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Penguins don’t exist only in Antarctica. There is a kind of African penguins living in South Africa. Can you believe it?
They are famous for their howls Байду номын сангаас嚎叫) which are continuous and unbelievable, just like the ones of donkeys. So, they have an funny name -- “donkey penguin”.
Antarctic Treaty. T 8. The treaty has three main aims. T
Remember the following words as soon as possible(3’), then fill in the blanks:
adapt (to)
depth 深度
Activity 4 on P4
1、Read the passage and choose a heading for each paragraph. (3’)
A great place for researchers Para 3 Plants and animals Para 2 The Antarctic Treaty Para 5 The discovery of Antarctica Para 4 The land Para 1
Choose one of them:
1、Connect the oral sentences into writing a
compositon to introduce Antarctica.
2、Prepare a presentation about Arctic (The North
outside part of it.
2.If you _e_x_p_l_o_r_e_ a place, you hope to discover
something there.
3.If you _a_d_a_p_t_ to a new situation, you change.
4.A _m__i_n_e_r_a_l_ is a substance that is formed
The blood colour of fishes in Antarctica is between grey and white.
No rubbish throwing
No global warming
No oil spills
To live a low-carbon and harmonious life!
2、Check the true statements. (8’)
1. There are mountains and volcanoes in Antarctica. T
2. Not many animals live there. F 3. There aren’t many plants. T 4. There are lots of white rocks in Antarctica.
surface 表面
explore 探索
gravity 重力
radioactive 放射性的;有辐射的
1.The _s_u_r_f_a_c_e_ of something is the top or
naturally in the earth.
5. A _t_r_e_a_t_y_ a special written agreement
between different countries.
6. _R__a_i_n_f_a_ll_ is the amount of rain which falls
5. People guessed that Antarctica existed before it was discovered. T
6. The first person to land on Antarctica was British. F
7. France was one of the first countries to sign the
Why do polar bears never eat penguins?
Polar lights
Since Antarctica is so fantastic, why not learn more details about it through reading ?
of an atom.
10.__D_e_p__th_ means how deep something is.
11.__R_a_d__io_a__c_ti_v_e_ refers to a dangerous form
of nuclear energy.
Nuclear radiation 核辐射
Each person, each sentence , to describe Antarctica.(2’)
in a particular place.
7._G__r_a_v_i_t_y_ is a force which makes things
fall to earth.
8. If you __tr_a__p_ something or someone, they
can’t move.
9.__N_u__c_le_a_r__ energy comes from the centre
The penguin is a kind of bird which can’t fly. But it can walk straight , swim and dive (潜水) just like a man.
The adult penguins replace all the feathers once a year.