1. 模型设定:需要根据研究问题设定动态面板数据模型,这通常涉及到因变量的滞后项作为解释变量,以捕捉动态关系。
2. 选择工具变量:在GMM中,选择合适的工具变量(IV)是关键。
3. 过度识别检验:使用Hansen检验来判断工具变量的有效性。
4. 模型估计:在Stata中,可以使用`xtabond2`命令进行系统GMM估计,该命令结合了差分GMM和系统GMM的优点,能够同时处理固定效应和随机效应。
5. 模型诊断:除了Hansen检验,还需要进行其他诊断检验,如Sargan检验、AR(1)和AR(2)序列相关检验等,以确保模型估计的一致性和稳健性。
6. 结果解释:根据GMM估计的结果,解释各个变量的系数,并讨论其经济意义和实证研究的含义。
例如,假设我们有两个方程,第一个方程是Y1与X1和X2的线性关系,第二个方程是Y2与X1和X3的线性关系,我们可以这样拟合模型:```regress Y1 X1 X2regress Y2 X1 X3```然而,这种方法只能估计每个方程的回归系数,并不能考虑方程之间的相互关系。
例如,我们可以这样拟合3SLS模型:```ivregress 2sls (Y1 = X1 X2) (Y2 = X1 X3), first```在这个例子中,`(Y1 = X1 X2)`表示第一个方程的回归关系,`(Y2 = X1 X3)`表示第二个方程的回归关系。
下面是一个使用系统GMM进行估计的例子:```gmm (Y1 = X1 X2), instruments(X1 X2) equation(Y1)gmm (Y2 = X1 X3), instruments(X1 X3) equation(Y2)```在这个例子中,`(Y1 = X1 X2)`和`(Y2 = X1 X3)`分别表示两个方程的回归关系。
gmm估计方法stataGMM 估计方法是一种参数估计方法,它是广义矩估计法的一种特殊形式。
GMM 估计方法通过构造题目中的未知参数的样本矩来估计参数,这种方法可以通过软件 Stata 实现。
在 Stata 中进行 GMM 估计方法,首先需要使用 gmm 命令进行设置。
gmm 命令的基本设置格式如下:gmm depvar (instrum:list varlist) [, option]其中,depvar 是被解释变量,instrum 是工具变量,option 表示其他设置选项。
GMM 估计方法的两个重要参数是工具变量和矩阵权重矩阵。
在Stata 中,可以使用ivregress 命令来生成工具变量。
同时,Stata 还提供了弱工具变量下的优化算法,用户可以通过 ivreg2 命令进行设置。
在进行 GMM 估计方法之前,需要先确定样本矩的形式,并确定权重矩阵的构造方式。
对于 GMM 估计方法的权重矩阵,可以使用被广泛引用的认可的经验记述变量或等权重矩阵来构建。
在实际应用中,GMM 估计方法可以用于计算模型的峰值位置、变化趋势及其他未知参数。
在 Stata 中,通过对gmm 命令中 option 等参数进行设置,可以轻松完成 GMM 估计方法的计算。
总之,GMM 估计方法是一种重要的参数估计方法,Stata 软件的GMM 模块提供了实现该方法的便利性。
GMM基本原理•广义矩估计(Generalized Method of Moments,简称GMM)是一种建立在矩条件下的参数估计方法。
语法说明•gmm命令的基本语法如下:gmm depvar [indepvars] [if] [in] [weight], options–depvar:被解释变量(因变量)。
stata中gmm模型条件 -回复
GMM 模型通过最大化一组矩条件来估计参数的值。
通常情况下,这组矩条件由期望的样本矩(sample moments)和理论模型的矩(theoretical moments)组成。
在Stata中,可以使用一阶(first order)或二阶(second order)条件来指定理论模型。
例如,如果我们想要计算平均值的样本矩,可以使用以下代码:egen mean_x = mean(x)第六步:计算理论模型的矩除了样本矩,还需要计算理论模型的矩。
假设我们有一个包含自变量x和因变量y 的数据集。
ivregress gmm (y = x) (x = z), robust
其中,gmm表示我们要进行广义矩估计,(y = x)表示我们要估计y对x的影响,(x = z)表示我们要使用z作为工具变量,robust表示我们要进行异方差稳健性检验。
例如,我们可以使用estat overid命令来进行工具变量有效性检验。
GMM的Stata操作简介广义矩估计(Generalized Method of Moments,简称GMM)是一种估计模型参数的统计方法,常用于解决具有内生性问题的经济计量模型。
前提条件在进行GMM操作前,需要准备以下数据和文件: 1. 清洗完毕的数据集,包含自变量、因变量以及可能的工具变量。
2. Stata软件的安装和使用经验。
命令格式如下:use "data.dta"这里假设数据集的文件名为”data.dta”。
命令格式如下:generate new_var = exp(var1) / (1 + var2)这里将根据变量var1和var2的值计算新变量new_var,并将结果保存在数据集中。
可以使用gmm命令进行GMM估计,命令格式如下:gmm (equation) (instruments), options其中,equation表示模型的方程式,instruments表示工具变量。
首先,可以使用estimates table 命令生成一个结果表格,用于对比不同模型的估计结果。
在Stata中,使用最小二乘法进行数据拟合的命令有:1. regress:该命令用于执行普通最小二乘回归分析,对于单变量或多变量回归分析都适用。
2. ivregress:该命令用于执行被认为与误差项相关的内生变量的最小二乘估计。
3. qreg:该命令用于进行分位数回归分析,对于分布式数据的回归分析非常有用。
在Stata中,使用GMM进行参数估计和模型拟合的命令有:1. ivreg:该命令用于执行广义矩估计的内生变量回归分析。
2. gmm:该命令用于执行广义矩估计的一般模型估计。
在Stata中使用广义矩估计(Generalized Method of Moments, GMM)模型,你需要满足以下条件:
1. 工具变量和误差项的无相关性:在GMM估计中,工具变量(instrumental variables)必须与误差项无关。
2. 矩条件的满足:GMM估计使用了一组矩条件,这些条件是模型设定正确时的期望性质。
3. 样本数据的完整性:你需要有足够的数据来估计模型,并且数据不应包含缺失值或异常值。
4. 模型设定的正确性:你应确保所选择的模型与你的数据和分析目标相匹配。
5. 工具变量的有效性:你应选择与内生解释变量相关,但与误差项无关的工具变量。
6. 样本的同质性或代表性:GMM估计在处理不同类型或不同子群体的样本时可能不稳定。
GMM的sta操作步骤广义矩估计(Generalized Method of Moments,即GMM)一、解释变量内生性检验首先检验解释变量内生性(解释变量内生性的Hausman 检验:使用工具变量法的前提是存在内生解释变量。
Hausman 检验的原假设为:所有解释变量均为外生变量,如果拒绝,则认为存在内生解释变量,要用IV;反之,如果接受,则认为不存在内生解释变量,应该使用OLS。
reg ldi lofdi estimates store ols xtivreg ldi (lofdi=l.lofdi ldep lexr) estimates store iv hausman iv ols (在面板数据中使用工具变量,Sta 提供了如下命令来执行2SLS:xtivreg depvar [varlist1](varlist_2=varlist_iv)(选择项可以为fe,re 等,表示固定效应、随机效应等。
详见help xtivreg)如果存在内生解释变量,则应该选用工具变量,工具变量个数不少于方程中内生解释变量的个数。
2SLS的实质是把内生解释变量分成两部分,即由工具变量所造成的外生的变动部分,以及与扰动项相关的其他部分;然后,把被解释变量对中的这个外生部分进行回归,从而满足OLS 前定变量的要求而得到一致估计量。
t p t q t p 二、异方差与自相关检验在球型扰动项的假定下,2SLS是最有效的。
但如果扰动项存在异方差或自相关,面板异方差检验:xtgls enc invs exp imp esc mrl,igls panel(het)estimates store hetero xtgls enc invs exp imp esc mrl,igls estimates store homo local df = e(N_g) - 1 lrtest hetero homo,df(`df')面板自相关:xtserial enc invs exp imp esc mrl 则存在一种更有效的方法,即GMM。
GMM估计法的Stata命令引言GMM(Generalized Method of Moments)估计法是一种经济计量学中常用的参数估计方法,其基本思想是通过最大化一组矩条件来估计模型的参数。
与OLS(Ordinary Least Squares)估计法相比,GMM估计法不需要对误差项的分布做出任何假设,并且可以处理内生性问题。
基本语法gmm (equation) (options)其中,(equation)表示要估计的经济计量模型,可以包括自变量、因变量和其他相关变量。
1. regress命令:regress命令用于估计最小二乘法(OLS)联立方程模型。
```statasysuse auto```然后,我们可以使用regress命令来估计联立方程模型。
假设我们想要估计汽车价格(price)对于汽车重量(weight)和汽车燃油效率(mpg)的影响:```stataregress price weight mpg```输出结果将显示出三个变量的估计系数、标准误差、t统计量和p值等。
2. ivregress命令:ivregress命令用于估计有内生性的联立方程模型。
我们可以使用变量hc_mpg(高产出汽车燃油效率)作为工具变量:```stataivregress 2sls price (weight = hc_mpg) mpg```这里的2sls表示两阶段最小二乘法。
3. reg3命令:reg3命令用于估计联立方程模型中的三方程模型。
我们可以使用reg3命令来估计这个模型:```statareg3 (output = labor capital) (labor = output capital) (capital = output labor)```这里的等号表示方程之间的关系。
reg y x1 x2
xtabond L Y X Z, gmm(lags(1)) robust
3. 检验工具变量的有效性:在估计GMM模型之后,你需要检验工具变量的有
4. 检查结果:最后,你可以检查结果是否支持你的假设。
经典的stata system GMM 教程
Several econometric problems may arise from estimating equation (1):
1. The capital flows variables in Kit are assumed to be endogenous. Because causality may run in both directions – from capital inflows to investment and vice versa – these regressors may be correlated with the error term.
Using Arellano – Bond Dynamic Panel GMM Estimators in Stata Tutorial with Examples using Stata 9.0 (xtabond and xtabond2)
Elitza Mileva, Economics Department
2. Time-invariant country characteristics (fixed effects), such as geography and demographics, may be correlated with the explanatory variables. The fixed effects are contained in the error term in equation (1), which consists of the unobserved country-specific effects, vi, and the observationspecific errors, eit:
gmm命令的基本语法如下:gmm depvar indepvars, instruments(instruments) twostep其中,depvar表示因变量,indepvars表示自变量,instruments表示工具变量,twostep表示使用两步法进行估计。
以下是一个使用gmm命令进行GMM估计的实例:```stata// 加载数据use data.dta// 数据清洗和变量选择drop if missing(depvar)drop if missing(indepvars)keep depvar indepvars instruments// GMM估计gmm depvar indepvars, instruments(instruments) twostep```在实际操作中,我们还可以通过选项来进一步控制GMM估计的过程。
一文读懂GMM的stata操作步骤来源:网络,由计量经济学服务中心综合整理,转载请注明来源一、解释变量内生性检验首先检验解释变量内生性(解释变量内生性的Hausman 检验:使用工具变量法的前提是存在内生解释变量。
Hausman 检验的原假设为:所有解释变量均为外生变量,如果拒绝,则认为存在内生解释变量,要用IV;反之,如果接受,则认为不存在内生解释变量,应该使用OLS。
reg ldi lofdiestimates store olsxtivreg ldi (lofdi=l.lofdi ldep lexr)estimates storeivhausman iv ols(在面板数据中使用工具变量,Stata 提供了如下命令来执行2SLS:xtivregdepvar [varlist1] (varlist_2=varlist_iv) (选择项可以为fe,re 等,表示固定效应、随机效应等。
详见help xtivreg)如果存在内生解释变量,则应该选用工具变量,工具变量个数不少于方程中内生解释变量的个数。
2SLS 的实质是把内生解释变量分成两部分,即由工具变量所造成的外生的变动部分,以及与扰动项相关的其他部分;然后,把被解释变量对中的这个外生部分进行回归,从而满足 OLS 前定变量的要求而得到一致估计量。
二、异方差与自相关检验在球型扰动项的假定下,2SLS 是最有效的。
但如果扰动项存在异方差或自相关,面板异方差检验:xtgls enc invs exp imp esc mrl,igls panel(het)estimates store heteroxtgls enc invs exp imp esc mrl,iglsestimates store homolocal df =e(N_g) - 1lrtest hetero homo, df(`df')面板自相关:xtserial enc invs exp imp esc mrl 则存在一种更有效的方法,即 GMM。
使用Stata进行GMM估计的方法使用Stata进行GMM估计的方法引言在经济学和统计学领域,广义矩估计(Generalized Method of Moments, GMM)是一种常用的参数估计方法,广泛应用于面板数据、时间序列数据以及普通横截面数据的估计中。
1. GMM估计的基本原理GMM估计是一种基于矩条件的估计方法,通过最大化一个目标函数来获得参数的估计值。
2. 准备数据在使用Stata进行GMM估计之前,首先需要准备好数据。
3. 设定模型和估计目标在进行GMM估计之前,需要设定模型和估计目标。
4. 构建估计模型在Stata中,使用"gmm"命令来构建估计模型。
该命令的基本语法如下:```gmm (估计目标) (模型方程) (估计选项)```其中,估计目标是一个关于参数的函数,用于描述理论矩和样本矩之间的差异;模型方程是描述模型的方程式;估计选项是一些额外的选项,用于控制估计过程的行为。
5. 选择合适的权重函数在进行GMM估计时,需要选择合适的权重函数来衡量理论矩和样本矩之间的差异。
GMM的stata操作步骤广义矩估计(Generalized Method of Moments,即GMM)一、解释变量内生性检验首先检验解释变量内生性(解释变量内生性的Hausman 检验:使用工具变量法的前提是存在内生解释变量。
Hausman 检验的原假设为:所有解释变量均为外生变量,如果拒绝,则认为存在内生解释变量,要用IV;反之,如果接受,则认为不存在内生解释变量,应该使用OLS。
reg ldi lofdi estimates store ols xtivreg ldi (lofdi=l.lofdi ldep lexr) estimates store iv hausman iv ols (在面板数据中使用工具变量,Stata 提供了如下命令来执行2SLS:xtivreg depvar [varlist1] (varlist_2=varlist_iv) (选择项可以为fe,re 等,表示固定效应、随机效应等。
详见help xtivreg)如果存在内生解释变量,则应该选用工具变量,工具变量个数不少于方程中内生解释变量的个数。
2SLS 的实质是把内生解释变量分成两部分,即由工具变量所造成的外生的变动部分,以及与扰动项相关的其他部分;然后,把被解释变量对中的这个外生部分进行回归,从而满足OLS 前定变量的要求而得到一致估计量。
t p t q t p 二、异方差与自相关检验在球型扰动项的假定下,2SLS 是最有效的。
但如果扰动项存在异方差或自相关,面板异方差检验:xtgls enc invs exp imp esc mrl,igls panel(het) estimates store hetero xtgls enc invs exp imp esc mrl,igls estimates store homo local df = e(N_g) - 1 lrtest hetero homo, df(`df') 面板自相关:xtserial enc invs exp imp esc mrl 则存在一种更有效的方法,即GMM。
在实际的应用中,我们可以使用 Stata 这个统计学软件来进行内生转换模型的建模和分析。
当然,我们需要先了解一些 Stata 的命令,方便我们进行实际操作。
在使用 STATA 进行内生转换模型分析时,首先需要使用 STATA 系统的数据编辑功能,将所需信息整理成相应格式的数据库。
接下来,需要使用“reg”命令来进行 OLS 回归分析。
OLS 回归是一种最为基本的回归分析方法,是所有回归方法的基础。
该命令的基本语法为:reg y x1 x2 x3......其中,y 为被解释变量,x1、x2、x3 等为解释变量,该命令的执行结果将返回模型参数、标准误、t 值等统计量。
在分析内生性问题时,我们需要使用 STATA 中的内生性检验工具,最常用的是 Hausman 检验。
这个命令基本语法为:. hausman model1 model2其中,model1 和 model2 分别为两个模型,Hausman 检验的作用是比较两个模型的估计值之间的差异。
在实际使用中,需要通过比较 p 值来判断 Hausman 检验的有效性。
另外,STATA 还提供了 GMM 方法来处理内生转换模型。
GMM 方法是一种基于差分方法的估计方法,可以有效处理内生性问题。
在 STATA 中,GMM 命令的语法为:. xtivreg2 y (x1 x2 x3) z1 z2, gmm其中,y 为被解释变量,x1、x2、x3 为解释变量,z1、z2 为仪器变量。
GMM 估计需要使用仪器变量来估计内生性问题,并使用差分方法来消除内生性。
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The Stata JournalEditorH.Joseph Newton Department of Statistics Texas A&M University College Station,Texas77843 979-845-8817;fax979-845-6077 jnewton@ EditorNicholas J.Cox Department of Geography Durham UniversitySouth RoadDurham City DH13LE UK n.j.cox@Associate EditorsChristopher F.BaumBoston CollegeNathaniel BeckNew York UniversityRino BelloccoKarolinska Institutet,Sweden,andUniversity of Milano-Bicocca,Italy Maarten L.BuisVrije Universiteit,AmsterdamA.Colin CameronUniversity of California–DavisMario A.ClevesUniv.of Arkansas for Medical Sciences William D.DupontVanderbilt UniversityDavid EpsteinColumbia UniversityAllan GregoryQueen’s UniversityJames HardinUniversity of South CarolinaBen JannETH Z¨u rich,SwitzerlandStephen JenkinsUniversity of EssexUlrich KohlerWZB,BerlinFrauke KreuterUniversity of Maryland–College Park Jens LauritsenOdense University Hospital Stanley LemeshowOhio State UniversityJ.Scott LongIndiana UniversityThomas LumleyUniversity of Washington–Seattle Roger NewsonImperial College,LondonAustin NicholsUrban Institute,Washington DC Marcello PaganoHarvard School of Public Health Sophia Rabe-HeskethUniversity of California–Berkeley J.Patrick RoystonMRC Clinical Trials Unit,London Philip RyanUniversity of AdelaideMark E.SchafferHeriot-Watt University,Edinburgh Jeroen WeesieUtrecht UniversityNicholas J.G.WinterUniversity of VirginiaJeffrey WooldridgeMichigan State UniversityStata Press Editorial Manager Stata Press Copy Editors Lisa GilmoreJennifer Neve and Deirdre PattersonThe Stata Journal publishes reviewed papers together with shorter notes or comments, regular columns,book reviews,and other material of interest to Stata users.Examples of the types of papers include1)expository papers that link the use of Stata commands or programs to associated principles,such as those that will serve as tutorials for users first encountering a newfield of statistics or a major new technique;2)papers that go “beyond the Stata manual”in explaining key features or uses of Stata that are of interest to intermediate or advanced users of Stata;3)papers that discuss new commands or Stata programs of interest either to a wide spectrum of users(e.g.,in data management or graphics)or to some large segment of Stata users(e.g.,in survey statistics,survival analysis,panel analysis,or limited dependent variable modeling);4)papers analyzing the statistical properties of new or existing estimators and tests in Stata;5)papers that could be of interest or usefulness to researchers,especially infields that are of practical importance but are not often included in texts or other journals,such as the use of Stata in managing datasets,especially large datasets,with advice from hard-won experience;and6)papers of interest to those who teach,including Stata with topics such as extended examples of techniques and interpretation of results,simulations of statistical concepts,and overviews of subject areas.For more information on the Stata Journal,including information for authors,see the web pageThe Stata Journal is indexed and abstracted in the following:•CompuMath Citation Index R•RePEc:Research Papers in Economics•Science Citation Index Expanded(also known as SciSearch R )Copyright Statement:The Stata Journal and the contents of the supportingfiles(programs,datasets,and helpfiles)are copyright c by StataCorp LP.The contents of the supportingfiles(programs,datasets,and helpfiles)may be copied or reproduced by any means whatsoever,in whole or in part,as long as any copy or reproduction includes attribution to both(1)the author and(2)the Stata Journal.The articles appearing in the Stata Journal may be copied or reproduced as printed copies,in whole or in part, as long as any copy or reproduction includes attribution to both(1)the author and(2)the Stata Journal.Written permission must be obtained from StataCorp if you wish to make electronic copies of the insertions. This precludes placing electronic copies of the Stata Journal,in whole or in part,on publicly accessible web sites,fileservers,or other locations where the copy may be accessed by anyone other than the subscriber.Users of any of the software,ideas,data,or other materials published in the Stata Journal or the supporting files understand that such use is made without warranty of any kind,by either the Stata Journal,the author, or StataCorp.In particular,there is no warranty offitness of purpose or merchantability,nor for special, incidental,or consequential damages such as loss of profits.The purpose of the Stata Journal is to promote free communication among Stata users.The Stata Journal(ISSN1536-867X)is a publication of Stata Press.Stata and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LP.The Stata Journal(2009)9,Number1,pp.86–136How to do xtabond2:An introduction todifference and system GMM in StataDavid RoodmanCenter for Global DevelopmentWashington,DCdroodman@Abstract.The difference and system generalized method-of-moments estima-tors,developed by Holtz-Eakin,Newey,and Rosen(1988,Econometrica56:1371–1395);Arellano and Bond(1991,Review of Economic Studies58:277–297);Arel-lano and Bover(1995,Journal of Econometrics68:29–51);and Blundell and Bond(1998,Journal of Econometrics87:115–143),are increasingly popular.Both aregeneral estimators designed for situations with“small T,large N”panels,meaningfew time periods and many individuals;independent variables that are not strictlyexogenous,meaning they are correlated with past and possibly current realiza-tions of the error;fixed effects;and heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation withinindividuals.This pedagogic articlefirst introduces linear generalized method ofmoments.Then it describes how limited time span and potential forfixed effectsand endogenous regressors drive the design of the estimators of interest,offeringStata-based examples along the way.Next it describes how to apply these estima-tors with xtabond2.It also explains how to perform the Arellano–Bond test forautocorrelation in a panel after other Stata commands,using abar.The articleconcludes with some tips for proper use.Keywords:st0159,xtabond2,generalized method of moments,GMM,Arellano–Bond test,abar1IntroductionArellano–Bond(Arellano and Bond1991)and Arellano–Bover/Blundell–Bond(Arel-lano and Bover1995;Blundell and Bond1998)dynamic panel estimators are increas-ingly popular.Both are general estimators designed for situations with1)“small T, large N”panels,meaning few time periods and many individuals;2)a linear functional relationship;3)one left-hand-side variable that is dynamic,depending on its own past realizations;4)independent variables that are not strictly exogenous,meaning they are correlated with past and possibly current realizations of the error;5)fixed indi-vidual effects;and6)heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation within individuals but not across them.Arellano–Bond estimation starts by transforming all regressors,usually by differencing,and uses the generalized method of moments(GMM)(Hansen1982), and is called difference GMM.The Arellano–Bover/Blundell–Bond estimator augments Arellano–Bond by making an additional assumption thatfirst differences of instru-ment variables are uncorrelated with thefixed effects.This allows the introduction of more instruments and can dramatically improve efficiency.It builds a system of two c 2009StataCorp LP st0159D.Roodman87equations—the original equation and the transformed one—and is known as system GMM.The xtabond2command implements these estimators.When introduced in late 2003,it brought several novel capabilities to Stata users.Going beyond the built-in xtabond command,xtabond2implemented system GMM.It made the Windmeijer (2005)finite-sample correction to the reported standard errors in two-step estimation, without which those standard errors tend to be severely downward biased.It introduced finer control over the instrument matrix.And in later versions,it offered automatic difference-in-Sargan/Hansen testing for the validity of instrument subsets;support for observation weights;and the forward orthogonal deviations transform,an alternative to differencing proposed by Arellano and Bover(1995)that preserves sample size in panels with gaps.Stata10absorbed many of these features.xtabond now performs the Windmeijer correction.The new xtdpd and xtdpdsys commands jointly offer most of xtabond2’s features,while moving somewhat toward its syntax and running significantly faster.On the other hand,xtabond2runs in older versions of Stata and still offers unique features including observation weights,automatic difference-in-Sargan/Hansen testing, and the ability to“collapse”instruments to limit instrument proliferation.Interestingly,though the Arellano and Bond article(1991)is now seen as the source of an estimator,it is entitled Some tests of specification for panel data.The instrument sets and use of GMM that largely define difference GMM originated with Holtz-Eakin, Newey,and Rosen(1988).One of Arellano and Bond’s contributions is a test for autocorrelation appropriate for linear GMM regressions on panels,which is especially important when lags are used as instruments.xtabond2automatically reports this test. But because ordinary least squares(OLS)and two-stage least squares(2SLS)are special cases of linear GMM,the Arellano–Bond test has wider applicability.The postestimation command abar,also described in this article,makes the test available after regress, ivregress,ivreg2,newey,and newey2.One disadvantage of difference and system GMM is that they are complicated and so can easily generate invalid estimates.Implementing them with a Stata command stuffs them into a black box,creating the risk that users not understanding the estimators’purpose,design,and limitations will unwittingly misuse the estimators.This article aims to prevent that misuse.Its approach is therefore pedagogic.Section2introduces linear GMM.Section3describes how certain panel econometric problems drive the de-sign of the difference and system estimators.Some of the derivations are incomplete because their purpose is to build intuition;the reader must refer to the original article or to textbooks for details.Section4describes the xtabond2and abar syntaxes,with examples.Section5concludes the article with tips for proper use.(Continued on next page)88How to do xtabond2 2Linear GMM12.1The GMM estimatorThe classical linear estimators OLS and2SLS can be thought of in several ways,the most intuitive being suggested by the estimators’names.OLS minimizes the sum of the squared errors.2SLS can be implemented via OLS regressions in two stages.But there is another,more unified,way to view these estimators.In OLS,identification can be said toflow from the assumption that the regressors are orthogonal to the errors;the inner products,or moments,of the regressors with the errors are set to0.Likewise,in the more general2SLS framework,which distinguishes between regressors and instruments while allowing the two categories to overlap(variables in both categories are included, exogenous regressors),the estimation problem is to choose coefficients on the regressors so that the moments of the errors with the instruments are0.However,an ambiguity arises in conceiving of2SLS as a matter of satisfying such moment conditions.What if there are more instruments than regressors?If we view the moment conditions as a system of equations,one for each instrument,then the unknowns in these equations are the coefficients,of which there is one for each regressor.If instruments outnumber regressors,then equations outnumber unknowns and the system usually cannot be solved.Thus the moment conditions cannot be expected to hold perfectly infinite samples even when they are true asymptotically.This is the sort of problem we are interested in.To be precise,we want tofit the modely=x β+εE(ε|z)=0whereβis a column vector of coefficients,y andεare random variables,x=(x1,...,x k) is a column vector of k regressors,z=(z1,...,z j) is column vector of j instruments, x and z can share elements,and j≥k.We use X,Y,and Z to represent matrices of N observations for x,y,and z,and we define E=Y−Xβ.Given an estimate, β,the empirical residuals are E=( e1,..., e N) =Y−X β.We make no assumption at thispoint about E(EE |Z)=Ωexcept that it exists.The challenge in estimating this model is that while all the instruments are theo-retically orthogonal to the error term,E(zε)=0,trying to force the corresponding vector of empirical moments,E N(zε)≡(1/N)Z E,to zero creates a system with more equations than variables if j>k.The specification is then overidentified.Because we cannot expect to satisfy all the moment conditions at once,the problem is to satisfy them all as well as possible in some sense,that is,to minimize the magnitude of the vector E N(zε).1.For another introduction to GMM,see Baum,Schaffer,and Stillman(2003).For fuller accounts,see Ruud(2000,chap.21–22)and Hayashi(2000,chap.3).D.Roodman89In the GMM,one defines that magnitude through a generalized metric,based on a positive-semidefinite quadratic form.Let A be the matrix for such a quadratic form. Then the metric isE N(zε) A= 1N Z E A≡N1NZ EA1NZ E=1NE ZAZ E(1)To derive the implied GMM estimate,call it βA,we solve the minimization prob-lem βA=argmin bβ Z E A,whose solution is determined by0=d/(d β) Z E A. Expanding this derivative with the chain rule gives0=dd βZ E A=dd EZ E A dEd β=dd E1NE ZAZ EdY−X βd β=2NE ZAZ (−X)The last step uses the matrix identities d Ab/d b=A and d(b Ab)/d b=2b A,where b is a column vector and A is a symmetric matrix.Dropping the factor of−2/N and transposing,0= E ZAZ X=Y−X βAZAZ X=Y ZAZ X− β A X ZAZ X⇒X ZAZ X βA=X ZAZ Y⇒ βA=(X ZAZ X)−1X ZAZ Y(2) This is the GMM estimator defined by A.It is linear in Y.While A weights moments,one can also incorporate weights for observations.If W is a diagonal N×N observation weighting matrix,then the GMM criterion function can be recast as (1/N)Z W E A.The appendix derives the more general weighted GMM estimator.The GMM estimator is consistent,meaning that under appropriate conditions,it converges in probability toβas sample size goes to infinity(Hansen1982).But like2SLS, it is,in general,biased,as section2.6discusses,because infinite samples the instruments are almost always at least slightly correlated with the endogenous components of the instrumented regressors.Correlation coefficients betweenfinite samples of uncorrelated variables are usually not exactly0.For future reference,the bias of the estimator is the corresponding projection of the true model errors:βA−β=(X ZAZ X)−1X ZAZ (Xβ+E)−β=(X ZAZ X)−1X ZAZ Xβ+(X ZAZ X)−1X ZAZ E−β=(X ZAZ X)−1X ZAZ E(3)90How to do xtabond2 2.2EfficiencyIt can be seen from(2)that multiplying A by a nonzero scalar would not change βA.But up to a factor of proportionality,each choice of A implies a different linear, consistent estimator ofβ.Which A should the researcher choose?Making A scalar is intuitive,generally inefficient,and instructive.By(1),it would yield an equal-weighted Euclidian metric on the moment vector.To see the inefficiency,consider what happens if there are two instruments of zero means,one drawn from a variable with a variance of1,the other from a variable with a variance of1,000.Moments based on the second instrument would easily dominate the minimization problem under equal weighting, wasting the information in thefirst.Or imagine a cross-country growth regression instrumenting with two highly correlated proxies for the poverty level.The marginal information content in the second would be minimal,yet including it in the moment vector would double the weight of poverty at the expense of other instruments.In both examples,the inefficiency is signaled by high variance or covariance among moments. This suggests that making A scalar is inefficient unless the moments zεhave equal variance and are uncorrelated—that is,if Var(zε)is itself scalar.This suggestion is correct,as will be seen.2But that negative conclusion hints at the general solution.For efficiency,A must in effect weight moments in inverse proportion to their variances and covariances.In thefirst example above,such reweighting would appropriately deemphasize the high-variance instrument.In the second example,it would efficiently down-weight one or both of the poverty proxies.In general,for efficiency,we weight by the inverse of the variance of the population moments,which,under suitable conditions,is the asymptotic variance of the sample moments.Because efficiency is an asymptotic notion,to speak rigorously of it we view matrices such as Z and E as elements of infinite sequences indexed by N.For economy of space, however,we suppress subscripts that would indicate this dependence.So we write the efficient GMM moment weighting matrix asA EGMM≡Var(zε)−1=Avar1NZ E−1≡plimN→∞N Var1NZ E−1(4)Substituting into(1),the efficient GMM(EGMM)estimator minimizesZ E AEGMM =N1NZ EVar(zε)−11NZ ESubstituting this choice of A into(2)gives the direct formula for EGMM:βEGMM =X Z Var(zε)−1Z X−1X Z Var(zε)−1Z Y(5)EGMM is not feasible,however,unless Var(zε)is known.2.This argument is analogous to that for the design of generalized least squares(GLS);GLS is derivedwith reference to the errors E,where GMM is derived with reference to the moments Z E.D.Roodman91Before we move to making the estimator feasible,we demonstrate its efficiency. Define S ZY=E N(z y)=(1/N)Z Y and S ZX=E N(zx )=(1/N)Z X.We can then rewrite the general GMM estimator in(2)as βA=(S ZX AS ZX)−1S ZX AS ZY.We assume that conditions suitable for a Law of Large Numbers hold,so thatΣZX≡E(zx )=plimN→∞S ZX(6)plim N→∞N Var(S ZY)≡Avar(S ZY)=Avar1NZ Y=Avar1NZ E(7)=Var(zε)=A−1EGMMFor each sample size N>0,let B N be the vector space of scalar-valued functions of the random vector Y.This space contains all the coefficient estimates defined by linear estimators based on Y.For example,if c=(100...),then c βA∈B N is the estimated coefficient for x1according to the GMM estimator implied by some A.We define an inner product on B N by b1,b2 =Cov(b1,b2);the corresponding metric is b 2=Var(b).The assertion that(5)is efficient is equivalent to saying that for any row vector c and any N-indexed sequence of GMM weighting matrices A1,A2,...(whichcould be constant over N),the asymptotic variance plimN→∞N c βA N is smallest whenplimN→∞A N=A EGMM.Wefirst show that plimN→∞Nc βA N,c βA EGMMis invariant to the choice of sequence(A N).We start with the definition of covariance and then use(6)and(7):plimN→∞N c βA N,c βA EGMM=plimN→∞N Covc(S ZX A N S ZX)−1S ZX ANS ZY,c(S ZX AEGMMS ZX)−1S ZX AEGMMS ZY=plimN→∞c(Σ ZX A NΣZX)−1Σ ZX ANN Var(S ZY)×A EGMMΣZX(Σ ZX A EGMMΣZX)−1c=plimN→∞c(Σ ZX ANΣZX)−1Σ ZX A N A−1EGMM×A EGMMΣZX(Σ ZX A EGMMΣZX)−1c=cplimN→∞(Σ ZX ANΣZX)−1Σ ZX A NΣZX(Σ ZX AEGMMΣZX)−1c=c(Σ ZX AEGMM ΣZX)−1c(8)92How to do xtabond2 This does not depend on the sequence(A N).As a result,for any(A N),plim N→∞Nc βA EGMM,cβA EGMM−βA N=plimN→∞Nc βA EGMM,c βA EGMM−plimN→∞Nc βA EGMM,c βA N=0That is,the difference between any linear GMM estimator and the EGMM estimator is asymptotically orthogonal to the latter.So by the Pythagorean theorem,plim N→∞N c βA N 2=plimN→∞N c βA N−c βA EGMM 2+plimN→∞N c βA EGMM 2Thus plimN→∞N c βA N ≥plimN→∞N c βA EGMM .This suffices to prove the assertionthat EGMM is,in fact,efficient.The result is akin to the fact that if there is a ball in midair,then the point on the ground closest to the ball(analogous to the efficient estimator)is such that the vector from the point to the ball is perpendicular to all vectors from the point to other spots on the ground,which are all inferior estimators of the ball’s position.Perhaps greater insight comes from a visualization based on another derivation of EGMM.Under the assumptions in our model,a direct OLS estimate of Y=Xβ+E isbiased.However,taking Z-moments of both sides givesZ Y=Z Xβ+Z E(9) which is at least asymptotically amenable to OLS(Holtz-Eakin,Newey,and Rosen1988). Still,OLS is not,in general,efficient on the transformed equation,because the error term, Z E,is probably not independent and identically distributed(i.i.d.):Avar{(1/N)Z E}=Var(zε),which cannot be assumed scalar.To solve this problem, we transform the equation again:Var(zε)−1/2Z Y=Var(zε)−1/2Z Xβ+Var(zε)−1/2Z EDefining X∗=Var(zε)−1/2Z X,Y∗=Var(zε)−1/2Z Y,and E∗=Var(zε)−1/2Z E, the equation becomesY∗=X∗β+E∗(10) By design now,Avar1NE∗=plimN→∞N Var(zε)−1/2Var1NZ EVar(zε)−1/2 =Var(zε)−1/2Var(zε)Var(zε)−1/2=IBecause(10)has spherical errors,the Gauss–Markov theorem guarantees the efficiency of OLS applied to it,which is,by definition,generalized least squares(GLS)on(9):βGLS =X∗ X∗−1X∗ Y∗.Unwinding with the definitions of X∗and Y∗yields EGMM,just as in(5).D.Roodman93Efficient GMM,then,is GLS on Z-moments.Where GLS projects Y into the col-umn space of X,GMM estimators(efficient or otherwise)project Z Y into the column space of Z X.These projections also map the variance ellipsoid of Z Y,represented by Avar{(1/N)Z Y}=Var(zε),into the column space of Z X.If Var(zε)happens to be spherical,then the efficient projection is orthogonal,by Gauss–Markov,just as the shadow of a soccer ball is smallest when the sun is directly overhead.No reweighting of moments is needed for efficiency.But if the variance ellipsoid of the moments is an American football pointing at an odd angle,as in the examples at the beginning of this section—that is,if Var(zε)is not scalar—then the efficient projection,the one casting the smallest shadow,is angled.To make that optimal projection,the mathematics in this second derivation stretch and shear space with a linear transformation to make the football spherical,perform an orthogonal projection,and then reverse the distortion.2.3FeasibilityMaking EGMM practical requires a feasible estimator for the optimal weighting matrix, Var(zε)−1.The usual route to this goal starts by observing that this matrix is the limit of an expression built aroundΩ:Var(zε)=plimN→∞N Var1NZ E=plimN→∞NE1N2Z EE Z=plimN→∞1NE{E(Z EE Z|Z)}=plimN→∞1NE{Z E(EE|Z)Z}=plimN→∞1NE(Z ΩZ)The simplest case is when the errors are believed to be homoskedastic,withΩof the formσ2I.Then,according to the last expression,the EGMM weighting matrix is theinverse ofσ2plimN→∞(1/N)E(Z Z),a consistent estimate of which is(σ2/N)Z Z.Pluggingthis choice for A into(2)and simplifying yields2SLS:β2SLS =X Z(Z Z)−1Z X−1X Z(Z Z)−1Z YSo when errors are i.i.d.,2SLS is EGMM.3When more-complex patterns of variance in the errors are suspected,the researcher can use a kernel-based estimator for the standard er-rors,such as the“sandwich”one ordinarily requested from Stata estimation commands with the robust and cluster options.A matrix, Ω,is constructed based on a formula that itself does not converge toΩ,but which has the property that(1/N)Z ΩZ is a con-sistent estimator of plimN→∞(1/N)E(Z ΩZ)under given assumptions.(1/N)Z ΩZ−13.However,even when the two are asymptotically identical,infinite samples,the feasible EGMMalgorithm we develop produces different results from2SLS because it will,in practice,be based ona different moment weighting matrix.94How to do xtabond2or,equivalently,ZΩZ−1is then used as the weighting matrix.The result is the feasible EGMM (FEGMM )estimator:βFEGMM = X Z Z ΩZ −1Z X −1X Z Z ΩZ −1Z Y(11)For example,if we believe that the only deviation from sphericity is heteroskedasticity,then given consistent initial estimates, E,of the residuals,we define Ω=⎛⎜⎜⎜⎝e 21e 22... e 2N ⎞⎟⎟⎟⎠Similarly,in a wide panel context,we can handle arbitrary patterns of covariance withinindividuals with a “clustered” Ω,a block-diagonal matrix with blocks Ωi = E i E i =⎛⎜⎜⎜⎝ e 2i 1e i 1 e i 2··· e i 1 e iT e i 2 e i 1 e 22··· e i 2 e iT ............e iT ei 1······e 2iT⎞⎟⎟⎟⎠(12)Here E i is the vector of residuals for individual i ,the elements e are double indexed fora panel,and T is the number of observations per individual.A problem remains:where do the e come from?They must be derived from an initial estimate of β.Fortunately,as long as the initial estimate is consistent ,a GMM estimator fashioned from them is efficient :whatever valid algorithm is chosen to build the GMM weighting matrix will converge to the optimal matrix as N increases.Theoretically,any full-rank choice of A for the initial GMM estimate will suffiual practice is tochoose A =(Z HZ )−1,where H is an “estimate”of Ωbased on a minimally arbitrary assumption about the errors,such as homoskedasticity.Finally,we arrive at a practical recipe for linear GMM :perform an initial GMM regres-sion,replacing Ωin (11)with some reasonable but arbitrary H ,yielding β1(one-step GMM );obtain the residuals from this estimation;use the residuals to construct a sand-wich proxy for Ω,calling it Ωb β1;rerun the GMM estimation setting A = Z Ωb β1Z −1.This two-step estimator, β2,is efficient and robust to whatever patterns of heteroskedas-ticity and cross correlation the sandwich covariance estimator models.In sum,β1=XZ (ZHZ )−1Z X −1X Z (Z HZ )−1Z Yβ2= βFEGMM = X Z Z Ωb β1Z −1Z X −1X Z Z Ωb β1Z −1Z Y (13)D.Roodman 95Historically,researchers often reported one-step results in addition to two-step results because of downward bias in the computed standard errors in two-step results.But as the next section explains,Windmeijer (2005)greatly reduces this problem.2.4Estimating standard errorsA derivation similar to that in (8)shows that the asymptotic variance of a linear GMM estimator isAvar βA=(Σ ZX AΣZX )−1Σ ZX A Var (z ε)AΣZX (Σ ZX AΣZX )−1(14)But for both one-and two-step estimation,there are complications in developing feasibleapproximations for this formula.In one-step estimation,although the choice of A =(Z HZ )−1as a moment weight-ing matrix (discussed above)does not render the parameter estimates inconsistent even when H is based on incorrect assumptions about the variance of the errors,using Z HZ to proxy for Var (z ε)in (14)would make the variance estimate for the parameters inconsistent.Z HZ is not a consistent estimate of Var (z ε).The standard error esti-mates would not be “robust”to heteroskedasticity or serial correlation in the errors.Fortunately,they can be made so in the usual way,replacing Var (z ε)in (14)with a sandwich-type proxy based on the one-step residuals.This yields the feasible,robust estimator for the one-step standard errors:Avar r β1 = X Z (Z HZ )−1Z X −1X Z (Z HZ )−1Z Ωb β1Z (Z HZ )−1Z X ×X Z (ZHZ )−1Z X −1(15)The complication with the two-step variance estimate is less straightforward.Thethrust of the exposition to this point has been that,because of its sophisticated reweight-ing based on second moments,GMM is,in general,more efficient than 2SLS .But such as-sertions are asymptotic.Whether GMM is superior in finite samples—or whether the so-phistication even backfires—is an empirical question.The case in point:for (infeasible)EGMM ,in which A =A EGMM =Var (z ε)−1,(14)simplifies to X Z (ZHZ )−1Z X −1,a feasible,consistent estimate of which will typically be X Z Z Ωb β1Z −1Z X −1.This is the standard formula for the variance of linear GMM estimates.But it canproduce standard errors that are downward biased when the number of instruments is large—severely enough to make two-step GMM useless for inference (Arellano and Bond 1991).The trouble may be that in small samples,reweighting empirical moments based on their own estimated variances and covariances can end up mining data,indirectly overweighting observations that fit the model and underweighting ones that contradict it.The need to estimate the j (j +1)/2distinct elements of the symmetric Var (z ε)。