



片子总是一场欢笑一场哭,笑声与歌声混杂仍未结 束,悲伤紧张感人肺腑的镜头又接踵而来,情感基 调并不统一,却带来不寻常的震撼。值得一提的还 有片子中的台词.
• 可思维老套的教授却不吃这套回答,他的 定义只局限于课本: “机器是由相对运动 固定的由相互连接的零件组成的,意味着 ,功和能量的相互转化•••• ”——这无非是 盲目的死记硬背。结果自然是Rancho被 要求走出教室,而Rancho则以近乎反讽 的回答令教授目蹬舌瞠,巧妙解决了自己 的难堪,可谓滑稽趣味中不失思考的空间 。
学家。按照自己的理想生活,在一所学校当老师,用自己的 理念去教导学生。
而Rancho却不随波逐流,他用他的善良、开朗、幽默和智慧影 响着周围的人。他用所学的物理知识来教训野蛮的学长,他用 智慧打破了学院墨守成规的传统观念。最后他用智慧成为了印 度科学界的一位天才科学家(具有400项专利),他实现了自 己的梦想,也做回了真正的自己 。“三人帮”中Rancho和 Raju都梦想成为工程师,Farhan却想成为野生动物摄影家。影 片中随时穿插着幽默的语言,行为。他们把教授称为“病毒”, 把查图尔称为“沉默者”(消音器)。
故事以两个好朋友 在寻找多年不见的好 兄弟Rancho的过程中 展开的回忆:讲述十 年前兰彻顶替他人来 到皇家工程学院读 书。这是一所印度传 统的名校,这里的检 验学生的唯一标准就 只有第一(指成 绩)!成绩不好就意 味着没有未来!

Rancho真名叫邦苏克· 旺度。是印度一个富人家的小佣人, 从小爱读书,这个富人约定让小佣人用自己儿子的名字“兰彻” 去读书,富人出钱,条件是冒名顶替拿到毕业证书后,小佣 人就得消失。兰彻去大学报到的第一天就做了个简易的导电 装置,捉弄学长,让大家瞠目结舌,与众不同的兰彻始终灵 活学习,不拘小节,不会死记硬背、像完成任务般学习,虽 然老师、院长不喜欢他,但他的成后绩始终排第一。毕业典

影片《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的英语ppt感想 共24页PPT资料

影片《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的英语ppt感想 共24页PPT资料
• 他如风一般自由,似风筝翱翔天际
We were lead by the path we took, while he carved a path of his own. Stumbling,rising,carefree walked he. We fretted about the morrow,he simply reveled in today.
One of diamonds: Friendship
1.以无厘头搞笑的方式对填鸭式的 应试教育、拜金主义的生活方式进行深刻讽刺; 很客观的反映了印度的贫富差距大, 自杀率世界第一,穷人的悲惨 生活(虽然是以喜剧的形式)等一些社会现象。同 时影片中对亲情、友情、爱情真诚的表达与探讨让我落泪了!说实话看
Follow your heart.
• 追随你自己的心。
Make your passion your profession then work will become play.
让激情转变成职业,然后工作就会变成 职业。
ALL IS WELL. 一切顺利。
Heart scares so easily that you have to trick it.
从出生起,我们就被灌输:生活是一场赛跑, 不跑快点,你就会惨遭蹂躏。
You don not count if you are not first.
不 是 第 一 , 就 一 文 不 值 。
My son will be an engineer.
(法涵出生的那天爸爸宣称:)我儿子会是一 名工程师.
• Parents hoped I would end their poverty and that scared me.(A God-fearing soul)



他明明知道“这两个傻瓜一定会来找我的”。 所以他把现在的地址留给真兰彻,希望朋友们 能一路找过来。
那么为什么不能自己对他们说出来呢?要替真 兰彻保守秘密吗?不,他知道要是朋友们找到 他了,那就说明他们已经知道了真相。既然早 晚要知道真相,为何不能早点说出来,自己说 出来呢?
我想他是说不出口。不确定在大家知道他欺骗 了他们四年之后会是什么反应,也不知道皮娅 还会不会愿意嫁给他。所以他没有自己面对, 而是给了朋友们一个选择:在知道真相后,是 否一如既往。若他们到来,那就是摒弃了前嫌。 如果他们不来,那结果……又会如何?
2、杜鹃从来不自己筑巢,他只在别人的巢里下蛋,要孵蛋的时候他们会 怎样?他们会把其他的蛋从巢里挤出去,竞争结束了,他们的生命从谋 杀开始,这就是大自然——要么竞争,要么死……”
3、你的朋友不及格,你感觉很糟;你的朋友考第一,你感觉更糟。 4、一种记录、分析、总结、组织、讨论及解释信息的、有插图或无插图
查图尔要演讲,因为地方差异,他不会 说那种正宗的语言,于是找人翻译,他 死记硬背,兰彻他们偷偷换了他稿子里 的词,使查尔图在众人面前出糗。查尔 图向兰彻挑战,十年后两人在学校天台 相聚,比谁赚钱多。视频2
3个人有一天喝酒喝多了,晚上到院长家 门口小便,后来被发现了,院长逼他们 退学,后来找到莱俱和法涵,说只要跟 兰彻断绝来往就可以放过他们。莱俱左 右为难,最后在院长办公室跳楼自杀, 后抢救过来,但迟迟不醒,法涵和兰彻 想尽办法,如给莱俱妈妈买新的纱丽等, 看到莱俱对于钱有反应的时候,兰彻骗 莱俱说法涵愿意免费娶莱俱姐姐,结果 莱俱竟然醒来了。
“大道理”里也有给我留下深刻印象 滴——以后遇到事情,我想我会不介意 学学神圣智者兰彻达斯,用右手砸砸左 胸小声告诉自己“一切顺利”——因为 有时候心是很脆弱的,它需要我们的安 慰来使它变得坚强!



Characters introduction
• Rancho, driven by his passion for machines and devices, studies for joy of it. • Ranche, like the song singing in the movie, change a lot of people’s mode of thinking, more change the fade of friends!
>> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
Characters introduction
• Raju is studying to raise his family’s fortunes.
Professor Virus , also the headmaster in ICE, has a special pen. He just look at the results and pays no attention to process



artistic creation
As the director of the film, I am so happy to witness the actors’ wonderful skills, as well as their growth. When it comes to the great content, I can’t help to give my thanks to our dear friend, the writer of Five Point Someone------
Very glad to be here, attending the press release and give all of you a presentation about the film 3 Idiots. Above all, I regard it as a fantastic work, which can make you acquire some sorts of truths. Actually, I am keen on this treacherous character who leads a magnificent life. To be concluded, I gain much from the meaningful film and do have a deep thought about something.
----- Chetan Bhagat奇 坦·巴哈特. He gives me
a lot of inspirations and new concepts of expressions.
I adapted this novel to the film ,and what we both want to highlight is that everyone was born with free thoughts and why we must abandon them when we grow old . Do ourselves and Aal izz well. Humors are the great facts of this film and native dancing also could not be ignored. However, the growing up and breaking the box will give us new feelings. At last, I wish everyone can set their soul free and enjoy colorfulname is Kareena kapoor. I act as Pia in the film <3 idiots>. She is the younger daughter of dean Virus and Rancho’s girlfriend. From my perspection,this film is about a story of three rebellious young men, Pia became a part of this kind of rebellion after she met Rancho.



真名叫冯苏王杜。是印度一个富人家 的小佣人,从小爱读书,这个富人约 定让小佣人用自己儿子的名字“兰彻” 去读书,富人出钱,条件是冒名顶替 拿到毕业证书后,小佣人就得消失。 兰彻去大学报到的第一天就做了个简 易的导电装置,捉弄学长,让大家瞠 目结舌,与众不同的兰彻始终灵活学 习,不拘小节,不会死记硬背、像完 成任务般学习,虽然老师、院长不喜 欢他,但他的成绩始终排第一。毕业 典礼之后兰彻按照最初约定消失并且 成为拥有400项专利的大科学家。按 照自己的理想生活,在一所学校当老 师,用自己的理念去教导学生。
• v.youku/v_show/id_XMzI5OTc5MTA0.html
三傻大闹 宝莱坞(3
idiots),印度 宝莱坞电影, 由拉库马· 希拉 尼导演,由阿 米尔· 汗、马德 哈万及沙尔曼· 乔什主演,是 根据印度畅销 书作家奇坦· 巴 哈特的处女作 小说《五点人
法兰、拉杜与兰乔的 故事,他们是皇家工 程学院的学生,三人 共居一室并结为好友。 在以严格著称的学院 里,兰乔是个非常与 众不同的学生,他不 死记硬背,甚至还公 然顶撞校长“病毒”, 质疑他的教学方法的 故事。
电影中唯一的女主角,与大部分 电影一样,与兰彻的相识有点“不打 不相识”的意味,虽然没有真的出手, 但唇舌之战是时有发生。与男主角的 感情也在这一次次的斗嘴中升温,最 终在拉加的说服下,面对自己的真心, 逃婚和兰彻在一起。
票房(万元) 1500 1000 票房(万元) 500 0 首个双休日 上映第七天 上映第十四天



Classic lines in the movie
Classic lines in the movie
The main content
• The beginning of the story is that Farhan and Raju have been looking for their best friend—Rancho, who disappeared after graduation. In the process of expansion of memories: About 10 years ago, Rancho replaced another person and went to the ICE(the best engineering school in India in the film). At the school, grades are the only standard of students. But Rancho broke the traditional pattern of education through his wisdom. Finally he got acceptance from the director. And he also helped his best friends realize their true dreams. As we can see, they all have comfortable lives at present.
Farhan 法罕
· Narrator 故事叙述者 · a friend of Rancho and Raju · His father wanted him to be an engineer despite his lack of interest in the career. · In the present An accomplished wildlife photographer.


Memorable catchphrase
• Laugh with tears
Weep with smiles
From birth we were taught-life is a race. Run fast or you will be trample
从出生起,我们就被灌输:生活是一场赛跑, 不跑快点,你就会惨遭蹂躏。
Heart scares so easily that you have to trick it.
• 人心很容易陷入恐惧,你得哄哄它。
不不 值是 。第 一 , 就 一 文
You don not count if you are not first.
I just teach you how to teach.
Life along I lived The life of another For just one moment Let me live as I… Life long I lived The life of another For just one moment Let me live as I Give me some sunshine, Give me some rain Give me another chance I want to grow up once again
We have many exams,but Dad just one.
• 我们有很多考试, • 但爸爸只有一个。
Follow your heart.
• 追随你自己的心。
Make your passion your profession then work will become play. 让激情转变成职业,然后工作就会变成 职业。




他明明知道“这两个傻瓜一定会来找我的”。 所以他把现在的地址留给真兰彻,希望朋友们 能一路找过来。 那么为什么不能自己对他们说出来呢?要替真 兰彻保守秘密吗?不,他知道要是朋友们找到 他了,那就说明他们已经知道了真相。既然早 晚要知道真相,为何不能早点说出来,自己说 出来呢? 我想他是说不出口。不确定在大家知道他欺骗 了他们四年之后会是什么反应,也不知道皮娅 还会不会愿意嫁给他。所以他没有自己面对, 而是给了朋友们一个选择:在知道真相后,是 否一如既往。若他们到来,那就是摒弃了前嫌。 如果他们不来,那结果……又会如何?

首先,让我们来想想,为什么兰彻不喜欢那个 “传统”,宁愿电击学长的老二也不脱裤子吧。 因为自尊心太强。而且这自尊是源于一定程度 上的的自卑。可以想象,一个从小没了父母的 穷孩子,寄人篱下,任人驱使,在别人的脸色 下度日,兰彻,在我们看不见的地方,他不知 受了多少委屈。而且他上小学时,学校里的同 学都认识那个真兰彻的,都知道他是替人上学, 替人考试的。所以大概也不会有朋友吧。

兰彻要莱俱摘掉迷信的戒指,自信点去 面试,要法涵去当摄影师,两人要求兰 彻跟琵亚表白才肯答应。最后三人均如 愿。 可惜毕业典礼之后兰彻按照最初约定彻 底消失,十年后查图尔想起天台之约, 找到莱俱和法涵,说有兰彻消息。

已是著名动物摄影师的法涵不惜装病逼 飞机返航,工程师莱俱连裤子都没穿就 跑出去与他们会合,最后三人开车把准 备结婚的琵亚接走,众人一起去找到了 真正的兰彻,了解了事情的真相,后来 众人来到一所充满创意的学校,接待他 们的是当年在大学打杂的小伙子。查图 尔看不起当老师的假兰彻,最后众人团 聚,才发现假兰彻除了是老师,还是一 名炙手可热的科学家,是查图尔一直想 要合作的人,真名叫奉苏克· 望杜。


Cherish(珍爱) life, cherish the time and treasure friendship, cherish the opportunity to study and development. To take responsibility will propel you forward and onward to your greater good.
3 idiots
1. The story and characters in the film . 2.Introduce characters relation.
Raju Farhan
这部电影采用交错技术,讲述了三个 主要人物Raju, Rancho, Farhan当他
hts intention. The very beginning
mind itself is the most accomplished mind of true enlightenment(启迪).
WE shoulde be courageous to pursue what we wants.
Thank you

Finally, Rancho harvested his love and stayed with Pia (who is the girl on the
picture) forever.
Raju and Farhan are Rancho’s best friends
Farhan wants to be a famous photographer, but his father forces him to be an engineer.
大学生活的回忆敲击和滴滴,也发掘 Rancho未知的秘密…



• Every teacher dislike him, he always has some strange problems. He is the nightmare among the teachers. But unbelievable, he got the highest mark in each examination. They played jokes on a student who likes to flatter teachers. Rancho helped his friends to make their dreams come true. occasionally He fall in love with headmaster’s daughter. After the difficulties one after another , they were together. But Rancho was lost. After his friends’ looking for , they found Rancho. He is a scientist with 400 inventions.
The main content
• The movie is like the stage lines: All is well. The movie began with the memorizes that two people looked for their good friend-Rancho. Ten years ago, Rancho went to the university instead of other. He went to the ICE. This is a school which judge students by only their grades. And the headmaster believe that students are depend by their grades. But Rancho broke the rules by his intelligence. He jumped out of the rules.



Farhan is studying engineering to obey his father's wishes over his own wish to become a wildlife photographer.
Raju is studying to raise his family's fortunes. Rancho, driven by his passion for machines and devices, studies for joy of it.
念去教导学生。 。
而Rancho却不随波逐流,他用他的善良、开朗、 幽默和智慧影响着周围的人。他用所学的物理知 识来教训野蛮的学长,他用智慧打破了学院墨守 成规的传统观念。最后他用智慧成为了印度科学 界的一位天才科学家(具有400项专利),他实 现了自己的梦想,也做回了真正的自己 。“三人 帮”中Rancho和 Raju都梦想成为工程师,Farhan 却想成为野生动物摄影家。影片中随时穿插着幽 默的语言,行为。他们把教授称为“病毒”,把 查图尔称为“沉默者”(消音器)。
影片信息 情节介绍 人物介绍 经典台词 经典剧照 插曲名称 电影剪辑 引发思考
中文名 外文名 其它译名
三傻大闹宝莱坞 3 idiots 三个白痴 / 三个傻瓜
Vend Chopra Productions
制片地区 导演 主演
印度 拉库马· 希拉尼 阿米尔· 汗,沙尔曼· 乔什, 马德哈万,卡琳娜· 卡普
宴 会 上 的 建 议
In order to retrieve their friends, Farhan ,Raju and Chatur set foot on the road to find Rancho, Despite the Chatur just wanted to prove his success,on the way,on the way. During this time, They recalled the Happy Hour in the ICE. ICE is a school where scores decide everything. Rancho is a unique student there. He has a extraordinary ability of making machines. He used a simple physical machine to trick a senior,because Professor accepts no extension.(延期) , rejected the work of a student, His students killed himself, Rancho hates rote while his classmate Chatur. In order to persuade Raju not to be another Chatur, Rancho revised some words of Chatur’s speech paper written by the librarian. Because of the lack of understanding of Hindi, Chatur mindlessly memorises the speech and he becomes the laughing stock of the audience, Chatur was very angry , so thay agreed met after ten years,They are on the way,on the way.then, Rancho made a joke with Professor,so ,Professor wrote a letter to their parents, Rancho have to go home with them to go to their home to explain.During this period ,they met Pisa,and Rancho fall in love with her , The comedy is his two friends took her away from the wedding site, They together set out to find Rancho, In her memory, Rancho saved Raju’s father’s and Raju’s lives. He touched and changed his best friends’ lives in his way. The most important thing was that he helped her sister gave birth to a baby,and Professor ViruS was proud of him and gave him the pen. From then on, they never saw Rancho.


Raju is a man with poor backgroud ,so when it comes to laiju’ home ,the pictures turn to white and black ,he is very into engineer ,but he is under great presure and he is not that confident.when faced with the choose to drop out or damage lanche,he chose to take his own life.
They help Laiju send his father to the hospital in time and rush to take a exam
Lanche get to know virus’ daugter,a very beautiful girl with great kindness,and then they fall in love with eath other.
Three Idiots
Press release
two close friends Farhan and Raju go to visit their old friend Rancho ,who has been out of touch for years .during the journey ,they call back their memories when they were in school.
Very ending the press



Farhan loves photographing,but to live up to his parents’expectation,he attends the engineering school.inspired by lanche,he makes his mind to tell his parents what he really whats,and he succeeds.his parents change their graduating gift computer to camera.
two close friends Farhan and Raju go to visit their old friend Rancho ,who has been out of touch for years .during the journey ,they call back their memories when they were in school.
artistic creation
As the director of the
film, I am so happy to
witness the actors’ wonderful skills, as well as their growth. When it comes to the great content, I can’t help to give my thanks to our dear friend, the writer of Five Point Someone------
Raju is a man with poor backgroud ,so when it comes to laiju’ home ,the pictures turn to white and black ,he is very into engineer ,but he is under great presure and he is not that confident.when faced with the choose to drop out or damage lanche,he chose to take his own life.



Engineering is my wife and mistress (情人)both. But I still fail. Why?
Cause you‘re a coward, scared of the future. Look at this more holy rings than fingers, One ring per fear - exam, sis's dowry, job, With such fear of tomorrow, how'll you live today? How'll you focus on studies? 因为你太懦弱, 害怕将来 ,看看这些, 戒指比手指还多 , 一个戒指就是一个恐惧, 考试, 姐姐的嫁妆 ,工作 。这么 怕明天 ,今天怎么活?你怎么去专心学习?
Their deep friendship is the biggest highlights .
5 years ago he wrote this letter for his favorite wildlife photographer, But in fear of his dad, the Fuhrer, never posted it .
Quit Engineering, marry Photography . Follow your talent. 别搞工程了 去娶摄影吧,发挥你的天赋去.
Remember, life is a race .If you don't run fast, you'll get trampled
记着 生活就是赛跑 ,你要跑不快就被别人踩倒 .
Scene two
Define a machine



• Through his wisdom, he broke the traditional concept of education, while he annoyed his strict headmaster, which caused much trouble. he did not like the headmaster when he fell in love with Pia. In this process, he gradually helped his two roomates realise their real dream and he also graduated from ICE as the topest student. And he disappeared after graduation without telling anyone, this is echoed to the begiining.
all is well is a line throughout the movie, nomatter what kind of obstacles we may face, do not say you can't easily. you've already walked for 99 steps, just one step left you can shake handsare junior now, we face a lot of pressure, we are going to find a job to suppot ourselves even our family, some of us are going to take graduate exam.at this critical course, you may feel scared about the unknowing future, how to react to the crisis you faced is important.
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3 idiots
1. The story and characters in the filmБайду номын сангаас. 2. Enjoy the music in the movie. 3. Impressions of this film .
1.The Story
The film uses the technique of interleave , tells the story of the three leading characters who are Raju, Ranche and Fahan when they are in university. Ranche is a distinctive college students, openly against dean, and queris his teaching method.He uses wisdom to break this school's traditional education concept of rut. Ranche as a mavericks causes a model student - nicknamed the silencer, Charles‘s dissatisfaction . They agree to compete again after ten years.Ranche, when graduation, however,leaves without saying goodbey.Ten years later, successful "silencer" comes back and wants to deliver on that promise. he finds Fahan and Raju, embarks on the journey in search of Ranche . Along the way, they recall dribs and drabs of university life, also unearth Ranche's unknown secret...
To take responsibility will propel you forward and onward to your greater good.
Thank you
Don't forget your original intention. The very beginning mind itself is the most accomplished mind of true enlightenment
WE shoude be courageous to pursue what we wants. Cherish life, cherish the time and treasure friendship, cherish the opportunity to study and development.
Raju and Fahan are Lanche’s best friends
Fahan wants to be a famous photographere,but his father forces him to be an engineer.
Raju’s family is terribly poor.He is under great burden. Finally he got his wish and become a big Engineer
1 2 3
• 1.Make fun of seniors
• 2.Clever and funny • 3.Value frendship
4 5
• 4. He is very afraid of kissing • 5. Helpful and warmharted