Alchemy Classic Hd中英文对照攻略486种

艾尔登法中英文对照艾尔登法(Alden Method)是一种流利阅读的学习方法,它的中英文对照如下:艾尔登法(Alden Method)。
艾尔登法,也被称为艾尔登阅读法,是由美国教育家和作家艾尔登(Edward William Dolch)提出的一种流利阅读的学习方法。
Alden Method, also known as the Alden Reading Method,is a learning approach for fluent reading, proposed by Edward William Dolch, an American educator and writer. This method aims to help students improve their reading speed and comprehension through systematic practice and training.艾尔登法的核心理念是通过快速而准确地识别和理解常见的高频词汇,来提高阅读效率。
他将这些常见词汇称为“艾尔登词汇”(Dolch Words),并将它们分为不同的级别,以便学生逐步掌握。
The core idea of the Alden Method is to improve reading efficiency by quickly and accurately recognizing and understanding common high-frequency words. Professor Dolch believed that mastering these common words is thefoundation of reading because they appear frequently in texts. He referred to these common words as "Dolch Words" and categorized them into different levels for students to gradually master.艾尔登法的训练过程包括词汇识别、词汇理解和阅读理解三个方面。

卡洛琳 芳 心理学家 心理学 在卡洛琳的回合开始时,她可以选择 为 1 名调查员恢复 1 点智力(包括她自 己) 起始道具
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达雷尔 西蒙斯 darrell simmons 摄影师 the photographer 本地人的好处 hometown advantage once per roll, darrell may change 每次掷骰使用一次,达雷尔可以将 1 个骰子的 1 个调查符号改变为 2 个调 the result of a die from 1 查符号结果, 个调查符号改为 3 个, 2 investigation to 2, from 2 investigations to 3, or (on yellow 或者(只能是黄色和红色骰子)从 3 个调查符号改为 4 个。 and red dice) from 3 investigations to 4. 起始道具 starting items
阿曼达 西普 amanda shape 学生 the student 勤奋刻苦 studious 阿曼达的每次掷骰可以完成数量的任 amanda may complete any 务,代替正常的只能完成一次。 number of tasks per roll instead of one. 起始道具 starting items 阿曼达在角色准备阶段可以任意组 amanda starts with two item 合,从符咒、普通道具、稀有道具牌 drawn from the spell, commom 堆抽取 2 件道具。 item, or unique item decks in any combination. "ashcan" pete the drifter scrounge “垃圾桶“皮特 流浪汉 乞讨
Alchemy_Classic HD版 236种合成配方

238种全部中英对照配方表公开:Primarysubstances基本元素Carbon碳=Wood木材+Fire火Carbondioxide二氧化碳=Ash灰+Nitric acid硝酸溶液Chlorine氯=Electricity电+Salt盐+Fire火Clay粘土=Swamp沼泽+Sand沙Electricity电=Metals金属+Lightning闪电Hydrogen氢=Electricity电+Water水Hydrogen氢=Sodium钠+Water水Ice冰=Cold寒冷+Water水Magnet磁铁=Metals金属+Stone石Methane甲烷=Vegetable waste有机废物+Earth土Nature gas天然气=Gas field气田+Borehole钻孔Oil油=?+?Oxygen氧=Electricity电+Water水Plutonium钚=2xRadioactivity射线+Metals金属Radioactivity射线=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Alien异形Salt盐+Fog雾=Saltwater盐水+Air空气Sand沙=Stone石+Air空气Steam蒸汽=Fog雾+Fire火Stone石=Fire火+Earth土Thunderstorm雷雨=Rain雨+Lightning闪电Uranium铀=Radioactivity射线+Metals金属====================================Nature自然Acid rain酸雨=Clouds云+Nitric acid硝酸溶液Clouds云=Fog雾+Air空气Coal煤=Earth土+Peat泥炭Cold寒冷=2xWind风+Clouds云Fog雾=Water水+Air空气Fulgurite闪电岩=Lightening闪电+Sand沙Gas field气田=Earth土+Hydrocarbon碳氢化合物Humus腐殖质=Earth土+Wormy Compost虫肥Hydrothermalvein热液脉型矿=Volcano火山+Water水+Earth土Lightning闪电、光=Fire火+Air空气Oil Field油田=Earth土+Hydrocarbon碳氢化合物Peat泥炭=Grass草+Swamp沼泽Rain雨=Clouds云+Water水Sedimentary rock=Earth土+Stone石Snow雪=Cold寒冷+Rain雨Swamp沼泽=Earth土+Water水Thunderstorm雷暴雨=Rain雨+Lightning闪电、光Tropics热带=Rain雨+Palms棕榈Volcano火山=Earth土+2xFire火Plants植物Algae藻类=Bacteria细菌+Water水Bamboo竹子=Grass草+Earth土Banana香蕉=Fruit水果+Grass草Cactus仙人掌=Flowers花+Sand沙Cereals谷类食品=Humus腐殖质+Grass草Conifers松柏=Trees树木+Needle针Cotton棉花=Humus腐殖质+Flowers花DyingForest消失的森林=Beetles甲虫+Forest森林Fern蕨类=Moss苔藓+Swamp沼泽Flowers花=Fern蕨类+Grass草Forest森林=2xTrees树木Fruittrees果树=Humus腐殖质+Trees树木Grass草=Moss苔藓+Earth土Hedge篱笆=3xShrub灌木Ironwood铁树=Iron铁+Wood木材Lettuce生菜=Humus腐殖质+Fern蕨类Liana藤蔓植物=Trees树木+Grass草Lint棉麻=Humus腐殖质+Flowers花Moss苔藓=Algae藻类+Earth土Mutating Plant变异植物=Mutatingbacteria变异细菌+低等植物Orchids兰花=Flowers花+Fungi真菌Palms棕榈=Fern蕨类+Sand沙Reed芦苇=Grass草+Water水Rice米=Cereals谷类食品+Water水Shrub灌木=Fern蕨类+Earth土Straw稻草=Cereals谷类食品+Metals金属Sugar cane甘蔗=Humus腐殖质+Bamboo竹子Trees树木=Flowers花+Earth土蘑菇=?+?Animals动物Aardvark土豚=Mammals哺乳动物+Tube管子Ammonites菊石=Cephalopods头足动物+Sand沙Amphibians两栖动物=Fish鱼+Swamp沼泽Animal fossil动物化石=Earth土+Undefined dead lifeform非正常死亡Ants蚂蚁=Insects昆虫+Earth土Arthropods节肢动物=Plankton浮游生物+Earth土Bats蝙蝠=Mammals哺乳动物+Air空气Bear熊=Mammals哺乳动物+Honey蜂蜜Beavers海狸=Rodents臼齿类动物+Wood木头Bees蜂=Insects昆虫+Flowers花Beetles甲虫=Arthropods节肢动物+Air空气Bird鸟类=FlyingDinosaurs翼龙+Air空气Butterflies蝴蝶=Flies蝇+Flowers花Cephalopods头足动物=Molluscs软体动物+Water水Chickens鸡=Birds鸟类+Grains谷物Chicks小鸡=Eggs蛋+Chickens鸡Cloven-hoofed animals偶蹄类动物=Mammals哺乳动物+Ancient footwear史前鞋类Corals珊瑚虫=Plankton浮游生物+Stone石Crabs蟹=Shrimps虾+Sand沙Crocodiles鳄鱼=Reptiles爬行动物+Water水Deers鹿=Horn角+Ruminants反刍动物Dinosaurs恐龙=Reptiles爬行动物+Sand沙Dolphins海豚=Watermammals水生哺乳动物+Water水Dragonflies蜻蜓=Insects昆虫+Water水Drunkenanimal被麻醉的动物=普通动物+Alcohol酒精Ducks鸭子=Waterbirds水鸟类+Water水Eel鳗鱼=Fish鱼+Electricity电Fish鱼=Plankton浮游生物+Algae藻类Flies蝇=Insects昆虫+Fungi真菌FlyingDinosaurs翼龙=Dinosaurs恐龙+Air空气FlyingFish飞鱼=Fish鱼+Air空气Frogs蛙=Amphibians两栖动物+Swamp沼泽Hamsters仓鼠=Rodents臼齿类动物+Cereals谷类食品Hares野兔=Rodents臼齿类动物+Grass草Hedgehog刺猬=Insecticora食虫类+Needle针Hippoptamus河马=Nonruminants非反刍类动物+Water水Honeybee蜜蜂=Bees蜂+Flowers花Hummingbirds蜂鸟=Bird鸟类+Flowers花Infectedanimal被感染的动物=普通动物+Viruses病毒Insecticora食虫类=Insects昆虫+Mammals哺乳动物Insects昆虫=Beetles甲虫+Air空气Jellyfish海蜇=Plankton浮游生物+Water水Lizards蜥蜴=Reptiles爬行动物+Earth土Mammals哺乳动物=Reptiles爬行动物+Ice冰Marmots土拨鼠=Rodents臼齿类动物+Stone石头Mice小鼠=Rodents臼齿类动物+Earth土Millipedes蜈蚣=Arthropods节肢动物+Earth土Moles鼹鼠=Insecticora食虫类+Earth土Molluscs软体动物=Plankton浮游生物+Swamp沼泽Monkey猴子=Mammals哺乳动物+Banana香蕉Mosquitos蚊子=Flies蝇+Swamp沼泽Mussels蚌类=Molluscs软体动物+Sand沙Nonruminants非反刍类动物=Cloven-hoofed animals偶蹄类动物+Canines犬科动物Octopus章鱼=Cephalopods头足动物+Water水Penguins企鹅=Waterbirds水鸟类+Ice冰Platypus鸭嘴兽=Mammals哺乳动物+Reptiles爬行动物Plesiosaurs蛇颈龙=Dinosaurs恐龙+Water水Poisonedanimal中毒的动物=普通动物+lead铅或者化学废料PolarBear北极熊=Bear熊+Ice冰Porcupines豪猪=Needle针+Rodents臼齿类动物Rabbits兔子=Rodents臼齿类动物+Fern蕨类Rats耗子=Rodents臼齿类动物+Chemicalrubbish化工废料Reindeers驯鹿=Cold冷+Deer鹿Reptiles爬行动物=Amphibians两栖动物+Sand沙Rodents臼齿类动物=Mammals哺乳动物+Earth土Ruminants反刍类动物=Grass草+Cloven-hoofed animals偶蹄类动物Salamanders蝾螈=Amphibians两栖动物+Earth土Sandworms沙虫=Worms蠕虫+Sand沙Scorpions蝎子=Spiders蜘蛛+Sand沙Seagulls海鸥=Waterbirds水鸟类+Air空气Shrimps虾=Arthropods节肢动物+Water水Slugs鼻涕虫=Molluscs软体动物+Swamp沼泽Snails蜗牛=Molluscs软体动物+Earth土Snakes蛇=Reptiles爬行动物+Swamp沼泽Spiders蜘蛛=Arthropods节肢动物+Stone石Squirrels松鼠=Rodents臼齿类动物+Trees树Starfish海星=Plankton浮游生物+Sand沙Swampchickens沼泽鸡=Chickens鸡+Swamp沼泽Termites白蚁=Ants蚂蚁+Wood木材Toads蟾蜍=Frogs蛙+Earth土Tortoises龟=Reptiles爬行动物+Lettuce生菜Trilobites三叶虫=Arthropods节肢动物+Sand沙Waterbirds水鸟类=Bird鸟类+Water水Watermammals水生哺乳动物=Mammals哺乳动物+Water水Whales鲸=Watermammals水生哺乳动物+2xWater水Woodpeckers啄木鸟=Bird鸟类+Wood木材Woodworms蛀虫=Worms蠕虫+Wood木材Worms蠕虫=Slugs鼻涕虫+Earth土====================================Chemicalsubstances化学元素Alcohol酒精=Fire火+Water水Aminoacids氨基酸=Swamp沼泽+Lightning光Benzine石油醚=Oil refinery炼油厂+Oil石油Chemicalrubbish化工废料=CuZnBattery铜锌电池+Fire火ChemicalWaste化学垃圾=Container集装箱+Chemicalrubbish化学废料Chloroform氯仿, 三氯甲烷=CH4甲烷+Cl氯Gunpowder火药=Potassiumnitrate硝酸钾+Carbon碳+Sulfur硫HCI氯化氢=Hydrogen氢+Chlorine氯HNO2亚硝酸=NO2二氧化氮+Hydrogen氢HNO3硝酸=NO2二氧化氮+Water水Hydrocarbon碳氢化合物=H氢+C碳Hydrochloric acid盐酸=HCI氯化氢+Water水NO2二氧化氮=Lightning闪电+2xAir空气Nitric acid硝酸溶液=HNO3硝酸+Water水Nitrous acid亚硝酸溶液=HNO2亚硝酸+Water水Nuclearwaste核废料=Nuclearpowerstation核电站+Container集装箱Potassiumnitrate硝酸钾=Ash灰+Nitrousacid亚硝酸溶液Sodiumhydroxide氢氧化钠=Sodium钠+Water水Sodiumhydroxide solutionution氢氧化钠溶液=Sodiumhydroxide氢氧化钠+Water水Sulfurdioxide二氧化硫=Sulfur硫+Oxygen氧Sulfurtrioxide三氧化硫=Sulfurdioxide二氧化硫+Oxygen氧Sulfuracid硫酸=Sulfurtrioxide三氧化硫+Water水Vinegar醋=Wine红酒+Bacteria细菌====================================Basiclifeforms基本生命形式Bacteria细菌=Aminoacids氨基酸+Swamp沼泽Cells细胞=2xBacteria细菌Fungi真菌=Algae藻类+Swamp沼泽Mutatingbacteria变异细菌=Bacteria细菌+Alcohol酒精Plankton浮游生物=Cells细胞+Water水Viruses病毒=Bacteria细菌+Earth土====================================Metals金属Aluminium铝=Metals金属+3xFire火Brass黄铜=Copper铜+Zinc锌Bronze青铜=Copper铜+lead铅Chromium铬=Metals金属+6xFire火Copper铜=Metals金属+4xFire火Iron铁=Metals金属+5xFire火Lead铅=Metals金属+Fire火Mercury水银=Cinnabar丹砂+Fire火Metals金属=Stone石+Fire火Rust铁锈=Metals金属+Water水Sodium钠=Electricity电+Salt盐+Fire火Steel钢=Iron铁+Chromium铬Tungsten钨=Metals金属+7xFire火Zinc锌=Metals金属+2xFire火====================================Minerals矿石Cinnabar朱砂=Minerals矿石+Earth土Minerals矿石=Hydrothermalvein热液脉型矿+Earth土Sulfur硫=Minerals矿石+Earth土====================================Extraordinarylifeforms非正常的生命形式Alien异形=Amphibians两栖动物+Mutatingbacteria变异细菌Extremelyinfectiousalien被感染的异形=Alien异形+Viruses病毒FrozenAlien冷冻异形=freezer冰箱+Alien异形Undefined dead lifeform非正常死亡=动物+Fire火Undefined dead lifeform非正常死亡=动物+强酸====================================Machines机器Activerobot可行动的机器人=Robot机器人+Alien异形Assembly line流水线=Metals金属+Noria戽水车(多斗挖土机)Atombomb核弹=Plutonium钚+Activerobot可行动的机器人+Metals金属Drilling rig钻探设备=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Metals金属+Earth土Electricboiler电热锅炉=Incompleteboiler不完整的锅炉+CuZnBattery铜锌电池freezer冰箱=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Metals金属+Ice冰Incomplete boiler不完整的锅炉=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Metals金属+Water水Incomplete mechannism不完整的机器=Wood木材+Tools工具+Metals金属Interal combustion engine内燃机=Benzine石油醚+Steam engine蒸汽机Jack pump抽孔泵=Oil Field油田+Pump泵Loom织布机=Fiber纤维+Tools工具+Wood木材Noria戽水车(多斗挖土机)=Water wheel水车+Grains谷物Nuclear boiler核锅炉=Uranium铀+Incomplete boiler不完整的锅炉Pump泵=Incomplete mechannism不完整的机器+Pressure压力Robot机器人=Alien异形+ZnCBattery蓄电池+Metals金属Steam engine蒸汽机=Incomplete mechannism不完整的机器+Steam水蒸气Steam turbine蒸汽发电机=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Metals金属+Steam蒸汽UFO幽浮=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Metals金属+Air空气+Glass玻璃Water Turbine水力发电机=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Metals金属+2xWater水Water wheel水车=Wheel轮子+Water水Wheel轮子=Wood木材+Incomplete mechannism不完整的机器Wind Turbine风力发电机=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Wind风+Metals金属====================================Simplee quipment简单物品Ancient footwear史前鞋类=Wooden fragments木碎片+Clothes衣物Aquarium鱼缸=Fish鱼+Glass玻璃Atombattery原子电池=Radioactivity射线+Activerobot可行动的机器人+ZnCBattery蓄电池Bickford Fuse导火线=Gunpowder火药+Rope绳子Clothes衣物=Textilefactory纺织厂+Textile纺织品Compass指南针=Metals金属+Glass玻璃+Magnet磁铁Container集装箱容器=Activerobot可行动的机器人+Metals金属CuZnBattery铜锌电池=Zinc锌+Copper铜Exhibit展览=Glass玻璃+Animal fossil动物化石Fireworks烟花=Gunpowder火药+Bickford Fuse导火线Fishing net渔网=Fish鱼+Spider web蜘蛛网+Rope绳子Glowing Lightbulb发亮的灯泡=Lightbulb灯泡+Electricity电Lightbulb灯泡=Tungsten钨+Glass玻璃Map地图=Paper纸+Compass指南针Needle针=Tools工具+Cactus仙人掌Oil pipeline输油管线=Oil石油+Pipeline管线集Oxygen container氧气瓶=Oxygen氧气+container集装箱Rope绳子=Liana藤蔓植物+Fiber纤维Rope ladder绳梯=Rope绳子+Wood木材Sail帆=Wind风+Textile纺织品Sandglass沙漏=Glass玻璃+Sand沙Saw锯子=Tools工具+Canines犬科动物Skies滑雪橇=Snow雪+Ancient footwear史前鞋类StoneAxe石斧=Woodenfragments木碎片+Stone石+Liana藤蔓植物Stove火炉=Coal煤+Stone石头+Fire火TerrariumA饲养箱A=Amphibians两栖动物+Glass玻璃TerrariumR饲养箱R=Reptiles爬行动物+Glass玻璃Thermometer温度计=Glass玻璃+Mercury水银Tools工具=Wood木材+Metals金属Tubing管线集=2×Tube管子Wire线=Cu铜+Rope绳子Wooden ladder木梯=Wood木材+Rope ladder绳梯ZnCBattery蓄电池=Carbon碳+Zinc锌汲水井=?+?====================================Materials材料Bones骨头=Animal fossil动物化石+Tools工具Brick砖=Clay泥土+Fire火Canines犬科动物=Animal fossil动物化石+Tools工具Cellulose纤维=Wood木材+Sulfuricacid硫酸+Water水Diamond钻石=Carbon碳+Stone石Down羽绒=Bird鸟+Tools工具Fiber纤维=Lint棉麻+Tools工具Glass玻璃=Sand沙+Fire火Paper纸=Paperfactory造纸厂+Cellulose纤维Textile纺织品=Loom织布机+Yarn棉线Tube管子=bamboo竹子+StoneAxe石斧Wood木材=竹子、树木等植物+金属类物品Wooden fragments木碎片=Trees树木+Lightning闪电Yarn棉线=2xFiber纤维====================================Buildings建筑Automated factory自动化工厂=Incomplete factory未建成的工厂+Assembly line流水线Bakery面包烘房=Stove火炉+Incomplete building未完成建筑+Flour面粉Food Factory食品厂=Incomplete factory未建成的工厂+Bakery面包烘房Granary粮仓=Incomplete building未完成建筑+Grains谷物Incomplete building未完成建筑=Wood木材+Stone石头Incomplete factory未建成的工厂=Electricboiler电热锅炉+Brick砖+Wood木材Nuclear power station核电站=Nuclear boiler核锅炉+Steam turbine蒸汽发电机Oil refinery炼油厂=Incomplete factory未建成的工厂+Oil pipeline输油管线Paperfactory造纸厂=Incompletefactory未建成的工厂+Cellulose纤维Textilefactory纺织厂=Incompletefactory未建成的工厂+Loom织布机塔=?+?房子=?+?====================================Vehicles交通工具Boat船=Wood木材+Water水Cart手推车=Wood木材+Wheel轮子Fishing boat渔船= Fishing net渔网+Boat船Ornithopter扑翼飞机=Bird鸟+Incomplete mechannism不完整的机器Sailboat帆船=Sail帆+Boat船Sailplane滑翔机=Ornithopter扑翼飞机+Air气Sledge雪橇=Ancient footwear史前鞋类+Cart手推车Submarine潜水艇=Oxygen container氧气瓶+Boat船====================================Food食物Bread面包=Egg鸡蛋+Flour面粉+Fire火+Water水Candy糖果=Food Factory食品厂+Sugar糖Canning罐头=Food Factory食品厂+Fish yield捕鱼量Egg鸡蛋=Grains谷物+Chicken鸡Flour面粉=Grains谷物+2×Stone石头Fruit水果=Fruit tree果树+Compost堆肥Grains谷物=Cereals谷类植物+Metals金属Honey蜂蜜=Flowers花+Honey bee蜜蜂Juice果汁=Fruits水果+Stone石头Sugar糖=Sugar Cane甘蔗+Metals金属=SugarWater糖水+Air气Vegetable oil食用油=Vegetable waste有机垃圾+Stone石头Wine红酒=Fungi真菌+Juice果汁====================================Other其它Ash灰=Wood木材+2xFire火Beehive蜂巢=2xBees蜂Borehole钻孔=Earth土+Drilling rig钻探设备Compost堆肥=2xVegetable waste有机废物Fertilizer化肥=Nitricacid硝酸溶液+Sodiumhydroxide solutionution氢氧化钠溶液Fish yield捕鱼量=Fishing boat渔船+Water水Garland花环=2×Glowing Lightbulb发亮的灯泡+Wire线Holiday reindeers节日驯鹿=reindeers驯鹿+Sledge雪橇Holiday stocking节日袜子=Clothes衣物+New Year tree新年树Holiday stocking with ash装灰的节日袜子=Holiday stocking节日袜子+Ash灰Holiday stocking with gift装礼物的节日袜子=Holiday stocking节日袜子+Candy糖果Horn角=Animal fossil动物化石+Wine红酒Kite风筝=Snake蛇+Air气New Year tree新年树=New Year's baubles新年小玩意+Conifers松柏New Year tree with garland装饰的新年树=Garland花环+Conifers松柏New Year's baubles新年小玩意=Glass玻璃+Conifers松柏PollutedEarth地球污染=Nuclearwaste核废料+Earth土Pressure压力=Steam水蒸气+Steam engine蒸汽机Saltwater盐水+Earth土=Stone石+Water水Saltwater盐水=Salt盐+Water水Spider web蜘蛛网=Spider蜘蛛+grass草SugarWater糖水=Sugar糖+Water水Teddy bear泰迪熊=bear熊+New Year tree新年树Vegetable waste有机废物=各类植物+Metals金属。
Alchemy Classic HD 通关攻略(共计486种)——英文版

Alchemy ClassicComplete 486 Combinations GuideVersion 1.01Created by JeremyP1006This guide is to be used to help complete all combinations in the game Alchemy Classic from the Google play store.Elements are listed by in alphabetical order in their respective category.Begining Elements1. Air2. Earth3. Fire4. EarthPrimary Substances5. Carbon = Sulfuric Acid + Sugar6. Carbon Dioxide = Ash + Nitric Acid7. Chlorine = Fire + Salt + Electricity8. Clay = Sand + Swamp9. Electricity = Metals + Lightning10. Helium = Gas Refinery + Natural Gas11. Hydrogen = Electricity + Water12. Ice = Water + Cold13. Limestone = Earth + Ammonites14. Magnet = Stone + Metals15. Methane = Vegtable Waste + Earth16. Natural Gas = Borehole + Gas Field17. Oil = Borehole + Oil Field18. Oxygen = Electricity + Water19. Plutonium = Radioactivity(x2) + Metals20. Radioactivity = Active Robot + Alien21. Salt = Salt water + Air22. Sand = Stone + Wind23. Steam = Fire + Fog24. Stone = Earth + Fire25. Uranium = Radioactivity + MetalsNature26. Acid Rain = Clouds + Nitric Acid27. Clouds = Fog + Water28. Coal = Earth + Peat29. Cold = Wind (x2) + Clouds30. Coral Reefs = Corals (x2)31. Fog = Air + Water32. Fulgurite = Lightning + Sand33. Gas Field = Hydrocarbon + Earth34. Humus = Wormy Compost + Earth35. Hydrothermal Vein = Earth + Volcano + Water36. Lightning = Air + Fire37. Oil Field = Hydrocarbon + Earth38. Peat = Grass + Swamp39. Rain = Clouds + Water40. Sedimentary Rock = Earth + Stone41. Snow = Rain + Cold42. Space = Star (x3)43. Star = Helium + Hydrogen44. Sun = Star + Earth45. Swamp = Earth + Water46. Thunderstorm = Rain + Lightning47. Tropics = Palms + Rain48. Volcano = Earth + Fire (x2)49. Wind = Air (x2)Plants50. Algae = Bacteria + Water51. Bamboo = Earth + Grass52. Banana = Fruits + Grass53. Cactus = Flowers + Sand54. Cereals = Humus + Grass55. Conifers = Tree + Needle56. Cotton = Humus + Flowers57. Dying Forest = Forest + Beetles58. Fern = Swamp + Moss59. Flowers = Grass + Fern60. Forest = Trees (x2)61. Fruit Trees = Humus + Trees62. Grass = Earth + Moss63. Hedge = Shrub (x3)64. Hevea = Trees + Tropics65. Indigofera = Shrub + Tropics66. Ironwood = Iron + Wood67. Lettuce = Humus + Fern68. Liana = Trees + Grass69. Lint = Humus + Flowers70. Moss = Earth + Algae71. Mushrooms = Humus + Fungi72. Mutating Plant = Mutating Bacteria + Fern73. Oat = Agricultural Land + Cereals74. Orchids = Fungi + Flowers75. Palms = Fern + Sand76. Pumpkin = Agricultural Land + Grass77. Reed = Grass + Water78. Rice = Cereals + Water79. Roses = Flower + Needle80. Shrub = Earth + Fern81. Straw = Cereals + Metals82. Sugar Cane = Humus + Bamboo83. Sunflower = Sun + Flowers84. Trees = Earth + Flowers85. Truffles = Pigs + MushroomsAnimals86. Aardvark = Tube + Mammals87. Ammonites = Cephalopods + Sand88. Amphibians = Fish + Swamp89. Animal Fossil = Earth + Undefined Dead Lifeform90. Ants = Earth + Insects91. Arthropods = Earth + Plankton92. Bats = Air + Mammals93. Bear = Mammals + Honey94. Beavers = Wood + Rodents95. Bees = Insects + Flowers96. Beetles = Arthropods + Air97. Birds = Air + Flying Dinosaurs98. Butterflies = Flies + Flowers99. Caterpillar = Butterflies (2X)100. Cephalopods = Molluscs + Water101. Chickens = Grains + Birds102. Chicks = Chickens + Eggs103. Cloven-Hoofed Animals = Ancient Footwear + Mammals 104. Cocoon = Caterpillar + Trees105. Corals = Plankton + Stone106. Cows = Domestic Animals + Ruminants107. Crabs = Sand + Shrimps108. Crocodiles = Reptiles + Water109. Deers = Horn + Ruminants110. Dinosaurs = Reptiles + Sand111. Dolphins = Water + Watermammals112. Domestic Animals = Mammals + House113. Dragonflies = Insects + Water114. Drunken Animal = Alcohol + Arthropods115. Ducks = Water + Waterbirds116. Eel = Fish + Electricity117. Elephants = Mamals + Hose118. Fish = Plankton + Algae119. Flies = Fungi + Insects120. Flying Dinosaurs = Air + Dinosaurs121. Flying Fish = Fish + Air122. Frogs = Amphibians + Swamp123. Giraffes = Ruminants + Trees124. Hammerhead Sharks = Sharks + Tools125. Hamsters = Cereals + Rodents126. Hares = Grass + Rodents127. Hedgehog = Insectivora + Needle128. Hippopotamus = Nonruminants + Water129. Honey Bee = Bees + Flowers130. Horses = Oat + Mammals131. Hummingbirds = Birds + Flowers132. Infected Animal = Panda + Viruses133. Insectivora = Insects + Mammals134. Insects = Air + Beetles135. Jellyfish = Plankton + Water136. Lizards = Earth + Reptiles137. Mammals = Ice + Reptiles138. Mammothes = Elephants + Cold139. Marmots = Stone + Rodents140. Mice = Earth + Rodents141. Millipedes = Earth + Arthropods142. Moles = Earth + Insectivora143. Molluscs = Plankton + Swamp144. Monkeys = Banana + Mammals145. Mosquitos = Flies + Swamp146. Mussels = Molluscs + Sand147. Nightingale = Melody + Birds148. Nonruminants = Canines + Cloven-Hoofed Animals149. Octopus = Cephalopods + Water150. Panda = Bear + Bamboo151. Penguins = Ice + Waterbirds152. Pigs = Domestic Animals + Wild Boars 153. Platypus = Reptiles + Mammals154. Plesiosaurs = Water + Dinosaurs155. Poisoned Animal = Dragonflies + Chlorine 156. Polar Bear = Ice + Bear157. Porcupines = Rodents + Needle158. Rabbits = Fern + Rodents159. Rats = Chemical Rubbish + Rodents160. Reindeers = Deers + Cold161. Reptiles = Amphibians + Sand162. Rodents = Earth + Mammals163. Ruminants = Cloven-hoofed Animals + Grass 164. Salamanders = Earth + Amphibians165. Sandworms = Sand + Worms166. Scorpions = Sand + Spiders167. Seagulls = Air + Waterbirds168. Sharks = Fish + Canines169. Shrimps = Water + Arthropods170. Slugs = Swamp + Molluscs171. Snails = Earth + Molluscs172. Snakes = Swamp + Reptiles173. Spiders = Stone + Arthropods174. Squirrels = Trees + Rodents175. Starfish = Sand + Plankton176. Stick Insects = Insects + Trees177. Swamp Chickens = Swamp + Chickens 178. Termites = Wood + Ants179. Toads = Earth + Frogs180. Tortoises = Lettuce + Reptiles181. Trilobites = Sand + Arthropods182. Waterbirds = Water + Birds183. Watermammals = Water + Mammals 184. Whales = Watermammals + Water (x2) 185. Wild Boars = Nonruminants + Nuts186. Woodpeckers = Wood + Birds187. Woodworms = Wood + Worms188. Worms = Earth + Slugs189. Zebra = Horses + PaintChemical Substances190. Alcohol = Fire + Water191. Amino Acids = Swamp + Lightning192. Benzine = Oil + Oil Refinery193. Chemical Rubbish = Fire + CuZn Battery194. Chemical Waste = Chemical Rubbish + Container 195. Chloroform = Methane + Chlorine196. Dry Ice = Carbon Dioxide + Cold197. Gun Powder = Carbon + Sulfer + Potassium Nitrate 198. HCL = Hydrogen + Chlorine199. HNO2 = Hydrogen + NO2200. HNO3 = NO2 + Water201. Hydrocarbon = Hydrogen + Carbon202. Hydrochloric Acid = HCL + Water203. Lead Oxide = Lead + Oxygen204. Liquid Oxygen = Water + Oxygen205. NO2 = Air (x2) + Lightning206. Nitric Acid = HNO3 + Water207. Nitrous Acid = HNO2 + Water208. Nuclear Waste = Nuclear Power Station + Container 209. Potassium Nitrate = Ash + Nitric Acid210. Soda = Sodium Hydroxide + Carbon Dioxide211. Sodium Hydroxide = Sodium + Water212. Sodium Hydroxide Solution = Sodium Hydroxide + Water 213. Sulfur Dioxide = Oxygen + Sulfur214. Sulfur Trioxide = Sulfur Dioxide + Oxygen215. Sulfuric Acid = Sulfur Trioxide + Water216. Vinegar = Wine + BacteriaBasic Lifeforms217. Bacteria = Amino Acids + Swamp218. Cells = Bacteria (2x)219. Fungi = Swamp + Algae220. Mutating Bacteria = Alcohol + Bacteria221. Plankton = Cells + Water222. Viruses = Earth + BacteriaMetals223. Aluminum = Metals + Fire (3x)224. Amalgam = Mercury + Silver225. Brass = Copper + Zinc226. Bronze = Copper + Lead227. Cast Iron = Carbon + Iron228. Chromium = Metals + Fire (6x)229. Copper = Metals + Fire (4x)230. Gold = Sedimentary Rock + Metals231. Iron = Metals + Fire (5x)232. Lead = Metals + Fire233. Mercury = Cinnabar + Fire234. Metals = Stone + Fire235. Rust = Metals + Water236. Silver= Sedimentary Rock + Metals237. Sodium = Fire + Salt + Electricity238. Steel = Iron + Chromium239. Tungsten = Metals + Fire (7x)240. Zinc = Metal + Fire (2x)Minerals241. Amber = Resin + Water242. Cinnabar = Earth + Minerals243. Minerals = Hydrothermal Vein + Earth244. Sulfur = Earth + MineralsExtraordinary Lifeforms245. Alien = Amphibians + Mutating Bacteria246. Extremely Infectious Alien = Alien + Viruses247. Frozen Alien = Freezer + Alien248. Undefined Dead Lifeform = Arthropods + Hydrochloric Acid Machines249. Active Robot = Robot + Alien250. Assembly Line = Noria + Metals251. Atom Bomb = Active Robot + Metals + Plutonium252. Caterpillar Platform = Caterpillar + Wheel253. Chainsaw = Internal Combustion Engine + Saw254. Drilling Rig + Active Robot + Metals + Earth255. Electric Boiler = CuZn Battery + Incomplete Boiler256. Electronic Clock = Mechanical Clock + CuZn Battery 257. Freezer = Active Robot + Metals + Ice258. Gear = Incomplete Mechanism + Wheel259. Incomplete Boiler = Active Robot + Water + Metals260. Incomplete Mechanism = Wood + Tools + Metals261. Internal Combustion Engine = Steam Engine + Benzine 262. Irrigation System = Water Tower + Water Pipeline263. Jack Pump = Pump + Oil Field264. Jet Engine = Fireworks + Internal Combustion Engine 265. Loom = Wood + Fiber + Tools266. Mechanical Clock = Sandglass + Gear267. Noria = Grains + Water Wheel268. Nuclear Boiler = Incomplete Boiler + Uranium269. Potter's Wheel = Clay + Wheel270. Powersaw Bench = Assembly Line + Saw271. Pump = Pressure + Incomplete Mechanism272. Robot = Metals + Alien + CuZn Battery273. Steam Engine = Steam + Incomplete Mechanism274. Steam Turbine = Metals + Steam + Active Robot275. UFO = Active Robot + Glass + Metals + Air276. Water Turbine = Water (2x) + Metals + Active Robot 277. Water Wheel = Water + Wheel278. Wheel = Wood + Incomplete Mechanism279. Wind Turbine = Metals + Wind + Active RobotSimple Equipment280. Abacus = Coins + Bones + Wood281. Ancient Footwear = Wooden Fragments + Clothes282. Ancient Skates = Ancient Footwear + Bones283. Anvil = Steel + Tools284. Aquarium = Glass + Fish285. Astrolabe = Mechanical Clock + Star286. Atom Battery = Active Robot + Radioactivity + CuZn Battery 287. Bickford Fuse = Gun Powder + Rope288. Candleabrum = Candle + Bronze289. Candle = Wax + Wick290. Clothes = Textile Factory + Textiles291. Coins = Forge + Gold292. Compass = Glass + Magnet + Metals293. Container = Active Robot + Metals294. Cryogenic Scuba = Scuba + Dewar Flask295. CuZn Battery = Copper + Zinc296. Dewar Flask = Liquid Oxygen + Aluminum297. Draw Well = Borehole + Water298. Exhibit = Glass + Animal Fossil299. Fireworks = Gun Powder + Bickford Fuse300. Fishing Net = Fish + Spider Web + Rope301. Flashlight = CuZn Battery + Lightbulb302. Flute = Tools + Ebonit303. Gas Mask + Activated Carbon + Rubber304. Gas Pipline = Tubing + Natural Gas305. Glowing Lightbulb = Lightbulb + Electricity 306. Hose = Rubber + Tube307. Jeans = Indigo + Cotton308. Lightbulb = Glass + Tungsten309. Map = Compass + Paper310. Microscope = Spyglass + Bacteria311. Mirror = Glass + Amalgam312. Musical Instruments = Melody + Tools313. Needle = Cactus + Tools314. Oil Pipeline = Tubing + Oil315. Oxygen Container = Oxygen + Container316. Palm Leaves Sandals = Ancient Footware + Palms 317. Pillow = Textiles + Down318. Planishphere = Start Chart + Astrolabe319. Rope = Liana + Fiber320. Rope Ladder = Rope + Wood321. Safe = Coins + Container322. Sail = Textiles + Wind323. Sandglass = Sand + Glass324. Saw = Tools + Canines325. Scuba = Oxygen Container + Water326. Search Light = Glowing Lightbulb + Mirror 327. Silk Clothes = Textile Factory + Silk328. Skis = Snow + Ancient Footwear329. Solar Panel = Sun + ZnC Battery330. Spyglass = Glass + Tube331. Star Chart = Map + Star332. Stone Axe = Liana + Wood Fragments + Stone 333. Stove = Stone + Coal + Fire334. Telescope = Spyglass + Star335. Terrarium (A) = Glass + Amphibians336. Terrarium (R) = Glass + Reptiles337. Thermometer = Mercury + Glass338. Thermos = Dewar Flask + Metals339. Tools = Wood + Metals340. Torch = Resin + Straw341. Tubing = Tube (x2)342. Water Pipeline = Tubing + Water343. Wick = Rope + Vegetable Oil344. Wire = Copper + Rope345. Wooden Ladder = Rope Ladder + Wood346. ZnC Battery = Zinc + CarbonMaterials347. Bones = Tools + Animal Fossil348. Brick = Clay + Fire349. Canines = Tools + Animal Fossil350. Caoutchouc = Tools + Hevea351. Cellulose = Water + Sulfuric Acid + Wood352. Cement = Hydrated Lime + Clay353. Ceramics = Fire + Potter's Wheel354. Cotton Wool = Cotton + Tools355. Crystal Glass = Lead Oxide + Fire + Sand356. Diamond = Stone + Carbon357. Birds + Tools358. Ebonit = Caoutchouc + Sulfur359. Fiber = Cotton + Tools360. Glass = Fire + Sand361. Hydrated Lime = Unhydrated Lime + Water362. Indigo = Tools + Indigofera363. Paint = Indigo + Water364. Paper = Cellulose + Paper Factory365. Resin = Conifers + Tools366. Rubber = Caoutchouc + Volcano367. Silk = Cocoon + Tools368. Textile = Yarn + Loom369. Tube = Tools + Bamboo370. Unhydrated Lime = Limestone + Fire371. Wax = Beehive + Tools372. Wood = Trees + Stone Axe373. Wooden Fragments = Trees + Lightning374. Yarn = Fiber (x2)Buildings375. Automated Factory = Assembly Line + Incomplete Factory 376. Bakery = Flour + Stove + Incomplete Building377. Bank = Safe + Incomplete Building378. Clock Tower = Tower + Mechanical Clock379. Food Factory = Incomplete Factory + Bakery380. Forge = Stove + Anvil + Incomplete Building381. Furniture Factory = Wood Transporter + Incomplete Factory 382. Gas Refinery = Gas Pipeline + Incomplete Factory383. Grain Elevator = Granary + Noria384. Granary = Grains + Incomplete Building385. House = Stove + Incomplete Building386. Incomplete Building = Wood + Stone387. Incomplete Factory = Electric Boiler + Brick + Stone388. Lighthouse = Tower + Searchlight389. Lumber Mill = Powersaw Bench + Incomplete Building390. Machine Factory = Automated Factory + Internal Combustion Engine 391. Museum = Incomplete Building + Exhibit392. Nuclear Power Station = Steam Turbine + Nuclear Boiler393. Observatory = Telescope + Incomplete Building394. Oil Refinery = Oil Pipeline + Incomplete Factory395. Orangery = Incomplete Building + Glass + Flowers396. Paper Factory = Cellulose + Incomplete Factory397. Planetarium = Star Chart + Incomplete Building398. Solar Power Plant = Solar Panel (x3)399. Textile Factory = Loom + Incomplete Factory400. Tower = Incomplete Building + Wooden Ladder401. Watch Tower = Tower + Spyglass402. Water Tower = Tower + Draw Well + Pump403. Windmill = Wheel + Incomplete BuildingVehicles404. Airplane = Sail plane + Internal Combustion Engine405. Airship = Ballon + Internal Combustion Engine406. All-Terrain Vehicle = Car + Caterpillar Platform407. Atomic Submarine = Nuclear Boiler + Submarine408. Ballon = Helium + Textile409. Boat = Wood + Water410. Car = Machine Factory + Metals + Rubber411. Cart = Wood + Wheel412. Fishing Boat = Fishing Net + Boat413. Hovercraft = Boat + Air414. Jet Airplane = Airplane + Jet Engine415. Locomobile = Steam Engine + Cart416. Ornithopter = Birds + Incomplete Mechanism417. Sail Boat = Sail + Boat418. Sail Plane = Ornithopter + Air419. Sledge = Skis + Cart420. Steam Boat = Boat + Steam Engine421. Submarine = Boat + Oxygen Container422. Wood Transporter = All-Terrain Vehicle + WoodFood423. Aerated Water = Carbon Dioxide + Water424. Bread = Flour + Eggs + Fire + Water425. Candy = Sugar + Food Factory426. Canning = Fish Yield + Food Factory427. Coconut = Palms + Nuts428. Coconut Milk = Coconut Shell + Water429. Cotton Candy = Cotton Wool + Sugar430. Eggs = Chickens + Grains431. Flour = Grains + Stone (x2)432. Fruits = Fruit Trees + Wormy Compost433. Grains = Cereals + Metals434. Honey = Flowers + Honey Bee435. Ice Cream = Milk + Sugar + Ice436. Juice = Fruits + Stone437. Milk = Cows + Grass438. Mineral Water = Minerals + Water439. Nuts = Cones + Tools440. Sugar = Sugar Cane + Metals441. Sunflower Oil = Sunflower Seeds + Food Factory442. Sunflower Seeds = Sunflower + Tools443. Vegetable Oil = Vegetable Waste + Stone444. Wine = Juice + Fungi445. Yogurt = Milk + BacteriaOther446. Activated Carbon = Coconut Shell + Fire447. Agricultural Land = Irrigation + Humus448. Ash = Wood + Fire (x2)449. Beehive = Honeybee (x2)450. Borehole = Earth + Drill Rig451. Coconut Shell = Coconut + Stone452. Compost = Vegetable Waste (x2)453. Cones = Conifers + Tools454. Fertilizer = Sodium Hydroxide + Nitric Acid455. Fish Yield = Fishing Boat + Water456. Fresco = Paint + Hydrated Lime457. Furniture = Furniture Factory + Wood458. Garland = Glowing Lightbulb (x2) + Wire459. Holiday Reindeers = Sledge + Reindeers460. Holiday Stockings = New Year Tree + Clothes461. Holiday Stockings with Ash = Holiday Stockings + Ash 462. Holiday Stockings with Gifts = Holiday Stockings + Candy 463. Hookah = Smoking Pipe + Water464. Horn = Wine + Animal Fossile465. Jack-o-Lantern = Pumpkin + Candle466. Kite = Air + Snakes467. Melody = Note (x2)468. New Year Tree = Conifers + New Year's Baubles 469. New Year Tree With Garland = Conifers + Garland 470. New Year's Baubles = Conifers + Glass471. Note = Sound + Paper472. Polluted Earth = Earth + Nuclear Waste473. Pressure = Steam + Steam Engine474. Salt Water = Salt + Water475. Sand on Glass = Glass + Sand + Glowing Lightbulb 476. Smoking Pipe = Fire + Tube477. Sound = Flute + Air478. Spider Web = Grass + Spider479. Sugar Water = Sugar + Water480. Teddy Bear = New Year Tree + Bear481. Tobacco = Grass + Smoking Pipe482. Toy Ballon = Helium + Rubber483. Toy for Rodents = Squirrels + Wheel484. Vegetable Waste = Fungi + Hydrochloric Acid 485. Wormy Compost = Compost + Worms486. Yellow Water Toy = Ducks + RubberGAME COMPLETED。
[攻略技巧] Alchemy(炼金术)最新370种元素合成大全
![[攻略技巧] Alchemy(炼金术)最新370种元素合成大全](
[攻略技巧] Alchemy(炼金术)最新370种元素合成大全Alchemy, 370最好在游戏里语言设置成English,这样按字母排序查找自己少合成了哪种元素会比较方便1. 1UP= life + mushroom2. Air= starter3. Airplane= air + car4. Albert Einstein = scientist + energy5. Alcohol= fire + water6. Alcoholic= man + beer/vodka/alcohol7. Algae= life + water8. Alien = star + life9. Aluminium = Airplane + Metal10. Ambulance = hospital + car11. Arable= earth + tool12. Arms= metal + tool13. Ash Tray= ash + glass14. Ash= fire + snake15. Assassin= man + poisoned weapons16. Australia = kangaroo + country17. Avian Flu= flu + bird/chicken18. Bacon= fire + pig19. Bacteria= life + swamp20. Bar= brick house + beer21. Barbecue= fire + meat22. Bat= bird + vampire23. Batman= man + bat24. Beach= water + sand25. Bear= beast + forest26. Beast= earth + lizard27. Beaver= dam + beast28. Bee = flower + beetle29. Beer= alcohol + wheat30. Beetle= earth + worm31. Belarus = tractor + country32. Berry= grass + fruit33. Bicycle= wheel + wheel34. Bird= air + egg35. Bitumen= kerogen + pressure36. Blood= beast + hunter37. Boat= water + wood38. Boiler= metal + steam39. Book= feather + paper40. Bow = Robin Hood + Arms41. Bread= dough + fire42. Brick House= brick + concrete43. Brick= clay + fire44. Butterfly= air + worm45. Cactus= desert + tree46. Camel = Beast + Desert47. Cancer = Cigarettes + Man48. Car= cart + combustion engine49. Caramel= sugar + fire50. Carbon Dioxide= oxygen + man51. Carmine= cochineal + fire52. Cart= wheel + wood53. Cat = Hunter + Mouse54. Catdog = cat + dog55. Caviar= fish + fish56. Cement= clay + limestone57. Cemetery= grave + grave58. Ceramics= clay + man59. Champagne= wine + soda water60. Chariot= warrior + cart61. Cheese= quark(cheese) + fire62. Chicken= egg + life63. China = dragon + country64. Christmas Tree= tree + lightbulb65. Cigarettes= paper + tobacco66. City= skyscraper + skyscraper67. Clay= sand + swamp68. Clock = time + tool69. Cloth= tool + wool70. Clothing= cloth + man71. Cloud= air + steam72. Coal= fire + tree73. Coca-Cola= soda water + carmine74. Cochineal= cactus + beetle75. Cocoa =Seed + Mexico76. Coffin= corpse + wood77. Coin = money + metal78. Combustion Engine= steam engine + gasoline79. Concrete= cement + water80. Continent = Country + Country81. Corpse = fire + man82. Country = City + City83. Dam= brick + water84. Desert= sand + sand85. Diamond= uncut diamond + tool86. Diet= man + yogurt87. Dilemma = chicken + egg88. Dinosaur= earth + egg89. Doctor = hospital + scientist90. Dog = wolf + man91. Dough= flour + water92. Dr. Zoidberg (from futurama) = Doctor + Alien93. Dragon= fire + flying dinosaur94. Dust= air + earth95. Earth= starter96. Ectoplasm= ghost + energy97. Egg= life + stone98. Egypt = cat + country OR mummy + country99. Electric eel= snake + electricity100. Electric Ray= fish + electricity101. Electricity= energy + metal102. Elephant = whale + earth OR india + beast 103. Energy= air + fire104. Explosion= gasoline + fire105. Faberge Egg = Egg + Diamond 106. Farmer= man + seed107. Fat= man + pig108. Feather= bird + hunter109. Fern= moss + swamp110. Finland = sauna + country111. Fire Elemental= fire + life112. Fire= starter113. Firearms= arms + gunpowder 114. Firefighter= hero + fire115. Firefly= light + beetle116. Fish= bacteria + plankton117. Fisherman= hunter + fish118. Flour= stone + wheat119. Flower= water + seed120. Flu= air + bacteria121. Flying Dinosaur= air + dinosaur 122. Fondue= cheese + fire123. Forest= grove + grove124. Fossil= dinosaur + earth125. France = champagne + country 126. Frankenstein= corpse + electricity 127. Fried chicken = chicken + fire 128. Frog= lizard + swamp129. Fruit= tree + farmer130. Fugu = Fish + Poison131. Gasoline= petroleum + pressure 132. Genie= lamp + ghost133. Germany = VW beetle + country 134. Geyser= steam + earth135. Ghost= ash + life136. Ghostbusters = Ghost + Hunter 137. Glass= fire + sand138. Gold = philosopher’s Stone + metal 139. Golem= clay + life140. Grape= earth + wood141. Grass= earth + moss142. Grave= earth + corpse143. Grove= tree + tree144. Gunpowder= dust + fire145. Hen Coop= chicken + hut146. Hero= dragon + warrior147. Honey = bee + sugar148. Hospital= brick house + sick149. Hourglass= glass + sand150. House MD = Man + vicodin151. Hunter= arms + man152. Hut= man + stone153. Hydrogen= water + electricity154. Ice = Water + Glass155. Iceland = ice + country OR volcano + country 156. Idea= man + light bulb157. Piggy Bank = Ceramics + Coin158. India = kama sutra + country159. Iodine= algae + fire160. Island =Volcano + Sea161. Italy = pizza + country162. Japan = sushi + country163. Jedi = Hero + Lightsaber164. Juice = Fruit + Pressure165. Kama Sutra= book + sex166. Kangaroo = frog + 1UP OR frog + beast 167. Kerogen = fossil + pressure168. Kilt = Scotland + clothing169. Knife= meat + tool170. Lamp= fire + glass171. Lance Armstrong = Cancer + Bicycle172. Lava Golem= lava + life173. Lava Lamp= lava + lamp174. Lava= earth + fire175. Lawnmower = Grass + Tool176. Leech= blood + worm177. Library= book + book178. Lichen= mushroom + algae179. Life= energy + swamp180. Light bulb= electricity + glass181. Light Saber= arms + light182. Light= electricity + light bulb183. Lighthouse= skyscraper + light184. Lightning Rod= thunderstorm + metal 185. Lime= fire + limestone186. Limestone= shells + stone187. Livestock= beast + man188. Lizard= snake + worm189. Lobster = Scorpion + Water190. Locomotive= cart + steam engine191. Man= beast + life192. Manure= grass + livestock193. Mario= 1UP + man194. McDonald’s= Coca-Cola + sandwich 195. Meat= beast + hunter196. Mentos = Coca-cola + Geyser197. Metal Golem= life + metal198. Metal= fire + stone199. Mexico = tequila + country200. Microchip = transistor + transistor201. Milk= livestock + man202. Mirror = Aluminium + Glass203. Mite= life + dust204. Mold= mushroom + mud205. Molotov Cocktail= fire + alcohol206. Money = gold + paper207. Moon = Cheese + Sky208. Moss= swamp + algae209. Motorboat= boat + combustion engine 210. Motorcycle= bicycle + combustion engine 211. Mouse = Cheese + Beast212. Mud= dust + water213. Mummy = Paper + Corpse214. Museum= brick house + fossil215. Mushroom= earth + algae216. Music = sound + idea217. Obesity= man + McDonald’s218. Old Man = Man + Time219. Omelette= egg + fire220. Oxygen= water + electricity221. Oxyhydrogen= oxygen + hydrogen 222. Ozone= oxygen + electricity223. Panda= tree + beast224. Paper= reed + tool225. Pearl= sand + shells226. Peat= swamp + tree227. Penguin = bird + ice228. Penicillin= mold + scientist229. Perfume = Flower + alcohol230. Petri Dish= glass + bacteria231. Petroleum= bitumen + pressure232. Philosopher’s stone = philosophy + stone 233. Philosophy = dilemma + scientist234. Phoenix= bird + fire235. Pig = livestock + mud236. Pillow= feather + cloth237. Pinocchio= wood + life238. Pizza= cheese + dough239. Planet = continent + continent240. Plankton= bacteria + water241. Plesiosaurus = dinosaur + water242. Poison= mushroom + tool243. Poisoned Weapons= arms + poison 244. Pressure = earth + earth245. PRISONER = assassin + time246. QUARK (cheese) = soured milk + fire 247. QUETZALCOATL = snake + bird248. R2D2 = Robot + Star wars249. Rainbow = steam + light250. REED = grass + swamp251. Robin Hood = Forest + Hero252. robot = metal golem + electricity 253. Romania = Transylvania + country 254. Ruby = blood + diamond255. Russia = vodka + country256. RUST = water + metal257. SAILBOAT = boat + cloth258. SAILING SHIP = cloth + wooden ship 259. SAILOR = boat + man260. SALAMANDER = fire + lizard261. Salo = man + pig262. Salt=Sea+Fire263. SALTPETER = limestone + manure 264. SAND = stone + water265. SANDSTORM = storm + sand266. SANDWICH = meat + bread267. Santa Claus = Old man + Chrismas tree 268. Saudi Arabia = petroleum + country 269. Sauna = steam + hut270. SCARAB = beetle + manure271. SCIENTIST = library + man272. SCISSORS = knife + knife273. SCORPION = beetle + sand274. SCOTCH WHISKEY = alcohol + peat 275. Scotland = scotch whiskey + country 276. Sea= Water+Fire277. SEED = life + sand278. SEX = man + man279. Sex in the city = Sex + city280. SHELLS = plankton + stone281. SICK = man + flu282. SILICON = pressure + sand283. Silk = Cloth + China284. Silver = Moon + Metal285. Sith = Jedi + Assasin286. SKY= air + cloud287. SKYSCRAPER = brick house + glass288. SMOKE = fire + tobacco289. SNAIL = Shells + Worm290. SNAKE = Swamp + Worm291. SNIPER = Assassin + Firearms292. SOAP = Ash + Fat293. SODA WATER = Carbon Dioxide + Water294. SOLDIER = Firearms + Man295. Sound = metaql + wind296. SOURED MILK = Milk + Yogurt297. SPINNING WHEEL = Wheel + Wool298. STAKE = Wood + Knife299. STAR = Sun + Scientist300. Starwars = Jedi + Sith301. Statue = stone + tool302. Statue of liberty = USA + statue OR USA + France 303. STEAM = Air + Water304. STEAM ENGINE = Boiler + Coal305. STEAMER = Steam Engine + Wooden Ship306. STONE = Air + Lava307. STORM = Air + Energy308. SUGAR = Lime + Reed309. SULFUR = Bacteria + Swamp310. SUN = Sky + Chariot311. Sunflower = Sun + Flower312. SUSHI= Fish + Algae313. SWAMP = Earth + Water314. SWEATER = Yarn + Tool315. SWINE FLU = Pig + Flu316. Swiss army knife =317. Switzerland = clock + country318. TEAM = Beast + Cart319. TEQUILA = Alcohol + Worm320. The Beatles = Beatle + Beatle321. THUNDERBIRD = Bird + Storm322. THUNDERSTORM = Storm + Electricity 323. TIME = Life + Hourglass324. TOAST = Fire + Bread325. TOBACCO = Fire + Grass326. TOOL = Man + Metal327. TOTORA = Forest + Ghost328. Tractor = lawn mower + arable329. Transistor = silicon + metal330. Transylvania = vampire + country 331. TREE = Earth + Seed332. TURTLE = Egg + Sand333. TWILIGHT SAGA = Vampire + Werewolf 334. TYPHOON = Storm + Water335. UFO = alien + airplane336. Ukraine = salo + country337. UNCUT DIAMOND = Coal + Pressure 338. UNDEAD = Corpse + Zombie339. United Kingdom = the beetles + country 340. USA = McDonald’s + country341. VAMPIRE= Blood + Man342. Venice = city + water343. Vicodin = sick + doctor344. VINEGAR = Alcohol + Oxygen345. VODKA = Alcohol + Water346. VOLCANO = Lava + Pressure347. VULTURE = Corpse + Bird348. VW BEETLE = Car + Beetle349. WALKING TREE = Life + Tree350. WARRIOR = Arms + Hunter351. WATER = Starter352. WEEVIL= Flour + Beetle353. WEREWOLF= Beast + Vampire354. WHALE = Beast + Water355. WHEAT= Arable + Seed356. WHEEL = Tool + Wood357. WHEY = Soured Milk + Fire 358. WIND = Air + Air359. WINE = Grape + Alcohol360. Wolf = werewolf + moon 361. WOOD = Tool + Tree362. WOODEN SHIP = Boat + Wood 363. WOOL = Beast + Hunter364. WORM = Earth + Plankton 365. YARN = Spinning Wheel + Wool 366. Yoda = Jedi + swamp367. YOGURT = Bacteria + Milk 368. YOSHI = 1UP + Egg369. ZOMBIE = Corpse + Life370. ZOO = Beast + Museum。

HOW TO PLAYGAMEGUIDE2–6PLAYERS• Give each player a CLUE Sheet and pen (not included). Shh! Always keep your CLUE Sheet secret!• Without letting anyone see, each player must secretly cross off the Black CLUE cards they have been dealt and any leftover cards that are faceup on the table. Your cards are not in the Envelope so are not involved in the murder!• Throughout the game you will get to see other players’ cards one at a time. Every time you see one, cross it off your CLUE sheet. It’s not in the Envelope so it’s not involved in the murder.4• Shuffle the rest of the Black CLUE cards together.• Deal them all out facedown to each player so you all have an equal number of cards. Shh! Everyone must keep their cards secret!• If the cards don’t divide exactly between players, place the two or three leftover cards faceup at the side of the board.3• Shuffle the Red Bonus cards and place them at the side of the board for bonus moves while you play. • Or, if you want to play original CLUE, return them to the box.5• Sort all the Black CLUE cards into Weapon, Suspect and Room decks. • Shuffle each deck separately and place them facedown on the table.• Without looking, take the top card from each deck and put them into the Yellow Murder Envelope. These are the suspect, weapon and room involved in the murder!• Place the Murder Envelope at the side of the board.2The Case FileThis evening Samuel Black was found murdered in his mansion! Detectives found six suspects and six weapons in the mansion’s nine rooms, but couldn’t solve the case. So, now it’s up to you to solve the murder!To win the game you must find out three things about the murder:1. Who did it?2. With what weapon?3. And where?Courtyard Game Room Study Dining Room Garage Living Room Kitchen Bedroom BathroomWhere? Take a peek at the Rooms.One of these rooms is the scene of the crime. You must find out which.NOW YOU’VE READ THE CASE FILE , choose one player to set up the game by following the steps on the opposite page.BEFORE YOU START , read the case file out loud to all players.NOW YOU’RE ALMOST READY TO START, just go to the next page to find out how to play.• Place all six weapon tokensand all six character tokens in the center of the board (even if there are less than six players).• Each choose a character from the suspect list to play as. You will use your character’s matching color token to move around the mansion.1seTUPEach player gets a number of cards. Keep your cards secret! They are not involved in the murder.These three cards are involved in the murder. To win, you must find out what they are!Who? Meet the Suspects.Plum White Scarlet Green Mustard PeacockOne of these six suspects is the murderer. You must find out who.WhaT? Check out the Weapons.Rope Dagger Wrench Pistol Candlestick Lead PipeOne of these is the murder weapon. You must find out which.• Roll the dice and move your character token that number of spaces around the board. (Or, if your token was moved by another player since your last turn, you can choose to stay where you are and ask a question without moving.)• You can move vertically and horizontally, forward and back through the Corridor, but not diagonally.• Always try to enter a room (at the start, any room will do). You don’t need an exact roll to enter a room; if your roll would’ve taken you beyond the room, just finish your move early and stop in the room.• Everyone rolls the dice. Highest roller goes first, play then continues left.Solve the murder! To win you must be the first player to find out which suspect, weapon and room cards are in the Murder Envelope.1. Decide who goes first2. On your turn, roll, move and enter a room You are Mustard . You roll ten and move from the Game Room to the Bedroom as shown.• If you entered a room, you must stop and ask a CLUE question about one suspect, one weapon and the room you’ve just entered.• For example, if you’d just entered the Garage, you could ask: “Was it Scarlet, with the Rope in the Garage?”Hint! Try to ask about suspects, weapons and rooms you haven’t crossed off your CLUE Sheet.• Bring the suspect’s character token and weapon token you’re asking about into the room with you.• T he player on your left must be the first to try to answer your question. If they have any of the cards you asked about they must show one of them to you secretly. They should never show you more than one card!• I f they don’t have any of the cards you asked about, they just say “I cannot answer” and the question passes left to the next player and so on until you have been shown one card.• Cross off the card you have been shown on your CLUE Sheet. It’s not in the Envelope, so it’s not involved in the murder!• Leave the character and weapon token you movedwhere they are. If the character token you moved belongs to another player, they can ask a question on their next turn without moving.• Now your turn is over. No matter who answered your question, the player on your left goes next.3. Then ask a CLUE question and get an answer What if no-one can show me a card?4. Finally, end your turn by marking off your CLUE sheet DON’T WORRY! CLUE is really easy to play! But, if you haven’t played for a while, read the Game Basics below out loud to all players.You are Peacock . You bring Scarlet and the Rope into the Garage with you and ask your question:“Was it Scarlet with the Rope in the Garage ?”Once you’ve crossed off everybody’s cards on your CLUE Sheet, YOU’RE READY TO SOLVE THE MURDER! Turn over to find out how to win.hoW To WiNhoW To PlaYThe Game BasiCs• If your roll is too low, you must stay in the Corridor this turn. Or aim to land on a Red Bonus space instead!• You don’t need an exact roll to stop on the Bonus space.When you land there, pick up the top Red Bonus card and follow the instructions.• Once you’ve used the card, place it on the discard pile. If you’re not using the Red Bonus cards (or don’t want one), just move your token towards the next room you want to enter.First put on a poker face! As long as you weren’t bluffing by asking about one of your own cards, you’ve figured out which cards are in the Envelope.Another player shows you a card. It is Scarlet. You cross Scarlet off your CLUE sheet.Make an accusation Were you right?Once you’ve asked enough questions to eliminate all but three of the cards on your CLUE Sheet (one suspect, one weapon and one room), you’re ready to solve the murder!Yes, I got all threecards rIght!You win! Congratulations, you’ve solved the murder! Reveal the cards in the Envelope to everyone.No, I got somethINg wroNg!Oops! You’ve made a mistake and are outof the game. Secretly return the cards to theEnvelope – don’t tell the other players whichones you got wrong!• K eep your cards hidden and keep answering other players’ questions.• D o not ask any further questions or make any further accusations.You must get to the space in the center of the board beforeyou can make an accusation. Once you get there, read your accusation out loud: “I accuse Green, with the Lead Pipe in the Dining Room!” Then, without letting anyone else see, check the cards in the Envelope.I a cc us e gr ee n,wi th t he le ad p ip e in t he di ni ng r oo m!hoW To WiNWhat if everybody guesses incorrectly?• If everyone makes an incorrect accusation, the murder remains unsolved. Take the cards out of the Envelope and take a look at which suspect got away with it!• If you’re in a room that has a Joining Door or Secret Passage to another room, you can move into the other room at the start of your turn without rolling the dice.• You cannot pass through one room and into another or into the Corridor on a single turn; you must stop and ask a question whenever you enter a room.Moving through Joining Doors and Secret Passages.If yo u wa nt to baffl e op pon ents , blu ff by aski ng a bou t som e of your own cards.W a s i t P e a c o c k i n t h e B e d r o o m wi t h t h e D a gg e r ? Asking about your own cardssNeakY moves To makesNeakY qUesTioNs To askSecret Passage You move from the Dining Room into the Kitchen and stop. On your next turn you can move through the Secret Passage to the Garage .For 2-players or teams, add the following rules to your game. If you’re playing in teams, keep younger players involved by grouping them with older players.Everything else is exactly the same as classic CLUE!2. T he second major difference in 2-player/Team CLUE is what you do when nobody answers your question. (See page 4 for classic rules on asking).A sk questions as normal. The other player/team must always try to answer.B ut, if player/team cannot answer, you must secretly look at one of the four cards at the side of the board. Once you’ve crossed it off your CLUE Sheet, return the card to exactly the same spot at the side of the board.E very time the other team/player cannot answer one of your questions, secretly look at a different one of the four cards at the side of the board. (You’ll have toremember the places of the ones you’ve already seen!)1. T he first major difference between 2-player/Team CLUE and classic CLUE is the setup. (See page 2 for classic setup). F ollow steps 1 and 2 of setup as usual. I n step 3, shuffle the rest of the Black CLUE cards together as usual. But then, before you deal them to the players/teams, take the top four black CLUE cards from the deck and place them facedown in a row at the side of the board.F ollow step 4 of setup as usual.B ut ignore step 5: you can never use the Red Bonus cards in a 2-player or Team game.2-PlaYer or Team rUlesYou will still have to read the full instructions to play CLUE this way!38712®7673871200© 2011 Hasbro, Pawtucket, RI 02862. USA . All rights reserved.Hasbro Australia Ltd., Level 2, 37-41 Oxford Street, Epping NSW 2121, Australia. Tel: 1300 138 697. Hasbro NZ (a branch of Hasbro Australia Ltd.), 221 Albany Highway, Auckland, New Zealand. Tel: 0508 828 200.TM & ® denote U.S. Trademarks.HASBRO CANADA, LONGUEUIL, QC, CANADA J4G 1G2.USA and Canada: Hasbro Games, Consumer Affairs Dept., P .O. Box 200, Pawtucket, RI 02862 USA. ☎ 888-836-7025.38712。
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littlealchemy攻略acidrain=rain+smokeairlplain=metal+birdalcohol=fruit+timealgae=plant+waterallergy=dust+humanalligator=swamp+lizardangel=human+birdantarctica=desert+snow aquarium=glass+water archipelago=isle+islearmor=metal+toolash=energy+volcanoastronaut=human+moon atmosphere=air+pressure atmotic boom=energy+explosion axe=blade+woodbacon=fire+pigbacteria=swamp+lifebarn=house+livestockbayonet=gun+bladebeach=water+sandbeaver=wild animal+wood bicycle=wheel+wheelbird=air+eggbirdhouse=bird+houseblade=stone+metalblizzard=snow+stormblood=human+bladeboat=water+woodboiler=metal+steambread=fire+flourbrick=fire+mudbullet=gunpower+metalbutcher=meat+humancactus=desert+plantcampfire=fire+woodcar=wheel+metalcart=wheel+woodcaviar=human+hard roe chainsaw=electricity+axe charcoal=wood+firecheese=milk+timechicken=bird+livestock christmas tree=light bulb+tree cigarette=paper+tobacooclay=mud+sandclock=time+wheelcloud=air+steamcoal=plant+pressurecoffin=corpse+woodcow=livestock+grasscuckoo=bird+clockcyclist=human+bicycleday=sun+timedesert=sand+sanddiamond=coal+pressuredinosaur=time+lizarddoctor=human+hospitaldog=wild animal+humandouble rainbow=rainbow+rainbow dough=flour+waterdragon=lizard+fireduck=water+birddune=wind+sanddust=earth+airearthquake=energy+earth eclipse=sun+moonegg=stone+lifeelectric eel=fish+electricity electrician=electricity+human electricity=energy+metal energy=air+fireengineer=human+tooleruption=energy+volcano explosion=fire+gunpowerfamily=human+housefarmer=human+fieldfield=earth+toolfireman=fire+humanfireplace=house+campfire fireworks=sky+explosionfish=time+hard roeflood=rain+rainflour=stone+wheatflute=wind+woodfog=cloud+earthforest=tree+treefossil=dinosaur+earth frankenstein=electricity+corpse fruit=tree+farmerfruit tree =fruit+treegarden=plant+grassgeyser=earth+steamglass=sand+fireglasses=glass+glassglasshouse=plant+glassgolem=life+claygrass=earth+plantgrave=earth+corpsegravestone=grave+stone graveyard=grave+gravegrenade=explosion+metalgun=metal+bulletgunpower=dust+firehail=rain+iceham=meat+smokehard roe=egg+waterhay=scythe+grasshero=dragon+knighthorizon=sky+seahorse=hay+livestockhospital=sickness+house hourglass=sand+glasshouse=brick+toolhuman=earth+lifehurricane=energy+windice=water+coldice cream=ice+milkiceberg=ice+mountainigloo=ice+houseisle=volcano+oceanknight=armor+humanlava=fire+earthlife=energy+swamplight=electricity+light bulb light bulb=electricity+glass livestock=life+farmerlizard=swamp+egglove=human+humanlumberjack=axe+humanmeat=tool+cowmetal=fire+stonemilk=farmer+cowmoon=sky+cheesemountain=earthquake+earthnerd=glass+humannewspaper=paper+papernight=moon+timeoasis=desert+waterocean=see+wateroil=sunflower+pressure omelette=egg+fireorchard=fruit tree+fruit tree owl=bird+nightpalm=isle+treepaper=wood+pressurepegasus=house+skypenguin=ice+birdphoenix=fire+birdpie=fruit+doughpig=mud+livestockpilot=human+airplanepipe=wood+tobacooplankton=life+waterplant=earth+rainpottery=fire+claypressure=air+airrain=water+cloudrainbow=sun+rainring=diamond+metalrobot=metal+lifesailboat=wind+boatsandwich=cheese+bread scythe=blade+grasssea=water+waterseahorse=sea+horse seasickness=sea+sickness seaweed=plant+seashark=wild animal+sea sickness=human+rainsky=cloud+airsmoke=fire+woodsnake=wire+wild animal snow=rain+coldsnowman=snow+humansolar cell =sun+toolspace=star+skysteam engine=tool+boiler steamboat=steam engine+boat steel=coal+metalstone=lava+airstorm=energy+cloudsun=fire+skysundial=sun+clocksunflower=sun+plant sunglasses=sun+glasses sushi=seaweed+fishswamp=mud+plantsword=metal+bladetide=moon+seatime=sand+glasstoast=bread+fire tobacoo=plant+firetool=metal+humantrain=metal+steam engine tree=plant+time treehouse=tree+house tsunami=earthquake+ocean turtle=sand+eggtwilight=night+day unicorn=life+rainbow vampaire=blood+human volcano=earth+lava warrior=sword+human water pipe=water+pipe wave=sea+wind wheat=field+farmer wheel=tool+woodwild animal=life+forest wind=air+pressure windmill=wind+housewire=electricity+metal wood=tree+tool zombie=life+corpse yogurt=bacteria+milk。
Little Alchemy 全部380种游戏攻略

Little Alchemy 全部380种游戏攻略1、1up= life + mushroom2、air= starter3、airplane= air + car4、albert einstein = scientist + energy5、alcohol= fire + water6、alcoholic= man + beer/vodka/alcohol7、algae= life + water8、alien = star + life9、aluminium= airplane + metal10、ambulance = hospital + car11、arable= earth + tool12、arms= metal + tool13、ash tray= ash + glass14、ash= fire + snake15、assassin= man + poisoned weapons16、australia = kangaroo + country17、avian flu= flu + bird/chicken18、baby= sex + life19、bacon= fire + pig20、bacteria= life + swamp21、bar= brick house + beer22、barbecue= fire + meat23、bat= bird + vampire24、batman= man + bat25、beach= water + sand26、bear= beast + forest27、beast= earth + lizard28、beaver= dam + beast29、bee = flower + beetle30、beer= alcohol + wheat31、beetle= earth + worm32、beetroot= sugar + seed33、belarus= tractor + country34、berry= grass + fruit35、bicycle= wheel + wheel36、bird= air + egg37、bitumen= kerogen + pressure38、blood= beast + hunter39、boat= water + wood40、boiler= metal + steam41、book= feather + paper42、borscht= beetroot+ fire43、bow = robin hood + arms44、bread= dough+ fire45、brick house= brick + concrete46、brick= clay + fire47、butterfly= air + worm48、cactus= desert + tree49、camel = beast + desert50、cancer = cigarettes + man51、car= cart + combustion engine52、caramel= sugar + fire53、carbon dioxide= oxygen + man54、carmine= cochineal + fire55、cart= wheel + wood56、cat = hunter + mouse57、catdog = cat + dog58、caviar= fish + fish59、cement= clay + limestone60、cemetery= grave + grave61、ceramics= clay + man62、champagne= wine + soda water63、chariot= warrior + cart64、cheese= quark(cheese) + fire OR milk+mold65、chicken= egg + life66、china = dragon + country67、chocolate= cocoa + sugar68、christmas tree= tree + lightbulb69、cigarettes= paper + tobacco70、city= skyscraper + skyscraper71、clay= sand + swamp72、clock = time + tool73、cloth= tool + wool74、clothing= cloth + man75、cloud= air + steam76、coal= fire + tree77、coca-cola= soda water + carmine78、cochineal= cactus + beetle79、cocoa =seed + mexico80、coffin= corpse + wood81、coin = money + metal82、combustion engine= steam engine + gasoline83、concrete= cement + water84、continent = country + country85、corpse = fire + man86、country = city + city87、crop circles= ufo + arable88、dam= brick + water89、desert= sand + sand90、diamond= uncut diamond + tool91、diet= man + yogurt92、dilemma = chicken + egg93、dinosaur= earth + egg94、doctor = hospital + scientist95、dog = wolf + man96、dough= flour + water97、dr.zoidberg(from futurama)= doctor + alien98、dragon= fire + flying dinosaur99、dust= air + earth100、earth= starter101、e-book= book + microchip102、ectoplasm= ghost + energy103、egg= life + stone104、egypt = cat + country or mummy + country 105、electric eel= snake + electricity106、electric ray= fish + electricity107、electricity= energy + metal108、elephant = whale + earth or india + beast 109、energy= air + fire110、explosion= gasoline + fire111、faberge egg = egg + diamond112、farmer= man + seed113、fat= man + pig114、feather= bird + hunter115、fern= moss + swamp116、finland = sauna + country117、fire elemental= fire + life118、fire= starter119、firearms= arms + gunpowder120、firefighter= hero + fire121、firefly= light + beetle122、fish= bacteria + plankton OR snake+water 123、fisherman= hunter + fish124、flour= stone + wheat125、flower= water + seed126、flu= air + bacteria127、flying dinosaur= air + dinosaur128、fondue= cheese + fire129、forest= grove + grove130、fossil= dinosaur + earth131、france = champagne + country132、frankenstein= corpse + electricity133、fried chicken = chicken + fire134、frog= lizard + swamp135、fruit= tree + farmer136、fugu= fish + poison137、gasoline= petroleum + pressure 138、genie= lamp + ghost139、germany = vw beetle + country 140、geyser = steam + earth141、ghost= ash + life142、ghostbusters = ghost + hunter 143、glass= fire + sand144、gold = philosopher’s stone+ metal 145、golem= clay + life146、grape= earth + wood147、grass= earth + moss148、grave= earth + corpse149、grove= tree + tree150、gunpowder= dust + fire151、hen coop = chicken + hut152、hero= dragon + warrior153、honey = bee + sugar154、hospital= brick house + sick 155、hot chocolate= fire + chocolate 156、hourglass= glass + sand157、house md = man + vicodin 158、hunter= arms + man159、hut= man + stone160、hydrogen= water + electricity 161、ice = water + glass162、iceland = ice + country or volcano + country 163、idea= man + light bulb164、india = kama sutra + country165、iodine = algae + fire166、island =volcano + sea167、italy = pizza + country168、japan = sushi + country169、jedi = hero + light saber170、juice = fruit + pressure171、kama sutra= book + sex172、kangaroo = frog + 1up or frog + beast 173、kerogen = fossil + pressure174、kilt = scotland + clothing175、knife= meat + tool176、lamp= fire + glass177、lance armstrong = cancer + bicycle178、lava= earth + fire179、lava golem= lava + life180、lava lamp= lava + lamp181、lawn mower = grass + tool182、leech = blood + worm183、library= book + book184、lichen= mushroom + algae185、life= energy + swamp186、light= electricity + light bulb187、light bulb= electricity + glass188、light house = skyscraper + light189、lightning rod= thunderstorm + metal 190、light saber= arms + light191、lime= fire + limestone192、limestone = shells + stone193、livestock = beast + man194、lizard= snake + worm195、lobster = scorpion + water196、locomotive= cart + steam engine(197、man= beast + life OR golem + life 198、manure= grass + livestock199、mario= 1up + man200、mcdonald’s= coca-cola + sandwich 201、meat= beast + hunter202、mentos = coca-cola + geyser 203、mermaid= woman + fish204、metal golem= life + metal205、metal= fire + stone206、mexico = tequila + country207、microchip = transistor + transistor 208、milk= livestock + man209、mirror = aluminium + glass210、mite= life + dust211、mold= mushroom + mud212、molotov cocktail= fire + alcohol 213、money = gold + paper214、moon = cheese + sky215、moss= swamp + algae216、motorboat= boat + combustion engine 217、motorcycle= bicycle + combustion engine 218、mouse = cheese + beast219、mud= dust + water220、mummy = paper/cloth + corpse221、museum= brick house + fossil222、mushroom= earth + algae223、music = sound + idea224、obesity= man + mcdonald’s225、old man = man + time226、omelette= egg + fire227、oxygen= water + electricity228、oxyhydrogen= oxygen + hydrogen 229、ozone= oxygen + electricity230、panda= tree + beast231、paper= reed + tool232、pearl= sand + shells233、peat= swamp + tree234、penguin= bird + ice235、penicillin= mold + scientist236、perfume = flower + alcohol237、petri dish= glass + bacteria238、petroleum= bitumen + pressure239、philosopher’s st one= philosophy + stone 240、philosophy = dilemma + scientist241、phoenix= bird + fire242、pig = livestock + mud243、piggy bank = ceramics + coin 244、pillow= feather + cloth245、pinocchio= wood + life246、pizza= cheese + dough247、planet = continent + continent 248、plankton= bacteria + water249、plesiosaurus= dinosaur + water 250、poison= mushroom + tool251、poisoned weapons= arms + poison 252、pressure = earth + earth253、prisoner = assassin+ time254、quark (cheese) = soured milk + fire 255、quetzalcoatl= snake + bird256、r2d2 = robot + star wars257、rainbow = steam + light258、reed= grass + swamp259、robin hood = forest + hero260、robot = metal golem + electricity 261、romania = transylvania+ country 262、ruby= blood + diamond263、russia= vodka+ country264、rust = water + metal265、sailboat = boat + cloth266、sailing ship = cloth + wooden ship 267、sailor = boat + man268、salamander= fire + lizard269、salo= man + pig270、salt=sea+fire271、saltpeter = limestone + manure 272、sand = stone + water273、sandstorm= storm + sand274、sandwich = meat + bread275、santa claus = old man + chrismas tree 276、saudi arabia = petroleum+ country 277、sauna = steam + hut278、scarab= beetle + manure279、scientist = library + man280、scissors = knife + knife281、scorpion= beetle + sand282、scotch whiskey = alcohol + peat 283、scotland = scotch whiskey + country 284、sea= water+water285、seed = life + sand286、sex = man + woman287、sex in the city = sex + city288、shells = plankton + stone289、sick = man + flu290、silicon= pressure + sand291、silk = cloth + china292、silver = moon + metal293、sith = jedi + assasin294、sky= air + cloud295、skyscraper = brick house + glass 296、smoke = fire + tobacco297、snail = shells + worm298、snake = swamp + worm299、sniper= assassin + firearms300、soap = ash + fat301、soda water = carbon dioxide + water302、solder = firearms + man303、sound = metal + wind304、soured milk = milk + yogurt305、spinning wheel = wheel + wool306、stake = wood + knife307、star = sun + scientist308、star wars = jedi+ sith309、statue = stone + tool310、statue of liberty = usa + statue or usa + france 311、steam = air + water312、steam engine = boiler+ coal313、steamer = steam engine + wooden ship 314、stone = air + lava315、storm = air + energy316、suger = lime + reed317、sulfur= bacteria + swamp318、sun = sky + chariot319、sunflower = sun + flower320、sushi= fish + algae321、swamp= earth + water322、sweater = yarn + tool323、swine flu= pig + flu324、swiss army knife =325、switzerland = clock + country326、team = beast + cart327、tequila= alcohol + worm328、the beatles = beatle + beatle329、thunderbird= bird + storm330、thunderstorm = storm + electricity 331、time = life + hourglass332、toast = fire + bread333、tobacco = fire + grass334、tool = man + metal335、totora = forest + ghost336、tractor= lawn mower + arable337、transformers= life + car338、transistor = silicon + metal339、transylvania= vampire + country 340、tree = earth + seed341、turtle = egg + sand342、twilight saga = vampire + werewolf 343、typhoon = storm + water344、ufo = alien + airplane345、ukraine = salo + country346、uncut diamond = coal + pressure 347、undead = corpse + zombie348、united kingdom = the beetles + country 349、usa = mcdonald’s + country350、vampire= blood + man351、venice = city + water352、vicodin = sick + doctor 353、vinegar = alcohol + oxygen 354、vodka = alcohol + water 355、volcano = lava + pressure 356、vulture= corpse + bird 357、vw beetle = car + beetle 358、walking tree = life + tree 359、warrior = arms + hunter 360、water = starter361、weevil= flour + beetle 362、werewolf= beast + vampire 363、whale = beast + water 364、wheat= arable + seed365、wheel = tool + wood366、whey = soured milk + fire 367、wind = air + air368、wine = grape + alcohol 369、wolf = werewolf + moon 370、woman= perfume + flower 371、wood = tool + tree372、wooden ship = boat + wood 373、wool = beast + hunter 374、worm = earth + plankton 375、yarn= spinning wheel + wool 376、yoda = jedi + swamp377、yogurt = bacteria + milk378、yoshi = 1up + egg 379、zombie = corpse + life 380、zoo = beast + museum。

真岛 芳树线
Chart 1
斯波、藤田、尾崎、瑞人 共通
斯波 纯一线
藤田 线

阿月历险记攻略-目录**********************************************************第一章家乡生活 Clearwater (Western Isle)第二章奴隶生活 Ghalarah (Eastern Isle)第三章野外生活 Eastern Empire -- Ghalarah和Veldarah之间的野外 (Eastern Isle)第四章学院生活 Veldarah (Eastern Isle)第五章太阳神殿 Aveyond (Northern Isle)第六章顺利毕业 Wildwoods (Eastern Isle)第七章解救音乐神官 Lands End (Eastern Isle)第八章解救黑暗神官 Halloween Hills (Eastern Isle)第九章解救农业神官 Highlands (Western Isle)第十章解救智慧神官 Ice Caverns (Northern Isle)第十一章解救力量神官 Lamp Land (Southern Isle)第十二章解救时间神官第十三章 Ahriman第十四章结局**********************************************************第一章家乡生活Clearwater (Western Isle)**********************************************************1 找药草师Dyonna Lauzrel带回家治疗女祭师。
2 找五个Marionbells3 睡觉4 和女祭师交谈,女祭师交给Rhen一个戒指。
5 和洞口的Peter交谈6 和洞里的陌生人交谈,戒指被抢,被套上奴隶手镯,卖到Ghalarah。
开始游戏,一直往左边走,上楼梯,回clear water村子里,跟爸爸说话,他会叫你把herbalist(中医师)带过来(herbalist在村子的最左上方,右边过桥,上楼梯,过左边的桥,左走,上楼梯)。
蝶之毒华之锁 中文文字攻略(整理版)

真岛 芳树线
Chart 1
斯波、藤田、尾崎、瑞人 共通
斯波 纯一线
藤田 线
《Doodle Alchemy》攻略

AAcid = Fire + SulphurAlcohol = Energy + Water Alcoholic = Alcohol + ManAle = Beer + Great BritainAlgae = Life + WaterAluminum = Metal + Plane Ambulance = Hospital + Machine America = Columbus + Ocean Ammonites = Sand + Cephalopoda Animal = Land + LizardAnts = Land + InsectsAquarium = Fish + GlassArable Land = Land + Tractor Arthropoda = Plankton + Land Ashes = Dust + FireAtomic Bomb = Bomb + Scientist Australia = Country + KangarooBBacon = Fire + PigBacteria = Life + Swamp Bamboo = Grass + LandBanana = Fruit + GrassBat = Bird + MouseBear = Animal + TreeBeaver = Animal + DamBee = Beetle + FlowerBeer = Alcohol + BreadBeet = Cane + ScientistBeetle = Land + WormBelarus = Country + Potatoes Berry = Fruit + GrassBicycle = Wheel + WheelBird = Air + EggBlood = Animal + WarriorBoat = Water + WoodBomb = Gunpowder + Metal Book = Paper + PenBorscht = Beet + FireBread = Dough + FireBrick = Clay + FireBrick House = Brick + Concrete Brilliant = Diamond + ToolBulb = Glass + ElectricityBush = Fern + LandButterfly = Air + WormCCactus = Desert + TreeCamel = Animal + DesertCanada = Country + TreeCane = Grass + SwampCaramel = Fire + SugarCarbon = Wood + FireCarbon Dioxide = Man + Oxygen Carmine = Cochineal + FireCart = Wheel + WoodCast Iron = Coal + MetalCat = Hunter + MouseCatdog = Cat + DogCaviar = Fish + FishCells = Bacteria + BacteriaCement = Clay + Limestone Cephalopoda = Clams + Water Ceramic = Clay + Man Champagne = Carbon Dioxide + Wine Chariot = Cart + WarriorCheese = Curd + FireChicken = Egg + LifeChina = Country + Dragon Chocolate = Cocoa + Sugar Christmas Tree = Bulb + Tree Cigarettes = Paper + TobaccoCity = Skyscraper + Skyscraper Clams = Swamp + PlanktonClay = Sand + SwampClothing = Fabric + ManCloud = Air + SteamCoal = Fire + TreeCoca-cola = Carmine + Soda Cochineal = Beetle + Cactus Cocktail = Juice + VodkaCocoa = Mexico + SeedCoin = Pressure + SilverCold = Cloud + WindColibri = Flower + BirdColumbus = Hero + Sailing Boat Concrete = Cement + Water Continent = Country + Country Corpse = Man + PoisonCountry = City + CityCurd = Fire + KefirDDam = Brick + WaterDesert = Sand + SandDiamond = Coal + Pressure Dinosaur = Egg + LandDirt = Dust + WaterDoctor = Scientist + SickDog = Man + WolfDough = Flour + WaterDragon = Dinosaur + FireDragonfly = Insects + WaterDust = Air + LandEEgg = Life + StoneEggs = Egg + FireEgypt = Country + MummyElectric Eel = Electricity + Snake Electricity = Energy + MetalElephant = Animal + IndiaEnergy = Air + FireExplosion = Fire + GasolineFFabric = Tool + WoolFat = Man + PigFern = Moss + SwampFinland = Country + SaunaFirearm = Gunpowder + Weapon Firefighter = Fire + WarriorFirefly = Beetle + LightFish = Bacteria + PlanktonFisherman = Fish + HunterFlax = Arable Land + FlowerFlour = Stone + WheatFlower = Seed + WaterFlu = Air + BacteriaForest = Tree Grove + Tree Grove France = Champagne + CountryFrog = Lizard + SwampFruit = Flower + TreeFugue = Fish + PoisonGGasoline = Oil + PressureGermany = Country + Volkswagen Beetle Geyser = Land + SteamGhost = Ashes + LifeGladiator = Chariot + WarriorGlass = Fire + SandGold = Aluminum + Philosopher’s Stone Grapes = Land + WoodGrass = Land + MossGreat Britain = Country + Robin Hood Greenland = Cold + CountryGrief = Bird + BloodGrilled Chicken = Chicken + Fire Gunpowder = Saltpetre + SulphurHHero = Dragon + WarriorHoney = Bee + FlowerHospital = Brick House + Sick Hourglass = Glass + SandHunter = Man + WeaponHut = Man + StoneHydrogen = Electricity + Water Hydroplane = Water + PlaneIIce = Glass + WaterIceland = Country + VolcanoIdea = Bulb + ManIndia = Country + Kama Sutra Insects = Beetle + AirIodine = Algae + FireItaly = Country + PizzaJJapan = Country + Robot Jellyfish = Water + Plankton Juice = Fruit + PressureKKama Sutra = Book + Sex Kangaroo = Animal + FrogKefir = Bacteria + MilkKiller = Firearm + ManLLake = Water + WaterLava = Fire + Land Lawnmower = Grass + Tool Leech = Blood + WormLiana = Tree + GrassLibrary = Book + BookLichen = Bacteria + Mushroom Life = Energy + SwampLight = Bulb + Electricity Limestone = Plankton + Stone Liquor = Alcohol + Berry Livestock = Animal + ManLizard = Egg + SwampLobster = Scorpion + Water Locomotive = Cart + Steam EngineMMachine = Cart + Motor Magnet = Electricity + Metal Man = Animal + LifeManure = Grass + LivestockMeat = Animal + HunterMedicine = Poison + ShamanMetal = Fire + StoneMexico = Country + TequilaMilk = Livestock + ManMoney = Paper + CoinMonkey = Man + WoolMoon = Cheese + SkyMoonshine = Yeast + WaterMoss = Algae + SwampMotor = Gasoline + Steam Engine Motorboat = Boat + MotorMotorcycle = Bicycle + MotorMould = Dirt + MushroomMouse = Animal + CheeseMummy = Corpse + FabricMushroom = Algae + LandMusic = Idea + SoundMussels = Sand + ClamsOOcean = Sea + SeaOctopus = Water + CephalopodaOil = Peat + PressureOxygen = Flower + LightOxyhydrogen = Hydrogen + OxygenOzon = Electricity + OxygenPPalm = Fern + SandPanda = Animal + TreePaper = Cane + ToolParrot = Rainbow + BirdPearls = Sand + ShellPeas = Arable Land + SeedPeat = Swamp + TreePen = Bird + HunterPenguin = Bird + IcePenicillin = Mould + ScientistPerfume = Alcohol + FlowerPhilosopher = Book + Scientist Philosopher’s Stone = Philosopher + Stone Phoenix = Bird + FirePig = Dirt + LivestockPilot = Man + PlanePina Colada = Milk + RumPirate = Killer + Sailing BoatPizza = Cheese + DoughPlane = Bird + MetalPlanet = Continent + ContinentPlankton = Bacteria + WaterPoison = Scorpion + ToolPoisoned Weapon = Poison + Weapon Potatoes = Arable Land + Tractor Pressure = Land + Land Pterodactyl = Air + DinosaurRRadiation = Atomic Bomb + Land Rainbow = Light + WaterReed = Grass + WaterRice = Arable Land + CaneRobin Hood = Forest + HeroRobot = Metal + ScientistRomania = Country + Transylvania Rum = Alcohol + PirateRussia = Bear + CountrySSailboat = Fabric + Wooden Ship Sailing Boat = Boat + Fabric Salamander = Fire + LizardSalo = Hunter + PigSalt = Acid + MetalSalt Water = Water + SaltSaltpetre = Limestone + Manure Sand = Air + StoneSandwich = Bread + MeatSaudi Arabia = Country + OilSauna = Hut + SteamScarab = Beetle + ManureScientist = Library + ManScorpion = Beetle + SandSea = Lake + SaltSeed = Land + LifeSex = Man + ManShaman = Man + MushroomShell = Plankton + StoneShip = Steam Engine + Wooden Ship Shuttlecraft = Plane + SpaceSick = Flu + ManSilicon = Pressure + SandSilver = Metal + MoonSky = Air + CloudSkyscraper = Brick House + Glass Sledding = Animal + CartSlugs = Clams + SwampSmoke = Fire + TobaccoSnail = Shell + WormSnake = Swamp + WormSoda = Carbon Dioxide + WaterSound = Metal + WindSpace = Sky + StarSpider = Arthropoda + StoneStar = Sun + ScientistStarfish = Plankton + SandSteam = Fire + WaterSteam Boiler = Metal + Steam Steam Engine = Coal + Steam Boiler Stingray = Electricity + FishStone = Lava + WaterStorm = Air + EnergySubmarine = Metal + WhaleSugar = Cane + PressureSulphur = Bacteria + SwampSun = Chariot + SkySunflower = Flower + Sun Sunflower Oil = Pressure + Sunflower Sushi = Algae + FishSwamp = Land + WaterSweet Water = Water + Sugar Switzerland = Country + WatchTTea = Bush + IndiaTequila = Alcohol + WormTermites = Ants + WoodThunder = Energy + StormTick = Dust + LifeTime = Hourglass + LifeToast = Bread + FireTobacco = Fire + GrassTool = Man + MetalTractor = Land + Steam Engine Transylvania = Country + Vampire Tree = Land + SeedTree Grove = Tree + TreeTurtle = Egg + SandUUkraine = Country + SaloUranus = Metal + RadiationVVampire = Blood + ManVodka = Alcohol + WaterVolcano = Lava + Pressure Volkswagen Beetle = Beetle + Machine Vinegar = Alcohol + OxygenWWarrior = Hunter + WeaponWatch = Time + Tool Weapon = Metal + Tool Whale = Animal + Water Wheat = Arable Land + Grass Wheel = Tool + Wood Whiskey = Alcohol + Wheat Wind = Air + AirWine = Bacteria + Grapes Wolf = Animal + Moon Wood = Tool + Tree Wooden Ship = Boat + Wood Woodpecker = Bird + Wood Wool = Livestock + ToolWorm = Bacteria + LandYYeast = Bacteria + BreadZZombie = Corpse + Life。

刺客信条:解放HD-图⽂攻略 第⼀章:噩梦 虽然是控制⼀个⼩⼥孩,故事很感⼈,⼩⼥孩和妈妈⾛散了,我现在怎么都觉得这是⼀款适合⼥⽣游戏的《刺客信条》,不管是在剧情上还是在游戏任务的设置上,都相当的温和,没有了⼤海没有了残酷的厮杀,我们来到了新奥尔良市。
好吧,为了各位新上⼿的⼥性玩家和这款游戏 ⽅向:A S D W 奔跑时长按⿏标右键奔跑,不是S h i f t 跳跃/快步⾛:空格(⽩板) 格挡(战⽃时)/互动(⾮战⽃时)/偷窃:E 地图:Te b 如果各位看官有这个条件的话还可以配合使⽤X B O X360⼿柄,也是⼀样⽀持的,可以看出育碧这回有把按键浓缩了不少,为了给⼥性玩家玩的更加简单,还真是煞费苦⼼啊! 好吧!回到游戏中,由于⼩⼥孩很调⽪,虽然我对艾弗林在《刺客信条4》中的介绍很是感兴趣,作为⼀个真汉⼦唯美游戏,终于有了⼥主⾓真的⾮常感动,但是看到Av e l i n e是这种扮相我有⼏只眼睛都不够瞎的啊! 曾经有个著名游戏评论⼈说过这么⼀句话,像是捏脸这种事情,除了⼀个叫爱的公司出的游戏需要特别注意,好好捏脸外,好像就没有。
接着,Av e l i n e就长⼤了,但是⼏个怪蜀⿉就已经把他包围住了,“嘿嘿嘿嘿!⼩娘⼦啊,要不要哥哥抓你去爆菊花⼉啊?”⼀看就知道是⼏个肥皂捡多了的基佬,但是我们知道,这些都是代表了西⽅列强丑陋的⽖⽛啊,杀死基佬并从噩梦中逃离出来。
我⼀直觉得Av e l i n e的妈就像⾟特勒⼀样,保护着⿊⼈权利,在接下去的⼀系列任务中也证明了这⼀点,Av e l i n e和康纳⼀样,属于混⾎⼈有法国富商和⾮洲⼥⼈的结合,“呕!”在⼀个⿊不溜秋的夜和⿊不溜秋的⼥⼈⼜味不是⼀般重!但是Av e l i n e继承⾥母亲的意志要解放⾝在新奥尔良的⿊⼈奴⾪。


耻辱——全隐藏要素英⽂攻略资料 骸⾻护符 种类随机但是位置固定 H i g h O v e r s e e r C a m p b e l lB O N EC H A R M001 G u n p o s i t i o n o n t h e g u a r d e d b r i d g e.S w i m t o t h e c h a i n t o s n e a k t o i t.B O N EC H A R M002F l o o r a b o v e w h e r e y o u f o u n dG r i f f b e i n g h e l d b y t h e g a n g;t h e F i s h m o n g e r b u i l d i n g.B O N EC H A R M003 D u n w a l l D i s t i l l e r y;G e t p a s t t h e f r o n t y a r d a n d e x p l o r e t h er a f t e r s i n t h e c a s k e t r o o m.U s e B l i n k t o w a r p t o t h e c a s k e t s a n dr e a c h t h e c h a r m.B O N EC H A R M004A b r i c k e d u p s t o r a g e s h e d i n t h e"B a c k y a r d"o f t h e c o m p o u n dh a s a c h a r m n e x t t o t h e d e a d O v e r s e e r.S h e d i s n e a r t h e e x t r a c t i o np o i n t a n d c a n b e o p e n e d u s i n g t h e v a l v e w h e e l o r b y s k i l l e dp l a t f o r m i n g(a n d b l i n k i n g)t h r o u g h t h e o p e n w i n d o w i n t h eb u i l d i n g's b ac k.B O N EC H A R M005 O v e r s e e r C o m p o u n d B a c k y a r d's Wa r e h o u s e A. Yo u c a n u s e B l i n k t o a c c e s s t h e r o o f a n d g o i n s i d e. H o u s e o f P l e a s u r eB O N EC H A R M006 T h e r o o m o c c u p i e d b y o n e o f t h r e e o f D a u d's a s s a s s i n s w a i t i n g f o r C o r v o a b o v e t h e D i s t i l l e r y e n t r a n c e;t a k e o u t t h e a s s a s s i n o n t h e m i d-l e v e l,t h e n t h e t o p-l e v e l;t h e c h a r m i s i n t h e t o p-m o s t r o o m'ss t o r a g e c l o s e t.B O N EC H A R M007 F i n d t h e d i s t i l l e r y r e s e r v e k e y(i n t h e s a m e r o o m w i t h t h eI n c e n d i a r y P a s t e s c h e m a t i c);h e a d b a c k o u t s i d e t h e d i s t i l l e r y's f r o n t y a r d a n d o p e n t h e s i d e g a t e t o t h e c h a r m.B O N EC H A R M008 I n G r a n n y R a g's n e w h a n g o u t,t h e d e a d-e n d u n d e r t h e m a i n r o a d p a s t t h e i n f e c t e d We e p e r s.T h e c h a r m i s a t o p h e r s t o v e.B O N EC H A R M009 I n t h e C a p t a i n's C h a i r H o t e l,t h e r e i s a c h a r m u n d e r t h e s t a i r sf r o m t h efir s tflo o r t o t h e s e c o n d.B O N EC H A R M010 T h e l o c k e d r o o m o n t h e b r o t h e l's s e c o n dflo o r;t h e r e i s a c h a r m o n t h efir e p l a c e m a n t l e. T h e R o y a l P h y s i c i a nB O N EC H A R M011 A s i d e d o o r n e a r t h e e x i t f r o m t h e S o u t h s i d e G a t e t o D r a w b r i d g e Wa y h a s a p a t h t h a t g o e s o v e r a c a n a l l o c k t o a We e p e r i n h a b i t e dr o o m w i t h a c h a r m.U s e t h e t o p o f t h e r a i s e d l o c k t o g e t t h e h e i g h t y o u n e e d t o B l i n k t o t h e r o o m.B O N EC H A R M012 A t t h e M i d r o w S u b s t a t i o n,b e f o r e e x i t i n g t o w a r d s S o k o l o v'sh o u s e(t h e N o r t h E n d M a p),c h e c k t h e b a s e m e n t o f t h e l a r g ew a r e h o u s e f o r a c h a r m.T h e r a t s c a n b e l u r e d t o a c o r p s e,t h e n t h em a s s b l o w n u p w i t h a g r e n a d e.B O N EC H A R M013 U p o n e n t e r i n g t h e N o r t h E n d m a p,t h e r e i s a c h a r m i n t h eb u i l d i n g t o y o u r l e f t.J u m p t h r o u g h t h e s ec o nd s t o r y w i n d o w f r o mt h e s t r e e t,g o t h r o u g h t h e b u i l d i n g,a n d u s e t h e A C u n i t s a n db a lc o n i e s t o r e a c h t h e t h i r dflo o r w h e r e t h e c h a r m i s. L a d y B o y l e's L a s t P a r t yB O N EC H A R M014 I n t h e a b a n d o n e d a p a r t m e n t a c r o s s t h e s t r e e t f r o m t h e t a v e r n;t h e k e y t o t h e a p a r t m e n t i s i n t h e b u n k r o o m(m a n y b e d s)i n t h eH o u n d s P i t.O n c e y o u h a v e t h e k e y,t h e c h a r m i s e a s y t o l o c a t e i nt h e r u i n s.B O N EC H A R M015 T h e r e d We e p e r-i n h a b i t e d m u l t i-s t o r y a p a r t m e n t a t t h eb r i d g e h e a d.B l i n k i n g i n t o t h e t o p-flo o r b a lc o n y p u t s y o u r i g h t n e x t t o t h e c h a r m a nd t he r u n e.B O N EC H A R M016 T h e r e i s a s h o r t m e t a l b r i d g e s p a n n i n g a c h a n n e l t o t h e B o y l eE s t a t e;c r o s s t h e b r i d g e a n d a p p r o a c h B o y l e E s t a t e. A s s o o n a s y o uc r o s s t h e s t r e e t,t u r n r i g h t a nd f o l l o w t he s t r e e t t o a s e c o n d We e p e r-i nf e s t e d a p a r t m e n t.T h e c h a r m i s i n s i d e,o n t h e t o pflo o r. R e t u r n t o t h e To w e rB O N EC H A R M017 I n t h e w a t e r l o c k,t h e r e i s a c h a r m i n o n e o f t h e s i d e d u c t s. Yo u c a n g e t t o i t u s i n g t h e B l i n k2p o w e r(y o u n e e d t h e e x t e n d e dh o r i z o n t a l r a n g e).B O N EC H A R M018 O n t h e k e e p's s e c o n dflo o r,t h e r e i s afir e p l a c e i n t h e c o r n e r w i t h a b r a s s c a n d l efit t i n g.Tu r n t h efit t i n g t o r e v e a l a s e c r e t c h a m b e rw h e r e J e s s a m i n e r e c o r d e d a m e s s a g e f o r E m i l y.T h a t s e c r e t r o o m h a s a c h a r m a t o p i t s b u r e a u. F l o o d e d D i s t r i c tB O N EC H A R M019 A b u i l d i n g n e a r t h e o n e w i t h y o u r g e a r h a s a c h a r m a t o p t h es t o v e.I t's p r a c t i c a l l y t h e o n l y o n e o n t h e m a p(R u d s h o r e Wa t e r f r o n t) y o u c a n s e e w h e n y o u s t a r t t h e F l o o d e d D i s t r i c tB O N EC H A R M020 T h e G r e a v e s F a c t o r y(g e t t i n g y o u r g e a r b a c k). A t t h e e n t r a n c e o f t h e f a c t o r y,fil l u p a n e m p t y t a n k a n d p l u g t h e f u e l c e l l i n t o t h ec o n t r o l b o o t h t o o p e r a t e t h e e m e r g e n c y s t a i r s.T h i s l e t s y o u g e t t ot h e t o p a n d s i d e o f t h e b u i l d i n g,t h e n d r o p d o w n t h r o u g h t h e b r o k e n flo o r i n g t o t h i s c h a r m.B O N EC H A R M021C e n t r a l R u d s h o r e. A t t h e e n t r a n c e t oD a u d's B u i l d i n g(b a s e),t h e r e i s a n a l l e y w i t h f o u r w o l f h o u n d s(t w o o n t h e u p p e r l e v e l,t w o o n t h e l o w e r l e v e l);t h e c h a r m i s o n t h e l o w e r l e v e l o f t h e a l l e y,h i d d e n i n a t i p p e d o v e r d u m p s t e r.===B o n e C h a r m022===D a u dh i m s e l f c a r r i e s a c h a r m. Yo u o n l y g e t t h i s c h a r m i f y o u p i c k-p o c k e t h i m(a n d t h e m a g i c i s s h i e l d e d f r o m t h e H e a r t b y h i s i n v e n t o r yp o u c h s o y o u c a n n o t d e t e c t i t).E v e n i f y o u a i m t o k i l l D a u d,l o o th i s r o t t e n c o r p s e f o r h i s O u t s i d e r t r i n k l e t.B O N EC H A R M023 U p o n e n t e r i n g t h e G a t e w a y Tu n n e l m a p a f t e r e x i t i n g D a u d's b a s e (i n C e n t r a l R u d s h o r e),t u r n r i g h t.T h e c h a r m i s o n t h e r o w b o a t i n t h e m u c k,s u r r o u n d e d b y a p a c k o f r a t s.B O N EC H A R M024 O l d P o r t D i s t r i c t.U p o n e n t e r i n g t h i s m a p,t h e r e i s a c h a r m i n t h e c o r n e r b u i l d i n g.L o o k f o r a b r e a k i n t h e w a l l t h a t l e t s y o u c r a w l i n t o t h e r o o m w i t h t h e c h a r m(i n s t e a d o f b r e a k i n g d o w n t h e w o o d e n b a r r i c a d e,w h i c h a t t r a c t s a g a n g o f We e p e r s t o y o u r a r e a).(R o b u s t2 -M o r e h e a l t h i s r e s t o r e d f r o m p o t i o n s).B O N EC H A R M025 O l d P o r t D i s t r i c t.L o c k e d i n a s a f e n e a r t h e a r e a w h e r e y o ufin d t h e S e w e r K e y.T h e s a f e c o m b i n a t i o n i s Wi n d S e e d s I c e5-2-8 .B O N EC H A R M026 O l d P o r t D i s t r i c t. A f t e r r e s o l v i n g G r a n n y R a g s'a n d S l a c k j a w's d i l e m m a,g o p a s t a n e n c a m p m e n t o f n e u t r a l s u r v i v o r s(L o w C h a o s) o r We e p e r s(H i g h C h a o s)a n d d i s l o d g e a s m a l l c o l o n y o f R i v e rK r u s t s.T h e c h a r m i s l y i n g j u s t p a s t a s e w e r g r a t e o n a b o a r d w i t hs o m e m a n a p o t i o n s n e a r t h e K r u s t c o l o n y. T h e L o y a l i s t s N o B o n e C h a r m s a r e f o u n d i n t h i s m i s s i o n. T h e L i g h t a t t h e E n d N o B o n e C h a r m s a r e f o u n d i n t h i s m i s s i o n. 符⽂ H i g h O v e r s e e r C a m p b e l l(H o u n d s P i t A r e a) R U N E001 F r o m t h e O u t s i d e r'sfir s t s o j o u r n. R U N E002 I n t h e a r e a n e a r t h e H o u n d s P i t. R U N E003 B u y f r o m P i e r o(o n e t i m e) H i g h O v e r s e e r C a m p b e l l R U N E004F r o mG r a n n y's b a s e m e n t;s h r i n e t o t h e O u t s i d e r. R U N E005 C o m p l e t e G r a n n y's G e n t l e m e n C a l l e r s p a r t1(s e n d a w a y t h et h r e e m e n) R U N E006 C o m p l e t e G r a n n y's G e n t l e m e n C a l l e r s p a r t2(p o i s o n t h ed i s t i l le r y) R U N E007 P a t r o l k i o s k p a s t t h e s e c o n d"Wa l l o f L i g h t" R U N E008 B a c k y a r d o f c o m p o u n d.T h e Wo r k s h o p(b r e a k t h e s k y l i g h t o n t h e r o o f t o g e t t h r o u g h) R U N E009 L o c a t e t h e d o o r t o t h e k e n n e l i n t h e O v e r s e e r C o m p o u n d(y o uc a n a l s o l e a v e t h e k e n n e l a nd r e-e n t e r t h e c o m p o u n df r o m t h a t d o o r).C l i c k o n t h e e y e o f t h e L e n i n(b a l d m o u s t a c h e g u y)s t a t u e t o o p e n a s e c r e t d o o r.R u n e i n s i d e. R U N E010 I n t h e l a r g e r o o m r i g h t b e f o r e t h e m e e t i n g.C h e c k a b o v e t h efir e p l a c e f o r r u n e. H o u s e o f P l e a s u r e(H o u n d s P i t A r e a) R U N E011 I n t h e s e w e r u n d e r t h e H o u n d s P i t,n e a r t h e t w o We e p e r s p a s tt h e g a t e.O n e r u n e i s i n a t o p p l e d c a b i n e t. R U N E012 I n t h e s e w e r u n d e r t h e H o u n d s P i t,n e a r t h e t w o We e p e r s p a s tt h e g a t e.O n e r u n e i s u n d e r w a t e r,p a s t t h e s e w e r g a t e. H o u s e o f P l e a s u r e R U N E013 I n D r.G a l v a n i's s e c r e t l a b(w h e r e t h e p o i s o n r a t c r a p w a s f o u n d t o p o i s o n t h e d i s t i l l e r y i n H i g h O v e r s e e r C a m p b e l l m i s s i o n) R U N E014 T h e s t o r e r o o m n e a r t h e s t r e e t e n t r a n c e b e t w e e n C l a v e r i n g S t r e e t a n d t h e G o l d e n C a t m a p s h a s a c h a r m.B l i n k o r j u m p t o t h e s e c o n dflo o r,a n d t h e n a g a i n t o t h e h a l fflo o r t o g e t i t. R U N E015 O n e o f t h e u p p e r b e d r o o m s i n t h e b r o t h e l,t h e o n e t h a t m a y b en e x t o n e t h a t E m i l y m a y b e i n(E m i l y's l o c a t i o n m a y c h a n g e). R U N E016 S e c o n dflo o r f o y e r a c r o s s f r o m t h e m a d a m's o ffic e;a g u a r d i su s u a l l y s t a n d i n g g u a r d i n f r o n t o f t h e d o o r b y t h e r u n e. R U N E017 T h i r dflo o r s a f e o f t h e A r t i s t's h o u s e.S a f e c o m b o i s879.S e v e r a l v a r i a t i o n s w e r e r e p o r t e d a n d m a y b e f o u n d o n t h e S a f eC o m b i n a t i o n s p a g e. T h e R o y a l P h y s i c i a n R U N E018 W h i l e i n S o u t h S i d e,o n t h e w a y t o D r a w b r i d g e Wa y,t h e r e i s a s i d e p a t h t o a m e t a l w a l k w a y w i t h a c l i m b i n g c h a i n.T h e r u n e i s i n t h e r o o m a t t h e c h a i n's t o p.S m a s h t h e d o o r's o b s t r u c t i o n t o u n l o c k t h e s e c o n d w a y o u t,o r g o b a c k t h e w a y y o u c a m e. R U N E019 T h e r a v i n g m a d m a n(y o u c a n h e a r h i m)n e x t t o P r a t c h e t t's h o u s e h a s a r u n e o n h i s O u t s i d e r s h r i n e.B l i n k i n t o P r a t c h e t t's p l a c e f o r a g o o d a n g l e t o t a k e o u t t h e l u n a t i c(l e t h a l o r n o n-l e t h a l)a n d n i c k t h e r u n e a f t e r w a r d. R U N E020 I n s i d e t h e s a f e o f P r a t c h e t t's h o u s e.T h e c o d e i s473f r o m t h et h r e e p a i n t i n g s h i n t e d a t i n t h e c l u e y o ufin d o n t h e n o t e i n h i sp l a c e. R U N E021 O n t h e d e s k r i g h t i n f r o n t o f y o u w h e n y o ufir s t e n t e r M i d r o wS u b s t a t i o n. R U N E022 I n S o k o l o v's l a b o r a t o r y o n t h e r o o f. L a d y B o y l e's L a s t P a r t y R U N E023 T h e r e d We e p e r i n h a b i t e d m u l t i s t o r y a p a r t m e n t a t t h eb r i d g e h e a d.B l i n k i n g i n t o t h e t o p-flo o r b a lc o n y p u t s y o u r i g h t n e x t t o t h e c h a r m a nd t he r u n e. R U N E024 T h e r e i s a s h o r t m e t a l b r i d g e s p a n n i n g a c h a n n e l b e t w e e n t h eP r a t c h e t t Wa r e h o u s e a n d t h e B o y l e E s t a t e;p u t t h e B o y l e E s t a t ea h e a d o f y o u a n d P r a t c h e t t's w a r e h o u s eb e h i n d a n d t o y o u r l e f t.T h e r u n e i s i n t h ec h a n n e l o f w a t e r t o y o u r l e f t.S i m p l y f o l l o w t h e s t a i r s t o t h e w a t e r l e v e l a nd fe t c h i t. R U N E025 I n t h e b a s e m e n t v a u l t o f t h e e s t a t e.T h e b a s e m e n t v a u l t k e y i s i n Ly d i a B o y l e's b e d r o o m-t h e s e c o n dflo o r b e d r o o m c l o s e s t t o t h es t a i r s w i t h t h e Wa l l o f L i g h t(h e r s i s t e r s'b e d r o o m s a r e o n t h e o t h e r s i d e o f t h e f o y e r d i v i d e);c h e c k t h e n i g h t s t a n d n e a r t h e b e d f o r t h ek e y.T h e r u n e i s i n t h e b a s e m e n t(w i n e c e l l a r)v a u l t,w h i c h s h o u l d b e e a s i l y a c c e s s i b l e f r o m t h e k i t c h e n. R e t u r n t o t h e To w e r(H o u n d s P i t) R U N E026 I f y o u d u e l e d L o r d S h a w(r e m e m b e r y o u c a n S l e e p D a r t h i m i n t h e d u e l),P e n d l e t o n g i v e s y o u a r u n e a f t e r y o u s p e a k t o h i m a b o u tt h e B o y l e m i s s i o n. R U N E027 I n t h e H o u n d s P i t.I f y o u d i d n o t i n d i s c r i m i n a t e l y s l a u g h t e r t h e B o y l e s i s t e r s a n d s p a r e t h e m,y o u w i l l g e t t h i s r u n e f r o m o n e o f t h e s u r v i v i n g s i s t e r s.I t w i l l b e i n y o u r r o o m. A n o t e a t t h e t a v e r n'se n t r a n c e(n e a r Wa l l a c e)c l u e s y o u i n,a n d t h e s e c o n d n o t e(b y t h er u n e)w i l l t e l l y o u t h e i d e n t i t y o f y o u r b e n e f a c t o r. R U N E028 S p e a k w i t h C a l l i s t a i n t h e b a r a n d t h e n t r y t o l o c a t e E m i l y.D a r k Vi s i o n h e l p s h e r e.O n e o f h e r p o s s i b l e h i d i n g l o c a t i o n s i s i n C o r v o's r o o m,t h e c o r r i d o r f u r t h e s t f r o m t h e b e d.T h e r u n e i s g i v e n t o y o u b y E m i l y. R e t u r n t o t h e To w e r R U N E029 T h e b u n k h o u s e o n t h e s i d e o f t h e m a i n e n t r a n c e h a s a r u n e,b u t i t s f r o n t d o o r i s c o v e r e d b y a Wa t c h t o w e r(t u r r e t).D e a c t i v a t e t h et o w e rfir s t,a n d t h e n t a k e y o u r t i m e s n e a k i n g i n w h e n t h e Ta l l b o ym o v e s;o t h e r w i s e,d o a r e-p r o g r a m a n d w i p e t h efie l d c l e a n.T h e r u n e i s u n d e r o n e o f t h e b u n k s i n s i d e. R U N E030 O n t h e O u t s i d e r S h r i n e i n t h e t o r t u r e r's c h a m b e r. R U N E031 I n t h e L o r d R e g e n t's b e d r o o m.C h e c k t h e f o o t c h e s t. R U N E032 O n t h e c a s t l e's s e c o n dflo o r,t h e r e i s a p i a n o i n a c o r n e r r o o mw i t h t h e l e v e l's o n l y S o k o l o v p a i n t i n g;a c o r r i d o r l e a d s o u t f r o m t h e p i a n o r o o m t o t h e r o o f t o p.Ta k e t h e s t a i r s a n d e x i t b a c k t o"D u n w a l l E x t e r i o r R o o f t o p".T h e r u n e w i l l b e i n t h e L o r d R e g e n t's"s a f e r o o m" (o r p a n i c r o o m)o n t h e r o o f.E v a d e(o r d e s t r o y)t h e Ta l l b o y i n t h es a f e r o o m,a s w e l l a s t h e O v e r s e e r o r g a n i s t,a n d c l a i m t h e r u n e i nt h e m a p r o o m. F l o o d e d D i s t r i c t R U N E033 T h e G r e a v e s F a c t o r y(g e t t i n g y o u r g e a r b a c k).T h e r e i s a r u n es i t t i n g i n t h e o p e n a m o n g s t t h e s w a m p r e e d s.T h e a r e a i s c o v e r e d b y a c o l o n y o f R i v e r K r u s t;a g r e n a d e w i l l c l e a r t h e z o n e f o r s a f er e t r i e v a l. R U N E034C e n t r a l R u d s h o r e(D a u d's b a s e).G e t D a u d's k e y a n d e n t e r h i st u n n e l i n C e n t r a l R u d s h o r e.T h e r u n e i s a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h e s h a f t. R U N E035 G a t e w a y Tu n n e l a r e a.T h e r e i s a r u n e o n t h e r o o f o f a na p a r t m e n t w i t h o p e n w i n d o w s.U s e t h e w i n d o w s,a n d t h e w i n d o w s o f i t s n e i g hb o r i n g b u i l d i n g t o g o t o t h e t o p.T h e p l a g u e v ic t i m i n s ide i s h a r m l e s s(g a m e-w i s e). R U N E036 O l d P o r t D i s t r i c t.I n G r a n n y R a g s'n e w s e w e r"h o m e".T h i s r u n e o n l y a p p e a r s i f y o u c o m p l e t e d G r a n n y's s i d e m i s s i o n s(G e n t l e m e nC a l l e r s)b a c k i n H i g h O v e r s e e r C a m p b e l l;i f n o t,i t w i l l n o t a p p e a ra t a l l. R U N E037 O l d P o r t D i s t r i c t. A f t e r r e s o l v i n g G r a n n y R a g s'a n d S l a c k j a w's d i l e m m a,y o u c o m e a c r o s s a n e n c a m p m e n t o f n e u t r a l s u r v i v o r s(L o w C h a o s)o r We e p e r s(H i g h C h a o s).T h e r u n e i s i n t h i s e n c a m p m e n t'sd i t c h. T h e L o y a l i s t s R U N E038 I n s i d e P i e r o's w o r k s h o p. Yo u c a n r e a c h i t e a s i l y f r o m C a l l i s t a'sa n d C o r v o's r o o m(d r o p p i n g f r o m t h e w a l k w a yb e t w e e n t h e i r r o o m s) a n d u s e t h e w o r k s h o p's s ec o nd s t o r ye n t r a n c e t o g a i n e n t r y. T h e L i g h t a t t h e E n d R U N E039 I n t h e K i n g s p a r r o w G a t e h o u s e D r a i n a g e.T h i s r u n e i s o n t h er o u t e y o u'd t a k e i f y o u w a n t t o r e m a i n s t e a l t h y.F r o m t h e i s l a n d'sf r o n tg a t e(th e H a r b o r o r B e a c h r o u t e s),l o o k f o r t h e"G a t e h o u s eD r a i n a g e"m a r k e r;t u r n t h e v a l v e a b o v e t h e d r a i n a g e m a r k e r t o o p e n t h e d r a i n p i p e's c o v e r.T h e r u n e i s i n t h e r o o m w h e r e t h e p i p e c o v e r a n d e n t r a n c e a r e. 外来⼈神龛 O u t s i d e r S h r i n e#1 M i s s i o n:H i g h O v e r s e e r C a m p b e l l L o c a t i o n.W h e n y o u m e e t G r a n n y R a g s i n h e r a p a r t m e n t,f r o mt h e b a l c o n y o n t h efir s tflo o r,d r o p d o w n i n t o a n a l l e y b e h i n d h e rh o u s e. Yo u w i l lfin d t h e S h r i n e i n t h i s a l l e y a r o u n d t h e c o r n e r. O u t s i d e r S h r i n e#2 M i s s i o n:T h e R o y a l P h y s i c i a n L o c a t i o n.E x i t P r a t c h e t t’s h o u s e t h r o u g h t h e b a l c o n y o n t h er i g h t a n d b l i n k t o t h e b a l c o n y a c r o s s t h e w a y.F r o m t h e r e,b l i n k t ot h e n e x t b a l c o n y o n t h e r i g h t a n d e n t e r t h e h o u s e.G o a r o u n d t h ec o r n e r t ofind t he r u n e i n O u t s i d e r S h r i n e. O u t s i d e r S h r i n e#3 M i s s i o n:L a d y B o y l e’s L a s t P a r t y L o c a t i o n. A t t h e s t a r t o f t h e m i s s i o n,t a k e t h e s t r e e t a n d g o t ot h e s e c u r i t y c h e c k p o i n t o n t h e l e f t.G o r i g h t t o e n t e r t h e d o o r w a y i n t h e r e d w a l l a n d f o l l o w t h e s t a i r s u p,a n d y o u s h o u l d c o m e t o a no p e n b l u e d o o r.G o t h r o u g h i t t ofin d a n O u t s i d e r S h r i n e w i t h a r u n e o n i t. O u t s i d e r S h r i n e#4 M i s s i o n:R e t u r n t o t h e To w e r L o c a t i o n.W h e n y o u a r e i n t h e t o w e r,t a k e t h e s t a i r s i n t h ec o r n e r t o t h e r i g h t b y t h e l a r g e s t a i r s i n t h e m a i n f o y e r. Yo u w i l lr e a c h To r t u r e r’s r o o m i n t h e b a s e m e n t u s i n g t h e s e s t a i r s,a n d o n c ey o u a r e i n s i d e,l o o k f o r a n o u t s i d e r s h r i n e i n t h e c o r n e r. O u t s i d e r S h r i n e#5 M i s s i o n:T h e F l o o d e d D i s t r i c t L o c a t i o n.M a k e s u r e y o u h a v e c o m p l e t e d m i s s i o n s f o r S l a c k j a w a n d G r a n n y R a g s e a r l i e r i n t h e g a m e t o u n l o c k t h i s s h r i n e.W h e n y o u e n c o u n t e r G r a n n y R a g s i n t h e s e w e r s,h e l p h e r.L o o k f o r t h e d o o rn e a r t h e f u r n a c e t ofin d t h i s S h r i n e. 索科洛夫画作 M i s s i o n02:H i g h O v e r s e e r C a m p b e l l S o k o l o v P a i n t i n g L o c a t i o n s 1o f1/‘T h e I s o m e t r y o f H i g h O v e r s e e r T h a d d e u s C a m p b e l l’ -T h e p a i n t i n g i s l o c a t e d i n C a m p b e l l’s S e c r e t C h a m b e r s,w h i c h c a n b e o p e n e d b y a c t i v a t i n g t h e e y e o f t h e s t a t u e n e x t t o i t. Yo u c a n fin d t h e C h a m b e r f r o m t h e v i d e o,w h i c h s t a r t s i n t h e r o o m w h e r e y o u c a n d e c i d e t o s p i k e t h e i r w i n e w i t h p o i s o n. M i s s i o n03:H o u s e o f P l e a s u r e S o k o l o v P a i n t i n g L o c a t i o n s 1o f3/‘L i g h t A l o n g t h e I n v e r s e C u r v e,S o k o l o v’s S e l f P o r t r a i t’ 2o f3–‘D a u d a n d t h e P a r a b o l a o f t h e l a s t S e a s o n s’ 3o f3–‘C u s t i s,M o r g a n a n d t h e P o s t u l a t e C h i l d’ - Yo u c a nfin d a l l3p a i n t i n g s i n t h e A r t D e a l e r s b u i l d i n g. Yo uc a n g e t t o i t a s s h o w n i n t h e v ide o,o r y o u c a n g e t a k e yf r o m aS u r v i v o r w h o n ee d s h e l p i n t h e G af f S t r e e t A l l e y(l e f t s i d e).T h e3r d p a i n t i n gr e q u i r e s a c o m b o,w h i c h y o u c a n g e t f r o m t h e A r t D e a l e r h i m s e l f a t t h e‘T h e G o l d e n C a t’.y o u m i g h t n e e d t o t a k e t h e o p t i o n a l q u e s tfir s t,f r o m S l a c k j a w. M i s s i o n04:T h e R o y a l P h y s i c i a n S o k o l o v P a i n t i n g L o c a t i o n s 1o f1/‘T h e O b t u s e A r g u m e n t s o f L a d y B o y l e’ -C a n b e f o u n d i n t h efir s tflo o r o f S o k o l o v’s H o u s e. M i s s i o n05:L a d y B o y l e’s L a s t P a r t y S o k o l o v P a i n t i n g L o c a t i o n s 1o f2/‘Ve r a M o r a y a n d t h e A ffix o f H e r S k i n’ 2o f2/‘T h e S p y m a s t e r’s A x i s o f A s y m m e t r y’ -B o t h p a i n t i n g s c a n b e f o u n d i n t h e L a d y B o y l e’s m a n s i o n.T h e v i d e o b e g i n s t h e p a t h t ofin d i n g t h e m f r o m t h e c e n t r a l F o y e r.M a k es u r e y o u t u r n o f f t h e Wa l l o f L i g h t f o r t h efir s t(o rfin d a n o t h e r p a t h t o t h e2n dflo o r).T h e s e c o n d p a i n t i n g c a n b e f o u n d i n L a d y B o y l e’s r o o m,w h i c h i s n o r m a l l y g u a r d e d b y a Wa t c h O ffic e r. M i s s i o n06:R e t u r n t o t h e To w e r S o k o l o v P a i n t i n g L o c a t i o n s 1o f1/‘T h e E m p r e s s a n d t h e E m p t y S e t’ -O n c e y o u r e a c h t h e To w e r I n t e r i o r,B l i n k u p t o t h e2n d F l o o r. Yo u’l lfin d i t o n t h e r o o m o n t h e l e f t. M i s s i o n07:T h e F l o o d e d D i s t r i c t S o k o l o v P a i n t i n g L o c a t i o n s 1o f3/‘T h e C o m m u t a t i v e R a t s a n d t h e We e p e r’ 2o f3/‘T h e To r t u r e r’s Q u a t e r n i o n i c G r o a n’ 3o f3/‘T h e O u t s i d e r a n d t h e C i r c u m s t a n c e d Vo i d’ -F i r s t p a i n t i n g i s r i g h t a f t e r y o u m a k e y o u r e s c a p e,b u t b e f o r e h e a d i n g f o r y o u r g e a r(o r D a u d’s H o u s e).B l i n k t o t h e h i g h c a t w a l k t h a t h a s a o v e r h a n g i n g m a t t r e s s.T h e s e c o n d p a i n t i n g i s f o u n d a f t e r y o u e n c o u n t e r D a u d.O n c e y o u l e a v e t h e a r e a,l o o k f o r t h e p a i n t i n g a s y o u a r e g o i n g d o w n t h e c h a i n.T h efin a l p a i n t i n g i s i n G r a n n yR a g s r o o m,r i g h t a b o v e h e r b e d. 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。

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Alchemy Classic炼金术的经典Complete 486 Combinations Guide完整的486种组合指南Version 1.01版本1.01Created by JeremyP1006由JeremyP1006This guide is to be used to help complete all combinations in the game Alchemy 本指南是用来帮助完成所有组合在比赛中炼金术Classic from the Google play store.经典的谷歌商店。
Elements are listed by in alphabetical order in their respective category.元素是由按字母顺序列出在各自类别。
Begining Elements开始的元素1. Air1。
空气2. Earth2。
地球3. Fire3所示。
火4. Earth4所示。
地球Primary Substances主要物质5. Carbon = Sulfuric Acid + Sugar5。
碳=硫酸+糖6. Carbon Dioxide = Ash + Nitric Acid6。
二氧化碳=灰+硝酸7. Chlorine = Fire + Salt + Electricity7所示。
氯=火+盐+电8. Clay = Sand + Swamp8。
粘土=砂+沼泽9. Electricity = Metals + Lightning9。
电=金属+闪电10. Helium = Gas Refinery + Natural Gas 10。
氦=气体精炼厂+天然气11. Hydrogen = Electricity + Water11。
氢=电+水12. Ice = Water + Cold12。
冰=水+冷13. Limestone = Earth + Ammonites 13。
石灰石=地球+亚扪人14. Magnet = Stone + Metals14。
磁铁=石+金属15. Methane = Vegtable Waste + Earth 15。
甲烷=蔬菜汁浪费+地球16. Natural Gas = Borehole + Gas Field 16。
天然气=钻孔+气田17. Oil = Borehole + Oil Field17所示。
石油=钻孔+油田18. Oxygen = Electricity + Water18岁。
氧气=电+水19. Plutonium = Radioactivity(x2) + Metals 19所示。
=放射性钚(x2)+金属20. Radioactivity = Active Robot + Alien 20。
放射性=活跃机器人+外星人21. Salt = Salt water + Air21。
盐=盐水+空气22. Sand = Stone + Wind22。
砂=石+风23. Steam = Fire + Fog23。
蒸汽消防+雾24. Stone = Earth + Fire24。
石=土+火25. Uranium = Radioactivity + Metals 25。
= +放射性铀金属Nature自然26. Acid Rain = Clouds + Nitric Acid26岁。
酸雨=云+硝酸27. Clouds = Fog + Water27。
云=雾+水28. Coal = Earth + Peat28。
煤炭=地球+泥炭29. Cold = Wind (x2) + Clouds29。
冷=风(x2)+云30. Coral Reefs = Corals (x2)30。
珊瑚礁=珊瑚(x2)31. Fog = Air + Water31日。
雾=空气+水32. Fulgurite = Lightning + Sand32。
电筒=闪电+沙子33. Gas Field = Hydrocarbon + Earth33。
气田=烃+地球34. Humus = Wormy Compost + Earth34。
腐殖质=卑躬屈膝的堆肥+地球35. Hydrothermal Vein = Earth + Volcano + Water 35。
火山热液脉=地球+ +水36. Lightning = Air + Fire36。
闪电=空气+火37. Oil Field = Hydrocarbon + Earth37岁。
油田=烃+地球38. Peat = Grass + Swamp38。
沼泽泥炭=草+39. Rain = Clouds + Water39岁。
雨=云+水40. Sedimentary Rock = Earth + Stone40。
沉积岩=地球+石头41. Snow = Rain + Cold41岁。
雪=雨+冷42. Space = Star (x3)42。
空间=明星(x3)43. Star = Helium + Hydrogen43。
明星=氦+氢44. Sun = Star + Earth44岁。
太阳地球= * +45. Swamp = Earth + Water45岁。
沼泽=地球+水46. Thunderstorm = Rain + Lightning 46岁。
雷暴=雨+闪电47. Tropics = Palms + Rain47岁。
热带地区=手掌+雨48. Volcano = Earth + Fire (x2) 48。
火山=土+火(x2)49. Wind = Air (x2)49。
风=空气(x2)Plants植物50. Algae = Bacteria + Water50。
藻类=细菌+水51. Bamboo = Earth + Grass51。
竹=地球+草52. Banana = Fruits + Grass52岁。
香蕉=水果+草53. Cactus = Flowers + Sand53岁。
仙人掌=花+沙子54. Cereals = Humus + Grass54。
谷物=腐殖质+草55. Conifers = Tree + Needle55。
松柏=树+针56. Cotton = Humus + Flowers 56。
棉花=腐殖质+花朵57. Dying Forest = Forest + Beetles 57。
死亡森林=森林+甲虫58. Fern = Swamp + Moss58岁。
蕨类植物=沼泽+苔藓59. Flowers = Grass + Fern59。
花=草+蕨类植物60. Forest = Trees (x2)60。
森林树木=(x2)61. Fruit Trees = Humus + Trees61年。
果树=腐殖质+树62. Grass = Earth + Moss62年。
草=地球+苔藓63. Hedge = Shrub (x3)63年。
对冲=灌木(x3)64. Hevea = Trees + Tropics64年。
橡胶树=树+热带地区65. Indigofera = Shrub + Tropics65年。
Indigofera =灌木+热带地区66. Ironwood = Iron + Wood66年。
铁木=铁+木头67. Lettuce = Humus + Fern67年。
生菜=腐殖质+蕨类植物68. Liana = Trees + Grass68年。
藤本植物=树+草69. Lint = Humus + Flowers69年。
线头=腐殖质+花朵70. Moss = Earth + Algae70年。
苔藓=地球+海藻71. Mushrooms = Humus + Fungi71年。
蘑菇=腐殖质+真菌72. Mutating Plant = Mutating Bacteria + Fern 72年。
变异植物=变异细菌+蕨类植物73. Oat = Agricultural Land + Cereals73年。
Oat =农业土地+谷物74. Orchids = Fungi + Flowers74年。
兰花=真菌+花朵75. Palms = Fern + Sand75年。
手掌=蕨+沙子76. Pumpkin = Agricultural Land + Grass76年。
南瓜=农业土地+草77. Reed = Grass + Water77年。
里德=草+水78. Rice = Cereals + Water78年。
米=麦片+水79. Roses = Flower + Needle79年。
玫瑰=花+针80. Shrub = Earth + Fern80年。
灌木=地球+蕨类植物81. Straw = Cereals + Metals81年。
稻草=麦片+金属82. Sugar Cane = Humus + Bamboo82年。
甘蔗=腐殖质+竹83. Sunflower = Sun + Flowers83年。
向日葵=太阳+花朵84. Trees = Earth + Flowers84年。
树=地球+花85. Truffles = Pigs + Mushrooms85年。
松露=猪+蘑菇Animals动物86. Aardvark = Tube + Mammals86年。
Aardvark =管+哺乳动物87. Ammonites = Cephalopods + Sand87年。
亚扪人=头足类动物+沙子88. Amphibians = Fish + Swamp88年。
两栖动物=鱼+沼泽89. Animal Fossil = Earth + Undefined Dead Lifeform 89年。
动物化石=地球+未定义的死去的生命90. Ants = Earth + Insects90年。
蚂蚁=地球+昆虫91. Arthropods = Earth + Plankton91年。
节肢动物=地球+浮游生物92. Bats = Air + Mammals92年。
蝙蝠=空气+哺乳动物93. Bear = Mammals + Honey93年。
熊=哺乳动物+蜂蜜94. Beavers = Wood + Rodents94年。
海狸=木头+啮齿动物95. Bees = Insects + Flowers95年。
蜜蜂=昆虫+花朵96. Beetles = Arthropods + Air96年。
甲虫=节肢动物+空气97. Birds = Air + Flying Dinosaurs97年。
鸟类=空气+飞行恐龙98. Butterflies = Flies + Flowers98年。
蝴蝶=苍蝇+花朵99. Caterpillar = Butterflies (2X)99年。