
贫民窟的百万富翁剧情简介《贫民窟的百万富翁》(《贫民富翁》)剧情简介故事讲述18岁印度青年贾马尔·马里克(戴夫·帕特尔饰),一个在印度孟买贫民窟长大的孤儿,只差一个问题就能拿到令全国观众疯狂的节目“百万富翁”二千万卢布奖金,但这时他却被捕了,他被怀疑作弊--没受过教育的孤儿为何能答对所有连博士专家都没把握全中的问题?为了证明自己的清白,他向警察讲述了他奇妙又令人不可置信的成长故事,以及他深爱的女孩……一个视钱财如粪土的人参与“百万富翁”的目的是甚么?他如何得知全部答案?影片对白:Jamal: It's a fortune. I'd like to phone a friend.Host: You're going to the wire. The final lifeline. Here we go. It's ringing! W ho is it?Jamal: That's my brother's number, but...Host: The kind of brother, who go for a walk on a 20 million rupee question?Jamal: It's the only number I know.Host: You are on your own, Jamal.Latika: Hello? Hello, Jamal?Host: I'm guessing that isn't your brother. This is...Latika: My name is Latika.Host: Okay, Latika. You want to hear the question one more time? And let's be c lear about this. 20 million rupees right on your answer, you have 30 seconds. J amal, pleaseread out the question to Latika now.Jamal: It is really you?Latika: Yes.Host: The question, Jamal. The question!Jamal: In Alexandre Dumas' book, the "The ThreeMusketeers", two of the muskete ers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third Musketeer? Was it A: Aramis, B: Cardinal Richelieu, D'Artagnan or D: Planchet?Host: 15 seconds!Jamal: Where are you?Latika: I am safe.Host: 10 seconds! Latika, what do you think?Latika: I don't know. I've never known. Jamal, without money...Host: You really are on your own now, Jamal, your final answer for 20 million r upees.Jamal: A.Host: A, because?Jamal: Just... because.Host: Final answer?Jamal: Yes, final answer. A , Aramis. Computer, A. Jamal Malik, Call Center ass istant from Mumbay, chaiwalla, for two draws 20 million rupees. You were asked who the third musketeer was in the novel by Alexander Dumas. You answered A, Ar amis. Which is. I have to tell you. The right answer!妙语佳句,活学活用1.go to the wire: 这里是打电话的意思。


No.1Who was the star in the 1973 hit film Zanjeer? A: Amitabh Bachchan.1973年的动作电影【囚禁】的主演是谁?A:阿米达·巴彻。
No.2A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. What is written underneath it?A: The truth alone triumphs. B: Lies alone triumph.C: Fashion alone triumphs. D: Money alone triumphs.印度的国徽中有三只狮子。
No.3In depictions of God Rama, he is famously holding what in his right hand?A: A flower. B: A sword. C: A child. D: A bow and arrow.教义中描述的罗摩神,他的右手里握着的是什么?A:花。

影片《贫民窟的百万富翁》由英国导演丹尼·博伊尔所执导,根据印度作家维卡斯·史瓦卢普(Vikas Swarup)的作品《问与答》所改编的。
The film "Slumdog Millionaire" was directed by the British director Danny Boyle,according to the works of "Q&A" by India writer Vikas Swarap.戴夫·帕特尔、芙蕾达·平托、亚尼·卡普等联袂出演。
Dave Patel, Freida Pinto ,Jani Kapp co-starred in.影片于2009年3月26日在中国上映。
The film was released in China in March 26, 2009.电影讲述来自贫民窟的印度街头少年贾马勒参加了电视节目《谁想成为百万富翁》,他的目的是要找回失踪的女朋友拉媞卡,他的女朋友对这个电视节目一向十分热衷。
The film tells the story of a street boy Jamal Malik from the slums of Mumbai of India,he takes participate in the most popular India television game show"Who wants to be a Millionaire",His purpose is to find his missing girlfriend Latika, he knows it is Latika’s favorite show,she would see him.杰玛·马利克在已经赢得1千万卢比,在众多屏息以待的观众面前,18岁的贫民小子只要正确回答最后一条问题,就可以在印度最受欢迎的电视游戏节目“百万富翁”中胜出,赢取二千万卢布的奖金,成为百万富翁。

文件大小 : 4.00 GiB
长度 : 2小时 0分
阿扎鲁丁·默罕默德·伊斯梅尔 Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail ....Youngest Salim
伊凡·卡汉 Irfan Khan ....Police Inspector
Imran Hasny ....Javed's House Doorkeeper
※※※※※※※ 参数信息 ※※※※※※※
文件名: [贫民窟的百万富翁(国英双语)]lionaire.2008.BluRay.720p.x264.AC3.2Audios-CMCT.mkv

1990年才出生的印裔英国男孩戴夫· 帕特 尔现在才刚成年,因为妈妈的鼓励才去参 加英剧《皮囊》的面试,因此获得踏上银 幕的首个机会,这也是他在《贫民窟的百 万富翁》之前的唯一演出经验。帕特尔果 然是90后的,喜怒哀乐都形于色,充满 了孩子气。2008年 Black Reel Award (非裔美国电影人促进基金会)最佳男主 角奖 2008年 Black Reel Award(非 裔美国电影人促进基金会)最具突破表演 奖等数十项大奖
Slumdog Millionaire
剧 情 简 介
2006年,印度孟买。 印度青年贾迈尔•马利克(戴夫•帕特尔饰)还差一 个问题就能赢得2千万卢比。他是怎么做到的?A:他作 弊;B:他幸运;C:他是天才;D:一切命中注定。 这是《谁想成为百万富翁》电视猜谜节目的人生版。 杰玛•马利克在已经赢得1千万卢比的情况下被警方以欺 诈罪逮捕,严刑拷问下贾迈尔说出他获得1千万卢比的 真相——他确实知道答案,但他只知道这些! 出身贫民窟的贾迈尔年幼就生活艰苦,他与哥哥沙 里姆、少女拉媞卡(芙蕾达•平托饰)三人却一起经历了几 十年印度的变迁。之前每一个问题,都好像是贾迈尔的 记忆碎片,牵动他关于亲情、爱情与人生的回忆。 而现在,贾迈尔一方面要洗清自己的犯罪嫌疑,一 方面要拯救与拉媞卡的爱。在金钱与爱之前,贾迈尔能 够沉着冷静,选择出正确的答案吗?
线索 -- -- jeer里的明星是谁?】 问题 【问题一:1973年的大片zan
【问题二:印度的国徽上有三头狮子,下面写着什么?】 【问题三:根据对罗摩神的描述,他的右手握着什么?】 【问题四:歌曲DarSan Do Ghanshyam是由哪位著名印度诗 人作词的?】 【问题五: 一百美元的钞票上印着哪一位美国政治家的肖像?】 【问题六:谁发明了左轮手枪】 【问题七:剑桥商圈在伦敦哪个城市】 【问题八:史上哪个板球手在甲级比赛中拿到过最多的“一百 跑”?】 【问题九:在大仲马的《三个火枪手》一书中有两个火枪手叫 Athos和Porthos,第三个火枪手的名字是什么?】
【doc】slumdog millionaire(贫民窟的百万富翁)

Slumdog Millionaire is a story which shows the life of an 18-year-old boy who once lived in the slums of India. Jamal Malik worked as a phone basher in a call center. He caught the chance to a game show - the Who Wants to be a Millionaire.Jamal luckily answered the questions and finally went through the game. Before reaching the 20-Million rupee卢比(货币)question, Jamal was arrested as the host accused [ə'kju:z]控告him cheating.Jamal then told the police why he was able to answer the question even though he was uneducated. He told his story and personal experiences on his being slum, about his brother, and his lover Latika. Now, let’s take a look at nine questions and Jamal’s life. I will talk about some of these,In descriptions of the god rama he is famously holding what in his right hand? A: A flower B: A sword C: A child D: A bow and arrowThe answer is a bow and arrow.Although the Buddhism ['bʊdɪz(ə)m] originally came from India. Many people believe in Hinduism['hinduizəm].But Jamal and his mother were Musilm. In his early life, his mother was killed in a religion riot. “I wake every morning wishing I didn’t know the answer to the question. “H e said.Then he and his brother met a girl——Latika in a rain day. Jamal said she could be the third musketeer [mʌskɪ'tɪə]火枪手known as a novel named <The three musketeers>. He thought they were friends just like three musketeers in the book. Musketeer is a clue that runs through the whole movie.A man which was called Maman helped them. He made them beg for money. He even hurt one of the children’s eyes to make him look pitiful. At last they escaped. butAmerican statesman?A: George Washington B: Franklin Roosevelt ['rəuzəvelt]C: Benjamin ['bendʒəmin] Franklin D:Abraham ['eibrə,hæm] Lincoln['liŋkən] The answer is Benjamin Franklin.Many years later, they came back. Jamal wanted to look for latika. They also found the boy who was injured by Maman. I will show this part of the movie later. This part related to the one that was played in class yesterday. Jamal gave him one hundred dollar bill which was given by an American. Because of this, Jamal did remember the answer,They killed Maman with a gun for latika, also for themselves. An important turning point had taken place. Jamal’s brother worked for Gangster Dom.(['ɡæŋstədəm]黑社会)There was no choice for latika. She went with Jamal’s brother. They began to have their own life. By an accident, Jamal got a message that latika like to watch the broadcast called the Who Wants to be a Millionaire. So he took part in this show ,just wanted to get Latika’s attention. Finally, he answered all question correctly.In Alexander [,ælig'za:ndə] Dumas [dju'ma:]’s book, ”The Three Musketeers”, Tow of the musketeers are called Athos['æθɔs] and Porthos. What was the name of the third musketeer?A: Aramis B: Cardinal RichelieuC: D’Artagnan D: PlanchetThe answer is Aramis.The God makes a joke with them. He just known tow of three musketeers. He didn’t know the answer. But he did it. Just like the sentence” it is written!”mentioned at the beginning of the movieAfter watching the movie, I have thought a lot. What makes this story great? I must say that this is one of the most realistic [rɪə'lɪstɪk] adj. 现实的;现实主义的movies I saw. Watching it is just like hearing an orphan ['ɔːf(ə)n](孤儿) telling about his struggles on the streets. It gave us a true picture of Indian society. There is love, there is also violence. Maybe we don’t live in that condition, so we can’t understand. In fact, both of their lives and ours have the same nature. We have to face the tomorrow with many unknown difficulties. The nicest thing that I like about the movie is the sunshine after the darkness. Nothing is impossible if you don’t give up.。

《贫民窟的百万富翁》5篇1000字观后感无数的经典影片为我们提供了非常的样本, 让我们发现细节描写对一部影片的重要性。

SlumdogMillionaire(贫民窟的百万富翁)经典电影英文影评Slumdog Millionaire(贫民窟的百万富翁)2008A gaudy, gorgeous rush of color, sound and motion, “Slumdog Millionaire,” the latest from the British shape-shifter Danny Boyle, doesn’t travel through the lower depths, it giddily bounces from one horror to the next.A modern fairy tale about a pauper angling to become a prince, this sensory blowout largely takes place amid the squalor of Mumbai, India, where lost children and dogs sift through trash so fetid you swear you can smell the discarded mango as well as its pee l, or could if the film weren’t already hurtling through another picturesque gutter.Mr. Boyle, who first stormed the British movie scene in the mid-1990s with flashy entertainments like “Shallow Grave” and “Transpo r ting,” has a flair for the outré. Few ot her directors could turn a heroin addict rummaging inside a rank toilet bowl into a surrealistic underwater reverie, as he does in “Tr an spor ting,” and fewer still could do so while holding onto the character’s basic humanity. The addict, played by Ewan McG regor, emerges from his repulsive splish-splashing with a near-beatific smile (having successfully retrieved some pills), a terrible if darkly funny image that turns out to have been representative not just of Mr. Boyle’s bent humor but also of his worldview: better to swim than to sink.Swimming comes naturally to Jamal (the British actor Dev Patel in his feature-film debut), who earns a living as a chai-wallah serving fragrant tea to call-center workers in Mumbai and who, after a series of alternating exh ilarating and unnervingadventures, has landed in the hot seat on the television game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” Yet wh ile the story opens with Jamal on the verge of grabbing the big prize, Simon Beaufoy’s cleverly kinked screenplay, adapted from a novel by Vikas Swarup, embraces a fluid view of time and space, effortlessly shuttling between the young contestant’s past and his present, his childhood spaces and grown-up times. Here, narrative doesn’t begin and end: it flows and eddies — just like life.By all rights the texture of Jamal’s life should have been brutally coarsened by tragedy and poverty by the time he makes a grab for the television jackpot. But because “Slumdog Millionaire” is self-consciously (perhaps commercially) framed as a contemporary fairy tale cum love story, or because Mr. Boyle leans toward the sanguine, this proves to be one of the most upbeat stori es about living in hell imaginable. It’s a life that begins in a vast, vibrant, sun-soaked, jampacked ghetto, a kaleidoscopic city of flimsy shacks and struggling humanity and takes an abrupt, cruel turn when Jamal (Ayush Mahesh Khedekar), then an exuberant 7, and his cagier brother, Salim (Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail), witness the murder of their mother (Sanchita Choudhary) by marauding fanatics armed with anti-Muslim epithets and clubs.Cast into the larger, uncaring world along with another new orphan, a shy beauty named Latika (Rubina Ali plays the child, Freida Pinto the teenager), the three children make their way from one refuge to another before falling prey to a villain whose exploitation pushes the story to the edge of the unspeakable. Although ther e’s something undeniably fascinating, or at least watchable, about this ghastly interlude — the young actors arevery appealing and sympathetic, and the images are invariably pleasing even when they should not be —it’s unsettling to watch these young characters and, by extension, the young nonprofessionals playing them enact such a pantomime. It doesn’t help even if you remember that Jamal makes it out alive long enough to have his 15 televised minutes. It’s hard to hold onto any reservations in the face of Mr. Boyle’s resolutely upbeat pitch and seductive visual style. Beautifully shot with great sensitivity to color by the cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle, in both film and digital video, “Slumdog Millionaire” makes for a better viewing experience than it does for a reflective one. It’s an undeniably attractive package, a seamless mixture of thrills and tears, armchair tourism (the Taj Mahal makes a guest appearance during a sprightly interlude) and crackerjack professionalism. Both the reliably great Irrf an Khan (“A Mighty Heart”), as a sadistic detective, and the Bollywood star Anil Kapoor, as the preening game-show host, run circles around the young Mr. Patel, an agreeable enough if vague centerpiece to all this coordinated, insistently happy chaos.In the end, what gives me reluctant pause about this bright, cheery, hard-to-resist movie is that its joyfulness feels more like a filmmaker’s calculation than an honest cry from the heart about the human spirit (or, better yet, a moral tale). In the past Mr. Boyle has managed to wring giggles out of murder (“Shallow Grave”) and addiction (“Transpo r ting”), and invest even the apocalypse with a certain joie de vivre (the excellent zombie flick “28 Days Later”). He’s a blithely glib entertainer who can dazzle you with technique and, on occasion, blindside you with emotion, as he does in his underrated children’s movie, “Millions.” He plucked my heartstrings in“Slumdog Millionaire” with well-practiced dexterity, coaxing laughter and sobs out of each sweet, sour and false note. No.2 Slumdog Millionaire(贫民窟的百万富翁)2008An orphaned Mumbai slum kid tries to change his life by winning TV's 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?' in a feelgood fable from director Danny Boyle and the writer of The Full Monty, Simon BeaufoyJamal Malik ('Skins' star Dev Patel) is being beaten by Mumbai police for allegedly cheating on hit TV show 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?' One question away from the ultimate 20 million rupee prize, no one, including slick show host Prem (Anil Kapoor), believes a chai wallah (teaboy) like Jamal could know all the answers. As the tough inspector (Irfan Khan) replays Jamal's appearance on the show, it's revealed that each question corresponds to a specific life lesson from Jamal's tragic past.Raised in abject poverty in Mumbai's grimmest slum along with older brother Salim, then orphaned by a Hindu mob attack, Jamal and Salim are forced to fend for themselves on the streets through opportunistic petty crime. They pick up a young girl, fellow orphan Latika (Freida Pinto), escape the clutches of a vicious Fagin-like crime boss, lose Latika, and continue their picaresque adventures, one step ahead of the law. As adolescents, however, Salim becomes entranced by a life of crime and Latika's unexpected return sets brother against brother. Will Jamal salvage his girl, his fortune and his life on 'Millionaire'?Adapted by Full Monty writer Simon Beaufoy from Vikas Swarup's hit novel 'Q&A', Slumdog is an underdog tale. Beaufoy's lively screenplay scampers after Swarup's self-consciously Dickensian storytelling tradition, and is even built around the 'Millionaire' show, as iconic a symbol of Western capitalistentertainment as exists.Director Danny Boyle and cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle have evidently immersed themselves in India's sensory overload. The film revels in the sub-continent's chaotic beauty and raging colours, from Mumbai shantytowns to Agra's regal Taj Mahal. The thrillingly off-the-cuff digital imagery reflects a nation in a state of explosive flux, looming skyscrapers erupting from wasteland, slum kids turning into overnight millionaires through the kiss of television. The film's uniquely vibrant, headlong 21st century rush is that of the infinite possibilities of modern India itself.Slumdog's such a crowd-pleaser that some critics might brand it Boyle's best since Trainspotting . It even echoes a couple of that film's classic set pieces, notably a slum chase reminiscent of Renton and Co's opening Edinburgh dash and a lavatorial incident so stomach-churning (yet hilarious), it makes Trainspotting's infamous toilet scene seem like Ewan McGregor took an Evian bath.In fact, the likable Boyle has been on great form for some time -28 Days Later revamped the zombie movie, Millions is perhaps the best kids film of recent years. No other current British director makes such thrillingly current (all his films are set in either the present or future), kinetic, inherently visual films and proper recognition is long overdue -though, true to form, he's insistent here on crediting co-director Loveleen Tandan, whose major contribution seems to have been unearthing the wonderfully naturalistic kids to play Jamal, Salim and Latika.VerdictA spirited underdog fable marinated in modern India's melting pot. Danny Boyle's still the master of spices.。

Bombay, 2006印度孟买2006年Jamal Malik is one question awayfrom winning 20 million rupees.Jamal Malik只差一个问题就能赢得两千万卢比How did he do it?他是怎么做到的?He cheatedA: 他作弊了He's luckyB: 他运气好He's a geniusC: 他是个天才It is writtenD: 命中注定Good evening!晚上好!Welcome to "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire"!欢迎来到"谁想成为百万富翁"!Are you ready?准备好了吗?Yes.好了Please give a big round of applauseto a very first contestant of the night 请为我们今晚的第一位参赛者热烈鼓掌Jamal Malik from our veryown... Mumbay!欢迎来自我们孟买的Jamal Malik!Hello, let's play.你好我们开始吧Smile, you'll be fine.微笑别紧张啊Name.名字Motherchud, name!他妈的快说名字!Jamal Malik.Jamal Malik啊You have a name. Good. Stop crying.你有名字好的别哭了Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.谢谢谢谢非常感谢So, Jamal...那么 Jamal...tell me something about yourself.向大家介绍一下自己I work in a call-center我在一个客服中心工作in Juhu. - Good.- 在Juhu(孟买市郊)- 好的A phone basher..接电话的...And what type of call-center should that be?那该是个什么样的客服中心啊?XL5 mobile phones.XL5移动电话So you are the one who calls me up这么说来你就是那个every single day of my lifewith special offers, huh?每天打来推销东西的家伙哈?No, actually I am an assistant.不实际上我是个助理An assistant phone basher?接电话的还有助理?And what does an assistantphone basher do exactly?接电话的助理到底做些什么呢?I get tea for people and...Chaiwalla. A chaiwalla.- 我给人端茶送水...- 茶水工一个茶水工Well, ladies and gentlemen,好女士们先生们Jamal Malik...chaiwalla from Mumbay,Jamal Malik... 来自孟买的茶水工let's play "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"!让我们开始吧"谁想成为百万富翁?"!So, has he confessed yet?他承认了没?Except his name I could not getanything of him.除了名字我什么都套不出来You have been here the whole bloodynight, Srinivas. What have you been doing? 你他妈的都在这儿一晚上了Srinivas 你都干了些什么?He's a tough guy.他是个硬汉A little electricity willloosen his tongue, give him.来点电他就会开口了上吧Yes sir.是的先生So, were you wired up?你带了什么通讯工具?Mobile phone or a pager?手机还是寻呼机?Or coughing accomplice in the audience?还是在观众里安插了帮手咳嗽着给你提示?Or microchip under your skin, huh?还是在皮肤里埋了微芯片哈?The chip is not here.芯片不在这儿Not here? Ok, leave it.不在这儿? 好让它去吧It's hot, and my wife is giving me hell.天这么热我老婆还让我活受罪I've got a desk full of murderers, rapists,我有满满一桌子的杀人犯强奸犯extortionists, bomb bandits, and you.敲诈犯人弹还有你So why don't you save us both a lot of time为什么不替大家都省点时间and tell me how you cheated.告诉我你是怎么作弊的I'm done sir.好了先生Now listen.听好了Hello!喂!He's is unconscious,chutiya. What good is that?他失去意识了怎么回事?How many times have I toldyou, you should once...我都跟你说了多少遍了你怎么就不...I'm sorry sir.对不起先生Now we'll have Amnesty International here这回大赦国际又要来peeing in their pants about human rights.指责我们无视人权了Sir I was thinking...先生我只是想...Get him down, tidy him up please.For God's sake!把他放下来收拾干净看在上帝的份上!Sir, what if he did know whe answers?先生要是他确实知道答案呢?Professors, doctors, lawyers,general knowledge-wallas 教授医生律师知识分子never get beyond 60,000 rupees.从没有冲过六万卢比的He's on 10 million.他拿了一千万What can a slumdog possibly know?贫民窟的小子知道点啥?The answers.答案I knew the answers.我知道答案Slumdog Millionaire.<贫民窟的百万富翁>Jamal, catch it!Jamal 接住!Jamal, it's yours!Jamal 看你了!How did you manage to dropa sitter like that, damn it? 我靠你怎么就没接住呢?Private ka-land!乱闯禁区!Catch him!抓住他!The dogs are coming! Run!大狗来了! 快跑!If the planes won't kill you, we will!飞机没杀了你们我们会的!Hey brother!嘿兄弟!Sorry!对不起!I'm very sorry.真对不起Oh shit, it's Mum.噢糟糕是老妈You want me to wallop you to death, huh?想让我把你们打死是吧?Brother, leave these two to me.兄弟这两个我来处理Come on.快点Athos.AthosThe Three Musketeers.三个火枪手Repeat it!"You have sent for me, Sir?" said Athos.跟我读!"你替我寄出去了先生?" Athos说Ah, here come our very own musketeers.啊我们的火枪手们来了Thank you for gracing us allwith your presence.多谢你们的出席Porthos!Porthos!Well, open it, Salim.好翻开它 SalimStop doing that and open the book, Jamal.别再闹了把书翻开 JamalAthos?Athos?So... Mr. Malik那么... Malik先生the man who knows all the answers.无所不知的人Talk.说吧Talk!快说!So Jamal, are you ready for thefirst question, for 1,000 rupees? 那么 Jamal 你准备好回答第一个价值一千卢比的问题了吗?Yes.是的Not bad money to sit on a chair就坐在椅子上回答问题and answer a question.这点钱算不错了Better than making tea, no?比沏茶强吧?No. Yes. No.不是的不No? Yes? No? Is that your final answer?不? 是的? 不? 这是你的最终答案?So remember. You have three lifelines.记住你有三次求助机会Ask the audience, fifty-fifty请教现场观众去掉一半错误答案and call a friend.以及打电话向朋友求助So the first question, for1,000 rupees,here we go.那么第一个问题价值一千卢比开始了Who was the star in the 1973hit-film "Zanjeer"?1973年的大片Zanjeer里的明星是?I'm in trouble, here...我有麻烦了给...Here... Money. Take the money...给... 钱拿着...Get out of there, Jamal.Prakash wants a big one.出来 JamalPrakash想要上大号Not finished.还没完呐Stop your time-pass boys. This is urgent...别浪费时间了孩子我很急...It's a shy one...多不好意思...and since when there isa time limit on a crap?什么时候拉屎都有时限了?This is borderline kid. Get a move on...快不行了孩子赶紧出来...Since there was a customer waiting,that's when Jamal! Jamal 外面有个客人等着呢!Give me the money back!Give! I'll go elsewhere.把钱还我! 快! 我去别处Bloody idiot.蠢蛋You just lost me a bloody customer.你该死的让我失去了一个客人Amitabh's helicopter!阿米塔布的直升机!That's Amitabh's helicopter!那是阿米塔布的直升机!Amitabh!阿米塔布!Amitabh Bachchan!阿米塔布·巴强!Salim, open it!Salim 开门!Amitabh Bachchan!阿米塔布·巴强!My Amitabh sir!我的阿米塔布先生!Move, move! Out of the way!走开走开! 给我让开!Please wait, I am coming for you!请等等我来了!Amitabh sir, please give me your autograph阿米塔布先生请您给我签名You've got it now have you?Amitabh's autograph?你拿到了是吧? 阿米塔布的签名?That was my autograph!那是我的签名照!Amitabh gave it to me!阿米塔布给我的!I'll never get another!再没有第二张了!He offered a good price, so I sold it.他开了好价钱所以我卖了But it was mine...可那是我的...A, Amitabh Bachchan.A: 阿米塔布·巴强Guess what, you're right.You just won , rupees.知道吗你答对了你赢了一千卢比You don't have to be a genius.并不非得是个天才I knew it was Amitabh Bachchan.我也知道是阿米塔布·巴强Like I said, you do not have to be a genius.如我所言并不非得是个天才He's the most famous man in India.他是印度最有名的人A picture of three lions, as seenon the national emblem of India. 印度的国徽上有三头狮子What is written underneath?下面写着什么?The truth alone triumphsA: 真理胜过一切Lies alone triumphB: 谎言胜过一切Fashion alone triumphsC: 时尚胜过一切Money alone triumphsD: 金钱胜过一切What do you think, Jamal?你觉得是什么 Jamal?The most famous phrase of our country.我国家喻户晓的成语Do you like to call a friend?你要打电话给朋友么?Ask the audience.请教现场观众Who'd put him out of hismisery, ladies and gentlemen? 女士们先生们谁能解除他的苦恼?My five-year old daughtercan answer that question,我五岁的小女儿都能答出来but you couldn't.可你却不能That's strange for a millionaire genius.这对一个天才的百万富翁来说太奇怪了What happened?怎么回事?Your accomplice sneaked out for a piss?你的同伙溜出去尿尿了?The inspector is asking something.长官在问话呢How much is panipuri atDharisha store on Chowpatty? Chowpatty海滩上的Dharisha店里一份油炸小点卖多少钱? What?什么?Panipuri. One plate. How much?油炸小点一盘多少钱?- rupees.- Wrong.- 十卢比- 错since Diwali.排灯节之后是十五卢比Who stole Constable Varmy's bicycle谁上周四在Santa Cruz车站外面outside Santa Cruz station last Thursday?偷了Constable Varmy的自行车?You know who that was?你知道是谁?Everyone in Juhu knows that.Juhu的每个人都知道Even five year olds.即便是五岁小孩Congratulations, Jamal.You just won 4,000 rupees.恭喜你 Jamal 你刚赢得了四千卢比A 16 thousand rupees.这个问题价值一万六千卢比Religion. Interesting.宗教问题有意思In depictions of God Rama he is根据对罗摩神的描述famously holding what in his right hand?他的右手中握着什么?Run!快跑!Salim, Jamal! Run!Salim! Jamal! 快跑!They're Muslims, get them!他们是穆斯林抓住他们!Get a move on! Come with us!快点! 跟上我们!Hey, get lost!嘿快滚Are you deaf? I said piss off!你们聋了是吗? 我说滚开!Come with us.跟我们来I wake up every morning wishing I didnot know the answer to that question. 每天早上醒来我都希望不知道这个问题的答案If it wasn't for Rama and Allah...如果不是因为罗摩神和真主阿拉I would still have a mother.我妈妈应该还活着A bow and arrow.弓和箭Final answer?确定?Final answer.确定Computer, D?计算机是D吗?You just won 16,000 rupees.恭喜你赢得了一万六千卢比Well done, my friend.干得好我的朋友Time for commercial break.Don't go away now.现在是广告时间别走开You got lucky, huh?真走运哈?If I were you I'd take the money and run.如果我是你我会拿钱走人的You're not going to the next one.下一题你是答不出的Piss off!滚蛋!She'll have the security guard on us!她会把保安引来的!Let her in.让她进来She could be the third musketeer.她能成为第三个火枪手I'm the elder in this family now,and I say, she's not coming in, okay? 现在我是一家之长我说她不能进来明白吗?In any case...无论如何...We don't even know the nameof the third bloody musketeer.我们都不知道那该死的第三个火枪手叫什么Salim?Salim?Come over here.过来Where's your mother?你妈妈呢?Your father?那你爸爸呢?I'm Jamal.我叫JamalThis is my brother Salim.这是我哥哥SalimI'm Latika.我叫LatikaYou can sleep here if you want.你想睡就睡在这儿吧Thank you Jamal.谢谢你 JamalWelcome back to "WhoWants To Be A Milionaire?"欢迎回到"谁想成为百万富翁?"Our contestant, Jamal Malik,call-center assistant from Mumbay,我们的选手 Jamal Malik来自孟买的电话中心助理is on 16 thousand rupees,已经赢得一万六千卢比and has already used only onelifeline, ask the audience.而他已经使用了一次求助请教了现场观众So my friend, you're into serious money.那么我的朋友你得认真考虑一下Shall we play?还要继续吗?Yes.是的The song "Darshan Do Ghanshyam" waswritten by which famous Indian poet? 歌曲<i>Darshan Do Ghanshyam</i>是由哪位著名印度诗人作词的?SurdasA: 苏达斯TulsidasB: 妥切达斯Mira BaiC: 米勒拜KabirD: 戈彼It's hot, huh?很热吧?The way he's taking care ofus, he must be a good man.他这么照顾我们一定是个好人Must be a bloody saint必是个圣人We're not allowed to talk to the others.他不准我们同别人说话Why?为什么?If we get seconds, thenhe really must be a saint.如果我们能空下来那他就真的是个圣人了Very good, Arvind. Very good.非常好 Arvind 非常好Laughing at me. I'll kill you.敢笑我我要杀了你Hey, get off her.嘿放开她Don't touch me!别碰我!You fat bastard!你个肥球!You big tree!你棵大树!Punnoose, I think you've found your dog.Punnoose 我想你找到走狗了Okay, time to go. Get to work.好时间到干活去Think you're here for a picnic?觉得你们到这儿野餐来了?What do you think this is, a holiday?怎么着度假来了?And what are you laughing at?你们在笑什么?Give me that.给我Shut up!收声!Brother Salim.Salim哥哥What's up little brother, you got a problem?怎么了我的小弟有问题吗?Hey take her. She's yours today.嘿抱着她今天她是你的了I don't want her.我不想要她Take her. It's for your owngood. Babies earn double. 抱着她这是为你好抱个小孩能多挣一倍She said she doesn't want her.她说她不想抱着她Shut it Jamal!收声 Jamal!Take her now or i'll drop her.马上抱好她不然我放手了Keep her crying, and you'll earn triple.让她一直哭就又能多挣一倍了Come on! Get to work!快! 干活去吧!We'll use the hottest ones.我们找最辣的Chillies on his willy!小鸡鸡着火了!I'll get you back!我会报仇的!Go back to sleep all of you!都给我睡觉去!Very good. I am happy.很好我很开心He's ready. - I'm ready as well.- 他准备好了- 我也是Come on, move the lamp.来把灯拿开Okay.好Bring Jamal over.带Jamal过来Listen, kid. It's decision time.听着小子该做决定了You want the life of a slumdogor the life of a man, huh?你想要贫民窟里的生活还是体面的生活啊?A real man. A gunfighter.做个人一个火枪手Your destiny is in your hands, brother.你的命运就在自己手中兄弟You can be like me or...你可以像我这样或者...Understand?明白吗?I understand.我明白Go. Get Jamal.去把Jamal叫来I just need Maman to like mysinging, and we're in the money. 我只需要让Maman喜欢我的歌唱然后我们就有钱了Big money, Latika.一大笔钱 LatikaAnd then what? Can we stop begging?那之后呢? 我们能不再要饭吗?Begging? Are you kidding?要饭? 你脑袋秀逗了吧We'll live in a big house on Harbour Road.我们会住在海港路上的大房子里You, me and Salim. The Three Musketeers.你我还有Salim 三个火枪手Harbour Road. Really?海港路真的吗?Yes.嗯In the moonlight...在月光下...You and me.你和我You'll dance with me won't you?你会和我翩翩起舞的吧?I hope you sing better than you dance.我希望你唱得比跳得好It's my turn. - Sing well.- 到我了- 好好唱So this is it huh, brother?就是现在了哈老哥?The good life here we come.美好生活我们来了Athos.AthosPorthos?Porthos?When I say当我说It's time to get professional.是时候转职业的了What? Really?什么? 真的?First, let me hear that song...首先让我听听那首歌...Darshan to Ghanshyam.<i>Darshan do Ghanshyam</i>That's my favourite.那是我的最爱Fifty rupees.五十卢比Now I'm a professional, what can I do?既然那是我的职业我还能怎么办?Cheeky little bugger.厚颜无耻的小鬼Here you go.给你Jamal, go. Run!Jamal 快跑!Hold on! Catch them!挺住! 抓住他们!Get the torches! Get them!拿上火把! 抓住他们!Latika, run!Latika 快跑!Come on, Latika! Grab his hand!快啊 Latika! 抓住他的手!What happened, what happened?怎么回事怎么回事?She let go!她自己松手的!We've got to go back,brother. We've got to go. 我们得回去哥哥我们必须回去Go back and we're dead.回去我们就死定了Have you gone mad?He was going to take your eyes out!他是要挖掉你的眼珠!With a spoon.用勺子Don't worry about her. She'll be fine.别担心她她会没事的She always is.永远都会Surdas.苏达斯Surdas?苏达斯?Surdas final answer?苏达斯确定么?Yes.确定Guess what, you're right!知道么你答对了!Blind singers earn double you know that?你知不知道盲人歌手能赚两倍的钱?What happened to a girl?They blinded her too? 那女孩怎么样了? 他们也把她弄瞎了么?They had other plans.他们还有别的阴谋Well it took me a long time to find out.我花了好久才发现Got to let it go.别想了Come on.走吧Where? - I'm starving.- 去哪?- 我快饿死了Get up!起来!So is it your Dad's train then?这火车是你老爸的?Is this heaven?这里是天堂么?You are not dead, Jamal.你没有死 JamalWhat is it?那是什么?Some hotel huh?The Taj Mahal is considered thefinest example of modern architecture.泰姬陵被认为是现代建筑的最佳范例...was completed around 1648 usingthe labour force of 20,000 workers.建于1648年前后动用二万人力In 1980 it became a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site and was cited...1980年被联合国教科文组织评为世界文化遗产Official tour guide.<i>官方导游</i>Please take off your shoes<i>请您脱鞋</i>Please, please.不好意思请问一下What time is the next tour?下一次导游是什么时候?We are on tight schedule.我们赶时间We have to see the RedFort this afternoon.我们下午还得去参观红堡VISITORS ARE REQUESTED TO COLLECT RECEIPT<i>请游客谨记索取发票</i>No, I... - Please, would it be possibl?to show us up round now?- 不不我不是...- 拜托了能不能现在带我们参观?Obviously we understand that itcosts more for just the two of us.我们当然明白只带我俩参观就得多给钱这没问题But of course madam!没问题夫人!Please follow me.请跟我来The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Khurrama泰姬陵是由Khurrama皇帝建造的(其实应该是Shah Jahan皇帝)for his wife Mumtaz, who was themaximum beautiful woman in the world.他的皇后Mumtaz是当时世界上最漂亮的女人这正是为她而造Then when she died, the emperordecided to build this five-star hotel,她死之后皇帝决定建造这座五星级酒店for everyone who wouldlike to visit her tomb.为所有前来参观她陵墓的人提供住宿But he died in 1587 before any of therooms were built, or any of the lifts.但他在1587年死了房间啊电梯啊什么都还没造好But this swimming pool as you can see wascompleted on schedule in top class fashion. 但这个游泳池按规划完工了是当时最流行的款式Is says nothing of this in the guide book.旅游手册里都没写这些啊The guide book was written by a bunchof lazy good-for-nothing Indian beggars. 旅游手册都是一帮好吃懒做的印度乞丐写的And this lady and gentlemenis the burial place of Mumtaz.先生们女士们这里就是Mumtaz皇后的陵墓How did she die?她是咋死的?A road traffic accident. - Really?- 她死于一场交通事故- 真的啊?Maximum pile-up.好几辆车层层相叠I thought she died in childbirth.我还以为她是难产死的呢Exactly sir. She was on the wayto hospital when it happened.先生所言极是她当时正是在前往医院的路上Ready?准备好了么?Smile.笑一个Shoes! American brands!卖鞋哟! 美国名牌!Smile.笑一个This, Mr David, is the biggestDhobi Ghat in the whole of India.David先生这里是全印度最大的洗衣场That's amazing.可真壮观Come on, take a real good look at this.来好好看一眼They say that every man in Uttar Pradesh人们都说每个北方邦的人is wearing a kurta that has beenat least washed once out here.一定都有一件在此洗涤过至少一次的衣服Move it around! Pit-stop's godspeed! Schumacher got style!手脚麻利点! 赢得时间就是赢得比赛!There are the cows or are thosebuffalos... What are those over there?那边有奶牛还有水牛...那里是怎么回事?Oh, shit.哦真见鬼What the hell happened here?这他妈的是怎么回事?Ok. Hold it!行了快住手!You've got the insurance don't you?你买了保险的吧是不是?Are you ok?你还好么?You wanted to see a bitof real India? Here it is!你想体验真正的印度文明么?这一幕就是了!Well, here is a bit ofthe real America, son.告诉你什么是真正的美国文明孩子Oh, yes, yes! Jesus...噢是啊是啊! 没错...Here.给On an american 100 dollar bill在一百美元钞票上there's a portrait ofwhich american statesman?印着哪一位美国政治家的肖像?George WashingtonA: 乔治·华盛顿Franklin RooseveltB: 弗兰克林·罗斯福Benjamin FranklinC: 本杰明·富兰克林Abraham LincolnD: 亚伯拉罕·林肯Pay or play, Jamal?拿钱走人还是继续冒险 Jamal?You decide.由你决定Oh god he's looking at thecamera. He hasn't got a clue.天啊他正看镜头呢一脸茫然This is gonna be a walk away. Stand by.他肯定是要拿钱走人了信我的No, he's gonna play with him first.才不会呢他是要先耍耍他Jamal?Jamal?Get a lot of 100 dollar billsin your in your line of work? 在你工作生涯中拿过挺多百元大钞的?A minimum tip for my services.小费我最少都拿这么多Oh, now I know why mycellphone bills are so high.哦那我可知道我手机费咋这么贵了They tip the chaiwalla with 100 dollar bills.端茶的小子都得给一百块的小费啊It's C. Benjamin Franklin.选C 本杰明·富兰克林You're gonna play, huh?你还想玩下去是不?I think I've just had, hadn't I?我觉得我刚才的表现就是表明态度了?So you exactly have C, right?那么你确定选C了对么?Who's on 1,000 rupee note?一千卢比上印的是谁?I don't know.不知道You don't know?你不知道?Ghandi is he.就是甘地啊Oh, I have heard of him.哦他啊听说过Don't get clever别耍滑头or I'll get the electricity out again.否则我就再电多你几次Look.听着They didn't ask me thatquestion. I don't know why.他们没拿这问题问我我可不知道为什么Ask them.问他们去啊It's funny, you don't seemlike you're interested in money. 真有趣你看上去对钱不怎么感兴趣啊By the fact you have...而事实上你是赢了 million rupees!一百万卢比!Explain the 100 dollar bill.解释一下为什么知道百元美钞的答案Bombay had turned name to Mumbay.时过境迁沧海已成桑田Why don't you understand?你怎么就是不明白呢?A girl lived here. As tall as me perhaps.在这住过的一个女孩跟我差不多高Her name was Latika.Don't know anyone of that name.- 她名字叫Latika- 不认识这么个人Two chicken burgers, twofries, one diet cola, one coke!两个鸡肉汉堡两包薯条一杯可乐一杯无糖可乐!One mineral water!一瓶矿泉水!Shimla.ShimlaI'm going to Chowpatty, ok? Wanna come?我要去Chowpatty海滩一起么?For god's sake, you've got some disease?我的天啊你是不是有病啊?You're forcing back to this shithole.你费了那么大劲跑回这破地方We leave our friends, a good life,把朋友和好日子都撇下了lots of money. For this?!钱也不要了就是为了这?!We came back to find her.我们是回来找她的You did. I don't give a shit about her.那是你我才不管她死活呢Plenty of pussy in Bombay for Salim.孟买有大把美女任我Salim选啊Oh yes!我可不是吹!You should come back tothe Cages on Saturday night, 周六晚你应该安安生生回个家instead of ghost searchingfor your lost love.而不是到处游荡寻找丢失已久的爱情I'm going to Chowpatty.我要去Chowpatty海滩I'm going to Chowpatty!"我要去Chowpatty海滩"!There are 19 millionpeople in this city, Jamal.这城里有一千九百万人呐 JamalForget about her.别惦记她了She's a "stree".她都成历史了Greetings, Sir.你好先生Blessings be unto thosewho do good for others.乐于助人者自有神灵保佑Dollars. How much?是美元多少啊?. - So you take me for a fool.- 一百- 你当我傻啊Honestly. I swear on my mothers soul.是真的我以我母亲的灵魂起誓What's on this note? Whose picture is it?这钱上有什么? 是谁的肖像?There's an old man...是个老人...He's bald on top with longhair on the sides, like a girl. 头顶是秃的周围的头发很长跟女孩的一样Benjamin Franklin.本杰明·富兰克林So you're a big guy now, Jamal.你长这么高了 JamalI'm happy for you.我真为你高兴I'm sorry...对不起我...You got saved my friend. I wasn't so lucky.你得救了啊朋友我就不那么走运了That's the only difference.这就是唯一的差别Arvind, I'm trying to find...Arvind 我正在找...You owe Maman. Stay away.你欠Maman的走开He never forgets.他可一直记着呢I owe Latika.我欠Latika的She's alive isn't she?她还活着吧对吧?More than alive. She's on Pilastreet. They call her Cherry. 活得好着呢她在Pila街上大家都叫她CherryThanks.谢谢I'll be singing at your funeral.等着听我在你的葬礼上歌唱吧So, is it her or not?那是不是她啊?She's sexy, man!她可真性感啊伙计!Who is this? - Jamal?- 你们是谁?- Jamal?I'll get the bags.- Who are you? What do you want?- 我去打包- 你们是谁? 你们要干嘛?You stupid boys! - Pack it in! Put that.- 你们俩傻小子!- 包起来! 放进来How did you find me?你们怎么找到我的?Take the cash. Come on!把钱拿上快!We got it. Let's go!拿到了快走!Shit.靠Look who we have here!瞧瞧这两位是谁啊!Hello again.又见面了啊Jamal, Salim.Jamal SalimI never forget a face.面孔我从来不会忘Have a nose我很敏感especially one that I own.尤其是对属于我的东西You really thought you could justwalk in and take my prize away? 你们真以为能大摇大摆地来夺走我的劳动成果?Latika, come.Latika 过来Have you any idea how muchthis little virgin is worth?你们知不知道这个小处女值多少钱?Please continue, Master-Ji. - Ok, sir.- 请继续吧 Ji师傅- 好的先生Get them out of here! - No!- 把他们赶出去!- 不行!Move! Get over there!你! 过去那边!Let's not be foolish, Salim.咱们可都别犯傻 SalimHeavy, isn't it? Give it to me.很重吧对不对? 把它给我On your knees! Down!跪下! 快点跪下!Both of you! Down!你俩也一样! 跪下!Money!拿钱来!You can have money, here.要钱我可以给你Look.你看Take it. Go, disappear with your friend.And we'll forget all about this, ok? 拿上走吧跟你的朋友一起消失吧我们就算一笔勾销了如何?Maman never forgets. Isn't that right?Maman从不忘怀不是么?Oh, Maman can make an exception, huh?喔 Maman也可以例外一次的对吧?I can't take that risk Maman. Sorry.我可不能冒这个险 Maman对不住了Let's go.我们走Stay! - Jamal!- 你们别动!- Jamal!Let's go! Let's go!快走! 快走!Who invented the revolver?是谁发明了左轮手枪?Samuel Colt.Samuel ColtFinal answer?不改了?Final answer.不改了Jamal Malik, you're on a dream run.Jamal Malik 你可真是顺风顺水My heart says you're gonna win more.我觉得你将收获更多Computer... A.电脑显示... 答案为AI was right.我果然没猜错The chaiwalla has done it again.这端茶的小子又答对了Incredible!不可思议!Reception!前台!Stay there. Look away.别过来把脸转过去I'll know if you're looking.你们要是偷看我会知道哦No i'm not.我没偷看Is Salim still there?Salim还在那么?Where is Salim?Salim在哪?I don't know.我不知道You're a sweet boy, Jamal.你真贴心 JamalI'm looking for Javed.我想找JavedMotherchud! He's not looking for you. 小兔崽子! 他没打算找你I killed Maman,我杀了Mamanand I'll kill you too.我也可以杀了你Easy.小菜一碟Did you really kill him?你真把他杀了?Good. My enemy's enemy is a friend.很好我敌人的敌人就是我的朋友Come here, my friend.过来吧我的朋友I've been looking for someone like you. 我找你这样的人找很久了You came back for me.你回来找我了Of course.当然I thought you'd forgotten.我还以为你忘了I never forgot. Not for one moment.我从没忘记过一刻不停I knew I'd find you in the end.我知道最终一定会找到你It's our destiny.这是我们的宿命Destiny?宿命?Thank you.谢谢你Come.跟我走No, brother. You had a lot to drink.不哥哥你总是酗酒I am the elder. I am the boss.我是哥哥我说了算For once you do as I say.叫你一次就照做Now get out!现在就给我滚吧!Come on, I saved your life, didn't I?跟我走我救了你的命对吧?Salim, please...Salim 求你...I'll kill you!我要杀了你!I am number one now.我才是头儿Salim! Open!Salim! 开门!Shut up!闭嘴!The man with the Colt says shut up!我有枪我叫你闭嘴!Go now or gun master willshoot you right between the eyes. 现在就滚不然我就在你脑门正中央开一枪Don't think you want.别还想着要别的I'm giving you five seconds.我给你5秒钟One.1Two.2Go, Jamal.你走吧 JamalCiao.再见了So, did you see them again?那你再见过他们没有?I wouldn't be here if I had.如果有我就不会来这了Was she pretty?她漂亮不?I guess not.我猜不咋地The most beautiful woman in the world.她是这世界上最美丽的女人You mean of the beach of the slum.你是说在贫民窟海滩边最美Well well... the slumdog barks.瞧瞧... 穷小子发飙了Money and women.金钱美女The reasons for make most mistakes in life.诱使人们一次又一次犯错Looks like you've mixed up both.你可是两个都不落啊Srinivas, you need the exersice.Srinivas 你得多锻炼了Go and get me something to eat.去给我买点吃的回来Yes sir.是的先生And chai.再买点茶Idiot, Srinivas.真是白痴啊 SrinivasYou puzzled me slumdog.你让我很困惑啊穷小子Admitting murder替别人扛谋杀的罪名is not exactly clever thinking.可不是什么好点子Now why would you do that?你为什么那么做?When somebody asks me aquestion I tell them the answer. 有人问我问题我就给他们答案So, how did you manage to get on the show?那你是怎么混进比赛的?Okay everyone, listen up.好了各位听仔细了It's been a big week for UK.这是对英国极重要的一周Kat is back.Kat回归了But she is already back. Bardi... Jamal?。

• 博伊尔更像是库布里克和 昆汀· 塔伦蒂洛的混合体, 身上充满叛逆的后现代气 质。 • 今年2 月底的奥斯卡颁奖 礼上,博伊尔上台领取最 佳导演的小金人时,突然 人来疯发作,在领奖台重 重地蹦了三下。博伊尔告 诉记者,当时,他脑袋里 惦记的是早年和自己孩子 的一个约定。他曾经跟他 们开玩笑说:“如果我得 到奥斯卡,就学动画片《 小熊维尼》里的跳跳虎那 样,在台上蹦几下。”
• • • • • • • •
英文名:Dev Patel 中文名:戴夫· 帕特尔 出生日期:1990年4月23日 星座:金牛座 身高:187cm 出生地: 英国伦敦的哈罗(貌似是个区) 家庭:Raj Patel(爸爸)Anita Patel(妈妈)Komal Patel(妹妹) 经历:小学就读朗菲德小学,后来到怀特摩尔高学校学戏剧。跆拳道黑 带。经常参加国家和国际锦标赛,其中包括世界锦标赛,并获得了30枚奖牌
《 Skins》 (皮囊)2007 《Slumdog Millionaire》(贫民窟的百万富翁)2008 《Mister Eleven 》(十一先生)2009 《The Last Airbender》(最后的气宗) 2010 小花絮: 导演丹尼· 博伊尔原想在印度寻找本片男主角的扮演者,但 他没有成功;他的女儿在看过连续剧《皮囊》(S kins )后向他强烈推荐了本 片的最终男主角:戴夫· 帕特尔。
下雨时,主角和哥哥在集装箱里睡觉,主角让那女孩进来,可哥哥不肯,理由:“她会招来警察”,不过在主角一 再要求下,哥哥还是默许了,注意,哥哥睡觉时是睁着眼的,那眼神有点恐怖。主角和哥哥跳上火车逃跑时,哥哥 故意放开了那女孩的手,说她会拖累自己。 哥哥拿枪指着人贩,要那人贩发誓不再报复,可人贩不同意,哥哥说“对不起,我不能冒这个险”,开枪。杀了人 贩后,为了怕报复,哥哥投奔了人贩的对手,而且为了怕弟弟也蹚浑水,他拿枪逼着弟弟离开,并强暴了弟弟的女 友,这一切都是为了让弟弟“放弃”。哥俩长大后第一次在施工中的顶楼相见,弟弟打了哥哥一拳,并说“我永远 不会原谅你”,哥哥只是小声的说“我知道”。最后,哥哥在电视上看到弟弟,无奈的对那女的说:“他永远也不 肯放弃”,这句话点明了以前的一切所作所为都是为了保护弟弟阿!无奈,他最终没能让弟弟放手,只好让那女的 去找弟弟,并在弟弟赢得大奖后欣慰说了句“感谢神阿”,同时干掉了最后一个对弟弟有威胁的人--黑帮老大。以 上几点换个角度来看的话其实包含着哥哥对弟弟细致的保护,萨利姆虽说做事风格毒辣但在残酷现实面前我们又何 对其太苛刻呢!有缺陷但美丽!
【推荐】贫民窟的百万富翁影评word版本 (7页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==贫民窟的百万富翁影评贫民窟的百万富翁影评(一)生活在环境恶劣的贫民窟中,孩子们还在开心的玩耍,他们也有自己的理想和追求,为了一个偶像的签名可以跳进粪坑;误入黑帮,逃出苦难后仍不忘记被困于黑帮的小伙伴。
【ppt】slumdog millionaire(贫民窟的百万富翁)

• On an American one hundred dollar bill, there is a portrait(肖像)of which American statesman? • A: George Washington • B: Franklin Roosevelt • C: Benjamin Franklin • D:Abraham Lincoln • The answer is Benjamin Franklin.
• In descriptions of the god rama(印度教神罗摩) he is famously holding what in his right hand? • A: A flower • B: A sword • C: A child • D: A bow and arrow
• On an American one hundred dollar bill, there is a portrait(肖像)of which American statesman? • A: George Washington • B: Franklin Roosevelt • C: Benjamin Franklin • D:Abraham Lincoln
• An important turning point had taken place. Jamal’s brother worked foranswered all question correctly.
• In Alexander Dumas ’s (大 仲马)book, ”The Three Musketeers”(三个火枪手), Tow of the musketeers are called Athos and Porthos. What was the name of the third musketeer? • A: Aramis • B: Cardinal Richelieu • C: D’Artagnan • D: Planchet • The answer is Aramis.


《贫民窟的百万富翁》赏析导演:丹尼·博伊尔(Danny Boyle,1956年10月20日-)是一位生于英国曼彻斯特的电影导演与电影制作人,曾获得奥斯卡金像奖。
他以执导《迷幻列车》(Trainspotting)、《28天毁灭倒数》(28 Days Later)和《太阳浩劫》(Sunshine)等电影闻名,并以《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)获得包含奥斯卡最佳导演在内的诸多奖项。
(故事从一开头就提出两个问题:1 吉马为何可以答对这些题目;2他是否能最后答完所有题目,成为百万富翁。

励志电影推荐《贫民窟的百万富翁》基本信息影片《贫民窟的百万富翁》由英国导演丹尼博伊尔所执导, 根据印度作家维卡斯史瓦卢普(vikas swarup)的作品《q&a》所改编的. 戴夫帕特尔、芙蕾达平托、亚尼卡普和沙鲁巴舒克拉等联袂出演. 影片于XX年3月26日在中国上映.电影讲述来自贫民窟的印度街头少年贾马勒参加了电视节目《谁想成为百万富翁》, 他的目的是要找回失踪的女朋友拉媞卡, 因他的女朋友对这个电视节目一向十分热衷. 但当他即将获取高额奖金时, 却被人揭发有作弊嫌疑电影剧情在众多屏息以待的观众面前, 18岁的贫民小子只要正确回答最后一条问题, 就可以在印度最受欢迎的电视游戏节目百万富翁中胜出, 赢取二千万卢布的奖金, 成为百万富翁. 眼看他只剩一题就能成为百万富翁, 心有不甘的节目主持人认定他作弊, 趁节目暂停录映, 通知了警方以欺诈的罪名逮捕了贫民小子.警方、主持人及其它观众一样, 都十分疑惑没受过教育的孤儿为何)能答对所有连博士专家都没把握全中的问题, 他们遂逐个问题探讨, 娓娓道出他不可思议的遭遇及这些经历如何成就他成功闯关.出生于孟买的贫民窟, 母亲在他小时候因一次宗教冲突而去世, 自此与哥哥凭着小聪明在街上讨生活, 四处浪荡, 与他们结伴同行的还有一个受他照顾的小孤女.虽然他出身贫困, 生活颠沛流离, 可他还是有一颗纯真善良的心, 反而哥哥则不惜一切要得到权力与财富, 兄弟之间逐渐出现分歧, 一次背叛逼使三人分道扬镳, 贫民小子则失去了两小无猜的女伴. 当他重遇哥哥及女伴的时候, 女伴己成为黑帮老大的女人, 哥哥则替他工作. 为了心中所爱, 他决定不惜一切帮助女伴脱离苦海精彩影评贫民窟的百万富翁为何在奥斯卡中胜出理由是>的故事架构极具独创性与绝妙性, 剧情的推进融合了>>>三片的精髓, 电视答题的主线与答题衍生出大幅度社会现实闪回, 加之丝丝入扣的细节描绘, 这无疑是导演向黑泽明致敬, 情节模块式切割, 整体上的无缝组合, 颇有昆汀塔仑蒂落之风格, 电视主线与现实答案的交相辉映, 神似奥逊威尔斯的天才创意.可以说>的剧本是电影百年来的技术流派的集大成者, 非常高明的剧本.而>在剧本上可以说一无是处, 白开水一样的流水帐, 从技术流的角度来说, 这样的剧本是最失败的, 最没技术含量的.演员表现>完胜理由是>的那些小演员的表演实在触动人的心灵, 让观众快速入戏, 还记得小杰玛在逃命追车尾的那段吗, 小演员气喘吁吁, 仿佛听到心跳的声音, 几乎打动了银幕前的所有观众, 影片中这样的细节多不胜数.众印度演员的本色演出让影片具备了浓厚的批判力量, 真实中撼动人心, 让人潸然泪下.反而>中的布拉德皮特跟一根木头一样, 他是好莱坞公认的花瓶, 其表演木纳, 如果换凯文斯派西这样的戏骨来演效果会好很多, 长的帅没有用的, 是支撑不起这样一部剧情长片的.摄影>略胜>>现实主义的影象风格已经达到返朴归真的地步, 真实印度社会的呈现完全依赖于高潮的摄影, 比如片头贫民窟的追逐, 广角镜头跟镜俯镜采光的运用无一不恰到好处, 将影片氛围烘托到淋漓尽致.>唯一优秀的地方就是摄影, 主打暖光色调, 这是大卫芬奇的惯用风格, 然而与>丰富的摄影技巧比起来, 依旧稍逊一筹.>全片剪辑风格凌厉, 干净, 利索, 可以说全片没有一点多余的胶片, 完美的剪辑师进一步帮导演拿到了高分.>的剪辑是失败的, 此片被人不屑一顾的原因之一就是拖沓, 剪辑方面该剪的不好剪, 一句话形容就是剧情不足,剪辑来拖.音乐>完胜>的任何一处音乐都可以说是完美的, 无论片首追逐戏的"o saya",大气磅礴的史诗风格, 还是片尾的优美女声低吟浅唱的"latika’s theme",此片的音乐无可争议的经典.其原声大碟值得永久收藏>的音乐不值一提.思想>完胜>全片充满人文关怀批判现实的力量, 影片主题涉及了贫穷丑陋的上流社会社会动荡宗教冲突逆境中的爱情贫富差距美好的愿望与残酷的现实善良与美好国家的出路与社会不和谐的冲突以及诠释了什么叫人生, 本片的立意异常丰富, 却完美交融, 一一得到呈现.在风行上几乎对该片一致褒扬的同时, 有位影评人说的非常好, 他说:">这片会改变一个国家", 这部电影足以引起印度这个国家的集体反思, 同时也会让中国这样类似的大国进行一度程度上的反思.>的立意就是描写了一个人的一生, 生活与爱情, 可惜这人生这爱情实在太平凡, 平凡到乏善可陈了, 甚至平凡到不如中国的>, 失败的剧本剪辑演员如何能得到学院派的认可呢,根本不可能的.可能说>这部片子很快会被人们遗忘, 甚至还不如同为传记片的>, 米尔克这个人都比本杰明巴顿刻画到形象无比, 而>这部打动人心的大作, 将永远列入史册.奥斯卡最佳影片是学院送给danny boyle 最好的礼物,感谢他为全球影迷带来如此杰出的电影佳作.作为我个人的愿望是, 真希望danny boyle导演的下一部影片能够拍拍中国, 名至实归的完美大作>, 谢谢dannyboyle 导演,错过会可惜的电影此次奧斯卡大獎, 最大的贏家非此片莫屬, 獨得最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编剧本、最佳摄影、最佳剪辑、最佳音效、最佳电影配乐及最佳电影歌曲奖等八項大獎.而这部电影得奖的那天就是我第一次看到这部影片的时间!对于一些影评人和观众来说, 这也许只是一部不错的电影, 可是对于孟买贫民窟的人民来说, 这部电影是他们的一个梦, 一个希望!得知这部电影终于获得大奖, 很多贫民窟的人都哭了!对于生活在那样简陋的居屋中的人来说, 明星闪耀, 金碧辉煌的奥斯卡典礼简直就是遥遥不可及的神宫玉殿, 但是, 他们与其之间却终于有了如此近的接触.他们真实的生活被电影工作者用一种艺术的方式呈现给全世界的人看, 震撼感动到无数的人.没有什么国际大明星, 也没有什么惊心动魄的大场面, 但是, 这部电影从一开始到最终, 始终给人以一种强烈的、直击观者内心的震撼和感动!看的时候, 我几次忍不住的想要落泪——什么是天堂?什么是地狱?天堂和地狱, 其实就是在于对比之间!看到电影中的孩子, 我实在是感觉自己幸福的一塌糊涂——虽然, 我的生活实在是平淡平常的很. 可是, 我不用为了一份食物去扒火车, 去被人追被人打被人骗……我在一份一直拥有的温暖中习惯着, 抱怨着, 自己冰冷自己, 他们却在真正的冰冷中追逐温暖, 永不放弃!电影中揭露的残酷现实绝对不是艺术的夸张和升华, 而是实实在在的存在, 其中一些现象, 只要你留意过, 就会知道自己的身边也存在的.电影中, 杰玛凭借自己人生中血与泪一点一滴积累而起的答案答对所有的题目, 赢得巨额奖金, 可是却被主持人指他作弊而被警察逮捕, 受到严刑逼供!在那些高高在上的人的认知中, 这个出身于贫民窟的孩子, 这个没有收过正统教育的小混混如果不是作弊, 怎么可能答对那么多的题目, 可以比那些律师、学者等社会尊贵者知道的还多?以一个人的出身去决定一个人的人品, 以衣冠取人, 是不是这个社会一直在犯的一个错误?!我很感动于杰玛对自己的坚持, 不管环境如何变迁, 如何严酷难对, 他始终以一份坚持向前行!与拉提卡的相遇, 也许真的是同样属于他的那个答案命中注定.在杰玛的身上, 有着一种搏的劲头, 就像是小时候为了得到崇拜的演员的签名, 他不惜跃入粪坑的勇敢一样, 始终的, 他不会屈服于任何环境的考验, 一直一直的用着搏的劲头去拼取自己的明天!因为他对命运的不服输, 他终于得到了属于自己的财富, 也终于追回了自己的爱情!如果你有时间, 一定要记得看一看这部电影;如果你没有时间, 也一定要挤出时间看一看这部电影。

(孟买♥♥ 2006年)贾马尔·马利克再答对一个问题就可以赢得二千万卢比的奖金. 他是怎么做到的?名字Name.(A:他作弊)(B:他运气好)(C:他是天才)(D:命中注定)各位晚上好Good evening...欢迎来到《谁想成为百万富翁》节目现场Welcome to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?准备好了?Are you ready?- 让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎…- Please give a big round of applause...- 小子祝你好运Good luck, kid.今晚的第一位挑战者…To our very first contestant of the night...来自我们孟买♥♥本地的贾马尔·马利克!Jamal Malik, from our very own... amchi Mumbai!走吧开始玩了Chalo, let's play.微笑,你行的Smile. You'll be fine.姓名Name.姓名贾马尔…马利克Name. - Jamal... Malik.你有名字很好You have a name. Good.不准哭Stop crying.谢谢,谢谢Thank you. Thank you.谢谢谢谢非常感谢Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much.贾马尔…跟我介绍一下你自己So, Jamal...tell me something about yourself.我在呼叫中心工作在乔合I work in a call center. In Juhu.很好Good.是个接线员A phone basher.是什么样的呼叫中心?And what type of call center would that be?XL5手♥机♥客服中心XL 5 mobile phones.哦这么说你是每天给人打电♥话♥推销手♥机♥服务的对吧?Oh.So you're the one who calls me up every singleday of my life with special offers,huh? 不实际上我只是个助理No. Actually, I'm an assistant.接线员助理?An assistant phone basher?接线员助理是做什么的?And what does a assistant phone basher do exactly?我给人泡茶…I get tea for people and...茶水工一个茶水工!Chai wallah. A chai wallah!女士们先生们…Well, ladies and gentlemen...来自孟买♥♥的贾马尔·马利克Jamal Malik......《谁想成为百万富翁》现在开始...from Mumbai, let's play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire他有没有认罪?So, has he confessed yet?除了名字什么也没问出来Except his name, I could not get anything out of the runt.你♥他♥妈♥一晚上都干什么了斯里涅瓦斯?You have been here a whole bloody night, Srinivas. What have you been doing?他是个硬骨头He's a tough guy.给他来点电他会松口的快A little electricity will loosen his tongue. Give him.是,长官Yes, sir.快说是不是有人帮你作弊?Okay. So, were you wired up?用手♥机♥ 传呼机?Mobile or a pager?扮现场观众,咳嗽提示?A coughing accomplice in the audience...还是身上装了微芯片?or a microchip under the skin?这里没芯片 - 没有? - 没有 - 行了别管芯片了The chip is not here.Not here? No.Okay. Leave the chip. Leave the chip. Leave the chip.天这么热…我老婆又跟我过不去…It's hot...and my wife is giving me hell...每天还要面对杀人犯强♥奸♥犯勒索犯and I've got a desk full of murderers, rapists,extortionists,流氓抢劫犯还有你bum bandits and you.我看我们还是为彼此都省点时间吧So why don't you save us both a lot of time...快说你是怎么作弊的...and tell me how you cheated.电完了长官I'm done, sir.听着Now, listen.喂?Hello.又晕过去了这有什么用?He's unconscious, Juti. What good is that?跟你说了多少次了斯里涅瓦斯?How many times have I told you, Srinivas?对不起长官I'm sorry, sir.国♥际♥特♥赦♥组织看到了又要被这里的人♥权♥吓得屁滚尿流了Amnesty International here next, peeing in their pants about human rights.长官我在想…Sir, I was thinking, um...- 把他放下来弄弄干净帮帮忙看在上帝的份儿上 - 长官…- Get him down, tidy him up, please, for God's sake! - Sir...万一他真的知道答案呢?what if he did know the answers?教授、医生、律师百科专家…Professors, doctors, lawyers, general knowledge wallahs...最多也赢不过一万六卢比,他都快上千万了never get beyond 16,000 rupees.He's on 10 million.穷小子他妈的知道什么?slumdog possibly know?知道答案the answers.我知道答案I knew the answers.《贫民窟的百万富翁》贾马尔接住!接住!贾马尔贾马尔看你的了!我靠这你都能接丢了?离开这里!抓住他!差狗来了快跑!飞机撞不死你们我整死你们!哥哥!#我们跑路兵分两路飞快的速度别想把我们抓住 ## They can't touch me We break off, run so fast they can't even catch me # #我们是流浪汉抓我吧我轻松把你来耍## Been that gypsy Touch me, I show you tricks with my sticks that quickly # #我一路顺手牵羊## Pick up their packs on myjourney ##狗儿跟着我跑我有我的运道## Dogs run They start to follow me I have my luck ##偶尔把他们整倒为了全家老小找来生活钞票## Some days they suck when we live for the buck we get for the family ##希望我也成为明星也去酒吧逛逛## One day I wanna be a star so I get to hang in a bar##去把赌城闯闯只为忘却我那一身伤## I'll go to Vegas if they pay us just to forget my scars #对不起…Sorry.对不起,对不起Sorry. Sorry.对不起Sorry!#别想把我们抓住我们兵分两路## They can't touch me We break off ## 飞快的速度别想把我抓住 ## Run so fast they can't even catch me ## 我们是流浪汉抓我吧 ## Been that gypsy Touch me ##我轻松把你来耍## I show you tricks with my sticks that quickly #哦坏了是妈妈…看我不打你们个半死大哥把他们交给我吧快走- 埃索斯! - 埃索斯!- Athos! - Athos!- 两个火枪手喊道 - 火枪手- Cried the two musketeers. - Musketeers.- 埃索斯! - 埃索斯!《三个火枪手》重复一遍“你找我长官”埃索斯说Repeat it. "You have sent for me, sir, '"said Athos.- 你找我长官 - 啊"You have sent for me, sir." - Ah.我们的火枪手来了你们两能来上课真是让我们大家受宠若惊呐波索斯!把书打开萨利姆别玩了把书打开贾马尔埃索斯!怎么样…So...马利克先生Mr. Malik...我们的万事通…说吧the man who knows all the answers …Talk.叫你说话呢Talk.贾马尔…So, Jamal...第一题 1000卢比准备好了吗?are you ready for the fiirst question for 1,000 rupees? 准备好了Yes.坐着答个问题就能拿钱还不错吧Not bad money to sit on a chair and answer a question.比给人泡茶好赚吧不是吗?Better than making tea, no?不是No.是,不是Yes. No.不是、是、不是?No? Yes? No?这就是你的最终答案吗?Is that your fiinal answer?记住你有三次求助机会So, remember, you have three lifelines.请教现场观众Ask the audience,去除2个错误答案…fiifty-fiifty...给朋友打电♥话♥phone a friend.第一题 1000卢比So the fiirst question for 1,000 rupees.开始Here we go.1973年热门影片《囚禁》的主演是谁?Who was the star in the 1973 hit film Zanjeer? 这下糗大发了来…给你钱,拿去…贾马尔快出来布拉卡要开个大的我还没好呢小子快点我这很急啊…我还没屙出来呀什么时候开始拉屎也要限时了?小子我这都快出来了你快点…有客人在等贾马尔你快点把钱还给我快!我去别处好了笨蛋!你害我丢了一个客户阿密塔的直升机!是阿密塔的直升机!阿密塔?Amitabh?阿密塔·巴查!萨利姆,开门!阿密塔·巴查!Amitabh Bachchan!萨利姆!Salim!阿密塔·巴查!Amitabh Bachchan!阿密塔!Amitabh!走开!请等一等阿密塔先生,请给我签个名太好了!阿密塔先生的签名呀!你拿到签名?阿密塔的签名?是我的签名!阿密塔签给我的!下次再也要不到了人家出了个高价所以我把它卖♥♥了但这是我的…A:阿密塔·巴查!"A. '"Amitabh Bachchan.回答正确你将获得1,000卢比奖金Guess what. You're right. You just won 1,000 rupees.你不一定要是个天才You don't have to be a genius.我也知道是阿米达·巴查I knew it was Amitabh Bachchan.我说过,不一定要是个天才Like I said, don't have to be a genius.他是全印度最出名的人He's the most famous man in India.印度国徽上有三只狮子Apicture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. 下面写着什么?What is written underneath?A:唯真理获胜…"A," the truth alone triumphs...B:唯谎言获胜…"B," lies alone triumph...C:唯时尚获胜…"C, '"fashion alone triumphs...D:唯金钱获胜"D," money alone triumphs答案是什么贾马尔?What do you think, Jamal?我国最有名的名言The most famous phrase of our country.要给朋友打电♥话♥吗?Would you like to phone a friend?求助现场观众Ask the audience.女士们先生们帮帮这个可怜人吧Put the poor man out of his misery, ladies and gentlemen.连我五岁的女儿都知道My five-year-old daughter can answer that question,但你不知道but you couldn't.对一个赢得百万奖金的天才来说是不是有点奇怪呀That's strange for a millionaire genius.怎么了?你的同伴溜出去上厕所了?What happened? Your accomplice nip out for a piss?探长问你话呢The inspector is asking something.在焦佰蒂街哈里什店里的巴里布里多少钱一个?How much is pani puri at Harish's stall on Chowpatty?什么?What?巴里布里一盘多少钱?Pani puri. One plate, how much?十卢比错- Ten rupees. - Wrong.排灯节以来十五卢比了Fifteen since Divali.上星期四在圣克鲁斯车站是谁偷了康斯特·万马斯的自行车?Who stole Constable Vermaas's bicycle outside Santa Cruz station last Thursday? 你知道是谁吗?You know who that was?在乔合所有人都知道Everyone in Juhu knows that.包括五岁小孩Even five-year-olds.祝贺你贾马尔你的奖金已经累计到4,000卢比了Congratulations, Jamal. You just won 4,000 rupees.下一题奖金是一万六千For 16,000 rupees.宗教,很有趣Religion.Interesting.在关于先神罗摩的描述中…In depictions of God Rama...他右手中握着的是什么?he is famously holding what in his right hand?嘿贾马尔Hey, Jamal.他们是穆♥斯♥林♥ 打啊!贾马尔Jamal...快跑!跟上!快!跟我们来!嘿滚开聋了啊?叫你滚!跟我们走!每天早上醒来我都希望自己不知道这个问题的答案I wake up every morning wishing I didn't know the answer to that question. 要不是罗摩和阿♥拉♥…If it wasn't for Rama and Allah...我妈妈也不会死I would still have a mother.是弓和箭A bow and arrow.最终答案?Final answer?最终答案Final answer嗯啊电脑锁定答案DHmm. Ah. Computer-ji, "D'"lock kiya-jaye.你刚刚赢得一万六千卢比的奖金!You've just won 16,000 rupees.答得不错我的朋友Well done, my friend.下面进一段广♥告♥ 不要走开Time for a commercial break. Don't go away now.运气不错啊?You got lucky, huh?如果我是你我就拿上钱走人了If I were you, I would take the money and run.下一题你肯定答不对的You're not gonna get the next one.还有90秒所有人各就各位Everybody back in 90, please. Okay?请回位控制现场谢谢Can you come and do the controls, please?滚开!她会把保安招来的让她进来吧她可以当第三个火枪手现在家里我最大我说了她不可以进来知道吗?万一…我们连那该死的第三个火枪手叫什么都不知道萨利姆Salim.过来吧过来你妈妈呢?你♥爸♥呢?我叫贾马尔这是我哥哥萨利姆我叫拉蒂卡你喜欢的话可以睡这里谢谢你,贾马尔欢迎回到《谁想成为百万富翁》节目现场Welcome back to Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?今天的挑战者来自孟买♥♥的接线员贾马尔·马利克…Our contestant, Jamal Malik, call center assistant from Mumbai... 已经获得16,000卢比的奖金目前已经使用了一次求助机会is on 16,000 rupees and has already used one lifeline-向现场观众求助ask the audience.朋友奖金越来越可观了So, my friend, you're into serious money.继续吗?是Yes.歌♥曲《让我看看你》是哪个著名印度诗人写的词?The song "Darshan do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet? A:苏达斯 B:拓斯达斯C:米拉拜 D:卡贝贾马尔!你好Hello.天气热吧?It's hot, huh?耶Yea!看他照顾我们的样子他肯定是个好人肯定是个要命的圣人他不让我们和别人说话的为什么?要是知道为什么那他就真是圣人了阿尔文# Darshan do Ghanshyam #唱得很好,阿尔文很好萨利姆Salim.# Darshan do Ghanshyam #敢笑我,我杀了你嘿放开她别他妈碰我!你这个死胖子!你这棵大树布诺斯我看他就是你要找的帮手了好了走吧开工了带你们来这里郊游的吗?让你们来干嘛的度假啊?笑什么笑?交给我不许哭!哥哥什么事?小兄弟你有病啊?抱住今天你负责带她我不带抱着吧这是为你好有小孩可以要双份她说了不想带她你少说话贾马尔!接着不然我把她扔下来了就让她这么哭着你可以要到三份不准偷懒!开工!你们想怎样?走开!要最辣的啊?Huh?老二粘到辣子了!嘿Hey.你跑不了的!都给我回去睡觉!# Darshan do Ghanshyam #很好我很高兴他可以了我也准备好了过来把灯拿开好了萨利姆Salim.带贾马尔过来贾马尔Jamal.给我听着小子你想想你是想当一辈子穷光蛋还是想当个响当当的汉子啊?真汉子一个战士你的命运是掌握在你的手里的兄弟你可以像我一样要不然…明白吗?明白行了去叫贾马尔布诺斯我只想让马曼喜欢我唱的歌♥ 我们就发财了发大财了拉蒂卡然后呢?我们可以不用去要饭了吗?要饭?你开什么玩笑?我们去海滨路上买♥♥个大房♥子你我还有萨利姆我们是三个火枪手海滨路?真的?真的在月光下…你、和我你会和我一起跳舞的对吧?希望你唱歌♥能比你跳舞好一些…贾马尔Jamal.轮到我了好好唱轮到我了啊哥哥?好日子要开始了埃索斯颇索斯?按我说的贾马尔Jamal.该让你成为专业歌♥手了什么?真的?首先把那首歌♥唱给我听听…那首《让我看看你》我最喜欢听的# Darshan do #50卢比现在我是专业歌♥手嘛就这个价臭小子拿去# Darshan do Ghanshyam ## Darshan do Ghanshyam #贾马尔快跑!站住!抓住他们!取火把来!拉蒂卡快跑!萨利姆!Salim!萨利姆!Salim!贾马尔!Jamal!贾马尔!Jamal!快拉蒂卡抓住他的手!拉蒂卡Latika.拉蒂卡Latika.拉蒂卡Latika到底怎么回事?怎么回事?她自己松手的萨利姆!Salim!我们得回去哥哥我们得回去回去我们就死定了你疯了?他要把你的眼睛挖出来!用勺子挖不用为她担心她不会有事的她从来都很命大苏达斯Surdas.苏达斯?Surdas.苏达斯?Surdas.你确定吗?apka fiinal answer?是的Yes.你猜怎么样?回答正确!You're right!瞎眼乞丐可以多要一些你知道的那女孩怎么样了?他们把她也弄瞎了?What happened to the girl? They blinded her too?他们还有别的手段我也是很久以后才发现的They had other plans.It took me a long time to find out.忘记她吧来吧去哪里?该去弄点儿吃的了#像纸一样在天上飞翔## I fly like paper get high like planes #-#在边境你把我拦住## If you catch me at the border## 我有签证在我手上如果你跟我来## I got visas in my name If you come around here ##这就是我的工作签证立等可做## I make 'em all day I get one done in a second if you wait # #像纸一样在天上飞翔## I fly like paper get high like planes ##在边境你把我拦住我有签证在我手上 ## If you catch me at the border I've got visas in my name # #如果你跟我来这就是我的工作 ## If you come around here I make 'em all day ##签证立等可做## I get one done in a second if you wait #再见!Bye Bye!#坐在火车上我常常畅想## Sometimes I think sittin'on trains ##每到一个地方我都在继续着这场比赛## Every stop I get to I'm clockin'that game ## 大家都是胜者我们闯出我们的名堂## Everyone's a winner We're makin'our fame ##我们是实诚的生意人确立着我们的名声## Bona fide hustler I'm makin'my name ## 坐在火车上我常常畅想## Sometimes I think sittin'on trains ##每到一个地方我都在继续着这场比赛## Every stop I get to I'm clockin'that game # - Yea!#大家都是胜者我们闯出我们的名堂## Everyone's a winner We're makin'our fame ## 我们是实诚的生意人确立着我们的名声 ## Bona fide hustler I'm makin'my name #嘿Hey.起来!下去这是你家的火车啊?# Pirate skulls and bones ## Sticks and stones and weed and bombs ## Running when we hit 'em ## Lethal poison through their system ## Pirate skulls and bones ## Sticks and stones and weed and bombs ## Running when we hit 'em ## Lethal poison through their system ## No one on the corner has swagger like us ## Hit me on my banner prepaid wireless ## We pack and deliver like U.P.S. Trucks ## Already going hell just pumping that gas ## No one on the corner has swagger like us #萨利姆! 萨利姆!Salim! Salim!我们上天堂了?Is this heaven?你还没死呢贾马尔You're not dead, Jamal.那是什么地方?是酒店吗?What is it? Some hotel, huh?泰姬陵被公认为莫卧儿建筑的最杰出代表作The Taj Mahal is considered the fiinest example of Mogul architecture. …死于1631年6月17日在分娩他们第14个孩子的过程中...who died on June 17, 1631...During the birth of their 14th child.泰姬陵于16♥4♥8年前后完工The Taj Mahal was completed around, uh, 16♥4♥8,动用了2万劳工using a labor force of 20,000 workers1980年它被联♥合♥国♥教科文组织确认为世界遗产…In 1980 it became a UNESCO World Heritage Site and was cited as the-请跟我来…If you would like to follow me...(正式导游)我带大家去看蒙泰姬墓上阿♥拉♥的99个名字I will show you 99 names of Allah on Mumtaz's tomb.请脱鞋参观Please take off your shoes.(请在这儿脱下你的鞋)请问…Please. Please.下一批参观什么时候开始?What time is the next tour?我们赶时间We are on a very tight schedule, you see.下午还要去看德里红堡Have to see the Red Fort this afternoon.(导游)- 不我… - 求你了…- No, l... ...Please,能不能现在带我们进去?我们知道只带我们两个would it be possibleto show us around now? Obviously we understand that it costs more 费用会贵一点for just the two of us.当然可以夫人But of course, madam.请跟我来Please follow me.泰姬陵是可兰国王…为他的妻子蒙泰姬而建的The Taj Mahal was built by Emperor Khurram...for his wife Mumtaz.她是世界上最美的女人Was the maximum beautiful woman in the world.所以她去世以后国王就决定要建造这个…So, when she died, the emperor decided to build this...五星级的大酒店给所有来看她的人住fiive-star hotel...for everyone who'd like to visit her too.但他在1587去世了…But he died in 1587...当时酒店的房♥间和电梯都还没建好before any of the rooms were built or any of the lifts.但你们所见到的游泳池…But the swimming pool, as you can see...却按时以最流行的设计完成了was completed on schedule, in top-class fashion.你说的这些导游手册上都没有的There's nothing of this in the guidebook.导游手册都是又懒又笨的叫花子写的The guidebook was written by a bunch of lazy, good-for-nothing Indian beggars. 哦Oh.这儿先生太太就是蒙泰姬的墓室了And this, lady and gentleman, is the burial place of Mumtaz.她是怎么死的?How did she die?- 车祸死的- A road traffiic accident.- 真的?- Really?连环撞车Maximum pileup.她是生孩子死的吧I thought she died in childbirth.没错先生她就是在去医院的路上出车祸的Exactly, sir. She was on the way to hospital when it happened.准备好了?不要动Ready? Don't move an inch.微笑Smile.泰国硬木 --您拿好买♥♥鞋子了!Unbreakable Thailand wood. -You take. Shoes!鞋!美国名牌American brands! Shoes!# All I wanna do And a... #鞋!Shoes!# Then take your money 'Cause all I wanna do ## And a... Then take your money ## All I wanna do And a...## Then take your money ## And a...## Then take your money #- 微笑!- Smile!# All I wanna do ## And a... And take your money ## All I wanna do And a...## Then take your money #戴维德先生这是全印度最大的露天手工洗衣厂This, Mr. David, is the biggest dhobi ghat in the whole of India. 真了不起That's amazing.快我们过去看看Come on. Take a real good look at this.有人说北方邦的每个人…They say that every man in Uttar Pradesh...身上穿的衣服都至少在这洗过一次is wearing a kurta that has been at least washed once out here. 赶快拆车一级方程式!一级方程式!Formula One! Formula One!注意进站速度!要有舒马赫风格!Pit stop ka speed! Schumacher ka style!有奶牛水牛…那处是什么?The-The cows, the-the buffaloes. What are those over there? 走走快走哦见鬼Oh, shit.这他妈怎么回事?What the hell happened here?行了Okay...行了行了Okay! Okay!住手住手听到没?我的天你买♥♥了保险的嘛Cool it! Cool it, will ya? Jesus.,You got insurance,don't ya?你没事吧?Are you okay?你想看真实的印度这下看到啦You wanted to see a bit of real India, here it is.- 行了!- All right!- 孩子这是真正的美国- Well, here is a bit of the real America, son.给钱哦对了对了天呐Oh. Yes, yes. Jesus.拿着Here.# Eurydice ## Eurydice #在100美元的纸币上…On an American $ 100 bill...印着哪位美国领袖的头像?there is a portrait of which American statesman?A:乔治·华盛顿…"A," George Washington...B:弗兰克林·罗斯福…"B," Franklin Roosevelt...C:本杰明·弗兰克林…"C," Benjamin Franklin...D:阿布拉罕·林肯?"D," Abraham Lincoln?退出还是继续贾马尔?由你来决定Pay or play, Jamal? You decide.哦我的天他在看摄像机他不知道Oh, God. He's looking at the camera. He hasn't got a clue.要完了各就各位This is gonna be a walk-away. Stand by.不他是想先玩他一下No. He's gonna play with him fiirst.贾马尔Jamal.平时上班经常见到百元美钞吧?Get a lot of $100 bills in your line of work?那是我拿到的最少的小费The minimum tip for my services.哦Oh.现在我才知道为什么我的手♥机♥话费那么高了Now I know why my cell phone bills are so high.他们给茶水工的小费都是百元美钞They tip the chai wallah with $100 bills.答案是C:本杰明·弗兰克林It's "C." Benjamin Franklin.- 你是要继续对吧? - 我想我已经继续了不是吗?- You're gonna play, huh? - I think I just have, haven't I?那是 C 对吧?没错?You certainly have. "C, '"right? Right?1000卢比上印的是谁?Who's on the thousand-rupee note?我不知道I don't know.你不知道?You don't know?甘地Gandhi-ji.哦听说过Oh. I've heard of him.跟我耍小聪明我让你再尝尝过电的感觉Don't get clever or I'll get the electricity out again. 你看Look.他们也没问我这个问题呀我也不知道为什么They didn't ask me that question.I don't know why. 不如你去问问他们Ask them.真是好笑看来你对钱不是很感兴趣It's funny. You don't seem that interested in money. 事实上你获得了…一百万卢比As a matter of fact, you million rupees! 说说100美元的事吧Explain the $100 bill.孟贝都已经变成孟买♥♥了Bombay had turned into Mumbai.你怎么就不明白呢?Why can't you understand?我不想再干这个了I'm sick of this now.以前有个女孩住这儿跟我差不多高她叫拉蒂卡不认识叫拉蒂卡的鸡肉汉堡2个薯条2份Two chicken burgers, two fries,芒果酸奶1杯可乐1个one mango lassi, one Coke.矿泉水1瓶One mineral water.西姆拉Shimla.我要去焦佰蒂了你去不?I'm going to Chowpatty, okay? Wanna come?拜托我看你有病吧For God's sake. You've got some disease.逼着我来这个鬼地方…You forced me back to this shit hole...丢下好朋友好生活好多钱…就为这个?we leave our friends, a good life, loads of money... for this?- 我们回来找她 - 那是你- We came back to find her. - You did.我他妈才不屌♥她呢孟买♥♥满大街都是为我萨利姆准备的妞I don't give a shit about her.Plenty of pussy in Bombay for Salim.哦是的老大Oh, yes, sir.星期六晚上你回你的笼子里去吧…You should come back to the cages on Saturday night...别到处找你那失去的爱了instead of go searching for your lost love.我要去焦佰蒂I'm going to Chowpatty.我要去焦佰蒂I'm going to Chowpatty.这个城里有1900万人贾马尔There are 19 million people in this city, Jamal.忘了她吧她成历史了Forget about her. She's history.先生好,好心有好报衷心祝福热心助人的善人美元?Dollars?多少?一百块100.你当我是傻子啊真的我用我妈妈的灵魂发誓钱上是谁?是谁的画像?是个老头秃顶,边上留着长发像个女孩本杰明·弗兰克林Benjamin Franklin.都长成大小伙了贾马尔真为你高兴啊我很难过,阿尔文I'm sorry, Arvind.你获救了我的朋友我没你那么好运这是我俩唯一的区别阿尔文我一直在找…马曼恨着你呢快走他从不忘旧帐的我对不起拉蒂卡她还活着对不对?活得风光呢她在比拉街他们都叫她樱桃谢谢Thanks.我会在你葬礼上为你歌♥唱的哦对不起啊Oh. Sorry.樱桃?Cherry?怎么样?是不是她?So, is it her or not?真性感啊伙计She's sexy, man.拉蒂卡!Latika!- 什么人? - 贾马尔?- Who is this? - Jamal?- 我去拿包 - 什么人?想干嘛?- I'll get the bag. - Who are you? What do you want? - 快! - 你个笨小子!- Quick! - You stupid boys.- 快都装上 - 你们干嘛?- Come on. Pack it in. - What are you doing?- 你怎么找到我的? - 晚点再说晚点再说- How did you fiind me? - Later. Later.不不用都带走No, not everything.有本事你们走啊Get out, if you can.- 钱拿钱 - 快快走- Take the cash. Take the cash. - Come on. We gotta go. 走快走Let's go. Let's go.我♥操♥Shit.看看这是谁来了?Look who we have here.你们好啊…Hello again...贾马尔…萨利姆Jamal...Salim.从不会忘记别人的长相Never forget a face.对吧布诺斯?Hey, Punnoose?更别提是我的人了Especially one that I own.你以为你们可以就这样进来把我的宝贝带走?You really thought you could just walk in and take my prize away? 拉蒂卡过来Latika, come.知道这个小雏子值多少钱吗?Have you any idea how much this little virgin is worth?- 吉老师请继续 - 是先生- Please continue, Master-ji. - Okay, sir.- 把他们赶出去- Get them out of here.- 休想!- No!走!过去!Move! Get over there.别傻了萨利姆Let's not be foolish, Salim.很重吧?给我吧Heavy, isn't it? Give it to me.啊?Huh?给我跪下快!On your knees. Down!你们两个,跪下!Both of you, down!钱!Money!钱你拿走You can have money.给你…Here.看!Look.拿着走吧Take it. Go.和你的朋友一起远走高飞我们不会追究的好吗?Disappear with your... friend, and we'll forget all about this. Okay? 马曼从不忘旧帐Maman never forgets.是不是?Isn't that right?哦马曼也可以有例外的啊?Oh, Maman can make an exception, huh?我不能冒这个险马曼对不住了I can't take that risk, Maman. Sorry.快走Let's go!不准动!Stay!贾马尔!Jamal!贾马尔!Jamal!走、走Let's go! Let's go!是谁…发明的左轮手♥枪♥?Who invented the revolver?塞缪尔·科尔特Samuel Colt.最终答案?Final answer?最终答案Final answer贾马尔·马利克...简直超乎想象Jamal're on a dream run.我的内心告诉我你会赢更多,My heart says you're gonna win more.电脑…Computer-ji...锁定答案A"A'"lock kiya-jaye.真被我说中了茶水工又答对了I was right.The chai wallah has done it again. 难以置信!Incredible!服务员!- Service!接待员- Reception!嘿嘿!Oh!找到些 - 等会儿- Found something. - Stay there.转过头去Look away.不许偷看I know if you're looking.我没偷看No, I'm not.萨利姆还在吗?Is Salim still there?萨利姆呢?Where's Salim?不知道Don't know.你真是个好人贾马尔You're a sweet boy, Jamal.我要见贾维德I'm looking for Javed.他没说要见你He's not looking for you.我杀了马曼I killed Maman.我要把你们也一起杀了And I'll kill you too.别紧张Easy.你真的把他杀了?Did you really kill him?。

贫民窟的百万富翁观后感字贫民窟的百万富翁观后感2000字不得不承认,《贫民窟的百万富翁》(Slumdog Millionaire)是部极端忽悠人的电影,它忽悠的技巧是如此的高超,以至于不用忽悠出什么实质来就可以博得“艺术”的名声,堪称西方的赵本山大爷。
是的,如果要类比的话,《贫民窟的百万富翁》的前半部分,更像是印度版的《上帝之城》(City of God),甚至比后者更震撼,因为《贫民窟的百万富翁》的这一部分有着《上帝之城》稍欠的“感动”。

贫民窟的百万富翁影评贫民窟的百万富翁影评贫民窟的百万富翁影评(一):《Slumdog Millionaire》(贫民窟的百万富翁),“一部献给孟买的影片,一部关于梦想的电影”,导演是英国名导Danny Boyle,是风靡全球的《Trainspotting》(猜火车)导演。
当孩子们在贫民窟土黄色泥屋间,破落的扃巷中奔跑逃避警卫的那时,我想起了前不久才看过的《Cidade de Deus》(无主之城),一样的土泥房,一样的土泥巷,一样奔跑的贫民窟的孩子,尽管逃避的缘由有所不一样,但那最原初的根由又怎能不发人深省。
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slumdog millionnaire贫民窟的百万富翁
Now, I have maybe understood that what is the money being having blood and the tear especially. Everybody knows money is not omnipotent ,but, money is capable of doing anything seemingly. Money is to be linking luxurious life as if link, being linking happy love. We are hating to money, because of we are poor people , we are looking at , this brilliant rays is enlightening us to be so small and weak , we are having no choice to be looking at this brilliant rays but disappointment is matchless. We are fond of money, because of we are poor people , we want to shake off the sight being discriminated against , aspiration becomes a rich man. We are every bump against the broken scalp wanting to become a millionaire , to become upper circles , to coming down from the heights to others, correct others coming and leaving of wielding. In fact, we obj1 = humanoth ; are dallied with the share palm , are pointed to a room all by money.
Anything is the wealth, anything is the money, is not the gold, is not the diamond, is not US dollar, is our life, is our pursue, is our ideal, is our roughness, is our defeat, is our sadness. Perhaps the wind warm strokes our body, lets us touch spring's warmth; Perhaps coerces the north wind to wrap our body, lets us feel winter's bone-chilling cold. But, we in the real process, this are our wealths!
Jia Mar does not run after 20 million roubles , is that self is seen by pulling ? q card. Maybe God is destined to want Rangjia Mar and to pull consummate ? q card union, however have decorated a lot of fragments on road being tied in wedlock in them. These fragments in the sometimes beautiful , in the sometimes alarmingly dangerous , in the sometimes grieved. God tries to spend a visitor as if being that dull being at leisure is dry, it the eye using these fragments to attract other people is deducing the world therefore with mentality , others myriad. God is got thereby out of satisfied. And, others sees these fragments sometimes only. This maybe is our world.。