ITT CANNON连接器手册中文版
冲压成形加工 36
冲压成形加工 37-38
机械加工 42
传感器器型号2 插座
19芯 插头
法兰插座/锁紧螺母 /线对线
铜合金镀锡、镀银、 铜合金镀锡、镀银、
机械加工 43
冲压成形加工 45
冲压成形加工 46-48
APD / ISO 15170
系列 类型
插针型号 页码
37芯 插头
ITT在全球所有的电子元件工厂实施了严格的产品控制 计划,使得Cannon、VEAM和BIW连接器产品系列满足欧 盟指令2002/95/EC(又称“减少有害物质”计划)的要求, 对于适当、具体的Cannon、VEAM或BIW产品,订购时可 以为产品编号加上前缀R,确保我们的客户收到符合RoHS 的产品,应用于其商业电子元件和设备中。由于大多数的 RoHS有害物质集中在特定的金属镀层和铅焊涂层上,符合 RoHS的ITT产品提供以下镀层精饰:非电镀镍,不锈钢, 阳极氧化铝和镀金。请注意,在订购板载连接器时,我们 推荐使用镀金替代锡铅焊接。
1/2芯连接器的应用包括: •起重机 •船上厨房 •天线和基站的电力供应
电力分配: •卡车 •牵引车
工作电压 工作电流 接触电阻 耐电压 绝缘电阻
机械参数 耐用性 插合扭矩 静负荷,自由状态
48 VDC* 请看温度-电流曲线 0,4mΩ(最大) 1000VAC, 60秒 10 MΩ(最小)
50次插配循环 2Nm(最大) 350 N (ISO 15170-2, Sec. 4.6)
Cannon ҹBKAD/E㋏߫ ᠽሩᴎᶊ䴶ᵓ 䖲఼ˈᓎゟњ 㟾ぎϞⱘ䞠
根据VDE0293 标准,2芯:棕色,蓝色。
6 芯:配有数字编码,黑色芯线配有白色数字编码。
导体:柔软镀锡铜或裸铜,绝缘体: E.P.R. 橡胶,外层护套:橡胶。
H - 通过高协调性能认证
7 - 额定电压450/750伏
R - 天然或合成橡胶
N - 氯丁( 二烯) 橡胶
F - 多股柔软导体
H07RN-F 3 芯类型450/750V EPR/PCP 橡胶电缆
H07RN-F 5 芯类型450/750V EPR/PCP 橡胶电缆
H07RN-F 多芯类型450/750V EPR/PCP 橡胶电缆
H07RN-F单芯类型 450/750V EPR/PCP 橡胶电缆
H07RN-F 2芯类型450/750V EPR/PCP 橡胶电缆
H07RN-F 4 芯类型450/750V EPR/PCP 橡胶电缆
Protistor 大小14x51 DC保护缜绳商品说明书
Voltage DC
440 VDC
Visual indicator
Ø 14.3 ± 0.1
MERSEN reserves the right to change, update or correct, without notice, any information contained in this datasheet.
Pre-arcing time (s)
Protistor® size 14x51 gLB 440VDC
10000 7000 5000 3000 2000
1000 700 500 300 200
100 70 50 30 20
Semiconductor Protection Fuses / DS-PFCY1451GLB-01-1117-EN
Protistor® size 14x51 gLB 440VDC
L/R time constant (ms)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
among all • Distribution circuit fuses • With trip-indicator
A类电气用品目录特定电气用品目录(120种)电气用品名称电气用品名称电气用品名称[电线][橡胶绝缘电线类]●橡胶绝缘线●电缆(导体的公称横截面面积在22mm2以下者) ●单心橡胶电线●绞合橡胶电线●袋状编织橡胶电线●圆形编织橡胶电线●其他橡胶电线●橡皮绝缘软线●橡胶绝缘软性电缆●乙烯绝缘软性电缆[合成树脂类绝缘电线]●合成树脂类绝缘电线●电缆(导体的公称横截面面积在22mm2以下者) ●单心乙烯电线●单心聚氯乙烯电线(新追加项目)●绞合乙烯电线●袋状编织乙烯电线●圆形编织乙烯电线●其他乙烯电线●其他的聚氯乙烯电线(新追加项目)●软电线●丝包铜线●乙烯绝缘软性电缆[保险丝]●温度保险丝●带接线片保险丝●管状保险丝●其他封闭式保险丝[配线器材]●翻转开关●中间开关●定时开关●旋转式开关●按纽式开关●拉线式开关●悬吊式开关●路灯开关●光电式自动切换开关●其他切换开关●浮动开关●压力开关●缝纫机用控制器●配线用断路器●漏电断路器●切断开关●插入式插头●固定插座●带两对插口以上的插座●拖板插座●熨斗插座●电器用插入式插头●转接器●电线卷筒●其他插入式连接器●管座●连接插头体●其他螺口式连接器●荧光灯用灯口●荧光灯用灰色启动器插座●分路灯口●无开关灯口●防水灯口●开关灯口●拉线灯口●按钮灯口●其他灯口●螺口接线盒●卡口接头接线盒●其他接线盒●接线箱[限流器]●安培计量制限流器●定额计量制限流器[变压器、镇流器]●玩具用变压器●其他家用电器用变压器●荧光灯用镇流器●水银灯用镇流器及其他高压放电灯用镇流●臭氧发生器用镇流器●电子应用机械器具用变压器[电热器具]●电热保温箱●水管冻结器●其他冻结及凝固防止用的电热器具●玻璃结露防止器●电热水器●电热式吸入器●家庭用温热治疗器●电蒸汽浴缸●蒸汽浴用电热器●观赏鱼用加热器●观赏植物用加热器●电热式玩具[电动应用机械器具]●电泵●电动井泵●冷藏用陈列橱●冷冻用陈列柜●冰激凌冷冻机●垃圾处理器●电动按摩器●自动冲洗干燥式便器●自动售货机●浴槽用电动气泡发生器电动式玩具●电动车●其他电动应用游戏器具[电子应用机械器具]●高频脱毛器[其他交流电用电机械器具]●磁疗器●电击杀虫器●电舆洗器具用电源装置●直流电源适配器[便携式发电机]●便携式发电机B类电气用品目录非特定电气用品目录(340种)电气用品名称电气用品名称电气用品名称电线[橡胶绝缘电线类]●电缆(导体的公称横截面面积在22mm2以上者)●电焊电缆●电热地板用导热电线●[合成树脂类绝缘电线]●荧光灯电线●霓虹灯电线●电缆(导体的公称横截面面积在22mm2以上者)●电焊电缆●电热地板用导热电线电线管[金属材料电线管类]●金属材料电线管●一级金属材料可弯折性电线管●二级金属材料可弯折性电线管●金属制地面延长线槽●一级金属制导线管●二级金属制导线管●金属制器具与电线管间的连接器●金属器具与电线管间连接用直角弯管●金属肘形弯管●金属直角支管●金属十字管●大型金属管的套管●金属制电线管间连接器●金属接线箱●小型金属套管●其他电线管类或可弯折性电线管●合成树脂制电线管●合成树脂制可弯折性电线管●CD管●合成树脂等材料的器具与电线管间的连接器●合成树脂等材料的直角弯管●合成树脂等材料的肘形弯管●合成树脂等材料的连接器●合成树脂等材料的接线箱●合成树脂等材料的小型套管●合成树脂等材料的大型套管●其他电线管类或可弯折性电线管的合成树脂等材料的附件●电缆配线用开关箱保险丝●筒形保险丝●插头式保险丝(旧称:栓形插头式保险丝)配线器具●遥控继电器●断路开关●带盖闸刀开关●配电盘组合开关●电磁开关●电源母线用延长线槽●电源母线用延长线槽用器具与电线间的连接器●电源母线用延长线槽用肘形弯管●电源母线用延长线槽用直角枝管●电源母线用延长线槽用十字管●电源母线与延长线槽的导电部间的连接器●电源母线用延长线槽终端镇定套●电源母线用延长线槽用插头●电源母线用延长线槽用转接器变压器、镇流器●电铃用变压器●显示器用变压器●遥控继电器用变压器●霓虹灯变压器●燃烧器具用变压器●稳压器●钠蒸气灯用镇流器●杀菌灯用镇流器小型交流电动机●推斥起动感应电动机●分相起动感应电动机●电容起动感应电动机●电容感应电动机●整流子电动机●短路环感应电动机●其他单相电动机电热器具●脚踏电暖器●电热拖鞋●膝盖电热盖毯●电热坐毯●电热地毯●电热床垫●电热毛毯●电热褥子●点燃脚炉●电热椅子套●电热椅子●电热被炉●电炉●电火盆●其他采暖用电热器具●烤面包电炉●电烤炉●电热烤鱼器●电烘烤器●电微波炉●电炉灶●电热香肠烧烤器●压模式电热烤饼器●电热章鱼丸子圆饼烧烤器●电热烧烤饭●电平底锅●电饭煲●电保温锅●电锅●电油炸锅●煮蛋器●电保温盆●电加热台●电奶锅●电热水器电热咖啡壶●电热茶壶●电热温酒壶●低温热水保温煲●电蒸锅●电磁感应加热式烹调器●其他烹调用电热器具●剃须用热水器●电烫发钳●卷发器●头发加湿器●其他理发美容用电热器具●电热刀●电溶解器●小型电烤炉●电烙铁●烙铁加热器●其他做工用或工艺用电热器具(旧称其他做工、工艺用电热器具)●毛巾蒸锅●电消毒器(电热装置)●湿润器●电气热水熨斗●简易式热水用电热铁●瞬时电热水器●显象恒温器●电热板●电热踏板●电热脚垫●电干燥器●电缝纫用小型熨斗●电热压模器●电香炉●电熏蒸杀虫器●电温炙器电动应用机械器具●传送带●电冰箱●电冰柜●电制冰器●电冷水机●空气压缩机●电动缝纫机●电动粘土转盘●电动转笔刀●电动搅拌机●电剪●电捕虫机●电动割草机●电动剪枝机●电动剪草机●电动打谷机●电磨●电动打麦机●电动搓绳机●选蛋机●洗蛋机●园艺用电动耕地机●海带加工机●榨汁器●乌贼干加工机●水果切碎机●食物切碎机●电动面条机●年糕制作机●咖啡豆研磨机●电动罐头起子●电动绞肉机●电动切肉机●电动切面包机●电动刨冰机●电动淘米机●蔬菜清洗机●电动洗碗机●碾米机●包装机●手巾把包装机●捆包机●电动座钟●电动挂钟●照片自动定影机●照片自动冲洗机●油印机●业务用印刷机●信封印刷机●计时器●计时打卡机●电动打字机●帐票分类机●文件切碎机●电动裁纸机●订书机●打孔机●号码机●支票印字器●硬币计数机●纸币记数机●标签张贴机●电动压模机●洗净后衣物装袋机●手巾板卷包机●自动售货机(除特定电气用品外)●钱币兑换机●电动理发椅子●电动牙刷●电动刷子●电吹风●电动剃须刀●电推子电子应用机械器具●电子钟●电指甲磨光机●其他理发美容用电动应用机械器具●电扇●环流风机●换气机●鼓风机●电冷气机●电冷风机●电除湿机●空调装置●风扇式环流机●热风暖气机●电热风机●电加湿机●空气清洁机●电动除臭机●电动防扩散机●电动吸尘器●电动唱片吸尘器●电动擦黑板器●其他电动吸尘器●电动地板磨光机●电动鞋刷●运动器材或娱乐用具的清洗机●电动洗衣机●电动甩干机●电动干燥器●电动乐器●电动八音盒●电铃●蜂鸣器●门铃●警报器●电动打磨器●电钻●电刨●电锯●电动螺丝起子●电动砂轮机●电动磨光机●电动去锈机●电动攻丝机●电动螺母紧固机●电动磨刀机●其他电动工具●电喷水机●电喷雾机●电动式吸入器●指压按摩代用器●其他家用电动应用治疗器●电动游戏盘●浴槽用电热温水循环净化器(新追加项目)(通称:24小时浴缸)光源应用机械器具●照片洗印机●缩微胶卷读片器●幻灯机●字幕片放映机●反射投影机●读片器●电子闪光灯●照片放大机●照片放大机用光源●白炽灯泡●荧光灯泡●台灯●家庭用悬吊式荧光灯灯具●提灯●庭院灯具●圣诞节灯串●其他白炽灯灯具●其他放电灯灯具●广告灯●照蛋器●电消毒器(杀菌灯)●家庭用光疗仪●充电式手提灯●复印机●台式电子计算器●电子金钱出纳机●电子式冰箱●带门铃的对讲机●电子乐器●无线电收音机●录音机●电唱机●投币式自动电唱机●其他音响机器●录象机●退磁装置●电视接收机●电视接收用增幅器●高频焊机●电子微波炉●超声波驱鼠器●超声波加湿机●超声波洗净器●电子应用游戏器具●家庭用低频治疗仪●家庭用超声波治疗仪●家庭用超短波治疗仪其他交流电用电气机械器具●带电灯的家具●带插座的家具●带其他电气机械器具当然家具●调光器●电动铅笔●漏电探测器●防盗警报器●电弧焊接机●防噪声干扰机●医疗用微生物、细胞等的培养器●家庭用电位治疗仪●电冰箱(吸收式)●通电栅栏用电源装置。
aerospaceclimate controlelectromechanicalRacor Filter Division Hydrocarbon Filter Vessels and ElementsParker Filtration’s global reputation as a reliablesupplier of superior filtration products is the result ForfurtherinformationEmail:*************************Plant expansionHydrocarbon FiltrationAutomotiveand Industrial Fuel FiltrationEngine Air Filtration SystemsMarine FiltrationCONTENTS6 – 78 – 1112 – 1314 – 1516 – 174 – 5Over 30 years of innovation, over 30 years of quality…Racor Fuelled UpHydrocarbonQualificationsFBO Filter ElementsRVFS SeriesElements2018 – 19Rre Filter Vessels1983196919851989199219951997200020021969It all began with a patented,and exceptionally efficient new way to remove water, dirt, rust and algae from diesel fuel.Diesel FuelTechnology1983Aquabloc ®filters debut, and RacorFilter/Separators make another significant leap in filtration efficiency.1985Racor becomes a division of ParkerHannifin Corporation, further strengthening one of the world’s most respected brands.GrowthQuality1989Racor earns Ford Q1 certification, the first ina series of quality awards from one of the world's leading engine and equipment manufacturers.Oil1992Every bit as vital and every bit as dirty asfuel.The Racor solution is an ingenious one, a cleanable oil filter that puts an end to frequent filter changes and disposal.CCV Products1995Racor starts cleaning up engine roomswith a crankcase ventilation system that keeps oily blow-by from damaging turbo chargers and other precision components.Racor Hydrocarbon1997Racor Hydrocarbon Filters and Vesselsdebut – offering customers flow rates to 1000 gpm and higher.UK Facility2000Having moved out of Morley into a purpose built factoryat nearby Dewsbury in 1998 Racor sees significant growth in Europe. 2000 saw the expansion of manufacturing capability to include all spin on series filters, and the establishment of a state-of -the-art design and test, research and development facility.High performance air filters2002Racor purchases Farr opening up opportunities in medium andheavy duty Engine Air applications.Industrial Filter Separator Vessels21Pressure Filter Vessel Summary2223More from ParkerRacorFuel Monitor VesselsIn Europe Morley, West Yorkshire in the UK becomes the centre of excellence in Europe.Fluid Condition MonitoringFrom the Refinery to the ForecourtOver the last 30 years Racor has become the premium name to trust in Marine and Automotive fuel filtration and water separation. With advanced fuel filtration laboratories in the USA and Europe and new ones planned for Asia and South America, with separate 2500GPM API/IP test facilities in the USA,Racor will continue leading the market in advanced fuel filtration technology It should therefore be of little surprise that Racor should utilise this breadth of experience in the fuel supply industry, producing Aviation Fuel API/IP 1581qualified water separators,1590 particulate filters and 1583 monitors, as well as Approved Vessels interchangeable products.From the refinery to the injector, at the terminal and on the forecourt, Racor has a solution to your fuel delivery needs.With engine tolerances getting tighter, whilstinjection pressures increase,the need for high quality conditioning designed to complement on-board RefineryAirportFiltration requirements will vary depending on local fuel quality.TerminalIndustrial & Marine Fuel ApplicationsPetrol ForecourtMulti-Product Pipeline Dedicated Pipeline Road Transport Refueler Dispenser Sea Cargo Aircraft Helicopter Fuel DrumsFuel StorageFloating JunctionUnderground Storagealso considered as direct supply.FMI Fuel Monitor elements will absorbchecks for aviation and diesel fuels.A quick 2 minute test will allow you toconsistent reliable and repeatable way than traditional clear and bright methods.The minimum filtration requirement of Jet-A/A1 into Airports and drum filling,is a filter (FWS) meeting the requirements of AP/IP1581 current addition.Injection molded nylon end capsassure tolerances equaled only inmachined parts. Nylon resinseliminate corrosion problems andoffer improved chemical andSymmetric layering of high efficiencyglass media into depth media caneliminate the need for metal center tubes– even in qualifying coalescer cartridges75 psi pressure requirements.Racor Division has been recognizedas the global leader in fuel filtrationapplications. Racor vessels, combined with Racorfilter elements, offer customers finer filtration,cleaner, drier hydrocarbonBy utilizing the latest computer-aided design tools, the engineering team takesspecific application requirements and quickly develops the necessary components to manufacture vessels and elements that meet industry codes and customer-specific requirements.Racor’s emphasis on advanced engineering is combined with a company-wide focus on uncompromising quality and premier customer service. This concentrated effort means that customers receive on-time delivery of the highest quality filtration systems available and that they meet the demanding requirements for performance and service life.C A R B O N F I L T E R E L E M E N T SGlass filled nylon end caps are standard,eliminating corrosion and offering excellent thermal stability and high impact resistance.Buna-N gaskets standard. Other options available.HIF corelessconfiguration.HIF ‘W’ petitor crossreferences.Synthetic Pleated Media Cartridges FS Series• 4 times the filtrationsurface area of comparable product available from competitors.•99.7% efficiency atstated element rating.•Designed and tested tomeet stringent requirements of API/IP 1590 Specifications and qualification procedures for aviation fuel microfilters. (Consult factory to obtain qualification test report).Micron ratings of 1 and 5 (approved) 10 and 25.HYDROCARBON FILTER ELEMENTSE L E M E N T SQualified to API/IP specification 1583.Qualification for Aviation Fuel Monitors with Absorbent Type Element.Separator Elementsstandard (Viton available on request)Multi-layered media for maximum solids holding –with absorbent media cross linked to trap and Works in the presence of fuel additives an surfactantsas specified in the API/IP Specification1583Interior and exterior media migration Micron ratings1, 5, 10 and 30.•Removes free andemulsified water to less than 5 PPM.•Water absorbingcapacity to four quarts depending upon cartridge size.•Progressive low flowrates or rapid differential pressure rise alert operators changeout is needed.•Spin-onfilters also Collapse pressureend caps are standard.Buna N gaskets standard.Recommended cartridgechangeout 20 PSID.cast filter head with four bolts. The slotted element change outs. With new element rotate into position on the locking ring The closure hardware consists of stainless steel nuts, bolts and washers with metal Maximum Flow Rates Prefilter 5-40 gpm 20Filter Sep 5-35 gpm 18Absorber5-25 gpm18Flow Range Diesel Jet Fuel Gasoline Delta P Delta PFBO-10Clean Dry ChangeFlow Range Diesel Jet Fuel Gasoline Delta P Delta PFBO-14Performance Specifications10FBO-60355 25FBO-6033551"Optional Accessories Automatic air eliminator Pressure relief valve Differential pressureLiquid level gaugewaterSupport stand ApplicationsFMI Monitor InstallationConnections• Inlet and Outlet:2 inch NPT•Main Drain and LiquidLevel Ports: 1/2 inch NPT•Vent and PressureRelief Connection: •Pressure Gauge/Sample Ports:1/8 inch NPT16, FS, and HIF coreless, high efficiency micronic series elements. Racor hydrocarbon filter housings are designed for removing solid contaminants such as dirt, rust, pipe Racor hydrocarbon vessels are designed for a single pass through the high efficiency element for clean • Inlet and Outlet: Style 1 – 3000# coupling Style 2 & 3 – 150# RF • Vent and relief valve: 3/4 inch NPT •Inlet and outlet permanently marked •Interior: epoxy-coated MIL–C–4556 E •Exterior: prime coated • Knife-edge cartridge mounting seals • Rod mount cartridge hardware• Stamped name plateOptional Accessories •Automatic air eliminator • Differential pressure gauge • Pressure relief valve • Manual drain valve •Sampling probesStyle 1Style 2Style 3Custom designs available. *Dimensions are reference only. For exact dimensions, request drawing for applicable model number.Dimensional Datain RVMF-60-1-148 5/8RVMF-120-1-288 5/8RVMF-200-1-448 5/8RVMF-40O-2-4414RVMF-600-3-4416RVMF-800-4-4418RVMF-1200-6-4420RVMF-2200-11-4428RVMF-3600-18-4436RVMF-520O-26-44421067A Model No.Features•Carbon steel construction; other materials available•10.34 bar ASME Code, Section VIII construction, stamped and certified •Yellow zinc-plated swing bolt closure •Buna-N o-ring cover seal •Hydraulic jack cover lift•Inlet and outlet permanently marked •Interior: epoxy-coated MIL-C-4556 E •Exterior: prime coated•Knife-edge cartridge mounting seals •Stamped name plate19INDUSTRIAL FILTER SEPARATOR VESSELSIndustrial Filter/Separator VesselsStandard Housing Data and Flow RatesMaximum Recommended Flow Rates At These ViscositiesModel No.1 CS 2.2 CS3 CS4 CS5 CS6 CS 8 CS 10 CS 31.0 SSU 33.0 SSU 36.0 SSU 39.0 SSU 42.3 SSU 45.5 SSU 52.0 SSU 58.8 SSU G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM G PM LPM RVFS-222-122145 549115 43585 32265 24650 18940 15130 11425 95RVFS-244-233290 1098240 908180 681130 492100 37990 34160 22750 189RVFS-344-233435 1646340 1287250 946190 719150 568125 47390 34175 284RVFS-444-333580 2195480 1817360 1363260 984200 757180 681120 454100 379RVFS-456-436740 2801615 2328460 1741335 1268255 965230 871155 587130 492RVFS-656-5361100 4164915 3463675 2555500 1893385 1457335 1268230 871195 738RVFS-856-7361475 55831220 4618915 3463660 2498510 1930455 1722305 1154255 965RVFS-1056-9361850 70021530 57911150 4353830 3142640 2422570 2157380 1438320 1211RVFS-1256-11362220 84031835 69451375 5204995 3766765 2896685 2593455 1722380 1438RVFS-1456-13362585 97842140 81001605 60751160 4391895 3388800 3028530 2006445 1684RVFS-1656-15362955 111852445 92541835 69451325 50151020 3861915 3463610 2309510 1930RVFS-2056-19363695 139863060 115822295 86871655 62641275 48261140 4315760 2877635 2403RVFS-2456-23364435 167863670 138912755 104281990 75321530 57911370 5185915 3463765 2896RVFS-2856-27365175 195874280 162003215 121692320 87811785 67561600 60561065 4031895 3388Dimensional DataDimensional / Physical InformationModel No.Inlet/Outlet Flange Main Drain NPT A B C D Dry Weight Liquid Volume in. mm in. mm in.mm in. mm in. mm in. mm Lbs. Kgs.Gal. Ltr.RVFS-222-1222 51 1 2516 40652 1321 6 15217 432620 28135 132RVFS-244-233 3 76 1 2518 45777 1956 6 15223 584720 32760 227RVFS-344-2334 102 1 2520 50878 1981 6 15228 711850 38680 303RVFS-444-333 4 102 1 2524 61080 2032 6 15228 7111000 454115 435RVFS-456-436 6 152 1 2524 61097 24647.5 19136 9141100 499140 530RVFS-656-536 6 152 1.5 3828 711108 27437.5 19136 9141400 635200 757RVFS-856-7368 203 1.5 3832 813114 28969 22946 11681900 862270 1022RVFS-1056-9368 203 1.5 3836 914115 29219 22948 12192300 1043365 1382RVFS-1256-11368 203 1.5 3838 965116 29469 22948 12192500 1134415 1571RVFS-1456-133610 254 2 5142 1067118 299710 25454 13723400 1542530 2006RVFS-1656-153610 254 2 5148 1219120 304810 25460 15243800 1724580 2195RVFS-2056-193612 305 2 5154 1372125 317512 30569 17534500 2041900 3407RVFS-2456-233612 305 2 5160 1524129 327712 30571 18035700 25851160 4391RVFS-2856-273614 356 2 516616761433632143568020326500 29481390 5261Element OptionsCoalescer / Separator Element Selection Information NumberModel No.Coalescer .5 Mic. 1 Mic.2 Mic. 5 Mic. 25 Mic. Separator Silicone Treated Paper Element Quantity"32 Series""54 Series""55 Series" "58 Series" "78 Series" Element Quantity "05 Series"RVFS-222-1222CP-22632-TB CP-22654-TB CP-22655-TB CP-22658-TB CP-22678-TB 1SP-22605-S RVFS-244-2332CP-44632-TB CP-44654-TB CP-44655-TB CP-44658-TB CP-44678-TB 2SP-33605-S RVFS-344-2333CP-44632-TB CP-44654-TB CP-44655-TB CP-44658-TB CP-44678-TB 2SP-33605-S RVFS-444-3334CP-44632-TB CP-44654-TB CP-44655-TB CP-44658-TB CP-44678-TB 3SP-33605-S RVFS-456-4364CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 4SP-36605-S RVFS-656-5366CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 5SP-36605-S RVFS-856-7368CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 7SP-36605-S RVFS-1056-93610CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 9SP-36605-S RVFS-1256-113612CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 11SP-36605-S RVFS-1456-133614CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 13SP-36605-S RVFS-1656-153616CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 15SP-36605-S RVFS-2056-19320CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 19SP-36605-S RVFS-2456-233624CP-56632-TB CP-56654-TB CP-56655-TB CP-56658-TB CP-56678-TB 23SP-36605-S RVFS-2856-273628CP-56632-TBCP-56654-TBCP-56655-TBCP-56658-TBCP-56678-TB27SP-36605-Sequipped with FM 2” Series cartridges. The FMIaddition, they are not disarmed when surfactants and fuel additives are present.Features•Carbon steel construction; other material available F U E L M O N I T O R V E S S E L Sprocesses to meet industryFlow Rates Fuels Elements Inlet/OutletJet A, Jet A 1FS PleatedUp to 5,OOO gpm JP 4,5,8 FP Pleated NPT22Fluid Condition MonitoringF L U I D C O N D I T I O N M O N I T O R I N GApplications•Determination of particle size distribution forfilter testing.•Determination of water content in fuel.•Filter performance monitoring.•Pipeline commission trials.•Future development for telemetric analysis.Current practice in the aviation industry is to use a visual, ‘clear and bright’ test to make sure that the fuel being supplied from our refineries is free from solid matter and undissolved water at normal ambient temperatures.This test is subjective and cannot detect those contaminates that can really do damage to the engine and its critical tolerance fuel control components in todays modern aero engines.• Particle counting has been in lab environments since the 1960’s.• Recognised as an industry approved method.• Counts particulate distribution in hydraulic fluids.• Conforms with IS0/NASand SAE standards.• Lab performance in the field.• Small, portable and self powered data storage.• Dynamic 2 minute test procedure.• Simple operation.• Calibration to ISO standards (ISO 11171).• Particle counts per ml.• Sample particle distribution analysis.• Connects to exsisiting aviation sampling points.Parker Filtration’s global reputation as a reliable supplier of superiorSystemsFresh air. That’s whatIt’s easy to see whyParker Racor is themost trusted name inParker Racor fuel andoil filtration systemsParker WorldwideAE – UAE,DhabiTel: +971 4 8875600parker.me@AR – Argentina,Buenos AiresTel: +54 3327 44 4129AT – Austria,Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0parker.austria@AT – Eastern Europe,Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 970parker.easteurope@AU – Australia,Castle HillTel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777AZ – Azerbaijan,BakuTel: +994 50 2233 458parker.azerbaijan@BE /LX – Belgium,NivellesTel: +32 (0)67 280 900parker.belgium@BR – Brazil,Cachoeirinha RSTel: +55 51 3470 9144BY – Belarus,MinskTel: +375 17 209 9399parker.belarus@CA – Canada,Milton, OntarioTel: +1 905 693 3000CH – Switzerland,EtoyTel: +41 (0) 21 821 02 30parker.switzerland@CN – China,ShanghaiTel: +86 21 5031 2525CZ – Czech Republic,KlecanyTel: +420 284 083 111parker.czechrepublic@DE – Germany,KaarstTel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0parker.germany@DK – Denmark,BallerupTel: +45 43 56 04 00parker.denmark@ES – Spain,MadridTel: +34 902 33 00 01parker.spain@FI – Finland,VantaaTel: +358 (0)20 753 2500parker.finland@FR – France,Contamine-s/ArveTel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25parker.france@©2008 Parker Hannifin Corporation. All rights reserved.RU – Russia,MoscowTel: +7 495 645-2156parker.russia@SE – Sweden,SpångaTel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00parker.sweden@SG – SingaporeTel: +65 6887 6300SL – Slovenia,Banska BystricaTel: +421 484 162 252parker.slovenia@SL – Slovenia,Novo MestoTel: +386 7 337 6650parker.slovenia@TH – Thailand,BangkokTel: +662 717 8140TR – Turkey,IstanbulTel: +90 216 4997081parker.turkey@TW – Taiwan,TaipeiTel: +886 2 2298 8987UA – Ukraine,KievTel +380 44 494 2731raine@UK – United Kingdom,WarwickTel: +44 (0)1926 317 878@US – USA,ClevelandTel: +1 216 896 3000VE – Venezuela,CaracasTel: +58 212 238 5422ZA – South Africa,Kempton ParkTel: +27 (0)11 961 0700parker.southafrica@European Product Information CentreFree phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, EI,ES,FI, FR, IT, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SK,UK, ZA)GR – Greece,AthensTel: +30 210 933 6450parker.greece@HK – Hong KongTel: +852 2428 8008HU – Hungary,BudapestTel: +36 1 220 4155parker.hungary@IE – Ireland,DublinTel: +353 (0)1 466 6370parker.ireland@IN – India,MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85IT – Italy,Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21parker.italy@JP – Japan,FujisawaTel: +(81) 4 6635 3050KR – South Korea,SeoulTel: +82 2 559 0400KZ – Kazakhstan,AlmatyTel: +7 7272 505 800parker.easteurope@LV – Latvia,RigaTel: +371 745 2601tvia@MX – Mexico,ApodacaTel: +52 81 8156 6000MY – Malaysia,Subang JayaTel: +60 3 5638 1476NL – The Netherlands,OldenzaalTel: +31 (0)541 585 000parker.nl@NO – Norway,SkiTel: +47 64 91 10 00parker.norway@NZ – New Zealand,Mt WellingtonTel: +64 9 574 1744PL – Poland,WarsawTel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00parker.poland@PT – Portugal,Leca da PalmeiraTel: +351 22 999 7360parker.portugal@RO – Romania,BucharestTel: +40 21 252 1382parker.romania@Parker Hannifin (UK) LtdRacor Filter Division EuropeTel: +44 (0) 1924 487037Email: filtrationinfo@/rfdeCatalogue FDRB137GB1 10/2008Your local authorised Parker distributor。
C10-040450-020 C10-040450-022 C10-040450-024 C10-040450-028 C10-060766-008 C10-070500-020 C10-101949-008 C10-101949-010 C10-101949-012 C10-101949-014 C10-101949-016 C10-101949-018 C10-597109-171 C10-638976-000 C10-670820-205 C10-670932-B2P C10-670932-B3P C10-679666-B2P C10-679666-B2S C10-679666-B3S C10-683047-018 C10-683787-20P C10-686169-07S C10-686957-171 C10-686958-171 C10-690549-45P C10-690550-45S C10-700305-B2S C10-730048-014 C10-738026-2AS1 C10-738728-2503 C10-748043-2301 C10-748043-3300 C52-700703-11S C52-700704-11P C93-700087-02H CBM06E-18-08S CLP-597820-355 GT030RV24-3P GT030RV24-3PW GTC02R-18-4P(023)
amphenol连接器,安费诺连接器产品选型amphenol连接器,安费诺连接器D 形连接器- 并口(238)D-Sub 连接器(11100)D-Sub,D 形连接器- 后壳,罩(231)D-Sub,D 形连接器- 外壳(221)D-Sub,D 形连接器- 触头(396)D-Sub,D 形连接器- 适配器(128)D-Sub,D 形连接器- 配件(147)D-Sub,D 形连接器- 配件-?顶丝(45)FFC,FPC(扁平柔性)连接器(3157)FFC,FPC(扁平柔性)连接器- 外壳(56)FFC,FPC(扁平柔性)连接器- 触头(23)USB,DVI,HDMI 连接器(450)USB,DVI,HDMI 连接器- 适配器(73)USB,DVI,HDMI 连接器- 配件(37)光伏(太阳能板)连接器(130)光伏(太阳能板)连接器- 触头(7)光伏(太阳能板)连接器- 配件(7)光纤连接器(5)光纤连接器- 适配器(2)光纤连接器- 配件(3)刀片式电源连接器(7)分路器,跳線(123)卡边缘连接器- 边缘板连接器(1053)同轴连接器(RF)(2909)同轴连接器(RF)- 端接器(81)同轴连接器(RF)- 触头(12)同轴连接器(RF)- 适配器(693)同轴连接器(RF)- 配件(74)固态照明连接器(23)固态照明连接器- 触头(8)固态照明连接器- 配件(1)圆形连接器(186896)圆形连接器- 后壳和电缆夹(1819)圆形连接器- 外壳(82226)圆形连接器- 触头(722)圆形连接器- 适配器(249)圆形连接器- 配件(1057)在系列适配器之间(25)套管- 配件(2)套管- 音频连接器(10)存储器连接器- PC 卡- 适配器(4)存储器连接器- PC 卡插槽(799)存储器连接器- 直列式模块插座(693)存储器连接器- 配件(102)接线座- Din 轨道,通道(475)接线座- 接头,插头和插口(18743)接线座- 配件(104)接线座- 配件- 标记条(38)接线座- 配件- 跳线(152)接线座- 隔板块(2742)接线板- 专用(78)接线板- 线至板(7669)接线板- 适配器(138)接线板- 面板安装(44)插接式连接器(723)插接式连接器- 配件(25)模块化连接器- 插头(5)模块化连接器- 插头外壳(27)模块化连接器- 插孔(6270)模块化连接器- 磁性插孔(17)模块化连接器- 适配器(209)模块化连接器- 配件(75)用于IC 的插座,晶体管(154)矩形- 板对板连接器- 针座,公引脚(195)矩形- 板对板连接器- 板垫片,堆叠器(2087)矩形- 板对板连接器- 配件(13)矩形- 板对板连接器- 针座,插座,母插口(2912) 矩形- 板对板连接器- 阵列,边缘型,夹层式(2630) 矩形连接器- 外壳(1137)矩形连接器- 弹簧式(8)矩形连接器- 板载,直接线对板(101)矩形连接器- 自由悬挂,面板安装(669)矩形连接器- 触头(440)矩形连接器- 配件(186)矩形连接器- 针座,公插针(27062)矩形连接器- 针座,插座,母插口(3243)端子- PC 引脚插座,插座连接器(8)端子- PC 引脚,单接线柱连接器(121)端子- 专用连接器(75)端子- 外壳,套(1)端子- 箔片连接器(4)端子- 螺纹连接器(4)端子- 配件(2)端子接线盒系统(591)背板连接器- Hard Metric,标准(2172)背板连接器- 专用(12492)背板连接器- 外壳(215)背板连接器- 触头(65)背板连接器- 配件(361)背板连接器- DIN 41612 (536)触点- 多用途(147)连接器,弹簧加载和压力(16)重载连接器- 外壳,盖罩,基底(1070)重载连接器- 插件,模块(240)重载连接器- 框架(39)重载连接器- 组件(57)重载连接器- 触头(142)重载连接器- 配件(140)amphenol 连接器,安费诺连接器热销型号:制造商零件编号制造商描述包装系列连接器样式L77SDE09S AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN D-SUB RCPT9POS STR SOLDER散装SD D-Sub10090769-P154ALF Amphenol FCI CONN D-SUB HDPLUG 15POS STR托盘10090769D-Sub,高密度DE09S064TLF Amphenol FCI CONN DSUBRCPT 9POSSTR SLDRCUP散装 D D-SubDE09P064TXLF Amphenol FCI CONN DSUBPLUG 9POSSTR SLDRCUP散装 D D-SubDA15P064TXLF Amphenol FCI CONN DSUBPLUG 15POSSTR SLDCUP散装 D D-Sub17EHD-015-P-AA-0-00 AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN D-SUB HDPLUG 15POS STR托盘17EHD D-Sub,高密度ICD15S13E6GV00LF Amphenol FCICONN DSUBHDRCPT 15POS R/A SLDR散装 ICD D-Sub ,高密度10090929-S154VLFAmphenol FCI CONN DSUB HDRCPT 15POS VERT SLD 托盘10090929D-Sub ,高密度D09P33E4GV00LF Amphenol FCICONND-SUB PLUG9POS R/A SOLDER托盘 Delta D D-SubD15S24A4GV00LF Amphenol FCICONN D-SUB RCPT15POS VERT SLDR托盘Delta D D-SubD09P24A4GV00LFAmphenol FCICONND-SUB PLUG9POS VERT SOLDER托盘 Delta D D-SubD09S24A4GV00LFAmphenol FCICONND-SUB RCPT9POS VERT SOLDER托盘 Delta D D-SubD25S24A4GV00LF Amphenol FCICONN D-SUB RCPT25POS VERT SLDR 托盘Delta D D-Sub17EHD-026-P-AA-0-00 AmphenolCommercialProductsCONND-SUB HD PLUG 26POS STR托盘 17EHD D-Sub ,高密度17EHD-044-P-AA-0-00 AmphenolCommercialProductsCONND-SUB HD PLUG 44POS STR托盘 17EHD D-Sub ,高密度17EBH-015-S-AM-0-10 AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN DSUB HD RCPT 15POS R/A托盘 17EBH D-Sub ,高密度SLDRDAP15P065TXLF Amphenol FCI CONN DSUB PLUG15POS STR SLD CUP托盘DP D-SubL77DE09S AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN DSUBRCPT 9POSSTR SLDRCUP托盘 D D-SubMDBE09PE860 AmphenolCommercialProductsCONND-SUB PLUG9POS VERTSOLDER托盘MDB D-SubG17S1510110EU AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN DSUB PLUG15POS STR SLD CUP托盘G17S D-SubL717SDE09P AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN DSUBPLUG 9POSSTR SLDRCUP托盘SD D-SubG17S0900110EU AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN DSUBRCPT 9POSSTR SLDRCUP托盘G17S D-SubLD09P33E4GV00LF Amphenol FCI DSUB R/ASTB 9 PIN LF散装LD D-SubL717SDB25P AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN DSUB PLUG25POS STR SLD CUP托盘SD D-SubG17S1500110EU AmphenolCommercialProductsCONN DSUBRCPT 15POSSTR SLDCUP托盘G17SD-Sub窗体顶端窗体底端SFW15R-2STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCFPC TOP带卷(TR)SFW-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装15POS1MM R/ASFW15R-2STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCFPC TOP15POS1MM R/A剪切带(CT)SFW-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFW15R-2STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCFPC TOP15POS1MM R/Aszcwdz-Reel?SFW-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV4R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM4POS0.50MMR/A带卷(TR)SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV4R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM4POS0.50MMR/A剪切带(CT)SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV4R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM4POS0.50MMR/Aszcwdz-Reel?SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装HFW4R-1STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM4POS1.00MMR/A带卷(TR)HFW-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装HFW4R-1STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM4POS1.00MMR/A剪切带(CT)HFW-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装HFW4R-1STE1LF Amphenol FCI szcwdz-ReelHFW-R FFC,FPCCONN FFC BOTTOM4POS1.00MMR/A 可替代的包装SFV10R-2STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCTOP 10POS0.50MMR/A带卷(TR)SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV10R-2STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCTOP 10POS0.50MMR/A剪切带(CT)SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV10R-2STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCTOP 10POS0.50MMR/Aszcwdz-Reel?SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV5R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM5POS0.50MMR/A带卷(TR)SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV5R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM5POS0.50MMR/A剪切带(CT)SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV5R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM5POS0.50MMR/Aszcwdz-Reel?SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV16R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM16POS0.50MMR/A带卷(TR)SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV16R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM16POS0.50MMR/A剪切带(CT)SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFV16R-1STE1HLF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM16POS0.50MMR/Aszcwdz-Reel?SFV-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装HFW10S-2STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCFPC VERT10POS1MM SMD带卷(TR)HFW FFC,FPC可替代的包装HFW10S-2STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCFPC VERT10POS1MM SMD剪切带(CT)HFW FFC,FPC可替代的包装HFW10S-2STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCFPC VERT10POS1MM SMDszcwdz-Reel?HFW FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFW4R-1STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM4POS1.00MMR/A带卷(TR)SFW-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFW4R-1STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM4POS1.00MMR/A剪切带(CT)SFW-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装SFW4R-1STE1LF Amphenol FCI CONN FFCBOTTOM4POS1.00MMszcwdz-Reel?SFW-R FFC,FPC可替代的包装R/ASFW4R-2STE1LFAmphenol FCI CONN FFCFPC TOP4POS1.00MMR/A带卷(TR)SFW-R FFC,FPC窗体顶端窗体底端可替代的包装10118192-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN USBMICRO BRECPT SMTR/A带卷(TR)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10118192-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN USBMICRO BRECPT SMTR/A剪切带(CT)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10118192-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN USBMICRO BRECPT SMTR/Aszcwdz-Reel?- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10118193-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN USBMICRO BRECPT SMTR/A带卷(TR)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10118193-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN USBMICRO BRECPT SMTR/A剪切带(CT)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10118193-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN USBMICRO BRECPT SMTR/Aszcwdz-Reel?- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10118194-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN USBMICRO BRECPT SMTR/A带卷(TR)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10118194-0001LF Amphenol FCI 剪切带(CT)- USB - 微B 型CONN USB MICRO B RECPT SMT R/A 可替代的包装10118194-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN USBMICRO BRECPT SMTR/Aszcwdz-Reel?- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10103594-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPE B带卷(TR)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10103594-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPE B剪切带(CT)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10103594-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPE Bszcwdz-Reel?- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10103592-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTREV MICROUSB TYPE B带卷(TR)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10103592-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTREV MICROUSB TYPE B剪切带(CT)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10103592-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTREV MICROUSB TYPE Bszcwdz-Reel?- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10033526-N3212LF Amphenol FCI CONN MINIUSB RCPTRA TYPE BSMD带卷(TR)- USB - mini B可替代的包装10033526-N3212LF Amphenol FCI CONN MINIUSB RCPTRA TYPE BSMD剪切带(CT)- USB - mini B可替代的包装10033526-N3212LF Amphenol FCI CONN MINIUSB RCPTRA TYPE BSMDszcwdz-Reel?- USB - mini B可替代的包装10103593-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPE B带卷(TR)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10103593-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPE B剪切带(CT)- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10103593-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPE Bszcwdz-Reel?- USB - 微B 型可替代的包装10104111-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPEAB带卷(TR)- USB - 微AB 型可替代的包装10104111-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPEAB剪切带(CT)- USB - 微AB 型可替代的包装10104111-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICROUSB TYPEABszcwdz-Reel?- USB - 微AB 型可替代的包装10104110-0001LF Amphenol FCI CONN RCPTSTD MICRO带卷(TR)-USB - 微B 型窗体顶端窗体底端可替代的包装USB TYPE BA-1JB Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN UMCJACK STR 50OHM SMD带卷(TR)AMC 超微型同轴可替代的包装A-1JB Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN UMCJACK STR 50OHM SMD剪切带(CT)AMC 超微型同轴可替代的包装A-1JB Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN UMCJACK STR 50OHM SMDszcwdz-Reel?AMC 超微型同轴可替代的包装31-320-RFX Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNC PLUGSTR 50 OHM CRIMP散装- BNC31-221-RFX Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNCJACK STR 50OHMSOLDER散装- BNC122108 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN TNCPLUG STR50 OHMCRIMP散装- TNC112116 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNC PLUGSTR 50 OHM CRIMP散装- BNC31-315-RFX Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNCPLUG STR50 OHMCRIMP散装- BNC031-5431-10RFX Amphenol-RF 散装- BNCDivision CONN BNCJACK R/A 50OHM PCB112538 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNCJACK STR 50OHM PCB散装- BNC031-10-RFXG1 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNCJACK STR 50OHMSOLDER散装- BNC112133 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNCPLUG STR75 OHMCRIMP散装- BNC142138 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN SMBJACK STR 50OHM PCB散装- SMB031-5329-52RFX Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNC JACKSTR 50 OHM PCB散装- BNCFA1-NZSJ-C01-0 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONNFAKRA JACKSTR 50OHMCRIMP托盘- SMB,FakraFA1-NCSJ-C01-0 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONNFAKRA JACKSTR 50OHMCRIMP托盘- SMB,FakraFA1-NCRP-PCB-8 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONNFAKRA PLUGR/A 50OHM PCB托盘- SMB,Fakra31-10-RFX Amphenol-RF 散- BNCDivision CONN BNCJACK STR 50OHMSOLDER装031-5329-72RFX Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNCJACK STR 75OHM PCB散装- BNC142138-75 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN SMBJACK STR 75OHM PCB散装- SMB,迷你型901-9867-RFX Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN SMAPLUG STR50 OHMSOLDER散装- SMA31-236 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNCJACK STR 50OHMSOLDER散装- BNC132101 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN SMAPLUG STR50 OHMSOLDER散装- SMA132102 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN SMAPLUG STR50 OHMSOLDER散装- SMA31-5640-1010 Amphenol-RFDivisionCONN BNCJACK R/A 50OHM PCB散装-BNC窗体顶端窗体底端。
SX90 090低厚双三孔空气 氮控制阀门说明书
Instruction Manual SX90/090Low Profile 2/3 Port Solenoid ValveThe intended use of the SX90/090 is for the control of air/nitrogen in the down-stream pneumatic circuit.These safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situations and/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in addition to International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations. *1)ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems. ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines. (Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.• Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and Handling Precautions for SMC Products for additional information. • Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.Caution Caution indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.WarningWarning indicates a hazard with a medium level of riskwhich, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.DangerDanger indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, ifnot avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning• Always ensurecompliancewith relevant safety laws and standards.•All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person in compliance with applicable national regulations.2.1 General specificationsTable 1.1) Flow rate is calculated at pressure difference of 0.2 MPa 2) Based on JIS B 8373 (SX91/92) & JIS B8419 (SX090)2.2 Coil specificationsTable 2.1) Power-saving type requires rated voltage to be supplied continuously, for power saving characteristics to take effect.2) When using a valve without the power saving circuit, energise asshown in figure 1. using the voltages from table 2.3) Ensure the inrush time (100±10 msec) is reached before lowering to the holding voltage to ensure clean switching of the valve.Figure 1. Energisation waveform3 Installation3.1 MountingWarning• Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been read and understood.• Do not apply force to the coil or frame when installing valve. Malfunction may occur if force of 10N or more is applied • Confirm that the gasket is correctly mounted on the body.• Tighten mounting screws, evenly, to the required tightening torque. Guide torque value is 0.10 to 0.14 N•m. Adjust according to environment.Figure 2. SX91/92 Manifold footprint dimensionsFigure 3. SX090 Manifold footprint dimensionsFigure 4. SX90 FootprintFigure 5. SX090 Footprint3.1 EnvironmentWarning• Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, salt water or steam are present.• Do not use in an explosive atmosphere.• Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.• Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess of the product’s specifications.• Do not mount in a location exposed to radiant heat that would result in temperatures in excess of the product’s specifications.3.2 PipingCaution• Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dust etc.• When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does not enter inside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1 thread exposed on the end of the pipe/fitting.3.3 LubricationCaution• SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do not require lubrication in service.3.4 Electrical connection• Avoid mis-wiring, as this can cause malfunction and damage to the product.• To prevent noise and surge in signal lines, keep all wiring separate from power lines and high voltage lines. Otherwise this can cause malfunction.• When a surge from the solenoid affects the electrical circuitry, install a surge absorber, etc., in parallel with the solenoid.• Use electrical circuits that do not generate chattering in their contacts. • For the standard valve use voltage that is within ±10% of the rated voltage. For the power saving type use voltage 0 to +10% of the rated voltage.• Do not pull the lead wire. Damage may occur if force of 10N or more is applied.3.5 Electrical circuitsFigure 6. Standard type – Without power saving circuitFigure 7. With power saving circuit integratedRated VoltageLead wire colour 1 2 DCRed BlackTable 3.Model SX91 SX92 SX090 Valve Structure 2 Port Direct Operated Solenoid Valve2 Port Direct Operated Solenoid Valve3 Port Direct Operated Solenoid Valve Switching Method N.C.Universal UniversalWorking FluidAir, Nitrogen Operating Pressure range (MPa)-100kPa~0.2Proof Pressure (MPa) 0.6Ambient Temp. (°C)0~50 0~50 0~50 Flow CharacteristicsC[dm 3/(s.bar)0.25 0.12 0.5 b 0.25 0.25 0.3 Cv 0.07 0.032 0.14 L/min(ANR) 1)452290Response Time (on/off) 2) ≤10 ms≤15 msShock/Vibration Resistance (m/s 2)150/30 Mounting OrientationFree IP Rating IP40 Weight (g)101020ModelSX91/92SX090 Power Saving Type1)Rated Voltage DC12VDC24VDC12VDC24VPower ConsumptionStart-Up 4W6W Hold-On 0.7W0.8WNon Power Saving Type 2)Start-Up VoltageDC12V DC24V DC12V DC24V Power Consumption 4W 4W 6W 6W Hold-On3)VoltageDC5V DC10V DC4.2V DC8.4V Power Consumption 0.7W0.7W0.8W0.8W Allowable VoltageFluctuationStandardType ±10% of Rated Voltage Power Saving Type0 to +10% of Rated VoltageCoil Insulation TypeClass BORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSRefer to Declaration of Conformity for relevant Directives1)SX91 2)SX92 3)SX090 1) 2)3) 2xM2x0.4 (Thread depth >6mm)Hold onRated VoltageSX90 SX090Start-upRated Voltage (Thread depth >6mm)C0.2 or Less2xM2x0.4 (Thread depth >6mm)(Minimum depth 2.2mm) Power Saving CircuitSol.4.1 Manual OverrideCaution• For SX090. Push the Ø3mm button in the direction shown by the arrow to engage the manualoverride. Travel of button should be approximately 0.5 mm. The valve will be turned off when the button is released.Figure 8. SX090 Manual Override• Refer to catalogue for ‘How to Order’.• Refer to catalogue for outline dimensions.7.1 General MaintenanceCaution• Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the product to malfunction and lead to equipment damage.• If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.• Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only by qualified personnel.• Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sure to cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released to atmosphere.• After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure and power to the equipment and perform appropriate functional and leakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.• If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensure they are reconnected correctly, and safety checks are carried out as required to ensure continued compliance with applicable national regulations.• Do not make any modification to the product.• Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation or maintenance instructions.8.1 Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance Requirements • Refer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products 8.2 Extended Periods of Continuous EnergisationCaution• Do not energise continuously at rated (start-up) voltage if no energy-saving circuit is included. This may damage the coil.• Make sure coil surface temperature does not exceed 80°C if the valve is continuously energised at the holding voltage.• After continuous energisation, do not touch the valve by hand. Coil temperature may be high due to extended period of energisation.• If the coil is likely to be touched, use a protective cover for the valve and provide a warning label according to local regulation.• If 3 or more adjacent coils are continuously energised in a manifold assembly, make sure fluid supply is maintained to avoid temperature rise above 80°C. 8.3 Response time reduction• Response time may become extremely slow under the following conditions:When the valve is energised for the first time after a long period of de-energisation.When the operating pressure is low (0.1MPa or less). When the ambient temperature is 10°C or less.8.1 Applicable FluidsCaution• Please contact SMC before using the valve with a fluid other than air or nitrogen.This product should not be disposed of as municipal waste. Check your local regulations and guidelines to dispose this product correctly, in order to reduce the impact on human health and the environment.10 Limitations of UseRefer to or www.smc.eu for contacts.URL : http// (Global) http// (Europe)'SMC Corporation, Akihabara UDX15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101 0021Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer.© 2020 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved.Template DKP50047-F-085I。
Weight 重量 重量
g (lbs)
Package 盒装量 包装
Упаковка No. 40 40 40 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 20 12 12 12 8 8 3 3 2 2 2
Screw Together 螺纹连接系列 ネジ シリーズ
mm (in) 19 (0.75) 19 (0.75) 19 (0.75) 24 (0.94) 24 (0.94) 24 (0.94) 27 (1.06) 27 (1.06) 27 (1.06) 27 (1.06) 27 (1.06) 34 (1.34) 34 (1.34) 34 (1.34) 41 (1.61) 42 (1.61) 50 (1.97) 50 (1.97) 60 (2.36) 75 (2.95) 75 (2.95)
Polyurethane and NBR Backup ring in PTFE
技術仕様 耐摩耗熱処理済み高炭素鋼
NBR PTFE製バックアップリング
Технические характеристики
Высококачественная углеродистая сталь с термообработкой изнашиваемых частей
ANV 14-38SAE F
ANV 38-38SAE F
Proline 外部组件、顶部和底座 nVent Hoffman 商品说明书
sOLId tOPsSolid Tops are used to close thetop opening on an enclosure frame.Steel Tops are finished in RAL 7035textured light gray. EMC Solid Topsare finished with paint over platedsurfaces. Solid Tops are gasketedand include ground studs. Bolts areincluded to hold the top in place(lifting eyes can be used instead ofbolts). Tops are made of 16-gaugesteel.Bulletin: P20, P20eM, P20SCatalog Number Type Frame Type Fits Frame B x C W (mm)W (in.) D (mm) D (in.) Pt45Steel Single-Bay400 x 50039915.7149919.65 Pt46Steel Single-Bay400 x 60039915.7159923.58 Pt64Steel Single-Bay600 x 40059223.3139915.71 Pt64HF2EMC Single-Bay600 x 40059223.3139915.71 Pt65Steel Single-Bay600 x 50059223.3149919.65 Pt66Steel Single-Bay600 x 60059223.3159923.58 Pt66HF2EMC Single-Bay600 x 60059223.3159923.58 Pt66SS Stainless Steel Single-Bay600 x 60059223.3159923.58 Pt68Steel Single-Bay600 x 80059223.3179931.46 Pt68HF2EMC Single-Bay600 x 80059223.3179931.46 Pt68SS Stainless Steel Single-Bay600 x 80059223.3179931.46 Pt76Steel Single-Bay700 x 60069227.2459923.58 Pt76HF2EMC Single-Bay700 x 60069227.2459923.58 Pt78Steel Single-Bay700 x 80069227.2479931.46 Pt78HF2EMC Single-Bay700 x 80069227.2479931.46 Pt79Steel Single-Bay700 x 90069227.2489935.39 Pt79HF2EMC Single-Bay700 x 90069227.2489935.39 Pt84Steel Single-Bay800 x 40079231.1839915.71 Pt84HF2EMC Single-Bay800 x 40079231.1839915.71 Pt85Steel Single-Bay800 x 50079231.1849919.65 Pt85HF2EMC Single-Bay800 x 50079231.1849919.65 Pt86Steel Single-Bay800 x 60079231.1859923.58 Pt86HF2EMC Single-Bay800 x 60079231.1859923.58 Pt86SS Stainless Steel Single-Bay800 x 60079231.1859923.58 Pt88Steel Single-Bay800 x 80079231.1879931.46 Pt88HF2EMC Single-Bay800 x 80079231.1879931.46 Pt88SS Stainless Steel Single-Bay800 x 80079231.1879931.46 Pt89Steel Single-Bay800 x 90079231.1879931.46 Pt89HF2EMC Single-Bay800 x 90079231.1879931.46 Pt104Steel Single-Bay1000 x 40099239.0639915.71 Pt105Steel Single-Bay1000 x 50099239.0649919.65 Pt105HF2EMC Single-Bay1000 x 50099239.0649919.65 Pt106Steel Single-Bay1000 x 60099239.0659923.58 Pt106SS Stainless Steel Single-Bay1000 x 60099239.0659923.58 Pt106HF2EMC Single-Bay1000 x 60099239.0659923.58 Pt108Steel Single-Bay1000 x 80099239.0679931.46 Pt108HF2EMC Single-Bay1000 x 80099239.0679931.46 Pt108SS Stainless Steel Single-Bay1000 x 80099239.0679931.46 Pt124Steel Double-Bay1200 x 400119246.9339915.71 Pt125Steel Double-Bay1200 x 500119246.9349919.65 Pt126Steel Double-Bay1200 x 600119246.9359923.58 Pt126SS Stainless Steel Double-Bay1200 x 600119246.9359923.58 Pt128Steel Double-Bay1200 x 800119246.9379931.46 Pt128SS Stainless Steel Double-Bay1200 x 800119246.9379931.46 Pt164Steel Double-Bay1600 x 400159262.6839915.71 Pt165Steel Double-Bay1600 x 500159262.6849919.65 Pt166Steel Double-Bay1600 x 600159262.6859923.58 Pt168Steel Double-Bay1600 x 800159262.6879931.46 Pt185Steel Double-Bay1800 x 500179270.5549919.65 Pt186Steel Double-Bay1800 x 600179270.5559923.58 Pt188Steel Double-Bay1800 x 800179270.5579931.46VENtEd tOP wIth INtEgRaL FaN tRayINdustRy staNdaRdsUL Component Recognized; Type 1; File No. E61997This component is rated UL Type 1. Installing this component on an enclosure brings the enclosure rating to UL Type 1.This component is rated UL Type 1. Installing this component on an enclosure brings the enclosure rating to UL Type 1.NEMA/EEMAC Type 1IEC 60529, IP20Vented Top with Integral Fan Tray provides a cooling/ventilation solution for electronic and networking applications. An integral fan tray with three pre-wired and mounted fans provides up to 200-300 CFM of exhaust.The deeper vented tops (500- through 800-mm deep) have integral fan trays with cutouts for mounting additional fans (see Additional Fans table). Accessory fan kits (consisting of three pre-wired fans) can be installed to provide additional airflow. Unused fan positions are provided with covers to prevent short-circuiting of airflow. Since the fan pulls air through the enclosure to cool equipment, an optional Inlet Vent (catalog number PPV32 or PPV32B) must be ordered separately. Vented tops are 16-gauge steel and finished with RAL 7035 light-gray textured polyester powder paint. EMC tops are finished with paint over plated 16-gauge surfaces.The vented top is designed to be used in place of a standard top. Bolts are provided to secure vented top to frame. The enclosure can be lifted with a vented top installed (requires accessory lifting eyes). Bulletin: DPC, P20eMCatalog Number Type Voltage Fits FrameTop B x C W (mm)W (in.) D (mm) D (in.)PVt3F641Steel115600 x 40059123.2639215.46 PVt3F651Steel115600 x 50059223.3149319.40 PVt3F651eMC EMC115600 x 50059123.2649319.40 PVt3F661Steel115600 x 60059123.2659323.33 PVt3F661eMC EMC115600 x 60059123.2659323.34 PVt3F681Steel115600 x 80059123.2679331.12 PVt3F681eMC EMC115600 x 80059123.2679331.21 PVt3F761Steel115700 x 60069127.2059323.34 PVt3F761eMC EMC115700 x 60069127.2059323.34 PVt3F781Steel115700 x 80069127.2079331.21 PVt3F781eMC EMC115700 x 80069127.2079331.21 PVt3F791Steel115700 x 90069127.2089335.15 PVt3F791eMC EMC115700 x 90069127.2089335.15 PVt3F841Steel115800 x 40079131.1339315.46 PVt3F851Steel115800 x 50079231.1849319.40 PVt3F851eMC EMC115800 x 50079131.1349319.40 PVt3F861Steel115800 x 60079231.1859323.34 PVt3F861eMC EMC115800 x 60079131.1359323.34 PVt3F881Steel115800 x 80079231.1879331.21 PVt3F881eMC EMC115800 x 80079131.1379331.21 PVt3F642Steel230600 x 40059123.2639315.46 PVt3F652Steel230600 x 50059123.2649319.40 PVt3F652eMC EMC230600 x 50059123.2649319.40 PVt3F662Steel230600 x 60059123.2659323.34 PVt3F662eMC EMC230600 x 60059123.2659323.34 PVt3F682Steel230600 x 80059123.2679331.21 PVt3F682eMC EMC230600 x 80059123.2679331.21 PVt3F762Steel230700 x 60069127.2059323.34 PVt3F762eMC EMC230700 x 60069127.2059323.34 PVt3F782Steel230700 x 80069127.2079331.21 PVt3F782eMC EMC230700 x 80069127.2079331.21 PVt3F792Steel230700 x 90069127.2089335.15 PVt3F792eMC EMC230700 x 90069127.2089335.15 PVt3F842Steel230800 x 40079131.1339315.46 PVt3F852Steel230800 x 50079131.1349319.40 PVt3F852eMC EMC230800 x 50079131.1349319.40 PVt3F862Steel230800 x 60079131.1359323.34 PVt3F862eMC EMC230800 x 60079131.1359323.34 PVt3F882Steel230800 x 80079131.1379331.21 PVt3F882eMC EMC230800 x 80079131.1379331.21Additional FansPVt3F11153-fan kitPVt3F22303-fan kitNumber of Fans for Frame Depth4003350036600368003990039Individual Fan PerformanceAirflow 0 in. static pressure95 CFM (162 cu. m/hr)113 CFM (192 cu. m/hr) Maximum static pressure W.C.0.29 in. (73 Pa)0.35 in. (98 Pa) Maximum ambient temp158 F (70 C)158 F (70 C) Power consumption15 W14 WCatalog Number Description Voltage Full Load Amps Use WithPPtHP1Leadwires115 1.7Top with high-performance pagoda vent cutoutPPtHP1C Power cord115 1.7Top with high-performance pagoda vent cutoutPPtHP1eMC Power cord115 1.7Top with high-performance pagoda vent cutout on EMC enclosures PPtHP2Leadwires230.9Top with high-performance pagoda vent cutoutPPtHP2eMC Power cord230.9Top with high-performance pagoda vent cutouttOP wIth CutOut FOR hIgh-PERFORmaNCE PagOda Exhaust VENtThe tops fit standard frames. Single-bay tops have a cutout that accepts one high-performance pagoda vent. Double-bay tops have one cutout that can be oriented for left-bay or right-bay pagodaventilation. Tops are finished with textured light-gray RAL 7035polyester powder paint. EMC tops are finished with paint over plated surfaces. Bolts are furnished to hold top in position (lifting eyes can be used in place of bolts). Top is gasketed and made of 16-gauge steel. Ground studs are included. Consult Hoffman for delivery.Bulletin: P20, P20eMCatalog Number Fits Frame Top B x C W (mm)W (in.) D (mm) D (in.)PPtHP65600 x 50059223.3049919.64PPtHP65eMC 600 x 50059223.3049919.64PPtHP66600 x 60059223.3059923.57PPtHP66eMC 600 x 60059223.3059923.57PPtHP68600 x 80059223.3079931.45PPtHP76700 x 60069227.2459923.57PPtHP76eMC 700 x 60069227.2459923.57PPtHP78eMC 700 x 80069227.2479931.45PPtHP79700 x 90069227.2489935.39PPtHP79eMC 700 x 90069227.2489935.39PPtHP85800 x 50079231.1749919.64PPtHP85eMC 800 x 50079231.1749919.64PPtHP86800 x 60079231.1759923.57PPtHP86eMC 800 x 60079231.1759923.57PPtHP88800 x 80079231.1779931.45PPtHP88eMC 800 x 80079231.1779931.45PPtHP89eMC 800 x 90079231.1789935.39PPtHP1051000 x 50099239.0549919.64PPtHP105eMC 1000 x 50099239.0549919.64PPtHP1061000 x 60099239.0559923.57PPtHP106eMC 1000 x 60099239.0559923.57PPtHP1081000 x 80099239.0579931.45PPtHP108eMC 1000 x 80099239.0579931.45PPtHP125eMC 1200 x 500119246.9549919.64PPtHP1261200 x 600119246.9259923.57PPtHP126eMC 1200 x 600119246.9259923.57PPtHP1281200 x 800119246.9279931.45PPtHP128eMC 1200 x 800119246.9279931.45PPtHP1651600 x 500119262.6749919.64PPtHP165eMC 1600 x 500159262.6749919.64PPtHP1661600 x 600159262.6759923.57PPtHP166eMC 1600 x 600159262.6759923.57PPtHP1681600 x 800159262.6779931.45PPtHP168eMC1600 x 800159262.6779931.45tOP-mOuNt aIR CONdItIONERTop-Mount Air Conditioners replace the solid top in a standard assembly. Air conditioners require no hole cutting or special kits for installation. These air conditioners are available with cooling capacities of 2200 and 4000 BTU/hr. and are equipped with an adjustable thermostat for optimal enclosure temperature regulation. Top-Mount Air Conditioners are finished with RAL 7035 textured light-gray polyester powder paint.Installing this air conditioner on an enclosure maintains the Type 12 rating.1. Gasket kit and hardware for mounting to enclosure areincluded.2. Condensate overflow drain hose included.Bulletin: PACCatalog Number W x Dmm/in.FitsFrameTopB x CXmm/in.FLA @Max. Amb.Temp.115/60FLA @Max. Amb.Temp.115/50FLA @Max. Amb.Temp.230/60FLA @Max. Amb.Temp.230/50BTU/Hr.(W) @Max. Amb.Temp.115/60BTU/Hr.(W) @Max. Amb.Temp.115/50BTU/Hr.(W) @Max. Amb.Temp.230/60BTU/Hr.(W) @Max. Amb.Temp.230/50Max.Amb.Temp. °FMax.Amb.Temp. °CShipWt. (lb.)ShipWt. (kg)PAC216t66592 x 60023.31 x 23.62600 x 60051420.256.8 6.8——2200 (702)2200 (644)——1255214064 PAC226t86792 x 60031.19 x 23.62800 x 60037614.80—— 4.2 4.3——2400 (703)2100 (615)1255218082dOubLE-bay aIR CONdItIONER tOPTop provides mountingaccommodations for PROLINETop Mount Air Conditioners. Topcan rotate for either left-side orright-side mounting for double bayframes. Finish is RAL 7035 light-gray polyester powder paint. Topcover, support bracket and mountinghardware are included in eachpackage.Bulletin: PACCatalog Number Fits Frame Top B x C GaugeWmm/in.Dmm/in.Fits Top MountAir ConditionersPtAC1261200 x 60016119246.9359923.58PAC216T66, PAC226T66, PAC416T66, PAC426T66PtAC1281200 x 80014119246.9379931.46PAC416T68, PAC426T68PtAC1661600 x 60016159262.6859923.58PAC216T86, PAC226T86, PAC416T86, PAC426T86PtAC1681600 x 80014159262.6879931.46PAC416T88, PAC426T88suPPORt bRaCkEt kItBrackets provide additional support for large air conditioners or other heavy devices that can be mounted on modular enclosure sides. Support brackets fit between the frame and sides to provide two horizontal rigid supports. They can be positioned at various heights to accommodate any size air conditioner or device.Brackets can also be used between frames and tops for supporting heavy devices mounted on top of modular enclosures. Brackets are plated 14 gauge steel and are furnished in pairs. Hardware for mounting brackets is included.Bulletin: P20Catalog Number Fits Frame Size PACB4400-mm deep frames PACB5500-mm deep frames PACB6600-mm deep frames PACB8800-mm deep frames。
Tru-Loc Splitter 分流连接器帮助减少了实际应用中连接器的使用数量, 在增加额外功能的同时节约了空间和成本。
安费诺Tru-Loc 6芯信号分流连接器
Tru-Loc Splitter 分流连接器外壳采用热塑性材料,适应环境温度最高可达150°C;是众多行OEM 制造商们的首选电气互连产品,如工业自动化、过程控制、发电设备、柴油机、液化天然气&燃气发动机、汽车传感器以及工业网络等行业。
Tru-Loc Splitter 应用于CAN Bus 总线网络: Can-high(高速),Can-low(低速),接地或屏蔽,输入/输出电源,低电流电源配送以及传感器线路。
1ProLoop2用于工业门、道闸和停车场栏杆的环路探测器2开关柜中的机械安装3电气连接ProLoop2端子连接图 原版说明书(译文)通用• 在将设备投入运行之前,应先彻底阅读本操作说明,并保留本操作说明以便将来参考。
• 不遵守这些安全预防措施可能会导致传感器或者物体损坏、人员重伤或者死亡。
• 除了规定的应用,不得将本产品用于其他用途。
• 仅应由经过培训且具备相关资质的人员调试该设备及其配 件。
• 根据 EN 61588 ,24V AC/DC 设备只允许在做好绝缘保护的情况下,在安全低压下进行操作。
ProLoop2安装在开关柜中符合EN 50 022标准的35 mm 安装导轨上。
3.1 通用LCD 显示屏说明LED 指示灯说明2已设置功能示例: 已设置红 + 绿:启动阶段 绿色:运行 + 绿:配置 输出1和/或2已激活红灯闪烁:故障 红 + 绿灯闪烁:模拟在本章中,ProLoop 设备的设置针对单环路设备加以显示和说明。
应使用相应的方法进行双环路设备 环路2的设置。
4数值和参数设置方法LCD 显示屏和控制4.1 中文版373145C 02/21ቦቦቧቢቤብ• 请注意遵守当地所有相关的电气安全规定! • 在开始作业前,请切断设备/装置的电源!• 如果发生无法纠正的故障,则应关闭设备,并将其送修。
• 仅应由制造商维修该设备。
P 1 = 电源故障保护已激活:灵敏度限制在1–5。
参数1:门和道闸 分配的输出继电器在环路激活时接通,在环路恢复到非激活状态时断开。
2:栏杆 分配的输出继电器在环路激活时接通,在环路恢复到非激活状态时断开。
Racor FBO-10和FBO-14燃油滤芯 水分离器应用说明说明书
FBO-10 and FBO-14Fuel Filter/Water SeparatorApplicationThe FBO assembly is specifically designed to meet the filtration requirements of today’s high pressure common rail dieselinjection systems. The unit is used for fuel dispensing pumps or as a primary fuel filter/water separator on large diesel engine applications.Racor’s new FBO-10 and FBO-14 filter assemblies were designed to meet the toughest conditions and offer ease of filter changeouts. The FBO assembly can flow from 10 GPM (38 LPM) to 75 GPM (284 LPM), depending on which model, the element, and the type of fuel to be filtered.The assembly features a “locking ring collar”, which attaches the filter housing to the aluminum die cast filter head with four bolts. The slotted “locking ring collar” allows maintenance personnel to hand loosen the four collar bolts, rotate, and lower the bowl assembly for element changeouts. With a new element installed, simply raise the bowl and rotate into position on the locking ring and hand tighten evenly (evenly torquing the 4 closure bolts to 100 lb-in is highly recommended).The closure hardware consists of stainless steel nuts, bolts, and washers with metal hand knobs for ease of maintenance. No wrenches or other special tools are required, allowing one person to easily change the filter element (no V-band clamps are used).How They WorkThese versatile fuel filter/water separator assemblies have three element options to meet various requirements. For fuel dispensing applications the filter water separator element is recommended.The filter water separator element removes contaminants and water from biodiesel, biodiesel blends, diesel fuel, gasoline, and other hydrocarbon fuels. The filter separator allows water to be removed from the fuel stream.Microfilters are recommended to be used on engines to protect the OEM supplied fuel system.Silicon treated cellulose microfilters remove particle contaminants down to one micron. Microfilters can also be used before filter water separators to extend life.Absorptive filters absorb water and filter contaminants from diesel fuel and other hydrocarbon streams. The filter separator element is recommended so water can be removed from the fuel stream.Features• Die-cast aluminum head • Steel filter bowl assembly • Powder coated components • “Locking ring collar” - no V-clamps• 1.5” NPT inlet and outlet • D esigned to withstand 150 PSI maximum pressure at 240o F • Manual drain valve • Manual vent valve • Sight GlassParker Hannifin Corporation Racor Division P.O. Box 3208Modesto, CA 95354 USA Tel: 800-344-3286Fax: 209-529-3278/racor e-mail:****************Bulletin #7589April 2007© All rights reserved.8.60”Manual VentDifferential Pressure Gauge1.5” NPT Inlet and OutletTopViewFBO-1018.32”FBO-14Manual Drain ValveSight Glass or Optional Water Sensor Probe FrontViewHow To Order* Element is factory installed in the assembly.。
FAA-PMA 飞行器轮胎装置分部 朗克汉尼夫尼 加州 杭伦公司 199-150 转换套件 朗克飞机
FAA-PMAAIRCRAFT WHEEL & BRAKE DIVISIONPARKER HANNIFIN CORPORATIONAVON, OHIOPARTS LIST199-150 CONVERSION KITSWEARINGEN AIRCRAFT MODELSMERLIN II A & BPART NUMBER DRAWING REVISION DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 30-144A Rev. G dated 05-03-2010 Brake Assembly 240-170 Rev. G dated 01-29-2014 Wheel Assembly 2103-22100 ------------------------------ Bolt (AN5-10A) 24 095-10500 ------------------------------ Washer (AN960-516) 48 094-10400 ------------------------------ Nut (MS21044-N5) 24 095-02900 Rev. A dated 03-30-1998 Tanged Washer 2158-01400 Rev. C dated 09-13-1994 Hubcap (Extended Axle) 2Publication Package (P/N PP199-15000)IM199-150 Rev. A dated 05-23-1990 Installation Manual50-105 Rev. A dated 05-23-1990 Installation DrawingSA1009GL Issue date 04-07-1986 Supplemental Type CertificatePRM69 ----------------------------- General Maintenance Information------- Pilot Operating Manual Inserts------- Product Registration CardNOTES:1. This kit will convert one aircraft to Cleveland Wheels and Brakes.2. For use with MIL-H-5606 (Red Fluid).3. Applicable Aircraft is also known as “Fairchild Aircraft Corporation, Models SA26-T and SA26-AT”.REV. F02-12-2014 (ECO-031936) REV. E 05-13-2010 (DCN 0389-38) REV. D 08-18-2005 (DCN 0366-68)REV. C 05-23-1990 (C/N 300-41)REV. B 03-23-1989 (C/N 295-56)REV. A 10-07-1988 (C/N 292-91)REV. NC 02-04-1986 (C/N 277-66)199-150THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY TO PARKER HANNIFIN CORPORATION ("PARKER"). THIS DOCUMENT IS FURNISHED ON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION IT CONTAINS WILL NOT BE COPIED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS EXCEPT WITH THE WRITTEN CONSENT OF PARKER, WILL NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN CONDUCTING BUSINESS WITH PARKER, AND WILL BE RETURNED AND ALL FURTHER USE DISCONTINUED UPON REQUEST BY PARKER. COPYRIGHT PARKER. YEAR OF COPYRIGHT IS FIRST YEAR INDICATED ON THIS DOCUMENT. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Parker Hannifin CorporationAerospace/Aircraft Wheel & Brake1160 Center RoadAvon, OH 44011Date: _ _/_ _/20_ _Subject: Letter of Authorization for Installation of STC’d Conversion Kits To whom it may concern:Parker Hannifin Corporation, Aircraft Wheel & Brake Division, hereby states that the following item(s):KIT NUMBER: 199-___________FAA APPROVAL: 1) STC # ________________________NO OTHER APPROVALS NECESSARYAUTHORIZATION TO INSTALL: With the sale of this STC KIT, OWNER of theSupplemental Type Certificate agrees to permit the buyer or buyer’s agent or agency to use the certificate to alter the product under the terms andconditions of this STC.A/C MAKE: ______________________A/C MODEL______________________TAIL # __________________________Regards,Technical Support TeamTechnical Hotline (800) 272-5464**************************Web-site: Manufacturer of Cleveland Wheels & Brakes1。
安费诺(Amphenol) EDI-DESADV
Amphenol EDI项目DESADV报文DESADV,全名Despatch Advice,发货通知。
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报文转换过程将接收自供应商的EDIFACT标准DESADV业务报文转换为用户自定义XML发货通知为例,转换过程主要分为如下3个步骤:1.EDIFACT 标准的DESADV 报文1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 BGM+351+0463655+9'0463655:发货通知单号DTM+137:201910240000:203'201910240000: 文档创建日期DTM+132:201911080000:203'201911080000: 到达日期DTM+11:201910250000:203'201910250000: 发货日期MEA+AAX+AAD+KGM:102'102: 总毛重MEA+AAX+AAL+KGM:80'80: 总净重RFF+AAS:0463655'0463655: 运单号NAD+CN+1111::92+AMPHENOL AUTOMOTIVE CONNECTION:TAISHAN ROAD::213022++++++CN' 1111: 收货方编号AMPHENOL AUTOMOTIVE CONNECTION: 收货方名称TAISHAN ROAD :收货方地址213022: 邮政编码CN: 国家编码NAD+SE+9261::92+123 AUTOMOTIVE GMBH & CO . KG:::++++++CN '9261: 卖方编号123 AUTOMOTIVE GMBH & CO. KG: 卖方名称CN: 卖方国家LOC+11+TIANSHAN ROAD PLANT'TIANSHAN ROAD PLANT: 卸货点TDT+12++++:::SCHENKER 'SCHENKER: 承运人名称41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 CPS+2++3'2: 外包装PAC+1++ESA00PAL 'ESA00PAL: 包装类型PCI++463655021++M'463655021: 外包装编号M: 整托包装CPS+1++1'1: 内包装PAC+20++30000801B'20: 包装数量30000801B: 包装类型QTY+52:3500:PCE '3500: 每包数量LIN+1++N 3825246C:IN'N 3825246C: 采购方物料编号PIA+1+1135810103:EC '1135810103: 供应商物料编号QTY+12:70000:PCE'70000: 发货数量GIR+1+19065842:BX '19065842: 批次号RFF+ON:P9025836'P9025836: 订单编号DTM+171:201910220000:203'201910220000: 订单日期PCI++463655001:463655020++S'463655001-463655020: 包装序列号S: 内箱包装2.由DESADV 报文转化得到标准XML 格式1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 <Interchange Delimiters=":+.?*'" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="/2001/XMLSchema-instance"><Meta><!--SYNTAX IDENTIFIER--><UNB1 type="Composite"><!--Syntax identifier--><UNB1.1><!--UN/ECE level 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Racor燃油辅助元件Tier 3 650引擎John Deere设备说明说明书
ApplicationsThis fuel secondary element fits John Deere equipment with the Tier 3 650 engine.Racor is the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) supplier of this filter element to John Deere.All Racor filters are engineered and manufactured to meet all stringent quality requirements and OEM specifications for correct fit, long service life, and outstanding performance.For additional OE service kits, please contact Racor and order Aftermarket Parts Application Guide, brochure number 7686.Contact Information Parker Hannifin Corporation Racor DivisionP.O. Box 32083400 Finch RoadModesto, CA 95353phone 800 344 3286209 521 7860fax 209 529 3278****************/racorOEMPart NumberParFitPart NumberType Applications RE533910PFF56223FuelSecondaryTier 3 650EnginesCombines: S660, S670STS,S680STS, S690 (SN-745100),S690STS (SN745101-),9870STS USA)Forage Harvesters:7480,7550,7580,7750,7780Sprayer: 4940Tractors: 7230R, 7260R, 7280R,8235R, 8260R, 8285R, 8310R,8310RT, 8335R, 8335RT, 8360R,8360RT, 9330, 9360R, 9410R,9430, 9430T, 9460R, 9460RT,9510R, 9510RT, 9530, 9530T,9560R, 9560RT, 9630, 9630TParker Hannifin CorporationFiltration Group Global Headquarters6035 Parkland Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44124-4141phone 216 896 3000fax 216 896 4021/racor© 2012 Parker Hannifin Corporation. Product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. RSL0115 Rev - 01/13North AmericaCompressed Air TreatmentFiltration & Separation/BalstonHaverhill, MA 978 858 0505 /balston Filtration & Separation/Finite Oxford, MI 248 628 6400/finitefilterPurification, Dehydration &Filtration Division Lancaster, NY 716 685 4040 /pdfSales Office Charlotte, NC 704 921 9303/pdfEngine Filtration & Water PurificationRacorModesto, CA 209 521 7860 /racorRacor Holly Springs, MS 662 252 2656 /racorRacor Beaufort, SC 843 846 3200 /racorRacor – Village Marine Tec. Gardena, CA 310 516 9911Hydraulic FiltrationHydraulic Filter Metamora, OH 419 644 4311 /hydraulicfilterProcess FiltrationProcess Advanced Filtration Oxnard, CA 805 604 3400/processfiltrationWorldwide Filtration Manufacturing LocationsEuropeCompressed Air Treatmentdomnick hunter IndustrialEngland NE +44 (0) 191 402 9000, Hiross ZanderPadova Business UnitAngelo di Piove Padova, Italy +39 049 9712 /hzdHiross ZanderEssen Business Unit Essen, GermanyT +49 2054 9340, F +49 2054 /hzd Parker Gas Separations Etten- Leur, Netherlands +31 76 508 5300Engine Filtration & Water PurificationRacorEngland +44 (0) 1924 487000, /rfdeRacor Research & Development Stuttgart Germany +49 (0)711 7071 /racorHydraulic FiltrationHydraulic FilterArnhem, Holland +31 26 3760376/eurofiltUrjala OperationUrjala as Finland +358 20 753 /fiCondition Monitoring CenterNorfolk IP 24 1HP England +44 1842 /cmcProcess Filtrationdomnick hunter ProcessDH3 2SF England T +44 (0) 191 410 Asia PacificAustralia NSW 2154, Australia +61 2 9634 777/australiaChinaShanghai 101206 China +86 21 5031 2525 /chinaIndiaMahape, Navi Mumbai 400 709 India T +91 22 5613 7081, 82, 83, 84, 85www. /india JapanYokohama-shi, 244-0003 Japan T +81 45 870 /japanKoreaHwaseong-City Gyeonggi-Do, KoreaT +82 31 359 0771 /korea SingaporeSingapore 619 702T +65 6887 6300/singaporeThailandBangkok 10250 Thailand T +66 (0)2 186 7024 /thailandLatin AmericaParker Comercio Ltda. Filtration DivisionSao Jose dos Campos CEP 12225-390 SP Brazil +55 12 4009 3500 /brPan American Division - Miami Miami, FL 305 470 8800/panamAfricaAeroport Kempton Park,1620 South Africa +27 11 /eu。
安费诺精密连接器(深圳)有限公司 面向ATEX爆炸性环境的RJ45/USB和RJ11以太网连接器
1.安费诺安费诺全新推出直角、大电流的ePower连接器 [J], ;
2.安费诺推出Suelok Plus大电流连接器 [J], ;
3.安费诺科技(珠海)有限公司Amphe—MineEX系列防爆重载型连接器 [J],
4.面向ATEX爆炸性环境的RJ45/USB和RJ11以太网连接器 [J],
5.安费诺推出电动汽车专用中电流塑胶外壳连接器 [J],
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Amphenol Automotive Product Group
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
90°对插件的型号为: CA281A AXXX XXXX(Code A) CA281A BXXX XXXX(Code B) CA281A CXXX XXXX(Code C) 180°对插件型号为: CA252 91 2XXX(Code A) CA252 91 1XXX(Code B) CA2er界面短路环
Amphenol Automotive Product Group
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
安费诺短路环对配件型号(Daimler 界面)
90°对插件的型号为: CA285A AXXX XXXX(Code A) CA291A AXXX XXXX(Code A) 180°对插件型号为: CA285B AXXX XXXX(Code A)
1.结构紧凑,节省空间; 2.一键式锁紧,锁紧力更大(≧160N),节省 装配时间; 3.优越的EMI保护功能; 4.目前应用最广泛的品种,稳定可靠; 5.结构优化,成本节约。
Amphenol Automotive Product Group
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
发生器端短路环型号C252 12B002 2422(Code A,蓝色) 90°对插件的型号为:CA281A AXXX XXXX 发生器端短路环型号C252 12B002 1452 (Code B,绿色) 90°对插件的型号为:CA281A BXXX XXXX 发生器端短路环型号C252 12B002 3482 (Code C,橙色) 90°对插件的型号为:CA281A CXXX XXXX 三种Code,以便应用于不同部位气囊 还有180°产品可供选择,以便适配不同空 间,型号为CA252 91 XXXX
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
ARC Automotive
Amphenol Automotive Product Group
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
1.“确保锁紧”专利,更加可靠,节省装配时 间; 2.双铁氧体,优越的EMI保护功能; 3.在Chery中应用广泛,可实现单边互换; 4.结构优化,成本优势明显。
Amphenol Automotive Product Group
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
发生器端短路环型号C252 14B002 1012(Code 1,黑色) 对插件的型号为:CA288A 1XXX XXXX 发生器端短路环型号C252 14B002 2052 (Code 2,淡蓝色) 对插件型号为:CA288A 2XXX XXXX 发生器端短路环型号C252 12B002 3062 (Code 3,黄色) 对插件型号为:CA288A 3XXX XXXX
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
z 插件应用厂家:
长城 ……
Amphenol Automotive Product Group
Amphenol Automotive Product Group
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
安费诺短路环型号及对配件(Daimler 界面)
发生器端短路环型号C252 15B002 2053 (Code A,绿色) 对插件的型号为:CA285/CA291 发生器端短路环型号SHTC01B (CodeB,紫色) 对插件的型号为:CA285/CA291 发生器端短路环型号SHTC01C (Code C,黄色) 对插件的型号为:CA285/CA291
1.结构紧凑,节省空间; 2.一键式锁紧,锁紧力更大(≧160N),节省 装配时间; 3.产品具有导向功能,方便盲插,保护对手 件不受损伤,大大降低PPM值; 4.结构优化,成本节约; 5.目前VW GM等主机厂广泛使用,是未来 趋势;
Amphenol Automotive Product Group
Amphenol Automotive Product Group
ECTA Training • March 2010 • Rainer Daum
90°对插件的型号为: CA288A 1XXX XXXX(Code 1) CA288A 2XXX XXXX(Code 2) CA288A 3XXX XXXX(Code 3)