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石油、石化与天然气工业—管道系统阴极保护—第1部分:埋地管线(石油、石化与天然气—管道运输系统的阴极保护—第1部分:地面线路)(通用整流电器研究所内部学习资料)第二版2015—03—01Petroleum,petrochemical and natural gas industries—Cathodic protection of pipeline systems—Part 1:On—land pipelinesIndustries du pétrole, de la pétrochimie et du gaz naturel—Protection cathodique des systèmes de transport par conduites Partie 1: Conduites terrestres参考号码:ISO 15589 — 1:2015(E)国际标准化组织(ISO)是由各国标准化团体组成的世界性的联合会。
国际标准化组织在技术性贸易壁垒坚持WTO中信息贸易规则(TBT)见网址:Foreword — Supplementary information补充信息国际标准ISO 15589—1是由技术委员会ISO/TC 67(石油和天然气工业材料、设备和海上结构)的下属分委员会SC2(管线输送系统)制定。
National Instruments sbRIO-9629 快速参考指南说明书
Quick Reference GuidesbRIO-9629© 2019 National Instruments All rights reserved.Information is subject to change without notice. Refer to the NI Trademarks and Logo Guidelines at /trademarks for more information on NI trademarks. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patents covering NI products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patents Notice at /patents . You can find information about end-user license agreements (EULAs) and third-party legal notices in the readme file for your NI product. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the NI global trade compliance policy and how to obtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data. NI MAKES NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AS TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ERRORS. U.S. Government Customers: The data contained in this manual was developed at private expense and is subject to the applicable limited rights and restricted data rights as set forth in FAR 52.227-14, DFAR 252.227-7014, and DFAR 252.227-7015.For a complete list of resources go to the following URL: ni .com/r /sbrio377898A-03 Nov19Connect to the Host Computer via Ethernet1. Power on the host computer.2. Connect the sbRIO-9629 to the host computer using a standard Category 5 (CAT-5) or better shielded, twisted-pair Ethernet cable.Connect to Power1. Ensure that your power supply is powered off.2. Insert the power connector plug into the power connector receptacle of the sbRIO-9629 until the connector latches into place.3. Turn on the power supply.Connect to the Host Computer via USB1. Power on the host computer.2. Connect the USB Type-C 2.0 device port of the sbRIO-9629 to the host computer using a Type-C to Type-A USB cable.ORsbRIO-9629 Block DiagramCAN Pinout11. Power LED2. Status LED3. User1 LED4. User FPGA1 LED5. SD in Use LED1. Connector0 (MIO Port) 8. CAN port2. RS-485 port (ASRL3) 9. USB Type-C 2.0 device port3. RS-232 port (ASRL2) 10. USB Type C 3.1 host port4. USB Type-A 2.0 host port 11. RS-232 serial port (ASRL1)5. USB Type-A 2.0 host port 12. Ethernet ports6. MicroSD port 13. RMC Connector7. Power terminalsbRIO-9629 Parts Locator DiagramRS-485 (ASRL3) PinoutConnector0 (MIO port) Pinout。
索引号000019449/2012-13746-0241751 主题分类:政策法规:发文单位:发文日期:公文名称:国家商检局关于贯彻执行强制性国家标准的通知(国检科〔1994〕142号一九九四年五月二十七日)各直属商检局:根据《标准化法》的规定,国家技术监督局对已发布的国家标准进行了清理、整顿,最后确定1660个国家标准为强制性标准。
目录农业部............................(1)林业部............................(3)水利部............................(3)中国轻工总会.........................(3)中国纺织总会.........................(7)国内贸易部..........................(8)国家医药管理局........................(9)国家中医药管理局......................(11)国家烟草专卖局.......................(11)民政部...........................(11)中国科学院.........................(11)中国包装工业总公司.....................(11)卫生部...........................(12)冶金工业部.........................(21)中国有色金属工业总公司...................(22)国务院稀土领导小组.....................(22)化学工业部.........................(22)中国石油化工总公司.....................(28)国家建筑材料工业局.....................(30)地质矿产部.........................(31)建设部...........................(31)国家环境保护局.......................(32)中国石油天然气总公司....................(34)煤炭工业部.........................(34)机械工业部(机械部分)...................(35)机械工业部(电工部分)...................(36)铁道部...........................(43)交通部...........................(43)中国船舶工业总公司.....................(45)中国汽车工业总公司.....................(45)公安部...........................(47)劳动部...........................(49)电子工业部.........................(53)邮电部...........................(54)广播电影电视部.......................(55)电力工业部.........................(55)中国核工业总公司......................(56)国家测绘局.........................(57)国家技术监督局和有关直属标准化技术委员会..........(58)标准号页码索引序号标准号标准名称分类号备注农业部1 GB 1975-80 食品添加剂琼胶X412 GB 1976-80 食品添加剂海藻酸钠X413 GB 2930-82 牧草种子检验规程B214 GB 3543-83 农作物种子检验规程B215 GB 4404-84 粮食种子B216 GB 4405-84 粮食杂交种子B217 GB 4406-84 种薯B218 GB 4407-84 油料种子B339 GB 4408-84 棉花种子B5210 GB 4409-84 麻类种子B5211 GB 4862-84 中国哈蜜瓜种子B3112 GB 5040-85 柑桔苗木产地检疫规程B3113 GB 5458-85 液氮生物容器J7614 GB 6141-85 豆科主要栽培牧草种子质量分级B21 修订时,GB 6141~6143合并15 GB 6142-85 禾本科主要栽培牧草种子质量分级B2116 GB 6143-85 白少蒿、伏地肤种子质量分级B2117 GB 6935-86 中国梅花鹿种鹿B4318 GB 6936-86 东北马鹿种鹿B4319 GB 6941-86 人参种子B38 修订时,GB 6941与GB 6942合并20 GB 6942-86 人参种苗B3821 GB 7294-87 饲料添加剂维生素K3(亚硫酸氢钠甲 B46萘酸)22 GB 7298-87 饲料添加剂维生素B6 B4623 GB 7299-87 饲料添加剂 D-泛酸钙 B4624 GB 7300-87 饲料添加剂烟酸 B4625 GB 7301-87 饲料添加剂烟酰胺 B4626 GB 7303-87 饲料添加剂维生素C (抗坏血酸) B4627 GB 7331-87 马铃薯种薯产地检疫规程B1628 GB 7411-87 棉花原(良)种产地检疫规程B1629 GB 7412-87 小麦种子产地检疫规程B1630 GB 7413-87 甘薯种苗产地检疫规程B1631 GB 8079-87 蔬菜种子B3132 GB 8321.1-87 农药合理使用准则(一) B1733 GB 8321.2-87 农药合理使用准则(二) B1734 GB 8321.3-89 农药合理使用准则(三) B1735 GB 8321.4-93 农药合理使用准则(四) B1736 GB 8370-87 苹果苗木产地检疫规程B1637 GB 8371-87 水稻种子产地检疫规程B1638 GB 9841-88 饲料添加剂维生素B12(氰钴胺)粉剂 B4639 GB 9847-88 苹果苗木B3140 GB 9953-88 保温救生服技术要求U27 修订时,GB 9953与GB 9954合并41 GB 9954-88 保温救生服试验方法U2742 GB 10029-88 团头鲂B5243 GB 11767-89 茶树种子和苗木B3544 GB 11779-89 东海、黄海区拖网网囊最小网目尺寸B5645 GB 11780-89 南海区拖网网囊最小网目尺寸B5646 GB 12743-91 大豆种子产地检疫规程B1647 GB 12943-91 苹果无病毒母本树和苗木检疫规程B1648 GB 13917.1-92农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方B15法喷射剂的室内药效测定方法49 GB 13917.2-92农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方B15法气雾剂的室内药效测定方法50 GB 13917.3-92农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方B15法小型烟雾剂及烟雾片的室内药效测定方法51 GB 13917.4-92农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方B15法蚊香的室内药效测定方法52 GB 13917.5-92农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方B15法电热片蚊香的室内药效测定方法53 GB 13917.6-92农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方B15法电热液体蚊香的室内药效测定方法54 GB 13917.7-92农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方B15法蜚蠊毒饵的室内药效测定方法55 GB 13917.8-92农药登记卫生用杀虫剂室内药效试验方B15法模拟现场药效测定方法56 GB 14174-93 大口径液氮容器A82林业部1 GB 154-84 枕木B692 GB 449-4 锯材材积表B683 GB 2772-81 林木种子检验方法B614 GB 4571-84 食品添加剂紫胶红色素X415 GB 4814-84 原木材积表B686 GB 4815-84 杉原条材积表B687 GB 4820-84 罐道木B698 GB 6000-85 主要造林树种苗木B619 GB 7908-87 林木种子B6110 GB 7912-87 食品添加剂桅子黄(粉末、浸膏)B7211 GB 10282-88 便携式风力灭火机使用安全规程C8412 GB 10285-88 油锯使用安全规程B9613 GB 10286-88 割灌机使用安全规程B9614 GB 10287-88 食品添加剂松香甘油酯和氢化松香甘X41油酯水利部1 GB 9359.7-88 水文仪器总技术条件安全要求N93中国轻工总会1 GB 317.1-91 白砂糖X312 GB 1312-91 管型荧光灯座和启动器座技术条件K743 GB 1406-89 螺口式灯头的型式和尺寸K704 GB 1407-89 插口式灯头的型式和尺寸K745 GB 1445.1-91 绵白糖X316 GB 1910-89 新闻纸Y327 GB 1913.1-90 未漂浸渍绝缘纸Y328 GB 1913.2-90 漂白浸渍绝缘纸Y329 GB 1916-80 食品添加剂叔丁基-4-羟基茴香醚 X4210 GB 1917-80 食品添加剂液体二氧化碳X4211 GB 1986-89 食品添加剂单硬脂酸甘油酯(40) X4212 GB 1987-86 食品添加剂柠檬酸X4213 GB 2023-80 食品添加剂乳酸X4114 GB 2313-93 管形荧光灯镇流器一般要求和安全要求K7415 GB 2797-81 灯头总技术条件K7416 GB 3263-82 食品添加剂没食子酸丙醋X4217 GB 3565-93 自行车安全要求Y1418 GB 3568-83 自行车车架Y1419 GB 3569-83 自行车前叉Y1420 GB 3861-83 食品添加剂香兰素X4121 GB 3862-83 食品添加剂天然薄荷脑X4122 GB 4349-93 食品添加剂丁酸乙酯X4223 GB 4455-84 农业用聚乙烯吹塑薄膜G3324 GB 4544-91 啤酒瓶Y2225 GB 4706.1-92 农用和类似用途电器的安全通用要求K0926 GB 4706.13-91家用和类似用途电器的安全家用电冰K09箱和食品冷冻箱的特殊要求27 GB 4706.24-91家用和类似用途电器的安全洗衣机的K09特殊要求28 GB 4706.25-91家用和类似用途电器的安全洗碟机的K09特殊要求29 GB 4706.26-91家用和类似用途电器的安全离心式脱K09水机的特殊要求30 GB 4706.27-92家用和类似用途电器的安全电风扇和K09调速器的特殊要求31 GB 4706.29-92家用和类似用途电器的安全电磁灶的K09特殊要求32 GB 4706.30-92家用和类似用途电器的安全电动食品K09加工器具的特殊要求33 GB 4805-84 食品罐头内壁环氧酚醛涂料卫生标准C5334 GB 4926-85 食品添加剂红曲米X4135 GB 5416-92 食用盐X3836 GB 5462-92 工业盐X3837 GB 5956-91 房间空调器电气设备的安全要求Y6138 GB 6675-86 玩具安全Y0939 GB 6772-86 食品添加剂冷磨柠檬油X4140 GB 6776-86 食品添加剂乙酸异戊醋X4241 GB 6779-86 食品添加剂茉莉浸膏X4142 GB 6780-86 食品添加剂桂花浸膏X4143 GB 6781-86 食品添加剂乳酸亚铁X4244 GB 6782-86 食品添加剂柠檬酸钠X4145 GB 6783-86 食品添加剂明胶X4146 GB 6932-86 家用燃气快速热水器Y6947 GB 7000-86 灯具通用安全要求与试验K7048 GB 7001-86 灯具外壳防护等级分类K7049 GB 7248-87 电光源的安全要求K7050 GB 7256.1-87 民用机场灯具技术条件通用要求K7351 GB 7969-87 电力电缆纸Y3252 GB 7970-87 通讯电缆纸Y3253 GB 7971-87 半导电电缆纸Y3254 GB 8058-87 陶瓷烹调器铅、镉溶出量允许极限和检Y20测方法55 GB 8270-87 食品添加剂甜菊糖甙X4156 GB 8272-87 食品添加剂蔗糖脂肪酸酯X4257 GB 8273-87 食品添加剂D-异抗坏血酸钠X4258 GB 8274-87 食品添加剂固定化葡萄糖异构酶制剂X4159 GB 8275-87 食品添加剂α-淀粉酶制剂 X4160 GB 8276-87 食品添加剂糖化酶制剂X4161 GB 8315-87 食品添加剂己酸乙酯X4462 GB 8317-87 食品添加剂乳酸乙酯X4463 GB 8318-87 食品添加剂生姜油(蒸镏) X4464 GB 8319-87 食品添加剂亚洲薄荷素油X4465 GB 8372-87 牙膏Y4366 GB 8573-87 饮用天然矿泉水X5167 GB 8877-88 家用电器安装、使用、检修安全要求Y6068 GB 8939-88 卫生巾Y3969 GB 9644-88 硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)饮水管材和管件铅 G33、锡、镉、汞的萃取方法及允许值70 GB 9985-88 餐具洗涤剂Y4371 GB 9990-88 食品强化剂活性钙X4172 GB 9993-88 食品添加剂高梁红X4173 GB 10010-88 医用软聚氯乙烯管材G3374 GB 10343-89 食用酒精X6375 GB 10344-89 饮料酒标签标准X6076 GB 10348-89 食品添加剂乙酸芳樟酯X4277 GB 10351-89 食品添加剂桉叶素含量80桉叶油 X4178 GB 10354-89 食品添加剂苯甲醇X4279 GB 10355-89 食品添加剂乳化香精X4280 GB 10631-89 烟花爆竹安全与质量Y8881 GB 10381-89 普通照明灯泡K7082 GB 10682-89 普通照明用管形荧光灯K7183 GB 10765-89 婴幼儿食品婴儿配方乳粉ⅠX1684 GB 10766-89 婴幼儿食品婴儿配方乳粉ⅡX1685 GB 10767-89 婴幼儿食品婴儿配方代乳粉X1686 GB 10768-89 婴幼儿食品5410配方食品X1687 GB 10769-89 婴幼儿食品断奶期配方食品X1688 GB 10770-89 婴幼儿食品断奶期补充食品X1689 GB 10771-89 婴幼儿强化食品钙强化饼干X8390 GB 10772-89 婴幼儿强化食品铁强化糖果X8391 GB 10773-89 婴幼儿强化食品铁强化固体饮料X8392 GB 10774-89 婴幼儿强化食品维生素D强化X83含乳固体饮料93 GB 10775-89 婴幼儿辅助食品苹果泥X8394 GB 10776-89 婴幼儿辅助食品胡萝卜泥X8395 GB 10777-89 婴幼儿辅助食品肉泥X8396 GB 10778-89 婴幼儿辅助食品骨泥X8397 GB 10779-89 婴幼儿辅助食品鸡肉菜糊X8398 GB 10780-89 婴幼儿辅助食品蕃茄汁X8399 GB 10794-89 食品添加剂L-赖氨酸盐酸盐X69 100 GB 10810-89 眼镜镜片Y22 101 GB 11417.1-89硬性角膜接触镜Y22 102 GB 11417.2-89软性亲水接触镜Y22 103 GB 11958-89 食品添加剂肉桂油X41 104 GB 11959-89 食品添加剂香叶油X41 105 GB 11960-89 食品添加剂留兰香油X41 106 GB 11961-89 食品添加剂广藿香油X41 107 GB 11962-89 食品添加剂丁酸X42108 GB 11963-89 食品添加剂乙酸X40109 GB 12073-89 乳品设备安全卫生Y99110 GB 12651-90 与食物接触的陶瓷制品铅、镉溶出量允Y24许极限111 GB 12655-90 卷烟纸Y32112 GB 12802-91 电容器用双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜K15113 GB 13260-91 管型荧光灯座和启动器座型式和尺寸K74114 GB 13472-92 BMX儿童自行车安全要求Y57115 GB 13509-92 食品添加剂木糖醇X41116 GB 13510-92 食品添加剂三聚甘油单硬脂酸酯X42117 GB 13511-92 配装眼镜Y89118 GB 13623-92 铝压力锅安全及性能要求Y73119 GB 13735-92 聚乙烯吹塑农用地面覆盖薄膜Y28120 GB 13886-92 食品添加剂黄原胶X41121 GB 14045-93 放电灯(管形荧光灯除外)用镇流器的K74一般要求和安全要求122 GB 14147-93 陶瓷包装容器铅、镉溶出量允许极限Y24123 GB 14196-93 普通照明灯泡的安全要求K71124 GB 14249.1-93电子衡器安全要求N13中国纺织总会1 GB 250-84 评定变色用灰色样卡W042 GB 251-84 评定沾色用灰色样卡W043 GB 730-86 耐光和耐气候色牢度蓝色羊毛标准W044 GB 1797-86 生丝分级规定W40 修订时,GB 1797~1799合并5 GB 1798-86 生丝检验规则W406 GB 1799-86 生丝包装标志W407 GB 4580-84 无衬里消防水带W138 GB 5196-85 绳索鉴别用的颜色标记W589 GB 6529-86 纺织品的调湿和试验用标准大气W0410 GB 7564-87 纺织品色牢度试验毛标准贴衬织物规W04格11 GB 7565-87 纺织品色牢度试验棉和粘纤标准贴衬W04织物规格12 GB 7566-87 纺织品色牢度试验聚酯标准贴衬织物W04规格13 GB 7567-87 纺织品色牢度试验聚丙烯腈标准贴衬W04织物规格14 GB 7568-87 纺织品色牢度试验丝标准贴衬织物规W04格15 GB 9994-88 纺织材料公定回潮率W0416 GB 11403-89 纺织品色牢度试验聚酰胺标准贴衬织W04物规格17 GB 11404-89 纺织品色牢度试验多纤维标准贴衬织W04物规格国内贸易部1 GB 1350-86 稻谷B222 GB 1351-86 小麦B223 GB 1352-86 大豆B224 GB 1353-86 玉米B225 GB 1354-86 大米X116 GB 1355-86 小麦粉X117 GB 1534-86 花生油X148 GB 1535-86 大豆油X149 GB 1536-86 菜籽油X1410 GB 1537-86 精炼棉籽油X1411 GB 5491-85 粮食、油料检验扦样、分样法X1012 GB 8816-88 食品添加剂异构化乳糖液X4113 GB 8817-88 食品添加剂焦糖色X4114 GB 8818-88 食品添加剂可可壳色素X4115 GB 10464-89 葵花籽油X1416 GB 10783-89 食品添加剂辣椒橙X41国家医药管理局1 GB 1588-89 体温计C382 GB 1962-86 注射器、注射针及其他医疗器械6:100 C31圆锥接头配合尺寸3 GB 2024-87 针炙针C424 GB 2637-90 安瓿C085 GB 2639-90 玻璃输液瓶C086 GB 2640-90 模制抗生素玻璃瓶C087 GB 2641-90 管制抗生素玻璃瓶C088 GB 2766-88 穿鳃式止血钳通用技术条件C379 GB 3053-82 台式血压计C3810 GB 3156-89 单圈式不锈钢宫内节育器C3611 GB 3335-89 医用剪通用技术条件C3012 GB 4505-84 医用诊断X线发生装置通用技术条件C4313 GB 4578-84 食品添加剂糖精钠X4214 GB 4727-84 血压表C3815 GB 4747.1-89 医用镊通用技术条件C3116 GB 5197-85 玻璃输液瓶铝盖C0817 GB 5198-85 抗菌素瓶铝盖C0818 GB 5579-85 医用X射线设备高压电缆插头插座连接K1319 GB 5663-86 药用聚氯乙烯(PVC)硬片C0820 GB 5665-85 医用诊断X线机械装置通用技术条件C4321 GB 6264-86 中药材袋运输包装件C2322 GB 6265-86 中药材压缩打包运输包装件C2323 GB 6266-86 中药材瓦楞纸箱运输包装件C2324 GB 6385-86 超声诊断设备专用安全要求C4125 GB 6386-86 超声治疗设备专用安全要求C4126 GB 8368-87 一次性使用输液器C3127 GB 8369-87 一次性使用输血器C3128 GB 8599-88 自动控制压力蒸汽灭菌器技术条件C4729 GB 8662-88 手术刀片和手术刀柄配合尺寸C3130 GB 8666.1-88 拔牙钳通用技术条件C3331 GB 8667-88 吻(缝)合器通用技术条件C3132 GB 8820-88 食品添加剂葡萄糖酸锌C5433 GB 8821-88 食品添加剂β-胡萝卜素C5434 GB 9706.1-88 医用电器设备第一部分:通用安全要求C3035 GB 9706.2-91 医用电气设备血液透析装置专用安全C45要求36 GB 9706.3-92 医用电气设备诊断X射线发生装置的C43高压发生器专用安全要求37 GB 9706.4-92 医用电气设备高频手术设备专用安全C30要求38 GB 9706.5-92 医用电气设备能量为1 ̄50MeV医 C43用电子加速器专用安全要求39 GB 9706.6-92 医用电气设备微波治疗设备专用安全C42要求40 GB 10035-88 气囊式体外反搏装置C4541 GB 10151-88 医用X射线设备高压电缆插头、插座C43技术条件42 GB 10152-88 B型电子线性扫描超声诊断设备C4143 GB 10153-88 B型机械扇形扫描超声诊断设备C4144 GB 10793-89 心电图机专用安全要求C3945 GB 11234-89 宫腔形不锈钢宫内节育器C3646 GB 11235-89 V Cu宫内节育器C3647 GB 11236-89 T Cu C宫内节育器C3648 GB 11239-89 手术显微镜C4049 GB 11243-89 婴儿培养箱专用安全要求C4750 GB 11244-89 医用纤维内窥镜通用技术条件C4051 GB 11246-89 人用持续气流吸入式麻醉机技术要求C4652 GB 11748-89 二氧化碳激光治疗机C4153 GB 11756-89 医用诊断X射线管组件通用技术条件C4354 GB 12130-89 医用高压氧舱C4655 GB 12255-90 药品包装用铝箱C0856 GB 12257-90 氦氖激光治疗机通用技术条件C4157 GB 12259-90 人工心肺机C4558 GB 12260-90 人工心肺机滚压式血泵C4559 GB 12261-90 人工心肺机鼓泡式氧合器C4560 GB 12262-90 人工心肺机热交换器C4561 GB 12279-90 人工心脏瓣膜通用技术条件C3562 GB 12414-90 药用玻璃管C0863 GB 12417-90 外科金属植入物通用技术条件C3564 GB 13731-92 药用明胶硬胶囊C0865 GB 13798-92 高频手术器C4166 GB 14232-93 一次性使用塑料血袋C08国家中医药管理局1 GB 12346-90 经穴部位C04国家烟草专卖局1 GB 2635-92 烤烟B352 GB 2636-86 烤烟检验方法B353 GB 5605-88 醋酸纤维滤棒W534 GB 5606-85 卷烟色香味X87 已列入1993年修订计划,修订后标准名称为“卷烟”5 GB 5991-86 香料烟X87 修订时, GB5991与GB5992合并6 GB 5992-86 香料烟检验方法X877 GB 8966-88 白肋烟B35民政部1 GB 13801-92 燃油式火化机污染物排放限值及监测方Z68法中国科学院1 GB 12982-91 国旗A262 GB 12983-91 国旗颜色标准样品A26中国包装工业总公司1 GB 9106-88 铝质易开盖两片罐A822 GB 10440-89 圆柱形复合罐A823 GB 10457-89 聚乙烯自粘保鲜膜A824 GB 13042-91 包装容器喷雾罐A82卫生部1 GB 2707-81 冻猪肉卫生标准C532 GB 2708-81 冻牛肉卫生标准C533 GB 2709-81 冻羊肉卫生标准C534 GB 2710-81 冻鸡肉卫生标准C535 GB 2711-81 非发酵性豆制品及面筋卫生标准C536 GB 2712-81 发酵性豆制品卫生标准C537 GB 2713-81 淀粉类制品卫生标准C538 GB 2714-81 酱腌菜卫生标准C539 GB 2715-81 粮食卫生标准C5310 GB 2716-81 食用植物油卫生标准C5311 GB 2717-81 酱油卫生标准C5312 GB 2718-81 酱卫生标准C5313 GB 2719-81 食醋卫生标准C5314 GB 2720-81 味精卫生标准C5315 GB 2721-81 食盐卫生标准C5316 GB 2722-81 鲜猪肉卫生标准C5317 GB 2723-81 鲜牛肉、鲜羊肉、鲜兔肉卫生标准C5318 GB 2724-81 鲜鸡肉卫生标准C5319 GB 2731-88 火腿卫生标准C5320 GB 2732-88 板鸭(咸鸭)卫生标准C5321 GB 2733-81 黄鱼(黄花鱼)卫生标准C5322 GB 2734-81 带鱼卫生标准C5323 GB 2735-81 墨鱼(乌贼)卫生标准C5324 GB 2736-81 青鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼、鲤鱼、鳙鱼卫生标C53准25 GB 2741-81 对虾卫生标准C5326 GB 2742-81 牡蛎(蚝、海蛎子)卫生标准C5327 GB 2743-81 梭子蟹卫生标准C5328 GB 2748-81 鲜鸡蛋卫生标准C5329 GB 2757-81 蒸馏酒及配制酒卫生标准C5330 GB 2758-81 发酵酒卫生标准C5331 GB 2759-81 冷饮食品卫生标准C5332 GB 2760-86 食品添加剂使用卫生标准C5333 GB 2761-81 食品中黄曲霉毒素B1允许量标准C5334 GB 2762-81 食品中汞允许量标准C5335 GB 2763-81 粮食、蔬菜等食品中六六六、滴滴涕残C53留量标准36 GB 3230-82 职业性苯中毒诊断标准及处理原则C6037 GB 3231-82 职业性慢性三硝基甲苯中毒诊断标准及C60处理原则38 GB 3232-82 职业性慢性锰中毒诊断标准及处理原则C6039 GB 3233-82 职业性慢性二硫化碳中毒诊断标准及处C60理原则40 GB 3234-82 工业性氟病诊断标准及处理原则C6041 GB 4788-84 食品中甲拌硫、杀螟硫磷、倍硫磷残留C53量卫生标准42 GB 4792-84 放射卫生防护基本标准C5743 GB 4803-84 食品包装用聚氯乙烯树脂卫生标准C5344 GB 4804-84 搪瓷食具容器卫生标准C5345 GB 4809-84 食品中氟允许量标准C5346 GB 4810-84 食品中总砷允许量标准C5347 GB 4811-84 海产食品中无机砷允许量标准C5348 GB 4865-85 职业性慢性氯丙烯中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则49 GB 4866-85 职业性急性氯气中毒诊断标准及处理原C60则50 GB 4867-85 职业性急性有机氟聚合物单体和热裂解C60物中毒诊断标准及处理原则51 GB 4868-85 职业性铍病诊断标准及处理原则C6052 GB 4869-85 职业性局部振动病诊断标准及处理原则C6053 GB 5044-85 职业性接触毒物危害程度分级C7054 GB 5127-85 食品中敌敌畏、乐果、马拉硫磷、对硫C53磷允许残留量标准55 GB 5749-85 生活饮用水卫生标准C5156 GB 5817-86 生产性粉尘作业危害程度分级C7057 GB 5906-86 尘肺X线诊断标准及处理原则C6058 GB 6566-86 建筑材料放射卫生防护标准C5759 GB 6989-86 水体污染慢性甲基汞中毒诊断标准及处C61理原则60 GB 7096-86 干食用菌卫生标准C5361 GB 7097-86 鲜食用菌卫生标准C5362 GB 7098-86 蘑菇罐头卫生标准C5363 GB 7104-86 熏烤动物性食品中苯并(a)芘允许限 C53量标准64 GB 7105-86 食品容器过氯乙烯内壁涂料卫生标准C5365 GB 7355-87 大气中铅及其无机化合物的卫生标准C5166 GB 7792-87 学校课桌椅卫生标准C5667 GB 7793-87 中小学校教室采光和照明卫生标准C5668 GB 7794-87 职业性急性有机磷农药中毒诊断标准及C60处理原则69 GB 7795-87 职业性急性电光性眼炎(紫外线角膜结C60膜炎)诊断标准及处理原则70 GB 7796-87 职业性急性溴甲烷中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则71 GB 7797-87 职业性急性磷化氢中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则72 GB 7798-87 职业性铬鼻病诊断标准及处理原则C6073 GB 7799-87 职业性急性丙烯腈中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则74 GB 7800-87 职业性急性氨中毒诊断标准及处理原则C6075 GB 7801-87 职业性急性氮氧化物中毒诊断标准及处C60理原则76 GB 7802-87 职业性急性甲苯中毒诊断标准及处理原C60则77 GB 7803-87 职业性镉中毒诊断标准及处理原则C6078 GB 7804-87 职业性皮肤病诊断标准及处理原则C6079 GB 7805-87 职业性电光性皮炎诊断标准及处理原则C6080 GB 7806-87 职业性接触性皮炎诊断标准及处理原则C6081 GB 7807-87 职业性光敏性皮炎诊断标准及处理原则C6082 GB 7808-87 职业性黑变病诊断标准及处理原则C6083 GB 7916-87 化妆品卫生标准C5184 GB 7919-87 化妆品安全性评价程序和方法C5185 GB 7959-87 粪便无害化卫生标准C5186 GB 8161-87 生活饮用水源水中铍卫生标准C5187 GB 8195-87 炼油厂卫生防护距离标准C5188 GB 8279-87 医用诊断X线卫生防护标准C5789 GB 8280-87 外照射急性放射病诊断标准及处理原则C6090 GB 8281-87 外照射慢性放射病诊断标准及处理原则C6091 GB 8282-87 放射性皮肤病诊断标准及处理原则C6092 GB 8283-87 放射性白内障诊断标准及处理原则C6093 GB 8284-87 内照射放射病诊断标准及处理原则C6094 GB 8771-88 铅笔涂漆层中含铅量卫生标准C5695 GB 8772-88 电视教室座位布置范围和照度卫生标准C5696 GB 8773-88 车间空气中丙烯酸甲酯卫生标准C5297 GB 8774-88 车间空气中锑及其化合物卫生标准C5298 GB 8775-88 车间空气中氯丙烯卫生标准C5299 GB 8776-88 车间空气中甲基丙烯酸甲酯卫生标准C52 100 GB 8777-88 车间空气中六氟化硫卫生标准C52 101 GB 8778-88 车间空气中磷胺卫生标准C52 102 GB 8779-88 车间空气中氢化锂卫生标准C52 103 GB 8780-88 车间空气中二甲基乙酰胺卫生标准C52 104 GB 8781-88 职业性急性一氧化碳中毒诊断标准及处C60理原则105 GB 8782-88 职业性减压病诊断标准及处理原则C60 106 GB 8783-88 尘肺病理诊断标准C60 107 GB 8784-88 职业性急性三烷基锡中毒论断标准及处C60理原则108 GB 8785-88 职业性溶剂汽油中毒诊断标准及处理原C60则109 GB 8786-88 职业性急性羰基镍中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则110 GB 8787-88 职业性急性光气中毒诊断标准及处理原C60则111 GB 8788-88 职业性急性苯的氨基、硝基化合物(三C60硝基甲苯除外)中毒诊断标准及处理原则112 GB 8789-88 职业性急性硫化氢中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则113 GB 8790-88 职业性氯丁二烯中毒诊断标准及处理原C60则114 GB 8791-88 职业性急性甲醛中毒诊断标准及处理原C60则115 GB 8792-88 职业性急性五氯酚中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则116 GB 8915-88 土壤中砷的卫生标准C51 117 GB 8921-88 磷肥放射性镭-226限量卫生标准C57 118 GB 8922-88 油(气)田测井用密封型放射源放射卫C57生防护标准119 GB 8950-88 罐头厂卫生规范C53 120 GB 8951-88 白酒厂卫生规范C53 121 GB 8952-88 啤酒厂卫生规范C53 122 GB 8953-88 酱油厂卫生规范C53 123 GB 8954-88 食醋厂卫生规范C53124 GB 8955-88 食用植物油厂卫生规范C53 125 GB 8956-88 蜜饯厂卫生规范C53 126 GB 8957-88 糕点厂卫生规范C53 127 GB 9175-88 环境电磁波卫生标准C51 128 GB 9662-88 电离辐射事故干预水平及医学处理原则C61 129 GB 9663-88 旅店业卫生标准C51 130 GB 9664-88 文化娱乐场所卫生标准C51 131 GB 9665-88 公共浴室卫生标准C51 132 GB 9666-88 理发店、美容店卫生标准C51 133 GB 9667-88 游泳场所卫生标准C51 134 GB 9668-88 体育馆卫生标准C51 135 GB 9669-88 图书馆、博物馆、美术馆卫生标准C51 136 GB 9670-88 商场(店)、书店卫生标准C51 137 GB 9671-88 医院候诊室卫生标准C51 138 GB 9672-88 公共交通等候室卫生标准C51 139 GB 9673-88 公共交通工具卫生标准C51 140 GB 9674-88 海产食品中多氯联苯限量卫生标准C53 141 GB 9676-88 牛乳及其制品中黄曲霉毒素M1限量卫C53生标准142 GB 9677-88 肉制品中N-二甲基亚硝胺限量卫生标C53准143 GB 9678-88 糖果卫生标准C53 144 GB 9679-88 茶叶卫生标准C53 145 GB 9680-88 食品容器漆酚涂料卫生标准C53 146 GB 9681-88 食品包装用聚氯乙烯成型品卫生标准C53 147 GB 9682-88 食品罐头内壁脱模涂料卫生标准C53 148 GB 9683-88 复合食品包装袋卫生标准C53149 GB 9684-88 不锈钢食具容器卫生标准C53 150 GB 9685-88 食品容器、包装材料用助剂使用卫生标C53准151 GB 9686-88 食品容器内壁聚酰胺环氧树脂涂料卫生C53标准152 GB 9687-88 食品包装用聚乙烯成型品卫生标准C53 153 GB 9688-88 食品包装用聚丙烯成型品卫生标准C53 154 GB 9689-88 食品包装用聚苯乙烯成型品卫生标准C53 155 GB 9690-88 食品包装用三聚氰胺成型品卫生标准C53 156 GB 9691-88 食品包装和聚乙烯树脂卫生标准C53 157 GB 9692-88 食品包装用聚苯乙烯树脂卫生标准C53 158 GB 9693-88 食品包装用聚丙烯树脂卫生标准C53 159 GB 9981-88 农村住宅卫生标准C51 160 GB 10146-88 猪油卫生标准C53 161 GB 10147-88 香肠(腊肠)香肚卫生标准C53 162 GB 10148-88 鲜(冻)鸭、鹅肉卫生标准C53 163 GB 10328-89 车间空气中石墨粉尘卫生标准C52 164 GB 10329-89 车间空气中皮毛粉尘卫生标准C52 165 GB 10330-89 车间空气中炭黑粉尘卫生标准C52 166 GB 10331-89 车间空气中珍珠岩粉尘卫生标准C52 167 GB 10332-89 车间空中云母粉尘卫生标准C52 168 GB 10333-89 车间空气中活性炭粉尘卫生标准C52 169 GB 10434-89 作业场所局部振动卫生标准C52 170 GB 10435-89 作业场所激光辐射卫生标准C52 171 GB 10436-89 作业场所微波辐射卫生标准C52 172 GB 10437-89 作业场所超高频辐射卫生标准C52 173 GB 10438-89 煤矿井下采掘作业地点气象条件卫生标C52准174 GB 10439-89 车间空气中萤石混合性粉尘卫生标准C52 175 GB 11331-89 食品用橡胶管卫生标准C53 176 GB 11333-89 铝制食具容器卫生标准C53 177 GB 11502-89 职业性白内障诊断标准及处理原则C60 178 GB 11503-89 职业性急性四乙基铅中毒诊断标准及处C60理原则179 GB 11504-89 职业性慢性铅中毒诊断标准及处理原则C60 180 GB 11505-89 职业性急性三氯乙烯中毒诊断标准及处C60理原则181 GB 11506-89 职业性急性1,2-二氯乙烷中毒诊断C60标准及处理原则182 GB 11507-89 职业性急性硫酸二甲酯中毒诊断标准及C60处理原则183 GB 11508-89 职业性中署论断标准及处理原则C60 184 GB 11509-89 职业性急性四氯化碳中毒诊断标准及处C60处理原则185 GB 11510-89 职业性急性拟除虫菊酯中毒诊断标准及C60处理原则186 GB 11511-89 职业性急性砷化氢中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则187 GB 11512-89 职业性三硝基甲苯白内障诊断标准及处C60理原则188 GB 11513-89 职业性急性杀虫脒中毒诊断标准及处理C60原则189 GB 11514-89 职业性急性钒中毒诊断标准及处理原则C60 190 GB 11515-89 金属烟热诊断标准及处理原则C60。
件. Wire binding screw—将电线固定的螺丝. Wiring diagram—将灯具和电源接线的画线图. Wiring terminal—用于将电线联接的夹式端子.
1.3 零件
1.3.1 除于 1.3.2 注明,本标准所含盖的零件必须符合该零件的标准,请参考附本 A 有关本标 准所用零件的 UL 标准,零件必须针对产品所要使用国家而必须符合 UL 或 CSA 的标准.
6.HID 灯具-副属条款 6.5.1(CAN) 标签 – 不须要的警告标签 6.5.3(CAN) 标签 – 不须要的警告标签 6.5.5(CAN) 标签 – 不须要的警告标签 6.6.5(CAN) 标签 – 不须要的警告标签
7.装于天花板的灯具-副属条款 7.2.5(USA) 最重 50 磅的灯具 7.3.13(CAN) 户外灯用铁柱的额外规定 7.6.7(USA) 无固定电源线的说明书 7.6.9(CAN) 75℃的电源线
件. Insulation,basic—提供基本避免触电而应用于有带电零件的绝缘物质. Knockout—于生产时预先冲好的孔而于使用时再将孔移掉(冲浴板上的八卦孔即是) Lamp: 灯泡 Lamp compartment—对于免于温度测试灯具具有限制散热的结构. Lamp Compartment Barrier—灯具上任何部份将灯泡包住,当灯泡破裂时会将灯泡所产生的
Dimensions are shown for reference purposes only. Specifications subject to change.
USA: 1-800-522-6752 Canada: 1-905-470-4425 Mexico: 52-55-1106-0800 C. America: 57-1-254-4444
n Application tooling available to meet production requirements
n Tin-plated copper alloy terminals
n UL rated at + 105°C
n Terminates 26-10 AWG solid, fused and stranded wire (Flags terminate stranded wire only)
Positive entry and lead-in of the tab is provided by the inner housing wall and the lead-in on the terminal rolls.
This permits positive engagement, even in blind mating locations.
connect terminals;
CSA Certified under
File No. LR 7189
n VDE tested according to DIN VDE 0627/9.91, specification for connectors and plug and socket devices, VDE Reg. No.
国家质量监督检验检疫总局关于批准“铅成分分析溶液标准物质”等251种国家二级标准物质的通知文章属性•【制定机关】国家质量监督检验检疫总局(已撤销)•【公布日期】2006.01.13•【文号】国质检量函[2006]12号•【施行日期】2006.01.13•【效力等级】部门规范性文件•【时效性】现行有效•【主题分类】计量正文国家质量监督检验检疫总局关于批准“铅成分分析溶液标准物质”等251种国家二级标准物质的通知(国质检量函[2006]12号)各省、自治区、直辖市质量技术监督局,国务院有关部门,各有关单位:根据《中华人民共和国计量法》和《标准物质管理办法》的有关规定,现批准“铅成分分析溶液标准物质”等251种标准物质为国家二级标准物质(见附件1),列入中华人民共和国标准物质目录(见附件 2),并统一编号,颁发“国家标准物质定级证书”和“制造计量器具许可证”。
附件:1.国家标准物质项目表(二级标准物质)2.中华人民共和国标准物质目录2006年1月13日附件1:国家标准物质项目表(二级标准物质)┌──┬──────┬───────────────────┬─────────┐│序号│编号│名称│研制单位│├──┼──────┼───────────────────┼─────────┤│1│GBW(E)080685│铅成分分析溶液标准物质│天津市卫生防病中心│├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤天津市百澳捷科技││2│GBW(E)080686│砷成分分析溶液标准物质│开发有限公司│├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││3│GBW(E)080687│铜成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││4│GBW(E)080688│锌成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││5│GBW(E)080689│镉成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││6│GBW(E)080690│锡成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││7│GBW(E)080691│镍成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││8│GBW(E)080692│铬成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││9│GBW(E)080693│铁成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││10│GBW(E)080694│镁成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││11│GBW(E)080695│锰成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││12│GBW(E)080696│锑成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││13│GBW(E)080697│硒成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││14│GBW(E)080698│钠成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││15│GBW(E)080699│钾成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││16│GBW(E)080700│钙成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││17│GBW(E)080701│汞成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││18│GBW(E)080702│铵离子—N溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││19│GBW(E)080703│硝酸根离子(-1价)—N溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││20│GBW(E)080704│氟成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││21│GBW(E)080705│酚成分分析溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││22│GBW(E)080706│盐酸容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││23│GBW(E)080707│硫酸容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││24│GBW(E)080708│高锰酸钾容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││25│GBW(E)080709│硫代硫酸钠容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││26│GBW(E)080710│草酸容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││27│GBW(E)080711│碘容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││28│GBW(E)080712│重铬酸钾容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││29│GBW(E)080713│硝酸银容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││30│GBW(E)080714│乙二胺四乙酸二钠容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││31│GBW(E)080715│氯化钠容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││32│GBW(E)080716│氢氧化钠容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││33│GBW(E)080717│氢氧化钾容量分析用溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││34│GBW(E)080718│甲醇中苯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││35│GBW(E)080719│甲醇中甲苯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││36│GBW(E)080720│甲醇中邻—二甲苯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││37│GBW(E)080721│甲醇中间—二甲苯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││38│GBW(E)080722│甲醇中对—二甲苯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││39│GBW(E)080723│甲醇溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││40│GBW(E)080724│甲醇溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││41│GBW(E)080725│石油醚中α—六六六溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││42│GBW(E)080726│石油醚中α—六六六溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││43│GBW(E)080727│石油醚中β—六六六溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││44│GBW(E)080728│石油醚中β—六六六溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││45│GBW(E)080729│石油醚中γ—六六六溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││46│GBW(E)080730│石油醚中γ—六六六溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││47│GBW(E)080731│石油醚中δ—六六六溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││48│GBW(E)080732│石油醚中δ—六六六溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││49│GBW(E)080733│石油醚中P,P—DDD溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││50│GBW(E)080734│石油醚中P,P—DDD溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││51│GBW(E)080735│石油醚中P,P—DDE溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││52│GBW(E)080736│石油醚中P,P—DDE溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││53│GBW(E)080737│石油醚中P,P-DDT溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││54│GBW(E)080738│石油醚中P,P—DDT溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││55│GBW(E)080739│石油醚中O,P—DDT溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││56│GBW(E)080740│石油醚中O,P—DDT溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││57│GBW(E)080741│石油醚中七氯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││58│GBW(E)080742│石油醚中七氯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││59│GBW(E)080743│石油醚中环氧七氯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││60│GBW(E)080744│石油醚中环氧七氯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││61│GBW(E)080745│石油醚中艾氏剂溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││62│GBW(E)080746│石油醚中艾氏剂溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││63│GBW(E)080747│石油醚中狄氏剂溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││64│GBW(E)080748│石油醚中狄氏剂溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││65│GBW(E)080749│石油醚中异狄氏剂溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││66│GBW(E)080750│石油醚中异狄氏剂溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││67│GBW(E)080751│苯中五氯硝基苯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││68│GBW(E)080752│苯中五氯硝基苯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││69│GBW(E)080753│石油醚中氯菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││70│GBW(E)080754│石油醚中氯菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││71│GBW(E)080755│石油醚中氯氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││72│GBW(E)080756│石油醚中氯氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││73│GBW(E)080757│石油醚中甲氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││74│GBW(E)080758│石油醚中甲氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││75│GBW(E)080759│石油醚中氰戊菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││76│GBW(E)080760│石油醚中氰戊菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││77│GBW(E)080761│石油醚中氟胺氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││78│GBW(E)080762│石油醚中氟胺氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││79│GBW(E)080763│正己烷中氟氯氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││80│GBW(E)080764│正己烷中氟氯氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││81│GBW(E)080765│石油醚中联苯菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││82│GBW(E)080766│石油醚中联苯菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││83│GBW(E)080767│石油醚中溴氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││84│GBW(E)080768│石油醚中溴氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││85│GBW(E)080769│石油醚中三氟氯氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││86│GBW(E)080770│石油醚中三氟氯氰菊酯溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││87│GBW(E)080771│石油醚中三氯杀螨醇溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││88│GBW(E)080772│石油醚中三氯杀螨醇溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││89│GBW(E)080773│丙酮中敌敌畏溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││90│GBW(E)080774│丙酮中敌敌畏溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││91│GBW(E)080775│丙酮中敌百虫溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││92│GBW(E)080776│丙酮中敌百虫溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││93│GBW(E)080777│丙酮中速灭磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││94│GBW(E)080778│丙酮中速灭磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││95│GBW(E)080779│丙酮中久效磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││96│GBW(E)080780│丙酮中久效磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││97│GBW(E)080781│丙酮中甲拌磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││98│GBW(E)080782│丙酮中甲拌磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││99│GBW(E)080783│丙酮中乙拌磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││100 │GBW(E)080784│丙酮中乙拌磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││101 │GBW(E)080785│丙酮中乐果溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││102 │GBW(E)080786│丙酮中乐果溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││103 │GBW(E)080787│丙酮中氧化乐果溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││104 │GBW(E)080788│丙酮中氧化乐果溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││105 │GBW(E)080789│丙酮中对硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││106 │GBW(E)080790│丙酮中对硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││107 │GBW(E)080791│丙酮中甲基对硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││108 │GBW(E)080792│丙酮中甲基对硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││109 │GBW(E)080793│丙酮中内吸磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││110 │GBW(E)080794│丙酮中内吸磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││111 │GBW(E)080795│丙酮中异吸硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││112 │GBW(E)080796│丙酮中异吸硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││113 │GBW(E)080797│石油醚中甲基异柳磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││114 │GBW(E)080798│石油醚中甲基异柳磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││115 │GBW(E)080799│丙酮中甲基嘧啶磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││116 │GBW(E)080800│丙酮中甲基嘧啶磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││117 │GBW(E)080801│丙酮中二嗪磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││118 │GBW(E)080802│丙酮中二嗪磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││119 │GBW(E)080803│丙酮中水胺硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││120 │GBW(E)080804│丙酮中水胺硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││121 │GBW(E)080805│丙酮中杀螟硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││122 │GBW(E)080806│丙酮中杀螟硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││123 │GBW(E)080807│丙酮中治螟磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││124 │GBW(E)080808│丙酮中治螟磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││125 │GBW(E)080809│乙醇中稻瘟净溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││126 │GBW(E)080810│乙醇中稻瘟净溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││127 │GBW(E)080811│丙酮中异稻瘟净溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││128 │GBW(E)080812│丙酮中异稻瘟净溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││129 │GBW(E)080813│丙酮中稻丰散溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││130 │GBW(E)080814│丙酮中稻丰散溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││131 │GBW(E)080815│丙酮中乙硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││132 │GBW(E)080816│丙酮中乙硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││133 │GBW(E)080817│丙酮中倍硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││134 │GBW(E)080818│丙酮中倍硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││135 │GBW(E)080819│丙酮中三硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││136 │GBW(E)080820│丙酮中三硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││137 │GBW(E)080821│石油醚中辛硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││138 │GBW(E)080822│石油醚中辛硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││139 │GBW(E)080823│丙酮中溴硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││140 │GBW(E)080824│丙酮中溴硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││141 │GBW(E)080825│乙酸乙酯中克线磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││142 │GBW(E)080826│乙酸乙酯中克线磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││143 │GBW(E)080827│丙酮中喹硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││144 │GBW(E)080828│丙酮中喹硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││145 │GBW(E)080829│丙酮中亚胺硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││146 │GBW(E)080830│丙酮中亚胺硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││147 │GBW(E)080831│丙酮中甲胺磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││148 │GBW(E)080832│丙酮中甲胺磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││149 │GBW(E)080833│丙酮中乙酰甲胺磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││150 │GBW(E)080834│丙酮中乙酰甲胺磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││151 │GBW(E)080835│丙酮中马拉硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││152 │GBW(E)080836│丙酮中马拉硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││153 │GBW(E)080837│丙酮中杀扑磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││154 │GBW(E)080838│丙酮中杀扑磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││155 │GBW(E)080839│丙酮中伏杀硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││156 │GBW(E)080840│丙酮中伏杀硫磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││157 │GBW(E)080841│丙酮中皮蝇磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││158 │GBW(E)080842│丙酮中皮蝇磷溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││159 │GBW(E)080843│丙酮中毒死蜱溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││160 │GBW(E)080844│丙酮中毒死蜱溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││161 │GBW(E)080845│丙酮中涕灭威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││162 │GBW(E)080846│丙酮中涕灭威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││163 │GBW(E)080847│丙酮中速灭威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││164 │GBW(E)080848│丙酮中速灭威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││165 │GBW(E)080849│丙酮中仲丁威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││166 │GBW(E)080850│丙酮中仲丁威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││167 │GBW(E)080851│丙酮中残杀威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││168 │GBW(E)080852│丙酮中残杀威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││169 │GBW(E)080853│丙酮中恶虫威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││170 │GBW(E)080854│丙酮中恶虫威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││171 │GBW(E)080855│丙酮中抗蚜威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││172 │GBW(E)080856│丙酮中抗蚜威溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││173 │GBW(E)080857│丙酮中叶蝉散溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││174 │GBW(E)080858│丙酮中叶蝉散溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││175 │GBW(E)080859│丙酮中西维因溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││176 │GBW(E)080860│丙酮中西维因溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││177 │GBW(E)080861│丙酮中呋喃丹溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││178 │GBW(E)080862│丙酮中呋喃丹溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││179 │GBW(E)080863│丙酮中阿特拉津溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││180 │GBW(E)080864│丙酮中阿特拉津溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││181 │GBW(E)080865│石油醚中百菌清溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││182 │GBW(E)080866│石油醚中百菌清溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││183 │GBW(E)080867│丙酮中噻螨酮溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││184 │GBW(E)080868│丙酮中噻螨酮溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││185 │GBW(E)080869│丙酮中噻嗪酮溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││186 │GBW(E)080870│丙酮中噻嗪酮溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││187 │GBW(E)080871│丙酮中乙草胺溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││188 │GBW(E)080872│丙酮中乙草胺溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││189 │GBW(E)080873│石油醚中丁草胺溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││190 │GBW(E)080874│石油醚中丁草胺溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││191 │GBW(E)080875│甲醇中异丙甲草胺溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││192 │GBW(E)080876│甲醇中异丙甲草胺溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││193 │GBW(E)080877│石油醚中除草醚溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││194 │GBW(E)080878│石油醚中除草醚溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││195 │GBW(E)080879│丙酮中除虫脲溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││196 │GBW(E)080880│丙酮中除虫脲溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││197 │GBW(E)080881│丙酮中灭幼脲溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││198 │GBW(E)080882│丙酮中灭幼脲溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││199 │GBW(E)080883│丙酮中草达灭溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││200 │GBW(E)080884│丙酮中草达灭溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││201 │GBW(E)080885│丙酮中灭菌丹溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││202 │GBW(E)080886│丙酮中灭菌丹溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││203 │GBW(E)080887│丙酮中西玛津溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││204 │GBW(E)080888│丙酮中西玛津溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││205 │GBW(E)080889│乙醇中多菌灵溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││206 │GBW(E)080890│乙醇中多菌灵溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││207 │GBW(E)080891│石油醚中氟乐灵溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││208 │GBW(E)080892│石油醚中氟乐灵溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││209 │GBW(E)080893│石油醚中甲霜灵溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││210 │GBW(E)080894│石油醚中甲霜灵溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││211 │GBW(E)080895│丙酮中速克灵溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││212 │GBW(E)080896│丙酮中速克灵溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││213 │GBW(E)080897│丙酮中扑草净溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││214 │GBW(E)080898│丙酮中扑草净溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││215 │GBW(E)080899│甲醇中杀虫环溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││216 │GBW(E)080900│甲醇中杀虫环溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││217 │GBW(E)080901│甲醇中双甲脒溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││218 │GBW(E)080902│甲醇中双甲脒溶液标准物质││├──┼──────┼───────────────────┤││219 │GBW(E)080903│丙酮中甲黄隆溶液标准物质││。
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Industry Standards: RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELV compliant Lead Free Solder Processes = Wave solder capable to 240°C, Wave solder capable to 260°C, Wave solder capable to 265°C RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always was RoHS compliant Conditions for Usage: Terminate To = Printed Circuit Board Other:
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SAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationProduct identifier Bug and Tar RemoverOther means of identificationFIR No.167202Recommended use Bug and Tar RemoverRecommended restrictions None known.Manufacturer/Importer/Supplier/Distributor informationSupplierCompany Name Ford Motor CompanyAddress Attention: MSDS Information, P.O. Box 1899Dearborn, Michigan 48121USATelephone1-800-392-3673MSDS Information1-800-448-2063Emergency telephonenumbersPoison Control Center: USA and Canada: 1-800-959-3673INFOTRAC (Transportation): USA and Canada 1-800-535-5053 2. Hazard(s) identificationCategory 4Flammable liquidsPhysical hazardsCategory 1Specific target organ toxicity, repeatedexposureHealth hazardsCategory 1Aspiration hazardCategory 2Hazardous to the aquatic environment, acutehazardEnvironmental hazardsCategory 2Hazardous to the aquatic environment,long-term hazardNot classified.OSHA defined hazardsLabel elementsSignal word DangerHazard statement Combustible liquid. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. Causes damage to organsthrough prolonged or repeated exposure. Toxic to aquatic life. Toxic to aquatic life with longlasting effects.Precautionary statementPrevention Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. - No smoking. Do not breathe mist orvapor. Wash thoroughly after handling. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Avoidrelease to the environment. Wear protective gloves/eye protection/face protection.Response If swallowed: Immediately call a poison center/doctor. Do NOT induce vomiting. Get medicaladvice/attention if you feel unwell. In case of fire: Use appropriate media to extinguish. Collectspillage.Storage Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool. Store locked up.Disposal Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local/regional/national/international regulations. Hazard(s) not otherwiseclassified (HNOC)May irritate eyes and skin. May cause irritation of respiratory tract. May be harmful if absorbedthrough skin.Supplemental information None.3. Composition/information on ingredientsMixturesCAS number% Chemical name Common name and synonyms64742-47-8 Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreatedlight50 - < 6064742-94-5 Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavyarom.10 - < 208052-41-3 STODDARD SOLVENT10 - < 20 Specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret.4. First-aid measuresInhalation Move to fresh air. Call a physician if symptoms develop or persist.Skin contact Wash off with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.Eye contact Rinse with water. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists.Ingestion Call a physician or poison control center immediately. Rinse mouth thoroughly. Do not inducevomiting. If vomiting occurs, keep head low so that stomach content doesn't get into the lungs.Most importantsymptoms/effects, acute and delayed Diarrhea. Dizziness. Headache. Nausea, vomiting. Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis. Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation. Prolonged exposure may cause chronic effects.Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Provide general supportive measures and treat symptomatically. Keep victim under observation. Symptoms may be delayed.General information If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possible). Ensure that medicalpersonnel are aware of the material(s) involved, and take precautions to protect themselves. 5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media Alcohol resistant foam. Water fog. Dry chemical powder. Dry chemicals. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Unsuitable extinguishingmediaDo not use water jet as an extinguisher, as this will spread the fire.Specific hazards arising from the chemical The product is combustible, and heating may generate vapors which may form explosive vapor/air mixtures. During fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed. Upon decomposition, this product emits carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and/or low molecular weight hydrocarbons.Special protective equipmentand precautions for firefightersSelf-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing must be worn in case of fire.Fire fighting equipment/instructions In case of fire and/or explosion do not breathe fumes. Move containers from fire area if you can do so without risk. Cool containers exposed to heat with water spray and remove container, if no risk is involved.Specific methods Use standard firefighting procedures and consider the hazards of other involved materials. General fire hazards Combustible liquid.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Keep unnecessary personnel away. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). Wear appropriate protective equipment and clothing during clean-up. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Do not breathe mist or vapor. Ensure adequate ventilation. Local authorities should be advised if significant spillages cannot be contained. For personal protection, see section 8 of the SDS.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Eliminate all ignition sources (no smoking, flares, sparks, or flames in immediate area). Keep combustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. The product is immiscible with water and will spread on the water surface.Large Spills: Stop the flow of material, if this is without risk. Use water spray to reduce vapors or divert vapor cloud drift. Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Cover with plastic sheet to prevent spreading. Use a non-combustible material like vermiculite, sand or earth to soak up the product and place into a container for later disposal. Prevent product from entering drains. Following product recovery, flush area with water.Small Spills: Absorb with earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers for later disposal. Wipe up with absorbent material (e.g. cloth, fleece). Clean surface thoroughly to remove residual contamination.Never return spills to original containers for re-use. For waste disposal, see section 13 of the SDS.Environmental precautions Avoid release to the environment. Prevent further leakage or spillage if safe to do so. Avoiddischarge into drains, water courses or onto the ground. Inform appropriate managerial orsupervisory personnel of all environmental releases.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handling Keep away from open flames, hot surfaces and sources of ignition. Do not breathe mist or vapor.Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. Avoid prolonged exposure.When using, do not eat, drink or smoke. Use only in well-ventilated areas. Wear appropriatepersonal protective equipment. Wash hands thoroughly after handling. Avoid release to theenvironment. Observe good industrial hygiene practices.Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Store locked up. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight. Store in original tightly closed container. Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep in an area equipped with sprinklers. Store away from incompatible materials (see Section 10 of the SDS).8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsUS. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)Value Components TypePEL400 mg/m3 Solvent naphtha(petroleum), heavy arom.(CAS 64742-94-5)100 ppmPEL2900 mg/m3 STODDARD SOLVENT(CAS 8052-41-3)500 ppm US. ACGIH Threshold Limit ValuesValue Components TypeTWA100 ppm STODDARD SOLVENT(CAS 8052-41-3)US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical HazardsValue Components TypeTWA100 mg/m3 Distillates (petroleum),hydrotreated light (CAS64742-47-8)TWA400 mg/m3 Solvent naphtha(petroleum), heavy arom.(CAS 64742-94-5)100 ppmCeiling1800 mg/m3 STODDARD SOLVENT(CAS 8052-41-3)TWA350 mg/m3 Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Appropriate engineering controls Use adequate ventilation to control airborne concentrations below the exposure limits/guidelines. If user operations generate a vapor, dust and/or mist, use process enclosure, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to control airborne levels below the recommended exposure limits/guidelines.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protection Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles).Skin protectionHand protection Suitable chemical protective gloves should be worn when the potential exists for prolonged orrepeated skin exposure. The choice of an appropriate glove does not only depend on its materialbut also on other quality features and is different from one producer to the other. Use protectivegloves made of: Neoprene. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Rubber gloves.Other Wear suitable protective clothing. Wear appropriate chemical resistant clothing if applicable.Respiratory protection If engineering controls do not maintain airborne concentrations below recommended exposurelimits (where applicable) or to an acceptable level (in countries where exposure limits have notbeen established), an approved respirator must be worn. If engineering controls do not maintainairborne concentrations to a level which is adequate to protect worker health, an approvedrespirator must be worn. Respirator selection, use and maintenance should be in accordance withthe requirements of OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard 29 CFR 1910.134 and/or CanadianStandard CSA Z94.4.Thermal hazards Wear appropriate thermal protective clothing, when necessary.General hygiene considerations When using do not smoke. Always observe good personal hygiene measures, such as washing after handling the material and before eating, drinking, and/or smoking. Routinely wash work clothing and protective equipment to remove contaminants.9. Physical and chemical propertiesAppearancePhysical state Liquid.Form Liquid.Color Colorless to light yellow. Odor Hydrocarbon-like.Odor threshold Not available.pH Not available.Melting point/freezing point Not available.Initial boiling point and boilingrangeNot available.Flash point174.7 °F (79.3 °C) ASTM D93 Evaporation rate< 1 (BuAc=1)Flammability (solid, gas)Not applicable.Upper/lower flammability or explosive limitsFlammability limit - lower(%)Not available.Flammability limit - upper(%)Not available.Explosive limit - lower (%)Not available.Explosive limit - upper (%)Not available.Vapor pressure Not available.Vapor density Not available.Relative density0.8Relative density temperature-13 °F (-25 °C)Solubility(ies)Solubility (water)INSOLUBLEPartition coefficient(n-octanol/water)Not available.Auto-ignition temperature Not available. Decomposition temperature Not available.Viscosity Not available.Other informationKinematic viscosity18 cStKinematic viscosity temperature 104 °F (40 °C)VOC (Weight %)40 % CAM31010. Stability and reactivityReactivity The product is stable and non-reactive under normal conditions of use, storage and transport.Chemical stability Material is stable under normal conditions.Possibility of hazardous reactionsNo dangerous reaction known under conditions of normal use.Conditions to avoid Avoid heat, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Avoid temperatures exceeding the flash point. Contact with incompatible materials.Incompatible materials Strong oxidizing agents.Hazardous decomposition productsUpon decomposition, this product emits carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and/or low molecular weight hydrocarbons.11. Toxicological informationInformation on likely routes of exposureInhalationMay cause damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure by inhalation. May cause irritation to the respiratory system. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful.Skin contact Harmful if absorbed through skin. May be irritating to the skin.Eye contact Direct contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation.IngestionDroplets of the product aspirated into the lungs through ingestion or vomiting may cause a serious chemical pneumonia.Symptoms related to the physical, chemical andtoxicological characteristics Diarrhea. Headache. Dizziness. Nausea, vomiting. Aspiration may cause pulmonary edema and pneumonitis.Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.SpeciesCalculated/Test ResultsComponentsSolvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. (CAS 64742-94-5)LC50Rat Inhalation Acute 61 mg/l, 4 Hours LD50RatOral > 25 ml/kgSkin corrosion/irritation Prolonged skin contact may cause temporary irritation.Serious eye damage/eye irritationDirect contact with eyes may cause temporary irritation.Respiratory or skin sensitizationRespiratory sensitizationNot a respiratory sensitizer.Skin sensitization This product is not expected to cause skin sensitization.Germ cell mutagenicity No data available to indicate product or any components present at greater than 0.1% are mutagenic or genotoxic.CarcinogenicityThis product is not considered to be a carcinogen by IARC, ACGIH, NTP, or OSHA.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Reproductive toxicityThis product is not expected to cause reproductive or developmental effects.Specific target organ toxicity -single exposureNot classified.Specific target organ toxicity -repeated exposure Central nervous system. Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure.Aspiration hazard May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.Chronic effectsCauses damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure. Prolonged inhalation may be harmful.12. Ecological informationEcotoxicity Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.EcotoxicitySpeciesComponents Calculated/Test ResultsDistillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light (CAS 64742-47-8)AquaticLC50Fish 2.9 mg/l, 96 hoursRainbow trout,donaldson trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss)Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. (CAS 64742-94-5)AquaticEC50Crustacea 2.7 - 5.1 mg/l, 48 hoursWater flea (Daphnia pulex)LC50Fish8.8 mg/l, 96 hoursRainbow trout,donaldson trout(Oncorhynchus mykiss)8.8 mg/l, 96 hoursPersistence and degradability No data is available on the degradability of this product.Bioaccumulative potentialPartition coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow)STODDARD SOLVENT 3.16 - 7.15Mobility in soil No data available.Other adverse effects No other adverse environmental effects (e.g. ozone depletion, photochemical ozone creationpotential, endocrine disruption, global warming potential) are expected from this component. 13. Disposal considerationsDisposal instructions Collect and reclaim or dispose in sealed containers at licensed waste disposal site. Do not allowthis material to drain into sewers/water supplies. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditcheswith chemical or used container. Dispose of contents/container in accordance withlocal/regional/national/international regulations.Local disposal regulations Dispose in accordance with all applicable regulations.Hazardous waste code The waste code should be assigned in discussion between the user, the producer and the wastedisposal company.Waste from residues / unused products Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Empty containers or liners may retain some product residues. This material and its container must be disposed of in a safe manner (see: Disposal instructions).Contaminated packaging Empty containers should be taken to an approved waste handling site for recycling or disposal.Since emptied containers may retain product residue, follow label warnings even after container isemptied.14. Transport informationDOTNot regulated as dangerous goods.<Unspecified>IATANot regulated as dangerous goods.<Unspecified>IMDGNot regulated as dangerous goods.<Unspecified>Not established.Transport in bulk according toAnnex II of MARPOL 73/78 andthe IBC Code15. Regulatory informationUS federal regulations This product is a "Hazardous Chemical" as defined by the OSHA Hazard CommunicationStandard, 29 CFR 1910.1200.TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Not regulated.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)Not listed.SARA 304 Emergency release notificationNot regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - YesDelayed Hazard - YesFire Hazard - YesPressure Hazard - NoReactivity Hazard - NoSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substanceNot listed.NoSARA 311/312 HazardouschemicalSARA 313 (TRI reporting)Not regulated.Other federal regulationsClean Air Act (CAA) Section 112 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) ListNot regulated.Clean Air Act (CAA) Section 112(r) Accidental Release Prevention (40 CFR 68.130)Not regulated.Not regulated.Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA)US state regulationsUS. California Controlled Substances. CA Department of Justice (California Health and Safety Code Section 11100) Not listed.US. Massachusetts RTK - Substance ListDistillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light (CAS 64742-47-8)Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. (CAS 64742-94-5)STODDARD SOLVENT (CAS 8052-41-3)US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActDistillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light (CAS 64742-47-8)Solvent naphtha (petroleum), heavy arom. (CAS 64742-94-5)STODDARD SOLVENT (CAS 8052-41-3)US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know LawDistillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light (CAS 64742-47-8)STODDARD SOLVENT (CAS 8052-41-3)US. Rhode Island RTKNot regulated.US. California Proposition 65WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.International InventoriesAll components are listed or are exempt from listing on the Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory.16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionIssue date05-15-2015Version #01HMIS® ratings Health: 1Flammability: 2Physical hazard: 0NFPA ratings Health: 2Flammability: 2Instability: 0Preparation Information and Disclaimer This document was prepared by FCSD-Toxicology, Ford Motor Company, Diagnostic Service Center II, 1800 Fairlane Drive, Allen Park, MI 48101, USA, based in part on information provided by the manufacturer. The information on this data sheet represents our current data and is accurate to the best of our knowledge as to the proper handling of this product under normal conditions and in accordance with the application specified on the packaging and/or technical guidance literature. Any other use of the product which involves using the product in combination with any other product or any other process is the responsibility of the user. To the extent that there are any differences between this product’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and the consumer packaged product labels, the SDS should be followed.Part number(s)ZC-42。
Reliability Test Report
Report No. 13- TJC -007
Package Type: SOT-23-6L
Prepared Signature
Daniel Chang Jul 01, 20 No.:QUA-QF0000000006-B
Page 2 of 5
1. Qualified Devices Table
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Device AZ1013-04S AZ1015-04S AZ1045-04SU AZ1115-02S AZ1215-04S AZ2115-04SN1 AZ2115-05S AZC002-04S AZC015-04S AZC097-04S AZ2025-04S Issue Date 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 No. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Device AZC099-04S AZC099-04SC AZC199-04S AZC199-04SC AZC299-02S AZC398-04S AZC399-04S AZ1315-04S AZC099-04SP AZ3028-01S AZ1213-04S Issue Date 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2013/11/3 2014/7/1
基金项目:广西高等学校高水平创新团队资助计划(No 桂教2019-52);广西中医药大学“岐黄工程”高层次人才团队项目资助(No 2018002);中药学广西一流学科(桂教科研[2018]12号)。
E-mail:2042676931@qq com通信作者:涂冬萍(1986-),女,汉族,博士,讲师,研究方向为中药、民族药的品质研究。
E-mail:fairytdp@163 com蔷薇科瑶药品种与标准整理黄志其1 梁俏君1 陆东萍1 陈 娴1 钟国跃2 王柳萍1 涂冬萍1,3,41 广西中医药大学,广西 南宁 530200;2 江西中医药大学中药资源与民族药研究中心,江西 南昌 330004;3 广西壮瑶药工程技术研究中心,广西 南宁 530200;4 广西中医药大学农作物废弃物功能成分研究协同创新中心,广西 南宁 5300231【摘 要】 根据有关瑶医药学专著文献,对瑶医药用蔷薇科植物的药材名称、基原、标准、药用部位及功效等进行了系统整理分析,结果表明,现有文献中记载的瑶医药用蔷薇科植物共有14属70种(含变种),涉及41个药材品种,不同文献记载的各药材品种名称、基原、药用部位、功效等存在较大差异,13种与中药材交叉使用,23种有标准。
【关键词】 瑶药;蔷薇科;品种;标准【中图分类号】R29 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1007-8517(2020)24-0058-09TheVarietyandStandardArrangementofRosaceaeinYaoMedicineHUANGZhiqi1 LIANGQiaojun1 LUDongping1 CHENXian1 ZHONGGuoyue2 WANGLiuping1 TUDongping1,3,41 GuangxiUniversityofTraditionalChineseMedicine,530200Nanning,China;2 ResearchCenterfortraditionalChinesemedicineresourcesandethnicmedicine,JiangxiUniversityoftraditionalChinesemedicine,330004Nanchang,China;3 GuangxiZhuangYaoPharmaceuticalEngineeringResearchCenter,530200Nanning,China;4 CollaborativeInnovationCenterofResearchonFunctionalingredientsfromAgriculturalResiduesofGuangxiUniversityofTraditionalChineseMedicine,530200Nanning,ChinaAbstract:Thispaperanalyzedthenames,basicsources,standards,medicinalpartsandefficacyofRosaceaeofYaomedicinebyliteraturereviewandtextualresearch,andshowedthattherewere18generaand73species(includingvarieties)ofRosaceaeofYaomedicine,involving43medicinalmaterials,andthereweregreatdifferencesinthenames,basicsources,medicinalpartsandefficacyofeachmedicinalmaterialrecordedindifferentliterature 13specieswereusedwithChinesemedicinalmaterials,23specieshavestandards TheseaboveresultsprovidedareferenceforthefurtherdevelopmentandutilizationofRosaceaeofYaomedicine.Keywords:YaoMedicine;Rosaceae;Species;Standard 瑶药的生产与发展,如同祖国医学发展一样经历了长期的实践过程,瑶族人民在长期的生产生活实践中积累了丰富的医药知识和用药经验,尤其在对药物的认识和临床用药方面,根据药物的功效特性总结归纳出了在药用资源种类与应用方面具有显著特色的“五虎九牛”“十八钻”“七十二风”等传统常用瑶药,至今在瑶族民间疾病防治、养身保健方面仍应用广泛。
962952-1 Product DetailsHome | Customer Support | Suppliers | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Browser Support© 2008 Tyco Electronics Corporation All Rights Reserved SearchProducts Documentation Resources My Account Customer SupportHome > Products > By Type > Pin & Socket Connectors > Product Feature Selector > Product Details962952-1Active 1.5/2.5/4.0mm Pin Diameter ConnectorSystemAlways EU RoHS/ELV Compliant (Statement of Compliance)Product Highlights:?Product Series = 4.0 mm System?Contact?Socket?CuNiSi Contact Material?Pre-Tin Contact Mating Area PlatingMaterialView all Features | Find SimilarProductsCheck Pricing &AvailabilitySearch for ToolingProduct FeatureSelectorContact Us AboutThis ProductQuick LinksDocumentation & Additional InformationProduct Drawings:?4mm Kontaktbuchse EINZELDICHTUNGSSYSTEM(TIF, German)Catalog Pages/Data Sheets:?None AvailableProduct Specifications:?None AvailableApplication Specifications:?None AvailableInstruction Sheets:?None AvailableCAD Files:?None AvailableList all Documents Additional Information:?Product Line InformationRelated Products:?ToolingProduct Features (Please use the Product Drawing for all design activity)Product Type Features:?Product Series = 4.0 mm System?Product Type = Contact?Gender = Socket?Insulation Diameter (mm [in]) = 6.00 [0.236]?Sealed = YesBody Related Features:?Wire Range (mm [AWG]) = 0.50-1.00²[20-17]Contact Related Features:?Contact Material = CuNiSi?Contact Mating Area Plating Material = Pre-Tin Industry Standards:?RoHS/ELV Compliance = RoHS compliant, ELVcompliant?Lead Free Solder Processes = Not relevant forlead free process?RoHS/ELV Compliance History = Always wasRoHS compliantPackaging Related Features:?Packaging Method = Loose PieceOther:?GET 0.64 Connector System = No?Brand = AMPProvide Website Feedback | Contact Customer Support。
消解试剂包 for the digestion of nitrogen (total) 90 dig
Millipore- 1.14963页码 1 的 11The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the US化学品安全技术说明书按照GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制版本8.1修订日期18.09.2022打印日期18.09.2022最初编制日期18.09.2022SDS 编号Millipore - 1.14963产品编号Millipore - 1.14963消解试剂包 for the digestion of nitrogen (total) 90 digestions Spectroquant®第1部分:化学品及企业标识1.1 产品标识产品名称: 消解试剂包 for the digestion of nitrogen (total) 90digestions Spectroquant®Crack Set 20 for the digestion of nitrogen(total) 90 digestions Spectroquant® 产品编号: 1.14963产品编号: 114963品牌: Millipore1.2 安全技术说明书提供者的详情制造商或供应商名称: Sigma-Aldrich (Shanghai) Trading Co.Ltd.509 Renqing RoadZhangjiang High Tech East Park, PudongSHANGHAI201201 SHANGHAICHINA西格玛奥德里奇(上海)贸易有限公司上海市浦东新区仁庆路509号10幢邮政编码:201201默克股份两合公司64271 达姆施塔特德国Millipore- 1.14963页码 2 的 11The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the USPhone:+49(0)6151 72-2440电话号码: +86 21 6141-5566传真: +86 21 6141-55671.3 应急咨询电话紧急联系电话: +86 532 838890901.4 物质或混合物的推荐用途和限制用途已确认的各用途: 分析用试剂这是此产品概括的物质安全资料表(SDS),如需第16项中所列的每一成分完整的物质安全资料表(SDS),请浏览我们的网站.第2部分:危险性概述2.1 GHS危险性类别氧化性液体 (类别 3), H272金属腐蚀物 (类别 1), H290急性毒性, 经口 (类别 4), H302皮肤腐蚀/刺激 (类别 1A), H314严重眼睛损伤/眼睛刺激性 (类别 1), H318呼吸过敏 (类别 1), H334皮肤过敏 (类别 1), H317特异性靶器官系统毒性(一次接触) (类别 3), 呼吸道刺激, H335急性(短期)水生危害 (类别 3), H402本部分提及的健康说明(H-)全文请见第16部分。
ICS53.080;55.180.99道路车辆上的装载物固定装置—安全性第2部分:合成纤维制成的栓紧带Load restraint assemblies on road vehicles- safety -Part 2:Web lashing made from man-made fibres(出版稿)目次英文版本 (II)前言 (III)引言 (1)道路车辆上的装载物固定装置—安全性第2部分:合成纤维制成的栓紧带 (2)1 范围 (2)2 规范性引用文件 (2)3 术语和定义 (2)4 危害 (5)5 安全要求 (6)6 安全要求和形式试验 (9)7 检测报告 (12)8 标识 (12)9 使用说明 (14)附录A (规范性附录)风险 (15)附录B (规范性附录)制造商应提供的栓紧带使用及保养说明 (17)图1 栓紧带示意图 (3)图2 栓紧带示意图(包括拉紧装置C、端配件D、拉力指示器E和拉力止动装置F) (4)图3 两肢织带组成的栓紧带 (5)图4 拉紧装置结构示意图 (8)图5 测试过程 (10)图6 棘轮预拉伸能力测试示意图 (11)图7 循环载荷试验的固定方式 (11)图8 手柄强度检测的示意图 (12)图9 标签 (13)表1 循环载荷试验后织带允许松动值 (7)表2 使用手柄进行强度试验时棘轮的最小破断力 (7)表3 完整栓紧带进行拉力试验时的抽样率 (9)表 A.1-危险及关联要求 (16)表 A.2-危险及关联要求 (16)英文版本道路车辆上的装载物固定装置—安全性第2部分:合成纤维制成的栓紧带本欧洲标准在2000 年6月26 日被欧洲标准化委员会批准了。
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IEEE 829, IEEE 1008, BS 7925-1/-2, IEEE 1028
放射性核素的基本限值查询表Rn-220:Po-216Rn-222:Po-218,Pb-214,Bi-214,Po-214Ra-223:Rn-219,Po-215,Pb-211,Bi-211,Tl-207Ra-224:Rn-220,Po-216,Pb-212,Bi-212,Tl-208(0.36),Po-212(0.64)Ra-226:Rn-222,Po-218,Pb-214,Bi-214,Po-214,Pb-210,Bi-210,Po-210 Ra-228:Ac-228Th-226:Ra-222,Rn-218,Po-214Th-228:Ra-224,Rn-220,Po-216,Pb-212,Bi-212,Tl-208(O.36),Po-212(0.64) Th-229:Ra-225,Ac-225,Fr-221,At-217,Bi-213,Po-213,Pb-209Th-天然:Ra-228,Ac-228,Th-228,Ra-224,Rn-220,Po-216,Pb-212,Bi-212, Tl-208(0.36),Po-212(0.64)Th-234:Pa-234mU-230:Th-226,Ra-222,Rn-218,Po-214U-232:Th-228,Ra-224,Rn-220,Po-216,Pb-212,Bi-212,Tl-208(0.36), Po-212(0.64)U-235:Th-231U-238:Th-234,Pa-234mU-天然:Th-234,Pa-234m,U-234,Th-230,Ra-226,Rn-222,Po-218,Pb-214, Bi-214,Po-214,Pb-210,Bi-210,Po-210U-240:Np-240m Np-237 Pa-233 Am-242m Am-242 Am-243 Np-239c 该量可用测量衰变率确定或用测量在距源表面规定的距离处的辐射水平确定。
96SC Crystal 502 2的物质安全数据表说明书
C 502 96SC 5C 0.5MM G 250G C 502 96SC 5C 0.7MM H 500G C 502 96SC 5C 1.0MM H 500GRevision Date: 18/05/2006Issue date:18/05/2006Version:91.CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct name: 96SC Crystal 5022. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSHazardous componentsCAS No.EINECS-No.%ClassificationTin 7440-31-5231-141-880 - 100Silver 7440-22-4 231-131-3 1 - 5Copper 7440-50-8231-159-60.1 - 1Additional Information:For the explanation of the listed risk phrases refer to Section 16.3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONThis product contains modified rosin. Flux fumes emitted during reflow will irritate the nose and throat and may cause an asthmatic type reaction.4. FIRST AID MEASURESInhalation: Move to fresh air. If symptoms persist, seek medical advice.Eye contact:Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists seek medical attention.Ingestion:Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention immediately.Skin contact:Wash off with soap and plenty of water. Obtain medical attention if irritation persists.1 of 5Item No. :MB1068Product name: 96SC Crystal 502Item No. : MB1068Product type: Solder WireRegion:Europe Company Name & Address Henkel Loctite Adhesives Ltd. Multicore SoldersTechnologies House, Wood Lane End Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP2 4RQ, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1442 278000 Fax: +44 (0) 1442 278071Emergency Tel: +44 (0) 1442 2780005. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESExtinguishing media:The product itself does not burn. Use extinguishing meaures appropriate to local circumstances andthe surrounding environment.Special fire fighting procedures:Fire fighters should wear positive pressure breathing apparatus. Do not use water on fires wheremolten metal is present.Unusual fire or explosion hazards:None.Hazardous combustion products:High temperatures may produce heavy metal dust, fumes or vapours. The flux will give rise to irritatingfumes.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESClean-up methods:Scrape up.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling:Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation. Do not eat, drink or smoke whenhandling. Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product.Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Keep out of reach of children.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONHazardous componentsCAS No.ACGIH TLV Austria Belgium CzechTin 7440-31-52 mg/m³ TWA2 mg/m³ TWA excepttin hydride, as Sn2 mg/m³ MAK4 mg/m³ STEL4 mg/m³ STEL2 mg/m³ VLE2 mg/m³ VLE2 mg/m3 TWASilver 7440-22-4 0.1 mg/m³ TWA0.01 mg/m³ MAK0.1 mg/m³ STEL0.1 mg/m³ VLE0.1 mg/m3 TWACopper 7440-50-8 0.2 mg/m³ TWA fume1 mg/m³ TWA dustand mist, as Cu0.1 mg/m³ MAK0.1 mg/m³ MAK0.4 mg/m³ STEL1 mg/m³ MAK4 mg/m³ STEL0.2 mg/m³ VLE1 mg/m³ VLE0.1 mg/m3 TWA1 mg/m3 TWAHazardous componentsCAS No.Estonia Greece Finland France HungaryTin 7440-31-5 2 mg/m3 TWA 2 mg/m³ TWA2 mg/m³ TWA8 mg/m3 STEL2 mg/m3 TWASilver 7440-22-4 0.1 mg/m3 TWA0.1 mg/m3 TWA0.1 mg/m³ TWA0.1 mg/m³ VME0.4 mg/m3 STEL0.1 mg/m3 TWACopper 7440-50-81 mg/m3 TWA0.2 mg/m3 TWA0.2 mg/m3 TWA2 mg/m3 STEL0.2 mg/m3 TWA1 mg/m3 TWA0.1 mg/m³ TWA1 mg/m³ TWA1 mg/m³ TWA0.2 mg/m³ VME1 mg/m³ VME2 mg/m³ VLE4 mg/m3 STEL0.4 mg/m3 STEL0.1 mg/m3 TWA1 mg/m3 TWA1 mg/m3 TWA2 of 5MB1068Item No. :Product name: 96SC Crystal 502Hazardous componentsCAS No.Germany Ireland Netherlands Norway Portugal Tin 7440-31-52 mg/m³ TWA 4 mg/m³ STEL 4 mg/m³ STEL 2 mg/m³ MAC 2 mg/m³ MAC 2 mg/m³ TWA 2 mg/m³ TWA 2 mg/m³ TWA Silver 7440-22-4 0.01 mg/m³ MAK 0.02 mg/m³ Peak 0.1 mg/m³ MAK 0.8 mg/m³ Peak 0.01 mg/m³ TWA 0.1 mg/m³ TWA 0.1 mg/m³ MAC0.1 mg/m³ TWA0.1 mg/m³ TWACopper 7440-50-80.1 mg/m³ MAK 0.2 mg/m³ Peak0.2 mg/m³ TWA 1 mg/m³ TWA 2 mg/m³ STEL0.2 mg/m³ MAC 1 mg/m³ MAC 0.1 mg/m³ TWA 1 mg/m³ TWA 0.2 mg/m³ TWA 1 mg/m³ TWAHazardous componentsCAS No.Poland Spain Sweden UK EH40 Tin 7440-31-52 mg/m3 NDS 2 mg/m³ VLA-ED 2 mg/m³ VLA-ED 0.1 mg/m 3 LLV 0.2 mg/m 3 STV 2 mg/m 3 TWA4 mg/m 3 STEL Silver 7440-22-4 0.05 mg/m 3 NDS0.1 mg/m³ VLA-ED 0.1 mg/m³ LLV 0.1 mg/m 3 TWA 0.3 mg/m 3 STEL Copper 7440-50-8 0.2 mg/m³ VLA-ED 1 mg/m³ VLA-ED0.2 mg/m³ LLV 1 mg/m³ LLV0.2 mg/m 3 TWA 1 mg/m 3 TWA 0.6 mg/m 3 STEL 2 mg/m 3 STEL Modified rosinRosin flux fume:0.05 mg/m³ MEL TWA (As total resin acids) 0.15 mg/m³ MEL STEL (As total resin acids)Engineering controls:Extraction is necessary to remove fumes evolved during reflow. Where reasonably practicable this should be achieved by the use of local exhaust ventilation and good general extraction.Respiratory protection:In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment.Skin protection:No special protective equipment required.Eye/face protection:Safety glasses should be worn.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical state:pasteColour:greyOdour:none pH:not applicableVapour pressure:not determinedBoiling point/range: not determinedMelting point/range:217°C (423°F) (solder alloy)Specific gravity:7.5Vapour density:not applicableFlash point: not applicableAutoignition temperature:not applicableSolubility in water:insolublePartition coefficient (n-octanol/water):not determined3 of 5MB1068Item No. :Product name: 96SC Crystal 50210. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability:Stable under recommended storage conditions.Hazardous polymersation:Will not occur.Hazardous decomposition products:Thermal decomposition can lead to release of irritating gases and vapours.Conditions to avoid:Solder alloy will react with concentrated nitric acid to produce toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONMobility:No data available.Bioaccumulation:No data available.Ecotoxicity:No information available.Persistence and degradability:Not inherently biodegradable.WGK Water Classification (VwVwS):Class 113. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSProductDisposal methods:Wherever possible unwanted solder alloy should be recycled for recovery of metal. Otherwise dispose of in accordance with local and national regulations.European Waste Catalogue:06 04 05 - wastes containing other heavy metals.PackagingDisposal Methods:Dispose of in accordance with local and national regulations.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONICAO/IATA (Air):Identification number:NoneProper shipping name:Not regulated Hazard class or division:None Packing group:NoneIMO/IMDG (Sea)Identification number:NoneProper shipping name:Not regulated Hazard class or division:None Packing group:NoneADR/RID (Road/Rail)4 of 5Skin:Fumes emitted during soldering may irritate the skin. Inhalation:Eyes:Fumes emitted during soldering may irritate the eyes. Fumes evolved at soldering temperatures will irritate the nose, throat and lungs. Prolonged or repeated exposure to flux fumes may result in sensitisation in sensitive workers. Item No. :MB1068Product name: 96SC Crystal 502Ingestion:This product is considered to be of low toxicity.UN Number NoneProper shipping name:Unrestricted Hazard class or division None Packing group None15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONIndication of danger:None.Risk Phrases:None.Safety Phrases:NoneAdditional Labelling:Avoid breathing fumes given out during soldering. Flux fumes may irritate the nose, throat and lungs and may after prolonged/repeated exposure give an allergic reaction (asthma). After handling solder wash hands with soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking. Keep out of reach of children.UK National regulations:The Health & Safety at Work etc. ActThe Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 L5: General Approved Code of Practice to the COSHH Regulations HS(G)97: A Step by Step Guide to the COSHH Regulations HS(G)193: COSHH essentials: Easy steps to control chemicalsIND (G)248L: Solder fume and you(G)249L: Controlling health risks from rosin (colophony) based solder fluxes16. OTHER INFORMATIONSupercedes Sheet Dated: 22/11/2005Prepared by:Barry Chase Senior SpecialistProduct Safety & Regulatory Affairs - EuropeMSDS data Revised:18/05/2006The information in this safety data sheet was obtained from reputable sources and to the best of our knowledge is accurate and current at the mentioned date. Neither Loctite nor its subsidiary companies accept any liability arising out of the use of the information provided here or the use, application or processing of the product(s) described herein. Attention of users is drawn to the possible hazards from improper use of the product(s). This safety data sheet was prepared in accordance with Commission Directive 2004/73/EC adapting to technical progress for the 29th time Council Directive 67/548/EEC, and Commission Directive 1999/45/EC.Explanation of Section 2 R - Phrases Not applicable.5 of 5MB1068Item No. :Product name: 96SC Crystal 502C 502 96SC 5C 0.5MM G 250G C 502 96SC 5C 0.7MM H 500G C 502 96SC 5C 1.0MM H 500G。