八年级英语He said I was hardworking课件5
he said i was hard-workingPPT教学课件
Word study
• ever 曾经;永远 adv. • mad 疯狂的;狂热的 adj. • anymore 再;还;今后 adv. • snack 小吃 n. • direct speech 直接引语 • reported speech; indirect speech 间接引语 • first of all 首先 • message 消息;信息 n. • pass on 传递 • suppose 假定;认为;期望 v. • be supposed to 被期望;被要求……
2. The teacher said, "My students are hard-working." The teacher said that _______________________.
3. Tom told Jane, " I will lend my bicycle to you." Tom told Jane that _______________________.
Marcia said …
He is serious.
Ben said …
She is friendly.
Ben said …
Change into reported speech
• 1. He said, “I live in Xiamen.” • 2. She said, “I’m interested in physics.” • 3. He said to me, “I will learn English
• 4. My friend said that she was sorry that she'd gotten mad.
• 5. She asked me why I wanted to do that.
英语:八年级下《Unit 4 He said I was hard-working》课件
5. My mother said she (is\was)cooking supper.
2 points
1.(Tony) I go camping every week.
Tony said he went camping every week.
2.(Linda) I am upset at my report card.
Good bye!
Linda said she was upset at her report card.
3.(Scott) I will go to Sam’s house Friday night.
Scott said he would go to Sam’s house Friday night.
-1 point
2 points
1.She said "This is my computer".
1.She said this was her computer.
2.Tony said:"I can play the violin.
2.Tony said he could play the violin.
3Susan said:"I go shopping every Sunday.
一般现在时 一般将来时 现在进行时
一般过去时 过去将来时 过去进行时
am\is are
was were
will can do
would could did
What did he say?
他的名字第一次走进我的日记本里,是在初二的那个暑假,一整船送葬队伍里,他第一个从船上跳下来,跳得不稳,往前跑了一个趔趄,红着脸低头从我们面前跑过去时,表弟打了个哈哈:“难怪 现在大家说他是10班的小白脸呢!”
初三开学后,班级合并,我们又成了同班。他安安静静地坐在最后一排,老师们偶然会念到他的名字,他站起来,短暂的寂静过后,老师们最终无奈地选择让他坐下。我坐在最前排,偶然会回头看 一看,不记得从何时开始,他会抬眼瞥我一下,面无表情。途中如果遇到,亦是同样——我想我们甚至不能算是一个经纬度的,我们唯一相似的地方是我们都很安静——我安静地读书写作业,他安静地 神游遐想。
临毕业时,他向我讨要了一张绘本封面的临幕图,一朵白莲跃出池面,原本是极其淡雅美好的一副画,却被我临摹得歪歪扭扭,连同毕业照片上我歪着头扎得极不对称的小辫儿一样,留在了那段歪 歪扭扭的童年记忆里。
他的名字第一次走进我的日记本里,是在初二的那个暑假,一整船送葬队伍里,他第一个从船上跳下来,跳得不稳,往前跑了一个趔趄,红着脸低头从我们面前跑过去时,表弟打了个哈哈:“难怪 现在大家说他是10班的小白脸呢!”
初三开学后,班级合并,我们又成了同班。他安安静静地坐在最后一排,老师们偶然会念到他的名字,他站起来,短暂的寂静过后,老师们最终无奈地选择让他坐下。我坐在最前排,偶然会回头看 一看,不记得从何时开始,他会抬眼瞥我一下,面无表情。途中如果遇到,亦是同样——我想我们甚至不能算是一个经纬度的,我们唯一相似的地方是我们都很安静——我安静地读书写作业,他安静地 神游遐想。
临毕业时,他向我讨要了一张绘本封面的临幕图,一朵白莲跃出池面,原本是极其淡雅美好的一副画,却被我临摹得歪歪扭扭,连同毕业照片上我歪着头扎得极不对称的小辫儿一样,留在了那段歪 歪扭扭的童年记忆里。
人教版初二八年级英语下册 unit 4 he said i was hard-workingPPT课件
Alfar said He was better at dancing than playing the guitar.
I do well in singing .
Alfar said He did well in singing.
I am too busy .
Alfar said
She was too busy.
I will practice dancing.
Alfar said He would practice dancing.
I am playing the trumpet.
Alfar said He was playing the trumpet.
I will study English.
Alfar said
was good at speaking.
. ?
Dad: What did your history teacher say
How about
Mother: That’s nice.
Boy: And Mr. Ricardo said I was hard- working. Dad: What does he teach again? Boy: He’s my
Period 4 Section B 1a - 2c
I am good at ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้laying the guitar.
Alfar said
He was good at playing the guitar.
I am better at dancing than playing the guitar.
2a Listen and fill in the speech bubbles.
调色的人对色彩是敏感的,曾经对着花儿调过肤色还有多种紫色,曾经不喜欢那太过沉重的铅灰色,后来在花的色彩世界里喜欢上了。其实春天的花亦包含人生全部的色彩,我们不仅要有欣赏绚丽美的 热情,还要有欣赏识别内敛美的聪慧。那粉红的花瓣儿让人一见就心生愉悦,那醉人的绿,更让人感觉到勃勃生机,那些紫的瓷的小花儿,细细赏来。更能让人感受到生命的绽放是多么的可贵!作文大 全 / 春天的一切是美好的。春天的早晨,最先呈现的是天空那抹铅灰,还有高山的青黛,当太阳跃出的那一刻,一起镶上金边,光灿灿的,此时天空是敞亮的,大地上的花儿带着露珠儿显得更是娇柔的,此 等春景煞是令人开怀。 春光无限花有期,任君欢喜任君泣。吾心不随红楼转,倒是随缘念花期。再美的花儿也免不了凋零,梦,不随红楼黛玉的葬花而悲,倒是随缘花开花落的自然更替。一次荣落便是一次美的积淀,不见那 千年古银杏树仍然丰姿不减,还有那八百年玉兰依然盛装迎春、展现华彩!这便是花儿的最美,这便是人生的最高追求! 君赏桃花展颜俏,我赞桃艳无媚妖,人心不古自嬉闹,桃自迎风含笑。 感恩大自然付于美妙的一切,让我心结桃情,绽纷如春! 佛曰:色即是空,空即是色。今观如此艳丽之色,几人窥见色中之空?若见者,参花如参佛,其性可定也。此文蕴藏给桃花正名之意,索性附上正桃花一首: 正桃花 生来娇艳人爱煞,爱煞众人惹闲话。 闲话长短千万年,万年蟠桃酬仙家。
1 山城的树芽风是从正月底的黄昏刮起来的。树芽风的感觉是飘扬的。行走在山道上,仿佛能听见树芽在风里噌蹭上的。清丽美妙。婉 转娇啼,充满呼唤的张扬。人的心情也是飘扬的。那种要飘飞的感觉融化在风中。那种转瞬即逝的美妙,在风中轻轻飞扬。
1 山城的树芽风是从正月底的黄昏刮起来的。树芽风的感觉是飘扬的。行走在山道上,仿佛能听见树芽在风里噌蹭上的。清丽美妙。婉 转娇啼,充满呼唤的张扬。人的心情也是飘扬的。那种要飘飞的感觉融化在风中。那种转瞬即逝的美妙,在风中轻轻飞扬。
一个村庄,但它却从不对人提及那些月光下发生的惊心动魄的故事,偷盗或者私奔,死亡或者新生,所有这些都被月亮悄无声息地记下,变成人间永不知晓的秘 密。新2登入网址
院子里有搪瓷盆碰到水泥台子的声音,那是母亲在洗手。她刚刚给牛铡完睡前的最后一次草,并将刷锅水倒入猪盆里,用力地搅拌着猪食。我透过窗户,看到手电筒清冷的光里,母亲正将一盆冒着 热气的猪食,哗哗倒入槽中。她的一缕头发被秋天的冷风不停地吹着,好像墙头上一株摇摆的草。墙角的虫子要隔上许久,才会在风里发出一两声低低的鸣叫,那叫声有些冷清,是一场热闹过后孤独的 自言自语。
在父亲将自行车推进房间里,弟弟也将尿罐端到床前的时候,院子里终于安静下来。整个村庄里于是只剩了风的声音,从一条巷子穿入另一条巷子,犹如一条冷飕飕的蛇。巷子里黑漆漆的,但风不 需要眼睛,就能准确地从这家门洞里进去,越过低矮的土墙,再进入另外一个人家的窗户。巷子是瘦长的,门是紧闭的,窗户也关得严严的,风于是只能孤单地在黑夜里穿行,掀掀这家的锅盖,翻翻那 家的鸡窝。躺在床上尚未睡着的人,便会听到院子里偶尔一声奇怪的声响,像是有人翻墙而入。但随即那声响便消失了,人等了好久,只听见风在庭院里穿梭来往,将玉米秸吹得扑簌簌地响,也便放下 心来,拉过被子蒙在头上,便呼呼睡去。
院子里有搪瓷盆碰到水泥台子的声音,那是母亲在洗手。她刚刚给牛铡完睡前的最后一次草,并将刷锅水倒入猪盆里,用力地搅拌着猪食。我透过窗户,看到手电筒清冷的光里,母亲正将一盆冒着 热气的猪食,哗哗倒入槽中。她的一缕头发被秋天的冷风不停地吹着,好像墙头上一株摇摆的草。墙角的虫子要隔上许久,才会在风里发出一两声低低的鸣叫,那叫声有些冷清,是一场热闹过后孤独的 自言自语。
在父亲将自行车推进房间里,弟弟也将尿罐端到床前的时候,院子里终于安静下来。整个村庄里于是只剩了风的声音,从一条巷子穿入另一条巷子,犹如一条冷飕飕的蛇。巷子里黑漆漆的,但风不 需要眼睛,就能准确地从这家门洞里进去,越过低矮的土墙,再进入另外一个人家的窗户。巷子是瘦长的,门是紧闭的,窗户也关得严严的,风于是只能孤单地在黑夜里穿行,掀掀这家的锅盖,翻翻那 家的鸡窝。躺在床上尚未睡着的人,便会听到院子里偶尔一声奇怪的声响,像是有人翻墙而入。但随即那声响便消失了,人等了好久,只听见风在庭院里穿梭来往,将玉米秸吹得扑簌簌地响,也便放下 心来,拉过被子蒙在头上,便呼呼睡去。
1.小吃 2.再;还 3.曾经 4.努力工作的 5.信封 6.不安的 7.真实的 8.自己的 9.学期 10.幸运的 11.疯狂的 12.复制 13.最坏的 14.令人失望的 15.幸运地 16.爷爷 17.她的(名词性物主代词)18.假定
1.传递 2.被期望 3.首先 4.在…方面做得更好 5.成绩单 6.身体健康 7.间接引语 8.克服 9.直接引语
be mad at be angry with
说三种语言 speak three languages
把信息传递给… pass the message to…
首先 first of all 传递 pass on
被期望;认为应该 be supposed to
be good at (doing) do well in (doing)
=_U_n_it_ed__N_at_io_n_s_In_t_er_n_a_ti_on_a_l_C_hildren’s Fund
28.WWF世_界__野_生_动_物__基金=W__o_rl_d_W__i_ld_li_f_e _F_und
Grammar focus
Direct speech Reported speech
Marcia said… 2) Lana thinks she is coming to my house to study.
Marcia told Ben… 3) I am not mad at Marcia anymore.
Lana told Ben… 4) I am not going to have the party.
18.变疯:__g_e_t _m_a_d____ 19.打开:_o_p_e_n_u_p___ 20.克服;恢复:g_e_t_o_v_e_r_ 21.照顾/料:_c_a_re__f_o_r_ 22.我的家乡:_m__y__h_o_m_e_t_o_w_n____ 23.对影响:__b_e_a_n__in_f_l_u_e_n_c_e_i_n__ 24.海平面:_s_e_a_l_e_v_e_l ____25.thin air:_空__气__稀__薄__ 26.不再 :_n_o_t_a_n__y_m_o_r_e____ 27.UNICEF_联__合__国__儿_童__基__金_
Unit 4《He said I was hardworking》课件5(14页)(人
I am going to her house .
What did she say?
She said she was going to her house .
I can speak three languages.
What did she say?
He said he could speak three languages.
He said he would call his friend tomorrow.
Do you have any ideas about your weekends? Write down your plans. And exchange with your partner. You tell us what your partners will do on
A: What did your math teacher say?
B: He said I was hard-working.
A: And your Chinese teacher?
B: Not good. He said I wanglish teacher said I was making progress.
(writing) I will go to visit the museum this weekend.
(reporting) He/She said he/she would go to visit the museum this weekend.
report card
What did your headteacher say? He/She said I was hard-working.
What did she say?
She said she was going to her house .
I can speak three languages.
What did she say?
He said he could speak three languages.
He said he would call his friend tomorrow.
Do you have any ideas about your weekends? Write down your plans. And exchange with your partner. You tell us what your partners will do on
A: What did your math teacher say?
B: He said I was hard-working.
A: And your Chinese teacher?
B: Not good. He said I wanglish teacher said I was making progress.
(writing) I will go to visit the museum this weekend.
(reporting) He/She said he/she would go to visit the museum this weekend.
report card
What did your headteacher say? He/She said I was hard-working.
He said I was hard-working PPT课件 16 人教版
2. “You may say you’re sorry.” Lana said. Lana said I _m_i_gh_t_ say I __w_a_s_ sorry. 3. “I can ride a bike to school.” Lana said. Lana said she _c_o_ul_d_ ride a bike to schoo
4.(Li Lei) I am learning to speak English. Li Lei said-h--e--w--a-s--le-a--r-n-i-n--g--to--s-p--e-a-k---E-n--g-l-i-s-h-.----------
1. She said, “I can speak English.” She said __s_h_e_ could speak English. 2.He said to me, “I will come to your直接引语间接引语
Direct speech
Reported speech
I am from Boxing.
She said she was from Boxing.
I like English.
He said he liked English.
He can speak Chinese. Lucy said he could speak Chinese.
2.(Mike)I go shopping every weekend. Mike said---h--e---w---e--n--t---s-h---o--p--p--i--n--g---e--v--e--r--y---w---e--e--k--e--n--d---.---------
4.(Li Lei) I am learning to speak English. Li Lei said-h--e--w--a-s--le-a--r-n-i-n--g--to--s-p--e-a-k---E-n--g-l-i-s-h-.----------
1. She said, “I can speak English.” She said __s_h_e_ could speak English. 2.He said to me, “I will come to your直接引语间接引语
Direct speech
Reported speech
I am from Boxing.
She said she was from Boxing.
I like English.
He said he liked English.
He can speak Chinese. Lucy said he could speak Chinese.
2.(Mike)I go shopping every weekend. Mike said---h--e---w---e--n--t---s-h---o--p--p--i--n--g---e--v--e--r--y---w---e--e--k--e--n--d---.---------
He said I was hard working课件8(PPT)5-3
What’s she doing? She is … (What’s =What is)
Talking on the p He is … (What’s =What is)
长,家庭教师和家长,店员和店主)。 【宾服】ī〈书〉动服从;归附。 【宾服】ī?〈方〉动佩服:你说的那个理,俺不~。 【宾馆】ī名招待来宾住宿的地 方。现指较大而设施好的旅馆。 【宾客】ī名客人(总称):迎接八方~。 【宾朋】ī名宾客;朋友:~满座。 【宾语】ī名动词的一种连带成分,一般在动词 后边,用来回答“谁?”或“什么?”例如“我找; / 笔趣阁;厂长”的“厂长”,“他开拖拉机”的“拖拉机”,“接受批评” 的“批评”,“他说他不知道”的“他不知道”。有时候一个动词可以带两个宾语,如“教我们化学”的“我们”和“化学”。 【宾至如归】īī客人到了这 里就像回到自己的家一样,形容旅馆、饭馆等招待周到。 【宾主】ī名客人和主人:~双方进行了友好的会谈。 【彬】ī①[彬彬](īī)〈书〉形文雅的样 子:~有礼|文质~。②(ī)名姓。 【傧】(儐)ī[傧相](ī)名①古代称接引宾客的人,也指赞礼的人。②举行婚礼时陪伴新郎新娘的人:男~|女~。 【斌】ī同“彬”。 【滨】(濱)ī①水边;近水的地方:海~|湖~|湘江之~。②靠近(水边):~海|~江。③(ī)名姓。 【缤】(繽)ī[缤纷](ī) 〈书〉形繁多而凌乱:五彩~|落英(花)~。 【槟】(檳、梹)ī[槟子](ī?)名①槟子树,花红的一种,果实比苹果小,红色,熟后转紫红,味酸甜带 涩。②这种植物的果实。 【镔】(鑌)ī[镔铁](ī)名精炼的铁。 【濒】(瀕)ī①紧靠(水边):~湖|东~大海。②临近;接近:~危|~行。 【濒绝】 ī动濒临灭绝或绝迹:~物种。 【濒临】ī动紧接;临近:我国~太平洋|精神~崩溃的边缘。 【濒死】ī动临近死亡:从~状态下抢救过来。 【濒危】ī动接 近危险的境地,指人病重将死或物种临近灭绝:病人~|~动物。 【濒于】ī动临近;接近(用于坏的遭遇):~危境|~绝望|~破产。 【豳】ī古地名, 在今陕西彬县、旬邑一带。也作邠。 【摈】(擯)〈书〉抛弃;排除:~诸门外|~而不用。 【摈斥】动排斥:~异己。 【摈除】动排除;抛弃:~陈规
到卡车的车头边站着,如万一有危险,我便可迅速爬上车顶躲避。球网网址 当晚的天气很好,虽已七点多钟,但圆圆的月亮把大地照得通明。往二十多米外的一片山坡地看去,只见一只成年老虎正焦躁不安地或蹲、或站、或在原地小范围的打着圈圈 时不时地它会发出几声虎啸,那声音听起来让人毛骨悚然。面对眼前如此严峻的被围场面,它虽十分不安,但却似乎还不愿意贸然行动。 过去曾听人说,打老虎,英雄胆;打野猪,一块板。意思大慨是,老虎较为有理性,不到万不得已时,一般它不会轻易出手。 而野猪则不同,一遇危险,它便会奋不顾身,莽撞乱窜,因而对人的伤害更大。亲眼看到老虎目前的状态,还真的是如此情况。 天色渐渐暗下来后,警卫队的战土们点亮了带去的火把,虽然声音有些嘈杂,但人、兽双方仍一直僵持着。 按吴主席的要求,只要老虎不主动突围,谁也不准擅自开枪,以免误伤了围观的无辜群众。故尽管包围圈已将老虎围了好几个钟头,但谁都没有越雷池一步。 快到半夜时,山峦间飘起了渺渺的白雾,能见度也越来越低。见持枪的警卫队员迟迟没有向老虎发起攻击,因白天还要上班,我和同伴只得悻悻地赶回厂里睡觉去了。
He said I was hard-working PPT课件 5 人教版
4. My friend said, "I'm sorry that I 'd gotten mad." My friend said that ______________________.
5. She asked me, "Why do you want to do that?" She asked me___________________________ .
Someone has touched my coffee. (He said…)
She is very shy.
Lana said …
He is unfriendly.
Lana said …
He is funny.
Marcia said …
He is serious.
Ben said …
He is smart.
He said I was hard-working PPT课件 31 人教版
1. Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a true surprise party for her.
2. Lana said she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore. true 3. Lana said that she wouldn’t go to Marcia’s house false
I don’t like cleaning the room.
What did he say?
He said he didn’t like cleaning the room.
I can fly. What did he say?
He said he could fly.
I will go to the park.
Sunday ,”the boy said.
7. The boy said theyw_e_n__t ________ to school
everyday except Saturday and Sunrn?
They said they were swimming.
I will play the trumpet.
2. Lana said she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore. true 3. Lana said that she wouldn’t go to Marcia’s house false
I don’t like cleaning the room.
What did he say?
He said he didn’t like cleaning the room.
I can fly. What did he say?
He said he could fly.
I will go to the park.
Sunday ,”the boy said.
7. The boy said theyw_e_n__t ________ to school
everyday except Saturday and Sunrn?
They said they were swimming.
I will play the trumpet.
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每个同学询问小组内其他成员周末有什么安排, 并将周末安排填入表格中,并选派一个同学向全班 汇报。 names Plans
任务四: 看图讲故事
11.幸运地 12.学期 13.真实的
luckily semester true
anymore snack message suppose grandpa
词组: direct speech 1.直接引语 reported speech 2.间接引语 do better in 3.在…方面做得好 be in good health 4.身体健康 have a surprise party 5.举行惊喜晚会 be mad at 6.对…愤怒 pass him a message 7.给他传口信 pass on the message 8.传口信 meet at the bus stop 9.在车站见面 10.认为必须帮助他们 be supposed to help them
Grammar She said: “I am mad at Marcia.” Focus
She said she was mad at Marcia. She said: “I am having a party for Lana.” She said she was having a party for Lana. He said: “I go to the beach every Saturday.” He said he went to the beach every Saturday. He said to me: “I call you tomorrow.” He told me he would call me the next day. She said: “I can speak three languages.” She said she could speak three languages.
can do better Name Class Chinese teacher Math teacher English teacher Science
good at speakMy math teacher said I was hard-working. That’s good news for me. I am very glad. My Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. And my listening was good, too. My History teacher said I could do better. I was very disappointed. I will work hard at it. My Science teacher said I was lazy. which isn’t true. It’sName: just thatScott science really difficult. Class: Class 11 Math hard-working Spanish good at speaking History can do better Science lazy student
Lana said: “I’m mad at Marcia.”
Lana said she was mad at Marcia.
Lana said: “I’m not going to her house on Friday night.”
Lana said … …
I am mad at Marcia
• 间接引语的时态要与主句的时态一致: 一般现在时 一般将来时 一般过去时 过去将来时
am / is
are will can
have / has 一般过去时
had 过去完成时
would 过去完成时 could
Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.
By Jason
Language Goal:
Report what someone said
What is a soap opera?
• soap opera 肥皂剧 它是指“以家庭问题(family problem) 为题材的广播或电视连续剧”,主要以家 庭妇女为主要观众,以家庭日用品商家为 赞助商,以普通家庭生活环境为舞台…… 最早的肥皂剧指本世纪30年代美国无线电 广播中播放的一种长篇广播连续剧,由于 当时的赞助商(sponsors)主要是日用清洁 剂厂商(commodity factory),期间插播的 广告也主要是肥皂广告,“肥皂剧”之名 便由此诞生。
Love Nicky
将直接引语转为间接引语: 1. “I am tired very much.” he said. What did he say? he was tired very much. He said___________________________. 2. “I can swim in the river.” she said. What did she say? she could swim in the river. She said____________________________. 3.“We are interested in math and physics.” they said. What did they say? they were interested in math and physics. They said_________________________. 4. “I ride a bike to school every day.” Jim said. What did Jim say? he rode a bike to school every day. Jim said_________________________________.
Marcia called everyone
She wasn’t going to have the party.
Ben told Lana
He was mad at Marcia.
Lana told Ben
She was going to have a party.
Ben told Marcia Lana was going to have a party. Marcia told Ben She was very busy. She couldn’t go to the party.
She said she was mad at Marcia.
I am having a party for Lana.
He said he was having a party for Lana.
I go to the beach every Saturday.
It said it went to the beach every Saturday.
1.What is a soap opera?
2. Do you ever watch soap operas?
3. What are some soap operas you know?
4. What are some things that happen on soap operas?
Marcia said: “I’m having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.” Marcia said she was having a surprise party for Lana on Friday night.
Dear grandma,
Thanks for your invitation, but I am very sorry. I can’t come to your birthday party next Tuesday. As you can see, I am very busy next week. On Monday, I am going to have a school trip. On Tuesday, I have to see a dentist. On Wednesday, I am going to study for a test. Dear grandma, I can play the piano now. I will play it for you if I go home. I am having a good time here. Hope you are well.
• 直接引语:直接引用别人的原话。 Mary said, “I’m late.” • 间接引语:用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来. Mary said she was late.
• 变间接引语时要注意人称: He said, “I don’t like junk food.” He said he didn’t like junk food. She said to me: “I will call you tomorrow.” She told me she would call me the next day. He said to her: “I can help you.” He told her he could help her.
Lana said she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore.