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22、《汉宫秋》第三折[七弟兄]“说什么大王、不当、恋王嫱,兀良,怎奈她临去也回头望!那堪这 , 。













Choices B, C, and D do not mention previous explorers; therefore, these lines do not provide the best evidence that explorers died while seeking the North Pole.
Answer Explanations
SAT Practice Test #4
Section 1: Reading Test
Choice C is the ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้est answer. The narrator initially expresses uncertainty, or
Choice D is the best answer. Lines 56-57 provide evidence that the narra-
tor eventually recognizes his motives for traveling to the North Pole: “What I am on the brink of knowing, I now see, is not an ephemeral mathematical spot but myself.” The narrator initially was unsure of why he was traveling to the North Pole, but realizes that he has embarked on a journey to find himself. Choices A, B, and C are incorrect because they do not provide the best evidence that the narrator eventually recognizes his motives for traveling to the North Pole. Rather, choices A, B, and C all focus on the narrator’s preparations and expectations for the journey.




第1 - 10题:判断对错。


1. 男:今天天气真好,我们去公园散步吧。



()2. 男:你喜欢吃苹果还是香蕉?女:我更喜欢吃苹果,香蕉太甜了。


()3. 女:这件衣服多少钱?男:三百块,不过现在在打折,只要两百块。



第11 - 25题:选择正确答案。


11. 男:你什么时候去北京?女:下周一。


问:女的什么时候去北京?A. 这周一B. 下周一C. 下周二。

12. 女:你觉得这个电影怎么样?男:很有趣,特别是那个男主角的表演。

问:男的觉得电影怎么样?A. 无聊B. 有趣C. 恐怖。


第26 - 45题:听短文回答问题。








26. 小李在哪里生活?A. 小城市B. 大城市C. 农村。

27. 小李怎么去上班?A. 步行B. 坐公交车C. 骑自行车。


第1 - 10题:选择正确的汉字填空。

1. 他每天都很()力地工作。

A. 努B. 怒。

2. 这个地方的风景很()丽。

A. 美B. 每。


第11 - 20题:选词填空。


11. 他的成绩已经()了优秀的标准。

12. 飞机将在下午三点()北京。


第21 - 40题:阅读理解。















短文(仅供参考):The internet has greatly affected people's lives. On the one hand, the internet provides people with easy access to information and allows them to communicate and娱乐生活themselves through social media, online games, and other digital platforms. On the other hand, the excessive use of the internet can lead to problems such as addiction and negative impact on people's social lives and personal relationships.2、听力部分答案:短篇新闻:1-5 ACBAC;长对话:6-10 BACAB;听力理解:11-15 BACAB。

hsk4 试卷真题及答案

hsk4 试卷真题及答案

听力材料第一部分一共10 个题,每题听一次。

例如:我想去办个信用卡,今天下午你有时间吗?陪我去一趟银行?★ 他打算下午去银行。


★ 他喜欢看电视广告。

现在开始第 1 题:1.这个城市一年四季都像春天一样,所以人们也叫它“春城”。

★ 这个城市冬天很冷。



★ 要多与人交流。


★ 他妹妹出生在夏天。


★ 他对小高第一印象不错。



★ 那个导游脾气不好。

6.不管做什么事情,在做之前,至少要考虑三点:首先,你的目的是什么?其次,你的方法是什么?第三,你计划中的结果是什么样子?★ 做事要考虑方法。


★ 黄小姐一般周末打扫房间。



★ 明天是中秋节。



★ 夫妻俩关系越来越好。


★ 父亲爱看新闻。

第二部分一共15 个题,每题听一次。




TFU法语四级统考试题TFU法语四级统考试题(Les verbes)20031. Je vous remercie de (m’envoyer) …………….. l’autre jour, les documents dont j’avais besoin.2. Elle a dit aux enfants que je les (emmener) …………… au zoo le lendemain.3. Vas-y et n’oublie pas de prendre le courier chez le concierge (rentrer)…………… .4. Quand il tournait la clé dans la serrure, le téléphone (commencer) …………… àsonner.5. Le professeur regrette que peu d’étudiants (savoir) ……………bien répondre àcette question.6. Dimanche soir, si nous n’avions pas vu la longue queue devant le cinema, nous (voir déjà ) ………………….. le film.7. Ce produit (lancer) …………….. sur le marché il y a 6 mois.8. Aussit?t qu’il (passer) ……………… son permis, son père lui prêtera sa voiture.9. Ils sont partis faire le tour du monde, mais bien s?r, ils (s’organiser bien) …………avant leur depart.10. Confucius naquit au sixième siècle avant notre ère et (devenir) …………….plus tard le plus grand éducateur et penseur chinois.20041. Dans l’autobus, tout à coup, une jeune fille criait qu’on lui (voler) …………… son sac.2. Couvre-toi bien. Je crains que tu ne (prendre ) ………………… froid en sortant par un temps pareil.3. (Ne pas faire) …………………. attention àce que dit le professeur, il ne sait jamais bien répondre aux questions.4. Il ferait un temps formidable si le vent (être) ………………. moins fort.5. Il était presque minuit, je (regarder) ……………. la télévision, quand mon fils est rentré.6. Je vous ferai lire mon roman lorsque je (le terminer) ……………….. .7. (S’en aller) ………………. , les enfants! V ous faites trop de bruits dans la cour.8. Quand le spectacle a commencé, nous (venir) ………………de nous asseoir au premier rang.9. Ce candidat est aiméde tous, il a une grande capacité, on pense qu’il (devenir) …………..certainement le president de l’association.10. Les passants étaient fort sympathiques, la vieille dame (transporter) ………………….. immédiatement à un h?pital. 19961. Dimanche dernier, il nous a dit que son frère (partir) …………………le lendemain pour Paris.2. Elle (ne pas réussir) ……………..si elle n’avait pas bien travaillé.3. Je (lire) …………..un roman anglais quand mon ami frappe à ma porte.4. Il m’écrira dès qu’il (arriver) …………..à Londres.5. Qu’il (venir) ……………..me voir à l’université.6. Le film commen?a aussit?t qu’on (entrer) ………………dans la salle.7. Il a peur que son père ne (mourir) ……………….. d’un jour à l’autre.8. V oici ce que me (raconter)……………….ma tante, je n’en sais pas advantage.9. Quand elle (monter) ………….......chez son professeur, il n’y avait personne dans la rue.10. C’est la meilleure solution qu’on (pouvoir) ……………….trouver pour satisfaire tout le monde.19971. Plusieurs éléments (rendre) ………………… maintenant la situation grave.2. Einstein naquit en 1885 et (mourir) …………………en 1955.3. Paul a trouvé un travail, parce qu’il (obtenir) ………………… un dipl?me.4. On l’invita à donner des cours dans les plus grands instituts scientifiques; il (se rendre) ………………..en France.5. Quand je suis entré dans son bureau, il (être) ………………en réunion.6. Hier ces cartes postales (se vendre) …………………. .7. Tout (réfléchir) …………………sur cette question, elle monta rapidementl’escalier.8. Un ouvrier (travailler) …………….....pendant dix ans dans cette enterprise doit avoir beaucoup d’expérience.9. Quoique nous (ne pas aimer) ……………………..ce p[rojet, nous devonsl’accepter.10. Connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui (pouvoir) …………….. parler toutes les langues étrangères.19981. Passe-moi la revue, dès que tu (la lire)……………………. .2. Les Martin (partir) …………………..hier pour le Japon.3. J’étais s?r qu’il y (avoir) ………………..un train pour Bordeaux le lendemain.4. Elle tombait souvent malade depuis qu’elle (perdre) ………………….son fils.5. Je ne connais rien aux mathématiques, sinon je te (aider) …………….volontiers.6. J’espère qu’ils (revenir) ……………………bient?t.7. Il vaut mieux que vous (prendre) …………………des chèques de voyage pour aller à l’étranger.8. La mère de mon amie (apprendre) ……………….le fran?ais dans sa jeunesse et elle le parlait encore très bien.9. Mon frère était à l’étranger, sinon il (venir) ………………à mon mariage.10. Nous devons rentrer le blé avant qu’il (pleuvoir) ………………… .19991. Le chauffeur du taxi leur a promis qu’il les (attendre) …………………jusqu’à dix heures.2. Dès qu’il (écrire) …………….. sa lettre, il alla l’envoyer à la poste.3. Anne est allée à la bibliothèque car elle (vouloir) ………………emprunter un livre surl’histoire du théatre.4. Si vous parliez plusieurs langues, vous (trouver) …………… plus facilement un travail.5. Je souhaite que nous (avoir) ……………………l’occasion de nous revoir.6. Le grand-père était certain qu’il (lire déjà) ………………?a quelque part.7. “Hier, au cours de la réunion, ces deux personnes (ne pas arrêter) ………….de parler.”8. Un touriste nous demanda si nous (pouvoir) …………………lui indiquer la station de metro la plus proche.9. Tu me prêteras ton livre quand tu le (finir) …………….. .10. Nous allons partir en vacances, nous (revenir) ………………..dans trois semaines.20001. Le vendeur a répondu au client que sa télévision (être livré) ……………..lundi prochain.2. Ah! Caroline, tu (se faire couper) ……………….. les cheveux. Tu es plus belle que jamais!3. Il (pleuvoir) …………………..quand je suis arrivé à Paris.4. Il a entendu une jeune fille (chanter) ……………. .5. (être) …………………attentifs en classe!6. Tu me préviendras dès qu’elle (arriver)……………………. .7. J’espère que tout (se passer) ……………………… comme prévu.8. Il est le seul professeur de notre université, qui (conna?tre ) ………………….quatre langues étrangères.9. Il travaille avec enthousiasme comme s’il (n’avoir que) ……………….. 20 ans.10. Ce matin, je (venir de) ………………..quitter ma maison lorsque mon ami est arrivé.20011. Plusieurs tones de fruits (jeter) ………………..sur l’autoroute par les paysans en colère.2. La petite fille, (enlever)………………….dimanche dernier dans un jardin public, a étéretrouvée.3. Pas de chance demain: il (pleuvoir)……………….. sur toute la France.4. Quand le téléphone a sonné, j’ (être) ………………sous la douche.5. Je reste à la maison, bien qu’il (faire) ……………………….beau.6. Quand il m’a téléphoné, la directrice (déjà partir) …………………. .7. Puis-je savoir pourquoi vous (arriver) ………………..en retard ce matin?8. Il y a peu de chance qu’il (recevoir) ………………….un avis favorable.9. Si tu me l’avais dit, je (aller) ……………………te chercher à l’aéroport.10. Je travaille vite: l’appartement (faire) ………………dans une semaine.20021. Laurent m’a promis que sa femme nous (téléphoner) ………………dès son arrivée en Chine.2. Le cours a changé d’horaire sans que les étudiants (avertir) ………………….3. (S’amuser) ………………..pendant tout un semester, il a peur, quand l’examen approche.4. Où que vous (aller) …………………, il faut rester toujours modeste et travailleur.5. Elle ne pourra pas participer à la réunion des locataires de cet immeuble, parce qu’elle (ne pas rentrer)……………..à cette date-là.6. Quand il a disparu dans la foule, je (l’apercevoir déjà) …………………. .7. Les Jeux Olympiques de 2008 (avoir lieu) ………………..à Beijing et à Qingdao.8. Quand il est entré dans la salle d’études, nous (faire) …………….. nos devoirs.9. Si j’étais à Londres, je (apprendre) ……………..l’anglais.10. Cet automne-là, il (pleuvoir beaucoup ) …………………………à Nancy.2003 (2)1. Mon client a bien promis qu’il me (téléphoner) ………………dès son arrivée àl’aéroport.2. J’espère que tu (m’écrire) …………….. pendant ton séjour à Genève.3. Dès qu’elle (arriver) …………, on lui annon?ait la mauvaise nouvelle.4. Nous y entrerons quand le conférencier (terminer déjà ) ……………son exposé.5. L’h?pital destiné à ces malades, (construire) ……………..récemment en quelques jours seulement.6. Quand on a fermé l’usine où travaillait son mari, elle (venir d’êtrehospitalisé) ………………..7. (Apercevoir) ……………..de loin son ma?tre, le chien est accouru immédiatement.8. Trois infirmières du service où se trouvait le patient, ont été en contact direct avec le malade sans qu’(elles se protéger)…………………….9. Allez! (se débrouiller) ………………. avec tous les moyens possibles! Je verrai si vous êtes un bon informaticien.10. Avant-hier, malgré le froid et l’altitude, les jeunes alpinistes (arriver) ………… au sommet à l’heure prévue.答案2003 1. m’avoir envoyé 2. emmènerais 3. en rentrant 4. a commencé5. sachent6. aurions déjà vu7. a été lancé8. aura passé9. s’étaient bien organisés 10. devint2004 1. avait volé 2. prennes 3. Ne faisant pas 4. était 5. regardais6. l’aurai terminé7. Allez-vous-en8. venions9. deviendra10. a été transportée1996 1. partirait 2. n’aurait pas réussi 3. lisais 4. sera arrivé 5.vienne 6. fut entré7. meure 8. m’a raconté9. est montée10. puisse1997 1. rendent 2. mourut 3. avait obtenu 4. se rendit 5. était6. se sont vendues7. en réfléchissant8. ayant travaillé9.n’aimions pas 10. puisse1998 1. l’auras lue 2. sont partis 3. aurait 4. avait perdu 5.t’aiderais 6. reviendront 7. preniez 8. avait appris 9.serait venu 10. ne pleuve1999 1. attendrait 2. eut écrit 3. voulait 4. trouveriez 5.ayons 6. a déjà lu 7. n’ont pas arrêté8. pouvions 9.auras fini 10. reviendrons2000 1. serait livrée 2. t’es fait couper 3. pleuvait 4. chanter 5.Soyez 6. sera arrivée 7. se passera 8. connaisse 9.n’avait que 10. venais de2001 1. ont été jetées 2. enlevée 3. pleuvra 4. étais 5. fasse6.était déjà partie7. êtes arrive8. re?oive9. serais allé10. sera fait2002 1. téléphonerait 2. soient avertis 3. S’étant amusé 4. alliez 5.ne sera pas rentrée 6. l’avais déjà aper?u 7. auront lieu 8.Faisions 9. j’apprendrais 10. a beaucoup plu2003 1. téléphonerait 2. m’écriras 3. est arrivée 4. aura déjà terminé5. a été construit6. venait d’être hospitalisée7. Ayantaper?u 8. elles se soient protégées 9. Débrouillez-vous 10.sont arrivés⼤纲样题verb1.Hier, elle (partir)……………….de bonne heure, malgré la pluie.2.Je reste à la maison bien qu’il (faire) …………………..beau.3.– Pas de chance demain: Il (pleuvoir) ………………………sue toute la France.4.– Puis-je savoir pourquoi vous (arriver) …………………..en retard hier soir?5.Si tu (revenir) ……………à temps, j’aurais pu te rencontrer avant mon départ.6.Dès qu’ils (recevoir) …………mon message, ils sauteront dans un avion pour me rejoindre.7.Quand il a disparu dans la foule, je l’(apercevoir déjà) ……………… .8.Il ne te reste plus qu’un quart d’heure, (se dépêcher) ……………… .9.Le seul bonheur que mon fils (pouvoir) ……………..me faire est de me rendre visite.模拟题verb(1)1.Il faut que vous (réfléchir) ………………avant de prendre la décision.2.(Avoir) ………….peur d’être en retard, il s’est levé à six heures.3.Il m’a téléphoné l’autre jour pour me dire qu’il ( ne pas recevoir) …………l’invitation.4.J’espère que nous (se revoir) ……………………dans deux ans.5.Si tu m’aidais, je (pouvoir) ………………finir ce travail à temps.6.Quant aux difficultés, vous les (surmonter) ……………si vous êtes patients et méthodiques.7.Il importe que chacun (faire) ……………….son devoir.8.Il (ne pas suffire) ………………….d’avoir du talent, il faut encore du caractère.9.Pierre aime le basket-ball, Paul, lui, (préférer) ………………….le football.10.Dans notre bibliothèque, les auteurs (ranger) ………………..par ordre alphabétique.模拟题verb(2)1. (Pouvoir)…………….-vous me rendre un service?2. Je voyais Paul (rester) …………….dans la chambre.3. Je me souviens des romans de Balzac que je (lire) ………………….dans mon enfance.4. (Sortir) ………………….de l’aéroport, elle a pris un taxi.5. Après (écrire) ………………sa lettre, il se mit à la lire.6. Je (finir) . …………..mes devoirs quand tu reviendras.7. Dès qu’ils (arriver) ………………en Chine, ils m’ont téléphoné.8. Je n’ai pas compris ce que vous (dire) ……………….tout à l’heure.9. S’il venait, je lui (dire) …………….cette nouvelle.10. Il défend que sa fille (aller) …………………en France.。



第四套若有说明:int a[3][4];则数组a中各元素()。

A、不能得到确定的初值B、可在程序的编译阶段得到初值0C、可在程序的运行阶段得到初值0D、可在程序的编译或运行阶段得到初值0【参考答案】错误A【学生答案】[未答此题]已定义float a; int i;选择正确的输入语句( ).A、scanf("%6.2f%3d", &a,&i);B、scanf("%f%s", &a,&i);C、scanf("%6f%3d",&a,&i);D、scanf("%f%d", a,i);【参考答案】错误C【学生答案】[未答此题]执行下面程序段后,k的值是:( )int k=2;switch(k+1){case 3:k+=1;case 4:k--;break;case 5:k*=3;case 6:++k;}A、10B、2C、28D、27【参考答案】错误B【学生答案】[未答此题]执行下列语句后的输出为()。

int j=-1;if(j<=1) printf("****\n");else printf("%%%%\n");A、%%%%B、****C、有错,执行不正确D、%%%%c【参考答案】错误B【学生答案】[未答此题]以下程序段中,能够正确地执行循环的是( )。

A、int s=6; m:if(s<100) exit(0); else s-=2; goto m:B、int s=6; do s-=2; while(s);C、for(i=1;i>10;i++)D、static int a; while(a)【参考答案】错误B【学生答案】[未答此题]运行结果是" 11 12"的程序段是:请在A处填写正确内容( )。

for(i=1;i<=2;i++)___A___A、for(j=1;j<=2;j++)printf("%3d",10*i+j);break;B、{for(j=1;j<=2;j++)printf("%3d",10*i+j);break;}C、for(j=1;j<=2;j++)printf("%3d",10*i+j);continue;D、{for(j=1;j<=2;j++)printf("%3d",10*i+j);continue;}【参考答案】错误B【学生答案】[未答此题]对以下说明语句 int a[10]={6,7,8,9,10}; 的正确理解是()。



大学专业英语四级考试语言知识分类模拟测试卷LANGUAGE USAGE1、He stole, not because he needed the money badly but because he enjoyed stealing. The italicized part functions as a(n) ______ in the sentence.A. subjunctive moodB. attributiveC. adverbialD. complement2、The storm sweeping over SW China is sure to lead to ______ of vegetables in the following days.A. validityB. varietyC. scarcityD. rarity3、Please come to the point; you are ______ the subject again.A. straying fromB. getting offC. dwelling inD. giving up4、By the time you graduate from college, we ______ in Australia for one year.A. will be stayingB. will have stayedC. would have stayedD. have stayed5、"Hotel workers suspect that the fire was ignited by a cigarette and that a guest may have thrown the cigarette into a bush from the pool deck." The modal auxiliary verb phrase "may have thrown" in the sentence expresses ______.A. high possibility in the pastB. low possibility in the presentC. high possibility in the presentD. low possibility in the past6、In reading stories we anticipate what is to come ______ on our memory of what has gone before.A. basedB. basingC. to baseD. to be based7、______ can be seen from the comparison of these figures, the principle involves the active participation of the patient in the modification of his condition.A. AsB. WhatC. ThatD. It8、If you have a violin, you need to invest the money required to keep it tuned and in good working ______.A. circumstanceB. formC. orderD. state9、In the sentence "It is necessary that a meeting be convened this week", the italicized part is ______.A. the subjectB. the objectC. an attributeD. an adverbial10、Operations which left patients ______ and in need of long periods of discovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.A. exhaustedB. unhealthyC. upsetD. fearful11、My sister will be here tomorrow, but at first I thought that she ______ today.A. was comingB. is comingC. must comeD. may come12、Your ways to solve this problem ______, seem pretty effective.A. similar to herB. like herC. like hersD. similar to herself13、As a ______ actor, he can perform, sing, dance and play several kinds of musical instruments.A. flexibleB. versatileC. sophisticatedD. productive14、All the information we have collected in relation to that case ______ very little.A. comes up toB. makes up forC. stands up forD. adds up to15、The president of the college, together with the deans, ______ planning a conference for the purpose of laying down a series of regulations.A. wereB. areC. isD. will16、______ Mike! I knew he would get the first prize in the race.A. Thank goodnessB. Goodness knowsC. Good oldD. Thanks17、I ______ heard the loudspeaker calling passengers for the Turin-Amsterdam flight.A. distinctivelyB. distinctlyC. distastefullyD. disgustingly18、His ______ in gambling has eventually brought about his ruin.A. indulgenceB. endeavourC. actionD. engagement19、Which of the following italicized parts is an appositive clause?A. They were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.B. I have read all the books that you gave me.C. He told me that he would go to the college the next year.D. The truth is that I didn't finish my term essay.20、Prices have recently risen in order to ______ the increased cost of raw materials.A. cutB. buoyC. offerD. offset21、If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ______ able to advise you much better than I can.A. would beB. will have beenC. wasD. were22、If not stored in the fridge, food is ______ to deteriorate in summer.A. feasibleB. appropriateC. aptD. fitting23、How can I concentrate if you ______ continually ______ me with silly questions?A. have...interruptedB. are...interruptedC. had...interruptingD. were...interrupting24、Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete "______ the teachers came"?A. OftenB. NearlyC. EventuallyD. Almost25、The grand hall was renovated and now it can ______ eight hundred people.A. compriseB. embodyC. containD. include26、We will be losing money this year unless that new economic plan of yours ______ miracle.A. is workingB. worksC. will be workingD. worked27、Which of the following sentences is NOT an elliptical sentence(省略句)?A. Our teacher came in, book in hand.B. These are Tom's books and those are Lily's.C. You shouldn't come here unless invited.D. The way that you answered this question was admirable.28、The loss of the rain forests would upset the climates of tropical countries, bringing droughts and floods and ______ soil.A. fertileB. sterileC. hostileD. serial29、Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?A. We could hardly see for the mist.B. He went out for a walk.C. I've got a present for you.D. For miles and miles we saw nothing but trees.30、Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. I slept, and dreamt that life was beauty; I woke and found that life was duty.B. I thought the technician was to blame for the blowing of the fuse, but I see now how I was mistaken.C. The teacher told his class that light travels faster than sound.D. We all find it important that we (should) make a quick decision about this matter.31、Realizing that he hadn't enough money and ______ to borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch.A. not wantedB. not to wantC. not wantingD. wanting not32、The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun ______ round the earth.A. had circledB. was circlingC. might circleD. were circling33、A new laptop costs about ______ of a second-hand one.A. the price of three timesB. three times the priceC. as much as the three times priceD. three times more than the price34、The child blew up the balloon until it ______.A. smashedB. crackedC. fracturedD. burst35、Somehow he ______ through his speech and sat down with great relief.A. fumblesB. tumblesC. stumblesD. rumbles36、Scientists believe that color blindness is a(n) ______ defect, and there is no cure of it.A. inducedB. originalC. primitiveD. inherited37、When he was driving home, he was stopped by the policeman and was ______ of speeding.A. chargedB. blamedC. accusedD. warned38、Researchers are discovering a wealth of genes that ______ once thought ______ only in animals.A. are... to existB. are... existingC. were... to existD. were... existing39、They failed six times but they have made their minds to try ______.A. seven timesB. seventh timeC. a seventh timeD. the seventh time40、Which of the italicized parts is used as an object complement?A. Her mind is becoming unhinged (精神失常).B. His words went unbelieved by us.C. Please keep us informed of the latest news.D. The playground lay deserted.答案:LANGUAGE USAGE1、C[解析] 根据分析可知,斜体部分是对前面的盗窃行为进行的解释说明,属于原因状语从句,因此答案为C。




A.ABC B.abc C.a_bc D.ab。


A.‘a’&&‘b’ B.a<=b C.a||b+c&&b—c D.!((a〈b)&&!c||1)3、若有以下定义和语句:char c1=‘b',c2=‘e';printf(“%d,%c\n”,c2—c1,c2-‘a’+‘A’);则输出结果是____。

A.2,M B.3,EC.2,e D.输入项与对应的格式控制不一致,输出结果不确定4、当运行以下程序时,在键盘上从第一列开始输入9876543210<CR>(此处〈CR>代表Enter),则程序的输出结果是____.main( ){ int a;float b,c;scanf(“%2d%3f%4f",&a,&b,&c);printf(“\na=%d,b=%f,c=%f\n",a,b,c);}A.a=98,b=765,c=4321 B.a=10,b=432,c=8765C.a=98,b=765.000000,c=4321.000000 D.a=98,b=765.0,c=4321.05、设有如下函数定义:int f(char *s){ char *p=s;while(*p!=‘\0’) p++;return (p-s);}如果在主程序中用下面的语句调用上述函数,则输出结果为____。

printf(“%d\n",f(“goodbye!"));A.3 B.6 C.8 D.06、以下程序的输出结果是____。

main( ){ int w=4,x=3,y=2,z=1;printf(“%d\n”,(w<x?w:z<y?z:x));}A.1 B.2 C.3 D.47、以下程序段的输出结果是____。



One fine evening a man walked into a fast - food chicken place and bought a nine - piece bucket of chicken. He carried his chicken to the park for a romantic picnic under the moonlight with his lady.Upon reaching into the bucket, however, he received a surprise . Instead of chicken he discovered nine thousand dollars! The young man brought the bucket back to the store and asked for his chicken exchange for the money. The manager, moved by the young man’s honesty, asked for his name and told him he wanted to call the newspaper and the local news station to do a morality (道德说教) that would inspire others.“My date’s waiting, I just want my chicken,” the hungry man refused.The manager was deeply struck by the young man’s humility (谦虚). He begged to be allowed to tell the story on the news. At this the honest man became angry with the manager and demanded his chicken. “You are an honest man in a (an) dishonest world! This is a perfect opportunity to show the world that there are honest people still willing to takea stand for what is right. Please, give me your name and also the woman’s name. Is that your wife?”“That’s the problem,”said the young man. “My wife is at home. The woman in the car is my girlfriend. Now let me have my chicken so I can get out of here.”It’s easy to look good to people who don’t know you. Many of us do a good deed here and there, and everyone thinks we’re something that we are not. But God sees your heart. It really doesn’t matter how much you do or what other people think of you. What matters is what’s on the inside.T ell Me About Yourself is the most popular way for hiring managersto start most one-on-one job interviews; get this part right and the rest of the interview will just naturally fall into place.This is a job interview! They do NOT want to hear irrelevant thing. What they DO want to hear is a brief introduction to show how your career brought you to THIS point of being here with them. This means you need to show where and how you got started, the decisions and changes you made along the way and that the role you are about to be interviewed for is the right progression for your career. And do all this in about 3 minutes!You have three minutes to hold their attention and tell them how you took up your first job and gained specific skills as your career progressed.Spend most of your three minutes on your recent job and how the skills you have matches the needs of the new job.Picasso was just 23 in 1904, when he is thought to have painted"Woman Ironing." Money was tight for him. He would often starta painting, give it up and begin another using the same canvas. For years art historians have known that hidden beneath the surface of "Woman Ironing," is another painting - a three-quarter-length portrait of a man with a moustache that was first seen in images taken with an infrared camera in 1989.Firstly some experts thought the image might be a picture of Benet Soler, a Barcelona tailor.To get a clearer picture of the figure beneath the "Woman Ironing",John K. Delaney,a senior imaging scientist,was able to produce images far more detailed than any that had been seen before. For the first time the shape of the man's sharp eyes and the upturn of his mustache were seen.His sleeves are not rolled up, but buttoned,which made some people think the image could be the beginning of a self-portrait. But that theory was dopped because Picasso didn't have a mustache at the time.So Carol Stringari,director of the Guggenheim Foundation,communicated with John Richardson, Picasso's biographer,who, relying on his knowledge rather than technology, studied drawings, paintings and photographs of all the likely subjects. He concluded that it wasn’t Mateu Fernandez de Soto, a sculptor,one of friends of artist’s.But Ms. Stringari disagree. "We think it looks more like Ricard Canals, another artist."Mr Richardson argues that it is not Canals: the part in his hair, which is not on the same side as the part presented in drawings, photographs and paintings of Canals.Ms. Stringari argued. “As much research as we do, we still come up with more questions, and those questions may never be answered."毕加索是23日在1904年,当时他被认为是“女人熨烫作画。

































全国计算机等级考试一级MS Office 模拟题及解析第四套(完整版)

全国计算机等级考试一级MS Office 模拟题及解析第四套(完整版)

全国计算机等级考试一级MS Office 模拟题及解析第四套(完整版)一、选择题1 [单选题] 把用高级语言写的程序转换为可执行程序,要经过的过程叫做()。

A.汇编和解释B.编辑和链接C.编译和链接装配D.解释和编译参考答案: C参考解析:高级语言必须经过编译和链接后才能被计算机识别。

2 [ 单选题] 微机的销售广告中“ P42.4G/256M/80G ”中的2.4G 是表示()。

A.CPU 的运算速度为2.4GIPSB.CPU 为Pentium4 的2.4 代C.CPU 的时钟主频为2.4GHzD.CPU 与内存间的数据交换速率是2.4Gbps参考答案: C参考解析:P 代表奔腾系列, 4代表此系列的第4代产品, 2.4G 是CPU 的频率,单位是Hz。

3 [ 单选题] JPEG 是一个用于数字信号压缩的国际标准,其压缩对象是()。

A.文本B.音频信号C.静态图像D.视频信号参考答案: C参考解析:jpg 是Joint PhotographicExperts Group(联合图像专家小组))的缩写,是第一个国际图像压缩标准。

jpg 图像压缩算法能够在提供良好的压缩性能的同时,具有比较好的重建质量。


4 [ 单选题] 操作系统的作用是()。

A.用户操作规范B.管理计算机硬件系统C.管理计算机软件系统D.管理计算机系统的所有资源参考答案: D参考解析:操作系统是系统软件的重要组成和核心部分,是管理计算机软件和硬件资源、调度用户作业程序和处理各种中断,保证计算机各个部分协调、有效工作的软件。


5 [ 单选题] 无符号二进制整数00110011 转换成十进制整数是()。

A.48B.49C.51D.53参考答案: C参考解析:解析:二进制数转换成十进制: 25+24+21+20=51 。

6 [ 单选题] 计算机硬件系统主要包括:中央处理器(CPU)、存储器和()。

A.显示器和键盘B.打印机和键盘C.显示器和鼠标器D.输人/ 输出设备参考答案: D参考解析:计算机硬件包括CPU、存储器、输入设备、输出设备。



2020年HSK四级考试试题解析一、听力第一部分第1-10 题:判断对错。

例如:我想去办个信用卡,今天下午你有时间吗?陪我去一趟银行?★ 他打算下午去银行。


★ 他喜欢看电视广告。












问:男的主要是什么意思?A 去机场B 快到了C 油是满的D 有加油站√11. A 没纸了 B 男的没发 C 打印机坏了 D 传真机坏了12. A 将来 B 理想 C 小说 D 职业13. A 办签证 B 去学校 C 打网球 D 打羽毛球14. A 不想出国 B 换个箱子 C 不符合规定 D 早点儿回来15. A 变胖了 B 很难受 C 正在减肥 D 工作很辛苦16. A 是研究生 B 参加工作了 C 已经毕业了 D 在准备考试17. A 打扫 B 等人 C 爬山 D 购物18. A 幽默 B 很难过 C 很粗心 D 没有耐心19. A 很酸 B 很甜 C 很咸 D 很辣20. A 他们输了 B 他们赢了 C 他们放弃了 D 他们很愉快21. A 学钢琴 B 去旅游 C 做生意 D 锻炼身体22. A 肚子疼 B 感冒了 C 觉得热 D 穿得太少23. A 周末 B 下周 C 两周后 D 下个月24. A 医生 B 导游 C 卖家具的 D 开出租车的25. A 我不会 B 马上来 C 没法解释 D 解决不了例如:男:把这个文件复印五份,一会儿拿到会议室发给大家。







5:char*p=”girl”;的含义是定义字符型指针变量p,p的值是字符串“girl”.选择题:1:设有说明:char w; int x; float y; double z;则表达式w*x+z-y值的数据类型为()A:float B:int C: char D:double2: C语言规定,在一个源程序中,main函数的位置()A:必须在最开始B:必须在系统调用的库函数的后面C:可以任意D:必须在最后3:C语言的if语句嵌套时,if与else的配对关系是()A:每个else总是与它上面的最近的if配对B每个else总是与最外层的if配对C:每个else与if的配对是任意的D:每个else总是与它上面的if配对4:下列字符序列中,不可用做C语言标识符的是()A:b70 B:#ab C:symbol D:a_15 : 整形变量x=1,y=3,经下列计算后,x的值不等于6的是()A:x=(x=1+2,x*2) B:x=y>2?6:5 C: x=9-(——y)—(y——)D:x=y*4/26: 若有下列定义,则对a数组元素A[2]地址的正确引用是()Int a[5],*p=a;A:*(p+5) B:*p+2 C:*(a+2) D: *&a[5]7: 在C语言中,能代表逻辑值“真”的是()A:True B: 大于0的数C:非0整数D:非0的数8 :任何一个C语言的可执行程序都是从————开始执行的,A:程序中的第一个函数B:main ( )函数的入口处C:程序中的第一条语句D:编译预处理语句9:下列语句中,不正确的是()A:char a[2]={1,2}; B : int a[2]={‘1’,’2’};C:char a[2]={‘1’,’2’,’3’}; D: char a[2]={‘1’};10:C语言中不可嵌套的是(——)A:函数调用B:函数定义C:循环语句D:选择语句第二套题的选择题判断1: c语言的switch语句case后可为字符和整型常量表达式或有确定值的变量及表达式,2: 如果有一个字符串。



第一套1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___.A、prescriptiveB、sociolinguistic descriptive D、psycholinguistic2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible.A、mouthB、lips tongue D、vocal cords3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___.A、bound morphemeB、bound formC、inflectional morpheme free morpheme4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause.coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator5、"Can I borrow your bike?" ___ "You have a bike."A、is synonymous withB、is inconsistent withC、entails presupposes6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___.A、semantics pragmatics C、sociolinguistics D、psycholinguistics7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization.A、elaborationB、simplificationC、external borrowingD、internal borrowing8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication.A、Lingua francaB、Creole Pidgin D、Standard language9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ .A、Broca‟ s area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrusB、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortexC、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neuronsD、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations.A、learningB、competenceC、performance acquisition第二套1. The pair of words “lend”and “borrow” are ___.( )A. gradable oppositesC. co-hyponymsD. synonyms2. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar.( )A. Jacob GrimmB. Rasmus RaskC. Franz BoppD. Sir William Jones3. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __.( )A. unusualB. something to be fearedC. abnormalD. natural4.__produce fast and fluent speech with good intonation and pronunciation but the content of their speech ranges from mildly inappropriate to complete nonsense, often as unintelligible.( )A. Broca's aphasicB. The linguistic deprivationC. The damage on the angular gyrusD. Wernicke's aphasic5. Some Southern learners of English in China tend to say “night” as “light”. This shows: ( ).A. They cannot pronounce/n/C. The teachers do not have a good teaching methodD. They do not like to pronounce nasal sounds6. A word with several meanings is called __word.( )B. a synonymousC. an abnormalD. a multiple7. The fu nction of the sentence “A nice day, isn't it?” is __.( )A. informativeB. phaticC. directiveD. performative8. The most recognizable differences between American English and British English are in __ and vocabulary.( )A. usageB. grammar D. structure9.__deals with the way in which a language varies through geographical space.( )B. LexicologyC. LexicographyD. Sociolinguistics10. The semantic components of the word “gentleman” can be expressed as __.( )A. +animate, +male, +human,-adultC. +animate, -male, +human,-adultD. +animate,-male, +human, +adult第三套1. The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is good proof that humanlanguage is ______.B. non-arbitraryC. logicalD. non-productive2. All the back vowels in English are pronounced with rounded-lips, i. e. rounded, EXCEPT ______.3. The level of syntactic representation that exists before movement takes place is commonly termed the ______.A. phrase structureB. surface structureC. syntactic structureD. deep structure4. The theory of ______ accounts for the fact that noun phrases appear only in subject and object positions.A. Case ConditionB. Adjacent ConditionC. parameterD. Adjacent parameters5. The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the same form is called ______.A. polysemyB. hyponymyC. antonymy6. The utterance "We're already working 25 hours a day, eight days a week." obviously violates the maxim of ______.A. qualityB. quantityC. relationD. manner7. In first language acquisition children usually ______ grammatical rules from the linguistic information they hear.A. useB. acceptC. generalizeD. reconstruct8. Standardization known as ______ is necessary in order to facilitate communications.A. language interpretationB. language identificationC. language choiceD. language planning9. Which of the following choices is not the key biological basis for human language acquisition?______.A. Cerebral cortexB. NeuronsC. EyesD. Angular gyrus10. Basically all the following categories except ______ are always missing in the children's telegraphic speech stage.A. the copula verb "be"B. inflectional morphemesD. content words第四套1. The description of a language as it changes through time is a ( ) study.A. comparativeC. up-to-dateD. descriptive2. Of the three branches of phonetics, the longest established, and until recently the most highly developed, is ( ) phonetics.A. auditoryB. acousticD. none of the above three3. What the el ement …-es‟ indic ates is third person singular, present tense, the element …-ed‟ past tense, and …-ing‟ progressive aspect. Since they are the smallest unit of language and meaningful, they are also ( ).A. phonemesC. allophonesD. phones4. Since early 1980s Noam Chomsky and other generatvie linguists proposed and developed a theoryof universal grammar known as the ( ) theory.A. speech actB. TGC. principles-and-parametersD. minimalist programme5. One way to analyze lexical meaning is ( ).A. predication analysisB. stylistic analysisC. componential analysisD. proposition analysis6. Of the three speech acts, linguists are most interested in the ( ) because this kind of speech act is identical with the speaker‟s intention.A. locutionary actC. perlocutionary actD. constative act7. The discovery of Indo-European language family began with the work of the British scholar ( ).A. Sir William JonesB. John FirthC. M. A. K. HallidayD. F. D. Saussure8. A bilingual speaker often uses two languages alternatively during a conversation with another bilingual speaker, a speech situation known as ( ).A. discourse role-switchingB. activity role-switchingC. social role-switchingD. code-switching9. A focal point of SLA research has been the nature and development of L2 learners‟( ).A. second languageB. first languageC. foreign languageD. interlanguage10. It is estimated that the number of basic words known by English-speaking school children of agesix is around ( ).A. 7800B. 6800C. 5800D. 4800第五套1. Chomsky uses the term ( ) to refer to the actual realization of a language user‟s knowle dge of the rules of his language in linguistic communication.A. langue C. parole D. performance2. In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of ( ).A. palatalB. alveolarC. bilabialD. dental3. Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by ( ) in 1957.A. L. BloomfieldB. F. SaussureC. N. ChomskyD.M. A. K. Halliday4. Natural languages are viewed to vary according to ( ) set on UG principles to particular values.A. Adjacent ConditionB. parametersC. Case ConditionD. Case requirement5. Synonyms are classified into several kinds. The kind to which “girl” and “lass” belong is called ( ) synonyms.B. dialectalC. emotiveD. collocational6. The illocutionary point of ( ) is to express the psychological state specified in the utterance.A. representativesB. commissives D. declaratives7. Modern English words man, woman, child, eat, fight, ect. originate from ( ).A. Middle EnglishB. Old EnglishC. FrenchD. Norman French8. In a diglossic country, the two diglossic forms of a language are generally two varieties of the same language, but there are situations in which the H-variety may have no ( ) relationship with the L-variety.A. geneticB. socialC. directD. close9. Many aphasics do not show total language loss. Rather, different aspects of language are impaired. Aphasics in ( ) area reveal word-finding difficulties and problems with syntax.A. Werniker‟sB. visualC. motorD. Broca‟s10. ( ) motivation occurs when the learner desires to learn a second language in order to communicate with native speakers of the target language.A. InstrumentalB. FunctionalC. IntegrativeD. Social第六套1. English consonants can be classified into stops. fricatives, nasals, etc. , in terms of ( ).A. manner of articulationB. openness of mouthC. place of articulationD. voicing2. The study of how words are combined to form sentences is called ( ).A. phoneticsB. morphology D. semantics3. According to Chomsky, ( ) is the ideal user‟s internalized knowledge of his language.A. competenceB. parole D. langue4. “Sweets” and “candy” are used respectively in Britain in and America, but refer to the same thing. The words are ( ) synonyms.A. collocational C. complete D. stylistic5. Different meanings can be associated with one linguistic form, but there is no basic meaning amongthem. This is known as ( ).A. homonymyB. hyponymy D. antonymy6. “How fast did he drive when he ran the red light?” ( ) “He ran the red light”.A. entailsB. contradicts D. includes7. The word “lab” is formed through ( ).A. back formationB. blending D. derivation8. ( ) in the brain fulfills the function of speech production.A. Angular gyrusB. Broca‟s areaC. The right hemisphereD. Wernicke‟s area9. When a child uses “mummy” to refer to any woman, most probably his “mummy” means ( ).A. + HumanB. + Human + Adult– Male D. + Human + Adult - Male + Parent10. ( ) is not a suprasegmental feature.B. IntonationC. StressD. Tone第七套1. The famous quotation from Shakespeare's play “Romeo and Juliet” …A rose by any other name would smell as sweet‟ well illustrates _______.( )A. the conventional nature of languageB .the creative nature of languageC. the universality of languageD. the big difference between human language and animal communication2. Of the following sound combinations, only _______ is permissible according to the sequential rules in English.( )B. bkilC. ilkbD. ilbk3.The sentence that has a NP and a VP can be shown in a _______ formula "S→NP VP".( )A. hierarchicalB. linearC. tree diagramD. vertical4. It is the _______ on Case assignment that states that a Case assignor and a Case recipient should stay adjacent to each other.( )A. Case ConditionB. parameterC. Adjacent ConditionD. Adjacent Parameter5. Predication analysis is a way to analyze _______ meaning.A. phonemeB. wordC. phrase6. According to Searle, those illocutionary acts whose point is to commit the speaker to some future course of action are called _______.( )A. commisivesB. directivesC. expressivesD. declaratives7. The term _______ linguistics may be defined as a way of referring to the approach which studies language change over various periods of time and at various historical stages.A. synchronicB. diachronicC. comparativeD. historical comparative8. The way in which people address each other depends on their age, sex, social group, and personal relationship. The English system of address forms frequently used includes first name, last name, title+last name, _______,and kin term.A. title+first nameB. title+titleC. title aloneD. first name+last name+title9. Language and thought may be viewed as two independent circles overlapping in some parts. When language and thought are identical or closely parallel to each other, we may regard thought as"subvocal speech," and speech as "_______".( )A. vocal thoughtB. subvocal thoughtC. covert thoughtD. overt thought10. Which of the following best states the behaviorist view of child language acquisition?_______.( )A. Language acquisition is a process of habit formationB. Language acquisition is the species-specific property of human beingsC. Children are born with an innate ability to acquire languageD. Humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for language and language use第八套1. Linguistics is the scientific study of __________.A. a particular languageB. the English languageD. the system of a particular language2. The consonant [f] in English can be correctly described as having the following phonetic features: __________.A. voiceless, bilabial, stopB. voiceless, labiodental, fricativeC. voiced, bilabial, stopD. voiced, labiodental, fricative3. There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix "ed" in the word "learned" is known as a(n) __________.A. derivational morphemeB. free morphemeD. free form4. In the phrase structure rule "S→NP VP", the arrow can be read as __________.A. is equal toB. consists ofC. hasD. generates5. "I bought some roses" __________ "I bought some flowers".B. presupposesC. is inconsistent withD. is synonymous with6. Y's utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of __________.X: Who was that you were with last night?Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?A. qualityB. quantity D. manner7. Changes in a language are changes in the grammar of the speakers of the language. This means that phonemes, __________, words and grammatical rules may be borrowed, added, lost or altered.A. phrasesB. sentencesC. morphemesD. utterances8. In a speech community people have something in common __________a language or a particular variety of language and rules for using it.A. sociallyB. linguisticallyC. culturallyD. pragmatically9. Which of the major mental functions listed below is not under the control of the left hemisphere in most people? __________.A. language and speechB. visual and spatial skillsC. reading and writingD. analytic reasoning10. In general, the __________ stage begins roughly in the second half of the child's second year.A. babblingB. one-word D. multiword第九套1. Saussure‟s distinction and Chomsky‟s are very similar, but they differ in that ____________.A. Saussure took a sociological view of language while Chomsky took a psychological point of viewB. Saussure took a psychological view of language while Chomsky took a sociological point of viewC. Saussure took a pragmatic view of language while Chomsky took a semantic point of viewD. Saussure took a structural view of language while Chomsky took a pragmatic point of view2. Language is a system of ____________ vocal symbols used for human communication.A. unnaturalB. artificialC. superficialD. arbitrary3. We are born with the ability to acquire language, _______________.A. and the details of any language system are genetically transmittedB. therefore, we needn‟t learn the details of our mother tongueC. but the details of language have to be learnt.D. and the details are acquired by instinct4. A(n)________ is a phonological unit of distinctive value. It is a collection of distinctive phonetic features.A. phoneB. allophoneC. phonemeD. sound5. The morpheme –ed in the word “worked” is a(n) __________ morpheme.A. derivationalB. inflectionalC. freeD. word-forming6. WH-movement is __________ in English which changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative.A. obligatoryB. optionalC. selectionalD. arbitrary7. Naming theory, one of the oldest notions concerning meaning, was proposed by _____________.A. GriceB. PlatoC. SaussureD. Ogden and Richards8. “John married a blond heiress.”__________ “John married a blond.”A. is synonymous withB. is inconsistent withC. entailsD. presupposes9. In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called ____________, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.A. utteranceB. referenceC. predicationD. morpheme10. In Austin‟s speech act theory, ___________ is the act of expressing the speaker‟s intention; it is the act performed in saying something.A. a perlocutionary actB. a locutionary actC. a constative actD. an illocutionary act1-5. A D C C B 6-10. A B C C D第十套1. If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it is said to be _______.A. prescriptiveB. analytic D. linguistic2. Which of the following is not a design feature of human language?A. ArbitrarinessB. DisplacementC. Duality3. Modern linguistics regards the written language as _______.A. primaryB. correctC. secondaryD. stable4. In modern linguistics, speech is regarded as more basic than writing, because _______.A. in linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writingB. speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of information conveyedC. speech is always the way in which every native speaker acquires his mother tongue5. A historical study of language is a _______ study of language.A. synchronic C. prescriptive D. comparative6. Saussure took a(n) _______ view of language, while Chomsky looks at language from a ________ point of view.…psychological B. psychological…sociologicalC. applied…pragmaticD. semantic…linguistic7. According to F. de Saussure, _______ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.A. paroleB. performance D. Language8. Language is said to be arbitrary because there is no logical connection between _______ and meanings.A. sense C. objects D. ideas9. Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker. This feature is called _______,B. dualityC. flexibilityD. cultural transmission10. The details of any language system is passed on from one generation to the next through _______, rather than by instinct.A. learningB. teachingC. booksD. both A and B第十一套1.Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar for it is mostly _________.A. prescriptiveB. descriptiveC. subjectiveD. Latin-based2. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as ________.A. abnormalB. something to be fearedC. naturalD. unnatural3.Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate?A. [dV]B.[tF]C.[z]D.[T]4.There are ___________morphemes in the word “disabled”?A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four5.In English,“dis-“ is called________?A. a free morphemeB. a suffixC. an infixD. a prefix6.Black English is probably the most widespread and most familiar ____ variety of the English language.A. regionalB. ethnicC. socialD. lower class7.The pair of words “alive” and “dead” are _____________.A. gradable antonymsB. complementary antonymsC. relational oppositesD. co-hyponyms8.____ belong(s)to the Indo-European language family.A. EnglishB. GermanC. FrenchD. All of them9.The sentence “Kids like apples” is a___________.A.two-place predicationB.three-place predicationC.no-place predicationD.one-place predication10.What is the construction of the sentence:“The baby smiled?”A. subordinateB. coordinateC. exocentricD. endocentric1.B2. C3. A4. C5. D6. B7. B8. D9. A10. C第十二套1. F. de Saussure is a(n)_________ linguist.A. AmericanB. SwissC. BritishD. Russian2. Which of the following sounds is a voiced bilabial stop?A. [p]B. [m]C. [b]D. [t]3. Of the “words” listed below,__________ is not an English word.A. [spriN]B. [lkbi]C. [strikt]D. [5U:ziz]4. The affixes which manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as “-ing,-est” are called __________.A. derivational affixesB. free morphemesC. inflectional affixesD. roots5. The sentence containing two clauses joined by a linking word is called a ____________ sentence.A. coordinateB. simpleC. subordinateD. embedded6. “Words are names or labels for things.” This view is called _________ in semantic theory.A. mentalismB. contextualismC. conceptualismD. naming theory7. The semantic relationship between flower and rose is _______.A. hyponymsB. hyponymyC. co-hyponymsD. superordinate8. The words such as handbook and highway are ___________.A. formed by blendingB. coined by back-formationC. compound wordsD. derivations9. X-bar theory is __________________.A. highly specific and concrete,therefore only useful to solve concrete problemsB. capable of reducing the redundancies of individual phrasal structure rulesC. so highly abstract that it can explain all the properties of all phrasal categoriesD. inefficient in coping with the language structures other than those of English10. The words “railway” and “railroad” are __________.A. synonyms differing in emotive meaningB. synonyms differing in stylesC. dialectal synonymsD. synonyms differing in register1.B2. C3. B4. C5. A6. D7.B8.C9. B10. C第十三套1.The study of language development at some point in time is generally termed as ___________ linguistics.A. comparativeB. appliedC. synchronicD. diachronic2.N. Chomsky is a famous _____________ linguist.A. AmericanB. BritishC. GreekD. Swiss3.In the following sounds ___________ is a voiceless affricate.A. [d]B.[l]C. [tF]D. [w]4.In English,“pill” and “bill” are___________.A. a phonemic contrastB. complementary distributionC. assimilation D a minimal pair5.The word “unhappiness” has ____________ morpheme(s)A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four6.In English the letter combination “care” in the word “carelessness” is called ___________.A. suffixB. prefixC. infixD. free morpheme7. A word with several meaning is called _________.A. a synonymous wordB. a polysemous wordC. an abnormal wordD. none of the above8.We call the relation between “animal” and “tiger” as ___________.A. polysemyB. synonymyC. hyponymyD. homophony9.The pair of words “let‟ and “rent” is called ___________.A. relational oppositesB. gradable antonymsC. complementary antonymsD. co-hyponyms10.Which description of the meaning components of the word “mother” is right.A. [+human,+adult,+male]B. [-human,+adult,+male]C. [+human,+adult,-male]D. [+human,-adult,-male]1.C2. A3. C4. D5.C6. D7.B8. C9.A10. C第十四套1. The word “language” is sometimes used to refer to the whole of a person‟s language called _________.A. colloquial languageB. scientific languageC. standard languageD. idiolect2.Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary?A. bangB. photoC. typewriterD. rumble3.Which of the following sounds is a diphthong?A. [ai]B. [t]C[dV] D. [A]4. “hot dog” with the first element stressed means________.A. a dog which is hotB. a barking dogC. a kind of foodD. a dead dog5. There are _________morphemes in the word” frightening”.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four6. In English,“-ate” and “dis-“ are called _________.A. PrefixesB. suffixesC. infixesD. affixes7. The phrase “boys and girls” belongs to the ______ construction.A. complexB. coordinateC. embeddedD. subordinate8. The illocutionary act of the utterance “ I promise to come.” is a_______.A. representativeB. expressiveC. declarationD. commissive9.Which of the following two-term sets shows the feature of complementarity?A. hot/coldB. doctor/patientC. single/marriedD. husband /wife10. Which part of the brain is generally considered to control language and speech.A. left hemisphereB. right hemisphereC. front hemisphereD. back hemisphere1.D2. B3. A4. C5. C6. D7. B8. D9. C10.A第十五套1. Modern linguistics give priority to speech because _____________.A. speech sounds are derived from writing systemsB. The spoken form is more basic than the written formC. Writing precedes speech in English languageD. All the languages today have both spoken and written forms.2.In the following sounds,_________ is a glottal sound.A:[h] B. [k] C. [g] D.[n]3.Of the words listed below,________ is not an English word.A. [blik] B [bilk] C. [kilb]D. [skw]4.In English,the root “tele” means _________.A. seeing,sightB. a branch of learningC. distant,farD. small in size5. The situation in which two or more languages are used side by side is referred to as__________.A. blendingB. BilingualismC. clippingD. pidginization6.The function of the sentence “ A sunny day,isn‟t it?” is __________.A. informativeB. interrogativeC. expressiveD. phatic7. ___________ are language varieties related to the use in particular speech situation.A. Education varietiesB. Age varietiesC. Gender varietiesD. Register varieties8. There are _________ morphemes in the word “ disabled”.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four9.Which of the following two-term sets is relational opposite?A. old/youngB. alive/deadC. teacher/pupilD. hot/cold10.The words such as “smog”,and “motel” are __________.A. compound wordsB. abbreviated wordsC. formed by blendingD. coined by backformation.1.B.2. A3. D4. C5. B6. D7. D8. C9. C10.C第十六套1.Which of the following statements is not the concern of sociolinguists?A. The language a person uses reveals his social background.B. There exist social norms that determine the type of language to be used on a certain occasion.C. How does the human mind work when they use language?D. To investigate the social aspects of language.2. Language is ___________ in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users.A. systematicB. culturally transmittedC. intuitiveD. productive3. ____________ transcription is really the transcription required and used by the phoneticians in their study of speech sounds.A. WideB. NarrowC. BroadD. Detailed4. The articulatory apparatus of a human being are contained in ______________ .A. the pharyngeal cavityB. the oral cavityC. the nasal cavityD. all of the above5. ___________ studies the internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation.A. PhonologyB. SemanticsC. SyntaxD. Morphology6.The word “refreshment” contains ___________ morpheme(s).A. zeroB. oneC. twoD. three7.The central element in a simple sentence,or in each clause,is the _____________.A. subjectB. finite verbC. objectD. adverbial8. The syntactic rules of any language are ___________ in number.A. infiniteB. finiteC. largeD. definite9. Which pair of antonyms differs from other pairs?A. above,belowB. sell,buyC. teacher,pupilD. hot,cold10. What is the sentential relation between “He likes swimming.” and “He likes sports.”?A. PresuppositionB. Entailment。



英语专四语言知识考试题及答案1. __B__ racial problems have not been solved and full equality has not been attained yet, progress in these directions has been quite remarkable. A. Since B. Although C. Now that D. Before1. B)【句意】虽然种族问题还没有得到彻底解决,完全的平等还没有得到实现,但这些方面所取得的进步是值得称道的。

【难点】although意为“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句;since 意为“因为;既然”;now that意为“现在已经…;既然已…”;before long意为“不久”,不是连词,不能带从句。

2. __C__ they are alarmed at the interference with the natural balance of the environment, and its possible consequences.A. All in allB. After allC. Above allD. In all2. C)【句意】更重要的是,他们对人们干扰生态平衡的行为以及可能产生的后果表示震惊。

【难点】above all 意为“更重要的是,尤其”;all in all 意为“总而言之,总的说来”;after all意为“毕竟,终究”; in all 意为“全部,总共,总计”。

3. Rumor __A__it that the man has been nominated many times for the Nobel Prize. A. has B. spreads C. carries D. learns3. A)【句意】传说那个人多次得到诺贝尔奖提名。

【难点】rumor has it that …是一个固定句式,意为“传言…,传说…”,其中it为无人称代词。



hsk4中文考试真题试卷HSK4中文考试真题试卷一、听力部分1. 听句子,选择正确的图片。

- 录音:今天天气真好,我们去公园散步吧。

- A. 雨天B. 晴天C. 阴天2. 听对话,回答问题。

- 录音:男:你昨天去图书馆了吗?女:是的,我借了几本书。

- 问题:女的昨天做了什么?- A. 去图书馆B. 看电影C. 购物3. 听短文,回答问题。

- 录音:小明的爸爸是一名医生,妈妈是一名教师。


- 问题:小明的父母分别是什么职业?- A. 医生和教师B. 律师和医生C. 教师和律师二、阅读部分1. 阅读下面的句子,选择正确的答案。

- 句子:他每天早晨都去跑步。

- 问题:他什么时候去跑步?- A. 晚上B. 下午C. 早晨2. 阅读短文,回答问题。

- 短文:张华是一名大学生,他喜欢打篮球和听音乐。


- 问题:张华喜欢做什么?- A. 打篮球和听音乐B. 看电影和听音乐C. 打篮球和看电影3. 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。

- 对话:女:你今天晚上有空吗?我们一起去看电影吧。


- 问题:他们打算做什么?- A. 去图书馆B. 去看电影C. 去打篮球三、写作部分1. 写一篇短文,描述你最喜欢的季节和原因。

(不少于60字)2. 写一封信给你的朋友,告诉他/她你最近的生活情况。

(不少于80字)四、口语部分1. 描述你上周末的活动。

2. 谈谈你对学习中文的感受。

五、词汇与语法部分1. 选择正确的词语填空。

- 例句:他()在图书馆。

- A. 去B. 来C. 到达2. 将下列句子改为否定句。

- 例句:她喜欢听音乐。

- 否定句:她________听音乐。

3. 用“因为……所以……”造句。

- 例句:因为今天下雨,所以我没有去公园。

六、综合应用部分1. 根据给出的情境,选择最合适的表达方式。

- 情境:你的朋友邀请你参加他的生日派对,但你那天有重要的工作要做。


































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若x,i,j,k 都是int型变量,则计算x=(i=4,j=16,k=i+32)后,x的值为:(D).整型变量x=1,y=3,经下列计算后,x的值不等于6的是(D)。


main(){int i=010,j=10;printf("%d,%d\n",++i,j--);},10,9,9,10如下说法不正确的是(D).A.若b为假a为真,则 a||b为真B.若b为真a为假,则 a||b为真C.若b为真a为真,则 b&&!a为假D.若b为假,则!b+1为假下列(C)表达式的值为真,其中a=5;b=8;c=10;d=0A.(a*2-c)||d*2>8+2<c*d&&d以下能计算1×2×3×┈×10的程序段是(C).{ i=1;s=1;s=s*i;i++;}while(i>=10) ;{ i=1;s=1;s=s*i;i++;}while(i<=10) ;=1;s=1;do {s=s*i; i++; }while(i<=10) ;=1;s=1; do { s=s*i; i++;}while(i>=10) ;以下正确的描述是(A).语句用来终止本次循环,继续下一次循环。

语句中不能出现continue语句C.在循环中break语句不能独立出现语句只能用于退出多层循环下面各语句中,能正确进行赋字符串操作的语句是(B).s1[5][ ]={"ABCDE"};s2[6]={'A','B','C','D','E'};st[ ][ ]={"ABCDE"};s[5]={'A','B','C','D','E'};下述对C语言字符数组的描述中,错误的是(C).A.不可以用关系运算符对字符数组中的字符串进行比较.B.字符数组中的字符串可以整体输入、输出.C.可以通过赋值运算符"="对字符数组整体赋值.D.字符数组中可以存放字符串.若有说明 int a[3][4];则对a数组元素的正确引用是(C)。

[1,3][2][4][1+1][0](2)(1)程序运行结束后,屏幕上输出值为(B).static int x=10;f( ){ x++;}main( ){ int x=3;f( );x- -;printf("%d",x);}C语言规定,函数返回值的类型是由(A)。


A.没有返回值B.返回一个不确定的值C.返回若干个系统默认值D.能返回一个用户所希望的值设有宏定义#define PI 和#define S(r) PI*r*r,则S(2)的值为(B).下面选择中正确的赋值语句是(设char a[5],*p=a;)(A)。

="abcd";="abcd";C.*a="abcd";D.*p="abcd";static struct {int a1;float a2;char a3;}a[10]={1,,'A'}; 说明数组a是地址常量,它有10个结构体型的下标变量,采用静态存储方式,其中被初始化的下标变量是(A)。


整型变量在可输出字符范围内,可以和字符型数据相互转化. Tputchar 函数的原型(函数说明)在内. T设i=1,j=2,k=3,则逻辑表达式!(i>j)||!k&&1的值为0. F已知三目运算exp1exp2:exp3的含义是先求exp1,若为0,则求解exp2,则表达式值为exp2的值,否则是exp3的值. F对于for(表达式1;表达式2;表达式3)语句来说,continue语句意味着转去执行表达式2. Ffor循环可以用于循环次数不确定而给出循环条件的情况下. T设有数组定义: char array[ ]="hello"; 则数组 array所占的内存空间为5字节. F数组整体不参加数据处理(即不参加各种运算),参加数据处理的只能是数组的元素. Tputs 函数用来输出一个字符. F在一个函数中定义的静态局部变量不能被另外一个函数所调用. TC语言中,只允许直接递归调用而不允许间接递归调用. F数组名可作为函数的实参,但不能作为函数的形参. F计算机编译系统对宏定义在编译时进行语法检查. F定义 int k[ ]={1,2,3,4},y,*p=&k[1];,则执行y=(*--p)++后, y的值不是2. T在定义结构体变量时,允许使用初始化方法对其整体赋初值. TC语言中,在打开文件时,必须说明文件的使用方式,"w"用于文件的读写. F若x和n均是int型变量,且x和n的初值均为5,则计算表达式 x+=n++ 后x的值为 __10___,n 的值为__6___.设(k=a=5,b=3,a*b),则表达式的值为__15___.若int x=6;则x+=x-=x*x表达式最后x的值是__-60___.设a,b,c,t为整型变量,初值为a=3,b=4,c=5,执行完语句t=!(a+b)+c-1&&b+c/2 后,t的值是__1___.C语言中,数组元素的下标下限为__0___.局部静态变量是在静态存储区分配存储单元的,在整个程序运行期间始终占__内存___的.设有以下共用体类型说明和变量定义,在TC编译环境下,变量d在内存所占字节数是 __12___。

union stud{ short int num;char name[8];float score[3];double ave;}d,stu[3];feof(fp)函数用来判断文件是否结束,如果遇到文件结束,函数值为__非零值___。



------------------------------------------------*/#include ""#include ""#include ""#define N 81void fun(char *str,int n){/*********Begin**********//********** End **********/}【参考代码】int i,j;char c;for(i=0,j=n-1;i<j;i++,j--) /*或者for(i=0,j=n-1;i<n/2;i++,j--)*/ {c=*(str+i);*(str+i)=*(str+j);*(str+j)=c;}/*------------------------------------------------【程序设计】--------------------------------------------------功能:从低位开始取出长整型变量s中偶数位上的数,依次构成一个新数放在t中。


------------------------------------------------*/#include ""long fun (long s){/*********Begin**********//********** End **********/}【参考代码】long sl=10,t;s /= 10;t = s % 10;while(s > 0){ s = s/100;t = s%10*sl + t;sl = sl * 10;}return t;;/*------------------------------------------------------ 【程序改错】--------------------------------------------------------功能:实现两个字符串的连接。

例如:输入dfdfqe和12345时,则输出dfdfqe12345.------------------------------------------------------*/#include""main(){char s1[80],s2[80];void scat(char s1[],char s2[]);gets(s1);gets(s2);scat(s1,s2);puts(s1);}void scat (char s1[],char s2[]){int i=0,j=0;/**********ERROR**********/while(s1[i]=='\0') i++;/**********ERROR**********/while(s2[j]=='\0'){/**********ERROR**********/s2[j]=s1[i];i++;j++;}/**********ERROR**********/s2[j]='\0';}【改错1】【参考答案】while(s1[i]!='\0')i++;while(s1[i])i++;while(s1[i]!=NULL)i++;while(s1[i]!=0)i++;【改错2】【参考答案】while(s2[j]!='\0')while(s2[j])while(s2[j]!=NULL)while(s2[j]!=0)【改错3】【参考答案】s1[i]=s2[j];【改错4】【参考答案】s1[i]='\0';s1[i]=NULL;*(s1+i)='\0';s1[i]=0;/*------------------------------------------------------ 【程序改错】--------------------------------------------------------题目:输出某学生出生的月份。
