Alemtuzumab Induction in Renal Transplantation
洋污染风险进行评估。 就我 国 来 看,PSP污 染 情 况 不 容 乐 观,仅
2017—2019年,我国福建漳州和河北秦皇岛就发 生多起 PSP中毒事件,不仅威胁到人类的生命安 全,也造 成 了 海 水 养 殖 业 的 巨 大 经 济 损 失。对 此,我国政府高度重视,组织开展 PSP监测项目, 完善 PSP风险监控体系。相关科研人员也积极 投入 PSP研究中,比如,研发更高效的 PSP检测 手段、探究 PSP在贝类中的代谢规律、分析产 PSP 藻类在不同环境中的生长及 产 毒 能 力 等[12-13]。 有研究表明,全球绝大多数 PSP事件皆由亚历山 大藻属藻类引起,该属藻类目前已通过形态学确 定的有 30多种,其中一半以上被发现能够产生 PSP,且毒素成分多样[1,14]。ZOU等[15]对 67株分 离自我国沿海的塔玛亚历山大藻 PSP组分研究 发现,不同藻株 PSP成分存在较大差异,但主要
收稿日期:2020-04-07 基金项目:中国水产科学研究院基本科研业务费 (2017HYYJ0202);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费 (21852018);国家自然科学基金 (31471672);上海市自然科学基金 (17ZR1439400) 作者 简 介: 汪 宇 (1995—),男,安 徽 安 庆 人,硕 士 研 究 生,主 要 研 究 方 向 为 贝 类 产 品 质 量 与 安 全。Email: 通信作者:沈晓盛,研究员。
仪器条件参考 GB5009.2132016中液相色 谱质谱条件[21]。样品分析在 Ultimate3000超高 压液相色谱QExactive静电场轨道阱高分辨质谱 联用系 统 上 进 行。色 谱 柱 为 TSKgelAmide80 (3μm,2mm×15cm)。
胰腺偶发囊肿的管理--美国放射学院(ACR)偶发病变委员会白皮书Alec J. Megibow;赵心明;Mark E. Baker;Desiree E. Morgan;Ihab R. Kamel;Dushyant V. Sahani;Elliot Newman;William R. Brugge;Lincoln L. Berland;Pari V. Pandharipande【摘要】美国放射学院(American College of Radiology,ACR)偶发病变委员会(Incidental Findings Committee, IFC)发布了 CT或MR偶发胰腺囊肿的管理建议.该建议是对美国放射学院杂志(JACR) 2010年发布的肾上腺、肾脏、肝脏以及胰腺偶发病变管理白皮书中胰腺部分的更新.该管理方案由多位腹部影像医师、1位胃肠道学医师以及1位胰腺外科医师所组成的胰腺亚组委员会制定.该方案参考已发表的文献和专家意见,经反复协商,最终达成共识.该方案的分支成功地根据患者的临床特点及影像特征将胰腺囊肿进行分类,评估终点为良性和/或进展缓慢病变的诊断(足以结束随访)或具体的管理建议.该方案适用于大多数但非全部的病理及临床情况.该方案旨在通过提供胰腺偶发囊肿的管理指导,来提高患者的管理质量.【期刊名称】《放射学实践》【年(卷),期】2018(033)002【总页数】11页(P123-133)【关键词】胰腺;囊肿;导管内乳头状黏液瘤;偶发病变【作者】Alec J. Megibow;赵心明;Mark E. Baker;Desiree E. Morgan;Ihab R. Kamel;Dushyant V. Sahani;Elliot Newman;William R. Brugge;Lincoln L. Berland;Pari V. Pandharipande【作者单位】;北京,中国医学科学院肿瘤医院影像诊断科;;;;;;;;【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R735.9ACR偶发病变项目概述偶发病变项目的核心目标包括:①就描述偶发病变所需的患者特征和影像学特征形成共识;②为这些偶发病变的管理提供能平衡患者风险和收益的指导建议;③提出能反映影像诊断可信度的报告术语;④通过提出一个概括性的临床实践管理框架,来集中未来的研究焦点。
海洋沉积物中产生的L-谷氨酰胺酶的选择性分离和分子鉴定Kiruthika J. 和Saraswathy N.1.政府科技学院,哥印拜陀-641013,泰米尔纳德邦,印度2.库玛拉格鲁科技学院,哥印拜陀-641049,泰米尔纳德邦,印度摘要:L-谷氨酰胺酶(L-谷氨酰胺水解酶E.C.是一种催化L-谷氨酰胺裂解成L-谷氨酸和氨的酶。
此外,有效菌株的16s rRNA 基因(1.4Kbp)被扩增,分析表明大约有99%的相似性弧菌。
因此,该菌株最终鉴定为弧菌Azureus JK 79菌株(GenBank登录号JQ820323)。
关键词:L-谷氨酰胺酶,分离,鉴定,16s rDNA序列分析,弧菌Azureus JK 79。
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TritonX-100是一种非离子型去污剂。它与其他去 污剂的相同点是都具有一个长的能取代膜蛋白上 磷脂的疏水基团,以及一个能够溶解于水的亲水 末端;不同的是大多数其它去污剂都带有一个带 负电的羟基基团,而它没有,所以是非离子型的, 对蛋白质结构的破坏性小。
当时Nachmansohn正在研究乙酰胆碱酯酶 (AChase),AChase可酶解从运动神经 末稍释放的ACh。
Nachmansohn知道这类鱼的EO与骨骼肌是 同源的,于是在博览会结束后,开始对EO 进行研究。
对EO的第一次实验结果表明它是AChase 的超级储存库。此器官也是nAChR十分丰 富的储存库,nAChR存在于骨骼肌细胞的 突触后膜上,它会与由运动神经末稍释放 的ACh分子结合。
ethane n.乙烷 spray vt.喷射 grid n. 格子, 栅格 peripheral adj.外围的 agrin n.集聚蛋白,集聚素[由运动神经分泌
并可诱 导肌纤维的乙酰胆碱酯酶和乙酰 胆碱受体发生聚集] axon n.轴突 a cascade of events n.级联放大反应
起作用,一号心脏的迷走神经受刺 激时产生了某些物质,它们溶解在
Loewi把这种能抑制蛙的心脏跳动的物质称 作“Vagusstoff” 。 经过几年的研究,Loewi发现这种物质的化 学及生理学性质与乙酰胆碱完全相同,于 是他断定是迷走神经末稍释放的是乙酰胆 碱(ACh) 。
伞藻Acetabularia裂缘伞藻Acetabularia crenulate地中海伞藻Acetabularia mediterranea腹节abdominal segments副染色体accessory chromosome组氨酸乙酰转移酶acetyltransferase enzyme (HAT)聚集素acrasin近端着丝点染色体acrocentric chromosome激活区域activation domain激活子activator积加作用加性效应additive effect加性与环境互作效应additive × environment interaction effect腺苷脱氨酶adenosine deaminase (ADA)腺病毒adenovirus腺苷酸环化酶adenyl cyclase不定胚adventitious embryo拟斯卑尔脱山羊草Aegilops speltoides方穗山羊草Aegilops squarrosa无融合结子agamospermy无配子基因agamous (AG)聚集体aggregate根瘤土壤杆菌Agrobacterium tumefaciens根瘤土壤杆菌介导的植物转化Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated transformation of plaht 等位基因allele等位基因频率allele frequency等位基因寡聚核苷酸法allele-specific oligonucleotide (ASO)洋葱Allium cepa异源多倍体allopolyploid异源联会allosynapsis世代交替alternation of generations氨基酰tRNA合成酶aminoacyl tRNA synthetase氨基喋呤aminopterin无丝分裂amitosis双二倍体amphidiploid双倍体amphiploid核型分析analysis of karyotype方差分析analysis of variance后期anaphase后期I anaphasei后期II anaohaseii雄核发育androgenesis非整倍体aneuploid被子植物amgiosperm触角脚突变antennapedia前端anterior抗体antibody反密码子anticodon抗原antigen反足细胞antipodal cell抗阻遏物激活子antirepressor金鱼草Antirrhinum majus反义antisense反义RNA antisense RNA无花瓣基因Apetala (AP)无融合生殖apomixes无辅基阻遏物aporepressor拟南芥Arabidopsis thaliana阿拉伯糖操纵元arabinose operon古细菌archaebacteria(染色体)臂(chromosome) arm囊孢子ascospore子囊ascus无性生殖asexual reproduction不联会asynapsis返祖遗传atavism附着蛋白attachment protein弱化作用attenuation弱化子attenuator同源异源多倍体auto-allopolyploid自体受精autogamyARS自主复制序列autonomously replicating sequence同源多倍体autopolyploid自动调控autoregulation常染色体autosome同源联会autosynapsis辅助操纵子位点auxiliary operator region营养缺陷型auxotroph回交back cross回复突变back mutation细菌人工染色体bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) 噬菌体bacteriophage平衡致死balanced lethal基体base body碱基对base pair (bp)碱性亮氨酸拉链basic leucine zipper (bZIP)双元载体binary vector结合binding生物信息学bioinformatics生物素biotin腹胸节基因簇bithorax二价体bivalent平齐末端blunt end基因枪介导的植物转化bombardment mediated transformation of plants 中国油菜Brassica campestris白芥菜Brassica juncea欧洲油菜Brassica napus黑芥菜Brassica nigra甘蓝Brassica oleracea荠莱Bursa pursa-pastoria花椰菜病毒35S califlower mosaic virus35s (CaMV35S)心皮carpel代谢激活蛋白catabolite activating protein (CAP)代谢抑制catabolite repression细胞cell细胞壁cell wall中心体central body中心法则central dogma中央成分central element中间基因簇central gene cluster中心粒centriole着丝粒centromere着丝点作图centromere mapping性状character性状分离现象character segregation交叉chiasma (复chiasmata)嵌合体chimaera摇蚊Chironomus fentans衣藻Chlamydomonas reinhardi小球藻Chlorella ellipsoidea叶绿体chloroplast染色单体chromatid染色质chromatin染色质线chromatin fiber染色粒chromomere染色线chromonema染色体融合chromosomal fusion染色体chrolnosome染色体步行chromosome walking纤毛cilia顺式调控cis-acting顺反测验cis-trans test顺反子cistron克隆clone克隆连续序列法clone contig辅助激活子coactivator共显性codominance密码子codon共祖系数coefficient of eoancestry并发系数coefficient of coincidence菌落colony感受态competence互补DNA complementary DNA (cDNA)互补作用complementary effect互补基因complementary gene互补测验complementary test互补作用complementation完全显性complete dominance完全连锁complete linkage组分component复合区间作图composite interval mapping分生孢子conidium接合型conjugant接合conjugation接合管conjugation tube共有序列consensus sequence全保留复制conservative replication常数constant恒定区constant region组成型表达constitutive expression成型异染色质constitutive heterochromatin组成型突变constitutive mutants相对性状contrasting character协调结合coorpemtive binding核心酶core enzyme相关系数correlation coefficient柯斯质粒cosmid合转导,并发转导cotransduction相引组coupling phase协方差covariance交叉遗传criss-cross inheritance交换crossing over换值crossing-over value测定法Crossover suppress-lethal-bar technique (CIB) 异花授粉植物cross-pollinated plant异花授粉cross pollination西葫芦Cucurbita maxima南瓜Cucurbita pepocAmp受体蛋白cyclic Amp receptor protein (CRP) 细胞周期蛋白cyclic protein依赖于周期蛋白的激酶cyclic-dependent kinases (CDK)圆形基因cycloidea细胞质cytoplasma细胞质遗传cytoplasmic inheritance胞质不育型cytoplasmic male sterility胞嘧啶cytosine细胞骨架cytoskeleton野生胡萝卜Dancus carota暗修复dark repair直果曼陀罗Datura stramonium去分化过程dedifferentiation防卫相关基因defense-related gene缺失deficiency缺失杂合体deficiency heterozygote缺失纯合体deficiency homozygote缺失基因deficiens简并degeneracy延迟遗传delayed inheritance缺失deletion提早解离desynapsis终变期diakinesis双列杂交diallel cross须苞石竹Dian thus barbatus双着丝粒染色体dicentric chromosome盘基网柄菌Dictyostelium discoideum raper双脱氧核糖核酸链终止法dideoxynucleotide chain termination 二聚体dimer二倍体diploid二倍配子体无融合生殖diploid gametophyte apomixis双线期diplonema定向鸟枪射击法directed shotgun卸甲disarm不连续的discontinuous双体disomic散布式复制dispersive replication脱氧核糖核酸DNA结合区域DNA-binding domain (DNA)结合蛋白DNA-binding protein (DNA)芯片DNA chip (DNA)连接酶DNA ligase (DNA)微列阵DNA microarray (DNA)聚合酶DNA polymerase (DNA)拓扑异构酶DNA topoisomerase (DNA)区域domain显性效应dominance effect显性与环境互作效应dominance × environment interaction effect 显性假说dominance hypothesis显性性状dominant character显性纯合体dominant homozygote显性致死dominant lethal显性致死基因dominant lethal alleles供体donor剂量效应dosage effect双单体doube monosomic双交换double crossing over双受精double feitilization双重感染double infection双单体double monosomic双三体double trisomic加倍单倍体,双单倍体doubled haploid (DH)双链DNA切开double-stranded cut下游downstream果蝇Drosophila melanogaster重叠作用duplicate effect重叠基因duplicate gene重复duplication二分体dyad动力学杂交dynamic allele-specific hybridization (DASH) 卵细胞egg诱导子elicitor胚胎血红蛋白embryo hemoglobin胚囊embryo sac核内有丝分裂endomitosis内质网endoplasmic reticulum增强子enhancer环境效应environment effect附加体episome上位性epistasis上位性效应epitasis effect上位性与环境互作效应epitasis × environment interaction effect显性上位作用epistatic dominance隐性上位作用epistatic recessiveness机误方差error variance大肠杆菌Escherichia coli溴化乙锭ethidium bromide常染色质euchromatin常染色质区euchromatin region眼虫藻Euglena gracilis真核生物eukaryote真核细胞eukaryotic cell整倍体euploid进化树evolution tree进化速率evolutionary rate切除修复excision repair接合后体exconjugant供体外基因子exogenote外显子exon外显子-内含子交界序列exon-intron boundary核酸外切酶exonuclease实验方差分量experimental variance component表达的序列标签expressed sequence tag (EST)显子extein染色体外遗传extra-chromosomal inheritance核外遗传extra-nuclear inheritance性伞毛 F pillus (F)兼性异染色质facultative heterochromatin反馈调控机制feedback regulation雌配子体female gametophyte孤雌生殖female parthenogenesis致育因子fertility factor受精fertilization胎儿血红蛋白fetal hemoglobin杂种后代filial generation过滤性因子filterable agent (FA)第一次分裂分离first division segregation亲表兄妹first-cousin适合度fitness鞭毛flagella花序floricaula流动细胞分拣技术flow cytometryFISH荧光原位杂交技术fluorescent in situ hybridization正突变forward mutation断片fragment移码frame shift移码突变frame shift mutation子实体fruiting body全同胞full-sib互作遗传变异Genetype × Environment interaction variation (GE) 基因gene基因扩增gene amplification基因剂量gene dosage基因频率.gene frequency基因突变gene mutation基因库gene pool基因调控gene regulation基因治疗gene therapy普通遗传变异gene ralgenetic variation普通遗传率general heritability普通广义遗传率general heritability in the broad sense普通狭义遗传率general heritability in the narrow sense 普通杂种优势general heterosis通用转录因子general transcriptional factor普遍性转导generalized transduction基因治疗gene therapy遗传密码genetic code遗传漂变genetic drift遗传图谱genetic map遗传方差分量genetic variance component遗传变异genetic variation遗传学Genetics染色体组,全基因组genome染色体组型分析genome analysis基因组计划genome project基因库genomic bank核基因库genomic library基因组学genomics基因型genotype基因型与环境互作效应genotype× environment interaction effect 基因型频率genotype frequency基因型值genotypic value基因型方差genotypic variance地理隔离geographic isolation巨型染色体giant chromosome球形期globular stage糖基化glycosylation草甘膦glyphosate高尔基体Golgi body生殖腺gonad颗粒内质网granular endoplasmic reticulum无偿诱导物gratuitous inducer裸子植物gymnosperm雌核发育gynogenesis半同胞half-sib单倍体haploid单倍配子体无融合生殖haploid gametophyte apomixis头head心形期heart stage重链heavy chain解旋酶helicase半合状态hemizygous condition流感嗜血杆菌Hemophilus infiuenzae遗传因子hereditary determinant或hereditary factor 遗传heredity遗传率heritability广义遗传率heritability in the broad sense狭义遗传率heritability in the narrow sense异型核heterocaryon异染色质heterochromatin异染色质区heterochromatin region异配子性别heterogametic sex不均一核RNA heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA)异固缩heteropycnosis杂种优势heterosis超亲优势heterosis over better of parents平均优势heterosis over mean of parents杂合体heterozygote杂合基因型heterozygous genotype六倍体hexaploid高频率重组high frequence recombination (Hfr)高频转导high frequency transduction (HFT)组蛋白histone组氨酸脱乙酰酶histone deacetylase (HD)内切核酸酶HO endonuclease (HO)全酶holoenzyme同形异位框;同型异位盒homeobox同型异位区域homeodomain同形异位现象homeosis同形异位基因homeofic gene部分同源组homoeologous group同配子性别homogametic sex血红蛋白hemoglobin同源染色体homologous chromosome流感嗜血杆菌Hemophilus influenzae人类Homo sapiens同宗配合homotballism纯合性homozygosis纯合体homozygote纯合基因型homozygous genotype宿主细胞host cell宿主范围host range持家基因house keeping gene人类人工染色体human artificial chromosome (HAC)人类基因组计划human genome project (HGP)杂交hybridization杂种优势hybrid vigor过敏性反应hypersensitive response亚倍体hypoploid下位性hypostasis泛生假说hypothesis of pangenesis次黄嘌呤hypoxanthine次黄嘌呤转磷酸核糖基酶hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) 不完全直接重复imperfect direct repeat近交系数inbred coefficient近交inbreeding近交系数inbreeding coefficient近交衰退inbreeding depression不完全显性incomplete dominance不完全连锁incomplete linkage参入incorporate诱导抗性induced resistance诱导induction获得性状遗传inheritance of acquired characters抑制作用inhibiting effect插入因子insertion sequence隔绝元件insulator element胰岛素insulin共整合载体integrated vector整合integration内含子intein互作遗传率interaction heritability互作广义遗传率interaction heritability in the broad sense互作狭义遗传率interaction heritability in the narrow sense互作杂种优势interaction heterosis基因互作interaction of genes干扰interference基因间互作intergenic interaction基因间抑制intergenic suppression中间期interkinesis间期interphase中断杂交试验interrupted mating experiment间性inter sex中间缺失interstitial deficiency区间作图interval mapping基因内互作intragenic interaction基因内抑制intragenic suppression内含子intron倒位inversion体外包装in vitro packing电离ionization铁反应元件iron response element (IRE)异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG) 连接区joining跳跃基因jumping gene卡巴粒Kappa particle放毒型毒素蛋白质killer toxin protein打结基因1 knotted 1乳糖操纵元lactose operon后随链lagging strand晚期基因late gene香豌豆Lathyrus odoratus遗传变异的同型系学说law of homologous series前导链leading strand左界left border细线期leptonema致死基因lethal allele致死突变lethal mutation亮氨酸leucine亮氨酸拉链区leucine zipper基因库library生活周期life cycle轻链light chain光修复light repair竹叶百合Lilium hansonii欧洲百合Lilium martagon椎实螺Limana peregra连锁linkage连锁群linkage group连锁遗传图linkage map连接丝linker位点locus长末端序列long terminate repeat环出looping out溶菌液lysate裂解lysis溶原性lysogeny溶酶性lysosome溶菌性lysozyme宏观环境macro environment大孢子macrospore主染色体main chromosome主基因major gene雄配子体male gametophyte孤雄生殖male parthenogenesis雄性不育性male sterility图位克隆法map-based cloning标记marker标记辅助选择marker-assisted selection (MAS)母板master plate母性影响mateRNAl effect母体遗传mateRNAl inheritance交配型转换mating-type conversion成熟分裂maturation division均值mean减数分裂meiosis蜂毒素melittin孟德尔群体Mendelian population部分合子,局部二倍体merozygote质膜体mesosome信使RNA messenger RNA (mRNA)中间着丝点染色体metacentric chromosome中期memphase中期I memphase I中期II memphase II果实直感metaxenia甲基化methylation微环境micro environment小随体microsatellite小孢子microspore微随体minisatellite微效基因minor gene紫茉莉Mirabilis jalapa误义突变missense mutation线粒体mitochondria有丝分裂mitosis混合线性模型分析方法mixed linear model approach基于混合线性模型的复合区间作图mixed-model-based composite interval mapping 修饰基因modifying gene分子进化钟molecular evolutionary clock莫洛尼氏鼠白血病病毒moloney murine leukemia virus (moloney MLV) 单顺反子monocistron一倍体monoploid单体monosomic镶嵌显性mosaic dominance多因一效muhigenic effect复等位基因multiple allele多克隆位点multiple cloning site (MCS)多基因假说multiple-factor hypothesis多价体mulfivalem小鼠Mus musculus突变体mutant突变mutation突变压mutation pressure基因突变率mutation rate多克隆位点multiple cloning site突变子muton互斥事件mutually exclusive events菌丝体mycelium负调控negative regulation红色面包霉Neurosopora crassa中性突变neutral mutation切口nick粘毛烟草Nicotiana gluinosa烟草Nicotiana spp.美花烟草Nicotiana sylvestris普通烟草Nicotiana tabaccum拟茸毛烟草Nicotiana tomentosiformisN-连糖基化N-linked glycosylation非等位基因non-allele非染色体遗传non-chromosomal inheritance非同源染色体non-homologous chromosome非孟德尔遗传non-mendelian inheritance非轮回亲本non-recurrent parent无义突变nonsense mutation非模板链nontemplate strandNorthern杂交Northern blotting细胞核遗传nuclear inheritance核膜nuclear membrane核孔nuclear pore核液nuclear sap核酸nucleic acid拟核nucleoid核仁组织中心nucleolar organizer核仁nucleolus核小体nucleosome核苷酸nucleotide缺体nullisomic巨型月见草Oenothera gigas普通月见草Oenothera lamarckiana常异花授粉植物often cross-pollinated plant 冈崎片段Okazaki fragmentO-连糖基化O-linked glycosylation卵原细胞oogonia阅读框架open reading frame (ORF) 操纵子operator冠瘿碱代谢opine catabolism有序性ordered细胞器organelle复制原点ori水稻Oryza sativa异交outbreeding超显性假说overdominance hypothesis 重叠基因overlapping gene粗线期pachynema配对pairing吸水纸paper towels臂内倒位paracentric inversion草履虫Paramecium aurelia参数parameter亲本parent单性结实parthenocary单性生殖parthenogenesis部分二倍体partial diploid巡回酶patrolling enzyme穿入penetration五倍体pentaploid蛋白聚糖peptidoglycan转肽酶peptidyl transferase臂间倒位pericentric inversionDNA合成期S period of DNA synthesis 子囊果perithecium花瓣petal小菌落petite噬菌体显现phage display表现型phenotype表现型值phenotypic value表现型方方差phenotypic variance表现型变异phenotypic variation光激活酶photoreacting enzyme种系发生树phylogenic tree物理图谱physical map雌蕊基因pistillata豌豆Pisum sativum车前Plantago asiatica噬菌斑plaque菌斑杂交法plaque hybridization细胞膜plasma membrane质膜plasma membrane或plasmalemma 质粒plasmid质粒转移plasmid transfer胞间连丝plasmodesma细胞质基因组plasmon平板培养plating一因多效pleiotropism点突变point mutation极体polar body极核polar nucleus授粉pollination聚腺苷酸化polyadenylation多顺反子polycistron多基因plygenesPCR聚合酶链式反应polymerase chain reaction异位同效基因polymeric gene多倍体polyploid多聚核糖体polyribosome多聚核糖体polysome多线染色体带polytene多线染色体polytene chromosome群体遗传学population genetics半支莲Portulaca grandiflora位置效应position effect正调控positive regulationDNA合成后期G2 post DNA synthesis后端posterior后基因组学post-genomics后复制修复post-replication repair前定作用predeterminationDNA合成前期pre-DNA synthesis (G1)前体mRNA pre-mRNA主缢痕primary constriction初级卵母细胞primary oocyte初级精母细胞primary spermatocyte引物primer概率probability探针probe原核生物prokaryote原核细胞prokaryotic cell启动子promoter原噬菌体prophage前期prophase前期I prophase i前期II prophaseII蛋白酶protease蛋白质组proteome蛋白质组学proteomics原生质protoplasm原养型prototroph假基因pseudogene脉冲电泳pulsed field gel electrophoresis 棋盘方格punnett square嘌呤purine嘧啶pyrimidineQTL定位QTL mapping质量性状qualitative character数量性状quantitative characterQTL数量性状基因位点quantitative trait loci依赖于ρ的终止Ρ-dependent terminator不依赖于ρ的终止Ρ-independent terminator辐射杂交系库radiation hybrid panel随机误差random error随机遗传漂变random genetic drift速溶性Rapid lysis活性氧中间体reactive oxygen intermediate 受体receptor隐性性状recessive character隐性纯合体recessive homozygote隐性致死recessive lethal隐性致死基因recessive lethal allele相互易位reciprocal translocation识别序列recognition sequence重组体recombinantRE 重组强化子recombinant enhancer重组热点recombinant hotspotRIL 重组近交系recombinant inbred line重组质粒recombinant plasmid重组率recombination frequency重组作图法recombination mapping重组修复recombination repair重组近交系recombined inbred line重组子recon轮回亲本recurrent parent调控基因regulator gene调控蛋白质regulator protein阻遏蛋白超量突变型regulator quantity染色质重建remodeling chromatin修复repair复制泡replication bubble复制起始点replication origin复制子replicon可阻遏操纵元repressible operon阻遏物环状结构repression loop阻遏蛋白repressor protein生殖隔离reproductive isolation相斥组repulsion phase局限性转导restricted transduction限制restriction限制性内切核酸酶restriction endonuclease限制性内切核酸酶restriction enzymeRFLP限制性片段长度多型性restriction fragment length polymorphism 减毒的病毒DNA retrovirus DNA反接重复reverse duplication反突变reverse mutation反转录酶reverse transcriptase核糖体RNA ribosomal RNA (rRNA)核糖体ribosome核酶ribozymRGP水稻基因组计划rice genome project右界right border核糖核酸RNARNA聚合酶RNA polymeraseRNA复制酶RNA repliease粗糙内质网rough endoplasmic reticulum酿酒酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae唾腺染色体salivary chromosome鼠伤寒沙门氏菌Salmonella typhimurium随体satellite第二次分裂分离second division segregation第二遗传密码second genetic code次缢痕secondary constriction次级卵母细胞secondary oocyte次级精母细胞secondary spermatocyte沉降系数sedimentation coefficient自交不亲和性self-incompatibility自交selfing白花授粉植物self-pollinated plant白花授粉self pollination半保留复制semiconservative replication半不育semi-sterility萼片sepal已知序列为标签的位点sequenc etagged site (STS)血清反应因子serum response factor (SRF)倍半二倍体sesquidiploid严重综合免疫缺陷severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) 性染色体sex chromosome从性遗传sex-controlled inheritance性导sex ducfion性因子sex factor性纤毛sex fimbriae性影响遗传sex-influenced inheritance限性遗传sex-limited inheritance性连锁sex linkage伴性遗传sex-linked inheritance伴性致死sex linked lethal有性生殖sexual reproduction转移shift鸟枪射击法shotgun穿梭载体shuttle vector镰刀形细胞贫血sickle-cell anemia沉默子silencer简单序列长度多型性simple sequence length polymorphism (SSLP) 简单重复序列simple tandem repeat (STR)简单易位,114 simple traslocation单交换single crossing over单核苷酸多型性single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)座位site变形体slug小核RNA small nuclear RNA (snRNA)平滑内质网smooth edoplasmic refieulum体细胞联会somatic synapsisSOS修复SOS repairSouthern杂交分析Southern blotting特殊性转导specialized transduction物种species比活性specificactivity精子sperm精细胞sperm cell精细胞spennatid精原细胞spermatogonia菠菜Spinacia oleracea纺锤体spindle纺锤丝spindle fiber着丝点spindle fiber attachment剪接体spliceosome剪接内切核酸酶splicing endonuclease剪接连接酶splicing ligase隔裂基因split gene孢子体sporophyte产孢过程sporulation雄蕊stamen标准差standard deviation淀粉分支酶starch-branching enzyme (SBE) 统计量statistic统计分析statistical analysis类固醇steroid黏性末端sticky end肺炎双球菌Streptococcus pneumoniae结构基因structural gene亚克隆subcloning填充序列stuffer近中着丝点染色体sub-metacentric chromosome 替换substitution超显性假说superdominance hypothesis超数感染superinfection超数染色体supemumerary chromosome共生体symbiont联会synapsis联会复合体synaptonemal complex助细胞synergid进化综合理论synthetic theory of evolution系统抗性systemic resistance顺接重复tandem duplicationTATA盒结合蛋白TATA-binding protein (TBP ) TBP相关蛋白TBP-associated factors (TAF) 端着丝点染色体telocentric chromosome端体酶RNA telomerase RNA端体telomere末期telophase末期I telophase i末期II telophaseII温和性噬菌体temperate phage模板链template strand顶端缺失terminal deficiency顶穗基因terminalear端化terminalization终止信号termination signal测交法testcross四分体,四联体tetrad四分子分析tetrad analysis嗜热四膜虫Tetrahymena thermophila四倍体tetraploid四体tetrasomic四分孢子tetraspore独立分配规律the law of independent assortment 分离规律the law of segregation种质连续论theory of continuity of germplasm 基因论theory of the gene胸节thoracic segment三因子转导three-factor transduction三点测验three-point testcross苏氨酸threonine胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷thymidineTK胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷激酶thymidine kinase烟草花叶病毒tobacco mosaic vires鱼雷形期torpedo stage全能性totipotency易位translocation反式调控trans-acting反式调控激活区域trans-activating domain转录单位transcript unit转录transcription激活子transcription activator转录泡trascription bubbleTF转录因子transcription factor转录强化子transcriptional enhancer转录单位transcript unit转导颗粒transducing particle转导体transductant转导transduction转染transfection转移DNA transfer DNAtRNA转移RNA transfer RNA转化transformation转化因子transforming principle超亲遗传transgressive inheritance转换transition翻译translation移位酶translocase易位translocation转座子transposon颠换transversion三联体triplet三倍体triploid三体trisomic小黑麦Tritical一粒小麦Triticum monococcum小麦Triticum spp.色氨酸操纵元tryptophan operon癌细胞tumorTi诱导瘤细胞tumor-inducing双杂交系统twohybrid system两因子转导two-factor transduction两点测验two-point testcross遍在蛋白质ubiquitin紫外线ultra-violet不等交换unequal crossing over单位性状unit characterUTR非翻译区untranslated region上游upstreamUAS上游激活序列upstream activating sequence器官的用进废退use and disuse of organ液泡vacuoleVNTR 多次重复序列variable number of tandem repeat 变异区variable region方差variance方差分量variance component变异variation载体vector营养的无融合生殖vegetative apomixis营养核vegetative nucleus蚕豆Vicia faba毒性区域vir烈性噬菌体virulent phageWestern杂交分析Western blotting滤纸wick胚乳直感xenia蟾蜍Xenopus laevis酵母菌人工染色体yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) 酵母菌附加体质粒yeast episomal plasmid (YEP)锌指zinc finger偶线期zygonema合子zygote。
在鱼类胚胎发育早期,体细胞系和生殖细 胞系就发生了分离,形成了生殖细胞的祖细 胞,即PGCs。随后,PGCs迁移到达生殖原基, 增殖、分化为精原细胞或卵原细胞,接着开始 配子发生。在精巢中,精原细胞发育为精子需 要经过3个阶段:有丝分裂(精原细胞增殖)、减 数分裂(初级和次级精母细胞形成)、精子生成[36-37]。 在有丝分裂阶段,具有干细胞特性的未分化A型 精原细胞(Aund)通过有丝分裂产生分化的A型精 原细胞(Adiff),同时伴随着自我更新能力的大幅 降低,然后Adiff继续分裂产生B型精原细胞;通 常把Aund称为精原干细胞[36, 。 38-39] 卵巢中,卵原 细胞经过有丝分裂增殖后,快速进入到减数分 裂阶段,成为初级卵母细胞,经过初级、次级 生长及卵黄生成后,发育成为卵子。在卵原细 胞增殖过程中,部分卵原细胞保持干细胞特
水产学报, 2020, 44(2): 321−337
JOURNAL OF FISHERIES OF CHINA DOI: 10.11964/jfc.20190511781
叶 欢1, 危起伟1, 徐冬冬2, 岳华梅1, 竹内裕3, 阮 瑞1, 杜 浩1, 李创举1*
文章编号: 1000-0615(2020)02-0321-17
2 鱼类生殖细胞移植
鱼类生殖细胞移植主要包括供体细胞、受 体的选择与制备,以及二者的亲缘关系等关键 科学与技术问题。
益生菌对阿尔茨海默病作用的研究进展发布时间:2021-12-14T06:08:15.523Z 来源:《中国结合医学杂志》2021年12期作者:宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清1[导读] 阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。
宋鑫萍1,2,李盛钰2,金清11.延边大学农学院,吉林延吉 1330022.吉林省农业科学院农产品加工研究所,吉林长春 130033摘要:阿尔茨海默病已成为威胁全球老年人生命健康的主要疾病之一,患者数量逐年攀升,其护理的经济成本高,给全球经济造成重大挑战。
关键词:益生菌;阿尔茨海默病;肠道菌群;机制Recent Progress in Research on Probiotics Effect on Alzheimer’s DiseaseSONG Xinping1,2,LI Shengyu2,JI Qing1*(1.College of Agricultural, Yanbian University, Yanji 133002,China)(2.Institute of Agro-food Technology, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chanchun 130033, China)Abstract:Alzheimer’s disease has become one of the major diseases threatening the life and health of the global elderly. The number of patients is increasing year by year, and the economic cost of nursing is high, which poses a major challenge to the global economy. In recent years, studies have shown that probiotics, as microorganisms beneficial to the health of the host, have a positive impact on the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Its mechanism may be through regulating intestinal flora, affecting the nervous immune system, regulating the neuroactive substances and metabolites, and affecting the occurrence and development of the disease through thegut- brain axis. This paper reviews the progress of probiotics on Alzheimer’s disease at home and abroad in recent years, as well as its potential mechanism of prevention and treatment.Key words:probiotics; Alzheimer’s disease; gut microbiota; mechanism阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer’s disease, AD),系中枢神经系统退行性疾病,属于老年期痴呆常见类型,临床特征主要包括:记忆力减退、认知功能障碍、行为改变、焦虑和抑郁等。
『缶床 研 究 , 是 极有希望 的新 型 抗 癌 药物 , 然而 其 抗癌 机 理 , 尤其 是 抗 肿瘤转 移 的机 理 目前 尚不 清 楚 。
月球最 高点高于 珠峰
月球最 高峰的高度是 9 8 4 0 米 , 比珠 穆 朗玛 峰还 高出近 1 0 0 0 米 !这 是 中国科 学 家根据
嫦 娥 “ 一
要 的生 理 功 能 , 其 中还 含有种名 叫降钙 素 的激 素 , 能够有效促 进 骨钙 的 吸 收 。
1 1 月 1 日出版 的C a n c e r R e s e a r c h 发 表 了 中科 院上 海 药物 所 谢 欣 研 究 组 和 第 二 军 医 大 学 药学 院海 洋 药物 研 究 中心 易 杨 华研 究 组 的最 新 研 究成 果 , 他 们 揭 示 了海 洋 天 然 产物 B r y o s t a t i n s 在 抗 肿 瘤 转 移 方 面 的作 用 机 理 。
B r y o s t a t i n s 是 从 海 洋 生 物 草 苔 虫 中分离 得 到 的一 类 大 环 内酯 类化 合 物 , 有 近 2 0 个 结 构 类似 物 。 研
究 显 示 , B r y o s t a t i n s 对 肿 瘤 生 长 、 转 移 及 血 管新 生 都有 抑 制作 用 , 其 中B r y o s t a t i n — l 已 经 在 美 国进 入
疲劳驾驶可 预警
不是用 手而是用意念控制车速 , 并让车左右转弯绕过障碍— — 2 2 日, 上海交通 大 学 计算机 系 的专 家现 场 演 示 了这 个 以前只 在科幻 电影 中出现 的场 面 。
据张丽清教授 介绍 , 这项科研 成果可 用来预 警疲劳驾驶 。 当驾驶 员的疲劳程 度 改变 时 , 大 脑 内部 不 同脑 区神 经 元 放 电的 同步性 会 发 生 改变 , 这 些 改 变 可 以通 过 脑 电检 测 到 , 通 过 对脑 电的模式进行分析 , 便可 对 驾驶 员 的疲 劳程 度进 行估 计 , 从 而 做 出预警 , 减少 因疲劳驾驶而 导致 的交通事故 。
• 50 •国际夕卜科学杂志2021 年1月第 48 卷第1期International Journal of Surgery , January 2021,Vol. 48,No. 1[38] Benazzo A, Schw arz S, Muckenhuber M, et al. Alemtuzumabinduction combined with reduced maintenance immunosuppressionis asstw iatt'ii wilh improved outcomes after lung transplantation:Asingle centre experience[ J ]. PI^oS One, 2019 , 14(1):e210443.DOI :10. 1371/journal, pone. 0210443.[39] Wang K, Xu X, Fan M. Induction therapy of basiliximab versusantithymocyte globulin in renal allograft:a systematic review andmeta-analysis[J]. Clin Exp Nephrol, 2018, 22(3):684-693.DOI:10.1007/sl0157-017-1480-z.[40」Hdgei'le BA, Kohli N, Parker K, et al. Challenging immunosuppression treatment in lung transplant recipients withkidney failure [ J ]. Transpl Immunol, 2016, 35:18-22. DOI :10. 1016/j. trim. 2016. 02. 002.(收稿 H期:2020-07-20)肝硬化失代偿期上消化道出血的机制研究进展张敏敏1陈刚2朱军民2赵斌2梁丽娟11甘肃中医药大学第一临床医学院,兰州730000 ;2兰州大学第二医院普外科730030通信作者:梁丽销,E m a i l:lianglijuan2004@ 126. c o m【摘要】肝硬化的病因很多,但在我国大部分肝硬化主要从慢性病毒性肝炎发展而来,肝硬化失代偿期多以门静脉高压、上消化道出血和腹水为主要表现。
摘要:本发明提供了用于预防或治疗神经性、神经变性和情绪病症或疾病的微藻水华束丝藻(Aquae Ralfs ex Born.& Flah.Var.flos aquae)(AFA Klamath)的提取物及其纯化的组分。
中华乌塘鳢嗅觉系统孕酮受体的免疫细胞化学研究赖晓健;洪万树;王桂忠;马细兰;张其永;王琼【摘要】We evaluated the morphology and structure of the olfactory system in the Chinese black sleeper, Bostrichthys sinensis (Lacepede) using histology. The olfactory system consisted of the olfactory sac, olfactory nerve, and olfactory bulb. The olfactory sac (the rosette) was fusiform in shape and located inside the olfactory chamber, which had two openings that allow water to flow through the rosette as the fish moves. There were 10-16 primary olfactory lamellae radiating from the wall of the olfactory chamber. These lamellae were longitudinally arranged and parallel to each other. The primary olfactory lamellae differed in their height and some possessed secondary olfactory lamellae. Olfactory lamellae were composed of the olfactory epithelium and central core. The olfactory epithelium consisted primarily of ciliated receptor cells, ciliated non-receptor cells, supporting cells, and basal cells. The axons of the primary olfactory receptor neurons in each rosette converged to form a pair olfactory nerves that exceeded 1 cm in length in a 17 cm fish. The paired olfactory nerves extended from the posterior ventral base of each rosette to the ipsilateral olfactory bulb. The two olfactory bulbs, in close contact with the telencephalon, were slightly oval and sessile. Each olfactory bulb consisted of three, roughly distinguishable layers, in order from the surface: (1) the olfactory nerve layer, containing the axons of the olfactory receptor neurons, (2) the glomerular and mitral cell layer, where the axons of theolfactory receptor neurons arborized into glomeruli and the secondary neurons (mitral cells) were scattered around glomeruli, and (3) the granule cell layer, consisting of densely-packed small size cells. Afferent fibers of nerve bundles reached the anterior bulb, spread along the periphery of the bulb and terminated on the dendrites of mitral cells in the glomerular and mitral cell layer. The olfactory nerve layer extended more caudally in the ventral lateral field than in the dorsal medial field. The glomerular and mitral cell layer was thinner in the medial field than in the lateral field of the olfactory bulbs. Using immunocytochemistry SABC, we determined the distribution and numbers of progesterone receptor im-munoreactive cells in the B. Sinensis olfactory system. Progesterone receptors were present in the olfactory system of the fish, with the largest number of PR immunoreactive cells occurring in the olfactory epithelium, followed by the olfactory bulb and the olfactory nerve. PR immunoreactivity was confined to the cell nucleus in the olfactory epithelium. We only observed a few neurons that were immunostained with antibodies against PR in the olfactory nerve in mature fish. In addition, we noted the presence of some PR immunoreactive cells on the vascular wall during the spawning season. We observed a higher density of PR immunoreactive cells in the olfactory bulb. The immunoreactive intensity in the bulb was higher in the lateral field and ventral fields than in the mid and dorsal fields, respectively. In the sections that were immunostained with antibodies against PR, we observed immunoreactive mitral cells in the glomerular and mitral cell layers. The numbers of immunoreactive cells were linked to thereproductive status of the fish. In the olfactory epithelium, the numbers of immunoreactive cells in mature males and females was significantly (P < 0.05 or P<0.0l) higher than in immature males and females. Similarly, immunoreactive cells were not detected in the olfactory nerve in immature fish. The numbers of immunoreactive cells in the olfactory bulb was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in mature females than in immature females. To our knowledge, this is the first report documenting the distribution of immunoreactive progesterone receptor cells in the olfactory system of a teleost.%为了进一步探讨中华乌塘鳢[Bostrichthys sinensis (Lacépède)]感受性信息素(17a-P和17a,20β-P)的作用机制,以免疫细胞化学(SABC)法进行中华乌塘鳢嗅觉系统孕酮受体的免疫定位和数量分析.结果显示,孕酮受体免疫阳性细胞在性成熟中华乌塘鳢的嗅上皮、嗅神经和嗅球上均有分布,免疫阳性细胞数量由高到低依次为:嗅上皮、嗅球、嗅神经.半定量分析结果表明,中华乌塘鳢嗅觉系统的孕酮受体免疫阳性细胞的数量与其性腺发育程度有关.性成熟雄鱼和雌鱼嗅上皮的免疫阳性细胞数量分别显著或极显著(P<0.05或P<0.01)高于性未成熟雄鱼和雌鱼;性未成熟鱼嗅神经上未发现孕酮受体免疫阳性细胞;性成熟雌鱼嗅球上的免疫阳性细胞数量显著高于性未成熟雌鱼(P<0.05).本研究证实了硬骨鱼类嗅觉系统中存在孕酮受体免疫阳性细胞.【期刊名称】《中国水产科学》【年(卷),期】2011(018)005【总页数】8页(P1043-1050)【关键词】中华乌塘鳢:嗅觉系统;孕酮受体;免疫细胞化学【作者】赖晓健;洪万树;王桂忠;马细兰;张其永;王琼【作者单位】厦门大学海洋学系,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋生物资源开发与保护福建省高校重点实验室,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋学系,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋生物资源开发与保护福建省高校重点实验室,福建厦门361005;集美大学水产学院,福建厦门361021;厦门大学海洋学系,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋生物资源开发与保护福建省高校重点实验室,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋学系,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋生物资源开发与保护福建省高校重点实验室,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋学系,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋生物资源开发与保护福建省高校重点实验室,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋学系,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋生物资源开发与保护福建省高校重点实验室,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋学系,福建厦门361005;厦门大学海洋生物资源开发与保护福建省高校重点实验室,福建厦门361005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q959;S917鱼类嗅觉器官是一种化学感受器, 其敏感性极高, 对于鱼类的求偶、觅食、识别、集群、洄游和防御敌害等均有重要意义[1], 中华乌塘鳢[(Bostrichthys sinensis (Lacépède)]是中国东南沿海河口和港湾等半咸淡水域中的一种营穴居生活的经济鱼类, 属于嗅觉鱼类[2]。
林镛,等. 胆固醇与肝再生关系及其在肝衰竭治疗中的意义和潜在价值
大的初始阶段,随后是肝细胞增殖[10]。深入了解这种反应的 2. 1 胆固醇循环 胆固醇合成过程复杂,有近30 步酶促反
发生机制,可以有效地在急慢性肝损伤中发展保护和促进肝再 应,大致划分为甲羟戊酸、鲨烯、胆固醇合成3 个阶段。其中在
能和/ 或肝实质的大小满足机体代谢需要时,肝再生反应即停 脂,再与食物中吸收的胆固醇、载脂蛋白(Apo)B48 组成乳糜微
止,这是一种固有( , ), chylomicron CM CM 进入小肠附近的淋巴小管,通过淋巴
~ 48
步入 h
, , , , , , , ( LIN Yong1 YAN Gengjie1 FENG Feng1 PENG Ziming1 LONG Fuli1,2 WEI Ailing2 WANG Minggang2 YAO Chun3 . 1. Graduate , , ; , School of Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine Nanning 530200 China 2. Second Ward of Hepatology The First Affiliated Hospital of , , ; , , ) Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine Nanning 530023 China 3. Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine Nanning 530000 China : , ( : ) Corresponding author YAO Chun 1197840425@ qq. com ORCID 0000 - 0002 - 6612 - 874X
1. Introduction By the early 1950s, an impetus to learn more about marine organisms arose. The earliest biologically active substance of marine origin was a toxin named holothurin, which was extracted by Nigrelli from a marine organism, the Actinopyga agassizi 1. Holothurin showed some antitumor activities in mice. Since then, the search for drugs and natural products of interest from marine organisms has continued. The field of natural polysaccharides of marine origin is already large and expanding. Seaweeds are the most abundant source of polysaccharides, as alginates, agar and agarose as well as carrageenans. Table 1 gives an idea of the significant market of these polymers. Even cellulose and amylose have
Paola Laurienzo Institute of Polymers Chemistry and Technology, C.N.R.-Via Campi Flegrei, 34-80078 Pozzuoli (Naples), Italy; E-Mail: Received: 22 July 2010; in revised form: 19 August 2010 / Accepted: 20 August 2010 / Published: 2 September 2010
摘 要
杜氏藻属( Dunaliella )是绿藻门的一类重要经济微藻,可以用来生产 β - 胡 萝 卜 素和 甘油等 产品 。杜氏藻属的 大多数 物种 极端耐盐 ,可以 在 含 0.05~5.50M NaCl 的培养液中生长,因此是研究植物耐盐机制的 良好实验材料。 本论文首先利用核基因 ITS 序列和叶绿体基因 rbc L 序列确定了一株杜氏藻 的分类地位,再比较了不同 NaCl 浓度对该藻的生理生化特性、几种碳氮代谢酶 活性及其基因表达的影响。旨在确定该藻的正确种属地位,筛选出适合该杜氏 藻生长的 NaCl 浓度条件及该藻碳氮代谢酶对不同 NaCl 浓度的响应,从而为藻 类耐盐机制提供更多资料。 ( 1 )对该藻进行了 ITS 序列和 rbc L 序列的克隆与序列测定, 结果表明该藻 株 D3 与 GenBank 数据库查找的 23 株 杜氏藻的 ITS 序列 之间的遗传距离 在 0.026~0.136 之间,与 21 株杜氏藻的 rbc L 序列之间的遗传距离在 0.005~0.060 之 间 , 由 遗 传 距 离 和 聚 类 图 结 果 推 断 该 杜 氏 藻 株 D3 应 该 是 绿 色 杜 氏 藻 ( D. viridis )。 ( 2 )比较了 4 种 NaCl 浓度对绿色杜氏藻的生长、叶绿素含量、蛋白质含 量、总脂含量和叶绿素荧光参数的影响。结果表明 1.00M NaCl 培养绿色杜氏藻 生长最快,培养至 10d 时, 0.44M 、 2.00M 和 3.00M NaCl 培养藻细胞密度分别 是它的 85.9% 、 93.2% 和 80.7% ;该绿色杜氏藻叶绿素含量和 可溶性蛋白含量均 为 1.00M NaCl 培养最高;总脂含量在 0.44~2.00M NaCl 范围内随盐度升高而增 加, 2.00M NaCl 培养总脂含量占干重的 22.3% ;叶绿素荧光参数 F v /F m 、 Ф PSII 和 q p 在高盐( 3.00M NaCl )培养显著降低,而 NPQ 则升高。 ( 3 )比较了 4 种 NaCl 浓度对绿色杜氏藻的碳固定酶——核酮糖 -1,5- 二磷酸 羧 化 酶 / 加 氧 酶 ( ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase , Rubisco ) 和 CO 2 转 化酶 —— 碳酸酐酶 ( CA )活性及其基因表达的影响。结果表明 绿色杜 氏 藻的 Rubisco 初始活力和总活力都是在 1.00M NaCl 培养最高,随着 NaCl 浓度升 高其活力下降,到 3.00M NaCl 时分别降为最高值的 37.33% 和 26.39% 。在转录 水平上, Rubisco 大小亚基—— rbc L 和 rbc S 分别在 1.00M 和 2.00M NaCl 组表 达量最高。胞外碳酸酐酶在 0.44~2.00M NaCl 范围内,随着 NaCl 浓度增加 CA
1.立体专一性地合成Z-式2-烷氧羰基氨基-4-苯基-2-丁烯酸及酯 [J], 谢益农;崔欣;宓爱巧;蒋耀忠
2.用新的claisen法立体专一引入c-20侧链,通过β-面重排简单合成20-表胆甾醇[J], 刘丽新;刘淮
3.微生物发酵降解植物甾醇侧链生产17-酮甾体研究进展 [J], 杨顺楷;杨亚力;吴中柳;范林萍;李小刚
4.新法构建25-羟基油菜甾体的侧链 [J], 周向东;蔡峰;周维善
5.甾体植物生长调节剂合成研究——31.甲烷磺酰胺对(22E)-甾体不饱和侧链的饿催化的不对称双羟化反应的影响 [J], 黄良富;胡琦颖;周维善;夏立钧;毕茂华
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班级:硕士二教班英语B2 班
文章来源:N Engl J Med
2011 May 19;364:1909-1919.
Alemtuzumab Induction in Renal Transplantation
Michael J. Hanaway, M.D., E. Steve Woodle, M.D., Shamkant Mulgaonkar, M.D.,
V. Ram Peddi, M.D., Dixon B. Kaufman, M.D., Ph.D., M. Roy First, M.D.,
Richard Croy, M.A., and John Holman, M.D., for the INTAC Study Group*
From the University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham (M.J.H.); the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati (E.S.W.); St. Barnabas Health System, West Orange,NJ(S.M.);California Pacific Medical Center,San Francisco(V.R.P.); the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health,Madison(D.B.K.);and Astellas Pharma, Chicago(M.R.F., R.C., J.H.). Address reprint requests to Dr. Hanaway at Lyons Harrison Research Bldg.,Rm. 728,1530 3rd Ave.,South Birmingham,AL 35294,or at michael.hanaway@.
Background:There are few comparisons of antibody induction therapy allowing early glucocorticoid withdrawal in renal-transplant recipients. The purpose of the present study was to compare induction therapy involving alemtuzumab with the most commonly used induction regimens in patient populations at either high immunologic risk or low immunologic risk.
In this prospective study, we randomly assigned patients to receive alemtuzumab or conventional induction therapy (basiliximab or rabbit antithymocyte globulin). Patients were stratified according to acute rejection risk, with a high risk defined by a repeat transplant, a peak or current value of panel-reactive antibodies of 20% or more, or black race. The 139 high-risk patients received alemtuzumab (one dose of 30 mg, in 70 patients) or rabbit antithymocyte globulin (a total of 6 mg per kilogram of body weight given over 4 days, in 69 patients). The 335 low-risk patients received alemtuzumab (one dose of 30 mg, in 164 patients) or basiliximab (a total of 40 mg over 4 days, in 171 patients). All patients received tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil and underwent a 5-day glucocorticoid taper in a regimen of early steroid withdrawal. The primary end point was biopsy-confirmed acute rejection at 6 months and 12 months. Patients were followed for 3 years for safety and efficacy end points.
Results:The rate of biopsy-confirmed acute rejection was significantly lower in the alemtuzumab group than in the conventional-therapy group at both 6 months (3% vs. 15%, P<0.001) and 12 months (5% vs. 17%, P<0.001). At 3 years, the rate of biopsyconfirmed acute rejection in low-risk patients was lower with alemtuzumab than with basiliximab (10% vs. 22%, P = 0.003), but among high-risk patients, no significant difference was seen between alemtuzumab and rabbit antithymocyte globulin (18% vs. 15%, P = 0.63). Adverse-event rates were similar among all four treatment groups.
Conclusions:By the first year after transplantation, biopsy-confirmed acute rejection was less frequent with alemtuzumab than with conventional therapy. The apparent superiority of alemtuzumab with respect to early biopsy-confirmed acute rejection was restricted to patients at low risk for transplant rejection; among high-risk patients, alemtuzumab and rabbit antithymocyte globulin had similar efficacy. (Funded by Astellas Pharma Global Development; INTAC number, NCT00113269.)