



天梭T T o u c h时间调整
Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】
























• 天梭凭借150余年的传统瑞士制表工艺和不 断创新的设计精神,销量在全球名列前茅, 是瑞士制表业中的佼佼者。天梭的目标是 用最有竞争力的价格向大众提供具有国际 一流品质的计时工具。作为全美国汽车比 赛协会NASCAR®、MotoGP大奖赛及 自行车、击剑和冰球等国际赛事的官方指 定计时,天梭将体育运动的表现力、精确 度和挑战自我的精神发挥到极致。
击剑和冰球世界最高级别比赛的官方指定计 时器。天梭的形象代言人之一,迈克.欧文, 也是世界著名球星之一。
天梭新口号:“时间,随你掌 控”
• 1853年制造的第一枚 怀表
1853年,第一块 双时区表,天梭 表诞生。
030740422 张璐
• 天梭表1853年诞生于手表制造业的摇篮瑞 士侏罗(JURA)的小镇LELOCLE。凭借在传
梭表(Tissot)的名字已遍布全球五大洲 超过150多个国家,成为表坛中不朽的瑞士 名表品牌之一,并屡次获得国际殊荣及奖 项。天梭表曾先后在1878年和1889年巴黎 国际表展中获得银奖和非竞赛性荣誉奖, 其后于1890年在Anvers获得金奖、1896年 在日内瓦获得金奖,及1900年5月9日在巴 黎获得了Prixd'Horlogerie。
• 拥有150多年精湛制表历史的瑞士 天梭表,自1853年起不断致力于精 确完美的钟表制造,在瑞士勒克勒 刻(Le Locle)的厂房所出品的腕表, 皆以丰富的创意、卓越的品质及巧 夺天工的制表技术而名闻於世。天 梭表1983年加入了Swatch 集团。



手表型号与编码六、手表型号与编码:每个品牌都有自己的编码方式,以下举例:天梭表全系列型号解释以下以T46.为例第一组数字T46 为系列编号T14:PR100X系列T17:PRS200 系列T25:PR100系列T35:经典系列T46:宝雅系列T52:心意系列T55:海星2系列T59:伯爵系列T60:TXL系列T62:天美T3系列T63:天美T2系列T64:天美T1系列T67:竣朗系列T68:嘉文系列T69:曼露系列T71/72/73:18K金系列T81/82/83:怀表系列第二组数字 2 为材料表示1为全钢,2为间金,5为PVD镀金6为镀金,8为黄铜,9为黄铜镀金第三组数字 4 为表的性别1为小女装圆形,2为正装女表圆或方4为正装男表圆形,7和8为中装男表第四组数字 8 为表带1为棕色皮带,2为黑色皮带,3为蓝色皮带,8为金属表带第五组数字 7 无意义第六组数字 3 为表盘颜色1为白色,2为黄色,3为银灰色,4为蓝色5为黑色,6为其他(如贝母等特殊材质)第七组数字 1 为表盘刻度1为指示,2为阿拉伯,3为罗马,4为银石(镶嵌),5为象正欧米茄型号说明:每款欧米茄手表型号都是8位数字:类似于A B C D. E F .G H:第一位数字A表示产品线:1=Constellation星座系列2=Seamaster海马系列3=Speedmaster超霸系列4=DeVille (DeVille Prestige and Symbol)蝶飞典雅系列5=Louis Brandt(DeVille tourbillon)碟飞陀飞轮系列7=DeVille (Vasarelli) 碟飞系列第二位数字B表示材料类型:1=Gold Case on Gold Bracelet2=Steel-Gold Case on Steel-Gold Bracelet3=Steel-Gold Case on Partial Steel-Gold Bracelet4=Steel-Gold Case on Steel Bracelet5=Steel Case on Steel Bracelet6=Gold Case on Leather Strap7=Steel-Gold Case on Leather Strap8=Steel Case on Leather Strap第三四位数字根产品系列相关第三位数字代表尺寸/机芯第四位数字代表表圈l Bezel codes are not consistent by color - they vary by model and case material.1=Blue (Steel Pro) OR Gold (Gold Pro) OR Brushed Steel (Titanium Pro Diver),2=Polished Steel (Steel Pro) OR Gold (Two-Tone Pro) OR Blue (Gold Pro) OR Polished White Gold (white Gold Pro, silver dial limited edition 150th Anniv. Pro)3=Plain (Aqua T erra), Steel w/black numbers (Titanium Diver) 4=Black (Steel GMT or Steel Pro) OR Yellow Gold (Yellow Gold GMT),5=Steel w/blue numbers (Steel Diver),6=Gold (Titanium/Tantalum Chronograph),8=Polished Steel (Steel Chronograph or GMT) OR Gold (Two-Tone Chronograph) OR Blue (Titanium Chronograph), 9=Blue (Steel Chronograph)第五位数字E表示表盘颜色:1=Champagne 香槟色2=White 白色3=Silver 银色4=Gray 灰色5=Black 黑色6=Ivory 象牙色8=Blue 蓝色第六位数字F表示表盘上的小时标志:0=Mixed1=Indexes2=Arabics3=Roman5=Diamonds第七八位数字GH表示表带颜色:1=Black2=Brown3=Blue4=Green雷达表的型号格式为Brand.Family.Case.Dial.Bracelet 第一位:R代表品牌,也就是Rado雷达.第二、三位:代表产品系列Family definition10 = Anatom12 = DiaStar The Original13 = Sintra14 = DiaMaster18 = DiaStar21 = Ceramica22 = Coupole23 = DiaQueen24 = Xeramo25 = Cerix26 = Ovation41 = Crysma48 = Florence53 = eSenza90/91= Gold96 = V10K第四、五、六位:代表表壳Reference number of caseThe last three figures are taken over from the existing Rado-reference number of the case第七、八位:代表表盘.Reference number of dial01 - -09 = white colour10- -14 = grey colour15- -19 = black colour20- -24 = blue colour25- -29 = yellow colour30- -69 = dials with special co (simili stones)60 = white colour61 = black colour62 = blue colour63 = yellow colour64- -69 = other colours70- -79 = dials with diamonds第九位:代表表带Reference number of bracelet:1 = hard-metal/hard-metal with gold links3+4 = metal5+6 = leather7 = hard-metal (economic -version)9 =various宝珀表全系列型号编码规则解释宝珀的编号通常情况为3段字符的组合方式(每段通常为4位或2位数字,也可能在在最后数字后附加字符):NNNN(C)-NNNN(C)-NNNN(C),实例:6263-3642A-55B第一组四位数:表示手表的款式和机芯型号举例6263,62表示手表属于Villeret系列,63表示搭载机芯为Cal.6763(编号后两位与机芯后两位相同)附加字符为字母F,代表Flyback飞返计时附加字符为字母S,代表skeletonisation镂空附加字符为字母P,代表同时两种复杂功能,如双追针万年历附加字符为字母Q,代表同时三种复杂功能,如双追针陀飞轮万年历第二组四位数:(前两位)表示表壳材质举例6263-3642A-55B,其中36代表这只手表是Carat Gold 750 红金材质11 -- 不锈钢12 -- 钛金属13 -- 不锈钢和K金14 -- YG750 黄金15 -- WG750 白金19 -- 白金和镶钻外圈29 -- 红金和镶钻外圈31 -- 玫瑰金和镶钻外圈34 -- Pt950 铂金35 -- 白金和镶钻内圈36 -- RG750 红金37 -- 红金和镶钻内圈45 -- 不锈钢和镶钻外圈 (两行镶钻)46 -- 不锈钢和镶钻外圈49 -- 白金和全表镶钻52 -- 白金和条钻外圈60 -- 白金和两行弧形镶钻外圈62 -- 红金和条钻外圈65 -- 不锈钢和橡胶附加字符为字母A,代表红金和钛材质附加字符为字母B,代表表壳采用拉丝处理第二组四位数:(后两位)表示手表的面盘信息举例6263-3642A-55B,42代表象牙乳白色面盘/doc/6418320803.html, 00 -- 蓝宝石水晶18 -- 白面和黄金刻度27 -- 白面和白金刻度28 -- 白面和钻石刻度30 -- 黑面和白金刻度30A -- 黑色水肺Aqualung30M -- 黑色军表Military36 -- 银质香槟色40 -- 蓝面和白金刻度40M -- 蓝面军表Military41 -- 珍珠贝母面和女表刻度42 -- 乳白面和K金刻度44 -- 珍珠贝母面和罗马刻度46 -- 哈瓦那棕色面和罗马刻度48 -- 哈瓦那棕色面54 -- 珍珠贝母面和星型钻石55 -- 黑面和条钻刻度63 -- 抛光白金面和173颗钻石82B -- 白面和12点钟心型钻石88 -- 珍珠贝母面和心型钻石91 -- 珍珠贝母面和8颗心型钻石92 -- 珍珠贝母面和13颗心型钻石97 -- 四颗心型钻石2AN --深灰面2GC -- 浅灰面2RO -- 粉红面附加字符为字母A,代表英文面盘读数显示,如3642A,A表示星期和月份显示为英文第三组两位数:代表表带/表链信息举例6263-3642A-55B,55代表鳄鱼皮带11 -- 不锈钢表链31 -- 全黄金表链34 -- 全铂金表链35 -- 全白金表链50 -- 小牛皮皮带52 -- 绸缎表带53 -- 鳄鱼皮皮带,内衬防汗橡胶55 -- 鳄鱼皮皮带56 -- 蟒蛇皮皮带58 -- 鸵鸟皮皮带63 -- barennia皮带,有内衬64 -- 水肺Aqualung 橡胶带66 -- 不锈钢和橡胶带71 -- 飞返计时Flyback 不锈钢表链73 -- 飞返计时Flyback 黄金表链75 -- 飞返计时Flyback 白金表链76 -- 飞返计时Flyback 红金表链95 -- 可更替五条表带96 -- 白金表链和131颗镶钻97 -- 女式鳄鱼皮皮带附加字符为字母B,代表抛光折叠表扣!劳力士系列和型号oyster------蚝式date------日历datejust----单历day-date------双历(简称d---d)speedking------速度王precision------精准offically------官方认证chronometer------天文台certified------认证perpetual------永动submariner------潜水prince------劳力士王子型anti-magnetic------防磁army------军表sea-dweller------海上航行者(最有名的“海底人”深潜1200米)daytona------迪通那(戴托那)chronograph------计时表ceillini------切里尼......................(有不对的地方,待高手续补修正!)劳力士也有不印字的称为“super oyster”(super oyster是很古老的一种防水形式,早就不用了。

Omega price

Omega price
mega日本國報價錶(Dec. 5th 2010)——Jean Philippe 型號 1272.10 1272.30 1272.75 1277.10 1277.15 1277.30 1277.70 1277.75 1286.75 1302.10 1312.10 1312.30 1357.77 1360.75 1360.76 1361.71 1362.10 1362.30 1362.70 1365.71 1365.75 1368.71 1368.73 1368.74 1368.75 1371.71 1372.10 1372.30 1372.70 1376.71 1376.75 日本國公價:日円JPY-&yen 港幣HKD-HK$(匯率:100.000:9.373) 人民幣CNY-RMB¥(匯率:100.000:8.075) ¥165,900.00 HK$15,549.81 ¥13,396.43 ¥164,850.00 HK$15,451.39 ¥13,311.64 ¥258,825.00 HK$24,259.67 ¥20,900.12 ¥287,175.00 HK$26,916.91 ¥23,189.38 ¥333,900.00 HK$31,296.45 ¥26,962.43 ¥292,425.00 HK$27,409.00 ¥23,613.32 ¥300,825.00 HK$28,196.33 ¥24,291.62 ¥334,425.00 HK$31,345.66 ¥27,004.82 ¥417,900.00 HK$39,169.77 ¥33,745.43 ¥197,400.00 HK$18,502.30 ¥15,940.05 ¥177,450.00 HK$16,632.39 ¥14,329.09 ¥177,240.00 HK$16,612.71 ¥14,312.13 ¥250,425.00 HK$23,472.34 ¥20,221.82 ¥324,450.00 HK$30,410.70 ¥26,199.34 ¥314,790.00 HK$29,505.27 ¥25,419.29 ¥174,300.00 HK$16,337.14 ¥14,074.73 ¥144,690.00 HK$13,561.79 ¥11,683.72 ¥144,165.00 HK$13,512.59 ¥11,641.32 ¥150,465.00 HK$14,103.08 ¥12,150.05 ¥281,400.00 HK$26,375.62 ¥22,723.05 ¥312,900.00 HK$29,328.12 ¥25,266.68 ¥272,790.00 HK$25,568.61 ¥22,027.79 ¥290,325.00 HK$27,212.16 ¥23,443.74 ¥248,325.00 HK$23,275.50 ¥20,052.24 ¥279,300.00 HK$26,178.79 ¥22,553.48 ¥183,540.00 HK$17,203.20 ¥14,820.86 ¥154,665.00 HK$14,496.75 ¥12,489.20 ¥153,090.00 HK$14,349.13 ¥12,362.02 ¥164,850.00 HK$15,451.39 ¥13,311.64 ¥300,825.00 HK$28,196.33 ¥24,291.62 ¥331,800.00 HK$31,099.61 ¥26,792.85



T02.1.285.71T02.1.285.61T02.1.285.51T02.1.265.71市场价:2550市场价:2550市场价:2550市场价:2250T02.1.255.71T02.1.215.61T02.1.225.51 T02.1.285.74市场价:2250市场价:2250市场价:2250市场价:3400T02.1.285.54T014.410.11.057.00T014.410.11.047.00T014.410.11.297.00市场价:3400市场价:2850市场价:2850市场价:2850T014.410.11.037.00T014.410.16.057.00T014.410.16.037.00T014.430.11.057.00T014.430.11.037.00T014.430.16.057.00T014.430.16.037.00T005.517.11.047.00市场价:4500市场价:4100市场价:4100市场价:4500T005.517.11.277.00T005.517.11.057.00T17.1.586.32T17.1.586.52市场价:4500市场价:4500市场价:3500市场价:3500T17.1.586.42T17.1.526.52T17.1.516.32T22.1.686.51市场价:3500市场价:3100市场价:3100市场价:3350T22.1.686.31T22.1.686.41T22.1.386.51T22.1.386.31T22.1.386.41T028.410.11.037.00T028.410.11.057.00T028.417.11.037.00市场价:3350市场价:2950市场价:2950市场价:3600T028.417.11.057.00T028.市场价:3600市场价:2700市场价:2700市场价:2700T028.市场价:3150市场价:3150 市场价:3300市场价:3300T031.410.11.053.00T031.410.11.033.00T031.市场价:2700市场价:2700市场价:4350市场价:4350T41.5.413.73T41.1.423.33T41.1.183.53T41.1.183.33市场价:4650市场价:3850市场价:4350市场价:4350T035.407.11.051.00T035.407.11.031.00T038.430.11.057.00T038.430.11.037.00市场价:5150市场价:5150市场价:4650市场价:4650T52.1.481.31T52.1.281.31T52.2.481.13T52.2.281.13T52.2.481.31T52.2.281.31T52.5.481.21T52.5.281.21市场价:2200市场价:2200市场价:2200市场价:2200T97.2.483.51T97.2.483.31T97.5.483.31T97.1.483.51市场价:5100市场价:5100市场价:5500市场价:4500T97.1.483.31T97.1.483.41T97.2.183.51T97.2.183.31市场价:4500市场价:4500市场价:5100市场价:5100T97.1.183.51T97.1.183.31T97.1.183.41T95.1.483.51T95.1.483.31T95.2.483.31T95.2.483.51T95.1.183.51市场价:3100市场价:3500市场价:3500市场价:3100T95.1.183.31T95.2.183.31T95.2.183.51T91.1.486.31市场价:3100市场价:3500市场价:3500市场价:3050T91.1.486.41T91.1.486.51T91.1.426.31T91.1.426.51市场价:3050市场价:3050市场价:2650市场价:2650T91.1.488.31T91.1.428.51T91.1.418.31T050.市场价:3500市场价:3800市场价:2100市场价:2100T038.430.11.067.00T007.309.11.116.00T007.309.11.116.00T007.309.11.056.00市场价:4750市场价:4600市场价:4600市场价:4600T009.市场价:3350市场价:3350市场价:3550市场价:3550T039.417.16.057.00T039.417.16.037.00。







指针指示不在零位的调整时,以瑞士ETA G10.211机芯为例子,说下具体调整步骤:瑞士产的ETA G10.211机芯应该范围很广,通常用在比较便宜的手表牌子中,具有代表性的手表就是天梭,它的特点是表盘6点位上是走时的小秒针,表盘10点位上是码表的分针,2点位上是码表的1/10秒计时,在3点或4点位上有个日历窗口。


(二)码表1/10秒的校正在中心秒针在停走状态下,将表把B拔出到2档位,按动A钮,按一次,码表的时针前进一格,就这样一步一下的, 直到校正到0点位置,然后完全推进表把B 到1位,存储确认。

(三)码表分针的校正在中心秒针在停走状态下,将表把B拔出到3档位,按动A钮,按一次,码表的分针前进一格,就这样一步一下的, 直到校正到30分位置(或零位),然后完全推进表把B到1位,存储确认所有步骤参见照片所示,手表表把有3个档位,分别为(1)完全推进时是正常档位;(2)快拨日历档位;(3)拨针档位。



IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMEMADE IN SWITZERLANDWorn in160 countriesAcross5 ContinentsWhile Tissot SA has tried to accurately display shapes and colours of the products in this magazine, the actual colours you see mostly depend on the print and the real colours may therefore differ.TOUCH COLLECTION10_ Tissot T-Touch Expert12_ Tissot T-Touch Expert Pilot 12_ Tissot T-Touch Diamonds 13_ Tissot T-Touch II14_ Tissot Sea-Touch16_ Tissot Sailing-Touch18_ Tissot Touch Navigator 18_ Tissot Touch Silen-T 19_ Tissot PRC 10024_ Tissot T-Race MotoGPLimited Edition 201026_ Tissot T-RaceNicky HaydenLimited Edition 201028_ Tissot PRS 51630_ Tissot PRC 20033_ Tissot PRS 20034_ Tissot Veloci-T36_ Tissot PRS 33037_ Tissot Couturier40_ Tissot Generosi-T42_ Tissot Odaci-T42_ Tissot T343_ Tissot T-Wave44_ Tissot Glam Sport46_ Tissot Lovely47_ Tissot Six-T48_ Tissot Equi-T48_ Tissot My-T49_ Tissot Stylis-T50_ Tissot Le Locle52_ Tissot Dressport54_ Tissot Lady Heart56_ Tissot T-One57_ Tissot T-Lord58_ Tissot Everytime60_ Tissot Ballade III61_ Tissot Carson62_ Tissot PR 10063_ Tissot Classic Dream64_ Tissot PR 50T-TRENDT-SPORT T-CLASSIC65_ Tissot Heritage 150th Anniversary 66_ Tissot Heritage Visodate68_ Tissot Heritage 200968_ Tissot Heritage 200869_ Tissot Heritage Porto70_ Tissot Heritage Prince I 71_ Tissot Chronograph Lady71_ Tissot Chronograph Gent72_ Tissot Sculpture Line75_ Tissot Nubya75_ Tissot Fine Lady76_ Tissot Carson77_ Tissot Bridgeport77_ Tissot Oroville78_ Tissot Satellite79_ Tissot Ball Watch80_ Musical Season by TissotHERITAGE T-GOLD T-POCKETIN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMEW e claim to be “IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIME” – and our technologies, products and activities prove every day that we really are.The entire Tissot team, including our ambassadors, is committed to keeping in tune with your lifestyles. We use high-tech materials and techniques to design and create watches that take the pace, in terms of quality, functionality and style. These products are brought to you via cutting-edge retail environments and events, plus a selection of interactive platforms, geared to enable you to keep in touch with our latest product and brand news 24/7.Tissot has a tradition of innovation and we are determined to take that pioneering spirit into the future. Join us on our next (ad)ventures!www.tissot.ch– join us on /tissotFrançois ThiébaudPresident5Tissot Navigator. 24 time zones.19531987Tissot Pearlwatch. The first watch made of mother of pearl.Ch. F . Tissot & Fils pocket watch. Firstproduction of Tissot pocket watches.18531965Tissot PR 516Automatic Seastar. Bracelet with cut-out holes, inspired bythe racing driver’s steering wheel.Tissot Antimagnétique. First antimagnetic watch.19301985 Tissot Rockwatch. The fi rst watch made of stone (granite from the Swiss Alps).Tissot Porto. Art Deco Style with its tonneau-shaped case.19191978Tissot F1. Offi cial watch of the Lotus Racing team.Ch. F . Tissot & Fils “Banana” wristwatch. Re-edition in 1991 as Tissot Classic Prince.19161971 Tissot IDEA 2001 (Astrolon). The fi rst plastic mechanical watch .Self-winding Tissot watch.19441986 Tissot Two Timer. Analogue and digital time, activated by a single crown.2004Tissot Navigator 3000. The timein 150 countries and cities.2005Tissot Precious Flower. Turn the bezel to reveal the petals.2006Tissot PRS 516 Retrograde.Tissot Woodwatch.The fi rst watchmade of wood.1988Tissot Titanium 7. Seven functions.19982008Tissot T-Touch Expert.2009Tissot Sea-Touch.2010Tissot Veloci-T Automatic Chronograph. A revolutionary new chronograph movement,C01.211, introducedby Tissot.Tissot Silen-T. Vibrating hours tell the time through touch technology.2002Tissot Heritage 150th Anniversary watch.2003Tissot T-Collection. T3 with diamonds.1999Tissot T-Touch. The 6 functions touch screen watch.1999TISSOT AMBASSADORSBarbie Xu Actress and singer Danica PatrickIndyCar ® driver andfi rst lady ever to win anIndyCar ® race Deepika Padukone Actress and model Margherita Granbassi 2006 World Fencing ChampionS C A N A R s a s t e g r t d e r e a d e m a r r k o f t h e N a t o n a A s s o c a t o n f o r S t o c k C a r A u t o R a c n g . I n c®8TISSOT AMBASSADORSMichael Owen European Footballer of the Year 2001Nicky Hayden2006 MotoGP WorldChampionTom Lüthi2005 MotoGP 125ccWorld ChampionZhong Man2008 OlympicSabre ChampionHuang XiaomingActor and singer9IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMETissot T-Touch Expert T013.420.44.202.00Tissot T-Touch ExpertT013.420.47.201.00Tissot T-Touch ExpertT013.420.17.207.0011Tissot T-Touch Expert Pilot T013.420.46.207.00Tissot T-Touch Diamonds T33.7.858.8512Tissot T-Touch II T047.420.17.051.01Tissot T-Touch IIT047.420.47.207.00Tissot T-Touch IIT047.420.44.207.0013Tissot Sea-Touch T026.420.17.281.02Tissot Sea-Touch T026.420.11.051.0014NOITCELLOCHCUOT IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIME15IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIME17Tissot Sailing-Touch T056.420.27.051.00Tissot Sailing-Touch T056.420.27.031.00Tissot Sailing-Touch T056.420.27.041.00Tissot Touch Navigator T96.1.428.52Tissot Touch NavigatorT96.1.488.52Tissot Touch Silen-TT40.1.426.5118T-SPORTTissot PRC 100 T008.417.44.061.00Tissot PRC 100T008. World Championships21 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championships FIBA Chinese Basketball Association22FIE Fencing World ChampionshipsNascar ® Sprint Cup SeriesN A S C A R ® i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o f t h e N a t i o n a l A s s o c i a t i o n f o r S t o c k C a r A u t o R a c i n g . I n c23 AFL Australian Football LeagueT-SPORTTissot T-Race MotoGP Limited Edition 2010T048.417.27.201.0024(0001 / 8000)T ISSOT T-R ACE M OTO GP LIMITED EDITION 2010IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMEIN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMETissot T-Race Nicky Hayden Limited Edition 2010T048.417.27.051.0127(0001 / 4999)Tissot PRS 516 T044.430.21.041.00Tissot PRS 516T044.430.26.031.00Tissot PRS 516T044.430.21.051.0028Tissot PRS 516 T044.417.21.031.00Tissot PRS 516T044.417.27.051.00Tissot PRS 516T044.614.21.051.0029Tissot PRC 200 T014.410.11.057.00Tissot PRC 200 T014.410.16.037.0030Tissot PRC 200 T014.421.16.057.00IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMETissot PRC 200 T014.427.11.051.01Tissot PRC 200T014.427.16.111.00Tissot PRC 200T17.1.586.5232Tissot PRS 200 T17.2.486.33Tissot PRS 200T17.1.486.5333Tissot Veloci-TT024.427.27.011.00 34Tissot Veloci-TT024.427.11.051.00Tissot Veloci-TT024.417.27.011.00Tissot Veloci-TT024.417.17.051.0035Tissot PRS 330T036.417.17.057.02Tissot PRS 330T036.417.17.057.0036Tissot Couturier T035.407.11.051.00Tissot CouturierT035.410.16.051.00Tissot CouturierT035.407.36.051.0037 T-TRENDIN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMEA UT OM A TI CC HRON O G RAP HTissot Couturier T035.617.16.031.00Tissot Couturier T035.627.16.051.0139T-TRENDIN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMETissot Generosi-T T007.309.11.116.01Tissot Generosi-TT007.309.11.116.00Tissot Generosi-TT007.309.11.053.0041Tissot T3T042. T3T042. Odaci-T T020. Odaci-T T020. T-Wave T02.2.285.82Tissot T-Wave T02.1.285.74Tissot T-Wave T02.1.285.5243Tissot Glam Sport T043. Glam SportT043. Glam SportT043. Glam SportT043. TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMEIN TOUCH WITH YOUR TIMETissot LovelyT058. LovelyT058. LovelyT058. Six-TT02.1.181.84Tissot Six-TT02.1.181.71Tissot My-T T037.309.11.037.01Tissot Equi-T T58.1.325.50Tissot Equi-T T58.1.215.31Tissot My-T T037.309.11.057.0048。



































计算公式 :1小时=3600秒,那么500公里需要3600秒完成,根据等比原则,1公里需要的时间就是3600/500=7.2秒,所以500一定是刻在表盘的7.2秒处。



*指针式石英表用户手册显示和功能➊ 秒针➋ 分针➌ 时针➍ 日期*➎ 星期*➏ 月相*祝贺祝贺您选择了世界知名瑞士钟表品牌天梭 (TISSOT ®) 的腕表产品。



本用户手册适用于所有TISSOT ®石英表、光动能石英表和自动石英表。



在设置时间、日期*或星期*前,您必须首先将表冠拧松至位置IB ,然后将其拉出至位置II 或III 。



自动石英表若要为自动石英表上弦,使表冠在位置I (带螺旋拧紧式表冠的表款为位置IB ) 处旋转约50圈。

然后借助摆陀的摆动 (其本身由腕部运动驱动),自动上弦系统确保机芯完全上满弦。


光动能石英表若要为腕表蓄能,只需将表盘暴露在太阳光或者人工光下即可 (无需利用表冠上弦)。


设置时间将表冠拉出至位置III ,然后顺时针或逆时针旋转以设置所需的时间。

对于带有秒针的部分表款,您可通过某个官方时间信号 (收音机/电视机/互联网) 进行时间同步。

当表冠被拉出至位置III 时,秒针停止。

一旦时间同步,将表冠推回位置I (对于带有螺旋拧紧式表冠的表款,还需将表冠拧紧)。


将表冠拉出至位置II ,顺时针旋转直至显示所需的日期,调校星期请逆时针旋转。



















Copyright©博看网. All Rights Reserved.79第345期保险法商精讲主书名:《保险法商精讲》作者:杜钘格ISBN:9787121444906出版社:电子工业出版社创业开公司主书名:《创业开公司》 作者:乔杨ISBN:9787121444708出版社:电子工业出版社创业并不是一条简单的路,而是一场艰苦的修行。







华为军团作战主书名:《华为军团作战:重塑行业服务模式与经营格局》作者:易鸣ISBN:9787121447006出版社:电子工业出版社华为公司全球技术服务部原副总裁、亚太地区部原副总裁王旭东、中软国际流程 IT 业务线总裁邵兆署亲做推荐序。


天梭表 背景介绍
秉承"创新,源于传统 的品牌理念 的品牌理念, 秉承 创新,源于传统"的品牌理念,天梭自 创新 1853年成立以来就一直是制表工艺与创新技术的 年成立以来就一直是制表工艺与创新技术的 先驱。今天, 先驱。今天,天梭已成为全球最大的腕表制造商 和经销商-斯沃琪 斯沃琪( 和经销商 斯沃琪(Swatch)集团的一员。在过去 )集团的一员。 超过156年里,总部设于瑞士侏罗山脉(Jura)边 年里, 超过 年里 总部设于瑞士侏罗山脉( ) 力洛克( 力洛克(Le Locle)小镇的天梭,目前已在 )小镇的天梭,目前已在150多 多 个国家拥有销售网络及分支机构。 个国家拥有销售网络及分支机构。 天梭在创新领域的领先地位得益于其对高科技 产品、特殊材料和先进功能的研发。 产品、特殊材料和先进功能的研发。凭借销售网 络更广泛、品种更多样、 络更广泛、品种更多样、价格却比任何其它瑞士 传统品牌更具吸引力的优质腕表, 传统品牌更具吸引力的优质腕表,天梭还实践了 它对"让卓越触手可及 的承诺。 让卓越触手可及"的承诺 它对 让卓越触手可及 的承诺。
• 美度表于1918年在瑞士苏黎士创立。 • 拜戈表于19世纪末。 • 天梭是在1853年
天梭在市场上占有绝对的优势,天梭表 具有传统瑞士手表的四个基本特征:蓝 宝石水晶玻璃表镜、316L精钢,防水深 度达30米以上、全原装的瑞士机芯。一 般来说,具备上述四个基本要素的手表, 成本很少能低于2000元。而天梭作为瑞 士手表的入门品牌,其主力价位在3000 元到6000元之间,因此定价合理
• TAISOT天梭品牌设计理念崇尚本色、自然。 以简约、精致、个性的风格还本归原。人本 精神为主体的设计指导思想,倡导现代衣着 感观与精神体验的结合。使产品兼备舒适、 品味与体贴。理想主义元素的加入,使产品 韵味十足。而紧贴国际最新服装潮流的设计 方法配合品牌表现的时尚背景,强烈的时空 差异使产品呈现出更富魅力的时尚感 。



We would like to thank you for choosing a TISSOTwatch, a Swiss brand among the most highly renownedin the world. Your T-TOUCH watch has the most recent technical innovations. It gives you a constant analogue time display and a variety of digital displays.In addition, the following functions can be accessed simply by touching the glass: Weather, Altimeter, Chronograph, Compass, Alarm and Thermometer.T-TOUCH EXPERT User’s Manual*天气、高度、秒表、指南针、 闹钟、温度等功能。

感谢感谢您选择享誉世界的瑞士名表:天梭表 T-touch表具有最新的技术创新,呈现给您持久的指针时间显示和各种不同的数字显示。

值得一提的是,下属功能都可以通过简单的触摸屏幕获得:Active touch-sensitive glass触摸屏激活显示标志上图中,各小图标解释:(表示页码),以下相同第3页setting > tiMes t & t2setting >DAtePressing and holding or will move the hands forward or backward. After a full revolution, the minutes hand will stop and the hourhand advances/reverses in steps of one hour. time t2 is set in steps of 15 minutes.Activate glass Time t or t2 display(example: T): forward 1 min.: back 1 min.(hands and display)Activate glass Date displaythe calendar is perpetual, i.e. the number of days per month is predefined. in continuous setting, the days scroll past slowly at first, and thenquicker. After a full month, the calendar scrolls in months, and then likewise in years.1 sec.1 sec.2 sec.: forward one day:back one dayActivating thetouch-sensitive glass Activating the light setting modeselect a functionTouch one of the 7 touch-sensitive areasof the glass to activate thecorresponding function.Display modeWhen the glass is activated, thesymbol will flash on the digitaldisplay.If the glass is not touched,it will automatically deactivate after15 seconds.exception: In compass and altitudedifference meter mode, the glass willdeactivate after 30 seconds2 sec.Default display:move display and/or handposition forward:move display and/or handposition backwardIf no manipulation for10 seconds, the setting modeis deactivated.The display light will stay onfor 5 seconds.Return toDate display一般使用信息表发出嘀一声触摸屏激活时,数字显示屏上显示T标志不触摸屏幕,屏幕会在15秒后自动处于非激活状态,在指南针和高度计状态,触摸屏在30秒后处于非激活状态激活亮灯按压2秒表发出嘀声亮灯持续亮秒选择功能触摸表盘上的7处触摸位置激活相应功能设定模式表发出嘀声+:向前调整-:向后调整10秒内无操作,自动退出设置功能显示模式激活显示屏返回日期显示设置>时间1和时间2按压+或-向前或向后移动指针,旋转一圈后,分针停止,时针转动一个小时,时间2只能按15分钟间隔设置激活触摸屏点击中央区域时间或时间2显示按压+按钮2秒进入设置模式+:向前调整1秒-:向后调整1秒设置>日期激活显示屏点击中央区域日期显示进入设置模式-:向后一天units displaysetting > units setting > BeeP Select mode 12/24 hours – in 12 hour mode, the letter A (AM) or P (PM) appears be-tween minutes and seconds when setting the timeBeep displaysetting modeDeactivating the sound silences adjustment beeps but not the alarms.Activate glassoptions display (see page 3)Switch to sub-menus:units displayAutomatic switch to standby mode after5 seconds Beep every secondBack to units displayAt any time: exit sub-menu – back to date displayclimate zone displayBeep display1 sec.按如图操作,激活显示屏按如图操作,其它选项显示按如图操作,进入子菜单,显示单位按如图操作, 鸣叫模式显示按如图操作,5秒钟后自动进入 待机模式,每秒钟鸣叫一次按如图操作 显示气候区按如图操作,返回 单位显示任何时候点击中间按钮,退出子菜单,返回日期显示设置>单位按如图所示操作, 在单位显示时按+按钮2秒,进入 设置模式按+按钮,选择使用12或24小时模式, 在12小时模式,在分和秒之间会显示 A或P字母,分别代表上午和下午按如图操作,完成设置在12小时模式时,日期按月天年 显示,在24小时模式时,日期按天月 年显示设置鸣叫模式按如图操作,进入鸣叫模式按如图操作,进入设置模式按压+或-按钮,激活或关闭鸣叫模式关闭鸣叫模式不会关闭闹钟的鸣叫setting > heMisPheRe AnD cliMAte zoneto get the best from the altimeter function, it is possible to adjust thehemisphere and climate zone to your geographic location. select yourclimate zone according to the simplified Koeppen climate classification(see illustration on right).if the watch is not set ("no set"), the standard atmosphere model is used: settemperature at sea level = 15°c, mean pressure at sea level: 1013.25 hPaclimate zone display setting mode Select hemisphere:north =North,south =Southnot set =not setTemperate Mediterraneanstandby mode is a battery economy mode. All the functions are deactivated, with only the time & date counters updated.this mode economises the battery when the watch is not being worn.Back to time & date modeb) / : stop the count,the watch does not switch to standby modea) The watch is in standbyAutomatic switch to standbymode after 10 secondsBeep every secondBack to time & date modeor设置>待机模式待机模式是一种省电模式,除了更新时间,所有的功能均关闭鸣叫10秒后,该表自动进入待机模式表处于待机模式点击中间按钮,返回时间日期模式按+或-按钮,表不进入待机模式返回日期时间模式设置>所处地球半球和气候区设置为了更好的实现高度显示功能,应当设置所处半球和时区如果没有设置,缺省使用1013.25hPa,可按右图设置,图中颜色代表如下:地中海按如图操作,显示时区按+按钮2秒,进入设置模式选择所处半球:North北半球South南半球not set 不设置WeAtheRActivate glassRelative pressure display in hPa: up one hectopascal : down one hectopascalValidate settingsetting this pressure changes the altitude displayed. the possible relative pressure is deliberately limited between 950 hPa and 1100 hPa.Absolute pressure display in hPasetting > RelAtive PRessuRe PResetting 1 sec.in weather mode, the hands are superimposed to indicate the weather trend.or if they are not correctly superimposed when accessing the functions.the watch is desynchronised when its electric motor’s mechanism is disturbed due to heavy impacts for example. n.B.: the glass must be active to access the synchronisation mode.units displaysynchronisation setting mode The hands should beperfectlysuperimposed in the 12 o'clock positionsynchronised Desynchronised表针和数字显示同步表针和数字显示不同步表针和数字显示不同步时,需要校正两者同步按如图操作,显示 单位按中间按钮5秒,进入同步模式 表针应当精确重叠在12点位置天气在天气模式下,表针重叠以指示天气趋势激活显示屏按图中操作,显示相对压力按图中操作,显示绝对压力设置>相对压力预设设置该压力会改变高度显示。

天梭七夕献礼 心嫒系列“开心”上市

天梭七夕献礼 心嫒系列“开心”上市

品牌 体 验 臼活 动 ,构 建 了 一 个 与 消 费 者 近距 离 沟 通 的 平 台 ,使 消 费 者纵 观 沃 尔 沃 传 承 八 十 余 载 的 科 技 创 新 与 辉 煌 成 就 , 以及 在 国 际 市 场 上 的 良好 声 誉 和
天梭 七 献礼 心 嫒系 列 “ ’ 开・ 上市
1 .7万 元 。 89
c me c ie ‘ 囊敬 乡"2 1 a l t a v ‘ 探 0 0冬季 莉 毫户 布 匍发
近 日 ,引 导 都 市休 闲 生 活 形 态 的 德 国休 闲 男 装 品牌 c m 1 c ie在 上 海 a e a t v 举 办 了主 题 为 “ 索 故 乡 ”的 2 1 探 O O冬 季 新 品 流 行 趋 势 发 布 会 。 在 时 尚无 处 不 在 的 今 冬 ,c m ] a t v ae c i e以更 开放 的设 计 灵 感 诠 释 未 来 生 活 ‘ 归 自然 ” 的 本 质 。 ‘ 回
最 新 时 尚 力作 — — 心 媛 系 列 镂 空 机 械 自动 腕 表 。 镂 空 机 芯 有 “ 开 心 扉 ”之 意 ,也 打
寓意 “ 心 ” 开 。
338 3 6833 57 13 4 733
本季 c m ]atv a e c i e新 品采 用 了抗 起 球纱 混 纺 、 防 缩 丝 光 羊 毛 、 纳 米 抗 皱 丝 、 纳 米 弹
0 0中国汽 车 CS 榜大换 血 21 I 荣 威再 次艇进 四强
7月 3 0日, 国 际 权 威 汽 车 评 级 机 构 JDP w r ..o e 亚太 公 司 正 式 发 布 了最 新 的 2 1 0 0 年 中 国售 后服 务满 意 度 指 数调 研 (S ) 告 , C I报

Tissot 海星系列自动机械男表 158_EN 使用说明书

Tissot 海星系列自动机械男表 158_EN 使用说明书

*G10-212User’s Manual6030354045510152025TISSOT1853860306045153075613248ABHour hand Minute handSeconds hand (direct-drive) Calendar30-minute counter 60-second counter 1/10 second counter3-position crownI Neutral position (screwed down*, not pulled out)II S ynchronisation and date setting position (unscrewed*, half pulled out)III Time-setting position (unscrewed*, fully pulled out)Display and functionsChronograph modelFootball modelHour hand Minute handSeconds hand (direct-drive) Calendar45-minute counter 60-second counter Match phase counter 3-position crown I Neutral position II D ate-setting position III T ime-setting positionAcknowledgementsThank you for choosing a chronograph from TISSOT®, a Swiss brand among the most highly renowned in the world. Meticulously designed, using only the highest quality materials and components, your chronograph is protected against shock loads, variations in temperature, water and dust.This user manual applies to TISSOT® quartz chronographs with a G10.212 movement, and is divided into several model-specific chapters.The Chronograph model enables you to measure events lasting up to 30 minutes, and offers you the following functions:• Standard chronograph function (START/STOP); • “ADD” function (partial times);• “SPLIT” function (intermediate times).The Football model enables you to time football matches, and offers you the following functions:• Half counter;• Added time counter;• Extra time counter.To ensure that your chronograph operates with perfect precision for many years to come, we advise you to pay careful attention to the advice given in this user manual.Chronograph model - UseModel with a screw-down crownTo ensure even better water resistance, certain models are fitted with a screw-down crown. Before setting the time or date, you must first unscrew the crown to position IB , so that you can pull it out to position II or III .Important! After every operation, the crown must be screwed back down to maintain the water-resistance of the watch.Setting the time• Pull the crown out to position 3, and turn it forward or backward to set the desired time.• Synchronise the small seconds hand at 6 o’clock with an official time signal (radio/TV/Internet), by pulling the crown out to position 3; the hand will stop. Once the time is synchronised, push the crown back into position 1.WindingQuartz watches do not need to be wound.Setting the date• Pull the crown out to position II and turn it anticlockwise until the desired date is displayed.Simple timingThe «simple timing» function enables you to measure isolated events.START, press ASTOP , press ATime readout (as per example opposite):- 5 minutes, - 57 seconds,- 7/10ths of a second Reset, press BSTART, press ASTOP Readout, press A RESTART, press A STOP Readout, press ARESTART, press A STOP Readout, press A Reset counters, press BNB: before each timing operation, the chronograph hands must be at their start points. If necessary, refer to the “Resetting the counters” paragraph.Note: all the timing functions are available with the crown pressed into position I .Tachymeter (depending on model):The tachymeter allows you to measure the speed of an object moving at a constant speed. Start the chronograph and then stop it when you have travelled a distance of 1 km; the chronograph hand will be pointing to a number on the tachymeter scale indicating the speed in km/h.ADD function (partial times)The “ADD” function enables you to measure consecutive events without having to reset in between. Each time is added to the previous total.0031ABSTART, press A SPLIT 1, press B Time 2 readout - 5 minutes, - 4 seconds,- 6/10ths of a secondRESTART, press B SPLIT 2, press B Time 2 readout - 15 minutes, - 36 seconds,- 8/10ths of a secondRESTART, press B STOP , press AFinal time readout (cumulative time)- 25 minutes, - 18 seconds,- 4/10ths of a second Reset counters, press BSPLIT-TIME function (intermediate times)The SPLIT-TIME function enables you to stop the hands to read an intermediate time, without interrupting the timing. When you restart, the chronograph hands “catch up” to the ongoing elapsed time.313131AAABBBChronograph model - SettingsResetting the countersThe chronograph hands may need to be reset if they are not in the 12 o’clock position at rest. If necessary, proceed as follows:Pull the crown out to position II ;I IIPress push-button A to select the hand to reset;- the selected hand will turn through a complete revolution.Press push-button B to move the hand to the correct position; - 12 o'clock precisely.Press push-button A to select the next hand;Follow the same procedure for the 3 hands;Push the crown back into position I to exit reset mode.Football model - UseTiming a football matchThe timing function allows you to time all the phases of a football match.Note: all the timing functions are available with the crown in position I .Procedure:6030354045510152025TISSOT 86030604515306030354045510152025TISSOT8603060451530(2)(1)(3)(1)(2)(3)AA6030354045510152025TISSOT86030604515303525(2)(1)(3)APress A to start timing from the first whistle; - hand (1) will indicate the first half; - hand (2) will indicate the seconds; - hand (3) will time the minutes.At half-time, press A to stop timing; - hand (1) will indicate the first half; - hands (2) and (3) will stop.When the second half kicks off, press A to resume timing;- hand (1) will indicate the second half;- hands (2) and (3) will move back to the 12 o'clock position, and then start timing again.6030354045510152025TISSOT 86030604515306030354045510152025TISSOT8603060451530(2)(1)(3)(3)AA6030354045510152025TISSOT8603060451530ABAfter the end of normal time, hands (2) and (3) will indicate the stoppage time;When the final whistle blows, press A to stop timing; - hand (1) will indicate the end of normal time.If extra time is to be played, press A again to start timing; - h and (3) will move to the 9 o'clock position to measure the 15 minutes of the first half of extra time.Press A to stop the active timing.Press B to reset the watch to time the next match.ResetNote: to reset the watch, there must be no active timing.6030354045510152025TISSOT 86030604515306030A BI II Modèle Football - SettingsResetting the indicatorsThe football chronograph hands (45-min and 60-second) and the match phase counter hand may need to be reset if they are not in the 12 o’clock position at rest.Pull the crown out to position II - the hands will move to the 12 o’clock position;Press push-button A to select the hand to reset;- the selected hand will turn through a complete revolution and return to the 12 o'clock position.Press push-button B to move the hand to the correct position; - 12 o'clock precisely.Press push-button A to select the next hand;Follow the same procedure for the 3 hands;Push the crown back into position I to exit reset mode.Water-resistanceTISSOT® watches are designed to withstand a pressure of up to 3 bar (30 m / 100 ft), 5 bar (50 m / 165 ft), 10 bar (100 m / 330 ft), 20 bar (200 m / 660 ft) or30 bar (300 m / 1000 ft), depending on the information shown on the case-back.A watch cannot be permanently guaranteed absolutely water-resistant. It may be affected by ageing of the gaskets or by an accidental impact on the watch. We recommend that you have your watch's water resistance checked once a year by an approved TISSOT® service centre.Care and maintenanceTemperatureDo not expose your watch to sudden temperature changes (exposure to sunlight followed by immersion in cold water) or extreme temperatures (over 60°C (140°F) or below 0°C (32°F)).Magnetic fieldsDo not expose your watch to intense magnetic fields such as those generated by speakers, mobile phones, computers, refrigerators or other electromagnetic appliances.Shocks and impactsAvoid thermal shocks or impacts, since they may harm your watch. In the event of a violent impact please have your watch checked by an approved TISSOT®service centre.Harmful productsPrevent your watch from coming into any direct contact with solvents, detergents, perfumes, cosmetic products etc., since they may damage the bracelet, the case or the gaskets.CleaningWe would advise you to clean your watch regularly (except for the leather strap) using a soft cloth and lukewarm soapy water. After immersion in salty water, rinse your watch in fresh water and leave it to dry completely.ServicesLike any precision instrument, a watch must be serviced regularly for optimum operation. As a general rule, we recommend that you have your watch checked every 3 to 4 years by your approved TISSOT® retailer or service centre. However, please note that depending on the climate and the conditions of use of the watch, a shorter interval may be required. To benefit from the highest standards of service and to ensure your guarantee remains in force, please always contact an approved TISSOT® retailer or service centre.Availability of spare partsFrom the stoppage date of the watch production, TISSOT® guarantees the availability of its spare parts for a minimum period of 10 years for standard watches, and for a period of up to 20 years for gold watches. If for any reason production of a particular spare part is stopped or deferred, TISSOT® reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to offer the customer an alternative solution.Replacing the batteryTISSOT® quartz watches have the incomparable precision of quartz. Their power reserve is usually more than 2 years in continuous use (depending on how often the watch functions are used).Replacing the batteryOnce the battery has been drained, it must be replaced without delay by a TISSOT® approved service centre. Battery type: silver oxide and zinc button cell, 1.55V, no.394.Collection and treatment of end of life quartz watches*This symbol indicates that this product should not be disposed of as household waste. It must be returned to an approved collection point. By following this procedure you will contribute to safeguarding the environment and human health. Recycling the materials will help to conserve natural resources.* Valid in European Community member states and in any countries with comparable legislation.。

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