Kepital F30-03




622 394 45
594 594 22
594 289 22
594 495 22
495 495 22
495 394 22
622 495 22
622 394 22
尺寸公差范围(size tolerance):0-3mm
风量 / 初阻力
(m3/h / Pa)
No.88, Lane 377,ChenHui Rd,Zhangjiang High-Tech Park,Pudong District, Shanghai
Fax:021-5080 9987
Hi-cap,synthetic media bag prefilter
1700 / 18 3400/ 68
850 / 18 1700 / 68
1420 / 18 2840 / 68
1180 / 18 2360 / 68
935 / 18 1870 / 68
1480 / 18 2960 / 68
1860 / 18 3720 / 68
1700 / 20 3400 / 70
850 / 20 1700 / 70
30/30 CL2 24 x 20 x 4
30/30 CL2 20 x 20 x 4
30/30 CL2 20 x 16 x 4
30/30 CL2 25 x 20 x 4
30/30 CL2 25 x 25 x 4
30/30 CL2 24 x 24 x 2

丹佛斯FC301 302 选型指南

丹佛斯FC301 302  选型指南
紧跟新潮流,新方法和新功能发展,节省更多能源 或提供新技术机会得以提高产品质量或缩短工厂停 工时间。
在全球各地都可获得通过经认证的材料和培训师 提供的相同质量的培训。培训可在 Danfoss 办公地 也可直接在客户自己的办公地进行。培训由当地培 训师主持,他们对于可能影响性能的许多条件拥有 广泛的经验,确保您能够充分利用 Danfoss 解决方 案。
| 0.25 kW – 400 kW | VLT® AutomationDrive
50°C 环境温度,无需降容
控制最低达 0.37 kW 的 电动机而无需在 690 V 主电源
VLT® AutomationDrive | 0.25 kW – 400 kW |
Danfoss 拥有高效的全球物流组织,能够快速将 VLT® 变频器发送至任何目的地。
EN 55011 工厂操作人员必须遵循 EN55011
EN/IEC 61800-3 变频器厂商必须遵循 EN61800-3
FC 301/302 遵循 1)
详情请参阅VLT® AutomationDrive设计指南 1) 符合上述电磁兼容类别取决于所选择的滤波器
B级 民用和轻工业
C1类 一类环境,家庭和
Danfoss 的全球支持组织能够做出快速反应,解决 问题以 帮助您缩短停机时间。当出现问题时,Danfoss 全球 热线可帮助您快速高效地找到正确的解决方案。
为了在主要工业区提供快速支持,Danfoss 还配备了 高素质非常敬业的专业人员。通过在全球各地的化 工热点、海运枢纽和主要工业区附近设立支持中 心,Danfoss 专家可随时快速到达变频器所在位置 并提供应用专业知识。







[译注:典出自福尔摩斯的故事] 1/2、1/3:只有2轮或3轮攻击一次,才能做到准确攻击。












但有可能获得把合法武器改装成自动武器的故障值:如果一次火器发射的检定结果大于等于该武器的故障值,不仅攻击不会命中,子弹也会成为哑 但如果拿的是带杠杆式枪机的步枪,枪就会卡壳,射手必须用1d6个战斗轮的时间投“机器维修 而且,如果在检定时投出了96~00,枪就会被彻底弄坏。













一、车载网络系统1.总线概览F30平台使用FlexRay作为实现行驶动态控制系统与发动机管理系统之间联网的系统总线,F 30平台总线概览如图1所示,F 30平台的F l e x R a y 系统电新宝马3系F30平台普通车辆电气系统技术剖析(一)◆文/山东 刘春晖2012年7月13日,基于“F30”平台的宝马新世代3系列在中国正式发布,现已开始销售。


宝马新世代3系列除了大家熟悉的四门、双门、敞篷、旅行车版本之外,还加入了一位新成员,即3-GT series。



图1 F30平台总线概览图1—有唤醒权限的控制单元 2—启动和同步FlexRay 总线系统的启动节点控制装置 ACSM —高级碰撞和安全模块(ACSM) AHM —挂车模块 AMPT —高保音响放大器 COMBOX —Combox(Combox 紧急呼叫、Combox 多媒体) CON —控制器 D-CAN —诊断控制器区域网 DDE —数字式柴油机电子系统 DME —数字式发动机电子系统(DME) DSC —动态稳定性控制系统 DVDC —DVD 换碟机 EGS —变速电子器控制系统 EKPS —电子燃油泵控制系统 EPS —电子助力转向系统(电动机械式助力转向系统) 以太网—用于局域数据网络的有线数据网络技术 FEM —前部电子模块 FLA —远光灯辅助系统 FlexRay —用于汽车的快速预设容错总线系统 FZD —车顶功能中心 GWS —选挡开关 HEADUNIT —主控单元(车辆信息计算机或基本型主控单元) ICM —集成式底盘管理系统 IHKA —自动恒温空调 K -CAN —车身控制器区域网络 K-CAN2—车身控制器区域网络2 KAFAS —基于摄像机原理的驾驶人辅助系统 KOMBI —组合仪表(MOST 仅限与SA6WA 一起提供) MOST —多媒体传输系统 OBD —车载诊断(诊断插座) PDC —驻车距离监控系统(车辆带有SA 5DP 驻车操作辅助系统时,集成在驻车操作辅助系统控制单元中,否则集成在后部电子模块控制单元内) PMA —驻车操作辅助系统 PT-CAN —动力传动系统控制器区域网络 PT-CAN2—动力传动系统控制器区域网络2 RAD —收音机 RDC —胎压控制单元(仅限美国版) REM —后部电子模块 SMFA —驾驶人座椅模块 SWW —变道警告装置 TRSVC —全景摄像机控制单元 VM —视频模块 VDM —垂直动态管理系统 ZGM —中央网关模块路图如图2所示。



3 1/2 9 5 1 3/8 1/2 3/4 5 3/4 7 3/4 5 3/4 7 1/2
前育克高 肩点度 后育克高 领后中度 袖口收褶长
8 6 6
1 of 5
Revision history & Callouts
Season: Group: Agent: Maker: Country of Origin Size Range:
肩斜 过肩 前身长 后身长 肩宽 缝-缝 前胸宽 后背宽 胸围 腰围
1 1/2 1/2 26 30 14 3/4 13 1/2 14 1/4 17 21
下摆 沿底边直量 袖笼
23 7 1/2
袖长 袖肥 袖笼下1" 217 HF - 1/2 ELBOW - 12 1/2" DOWN FROM肘宽 肩缝下12 1/2" SHOULDER SEAM



Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Page : 1/5 Product Name : KEPITAL F10-XX+, F15-XX+, F20-XX+, F25-XX+, F30-XX+, F40-XX+, FV-XX+, TX-XX+Revision Date : Jul 17, 2012 (Re. 12) This Safety Data Sheet is according to Regulation EC No. 1907/2006Product Name: KEPITAL F10-XX+, F15-XX+, F20-XX+, F25-XX+, F30-XX+, F40-XX+,FV-XX+, TX-XX+“XX” : may be replaced with two digits(01,02,03,11,20,21,30,31,33,34,40,52,63, etc)“+”: may be attached to alphabets (A, F, H, HK, L, M, N, O, S, T, LOF, etc)Product Description: Polyoxymethylene Copolymer, Acetal copolymerProduct Usage (Restriction) Extrusion, Injection (Except usage)Company Identification KOREA ENGINEERING PLASTICS Co., Ltd.450, KONGDUCK-DONG, MAPO-GU, SEOUL, KOREATel) 82–2–707-6831~9 Manufacturer Identification KOREA ENGINEERING PLASTICS Co., Ltd. Ulsan plant84, GOREA-RO, JANGSAENGPO, NAM-GU, ULSAN 680-050, KOREATel) 82-52-279-7830~4 Classification of the substance or mixtureNo need for classification according to GHS criteria for this product.Label elements & Statements of hazardThe product does not require a hazard warning label in accordance with EC Directives.Other hazardsNFPA(SCALE 0-4 ) : Health =1, Flammability =1, Physical Hazard=0(Note : These ratings are determined by Korea Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd.)Composition: INGREDIENT CAS NUMBER Content(%)Base Resin 24969-26-4 > 97Other Additives - < 3Formaldehyde 50-00-0 < 0.1This is a polymeric material. And hazardous constituents are wetted by the polymer system, and therefore, present no likelihood of exposure under normal conditions of processing and handling. This product is considered hazardous under OSHA Regulations due to the release, if overheated, of formaldehyde, an OSHA regulated material.InhalationPellets is not likely to be inhaled due to physical form. When gas and fumes from molten plastics is inhaled, remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention if breathing difficulties occur.Skin ContactIf hot and molten polymer or hot vapors contact skin, cool rapidly with cold water. If polymer is stuck to skin, do not remove, and seek medical attention. And allow adhered polymer to come off naturally. Removal of adhered polymer may result inmore tissue damage than if polymer is allowed to come off over them.Eye Contact Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15mimuts. Seek medical attention if discomfort persists. Ingestion If a significant quantity has been swallowed, give two glass of water to dilute. Seek medical attention.Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedNo significant reaction of the human body to the product known.Note to PhysiciansThis product is essentially inert and nontoxic. However, if it is overheated or burns, gases such as carbon monoxide and formaldehyde may be released. Those exposed to off-gases may need to have their arterial blood gases and carboxyhemoglobin levels checked. If the carboxyhemoglobin levels are normal and the exposure occurred in an enclosed space, asphyxia (carbon dioxide replacing oxygen) is a possibility. Formaldehyde is a respiratory irritant gas. If patients may have inhaled high concentrations of irritating fumes they should be monitored for delayed onset pulmonary edema.Suitable extinguishing mediaCarbon dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam or Water spray.Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureHazardous Product of Combustion : Carbon monoxide and Carbon dioxide,Formaldehyde vaporsHazardous of fire, explosion :- Overheating may result in release of formaldehyde, which may irritate the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.- Base resin dust/powder has a US Bureau of Mines relative dust explosion hazard rating of severe.Firefighting InstructionsFirefighters should wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full fire-fighting turn-out gear(bunker gear). Keep personnel removed from and unwind of fire. Water should be used to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Product burns with a very hot, but very faint blue flame. Water, foam and dry chemical may cause damage to electrical equipment.Personal precautions, protective equipment- High risk of slipping due to leakage/spillage of product. In Case of Spill or Leak, sweep or gather up spills and place in proper container for recovery or disposal. Keep unnecessary people away, isolate hazard area and deny entry.- Information regarding personal protection can be found in section 8.Environmental precautionsNo special environmental precautions necessary.Methods and material for containment and cleaning upMove to the approved place based on the disposal regulation.HandlingDo not handle hot or molten material without appropriate protective equipment. Maintain good housekeeping in work areas.Do not exceed recommended process temperature to minimize release of decomposition products. Do not smoke in areas where polymer dust is present. Appropriate measures should be taken to control the generation and accumulation of dust during conveying and processing operations.StorageStore in well-ventilated area away from heat and sunlight. Keep Container closed to prevent contamination.Engineering ControlsLocal Exhaust : Recommended when appropriate to control employee exposure to dust or process vapors.General : May not be adequate as the sole means to control employee exposure.Protective EquipmentEyes Safety eyewear recommendedSkinWhen thermal or melt processing, wear long pants, long sleeves, well insulated gloves, and face shield when there is a chance of contact.InhalationA NIOSH approved respirator is recommended if there is a possibility of dust generation above permissible exposure limitsor that decomposition vapors may be generated.Exposure GuidelinesOperations involving grinding and machining of parts should be reviewed to assure that particulate levels are kept below recommended standards. Formaldehyde is a hazardous degradation product.Ingredient Agency ValueFormaldehyde PEL (OSHA ) TWA - 0.75 ppm, ; STEL 2ppmTLV(ACGIP) Ceiling 0.3ppmNuisance/Inert Dust PEL (OSHA ) 15 mg/cu m(total)5 mg/cu m (respirable)Nuisance Particulates TLV(ACGIP) 10 mg/cu m (total)3 mg/cu m (respirable)Physical Form :Solid / PelletsOdor : Slight, specificOdor threshold :No data availablepH Value :Not applicableMelting Point :165 deg C (329 deg F)Boiling Point and Range : Not applicable (Solid)Flash Point : > 93 deg C ( > 200 deg F) by Tag Closed Cup Method.Evaporation rate: Not applicableInflammability: No data availableExplosion range : No data availableVapor Pressure :< 0.001mm HgWater Solubility : Negligible < 0.1%Relative vapor density : Not applicableSpecific Gravity : 1.38 - 1.42Partitioning coefficient n-octanol/water (log Kow): No data availableIgnition temperature : 350 deg C (662 deg F)Decomposition temperature : > 240 °CViscosity : Refer to the grade data sheetMolecular weight : Not applicableChemical Stability : Stable under normal conditions of use and storage.Condition to AvidMaintain polymer melt temperature below 230 deg C.(446 deg F). Avoid prolonged exposure at or above the recommended processing temperature.Incompatibility with Other MaterialStrong acids, base (decomposes forming formaldehyde) and oxidizing materials. At melt temperatures, acetal resins are incompatible with halogenated polymer such as PVC, PVDC and any elastomers containing halogenated polymers.DecompositionDecomposition of this material depends on the length of time exposed to elevated temperatures and may be accelerated by contaminants, pigments and other additives.Hazardous Decomposition Products : Trioxane, Formaldehyde and Formic acid.Hazardous Polymerization : Will not occur.No specific information available on the product.Ecotoxicity : No specific information available on the product.Environmental Information : This material is considered to be non-biodegradable.DisposalRecycling is encouraged. Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations. This product, as shipped, in not a RCRA hazardous waste under present EPA regulations.UN No. : Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations. (UN RTDG)Shipping information : Not applicableTransport hazardous grade : Not applicableContainer grade : Not applicableMarine Pollution : Not applicableSafety measure for transport : Not applicable- Fire : No available data- Leak : No available dataU.S. RegulationsTSCA : All the ingredients are listed in the TSCA Inventory or are compliant with the TSCA polymer Exemption Rule.SARA :This product does not contain any toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 and of 40 CFR 372.Labeling According to EEC Directives : Not subject to labeling.Germany Regulations : Not classified according to German “Hazardous Substance” regulations.EU regulation : Not contain materials listed in ;WEEE (Waste on Electrical and Electronic Equipment): EU-Directive 2002/96/ECRoHS(Restriction of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment) : EU-Directive 2002/95/ECDirective 2003/11/EC: Restriction (ban) of Pentabromodiphenylether and octabromodiphenyletherSource- Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB)- UN RTDG (Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Good) Rev.17- International Uniform Chemical Information Database (IUCLID)Revision : 12 (July 17th 2012)DisclaimerThis product is not intended for use in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge. We don’t suggest or guarantee that any hazards listed herein are the only ones that exist. Korea Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. makes no warranty of any kind concerning the safe use of this material in your process or in combination with other substances. Effects can be aggravated by other materials and this material may aggravate the effects of other materials. Users have the sole responsibility to determine the suitability of the materials of any use and the manner of use contemplated. Users must meet all applicable safety and health standards.- The End of MSDS -。

Parker Hannifin 品牌 P2 P3 系列 piston 气动泵维修手册说明书

Parker Hannifin 品牌 P2   P3 系列 piston 气动泵维修手册说明书

1 P2-000-3400 2 P2-105-3200 3 P2-105-5003 4 P2-105-3000 5 P2-105-0209 6 P2-105-3203 7 P2-105-5010 8 P2-105-0214 9 P2-105-3102 10 P2-105-3001 11 P2-105-3202 12 P2-105-2400 13 P2-145-0201 14 P2-105-3925 15 P2-105-1020-01 16 P2-000-8950-16 17 P2-145-3101 1 18 P2-105-5008 19 P2-105-3303 20 P2-105-3902 21 P2-000-3900 0 22 39X10 23 210X134 24 210X208 25 210X283 5 27 299X124 28 256X248 29 256X543 30 256X559 31 256X575 32 256X579 33 2012 -9 34 2133 -9 35 2044 -7 36 2240 -7 37 2243 -7 38 2263 -7 39 3916 -9 40 108X2 41 P2-105-3300 41 P2-105-3304 42 P2-105-0212 43 P2-105-0223
54 P2-105-0222-03

Precision 3930 机架灰尘过滤器安装指南说明书

Precision 3930 机架灰尘过滤器安装指南说明书

Precision 3930 Rack Dust filter Installation GuideNotes, cautions, and warningsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your product.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates either potential damage to hardware or loss of data and tells you how to avoid the problem.WARNING: A WARNING indicates a potential for property damage, personal injury, or death.© 2018 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.2018 - 07Rev. A001 Before you begin (4)Safety instructions (4)Before working inside your computer (4)Safety precautions (5)Electrostatic discharge—ESD protection (5)ESD field service kit (6)Transporting sensitive components (7)After working inside your computer (7)2 Dust Filter for Precision Rack 3930 (8)Installing the dust Filter (8)Installing the front bezel (9)3 Getting help (12)Contacting Dell (12)Contents3Before you begin Safety instructionsUse the following safety guidelines to protect your computer from potential damage and to ensure your personal safety. Unless otherwise noted, each procedure in this document assumes that the following conditions exist:•You have read the safety information that shipped with your computer.•A component can be replaced or, if purchased separately, installed by performing the removal procedure in reverse order. WARNING: Disconnect all power sources before opening the computer cover or panels. After you finish working inside thecomputer, replace all covers, panels, and screws before connecting to the power source.WARNING: Before working inside your computer, read the safety information that shipped with your computer. For more safety best practices information, see the Regulatory Compliance home page at /regulatory_complianceCAUTION: Many repairs may only be done by a certified service technician. You should only perform troubleshooting and simple repairs as authorized in your product documentation, or as directed by the online or telephone service and support team.Damage due to servicing that is not authorized by Dell is not covered by your warranty. Read and follow the safety instructions that came with the product.CAUTION: Handle components and cards with care. Do not touch the components or contacts on a card. Hold a card by its edges or by its metal mounting bracket. Hold a component such as a processor by its edges, not by its pins.CAUTION: When you disconnect a cable, pull on its connector or on its pull-tab, not on the cable itself. Some cables have connectors with locking tabs; if you are disconnecting this type of cable, press in on the locking tabs before you disconnect the cable. As you pull connectors apart, keep them evenly aligned to avoid bending any connector pins. Also, before you connect acable, ensure that both connectors are correctly oriented and aligned.NOTE: The color of your computer and certain components may appear differentlythan shown in this document.NOTE: System sounds an alarm for 4 seconds and then shut down if top cover is removed while the system is running. The system will not power on if the top cover is removed.Before working inside your computerT o avoid damaging your computer, perform the following steps before you begin working inside the computer.1 Ensure that you follow the Safety Instruction.2 Ensure that your work surface is flat and clean to prevent the computer cover from being scratched.3 Turn off your computer.4 Disconnect all network cables from the computer.CAUTION: To disconnect a network cable, first unplug the cable from your computer and then unplug the cable from thenetwork device.5 Disconnect your computer and all attached devices from their electrical outlets.6 Press and hold the power button while the computer is unplugged to ground the system board.NOTE: To avoid electrostatic discharge, ground yourself by using a wrist grounding strap or by periodically touching anunpainted metal surface simultaneously as touching a connector on the back of the computer.1 4Before you beginSafety precautionsThe safety precautions chapter details the primary steps to be taken before performing any disassembly instructions.Observe the following safety precautions before you perform any installation or break/fix procedures involving disassembly or reassembly:•Turn off the system and all attached peripherals.•Disconnect the system and all attached peripherals from AC power.•Disconnect all network cables, telephone, and telecommunications lines from the system.•Use an ESD field service kit when working inside any tabletnotebookdesktop to avoid electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage.•After removing any system component, carefully place the removed component on an antistatic mat.•Wear shoes with nonconductive rubber soles to reduce the chance of getting electrocuted.Standby powerDell products with standby power must be unplugged before you open the case. Systems that incorporate standby power are essentially powered while turned off. The internal power enables the system to be remotely turned on (wake on LAN) and suspended into a sleep mode and has other advanced power management features.Unplug AC power from the system, press and hold the power button for 15 seconds to discharge residual power in the system board. BondingBonding is a method for connecting two or more grounding conductors to the same electrical potential. This is done by using a field service electrostatic discharge (ESD) kit. When connecting a bonding wire, ensure that it is connected to bare metal and never to a painted or nonmetal surface. The wrist strap should be secure and in full contact with your skin, and ensure that you remove all jewelry such as watches, bracelets, or rings prior to bonding yourself and the equipment.Electrostatic discharge—ESD protectionESD is a major concern when you handle electronic components, especially sensitive components such as expansion cards, processors, memory DIMMs, and system boards. Very slight charges can damage circuits in ways that may not be obvious, such as intermittent problems or a shortened product life span. As the industry pushes for lower power requirements and increased density, ESD protection is an increasing concern.Due to the increased density of semiconductors used in recent Dell products, the sensitivity to static damage is now higher than in previous Dell products. For this reason, some previously approved methods of handling parts are no longer applicable.Two recognized types of ESD damage are catastrophic and intermittent failures.•Catastrophic – Catastrophic failures represent approximately 20 percent of ESD-related failures. The damage causes an immediate and complete loss of device functionality. An example of catastrophic failure is a memory DIMM that has received a static shock and immediately generates a "No POST/No Video" symptom with a beep code emitted for missing or nonfunctional memory.•Intermittent – Intermittent failures represent approximately 80 percent of ESD-related failures. The high rate of intermittent failures means that most of the time when damage occurs, it is not immediately recognizable. The DIMM receives a static shock, but the tracing is merely weakened and does not immediately produce outward symptoms related to the damage. The weakened trace may take weeks or months to melt, and in the meantime may cause degradation of memory integrity, intermittent memory errors, etc.The more difficult type of damage to recognize and troubleshoot is the intermittent (also called latent or "walking wounded") failure. Perform the following steps to prevent ESD damage:•Use a wired ESD wrist strap that is properly grounded. The use of wireless anti-static straps is no longer allowed; they do not provide adequate protection. T ouching the chassis before handling parts does not ensure adequate ESD protection on parts with increased sensitivity to ESD damage.Before you begin5•Handle all static-sensitive components in a static-safe area. If possible, use anti-static floor pads and workbench pads.•When unpacking a static-sensitive component from its shipping carton, do not remove the component from the anti-static packing material until you are ready to install the component. Before unwrapping the anti-static packaging, ensure that you discharge static electricity from your body.•Before transporting a static-sensitive component, place it in an anti-static container or packaging.ESD field service kitThe unmonitored Field Service kit is the most commonly used service kit. Each Field Service kit includes three main components: anti-static mat, wrist strap, and bonding wire.Components of an ESD field service kitThe components of an ESD field service kit are:•Anti-Static Mat – The anti-static mat is dissipative and parts can be placed on it during service procedures. When using an anti-static mat, your wrist strap should be snug and the bonding wire should be connected to the mat and to any bare metal on the system being worked on. Once deployed properly, service parts can be removed from the ESD bag and placed directly on the mat. ESD-sensitive items are safe in your hand, on the ESD mat, in the system, or inside a bag.•Wrist Strap and Bonding Wire – The wrist strap and bonding wire can be either directly connected between your wrist and bare metal on the hardware if the ESD mat is not required, or connected to the anti-static mat to protect hardware that is temporarily placed on the mat. The physical connection of the wrist strap and bonding wire between your skin, the ESD mat, and the hardware is known as bonding. Use only Field Service kits with a wrist strap, mat, and bonding wire. Never use wireless wrist straps. Always be aware that the internal wires of a wrist strap are prone to damage from normal wear and tear, and must be checked regularly with a wrist strap tester in order to avoid accidental ESD hardware damage. It is recommended to test the wrist strap and bonding wire at least once per week.•ESD Wrist Strap T ester – The wires inside of an ESD strap are prone to damage over time. When using an unmonitored kit, it is a best practice to regularly test the strap prior to each service call, and at a minimum, test once per week. A wrist strap tester is the best method for doing this test. If you do not have your own wrist strap tester, check with your regional office to find out if they have one.T o perform the test, plug the wrist-strap's bonding-wire into the tester while it is strapped to your wrist and push the button to test. A green LED is lit if the test is successful; a red LED is lit and an alarm sounds if the test fails.•Insulator Elements – It is critical to keep ESD sensitive devices, such as plastic heat sink casings, away from internal parts that are insulators and often highly charged.•Working Environment – Before deploying the ESD Field Service kit, assess the situation at the customer location. For example, deploying the kit for a server environment is different than for a desktop or portable environment. Servers are typically installed in a rack within a data center; desktops or portables are typically placed on office desks or cubicles. Always look for a large open flat work area that is free of clutter and large enough to deploy the ESD kit with additional space to accommodate the type of system that is being repaired. The workspace should also be free of insulators that can cause an ESD event. On the work area, insulators such as Styrofoam and other plastics should always be moved at least 12 inches or 30 centimeters away from sensitive parts before physically handling any hardware components•ESD Packaging – All ESD-sensitive devices must be shipped and received in static-safe packaging. Metal, static-shielded bags are preferred. However, you should always return the damaged part using the same ESD bag and packaging that the new part arrived in.The ESD bag should be folded over and taped shut and all the same foam packing material should be used in the original box that the new part arrived in. ESD-sensitive devices should be removed from packaging only at an ESD-protected work surface, and parts should never be placed on top of the ESD bag because only the inside of the bag is shielded. Always place parts in your hand, on the ESD mat, in the system, or inside an anti-static bag.•Transporting Sensitive Components – When transporting ESD sensitive components such as replacement parts or parts to be returned to Dell, it is critical to place these parts in anti-static bags for safe transport.ESD protection summaryIt is recommended that all field service technicians use the traditional wired ESD grounding wrist strap and protective anti-static mat at all times when servicing Dell products. In addition, it is critical that technicians keep sensitive parts separate from all insulator parts while performing service and that they use anti-static bags for transporting sensitive components.6Before you beginTransporting sensitive componentsWhen transporting ESD sensitive components such as replacement parts or parts to be returned to Dell, it is critical to place these parts in anti-static bags for safe transport.Lifting equipmentAdhere to the following guidelines when lifting heavy weight equipment:CAUTION: Do not lift greater than 50 pounds. Always obtain additional resources or use a mechanical lifting device.1Get a firm balanced footing. Keep your feet apart for a stable base, and point your toes out.2Tighten stomach muscles. Abdominal muscles support your spine when you lift, offsetting the force of the load.3Lift with your legs, not your back.4Keep the load close. The closer it is to your spine, the less force it exerts on your back.5Keep your back upright, whether lifting or setting down the load. Do not add the weight of your body to the load. Avoid twisting your body and back.6Follow the same techniques in reverse to set the load down.After working inside your computerAfter you complete any replacement procedure, ensure that you connect any external devices, cards, and cables before turning on your computer.1 Connect any network cables to your computer.CAUTION: To connect a network cable, first plug the cable into the network device and then plug it into thecomputer.2 Connect your computer and all attached devices to their electrical outlets.3 Turn on your computer.4 If required, verify that the computer works correctly by running ePSA diagnostics.Before you begin7Dust Filter for Precision Rack 3930Installing the dust Filter1 Align and insert the right end of the dust filter into the system.NOTE:These steps are for the systems purchased without Dust Filter and Front Bezel.2 Fit the left end of the bezel onto the system.28Dust Filter for Precision Rack 39303 Install the:a Front bezel.Installing the front bezel1 Align and insert the right end of the bezel into the system.Dust Filter for Precision Rack 393092 Press the release button and fit the left end of the bezel onto the system.10Dust Filter for Precision Rack 3930Dust Filter for Precision Rack 393011Getting helpContacting DellNOTE: If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information on your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.Dell provides several online and telephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and some services may not be available in your area. T o contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues:1Go to /support.2Select your support category.3Verify your country or region in the Choose a Country/Region drop-down list at the bottom of the page.4 Select the appropriate service or support link based on your need.312Getting help。

品牌 F-03-002 型号 Rev AA 产品 操作和维护说明书

品牌 F-03-002 型号 Rev AA 产品 操作和维护说明书

F-03-002October 2016F-03-002Rev AA17343-124Operation and Maintenance Instructions For Fire/Overheat DetectorDESCRIPTIONThe Fire/Overheat Detector, shown in Figure 1 is a normally open device that helps to monitor fire and overheat conditions. It can be used in locations with high ambient temperatures.The detector is made from welded stainless steel and is com-pletely sealed. It is not repairable and cannot be disassembled. The detector is set to a specific alarm temperature when it is made at the factory and the temperature cannot be adjusted.The detector electrically connects to its related equipmentthrough two terminal posts with internal threads. Stainless steel screws attach the wiring from the related equipment to the two terminals. The detector mechanically attaches to the monitored area by 3/4-14 National Pipe Thread (NPT) located on the head of the detector.The following details are shown on a detector head:•Customer Part Number •Customer Code•Part Number: 17343-124•Date Code: XXYY (where XX = year, YY = week)Schedule of Limitations for Ex Components:•The detector must be mounted in a suitably IEC Ex certified enclosure that complies with the appropriate requirements for zone 2 applications.•Maximum surface temperature is dependent onambient temperatures and must be determined in the finalassembly installation. The temperature rise of the outside of the shell should not exceed 2°C above ambient whencarrying the maximum power load of 62.5W (.5A, 125 VDC).Limitations for Class I Div I Group BCD Components:•The detector must be mounted in a certified enclosure with the appropriate Class, Division, and Group Ratings for the application.•The Fire/Overheat Detector has a color band on the end opposite the electrical connection points. The color band is an indication of the temperature range of the detector. Refer to the color code chart that follows for the color band of the detectors and additional data.Color Code ChartII 3G IIC Gc IECEx ETL 12.0008UITS03ATEX41211UClass I, Division 1, Groups BCDCSA: 159064UL: E139663Korean Cert # 14-KB4BO-0749UEx nC IIC T3Temperature Set-Point Color Band140°F±7.5°F (60°C±4.2°C)None 325°F±10°F (163°C±5.6°C)Red 425°F±15°F (218°C±8.3°C)Green 600°F±20°F (316°C±11.0°C)Orange 725°F±25°F (385°C±14°C)GreyThe settings are noted by the color of the band applied to the tip ofthe heat detector shell of 17343-124.NO. 8-32 UNC-2A STAINLESS STEEL SLOTTED HEX HEAD SCREW WITH INTEGRAL LOCKWASHER, 2 PLACES.3/4-14 NPTSTAINLESS STEELDATA LOCATIONSCOLOR CODEPROTECTION CAP.618 ±.0063.500 ±0.315.808 ±.0651.125the NPT threadsFigure 1. Fire/Overheat DetectorOctober 2016F-03-002 Rev AA2Specified data for the Fire/Overheat Detector is given in the table below .INSTALLATIONThis section gives the procedure to install the fire overheat detector .The fire/overheat detector must be attached to an IP 54 suitable/rated junction box with the applicable EquipmentGroup II and Category 3 for the installation. The box must have a 3/4 NPT opening to install the detector .The installer of the detector must supply a means to prevent non-permitted decrease of clearance per IEC60079-15, para-graph 6.7.Replacement parts must be the same part number as the part being replaced.Fastening of the fire detector is through the 3/4 NPT thread. Do not use any anti-seize thread locking compound or lubricant on the NPT threads. The installer must ensure that a proper ground connection is made to the IP 54 box-grounding termi-nal.Procedure1.Turn the detector clockwise into the related equipment’s 3/4 NPT opening a minimum of 5 full turns. Torque the detector to 20 lbf ft (27 Nm).2.Connect the related equipment’s system wiring to the detectors terminals with the No. 8-32 UNC-2A SS slotted hex head screws with integral washer . Make sure the wire connections do not touch each other . Torque the screws to a value between 20 and 25 lbf in. (2.26 and 2.82 Nm).3.Make sure that no objects touch the detector or can touch or damage it during usual system operation.4.Keep the detector free of contamination and unwanted materials. Refer to the Cleaning section.OPERATIONThe Fire/Overheat Detector’s outer shell is made of stainless steel that expands with an increase in temperature. It closely follows changes in the air temperature that surround it. Two inner struts, made of an alloy that expands at a lower rate than the outer shell, are sealed inside the outer shell. An overheat condition causes the shell to expand faster than the innerstruts. This makes the struts move together and make electrical connection through the contacts that are attached to the struts . The electrical connection of the contacts completes the circuit through the terminal posts on the end of the detector . Figure 2 shows a simplified diagram of the Fire/Overheat Detector oper-ation. When the shell and inner struts cool, the contacts open again.There are three conditions that can have an effect on the oper-ation of the detector , especially when a functional test of the detector is done. These conditions are:1.Temperature Overshoot: This condition can occur when the temperature of a detector increases far above its set-point range when heat is supplied too rapidly. This can cause the contacts to close before the specified tempera-ture range.2.Anticipation Effect: This condition causes the alarm circuit to close well before the alarm set-point. This condition is the result of the supply of high heat too rapidly.3.Temperature Undershoot: This condition occurs when the temperature of a detector decreases suddenly below its set-point range when made to cool too rapidly. The detec-tor should be air cool only.If possible, these conditions must be prevented, specially when tests of the detector are done.Figure 2. Detector Simplified DiagramSpecified Item or Function DataTemperature Range for Operation -50°F to +825°F (-45.5°C to +440.5°C)Electrical ContactRating 0.5 Ampere at 125VDCElectrical InterfaceConnection 2 each terminal posts with No. 8-32 UNC-2A Stainless Steel Slotted Hex HeadScrews with Integral LockwasherElectrical ConnectionTorque 25 lbf in. (2.8 Nm) maximum Electrical Connection Protection CapP/N RCL-10 (Vendor: Protective Closures Co., CAGE Code 99017)Dimensions See Figure 1ApprovalATEX approved for Zone 2, Category 3.Type of protection “nC”.Do not supply more than 25 lbf in. torque to the detector’s terminal screws or you can dam-age the detector . If the detector is damaged, you must discard it.Do not paint the detector or let paint from another source get on the detector or it will not operate correctly.READY OR STANDBY CONDITIONALARM OR OVERHEAT CONDITIONCONTACTS CLOSEDSHELL - HIGH EXPANSIONSTRUTS - LOW EXPANSION3October 2016F-03-002 Rev AA TestingThis section gives the equipment and procedures necessary to do tests of the detector and find if there is a malfunction.You must do a no-continuity test and an insulation resistance test to make sure the detector is serviceable.You must do a calibration verification test (or functional test) to make sure that the detector gives an alarm at the correct tem-perature.Testing EquipmentThe test equipment necessary to do the tests on the detector is given in the table below. You can use equivalent alternative items for those given in the table.Pretest InspectionBefore you test the detector , make sure that the detector’s visual inspection is acceptable. Refer to the Inspection section of this manual.No-Continuity TestDo the no-continuity test per the following procedure. Do the test at room temperature. If the test is unsatisfactory, replace the detector. Detector is not a repairable unit.Procedure1.Connect one lead of a digital multimeter (DMM) to one of the two terminals posts of the detector and the other lead of the DMM to the other terminal post. See the no-continuity test setup in Figure 3.2.With the DMM set to measure ohms (Ω) on the highest scale, read the resistance.3.The resistance value must read an open condition or infinite (∞).4.Disconnect the DMM from the detector .Figure 3. No-Continuity Test SetupInsulation Resistance TestDo the insulation resistance test per the following procedure. Do the test at room temperature. If the test is unsatisfactory, replace the detector . Detector is not a repairable unit.Procedure1.Connect one lead of a megohmmeter to the two terminal posts of the detector jumpered together. Connect the other lead of the megohmmeter to the detector shell. See the insulation resistance test setup in Figure 4.2.Set the megohmmeter to supply 500 VDC and measure the insulation resistance of the detector.3.The resistance must be 20 megohms (M Ω) or higher.4.Remove the power from the megohmmeter and disconnect the leads and jumper from the detector .Figure 4. Insulation Resistance Test SetupEquipment Item Range/Accuracy Manufacturer orSource Digital Multimeter , Fluke Model 77100VDC to 1000 VDC, 0.1Ω to 20M Ω,1% AccuracyFluke (CAGE 89536)Dry-Well Calibrator , Model 9141-A (used to verify calibra-tion set-point value)50 to 400°C ±0.5°CHart Scientific (CAGE 64841)Custom Insert, Model 3141-7 (for 9141-A, with one opening 0.629± 0.002in dia.)Not ApplicableHart Scientific (CAGE 64841)Power Source (to supply power to Dry-Well Calibrator 115 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 10 Amps or 230 VAC,5 Amps Get Locally Megohmmeter , Model 1867500 VDC, 20 M Ω andhigherQuad Tech (CAGE 0PK96)Prevent possible dangerous shock. Do not sup-ply power to the megohmmeter until it is con-nected to the detector .DETECTORDIGITALMULTIMETERDETECTORMEGOHMMETERJUMPEROctober 2016F-03-002 Rev AA4Calibration Verification Test1.The detector no-continuity test and insulationresistance test must be satisfactory before you do the calibration verification test.2.Make a test setup with the Model 9141 Dry-Well Calibrator. Make sure that you follow the safetyinstructions given in Section 3 of the Model 9141 Dry-Well Calibrator User Manual.3.Install the detector in the dry-well calibrator insert.4.Connect the dry-well calibrator test leads to the terminal posts on the detector.5.Connect the dry-well calibrator power cable to an applicable 115 or 230 VAC, 50-60 Hz power source.6.Follow the procedures in Section 7 of the Model 9141 Dry-Well Calibrator User Manual to make sure that the detector’s set-point is in limits.7.Record the temperature for each of three consecutive detector contact closures.8.Get an average of the three recorded values (add the three recorded values and divide by three). This is the detector set-point valve. The value must be the temperature shown on the detector ±25°F (±14°C).9.Remove the power from the dry-well calibrator and let the heater block and detector cool before you remove the detector under test.10.If the calibration verification test is unsatisfactory,replace the detector .DisassemblyThe fire/overheat detectors are hermetically sealed units. The detector cannot be disassembled.MAINTENANCECleaningThis section gives the procedure and materials necessary to clean the detector .MaterialsThe materials necessary to clean the detector are given in the table below. You can use equivalent alternatives for the items given in the table.Procedure1.Use a clean lint-free cloth wet with LPS Presolve solvent to clean the detector.2.Use nitrogen dry air at a maximum pressure of 30 psig (205 Kpa) to dry the detector .InspectionMake sure the detector is clean before you do the inspection. Refer to the Cleaning section.1.Examine the electrical connection terminals. Look for cracks or damage. If the connection terminals are damaged or cracked, discard the detector.2.Examine the electrical connection terminal screws. Look for damage to the screw threads and head. If damaged, replace the screws. Make sure the screws turn freely in the connection terminals. If the screws cannot be turned completely into the terminals, discard the detector.3.Examine the shell or tube of the detector. If there is a dent, scratch, or abrasion to the outer area, discard thedetector.Do not supply more than 25 lbf in. (2.82 Nm) torque to the screws in the detector terminals or you can damage the detector and it mustbe discarded.Be careful not to get burned from the hot heater block in the dry-well calibrator or the hot detector . The temperature can exceed 800°F or more.Be careful not to get burned by the hot heater block in the dry-well calibrator or the hot detector . The temperature can exceed 800°F or more.Materials Specification or Part No.Source Cloth, Clean Lint-free Solvent, LPS Presolve None 01428Get Locally LPS Laboratories (CAGE Code 66724)Nitrogen or Clean,Dry AirA-A-59503-1B1Get LocallyClean with solvents in an area that has good airflow. Do not clean near heat or open flame.While cleaning the detector , do not use abra-sive material or excessive force. This action will adversely affect the set point of the heat detector , compromising the accuracy of the detector .Be careful when you use compressed air or gas. Always point the flow away from person-nel. Compressed air or gas and the material moved by the air or gas pressure is dangerous and can cause injuries. Wear applicable eye protection.Fenwal Controls, Kidde-Fenwal Inc.400 Main Street Ashland, MA 01721Tel: 800-FENWAL-1Fax: 508-881-7619This literature is provided for informational purposes only. KIDDE-FENWAL, INC. assumes no responsibility for the product’s suitability for a particular application. The product must be properly applied to work correctly. If you need more information on this product, or have a particular problem or question, contact KIDDE-FENWAL, INC.F-03-002 Rev AA ©2016 Kidde-Fenwal, Inc.Storage and Movement1.Install a protection cap, P/N FS06-250099-071, over the electrical connection end of the detector.2.Make sure the detector has sufficient protection to prevent damage to the threads and outer shell.3.Put the detector in a container that is approved for storage.4.Keep the detector in a cool, dry area that has no contamination.5.If you must move the detector to another location, make sure it has sufficient protection to prevent damage.Fits and ClearancesTorque Values1.When you make electrical connection to the terminal posts, torque the screws to a value between 20 and 25 lbf. in (between2.26 and 2.28 Nm).2.When you install the detector, torque it to a value of 20 lbf. ft (27 Nm).Special Tools, Fixtures, Equipment and ConsumablesThe table below outlines the special tools, fixtures, equipment and consumable items needed to maintain the detector .Also provided are the vendors and the Commercial and Government Entity [CAGE] code.Do not torque the terminal post screws to a value more than 25 lbf in. or you can damage the detector . If the detector is damaged, you must discard it.DescriptionPart NumberVendorsRecommended SourceMultimeter Model 77Fluke Corporation 6920 Seaway BoulevardP .O. Box 9090Everett, WA 98206Fluke (CAGE 89536)Megohmmeter , 500 VDC, 20 M and higherModel 2867Quad Tech Inc.5 Clock Tower Place 210 East Maynard, MA 01754-2530Quad Tech (CAGE 0PK96)Dry-Well Calibrator Model 9141-A Hart Scientific799 E. Utah Valley Drive American Fork, Utah 84003-9775Hart Scientific (CAGE 64841)Customer Insert(used with Dry-Well Calibrator)Model 3141-7Cleaner/Degreaser , LPS Pre-Solve01428LPS Laboratories, Inc 4647 Hugh Howell Rd Tucker , GA 30085-5052LPS Laboratories (CAGE 66724)Protection Cap RCL-10Protective Closures Co., Inc.DBA Caplugs LLC Div. Caplugs Division2150 Elmwood Avenue Buffalo, NY 14207-1984Protective Closures Co.(CAGE 99017)Torque Screwdriver , 20 to 25 lbf in.None Specified Commercially Available Commercially Available Torque Wrench, 20 lbf ft.None SpecifiedCommercial AvailableCommercially AvailablePower Source, 115 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 10 Amps or230 VAC, 5 Amps(Necessary for Dry-Well Calibrator)None Get Locally Get Locally Cloth, Lint free None Get Locally Get Locally Nitrogen or Clean, Dry AirA-A-59503-1B1Get LocallyGet LocallyNote: All vendors are located in the United States.。

Rexroth (博世力士乐)Fe 变频器使用说明书

Rexroth (博世力士乐)Fe 变频器使用说明书

3 重要的使用说明............................................................ 27
正确的使用............................................................................. 27
DOK-RCON01-FE*********-IB09-ZH-P Rexroth Fe 变频器
Bosch Rexroth AG
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5
安全说明的使用和传递.................................................................. 22 安全使用要求.......................................................................... 22 使用不当引发的危险.................................................................... 23 针对特殊危险的说明..................................................................... 23 与电气元件和外壳接触的防护............................................................ 23 保护性特低压防止电击.................................................................. 24 危险动作的防护........................................................................ 24 在操作和安装期间对磁场和电磁场的防护.................................................. 25 与高温部件接触的防护.................................................................. 25 搬运与安装时的防护.................................................................... 25

2014斥档 SGS RoHS Certi.(G1-F10,F20,F30.F40,TX,MX)(1)

2014斥档 SGS RoHS Certi.(G1-F10,F20,F30.F40,TX,MX)(1)

Page 1 of 4Issued Date:2014. 01. 09Test Report No. F690101/LF-CTSAYAA14-00583KOREA ENGINEERING PLASTICS (ULSAN)578-26Maeam-dong Nam-ku Ulsan KoreaTo:The following merchandise was submitted and identified by the client as :SGS File No.: AYAA14-00583Product Name : KEPITAL1Item No./Part No.:F20-03Client Reference Data : F10-01, F10-02, F10-03H(M/LOF), F10-01 T2, F10-52, F15-33(LOF), F20-01, F20-02, F20-03(M/LOF), F20-33(LOF), F20-52(G/LOF/G LOF), F25-03(M/LOF), F25-03H(LOF),F25-03HT(LOF), F25-63(LOF), F30-01, F30-03(M/LOF), F30-34(LOF), F30-52(G/LOF), F40-03, TX-11H(LOF), TX-11HK(LOF), TX-21(LOF), TX-31(F/LOF), MX20BT01, MX25BT01, MX30BT01, F10-52H(LOF), F10-52D 2014. 01. 062014. 01. 09to 2014. 01. 07Received Date :Test Period :Test Results :For further details, please refer to following page(s)Test Performed:By the applicant’s request, item No.s/part No.s & client reference information are stated/added onreport.Timothy Jeon Jinhee Kim Cindy ParkJerry Jung/ Testing PersonJeff Jang / Chemical Lab MgrSGS Korea Co., Ltd.This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at /en/Terms-and-Conditions.aspx and, for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at /terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, ifPage 2 of 4Issued Date:2014. 01. 09Test Report No. F690101/LF-CTSAYAA14-00583Sample No. :AYAA14-00583.001KEPITAL1Sample Description :Item No./Part No.:F20-03N/AMaterials :Heavy MetalsResultsMDL Test Method Unit Test Items0.5With reference to IEC 62321:2013, ICP Cadmium (Cd) 5With reference to IEC 62321:2013, ICP Lead (Pb) 2With reference to IEC 62321:2013, ICP Mercury (Hg) 1With reference to IEC 62321:2008, UV-VISHexavalent Chromium (Cr VI) N.D. = Not detected.(<MDL)(2) mg/kg = ppm(3) MDL = Method Detection Limit (4) - = No regulation(5) Negative = Undetectable / Positive = Detectable (6) ** = Qualitative analysis (No Unit)(7) * = Boiling-water-extraction:Negative = Absence of CrVI coatingPositive = Presence of CrVI coating; the detected concentration in boiling-water-extraction solution is equal or greater than 0.02 mg/kg with 50 cm2 sample surface area.This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at /en/Terms-and-Conditions.aspx and, for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at /terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, ifTest Report No. F690101/LF-CTSAYAA14-00583Page 3 of 4Issued Date:2014. 01. 09Picture of Sample as Received:NOTE:(1) N.D. = Not detected.(<MDL)(2) mg/kg = ppm(3) MDL = Method Detection Limit(4) - = No regulation(5) Negative = Undetectable / Positive = Detectable(6) ** = Qualitative analysis (No Unit)(7) * = Boiling-water-extraction:Negative = Absence of CrVI coatingPositive = Presence of CrVI coating; the detected concentration in boiling-water-extractionsolution is equal or greater than 0.02 mg/kg with 50 cm2 sample surface area.This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at /en/Terms-and-Conditions.aspx and, for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at /terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, ifPage 4 of 4Issued Date:2014. 01. 09Test Report No. F690101/LF-CTSAYAA14-00583Testing Flow Chart for RoHS:Cd/Pb/Hg/Cr 6+/PBBs&PBDEs TestingSample MeasurementDATAGC/MSSolvent Extraction of the SampleScreen AnalysisConcentration/Dilution of Extraction SolutionFiltrationCd/Pb/HgPBBs/PBDEsMechanic_SampleSample MeasurementAcid Digestion with Microwave/HotplateFiltrationResidueTotal DigestionICP-AES/AAS/MSDATAMechanic_SampleConfirm with UV-VisCrSample MeasurementAdding Extraction SolutionMetallic MaterialUV-VisDATAMechanic_Sample 6+Filtration and pH AdjustmentAdding 1,5-Diphenylcarbazidefor Color DevelopmentHeating to 90~95°C for ExtractionNonmetallic MaterialAdding 1,5-Diphenylcarbazide for Color DevelopmentMechanic_SampleSample MeasurementSpot Test / Boiling Water Extraction DATACr6+The samples were dissolved totally by pre-conditioning method according to above flow chart for Cd,Pb,Hg. Section Chief : Gilsae Yi*** End ***NOTE:(1) N.D. = Not detected.(<MDL)(2) mg/kg = ppm(3) MDL = Method Detection Limit (4) - = No regulation(5) Negative = Undetectable / Positive = Detectable (6) ** = Qualitative analysis (No Unit)(7) * = Boiling-water-extraction:Negative = Absence of CrVI coatingPositive = Presence of CrVI coating; the detected concentration in boiling-water-extraction solution is equal or greater than 0.02 mg/kg with 50 cm2 sample surface area.This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at /en/Terms-and-Conditions.aspx and, for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at /terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if。


第 3 页,共 3 页
N109-02T H510 H515 H520 ST550
EL104 UR304 UR305 UR309 UR301 EL304 UH403
EC-600B EC-605B
Tenac FA405 FS410
C9021O다 Oil Conc,s
N2320MO 11005MO N2320 Y
TX-CD(10%) TX-90 TX90+M25HT
S9063 S9064 S27073 S27076 S27063 S27064 S9234 S9244 S27073 GV 10/1 S27072BK 10/1570
570NC(20%) 577 570BK 577BK DE9191X(25%) 525 580
CR-620(20%) CF304
MR-310 MR-320
WH302(13%) WH304 TC304
FW-700A FW-700N FW-715CS
LT200 LT804 LT805 LE200 LA500 LA501 LA502 LA531 LA541
C9021 GV 3/10 C9021 GV 3/20 C9021 GV 3/30 C27021 GV 3/30
N2200G4 N2205G5 N2200G23 N2200G33 B2200G43 N2200G53 N2200G63
C9024 C9021 K C13031 K C13026 C9021 AW C9021 SW C2521 G C9021 G

帕克尔公司氧气准备系统半精度过滤器 压力调节器系列P32说明书

帕克尔公司氧气准备系统半精度过滤器 压力调节器系列P32说明书

Global Air Preparation SystemCompact Semi-Precision Filter / Regulator - P32SymbolsFlow ‡3Max.Height Width Depth†• Integral 1/4", 3/8" or 1/2" ports (NPT, BSPP & BSPT)• High efficiency 5 micron element as standard • Excellent water removal efficiency• Robust but lightweight aluminum construction • Positive bayonet latch to ensure correct & safe fitting • Secondary pressure ranges 0-2 bar (0-30 psig), 0-4 bar, (0-60 psig), 0-8 bar (0-125 psig), 0-17 bar (0-250 psig)• Secondary aspiration plus balanced poppet provides quick response and accurate pressure regulation‡ Flow with 10 bar (145 psig) inlet pressure, 6.3 bar (91.3) psig) set pressure and 1 bar (14.5 psig) pressure drop.1Options:Global Air Preparation SystemFor best performance, regulated pressure should always be set by increasing the pressure up to the desired setting.Flow ChartsSpecificationsFlow capacity* 1/4 35 dm 3/s (75 scfm) 3/8 35 dm 3/s (75 scfm) 1/2 35 dm 3/s (75 scfm)Effect of supply pressure variation 0.04 bar (0.6 PSIG) for 1.7 bar (25 PSIG) change in P1Operating Plastic bowl -25°C to 52°C (-13°F to 125°F) temperature Metal bowl -25°C to 65.5°C (-13°F to 150°F)Max. supply Plastic bowl 10 bar (150 psig)pressure Metal bowl 17 bar (250 psig)Standard filtration 5 micronUseful retention † 51 cm 3(1.7 US oz.)Adjusting range pressure 0-2 bar (30 psig) 0-4 bar (60 psig) 0-8 bar (125 psig) 0-17 bar (250 psig)Port size BSPP / BSPT / NPT 1/4, 3/8, 1/2Gauge port (2 ea.) BSPP / BSPT / NPT 1/4Weight 0.53 kg (1.17 lbs)* Inlet pressure 10 bar (145 psig). Secondary pressure 6.3 bar (91.3 psig).†Useful retention refers to volume below the quiet zone baffle.Air quality :Within ISO 8573-1: 1991 Class 3 (Particulates); 2001 Class 6 (Particulates)Material SpecificationsBody Aluminum Adjustment knob Acetal Element retainer / Baffle Acetal Bowl Plastic bowl Polycarbonate Metal bowl Zinc Bowl guard Nylon Filter element Sintered polyethyleneSealsNitrile Springs Main regulating / valve Steel / S.S.Valve assemblyBrass / Nitrile Diaphragm assembly Nitrile / ZincPanel nutAcetal Sight gauge Metal bowl PolycarbonateRepair and Service KitsPlastic bowl / Bowl guard manual drain P32KB00BGM Metal bowl / Sight gauge manual drain P32KB00BSM Auto drainP32KA00DA 5µ particle filter elementP32KA00ESE Regulator repair kit - relieving P32KB00RB Regulator repair kit - non-relieving P32KB00RC Panel mount nut - aluminum P32KA00MM Panel mount nut - plasticP32KA00MP Angle bracket (fits to panel mount threads) P32KB00MR T -bracket (fits to body connector) P32KA00MB T -bracket with body connector P32KA00MT Body connectorP32KA00CB1/4 Filter / Regulator3/8 Filter/Regulator1/2 Filter/RegulatorWARNINGProduct rupture can cause serious injury.Do not connect regulator to bottled gas.Do not exceed Maximum primary pressure rating.!Manual DrainDimensions mm (inches)Gauges50mm (2") Round 1/4" center back mount0-30 psig / 0-2 barK4520N140300-60 psig / 0-4 bar K4520N140600-160 psig / 0-11 bar K4520N141600-300 psig / 0-20 barK4520N14300S e c o n d a r y P r e s s u r e - b a r S e c o n d a r y P r e s s u r e - (p s i g )0204060801001201400Flow - dm 3/s Flow - (scfm)2040103060805070S e c o n d a r y P r e s s u r e - b a r S e c o n d a r y P r e s s u r e - (p s i g )0204060801001201400Flow - dm 3/s Flow - (scfm)2040103060805070S e c o n d a r y P r e s s u r e - b a r S e c o n d a r y P r e s s u r e - (p s i g )0204060801001201400Flow - dm 3/s Flow - (scfm)2040103060805070。

Parker P33 Safety Exhaust Valve 产品说明说明书

Parker P33 Safety Exhaust Valve 产品说明说明书

ENGINEERING YOURSUCCESS.P33 Safety Exhaust Valve Externally MonitoredBulletin 0700-B14** An integration guide is available to provide further information on connecting the safety valve product to achieve the desired performance level. Please consult Parker and the standard EN ISO 13849-1 for more /pdn/safetyvalveSafety Exhaust Valve FunctionWhen applications demand a safe environment you can count on safety valves from Parker Hannifin. The P33 family of safety exhaust valves are 3/2 normally closed valves designed to rapidly exhaust compressed air in the event of a fault condition and to provided monitored coverage ensuring safe function. The valve is suitable for use up to Category 4, performance level e. Monitoring is achieved externally via a two channel system connected to a safety interface device. Both valves are available with an adjustable soft start and high flow exhaust to shut your equipment down faster when needed. LED’s provide clear status of main solenoid operation, sensor power and fault condition for quick visual reference. Optionally, the P33 can be ordered with a threaded exhaust flange. This threaded opening allows the exhaust to be piped away with rigid piping for cabinet enclosures or for environments wishing to eliminate the exhaust air from the atmosphere.Externally Monitored Valve, Faults and ResetsThe externally monitored valve has the monitoring done via a PLC or relay which offers a size and cost advantage over internally monitored valves. The integration of a safety interface into the PLC or relay will help determined the achievable category andperformance level of the control system. Customers are required to provide the logic function via the safety device. The valve will lock-out to the “safe state” if asynchronous movement of the valve elements occur which will be detected by solid state pressure sensors. To achieve the proper safety rating, the safety PLC or relay must monitor the solid state pressure sensors to ensure they are not in different states for more than 150ms. If the sensors are in different states for longer than 150ms then the programming logic must shut off power to the solenoids and consider it a fault condition. If during operation the externally monitored P33 enters a fault condition the valve will shut off. A separate reset signal must be incorporated into the logic sequence to avoid automatic restart of the valve. The safety exhaust valves are not for use with clutch or brake applications and are designed for use in conjunction with a safety relay or safety PLC for safe monitoring and fault detection.Achieving Desired Performance Level **The category and performance level (PLr) needed for your machine is determined by a risk assessment of the machinery design and application based on EN ISO 13849-1. The Parker P33 safety valve is designed for those applications requiring a PL of d or e. Please note these levels require other aspects of the system to meet these requirements. As a guide: you can achieve a Cat 4 PL e system by integrating monitoring via a programmable safety rated device. Because the P33 is a mechanical fail-safe device, the monitoring could also be done via a standard PLC and still attain as high as a PL d rating.Safety relaySafety relay Safety PLCPLC for external monitoringReset buttonCat 3, PL d Cat 4, PL eConditions at StartThe Safety exhaust valve starts with inlet 1 closed to outlet 2 by both valve elements A and B. Outlet 2 is open to exhaust 3. Pressure signals at both sensors SA and SB are exhausted and contacts 1 and 2 of sensors SA and SB are connected. The normally closed sensors both provide voltage feedback signals to the external monitoring system.Normal OperationDuring normal operation the two solenoids are simultaneously energized which actuates both pilots and causesvalve elements A and B to shift. Inlet 1 is then connected to outlet 2 via crossflow passages C and D. Exhaust 3 is closed. Sensing pressure signals go to each pressure sensor and become equal to inlet pressure. Both sensors contacts open and no voltage signals are provided to the external monitoring system. This indicates that both sides of the valve actuated as expected.Detecting a MalfunctionA malfunction in the system or the valve itself could cause one valve element to be open and the other closed.Air then flows past the inlet poppet on valve element A, into crossflow passage D, but is substantially blocked by the spool portion of element B. The large size of the open exhaust passage past element B keeps the pressure at the outlet port below 2% of inlet pressure. Full sensing air pressure from side A goes to sensor SA, and a reduced pressure goes to sensor SB. This full pressure signal causes SA to open. Sensor SB, with a reduced pressure signal, does not open. An external monitoring system can detect the malfunction by monitoring the outputs of the SA and SB sensors. The external monitor system must then react accordingly by shutting down the power to the valve solenoids and any other components deemed necessary to stop the machine.• Easy electrical interface with M12 connectors to safety circuit• External monitoring provides a cost and space saving advantage • Solid state pressure sensors provide accurate, fast fault detection • Quick visual LED indicators on the front of the valve• Superior seated seal design for longer life• Safety exhaust outlet is no-maintenance and non-clog by design• Suitable for stand alone use or modular mounting to P32 or P33 FRL assembly•High B10 life value(optional soft start)Safety Exhaust ValveTechnical DataExternally Monitored (with Soft Start)Externally Monitored (No Soft Start)DimensionsPortsStandard nominal flow rateA B C D E F G 1 → 2L/min (SCFM)* 2 → 3L/min (SCFM)*inches (mm)Externally Monitored 3/4"4,100 (145)7,500 (265)10.31 3.15 4.30 1.44 6.390.64 1.00with soft start (261.9)(80)(109.3)(36.5)(162.3)(16.3)(25.4)Externally Monitored 3/4"4,300 (152)7,500 (265)7.03 3.15 4.30 1.44 3.110.64 1.00no soft start(178.7)(80)(109.3)(36.5)(79.0)(16.3)(25.4)* Standard nominal flow rate is based on 6 bar input pressure with ∆P = 1 barGeneral Technical DataValve type Externally monitored, redundant, dual poppet Soft start OptionalValve function 3/2 way, normally closed Housing material Cast aluminum Seals NBRFasteners Stainless steel / brass Silencer Steel, non clog safety design Weight lbs (kg)6.5 (2.9) with soft start 4.2 (1.9) without soft startElectrical SpecificationsOperating voltage 24V DCElectrical connection Two M12 connectors Switching time 1-2 (ms) 23.3Switching time 2-3 (ms) 42.7Duty cycle (%) 100%Operating voltage (DC)21.6 to 26.4Nominal powerper solenoid coil at 24V DC (W) +/- 10% 1.2 Wper pressure sensor at 24V DC1.2 WSpecificationsOperating pressure PSIG (bar) 30 to 150 PSIG (2 to 10 bar)Minimum operating pressure PSIG (bar) 30 PSIG (2 bar)Ambient temperature °F (°C) 40° to 120°F (4° to 50°C) Recommended filtration (µ) 40µOperating mediumCompressed air Ingress protection class IP65B10 (mio)12.5 million switching cyclesB10 d (mio)25 million switching cyclesMTTFD B10D / (0.1xNop), (Nop=number ofannual operation cycles)SIL3Allowable discordance 150msFlow media Compresses air to ISO 8573-1Class 7:4:4The soft start opens to full flow at approximately 60% of input pressure.In accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 this safety valve is suitable for use up to Category 4, Ple, sil 3. Certified to c CSA us and bears theCE mark.Supply Voltage: For CSA/UL compliance, in DC applications the valve must be connected to a NEC Class 2 power supply.A product Integration Guide is available to help connect your logic controller to the Parker Safety Exhaust Valve under the Product Support tab at P33 is offered with an option for a threaded exhaust port. It is available with and without the softstart with the same mounting dimensions and flow characteristics as the standard unit.Machinery DirectiveOverviewRisk ParametersThe Machinery Directives’ goal is to protect people and the environment from accidents caused from all types of machinery. Based on the standard EN 13849 [safety of machines; safety-related parts of control systems] these standards build the procedure to assess safety-related control systems.Required Performance Level (PLr) based on a risk assessment are now commonly used to determine the safety level required for the controls system, for the application of machinery.Performance Level (PL) based on the original B, 1,2,3,4 safety categories, diagnostic capabilities, Mean time to dangerous failure (MTTF D ), and common cause failure (CCF), define safety levels of a given safety function. This ensures that safety is not just focused on component reliability, but instead introduces common sense safety principles such as redundancy, diversity, and fail-safe behavior of safety related control parts.The new EN 13849 standards of the Machinery Directive dictates the machine is safe when the Performance Level of the safety control circuit is equal to or greater than the Required Performance Level of the application. When determining the required performance level, the greater the risk, the higher the requirements of the control system.PLr < PLDetermining PLr According to EN 13849-1The level of each hazardous situation is classified in five Performance levels from a to e. With PL a the control functions contribution to risk reduction is low, while at PL e it is high. The risk graph above can be used as a guideline to determine the required performance level PLr for safety function.Determining PL According to EN 13849-1Categories Defined by EN 13849-1Determining the MTTF D = Mean Time To Dangerous FailureD e t e r m i n i n g t h e P L = P e r f o r m a n c e L e v e lSafety Exhaust ValveOrdering InformationBulletin 0700-B14 06/2023Parker Hannifin Corporation Pneumatic Division 8676 E. M89Richland, MI 49083 USA Tel: 269 629 5000Applications Engineering: ****************************.com Customer Support: *********************Ordering InformationSolenoid M12 PinoutsPressure Sensor M12 Pinouts(Typ.)T-Bracket w/ Body Connector T-Bracket Body ConnectorPort Block Kits AB A B ABMounting HardwareFemale M12 Cable, 5 pin, 2 meter length with flying leads CB-M12-5P-2M (two required)Body Connector P32KA00CBT-Bracket w / Body Connector P32KA00MTT-Bracket P32KA00MB (fits to body connector or port block)Port Block Kits (includes two)1/2" NPT 1/2" BSPT 1/2" BSPP 3/4" NPT 3/4" BSPT 3/4" BSPP P32KA94CPP32KA24CPP32KA14CPP32KA96CPP32KA26CPP32KA16CPSee offer of sale: /offerofsale/pdn/safetyvalve© 2022 Parker Hannifin Corporation。

3M Versaflo S-Series 呼吸器头罩和头巾说明书

3M Versaflo S-Series 呼吸器头罩和头巾说明书

3M™ Versaflo™ S-Series Hoods and Headcovers3M™ Versaflo™ S-Series Hoodsand Headcovers for Powered andSupplied Air Respirators/Versaflo22Many wearers of half and full facepiece respirators are taking a second look at powered and supplied air respirators for reasons that go beyond compliance.All-Day ComfortNew 3M™ Versaflo™ S-Series Hoods and Headcovers have beendesigned to provide users with the optimal level of comfort.Easily adjustable suspensions (most models) and soft comfortpads help provide excellent fit, stability and tracking. Comfortsuspension hoods and headcovers feature wide faceseals withsoft elastic for improved comfort and reduced air flow noise. Thepremium reusable suspension allows wearers to modify the airflowdistribution inside the hood to suit personal comfort needs. All ofthese improvements combine to help workers stay more comfortablethroughout the day.VersatilityAs a part of Versaflo respirator systems, S-Series hoods andheadcovers can be used in dozens of different Powered Air PurifyingRespirator and Supplied Air Respirator combinations.Excellent AirflowS-Series hoods and headcovers direct a comfortable stream of airinto the headgear. The moving airflow may make hot environmentsmore tolerable while reducing visor fogging. When used with anapproved 3M™ Supplied Air Regulator, the compressed air can bemade cooler or warmer by up to 50°F (28°C) for additional comfort.High Performance–APF3M has conducted research to document an Assigned ProtectionFactor (APF) of 1000 for the S-Series hoods when used as part of aNIOSH-approved powered or supplied air respirator system. An APFof 1000 is the highest level allowed under the Occupational Safetyand Health Administration (OSHA) Respiratory Protection Standard(29 CFR 1910.134) for this class of respirator. S-Series headcovershave an APF of 25, making them suitable for a wide range ofapplications and working environments.Fast AssemblyAll S-Series compatible breathing tubes feature the innovative 3M™Quick Release Swivel (QRS) connection. Simply push the QRS end ofthe breathing tube into the air inlet of the headgear until it snaps intoplace. The breathing tube can be quickly removed with only one handby squeezing the breathing tube clips.Simple MaintenanceChoose the ready-to-use integrated suspension models forapplications where assembly would be too time-consuming orimpractical. Or select the premium reusable suspension hoods forquick, highly cost-effective replacement of outer fabrics.3M™ Versaflo™3M ™Versaflo ™4Integrated Suspension Hoods and HeadcoversAvailable with two different suspensions, comfort and fabric,integrated suspension hoods and headcovers offer the advantage of being fully assembled and ready to use straight out of the box. They can be suitable for applications that require frequent replacement of the entire headgear assembly, such as pharmaceuticalmanufacturing, or in situations where there is less soiling of the outer fabric. Integrated suspension headgear is available in two sizes to comfortably fit more wearers: S/M and M/L.CoMFoRT SuSPENSIoN MoDELSIntegrated suspension models S-133, S-133B and S-533 also feature a wide faceseal with soft elastic for improved comfort and reduced noise. The new airflow distribution minimizes the potential for air whistling past the wearer’s ears, allowing for better worker communication and improved comfort. A new exhalation panel vents the headtop without the traditional vent hole pattern or exhalation valve.FABRIC SuSPENSIoN MoDELSEconomy suspension models S-103 and S-403 provide a lower cost alternative to value-conscious customers while still offering comfort and protection.3M ™ Versaflo ™ Economy Headcover S-103Head and face coverage. Fabric suspension.3M ™ Versaflo ™Headcover S-133 and S-133BHead and face coverage. Integrated Comfort suspension. General purpose fabric.3M ™ Versaflo ™ Headcover S-433Head, face, neck and shoulder coverage. Integrated suspension.3M ™ Versaflo ™Economy Hood S-403Head, face, neck, and shoulder coverage. Fabric suspension, inner shroud.3M ™ Versaflo ™ Hood S-533Head, face, neck, andshoulder coverage. Comfort suspension. Durable, soft, quiet, low-linting fabric that drapes more comfortably over the wearer.†3M recommends S-922 Peel-Off Visor Cover for S-103 Economy Headcover and S-403 Economy Hood.53M ™Versaflo ™Premium Reusable Suspension HoodsPremium reusable suspension hoods can be a very cost-effective choice for some high disposal rate environments—just the soiled hood fabric is replaced, while the suspension and air ducting can be reused. The new design permits significantly faster user assembly of the entire headtop.The suspension’s new rigid ducting provides a consistent air path. An externally-adjustable airflow control allows wearers to modify the airflow distribution to suit personal comfort needs. While wearing, the airflow may be directed primarily to the front visor or split to provide more airflow to the top of the head.The suspension has independent adjustments for the crown and head circumference, allowing a comfortable, custom fit for a wide range of head sizes. An optional size-reducing comfort pad is provided to further extend the range of compatible head sizes.Opened ValveClosed ValveThe external cover letswearers modify the location ofthe airflow.3M Automotive Aftermarket Division (AAD) Product Numbersare found in blue type on selected products.3M ™ Versaflo ™ HoodNew Breathing TubesAll S-Series compatible breathing tubes feature the innovative 3M™ Quick Release Swivel (QRS) connection. The QRS connects quickly to the headgear and swivels to minimize loops and kinks in the breathing tube.3M™ Versaflo™Breathing Tube,Small/MediumApprox. 28", features steelcore coils for durability.To improve comfort andreduce the potential tocatch on the wearer’ssurroundings, BT-20 tubesare available in two sizes.373093M™ Versaflo™Breathing Tube,Medium/LargeApprox. 38", featuressteel core coils fordurability. To improvecomfort and reduce thepotential to catch on thewearer’s surroundings,BT-20 tubes areavailable in two sizes.373103M™ Versaflo™Length-AdjustingBreathing TubeSelf-adjusting lengthresults in an approvedfit for most wearers andreduced risk of catchingand snagging.3M™ Versaflo™Heavy DutyNeoprene RubberBreathing TubeFeatures a durable,heat-resistant neoprenerubber material forrugged applications.3M™ Breathing TubeApprox. 36", for use onlywith Breathe Easy™systems.3M Automotive Aftermarket Division (AAD) Product Numbers are found in blue type on selected products.67Solutions for Many Applications3M ™ Versaflo ™ S-Series Hoods and Headcovers are designed for versatility. S-Series products can be effectively used in a wide variety of industries and applications.If you are currently a 3M ™ Powered and Supplied Air user looking to transition to the S-Series, use the following table to understand the headgear options available to you. Once you have selected theS-Series product that is right for you, use the information on the next page to find the breathing tube solution that will complete your system.3S-Series products are not available for use with the 3M ™ A ir-Mate ™ PAPR. Due to sizing differences between the BE-Series and the S-Series, some BE-10/12 (regular size) wearers will want to consider the M/L versions of the S-Series products.1In Canada, follow CSA Z94.4 or the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction in your region.2 3M supports an APF of 1000 for these hoods, which is consistent with the OSHA APFs defined in 29 CFR 1910.134. Contact 3M for supporting test procedures and data.8All BT-Series breathing tubes feature the QRS (Quick Release Swivel) connection for maximum comfort and ease of use.BT-20S /37309 Small/Medium (Approx. 28")/37310 Medium/Large (Approx. 38")BT-30Length Adjusting BT-40 Heavy DutyIntegrated Suspension HeadcoversGVP-Series air supply sources. Contact 3M Technical Service for supporting test procedures and data. In Canada, follow CSA Z94.4 or the requirements of the authority having jurisdiction in your region.†For the TR-300 PAPR - Operating Altitude approx. sea level to 2,600ft (800m). For altitudes above 2,600ft, contact 3M.For TR-600 Models - Operating Altitude approx. -328 to 16,404ft (-100 to 5,000m). For altitudes outside this range, contact 3M.3M ™Versaflo TR-300 Particulate PAPR AssembliesTR-305N Standard Belt &Economy BatteryTR-306N High Durability Belt &High Capacity BatteryTR-307N Easy Clean Belt &High Capacity BatteryFiltersTR-3710N-5 Particulate Filter,5/caseTR-3710N-40 Particulate Filter,40/caseRESPIRAToRS (PAPRS)9H-120 Adapter H-115Breathing TubeGVP-122 Breathing Tube3M Automotive Aftermarket Division (AAD) Product Numbers are found in blue type on selected products.3M ™Versaflo ™W-2808/37027V-400/37020V-300/37019103M™Intrinsically Safe Hood and Headcover CombinationsBE-324 (Approx. 36")Breathing TubeHeadcovers520-03-32R01 (Approx. 33")520-01-80R01 (Approx. 25")520-01-00R0 (Approx. 36")520-02-94R0 (Approx. 25")Breathing Tube Breathing Tube450-00-01R12High Efficiency Particulate (HE) Cartridge520-03-73Single Battery Charger 520-03-72 Five Battery Charger 520-01-61 Ten Battery Charger520-17-00NiCd gVP ™SySTEMSNiCd BatteryGVP-1Standard Belt GVP-1U Urethane Belt GVP-CB Comfort BeltCartridges/FiltersGVP-401 Organic Vapor (OV)GVP-402C hlorine/Hydrogen Chloride/SulfurDioxide/Chlorine Dioxide/HydrogenFluoride (AG)GVP-403O rganic Vapor/Chlorine/HydrogenChloride/Sulfur Dioxide/ChlorineDioxide/Hydrogen Fluoride/Hydrogen Sulfide (OV/AG)GVP-404 Ammonia/Methylamine (AM/MA)GVP-405Formaldehyde (FM)GVP-440High Efficiency Particulate (HE)GVP-441 Organic Vapor/HE (OV/HE)GVP-442 C hlorine/Hydrogen Chloride/SulfurDioxide/Chlorine Dioxide/Hydrogen Fluoride/HE (AG/HE)GVP-443 O rganic Vapor/Chlorine/HydrogenChloride/Sulfur Dioxide/Chlorine Dioxide/Hydrogen Fluoride/Hydrogen Sulfide/HE (OV/AG/HE)GVP-444 Ammonia/Methylamine/HE(AM/MA/HE)GVP-445 Formaldehyde/HE (FM/HE)All BT-Series breathing tubes feature the QRS (Quick Release Swivel) connection for maximum comfort and ease of use.BT-20S /37309 S/M (Approx. 28")BT-20L /37310 M/L (Approx. 38")BT-30Length Adjusting BT-40 Heavy Duty113M Automotive Aftermarket Division (AAD) Product Numbers are found in blue type on selected products.3M offers H-Series Hoods for users that require a hood that is compatible with a hard hat.†3M recommends S-922 Peel-Off Visor Cover for S-103 Economy Headcover and S-403 Economy Hood.3M ™Versaflo ™In CanadaTechnical Assistance1-800-267-4414Hours of Operation:8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST Customer Care1-800-364-3577Hours of Operation:7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. ESTInternet Offices3M Center, Building 235-2W-70St. Paul, MN 55144-10003M, Versaflo, Breathe Easy and Vortemp are trademarks of 3M Company, used under license in Canada.Tychem is a trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.Kappler and Zytron are registered trademarks of Kappler, Inc.Please recycle. Printed in U.S.A. © 2014 3M. All Rights Reserved. 70-0715-7441-5 (rev3)In U.S.Technical Assistance1-800-243-4630Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CST Customer Care Center 1-800-328-1667Hours of Operation:7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CSTInternet /PPESafety/VersafloFor More InformationTR-300-ECK TR-600-ECKPopular for many pharmaceutical, healthcare, and food and beverage applications, the ECK Kit includes an S-series Hood, a TR-300 or TR-600 PAPR with Easy Clean Belt, and a BT-30 Breathing Tube.TR-300-HKS (Small Headcover Kit) TR-300-HKL (Large Headcover Kit)The easiest way to select a complete system for hospital, healthcare, and pharmaceutical applications where an S-133, APF 25 Headcover is preferred. Includes an S-133 Headcover, a TR-307N PAPR with Easy Clean Belt, a BT-30 Breathing Tube, charger, TR-3710N filter and a storage bag. Available in two sizes: Small/Medium and Medium/Large.Build your own Versaflo ™ system or choose from one of our complete system kits.These kits offer the convenience of a complete system tailored to your application — all in one box.Scan to learn more or request a product demo.Download reader @ .。

KL03 芯片系列参考手册说明书

KL03 芯片系列参考手册说明书

KL03 Sub-Family Reference Manual Supports: MKL03Z8VFG4(R), MKL03Z16VFG4(R), MKL03Z32VFG4(R), MKL03Z32CAF4R, MKL03Z8VFK4(R),MKL03Z16VFK4(R), and MKL03Z32VFK4(R)Document Number: KL03P24M48SF0RMRev 3, June, 2014ContentsSection number Title PageChapter 1About This Document1.1Overview (27)1.1.1Purpose (27)1.1.2Audience (27)1.2Conventions (27)1.2.1Numbering systems (27)1.2.2Typographic notation (28)1.2.3Special terms (28)Chapter 2Introduction2.1KL03 sub-family introduction (29)2.2Module functional categories (29)2.2.1ARM Cortex-M0+ core modules (30)2.2.2System modules (31)2.2.3Memories and memory interfaces (32)2.2.4Clocks (32)2.2.5Analog modules (32)2.2.6Timer modules (33)2.2.7Communication interfaces (33)2.2.8Human-machine interfaces (34)2.3Module to module interconnects (34)2.3.1Interconnection overview (34)2.3.2Analog reference options (35)2.4Orderable part numbers (36)Chapter 3Core Overview3.1ARM Cortex-M0+ core introduction (37)3.1.1Buses, interconnects, and interfaces (37)3.1.2System tick timer (37)3.1.3Debug facilities (37)3.1.4Core privilege levels (38)3.2Nested vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) (38)3.2.1Interrupt priority levels (38)3.2.2Non-maskable interrupt (38)3.2.3Interrupt channel assignments (38)3.3AWIC introduction (41)3.3.1Wake-up sources (41)Chapter 4Memory and Memory Map4.1Flash memory (43)4.1.1Flash memory map (43)4.1.2Flash security (44)4.1.3Flash modes (44)4.1.4Erase all flash contents (44)4.1.5FTFA_FOPT register (44)4.2SRAM (45)4.2.1SRAM sizes (45)4.2.2SRAM ranges (45)4.2.3SRAM retention in low power modes (46)4.3System Register file (46)4.4Memory map (47)4.4.1Introduction (47)4.4.2System memory map (47)4.4.3Flash memory map (48)4.4.4SRAM memory map (48)4.4.5Bit Manipulation Engine (49)4.4.6Peripheral bridge (AIPS-Lite) memory map (49)4.4.7Private Peripheral Bus (PPB) memory map (54)Chapter 5Clock Distribution5.1Introduction (55)5.2Programming model (55)5.3High-level device clocking diagram (55)5.4Clock definitions (56)5.4.1Device clock summary (57)5.5Internal clocking requirements (59)5.5.1Clock divider values after reset (59)5.5.2VLPR mode clocking (60)5.6Clock gating (60)5.7Module clocks (60)5.7.1PMC 1-kHz LPO clock (61)5.7.2COP clocking (62)5.7.3RTC clocking (62)5.7.4RTC_CLKOUT and CLKOUT32K clocking (63)5.7.5LPTMR clocking (63)5.7.6TPM clocking (64)5.7.7LPUART clocking (64)Chapter 6Reset and Boot6.1Introduction (67)6.2Reset (67)6.2.1Power-on reset (POR) (68)6.2.2System reset sources (68)6.2.3MCU resets (71)6.2.4RESET pin (72)6.3Boot (72)6.3.1Boot sources (72)6.3.2FOPT boot options (73)6.3.3Boot sequence (75)Chapter 7Power Management7.1Introduction (77)7.2Clocking modes (77)7.2.1Partial Stop (77)7.2.2Compute Operation (78)7.2.3Peripheral Doze (79)7.2.4Clock gating (79)7.3Power modes (80)7.4Entering and exiting power modes (82)7.5Module operation in low-power modes (82)Chapter 8Security8.1Introduction (87)8.1.1Flash security (87)8.1.2Security interactions with other modules (87)Chapter 9Debug9.1Introduction (89)9.2Debug port pin descriptions (89)9.3SWD status and control registers (90)9.3.1MDM-AP Control Register (91)9.3.2MDM-AP Status Register (92)9.4Debug resets (94)9.5Micro Trace Buffer (MTB) (94)9.6Debug in low-power modes (95)9.7Debug and security (96)Chapter 10Signal Multiplexing and Signal Descriptions10.1Introduction (97)10.2Signal multiplexing integration (97)10.2.1I/O Port control and interrupt module features (98)10.2.2Clock gating (98)10.2.3Signal multiplexing constraints (98)10.3Pinout (98)10.3.1KL03 signal multiplexing and pin assignments (98)10.3.2KL03 pinouts (100)10.4Module Signal Description Tables (101)10.4.1Core modules (101)10.4.2System modules (102)10.4.3Clock modules (102)10.4.4Memories and memory interfaces (103)10.4.5Analog (103)10.4.6Timer Modules (103)10.4.7Communication interfaces (104)10.4.8Human-machine interfaces (HMI) (105)Chapter 11Kinetis ROM Bootloader11.1Introduction (107)11.2Functional Description (108)11.2.1Memory Maps (108)11.2.2The Kinetis Bootloader Configuration Area (BCA) (109)11.2.3Start-up Process (110)11.2.4Clock Configuration (112)11.2.5Bootloader Entry Point (113)11.2.6Bootloader Protocol (114)11.2.7Bootloader Packet Types (117)11.2.8Bootloader Command API (123)11.2.9Bootloader Exit state (135)11.3Peripherals Supported (136)11.3.1I2C Peripheral (136)11.3.2SPI Peripheral (138)11.3.3UART Peripheral (140)11.4Get/SetProperty Command Properties (143)11.4.1Property Definitions (144)11.5Kinetis Bootloader Status Error Codes (145)Chapter 12Port Control and Interrupts (PORT)12.1Chip-specific PORT information (147)12.1.1GPIO instantiation information (147)12.1.2Port control and interrupt summary (148)12.2Introduction (149)12.3Overview (149)12.3.1Features (149)12.3.2Modes of operation (149)12.4External signal description (150)12.5Detailed signal description (150)12.6Memory map and register definition (151)12.6.1Pin Control Register n (PORT x_PCR n) (154)12.6.2Global Pin Control Low Register (PORT x_GPCLR) (156)12.6.3Global Pin Control High Register (PORT x_GPCHR) (157)12.6.4Interrupt Status Flag Register (PORT x_ISFR) (157)12.7Functional description (158)12.7.1Pin control (158)12.7.2Global pin control (159)12.7.3External interrupts (159)Chapter 13General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)13.1Chip-specific GPIO information (161)13.2Introduction (161)13.2.1Features (161)13.2.2Modes of operation (162)13.2.3GPIO signal descriptions (162)13.3Memory map and register definition (163)13.3.1Port Data Output Register (GPIO x_PDOR) (164)13.3.2Port Set Output Register (GPIO x_PSOR) (165)13.3.3Port Clear Output Register (GPIO x_PCOR) (165)13.3.4Port Toggle Output Register (GPIO x_PTOR) (166)13.3.5Port Data Input Register (GPIO x_PDIR) (166)13.3.6Port Data Direction Register (GPIO x_PDDR) (167)13.4FGPIO memory map and register definition (167)13.4.1Port Data Output Register (FGPIO x_PDOR) (168)13.4.2Port Set Output Register (FGPIO x_PSOR) (169)13.4.3Port Clear Output Register (FGPIO x_PCOR) (169)13.4.4Port Toggle Output Register (FGPIO x_PTOR) (170)13.4.5Port Data Input Register (FGPIO x_PDIR) (170)13.4.6Port Data Direction Register (FGPIO x_PDDR) (171)13.5Functional description (171)13.5.1General-purpose input (171)13.5.2General-purpose output (171)13.5.3IOPORT (172)Chapter 14System Integration Module (SIM)14.1Chip-specific COP information (173)14.2COP clocks (173)14.3COP watchdog operation (173)14.4Introduction (175)14.4.1Features (175)14.5Memory map and register definition (176)14.5.1System Options Register 1 (SIM_SOPT1) (177)14.5.2System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2) (178)14.5.3System Options Register 4 (SIM_SOPT4) (180)14.5.4System Options Register 5 (SIM_SOPT5) (181)14.5.5System Options Register 7 (SIM_SOPT7) (182)14.5.6System Device Identification Register (SIM_SDID) (184)14.5.7System Clock Gating Control Register 4 (SIM_SCGC4) (186)14.5.8System Clock Gating Control Register 5 (SIM_SCGC5) (187)14.5.9System Clock Gating Control Register 6 (SIM_SCGC6) (189)14.5.10System Clock Divider Register 1 (SIM_CLKDIV1) (190)14.5.11Flash Configuration Register 1 (SIM_FCFG1) (192)14.5.12Flash Configuration Register 2 (SIM_FCFG2) (193)14.5.13Unique Identification Register Mid-High (SIM_UIDMH) (194)14.5.14Unique Identification Register Mid Low (SIM_UIDML) (194)14.5.15Unique Identification Register Low (SIM_UIDL) (195)14.5.16COP Control Register (SIM_COPC) (195)14.5.17Service COP (SIM_SRVCOP) (197)14.6Functional description (197)Chapter 15System Mode Controller (SMC)15.1Chip-specific SMC information (199)15.2Introduction (199)15.3Modes of operation (199)15.4Memory map and register descriptions (201)15.4.1Power Mode Protection register (SMC_PMPROT) (202)15.4.2Power Mode Control register (SMC_PMCTRL) (203)15.4.3Stop Control Register (SMC_STOPCTRL) (204)15.4.4Power Mode Status register (SMC_PMSTAT) (206)15.5Functional description (206)15.5.1Power mode transitions (206)15.5.2Power mode entry/exit sequencing (209)15.5.3Run modes (211)15.5.4Wait modes (212)15.5.5Stop modes (213)15.5.6Debug in low power modes (215)Chapter 16Power Management Controller (PMC)16.1Introduction (217)16.2Features (217)16.3Low-voltage detect (LVD) system (217)16.3.1LVD reset operation (218)16.3.2LVD interrupt operation (218)16.3.3Low-voltage warning (LVW) interrupt operation (218)16.4I/O retention (219)16.5Memory map and register descriptions (219)16.5.1Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 1 register (PMC_LVDSC1) (220)16.5.2Low Voltage Detect Status And Control 2 register (PMC_LVDSC2) (221)16.5.3Regulator Status And Control register (PMC_REGSC) (222)Chapter 17Miscellaneous Control Module (MCM)17.1Introduction (225)17.1.1Features (225)17.2Memory map/register descriptions (225)17.2.1Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Slave Configuration (MCM_PLASC) (226)17.2.2Crossbar Switch (AXBS) Master Configuration (MCM_PLAMC) (226)17.2.3Platform Control Register (MCM_PLACR) (227)17.2.4Compute Operation Control Register (MCM_CPO) (229)Chapter 18Crossbar Switch Lite (AXBS-Lite)18.1Introduction (231)18.1.1Features (231)18.2Memory Map / Register Definition (231)18.3Functional Description (232)18.3.1General operation (232)18.3.2Arbitration (233)18.4Initialization/application information (234)Chapter 19Low-Leakage Wakeup Unit (LLWU)19.1Chip-specific LLWU information (235)19.2Introduction (235)19.2.1Features (235)19.2.2Modes of operation (236)19.2.3Block diagram (237)19.3LLWU signal descriptions (238)19.4Memory map/register definition (238)19.4.1LLWU Pin Enable 1 register (LLWU_PE1) (239)19.4.2LLWU Pin Enable 2 register (LLWU_PE2) (240)19.4.3LLWU Module Enable register (LLWU_ME) (241)19.4.4LLWU Flag 1 register (LLWU_F1) (243)19.4.5LLWU Flag 3 register (LLWU_F3) (244)19.4.6LLWU Pin Filter 1 register (LLWU_FILT1) (246)19.4.7LLWU Pin Filter 2 register (LLWU_FILT2) (247)19.5Functional description (248)19.5.1VLLS modes (249)19.5.2Initialization (249)Chapter 20Peripheral Bridge (AIPS-Lite)20.1Introduction (251)20.1.1Features (251)20.1.2General operation (251)20.2Functional description (252)20.2.1Access support (252)Chapter 21Reset Control Module (RCM)21.1Introduction (253)21.2Reset memory map and register descriptions (253)21.2.1System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SRS0) (254)21.2.2System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SRS1) (255)21.2.3Reset Pin Filter Control register (RCM_RPFC) (256)21.2.4Reset Pin Filter Width register (RCM_RPFW) (257)21.2.5Force Mode Register (RCM_FM) (259)21.2.6Mode Register (RCM_MR) (259)21.2.7Sticky System Reset Status Register 0 (RCM_SSRS0) (260)21.2.8Sticky System Reset Status Register 1 (RCM_SSRS1) (261)Chapter 22Bit Manipulation Engine (BME)22.1Introduction (263)22.1.1Overview (264)22.1.2Features (264)22.1.3Modes of operation (265)22.2Memory map and register definition (265)22.3Functional description (266)22.3.1BME decorated stores (266)22.3.2BME decorated loads (273)22.3.3Additional details on decorated addresses and GPIO accesses (279)22.4Application information (280)Chapter 23Micro Trace Buffer (MTB)23.1Introduction (283)23.1.1Overview (283)23.1.2Features (286)23.1.3Modes of operation (287)23.2External signal description (287)23.3Memory map and register definition (288)23.3.1MTB_RAM Memory Map (288)23.3.2MTB_DWT Memory Map (301)23.3.3System ROM Memory Map (311)Chapter 24Multipurpose Clock Generator Lite (MCG_Lite)24.1Introduction (317)24.1.1Features (317)24.1.2Block diagram (317)24.2Memory map and register definition (318)24.2.1MCG Control Register 1 (MCG_C1) (319)24.2.2MCG Control Register 2 (MCG_C2) (319)24.2.3MCG Status Register (MCG_S) (320)24.2.4MCG Status and Control Register (MCG_SC) (321)24.2.5MCG Miscellaneous Control Register (MCG_MC) (321)24.3Functional description (322)24.3.1Clock mode switching (322)24.3.2LIRC divider 1 (323)24.3.3LIRC divider 2 (323)24.3.4Enable LIRC in Stop mode (324)24.3.5MCG-Lite in Low-power mode (324)Chapter 25Oscillator (OSC)25.1OSC modes of operation with MCG_Lite and RTC (325)25.2Introduction (325)25.3Features and Modes (325)25.4Block Diagram (326)25.5OSC Signal Descriptions (327)25.6External Crystal / Resonator Connections (327)25.7External Clock Connections (328)25.8Memory Map/Register Definitions (329)25.8.1OSC Memory Map/Register Definition (329)25.9Functional Description (330)25.9.1OSC module states (330)25.9.2OSC module modes (332)25.9.3Counter (333)25.9.4Reference clock pin requirements (333)25.10Reset (334)25.11Low power modes operation (334)25.12Interrupts (334)Chapter 26Flash Memory Controller (FMC)26.1Introduction (335)26.1.1Overview (335)26.1.2Features (335)26.2Modes of operation (336)26.3External signal description (336)26.4Memory map and register descriptions (336)26.5Functional description (336)Chapter 27Flash Memory Module (FTFA)27.1Introduction (339)27.1.1Features (339)27.1.2Block Diagram (340)27.1.3Glossary (341)27.2External Signal Description (342)27.3Memory Map and Registers (342)27.3.1Flash Configuration Field Description (342)27.3.2Program Flash IFR Map (343)27.3.3Register Descriptions (343)27.4Functional Description (352)27.4.1Flash Protection (352)27.4.2Interrupts (353)27.4.3Flash Operation in Low-Power Modes (354)27.4.4Functional Modes of Operation (354)27.4.5Flash Reads and Ignored Writes (354)27.4.6Read While Write (RWW) (355)27.4.7Flash Program and Erase (355)27.4.8Flash Command Operations (355)27.4.9Margin Read Commands (360)27.4.10Flash Command Description (361)27.4.11Security (375)27.4.12Reset Sequence (377)Chapter 28Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)28.1Chip-specific ADC information (379)28.1.1ADC0 connections/channel assignment (379)28.1.2ADC analog supply and reference connections (380)28.1.3ADC Reference Options (380)28.1.4Alternate clock (381)28.2Introduction (381)28.2.1Features (381)28.2.2Block diagram (382)28.3ADC signal descriptions (383)28.3.1Analog Power (VDDA) (384)28.3.2Analog Ground (VSSA) (384)28.3.3Analog Channel Inputs (ADx) (384)28.4Memory map and register definitions (384)28.4.1ADC Status and Control Registers 1 (ADC x_SC1n) (385)28.4.2ADC Configuration Register 1 (ADC x_CFG1) (389)28.4.3ADC Configuration Register 2 (ADC x_CFG2) (390)28.4.4ADC Data Result Register (ADC x_R n) (391)28.4.5Compare Value Registers (ADC x_CV n) (392)28.4.6Status and Control Register 2 (ADC x_SC2) (393)28.4.7Status and Control Register 3 (ADC x_SC3) (395)28.4.8ADC Offset Correction Register (ADC x_OFS) (397)28.4.9ADC Plus-Side Gain Register (ADC x_PG) (397)28.4.10ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLPD) (398)28.4.11ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLPS) (398)28.4.12ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP4) (399)28.4.13ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP3) (399)28.4.14ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP2) (400)28.4.15ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP1) (400)28.4.16ADC Plus-Side General Calibration Value Register (ADC x_CLP0) (401)28.5Functional description (401)28.5.1Clock select and divide control (402)28.5.2Voltage reference selection (403)28.5.3Hardware trigger and channel selects (403)28.5.4Conversion control (404)28.5.5Automatic compare function (411)28.5.6Calibration function (412)28.5.7User-defined offset function (414)28.5.8Temperature sensor (415)28.5.9MCU wait mode operation (416)28.5.10MCU Normal Stop mode operation (416)28.5.11MCU Low-Power Stop mode operation (417)28.6Initialization information (418)28.6.1ADC module initialization example (418)28.7Application information (420)28.7.1External pins and routing (420)28.7.2Sources of error (422)Chapter 29Comparator (CMP)29.1Chip-specific CMP information (427)29.1.1CMP input connections (427)29.1.2CMP external references (428)29.1.3CMP trigger mode (428)29.2Introduction (429)29.2.1CMP features (429)29.2.26-bit DAC key features (430)29.2.3ANMUX key features (430)29.2.4CMP, DAC and ANMUX diagram (430)29.2.5CMP block diagram (431)29.3Memory map/register definitions (432)29.3.1CMP Control Register 0 (CMP x_CR0) (433)29.3.2CMP Control Register 1 (CMP x_CR1) (434)29.3.3CMP Filter Period Register (CMP x_FPR) (435)29.3.4CMP Status and Control Register (CMP x_SCR) (436)29.3.5DAC Control Register (CMP x_DACCR) (437)29.3.6MUX Control Register (CMP x_MUXCR) (437)29.4Functional description (438)29.4.1CMP functional modes (438)29.4.2Power modes (442)29.4.3Startup and operation (443)29.4.4Low-pass filter (443)29.5CMP interrupts (445)29.6Digital-to-analog converter (446)29.7DAC functional description (446)29.7.1Voltage reference source select (446)29.8DAC resets (447)29.9DAC clocks (447)29.10DAC interrupts (447)29.11CMP Trigger Mode (447)Chapter 30Voltage Reference (VREF)30.1Chip specific VREF information (449)30.1.1Clock Gating (449)30.2Introduction (449)30.2.1Overview (450)30.2.2Features (450)30.2.3Modes of Operation (451)30.2.4VREF Signal Descriptions (451)30.3Memory Map and Register Definition (452)30.3.1VREF Trim Register (VREF_TRM) (452)30.3.2VREF Status and Control Register (VREF_SC) (453)30.4Functional Description (454)30.4.1Voltage Reference Disabled, SC[VREFEN] = 0 (455)30.4.2Voltage Reference Enabled, SC[VREFEN] = 1 (455)30.4.3Internal voltage regulator (456)30.5Initialization/Application Information (457)Chapter 31Timer/PWM Module (TPM)31.1Chip-specific TPM information (459)31.1.1Clock options (459)31.1.2Trigger options (460)31.1.3Global timebase (460)31.1.4TPM interrupts (460)31.2Introduction (461)31.2.1TPM Philosophy (461)31.2.2Features (461)31.2.3Modes of operation (462)31.2.4Block diagram (462)31.3TPM Signal Descriptions (463)31.3.1TPM_EXTCLK — TPM External Clock (463)31.3.2TPM_CHn — TPM Channel (n) I/O Pin (464)31.4Memory Map and Register Definition (464)31.4.1Status and Control (TPM x_SC) (465)31.4.2Counter (TPM x_CNT) (466)31.4.3Modulo (TPM x_MOD) (467)31.4.4Channel (n) Status and Control (TPM x_C n SC) (468)31.4.5Channel (n) Value (TPM x_C n V) (469)31.4.6Capture and Compare Status (TPM x_STATUS) (470)31.4.7Configuration (TPM x_CONF) (472)31.5Functional description (473)31.5.1Clock domains (474)31.5.2Prescaler (474)31.5.3Counter (475)31.5.4Input Capture Mode (478)31.5.5Output Compare Mode (478)31.5.6Edge-Aligned PWM (EPWM) Mode (480)31.5.7Center-Aligned PWM (CPWM) Mode (481)31.5.8Registers Updated from Write Buffers (483)31.5.9Output triggers (484)31.5.10Reset Overview (484)31.5.11TPM Interrupts (484)Chapter 32Low-Power Timer (LPTMR)32.1Chip-specific LPTMR information (487)32.1.1LPTMR pulse counter input options (487)32.1.2LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter clocking options (487)32.2Introduction (488)32.2.1Features (488)32.2.2Modes of operation (488)32.3LPTMR signal descriptions (489)32.3.1Detailed signal descriptions (489)32.4Memory map and register definition (489)32.4.1Low Power Timer Control Status Register (LPTMR x_CSR) (490)32.4.2Low Power Timer Prescale Register (LPTMR x_PSR) (491)32.4.3Low Power Timer Compare Register (LPTMR x_CMR) (493)32.4.4Low Power Timer Counter Register (LPTMR x_CNR) (493)32.5Functional description (494)32.5.1LPTMR power and reset (494)32.5.2LPTMR clocking (494)32.5.3LPTMR prescaler/glitch filter (494)32.5.4LPTMR compare (496)32.5.5LPTMR counter (496)32.5.6LPTMR hardware trigger (497)32.5.7LPTMR interrupt (497)Chapter 33Real Time Clock (RTC)33.1Chip-specific RTC information (499)33.1.1RTC_CLKOUT options (499)33.2Introduction (499)33.2.1Features (499)33.2.2Modes of operation (500)33.2.3RTC signal descriptions (500)33.3Register definition (500)33.3.1RTC Time Seconds Register (RTC_TSR) (501)33.3.2RTC Time Prescaler Register (RTC_TPR) (501)33.3.3RTC Time Alarm Register (RTC_TAR) (502)33.3.4RTC Time Compensation Register (RTC_TCR) (502)33.3.5RTC Control Register (RTC_CR) (504)33.3.6RTC Status Register (RTC_SR) (506)33.3.7RTC Lock Register (RTC_LR) (507)33.3.8RTC Interrupt Enable Register (RTC_IER) (508)33.4Functional description (509)33.4.1Power, clocking, and reset (509)33.4.2Time counter (510)33.4.3Compensation (510)33.4.4Time alarm (511)33.4.5Update mode (511)33.4.6Register lock (512)33.4.7Interrupt (512)Chapter 34Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)34.1Chip-specific SPI information (513)34.2Introduction (513)34.2.1Features (513)34.2.2Modes of operation (514)34.2.3Block diagrams (515)34.3External signal description (517)34.3.1SPSCK — SPI Serial Clock (517)34.3.2MOSI — Master Data Out, Slave Data In (518)34.3.3MISO — Master Data In, Slave Data Out (518)34.3.4SS — Slave Select (518)34.4Memory map/register definition (519)34.4.1SPI Status Register (SPI x_S) (519)34.4.2SPI Baud Rate Register (SPI x_BR) (520)34.4.3SPI Control Register 2 (SPI x_C2) (521)34.4.4SPI Control Register 1 (SPI x_C1) (523)34.4.5SPI Match Register (SPI x_M) (524)34.4.6SPI Data Register (SPI x_D) (525)34.5Functional description (525)34.5.1General (525)34.5.2Master mode (526)34.5.3Slave mode (527)34.5.4SPI clock formats (529)34.5.5SPI baud rate generation (532)34.5.6Special features (532)34.5.7Error conditions (534)34.5.8Low-power mode options (535)34.5.9Reset (536)34.5.10Interrupts (537)34.6Initialization/application information (538)34.6.1Initialization sequence (538)34.6.2Pseudo-Code Example (539)Chapter 35Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C)35.1Chip-specific I2C information (543)35.2Introduction (543)35.2.1Features (543)35.2.2Modes of operation (544)35.2.3Block diagram (544)35.3I2C signal descriptions (545)35.4Memory map/register definition (546)35.4.1I2C Address Register 1 (I2C x_A1) (546)35.4.2I2C Frequency Divider register (I2C x_F) (547)35.4.3I2C Control Register 1 (I2C x_C1) (548)35.4.4I2C Status register (I2C x_S) (549)35.4.5I2C Data I/O register (I2C x_D) (551)35.4.6I2C Control Register 2 (I2C x_C2) (552)35.4.7I2C Programmable Input Glitch Filter Register (I2C x_FLT) (553)35.4.8I2C Range Address register (I2C x_RA) (554)35.4.9I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C x_SMB) (555)35.4.10I2C Address Register 2 (I2C x_A2) (556)35.4.11I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C x_SLTH) (557)35.4.12I2C SCL Low Timeout Register Low (I2C x_SLTL) (557)35.4.13I2C Status register 2 (I2C x_S2) (558)35.5Functional description (558)35.5.1I2C protocol (558)35.5.210-bit address (564)35.5.3Address matching (565)35.5.4System management bus specification (566)35.5.5Resets (569)35.5.6Interrupts (569)35.5.7Programmable input glitch filter (571)35.5.8Address matching wake-up (572)35.5.9Double buffering mode (573)35.6Initialization/application information (574)Chapter 36Low Power Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (LPUART)36.1Chip-specific LPUART information (579)36.2Introduction (579)36.2.1Features (579)36.2.2Modes of operation (580)36.2.3Signal Descriptions (581)36.2.4Block diagram (581)36.3Register definition (583)36.3.1LPUART Baud Rate Register (LPUART x_BAUD) (584)36.3.2LPUART Status Register (LPUART x_STAT) (586)36.3.3LPUART Control Register (LPUART x_CTRL) (590)36.3.4LPUART Data Register (LPUART x_DATA) (595)36.3.5LPUART Match Address Register (LPUART x_MATCH) (597)36.4Functional description (597)36.4.1Baud rate generation (597)36.4.2Transmitter functional description (598)36.4.3Receiver functional description (600)36.4.4Additional LPUART functions (605)36.4.5Interrupts and status flags (607)Chapter 1About This Document1.1Overview1.1.1PurposeThis document describes the features, architecture, and programming model of the Freescale microcontroller.1.1.2AudienceA reference manual is primarily for system architects and software application developers who are using or considering using a Freescale product in a system.1.2Conventions1.2.1Numbering systemsThe following suffixes identify different numbering systems:1.2.2Typographic notationThe following typographic notation is used throughout this document:1.2.3Special termsThe following terms have special meanings:Chapter 2Introduction2.1KL03 sub-family introductionThe device is highly-integrated, market leading ultra low-power 32-bit microcontroller based on the enhanced Cortex-M0+ (CM0+) core platform. The features of the KL03 family derivatives are as follows.•Core platform clock up to 48 MHz, bus clock up to 24 MHz•Memory option is up to 32 KB flash, 2 KB RAM and 8 KB ROM with build-in boot loader•Wide operating voltage ranges from 1.71–3.6 V with fully functional flash program/ erase/read operations•Multiple package options from 16-pin to 24-pin•Ambient operating temperature ranges from –40 °C to 85 °C for WLCSP package and –40 °C to 105 °C for all the other packages.The family acts as an ultra low-power, cost-effective microcontroller to provide developers an appropriate entry-level 32-bit solution. The family is the next-generation MCU solution for low-cost, low-power, high-performance devices applications. It’s valuable for cost-sensitive, portable applications requiring long battery life-time.2.2Module functional categoriesThe modules on this device are grouped into functional categories. Information found here describes the modules assigned to each category in more detail.2.2.1ARM Cortex-M0+ core modules The following core modules are available on this device.2.2.2System modulesThe following system modules are available on this device.2.2.3Memories and memory interfacesThe following memories and memory interfaces are available on this device.2.2.4ClocksThe following clock modules are available on this device.2.2.5Analog modulesThe following analog modules are available on this device:。

Perkins 4008-30TRS 1 8-颗粒气动燃煤机说明书

Perkins 4008-30TRS 1 8-颗粒气动燃煤机说明书

Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.Developed from a proven engine range that offers superior performance and reliability, the 4008-30TRS is designed to meet the future demands of the power generation industry for clean, efficient gas fuelled engines.The 4008-30TRS 8-cylinder spark ignition gas engine offers high performance, dependability and reliability while meeting the market’s increasingly stringent emission requirements.The 4008-30TRS is a turbocharged, air to water charge cooled, 8 cylinder inline gas engine, designed for operation on a wide range of methane based gases. Its premium features and design provide economic and durable operation as well as exceptional mechanical efficiency and power to weight ratio, whilst offering improved emissions. The overall performance and reliability characteristics make this theprime choice for today’s power generation industry.Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.Features and benefitsEconomic powerlUtilises advanced combustion technology to deliver durable and reliable powerl High commonality of components with other engines in the 4000 Series family for reduced stocking levelsl Individual large valve cylinder heads with matched deep bowl pistons for greater swirl, achieve high mechanical efficiencyReliable powerlDeveloped and tested using the latest engineering techniquesl Piston temperatures controlled by an advanced gallery jet cooling systeml Extended durability and attention to reducing servicing with extended component life add benefit of the reduced whole life costl Robust to varying gas qualitySpecs for both natural gas and biogas are available*Compact, clean and efficient powerl Exceptional power-to-weight ratio and compact size give optimum power density for ease of transportation and installationl In excess of 40% mechanical efficiencyl Designed to provide excellent service access for ease of maintenance l Engines to comply with major international standardslAll engines in the 4000 Series family are capable of meeting the NOx requirements of TA LuftProduct supportl With highly trained Perkins distributors in thousands of communities in over 180 countries, you are never far awayfrom expert product knowledge, genuine parts and a range of advanced diagnostic technology for keeping your engine in peak conditionl Warranties and Service Contractsl We provide one-year warranties for our gas engines, as standard. These are supported by multilevel Extended Service Contracts that can be bought additionally Discover more www.perkins.escl To find your local distributor: /distributor* E ngine specification suitable for running on landfill gas, digester gas, biogas and coal bed mine gas. (Please contact your account manager or nearest distributor for more information)Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.Technical informationAir inlet and exhaustlMounted air filter – replaceable cartridge type l Dry exhaust manifolds l Exhaust manifold shielding l High efficiency turbochargerGoverning, gas and ignition systemlAir/Fuel mixer with zero pressure regulator and mixture adjustment screw l Metal braided flexible gas connectionl Altronic 800 ‘C’ Series ignition system with individual cylinder ignition coils, spark plugs l Digital governing system, governing to ISO8528-5 class G2Lubrication systeml Gear driven, externally mounted lubricating oil pump l Wet sump with filler and dipstickl Full-flow replaceable canister type oil filtersl Jacket water cooled shell and tube oil cooler/stabiliserlClosed circuit crankcase ventilation system – natural gases onlyCooling systemlPressurised jacket water cooling system, gear-driven jacket water, circulating pump – supply on Electro unit only l Air to water charge cooler, pipe work – supply on Electro unit only l Jacket water thermostatic control – supply on Electro unit onlyElectrical equipmentl 24 volt starter motorl 24 volt 70 amp battery charging alternator with integral voltage, regulator and activating switch – supply on Electro unit onlyl High coolant temperature l Low oil pressure switchl High manifold pressure switch lDigital knock detectionFlywheel and housinglHigh inertia flywheel to SAE J620 Size 14l SAE ‘0’ flywheel housingMountingslFront and rear engine mounting support LiteraturelUser’s Handbook and Parts ManualOptional equipmentl 220 / 240 volt thermostatically controlled immersion heater l Three way thermostatic valve for charge cooler cooling circuit l Mechanically driven water pump for charge cooler circuit l Exhaust temperature monitoring l Tool kitlAdditional manualsPhotographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.Photographs are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect final specification.The above ratings represent the engine performance capabilities to conditions specified in ISO 8528/1, ISO 3046/1:1986, BS 5514/1. Derating may be required for conditions outside these; consult Perkins Engines Company Limited.Generator powers are typical and are based on an average alternator efficiency and a power factor (cos. θ) of 1. Fuel specification: Natural gas having a Lower Calorific Value of 34.71 MJ/m 3.Rating definitionsContinuous operating power:Power available for true Base load, rating as defined in ISO 8528/1, BS 5514/1 – No overload permitted.Fuel consumption figures are for TA Luft compliant engines at ISO 8528/1 in “Cogen” engine specification, running on British natural gas with LCV 34.71 MJ/Sm 3。

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