of Family Expenses in Shanghai As is shown in the table above, dramatic changes have taken place in family expenses in the City of Shanghai within two decades (from 1984 to 2004). The most obvious change is in expense on food and clothing, which has dropped by 48%; while those on recreation, education and health care have increased respectively by 5%, 16% and 10%. Expenses on other things keep rising from 17% to 35%. The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but are in fact closely related to one another. The most likely factors accounting for these changes are as follows: Development in economy is the fundamental one. The increased income results in the lowering percentage of


As we all know,China overtook Germany to become the world's largest exporter, and it also surpassed Japan as the world's No. 2 economy. But as China gains international heft, its lack of global brands threatens its dream of becoming a superpower. By using SWOT, the paper analyzes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats confronted with China’s Manufacturing Industry。 Strengths:Advantage of cost advantages as well as the accumulation of years of rapid development of industrialization in China. Made in China by low-cost way to enter the world market, the cost of raw materials, workers, resource consumption rely advantage。The accumulation of industrial scale in China is becoming one of the main competitive advantage of China's manufacturing industry. Weaknesses:Chinese manufacturers in the low end of the industry chain, its low value-added, profits are limited, vulnerable to the impact of the external environment, the ability to resist risks. Cost advantage in China is speeding up the lost speed, especially demographic dividend, in recent years, there are obvious signs of acceleration lost, including multiple occurrences of a labor shortage in the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and other regions is warning.


商务英语写作试卷 (课程代码:5440) I. Multiple-choice: For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. (1 point each) 1.Please let us know which of our products _______. A. you are interested B. are you interested C. they are interested D. you are interested in 2.We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn. A. are learning….from B. have learned ….from C. have come to know….of D. have been given ….from 3.We are now enclosing a pricelist for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. inquired about C. said D. informed 4.If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. discount C. sales volume D. cost 5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________. A. in demand B. demanded C. on demand D. for demand 6.This is a new product but it is gaining _______ popularity in the world market. A. many more B. better and better C. increasingly steady D. steadily increasing 7.Concerning the ________ L/C, we wish to inform you that there are several clauses that need amendment. A. subjective B. caption C. subjected D. captioned 8.We wish to make it clear to you that we shall not ______ the shipment if they arrive after December 19, 2005. A. arrange B. receive C. accept D. acknowledge 9.Following your order ______ 400 pieces of electronic toys last year, we are pleased to receive your order No. 456 _______ the same quantity. A. for, of B. of , of C. for, for D. with, for 10.As agreed upon in our negotiation, payment _______ L/C. A. by B. will C. are by D. is to be made by 11.We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expediting D. arranged 12.Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it. A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. carrier 13.For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days. A. in no case B. in any case C. by all means D. under any circumstances 14.Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within the period stipulated in the contract. A. make them be B. make it be C. make it D. make that be 15.The stipulations in your L/C _________ not in accordance with the contract, we have to request you to make an amendment. A. is B. being C. is to be D. would be 16.In _______ of quality, our make is superior. A. terms B. term C. connection D. connections 17.__________, the buyers have urged us to expedite shipment of their order. A. The season approaching B. The season is approaching C. As season approaching D. The season was approaching 18.We accept as an exception your order _________ business with you.



商务英语写作期末考试模拟题 I. Multiple Choices (单选题). (30%, 2 point each) 1. John is fatter than __________ of the other boys in class. He is the fattest. A. some B. that C. any D. many 2. We ordered the above computers ______ 18 January, and they still have not arrived. A. in B. on C. for D. by 3. –Will you stay for lunch? --Sorry, _________. My brother is

coming to see me. A. I mustn’t B. I needn’t C. I can’t D. I won’t 4. Hundreds of jobs _________ if the factory closes. A. lose B. will be lost C. are lost D. will lose 5. Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn’t stopped ringing. People ___________ to ask how I am going to spend the money. A. phone B. will phone C. were phoning D. are phoning 6. __________ still for a moment, please? I want to take a photograph of


大学商务英语写作考试 复习题 https://www.360docs.net/doc/075587691.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

商务英语复习题 1.What information should be contained in the first information section of a resume? A.the job objective B.family history and gender identification C.the date D.contect information 2.Which of the following is a “6C” A.Colorfulness B.Concreteness https://www.360docs.net/doc/075587691.html,fortability https://www.360docs.net/doc/075587691.html,patibility 3.What is the first thing to appear on a bussiness letter A.the date B.the letterhead C.the inside address D.the attention line 4.When writing the date on a business letter you should take care to do what? A.make sure you always put the year first before the month and day B.always use only numbers in the date field C.make sure you always put the month first before the date and year D.spell out the month 5.How many spaces are needed between the complimentary close of a letter and the typed name of the person writing the letter? A.3 B.2 C.4 D. as many as needed 6.What should you do if you are worried that the reader of a request you are asking will not honor your request? A.write the letter in an indirect style B.write the letter in a direct style C.ask them to please grant your request D.be forceful and demand they honor your request


Ps: 亲们,Financial Times NEWS 共有6篇,每隔一个绿色标题为1篇。希望大家也能分享一下。 ①Europe up after Asia shows new confidence By Andrew Bolger in London and Patrick McGee in Hong Kong Thursday 08:15 GMT. European shares opened on a positive note after Asian markets signalled growing confidence that the crisis in Ukraine has eased, at least for now. In early trading, London’s FTSE 100 quickly regained Wednesday’s loss of 0.7 per cent, while the Eurofirst 300 rose by 0.4 per cent after closing flat the previous day. Futures suggest the S&P 500 will open 0.4 per cent higher, after it closed flat but near record levels. “Markets have taken on somewhat of a calmer tone in part due to hopes that discussions between the US and Russia will find some form of solution to the recent escalation of tensions in Ukraine,” wrote Mi tul Kotecha at Crédit Agricole. But investors remain cautious ahead of the European Central Bank policy decision, due later on Thursday, and the closely watched US monthly jobs report on Friday. Japan?s Nikkei 225 average rose 1.6 per cent to its highest level since late January, outperforming other markets as the yen weakened 0.3 per cent to Y102.6 against the dollar, its lowest since February 22. The currency has fallen 1.4 per cent since Monday, when investors were seeking shelter after Russian troops occupied the Crimean peninsula. Hong Kong?s Hang Seng index rose 0.5 per cent, while South Korea?s Kospi Composite was up 0.2 per cent. Other assets perceived as havens were steady, reflecting the cautious mood. The price of gold was flat at $1,338.9 an ounce, while the 10-year Treasury yield fell slightly overnight to 2.7 per cent. In New York, the S&P 500 also put in a steady performance on Wednesday, ending a fraction lower after touching a fresh intraday peak in spite of disappointing jobs and service sector data that prompted some economists to scale back their estimates for February?s employment report. ADP, a private US payroll processor, said that 139,000 jobs had been created in February – fewer than the markets had expected – and revised down its January figure from 175,000 to 127,000. The US reports “revealed surprising February service sector weakness that boosted downside risks for Friday?s US jobs report, and we have lowered our payroll estimate to 130,000 with substantial risk of a sub-100,000 figure,” said Michael Englund at Action Economics.


《商务英语写作》教学大纲 一、课程性质、任务和基本要求 1.课程性质 《商务英语写作》是商务英语专业的专业核心课程,也是文秘、国贸等涉外专业的重要选修课程,旨在培养学生英语五项技能中的英语写作能力。此课程涵盖了商务英语基本写作类型、写作规、写作格式和写作方法,课程容与现实商务生活紧密结合,既提供各种实例,又设计了一体化的实训,训练学生用英语有条理地组织商务信息,起草规得体、条理清晰的商务文书,合理利用商务交流中的礼节和技巧,建立有效的商务沟通。 2.课程任务 开设本课程旨在使学生对商务情景中最常见和最常用的各种应用文的用途及格式有一个总的了解,使其不仅能熟悉商务文体的各种惯用英文表达法,而且能广泛增加有关商务知识,并在模拟及实景中运用这些知识进行商务交际。 3.基本要求: 充分利用教材中的商务材料以及老师所给的案例,并结合所学商务知识,与现实商务活动进行多种形式的联系,提高学生对各种商务写作材料的准确理解和把握。经过反复学习、模仿和套用,掌握商务应用文的书写规律和方法,逐渐学会撰写各类商务应用文,力求语言正确,表达得体,在实际操作中活学活用。 二、学时分配建议 本课程教学总时数为66课时,具体学时分配可参见下表。 学时分配建议表

三、教学目标: 1.课程能力目标: (1)能够根据招聘广告并结合个人实际情况,熟练撰写英语求职信、应聘信、求职追踪信和个人简历等求职类文书 (2)能够运用商务交际中的礼节和技巧,撰写英语邀请函、感信、祝贺信等常见社交类文书 (3)能够规地起草英语启示、通知、备忘录、商务报告、会议纪要等常用公务文书(4)能够比较规地撰写英语名片、简章、商品使用说明书、推销函等主要商务宣传文书 (5)能够正确、得体地处理询盘信、发盘信、还盘信、订单与合同等常规外贸商务函电。 2.课程知识目标 (1)掌握英文求职信、应聘信和个人简历的基本格式和主要容; (2)了解英文书信的基本格式和不同书信类型的写作特点;


机密★启用前 大连理工大学网络教育学院 大工20春《商务英语写作-精品课程》课程考试 期末考试复习题 ☆注意事项:本复习题满分共:400分 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分) 1.Please let us know which of our products _______. A. you are interested B. are you interested C. they are interested D. you are interested in 2.We ______ your name and address _______ the Chinese Embassy in Bonn. A. are learning….from B. have learned ….from C. have come to know….of D. have been given ….from 3.We are now enclosing a price list for all the items you _______ in your letter under reply. A. required B. inquired about C. said D. informed 4.If you are prepared to increase your ______ to 15%, we shall be pleased to purchase the complete stock. A. price B. discount C. sales volume D. cost 5. A recent market survey reveals that such articles are no longer __________. A. in demand B. demanded C. on demand D. for demand 6. We will do our best to _______ shipment to meet your requirements in time. A. comply B. make C. expediting D. arranged 7. Any loss or damage noticed when the goods are delivered must be reported to the ______ at the time, otherwise he will not be responsible for it. A. consignor B. consignee C. shipper D. carrier 8. For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but _______ would these dates be exceeded by more that ten days. A. in no case B. in any case C. by all means D. under any circumstances 9. Your failure to open the L/C in time will ________impossible for us to deliver goods within the


Passage 1 Read about job-sharing. Write these headings into each paragraph. Get organised Set your limits Put pen to paper Two become one Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don't feel guilty How to job - share Wouldn't it be nice if the working week finished on Wednesday? With a job-share it can. Here's the essential guide to making it work. (0) Find the perfect partner Find someone you like. 'Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame,' says Carol Savage, the managing director of Flexecutive, a flexible working consultancy. (1)_________________________________ Bosses should consider requests for flexible working from employees with children under six. So embrace the benefits: 'Twice as much experience, skills, brainpower and energy.' Savage says. (2)_________________________________ Always discuss the worst-case scenarios. When Margaret Mills, a teacher, lost her job- share partner because of a family illness, a return to full-time work seemed inevitable. 'We had been over-optimistic. I did manage to find someone else who fitted in with me, but I was very lucky.' (3)__________________________________ Plan the system for handing work over carefully and play to each other's different strengths. Delegate the workload according to each other's particular skills and qualities. (4)___________________________________ Managers should clarify what they expect in terms of hours, availability and results, and employees should manage their employer's expectations. Sue Osborn, a job-sharer for 21 years, says, 'We're often asked to do five-day weeks. Eventually you just have to say no.' (5)____________________________________ Agree in writing arrangements for holidays, parental leave, retirement, etc. Everyone should know where they stand from the beginning. (6)____________________________________ Do not work until 1 am at home to make up for not being in the office every day. (7)____________________________________ Clients may not like having to deal with two people working closely together. As Savage says: 'A job-share should be like a marriage - one voice, one unit.' Choose the best answer, A, B or C for questions 1-5 about the Xerox article. 1 The journalist of this article thinks that


?先一句话引出图表总体内容The above bar chart clearly shows us … ?然后具体描述现象We see that…。 ?最后用for instance引出一些具体数据来例证现象。对于柱状图,抓住横抽和纵轴之间的关系,对数字的变化趋势进行总体描述即可。 图表作文写作常识 1、各种图表的名称 1)泛指一份数据图表:a data/ graph/chart/diagram/illustration/table 2)饼图:pie chart 3)直方图或柱形图:bar chart / histogram 4)趋势曲线图:line chart / curve diagram 5)表格图:table 6) 流程图或过程图:flow chart / sequence diagram 7)程序图:processing/procedures diagram 2、常用的描述用法 1)The table/chart diagram/graph shows (that) 2)According to the table/chart diagram/graph 3)As (is) shown in the table/chart diagram/graph 4)As can be seen from the table/chart/diagram/graph/figures, 5)Figures/Statistics shows(that)…… It can be seen from the figures/statistics We can see from the figures/statistics It is clear from the figures/statistics It is apparent from the figures/statistics table/chart/diagram/graph figures (that) …… 3、图表中数据的具体表达法 ?数据(Data)在某一个时间段固定不变:fixed in time ?在一系列的时间段中转变:changes over time ?持续变化的data在不同情况下: ?增加:increase / raise / rise / go up …… ?减少:decrease / grow down / drop / fall …… ?波动:fluctuate / rebound / undulate / wave …… ?稳定:remain stable / stabilize / level off…… ?上升:increase/ rise /go up /climb /mount /level up ?下降: decrease/ fall /drop /decline /reduce ?平稳:remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to ?相比:by contrast/ on the contrary/ likewise/ compared with ?最高点:the highest /the top /the summit /the peak /the most ?最低点:bottom/ less/ least /rock/bottom ?平均:mean /average ?趋势:tendency/ trend/ inclination ?达到顶峰: mount to ?在***中占***:***gain the percentage of


111The Principles of Business Writing Consideration: You-Attitude Conciseness Correctness Courtesy Clarity Completeness Concreteness Credibility Pragmatic Analysis of the Principles of Business Writing Cooperative Principle Politeness Principle The Theory of Face-work Face-Threatening Acts Principle of Least Effort Principle of Economy Consideration: Consideration focuses on “you”(the reader) instead of “I”or “we”(the writer). You-Attitude emphasizes reader benefit ,The You Attitude is positive ,You-Attitude protects the reader’s ego (use an impersonal expression or a passive verb to avoid assigning blame)You-Attitude expresses appreciation for (not annoyance with) your readers,You-Attitude applies psychology to humanize our messages (You can buy in your own language, but you have to sell in the language of the customer) 1Conciseness:Conciseness means omitting unnecessary words and expressions so that your writing gets to the point, avoiding unnecessary repetition and wordy expression, including only relevant facts (with courtesy), and organizing effectively. 2 avoid Wordiness:Avoid redundancy(unnecessary repetition. ),,Avoid awkward repetition,Avoid complicated word choice by using plain language Correctness Correctness means giving accurate facts and figures and using the correct level of language including only accurate facts, words, and figures using acceptable writing mechanics Correctness is achieved by using formal language for scholarly works, top level government documents and legal documents. Correctness is achieved by Avoid using words that you feel will impress the reader,avoiding substandard, ungrammatical words and spellings, using accurate facts and figures, using the correct word, using correct sentence-level grammar avoiding discriminatory expressions - sexism, race, and personal characteristics.


关于BEC商务英语高级阅读技巧 ■搭配题:抓住中心和基本点 5篇100字左右的小短文,8个选项,选择出各个选项属于哪篇 短文论述的内容。这部分主要是考查考生迅速找出短文MainIdea的水平。准确的做题方法是先读提示第一句,把握5篇短文共同论述的大 致范围。然后直接阅读短文。阅读的时候,用笔在考卷上划出"一个中心,两个基本点"。"一个中心"指短文的中心思想MainIdea。"两个基 本点"是除MainIdea以外重要的、十分特殊的论点。从5篇短文中找 出15个左右的考点,解题的速度可大大提升。 ■句子填空题:弄清逻辑上的衔接 这部分对我国考生来说有极大的难度,因为它考查了中国人说话 写文章最缺少严密的逻辑性。西文,尤其是商务文章极其讲究逻辑的 缜密性,中心思想明确,意群(段)之间有清晰的逻辑关系,句与句之 间紧密相连。知道了这样的思维差异,在解题时便有了方向:通过各 种衔接手段来解题。词汇的衔接、语法的衔接,最重要的是逻辑上的 衔接。其实,任何两句话之间的逻辑关系不外乎两种情况:不是顺着 意思讲下去(顺接)就是意思发生了转折(逆接)。判断空格前后句之间 的顺逆接关系,再寻找准确的选项解题就容易多了。平时考生在做阅 读训练的时候要特别注意句子之间的逻辑关系。 ■阅读理解题:跳跃式阅读 这部分其实是前两部分的综合。在读文章时只需抓住文章和各段 的MainIdea即可,有较强阅读水平的考生尽可能地快速读出句子之间 的逻辑关系,而细节内容一律略去。用这种"跳跃式阅读法"效果很好。解题时,学生要放松心态,因为题目不难,仅仅在做一个"定位+同义词、近义词"游戏罢了。值得注意的是这部分与四六级及考研阅读理解
