•三防漆有多种叫法,如三防胶、防潮胶、绝缘胶、防潮漆、保护漆、防护漆、披覆胶、涂覆胶、防水胶、防潮油、三防油、防潮剂、保形涂料、敷型涂料、共形覆膜、共性涂覆,英文名Conformal coating。
水性增粘剂 云清化工 王佳佳
门公 司 的 ME 93 蜡 助 剂 可 明显提 高 水 性 木器 漆 的 32 5
抗 回黏ME 9 3 蜡 助剂 两者 配用 对 提 高漆膜 的抗 6 32 5
回黏 性 效 果 较 好 , 是 A 蜡 助剂 粒 径 较 粗 , 响漆 但 6 影
5配方 :黏 住 , 用力 分开 , 膜有 破损 。 漆
抗 回黏 试验 方 法 2 :
这一 问题 传 统 理 论 上 我 们 会 选 择 玻 璃 化 温 度 较 高 的
硬 乳 液 , 效 果 不好 。因此 可适 当选 择带 自交 联 的 丙 但
烯 酸乳 液 , 次 可选 择 核壳 结 构 的丙 烯酸 乳液 来 提 高 其 漆 膜 的抗 回黏性 。 虑 性 价 比 , 们 通 常复 配 玻 璃化 考 我 温 度高 的硬乳 液 。
第4 8卷第 9期 21 00年 9月
Vo . 1 48No 9 . S p. e 201 0
浅谈 水性 木器 玩具 漆 的抗 回黏性
白云兵 章 奕 ( 海涂 料 有限 公 司技 术 中心 , 0 02) 上 20 6
公 司的 A 2 1 (自交 联 ) 复配 用 硬 乳 液挑 选 了 D M C 54 , S
公 司 的 A 3 。将 上 述 两 个 树 脂 单 独 并 与硬 乳 液 分 别 69
按 1: 复配 , 1 结果 见 表 1 。
[ 收稿 日期 】 0 0 0 — 6 2 1— 8 1
5 2
通 过 抗 回黏 性试 验 1 果 比较 可 以 看 出 :J 9 5 结 1 1
膜 的光 泽 , 有 光泽要 求 的情 况 下 , 们选 择加 入大 在 我 分 子 有 机 硅 助 剂 来 帮 助 提 高 抗 回黏性 , 验 结 果 见 试
从 表 1 表 2 , Azc配 制 、 看 用
的 涂 料 相 对 M 和 P A 涂 料 F PU
相 同 的湿 拉 毛 效果 , 墨 转 移情 油
况 也 比较 理 想 。
涂料 配方 中 的抗 水 剂 , 中锆盐 其 的 效 果 最 好 , 因 其 自 身 的 强 阳 但 离 子性 , 成 其在 涂 料 制备 过程 造
中的 不稳 定 , 水 的 强 烈刺 激性 氨 气 味 又 给 操 作 带 来 不 便 , 成 本 且 太 高 。 聚 氰 胺 甲 醛 树 脂 类 抗 水 三
剂 曾一 度 被 广 泛 使 用 , 其 缺 点 但 是 熟 化 速 度 慢 , 由 于 其 中 含 有 又 游 离 甲 醛 , 其 在 包 装 行 业 中 的 使 使 用受 到 限制 。 了降 低成 本且 为 保证 产 品质量 , 们 对 江 苏武进 我 运 波 化 工 厂 生 产 的 聚 胺 聚 脲 树 脂 ( PA PU ) 抗 水 剂 在 涂 布 纸 类 板 中 的 应 用 与 进 口 湿 强 剂 进 行 了对 比实 验 。
囱 厢 酗 ・
l _ 葺
3 .1 从 表 3的 结 果 来 看 , 2、
新 型 抗 水 剂 聚 胺 聚 脲 树 脂
。 颜凌燕 宋 国 ( 海 经 济 特 区 红 塔 仁 恒 纸 业 有 限 公 司 广 东 珠
珠 海 5 0 0) 1 7 9
在 平版 胶 印 白卡 纸 上 的应 用
于 其 它 两 种 抗 水 剂 。 它 指 标 如 其
表 面 粗 糙 度 、白 度 、印 刷 光 泽
度 , 墨吸收性 没有明显差距 。 油
3. 2 对 于 平 版 胶 印 纸 最 重 要 的 湿 拉 毛 指 标 , 全 碳 酸 钙 的 涂 料 在 配 方 中 , 应 纸 样 1、 2、 3、 对 4, PAPU 要 在 面 料 中 加 入 0. 6 份 的 时 候 才 能 达 到 与 AZC、 F M
1. 环保友好:水基胶粘剂以水为分散介质,相对于传统的溶剂型胶粘剂,不会释放有害的挥发性有机化合物,对环境友好。
2. 粘性强:由于酪素具有较好的粘附性,因此3530型水基酪素胶具有较好的粘合力,能够满足纸张涂布和标签粘接的要求。
3. 稳定性好:水基胶粘剂在储存和使用过程中稳定性较好,不易发生沉淀和分层。
4. 易于使用:水基胶粘剂的稀释和水性涂料的涂布工艺相似,易于操作和掌握。
2) 防粘贴涂料应用于建筑工程的的改造和修缮,建筑外墙的防护与装饰; 3) 防粘贴涂料应用于桥梁、石油化工、管道、储罐、电厂、采矿、钢铁等领域,提高被涂覆物的耐久性、耐候性和防腐性能; 4) 防粘贴涂料应用于酸雨地区、沿海地区的钢结构、建筑物、护栏、集装箱、海上平 台等表面的防腐处理。 5) 防粘贴涂料适用于古建筑物与文物的保护等。 储 存: 防粘贴涂料密封储存于低温、阴凉、干燥、通风处,远离火源;有效保质期为一年,过 期后进行指标检验,如合格,仍可使用。
简 介:防粘贴涂料是以改性氟硅树脂、纳米材料、颜填料、溶剂、助剂等与交联剂结 合组成的双组分涂料。是一种性能优异的建筑涂料,同时符合环保涂料的特性要求,安全环 保,绿色健康。
特 点:防粘贴涂料的特点如下: 1)突出的抗粘贴防污性能 涂膜干燥以后,胶水、浆糊等粘贴的小广告会自动脱落,使用不干胶的小广告具有一定 的“自翘性”易于剥落,甚至在风力、雨水等其他外力的作用下自己脱落,不留任何污迹。 2)优越的防涂鸦、防污性能 自喷漆与油性笔对该产品涂膜附着力极低(自喷漆与该漆膜呈“两层皮”状态),可通 过酒精、丙酮等有机溶剂和抹布轻轻擦除。 3)施工多样化 该涂料产品可常温干燥,也可中温强制干燥。 4)颜色多样性 各种颜色和光泽可供用户选择。 5)卓越的耐化学介质性能 耐水、耐酸、耐碱、耐盐水、耐湿热、耐盐雾性能尤为突出。 6)对水泥、砖石等各种建筑基材具有良好的附着力。 7)优异的耐老化性能 加速老化 1400 h,涂膜无粉化、无裂纹、不剥落。 施 工: Ø 表面处理 清除表面灰尘、污垢、油渍及疏松物质,被涂表面应干燥、清洁、牢固;金属表面要求 粗糙程度控制在 40-80 µm,并涂有配套底漆。 Ø 理论耗漆量 10-12 m2/kg/道(干膜厚度 25 µm),实际耗漆量因表面粗糙程度以及施工方法的不同 而有所差异。 Ø 稀释 配套专用稀释剂,参考加量为 5 %-20 %,具体用量根据实际使用效果而定。 Ø 施工方法 防粘贴涂料可采用喷涂、刷涂、辊涂的方式进行涂装。涂装前,首先把桶中的涂料搅匀, 根据施工情况添加适量的稀释剂调节好涂料粘度,静置 10-20 min,搅匀,并于 5 h 内用完, 否则易发生涂料胶化而不能使用。 Ø 注意事项 1) 施工现场应通风良好,禁止使用明火,所用电器、照明等设备须防爆; 2) 施工人员应配备必要的防护用品,应避免眼睛、皮肤等直接接触涂料; 3) 严禁将水、油、胺、酸、碱、醇等类物质混入漆内,否则影响漆的质量及漆膜性能; 4)施工应选择晴好天气,避免在风沙、雨、雪天气条件下施工。(相对湿度应≤ 85 %); 5) 施工器具用完后应立即用稀释剂清洗干净。 应用范围: 1) 防粘贴涂料应用于城区、社区的道路两侧的电线杆、灯杆、铝塑板、站牌、公话亭、 广告牌、垃圾桶等公用设施,以防止乱贴乱涂现象,治理城市“牛皮癣”,便于城市市容管 理;
1. 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)增粘剂:这种增粘剂常用于水处理和石油开采过程中,可以帮助分离油和水,也可以用于土壤稳定和防止侵蚀。
2. 羟乙基纤维素(HEC)增粘剂:这种增粘剂通常用于油漆、化妆品和洗涤剂中,能够提高它们的粘性和流动性。
3. 聚乙烯醇(PVA)增粘剂:这种增粘剂常用于涂料、胶水和食品中,它能够提高它们的黏性和附着力。
4. 硅胶增粘剂:这种增粘剂主要用于油漆和涂料中,能够提供良好的流动性和润滑性。
5. 聚合物增粘剂:这种增粘剂广泛应用于印刷、纺织和造纸等行业中,能够增加纤维的黏性和拉伸强度。
- 1 -。
1. 聚丙烯酸酯(PV A):PV A胶水是一种水性胶水,常被用于木材、纸张、布料等材料的粘接。
2. 丙烯酸酯胶水:丙烯酸酯胶水也常被用于模型制作,它可以用于粘接塑料、树脂、金属等材料。
3. 水:水是胶水的主要溶剂,用于将其他成分溶解并形成粘性液体。
4. 助剂:胶水中可能含有一些助剂,如防腐剂、稳定剂、增稠剂等,以提高胶水的性能和稳定性。
金团化学品水性树脂产品水性树脂◆水性玻璃烤漆树脂◆水性金属烤漆树脂◆临时保护用水性树脂◆水性双组份羟丙树脂◆自干型防护用水性树脂◆环保型木器底漆增强树脂◆银粉定向用触变丙烯酸乳液◆自交联丙烯酸乳液◆其他水性树脂珠海市金团化学品有限公司珠海市金团化学品有限公司水性玻璃烤漆树脂一、选用指南各产品的耐酒、耐水性能对比如下52605200基本型 产品52015205B 5205K-15205W5205A-2乳液类型,更低VOC更优异的耐酒、重涂性较好的耐酒、耐水综合性优异的耐水煮性能加水降粘快、色精展色性好用于快干的底漆体系二、产品目录三、应用举例5201水性玻璃烤漆树脂应用实例▲该产品机械稳定性良好,可以进行研磨,推荐使用珠磨作为研磨设备水性金属烤漆树脂一、选用指南二、产品目录三、应用举例5208水性金属烤漆树脂应用实例该产品机械稳定性良好,可以进行研磨,推荐使用珠磨作为研磨设备临时保护用水性树脂一、选用指南二、产品目录三、应用建议本类产品可根据客户需求以水来任意调节粘度,以不同的溶剂来调节干燥速度。
四、应用举例5112水性金属自干漆应用实例7101水性金属自干漆应用实例施工配比:漆:水=100:15~20环保型木器底漆增强树脂HOMAEP® -7000产品特性特殊改性环氧树脂,不含苯、酮类溶剂。
水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂中总挥发性 有机化合物(TVOC)、游离
附录B 水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂中总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)、游离甲醛含量测定B.1 水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂中总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)含量测定B.1.1 水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂,应分别测定其不挥发物含量、水含量、密度和TVOC的含量。
B.1.2 水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂不挥发物含量可按国家标准《色漆和清漆挥发物和不挥发物的测定》GB/T6751-86提供的方法进行测定。
B.1.3 水含量:1. 用气相色谱法测定水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂中的水含量,可按国家标准《化工产品中水分含量的测定—气相色谱法》GB2366-86提供的方法进行测定。
2. 当样品不含醛类和某些金属氧化物时,应用卡尔·费休法测定水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂中的水含量,可按国家标准《化工产品中水分含量的测定—卡尔·费休法(通用方法)》GB6283-86提供的方法进行测定。
表B.1.3 不同水含量样品的参考取样量(卡尔·费休法)B.1.4水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂密度,应按国家标准《色漆盒清漆—密度的测定》GB6750-86提供的方法进行测定。
B.1.5 水性涂料、水性胶粘剂和水性处理剂TVOC含量测定:1. 当TVOC含量大于15%时,应按下式计算样品中TVOC含量:TVOC=(1-NV-m W)×ρS×1000 (B.1.5—1)式中TVOC——样品中TVOC含量(g/L);NV——不挥发物含量,用质量百分率表示;m——水含量,用质量百分率表示;WρS——样品在23℃的密度(g/mL)。
2. 当TVOC含量不大于15%时,宜采用气相色谱法。
铅笔抗污保护胶水(Dulux 精准防抗涂料)说明书
AUDU00145 Dulux PRECISION Anti Graffiti Coating GlossIntroductionPart A32DD0130Description and ImageDulux Precision Anti Graffiti is a heavy duty coating, providing long term surface protectionagainst graffiti. It is specifically formulated to be applied to a variety of bare and paintedsurfaces. Aerosol paints can be simply removed with high pressure water. Use Dulux PrecisionAnti Graffiti to protect the appearance of your property against graffiti.Features and Benefits•Heavy Duty Coating•Non sacrificial•Clear Gloss•Low VOC and Low Odour•Non Yellowing•Interior & Exterior•Protection agaist graffiti•Ideal for bare and coated surfaces•Easy removal of graffiti with high pressure water only - no harsh solvents needed•Easy to apply•BreathableUsesInterior and exterior use on a variety of bare and painted surfaces including; timber, concrete, brick, render, metal, glass, painted uPVC only, powder coated.Not suitable for surfaces such as plastic, roller doors or motor vehicles. Not recommended for floors or horizontal surfaces.Interior ExteriorPrecautions and LimitationsAll preparation and painting must conform to AS/NZS 2311:2017 "Guide to the painting of Buildings".NB: This Standard provides a guide to products and procedures for the painting of buildings for general domestic, commercial and industrial use.Do not apply to moist or damp surfacesDo not apply to soiled or dirty surfacesDo not apply to horizontal surfacesDo not use over surfaces or paints with low UV resistanceDo not apply to pathwaysDulux Precision AntiGraffiti Coating will not provide any UV resistance or protection to any underlying surface or paint. Hence the surface layer of the underlying paint, or the substrate, will still degrade, and the system will fail at this degraded boundary layer between the substrate/paint and the Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating.Warning: Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating is a permanent coating on bare/unpainted and porous surfaces.If you wish to remove coating at a later date, you will need to apply a paint layer first.Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating creates a "wet look" on uncoated surfaces. For advice on how to reduce this effect, contact Dulux Customer Service.Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating provides a clear gloss finish to any surface that it is applied.Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating is not suitable for surfaces such as plastic, Colorbond® or Colorsteel® roller doors or motor vehicles or other mobile equipment.It is not recommended for floors or horizontal surfaces.Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating is designed so that overcoating paint does not stick, therefore it can not be permanently coated with any other paint system.However, Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating has excellent overcoat adhesion to itself.This feature allows an existing application of Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating that has been damaged to be repaired.Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating cures to a relatively soft and rubbery finish. Avoid abrasion to the surface, such as sanding, scratching or scuffing. Avoid use in applications where the product may be subjected to even intermittent abrasion.Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating is suitable for Interior and exterior use directly onto a variety of bare and painted surfaces including; timber, concrete, brick, render, mineral silicate paint, stone paint.On metal, glass, vitreous glazed tiles, anodised and coated aluminium, Colorbond® or Colorsteel®, painted uPVC and powder coat substrates it is important to first prime with Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Wash Primer.See separate Data Sheet for advice on Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Wash Primer.Performance GuideWeatherExtremely UV Resistant - Will not Yellow or chalk SaltExtremely Salt ResistantHeat Resistance>120C resistance but not suited for extended periods at temperatures above 120C WaterWater Resistant. Will not be affected by ponding water.SolventResistant to intermittent and brief exposure to most solvents AbrasionLow Abrasion resistance. Coating is rubbery in natureAcidResistant to intermittent contact to Mild Acids AlkaliResistant to intermittent contact to Alkaline surfaces. Can be applied directly on concrete and cement mortars.T ypical Properties Gloss Level Gloss ThinnerMineral Turpentine or White SpiritsColour Clear Components 1Number of Coats 2 or more T oxicityRefer to SDS for Chronic and Acute T oxicity information V.O.C. Level < 100 g/litreShelf Life 2 yearsMeets GBCA V.O.C. Requirements?YesT otal Volatile Organic Content (TVOC) values are calculated inaccordance to the stated methodology within Green Star T echnical Manuals. The TVOC content is theoretically calculated as the sum total of the known VOC values of the product’s raw material components.These materials include the base paint plus additional low VOC tinter required for non-factory packaged colours.Sanding Properties Not SandableMixing Ratio NA Pot LifeNA - 1 component. Moisture cure so keep the can sealed when not in use.T ouch Dry 1 hourUse Mineral Turpentine or White Spirits. All low Aromatic Hydrocarbon solvents are suitable.Clean UpClean Up DescriptionDue to the nature of the coating, dispose of roller sleeves and brushes after application.Clean all equipment (spray guns and lines etc.) with Mineral Turpentine or White Spirits. It is suitable to use "Low Odour Mineral Turps".Brush: High quality synthetic filament brush (Nylon or Polyester).Roller: Medium nap micro-fibre roller (10-13mm).Spray - Conventional Air Spray:Thin with up to 20% Mineral Turpentine.Spray - Airless: Thin with up to 30% Mineral Turps. Use a Graco 395 airless spray unit or equivalent to deliver at least 2800psi using a 5:17 or equivalent. The product contains no particles so smaller aperture and wider fan tips will also work. Ensure that all material is flushed from the lines after use as this product will cure from moisture coming through the lining of the spray line. Before use flush the line with Mineral Turps to ensure there is not moisture in the line.Application MethodsAir Spray Airless Spray Brush RollerApplication ConditionsSolids by Volume 91MinMax Recommended Wet Film Per Coat (microns)6020060Dry Film Per Coat (microns)5418254Recoat Time (min/hours)60 minute Indefinite 120 minute Theoretical Spread Rate (m²/L)16.855.0016.85Application GuideSurface PreparationEnsure all surfaces are clean and dry prior to application.Brush down to remove dust.Previously painted surfacesGood Condition – Dust, then clean with Selleys® Sugar Soap and rinse thoroughly. Dry completely before applying Dulux Precision Anti-Graffiti CoatingCracked or peeling – Remove paint completely. Wash down with Selleys® Sugar Soap and rinse thoroughly. Dry completely before applying Dulux Precision Anti-Graffiti CoatingGloss surface – Apply 1 coat of Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Wash Primer. Wait for a minimum of 30 minutes then apply Dulux Precision Anti-Graffiti CoatingUnpainted surfacesWarning: this is a permanent coating on bare/unpainted surfaces. If you wish to remove coating at a later date, you will need to apply a paint layer first.This coating creates a wet look on uncoated surfaces. For advice on how to reduce this effect, contact Dulux Customer Service.The surface must be free from contaminants including grease, oil, dirt and other loosely adhering materials.Brick, concrete, cement, render – Fill holes and other imperfections with a suitable filler, sand and dust off.Allow cement render and concrete to properly cure before painting. General practice is to leave concrete surfaces for 28 days before applying any coatings.Timber – Sand bare timber to a clean surface and dust down. Fill nail holes and cracks with suitable filler, then sand smooth and dust off.Metal, Glass, Vitreous Glazed Tiles, Powder Coat, anodised or coated aluminium, Colorbond® or Colorsteel®, – Apply 1 coat of Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Wash Primer.Application Procedure and EquipmentRemoving GraffitiUse a high pressure water wash (900–1450psi) to remove aerosol paints. Using a fan spray only from a distance of 150–300mm. A distance of less than 150mm from the surface may cause abrasion and may compromise the coating.Stubborn stains that remain after washing, such as permanent markers, can be removed with Selleys® Muck Off and high pressure water wash. OvercoatingDulux Precision Anti Graffiti – Wash down surface with high pressure water. Allow surface to completely dry. Apply 1 coat of Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti.All Other Paints – Completely remove Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating. Contact Dulux Customer Service for advice.Decant the appropriate amount into a dry clean container. Immediately reseal screw cap to prevent exposure to air, which will cause paint to cure. Product must be used within 1 hour of pouring into container.Cut-in around the edges with a brush, then roll up to the border while it is still wet.Apply two coats ensuring that the first coat is completely cured before applying the second. When spraying outside, avoid windy days.The second coat is important to ensure that any micro-voids, and small uncoated areas from the first coat, are properly covered and protected.T ouch upDamaged areas can be touch up repaired with Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti.Simply clean and dry the damaged area then apply a new coat of Dulux Anti-Graffiti CoatingFor more painting advice: .au/advice or /adviceFAQ'sDo I need to tint Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating?No. Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti is clear gloss.Do I need a preparation paint?If your surface is glossy, metal, glass or powder coated you will need to applyDulux Precision Anti Graffiti Wash Primer. This is available in a 1 litre size only.Do I need to prepare the surface?The surface must be absolutely DRY and free from contaminants including grease, oil, dirt and other loosely bound materials.How many coats do I apply?2 coats are required on all surfaces.What is the dry time between coats?Allow 60 minutes and avoid touching.How do I wash out my brush and rollers?Dispose of roller sleeves and brushes after application. Clean all equipment with mineral turps.After painting, how long until the surface is fully graffiti resistant?Allow 12 hours before surface is fully graffiti resistant.How long before I can pressure wash away the graffiti?Allow at least 24 hours before using a pressure washer to clean away Graffiti.How do I clean off graffiti?Use a high pressure water wash (900-1450psi) to remove aerosol paints. Use a fan spray from a distance of 150-300mm.What if there is still a mark on the surface after pressure washing with water?Use Selleys® Muck Off and high pressure water to remove stubborn stains, such as permanent markers.Some paints will leave a slight yellow mark on the surface of the Precision Anti Graffiti Coating. This is normal. These stains are UV unstable and will generally fade within 5-7 days even in areas shaded from direct UVSome Fluorescent Paint colourants will leave a slight colour in the Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating. This is normal. These stains are UV unstable and will generally fade in 3-4 weeks even in areas shaded from direct UVWhat if I want to paint over Dulux Precision Anti GraffitiDulux Precision Anti Graffiti Coating has been developed to resist all paint systems. This includes all high performance coatings like 2K Polyurethane, 2K Epoxy and variants of these products. If you wish to change the colour you will need to completely remove the coating from the surface.What if I want to remove Dulux Precision Anti Graffiti?From painted surfacesApply a layer of Dulux Precision Coating Remover (Green) or Dulux Precision Premium Coating Remover (Blue) to the surface of the Dulux Precision Anti-Graffiti Coating and then apply a layer of Dulux Precision Coating Remover Paper. Leave for a minimum 24 hours dwell time. The coating remover will penetrate the Dulux Precision Anti-Graffiti Coating and soften and allow removal of the underlying paint coating.From unpainted surfaces (raw concrete, brick, render, mortar, timber etc.)Abrade as much of the coating as possible using abrasive disks then sand blast away the remaining coating back to the original substrate.From primed surfacesAbrade as much of the coating as possible using abrasive disks then sand blast away the remaining coating back to the original substrate.Health and SafetySDS Number DLXFGREN002879SDS Link View SDS LinkUsing Safety PrecautionsContains: 10–30% Liquid hydrocarbons1–10% alkylamino alkysilanesSafety directionsFlammable liquid and vapour. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Keep out of reach of children. Read the label before opening or using.Keep away from all sources of ignition – No smoking. Keep container tightly closed. Ground/bond container and receiving equipment. Use explosion-proof electrical, ventilating, lighting and all other equipment. Use only non-sparking tools. T ake precautionary measures against static discharge. Avoid breathing mist, vapours orspray. Wear protective clothing, gloves, eye/face protection and suitable respirator as required. Contaminated clothing should not be allowed out of the workplace. Wash contaminated clothing before use. Store in a well ventilated place and away from oxidising agents, acids, alkalis and foodstuffs. Keep cool. Do not empty into drains.Please refer to SDS Link. In case of emergency, please call 1800 220 770.Transport and StoragePack A32D-D0130Size:4Lt, 2Lt Weight:3.9kg, 1.96kgFlash Point 54C UN Number 1263Dangerous Goods Class 3Package Group IIIDisclaimerThis Data Sheet is copyright to DuluxGroup (Australia) Pty Ltd and/or DuluxGroup (New Zealand) Pty Ltd (collectively, ‘Dulux’). It may not be varied or altered without the prior written consent of Dulux, and if it is, Dulux has no responsibility or liability for those variations.Unless Dulux has provided you with a customised, project-specific specification, this Data Sheet does not represent that any particular product or product system will be suitable for your project.Any information provided in this Data Sheet is given in good faith and is believed by Dulux to be correct at the time of publication. Products and coating systems can be expected to perform as indicated in this Data Sheet, provided the substrate is in good condition, the coatings are applied by a suitably experienced and skilled applicator, and the preparation, application and maintenance is followed strictly as set out in this Data Sheet, and as recommended on the applicable Safety Data Sheets for the relevant products, available from .au. Climatic conditions at application time can affect product suitability and performance.The correct colour or colour match is the responsibility of the applicator. Colours will change over time and Dulux does not guarantee that the same colour newly mixed will match a colour applied earlier which has been subjected to weathering or other change elements. No product colour is guaranteed against colour change.Where any liability of Dulux in respect of this Data Sheet cannot by law be excluded, Dulux’s liability is limited, as permitted by law and at Dulux’s option, to resupply of the relevant products or services or to reimbursing the cost of those products or services.WHERE LEAD MAY BE PRESENT: The asset manager is responsible for verifying the presence of lead and determining whether to remove or encapsulate the lead. If lead is present, the work must be done in strict accordance with AS 4361 Parts 1 and 2 and Worksafe Australia guidelines.。
1. 水墨稳定剂:三乙醇胺可以作为水墨的稳定剂,帮助水墨保持稳定的性能。
2. 表面活性剂:三乙醇胺具有表面活性剂的性质,可以降低水墨的表面张力,提高水墨在纸张或其他基材上的润湿性和铺展性,从而改善印刷质量。
3. 酸碱调节剂:三乙醇胺是一种弱碱性物质,可以用作水墨的酸碱调节剂。
4. 助溶剂:三乙醇胺可以作为水墨的助溶剂,帮助水墨中的颜料和其他成分在水中更好地溶解,提高水墨的稳定性和印刷适应性。
5. 固化促进剂:在一些水墨配方中,三乙醇胺可以作为固化促进剂,加速水墨在印刷后的固化过程,提高印刷速度和生产效率。
1. 水性降粘剂:水性降粘剂主要用于水性涂料和油墨中。
2. 油性降粘剂:油性降粘剂主要用于油性涂料和油墨中。
3. 醇酸降粘剂:醇酸降粘剂主要用于醇酸树脂涂料中。
1. 聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)聚二甲基硅氧烷是一种常见的抗粘剂成分,它具有低黏度和耐高温的特性。
2. 聚乙烯醇(PVA)聚乙烯醇在许多应用中作为流变调节剂使用,它可以使涂料和树脂具有更好的流动性和可调性。
4. 聚甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯(HEMA)PEG-PVA是一种常见的抗粘剂成分,它可以降低涂料和树脂的黏度和粘度,使其易于处理和使用。
6. 正硅酸铝纳米颗粒(Al2O3)正硅酸铝纳米颗粒可以增加材料的硬度和强度,提高材料的耐磨性和稳定性。
1. 有机溶剂:酮类、醇类、醚类等溶剂可以在涂料和油墨中起到降低粘度的作用。
2. 硅油类:硅油是一种无色透明的液体,具有良好的润滑性和降低粘度的特性,可以应用于各种胶粘剂中。
3. 化学添加剂:聚乙烯醇(PVA),它可以在胶水和涂料中形成粘度调节的效果。
4. 聚合物:聚合物作为一种高分子化合物,在降低粘度方面具有很好的效果,常用的有聚酰胺类、聚酰胺酯类等。
5. 表面活性剂:表面活性剂具有降低液体表面张力的能力,因此在某些胶水和涂料中可以使用。
6. 矿物油类:矿物油可以通过在涂料中添加来减少其黏稠度。
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