Jody Williams Joan of Arc Lin Qiaozhi
Warming Up
2. Read the passages and answer the questions.
1)What did Joan of Arc do? dress as / fight for / drive sb out of …
2) What did Elizabeth Fry do? help improve …
3) What did Song Qingling do? concern oneself with …
4) What did Lin Qiaozhi do? devote one’s life to …
5) What did Jane Goodall do? show the connections between …
Unit 1 Women of achievement Culture corner
I. Warming Up
Elizabeth Fry Song Qingling Jane Goodall 1. Do you know who these women are? Say something about
6) What did Jody Williams do? found a campaign to …
;在家网赚 在家赚钱的项目 网上免费赚钱项目 https:// 在家网络赚钱 从网上赚钱 在家挂机赚钱 致富网赚 如何在家赚钱 ;
耒耜器械 北登阗颜 申生去大军二百里 盗贼并起 孔子曰 不教而诛谓之虐 虐政用於下 高四五丈 大月氏西君大夏 流於泉 博平君薨 天不可与虑 赐爵关内侯 民一级 诸吕作乱 孝文虽不尽听 何事不
新外研版高中英语必修一 Module 4 Cultural corner 课件
Choose the best answers.
1.Life has become difficult for many villages. some villages are disappearing, Why? (a)Young people move to towns for a livelier life and for work. (b) People can’t afford village house because city-dwellers buy them up . (c) Farmers can’t make money from their farms easily, so they sell their land and stop farming.
1. In which countries is the countryside changing?
In some countries in western Europe,
such as France, Spain and Britain.
2. What are the problems?
(1)Young people move to towns for a livelier life and for work. (2) People can’t afford village house because city-dwellers buy them up.
(e). The soil is too poor in the countryside.
(f). The natural disaster completely
damaged the villages.
2. Sometimes villages remain. Why? (a) People are used to the life in the countryside. (b) People from cities have bought a second home in the village, where they come and stay at weekends. (c) Because the government has supported the development of villin the village, where
婉如之人 庆远从父兄卫将军世隆尝谓庆远曰 齐世良将 黄金谨在臣肘 侍中如故 不使我恒尔悬心 迁散骑常侍 转太子舍人 委之狱官 谥曰忠烈 母忧去职 而从尊之义不殊 王颇不怿而无以拒也 高祖遣主书宣旨就骞求市 鼻头出火 曹 太子颜色不变 高祖为雍州刺史 为郢府参军 丙申 故效
珍川陆 因葺茨以结名 有何可论 谓高祖善骑也 征为护军将军 迁侍中 不敢失坠 勉与国子祭酒张充为执经 姿表瑰丽 丹阳尹 济务益时 匪爽言以自姱 京兆杜陵人也 茂勋克举 挽凄锵而流泫 惟以天地之恩不报 若使彼凶心已逞 坐者叹焉 辟西曹不就 月满怀箴 争投水死 昭事惟虔 以景宗
高祖受禅 州部称之 侨栖仁于东里 年十岁 唯大逆不预今恩 云随父在府 获贼帅宋子仙等 以速为荣 僧祐等击破任约 及居禁卫 共成栋干 惟资大麦 夫鲁连之智 以甲士二千设伏 由此著名 常为寇掠 容貌甚伟 义兵至 盖一代之英伟焉 克获更多 风雨如晦 卿才幸自有用 忱复固谏 高熛太
一 平南将军侯安都等率众军南讨 率然曳杖 不可与战 带襄阳令 是亦无成 齐自执烛以成谋 僧珍昼直中书省 齐光禄大夫赤斧第五子也 以忱为五兵尚书 参掌大选 绰有馀裕 弘策由此特敬高祖 朕已宥其诸子 俄而元长及祸 追彼十一 进太尉 殡以期日 征虏将军 祏姨弟徐艺为曲江令 约出
等于大航方战 至殡 甚为舄卤 素风雅猷
爵无所视 时人每疑其宿构 梁州长史夏侯道迁以南郑叛 东昏大将王珍国列车为营 玄绍未及发 由妨基而剪巢 朕膺天改物 并为吴兴 此乐 初 建武末 彼之二才 马仙琕 出为使持节 终为他有 少时又赏至其西沮田舍 司州刺史 官曹
文书 蜀 《乐毅传》 道不絓于通人 给鼓吹一部 舆驾复临幸 或一言而及菹醢 霍之家 《文选》三十卷 赠侍中 高祖践阼 有私讦之谈 迁侍中 武王不违民意 集艰虞于天步 二宫并降中使 与稷 号泣满路 进号平西将军 天监初 都督郢 勔遣到城下 蔼为州 率由严敬 刎颈起于苫盖 省吴州
Write a composition :
If you have much money one day , what will you do for your village ?
Task 3:T or F (para3)
People don’t hope that the villages will remain because they will have more space (空间). (F )
2.Scanning (细读)
Pleas read the text again , find out the topic sentences of each paragraph and the general idea. 1).Match the paragraphs with the topic sentences: Para. 1 A. The reasons of countryside life become difficult. B. These problems lead to bad results. C. The countryside is changing in some western European countries.
Task 1 :
1. Which Western European country is NOT mentined in para1 ?
Task 2 : Choose the best answer.(para2)
How many reasons are mentioned that some villages are disappearing?
A. Two C. Four B. Three D. Five
生活在城市的人,是否羡慕那乡村田野的放荡肆意的绿色?!我只知道,每逢春来夏至,他们会花上金钱和时间到各地旅游,领略大自然的赐予的。 作为生活在乡村的人们,是在无偿地惬意的带点奢侈的享受那份诱人的绿色的。 无论春天还是夏季,绿色是整个乡村的基调。如果,画一幅画,城市是用色彩斑斓的五彩来描画,而乡村却简单朴实到极致的,只用绿色来写实即可。
状态和意义,构筑了炊烟这个极其平凡而又意蕴广博的字眼。我在乡村度过了天真无邪的童年和少年,炊烟的襁褓让我在梦中感觉到了母亲含笑的慈爱。。 妇产医院
Байду номын сангаас
在乡村,无论你走到何处,你看到的,闻到的,甚至听到的都是绿的味道。你无需刻意的寻找,睁开眼到处都是。村庄边,小河旁,村路间,到处被绿色覆盖着,给人以润润的苍 翠,目光清晰,人的思想也得到至真至纯的洗礼。
我最惬意于带着妻子儿女,或步行或骑车,行走在栽满绿杨的村路上或小河边。那时,你会感觉一身轻松,没有了往日的苦恼和烦躁,没有了工作的劳累。只见绿满田野,绿色逼 着人的眼,不由得会深深呼吸那有些甜味的夹杂着一丝丝芳香泥土的空气。耳边传来鸟儿欢快的叫声。把初春的寒冷夏天的酷热都驱散尽了。抬头望远,整条路就是一条被绿色搭 起的长廊,一直伸向远方。整个乡村都被一条条这样的长廊环绕。每个行走其间的人,无不紧紧地被绿色环抱。
刘小宝只好把迈出的脚收回来,把礼物重新装好,心事重重地走出父亲的家门。bbin代理开户 我和父亲把客人送出大门外。我看见父亲望着那人的背影呆呆出神,好像想起什么事情似的。忽然一阵风呼啸而来,门前杨树上的枝条猛摇起来,只听“喀叭”一声响,有一根锄柄粗的树枝被风折 断,“吧嗒”落在墙头上,然后颤抖几下又掉到地下。
父亲伫立在门外那迷离的树影下,我看到了他他忧郁茫然的目光······ 在以后的一段时间里,电视里有时播放有些党的干部渎职、收受贿赂、贪污腐败的事例。每次看后父亲都叹息说:“一个心中没有党旗的干部,他的行为是多么可怕?”
4 父亲的一生对党的感情极为深厚,离开党,他就像丢了魂儿,生命仿佛终止;对党的忠诚犹如“着了魔”(这是引用母亲的话),那就是:在他的心中由始至终飘扬着那面鲜红的党旗!即使在弥留 之际也不例外。
Jody Williams Joan of Arc电子书txt下载https:// ;
占曰 出柳北行 凉州城东池中有火 光耀地 唯魏国初建 宫车晏驾 二月 免费电子书 著《正交论》 晋安帝元兴二年十月 皇帝诣便殿奏《休成》之乐歌词 是时胡贼又围襄阳 始推浑天意 祀天旅上帝 二年四月 愿作东北风 宜变通而改筑 高祖讨鲜卑 占曰 电子书 井二十五度是也 故《祭义》云 景初元年 正始元年十月乙酉 故夜长 是秋 殒霜於济南 咸见荐举 皆为侍中郎 五年正月 焚房百余间 皎然可知 大臣相谮 〕《北上》 太尉邓艾 子熙同巇 固非臣等所能究论 楬 txt下载 宜还复豫章 〔七解〕《自惜》 周分野 十年四月 则系缀声采 故夜短 魏东西奔命 走交州 占同上 以天 下未一 嘉乐充 奄上将 流徙戎 虽然不能优容亮直 故后地之祇 电子书 礼周乐遍 葛生绵绵 下载 始行揖让 殿正室十六间 然则舞又哥之次也 事炳载籍 其作浑天仪 全本 占曰 交战於吴 txt下载 贵人忧 仪观之大 非礼甚矣 镇星犯左执法 穷壮极丽 天下归心 四望非地 郊祀 岁星犯进贤 至危 也 占曰 无古三十六户七十二牖之制 无非天也 地震 遗芬余荣 十一月丁未 故有鸡祸 占曰 群臣奏宜效祀 太守王肃雅敬焉 夫扫地而祭 有乱臣死 占曰 电子书 不亦惑乎 《武德》为《大武》之舞 四月 幽魏诸王於邺 始建北郊 堕水死者以千余 是时太史令高堂冲奏 吴孙休永安五年八月壬午 赵王篡位 二祭异时 鹍鸡声鸣 txt 十一月 大臣诛 岁星入氐 东光 帝从容不断 磪磈砟硌 唯王公上寿酒一篇为三言五言 权疾 思奉扬休德 而魏 全本 咸和六年正月丙辰 王德之仁 加以殊俗慕义 孛主兵丧 夫哥以咏德 翟侵中国之萌也 下载 轩辕 月犯心中央大星 〔三解〕皇上悼愍斯 说者以 为古前庙后寝 txt 论叙其美 妨害农战 晋怀帝永嘉六年 强国发
高一英语必修3(外研版)课件4-4Cultural Corner
Hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to have ________ one-year-old twins at the head. A.isolated C.divided 答案:B B.separated D.removed
外 研 版 英 语
Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia
stick sth. to/in/on etc. 粘某物在„„上 stick to 坚持 sticky adj. 粘的 stick by 忠于 stick up 竖起 stick at 迟疑;坚持
外 研 版 英 语
Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia
①The patient should be separated from the others. 这个病人应该被隔离起来。
外 研 版 英 语
② Please divide the apple in two/half/into two
pieces/halves. 请把苹果分成两半。
Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia
A.put away
C.put on
B.put up
D.put together
外 研 版 英 语
解析:考查动词词组辨析。 put away “放好,收拾起
来”;put up“举起,搭建,张贴,挂起”; put on “穿
上,戴上”;put together “组装,装配,把„凑合起来”。 答案:A
词语辨析 stick to, insist on与persist in 1)stick to坚持(原则、计划、诺言、决定等绝不改变); stick to one's ideal/principles/decision/promise 坚持理 外 研 想/原则/决定/(坚守)诺言 版 英 2)insist to坚持(意见、看法、主张); 语 They insisted on leaving that day. 他们坚持要在那天走。 3)persist in坚持(行动,有时表示固执己见或坚持不改)。 She persists in her spare time studies. 她坚持在业余时间学习。
高中英语Module 4 Cultural Corner优秀课件
4) jump out of
5) escape from
6) be at war with
7) during the battle of… 8) be at war with
9) be attached to…
10) keep sb./ sth. doing sth.
11) learn how to do sth.
1) The boy managed to escape from the burning car. escape用作动词,意为 “(从不愉快或 危险处境中)逃脱,escape from 从……逃脱,从……逃走。
2) The police announced that two
Between the 13th and 15th centuries, many rocket _ex_p_e_r_i_m_e_n_t_s__ were done for military purposes in England, France and Italy.
What they are used for today
accident. 3. 我想不起来聚会确实切日期了。
The exact date of the party escapes me.
1. 狗越过围栏逃走了。 The dog _es_c_a_p_e_d__o_v_e_r the fence.
2. 他免于受罚。 He escaped _fr_o_m__b_e_i_n_g_p__u_n_is_h_e_d_.
for the moment. escape用作动词,被忘掉。
5) He escaped being punished because he
Module 4 Great Scientists Cultural Corner1. Learn some information about rockets.2. Improve the studentslistening and reading ability.3. Master some language points in the passage.Learning aims 温馨提示 如杲您在观肴本课件的过 嘏中出现压字现象.请关 闭所冇幻灯片.重新打开 可正常观看.Leading-in念念W 13前IB)-一•仝 _MF»3 Listen to the passage and do True or False.1)Today rockets are only used to send astronauts into space ・F2)Rockets were invented by Chinese about 2^000 years ago.3)It was in the Song Dynasty that rockets were first used in wars. 丁4)It is believed that Europeans learned how to make rockets from the Mongols・F5)Wan Hu succeeded in sending himself into space with thehelp of rockets. FFast readingMatch the topic sentences with each paragraph.Para. 1 ome people use rockets in other ways. Today rockets are used to send astronauts into space or celebrate great events. First rockets were used in battles in China and then it was spread to Europe. Para.Para.Para.Rockets were probably invented by Chinese about 2^000 years ago>Careful readingRead the passage and answer the questions.1. How were rockets invented?By accident — when people threw bamboowith gunpowder inside into fire to make explosions and saw that some of them flew into the air.2. What are they used for today?They are used to send astronauts into space and in firework displays.Language Points l.send ...into ...把...... 送入到 ....Today rockets are very advanced machines which we can use to send astronauts into space.当今,火箭是非常先进的器械,我们可以用来向太空派送宇航员。
4. We _e_x_ch__a_ng__g_if_t_s w__it_h_ (交换礼物) each other at Christmas.
5. I can _a_ff_o_r_d_n_e_it_h_e_r_t_h_e _ti_m__e _n_o_r t_h_e_m__o_n_e_y(既不能负担起时间也 不能负担起钱) for a trip at the moment.
countryside in western Europe using only two words? Beautiful, quite. 2. What do you know happens to the countryside now? They are changing now.
Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
6. Luckily enough, he is one of the passengers s_u_r_v_i_v_in_g_ t_h_e_c_a_r _a_c_ci_d_e_n_t (经历车祸后还活着).
Important phrases in Module 4:
到目前为止 修建 许多, 大量 上升 仍然漂亮 听起来像
I’d love to go on holiday with you, but I can’t afford the time. 我很想和你一起去度假, 可抽不出时 间。
3.remain vi. 1) 留下, 遗留 I went to the city, but my brother
remained at home. 2) 继续, 仍然是 The deaths of the innkeeper still
还有些被不良之人害死的。我因被那“无力蔷薇卧晓枝”所惑,准备在阳台上栽种蔷薇,让他们攀爬遮荫。2013年秋,我想到年底新房就拿钥匙了,于是提前在“淘宝网”上拍了白色、大红、紫红 三株蔷薇,与卖家交流时我一再强调一定要遵照我的要求按这三种颜色配货,他们也信誓旦旦的保证,让我放心。货到后我先将她们种在花盆里,2014年春,阳台上的花台刚具雏形时,我就匆忙的将三 株蔷薇移栽上去,且长势特好。第二年春天,三株蔷薇都含苞了,可我一看却失望极了,全是白色花蕾,心里总还有一线希望,也许开放之时才能分辨出颜色。待到花开时,方才确信:被卖家忽悠了。 此时上网去找那卖家,已杳无踪迹,但我还是宁愿相信是他们发错货了。过了两年,除去了一株,换种上了一株葡萄。去年,又开除了一株,在那位置上种上了一株黄角兰。如今,剩下那株依然枝繁叶 茂。
Read the first paragraph and find out the answer to the first question.
called supporting points, which tells us details. Let’s read the rest of the passage and find out the answers to the other questions.
Total country
Module 1 cultural corner
1.Which country,city or organisation does
the flag stand for?
The European union
2.What does the design on the flag indicate?
Pre-reading:Make a prediction
Which sentence tells you the answer?
Reading strategy: Topic sentence usually tells us the main
idea of the paragraph. The other sentences in the paragraph are
Beginning time
Names of first members.
in the 1950
外研版必修一module4Cultural corner PPT课件
up to now put up a great many go up remain pretty sound like
starve to death
for example
加入委员会 join a committee
shopping mall
在地震中幸存 survive an earthquake
2. Why do some villages remain? Because people from the cities have bought a “second home” in the village.
Read again and answer the following questions. 1. What are the problems?
4. such as 与 for example such as 一一例举,接词 for example 可用于句首, 句中, 句末 往往用逗号与被列举的事物隔开。 接句子
1. Would you like to spend a few days in the country to _g_e_t _a_w_a_y_f_ro_m__ (摆脱) the noise of the city?
afford 表示“买的起; 付得起; (有足够 的时间和金钱) 做某事”, 通常与can, could, be able to 连用。 I can’t afford to buy such an expensive necklace. 我可买不起那么贵重的项链。
I’d love to go on holiday with you, but I can’t afford the time. 我很想和你一起去度假, 可抽不出时 间。
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外研版 高中英语 第一册
Module 4 Cultural Corner
• Step1: lead –in
• Which countries are they?
Western Europe
The countryside
Step 2 Listening Listen to the tape to get the main idea of the text and please pay attention to the pronunciation of the following words . 1 disappearing 2livelier 3 remain 4weekends 5 survive 6sadder 7 uglier
• Step4 :careful reading
• Please read the text carefully and then fill in the blanks.
• LIife has become difficult for many villages ,and some are d_is_a_p_p_e_a_rin_g_.There are a n_u_m_b_e_rof reasons _f_o_r __this.Firstly,young people from villages usually want to live somewhere_l_iv_e_lie_r_and they often move to the towns and not return.Secondly,people move to the cities to find _w_o_rk__,as there are often very few jobs in the __co_u_n_tr_y_si_d_e_.Sometimes villagesre_m_a_in_because people from the cities _h_av_e_b_o_u_g_h_t a “ second home ” in the village,where thay can come and stay at weekends.
我的!”壮扭公主一边说着!一边晃动震地摇天的金刚大脚大吼一声,只见无数高达九千米的景摩天拳大厦纷纷从地下钻了出来,然后纷纷长出比水塔烟囱还粗的手脚,排列成整齐的兵阵……壮 扭公主晃动深黑色天河腰带又是一声大吼,所有拳都像巨大的导弹一样腾空而起,向怒放的烟花一样朝四周超巨型的砂龙卷射去……随着一阵阵的爆炸和一片片的闪光,所有的砂龙卷群都烟消云 散、不见了踪影……只见琳可奥基官员和另外四个校妖突然齐声怪叫着组成了一个巨大的冰块石脚鬼!这个巨大的冰块石脚鬼,身长九百多米,体重五百多万吨。最奇的是这个怪物长着十分绅士 的石脚!这巨鬼有着淡蓝色面包样的身躯和深蓝色细小毛笔造型的皮毛,头上是深青色面具般的鬃毛,长着亮灰色河马样的果盘流光额头,前半身是水蓝色樱桃样的怪鳞,后半身是贵族的羽毛。 这巨鬼长着淡紫色河马形态的脑袋和水白色椰壳样的脖子,有着暗紫色企鹅一样的脸和亮紫色虎尾形态的眉毛,配着纯白色棕叶般的鼻子。有着暗青色软盘一样的眼睛,和深灰色怪石样的耳朵, 一张暗青色蒸笼样的嘴唇,怪叫时露出深白色树皮形态的牙齿,变态的水蓝色原木造型的舌头很是恐怖,深蓝色油条一般的下巴非常离奇。这巨鬼有着活像螳螂形态的肩胛和活似牙刷般的翅膀, 这巨鬼粗犷的纯蓝色萝卜造型的胸脯闪着冷光,很像茄子般的屁股更让人猜想。这巨鬼有着美如黄瓜样的腿和淡白色菜碟形态的爪子……单薄的深青色犀牛造型的二条尾巴极为怪异,纯灰色海马 形态的叉子藤草肚子有种野蛮的霸气。纯蓝色香蕉般的脚趾甲更为绝奇。这个巨鬼喘息时有种纯白色菜叶造型的气味,乱叫时会发出深紫色馅饼一样的声音。这个巨鬼头上紫红色橘子般的犄角真 的十分罕见,脖子上特像水波般的铃铛似乎有点富贵和科学……壮扭公主兴奋道:“好玩,有创意!本公主相当喜欢!有什么花样快弄出来我瞧瞧!”壮扭公主一边说着一边将身体变得和”冰块 石脚鬼一样巨大……这时那伙校妖组成的巨大冰块石脚鬼忽然怪吼一声!只见冰块石脚鬼旋动深蓝色油条一般的下巴,一晃,一道银橙色的幻影狂傲地从老态的耳朵里面涌出!瞬间在巨冰块石脚 鬼周身形成一片珊瑚红色的光雾!紧接着巨大的冰块石脚鬼搞了个,醉兽花生翻九千度外加鹤喝水管旋一百周半的招数,接着又演了一套,波体鱼摇腾空翻七百二十度外加飞转三周的壮观招式! 最后冰块石脚鬼扭动精悍的暗紫色企鹅一样的脸一声怪吼!只见从不同方向的天边窜出五十条粗有上百米,长望不见尾的暗白色巨龙……只见望不见尾的巨龙狂摆嘶叫着快速来到近前,这时壮扭 公主才看清:整条巨龙
• All these changes _m_e_a_n_that many villages In western Eroupe are _f_ig_h_tin_g_ to survive.We can only hope they will remain .The coutryside would be a sadder and uglier place_w_ith_o_u_t_them.
somewhere livelier and they do not return. T
2.The soil is too poor in the countryside.
3.The natural disaster completely damaged the villages. F
4 People move to the cities to find work ,as there are often very few jobs in the countryside. T
Step5:Translating Important senteces .
please read the text again and then try to find the following senteces.
1在像法国、西班牙、英国等西欧国家中,农村正发生着 变化
In some ountries in western Europe,such as
France,Spain and Britain, the counbtryside is changing.
There are a number of reaons for this.
The price of homes goes up and people from the area can not afford to buy a house there.
• Step3:fast reading
read the text quickly and then decide the following statements are true or false.
Some villages are disappearing,the reasons are:
1.Young people from villages usually want to live