PI 形式发票范文模板(两篇)

引言概述:PI (Proforma Invoice)形式发票是国际贸易中常用的一种商业文件,用于描述交易的基本细节和条件。
1. 发票抬头和基本信息1.1 发票抬头:在PI形式发票中,首先需要标明发票的抬头,即卖方和买方的名称和详细地址。
1.2 发票编号:每张PI形式发票都应该有一个唯一的发票编号,以便跟踪和区分不同的交易。
1.3 发票日期:在PI形式发票上也应该标明发票的日期,即发票的创建日期。
2. 交易明细和项目描述2.1 项目描述:PI形式发票的核心部分是交易的明细和项目描述。
2.2 数量和单位:在列出项目描述时,应该清楚地标明每个项目的数量和单位。
2.3 单价和金额:除了数量和单位外,PI形式发票还需要标明每个项目的单价和金额。
3. 支付方式和条款3.1 支付方式:PI形式发票上应该明确标明交易的支付方式,即买方应该如何向卖方支付货款。
3.2 付款期限:在PI形式发票上也应该规定付款的期限,即买方应在何时将货款支付给卖方。
proforma invoice模版

proforma invoice模版Title: Proforma Invoice: A Comprehensive Guide。
A proforma invoice is a crucial document in international trade and commerce. It serves as a preliminary bill of sale sent to buyers in advance of a shipment or delivery of goods. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to proforma invoices, including their purpose, content, and importance in the business world.Purpose of a Proforma Invoice。
The primary purpose of a proforma invoice is to provide the buyer with a detailed breakdown of the cost of goods or services to be provided. It allows the buyer to review and approve the terms of the sale before the actual shipment or delivery takes place. Additionally, it serves as a reference for the seller to ensure that the buyer receives the correct goods or services and that payment is made in a timely manner.Content of a Proforma Invoice。

外贸合同pi模版外贸合同 Proforma Invoice(PI)模板[公司抬头][公司地址][城市,邮编][国家][电话][传真][邮箱][网站][日期]Proforma Invoice[发票编号]Bill To:[买方公司名称][买方公司地址][城市,邮编][国家][联系人][电话][传真][邮箱]Ship To:[收货人名称][收货地址][城市,邮编][国家]Payment Terms:[支付条款,例如:100% T/T in advance][其他支付细节]Delivery Terms:[交货条款,例如:FOB, CIF等]Description of Goods:[货物描述][货物编号] - [货物名称][规格/型号][数量][单价][总价][货物描述][货物编号] - [货物名称][规格/型号][数量][单价][总价]Subtotal: [小计金额]Discount (if applicable): [折扣金额,如适用] Total: [总计金额]Additional Information:[附加信息,例如:包装细节,交货时间,特殊要求等]Notes:1. [备注1,例如:所有价格均为美元计价]2. [备注2,例如:货物需符合出口国和进口国的法规要求]3. [备注3,例如:本发票不作为正式付款凭证,仅作为订单确认]This Proforma Invoice is issued subject to the terms and conditions mentioned herein, and in the event of any dispute arising in connection with this invoice, the same shall be resolved in accordance with the laws of [指定法律适用的国家].Authorized Signature:[签名人姓名][签名人职位][公司名称]请根据实际情况填写以上模板中的[括号内容],并确保所有信息的准确无误。
Unit 6 Proforma Invoice

应贵公司X年X月来信要求,兹寄上空白 形式发票一式四份。请填写各栏送贵方当 局申请进口许可证,并寄回一份副本备我 查考。必须指出,形式发票所列内容,我 方不受任何约束。贵公司获得所需许可证 后,请即电告订货,以便我方最后确认
In compliance with your request in your letter of XX, we are sending you blank Proforma Invoice in quadruplicate. Please fill in all the particulars for submitting to your authorities for import license, and send us a copy for our record. We must point out that all the contents to be filled out in the Proforma Invoice are without engagement on our part. When you have obtained the necessary license,please FAX your order immediately for our final confirmation.
兹答复贵公司X年X月来信,特附寄货号XX 的形式发票一式三份,发票载明价格,但 无数量和交货期。此发票仅供申请进口许 可证之用,所列价格或其他项目我公司均 不承担义务。贵方取得许可证后,请即告 知具体要求,以便我们发上实盘。
In reply to your letter dated XX,we have the pleasure of sending you Proforma Invoice for Art.No.XX in triplicate with price indicated but without quantity and date of shipment. It is understood that this invoice is made only for the purpose of applying for import license. We have no obligations in respect of the price,and other particulars. As soon as the license is in your hand,you are requested to FAX your specific requirements for our firm offer.
Proforma Invoice-形式发票模板

Add: 公司地址
No: 发票号码(可以以当天日期 Date: 21th,Jan.2014
For account of Messrs:
Company: 外商公司名
We hereby confirm having sold to you the following goods on the terms and conditions as specified below:
8.Quality: same as the sample confirmed by the seller and the buyer
9. No VAT Invoice.
Sellers Signature (Authorization)
Buyers Signature (Authorization)
4. Loading port & Destination : From Shenzhen,China to American
5.Partial and transport shipment: Not Allowed
6.Insurance: Covered by buyer
7.Payment terms: T/T, 50% in advance,50% before shipment.
account of Messrs: mpany: 外商公司名 d:外商地址 TN: 外商联系人 联系电话
m wide keychain tail.) Amount(FOB)
nts an
Buyers Signature (Authorization)
Bank Information: Beneficiary Bank Name: Beneficiary Company: Account NO.: Beneficiary Bank Address: Beneficiary Bank Code: Swift Address: