




Ab initio从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。


Acquittal罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。


Adjourn休庭,押后法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭30分钟,称为“adjourned for 30 minutes”。

如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“adjourned to a date to be fixed”。


Allegation声称诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:The Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendant’s breach of contract,原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。


Assault殴打,侵犯以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为Assault,一般性质的殴打,称为“Common Assault”;严重者称为Aggravated Assault;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为Indecent Assault。

As is现状“As is”常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。

“The property is and will be sold on an “as is” basis …”即物业将会以其现状出售。



常用法律英语词汇注解Ab initio从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。


Acquittal罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。


Adjourn休庭,押后法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭30分钟,称为“adjourned for 30 minutes”。

如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“adjourned to a date to be fixed”。


Allegation声称诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:The Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendant’s breach of contract,原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。


Assault殴打,侵犯以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为Assault,一般性质的殴打,称为“Common Assault”;严重者称为Aggravated Assault;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为Indecent Assault。




Balance of Probabilities可能性较高者这是民事案件中举证的标准,法庭对原告和被告所提出的证据,认为那一方的可信性较高,便会判处该方胜诉。



L1:cause of action 诉因,案由social norm 社会规范substantive law, 实体法,立法procedural law,程序法resolve disputes, 争端解决public law 公法private law 私法constitutional law, 宪法administrative law, 行政法criminal law, 刑法sources of law, 法律渊源coercive force, ?强制力?civil law system,民事法律制度Roman law, 罗马法judge-made law, 法官法common law system, 普通法系case law, 判例法binding precedent, 有约束力的先例judicial decision, 司法判决in effect,生效的the United States Congress 美国国会L2:substantive right, 实体性权利at issue,choice of law rule,法律选择规范conflict of law, 法律冲突choice of forum, 法庭选择intermediate appellate court, 中间上诉法院trial court, 审判法庭court of limited jurisdiction, 有限管辖法院inferior court, 低级法院,下级法院court of general jurisdiction, 普遍管辖权法院at the discretion of,由....自由裁量district court, 地方法院state court, 州法院the federal court system,联邦法院系统subject matter jurisdiction,对事管辖权amount in controversy, 争议数额diversity jurisdiction, 多元管辖circuit court 巡回法院“federal question” jurisdiction, 联邦问题管辖the United States Court of Appeals, 美国上诉法院the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, 哥伦比亚区的上诉法院the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, 联邦巡回上诉法院original jurisdiction,初审管辖the Supreme Court of the United States, 美国最高法院appellate jurisdiction 上述管辖L3:adversary system, 当事人主义judicial process,司法程序legal controversy, 法律争议regulatory legislation, 规范性法规enabling legislation, 授权性法规trial procedure, 审判程序find the facts, apply the law,法律适用civil case, 民事案件criminal case, 刑事案件the inquisitorial system, 纠问制pre-trial investigation,庭前审查mode of trial, 庭审模式settlement offer,direct examination,直接质证cross examination, 间接质证procedural safeguard,程序保护interested parties 当事人due process, 正当诉讼程序, admissibility of evidence,证据的可采纳性resort to law, 诉诸法律resort to force 诉诸武力L4:commence a lawsuit, 提起诉讼bring sb. into court, 提起诉讼courts of inferior jurisdiction, file with 把...登记备案federal jurisdiction, minimum contact最低限度的联系personal jurisdiction, 对人管辖权service of process,送达程序under penalty of default judgment, legal relief, 法律救济service by publication, 公告送达make a motion to dismiss, 驳回动议pleading-in-answer, 答辩状affirmative defense, 积极抗辩counter-claim, 反诉n essence实质上L5:the opposing party, 对方pre-trial discovery,审前取证take depositions of, 录取誓词question sb. under oath,经宣誓后质问某人lay a basis for, 为....打基础written interrogatory, 质询书interrogating party, 质询方personal injury case,人身伤害案compulsory physical examination,强制体检the pending action, 待决判决the violating party,违反的一方pretrial conference, 审前会议settle the suitsummary judgment, 即决判决decide the case in favor of,做出有利动议方的判决legitimate function,合法功能notice of trial,set the case for trial, 把案件提交庭审jury trial陪审团判决的案件L6:an action for damages,金钱赔偿诉讼constitutional provision,impanel the jury,组成陪审团challenge for cause,相对异议peremptory challenge, 绝地异议opening statement,公开声明发言directed verdict, 指令性裁决the non-moving party,非动议方charge the jury, 给陪审团上课burden of proof,举证责任preponderance of evidence, 优势证据the losing party,post-trial motion, 审后动议judgment n.o.v.否定陪审团裁决的判决L7:render a judgment on default, 作出缺席判决writ of execution,执行令judgment creditor, 判决债权人judgment debtor,判决债务人reverse the judgment, 推翻原判written brief, ruling of law, 法治..(注意不是法制)affirm the judgment, 维持原判modify the judgment, 改判concurring opinion, 同意意见dissenting opinion, 反对意见res judicata, 已决案件set aside attachment 驳回L8criminal process, 刑事程序deprive sb. of ,剥夺某人的find sb. guilty, 发现某人有罪the right to remain silent,保持沉默的权利the right to bail, double jeopardy,一事不再罚summary arrest,即行逮捕grand jury,大陪审团preliminary hearing,预审nolo contendere,不争辩不提异议plead guilty, 服罪plea bargaining,认罪辩诉协议on probation, 在缓刑期间,在监外执行期suspended sentence,缓刑reverse the conviction, 推翻犯罪writ of certiorariL9 (Unit 2,L1)Chief Justice, lay down, provide for,the judiciary, commander-in-chief,prime minister, American presidency,presidential democracy, regulatory agency,the Interstate Commerce Commission,the Federal Trade Commission,the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission,the Civil Aeronautics Board, congressional election, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation,the Export-import Bank, House of Representatives, the Federal Reserve Bank System, Secretary of State, express legislative competency, maritime law, President of the Senate, enter into force,two-thirds majority, election district。



专心翻译 做到极致常用法律英语词汇注解Pardon赦免 指犯人透过赦免而被撤销判罪或判刑,而当犯人被赦免后,他不可以再次因同一案件再被定罪。

Partial intestacy 部份无遗嘱继承 指死者在遗嘱内,并未完全包括死者所有的遗产。


Personal service 专人送达 由送达人员亲身将法庭或律师楼文件交到收文件人手上。


Personam对人 与rem 对物相对。


Petition请求 在法律上,一个Petition 可以是离婚的请求,亦可以是破产的请求,是以一个请求状的形式带出的。

Physical possession实体占有 Physical possession 有别于其它的possession ,因为若对象是在一个人的实体占有,即表示那人手上真正占有该对象。



Plaintiff原告 通常在诉讼过程中,向被告人发出告票的一方为原告,原告可以是个人或是法团,亦可以是政府。

Possessory title土地占有权 这个土地占有权,并没有任何契据所支持,主要因为占用人已将物业占有了一段长时间,而并没有人提出反对的话,占有人便可因此而将土地注册,成为土地的注册拥有人。

专心翻译 做到极致Power of Attorney委托书 以契约形成,将个人的某些权力,委派于他人身上。




12398 2008-10-9 9:34:32Ab i nitio“The contract was void ab initioAccusedAccused Defendant RespondentAcquittal“The accused is acquitted AcquittalAdjourn30 “adjourned for 30 minutes “adjourned to a date to be fixedAffidavitAffidavit AffirmationAllegationThe Plaintiff alleged that his loss was due to the Defendant's breach of contract AllegationAssaultAssault “Common Assault Aggravated Assault Indecent AssaultAs i s“As is “The property is and will be sold on an ”as is“basis …”BailBalance of ProbabilitiesBeyond reasonable doubt“benefit of doubtBinding“binding This provisional agreement is a binding contractBody CorporationLimited CompanyBurden of ProofCause of ActionCautionCertified CopyChamber“Chamber “hearing in chambersChargeCharge 1. Legal Charge 2. This case has more than one charge 3. The company charged its property for the loan 4.ClaimStatement of Claim Particulars of ClaimConcurrent SentenceConsecutive SentenceConsiderationContempt of CourtContributory NegligenceCopyrightCounterclaimCustodyCustody Custody of ChildrenDecree“decree nisi” “decree absolute decree nisiDeedDefamationDefenceDependantDisclaimerDisclaimerDiscovery of documentsDistraintDomicile[ ] [ ]Estoppel“StopEx P arte“Inter ParteFalse ImprisonmentFiduciary DutyForthwithThe outstanding sum should be settled forthwith.FrivolousFrivolousGarnisheeGuarantee(Guarantor) Deed of GuaranteeHearingHearsay evidenceImplied t ermInfringementUsing a registered trade mark without its owner's permission is a serious infringement of the owner's proprietary right.InjunctionInstrument(Instrument of Transfer)Inter alia" "Interim order(Interim Maintenance Order)Interlocutory14Intestacy<< >> (Administrator)Intra vivres( ultra vivres)Ipso factoIssueIssue 1. This writ was issued more than one year. 1 2. The issue of this action is the date of the contract. 3. None of his issues will be benefited from his estate.Joint tenancy(Tenancy in Common) " "LapseThis offer will be lapsed automatically after the time limit.LeaveLeave " " It is necessary to seek the Court's leave to file a document out of time.LienLimitation period6 12 3Liquidated damagesListingMaintenanceMeritsMesne profitsMisappropriationMitigation1.2.Natural childnatural child (legitimate) (illegitimate)NegligenceNext friendNon e st f actum?Non est factum non est factum it is not my deedNotice to quit( )Nullity of MarriageObiter dictumOfficial ReceiverOnus of proofBurden of ProofOpen Contract( )Order of dischargeOrdinary resolutionextraordinary resolution ( ) special resolution ( )OverrulingPardonPartial intestacy( )Personal servicePetitionPetitionPhysical possessionPhysical possession possessionPlaintiffPossessory titlePower of AttorneyPre-emptionPre-emptionPremiumPresumption of deathProhibition OrderQuantumQuantumQuestion of fact** ** **Question of LawQuilt enjoymentReckless driving(careless driving)ReconciliationRedemptionRefresher feerefresher feeRegistered officeReliefRemandRemoteremoteRequisitionRestraint of tradeRule o f l awSeal"Sign seal and deliver"Secondary evidenceSeverance payments24Sine d ie"adjourned sine die"SlanderSmugglingSpecific performanceStatement of affairsStatement of affairsSub-lettingSub-rogationTenant in common,Tomlin o rderTracingTraining centre14-21TrespassTrustUnascertained goodsUndertakingundertaking undertakingUndue influenceUnsecuredV acant possessionV erdictVicarious liabilityV oidV oir d ireV oluntary dispositionWard of courtWarranty, , .WillWounding17 19 30 40Writ of fieri faciasWrit of possessionYouth custody centreZealous w itness。



完整版)法律专业英语词汇Part 1: 刑法词汇1.罪犯(criminal):犯罪行为的实施者。







8.贩毒(drug trafficking):非法交易毒品或在毒品交易中参与。


10.洗钱(money laundering):将非法获取的资金合法化。

Part 2: 民事法词汇1.合同(contract):双方达成的书面或口头协议,产生法律效力。





6.法定继承人(legal heir):根据法律规定,有权继承遗产的人。


8.违约(breach of contract):不履行或违反合同中规定的义务。

9.诉讼费用(n costs):诉讼过程中产生的费用,如律师费、鉴定费等。

10.司法鉴定(judicial appraisal):法院指定的专门机构对相关事实或证据进行鉴定。

Part 3: 行政法词汇1.行政机关(administrative organ):政府管理机关,行使行政权力。

2.行政处罚(administrative penalty):行政机关根据法律或法规对违法行为采取的处罚措施。

3.行政许可(administrative license):行政机关根据法律或法规对特定行为发出的批准文件。



♦implied term 默示条款合约中并没有明文订立的条款,但因为事实的需要,法例的规定或者有关行业的惯例,在合约中加诸的条款。


♦infringement 侵犯权利一般指侵犯了他人的民事权利,多用于知识产权的侵占行为。

例:using a registered trade mark without its owner’s permission is a serious infringement of the owner’s proprietary right. 盗用他人注册商标是一项严重的侵犯权利行为。

♦injunction 禁制令禁制令是法庭颁下禁止某项行为或不行为,受禁人必须遵从命令的指示,例如不可以接近某人等,或者清除所有非法僭建物等,不理会禁制令等于是藐视法庭,可以被判罚款甚至监禁。

♦instrument 文书,文件处理法律事务及作为证据的文件,例如股份转让时用的转让文书(instrument of transfer)。

♦inter alia 其它以外在法律文件书信中,经常会出现这个拉丁词,意思是在“当中列出这一项”,即是尚有其它事项。

interim order 暂时命令指在诉讼过程中暂时性的命令,例如在离婚呈请中法庭所颁下的暂时性赡养费令(interim maintenance order),在案件审理后,法庭再判定永久性命令,以取代该暂时性命令。

interlocutory 中途的指令法庭在诉讼过程中发出的指令,例如指定双方在14天内交换文件清单,或者批准其中一方申请延期将文件送交法庭存盘等。

intestacy 无遗嘱逝世后没有留下遗嘱,死者的遗产便须要按照<<无遗嘱者遗产条例>>分配,但在进行遗产分配之前,在该条例中指明合资格的人,应先向高等法院的遗产承办处申请成为死者的遗产承办人(administrator),然后负责分配死者的遗产。



常见法律英语词汇注解1、A mensa et thoro——法定分居A mensa et thoro is a Latin term meaning "from table and bed" which became used in English as "from bed and board."A kind of divorce which does not dissolve the marriage bond, but merely authorizes a separate life of the husband and wife. Neither spouse has the right to remarry where there is a divorce a mensa et thoro; only parties who have been awarded a divorce a vinculo matrimonii, the more common type of divorce, can do so.【注】即一种不解散婚姻关系的离婚。


2、A vinculo matrimonii——解除婚姻、离婚literally "from the bond of marriage." Such a divorce generally enables the parties to marry again.【注】意为“解除婚姻关系”。

3、Ab initio——自始无效[Latin, From the beginning; from the first act; from the inception.]。

An agreement is said to be “void ab initio(自始无效)”if it has at no time had any legal validity. The illegality of the conduct or the revelation of the real facts makes the entire situation illegal ab initio (from the beginning), not just from the time the wrongful behavior occurs.【注】形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。






1. 责任 (Liability)定义责任是指义务的存在,可以是道德上的,也可以是法律上的。



2. 滥用权利 (Abuse of rights)定义滥用权利指行使自己的权利,超出了合理和公正的限度,对他人造成了伤害。



3. 委托 (Agency)定义委托是指一方(委托人)授权另一方(代理人)以其名义进行特定的行动。



4. 法律诉讼 (Litigation)定义法律诉讼是指通过法律程序解决争议,包括案件的提交、证据收集和在法庭上辩论。



5. 损害赔偿 (Damages)定义损害赔偿是指在财产、身体、名誉或其他途径等方面造成的损害后的赔偿。




AAb initio从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。


如reach an accord达成和解协议,accord and satisfaction和解与清偿等。




如The foreign investor has acquired more than 10 PRC domestic enterprises engaging in related industries within a year. 外国投资者一年内并购中国境内关联行业的企业超过10个。

Acquittal罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。



如:Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Minister may, on the recommendation of the Commission, direct the Commission to act or forbear from。



1. Agreement:协议,合同,是指双方或者多方认可的一项书面契约,具有法律效力,通常涉及到经济、商务等领域。

2. Clause:条款,协议或者合同的构成部分,每个条款都有其独立

3. Covenant:盟约,契约,是指有权威参与者之间达成的关于遵守

4. Disclosure:披露,是指当事人告知关于双方权利义务的相关信息。

5. Indemnity:赔偿,该条款规定,当被起诉或者拒绝执行合同时,

6. Liability:责任,是指其中一行为可能导致其中一实体承担法律

7. Negotiations:谈判,协商,是指双方或者多方通过对话、讨论

8. Obligation:义务,是指一些行为是必须要执行的,一旦发生的

9. Precedent:先例,指一类案件的案例判决,可以供未来例似案件

10. Warrant:授权,是指特定的一实体具有代表另一实体或者特定


有约束力的“binding”通常的解释是连结一起,但法律上则多用作有约束力的,例如:Thisprovisional agreement isabinding contract。这份临时协议是有法律约束力的。
Body Corporationﻫ法人团体经法律程序而产生具有与自然人相同法律地位的组织,例如:根据公司条例注册成立的有限公司LimitedCompany,可以拥有资产,可以向外借贷,可以提出控诉,也可以被申索。法人团体没有自然的死亡因素,所以必须经法律程序才可以将它消除。ﻫBurdenofProof举证责任无论是刑事或民事案件,提出控诉的一方,都负有举证的责任,即是向法庭提出证据,支持控诉和申索的事由。虽然在一般的情况下,向法庭举证是主控和原告的责任,但如果被告在刑事案中被法庭判罪之后,再被受害人以民事追讨赔偿,则在有关的民事诉讼中,如果被告否认他对受害人的损失需要负上赔偿的责任,被告便有责任向法庭举证,支持他的抗辩。
Chamberﻫ办公室诉讼律师和法官的办公室,称为“Chamber”。诉讼程序中有部份的聆讯是在法官的办公室中进行的,称为内庭聆讯”hearingin chambers”,内庭聆讯只准许当事人及其法律代表出席。
收费,控罪,抵押,押记Charge可以是名词,也可以是动词,它包含了多个不同的解释:ﻫ1. 是提供服务的收费,例:Legal Charge律师收费;
2.是刑事控罪,例:Thiscase hasmorethan onecharge这案



对,否则都会颁出永久判令。 Deed 契约 是一种特别的合约,须要经过当事人签署、盖章并送交对方才算有效,契约上的盖章在法律 上被视为一种有效的约因。 Defamation 诽谤 非法破坏他人名誉的行为,口头的毁谤和以书面的永久形式诽谤都可以构成民事索偿的 理据或者刑事罪行。 Defence 抗辩 刑事或民事案件中的被告,否认有关的指控或申索,同时提出反对的支持事实。 Dependant 受养人 是指某人的某些家庭成员,需要依靠这个人提供的经济来支持生活,如果这个人因意 外死亡,他的受养人因而遭受损失,是有权追究责任,要求赔偿有关的损失。 Disclaimer 弃权,否认 是指某人愿意放弃法律上的某项权益,如果这项权益是以书面确认,则这份文件 称为 Disclaimer。此外,也可以是指对某个声称或指控作出否认的行为。 Discovery of documents 披露文件 在民事诉讼的程序中,原告和被告都需要向法庭及对方披露其所持有关 于该案件的所有文件,基于公平、公开和公正的法律原则,是“所有与案有关的文件”都需要披露,而 不是只披露对自己有利的文件。 Distraint 封租 租客拖欠租金,业主可以根据租约条文向法庭请求封租令,将租客留在物业中的物品充公 拍卖,偿还所拖欠的租金和封租的费用。 Domicile 居藉 是一个人定居的地方,[居藉]与[居所]不同,每一个人只可以有一个居藉,但却可以多于 一个居所,居藉可以是以出生地为居藉,也可以自行选择移居的居藉,也可以是法律界定的居藉,一个 人的法律地位受其居藉影响。 Estoppel 不可反言 是“Stop”的意思,法律上不容许否认经已作出的行为,或者不容许引申某项违反公 平原则的争辩。 Ex Parte 单方 在公平的原则下,诉讼的程序一般都是以双方“Inter Parte”形式进行,即是与讼双方同时 有机会向法庭作出申辩。但在某些特殊的情况下,例如对申请人有人身或财物安全的迫胁,或者不让对 方有机会毁灭证据等,是可以容许以单方形式进行。例如以单方传票向法庭申请禁制令,禁止对方将子 女擅自携离香港。 False Imprisonment 非法禁锢 非法禁锢是一种刑事罪行,也是一种侵权行为,不单是指将受害人拘禁的 行为,同时是指无合法理由而禁止他人自由离开的行为。触犯非法禁锢罪行,可以被警方控诉,也可以 被受害人追讨赔偿损失。 Fiduciary Duty 诚信责任 公司董事和受托人等,因为其身处位置,对委托人或有关的受益人都负有诚信 的责任,基本上,诚信责任就是不能以位或权而谋私,凡事均以委托人的利益为前题。 Forthwith 立即 法律书信经常用的副词,是立即的意思,例:The outstanding sum should be settled forthwith. 应该立即清还所欠的款项。其实,所谓立即,可以理解为最短的合理时间。 Frivolous 琐屑无聊 民事诉讼中原告的申索理由,或者被告的抗辩理据,如果是 Frivolous 琐屑无聊,对 方可以根据高等法院规则向法庭申请,将该申索或抗辩剔除诉讼理由 提出诉讼,必须要有合理的事实根据,缺乏合理的诉讼理由,对方不但可以向 法庭请求剔除有关的诉讼,同时可以要求赔偿浪费了的律师费及其它费用。 Caution 警诫词 执法人员(警察及海关人员等)在拘捕疑犯时,提醒疑犯保持缄默的权利的警告说话。 执法人员在没有给予疑犯警诫词的情况下所录取的供词,可能不会被法庭接纳为有效的证供。 Certified Copy 核证副本 指经律师或其它合资格人士核证的文件副本,核证副本都有核证人的签署和核 证日期,以确认该副本进行了核证,除特别声明必须用文件正本的情况外,核证副本一般都视为有效的 文件。 Chamber 办公室 诉讼律师和法官的办公室,称为“Chamber”。诉讼程序中有部份的聆讯是在法官的办公 室中进行的,称为内庭聆讯”hearing in chambers”,内庭聆讯只准许当事人及其法律代表出席。 Charge 收费,控罪,抵押,押记 Charge 可以是名词,也可以是动词,它包含了多个不同的解释:1. 是 提供服务的收费,例:Legal Charge 律师收费;2. 是刑事控罪,例:This case has more than one charge 这案件包含多于一项的控罪;3. 是借贷的抵押,例:The company charged its property for the loan 这间公 司以其物业作为借款的抵押;4. 是对法定债务人的物业的押记,用以偿还有关的法定债务。 Claim 申索 民事诉讼的传票中,原告须要将其向被告申索的事由详细列明,称为 Statement of Claim 或 Particulars of Claim。 Concurrent Sentence 合并判决 刑事案中的被告犯了两项或以上的罪名同时成立,但各项罪名的判刑同时 执行,例如第一项罪的判刑是一年监禁,而第二项罪的判刑是监禁两年,两项罪合并判决,被告只需要 被服刑两年。 Consecutive Sentence 连续判决 刑事案中的被告所犯的不同罪行,是以连续判决执行,则被告需要分别服 刑,例如一项罪被判了两年,另一项罪则被判了三年,被告便需要连续服刑五年,才会被释放。 Consideration 对价,约因 合约是订约方自愿建立的法律关系,是一方以有价值的代价或者承诺以换取对 方的承诺或代价,这些合约中的承诺或代价称为对价或约因,缺乏有效的对价或约因,合约便不能成立。 Contempt of Court 藐视法庭 是一种严重的罪行,可以被判罚款或监禁。藐视法庭包括不遵守法庭命令、 违反对法庭作出的承诺,妨碍司法公正等行为。 Contributory Negligence 分担疏忽 意外中的伤者对意外的造成及他自己的受伤程度,需要分担部份疏忽 的责任,他所获得的赔偿额也会相对地减少。 Copyright 版权 是作者对他所创作的作品的发表、翻印、复制等专有权利,版权在作品完成后便自动产 生及受法律保护,毋须经过任何注册程序,但必须为原创作品才拥有版权。 Counterclaim 反申索,反诉 在民事诉讼中,被告对原告作出申索,而该申索的事实和理据与原告的申索 是有关连的,反申索是一项独立的申索,所以原告必须对反申索作出适当的响应,例如进行抗辩等。 Custody 保管,监护,拘留 一般而言,Custody 这个名词是指对对象的保管或拥有,但在家事法中,Custody of Children 是指对未成年子女的监护权;而在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。 Decree 法庭判令 法庭聆讯后所作出的判令,可以分成暂时性判令“decree nisi” 和永久性判令 “decree absolute”,常见于离婚呈请的程序。一般而言,法庭颁出 decree nisi 后,在指定的期限过后,除非收到反



常⽤法律英语词汇详解常⽤法律英语词汇详解 法律,是国家的产物,是指统治阶级(统治集团,就是政党, 包括国王、君主),为了实现统治并管理国家的⽬的,经过⼀定⽴法程序,所颁布的基本法律和普通法律。

下⾯是常⽤的法律英语词汇,希望扩⼤法律相关词汇的童鞋不妨看看! Concurrent Sentence 合并判决 刑事案中的被告犯了两项或以上的罪名同时成⽴,但各项罪名的判刑同时执⾏,例如第⼀项罪的判刑是⼀年监禁,⽽第⼆项罪的判刑是监禁两年,两项罪合并判决,被告只需要被服刑两年。

Consecutive Sentence 连续判决 刑事案中的被告所犯的不同罪⾏,是以连续判决执⾏,则被告需要分别服刑,例如⼀项罪被判了两年,另⼀项罪则被判了三年,被告便需要连续服刑五年,才会被释放。

Consideration 约因 合约是订约⽅⾃愿建⽴的法律关系,是⼀⽅以有价值的代价或者承诺以换取对⽅的承诺或代价,这些合约中的承诺或代价称为约因,缺乏有效的约因,合约便不能成⽴。

Contributory Negligence 分担疏忽 意外中的伤者对意外的造成及他⾃⼰的受伤程度,需要分担部份疏忽的责任,他所获得的`赔偿额也会相对地减少。

Copyright 版权 是作者对他所创作的作品的发表、翻印、复制等专有权利,版权在作品完成后便⾃动产⽣及受法律保护,⽏须经过任何注册程序,但必须为原创作品才拥有版权。

Counterclaim 反申索 在民事诉讼中,被告对原告作出申索,⽽该申索的事实和理据与原告的申索是有关连的,反申索是⼀项独⽴的申索,所以原告必须对反申索作出适当的响应,例如进⾏抗辩等。

Custody 保管,监护,拘留 ⼀般⽽⾔,Custody这个名词是指对对象的保管或拥有,但在家事法中,Custody of Children 是指对未成年⼦⼥的监护权;⽽在刑事案件中,则指对被告的拘留。

Decree 法庭判令 法庭聆讯后所作出的判令,可以分成暂时性判令“decree nisi” 和永久性判令 “decree absolute”,常见于离婚呈请的程序。

法律英语常用词汇注解(doc 40页)

法律英语常用词汇注解(doc 40页)

法律英语常用词汇注解(doc 40页)常用法律英语词汇注解Ab initio从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“The contract was void ab initio”。


Acquittal罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“The accused is acquitted”。


AdjournAs is现状“As is”常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。

“The property is and will be sold on an “as is”basis …”即物业将会以其现状出售。




Balance of Probabilities可能性较高者这是民事案件中举证的标准,法庭对原告和被告所提出的证据,认为那一方的可信性较高,便会判处该方胜诉。


Beyond reasonable doubt无合理疑点这是刑事案件中举证的标准,控方向法庭提出的证据,必须是在合理的情况下并无疑点,法庭才会判处被告有罪。

刑事罪的后果对被告而言,较为严重,举证标准的要求也因此而较民事案严格,如果法庭认为证据有任何疑点,都会将疑点的利益“benefit of doubt”归于被告。

Binding有约束力的“binding”通常的解释是连结一起,但法律上则多用作有约束力的,例如:This provisional agreement is a binding contract。



法律英语词汇大全一、律师部分案件受理费court acceptance fee案情重大、复杂important and complicated case案由cause of action案子case包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件)被上诉人appellee被诉人respondent; defendant本案律师councel pro hac vice本地律师local counsel毕业证diploma; graduation certificate辩护词defense; pleadings辩护律师defense lawyer辩护要点point of defense辩护意见submission财产租赁property tenancy裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)裁决书award(用于仲裁)裁决书verdict(用于陪审团)采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests查阅法条source legal provisions产权转让conveyancing出差go on errand; go on a business trip出国深造further study abroad出具律师意见书providing legal opinion出示的证据exhibit出庭appear in court传票summons; subpoena答辩状answer; reply代理词representation代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations代理仲裁agency for arbitration代写文书drafting of legal instruments待决案件pending case当事人陈述statement of the parties第三人third party吊销执业证revocation of lawyer license调查笔录investigative record调查取证investigation and gathering for evidence调解mediation调解书mediation二审案件case of trial of second instance发送电子邮件send e-mail法律顾问legal consultants法律意见书legal opinions法律援助legal aid法律咨询legal counseling法庭division; tribunal法学博士学位LL.D (Doctor of Laws)法学会law society法学课程legal courses法学硕士学位LL.M (Master of Laws)法学系faculty of law; department of law法学学士学位LL.B (Bachelor of Laws)J.D ( juris doctor缩写,美国法学学士)法学院law school法院公告court announcement反诉状counterclaim房地产律师real estate lawyer; real property lawyer非合伙律师associate lawyer非诉讼业务non-litigation practice高级合伙人senior partner高级律师senior lawyer各类协议和合同agreements and contracts公安局Public Security Bureau公司上市company listing公诉案件public-prosecuting case公证书notarial certificate国办律师事务所state-run law office国际贸易international trade国际诉讼international litigation国内诉讼domestic litigation合伙律师partner lawyer合伙制律师事务所law office in partner-ship; cooperating law ofice 合同审查、草拟、修改contract review, drafting and revision会见当事人interview a client会见犯罪嫌疑人interview a criminal suspect兼职律师part-time lawyer监狱prison; jail鉴定结论expert conclusion缴纳会费membership dues举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi决定书decision勘验笔录record of request看守所detention house抗诉书protest控告人accuser; complainant跨国诉讼transnational litigation劳动争议labor disputes劳动争议仲裁委员会arbitration committee for labor disputes 劳改场reform-through-labor farm; prison farm利害关系人interested party; party in interest律管处处长director of lawyer control department律师lawyer attorney; attorney at law律师惩戒lawyer discipline律师法Lawyer Law律师费lawyer fee律师函lawyer’s letter律师见证lawyer attestation/authentication律师见证书lawyer certification/authentication/witness律师卷宗lawyer’s docile; file律师刊物lawyer’s journal律师联系电话contact phone number of a lawyer律师事务所law office; law firm律师收费billing by lawyer律师网站lawyer website律师协会National Bar (Lawyer) Association律师协会会员member of Lawyer Association律师协会秘书长secretary general of Bar (Lawyer) Association 律师协会章程Articles of Lawyer Assocition律师业务室lawyer’s office律师执业证lawyer license律师助理assistant lawyer律师资格考试bar exam; lawyer qualification exam律师资格证lawyer qualification certificate民事案件civil case民事调解civil mediation民事诉讼civil litigation派出所local police station; police substation判决judgement(用于民事、行政案件);determination(用于终审);sentence(用于刑事案);verdict(由陪审团作出)旁证circumstantial evidence企业章程articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw 企业重组corporate restructure起诉状information; indictment取消律师资格disbar全国律师代表大会National Lawyer Congress缺席宣判pronounce judgement or determination by default人民法院People’s Court人民检察院People’s Procuratorate认定事实determine facts上诉案件case of trial of second instance; appellate case上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal涉外律师lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters申请复议administrative reconsideration petition申请加入律师协会application for admission to Law Association 申请人petitioner; claimant申诉案件appeal case申诉人(仲裁)claimant; plaintiff申诉书appeal for revision, petition for revision实习律师apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period实习律师证certificate of apprentice lawyer视听证据audio-visual reference material适用法律apply law to facts受害人victim书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice司法建议书judicial advise司法局Judicial Bureau司法局副局长deputy director of Judicial Bureau司法局局长director of Judicial Bureau司法统一考试uniform judicial exam送达service of process诉讼litigation; action; lawsuit诉讼当事人litigation party; litigious party诉讼业务litigation practice诉状complaint; bill of complaint; statement of claim推销法律服务promote/market legal service外国律师事务所foreign law office委托代理合同authorized representation contract委托代理人agent ad litem; entrusted agent委托授权书power of attorney物证material evidence嫌疑人criminal suspect项目融资project financing项目谈判project negotiating刑事案件criminal case刑事诉讼criminal litigation行政诉讼administrative litigation休庭adjourn the court; recess宣判pronounce judgement; determination宣誓书affidavit业务进修attendance in advanced studies一审案件case of trial of first instance与国外律师事务所交流communicate with foreign law firms原告plaintiff证券律师securities lawyer证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit执行笔录execution record执业登记registration for practice执业范围scope of practice; sphere of practice; practice area 执业申请practice application执业证年检annual inspection of lawyer license仲裁arbitration仲裁案件arbitration case仲裁机构arbitration agency专门律师specialized lawyer专职律师professional lawyer; full-time lawyer撰写法律文章write legal thesis资信调查credit standing investigation自诉案件private prosecuting case二、诉讼法律案件case案件发回remand/rimit a case (to a low court)案件名称title of a case案卷材料materials in the case案情陈述书statement of case案外人person other than involved in the case案值total value involved in the case败诉方losing party办案人员personnel handling a case保全措施申请书application for protective measures报案report a case (to security authorities)被告defendant; the accused被告人最后陈述final statement of the accused被告向原告第二次答辩rejoinder被害人victim被害人的诉讼代理人victim’s agent ad litem被上诉人respondent; the appellee被申请人respondent被申请执行人party against whom execution is filed被执行人person subject to enforcement本诉principal action必要共同诉讼人party in necessary co-litigation变通管辖jurisdiction by accord辩护defense辩护律师defense attorney/lawyer辩护人defender辩护证据exculpatory evidence; defense evidence辩论阶段stage of court debate驳回反诉dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim驳回请求deny/dismiss a motion驳回上诉、维持原判reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling驳回诉讼dismiss an action/suit驳回通知书notice of dismissal驳回自诉dismiss/reject a private prosecution驳回自诉裁定书ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case补充答辩supplementary answer补充判决supplementary judgement补充侦查supplementary investigation不公开审理trial in camera不立案决定书written decision of no case-filing不批准逮捕决定书written decision of disapproving an arrest不起诉nol pros不予受理起诉通知书notice of dismissal of accusation by the court财产保全申请书application for attachment; application for property preservation裁定order; determination (指最终裁定)裁定管辖jurisdiction by order裁定书order; ruling裁决书award采信的证据admitted evidence查封seal up撤回上诉withdraw appeal撤诉withdraw a lawsuit撤销立案revoke a case placed on file撤销原判,发回重审rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial出示的证据exhibit除权判决invalidating judgement (for negotiable instruments)传唤summon; call传闻证据hearsay答辩answer; reply答辩陈述书statement of defence答辩状answer; reply大法官associate justices; justice大检察官deputy chief procurator代理控告agency for accusation代理申诉agency for appeal代理审判员acting judge代为申请取保候审agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving弹劾式诉讼accusatory procedure当事人陈述statement of the parties当庭宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court地区管辖territorial jurisdiction地区检察分院inter-mediate People’s Procuratorate第三人third party调查笔录record of investigation定期宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date定罪证据incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence冻结freeze督促程序procedure of supervision and urge独任庭sole-judge bench独任仲裁员sole arbitrator对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施compulsory measures against impairment of civil action对席判决judgement inter parties二审trial of second instance二审案件case of trial of second insurance罚款impose a fine法定证据statutory legal evidence法定证据制度system of legal evidence法官judges法警bailiff; court police法律文书legal instruments/papers法律援助legal aid法律咨询legal consulting法庭辩论court debate法庭调查court investigation法庭审理笔录court record法庭审理方式mode of court trial法庭庭长chief judge of a tribunal法院court法院公告court announcement反诉counterclaim反诉答辩状answer with counterclaim反诉状counterclaim犯罪嫌疑人criminal suspect附带民事诉讼案件 a collateral civil action附带民事诉讼被告defendant of collateral civil action复查reexamination; recheck复验reinspect高级法官senior judge高级检察官senior procurator高级人民法院Higher People’s Court告诉案件case of complaint告诉才处理的案件case accepted at complaint告诉申诉庭complaint and petition division工读学校work-study school for delinquent children公安部Ministry of Public Security公安分局public security sub-bureau公安厅public security bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government公开审理trial in public公开审判制度open trial system公示催告程序procedure of public summons for exhortation公诉案件public-prosecuting case公诉词statement of public prosecution公证机关public notary office共同管辖concurrent jurisdiction管辖jurisdiction国际司法协助international judicial assistance海事法院maritime court合议庭collegial panel合议庭评议笔录record of deliberating by the collegiate bench和解composition; compromise核对诉讼当事人身份check identity of litigious parties恢复执行resumption of execution回避withdrawal混合式诉讼mixed action基层人民法院basic People’s Court羁押期限term in custody级别管辖subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels监视居住living at home under surveillance监狱prison检察官procurator检察权prosecutorial power检察委员会procuratorial/prosecutorial committee检察院procuratorate检察院派出机构outpost tribunal of procuratorate简易程序summary procedure鉴定结论expert conclusion经济审判庭economic tribunal径行判决direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice 纠问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings拘传summon by force; summon by warrant拘留所detention house举报information/report of an offence举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi决定书decision军事法院military procuratorate开庭审理open a court session开庭通知notice of court session勘验笔录record of inquest看守所detention house可执行财产executable property控告式诉讼accusatory proceedings控诉证据incriminating evidence控诉职能accusation function扣押distrain on; attachment扣押物distress/distraint宽限期period of grace劳动争议仲裁申请书petition for labor dispute arbitration劳改场reform-through-labor farm劳教所reeducation-through-labor office类推判决的核准程序procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence累积证据cumulative evidence立案报告place a case on file立案管辖functional jurisdiction立案决定书written decision of case-filing立案侦查report of placing a case on file利害关系人interested party临时裁决书interim award律师见证书lawyer’s written attestation; lawyer’s written authentication律师事务所law office; law firm律师提前介入prior intervention by lawyer免于刑事处分exemption from criminal penalty民事案件civil case民事审判庭civil tribunal民事诉讼civil action民事诉讼法Civil Procedural Law扭送seize and deliver a suspect to the police派出法庭detached tribunal派出所police station判决judgement; determination判决书judgement; determination; verdict (指陪审团作出的)旁证circumstantial evidence陪审员juror批准逮捕approval of arrest破案clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case破产bankruptcy; insolvency普通程序general/ordinary procedure普通管辖general jurisdiction企业法人破产还债程序procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation 起诉filing of a lawsuit起诉sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings起诉状indictment; information区县检察院grassroots People’s Procuratorate取保候审the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving缺席判决default judgement人民调解委员会People’s Mediation Committee认定财产无主案件cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity上诉appeal上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal少管所juvenile prison社会治安综合治理comprehensive treatment of social security涉外案件cases involving foreign interests涉外民事诉讼foreign civil proceedings涉外刑事诉讼foreign criminal proceedings申请人applicant; petitioner申请书petition; application for arbitration申请执行人execution applicant申诉人宣誓书claimant’s affidavit of authenticity申诉书appeal for revision; petition for revision神示证据制度system of divinity evidence神示制度ordeal system审查案件case review审查并决定逮捕examine and decide arrest审查起诉阶段stage of review and prosecution审理通知书notice of hearing审判长presiding judge审判长宣布开庭presiding judge announce court in session审判管辖adjudgement/trial jurisdiction审判监督程序procedure for trial supervision审判委员会judicial committee审判员judge审问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings生效判决裁定legally effective judgement/order胜诉方winning party省市自治区检察院higher People’s Procuratorate失踪和死亡宣告declaration of disappearance and death实(质)体证据substantial evidence实物证据tangible evidence实在证据real evidence示意证据demonstrative evidence视听证据audio-visual evidence收容所collecting post; safe retreat首席大法官chief justice首席检察官chief procurator受害人的近亲属victim’s immediate family受理acceptance受理刑事案件审批表registration form of acceptance of criminal case 受送达人the addressee书记员court clerk书记员宣读法庭纪律court clerk reads court rules书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice司法机关judicial organizatons司法警察judicial police司法局judicial bureau司法厅judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government司法协助judicial assistance死缓的复核judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve死刑复核程序procedure for judicial review of death sentence死刑复核权competence for judicial review of death sentence送达service of process送达传票service of summons/subpoena送达诉状service of bill of complaint搜查search诉sue; suit; action; lawsuit诉前财产保全property attachment prior to lawsuit诉讼litigation; lawsuit; sue; action诉讼保全attachment诉讼参加人litigious participants诉讼代理人agent ad litem诉状complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim特别程序special procedures提起公诉institute a public prosecution铁路法院railway court铁路检察院railroad transport procuratorate庭审程序procedure of court trial通缉wanted for arrest投案appearance退回补充侦查return of a case for supplementary investigation委托辩护entrusted defense未成年人法庭juvenile court无行政职务的法官associate judge无正当理由拒不到庭refuse to appear in court without due cause无罪判决acquittal, fin ding of “ not guilty ”物证material evidence先予执行申请书application for advanced execution先予执行advanced execution刑事案件criminal case刑事拘留criminal detention刑事强制拘留criminal coercive/compulsory measures刑事审判庭criminal tribunal刑事诉讼criminal proceedings刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedural Law刑事自诉状self-incriminating criminal complaint行政案件administrative case行政审判庭administrative tribunal行政诉讼administrative proceedings行政诉讼法Administrative Procedural Law宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death宣判笔录record of rendition of judgement选民资格案件cases concerning qualifications of voters询问证人inquire/question a witness训诫reprimand讯问笔录record of interrogation询问犯罪嫌疑人interrogate criminal suspect言词证据verbal evidence要求传唤证人申请书application for subpoena一裁终局arbitration award shall be final and binding一审trial of first instance一审案件case of trial of first instance应诉通知书notice of respondence to action有罪判决sentence; finding of “guilty”予审preliminary examinantion; pretrial原告plaintiff院长court president阅卷笔录record of file review (by lawyers)再审案件case of retrial再审申请书petition for retrial责令具结悔过order to sign a statement of repentance债权人会议creditors’ meeting侦查阶段investigation stage侦查终结conclusion of investigation征询原、被告最后意见consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant 证据evidence证据保全preserve evidence证据保全申请书application for evidence preservation证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit支付令payment order/warrant知识产权庭intellectual property tribunal执行程序procedure execution执行逮捕execution of arrest执行和解conciliation of execution执行回转recovery of execution执行庭executive tribunal执行异议objection to execution执行员executor执行中止discontinuance of execution执行终结conclusion of execution指定辩护appointed defense指定仲裁员声明statement of appointing arbitrator中级人民法院intermediate People’s Court中途退庭retreat during court session without permission仲裁arbitration仲裁被诉人respondent; defendant仲裁裁决award仲裁申请书arbitration仲裁申诉人claimant; plaintiff仲裁庭arbitration tribunal仲裁委员会arbitration committee仲裁协议arbitration agreement; clauses of arbitration仲裁员arbitrator主诉检察官principal procurator助理检察官assistant procurator助理审判员assistant judge专门法院special court专门管辖specific jurisdiction专属管辖exclusive jurisdiction追究刑事责任investigate for criminal responsibility自首confession to justice自诉案件private-prosecuting case自行辩护self-defense自由心证制度doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence 自侦案件self-investigating case最高人民法院the Supreme People’s Court最高人民检察院the Supreme People’s Procuratorate最后裁决书final award三、民事法律法律渊源source of law制定法statute判例法case law; precedent普通法common law特别法special law固有法native law; indigenous law继受法adopted law实体法substantial law程序法procedural law原则法fundamental law例外法exception law司法解释judicial interpretation习惯法customary law公序良俗public order and moral自然法natural law罗马法Roman Law私法private law公法public law市民法jus civile万民法jus gentium民法法系civil law system英美法系system of Anglo-American law大陆法系civil law system普通法common law大陆法continental law罗马法系Roman law system英吉利法English law衡平法equity; law of equity日尔曼法Germantic law教会法ecclesiastical law寺院法canon law伊斯兰法Islamic law民法法律规范norm of civil law授权规范authorization norm禁止规范forbidding norm义务性规范obligatory norm命令性规范commanding norm民法基本原则fundamental principles of civil law平等原则principle of equality自愿原则principle of free will公平原则principle of justice等价有偿原则principle of equal value exchange诚实信用原则principle of good faith行为act作为act不作为omission合法行为lawful act违法行为unlawful act民事权利权利能力civil right绝对权absolute right相对权relative right优先权right of priority先买权preemption原权antecedent right救济权right of relief支配权right of dominion请求权right of claim物上请求权right of claim for real thing形成权right of formation撤销权right of claiming cancellation否认权right of claiming cancellation解除权right of renouncement代位权subrogated right选择权right of choice承认权right of admission终止权right of termination抗辩权right of defense一时性抗辩权momentary right of defense永久性抗辩权permanent counter-argument right不安抗辩权unstable counter-argument right同时履行抗辩权defense right of simultaneous performance既得权tested right期待权expectant right专属权exclusive right非专属权non-exclusive right人身权利personal right人权human right人格权right of personality生命健康权right of life and health姓名权right of name名称权right of name肖像权right of portraiture自由权right of freedom名誉权right reputation隐私权right of privacy私生活秘密权right of privacy贞操权virginity right身份权right of status亲权parental power; parental right亲属权right of relative探视权visitation right配偶权right of spouse荣誉权right of honor权利的保护protection of right公力救济public protection私力救济self-protection权利本位standard of right社会本位standard of society无责任行为irresponsible right正当防卫justifiable right; ligitimate defence防卫行为act of defence自为行为self-conducting act紧急避险act of rescue; necessity自助行为act of self-help不可抗力force majeure意外事件accident行为能力capacity for act意思能力capacity of will民事行为civil act意思表示declaration of intention意思表示一致meeting of minds; consensus完全行为能力perfect capacity for act限制行为能力restrictive capacity for act准禁治产人quasi-interdicted person保佐protection自治产人minor who is capable of administering his own capacity 无行为能力incapacity for act禁治产人interdicted person自然人natural person公民citizen住所domicile居所residence经常居住地frequently dwelling place户籍census register监护guardianship个体工商户individual business农村承包经营户leaseholding rural household合伙partnership合伙人partner合伙协议partnership agreement合伙财产property of partnership合伙债务debt of partnership入伙join partnership退伙withdrawal from partnership合伙企业partnership business establishment个人合伙partnership法人合伙partnership of legal person特别合伙special partnership普通合伙general partnership有限合伙limited partnership民事合伙civil partnership隐名合伙sleeping partnership; dormant partnership私营企业private enterprise; proprietorship法人legal person企业法人legal body of enterprise企业集团group of enterprise关联企业affiliate enterprise个人独资企业individual business establishment国有独资企业solely state-owned enterprise中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise中外合作企业Sino-foreign contractual enterprise社团法人legal body of mass organization财团法人legal body of financial group联营joint venture法人型联营association of legal persons合伙型联营coordinated management in partnership协作型联营cooperation-type coordinated management 合作社cooperative民事法律行为civil legal act单方民事法律行为unilateral civil legal act双方民事法律行为bilateral civil legal act多方民事法律行为joint act civil legal act有偿民事法律行为civil legal act with consideration无偿民事法律行为civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without award 实践性民事法律行为practical civil legal act诺成性民事法律行为consental civil legal act要式民事法律行为formal civil legal act不要式民事法律行为informal civil legal act要因民事法律行为causative civil legal act不要因民事法律行为noncausative civil legal act主民事法律行为principal civil legal act从民事法律行为accessory civil legal act附条件民事法律行为conditional civil legal act附期限民事法律行为civil legal act with term生前民事法律行为civil legal act before death死后民事法律行为civil legal act after death准民事法律行为quasi-civil legal act无效行为ineffective act可撤销民事行为revocable civil act违法行为illegal act; unlawful act侵权行为tort欺诈fraud胁迫duress乘人之危taking advantage of others’ precarious position以合法形式掩盖非法目的legal form concealing illegal intention恶意串通malicious collaboration重大误解gross misunderstanding显失公平obvious unjust误传misrepresentation代理agency本人principal被代理人principal受托人trustee代理人agent本代理人original agent法定代理人statutory agent; legal agent委托代理人agent by mandate指定代理人designated agent复代理人subagent再代理人subagent转代理人subagent代理权right of agency授权行为act of authorization授权委托书power of attorney代理行为act of agency委托代理agency by mandate本代理original agency复代理subagency次代理subagency有权代理authorized agency表见代理agency by estoppel; apparent agency律师代理agency by lawyer普通代理general agency全权代理general agency全权代理委托书general power of attorney共同代理joint agency独家代理sole agency居间brokerage居间人broker行纪commission; broker house信托trust时效time limit; prescription; limitation时效中止suspension of prescription/limitation时效中断interruption of limitation/prescription时效延长extension of limitation取得时效acquisitive prescription时效终止lapse of time; termination of prescription期日date期间term涉外民事关系civil relations with foreign elements冲突规范rule of conflict准据法applicable law; governing law反致renvoi; remission转致transmission识别identification公共秩序保留reserve of public order法律规避evasion of law国籍nationality国有化nationalization法律责任legal liability民事责任civil liability/responsibility行政责任administrative liability/responsibility刑事责任criminal liability/responsibility违约责任liability of breach of contract; responsibility of default 有限责任limited liability无限责任unlimited liability按份责任shared/several liability连带责任joint and several liability过失责任liability for negligence; negligent liability过错责任fault liability; liability for fault单独过错sole fault共同过错joint fault混合过错mixed fault被害人过错victim’s fault第三人过错third party’s fault推定过错presumptive fault恶意bad faith; malice故意deliberate intention; intention; willfulness过失negligence重大过失gross negligence疏忽大意的过失careless and inadvertent negligence过于自信的过失negligence with undue assumption损害事实facts of damage有形损失tangible damage/loss无形损失intangible damage/loss财产损失property damage/loss人身损失personal damage/loss精神损失spiritual damage/loss民事责任承担方式methods of bearing civil liability停止侵害cease the infringing act排除妨碍exclusion of hindrance; removal of obstacle消除危险elimination of danger返还财产restitution of property恢复原状restitution; restitution of original state赔偿损失compensate for a loss; indemnify for a loss支付违约金payment of liquidated damage消除影响eliminate ill effects恢复名誉rehabilitate one’s reputation赔礼道歉extend a formal apology物权jus ad rem; right in rem; real right物权制度real right system; right in rem system一物一权原则the principal of One thing, One Right物权法定主义principal of legality of right in rem物权公示原则principal of public summons of right in rem 物权法jus rerem物property生产资料raw material for production生活资料means of livelihood; means of subsistence流通物res in commercium; a thing in commerce限制流通物limited merchantable thing禁止流通物res extra commercium; a thing out of commerce 资产asset固定资产fixed asset流动资产current asset; floating asset动产movables; chattel不动产immovable; real estate特定物res certae; a certain thing种类物genus; indefinite thing可分物res divisibiles; divisible things不可分物res indivisibiles; indivisible things主物res capitalis; a principal thing从物res accessoria; an accessory thing原物original thing孳息fruits天然孳息natural fruits法定孳息legal fruits无主物bona vacatia; vacant goods; ownerless goods遗失物lost property漂流物drifting object埋藏物fortuna; hidden property货币currency证券securities债券bond物权分类classification of right in rem/real right自物权jus in re propria; right of full ownership所有权dominium; ownership; title所有权凭证document of title; title of ownership占有权dominium utile; equitable ownership使用权right of use; right to use of收益权right to earnings; right to yields处分权right of disposing; jus dispodendi善意占有possession in good faith恶意占有malicious possession按份共有several possession共同共有joint possession他物权jus in re aliena用益物权real right for usufruct使用权right to use; right of use土地使用权right to the use of land林权forest ownership采矿权mining ownership经营权managerial authority; power of management承包经营权right to contracted management相邻权neighboring right; relatedright地上权superficies永佃权jus emphyteuticum; right to landed estate granted in perpetuity through a contract 地役权servitude; easement人役权servitus personarum; personal servitude担保物权real right for security物的担保security for thing物的瑕疵担保warranty against defect of a thing抵押权hypotheca; hypothecation; right to mortgage抵押权的设定creation of right to mortgage抵押人mortgagor抵押权人mortgagee抵押标的物collateral; estate under mortgage抵押权的效力deffect of right to mortgage。



常用法律英语词汇注解从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为“ ”。


罪名不成立刑事案件经审讯后,被告罪名不成立被释放,称为“ ”。


休庭,押后法庭在聆讯途中暂时休庭分钟,称为“ ”。

如要将聆讯押后再排期重审,称为“ ”。


声称诉讼陈词中未经证实的声言,例如:’ ,原告声称他的损失是被告违约所引致。


殴打,侵犯以武力侵犯他人的行为,称为,一般性质的殴打,称为“ ”;严重者称为;未经许可触摸他人身体,可以被控非礼,称为。

现状“ ”常用于物业买卖的合约中,指物业的现状。

“ “ ” …”即物业将会以其现状出售。







刑事罪的后果对被告而言,较为严重,举证标准的要求也因此而较民事案严格,如果法庭认为证据有任何疑点,都会将疑点的利益“ ”归于被告。








Aaction: a civil judicial proceeding whereby one party prosecutes another for a wrong done or for protection of a right or prevention of a wrong; requires service of process on adversary party or potentially adversary partyadjournment: a temporary postponement of the proceedings of a case until a specified future timeadjudicate: to hear or try and determine judiciallyadversary: an opponent. The defendant is the plaintiff's adversaryadult: a person over 18 years oldaffiant: one who swears to an affidavit; deponentaffidavit: a sworn or affirmed statement made in writing and signed; if sworn, it is notarized affirmed: upheld, agreed with (e.g.,The Appellate Court affirmed the judgment of the Civil Court) allegation: the assertion, declaration, or statement of a party to an action, made in a pleading, setting out what the party expects to proveallege: to assert a fact in a pleadingallocution: a formal address by a trial judge to the parties on the record to find out if they understand the terms of a stipulation of settlementamend: to changeanswer: a paper filed in court and sent to the plaintiff by the defendant, admitting or denying the statements in the plaintiff's complaint, and briefly stating why the plaintiff's claims are incorrect and why the defendant is not responsible for the plaintiff's injury or lossappeal: in an appeal, either plaintiff or defendant (or sometimes both) asks a higher reviewing court to consider a lower court judge's decision. One may only appeal a judge's ruling, not an arbitrator's ruling.appeal as of right: the ability to bring an appeal of an order or a judgment without seeking permission of the courtappear/ appearance: the participation in the proceedings by a party summoned in an action, either in person or through an attorneyappellant: the party who takes an appeal to a higher courtappellee: the party against whom an appeal is takenarbitration: a process in which an impartial attorney trained in arbitration or a retired judge decides a dispute instead of the court; if the parties consent to arbitration, the arbitrator's decision is final; otherwise, a dissatisfied party may request a trial before the court arbitrator: a disinterested person trained in arbitration who hears evidence concerning the dispute and makes an award based on the evidenceargument: a reason given in proof or rebuttalattachment: the taking of property into legal custody by an enforcement officerBbill of particulars: factual detail submitted by a claimant after a request by the adverse party which details, clarifies or explains further the charges and/or facts alleged in a pleadingbrief: a written or printed document prepared by the lawyers on each side of a dispute andsubmitted to the court in support of their arguments - a brief includes the points of law which the lawyer wished to establish, the arguments the lawyer uses, and the legal authorities on which the lawyer rests his/her conclusionsCcalendar: a schedule of matters to be heard in courtcalendar call: the calling of matters requiring parties, or their attorneys, to appear and be heard. There is usually one at the beginning of each court day. Other calendar calls take place throughout the day.caption: in a pleading, deposition or other paper connected with a case in court, it is the heading or introductory clause which shows the names of the parties, name of the court, number of the case on the docket or calendar, etc.cause of action: grounds on which a legal action may be brought (e.g., property damage, personal injury, goods sold and delivered, work labor and services)certified copy: a document which contains a seal that establishes the document as genuine, as a true copy, so that it may be used as evidence at a trial or a hearing. A document may be certified by an official record keeper, a clerk of the court, or any other authorized person, for example, an attorney.certified statement: a statement which has been sworn to before a Notary Public or Commissioner of Deeds as a true statementchange of venue: the removal of a suit begun in one county to another county for trial, though the term may also apply to the removal of a suit from one court to another court of the same countycharge to jury: an address delivered by the court to the jury at the close of the trial instructing the jury as to what principles of law they are to apply in reaching a decisionchattel: article of personal propertycivil contempt: a failure to comply with a court order. Civil contempt is committed when a person violates an order of the court which specifically requires that the person do or refrain from doing an act. Punishment for civil contempt may be a fine or imprisonment, and the goal of the punishment is to have the person comply with the original order of the court.Clerk’s Return On Appeal: a form filled out by the Civil Court Appeals Clerk certifying that the record on appeal is complete and ready to be transmitted to the Appellate Termcomplaint: a paper filed in court and delivered to the party(ies) being sued, stating the plaintiff's claims against the defendantcosts: the statutory sum awarded to the successful party when a judgment is entered (Section 1901 all Court Acts)counterclaim: a legal claim by the defendant against the plaintiffcourt record: a documentary account of what happened in the action or proceeding, which includes the court file, exhibits and transcriptscourt reporter: a person who transcribes by shorthand or stenographically takes down testimony during court proceedingsCPLR: the abbreviation for the Civil Practice Law and Rules, which is the New York state statute that sets forth the rules of civil procedure governing how a lawsuit is conducted in the courts of this statecross-appeal: an appeal by one who has received a notice of appeal from their opposing party crossclaim: claim litigated by co-defendants or co-plaintiffs against each other and not against a party on the opposite side of the litigationcross-examination: questioning by a party or his attorney of an adverse party or a witness called by an adverse partyDdecision: the determination reached by a court in any judicial proceeding, which is the basis of the judgmentdefault: a "default" occurs when a party fails to plead or otherwise defend within the time allowed, or fails to appear at a court appearancedefault judgment: a judgment against a defendant as a result of his/her failure to appear or submit papers at an appointed time during a legal proceedingdefendant: the one being sued. This party is called the "respondent" in a summary proceeding defenses, legal or equitable: a stated reason why the plaintiff has no valid case against the defendantdeliberation: the process by which a panel of jurors comes to a decision on a verdictde novo: from the beginning, a new trialdeposition: sworn testimony of a witness.direct examination: the first interrogation of a witness by the party on whose behalf the witness is calleddirected verdict: an instruction by the judge to the jury to return a specific verdict disbursements: out of pocket expenses awarded to the winner in a judgmentdiscovery: the efforts of a party to a lawsuit to get information about the other party's contentions before trial. The range of information which each party must exchange in discovery is broad, because all parties should go to trial with as much information and knowledge about the lawsuit as possible. During discovery a party may: (1) demand that the other party produce documents or other physical evidence, (2) request written interrogatories, which are questions and answers written under oath, and (3) take depositions, which involve an in-person session at which one party has the opportunity to ask oral questions of the other party or his or her witnesses.dismissal: termination of a proceeding for a procedurally prescribed reasondismissal with prejudice: action dismissed on the merits which prevents renewal of the same claim or cause of actiondismissal without prejudice: action dismissed, not on the merits, which may be re-instituted disposition: the result of a judicial proceeding by withdrawal, settlement, order, judgment or sentenceEentry of judgment: in order to start e nforcing a judgment, the judgment must be “entered.” Entry occurs after the clerk of the court signs and files the judgment.eviction proceeding: any proceeding which could result in the eviction of a respondent, such as a holdover or nonpayment proceedingevidence: a form of proof or probative matter legally presented at the trial of an issue by the actsof the parties and through witnesses, records, documents, concrete objects, etc., for the purpose of inducing belief in the minds of the court or the juryexamination before trial: a formal interrogation of parties and witnesses before trial execution: (1) the performance of all acts necessary to render a written instrument complete, such as signing, sealing, acknowledging, and delivering the instruments (2) supplementary proceedings to enforce a judgment, which, if monetary, involves a direction to the sheriff to take the necessary steps to collect the judgmentexhibit: a paper, document or other article produced and exhibited to a court during a trial or hearing and, on being accepted, is marked for identification or admitted in evidenceex parte: a proceeding, order, motion, application, request, submission etc., made by or granted for the benefit of one party only; done for, in behalf of, or on application of one party onlyFGgarnish/ garnishment: to attach (seize) a portion of the wages or other property of a debtor to repay the debt. The garnishing party notifies a third party, such as a bank or an employer, to retain something it has belonging to the defendant-debtor, to make disclosure to the court concerning it, and to dispose of it as the court shall direct.guardian ad litem: a person appointed by the court to represent a minor or an adult, not able to handle his or her own affairs, during a legal proceeding. The person appointed does not need to be a lawyer. The guardian ad litem is the guardian just for the purpose of the particular lawsuit. The person acting as the guardian ad litem has the responsibility to pursue the lawsuit and to account for any money recovery.HIincome execution: the legal process of enforcing a judgment. To enforce the judgment, the judgment creditor may seek an order from the court to have the appropriate authority seize property of the judgment debtor in order to satisfy the judgment. In the case of an income execution, or a "garnishment," the court might order a portion of the judgment debtor's wages or other property held in an amount to satisfy the judgment. This might be done over time in increments.index number: a number issued by the county clerk, which is used to identify a case - in civil court there is a charge of $45.00infant's compromise: a civil proceeding or motion for obtaining court approval of the settlement of an infant's claiminformation subpoena: a legal document that requires a person, a corporation, some other business, or the judgment debtor him or herself to answer certain questions about where the judgment debtor’s assets can be foundinquest: a non-jury trial for the purpose of determining the amount of damages due on a claim, if a party has not appeared or defended against the claim, and after the merits of the claim have been proveninterpreter: a person sworn at a judicial proceeding to translate oral or written language interrogatories: written questions propounded by one party and served on an adversary, who must provide written answers thereto under oathJjudgment: the final decision of the judge. It is a determination of the rights and obligations of the parties. In a given lawsuit, a judgment may direct a dismissal of the lawsuit, order payment of a money amount or a direct one or more of the parties to do an act.judicial hearing officer (JHO): a person who formerly served as a judge or justice of a court of record of the Unified Court Systemjurisdiction: the court's authority to hear and decide a case. It is based upon the geographical, subject matter and monetary limitations of a court. To hear and decide a case a court must have both "personal jurisdiction" and "subject matter" jurisdiction. Personal jurisdiction refers to the court's power over the parties involved in the lawsuit. Subject matter jurisdiction refers to the court's power over the type or category of the lawsuit.jury demand: a request for a trial by jury by either party. There are specific procedures for making a jury demand, which include filing a written demand with the clerk and paying a fee. The procedural rules place time restrictions on when a jury demand must be made.jury instructions: directions given by the judge to the juryKLlegal advice: involves applying or interpreting the law to your individual problems and recommending the best way for you to handle your case. Only an attorney, who is not a court employee, can provide legal advice. Court staff can’t offer legal advice to anyone. The court's role is to be neutral, without favor to any party. Court employees may only provide legal and procedural information. Legal and procedural information involves providing general information and does not include telling you how to best deal with your legal issues.lessee: a person who has signed a lease to rent real propertylevy: a seizure; the obtaining of money by legal process through seizure and sale of property liability:an obligation to do, to eventually do, or to refrain from doing something; money owed; or according to law one's responsibility for his/her conduct; or one's responsibility for causing an injurylien: a claim on specific property for payment of a debtlitigant: party to a legal actionMmarshal: an officer of the United States, whose duty it is to execute the process of the courts of the United States. His duties are very similar to those of a sheriff.marshal’s notice: a notice from a Marshal informing the recipient that they will be evicted after a certain time periodmediation: a free, voluntary and confidential service that helps people who have a dispute to reach their own settlement. Instead of asking a judge to make a decision in court, the people meet with a trained mediator who helps them make their own decision on how to settle the dispute. If a settlement is reached, it is then put in writing and signed. This written settlement then becomes a legal contract. If the people in the dispute are not able to reach an agreementthat is acceptable to everyone involved, they are then free to ask a judge to hear there case and make a decision in court.minor: a child under 18 years oldminutes: notes of what happened in the courtroommistrial: a trial which has been terminated and declared void prior to the reaching of verdict due to extraordinary circumstance, serious prejudicial misconduct or hung jury - it does not result in a judgment for any party but merely indicates a failure of trialmitigation: to make less severemotion: a request to the court, usually in writing, for relief before the trial on the parties' claims, or for different or additional relief after the trial decisionmotion to reargue or renew: an application which seeks to persuade a judge that the decision/order rendered is incorrect, because the judge has misapprehended the facts or the applicable law, or because new evidence has become available which would change the prior decision and there is a good reason why the evidence was not presented earliermoving party: the party who is making an application to the court for reliefNnonpayment proceeding: a court case started by the landlord to collect unpaid rent and to evict the tenant if the tenant cannot pay the rent that is owednotarize: to have a notary public attest to the authenticity of a signature on a document by signing the document and affixing his/her own stampnotary public: a person authorized by the State of New York to administer oaths, certify documents and attest to the authenticity of signaturesnotice of appeal: a notice to the opposing party that an appeal of the court proceedings will be taken. The notice must be served and filed within 30 days of service of the order or judgment appealed from with written notice of entry.notice of claim: a paper required to be sent to the city or a public authority when a person claims a city agency, official, or employee of a public authority caused the person damage. The notice of claim informs the city or public authority of the nature of the claim within a short time after it occurs. A notice of claim must be timely sent to the city or public authority prior to filing a lawsuit.notice of entry: a notice with an affidavit of service stating that the attached copy of an entered order or judgment has been served by a party on another partynotice of motion: a notice informing the court and your opposition when and where your motion will be heard, which lists the relief requested, the grounds for that relief, and provides a list of the supporting papers upon which the motion is basednotice of petition: a petitioner's written notice delivered to the respondents of when the court will hear the attached petitionnunc pro tunc: (now for then) presently considered as if occurring at an earlier date; effective retroactivelyOobjection: a formal protest made by a party over testimony or evidence that the other side tries to introduceorder: an oral or written command or a direction from a judgeorder to show cause: a written direction by the court, usually prepared and presented to the court by a party, that the court is shortening the required advance notice of a motion to the other parties. Sometimes the order to show cause contains a direction to the parties that they stop some specific activity until the court hears the motion.Pparty: person having a direct interest in a legal matter, transaction or proceedingperemptory challenge: the challenge which may be used to reject a certain number of prospective jurors without assigning any reasonperfect appeal: to take all legal steps necessary to complete the process of appealing an order or judgment. These steps may include ordering and securing a transcript, drawing up a record, writing, serving, and filing a brief, getting the case onto the appellate court’s calendar for argument, and finally, arguing and submitting the case.Personal Appearance Part: a Part in the Civil Court where cases are heard if one or both sides are self-represented litigants. The Judges presiding in this Part oversee all conferences, discovery and in some boroughs all motion practice and even the trial.petition: in special or summary proceedings, a paper like a complaint filed in court and delivered to the respondents, stating what the petitioner requests from the court and the respondents petitioner: in a special or summary proceeding, one who commences a formal written application, requesting some action or relief, addressed to a court for determination. Also known as a plaintiff in a civil action.plaintiff: the one suing. This party is called the "petitioner" in a summary proceeding pleadings: complaint or petition, answer, and replypoor person's relief: when a party to a lawsuit cannot afford the costs of a lawsuit, the Court may permit that party to proceed without being required to pay for court costspossession: the right to occupy a premisesproceeding: a type of lawsuit. In Housing Court a nonpayment proceeding seeks past-due rent; a holdover proceeding seeks possession of the premises.pro se: a party who does not retain a lawyer and appears for him/herself in courtproof of service: an affidavit filled out by the person who served legal papers on behalf of a party, or by a party if so permitted by the CourtQRrecord: a permanent written account of some act, court proceeding or transaction that is drawn up by a proper officer and designated to remain as permanent evidence of what has been done in a lawsuitreferee: a person to whom the court refers a pending case to take testimony, hear the parties, and report back to the court. A referee is an officer with judicial powers who serves as an arm of the court.relevant: logically connected and tending to prove or disprove a matter at issuereplevin: an action brought for the owner of items to recover possession of those items when those items were wrongfully taken or are being wrongfully keptreply: a plaintiff's response to a defendant's answer when the answer contains a counterclaim requisition: a request to obtain something, such as court records, subpoenaed documents or copies of trial tapesrespondent: one who formally answers the allegations stated in a petition which has been filed with the court. Also known as a defendant in a civil action.restore/ reinstate to calendar: to reinstate the action to active inventorySseizure: the process by which a person authorized under the law to do so takes into custody the property, real property or personal property, of a person against whom a judgment has been issued or might be issued. The seized property may be held to guarantee a judgment or be sold to satisfy a judgment.self-represented litigant: a party who does not retain a lawyer and appears for him/herself in court. Also known as a Pro Se litigant.service of process: the delivery of copies of legal documents to the defendant or other person to whom the documents are directed. Legal documents which must be served include a summons, complaint, petition, order to show cause, subpoena, notice to quit the premises and certain other documents. The procedure for service of process is specifically set out in statutes.settle the minutes: the process by which the transcript of the proceeding is finalizedsheriff: the executive officer of local court in some areas. In other jurisdictions the sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of a county.standing: the right to make a legal claim, or to seek judicial enforcement of a duty or a right statement in lieu of record on appeal: a statement prepared by parties to an appeal indicating the question for appellate review, and providing a limited record necessary only to decide the questionstay: the postponement or halting of a proceeding, action, or the enforcement of an order or judgmentstipulation of settlement: a formal agreement between litigants and/or their attorneys resolving their disputesubpoena: a court document used to compel a witness to testify at the hearing or to produce recordssum certain: liquidated damages pursuant to contract, promissory note, law, etc.summary judgment: a determination in an action on the grounds that there is no genuine issue of factsummons: a plaintiff's written notice, in a specific form, delivered to the parties being sued, that they must answer the plaintiff's attached complaint within a specific timeTtestimony: an oral declaration made by a witness or party under oathtranscript: the written, word-for-word record of all legal proceedings, including testimony at trial, hearings or depositions. A copy of the transcript may be ordered from the court reporter and a fee must be paid for the transcript.trial: the formal examination of a legal controversy in court so as to determine the issuetrial de novo: a new trial (see: 22NYCRR 28.12)turnover proceeding: a hearing after a judgment has been issued, in which a creditor seeks to establish through evidence that the debtor (or a third party who is in possession of the debtor's property) is in possession of money or property that would satisfy, or partially satisfy, thejudgmentUunbundled legal services: a practice in which the lawyer and client agree that the lawyer will provide some, but not all, of the work involved in traditional full service representation. Simply put, the lawyers perform only the agreed upon tasks, rather than the whole “bundle,” and the clients perform the remaining tasks on their own.undertaking: deposit of a sum of money or filing of a bond in courtuse and occupancy: Payment by an occupant to the landlord for the right to use and occupy a premises. The occupant is not a tenant, or once may have been a tenant, but the landlord/tenant relationship has since been terminated.Vvacate: to cancel or invalidatevenue: the place within the court's jurisdiction where a lawsuit will be decided. For example, venue in a Civil Court action may be placed in Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Bronx or Brooklyn.verdict: the determination of a jury on the factsverification: confirmation of the correctness, truth or authenticity of pleading, account or other paper by an affidavit or oathvoir dire: a questioning of prospective jurors by the attorneys, and, on application of any party, by the judge, to see if any of them should be disqualified or removed by challenge or examinationWwaste: permanent harm to real propertywitness: one who testifies to what he/she has seen, heard, or otherwise observedX, Y, ZFrom:New York City Civil Court (纽约市民事法庭)。

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Undue influence



Vacant possession



Vicarious liability

V oid

V oir dire

V oluntary disposition

Ward of court






Writ of fieri facias

Writ of possession


