


前面板精密 N 型接口 选件 203 把前面板连接器换成后面板 SMA 接口
50 Ω ± 1.5% (SWR < 2.5) AC
自动量程至 +19 dBm max (2 Vrms) 自动量程至 +15 dBm max (1.25 Vrms) 6 GHz (选件 106): -27 dBm (10 mVrms)
测量特性 续
脉冲/突发频率和脉冲包络探测器 (选件 150) 12
脉冲探测器响应时间 (典型值) 8
脉冲宽度精度 (典型值)
(0 dBm, 23℃)
1 ms 至 1000 s, 以 10 µs 步进
100 µs 至 1000 s, 以 10 µs 步进
1 µs 至 1000 s, 以 1 µs 步进
开始延迟 (时间或事件) 和停止释抑 (时间或事件)
± 50%
DC (1 mHZ) to 350 MHz
选件 106-100 MHz 至 6 GHz (166 ps 至 10 ns) 选件 115-300 MHz 至 15 GHz (66 ps 至 3.3 ns)
精度是 TCAL ± 5℃ 条件下的可溯源测量准确度。它包括测量误差,时基 误差和校准源不确定度。
随机测量误差使用均方根方法组合,其 M 倍即为要求的置信度。线性叠 加系统误差,它包括与各种测量类型相关的时间偏移误差,触发定时误差和 时基误差。



中尺度模式(Mesoscale Model 5 v3)用户手册一、概述1.mm5模式系统的结构第五代中尺度模式mm5是近年来由美国大气研究中心(NCAR)和美国滨州大学(PSU)在mm4基础上联合研制发展起来的中尺度数值预报模式,已被广泛应用于各种中尺度现象的研究。












用来定义模式水平层:p是气压,pt 是顶层气压,ps是表面气压。




³ 999999 进入 / 退出编程
³ 901800 条码最短长度
条码长度锁定为 UPC/EAN 之外的条形码定义了特别的字符编号。首先扫描 进入 / 退出编程条形码开始设置,扫描条码长度锁定,然后扫描三个代码字 节表中的条形码代表期望设置的字符编号。例如,对于一个 12 个字符的条码 长度锁定,需扫描 0、 1、 2 三个条码。最后,再次扫描进入 / 退出编程条形 码进行保存。
³ 999999
进入 / 退出编程
³ 901900 条码长度锁定
十 十六
十 十六
十 十六
十 十六
进制 进制 字符 进制 进制 字符 进制 进制 字符 十进制 进制 字符 进制 进制 字符
0 00 NUL 26 1A SUB 52 34 4 78 4E N 104 68 h
扫描 “ 进入 / 退出编程 ” 条码,即可开始。随后将 ASCII 字符的十进制等值 3 位数扫描到带代码字节条码的适当字符位置 (请参见代码字节,下页)。 若要保存,请再次扫描 “ 进入 / 退出编程 ” 条码。
示例:要添加星号 (*) 作为前缀,请扫描条码:
1. 进入 / 退出编程 2. 可配置的前缀 #1 3. 代码字节 0 4. 代码字节 4 5. 代码字节 2 6. 进入 / 退出编程
³ 999999 进入 / 退出编程
³ 903600 可配置的前缀 #2
³ 904600 可配置的后缀 #2


H I C O M M5 0 0 0控制器特性 ................................................................................................................... 3 第二章 H I C O M 5 0 0 0控制器配件清单 ............................................................................................................. 4 第三章 主要功能 ............................................................................................................................................. 5 第四章 标准功能 ........................................................................................................................................... 6 第五章 操作面板 ........................................................................................................................................... 7 第六章 工序控制 ..............................................................


在盘面上安装本仪表........................................................................................ 6 面板开孔尺寸.................................................................................................... 6 推荐的仪表间最小安装间距............................................................................ 6 从外壳中取出表芯的方法................................................................................ 6 订货代码 ............................................................................................................... 7
31ID 调节器 使用手册
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 1.5
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14
操作等级 2.............................................................................. 16
进入等级 2..........................................................................................................16 返回到等级 1 ..................................................................................................16

Series 3200 平面传输带和模块传输带工业产品传输器说明书

Series 3200 平面传输带和模块传输带工业产品传输器说明书

Altas velocidades -Hasta 600 ppm Configurador en línea de uso rápido y simple Las mejores transferencias de productos de la industriaTransportadores de Banda Plana y Modular Trabajo Pesado, Bajo MantenimientoTRANSPORTADORESSERIE 3200Alineación de banda con la mejor guía en VDimensiones disponibles • Ancho: 3.75 a 60 pulgadas • Longitud: 3 pulgadas a 99 piesCargas y velocidades • Hasta 1000 lb• Hasta 600 ppmRectosPerfil Z (LPZ)Curva(Únicamente en banda modular)Horizontal a pendiente ascendentePendiente ascendentea horizontalConfiguraciones de transportadores• Banda plana • B anda plana con empujadores • C on empujadores y pared lateral •Banda acanaladaBanda planaBanda plana con empujadoresCon empujadores ypared lateralBanda acanaladaBANDASSERIE 3200• Movimiento de precisión • M ovimiento de precisión con empujadores • M ovimiento de precisión con accesorios– Proporciona una barra de montaje exacta paraporta-palletEmpalmesCapacidad de adecuación propia• Gran cantidad de materiales en existencia • Guías en V continuas• Empalme de banda enfriado con agua • Soldadura de empujadores con RF • Perforación de agujeros• Plana cerrada • Plana abierta• Con insertos de fricción • Con empujadores •Con rodillosMovimiento de precisión Movimiento de precisióncon accesoriosPlana cerradaCon empujadoresCurva de alta resistenciaCon rodillosTipos de bandas modulares en curva • Curva básica • C urva con rodillos paraacumulación de mínima presión • Curva con insertos de fricción • Curva de alta resistencia con tabs • C urva de alta resistenciacon baleros Grapa plásticaDisponemos de un empalme opcional con grapas plásticas para el cambio rápido de bandas o cuando se instalan transportadores en espacios reducidos.Empalme vulcanizadoTodas las bandas están disponibles con un empalme vulcanizado Termoconformado estándar. Este empalme es prácticamente indetectable y crea una banda continua.Grapa metálicaTambién tenemos de un empalme con grapas metálicas opcional para el cambio rápido de bandas.Cabezal barra narizde banda modular Cabezal barra nariz de banda planaVarias opciones:• Lateral baja• Lateral alta de aluminio • Limpiador•C ompletamente ajustable• De ajuste externo• Lateral de acero inoxidable • Guías de entrada abiertaCenter drive End drive iDrive ®Las mejores transferencias de la industria • B arra nariz en ambos cabezales (diámetro de 20 mm)• Transferencia motorizada de salida/entrada• Transferencia de rodillos de gravedad de entrada/salidaControles• V ariador de frecuencia básico • V ariador de corriente directa sin escobillas • V ariador de frecuencia de arranque remoto•Servocontroles programablesOPCIONESSERIE 3200Perfil convencional con ranura TAccesorios de montaje simples sinnecesidad de perforación ni herramientas especiales.Perfil SmartSlot ®La tecnología SmartSlot en el perfil funciona como una ranura T sin acumulación de residuos.Cubierta de ranura intermedia opcionalProporciona protección para el cableado ylíneas neumáticas.Módulo de tensiónControla la suspensión catenaria y mejora la seguridad. Estándar en transportadores de banda modularcon curvas o barra nariz.SoportesVarias opciones: • Altura fija • Altura ajustable•De un poste / columnaOpciones de transmisiones de transportadores de banda planaTECNOLOGÍA LÍDER EN LA INDUSTRIABeneficios de un transportador Serie 3200 de DornerBajo mantenimiento • L as guías en V de Dorner son las mejores de la industria ya que proporcionan la alineación correcta de banda,incluso en las aplicaciones más exigentes de carga lateral • L as bandas modulares y las bandas planas con empalmes permiten rápidos cambios de bandas,reduciendo el tiempo de inactividad • El mecanismo preciso de tensión de cremallera y piñón permite tensionar la banda en forma rápida y simple • Los baleros sellados de por vida reducen el mantenimiento Ahorro de tiempo • E l configurador en línea de Dorner diseña en minutos transportadores simples o complejos • E sta herramienta líder en la industria genera un modelo en 3D CAD para validación instantánea • D orner proporciona los tiempos de entrega más cortos de la industria con embarque de transportadores en tan solo 3 días hábilesPerfiles laterales al ras• T odos los baleros y componentes están contenidos dentro del perfil del transportador ofreciendo cabezales planos quese ajustan a espacios reducidosSERIE 3200Alineación de banda con guía en V• L a banda con guía en V elimina la necesidad de ajustes dealineaciónTransportadores de movimiento de precisión• U bicación del producto con una exactitud de hasta0.010 pulgadas en bandas hasta 18 pulgadas de ancho.iDRIVE• E l motor interno más compacto de la industria entransportadores tan angostos como 6 pulgadas de anchoTransferencias motorizadas• T ransfiere en forma uniforme y fácilmente productos tanpequeños como 3 pulgadas de diámetro, incluso en curvasBanda de alto rendimiento con baleros• Permite configurar transpotadores hasta de 4 curvasSerie 1XLa línea de la serie 1X fue creada para transferencia y manejo de partes pequeñas, donde el espacio debe optimizarse.Familia de la serie 1X:• Banda plana• Perfil de aluminio• A nchos hasta de 10 pulg.• Cargas hasta de 15 lb •V elocidades hastade 80 ppm Serie 2XLa línea de la serie 2X fuecreada para transferencia ymanejo de partes pequeñasa medianas, aplicaciones deprecisión y diseños flexibles.Familia de la serie 2X:• Banda plana• Banda con empujadores• Banda modular• Movimiento de precisión• SmartFlex®• Perfil de aluminio• A nchos hasta de 24 pulg.• Cargas hasta de 200 lb•V elocidades hastade 400 ppm• Curvas• P erfil Z (LPZ)Serie 3XLa línea de la serie 3X fuecreada para transferencia ymanejo de partes medianasa pesadas, aplicaciones deprecisión, manejo a granel ydiseños flexibles.Familia de la serie 3X:• Banda plana• Banda con empujadores• Banda modular• Cadena flexible• Movimiento de precisión• Perfil de aluminio• Anchos hasta de 60 pulg.• Cargas hasta de 1000 lb•V elocidades hastade 600 ppm• Curvas• P erfil Z (LPZ)Serie 7XLa línea de la serie 7X deacero inoxidable fue creadapara transferencia y manejode productos pequeñosa pesados que requierendiversos niveles sanitarios ydiseños flexibles.Familia de la serie 7X:AquaPruf® + AquaGard®• Banda plana• Banda con empujadores• Banda modular• Cadena flexible•T ecnología de bandavertical (VBT)• Perfil de acero inoxidable• Anchos hasta de 52 pulg.• Cargas hasta de 750 lb•V elocidades hastade 400 ppm• Curvas• Perfil Z (LPZ)© Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2017. Todos los derechos reservados. Hecho en EE. UU. 851-771-SP Rev B 2K - EGI - 217¿NECESITA ALGO DIFERENTE?EL GRUPO DE SOLUCIONES DE INGENIERÍA DE DORNER LE PROPORCIONA EXACTAMENTELO QUE NECESITA PARA SU APLICACIÓN ESPECÍFICA. DESDE TRANSPORTADORESCONVENCIONALES MODIFICADOS HASTA DISEÑOS PERSONALIZADOS COMPLETOS.¿BUSCA ATENCIÓN POSVENTA?EL EQUIPO DE SERVICIOS DE DORNER PROPORCIONA ATENCIÓN COMPLETA DESDE LOSREPUESTOS HASTA LOS SERVICIOS DE INSTALACIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO.10YEAR Warranty。



4、菜单操作 控制器上点后按Menu键进入主菜单,画面如下:
插件代号 端口号 功能说明
24V+ 主控制板24V工作电源+,电流1A
J5 24V- 主控制板24V工作电源-,电流1A
COM6 COM7 T17 T18 T14 T15 T16 COM8 COM9
J9 A+ AB+ B551
接触器吸合,灯亮;接触器断开,灯灭; 接触器吸合,灯亮;接触器断开,灯灭; 接触器吸合,灯亮;接触器断开,灯灭;

Blackwire 3200系列用户指南说明书

Blackwire 3200系列用户指南说明书

Blackwire 3200 Series User GuideContentsOverview3Setup4Load software4Fit5Adjust the headband5Position the boom 5Adjust the boom5Use the inline controller6Make/take/end calls6Volume6Mute 6Troubleshooting7Headset7Support8Call button Flashes green Incoming callSolid green On a call Volume up button Increases the listening volumeVolume down button Decreases the listening volumeMute button Solid red Headset is mutedOverviewPower on your headset by connecting to your computer or mobile device.You can connect your headset in 2 ways:1Via USB-A/USB-C connector NOTEHeadset call control functionality may vary in mobile devices.2Via 3.5 mm connector*NOTEHeadset call control functionality is not available.* 3.5 mm connector available on Blackwire 3215/3225 only.IMPORTANT Some softphones require the installation of Plantronics Hub for Windows/Mac toenable headset call control (answer/end and mute) functionality.Download Plantronics Hub for Windows/Mac by visiting /software .Manage your headset settings on your computer with Plantronics Hub:•Call control for softphones•Update firmware•Turn features on/off•View user guideSetupLoad softwareLengthen or shorten the band until it fits comfortably. The cushions should sit comfortably overthe center of your ears.This headset can be worn on the left or right side.Rotate the boom to align with your mouth.CAUTION To avoid breaking the boom, only rotate it up and over 180°.Gently bend the boom in or out so it is approximately two finger widths from the corner of your mouth.FitAdjust the headbandPosition the boomAdjust the boomHeadset call control is a software feature and dependent on a compatible softphone. If you have not installed Plantronics Hub or do not have a compatible softphone, press the headset call button first and then make/take/end the call using the softphone application. Download Plantronics Hub for Windows or Mac at /software .Answer or end a call Tap the Call button or use your softphone.Make a call Dial using your softphone application.Redial If not on an active call, double key press the call button to redial the last call.Hold Press and hold the call button for 2 seconds to put a call on hold.Listening volume Press the Volume up (+) or Volume down (-) button.Adjust headset microphone volume (softphone)Place a test softphone call and adjust softphone volume and PC sound volume accordingly.During a call, briefly press the mute button to mute the microphone on the inline controller. Tounmute press the button again.Use the inline controllerMake/take/end callsVolumeMuteI cannot hear caller.•Listening volume is too low. Press the volume up button on theheadset. and/or ensure that the volume setting on your computeris set accurately.•The analog headset is not set as the default audio device. Use theaudio settings in your sound control panel/preferences to selectyour headset as the default audio device.Callers cannot hear me.•Headset is muted. Slide the mute button up to unmute themicrophone.•Headset microphone boom aligned incorrectly. Align the headsetboom with your mouth.•The analog headset is not set as the default Voice device. Use theaudio settings in your sound control panel/preferences to changethe input device.The sound in the headset is distorted.I can hear an echo in the headset.•Lower the listen volume on your softphone until the distortion disappears.•Adjust volume on headset.The other headset I was using to listen to music does not work any more.•The analog headset will set itself as the default audio device in Windows. Use the audio settings in your sound control panel/ preferences to change the audio device.My phone is not finding my headset during a call or while listening to music.•When on a call or listening to music, make sure that audio is routing to the desired headset by going to your settings and ensuring it is defaulted.TroubleshootingHeadsetSupportNEED MORE HELP?/support***********************************Plantronics, Inc.Plantronics B.V.345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States Scorpius 171 2132 LR Hoofddorp Netherlands© 2018 Plantronics, Inc. Blackwire and Plantronics are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. registered in the US and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Patents: US 8,504,115; 8,983,081; 9,008,319; D666,993; D667,388; D747,293; IN 245078; 245079; 268129; TW D154413; D154414; D171922. 211088-06 (08.18)。



(1) Function mode: Displays the currently selected display (Spectrum, Bar graph, and Counter)(see page 23)(2) Scan mode: Displays the selected scan mode.3 types of scanning may be selected. See page 14 and 26 for manual scan, pages 17& 26 for search and pages 16 & 26 for channel scan.(3) Title name: The data memory, which is, selected (page 37)(4) Marker Frequency: The frequency in which the unit is currently tuned to as indicated by the marker indicator.(5) Ref.Level: The base line reference amplitude(0 level). The Reception modes (page 50)or the selected external Attenuator value (page 46)sets this value.(6) Marker Level: The amplitude value of the signal level the unit is currently tuned to as indicated by the marker.(10) Reception Mode: The type of modulation needed for aural reception of the incoming signal.Note: a CW or a signal other than a Narrow Band FM(NBFM),wideband FM(WBFM), AM or SSB may be displayed by selecting a reception mode which has the appropriate bandwidth(see page 5).button.(11) Sweep Mode: Determines how the scan moves across the screen when the squelch is activated.(See page 26)(12) Displays the value of the squelch level (see page 51).(13) Marker: Indicates the signal level currently being scanned(14) Attenuator Value: Displays the amount of external attenuation connected to the input. Whenan external Attenuator is used, the value of the Attenuator must be added to the Reference level. This is accomplished through the ATT dB set in the systemCONTENTSQuick Main Menu set up guide (ⅰ)Quick System Menu set up guide (ⅱ)Function Key Menu guide (ⅲ)Display Description (ⅳ)Ⅰ. Introduction (4)1. General (4)2. Features (4)Ⅱ. Specifications (4)Ⅲ. Precautions (7)Ⅳ. Functional Description (9)1. Panel Description (9)Ⅴ. Basic operation (12)1. General (12)1 Prior to connecting to a power source (12)2 Input connection (12)3 Powering the unit on (12)4 Entering a Frequency value (13)5 Scanning (13)6 Positioning the Frequency marker (14)7 Power Off (14)2. Manual Scan (14)3. Ch. Memory Scan (16)4. Search Scan5. Difference Mode6. Frequency Counter7. Recorder Mode8. Power supply1 Car and AC adapter2 Battery Replacement Ⅵ. Menu Description1. The Main Menu1 Main menu display2 Function Modes3 Scan Modes4 Sweep Mode5 Edit Channel 5-1 Selecting Edit Channel 5-2 Assigning a Channel number 5-3 Entering a Channel name5-4 Insert Function5-5 Delete Function1-6 Setup Memory6-1 Setup Memory6-2 Save and Load setups 6-3 Title Names1-7 Data Memory 7-1 Data Memory Setup 7-2 Saving and Loading7-3 Title name ....................................................................................17..............................................................................19...........................................................................19.................................................................................21....................................................................................22........................................................................22........................................................................22....................................................................................23.................................................................................23...........................................................................23..............................................................................23....................................................................................26....................................................................................27 (28) (28) (30)............................................................30...........................................................................32...........................................................................32.................................................................................32..............................................................................32.....................................................................34....................................................................................35 (37) (37)........................................................................38 (38)8 SSB BFO9 Hold Mode10 Level Hold 2. The System Menu1 System Menu display2 db Unit3 Power Off4 I/O Menu5 Printer Menu6 Copy Set Mode7 External Attenuators 8 Test Set Menu9 SCRB Menu10 Battery Check 11 Keyboard Buzzer 3. Function Keys …………1 RUN2 STEP3 MODE4 SQL (Squelch Level)4. LCD Men …………u 1 LCD Contrast2 LIGHT 3 GRID 4 PRINT ........................................................................................................ 39..........................................................................................39.. (41)....................................................................................42...........................................................................42............................................................................................... 43........................................................................................... 43............................................................................................ 44........................................................................................ 44....................................................................................45...........................................................................46.................................................................................47....................................................................................47.................................................................................. 48 (48)................................................................................ 49.............................................................................................. 49................................................................................................49. (50)............................................................................ 51.......................................................................................51.................................................................................51................................................................................................52...................................................................................................52 (53)I. INTRODUCTION1. GeneralThe 3201 is the world’s first hand-held RF Field Strength Analyzer.With a wide band reception range of 100 KHz to 2060MHz, the 3201is a compact and Lightweight portable analyzer. It is the ideal tool for field RF technicians to test, install and Maintain Mobile Telecommunications Systems, Cellular and Cordless Phones, CB Radios, Paging Systems, Cable and Satellite TV systems as well as antenna site measurements and Maintenance.2. Features•100KHz to 2060MHz measurement range•Measures and demodulates Narrow Band FM(N-FM), Wide Banc FM(W-FM),AM, Single Side Band (SSB) signals.•Built-in 2GHz Frequency Counter.•PLL tuning system for precise frequency tuning.•Up to 160 channels may be scanned and displayed on the LCD•Built-in Speaker•192 X 192 pixel backlit LCD•All functions are menu selectable•Has a RS-232 and parallel interfaceII. SPECIFICATIONSReception FrequencyFrequency range Freq. Accuracy (TXO) Freq. Accuracy (display) DemodulationStep frequencyData memorySet Up memory Reception sensitivityScan spee : 100KHz to 2060MHz: ±3PPM: ±25PPM: N-FM, W-FM, AM, SSB: 5KHz to 9995KHz in multiples of 5KHz and 6.25KHz: Stores 10 displays of up to 160 Channels per display(1600) : Stores 10 setups for each scan mode: Approx.0 –6 dBµEMF.(S/N: 12dB at N-FM, 10dB at W-FM): 12.5Ch./sec.max.dInput impedanceMax.Input voltageAudio output Level MeasurementN-FM mode RangeResolutionAccuracyRepeatabilityBandwidthW-FM/AM/SSB RangeResolutionAccuracyRepeatabilityBandwidth Spurious and Noise Level internally generated : 50Ω(standard): Max. 5V RMS : 120mW into 8Ωspeaker: -70 to –20dBmV(-10 to 40dB µV)for 300 to 1800MHz -60 to –20dBmV(0 to 40dB µV)for 1 to 300MHz and 1800 to 2000MHz : ±0.5dB µV : ±3dB(at an ambient of temperature of 23℃±3℃): ±2dB : Approx. 12.5KHz(-6dB): -60 to –10dBmV(0 to 50dB µV)for 300 to 1800MHz -50 to –10dBmV(10 to 50dB µV)for 10 to 300MHz and 1800 to 2000MHz : ±0.5dB µV : ±3dB(at an ambient of temperature of 23℃±3℃): ±2dB : WFM: Approx. 180KHz(-6dB), AM/SSB:Approx.2.4KHz(-6dB): -35dBc W-FM: -45dBc for N-FM typical, below a full scale signal level frequency.FunctionsDisplay modes Sweep modesScan modesHold modesLevel hold modesSquelch function Copy function : Spectrum displayMulti Bar graph display(5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160CH)Single Bar graph displayDifference frequency displayFrequency measurement level display: Single, Normal, Free Run, Free Single : Manual, CH.Memory and Search scan : Delay run, Delay hold and delay stop : Max. Hold, Hold, 40mS, 100mS and 200ms peak hold : Squelch level is displayed as a bar graph and a digital Readout. Thesquelch level may be adjusted to any value from the reference level to Full scale: The copy set mode allows the contents of the Channel edit, Setup andData memories to be copied to an external device. Data may also be written in to these memories from an external device.Frequency CounterFrequency range No. of digits Resolution Accuracy Sampling time Input sensitivityInput impedance Max.Input voltage Data memory : 9MHz to 2060MHz: 7 digits: 1KHz:±50 PPM ±1 count: 0.512sec.: 9MHz to 2000MHz: 150mV RMS 20MHz to 1000MHz: 100mV RMS : 50Ω: 5V RMS Max.: 10 readings may be storedMiscellaeous SpecificationsLCDBack lightRS-232C Interface Power sourceAuto Power Off : 192 X 192 pixels green, Led backlit: Back light will shut off 5 seconds after the last key depression or continuously on may be selected: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 BPS(8 Pin Mini Din): (6)1.5V AA type NICD batteries 11V to 16V 400mA Max.AC to DC adapter, 12VDC car adapter: Unit will shut off after 5, 10, 20 or 30 minutes of idle time,menu selectable.Physical specificationsOperating Temperature & Humidity Storage TemperatureDimensionWeight : 0℃to 40℃at 35-85% RH: 10℃to 50℃: 4”(W) x 9”(H) x 1.77”(D): Approx. 1.4Ib(including antenna)Std AccessoriesCoaxial cable, earphones, Antenna (receiver only), (6)AA NiCd batteries RS232C cable, carrying Case carrying strap, Vehicle power adapter, AC/DC adapter, operators manualOptional accessories: Parallel printer cable and PR-232C mini printerIII. PRECAUTIONSStorageDo not store this equipment in:•Direct sunshine, near heating devices or in an automobile in the summer time.•Locations with high humidity and poor ventilation.•Dusty or smoky environments.•Extremely low temperature.Handling•This product is a sophisticated electronic device, do not:Service or perform adjustments.•Do not apply great force to the keys and switches.Be sure the slide switch inside the battery cover is set to the right Position, If alkaline batteries are used set the switch to right (dry position). If NiCd batteries are being used set the switch to the left (NiCd position)Warning: If the switch is in the NiCd position when alkaline batteries are used may cause these batteries to over heat, explore or leak.AntennaDue to the broad applications of this unit, the supplied antenna is for the 800MHz cellular band. It may be necessary to use a different antenna more appropriate for your application.The receiving conditions vary with location and antenna. On some occasions, it’s not possible to receive the desired signals due to strong Interference from other electronic sources such as broadcast stations.Connecting to other devicesWhen connecting this unit to other devices (CATV cable etc) be sure that the measured system voltage is not greater than the maximum input voltage. Use attenuators to preventthe input voltage from being overloaded by higher than the rated input voltage(5V rms).If the input voltage is greater than the rated input voltage of this unit, possible damage may result.Be sure that the external DC input jack is the correct polarity.The DC jack tip must be positive in respect to ground.If the unit is not functioning correctly or “locked up”when the power is turned on perform the following procedure:•Press the power button to shut the power off•keys simultaneously. This will clear the internal memory and return the unit to normal operation.Note: An alternate method to clear a malfunctioning unit is to select ALL RESET from Test set menu located in the system menu.IV. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1. PANEL DESCRIPTION1). Signal level input connectorConnect to the Antenna or Coax cable. Maximum input Voltage is 5 Volts.2).Frequency counter inputConnect to the signal source to be measured. Maximum input voltage is 5 Volts.3). Volume controlAudio output Volume control. To increase the volume, rotate the Volume control clockwise.4). Earphone Jack5). Attenuator ““(Pushed in) Inserts 10dB of attenuation into the Signal level input. Used in the presence of noise or very strong signals.““(Pushed Out) No attenuation6). LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)Displays the Signal levels, their characteristics (frequency, amplitude, etc) and pertinent system data.7).Press this button to turn the power on. Press again to turn the power off.LCD menu items consists of LCD Contrast control, LCD Grid select, Backlight and Print command. These items arekeys.9).key a 3rd time returns the LCD to the signal level displays.10).This key enters the menu item you have selected or the numeric values you have enteredform the keyboard.These keys select: Run, Step frequency menu, Reception modemenu, and squelch Level.These keys are located at the bottom of the LCD display. They also are used to select the itemskey will enter a negative13). This key is used for entering decimal points. If a decimal point is already entered, this key isthen used for clearing a keyboard entry.14).This key is used for incrementing and decrementing the Market frequency and for selecting items in the various menus.15).Rotary Dial Knob) but at a faster rate.The rotary dial knob allows one-handed operation.16). DC Input Jack The AC/DC adapter and cigarette lighter adapter connect to this input for applying DCPower to the unit from an external source.17). RS-232C Connector(8 pin mini DIN connector)This connector is used for interfacing to a personal computer or a printer.18). Belt ClipFor attaching the RF-3201 to your belt.19). SpeakerFor listening to the demodulated output of a RF carrier signal level.V. BASIC OPERATION1. General1 Prior connecting to a power sourceSee page 22 for inserting batteries, battery charging and connecting to a power source.2 Input connectionConnect the antenna or coax cable to the BNC input marked ANT if measuring a RF carrier signal level. If measuring a frequency connect the coax cable to the Frequency counter input.Note: Do not exceed 5V rms3 Powering the unit on[2] The welcome screen will be displayed followed by the last screen that was displayed prior toshutting the power off.[4] See the graphic below for a description of the LCD display when powered on.[5] Adjust the volume control for an appropriate sound level. If the signal level is belowthe squelch level there will be no output sound from thespeaker.key to quit.4 To enter a frequency value[1] The selected scan mode is displayed in the top center of the LCD. In the above,example manual scan was selected. The frequency entered from the keyboard in thiscase is the is the center frequency and is the frequency indicated by the market.Note: in order to enter a frequency from the keyboard scanning must be halted.Example1: To enter 100.00625MHz from the keyboard: Press the following key sequence:Example2: To enter 500KHz press the following key sequence:Note:but if the decimal point has[3] The frequency value has different functions for the Manual, Search and Cannel scan.The entered frequency in manual scan sets the Center frequency where as the entered frequency values in search scanning sets the Start and stop frequencies.In the Channel scan mode the entered frequency value is stored along with its channel name in the Channel memory (see page 28 through 30). This will be used for scanningpreviously stored scans along with their channel namesand frequency.5 Scanningicon and the scanning will start.[2] If Free Run sweep is selected from the Sweep menu scanning will be continuous andkey a second time will stop the scanning.[3] When Normal Sweep has been selected the scan will halt when the signal level value isgreater than the squelch level. Scanning will resume when the signal level value dropsbelow the squelch level.[4] When scanning is halted the marker will indicate the signal level and display theamplitude value on the LCD.6 Positioning the Frequency Marker indicatorwhen the scanning has been halted can be used to position the marker frequency indicator over asignal level in order to find it’s frequency andsignal level amplitude values.7 Power Offfinished.Note: When the unit is powered-on again, the screen prior to powering off will be displayed.2. Manual Scan Mode[1] when Manual scan mode is selected, It is necessary to enter the following information:a) The Center frequency value from the keyboard,menu.c) The Frequency Span which is set by the Step frequency. The Frequency span isdetermined by the number of channels per displayed (Selected from the function menumultiplied by the step frequency. See the 2 examples below on how the frequency spanis determined by the step frequency.Example 1: To set a frequency span of 8MHz using the Spectrum display mode a stepfrequency of 50KHz is required(160 x 0.050MHz = 8MHz).Example 2: If a 40 Bar graph display is selected and the step frequency is 100KHz theFrequency span is 40 x 0.1MHz = 4MHz.[2] To select the Manual scanning mode press the following key sequence:(Select the Scan menu) (Select Manual Scan mode)[3] The center frequency, Span, Step Frequency and reception mode are displayed in the lowerpart of the LCD.Note:The frequency span is not displayed in the 2 channel difference, Single or counter modes.[4] To enter the Center/Market frequency the unit must not be Scanning (Run icon not highlighted)(See pages 12 and 13)[5] When the scanning is stopped the Market frequency indicator may be positioned over akeys or rotating the dial knob.The position of the market may be moved by up to 160 channels.(+80 channels to –80 channels)In the 2-channel mode the market/center frequency and the difference frequency are scanned and displayed.Note:Scanning is not available in the signal channel or counter mode.[7] You can save 10 displays of up to 160 channels and their setups by storing them in the Dataand setup memory. These may be selected from the main menu.(see pages 32 through 38)[8] Example of a manual scan display3. Ch. Memory Scan[1] Names and frequencies of signal levels of interest may be entered and stored in thechannel memory prior to scanning. When scanned these signal levels will be displayedalong with their frequencies and name.Ten displays of up to 160 signal level Channels per display(1600 channels total) may beentered, edited and stored in the channel memory (See pages 28 through 30)[2] To select the Channel scan mode press the following key sequence.(Select Scan Mode) (Select Chan.Scan)[3] The LCD will display the current signal level frequency as indicated by the marker, thesignal amplitude, and the channel name displayed at the bottom of the LCD.[4] A signal level frequency may also be entered in to the channel memory from the keyboard(see page 12 for entering frequencies).The type of reception (demodulation) must also be selected(see page 48).The step frequency will be indicated but is not used for the Channel scan mode.the left most position (The RUN icon is highlighted).frequency indicator and display the amplitude, frequency and name of the signal levelsdisplayed on the LCD. The market indicator may be moved up to +80 channels to –80channels from its present position.Note:Scanning is inoperative in the Single scan and counter modes.In the Difference mode only the Market and the difference frequency is scanned and displayed.[7] A stored display in the Data memory may be scanned and displayed in the channel scanmode. The set up memory in this case is used for selecting the stored display to be scanned.[8] Example of a channel scan display:4. Search Scan[1] Search scan is the scanning between a start stop frequency, which are entered from thekeyboard.[2] To selected the scan mode enter the following key sequence:(Select the Scan menu) (Select search Scan)[3] The START, STOP, STEP frequencies and the reception mode (demodulation type) willbe displayed at the bottom of the LCD with the start frequency highlighted.[4] Enter the START FREQUENCY from the keyboard. This frequency will now be displayedas the start frequency and at the market frequency indicator (See page 12).When the START frequency is entered, STOP FREQUENCY will be highlighted.Enter the STOP frequency from the keyboard.Note ;scanning must be stopped before entering the START and STOPfrequencies.frequency indicator at the step frequency increment to different positions depending on which key is pressed or which direction the rotary dial is rotated.Marker frequency indicator will update at the step frequency increment until it reaches the STOP frequency. When the stop frequency is reached the scanning will start over at the start frequency if Free Run or Normal sweep was selected or stop if Free single or single sweep was selected.signal where the Marker frequency indicator halted will be displayed.[8] If the Scan mode is changed to Manual Scan the frequency where the marker halted(in step 7) will become the center frequency.[9] You can save 10 displays of up to 160 channels per display and their setups by storing themin the Data and setup memory in the main menu. (See pages 32 through 38)5. Difference modeScans and displays 2 signal levels in which one signal level frequency is entered from the Keyboard and the other signal level is at a difference frequency selected from the step Frequency menu. The amplitude of each is displayed as a bar graph on the right side of the Display along with their signal difference.This feature is useful for measuring the difference in amplitudes between the video carrier And audio carriers of a TV signal or measuring the variation in amplitude of a transmitted Signal at different locations[1] To select the 2 channel difference mode press the following key sequence:(Select the Function mode) (Select 2 channel Difference)[2] Enter the marker frequency to be measured from keyboard.[3] Select or enter from the keyboard the difference frequency to be measured form the step[4] The LCD will display the bar graphs of the marker frequency and difference frequency amplitudes. The difference amplitude between the two signal levels will also be displayed.6. Frequency Counter The frequency counter may be used to measure and record unknown frequencies[1] To select the frequency counter press the following key sequence (select Function) (select counter)[3] Connect the signal source output to the counter input Note : Maximum input voltage is 5Voltssignal is measured, is frequency value will be stored in the data memory starting at frequency position #1 (see page 38).If the input frequency values changes the new frequency value will be stored insuccessive positions until all 10 positions are written. Additional frequencies will then displace previously stored frequencies starting with the 1position.will be the displayed at the marker indicator [6] A frequency stored in the counter data memory may be recalled by selecting the desiredused as the center frequency when set to the manual-scanning mode.Difference Display (Pg. 19) Counter Display (Pg. 19)7. Recorder functionThe 3201 may be used to display and record (store in memory) trends and variations of a Signal level as a continuous pattern of bar graphs. This feature is convent if the amplitude Variations of a signal level under test need to be monitored over a period of time.To set the Recorder mode use the following procedure:[1](Select the Scan menu) (select Manual or search scan)[2] (Select the function menu) (Select spectrum or bar graph display)[3] Input from the keyboard the frequency to be measured. If using the Manual scan mode setthe center frequency of if using the search scan input the start frequency.[4] Set the step frequency to 0㎑. This may be accomplished as follows:key.Then press the following key sequence:The scan will start from the left side of the LCD at a rate of 80mS/CH or 12.5Ch/Sec.This is 3.2sec/Div. In the 80Bar graph display the scanspeed is 6.4Channels per second or 1.6 sec per division.[6] The displays and settings may be stored in the data and setup memories8. Power supply1. Car adapter and Ac adapter[1] Before connecting be sure the power is off[2] Connect the AC adapter to the external DC input jack (see page 9 for location)2. Battery replacement[1] Shut of the power and remove the external power adapter.[2] Remove the screws form the battery cover. Lift the battery cover and remove the 6 AAbatteries.[3] Set the slide switch according to the type of battery being installed. (To the left foralkaline or manganese batteries (dry). To the fight for NiCd batteries)[4] Insert the new batteries into the case. Observe battery polarity.[5] Replace the battery cover and reinstall the screw.[6] Check to the Battery test indicator in system menu (see page48) for the conditionof the battery installed.[7] For a quick charge it is recommend charging the batteries while the power is off.When using the car adapter recharge the batteries while the engine is operatingⅥ. Menu Description1. The Main Menu1. Main menu display☞To display the main menu Press the following keys(select the desired menu)Main Menu Display 2. Function modeThe Function mode selects the type of LCD display.☞Press the following keys to select the Function mode:(select the Function mode) (select the desired display)▶Scans 160 Channels and displays their signal levels as a spectrum. The channel at the marker indicator will have its frequency and amplitude displayed on the LCD. See figure 1 on page 25.▶Scans 160 Channels and displays their signal levels as bar graphs. The channel at the marker indicator will have its frequency and amplitude displayed on the LCD. See figure 2 on page 25.▶Scans 80 Channels and displays their signal levels as bar graphs. The channel at the marker indicator will have its amplitude and frequency displayed on the LCD. See figure 3 on page 25.▶Scans 40 Channels and displays their signal levels as bar graphs. The channel at the marker indicator will have its amplitude and frequency displayed on the LCD. See figure 4 on page 25.▶Scans 20 Channels and displays their signal levels as bar graphs. The channel at the marker indicator will have its amplitude and frequency displayed on the LCD. See figure 5 on page 25.▶Scans 10 Channels and displays their signal levels as bar graphs. The channel at the marker indicator will have its amplitude and frequency displayed on the LCD. See figure 6 on page 25.▶Scans 5 Channels and displays their signal levels as bar graphs. The channel at the marker indicator will have its amplitude and frequency displayed on the LCD. See figure 7 on page 25.▶Scans and displays 2 signal levels in which one frequency is entered from the keyboard and the other signal level is at difference frequency selected from the step frequency menu. The amplitude of each is displayed as a bar graph along with their difference amplitude. See Figure 8 on page 25.▶Displays a single frequency and its amplitude as a bar graph. See figure 9 on page 25.▶Displays a measured frequency together with its amplitude as a bar graphsee figure 10 on page 25.。



概览CELL-DYN 3200系统在出厂前进行了校准。



只有直接测量的参数-WOC,NOC, RBC, HGB, MCV, PLT, 以及MPV-可以用于校准。



实验室应根据这些质控程序中的CELL-DYN 3200的性能情况,决定是否需要进行重新校准。

有关仪器的校准按下列顺序进行:∙一般信息∙预校准程序∙校准菜单与软键∙自动校准方法∙输入因数方法∙校准工作单一般性说明CELL-DYN 3200系统具有两个操作模式;∙开放式模式∙封闭式模式开放式模式与封闭式模式都逐一进行校准。



在CELL-DYN 3200系统上有三种校准方法:1.自动校准方法,可以使用商用质控材料或新鲜的全血,快速而轻松地对系统进行校准。



在封闭式模式中进行校准时必须使用输入因数方法.2. 输入因数方法是对仪器进行校准的手工过程。



何时进行校准CELL-DYN 3200的常规校准应符合由管理机构所作出的规定。








O第二纸盒给纸组件 (AR-M205)O第二纸盒给纸组件AR-RP6 MODEL目 录为确保安全性、可靠性,更换部品务必使用正规品。



SHARP CORPORATION部 品 手 册1234■外观给纸组件输送组件包装及附属品索引数码复合机选购件双面原稿输送器(RSPF)1外观1外观3输送组件3输送组件4包装及附属品4包装及附属品AR-D24单层纸盒AR-D25双层纸盒MODEL目 录为确保安全性、可靠性,更换部品务必使用正规品。



SHARP CORPORATION部 品 手 册123456■单层纸盒外观 (AR-D24)单层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D24)双层纸盒外观 (AR-D25)双层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D25)250页纸盒组件包装材料及附属品索引数码复合机选购件进纸组件1单层纸盒外观 (AR-D24)1单层纸盒外观 (AR-D24)2单层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D24)2单层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D24)4双层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D25)4双层纸盒给纸组件 (AR-D25)5250页纸盒组件5250页纸盒组件6包装材料及附属品6包装材料及附属品■索引– 12 –COPYRIGHT © 2003 BY SHARP CORPORATION版权所有 翻印必究夏普办公设备(常熟)有限公司上海经营部中国上海浦东新金桥路28号新金桥大厦1601室 2003年10月中国印刷。
















M5000-00-105 产品说明书

M5000-00-105 产品说明书

DAC Digital to analog converter. An electronic device that outputs a voltage dependent upon the value of binary data input.
database The set of programmable data points that allows the product to be customised for a particular application or mode of operation.
active The ‘on’ (asserted) state of a signal or indicator.
ADC Analog to digital converter. An electronic device that outputs binary data dependant upon the magnitude of voltage input.
June 2003 IPN: M5000-00-105
Note: Terms that appear in italics are also defined in this glossary.
sending commands down a serial link to the radio.
control channel The channel used by a trunking system to control the radio.
conventional mode The mode of operation whereby the radio behaves as a conventional two-way radio (i.e. non-trunked operation).



B. Current Measurement 驱动电流及检测部分
C. Frequency 频率部分
D. Limits 电流量程开关
E. No. of Backplane Segments 段、背电极数设置开关
Backplanes 背电极设置
Segments 段电极数设置
Testing Speed 测试速度
C. VLCD Limit Controls 显示过程控制
D. Backplanes 背电极选择
E. V0 On 全显电压转换
F. V1, Skip / Delay / Stop V1 扫描控制
G. V3, Skip / Delay V3 扫描控制
H. Segment 段电极设置
I. Test V2 / V1 全显示电压选择
01。 2. 段电极数设置:从 12 到 64,5 个选择:12、24、36、48、64 路.
标准多路驱动: 背电极 16 标准,32 选择 01。直接驱动: 32 为标准 设置,64 选择 01。 3. 测试速度:5-50 次/秒(最高)连续变化。
F. 动、静态测试方式开关(Static /Dynamic) 1. Static (静态) — 显示电流小于电容分量 (漏、污染电流)。 2. Dynamic (动态)—总显示电流 (电容分量加静态显示电流)。 3. 调零和补偿 (Zeroing and Compensation)。 4. 所有调零和补偿旋钮在前面板上,没有后面板控制干扰。 5. 来自测试仪和夹具的飘移和电容分量可以用调零方法消除。 G. 自动/手动测试程序开关 1. Auto (自动)—自动(走/不走)最高达 50 次/3 秒。 2. Manual (手动)—物支测试用于诊断测试,电流从数字板读出。 H. 响应时间测量开关 1. ON/OFF 速率:1HZ 和 4HZ。 2. 背面板上的同步输出连接到示波器,可以测量响应时间。 I. 电源要求 1. 115VAC、+10%、-5%、12W。 2. 230 VAC、+10%、-5%。 J. 控制面板尺寸 长宽高: 14.5”×6. 5”×8.25” (37,16.5, 21 厘米), 13 磅。前面板倾 斜便于读数。






三、产品特点1. 高性能处理器:环宇3200配备了先进的处理器,运行速度快,响应迅速,能够快速处理各种任务。

2. 大容量存储:环宇3200内置大容量存储空间,可以存储大量的文件和数据,方便用户的使用和管理。

3. 多功能操作系统:环宇3200采用了多功能操作系统,支持多种应用程序和软件的运行,满足用户的不同需求。

4. 高清显示屏:环宇3200配备了高清显示屏,色彩鲜艳,显示效果清晰,用户可以更好地观看影片、图片等多媒体内容。

5. 长续航时间:环宇3200的电池容量大,续航时间长,可以满足用户长时间使用的需求。

6. 多种接口:环宇3200配备了多种接口,包括USB、HDMI等,方便用户与其他设备的连接和数据传输。

7. 高速网络连接:环宇3200支持高速网络连接,可以实现快速的上网和下载,满足用户对网络的需求。

8. 安全性能强:环宇3200具备良好的安全性能,采用了多种安全技术,保障用户的数据和隐私安全。

四、使用方法1. 开机:长按电源键,待屏幕亮起即可。

2. 连接网络:在设置界面中选择无线网络,输入密码即可连接。

3. 安装应用程序:打开应用商店,搜索并下载需要的应用程序。

4. 存储文件:将文件拷贝到环宇3200的存储空间中,或通过USB 连接传输。

5. 观看影片:打开影片播放器,选择要播放的影片文件,即可开始观看。

6. 拍照和录像:打开相机应用,点击拍照或录像按钮进行拍摄。

7. 连接外设:通过USB或HDMI接口,连接外设,如打印机、投影仪等。

8. 关机:长按电源键,选择关机即可。

五、注意事项1. 使用环宇3200时,请遵守当地相关法律法规。

2. 使用时请保持环境清洁,避免灰尘和污垢进入设备。



For other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.aspDORNER MFG. CORP .INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P .O. Box 20 • 975 Cottonwood Ave.TEL: 1-800-397-8664TEL: 262-367-7600Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA FAX: 1-800-369-2440FAX: 262-367-5827851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard LoadGearmotorsInstallation, Maintenance & Parts ManualFeaturing:TechnologyDorner Mfg. Corp.2851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsTable of ContentsIIntroduction........................................................................ 2Warnings - General Safety.................................................. 3Product Description............................................................. 4Specifications...................................................................... 5Gearmotor Mounting Package Models:........................... 5Table 1: Gearmotor Specifications.................................. 5U.S. Version................................................................. 5CE Version................................................................... 5Table 2: Belt Speeds for Fixed Speed 90° Gearmotors... 6U.S. Version (60 Hz Gearmotors)................................ 6CE Version (50 Hz Gearmotors).................................. 6Table 3: Belt Speeds for Variable Speed 90° DC Gearmo-tors ................................................................................... 7U.S. Version................................................................. 7CE Version................................................................... 7Table 4: Belt Speeds forFixed Speed 90° VFD Gearmotors (7)Installation............................................................................ 8Required Tools................................................................. 8Mounting.......................................................................... 8Preventive Maintenance and Adjustment.......................... 11Required Tools............................................................... 11Timing Belt Tensioning.................................................. 11Timing Belt Replacement............................................... 11Drive or Driven Pulley Replacement............................. 12Gear Reducer Replacement............................................ 12Motor Replacement........................................................ 14Service Parts....................................................................... 16Bottom Mount Drive Package for90° Industrial Gearmotors............................................. 1690° Industrial Gearmotors.............................................. 18U.S. Version................................................................ 18CE Version.................................................................. 19Return Policy. (20)IntroductionUpon receipt of shipment:•Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory regarding discrepancies.•Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regarding damage.•Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner 3200 Series conveyors are covered by patentnumbers 5156260, 5156261, 5203447, 5265714, 6871737, 6910571, 6971509, and patent applications in other countries.Dorner LPZ Series conveyors are covered by patent numbers 5156260, 5156261, 5203447, 5265714, 5875883 and patent applications in other countries.Dorner 5200 Series conveyors have patents pending.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation.Dorner has convenient, pre −configured kits of Key Service Parts for all conveyor products. These time saving kits are easy to order, designed for fast installation, and guarantee you will have what you need when you need it. Key Parts and Kits are marked in the Service Parts section of this manual with the Performance Parts Kits logo.IMPORTANTSome illustrations may show guards removed. DO NOT operate equipment without guards.851-526 Rev. F3Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsWarnings - General SafetyA WARNINGThe safety alert symbol, black triangle with white exclamation, is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor will cause severe injury.KEEP OFF CONVEYORS.DO NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN AN EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.A WARNINGGearmotors may be HOT.DO NOT TOUCH Gearmotors.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.REPLACE ALL GUARDS BEFORE RUNNING CONVEYOR.A WARNINGDorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and other mechanical hazards before system start-up.Dorner Mfg. Corp.4851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsProduct DescriptionRefer to Figure 1 for typical components.Figure 1Mount Packages with Old Style Gearmotors prior toJune 2011Figure2Mount Packages with e-Drive GearmotorsFigure 31Conveyor 2Cover3Driven Pulley 4Timing Belt 5Drive Pulley 6Gearmotor7Timing Belt Tensioner 8Mounting Bracket12834567NOTEThe 90° industrial gearhead changed configuration in 2011. See below for configuration details.851-526 Rev. F5Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsSpecificationsGearmotor Mounting Package Models:Example:Table 1: Gearmotor SpecificationsU.S. VersionCE VersionItem Standard Load GearmotorSingle- Phase Three Phase VFD Variable Speed DC Variable SpeedOutput Power 0.5 hp (0.37 kw)Input Voltage 115 VAC 208 – 230/460 VAC230 VAC 90VDC Input Frequency 60Hz 10 – 60Hz N/A Input Current (Amperes)7.4 2.1 – 2/1 1.6 5.0Gearmotor Ratios5:1, 10:1, 20:1Frame Size NEMA 56CMotor TypeT otally enclosed, Fan cooledItemStandard Load GearmotorSingle Phase Three PhaseVFD VariableSpeedOutput Power 0.37 kWInput Voltage 230 VAC 230/400 VAC 230 VACInput Frequency 50 Hz 25 to 63 HzInput Current 2.6Amperes 2.1/1.2 Amperes 2.1AmperesGearmotor Ratios 5:1, 10:1, 20:1Protection Rating IP55Frame SizeIEC 71 B5Dorner Mfg. Corp.6851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsSpecificationsTable 2: Belt Speeds for Fixed Speed 90° GearmotorsU.S. Version (60 Hz Gearmotors)(vp) = voltage and phase 11 = 115 V , 1-phase23 = 208 – 230/460 V , 3-phaseCE Version (50 Hz Gearmotors)(vp) = voltage and phase 21 = 230 V , 1-phase 23 = 230 V , 3-phase 43 = 400 V , 3-phaseLight Load GearmotorsStandard Load Gearmotors Belt Speed Drive Pulley Driven Pulley Part Number RPM In-lb N-m Part Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min 32M060EL4(vp)FN 2922625.532M060ES4(vp)FN 2922625.5237.0161632M040EL4(vp)FN 4323726.832M040ES4(vp)FN 4324727.93410.4161632M040EL4(vp)FN 4323726.832M040ES4(vp)FN 4324727.95215.8241632M020EL4(vp)FN 861421632M020ES4(vp)FN 8624827.96921.0161632M020EL4(vp)FN 861421632M020ES4(vp)FN 8624827.910331.4241632M010EL4(vp)FN 173788.832M010ES4(vp)FN 17315617.613741.8161632M010EL4(vp)FN 173788.832M010ES4(vp)FN 17315617.617252.4201632M010EL4(vp)FN173788.832M010ES4(vp)FN 17315617.620662.82416N/A N/A N/A N/A 32M005ES4(vp)FN 345819.127583.81616N/A N/A N/A N/A 32M005ES4(vp)FN 345819.1343104.52016N/AN/AN/AN/A32M005ES4(vp)FN345819.1412125.62416Light Load Gearmotors Standard Load Gearmotors Belt Speed M/minPart Number RPM N-m Part Number RPM N-m 62Z060ES4(vp)FN 2326.432Z060ES4(vp)FN 2326.8 5.862Z040ES4(vp)FN 3528.932Z040ES4(vp)FN 3529.48.562Z020ES4(vp)FN 7019.432Z020ES4(vp)FN 7029.917.162Z010ES4(vp)FN 14010.732Z010ES4(vp)FN 14021.533.862Z005ES4(vp)FN2805.632Z005ES4(vp)FN28011.268.0851-526 Rev. F7Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsSpecificationsTable 3: Belt Speeds for Variable Speed 90° DC GearmotorsU.S. VersionCE VersionTable 4: Belt Speeds for Fixed Speed 90° VFD GearmotorsLight Load GearmotorsStandard Load Gearmotors Belt Speed Drive Pulley Driven Pulley Part Number RPM In-lb N-m Part Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min 32M060ELD3DEN 4219822.432M060ESD9DEN 4219822.4 4.0 – 33 1.2 – 10161632M040ELD3DEN 6316318.432M040ESD9DEN 6321524.3 6.0 – 50 1.8 – 15161632M040ELD3DEN 6316318.432M040ESD9DEN 6321524.39.0 – 75 2.7 – 23241632M020ELD3DEN 1259811.132M020ESD9DEN 12519622.112 – 100 3.6 – 30161632M020ELD3DEN 1259811.132M020ESD9DEN 12519622.118 – 150 5.5 – 45241632M010ELD3DEN 25054 6.132M010ESD9DEN 25010812.224 – 2007.3 – 61161632M010ELD3DEN 25054 6.132M010ESD9DEN 25010812.230 – 2509.1 – 76201632M010ELD3DEN250546.132M010ESD9DEN25010812.236 – 30011 – 922416Light Load Gearmotors Standard Load Gearmotors Belt Speed M/min Part Number RPM N-m Part Number RPM N-m 62Z060HS423EN 2326.432Z060ES423EN 2326.8 2.8 - 7.162Z040HS423EN 3528.932Z040ES423EN 3529.4 4.2 - 1162Z020HS423EN 7019.432Z020ES423EN 7029.98.5 - 2162Z010HS423EN 14010.732Z010ES423EN 14021.517 - 4362Z005HS423EN2805.632Z005ES423EN28011.234 - 86Standard Load GearmotorsBelt SpeedDrive Pulley Driven Pulley Part Number RPM In-lb N-m Ft/min M/min 32M060ES423EN 2922625.5 2.3 – 22.90.7 – 7.0161632M040ES423EN 4324727.9 3.4 – 34.3 1.0 – 10.5161632M040ES423EN 4324727.9 5.1 – 51.5 1.6 – 15.7241632M020ES423EN 8624827.9 6.9 – 68.6 2.1 – 20.9161632M020ES423EN 8624827.910.3 – 103.0 3.1 – 31.4241632M010ES423EN 17315617.613.7 – 137.3 4.2 – 41.9161632M010ES423EN 17315617.617.2 – 171.6 5.2 – 52.3201632M010ES423EN 17315617.620.6 – 205.9 6.3 – 62.8241632M005ES423EN 345819.127.5 – 274.68.4 – 83.7161632M005ES423EN 345819.134.3 – 343.210.5 – 104.6201632M005ES423EN345819.141.2 – 411.912.6 – 125.62416NOTEFor belt speed other than those listed, contact factory for details.Dorner Mfg. Corp.8851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsInstallationRequired Tools•Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mm •Straight edge •Torque wrenchMountingFigure 4Installation Component List:1.Typical components (Figure 5).Figure 5Figure 6A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.A WARNINGFor Cleated Belt Conveyors, Gearmotors must be mounted as shown in Figure 4.Failure to do so creates pinch points which can cause severe injury.NOTEGearmotor position on Flat Belt conveyor shown below left, Figure 4. Gearmotor position on Cleated Belt conveyor shown below right, Figure 4.1Bottom Mount Assembly 2Drive Pulley 3Cover4M4 Socket Head Screws (4x)5Driven Pulley 6Output Shaft7Bearing Cover 8Spacer9Timing BeltNOTEGearmotor may be operated in positions 1, 3 or 4 (Figure 6).216587943851-526 Rev. F9Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsInstallation2.If required, change gearmotor position by removing four (4) screws (Figure 7,item 1). Rotate gearmotor to other position and replace screws (Figure 7,item 1). Tighten to 110 in-lb (12 Nm).Figure 73.Locate drive output shaft (Figure 8,item 1). Remove two (2) M8 screws (Figure 8,item 2) and four (4) M6 screws (Figure 8,item 3) and discard.Figure 84.Attach mount assembly (Figure 9,item 1) with two (2) M8 screws (Figure 9,item 2) and four (4) M6 screws (Figure 9,item 3). Tighten M6 screws to 146 in −lbs (16.5 N −m) and M8 screws to 288 in −lbs (32.5 N −m).5.Install key(Figure 10,item 1).Figure 106.Wrap timing belt (Figure 10,item 2) around driven pulley (Figure 10,item 3) and drive pulley (Figure 10,item 4). Install driven pulley onto conveyor shaft.113321A WARNINGDrive shaft keyway may be sharp.HANDLE WITH CARE.2134231Dorner Mfg. Corp.10851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsInstallation7.Using a straight edge (Figure 11,item 1), align driven pulley (Figure 11,item 1) with drive pulley (Figure 11,item 1).Figure 118.Tighten driven pulley taper-lock screws (Figure 12,item 1).Figure 129.Depending on conveyor belt travel (direction A or B), locate timing belt tensioner (Figure 13,item 1) as shown. Tension timing belt to obtain 1/8” (3 mm) deflection for 6 lb (3 Kg) of force at timing belt mid-point (Figure 13,item 2). Tighten tensioner screw to 110 in-lb (12 Nm).Figure 1310.Install cover (Figure 14,item 1) with four (4) screws(Figure 14,item 2). Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Figure 14213121AB212851-526 Rev. F11Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentRequired Tools•Hex key wrenches:2 mm, 2.5 mm,3 mm, 5 mm•Adjustable wrench (for hexagon head screws)•Straight edge •Torque wrenchTiming Belt Tensioning1.Remove four (4) screws (Figure 14,item 2) and remove cover (Figure 14,item 1).2.Loosen tensioner (Figure 15,item 1).Figure 153.Depending on conveyor belt travel (direction A or B), locate timing belt tensioner (Figure 13,item 1) as shown. Tension timing belt to obtain 1/8” (3 mm) deflection for 6 lb (3 Kg) of force at timing belt mid-point (Figure 13,item 2). Tighten tensioner screw to 110 in-lb (12 Nm).4.Install cover (Figure 14,item 1) with four (4) screws (Figure 14,item 2). Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).Timing Belt Replacement1.Remove four (4) screws(Figure 14,item 2) and remove cover (Figure 14,item 1).2.Loosen tensioner (Figure 15,item 1).3.Remove timing belt (Figure 16,item 1).Figure 164.Install new timing belt.5.Depending on conveyor belt travel (direction A or B), locate timing belt tensioner (Figure 13,item 1) as shown. Tension timing belt to obtain 1/8” (3 mm) deflection for 6 lb (3 Kg) of force at timing belt mid-point (Figure 13,item 2). Tighten tensioner screw to 110 in-lb (12 Nm).6.Install cover (Figure 14,item 1) with four (4) screws (Figure 14,item 2). Tighten screws to 35 in-lb (4 Nm).A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.1A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.NOTEIf timing belt does not slide over pulley flange, loosen driven pulley taper-lock screws(Figure 16,item 2) and remove pulley with belt (Figure 16,item 1). For re-installation, see steps 6 thru 8 on beginning on page 9.21Dorner Mfg. Corp.12851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsPreventive Maintenance and AdjustmentDrive or Driven Pulley Replacement1.Complete steps 1 through 3 of “Timing Belt Replacement” section on page 11.2.Remove taper-lock screws (Figure 17,item 1). Insert one (1) of taper lock screws in remaining hole (Figure 17,item 2). Tighten screw until pulley is loose. Remove pulley and taper hub assembly.Figure 173.Complete steps 6 through 9 of “Installation” section beginning on page 9.Gear Reducer Replacement1.Remove four (4) screws(Figure 14,item 2) and remove cover (Figure 14,item 1).2.Loosen tensioner (Figure 15,item 1).3.Loosen taper-lock screws (Figure 18,item 1) andremove drive pulley: Insert one (1) of taper lock screws in remaining hole (Figure 18,item 2). Tighten screw until pulley is loose.Figure 184.Remove pulley (Figure 19,item 1), taper hub assembly (Figure 19,item 2), and timing belt (Figure 19,item 3).Figure 19A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.NOTEIf drive pulley (Figure 19,item 1) is replaced, wrap timing belt around drive pulley and complete step 3.21A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.21132851-526 Rev. F13Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment5.Remove four (4) gear reducer mounting screws (Figure 20,item 1). Remove gearmotor.Figure 206.Remove four screws (Figure 21,item 1). Detach motor (Figure 21,item 2) from gear reducer (Figure 21,item 3). Retain shaft key (Figure 21,item 4).Figure 217.Remove two (2) screws (Figure 22,item 1) and detach output shaft cover (Figure 22,item 2).Figure 228.Hold the driveshaft with a wrench (Figure 23,item 1) as shown to keep shaft from turning, while removing screw (Figure 23,item 2) with hex wrench (Figure 23,item 3).Figure 239.Remove driveshaft (Figure 24,item 1) and key (Figure 24,item 2).Figure 2410.Replace gear reducer (Figure 24,item 3).11.Apply anti-seize (Figure 25,item 1) to shaft.Figure 2511142321NOTEOutput shaft (Figure 23,item 1) is held in Gear Reducer with a tapered press fit.Removal may require use of an arbor press.1321231Dorner Mfg. Corp.14851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment12.Replace the original shaft components into new gearreducer (Figure 24).13.Apply anti-seize to motor shaft before assembling togearbox.With key (Figure 21,item 4) in keyway, slide motor (Figure 21,item 2) and gear reducer (Figure 21,item 3) together. Install screws (Figure 21,item 1) and tighten.14.Hold the driveshaft with a wrench (Figure 23,item 1)as shown to keep shaft from turning, while installing screw (Figure 23,item 2) with hex wrench (Figure 23,item 3) Tighten screw to 350 in-lb (39.5 Nm).Figure 2615.Install gearmotor to mounting bracket and tightenscrews (Figure 20,item 1) to 110 in-lb (12 Nm).plete steps 6 through 10 of “Installation” sectionbeginning on page 9.Motor Replacement1.For single phase motor, unplug power cord from outlet.2.For three phase and VFD variable speed motor:a.Loosen terminal box screws (Figure 27,item 1) and remove cover (Figure 27,item 2).Figure 27b.Record wire colors on terminals 1, 2 and 3. Loosen wire nuts and remove wires 1, 2 and 3.c.Loosen cord grip and remove cord.3.For DC variable speed motor, unplug motor cord at disconnect (Figure 28,item 1).Figure 28IMPORTANTBe extremely careful when coupling motor to gear reducer. Avoid misalignment and forcing the connection causing possible permanent gear reducer seal damage.NOTEGearmotor position on Flat Belt conveyor shown below left, Figure 26. Gearmotor position on Cleated Belt conveyor shown below right, Figure 26.NOTEDrive pulley (Figure 19,item 1) is removed. Wrap timing belt around drive pulley and complete step 15.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.Hazardous voltage will cause severe injury or death.LOCK OUT POWER BEFORE WIRING.2111851-526 Rev. F15Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsPreventive Maintenance and Adjustment4.Remove four (4) screws (Figure 29,item 1). Detach motor (Figure 29,item 2) from gear reducer (Figure 29,item 3). Retain motor output shaft key.Figure 295.Apply anti-seize to motor shaft before assembling to gearbox. With key (Figure 30,item 1) in keyway, slide motor (Figure 30,item 2) and gear reducer together. Install screws and tighten.Figure 306.Replace wiring:•For a single phase motor, reverse step 1 on page 14.•For a three phase or VFD variable speed motor, reverse step 2 on page 14.•For a DC variable speed motor, reverse step 3 on page 14.IMPORTANTBe extremely careful when coupling motor to gear reducer. Avoid misalignment and forcing the connection causing possible permanent gear reducer seal damage.13221Service PartsNOTEFor replacement parts other than those shown on this page, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory. Key Service Parts and Kits are identified by the Performance Parts Kits logo . Dorner recommends keeping these parts on hand.Bottom Mount Drive Package for 90° Industrial Gearmotors3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsDorner Mfg. Corp.16851-526 Rev. F851-526 Rev. F17Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsService PartsItem Part NumberDescription 1300871Drive Cover 2301076Drive T ensioner Slide 3301153Tensioner Bearing Assembly 4350115Adapter Ring 5350117Drive Shaft (for E-Drive 56 C FaceGearmotors)350133Drive Shaft (for E-Drive IEC 63B5 andIEC 71B5 Gearmotors)6350123Mounting Plate 7807-2016Drive-Bearing Shaft Cover 8911-013Flat Washer 9912-084Square Key, 0.188" x 1.50"(for E-Drive 56 C Face Gearmotors)980636M Square Key, 6 mm x 36 mm(for E-Drive IEC 63B5 and IEC 71B5 Gearmotors)10814-125Timing Belt, 1.0" W x 25.5" L814-059Timing Belt, 1.0" W x 27.0" L 814-060Timing Belt, 1.0" W x 28.0" L 814-079Timing Belt, 1.0" W x 30.0" L11811-133Driven Pulley, 14 Tooth,Taper Lock TL1108811-126Driven Pulley, 16 Tooth,Taper Lock TL110812811-133Drive Pulley, 14 Tooth,Taper Lock TL1108811-126Drive Pulley, 16 Tooth,Taper Lock TL1108811-127Drive Pulley, 18 Tooth,Taper Lock TL1210811-135Drive Pulley, 20 Tooth,Taper Lock TL1210811-136Drive Pulley, 22 Tooth,Taper Lock TL1610811-137Drive Pulley, 24 Tooth,Taper Lock TL161013811-288Taper Lock Bushing, 20 mm, TL1108811-289Taper Lock Bushing, 20 mm, TL1210811-290Taper Lock Bushing, 20 mm, TL161014920483M Flanged Socket Head Screw,M4 x 16 mm15920608M Socket Head Screw, M6-1.00 x 8 mm 16920612M Socket Head Screw,M6-1.00 x 12 mm17920620M Socket Head Screw,M6-1.00 x 20 mm18920835M Socket Head Screw,M8-1.25 x 35 mm19931018M Flat Screw, M10 - .50 x 18 mm 20961645M Hex Head Cap Screw,M16 - 2.00 x 45 mm21980018M Square Key, 6 mm x 18 mm 22980632M Square Key, 6 mm x 32 mm 23991610M Hex NutDorner Mfg. Corp.18851-526 Rev. F3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsService Parts90° Industrial GearmotorsU.S. Version12Item Part No.Description162MES411FN Motor, 0.25hp (0.19Kw), 115/230 Volts,60 Hz, 1-Phase62MES423FN Motor, 0.25hp (0.19Kw), 208−230/460 Volts, 60 Hz, 3-Phase22MSD3DEN Motor, 0.25hp (0.19Kw), 130 VDC 62MEH411FN Motor, 0.5hp (0.37Kw), 115/230 Volts, 60Hz, 1−Phase32MES423FN Motor, 0.5hp (0.37Kw) 208−230/460 Volts, 60Hz, 3 Phase62MHD9DEN Motor, 0.5hp (0.37Kw), 90 VDC 32MES423ENMotor, 0.5hp (0.37Kw), 230 Volts, 3 Phase Inverter Duty32MHD9DENMotor, 0.75 hp, (0.56Kw), 90 VDC 2 32M005EL Gear Reducer, 5:1, NEMA 42CZ 32M010EL Gear Reducer, 10:1, NEMA 42CZ 32M020EL Gear Reducer, 20:1, NEMA 42CZ 32M040EL Gear Reducer, 40:1, NEMA 42CZ 32M060EL Gear Reducer, 60:1, NEMA 42CZ 32M005ES Gear Reducer, 5:1, NEMA 56C 32M010ES Gear Reducer, 10:1, NEMA 56C 32M020ES Gear Reducer, 20:1, NEMA 56C 32M040ES Gear Reducer, 40:1, NEMA 56C 32M060ES Gear Reducer, 60:1, NEMA 56C 32M010EHGear Reducer, 10:1, NEMA 140 TC851-526 Rev. F19Dorner Mfg. Corp.3200, 5200 & 5300 Series Bottom Mount 90° Drive Package for Standard Load GearmotorsService PartsCE Version12Item Part No.Description1826-281Motor, 0.19 kW 230 Volts, 1400 RPM50 Hz, 1-Phase826-282Motor, 0.37 kW 230 Volts, 1400 RPM 50 Hz, 1-Phase826-284Motor, 0.19 kW 230/400 Volts, 1400 RPM 50 Hz, 3-Phase826-285Motor, 0.37 kW 230/400 Volts, 1400 RPM 50 Hz, 3-Phase262Z005ES Gear Reducer, 5:1, 63 B562Z010ES Gear Reducer, 10:1, 63 B562Z020ES Gear Reducer, 20:1, 63 B562Z040ES Gear Reducer, 40:1, 63 B562Z060ES Gear Reducer, 60:1, 63 B532Z005ES Gear Reducer, 5:1, 71 B532Z010ES Gear Reducer, 10:1, 71 B532Z020ESGear Reducer, 20:1, 71 B5Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to change or discontinue products without notice. Allproducts and services are covered in accordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2011DORNER MFG. CORP.975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USATEL 1-800-397-8664 (USA)FAX 1-800-369-2440 (USA)Internet: Outside the USA:TEL 1-262-367-7600FAX 1-262-367-5827Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor:1. Name and address of customer.2. Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3. Reason for return.4. Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5. Dorner or distributor invoice number (if available, part serial number).A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization (RMA)number for reference. RMA will automatically close 30 days after being issued. To get credit, items must be new and undamaged. There will be a return charge on all items returned for credit, where Dorner was not at fault. It is the customer’s responsibility to prevent damage during return shipping. Damaged or modified items will not be accepted. The customer is responsible for return freight.Conveyors and conveyor accessoriesStandard catalog conveyors 30%MPB, 7200, 7300 Series, cleated and specialty belt50%AquaGard & AquaPruf Series conveyors non-returnable itemsEngineered to order products case by caseDrives and accessories30%Sanitary stand supports non-returnable itemsPartsStandard stock parts30%Plastic chain, cleated and specialty belts non-returnable itemsReturns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The return charge covers inspection, cleaning, disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory. If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Customer Service Team will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.851-526 Rev. F Printed in U.S.A.。

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