



























李辉老师 高考英语完形填空“压箱底”好题60篇-答案

李辉老师  高考英语完形填空“压箱底”好题60篇-答案

第一篇(2015江苏卷):BADCB AADCB DDCAC BDBDC 第二篇(2014福建卷):CADAB CDBAC DBCAB ABDDC 第三篇(2010北京卷):BACDA DCBDD ACBAC BBDAC 第四篇(2019天津卷):CDBBA DCADC BCADA BACDD 第五篇(2014浙江卷):DCBCA ACACB BDACD BDBCA 第六篇(2014北京卷):ABCCD CBDDC BDAAB DABCA 第七篇(2019全国Ⅱ卷):CBADC CDABB BACAD ABCDD 第八篇(2015全国Ⅰ卷):CCBCD ADBAD AABBC DCDAB 第九篇(2017全国Ⅱ卷):BADBD ADBAC DACBC DCACB 第十篇(2012山东卷):BDCAD BADAC ADBCC ABDCB 【老师介绍】高考英语提分王、高考英语直播课第一人——李辉老师●2006年登上讲台,至今拥有15年教龄●大班授课超过10000小时●面授学员过百万,培训教师上千名●为全国数百所高中做过讲座或教师培训●多次参加各大卫视教育类节目,并接受央视采访●2013年9月开讲高考英语网络直播课,全网No.1●现为网易旗下有道精品课高中英语首席主讲教师【上课风格】逗——风趣幽默寓教于乐,一边成长一边欣赏,如听相声哈哈笑!牛——百万学生效果见证,拿下高考爱上英文,他用事实来说教!惊——语速极快边讲边敲,妙语连珠口若悬河,不用课件不用稿!奇——单词语法一教就懂,发音仿佛听力材料,实力超群在有道!多——一节课懂一项语法,一小时会一百单词,量大为王分数俏!透——彻底解构词句段篇,顺便掌握应试技巧,以道御术呱呱叫!实——辉哥原创解题方法,亲自带你落地实操,历年真题做对照!绝——下课之后亲自解惑,答案令人拍案叫绝,辉哥口才真叫妙!正——一边教你提分技巧,一边教你治学之道,三观端正很重要!新——同样课程不断更新,每次都有灵感创意,把你智慧能引爆!细——精选高中顶级文章,逐句拓展考点知识,分数蹭蹭往上冒!严——门规清楚管理严格,千人大课鸦雀无声,如兄如父真做到!真——触摸语言本质规律,颠覆传统学习理论,辉哥方法更可靠!要——提高英语学习效率,省去自我摸索时间,辉哥课程我需要!报——打造完整学习体系,覆盖全部高考考点,正式课程更要报!第十三篇(2016全国Ⅰ卷):第十四篇(2013全国Ⅱ卷):ADBBA CBDCA CDBCA DDBCA第十五篇(2019北京卷):CDBDB ABABD CDCAD CABAC第十六篇(2019江苏卷):DBCAC BABDD CADCD BBCAA第十七篇(2017-11月浙江卷):CCBDD BACBD ADAAC BADBC第二十三篇(2018江苏卷):第二十七篇(2019浙江卷):第二十八篇(2014福建卷):CADAB CDBAC DBCAB ABDDC第二十九篇(2016全国Ⅱ卷):DABCA DAACD ABBCC DDBCB第三十篇(2016浙江卷):CADBB CCDDA CBABA DBADCBACDB ADCDC ACBCD DBABA第三十七篇(2014全国Ⅰ卷):第四十篇(2015上海卷):ACBDC CABBA ADBDC第四十一篇(2007山东卷):BDCCD CBABD CAABA CCADB 第四十二篇(2014上海卷):CBADA BCDAC DDBBC第四十三篇(2015浙江卷):DBABC CABDC AADCD ABADB 第四十四篇(2018全国Ⅰ卷):BCADD CBDCB CACBA DBADA 第四十五篇(2017上海春卷):CABDD ABDCB ABCCD第四十六篇(2019全国Ⅰ卷):DCCBA CDCAB DABDA CBDAB 第四十七篇(2017全国Ⅰ卷):ABCDA CBADB DBCAC DACBD 第四十八篇(2018全国Ⅰ卷):BCADD CBDCB CACBA DBADA 第四十九篇(2013全国Ⅰ卷):CCDAB DABAC CDDBA BCADB 第五十篇(2016全国Ⅲ卷):BDACA BDCCA BCBDA CDAAB “语言之道”公益社群活动方案{活动目的}●把语言学科拉下神坛,让普通学生考出高分!●提升【理解力】,进而提升学习力、整合力、洞察力;●提升【表达力】,进而提升沟通力、说服力、影响力。
















提问的特殊疑问词常有:what, who, which, where, how, why等。



高考英语15天基础速成班目录开班介绍 (2)第一天单词的秘密 (3)第二天&第三天:“介词”和“介词短语”的秘密——45个基本介词的用法 (7)第四天:句子的秘密 (59)第五天:谓语动词的秘密 (65)第六天:三大从句之——名词性从句 (74)第七天:三大从句之——定语从句 (80)第八天:三大从句之——状语从句 (84)第九天非谓语动词 (89)第十天特殊句型的秘密 (94)第十一天:读懂句子之“组件分析法” (102)(括号法) (102)第十二天: 读懂段落之——段落的十个秘密 (107)第十三天:“括号法+主题法”综合练习 (112)&阅读理解内功提升三步法 (112)第十四天: 书面表达基础之“五步造句法” (116)第十五天: 书面表达基础之“天龙八步作文法” (118)开班介绍“考试成绩”的秘密《高考英语15天快速提分班》考试成绩=基础知识X解题能力《高考英语15天基础速成班》课后题0.1 考试成绩由哪两方面决定?答:1、基础知识2、解题能力课程安排【第一部分】词汇方法突破▪第1天:单词的秘密不择手段背单词遇到生词怎么办▪第2天:玩转“固定搭配”(上)▪第3天:玩转“固定搭配”(下)【第二部分】语法系统复习▪第4天:句子的秘密“语法的精神”(英语逆袭心法)快速扫盲:十大词类/七大成分/五大基本句型▪第5天:谓语动词的秘密“谓语动词”之时态/被动“谓语动词”之虚拟/情态【第三部分】阅读能力提升▪第11天:读懂句子之“组件分析法”高分内功特训之“同步视译”高分内功特训之“断句朗读”▪第12天:读懂段落之“段落的十个秘密”高分内功特训之“主题阅读”▪第13天:阅读理解“内功提升”三步法【第四部分】写作能力提升▪第14天:微观雕琢五步造句法(最核心提分技术)造句魔鬼特训▪第15天:宏观打造书面表达标准段落结构及写法天龙八“步”作文法课后题0.2不论是学霸冲刺高分还是学渣完美逆袭,都需要哪四方面基础知识?▪答:1、_词汇_____知识2、_语法_____知识3、_阅读_____高分技能4、_写作_____高分技能第一天单词的秘密一、单词需要学多少?▪GRE/GMAT/LSAT:16000▪TOEFL/IELTS:8000-12000▪考研:6500▪六级:6750▪四级:4500▪高考:3000-3500▪中考:1600~1800▪二、背单词的有效方法▪1、死磕法▪2、联想法①口诀联想法▪lie lied lied 规则的是说谎▪lie lay lain 不规则是“躺”▪lay laid laid 躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则。



李辉英语2024年笔记(中英文版)English:Li Hui"s English 2024 notes are a comprehensive compilation of language learning strategies, vocabulary expansion, and grammatical rules.This invaluable resource is tailored for individuals who are determined to excel in their English proficiency.Divided into sections, the notes cover a wide range of topics from sentence structures to idiomatic expressions, providing learners with a solid foundation to build upon.Each section is rich in examples and exercises designed to challenge and engage the learner, ensuring a thorough understanding of the material.Furthermore, Li Hui"s unique teaching methods and personal insights are scattered throughout the notes, offering a one-of-a-kind learning experience.中文:李辉2024年英语笔记是一份全面的英语学习策略、词汇扩展和语法规则汇编。




2021年高考英语一轮复习考前30天冲刺复习练第15天1.entertain v. 使娱乐;招待2.entertainment n. 娱乐;招待3.enthusiastic adj. 热情的,热心的4.envy vt.&n. 忌妒;仰慕5.error n. 错误;差错6.essential adj. 必不可少的;本质的7.evaluate vt. 评判;评估8.eventually adv. 最终地9.evidence n. 证据10.evident adj. 明显的11.evolution n. 演变;进化12.exact adj. 精确的;确切的13.exchange n. 交换,调换;交流14.expand v. 扩张;进展15.expense n. 消费;支出16.exploit vt. 开采,开发;利用;剥削17.explore v. 探究;探险18.expose vt. 揭露19.extraordinary adj. 离奇的;使人惊奇的20.extreme adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的1.go ahead 前进;能够;往下说go by 走过,过去go in for 喜爱,爱好go against 违抗go up 上升;上涨go down 下降;沉没go over 认真检查;复习go out 外出;(灯)熄灭go through 经历,遭受;完成;通过go without 没有……也行,将就应付2.free of charge 免费in charge(of) 主管;负责in the charge of 由……负责/主管take charge(of) 负责;掌管charge sb.with (doing) sth. 指控某人(做)某事accuse sb.of sth. 指控某人(做)某事1.(The) chances are(that)...“专门可能……”The chances are that he has already arrived.他可能差不多到了。



第一讲“三长两短一并列”,搞定英语长难句 (2)第二讲句子的心脏:谓语动词 (11)第三讲句子的骨架:主干句型 (38)第四讲添乱的“介词短语” (64)第五讲华丽的“三大从句” (83)第六讲高贵的非谓语动词 (103)第七讲段落的秘密 (109)第八讲、阅读理解核心笔记与高频词汇 (121)第九讲、完形填空重点词汇及短语 (138)第十讲、书面表达高分理论 (195)第十一讲、书面表达遣词造句法 (254)第十二讲、提纲记叙文 (275)第十三讲、高考英语书面表达高分攻略之——书信的秘密 (279)第十四讲、高考英语书面表达高分攻略之——看图记叙文的秘密 (295)第十五讲、看图议论文全解析 (314)第十六讲书面表达真题解析-新课标卷 (324)第一讲“三长两短一并列”,搞定英语长难句长难句可谓英语文章中让人头疼的大麻烦。




(I am Li Hui.) ②我爱你。

(I love you. ) 这两句话中只有“主干成分”而没有“修饰成分”。




(I am Li Hui from New Oriental School.) ②我全心全意地爱你。

(I love you with all my heart.) 从例子中可以看出,修饰成分在中英文中出现的位置是不一样的。














下面的做题技巧方法很重要,经过了全网首席高考英语名师李辉老师团队高度认真的整理校对,无错、可信!可供全国各省高中生打印、学习、背诵!一、常考语法点复杂长难句结构(复杂句中常有2个动词为标志)强调句(it is that do not only but also)正话反说(潜台词)(sound like/seem look as though utopia)含插入语的句子(跳过不看)双重否定(负负得正原则)(hardly unknown, do not less, nothing illegal)一些特殊标点,如引语常考,有支持,批判,大背景等。

李辉老师 高考英语2020七选五押题讲义

李辉老师 高考英语2020七选五押题讲义

【七选五基本方法】Step1:先翻选项{方法}i.看懂整句,锁定核心ii.关注实词,确认重点&动词)iii.&数字)iv.v.vi.vii.{i.ii.iii.iv.v.出现N●●所谓理解,就是在你脑子里准确重复对方脑子里的东西;所谓表达,就是想办法让对方脑子里重复你闹中的东西!1.阅读:正确选项和出题句同义替换,本质上就是重复!2.七选五:正确选项和上下句话题一致,本质上就是重复!3.完型填空中重复更多——(1)原词复现(2)同义词复现(3)反义词复现(4)同畴词复现(5)代词复现(6)含义复现之局部话题一致(7)含义复现之下文解释(8)含义复现之靠主题做题4.语法/改错/作文:你要用老外的方式说这句话,本质上就是重复!aPsychology and_16G话题try(tosomelooked atfrom the age of18to91and divided them into different groups based on the age. Again musicians were significantly better at picking out speech against noise in all the age ranges._18F话题一致_Benjamin Zendel,(who was part)(of the research team), said,"We found(that being a musician may contribute)(to better hearing)(in old age),probably(due to musicians)(using their hearing systems)(at a high level) (on a regular basis).This advantage widened considerably for musicians as they gotolder when compared to similar-aged non-musicians."This study suggests(that musicians might be more able)(to deal)(with the consequences)(of hearing loss)._19D话题一致_(As Dr.Ralph Holme said),all people-(including musicians)-should try(to prevent hearing damage)(in the first place).It's necessary(for everyone)(who plays a musical instrument)(or listens)(to loud music)(to wear hearing protection)._20C代词指代_A.B.PreviousC.That can风险D.Still,it朵保护=>E.TheyF.The(in hearingG.It(who●●Is itconsider(to theThrough learning,we know how to think,how to memorize,how to ask questions and even how to interact with others.(According to a study),(while we are learning), the brain creates neural(神经)pathways(that make us smarter)._17E话题一致_ The more we learn,the more new neural pathways develop(in our brains).(When it comes to learning),it doesn't mean(we must load ourselves)(with lots of knowledge).(What we need)(to do)is just learn something(we like)(day inand day out)._18B话题一致_Everyone learns(from bottom)(to up).If we have an interest to learn,that desire will naturally push us to move forward.(As we feel worn out)(from learning),don't be discouraged._19F话题一致_ An old saying goes,"Birds(of a feather)fly together."(As long as we have partners) (to learn all together),our learning excitement will come alive again.On the contrary, if we don't learn,and choose to distance ourselves from others,we might be getting dumb,and slow;eventually,we lose energy,and life passion.Instead of being bored,helps usvalue and A.B.C.D.E.=>F.G.学习=>含有代词(3)含有逻辑词(4)其他小技巧:如果段首句设空,请先做段落中间的题目,再回过头来做首句!Color is fundamental in home design--something you’ll always have in every room.A grasp of how to manage color in your spaces is one of the first steps to creating rooms you’ll love to live in.Do you want a room that’s full of life?Professional?Or are you just looking for a place to relax after a long day?__36B话题一致__,color is the key (to making a room)(feel the way)(you want it)(to feel).E.It’s not really a good idea(to use too many small color pieces)小颜色多了不好F.So it pays(to be sure),(because you want)(to get it right)(the first time).有回报、第一次就搞对G.Color choices(in this range)are a step up(from the small ones)(in two major ways).两个方式【学渣专用七选五做题“方法”】Step1:看每个选项,删掉相同单词Step2:找到每个选项的“特征单词”(名词&动词)“特征,Most people__71B__It’sa result,This isfeel toonotmakingfurther.phobiaand stopDealing with social phobia takes patience,courage to face fears and the willingness to practice.__73E__Therapists(治疗师)can help people create a plan for facing social fears and build the skills and confidence to overcome it.And family or friends are especially important for them.__74G__Friends and family can encourage them to pick a small goal to aim for,remind them to go for it,and be there when they might feel discouraged.Good friends and family are there tocelebrate each small success along the way.Little by little,someone who decides to deal with extreme shyness can learn to be more comfortable.__75F__As shyness and fears begin to melt, confidence and positive feelings build.Pretty soon,the person is thinking less about what might feel uncomfortable and more about what might be fun.A.Friends can overcome their fears.B.But for some,the anxiety can be extreme.C.They are not able to make eye contact with classmates.D.Social phobia makes people lonely or disappointed over missed opportunities.E.It also takes a commitment to go forward rather than back away when feeling shy.F.Each small step forward helps build enough confidence to take the next small step.G.The support from those key people helps them gather the courage to try something new.Community ServiceNowadays high schools are faced with a very controversial issue whether or not community service hours are needed to graduate.High schools are arguing that40hours of community service are needed to graduate,but many upset students are voicing protests(反对)to this demand.Supporters of the community service project argue that while high school students are participating in community service,they will become better aware of what the real world is like.Students will learn valuable life lesson by doing community service.___71D___They feel that if high school students are forced to do community service they will begin to see it as a punishment and as something that they have to do because it is required instead of something that they want to do. Students will in the future look back at the community service projects t hat they were forced to do t hroughout high school._72D_Another idea that the protesters give about this community serviceissue is time restriction.When a student goes to school full time,he is involved in after-class activities and also works._73G_Supporters argue back that high school students only need to fulfill40hours of community service throughout4years.If students well manage their time and start the community service in their first year in high school, all they need to do is an hour every other week.___74B__The protesters argue that high school students do not have their driver’s license,so how are they expected to get to their community service site when their parents or friends are at work or just too busy to give them a ride.___75F__.The supporters argue that students can find community service projects close to home or if they live in the country find another student to car pool with.In my opinion,community service is a wonderful thing that everyone should be required to do at some point in their life,but are high school students mature and responsible enough to take on community service projects at this stage in their life?A.Protesters have struck back with a very solid argument.B.A final controversial issue that appears is transportation.C.Students will feel good about themselves for helping others in need.D.They will continue to carry a negative attitude towards community service for their lifetime.E.Both sides have solid arguments about why community service should or should not be forced upon students.F.Unless the school offers a means of transportation for the students there really is no solution to this problem.G.The time that is needed to participate in a community service project may place quite a burden on the student.。











若首句交代了when, where, who, what,即四个W,那么就是记叙文,很可能就是一个故事,为了测试语篇的理解能力,出题者特别注意选材的趣味性,其结尾往往出人意料,耐人寻味;若首句是提出或解释说明某事物,一般来说是说明文;若首句提出一个论点,那么就是议论文。



经典例题My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend. On the way, we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said, “ _41_my job.Family to Feed.”At this store, a _42_like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and made a _43_on how bad it must be to have to stand _44_ in the cold wind.In the store, I asked each of my kids to _45_ something they thought our “friend” there would _46_. They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a _47_. I thought about it. We were _48_ on cash ourselves, but...well, sometimes_49_from our need instead of our abundance is _50_what we need to do! All the kids _51_ something they could do away with for the week.When we handed him the bag of _52_, he lit up and thanked us with _53_eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for _54_his family might need,he burst into tears.This has been a wonderful _55_ for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can _56_! Things would have played out so _57_if I had simply said, “No, we really don’t have _58_to give more.”Stepping out not only helped a brother in _59_, it also gave my kids the _60_ taste of helping others. It’ll go a long way with them.41. A.Lost B.Changed C.Quit D.Finished42. A.condition B.place C.sight D.show43. A.suggestion ment C.decision D.call44. A.outside B.proudly C.by D.angrily45. A.draw B.say C.arrange D.pick46. A.order B.supply C.appreciate D.discover47. A.dollar B.job C.hot meal D.gift card48. A.easy B.low C.soft D.loose49. A.giving B.saving C.spending D.begging50. A.yet B.even C.still D.just51. A.declared B.shared C.ignored D.expected52. A.toys B.medicine C.food D.clothes53. A.sleepy B.watery C.curious D.sharp54. A.whoever B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever55. A.experience B.example C.message D.adventure56. A.rely on B.respect C.learn from D.help57. A.suddenly B.vividly C.differently D.perfectly58. A.time B.power C.patience D.money59. A.fear B.love C.need D.memory60. A.strong B.sweet C.strange D.simple答案解析:41.A短语lose one’s job失业。





















目录开班介绍 (1)第一天单词的秘密 (5)第二天&第三天:“介词”和“介词短语”的秘密——45个基本介词的用法 (14)第四天:句子的秘密 (67)第五天:谓语动词的秘密 (77)第六天:三大从句之——名词性从句 (96)第七天:三大从句之——定语从句 (108)第八天:三大从句之——状语从句 (117)第九天非谓语动词 (126)第十天特殊句型的秘密 (143)第十一天:读懂句子之“组件分析法” (163)(括号法) (163)第十二天:读懂段落之——段落的十个秘密 (176)第十三天:“括号法+主题法”综合练习 (187)&阅读理解内功提升三步法 (188)第十四天:书面表达基础之“五步造句法” (198)第十五天:书面表达基础之“天龙八步作文法” (202)开班介绍“考试成绩”的秘密《高考英语15天快速提分班》考试成绩=基础知识X解题能力《高考英语15天基础速成班》课后题0.1考试成绩由哪两方面决定?答:1、基础知识2、解题能力课程安排【第一部分】词汇方法突破▪第1天:单词的秘密不择手段背单词遇到生词怎么办▪第2天:玩转“固定搭配”(上)▪第3天:玩转“固定搭配”(下)【第二部分】语法系统复习▪第4天:句子的秘密“语法的精神”(英语逆袭心法)快速扫盲:十大词类/七大成分/五大基本句型▪第5天:谓语动词的秘密“谓语动词”之时态/被动“谓语动词”之虚拟/情态【第三部分】阅读能力提升▪第11天:读懂句子之“组件分析法”高分内功特训之“同步视译”高分内功特训之“断句朗读”▪第12天:读懂段落之“段落的十个秘密”高分内功特训之“主题阅读”▪第13天:阅读理解“内功提升”三步法【第四部分】写作能力提升▪第14天:微观雕琢五步造句法(最核心提分技术)造句魔鬼特训▪第15天:宏观打造书面表达标准段落结构及写法天龙八“步”作文法课后题0.2不论是学霸冲刺高分还是学渣完美逆袭,都需要哪四方面基础知识?▪答:1、______知识2、______知识3、______高分技能4、______高分技能1、词汇知识2、语法知识3、阅读高分技能4、写作高分技能第一天单词的秘密一、单词需要学多少?▪GRE/GMAT/LSAT:16000▪TOEFL/IELTS:8000-12000▪考研:6500▪六级:6750▪四级:4500▪高考:3000-3500▪中考:1600~1800二、背单词的有效方法▪1、死磕法▪2、联想法①口诀联想法▪lie lied lied规则的是说谎▪lie lay lain不规则是“躺”▪lay laid laid躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则。



1. 增加词汇量:扩大词汇量,这需要大量阅读和练习。


2. 练习听力:可以通过听英语广播、看英语电影、听英语歌曲等方式提高听力理解能力。


3. 提高口语能力:可以寻找英语母语人士进行交流,或者参加英语角、语言交流会等活动。


4. 学习语法:掌握英语语法规则和用法是提高英语的关键。


5. 多写作:写作是提高英语表达能力的重要途径。


6. 参加培训班或在线课程:可以参加一些针对高中英语的培训班或在线课程,这些课程通常有专业的教师指导和丰富的教材资源,能够快速提高英语水平。

7. 制定学习计划:制定一个明确的学习计划,包括每天的学习时间和学习内容。


8. 坚持不懈:学习英语需要持之以恒的努力和耐心。





2024高考有道精品课李辉英语讲义全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, I’m so excited to tell you all about the 2024 High School Entrance Examination course by Li Hui!Li Hui’s English class is super awesome because he teaches us in a fun and interesting way. He always makes sure we understand everything and learn a lot.In Li Hui’s class, we learn lots of cool stuff like grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and listening. He also teaches us how to speak English confidently and fluently.One of the best things about Li Hui’s class is that he uses games, songs, and activities to help us learn. It’s so much fun and we never get bored!Li Hui is a really nice teacher too. He is always patient and kind, and he encourages us to do our best. He helps us with any questions we have and makes sure we feel confident in English.I love going to Li Hui’s English class because I know I’m going to learn a lot a nd have a great time. I can’t wait for the2024 High School Entrance Examination because I know I’ll be well-prepared thanks to Li Hui!If you want to improve your English and have fun doing it, I definitely recommend taking Li Hui’s English class. You won’t regret it!That’s all for now, see you in class! Bye-bye!篇2Hey guys, today I want to tell you about the 2024 Gaokao English course by Li Hui. It's super cool and helps us get ready for the big exam!First off, Li Hui is a really awesome teacher. He makes learning English fun and easy. He always tells us funny stories and uses cool examples to help us understand the lessons better. It's like we're chatting with a friend instead of studying!In the course, we learn all about grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and listening. Li Hui makes sure to cover everything we need to know for the Gaokao. He also gives us tips and tricks on how to do well in the exam, which is super helpful.One of the best parts of the course is the practice tests. We get to practice our English skills and see where we need toimprove. Li Hui always gives us feedback and helps us get better. It's really motivating to see our progress!Overall, the 2024 Gaokao English course by Li Hui is amazing. It's helped me so much with my English skills and I feel more confident about the exam. I can't wait to keep learning and improving with Li Hui's help. If you want to do well in the Gaokao, I definitely recommend taking this course!篇3Hello everyone! I'm super excited to tell you all about the amazing English course taught by Mr. Li Hui at the 2024 Gaokao Way!First off, Mr. Li Hui is the coolest teacher ever! He makes learning English so fun and easy. He uses lots of games, songs, and even dances to help us remember words and grammar rules.I never knew English could be so much fun!In Mr. Li Hui's class, we learn all about English grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and speaking. He teaches us how to write essays, have conversations in English, and even gives us tips for the listening and speaking sections of the Gaokao exam. I feel so much more confident in my English skills now!One of my favorite things about Mr. Li Hui's class is that he always encourages us to speak up and ask questions. He creates a safe and supportive environment where we can practice speaking English without fear of making mistakes. I used to be so shy about speaking English, but now I feel much more comfortable thanks to Mr. Li Hui.Overall, I can't recommend Mr. Li Hui's English class enough! If you want to improve your English skills and have a great time doing it, be sure to sign up for his class at the 2024 Gaokao Way. Trust me, you won't regret it!So, what are you waiting for? Come join us and let's have a blast learning English with Mr. Li Hui! See you there!篇4Hello everyone! I’m going to share with you the notes from Li Hui’s English lesson on DoDo Prep School for the 2024 College Entrance Examination. Li Hui is a super cool teacher who always makes studying English so much fun!In the lesson, we learned about different ways to improve our English skills and how to prepare for the big exam. Here are some of the key points:1. Reading is super important for improving your English. Whethe r it’s books, magazines, or news articles, reading regularly can help you learn new words and phrases.2. Writing is another great way to practice English. Try writing in a diary, composing emails, or even writing essays on different topics. The more you practice, the better you’ll get!3. Listening to English songs, watching English movies, and even talking to native speakers can help improve your listening and speaking skills. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes –that’s how we learn!4. Lastly, don’t forget to review your grammar and vocabulary regularly. Knowing key grammar rules and having a wide vocabulary can make a big difference in your exam performance.Li Hui also shared some great tips on how to stay motivated and focused while studying. She encouraged us to set goals, believe in ourselves, and never give up, even when things get tough.I’m so grateful for Li Hui’s awesome lesson today, and I can’t wait to keep practicing my English skills. With hard workand dedication, I know we can all do great on the 2024 College Entrance Examination!That’s all for now, see you in the next class! Bye-bye!篇5Hello everyone, my name is Li Hui. Today I am going to tell you about the amazing 2024 Gaokao English course from YOUDAO.First of all, let me introduce myself. I am a super cool English teacher with tons of experience in helping students improve their English skills. I know English can be super tough sometimes, but don't worry, with me by your side, you will ace that Gaokao like a pro!Now, let's talk about the course. The 2024 Gaokao English course from YOUDAO is the bomb! It covers all the important topics and skills you need to know to ace the exam. From grammar to vocabulary to reading and writing, we've got you covered.One of the best parts of the course is the interactive lessons. We use fun games and activities to make learning English superexciting. You'll be having so much fun, you won't even realize you're learning!And don't even get me started on the practice tests. We have tons of them for you to try out. By the time you take the Gaokao, you'll be a pro at taking tests!So what are you waiting for? Sign up for the 2024 Gaokao English course from YOUDAO today and get ready to ace that exam! Trust me, with my help, you'll be speaking English like a native in no time. Let's do this!篇6Title: My Experience at the 2024 Gaokao English Class with Teacher Li HuiHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about my experience at the 2024 Gaokao English class with our amazing teacher Li Hui. It was so much fun and I learned a lot of new things.First of all, Teacher Li Hui is super cool. She makes learning English fun and interesting. She always has a big smile on her face and she is very patient with all of us. She uses a lot of gamesand activities to help us remember new words and grammar rules. It doesn't even feel like we're studying!One of my favorite things about the class was when we did group activities. Teacher Li Hui would divide us into teams and we would have to work together to complete different tasks. It was really cool because we got to practice speaking and listening to each other in English. I made a lot of new friends in the class because we all helped each other out.Another thing I really liked was when Teacher Li Hui showed us videos and songs in English. It was a fun way to learn more about English culture and it helped us improve our listening skills. Plus, the songs were really catchy and we would sing along together.Overall, the 2024 Gaokao English class with Teacher Li Hui was an amazing experience. I learned a lot of new things and had a great time with my classmates. I can't wait to keep practicing my English skills and show off everything I've learned on the Gaokao exam. Thank you, Teacher Li Hui, for being the best teacher ever!篇7Hello everyone! Today I'm gonna tell you all about the 2024 Gaokao Genius Class with Teacher Li Hui in English class.So, first things first, let me tell you a little bit about Teacher Li Hui. He is super cool and funny, and he always makes English class so much fun. He loves to tell jokes and play games with us to help us learn English better.In the 2024 Gaokao Genius Class, Teacher Li Hui teaches us all kinds of cool stuff to help us get better at English. He teaches us grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and listening skills. He also helps us practice for the Gaokao exam so we can do our best on test day.One of the things I love most about Teacher Li Hui's class is that he always encourages us to speak up and ask questions. He says that it's important to not be afraid to make mistakes because that's how we learn. He also tells us that it's important to practice English every day to get better.I think the 2024 Gaokao Genius Class with Teacher Li Hui is so awesome because he makes learning English so much fun. I feel like I'm getting better at English every day, and I can't wait to see how much I'll improve by the time the Gaokao exam rolls around.So if you want to get better at English and have a blast doing it, I definitely recommend taking the 2024 Gaokao Genius Class with Teacher Li Hui. You won't regret it!That's all for now, see you next time!篇8Oh my gosh, have you guys heard about the awesome English lessons by Li Hui in the 2024 Gaokao Yadao Top Quality Courses? It's so cool and fun!In the lessons, Li Hui teaches us lots of useful English stuff that will help us ace the high school entrance exam. She's super patient and explains things in a way that's easy to understand. And she's always cracking jokes and making us laugh, which really helps us remember the material.One of the best things about Li Hui's lessons is that she uses lots of real-life examples to show us how English is used in everyday situations. For example, she'll act out a skit where a customer orders food in a restaurant, or a student talks to a teacher about their homework. It really helps us see how we can use English in our own lives.Another thing that's really cool about Li Hui's lessons is that she gives us lots of practice exercises to do. These exercises help us improve our reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. And she always encourages us to ask questions if we're confused about something.Overall, the 2024 Gaokao Yadao Top Quality Courses by Li Hui are amazing! I've learned so much from her and I feel much more confident in my English skills now. Thank you, Li Hui!篇9Hello everyone! Today, I want to tell you all about the 2024 Gaokao English lessons by Li Hui from YOUDAO. It's super duper awesome!So, in these lessons, Li Hui teaches us all about grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing skills. She makes learning English so much fun with her cool examples, interactive activities, and funny jokes. I just love how she makes complicated stuff easy to understand.One of my favorite things about Li Hui's lessons is how she uses real-life situations to explain things. Like, she'll talk about going to the supermarket, riding a bike, or even playing videogames to show us how English is used in everyday life. It really helps me remember the words and phrases better.Oh, and let me tell you about the reading and writing parts of the lessons. Li Hui gives us interesting stories to read and then asks us questions to check our understanding. And when it comes to writing, she teaches us how to write essays, letters, and reports like a pro. She even gives us tips on how to improve our writing skills.In conclusion, the 2024 Gaokao English lessons by Li Hui are just amazing! She's a super cool teacher who makes learning English so much fun. I can't wait to attend more of her lessons and improve my English skills. If you want to ace the Gaokao, then these lessons are definitely the way to go!篇10Hey guys! I'm here to tell you all about the awesome English class I had with Teacher Li Hui from 2024 Gaokao Youdao Premium Course. It was super cool and I learned so much!First, Teacher Li Hui taught us some new vocabulary words like "enormous" and "gigantic." We practiced saying them out loud and writing them down in our notebooks. Then, we did a fun activity where we had to match the words with theirdefinitions. It was like a puzzle game and I felt so clever when I got them all right!Next, we learned about different types of sentence structures like simple, compound, and complex sentences. Teacher Li Hui showed us examples and we had to come up with our own sentences using each type. I was a bit confused at first, but Teacher Li Hui explained it in a way that was easy to understand.After that, we watched a short video and had to write a summary of it in our own words. It was exciting to practice our listening and writing skills at the same time. I did my best to capture all the important details and I was proud of my work.To finish off the class, we played a fun game of English vocabulary bingo. Teacher Li Hui called out words and we had to quickly find them on our bingo cards. It was a great way to review the new words we learned earlier in the lesson.Overall, I had a blast in the English class with Teacher Li Hui. I feel more confident in my English skills and can't wait for the next class! Thank you, Teacher Li Hui and 2024 Gaokao Youdao Premium Course for an amazing experience!。

“三长两短一并列”-搞定高考英语长难句 整理版

“三长两短一并列”-搞定高考英语长难句 整理版




(I am Li Hui。

) ②我爱你。

(I love you。



(I am Li Hui from New Oriental School。

) ②我全心全意地爱你。

(I love you with all my heart.)从例子中可以看出,修饰成分在中英文中出现的位置是不一样的。

而当一个句子中有很多个修饰成分时,该句子就会变得很长,不易理解.例如:After chatting with Laura on this matter for two hours from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon,I returned to my office. 我们给这个句子中的全部介词短语加上括号,该句就会变成:(After chatting)(with Laura)(on this matter) (for two hours) (from 2:00) (to 4:00)(in the afternoon),I returned (to my office). 此时大家便可发现,这个句子虽然很长,但是真正的主干其实只有I returned两个单词而已。

“三长两短一并列”-搞定高考英语长难句 整理版【范本模板】

“三长两短一并列”-搞定高考英语长难句 整理版【范本模板】

1“三长两短一并列” 搞定高考英语长难句一、前言长难句可谓英语文章中让人头疼的大麻烦。


今天我们就通过分析英语句子中的重要特点——“三长两短一并列”来教你一套简单而神奇的方法,即“组件分析三步法”,帮你快速理清英语句子结构,轻松破解英语长难句.下文的讲解虽看似繁琐,但只要你耐心读下去,必会受益无穷!什么是“三长两短一并列”?我们先来看两句话:① 我是李辉。

(I am Li Hui 。

) ② 我爱你。

(I love you 。

) 这两句话中只有“主干成分”而没有“修饰成分"。



来看两个例子:① 我是新东方的李辉。

(I am Li Hui from New Oriental School.) ② 我全心全意地爱你.(I love you with all my heart 。

) 从例子中可以看出,修饰成分在中英文中出现的位置是不一样的。

而当一个句子中有很多个修饰成分时,该句子就会变得很长,不易理解.例如:After chatting with Laura on this matter for two hours from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon, I returned to my office 。

我们给这个句子中的全部介词短语加上括号,该句就会变成:(After chatting ) (with Laura ) (on this matter) (for two hours ) (from 2:00) (to 4:00) (in the afternoon), I returned (to my office ). 此时大家便可发现,这个句子虽然很长,但是真正的主干其实只有I returned 两个单词而已。

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高考英语15天基础速成目录开班介绍 (2)第一天单词的秘密 (3)第二天&第三天:“介词”和“介词短语”的秘密——45个基本介词的用法 (7)第四天:句子的秘密 (59)第五天:谓语动词的秘密 (65)第六天:三大从句之——名词性从句 (74)第七天:三大从句之——定语从句 (80)第八天:三大从句之——状语从句 (84)第九天非谓语动词 (89)第十天特殊句型的秘密 (94)第十一天:读懂句子之“组件分析法” (102)(括号法) (102)第十二天: 读懂段落之——段落的十个秘密 (107)第十三天:“括号法+主题法”综合练习 (112)&阅读理解内功提升三步法 (112)第十四天: 书面表达基础之“五步造句法” (116)第十五天: 书面表达基础之“天龙八步作文法” (118)开班介绍“考试成绩”的秘密《高考英语15天快速提分班》考试成绩=基础知识X解题能力《高考英语15天基础速成班》课后题0.1 考试成绩由哪两方面决定?答:1、基础知识2、解题能力课程安排【第一部分】词汇方法突破▪第1天:单词的秘密不择手段背单词遇到生词怎么办▪第2天:玩转“固定搭配”(上)▪第3天:玩转“固定搭配”(下)【第二部分】语法系统复习▪第4天:句子的秘密“语法的精神”(英语逆袭心法)快速扫盲:十大词类/七大成分/五大基本句型▪第5天:谓语动词的秘密“谓语动词”之时态/被动“谓语动词”之虚拟/情态【第三部分】阅读能力提升▪第11天:读懂句子之“组件分析法”高分内功特训之“同步视译”高分内功特训之“断句朗读”▪第12天:读懂段落之“段落的十个秘密”高分内功特训之“主题阅读”▪第13天:阅读理解“内功提升”三步法【第四部分】写作能力提升▪第14天:微观雕琢五步造句法(最核心提分技术)造句魔鬼特训▪第15天:宏观打造书面表达标准段落结构及写法天龙八“步”作文法课后题0.2不论是学霸冲刺高分还是学渣完美逆袭,都需要哪四方面基础知识?▪答:1、_词汇_____知识2、_语法_____知识3、_阅读_____高分技能4、_写作_____高分技能第一天单词的秘密一、单词需要学多少?▪GRE/GMAT/LSAT:16000▪TOEFL/IELTS:8000-12000▪考研:6500▪六级:6750▪四级:4500▪高考:3000-3500▪中考:1600~1800▪二、背单词的有效方法▪1、死磕法▪2、联想法①口诀联想法▪lie lied lied 规则的是说谎▪lie lay lain 不规则是“躺”▪lay laid laid 躺过就下蛋,下蛋不规则。

②谐音联想法shop/shopping angel athleteleader cookie amateurgene robust germcigar apology agonyimmigrate ambition yogurttoast nutrition admiregiant curse economybass adult timiddelta ambulance envelop③拆分联想法motel chaos assesselegant candidate glovechill isolate donationsuperb leisure tuitiongenius scream protestschedule Inherit stimulatecargo abundanttenant crystal课后题1.1 请写出下列单词的中文释义:Schedule abundant donation elegant immigrant ▪3、词源法he – she live – evilbest – worst melon -- lemonplus – minus tomb – wombglad – sad zealous – jealousnear – far hospitality – hostilityaccuse – excuse humble – noblemake – fake diction – actionmonkey-donkey maximum—minimumwild – mild quantity—qualityhost – guest fire—hirejunior – senior offend—defendarmy – navy assign– resignphysical – mental arrow-bowhungry – thirty import – export前缀+ 词根+ 后缀改变单词倾向+ 决定单词意思+ 词性inter + nation+ al = inter nation al原理熟词生“词根”加“前缀”表倾向加“后缀”表种属(词性)▪词根词缀法可以用于记忆一些比较我勒个去的长单词▪pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis▪pneumono ultra micro scopic silico volcano koniosis▪肺部的-极端的-微小的-观测-硅-火山-粉尘病▪矽肺病▪①前缀+ 词根:▪im possible不可能的= im- 不+ possible 可能的▪re build重建= re- 重、再+ build 建设▪pro spect展望= pro-向前+ spect 看▪ex port输出= ex- 出+ port 运▪②词根+ 后缀▪read er读者= re a d 读+ -er 人▪dent ist牙科医生= dent 牙齿+-ist 从事某种职业者▪hope ful充满希望的= hope 希望+ -ful 充满…的▪hope less无希望的= hope 希望+ -less 无...的③前缀+ 词根+ 后缀▪un comfort able不舒服的= un- 不+ comfort 舒服+ -able 能..▪pro gress ive 前进的= pro- 向前+ gress走+ ive ...的▪con tempor ary 同时代的= con- 同+ tempor时代+ -ary ...的④ace→“ac-”尖、酸▪→ac cuse v.指责;控告▪→acu te a.敏锐的;急性的;锐角的▪→aci d a. 酸的;尖酸▪→ liqu id a.液体的▪→ sol id a.固体的▪⑤spir=breathe,表示“呼吸”▪spir it n精神;情绪▪con spire v 同谋▪ex pire v断气;期满▪in spire v吸气;鼓励▪per spire v 出汗▪re spire v呼吸;恢复精神▪tran spire v泄露▪di spirit v使沮丧(dis去掉+spirit精神)▪⑥关于词根词缀法的几点补充说明▪1、词根词缀法只能用来背单词,不能用来猜单词yellowish reddish brownishScottishEnglish▪2、有些单词无法用词根词缀法解释fiancé fiancéelatte cappuccino spaghettitsunami volcano tornado课后题1.2请写出下列单词的中文释义:Prospect visualize contemporary▪4、语境法①记单词=为单词建立“语感”▪语感=把语言和感觉直接联系起来的能力。

“pig”我们:“pig”--> p - i - g --> “猪”老外:“pig”--> (猪的图片)②利用“语境”杠杆,撬动单词记忆▪1、【原理】单词量= 阅读量▪2、【方法】制造缘分,多次遇见,每次见面,打个招呼。


“只求曾经拥有,不求天长地久”③背单词基本过程▪形同陌路▪似曾相识允许遗忘!▪一见如故▪刻骨铭心④艾宾浩斯记忆曲线课后题1.3 1、背单词,最重要的是为单词建立______2、背单词,一定要”允许”自己______三、遇见生词怎么办▪1、段首句中有生词:看懂下文解释▪2、并列部分有生词:认识一个就行▪3、段落中间有生词:直接涂黑试试▪4、生词若是关键词:可以模糊翻译▪5、段尾句中有生词:总结上文意思▪A century ago, the immigrants from across the Atlantic included settlers and sojourners.Some of them were looking to make a permanent home in the United States, while others didn’t to stay ---- they would make some money and then go home. Between 1908 and1915, about 7 million people arrived while about 2 million departed.Today, we are much more rigid about immigrants. We divide newcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad. We hail them as Americans in the making, or brand them as aliens fit for deportation.Crop pickers, violinists, construction workers, entrepreneurs, engineers, home health-care aides and particle physicists ar e among today’s immigrants. They are energetic participants in a global economy driven by the flow of work, money and ideas. They prefer to come and go as opportunity calls them. They can manage to have a job in one place anda family in another.推测词义的本质在于对英语段落结构的深刻理解!课后题1.4在以下几种情况中,遇见生词怎么办?▪段首句中有生词,看懂_下文解释___▪并列部分有生词,认识_一个_____就行▪段落中间有生词,直接_涂黑_____试试▪生词若是关键词,可以_模糊_____翻译▪段尾句中有生词,总结_上文_____意思第二天&第三天:“介词”和“介词短语”的秘密——45个基本介词的用法1、about【原始含义】a-b-out “A在B外面”【引申含义】[prep](1)在…到处,在…各处here and thereeg: We wandered about the town for an hour or so.He looked about the room.(2)在…附近next to a placeeg. She lives about the office.(3)关于in connection witheg: a book about English studyI don’t know what you are talking about.[adv](1)大约close toeg: We left there about 10 o’clock.It costs about 500 dollars.(2)到处,各处eg: The children were rushing about in the garden.(3)在附近eg : There is no food about.【常见搭配】作介词时的搭配:一.动词+(about+名词)(1)arrange (about sth) 安排关于某事(2)argue (about sth) 讨论某事(3)ask (about sth) 询问关于某事(4)boast (about sb/sth) 吹嘘...(5)care (about sb/sth)关心…,对…感兴趣(6)chat(about sth) 谈论某事(7)complain(about sb/sth) 抱怨…(8)dream (about sb/sth) 梦见某人/某物(9)go (about sth) 着手做...;从事... (10)hear (about sth) 听说...(11)know(about sth) 了解...(12)learn (about sth) 得知某事(13)put (about sth)散布(谣言等)(14)quarrel (about sth) 为...争吵(15)see (about sth) 负责处理...(16)talk(about sth) 谈论...(17)think (about sth) 考虑..(18)warn sb (about sth) 告诫某人关于某事(19)wonder(about sb/sth) 对.. 好奇(20)worry(about sb/sth) 对...担心二、名词+(about+名词)(1)concern (about sb/sth) 对…的关心/关怀(2)curiosity (about sb/sth) 对…的好奇(3)doubt (about sb/sth) 对…的怀疑(4)ethusiasm (about sth) 对…的热情(5)information (about sb/sth) 关于…的信息(6)remark (about sth) 对…的评论(7)opinion (about sth) 对…的意见(8)view (about sb/sth) 对...的观点三、be+adj+(about+名词)(1)be angry (about sth) 为…而生气(2)be anxious(about sth) 为…忧虑(3)be careful(about sth) 当心…(4)be cautious (about sth) 谨防...;对...持谨慎态度(5)be certain (about sth) 确信关于某事(6)be curious (about sth) 对…感到好奇(7)be disappointed (about sth) 对…感到失望(8)be excited (about sth) 对…感到兴奋(9)be glad/happy (about sth) 对…感到高兴(10)be hopeful (about sth) 对…抱有希望(11)be crazy/mad/wild (about sth)对…痴狂;酷爱某事(12)be nervous (about sth)为…感到不安/因...感到紧张(13)be optimistic/positive (about sth)对...是积极乐观的(14)be particular (about sb/sth) 对... 讲究,挑剔(15)be sad (about sth) 为…而难过(16)be serious (about sth) 对…认真(17)be sorry (about sth) 对...抱歉作副词时的搭配:名词+动词+about(1)sth come about某事发生(2)sth get about某事(尤指消息等)传开(3)sb turn about某人转身(4)sb wander about某人徘徊,游荡(5)sb walk about 某人走来走去2、above【原始含义】a-b-over“A在B上方”【引申含义】prep.(1)在…上方at or to a higher place than sth/sbeg: The sun rose above the horizon.(2)数目大于…/重量超过…/价格(能力、地位)高于…more than sth.; greater in number, level or age than sb./sth.eg: There is nothing in the store above 50 cents.(3)重要性或质量超过、胜过of greater importance or of higher quality than sb/sth eg. I rate her above most other players of her age.(4)声音超过…louder or clearer than another sound eg: I couldn’t hear her above the noise of the traffic.(5)不至于,不屑于做某事too good or too honest to do stheg. She is above suspicion.【常见搭配】一、动词+(above+名词)(1)live ( above one’s income) 入不敷出地生活(2)put A(above B) 把A看得比B更重要(3)rise (above sth) 克服...,不受....的影响(4)talk (above one’s head) 高深莫测地谈论二、be+(above+名词)(1)be (above oneself )兴高采烈= be in one’s high spirit(2)be (above one’s head)难以理解/超出某人理解能力3、across【原始含义】a-grass“一片草坪”,across指在平面上经过,就像人走过一片草坪那样。
