



尼克胡哲经典语录1.If I fail, I try again, and again ,and again .Because the moment I giveup ,is the moment I fail.2.告诉自己再多撑一天,一个礼拜,一个月,再多撑一年,你会发现,拒绝退场的结果令人惊讶3.人生最可悲的并非是失去四肢,而是失去了生存的希望及目标4.错的是我对自己的人生设限,因为限制了我们的事业,看不到生命的种种可能5.你必须相信自己,相信自己的存在价值,不能躲起来干等别人发现你6.如果发现自己不能创造奇迹,那就努力让自己变成一个奇迹7.我热爱我的生活,没有什么东西可以阻挡我8.人生最好的导师是自己的经验,要向自己学习,总结失败的经验,为每天发生的事情感恩9.我一生,决意要活得丰盛10.真正改变命运的,并不是我们的际遇,而是我们的态度11.不要因为没有而生气,而是要因为拥有而感恩12.如果你知道哎,选择爱,你就知道生命的价值在哪里,所以不要低估自己13.G ive up or Get up,一切的选择在于你自己14.每一个优秀的人都有一段沉默的时光15.当你失去所有依靠的时候,你自然就什么都会了16.生命汇总的挑战会让我们更明白自己真正应该成为一个什么样的人17.生命中的挑战可以把你打倒,也可以助你高升,当你有一口气在,就值得感谢,请也弄这份感谢战胜绝望和苦涩,一步一步地建立动能,创造你想要的人生18.不管你的相貌如何,不管你认为自己时个什么样的人,总有一天,总会有人愿意去相信你,去爱你19.悲伤没有用的,行动带来回应20.当你觉得自己毫无价值时,就等于限制了上帝在你身上的作为21.将自己的生命视为一份礼物,好好地照顾与分享,为人们带来祝福22.只要你拒绝放弃,就会有超乎想象的美好在前方等着你23.我们的目标应该是不断努力成为更好的人,并借着更远大的梦想扩张自己的界限24.没有无法达成的目标,没有遥不可及的梦想25.你有权决定怎么样过自己的人生26.生命的意义在于全心全意地投入,做你自己,你每天都有选择27.爱是没有价格标签的。



+ . Nick has worked with
different ages, from all walks of people to contact, from orphan(孤儿) to national leaders; on different occasions, including schools, prisons, orphanages, hospitals and the community. Whether talking with people face to face alone, or in small groups, or tens of thousands of people in the stadium, he told people, in fact, is every human life has a purpose, to understand that life can help them overcome Many struggle.
+ Vujicic promotes his work through television
shows and through his writing. His first book, Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life (Random House, 2010). was published in 2010. He markets a motivational DVD, Life's Greater Purpose, a short documentary filmed in 2005 highlighting his home life and regular activities. The second part of the DVD was filmed at his local church in Brisbane – one of his first professional motivational speeches. He markets a DVD for young people titled: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries: Youth Version



Life without limits

December 4, 1982.He was born without arms and legs, only the left Nick Vuicic's majestic below the buttocks position with two toes little "foot", he claims to "chicken feet". • 尼克·胡哲出生于1982年12月4 日。他一生下来就没有双臂和 双腿,只在左侧臀部以下的位 置有一个带着两个脚趾头的小 “脚”,他自称“小鸡脚
Nick Vujicic 尼克胡哲
Nick Vujicic
• 尼克·胡哲(Nick Vujicic)生于澳大利亚,天生没有四肢,这种罕见的 现象医学上取名“海豹肢症” • 但更不可思议的是﹕骑马、打鼓、游泳、足球,尼克样样皆能,在他 看来是没有难成的事。 • 他拥有两个大学学位,是企业总监,更于2005年获得“杰出澳洲青 年奖”。为人乐观幽默、坚毅不屈,热爱鼓励身边的人, • 他已踏遍世界各地,接触逾百万人,激励和启发他们的人生。
Life without limits
• He said: You keep on concentrating on the things you wish you had or things you wish you didn't have and you sort of forget what you do have. • He said: You're gorgeous just the way you are. • He said: No arms no legs no worries



尼克胡哲语录尼克胡哲的经典语录尼克胡哲经典语录:youkeeponconcentratingonthethingsyouwishyouhadorthingsyouwishyoudidn'thaveandy ousortofforgetwhatyoudohave.如果你不停的纠结于你所没有的或者不想要的,你就会忘记你真正拥有的。

wheni'mseeinginlife,thereisjustacouplekeyprinciple,andthefirstthingistobethank ful.it'stimetobethankful!在我看来,生活中要遵循一些关键的原则,首要的一条就是要感恩,是时候感恩了!it'salietothinkthatyouarenotgoodenough.it'salietothinkthatyouarenotworthanythi ng.最大的欺骗莫过于以为自己不够好,以为自己毫无价值。





尼克 胡哲

尼克 胡哲

人们以为有勇气就等于不害怕,那是不对的,有勇 气是害怕但仍然会去做,因为你清楚你为什么特别 想做这件事, 这件事对你有多么重要,然后决定你有 多大的勇气,恐惧永远都存在,但勇气会战胜恐惧。
People think that courage is when you are not afraid, but it is not right, courage is when you are do afraid and if you understand why you want to do it and how bad you want to do it, and then determine how much courage you have take ,fear is always be there, but courage overtakes fear.
你要学会放弃自己的梦想,但不要停止寻找其他 的梦想。 If you have to let that dream go, let that dream die, don’t stop dreaming for something else.
You don’t know what you can achieve until you try. when you try new things, it may not happen for the 1st time, all of us have fear, whether we have arms and legs. Don’t be afraid of failure. If you fail, learn, try again.
尼克 胡哲 nick vujicic--- 鲁豫有约
Hug somebody or give somebody a hug



• • • •
爸妈死后,谁来照顾我? 一定没有女生会喜欢我,想跟我结婚生子。 我不能结婚, 不能工作了,就算有人嫁给我,我也牵不到妻子的手。 我活着就是一个负累,没有人需要我。 What did he suffer make ………… him so early mature(早 熟)?It’s hard to image. And finally these thoughts made him try to drown(淹死) himself at the age of 10. But he failed. After that thinking of his parents, who love him so deeply and would feel compunctious(内疚) all the life if he really toke his own life, he gave up the idea.
As Nike grew up, he thought more about his life and he became more depressed(消沉).
Nike was writing.

Who will take care of me after Mom and Dad gone?(T_T撑不住了,我要换中文了)
My name is Nick Vujicic (力克· 胡哲)
These photos were taken when he was a child.
Phocomelia :先天性疾病海豹肢症是一种罕见的肢畸形,这些畸形婴儿 大多没有臂和腿,或者手和脚直接连在身体上,很像海豹的肢体,故称为" 海豹肢畸形儿"及"海豹胎"。




If it does not get miracles, it will become a miracle.2、当你抱怨没有鞋子的时候,还有人没有脚。

When you complain about no shoes, there are people who have no feet.3、相信你自己,你能做到。

Believe in yourself, you can do it.4、你现在的生活或许一团乱,不知道明天是否会更好,但我要告诉你,只要拒绝放弃,就会有超乎想象的美好在前方等着你。

You may be in a mess right now, and I don't know if tomorrow will be better, but I want to tell you that if you refuse to give up, there will be something beyond your imagination waiting for you.5、当你怀疑自我价值,或无法爱自己原本的样子时,与其执着内在的痛苦,不如走出去,想办法去减轻别人的痛苦,把注意力放在需要帮助的人身上。

When you doubt your self-worth, or when you can't love yourself as you are, instead of sticking to your inner pain, go out and find ways to alleviate the pain of others and focus on those in need.6、请记住,上帝真的赐给你的生命一个重要的目的,请不受任何限制地活出你的人生吧。

Remember, God really gives you an important purpose in life, please live your life without any restrictions.7、你未必能创造奇迹。



尼克胡哲名言英语导读:1、失败,其实是放弃!Failure, it is give up!2、我要像雕塑一样活着!I'll live like a sculpture!3、我苦,有人比我更苦。

I, someone suffering more than me.4、没手,没脚,没烦恼。

No arms, no legs, no worries.5、如果你失败了,再站起来!If you fail, then stand up!6、即使是盗版,上帝依然做工。

Even if the piracy, god is still working.7、你不用取悦任何人,你就是你!You don't have to please everybody, you is you!8、一个人本色的样子就是最美的。

The appearance of a personal nature is the most beautiful.9、生命的意义在于全心全意的投入!The meaning of life lies in the heart and soul into!10、学会感恩,敢于梦想,永不放弃!Institute of Thanksgiving, dare to dream, never give up!11、忍耐是一种美德,也是最难做到的。

Patience is a virtue, is the hardest thing to do.12、当你找到目标时,就应该好好生活。

When you find the target, we should have a good life.13、万事互相效力,一切最终会有好结果。

All things work together for all, eventually there will be a good result.14、如果没有得到奇迹,就成为一个奇迹。

If you don't get the miracle, becomes a miracle.15、向着错误的方向举步,只会让你远离梦想。



尼克胡哲的名言警句摘抄80句尼克·胡哲(Nick Vujicic)曾经是一个受到许多人关注的激励演说家和作家,他出生时没有四肢,但他用坚强和积极的态度战胜了困难,成为了全球范围内的灵感源泉。

以下是80句尼克·胡哲的名言警句:1. 相信奇迹,就能看见奇迹发生。

2. 生活中拥有的每一个细微之处都值得庆祝。

3. 无论发生什么,我们都可以找到力量,克服困难。

4. 勇气不是没有恐惧,而是相信不再被恐惧所控制。

5. 没有你,就不会有妈妈的烹饪,也就不会有父亲的笑唏嘘。

6. 你的价值不取决于你在外貌上有什么特别的东西,而是在于你的内心。

7. 只有在接受自己的不完美后,我们才能找到真正的幸福。

8. 有时一句简单的问候就足以改变一个人的心情。

9. 当你得到失败时,要保持积极的态度,相信明天会更好。

10. 生活的真谛在于寻找力量,发展潜能,实现生活的目标。

11. 我们的力量来自于我们的内心,而不是外在的条件。

12. 不管你的外表是什么样的,你都是独一无二的,而这正是美丽所在。

13. 无论我们走在什么样的道路上,我们都有能力改变世界。

14. 在人生的旅途中,我们需要相信自己的能力,并为之努力奋斗。

15. 永远不要为目标设定极限,我们可以超越自己的想象力。

16. 奇迹在于,当我们决定从失败中学习,我们会变得更强大。

17. 拥抱每一天,将所有的忧虑和痛苦都抛在身后。

18. 我选择相信生命是美好的,尽管困难重重。

19. 别人给不了你内心的平静和幸福,这是你自己的选择。

20. 尽管困难会让我们感到疲惫,但它们也能让我们更坚强。

21. 不要害怕去追求你梦想,因为你永远不会知道它会带给你什么。

22. 真正改变世界的是我们的行动,而不是我们的言语。

23. 每一次的失败都是迈向成功的珍贵经验。

24. 用梦想武装自己,然后去改变世界。

25. 每个人都有种子潜藏在内心,我们需要去发现它们。

26. 有时候,我们必须在前面跌倒,才能进入正确的道路。




When you feel worthless, you limit God's actions on you.2、我十分确定上帝不会制造错误,祂会创造奇迹。


I am quite sure that God will not make mistakes. He will make miracles.I am one, so are you.3、如果别人没有给你奇迹,你就去成为奇迹。

If someone doesn't give you a miracle, you can become a miracle.4、上帝在我生命中有个计划,通过我的故事给予他人希望。

God has a plan in my life to give hope to others through my stories.5、你不应该看着你所缺乏的过日子;相反地,你应该过一种“只要敢梦想,什么都做得到”的人生。

You shouldn't look at what you lack; instead, you should live a life of "anything you dare to dream about".6、不要把注意力全部放在物质上,要看看生命的所有层面,向内观看。

Don't focus entirely on material matters. Look at all aspects of life and look inward.7、单有四肢不会令你活得更丰盛,单靠外表不会令你完全。

Limbs alone won't make you more productive. Appearance alone won't make you complete.8、认为自己不够好,这是最大的谎话。




When you feel worthless, you limit God's actions on you.2、我十分确定上帝不会制造错误,祂会创造奇迹。


I am quite sure that God will not make mistakes. He will make miracles. I am one, so are you.3、如果别人没有给你奇迹,你就去成为奇迹。

If someone doesn't give you a miracle, you can become a miracle.4、上帝在我生命中有个计划,通过我的故事给予他人希望。

God has a plan in my life to give hope to others through my stories.5、你不应该看着你所缺乏的过日子;相反地,你应该过一种“只要敢梦想,什么都做得到”的人生。

You shouldn't look at what you lack; instead, you should live a life of "anything you dare to dream about".6、不要把注意力全部放在物质上,要看看生命的所有层面,向内观看。

Don't focus entirely on material matters. Look at all aspects of life and look inward.7、单有四肢不会令你活得更丰盛,单靠外表不会令你完全。

Limbs alone won't make you more productive. Appearance alone won't make you complete.8、认为自己不够好,这是最大的谎话。




How do you feel?
周边事物在力克上学的时候发生 了变化,同学们嘲笑他、戏耍他,没
开始觉得自己是一个怪物,变得孤独 和绝望起来。
随着力克的成长,他越思考自己 的人生越变得消沉起来。如何在地球 上生存的问题让他如此绝望,让我们 来看一下„„
想到他的父母,他害怕了, 如果他结束了自己的生命
辈子,他从这个想法中站 了起来。
But now ^_^
he ……
乐 观 幽 默
坚 毅 不 屈
热 爱 运 动
Horseback riding
Football Nike曾开玩笑地说,“我呆在水里时可以漂起来,因为我身体的80% 是肺。”(Maybe that’s why he can’t drown(淹死) himself at the age of 10.)除了运动, 他也找到了方法完成其他人必须要用手足才可 以完成的日常事情,像刷牙、洗头、打电脑等等。

跳,甚至忍不住跑到医院产房外呕吐。他的 母亲也无法接受这一残酷的事实,直到尼克
• 父母对这一病症发生在他身上感到无法 理解,多年来到处咨询医生也始终得不到医
• “我母亲本身是名护士,怀孕期间一切 按照规矩做,”英国《每日邮报》7月1日援
我虽然无法牵着妻子的手, 但时候到了,我会握着她的心 ——力克胡哲

身残志坚 尼克胡哲

身残志坚 尼克胡哲
dare to embrace him after 4 months
Nick's parents
don’t give up the cultivation of the son
still hope he can have a normal life
parents and relative s
all love Nick
• (如果你正打算放弃梦想时,力克说:告诉自己再多撑一天、一个礼拜、一个 月、再多撑一年吧,你会发现,拒绝退场结果令人惊讶。只有拒绝再试一次 的人才会被打败。生活中总有一些事情是我们不能控制,不能改变,不能离 开的,我们能做的就是选择,选择放弃或者继续。)
• • • •

You are beautiful just the way you are. i like you because it's not how you look, because you know who i am. because you like who i am..
Life is like an onion: You peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep.
-Carl Sandburg
人生像一个洋葱:你只能一层一层将它剥开,有时你还得流泪。 --桑德伯格
No arms
No legs
feel deeply lonely Think his life is hopeless
encourage during he learned to
overcome difficulties

尼克胡哲演讲稿 英文

尼克胡哲演讲稿 英文

尼克胡哲演讲稿英文Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great honor to stand here and share with you my thoughts on the topic of leadership.Leadership is a quality that is essential for success in any field. Whether it is in business, politics, or any other aspect of life, strong leadership is crucial for achieving goals and driving progress. In my opinion, leadership is not just about giving orders and making decisions, but it is also about inspiring and motivating others to work towards a common goal.One of the key aspects of effective leadership is the ability to communicate and connect with others. A good leader should be able to clearly articulate their vision and goals, as well as listen to the ideas and concerns of those around them. By fostering open and honest communication, a leader can build trust and unity within their team, which is essential for achieving success.Another important quality of a good leader is the ability to make tough decisions. Leadership often requires making difficult choices that may not be popular, but are necessary for the greater good. A strong leader should have the courage and conviction to stand by their decisions, even in the face of adversity.Furthermore, a good leader should lead by example. This means demonstrating integrity, accountability, and a strong work ethic. By setting a positive example, a leader can inspire others to follow suit and strive for excellence in their own work.In addition, a good leader should be adaptable and open to change. In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, the ability to adapt to new circumstances and embrace innovation is crucial for success. A leader who is rigid and resistant to change will struggle to keep up with the evolving demands of their environment.Lastly, a good leader should be able to empower and develop their team members. By providing support, guidance, and opportunities for growth, a leader can help theirteam members reach their full potential and contribute to the overall success of the organization.In conclusion, leadership is a multifaceted quality that is essential for success in any endeavor. It requires effective communication, the ability to make tough decisions, leading by example, adaptability, and the empowerment of others. By embodying these qualities, a leader can inspire and motivate their team to achieve great things. Thank you.。




下面店铺为大家带来尼克胡哲英语名言,欢迎大家阅读!尼克胡哲英语名言欣赏1、if you fail, stand up again。


2、failure, in fact, is to give up。


3、believe in yourself, you can do it。


4、attitude determines altitude。


5、i want to live like a sculpture!我要像雕塑一样活着!6、no hands, no feet, no worries。


7、you have a choice every day。


8、i'm bitter, some people more bitter than me。


9、even if it is pirated, god is still working。


10、i still love my life, because i want to live。


11、the meaning of life is to put all the。


12、you don't have to please anyone, you are you!你不用取悦任何人,你就是你!13、the appearance of a person is the most beautiful。


14、to have hope, to dream and to move forward。





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尼克胡哲名言英文导读:本文是关于尼克胡哲名言英文,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、If you fail,stand up again。


2、Failure,in fact,is to give up。


3、Believe in yourself,you can do it。


4、Attitude determines altitude。


5、I want to live like a sculpture!我要像雕塑一样活着!6、No hands,no feet,no worries。


7、You have a choice every day。


8、I'm bitter,some people more bitter than me。


9、Even if it is pirated,God is still working。


10、I still love my life,because I want to live。


11、The meaning of life is to put all the。


12、You don't have to please anyone,you are you!你不用取悦任何人,你就是你!13、The appearance of a person is the most beautiful。


14、To have hope,to dream and to move forward。


15、Failure is not terrible,to continue to try。


16、Patience is a virtue,and it is the most difficult to do。


17、Learn to be grateful,dare to dream,never give up!学会感恩,敢于梦想,永不放弃!18、In life,we can't choose what,but we can change what。


19、Only once and again try,no failure,no failure!只有一次又一次的尝试,没有失败,没有失败者!20、If others do not give you a miracle,you will becomea miracle。


21、If you can't solve your problem,just go to someone else。


22、Every one of us is unique。

You are already very beautiful。



23、As long as you do not give up a day,then you have not failed。


24、The most severe disability,not without limbs,but no hope of life。


25、I tell people to learn to crawl,and always to love themselves。


26、Courage is not not afraid,but afraid of the time you still go on to do!勇敢不是不害怕,而是害怕的时候你还去坚持做!27、When you complain that you don't have any shoes,and you don't have any feet。


28、God had a plan in my life,and I gave them hope through my story。


29、The friend around you seems to be able to decide who you are,so you have changed!你身边的朋友似乎可以决定你是谁,因而你改变了自己!30、You and I really can't control what happens,but we can control how we respond。


31、Even the worst thing in my life,for others,still hasa special meaning。


32、Remember,sadness is no use。

Please remember tobring a response to action。



33、The first step is to keep the change in control you don't want or sudden。


34、If you find yourself unable to create a miracle,then try to make yourself a miracle。


35、You can choose to be angry with God,or because of your lack of gratitude。


36、Do not focus on the physical,to look at all aspects of life,to look at。


37、If you do not accept yourself,not only will lead to self destruction,but also be isolated。


38、The biggest lie is that they don't think they are good enough to think that they have no value。


39、Past is past,we can not change;the future is not yet come,we can not grasp。


40、If you don't stop with what you don't want,you'll forget what you truly have。


41、If you don't stop with what you don't want or don't want,you'll forget what you truly have。


42、Now even if you use a million dollars to lure me,ask me to grow my hands and feet,I will not consider。


43、A hug is a healing way to let them know how much you love them not to doubt the power of words!拥抱是一种疗伤的方式让对方知道你有多么爱他们不要怀疑话语的力量!44、I am quite sure that God will not make mistakes,and he will create miracles。

I am one,you are also。



45、Think that you are not good enough,this is the biggest lie。

Think that they are not worth,this is the biggest cheat。



46、You can't give up your dream,but you can change the way,because you don't know what will be in the corner of life。


47、In my opinion,life must follow some key principles,the first one is to be grateful,it is time for thanksgiving。

