文献检索 PubMed 实习题
PubMed 实习题1.查出T Byers 2010年4月发表的1篇文献,抄下题录,写出作者的工作单位?2.洋地黄糖甙(digitalis glycosides)治疗充血性心衰(congestive heart failure)综述文献。
(文章出处Am Heart J 1988 Oct;116(4):1063-70(54 ref.)要求复制题录。
3.利用MeSH Database检索2002-2006年“青少年(Adolescent,13~18岁)心肌炎(myocarditis)并发症(complications)”方面的文献(加权检索),要求写出检索结果。
4.高血压(hypertension)在MeSH表中的树型结构.5.查出期刊:ISSN 0035-9238 的英文全称、国际标准缩写形式、创刊年、原文文种。
1University of Colorado Denver, 12801 East 17th Avenue, Aurora, CO 80045, USA. Marileila.Garcia@工作单位:1Colorado School of Public Health, Aurora, CO (TB, DG).tim.byers@.1Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester 01655.3.Results: 85.英文全称: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General).国际标准缩写形式: J R Stat Soc Ser A创刊年:1948原文文种: English。
文献检索报告任务书一、课题简要说明The electrostatic rotary atomizer has the highest paint efficiency in all kind of atomizers. The usage of an electrostatic rotary atomizer, therefore, has contributed to reduce the waste of paint and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Concurrently, water-borne painting processes which usewater-soluble paint have been introduced to reduce the amount of VOCs emissions. With the water-borne painting, the atomizer body is easily contaminated by the paint mists. The contamination has been an important problem to be solved in factories.二、专题检索报告Water absorption is an essential parameter to define the protection properties of anticorrosive paints. This parameter is often evaluated by means of the dielectric capacitance of the coating. The presence of water in the coating increases its dielectric constant. The semi-empiricalBrasher-Kinsgbury equation [1] allows the estimation of a coatingpsilas water uptake through capacitance measurements. However, the capacitance of a coating depends, at least, on both the amount of water (volume fraction) and the shape of the water inclusions [2]. Brasher-Kingsbury approximations may result in highly inaccurate values. Therefore, it is interesting to have a direct measurement of the mass increment of the coating together with the time evolution of its dielectric capacitance. A stable quartz crystal oscillator sensor for measuring the water uptake in organic coatings was designed. The phase noise performance of the oscillator has been investigated in order to characterize the oscillatorpsilas resolution during the water uptake process. The result is a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) sensor able to determine the rate and amount of water absorbed into anticorrosion cataphoretic coatings with a resolution of 360 pg/cm2 for one second sampling interval.Electrostatic corona painting on nonconductive surfaces normally requires a ground-connected conductive precoating of the surface in order to dissipate the continuously incoming ionic charge from the corona gun. If the surface charge does not flow to ground, the resulting surface electric field will repel a substantial amount of the incoming paint. The authors present a new painting method consisting of generating ultrasonically atomized electrically charged water particles behind the nonconductive surface to be painted. The表1 课题预研信息报告表2 课题攻关信息保障报告表3 课题鉴定成果查新报告。
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实验3 外文网络数据库及特种文献检索
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Elsevier SDOL数据库、SpringerLink数据库、EBSCO ASP+BSP、国道 外文特色专题数据库、EI(美国工程索引)、金图国际外文原版数字图书 馆、中国国家知识产权局、国家科技成果网、中国标准服务网等。
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4、熟悉相应数据库的浏览器使用。 5、掌握提高查全率和查准率的方法。
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作业3 外文网络数据库及特种文献检索实习
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三、检索词:中文:可编程逻辑控制器,可编程逻辑控制器,可编程控制器件外文:Programmable Logic Controller,PLC四、资源检索1、查找本校纸本图书馆藏目录(1)检索途径:关键词(2)检索式:关键词=PLC(3)检中数量:378条(4)检中结果列举:①张凤珊.电气控制及可编程序控制器.2版 [M].北京: 中国轻工业出版社,2003.②刘增良,刘国亭.电气工程CAD [M].北京: 中国水利水电出版社,2002.③史国生.电气控制与可编程控制器技术 [M].北京: 化学工业出版社,2003.④马志溪.电气工程设计 [M].北京: 机械工业出版社,2002.2、查找中文数据库(1)检索数据库名称:万方数字化系统(2)检索途径:关键词(3)检索式:关键词=PLC(4)检中数量:95084条(5)检中结果列举:①郭昌荣.FX系列PLC的链接通信及VB图形监控[M].北京:北京航空航天大学出版社,2008.②魏艳君.多功能屋面SP板切割机 [J].机电一体化,2002.③三菱微型可编程控制器手册 [M].MITSUBISHI SOCIO-TECH,2003.4. 查找外文数据库(1)检索数据库名称:ASCE(美国土木工程师协会)(2)检索途径:关键词(3)检索式:关键词=PLC(4)检中数量:292条(5)检中结果列举:①Rizzi E,Hahner P.[J].International Journal of Plasticity,2004.121.②Cottrell A H. Doloeatiorns and Plastic Flow in Crystals[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1953.134.③Pink E,Grinberg A.[J].Acta Metallurgica,1982.2153.五、文献综述在工业生产过程中,大量的开关量顺序控制,它按照逻辑条件进行顺序动作,并按照逻辑关系进行连锁保护动作的控制离散量的数据采集。
(四)利用英文全文数据库——Elsevier 进行文献信息检索示例1、检索课题名称:受损生态系统的生物修复机制2、课题分析:中文关键词:生态系统、受损、修复英文关键词:Ecosystem、Impaired、Repair3、选择检索工具:Elsevier数据库4、构建检索策略:Ecosystem AND Impaired AND Repair5、简述检索过程:选定在Elsevier 中期刊、图书、文摘数据库等全部文献资源中检索1996 年以后的关于废水处理的相关文献。
利用确定的检索策略(Ecosystem AND Impaired AND Repair),文献全文(含文献题目、摘要、关键词)中检索,检到550篇相关文献;在文献题目、摘要和关键词中检索,检索到1篇相关文献;在文献关键词中检索到3篇相关文献;在文献题目中检索到2篇相关文献。
6、整理检索结果:从以上文献中选择出3 条切题文献1、Effects on aquatic ecosystemsD.-P. H?dera, , H.D. Kumarb, R.C. Smithc, R.C. WorrestdInstitut für Botanik und Pharmazeutische Biologie der Universit?t Erlangen-Nümburg, Staudtstra?e 5, D-91058 Erlangen, GermanyCenter of Advanced Study in Botany, Banaras Hindu University, 214, Saketnagar Colony, PO Bon 5014, Varanasi , IndiaInstitute for Computational Earth System Science (ICESS) and Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USACIESIN, Columbia University, 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006, USAAbstractRegarding the effects of UV-B radiation on aquatic ecosystems, recent scientific and public interest has focused on marine primary producers and on the aquatic web, which has resulted in a multitude of studies indicating mostly detrimental effects of UV-B radiation on aquatic organisms. The interest has expanded to include ecologically significant groups and major biomass producers using mesocosm studies, emphasizing species interactions. This paper assesses the effects of UV-B radiation on dissolved organic matter, decomposers, primary and secondary producers, and briefly summarizes recent studies in freshwater and marine systems.2、Impacts of clearing invasive alien plants from 1995 to 2005 on vegetation structure, invasion intensity and ground cover in a temperate to subtropical riparian ecosystem?M.M.T. Beater, R.D. Garner, E.T.F. Witkowski?Restoration and Conservation Biology Research Group, School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa?Received 7 August 2007. Accepted 22 January 2008. Available online 17 March 2008. Edited by DM RichardsonAbstractThe impacts of invasive alien plants (IAP) and their subsequent clearing by the Working for Water Programme (WfW) on (a) overstorey (woody plant) vegetation structure, (b) invasion intensity(overstorey aerial cover of woody alien plants) and (c) ground cover, in a temperate to subtropical riparian ecosystem were studied in 1996/7 and again in 2005, in order to provide a longer-term perspective on the effectiveness of WfW clearing. Forty 1000 m2 plots were surveyed and resurveyed, comparing between (a) higher altitude Grassland and lower altitude Savanna, (b) high (> 50% invasion intensity) versus low (< 50% invasion intensity) alien invasion sites, and (c) WfW cleared versus uncleared sites (the three ‘treatments’). Pre-clearing estimates from cut stumps in 1996/7 indicated high alien invasion intensities of 72 ± 8% in Grassland and 69 ± 11% in Savanna. From 1996/7 to 2005 there was a large decrease in aerial cover of alien trees of > 5 m and to a lesser extent 2–5 m in height, and a large increase in alien plants of < 2 m. Hence WfW was initially successful, with the original tall Eucalyptus grandis tree layer largely removed. However, total invasion intensity remained unchanged over the first decade (30.4 ±4.6% in 1996/7, 31.9 ± 3.2% in 2005). From 1996/7 to 2005, grass and herbaceous cover decreased, while bare soil and litter increased, indicating reduced surface stability. This was in response to (a) the major flood event of February 2000, (b) the effects of IAP invasions and (c) WfW clearing. Total ground vegetation cover was negatively related to alien aerial cover in both biome reaches in 1996/7 and 2005. By 2005, there were no longer any differences in the aerial cover of woody alien plants in response to the original 1996/7 invasion intensity or clearing ‘treatments’, and hence progressive homogenization of IAP cover. Aerial cover of woody indigenous plants also responded negatively to increasing alien aerial cover in 1996/7 and 2005 in both Savanna and Grassland. In conclusion, the nature of the IAP problem has changed from dealing largely with relatively few large E. grandis trees in the mid-90s, to the present large suite of invasive species with numerous smaller individuals. This has implications for the time needed for clearing. This is one of few studies to have assessed the initial and longer-term (1995–2005) effectiveness of WfW clearing operations. It shows that improved IAP clearing protocols are needed. More follow-up treatments are recommended to ‘capture’ alien resprouts and new seedlings before they establish and reproduce. Secondly, integrating clearing with restoration of the tall indigenous riparian canopy tree species in heavily invaded sites would help to shade out many alien recruits.3、Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes—are we asking the right questions??M.J. Swifta, A.-M.N. Izacb, M. van Noordwijkb,?a Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Institute of CIAT, Nairobi, Kenya?b International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), SE Asia Regional Program, P.O. Box 61, Bogor 16001, Indonesia? Available online 24 August 2004.AbstractThe assumed relationship between biodiversity or local richness and the persistence of ‘ecosystem services’ (that can sustain productivity on-site as well as off-site, e.g. through regulation of water flow and storage) in agricultural landscapes has generated considerable interest and a range of experimental approaches. The abstraction level aimed for, however, may be too high to yield meaningful results. Many of the experiments on which evidence in favour or otherwise are based are artificial and do not support the bold generalisations to other spatial and temporal scales that are often made. Future investigations should utilise co-evolved communities, be structured to investigate the distinct roles of clearly defined functional groups, separate the effects of between- and within-group diversity and be conducted over a range of stress and disturbance situations. Anintegral part of agricultural intensification at the plot level is the deliberate reduction of diversity. This does not necessarily result in impairment of ecosystem services of direct relevance to the land user unless the hypothesised diversity–function threshold is breached by elimination of a key functional group or species. Key functions may also be substituted with petro-chemical energy in order to achieve perceived efficiencies in the production of specific goods. This can result in the maintenance of ecosystem services of importance to agricultural production at levels of biodiversity below the assumed ‘functional threshold’. However, it can also result in impairment of other services and under some conditions the de-linking of the diversity–function relationship. Avoidance of these effects or attempts to restore non-essential ecosystem services are only likely to be made by land users at the plot scale if direct economic benefit can be thereby achieved. At the plot and farm scales biodiversity is unlikely to be maintained for purposes other than those of direct use or ‘utilitarian’ benefits and often at levels lower than those necessary for maintenance of many ecosystem services. The exceptions may be traditional systems where intrinsic values (social customs) continue to provide reasons for diversity maintenance. High levels of biodiversity in managed landscapes are more likely to be maintained for reasons of intrinsic, serependic (‘option’ or ‘bequest’) values or utilitarian (‘direct use’) than for functional or ecosystem service values. The major opportunity for both maintaining ecosystem services and biodiversity outside conservation areas lies in promoting diversity of land-use at the landscape and farm rather than field scale. This requires, however, an economic and policy climate that favours diversification in land uses and diversity among land users.6、全文摘录选择一篇:一、篇名:Biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes—are we asking the right questions?二、作者:M.J. Swifta, A.-M.N. Izacb, M. van Noordwijk三、作者机构:International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF), SE Asia Regional Program, P.O. Box 61, Bogor 16001, Indonesia? Available online 24 August 2004.四、摘要:AbstractThe assumed re lationship between biodiversity or local richness and the persistence of ‘ecosystem services’ (that can sustain productivity on-site as well as off-site, e.g. through regulation of water flow and storage) in agricultural landscapes has generated considerable interest and a range of experimental approaches. The abstraction level aimed for, however, may be too high to yield meaningful results. Many of the experiments on which evidence in favour or otherwise are based are artificial and do not support the bold generalisations to other spatial and temporal scales that are often made. Future investigations should utilise co-evolved communities, be structured to investigate the distinct roles of clearly defined functional groups, separate the effects of between- and within-group diversity and be conducted over a range of stress and disturbance situations. An integral part of agricultural intensification at the plot level is the deliberate reduction of diversity. This does not necessarily result in impairment of ecosystem services of direct relevance to the land user unless the hypothesised diversity–function threshold is breached by elimination of a key functional group or species. Key functions may also be substituted with petro-chemical energy in order to achieve perceived efficiencies in the production of specific goods. This can result in the maintenance of ecosystem services of importance to agricultural production at levels of biodiversity below the assumed ‘functional threshold’. However, it can also result in impairmentof other services and under some conditions the de-linking of the diversity–function relationship. Avoidance of these effects or attempts to restore non-essential ecosystem services are only likely to be made by land users at the plot scale if direct economic benefit can be thereby achieved. At the plot and farm scales biodiversity is unlikely to be maintained for purposes other than those of direct use or ‘utilitarian’ benefits and often at levels lower than those necessary for maintenance of many ecosystem services. The exceptions may be traditional systems where intrinsic values (social customs) continue to provide reasons for diversity maintenance. High levels of biodiversity in managed landscapes are more likely to be maintained for reasons of intrinsic, serependic (‘option’ or ‘bequest’) values or utilitarian (‘direct use’) than for functional or ecosystem service values. The major opportunity for both maintaining ecosystem services and biodiversity outside conservation areas lies in promoting diversity of land-use at the landscape and farm rather than field scale. This requires, however, an economic and policy climate that favours diversification in land uses and diversity among land users.五、关键词:?Agricultural landscapes;?Biodiversity;?Ecosystem services;?Functional groups;?Resilience六、正文:首段:1. IntroductionThe role of biological diversity in the provision of ecosystem goods and services and the way this role can be valued and managed during agricultural intensification is much debated but still poorly understood. A key problem in all debates on biological diversity is that the abstraction ‘diversity’ has often not been distinguished from the specific attributes of the community of organisms that is under study in any particular location or system. Likewise, evaluations of diversity have more often than not been assessments of the value of biological resources as such rather than assessments of the value of diversity per se (Nunes and van der Bergh, 2001). For instance, if the intere st lies in the functional roles of the community these may depend on the ‘structure’ of the vegetation and the relationships between different ‘functional groups’, rather than on diversity as such (Woodward, 1993). Experiments based on random species assemblages may be appropriate tests for hypotheses about ‘diversity’ per se, but tell us very little about the largely self-selected assemblages that make up natural ecosystems. In the case of agroecosystems, whilst the dominant crops or livestock are human choices, by far the majority of the species (as soon as one takes the below-ground part of the system into consideration) are self-selected. So, are we asking the right question about the relations between biodiversity and ecosystem services? Does the loss of diversity at plot-to-global scales imply a threat to critical ecosystem functions? Can we identify thresholds in such a process?末段:We have defined a functional group in the text as ‘a set of species that have similar effects on a specific ecosystem-level biogeochemical process’. There are many examples of classification of species in this way within specific taxonomic or trophic groups (e.g. for plants or pests). There is no single classification to suit all purposes. In each case it is clear that the number of functional groups that is recognised, the criteria that are used to classify them and the degree of subdivision that is applied is a function of the question that is being addressed. We propose here aclassification into the 10 major groups that are briefly described below, together with such subdivision as may be necessary, for the purposes addressed in this paper, i.e. the relationships between biodiversity and function with particular respect to agriculture and ecosystem services. These Key Functional Groups are listed in Table 1 in relation to the ecosystem services they provide. The relationships between them are shown in Fig. 4. We suggest that this could provide a useful framework for investigating and testing key questions on this topic. A hierarchical structure is suggested (Fig. 4). At the highest level are four major categories related to major trophic functions at the ecosystem scale, i.e. Primary Production, Primary Regulation, Service Provision and Secondary Regulation. At the next level are the 10 groups listed in Table 1 that perform distinct ecosystem functions; and at the third level are subdivisions which it may be functionally and/or taxonomically useful to distinguish (e.g. vertebrate grazers versus invertebrate pests among the herbivores). Further levels of subdivision may also be useful or necessary in some cases.七、参考文献:Allen and Starr, 1982Allen, T.F.H., Starr, T.B., 1982. Hierarchy: Perspectives for Ecological Complexity. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago.2.Barrett, 1993Barrett, S., 1993. Optimal economic growth and the conservation of biological diversity. In: Barbier, E.B. (Ed.), Economics and Ecology: New Frontiers and Sustainable Development. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 130–145.3.Beare et al., 1994M.H. Beare, D.C. Coleman, D.A. Crossley Jr., P.F. Hendrix, E.P. OdumA hierarchical approach to evaluating the significance of soil biodiversity to biogeochemical cyclingPlant Soil, 170 (1994), pp. 5–22。
1、检索近5年来发表在BMJ杂志上的有关乳腺癌(breast cancer)方面的文献。
2、检索SARS(severe acute respiratory syndrome)流行病学(epidemiology)方面的文献。
3、检索期刊J Allergy Clin Immunol近五年来收录的综述文献。
4、检索作者Bishop B.近5年来发表在J Biol Chem.期刊上的文献。
6、检索有关肺癌(lung cancer)与吸烟(smoke)的关系方面的文献。
1.检索途径:Text Word Publication Date Journal检索式:((breast cancer[Text Word]) AND "2006"[Publication Date] : "2010"[Publication Date]) AND "BMJ "[Journal]检索的篇数:Results: 1 to 20 of 75相关文献的题录信息:Fall in breast density is linked with lower risk of breast cancer, studies say.Tanne JH.BMJ. 2010 Apr 27;340:c2285. doi: 10.1136/bmj.c2285. No abstract available. PMID: 20423970 [PubMed - in process]Related citations2.检索途径:Title ALL FIELDS检索式:(severe acute respiratory syndrome[Title]) AND epidemiology检索的篇数:Results: 1 to 20 of 656相关文献的题录信息:Infectivity of severe acute respiratory syndrome during its incubation period.Zeng G, Xie SY, Li Q, Ou JM.Biomed Environ Sci. 2009 Dec;22(6):502-10.PMID: 20337224 [PubMed - in process]Related citations3.检索途径:Journal Publication Date Publication Type检索式:(("J Allergy Clin Immunol"[Journal]) AND "2006"[Publication Date] : "2010"[Publication Date]) AND review[Publication Type]检索的篇数:Results: 1 to 20 of 356相关文献的题录信息:Monoclonal antibodies and fusion proteins and their complications: targeting B cells in autoimmune diseases.Lee S, Ballow M.J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 Apr;125(4):814-20. Review.PMID: 20371395 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]Related citations4.检索途径:进入PubMed界面,然后点击ADVANCE SEARCH ,于SEARCH BUILTEDER 中选择Author,输入Bishop B,然后点击AND;选择Journal,输入J Biol Chem,然后点击AND;选择Publication Date,输入2006至2010,然后点击AND。
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(列举2条)结果:一、文章名:Fault Detection and Isolation of Industrial Processes Using Optimized Fuzzy Models作者:Luis Mendonça, João Sousa and José Sá da Costa单位:Computational Intelligence in Fault DiagnosisAdvanced Information and Knowledge Processing, 2006, 81-104,DOI: 10.1007/978-1-84628-631-5_3文章来源:/content/x027687h0433x7x1/二、文章名:Prototype of fault adaptive embedded software for large-scale real-timesystems作者:Derek Messie, Mina Jung, Jae C. Oh, Shweta Shetty, Steven Nordstrom andMichael Haney单位:Artificial Intelligence Review Volume 25, Number 4, 299-312, DOI:10.1007/s10462-007-9028-3文章来源:/content/551524666420n971/3、请在springer数据库找出有关本专业的期刊两种,写出刊名、ISSN号、出版周期。
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文章题目:A Better Way to Crack China.作者:Vanhonacker, Wilfried R.;卷期号:Jul/Aug2000, Vol. 78 Issue 4 ;页数:p20-22。
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时间=2015 TO present AND关键词=(teacher education OR(teaching management)检索结果数:4,520The Impact of Teaching Experience on Iranian EFL Teachers’Sense of Efficacy and their Perception of English TeacherDistinctive CharacteristicsHassan Soodmand Afshara*, Ali Rahimib, Azam Ghonchehpourc, Elahe Saedpanahc二、在Web of Science中检索关于小学教学改革方面的相关文献,写出检索式,检索结果数,选取与自己学号末位数相同的那篇文献,摘录其题录信息。
检索式:主题:Elementary school teaching reform检索结果数115With hiccups and bumps: the development of a Rasch-based in strument to measure elementary students' understanding of the nature of science.作者: Peoples, Shelagh M; O'Dwyer, Laura M; Shields, Katherine A; 等.Journal of applied measurement 卷:14期: 1 页: 57-78出版年: 2013This research describes the development process, psychometri c analyses and part validation study of a theoretically-grou nded Rasch-based instrument, the Nature of Science Instrument -Elementary (NOSI-E). The NOSI-E was designed to measure ele mentary students' understanding of the Nature of Science (NO S). Evidence is provided for three of the six validity asp ects (content, substantive and generalizability) needed to su pport the construct validity of the NOSI-E. A future articl e will examine the structural and external validity aspects.Rasch modeling proved especially productive in scale improv ement efforts. The instrument, designed for large-scale asses sment use, is conceptualized using five construct domains. D ata from 741 elementary students were used to pilot the Ra sch scale, with continuous improvements made over three succ essive administrations. The psychometric properties of the NO SI-E instrument are consistent with the basic assumptions of Rasch measurement, namely that the items are well-fitting and invariant. Items from each of the five domains (Empiric al, Theory-Laden, Certainty, Inventive, and Socially and Culturally Embedded) are spread along the scale's continuum and appear to overlap well. Most importantly, the scale seems appropriately calibrated and responsive for elementary schoo l-aged children, the target age group. As a result, the NO SI-E should prove beneficial for science education research.As the United States' science education reform efforts mov e toward students' learning science through engaging in auth entic scientific practices (NRC, 2011), it will be important to assess whether this new approach to teaching science i s effective. The NOSI-E can be used as one measure of whe ther this reform effort has an impact.三、在CNKI中检索一篇本专业的博士论文,写出你选择的学科领域,检索结果数,摘录结果中序号与你学号末位数相同的那篇论文的题录信息。
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四、CALIS外文期刊网:1. 利用期刊浏览查看(Carbon)期刊上发表的2010年48卷9期(V ol.48, Iss.9)的论文(Substrate-free synthesis of large area, continuous multi-layer graphene film)的收藏情况。
1. 浏览Chemical Science期刊上发表的2011年第2卷(vol.2),第4期(Issue 4)的所有论文。
2. 利用高级检索(Advanced Search)查找并下载一篇作者Daniel Merki在期刊(Chemical Science)上发表的题名为Amorphous molybdenum sulfide films as catalysts for electrochemicalhydrogen production in water的论文。
文献检索课程实习作业2015年6月10日目录文献检索课程实习作业 (1)§ 第一次作业 (3)§ 第二次作业 (5)§ 第三次作业 (6)§ 第四次作业 (7)1、维普 (7)2、万方 (7)§ 第五次作业 (8)1、EI实 (8)2、SCI实习 (10)§ 第六次作业 (10)1、elsevier实习 (10)2、其他: (11)§ 综合作业 (12)§第一次作业1.上网熟悉我校图书馆主页各个栏目。
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简 介1580年于荷兰创立,Reed Elsevier集团中的科学、技术部门,全球最大 的科技文献出版商。共出版3200多种期刊,其中2000多种期刊的质量和影响 在各学科领域名列前茅,全球1/4的科学、技术和医学(STM)论文。收录内容 我馆购买了Elsevier数据库中的6个专辑,850种期刊,占数据库期刊总数的 26%。校园网用户可阅读购买专辑的全文。 6大专辑:Chemical Engineering Computer Science Energy Engineering Materials Science Social Sciences
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分别检索一项中国国内及ISO有关食品安全的标准,并注明标准颁布时间,是否是强 制性标准。
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• ISO发布关于辐照食品安全新标准 • 发布时间:2012-02-20 11:14:00 新的ISO标准提供了食品辐照技 术要求,用来提高食品加工过程中的质量和安全性。这项标准将有利于厂家、 辐照运营商、监管机构、客户和最终消费者。 • ISO 14470:2011,食品辐照——使用电离辐射处理食物时辐照过程的 开发、确证和常规控制要求,标准中不仅提出了要求,还提供了满足这些要 求的指导。 • 食品辐照是食品暴露于电离辐射,以提高其安全性和质量的过程。它只 是用于在良好操作规范(GMP)下生产的食品。食品辐照可以用于不同的 目的,包括控制病原微生物和寄生虫,减少腐败微生物,抑制鳞茎、块茎和 块根农作物发芽,延长产品的货架期或进行植物检疫处理。 • ISO 14470:2011标准的主要目的是: • 提供与现行标准和惯例一致的食品辐照要求; • 为客户和辐照运营商之间提供技术协议说明; • 建立一个文件系统,支持对食品辐照过程中的控制。 • ISO14470将有助于在粮食部门经营的不同利益相关者之间增加信任和 透明度,将有助于监管机构和消费者代表提供改进产品的信息,从而做出更 好的选择。 • 该标准由ISO 食品技术委员会(ISO/TC 34)负责制定。 • 不为强制性标准
检索结果:1. (监控 or Surveillance)(运动目标 or Moving Objects) and (背景技术or Background Subtraction Techniques)and (检测 or 检测)出运动目标,在诸多检测方法中最常用的是减背景技术。
【关键词】减背景法;背景建模;非参数核密度估计;运动目标检测;视频监控;检索结果截图页面:CNKI高级搜索:CNKI专家搜索:EI 快速搜索EI 专家搜索:3. (Detection or detect or find) and(Moving objects or moving targets ) and(Background Subtraction Techniques or BACKGROUNDART )and(Surveillance Video or monitor videos or video surveillance cameras)共检索文献46篇1. Real timeBackgroundSubtractiontechniquesfordetectionofmoving objectsinvideosurveillancesystemKomagal, E.1;Vinodhini, Arthy1;Archana1;Bricilla1Source:2012 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Applications, ICCCA 2012,2012,2012 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Applications, ICCCA 2012;ISBN-13:9781467302722;DOI:10.1109/ICCCA.2012.6179191;Articlenumber:6179191;Conference:2012 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Applications, ICCCA 2012,February 22, 2012 - February 24, 2012;Publisher:IEEE Computer SocietyAuthor affiliation:1Velammal College of Engg. and Tech., Madurai-625009, Tamil Nadu, IndiaAbstract:BackgroundSubtractionis one of the important image processing steps forvideosurveillanceand many computer vision problems such as recognition, classification, activity analysis &tracking.Detectionofmoving objectsinvideostreams is the first relevant step of information extraction in many computer visionapplications. This paper deals with the performance of differenttechniquesofBackgroundSubtraction. Mainly there are three features has been extracted from eachmoving objectssuch as centroid, area, average luminance. The proposed approach compare the Frame difference, Approximate Median and Mixture of Gaussian method andthis attempt proves that the chosen method has good performanceunder dynamic circumstances for real time tracking. Finally thesimilarity function is applied to tracking. ? 2012 IEEE.(8 refs)Main heading:Security systemsControlled terms:Communication-Computer vision-Image segmentation-VideostreamingUncontrolled terms:Activity analysis-Backgroundsubtraction-Backgroundsubtractiontechniques-Computer vision applications-Computer vision problems-Detectionofmovingobject-Frame differences-Information Extraction-Mixture of Gaussians-Moving objects-ObjectDetection-Real time-Real time tracking-Similarity functions-Thresholding-Videostreams-Videosurveillance-Videosurveillancesystems Classification Code:716Telecommunication; Radar, Radio andTelevision-723.5Computer Applications-741.1Light/Optics-914.1Accidents and Accident PreventionDatabase:Compendex2.A self-organizing approach tobackgroundsubtractionforvisualsurveillanceapplicationsMaddalena, Lucia1;Petrosino, Alfredo2forvideosurveillancesystems. ? 2008 IEEE.(24 refs)Main heading:Object recognitionControlled terms:Artificial intelligence-Cognitive systems-Computer applications-Computer hardware description languages-Computervision-Detector circuits-Image processing-Imaging systems-Imagingtechniques-Neural networks-Optical data processing-Photography-Security systems-Videorecording-Videostreaming Uncontrolled terms:Activity analysis-Artificial neural networks-Backgroundmodeling-Backgroundsubtraction-Cognitive sciences-Colorvideos-Computer vision applications-Detectingmoving objects-Detectionaccuracy-Focus-of-attention-Illumination variations-Image-processing systems-Information Extraction-Modelingtechniques-Motiondetection-Moving objects-Neural network-Processing speeds-Robustdetection-Self organization-Self organizations-Self-organizing approaches-Stationarycameras-Videosurveillancesystems-VisualsurveillanceClassification Code:746Imaging Techniques-741.2Vision-741Light, Optics and Optical Devices-723.5Computer Applications-723.4Artificial Intelligence-914.1Accidents and Accident Prevention-723.2Data Processing and Image Processing-716.4Television Systems and Equipment-716Telecommunication; Radar, Radio and Television-713.3Modulators, Demodulators, Limiters, Discriminators, Mixers-461.1Biomedical Engineering-723.1.1Computer Programming Languages Database:Compendex3. Improvedbackgroundsubtractiontechniquesfor security invideoapplicationsSrinivasan, K.1;Porkumaran, K.2;Sainarayanan, G.3Source:2009 3rd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification in Communication, ASID 2009,2009,2009 3rd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification in Communication, ASID 2009;ISBN-13:9781424438839;DOI:10.1109/ICASID.2009.5276945;Articlenumber:5276945;Conference:2009 3rd International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification in Communication, ASID 2009,August 20, 2009 - August 22, 2009;Sponsor:Guizhou Normal University; Xiamen University; City University of HK; CAS/COM Chapter IEEE HK;Publisher:IEEE Computer SocietyAuthor affiliations:1Dept. of EEE, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore- 22, India2Dept. of BME, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore-22, India3Dept. of EEE, New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore-87, IndiaAbstract:This paper attempts tofindmoving objectsby subtracting thebackgroundimages from static single cameravideosequences in security systems. It aims to improve thebackgroundsubtractiontechniquesfor indoorvideosurveillanceapplications. For dynamicvideosequences, the object focus and object tracking are very difficult due to changing of various parameters such as camera noise, illumination changes,。
《工具书与文献检索》作业-3专业、班级:学号:姓名:重要提示:这是第3个作业,作业--3内容:1. 什么是词典?“字”与“词”有何区别?字典与词典有何区别?词典,也叫辞典,是根据一定的编纂目的,汇集某种语言的词汇加以解释、编排,以供查考检索的工具书字是最小的书写符号单位,词则是最小的能够独立运用的音义结合体字典是解释汉字的形、音、义及其用法的工具书;词典则是解释词语的概念、意义及其用法的工具书。
2. 字典是(A)特有的语言工具书,( B )没有字典与词典之分。
西文词典通常用( D )词表示。
A. 中文B.西文C. languageD. dictionaryE. word3. (《牛津英语词典》)是目前网上最大、最权威的英语辞典之一;(《美国英语词典》)奠定了美国英语的地位;(《朗文当代英语辞典》)有“词语辨析”、“词语联想”、“语法说明”特色专栏?4. 利用汉典()查检下列汉字,并标记拼音与字义。
A.戆(拼音:gàng;字义:刚直);鍪(拼音:móu;字义:古代打仗时戴的盔);B.昶(拼音:chǎng;字义:白天时间长);昹(拼音:ǎi;字义:星名);C.氅(拼音:chǎng;字义:大衣);耄(拼音:mào;字义:年老,八九十岁的年纪)5. 利用在线新华字典()、龙维基()、爱词霸()(iciba)等字典(词典)完成以下操作:⑴查检以下汉字,标注拼音、字义。
A.錾(拼音:zàn;字义:凿金石用的工具)B.鏖(拼音:áo;字义:激烈地战斗)C.靡(拼音:mí;字义:浪费,奢侈)D.糜(拼音:mí;字义:粥)E. 窘:(拼音:;字义:)F. 囧:(拼音:;字义:)⑵比较所使用过的各个工具字典的特点,如搜索的方便性与速度、字义解释完整完善性、相关链接查检扩展性等,简述于此。
1.分别用chemwindow, chemDraw,Chemsketch,绘图软件绘制(1)乙苯在光照下溴化为1-溴代乙苯;(2)乙酸和三氯化磷在加热下生成乙酸酰氯和亚磷酸;(3)D-葡萄糖在Ni加压与氢气反应生成三梨糖酸的反应。
2.用ORIGIN 6画出两种物质的红外图谱(在同一张图上),将它们制成图片放在WORD 文档中,下方标明名称。
图1 乙苯在光照下溴化为1-溴代乙苯
图2 乙酸和三氯化磷在加热下生成乙酸酰氯和亚磷酸
OH 图3 D-葡萄糖在Ni 加压与氢气反应生成三梨糖酸的反应 4
、 图3。
第3次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共20小题,每小题2分)1.以下哪项检索屈于数据检索?A.历史成绩超过89分的学生人数B.查喜黄山有多高C.检索关于网络技术的文献D.某同类产品中,那种牌号的销量最大2.以卜•哪种文献不属于零次文献?A.实验记录B.手稿C.原始录甘D.专利索引3.国际标准连续性出版物编号的缩写形式为()A.TSBNB.ISSNKTD.VIP4.布尔逻辑检索包括()A.逻辑“与”和逻辑“异或”B.逻辑“与”和逻辑“或”C.逻辑“ + ”和逻辑“-”D.逻辑“与”、逻辑“或”和逻辑“非”5.以下哪个不属于文献的出版形式分类()A.图书B.期刊C.零次文献D.会议文献6 •下面哪一个属于二次文献?A.专题评述B.中经网数据库C.图书D.学位论文7.以卜•哪一个属于三次文献?A.演讲稿B.会议论文KI期刊数据库D.年鉴8.关于情报、知识、信息的基木概念及其之间的关系,以下描述错误的是()OA.知识是人类对信息木质的认识和掌握B.信息和知识的认识是同步的C.知识就是有用的信息D.情报是指由特定效用的传递着的知识9.关于信息检索,以下描述错误的是()A.信息检索的类型有文献检索、数据检索和事实检索B.“查看月球的年龄”的信息检索屈于数据检索C.“班上平均成绩超过80分的学生人数统计”屈于数据检索D.文献检索的目的是要检索出包含所需要信息的文献10.关于情报、知识、信息的概念及其之间的关系,以下描述错误的是().A.从吋间上来看,知识滞后于信息B.情报具有效用性C.知识就是情报D.情报具冇社会性11・关于检索方法的四种描述,其小描述错谋的是()。
A.检索方法分为常用法、追溯法和循环法B.循环法是上述追溯法和常用法的结合C.常用法,也叫工具法,就是利用文摘或题录等各种文献检索工具查找文献的方法D.常用法根据时间范围又分为顺查法和倒查法12.以下四项检索哪一项属于事实检索()?A.检索关于铝合金的研究文献B.检索泰山冇多高C.检索关于网络技术的文献D.同学中来自陕西的同学人数13.以下的数据库,哪一个不属于国外权威引文数据库?()A.SCIB.ETC.ISTPK114.要在SCI小查找重庆大学关于远程教育研究的文献,请问以下检索式正确的是()A.AD二Chongqing Univ* and TI二distance educationB.AD二Chongqing Univ and TI=distance educationC.AD=Chongqing Univ* and AU=distance educationD.AD=Chongqing Univ or TI=distance education15.从物理构成來讲,数字资源检索系统曲()几部分构成A.软件和数据库B.硕件、软件、数据库C.硕件系统和软件D.服务器和数据库 16. IP地址由()节数字组成A.两B.四C.三D.五17.以下对专利的四种论述,哪一个是错谋的?A.专利是指一个国家授予创造发明人在一定的时间内对该发明创造的独占实施权,包扌舌专利产品的生产、使用和销售.B. 专利有三种类型C. 专利具冇独占•性D. 只冇新的、水平较高的,能在工业上制造的产品或使用方法,才可以申请专利.18. 以下四种期刊数据库哪一个不是中文期刊数据库?A. CNKIB. VIPC. 万方期刊D. Elsevier ScicncA. Education schoolC. Education schoolsD. Education and music school二、 判断题(本大题共6分,共6小题,每小题1分)1. CNKI 数据库属于文献的出版类型分类。
(基于多主体技术的出租车运营系统建模与仿真Agent-based modeling and simulation for taxi operation system)(中文检索词:1、多主体技术and (出租车运营系统or出租车服务or出租车排队系统)2、动态交通流and (出租车运营系统or出租车服务or出租车排队系统)3、空车搜索and 最优策略4、空车搜索and 最佳干预方案英文检索词:1、agent and (taxi operation system or taxi service or taxi queueing system)2、dynamic traffic and (taxi operation system or taxi service or taxi queueing system)3、vacant taxi search and optimal strategy4、vacant taxi search and optimal intervention)4.用于隧道施工实时监测(控)的无线视频传感器网络关键技术研究。
(英文题名:Study on the algorithms of video sensor network for the tunnel constructing surveillance)主要包括隧道施工背景下视频无线传感器网络三维能量有效覆盖、动态拓扑控制、视频压缩编码技术。
(中文检索词:无线视频传感器网络,隧道施工实时监测,拓扑控制,三维覆盖,视频压缩编码1.隧道施工*实时*(监测+监控)*无线视频传感器网络*三维覆盖2.(隧道施工+实时监测)*无线视频传感器网络*拓扑变化*拓扑控制3.(隧道施工+实时监测)*无线视频传感器网络*视频压缩编码4. (隧道施工+实时监测)*无线视频传感器网络*节点开发英文检索词:1.( tunnel constructing + real time surveillance) * video sensor network * tridimensional coverage2. ( tunnel constructing + real time surveillance) * video sensor network *topology control3.( tunnel constructing + real time surveillance) * video sensor network * video compress4.( tunnel constructing + real time surveillance) * video sensor network node)5.基于生长自组织神经网络动态群组模型的交通流预测研究。
“Association of Southeast Asian Nations” OR ”ASEAN”
英文检索词:“Association of Southeast Asian Nations”(ASEAN)
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4、共有搜索结果473种其中一本图书《新编大学实用英语语法》的外部特征:《新编大学实用英语语法》网页阅读阅读器阅读 (电信| 网通) 下载本书作者:宁霞主编出版时间:2008.6页数:258主题词:英语-语法-高等学校-教材中图分类号:H314三、利用“中国知网”数查找你熟悉的专业教师的发文情况,并写出他发表的论文篇数。
序号:27篇名:把角色扮演(Role——plays)引入英语专业口语教学之中——兼论英语专业对话课教学作者:范雄飞; 黄玉兰刊名:读与写年/期:2006/Z1下载频次:183把角色扮演(Role——plays)引入英语专业口语教学之中——兼论英语专业对话课教学Using Role-plays in Oral English Teaching for English Majors——Comments on English Conversation Teaching作者】范雄飞;黄玉兰;【Author】Fan Xiong-fei, Huang Y u-lan: Foreign Language Department of North Sichuan Medical College, Nanchong, Sichuan, 637000, China, 【机构】川北医学院;川北医学院四川南充邮编637000;四川南充邮编637000;【摘要】本文简要分析了英语口语教学的基本原则,认为英语口语课堂教学模式应该是多维互动的过程度,并依此提出角色扮演(Role—plays)这一口语教学方法的目的与优势,以及可能存在的问题与补救措施。
更多还原【Abstract】This article appeals for a multi-dimensional and interactive oral English class in accordance with the basic principles of oral English teaching and draws the conclusion that Role-plays is the very possible approach to a better oral English teaching. 更多还原【关键词】英语口语教学;多维互动;角色扮演;【Key words】oral English teaching;multi-dimensional andinteractive;Role-plays;∙【分类号】H319∙【下载频次】183八、利用EBSCO外文数据库检索一篇你所学专业的论文。
1、登陆山东理工大学图书馆的网页/2、在图书馆的网页上找到读秀学术搜索/3、在常用外文资源中选择EBSCO外文数据库,单击打开4、Using Narrative to Examine Positionality: Powerful Pedagogy in English Education.作者:Knight, Suzanne D..来源:English Teaching: Practice and Critique, v10 n2 p49-64 Jul 2011. 16 pp..同行评审:Yes.ISSN:1175-8708.描述符:Language Arts, Knowledge Base for Teaching, Teacher Educators, English Teachers, Preservice Teacher Education, Personal Narratives, Reflection, Teaching Methods, Teacher Role, Teacher Education Curriculum, Social Influences, Higher Education.摘要:This article represents one portion of a systematic examination of a narrative inquiry project designed for pre-service English educationstudents. It offers a narrative writing and a reflective writing of one student, Lisa, to demonstrate how the project worked in her efforts to investigate the nature of students, teaching and students' learning. It also points to some implications for English language arts teacher preparation. First, what kinds of pedagogies might support prospective English language arts teachers as they grapple with complex concepts, and how might teacher educators create "safe spaces" where these pedagogies then become possible? How might teacher educators locate themselves in the classroom in order to enact these pedagogies? Furthermore, how do projects such as the one described reflect visions--though arguably problematic--that can be developed into segments of teacher preparation curriculum in ways that support the knowledge base for teaching and that are also responsive to prospective teachers' perceived needs?. Abstractor:As Provided.参考文献数:11.语言:English.页数:16.出版物类型:Journal Articles; Reports - Evaluative.可用性:Full Text from ERIC Available online: /contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=EJ94 4897Wilf Malcolm Institute for Educational Research, University of Waikato.PB 3105, Hamilton, New Zealand. Tel: +64-7-858-5171; Fax: +64-7-838-4712; e-mail: wmier@; Web site: /research/journal/index.php?id=1.期刊代码:NOV2011.条目日期:2011.入藏编号:EJ944897.数据库: ERIC...九、用“中国学位论文全文数据库”检索一篇与所学专业相关的论文。
(从“万方数据库”进入)1、登陆山东理工大学图书馆的网页/2、在图书馆的网页上数据库导航,单击打开3、在搜索栏中输入万方数据库,单击链接打开4、论文名:英语专业四、八级听力理解部分的内容效度研究(2005-2009) 英语专业四、八级考试是由全国高等院校外语专业教学指导委员会主持开发、设计和实施的全国性的标准参照性教学检查类考试(邹申,2005∶14)。