




A. 1B. 2C. 32.钟面上9时30分,时针与分针所夹较小的角是()。

A. 锐角B. 直角C. 钝角D. 平角3.下面的图形,图()的角的数量最多。

A. B. C.4.钟面上9时整,时针和分针组成的角是()A. 锐角B. 钝角C. 直角5.角的两边是()。

A. 直线B. 线段C. 射线6.钟面上10:00时,时针和分针形成的角是()。

A. 直角B. 锐角C. 钝角7.9时,钟面上的时针和分针成一个()。

A. 锐角B. 直角C. 钝角8.把一个平角分成两个角,其中一个锐角,另一个角一定是()A. 平角B. 钝角C. 直角D. 锐角9.图形里有()个钝角。

A. 3B. 4C. 510.下边的图形有()个角。

A. 1B. 2C. 311.一张长方形纸片,剪掉一个角,还剩()个角。

A. 3个B. 5个C. 3个,4个或5个12.下面的图形中,不是角的是()。

A. B. C.13.下图中有________个角,________个锐角,________个钝角。


直角:________ 锐角:________ 钝角:________15.下图中有________个直角,________个钝角,________个锐角。











在中国为什么会感到人人自危 【猫眼看人】

在中国为什么会感到人人自危 【猫眼看人】



事件1. 延庆教委通报欺凌事件:2人留校察看4人记过1人严重警告25日,延庆区教委会同延庆公安分局第一时间对网传延庆学生在厕所受辱视频进行了全面调查。




事件2. 中国留学生在美欺凌同胞宣判在美中国留学生欺凌案经过近一年的审理于2月17日在加州波莫纳最高法庭正式宣判,三名主要涉案成年人以绑架、殴打罪名分别获刑6年、10年以及13年。




























北京延庆县第二中学物理八年级下册期末试卷含答案一、选择题1.下面是对日常生活中一些数据的估计,其中最接近实际的是()A.一名中学生所受的重力约为120N B.初中物理教科书的质量约0.12kgC.人的正常步行速度约12m/s D.雪峰山山顶的大气压大约是1.2×105Pa 2.关于平衡力,下列说法正确的是()A.天花板对线的拉力和灯所受的重力是一对平衡力B.天花板对线的拉力和线对天花板的拉力是一对平衡力C.线对灯的拉力和灯对线的拉力是一对平衡力D.线对灯的拉力和灯所受的重力是一对平衡力3.如图所示,滑滑梯是我们儿时喜欢的游戏,下列对小梦滑滑梯过程分析正确的是()A.下滑过程中,所有的力突然全部消失,小梦将做匀速直线运动B.若滑梯表面绝对光滑,下滑过程中小梦的运动状态不发生改变C.小梦躺着比坐着下滑受力面积大,增大了摩擦力D.下滑过程中,小梦受到的重力和支持力是一对平衡力4.在如图所示的生活实例中,属于增大压强的是()A.甲图中将书包的背带做得较宽B.乙图中将切菜刀磨得更锋利些C.丙图将铁路的钢轨铺在枕木上D.丁图中滑雪运动员穿上滑雪板5.如图甲是测量液体密度的密度计,将其插入被测液体中,待静止后直接读取液面处的刻度值。



下列说法中正确的是()A.丙杯中密度计所受浮力较大B.密度计的刻度自上而下越来越小C.自制密度计下端缠上适量的细铜丝主要目的是为了降低其重心D.A、B两种液体对容器底的压强关系是:p A>p B6.重为G的均匀木棒竖直悬于O点,在其下端施行水平拉力F,让棒缓慢转到图中虚线所示位置。

在转动的过程中()A.阻力臂逐渐变小B.动力F逐渐减小C.动力臂逐渐变大D.动力F逐渐增大7.如图甲所示,在容器底部固定一轻质弹簧,弹簧上端连有一边长为0.1m的正方体物块A,容器中水的深度为40cm时,物块A刚好完全浸没在水中,容器侧面的底部有一个由阀门B控制的出水口,打开阀门B,使水缓缓流出,当物块A有2/5的体积露出水面时,弹簧恰好处于自然伸长状态(即恢复原长没有发生形变),此时关闭阀门B弹簧受到的拉力F 跟弹簧的伸长量ΔL关系如图所示(不计弹簧所受的浮力,物块A不吸水)则下列分析不正确的是()A.打开阀门前物块A受到的浮力10NB.物块A的密度0.6×10kg/m3C.物块A刚好完全浸没在水中时,弹簧伸长了2cmD.弹簧恰好处于自然伸长状态时水对容器底部的压强3.6×103Pa8.如图所示是蹦极运动的简化示意图,弹性绳一端固定在O点,另一端系住运动员,运动员从O点自由下落,到A点处弹性绳自然伸直,B点是运动员受到的重力与弹性绳对运动员拉力相等的点,C点是蹦极运动员到达的最低点(忽略空气阻力),下列说法正确的是()A.从O点到C点运动员速度一直减小B.从O点到C点运动员的机械能一直在增大C.从O点到A点运动员的机械能不变D.运动员在A点时速度最大二、填空题9.如图所示,整个装置保持静止,弹簧测力计和细线的重力及一切摩擦均不计,则物体G的重力为___________N,弹簧测力计B的示数为___________N。








最新-北京延庆区初中排名表 精品

最新-北京延庆区初中排名表 精品





















A. 2千克B. 200千克C. 2吨D. 200吨2.下面的物体,大约重1千克的是()。

A. 一头猪B. 一个大冬瓜C. 2包食盐3.4千克的棉花和4000克的铁相比较,()。

A. 棉花重B. 铁重C. 一样重D. 无法确定4.1吨钢材与1000克棉花相比()A. 钢材重B. 钢材轻C. 一样重D. 无法确定5.()最接近1千克.A. 一根跳绳的长度B. 汽车的载重量C. 两包盐的重量6.李强体重75()。

A. 吨B. 千克C. 克7.甲、乙两人各买了一袋同样的大米,净质量都是50千克±0.5千克,那么他俩实际买到的大米质量最多相差()。

A. 1.5千克B. 1千克C. 0.5千克D. 0千克8.1枚1元的硬币约重()。

A. 1克B. 100克C. 6克9.妈妈买1000克草莓,分给小明和小丽各一半,小明分到了()。

A. 500千克B. 50克C. 500克10.一桶水和桶共重8千克,桶重2千克,水重()。

A. 8千克B. 7千克C. 6000克11.一批大米的是500克,这批大米是()kg。

A. 2500B. 2.5C. 10012.下列估计正确的是()A. 一枚一角硬币重1千克B. 一个鸡蛋重100克C. 1千克棉花比1千克铁轻D. 8千克和800克香蕉同样重二、填空题13.妈妈买4袋食盐,每袋500克,4袋食盐共重________千克.14.在横线上填“>”“<”或“=”。

688________689 1000________999 4900克________ 5千克 4000克________ 4克15.一瓶墨水重100克,________瓶墨水重1千克。















创造适应学生发展的教育北京市延庆区第二中学从左至右>> 2015年9月延庆二中在推普周活动中学生手抄报比赛>> 2015年9月延庆二中推普周活动中,王亚晶老师带领学生找错别字>> 2016年4月22日,延庆二中在多功能厅举行教师朗诵比赛>>2016.4.13延庆二中王世贤老师指导学生阅读法布尔的《昆虫记》责任编辑 昭阳94·EDUCATOR北京市语委成立30周年巡礼Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.。

教学设计延庆第二中学 李明娥 、、..共40页

教学设计延庆第二中学 李明娥 、、..共40页





30、意志是一个强壮的盲人,倚靠在明眼的跛子肩上。——叔,不乐复何如。 42、夏日长抱饥,寒夜无被眠。 43、不戚戚于贫贱,不汲汲于富贵。 44、欲言无予和,挥杯劝孤影。 45、盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时 当勉励 ,岁月 不待人 。




2021年延庆区第二中学高三英语第二次联考试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ATheBest Placeto Camp in Each StateWashington-SecondBeach, Olympic National ParkCampers put up their tents right on the sand of thisPacific Northwestbeach. Make a campfire, photograph sunset over the sea and try to absorb this charming spot with your entire being.Alaska-Bartlett Cove Campground, Glacier (冰川) Bay National ParkIn a state full of natural riches,Glacier Bayis a wonder, home to high peaks, whales, 700 miles of coastline, and light blue glaciers that flow directly into the sea. Set within temperate rainforest along Bartlett Cove, the park's only campground is impressively green and an easy jumping-off point for boat tours.Arizona-Havasupai Campground, Havasupai ReservationGetting to Havasupai is a challenge. Permits are snatched (剥夺) up almost instantly, and even if you get one it's a 10-mile hike from the border to reach this rural campground that hugs Havasu Creek. Make the journey, however, and you're rewarded with a series of great waterfalls and natural pools.Arkansas-BuffaloNationalRiverAmerica's first national river travels 135 miles through the Ozark Mountains, winding its way over rapids, forming peaceful pools and passing rocky cliffs topped by green forest. Plan a float trip and absorb the scenery ata leisurely pace, pausing for hikes to visitLostValley's caves or the 200-foot waterfalls.1.Which state may attract people preferring glaciers?A.Alaska.B.Washington.C.Arizona.D.Arkansas.2.What makesArizonaa popular camp choice among tourists?A.The blue glaciers and green rainforests.B.The winding national river and cliffs.C.The soaring peaks and long coastline.D.The beautiful waterfalls and pools.3.What can you do when camping inArkansas?A.Take a long trip on foot.B.Visit caves and waterfalls.C.Put up a well-equipped tent.D.Enjoy a view of sunset.BWhen I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboat man. We had temporary ambitions of other sorts, but they were only temporary.My father was a justice of the peace, and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him. This was distinction enough for me as a general thing;butthe desire to be a steamboat man kept intruding, nevertheless. One of our boys in town, who went away and was not heard of for-a long time, turned up as apprentice engineer on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday—school teachings. That boy was notoriously worldly, and I was just the opposite. There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty nail to scrub while his boat stopped at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him. And wherever his boat was laid up he would come home and show off in the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboat man; and he used all sorts of steamboat technical terms in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them.This creature's career could produce but one result, and it was speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. Despite many choices, pilot was the grandest position of all. The pilot, even in those days of trivial wages, had a princely salary—from 150—250 dollars a month, and no board payment.But our parents would not let us and our worry was the next year would find us hunting for jobs with low pay again. So by and by I ran away. I said I never would come home again till I was a pilot and could come in glory.4. Why does the writer mention his father's job in Paragraph 2?A. To show that his father was in power.B. To show that his father is cruel.C. To emphasize the job he prefers.D. To emphasize his love for his father.5. Which of the following can best conclude the writer's attitude toward the boy?A. He thought the boy was material but pitiful.B. He thought the boy was annoying but still envied him.C. He thought the boy was shallow but knowledgeable.D. He thought the boy was disrespectful but still liked him.6. Which of the following statements is Not True?A. The boy talked in a way to make others feel jealous.B. The boy's experience made other boys follow suit.C. The pilot's salary was ly high but without meals covered.D. The writer was ambitious to make his childhood dream come true.7. What rhetorical method does the underlined sentence have?A. Simile.B. Personification.C. Parallelism.D. Irony.CImagine turning on the GPS and seeing an image of your car from above. As the car drives, the map follows along in real time, alarming you to any traffic, pedestrians,animals, or other things nearby. Routes and names of roads appear over the live stream. It's like the map has come to life.This type of map isn't available yet. But it could be soon. In 2014, the Worldview-3 satellites was launched into space. Even though it orbits Earth at more than 370 miles(600 km)away, it can capture images of objects on Earth that are just 10 inches(25cm)across.Peeringall the way from outer space, it can make out a smartphone held in your hand. It can tell what types of cars are traveling down a road. But it can't identify your face or read the cars' license plate numbers . . . at least not openly.According to some reports, this satellite and other US spy satellites have the technology to take even sharper images, with a resolution(分辨率)of up to around 4 inches(10cm). ButUS law forbids making these super-sharp pictures public, to prevent enemies from using them. But the idea that anybody might be able to spy on the entire Earth in such detail may seem horrible. Live, high-detail satellite mapping could possibly be used to monitor anybody at any time. Ray Purdy of University College London told CNN that he is concerned about what this could mean for privacy. Most satellites are commercially owned, so if you have money you can buy that imagery. “It means anyone can spy on anyone,” he said.At the same time, live, detailed maps of Earth's surface could be useful in amazing ways. Live maps of a disaster area could quickly discover people in need of rescue as well as the safest routes in or out. Satellite images are already helping catch illegal logging and fishing operations. Higher detail may make it possible to catch other criminals in the act. The images could also make it easier for farmers to watch over their crops.What do you think? Do you wish everyone could access high-detail live maps of Earth's surface?8. What does the underlined word in paragraph 2 mean?A. SeeingB. StandingC. WalkingD. Hearing9. Why does US law forbid making super-sharp pictures public?A. to protect the technology.B. for the sake of safety.C. to protect the environment.D. to threat other countries.10. Which of the following statements is true according to the text?A. This super-sharp map hasn't been put into market.B. Worldview-3 satellites orbits the Earth at 370 km away.C. Personal privacy is safely protected if you use the super-sharp map.D. The super-sharp map should be completely forbidden.11. How is this technology used in agriculture?A. It can help improve the production of crops.B. It can help kill pests.C. It can help farmer to watch over their crops from far away.D. It can help increase farm land.DAs summer approaches, many kids and teenagers may find that they have more time in hand. One great way to make use of the extra time is to go on an adventure and travel. Clearly, I am not a naturally adventurous person, but I have found that takingthe risk and challenging myself to explore and travel to unfamiliar places can be a very rewarding experience.Because I am usually quite busy during the school year, most of my travels take place during the summer. Over the past few summers, I have hiked in the Grand Canyon, explored Niagara Falls, and camped out in upstate New York. Although these experiences are varied, they are similar in that they instill (灌输) a sense of appreciation for nature and a more balanced view on life. When I hiked in the Grand Canyon, for example, I was in awe(敬畏) of the geological influences that shaped the canyon.Adventures, of course, are not limited to hiking. There are many other choices, such as camping, volunteering in a foreign environment and travelling to different countries. In my opinion, adventures are more enjoyable with family or a few friends. There is a sense of bonding that one only gets through spending time together in outdoor adventures. For example, when I was in Boy Scouts, I often went on weekend camping trips with my friends. When I came back from a Boy Scouts camping trip, I often was eager to go outside more and explore the parks and nature around me.Next fall, I will attend college. In the meantime though, I hope to make the most of my summer to explore and travel. Now, I am planning on hiking and camping out in Maine.When I visited Maine last fall, I was amazed by how beautiful it was and the tall trees and coasts that exist, and I really hope to enjoy the beauty of nature there this summer.12. We can learn from the first paragraph about the author?A. He is an adventurous person by natureB. He likes challenging himself by travellingC. He enjoys travelling with other adventurersD He needs others’ help when going on an adventure13. Which of the following can make people’s adventure more enjoyable according to the author?A. Going to different countries.B. Going to unfamiliar places.C. Travelling withtheir family or friends.D. Travelling to distant places by themselves.14. What will the author do this summer?A. Explore Niagara Falls.B. Hike in the Grand Canyons.C. Camp out in upstate New York.D. Hike and camp out in Maine.15. Who is probably the author?A. A high school student.B. A college student.C. A friendly guide.D. A warm-hearted teacher.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。





1. 松花江流域出现特大洪水时,抗洪官兵在抗洪中出大力流大汗,ロ渴难耐时,内环境渗透压变化情况及应对措施分别是( )A. 渗透压不变;补充葡萄糖溶液恢复体力B. 渗透压升高;大量补充清水C. 渗透压降低;补充生理盐水D. 渗透压升高;补充淡盐水2. 人体在剧烈运动、大量出汗后,因口渴而大量饮水。

关于此间发生的内环境变化及调节过程,下列推断正确的是()A.饮水后血浆渗透压下降、渗透压感受器抑制、抗利尿激素增加B.出汗时体温增高、冷觉感受器抑制、促甲状腺激素释放激素减少C.出汗后体温下降、热觉感受器兴奋、促甲状腺激素释放激素增加D.口渴时血浆渗透压增高、抗利尿激素含量增加、大脑皮层渴觉中枢兴奋3. A TP、GTP、CTP和UTP是细胞内四种高能磷酸化合物,它们的结构只是碱基的不同,下列叙述错误的是()A.A TP的合成常伴随着细胞内的放能反应B.1分子GTP彻底水解可得到3种小分子物质C.CTP中“C”是由胞嘧啶和脱氧核糖构成的D.UTP断裂两个特殊化学键后可作为合成RNA的原料4. 细胞学说建立的过程是一个在科学探究中开拓、继承、修正和发展的过程,充满了耐人寻味的曲折。

下列叙述错误的是()A. 德国科学家魏尔肖对细胞学说的补充是“所有的细胞都来源于先前存在的细胞”B. 细胞学说的重要内容之一是动物和植物都是由细胞发育而来的C. 细胞学说认为细胞分为真核细胞和原核细胞D. 细胞学说阐明了细胞的统一性和生物体结构的统一性5. 某同学选取了四个葡萄枝条扦插在湿润的土壤中,请预测最容易成活的枝条及其容易成活的原因是()A. 丁,叶片可进行光合作用为插枝的存活提供营养物质B. 丙,幼芽可提供一定量的生长素从而促进插枝生根C. 甲,没有幼芽、叶片与插枝争夺养分D. 乙,树龄较长的枝条粗壮,所含营养物质丰富6. 细胞的统一性体现在()①细胞都有相似的基本结构,如细胞膜、细胞质;①真核细胞细胞核内有染色体,原核细胞无染色体,但有拟核,其中都含有DNA;①真核细胞多种多样,原核细胞多种多样,而真核细胞和原核细胞又不一样.A.① B.① C.①① D.①①①7. 一条多肽链,化学式为CxHyOpNqS,将它彻底水解后,只得到下列四种氨基酸,分析推算可知,水解得到的氨基酸个数为()A. p﹣1B. q+1C. q﹣1D. p+18. 醋酸菌是食醋酿造过程中的关键菌种,BQ-1醋酸菌分离自番茄表面,在番茄表面具有很强的生长能力,可应用于番茄果醋的酿造。



2021届延庆区第二中学高三英语月考试题及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThis is a list of places to spend the 2020 Olympics if you aren't going to Japan.AustraliaThe fact that the summer Olympics fall during Australia's winter season is worth keeping in mind for two reasons: it makes traveling there cheaper, and it's still not too cold. As far as the Olympics are concerned, there will be no shortage of opportunities to watch the Games in between your various explorations of the country and its limitless activities.ThailandThailand is a breathtaking place 10 spend some time during any summer, and provides a perfect setting for Olympie viewing: You can go scuba diving one morning before watching sports all afternoon, or simply duck out for world-famous street food in between events. But Thai sports fans may also be taking extra interest in the Olympics these days.United StatesThe U.S. is likely to be as interested in the Olympics as any other nation, given is collection of athletes who will be taking center stage. You can rest assured it won't be difficult to watch the Games no matter where you're visiting specifically. This leaves you with all sorts of fun options. You can visit a luxury ski resort town like Aspen, which turns into a gorgeous hiking destination in the summer.Great BritainNot unlike the U, s. Britain will make for a fun place to spend the 2020 Olympics because there's a great deal of national interest in a number of different sports, and the local athletes are expected to be competitive. Summer can also be a good time to be in Britain in general," with ly mild temperatures allowing for full exploration of the country. That means you can stay in the beautiful Lake District if you like, hiking or kayaking when you're not watching the Games.1.What is special about Australia as a destination in an Olympic summer?A.Its season.B.Its activities.C.Its sports.D.Its scenery,2.Which country can you go to if you are a street food lover?A.Australia.B.Thailand.C.United States.D.Great Britain.3.What do the U. S. and Britain have in common as fun places to spend the 2020 Olympics?A.They both have a pleasant temperature.B.They are both interested in the Games.CThey both own lots of sports centers. D.They are both English-speaking countries.BWhen a United Kingdomsupermarket chain promised to move its farms to Net Zero by 2030, it made it clear that the effort would require working on many different fronts. From energy consumption and land - use change to methane emissions (甲烷排放), cattle farming comes with environmental challenges. So even if recent studies suggesting it's possible to cut methane emissions 80% do turn out to be accurate, there's still a very long way to go for most cattle farming to get anywhere close to truly net zero.Organic Valley, when producing milk, might be closer to that goal. It made headlines in 2019 by going 100% renewable (可再生的). Now the company is expanding on that tradition by starting a major loan initiative (贷款计划) to help its farm suppliers adopt renewable energy too.Created with Clean Energy Credit Union, the $ 1 million loan fund will deliver loans at below - marketrates. Specifically, the money will be made available to Organic Valley's 1, 700 farmer members, and can be used for a variety of projects.“We are focused on a whole systems approach to renewable energy, and I'm excited to launch this energy loan fund. From the farm to the shelf, I see renewable energy playing a bigger role in organic food,” said Bob Kirchoff, Organic Valley CEO.“Organic Valley is already helping to protect the environment through organic farming practices, and now they re going one step further by supporting the introduction of renewable energy projects for their farmer members,” said Blake Jones, volunteer board chair of Clean Energy Credit Union. “In addition to the environmental benefits, we re eager to help family farmers throughout the world to lower their energy costs.”The world is not short of examples of farmers innovating in the field of renewable energy. What's encouraging about Organic Valley's announcement is the idea of a national brand putting its marketing and financing weight behind such efforts and, hopefully, creating consumer demand that pushes the rest of the industry in this direction too.4. What does paragraph 1 indicate about going net zero for cattle farming?A It is not easy to achieve B. It is common in the UKC. It is an impractical goalD. It meets no challenges5. What is Organic Valley's tradition according to the text?A. Helping farm suppliersB. Using renewable energyC. Having a loan initiativeD. Making headlines annually6. What is Organic Valley's initiative mainly intended to do?A. Reform organic farming practicesB. Make use of environmental benefitsC. Help farmers decrease energy costsD. Shrink the group of farmer members7. What is the author's attitude towards Organic Valley's initiative?A. WorriedB. DoubtfulC. AmbiguousD. PositiveCPut your hand over your heart and sit very still. You may notice that the sound of your heartbeat is similar to the beat of a drum. Your heart starts beating before you are born and continues throughout your life. For this reason, the beating of a drum stands for the rhythm of life for many people around the world.InGhana, a country inAfrica, many schools use drums instead of bells to show the beginning and ending of class. Through the drum, the children ofGhanaalso learn about their history and culture. They hear old stories passed on through the music of the drum. The stories of the drum also teach children games, rules and lessons about behavior.For thousands of years inAfrica, drums have been used to tell stories of daily life and history. Drums told the coming of a king, the start of a war, or the birth of a child. They also allowed people to share messages. But how does a drum tell a story?InWest Africa, the most common drum used for communication is called a “talking drum”. By making higher orlower drum sounds, the drummer can make the drum “talk”.In many African languages, words go up and down in pitch (高音) when they are spoken, almost like a song. Depending on the pitch or tone (音调), the same sound can have many different meanings. For example, when spoken with two low tones, the African word “ilu” means “drum”. When spoken with one high and one low tone, “ilu” means “town”.Drum language works in the same way. Just as in spoken language, the word “ilu” has different meanings depending on how it’s drummed. When “ilu” is drummed with two beats using low tones, the word means “drum”. When “ilu” is drummed with two beats using one high and one low tone, it means “town”.Drummers create “words” to build ideas, sentences and stories. The next time you hear a song, listen for the heartbeat within the music. Can you hear the story of the drum?8. The first paragraph mainly tells us________.A. drums beat like our heartsB. drums have a long historyC. drums are widely used in the worldD. drums are important for many people worldwide9. From the text, we learn that inGhanadrums________.A. are not as useful as beforeB. teach children a lot of thingsC. help bring the war to an endD. are used in class by teachers10. The example of the African word “ilu” is used to show________.A. how a word can have different soundsB. how to speak African languagesC. how a drum tells storiesD. how to beat a drum11. What would be the best title for the text?A. Know the history of the drumB. Listen to the story of the drumC. Beat the drum of lifeD. Love me, love my drumDMost kids can walk into a library or bookstore and find hundreds of books to read. But it’s not that simple for kids who are blind. They read in a different way. Jenny Lee and other braille (盲文) transcribers take the printed words of a book and change them into a code of raised dots. Blind people can read these dots with their fingers. To know what braille feels like, take a ballpoint pen and press hard onto a piece of paper. Now turn the paper over and touch the raised dot made by the pen point.When Lee first saw the dots of the braille alphabet, she wondered if she’d ever be able to read and write them easily. She took a class and practised hard for about six months before she passed the final exam: she had to convert 35 pages of a book into braille. Today, Lee works for a publisher. One of her jobs is to change children’s books into braille.To do this, Lee first types the story into a computer and then uses a computer program to translate it into the braille code. Next, she looks over the translation several times to make sure it’s mistake-free. After that, a copy ofthe braille story is printed with a special printer. Then Lee and a proofreader work together to find and correct any mistakes. When a book is ready, many copies of it are printed. Afterwards, some are sold through websites and others are sent to libraries.Sometimes, going over a story again and again gets tiring. That’s when Lee takes a break. Several of Jenny Lee’s co-workers, who are blind, use guide dogs. When the animals aren’t working, Lee likes spending a few minutes with them. To her, playing with dogs “is always apick-me-upin the middle of the day”.“I love this mission,” Lee says. “Through my brain power and my fingers, I am putting the dots into some kid’s hands.”12. How does the writer explain what braille feels like?A. By explaining what braille words look like.B. By describing how blind people read books.C. By asking readers to experience it themselves.D. By giving examples of different braille words.13. What was Lee’s first reaction to braille?A. She was excited to get a new skill.B. She was amazed at the clever idea.C. She realized she could teach it herself.D. She believed it would be difficult to learn.14. What does the underlined word “pick-me-up” in paragraph 4 most probably mean?A A discussion to release work stress.B. Something to improve one’s appetite.C. Something to help restore one’s spirit.D. A free ride accompanied with a guide dog.15. What does Lee think of her job?A. Profitable and hopeful.B. Tiring but meaningful.C. Relaxing and helpful.D. Boring but challenging.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



延庆区第二中学校2018-2019学年高二上学期第二次月考试卷数学班级__________ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题1. 用反证法证明命题“a ,b ∈N ,如果ab 可被5整除,那么a ,b 至少有1个能被5整除.”则假设的内容是( ) A .a ,b 都能被5整除 B .a ,b 都不能被5整除 C .a ,b 不能被5整除 D .a ,b 有1个不能被5整除2. 已知数列{}n a 是各项为正数的等比数列,点22(2,log )M a 、25(5,log )N a 都在直线1y x =-上,则数列{}n a 的前n 项和为( )A .22n- B .122n +- C .21n - D .121n +-3. “x >0”是“>0”成立的( )A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件C .非充分非必要条件D .充要条件4. 已知抛物线C :y x 82=的焦点为F ,准线为l ,P 是l 上一点,Q 是直线PF 与C 的一个交点,若2=,则=QF ( ) A .6B .3C .38D .34 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共100分)5. 已知a >0,实数x ,y 满足:,若z=2x+y 的最小值为1,则a=( )A .2B .1C .D .6. 独立性检验中,假设H 0:变量X 与变量Y 没有关系.则在H 0成立的情况下,估算概率P (K 2≥6.635)≈0.01表示的意义是( )A .变量X 与变量Y 有关系的概率为1%B .变量X 与变量Y 没有关系的概率为99%C .变量X 与变量Y 有关系的概率为99%D .变量X 与变量Y 没有关系的概率为99.9%7. 图1是由哪个平面图形旋转得到的( )A .B .C .D . 8. 将函数x x f ωsin )(=(其中0>ω)的图象向右平移4π个单位长度,所得的图象经过点 )0,43(π,则ω的最小值是( ) A .31 B . C .35D .9. 下列给出的几个关系中:①{}{},a b ∅⊆;②(){}{},,a b a b =;③{}{},,a b b a ⊆; ④{}0∅⊆,正确的有( )个A.个B.个C.个D.个10.,AD BE 分别是ABC ∆的中线,若1AD BE ==,且AD 与BE 的夹角为120,则AB AC ⋅=( ) (A )13 ( B ) 49 (C ) 23 (D ) 8911.已知函数f (x )=xe x ﹣mx+m ,若f (x )<0的解集为(a ,b ),其中b <0;不等式在(a ,b )中有且只有一个整数解,则实数m 的取值范围是( ) A .B .C .D .12.(2011辽宁)设sin (+θ)=,则sin2θ=( )A .﹣B .﹣C .D .二、填空题13.设p :实数x 满足不等式x 2﹣4ax+3a 2<0(a <0),q :实数x 满足不等式x 2﹣x ﹣6≤0,已知¬p 是¬q 的必要非充分条件,则实数a 的取值范围是 .14.定义某种运算⊗,S=a ⊗b 的运算原理如图;则式子5⊗3+2⊗4= .15.某城市近10年居民的年收入x 与支出y 之间的关系大致符合=0.9x+0.2(单位:亿元),预计今年该城市居民年收入为20亿元,则年支出估计是 亿元.16.已知θ是第四象限角,且sin (θ+)=,则tan (θ﹣)= .17.已知函数21,0()1,0x x f x x x ⎧-≤=⎨->⎩,()21x g x =-,则((2))f g = ,[()]f g x 的值域为 .【命题意图】本题考查分段函数的函数值与值域等基础知识,意在考查分类讨论的数学思想与运算求解能力. 18.在ABC ∆中,有等式:①sin sin a A b B =;②sin sin a B b A =;③cos cos a B b A =;④sin sin sin a b cA B C+=+.其中恒成立的等式序号为_________. 三、解答题19.在锐角△ABC 中,角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c ,且.(Ⅰ)求角B 的大小;(Ⅱ)若b=6,a+c=8,求△ABC 的面积.20.甲、乙两位同学参加数学竞赛培训,在培训期间他们参加5次预赛,成绩如下: 甲:78 76 74 90 82乙:90 70 75 85 80(Ⅰ)用茎叶图表示这两组数据;(Ⅱ)现要从中选派一人参加数学竞赛,你认为选派哪位学生参加合适?说明理由.21.已知f(x)=|﹣x|﹣|+x|(Ⅰ)关于x的不等式f(x)≥a2﹣3a恒成立,求实数a的取值范围;(Ⅱ)若f(m)+f(n)=4,且m<n,求m+n的取值范围.22.在△ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边分别为a、b、c,且bsinA=acosB.(1)求B;(2)若b=2,求△ABC面积的最大值.23.数列{a n}满足a1=,a n∈(﹣,),且tana n+1•cosa n=1(n∈N*).(Ⅰ)证明数列{tan2a n}是等差数列,并求数列{tan2a n}的前n项和;(Ⅱ)求正整数m,使得11sina1•sina2•…•sina m=1.24.已知函数,.(Ⅰ)求函数的最大值;(Ⅱ)若,求函数的单调递增区间.延庆区第二中学校2018-2019学年高二上学期第二次月考试卷数学(参考答案)一、选择题1. 【答案】B【解析】解:由于反证法是命题的否定的一个运用,故用反证法证明命题时,可以设其否定成立进行推证.命题“a ,b ∈N ,如果ab 可被5整除,那么a ,b 至少有1个能被5整除.”的否定是“a ,b 都不能被5整除”.故应选B .【点评】反证法是命题的否定的一个重要运用,用反证法证明问题大大拓展了解决证明问题的技巧.2. 【答案】C【解析】解析:本题考查等比数列的通项公式与前n 项和公式.22log 1a =,25log 4a =,∴22a =,516a =,∴11a =,2q =,数列{}n a 的前n 项和为21n-,选C .3. 【答案】A【解析】解:当x >0时,x 2>0,则>0∴“x >0”是“>0”成立的充分条件;但>0,x 2>0,时x >0不一定成立∴“x >0”不是“>0”成立的必要条件;故“x >0”是“>0”成立的充分不必要条件;故选A【点评】判断充要条件的方法是:①若p ⇒q 为真命题且q ⇒p 为假命题,则命题p 是命题q 的充分不必要条件;②若p ⇒q 为假命题且q ⇒p 为真命题,则命题p 是命题q 的必要不充分条件;③若p ⇒q 为真命题且q ⇒p 为真命题,则命题p 是命题q 的充要条件;④若p ⇒q 为假命题且q ⇒p 为假命题,则命题p 是命题q 的即不充分也不必要条件.⑤判断命题p 与命题q 所表示的范围,再根据“谁大谁必要,谁小谁充分”的原则,判断命题p 与命题q 的关系.4. 【答案】A解析:抛物线C :y x 82=的焦点为F (0,2),准线为l :y=﹣2,设P (a ,﹣2),B (m ,),则=(﹣a ,4),=(m ,﹣2),∵,∴2m=﹣a ,4=﹣4,∴m 2=32,由抛物线的定义可得|QF|=+2=4+2=6.故选A .5.【答案】C【解析】解:作出不等式对应的平面区域,(阴影部分)由z=2x+y,得y=﹣2x+z,平移直线y=﹣2x+z,由图象可知当直线y=﹣2x+z经过点C时,直线y=﹣2x+z的截距最小,此时z最小.即2x+y=1,由,解得,即C(1,﹣1),∵点C也在直线y=a(x﹣3)上,∴﹣1=﹣2a,解得a=.故选:C.【点评】本题主要考查线性规划的应用,利用数形结合是解决线性规划题目的常用方法.6.【答案】C【解析】解:∵概率P(K2≥6.635)≈0.01,∴两个变量有关系的可信度是1﹣0.01=99%,即两个变量有关系的概率是99%,故选C.【点评】本题考查实际推断原理和假设检验的应用,本题解题的关键是理解所求出的概率的意义,本题是一个基础题.7.【答案】A【解析】试题分析:由题意得,根据旋转体的概念,可知该几何体是由A 选项的平面图形旋转一周得到的几何体故选A.考点:旋转体的概念. 8. 【答案】D考点:由()ϕω+=x A y sin 的部分图象确定其解析式;函数()ϕω+=x A y sin 的图象变换. 9. 【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:由题意得,根据集合之间的关系可知:{}{},,a b b a ⊆和{}0∅⊆是正确的,故选C. 考点:集合间的关系.10.【答案】C【解析】由1(),21(2),2AD AB AC BE AB AC ⎧=+⎪⎪⎨⎪=-+⎪⎩解得2233,4233AB AD BE AC AD BE ⎧=-⎪⎪⎨⎪=+⎪⎩ 22422()()33333AB AC AD BE AD BE ⋅=-⋅+=.11.【答案】C【解析】解:设g (x )=xe x ,y=mx ﹣m , 由题设原不等式有唯一整数解, 即g (x )=xe x 在直线y=mx ﹣m 下方, g ′(x )=(x+1)e x ,g (x )在(﹣∞,﹣1)递减,在(﹣1,+∞)递增,故g (x )min =g (﹣1)=﹣,y=mx ﹣m 恒过定点P (1,0), 结合函数图象得K PA ≤m <K PB ,即≤m <,,故选:C.【点评】本题考查了求函数的最值问题,考查数形结合思想,是一道中档题.12.【答案】A【解析】解:由sin(+θ)=sin cosθ+cos sinθ=(sinθ+cosθ)=,两边平方得:1+2sinθcosθ=,即2sinθcosθ=﹣,则sin2θ=2sinθcosθ=﹣.故选A【点评】此题考查学生灵活运用二倍角的正弦函数公式、两角和与差的正弦函数公式及特殊角的三角函数值化简求值,是一道基础题.二、填空题13.【答案】.【解析】解:∵x2﹣4ax+3a2<0(a<0),∴(x﹣a)(x﹣3a)<0,则3a<x<a,(a<0),由x2﹣x﹣6≤0得﹣2≤x≤3,∵¬p是¬q的必要非充分条件,∴q是p的必要非充分条件,即,即≤a<0,故答案为:14.【答案】14.【解析】解:有框图知S=a⊗b=∴5⊗3+2⊗4=5×(3﹣1)+4×(2﹣1)=14故答案为14【点评】新定义题是近几年常考的题型,要重视.解决新定义题关键是理解题中给的新定义.15.【答案】18.2【解析】解:∵某城市近10年居民的年收入x和支出y之间的关系大致是=0.9x+0.2,∵x=20,∴y=0.9×20+0.2=18.2(亿元).故答案为:18.2.【点评】本题考查线性回归方程的应用,考查学生的计算能力,考查利用数学知识解决实际问题的能力,属于基础题.16.【答案】.【解析】解:∵θ是第四象限角,∴,则,又sin(θ+)=,∴cos(θ+)=.∴cos()=sin(θ+)=,sin()=cos(θ+)=.则tan(θ﹣)=﹣tan()=﹣=.故答案为:﹣.-+∞.17.【答案】2,[1,)【解析】18.【答案】②④【解析】试题分析:对于①中,由正弦定理可知sin sin a A b B =,推出A B =或2A B π+=,所以三角形为等腰三角形或直角三角形,所以不正确;对于②中,sin sin a B b A =,即sin sin sin sin A B B A =恒成立,所以是正确的;对于③中,cos cos a B b A =,可得sin()0B A -=,不满足一般三角形,所以不正确;对于④中,由正弦定理以及合分比定理可知sin sin sin a b c A B C+=+是正确,故选选②④.1 考点:正弦定理;三角恒等变换.三、解答题19.【答案】【解析】解:(Ⅰ)由2bsinA=a ,以及正弦定理,得sinB=,又∵B 为锐角,∴B=,﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣ (Ⅱ)由余弦定理b 2=a 2+c 2﹣2accosB ,∴a 2+c 2﹣ac=36,∵a+c=8,∴ac=,∴S △ABC ==.﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣20.【答案】【解析】解:(Ⅰ)用茎叶图表示如下:(Ⅱ)=,==80,= [(74﹣80)2+(76﹣80)2+(78﹣80)2+(82﹣80)2+(90﹣80)2]=32,= [(70﹣80)2+(75﹣80)2+(80﹣80)2+(85﹣80)2+(90﹣80)2]=50,∵=,,∴在平均数一样的条件下,甲的水平更为稳定,应该派甲去.21.【答案】【解析】解:(Ⅰ)关于x 的不等式f (x )≥a 2﹣3a 恒成立,即|﹣x|﹣|+x|≥a 2﹣3a 恒成立.由于f (x )=|﹣x|﹣|+x|=,故f (x )的最小值为﹣2,∴﹣2≥a 2﹣3a ,求得1≤a ≤2.(Ⅱ)由于f (x )的最大值为2,∴f (m )≤2,f (n )≤2,若f (m )+f (n )=4,∴m <n ≤﹣,∴m+n <﹣5.【点评】本题主要考查分段函数的应用,求函数的最值,函数的恒成立问题,属于中档题.22.【答案】【解析】(本小题满分12分)解:(1)∵bsinA=,由正弦定理可得:sinBsinA=sinAcosB ,即得tanB=,∴B=…(2)△ABC 的面积.由已知及余弦定理,得.又a2+c2≥2ac,故ac≤4,当且仅当a=c时,等号成立.因此△ABC面积的最大值为…23.【答案】【解析】(Ⅰ)证明:∵对任意正整数n,a n∈(﹣,),且tana n+1•cosa n=1(n∈N*).故tan2a n+1==1+tan2a n,∴数列{tan2a n}是等差数列,首项tan2a1=,以1为公差.∴=.∴数列{tan2a n}的前n项和=+=.(Ⅱ)解:∵cosa n>0,∴tana n+1>0,.∴tana n=,,∴sina1•sina2•…•sina m=(tana1cosa1)•(tana2•cosa2)•…•(tana m•cosa m)=(tana2•cosa1)•(tana3cosa2)•…•(tana m•cosa m﹣1)•(tana1•cosa m)=(tana1•cosa m)==,由,得m=40.【点评】本题考查了等差数列的通项公式及其前n项和公式、同角三角函数基本关系式,考查了推理能力与计算能力,属于难题.24.【答案】【解析】【知识点】三角函数的图像与性质恒等变换综合【试题解析】(Ⅰ)由已知当,即,时,(Ⅱ)当时,递增即,令,且注意到函数的递增区间为。



2021届延庆区第二中学高三英语上学期期末试卷及答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThese wonderful NYC attractions offer pay — what — you — wish days, free entry hours/days and other great stuff for local families.Staten IslandZooThere are plenty of creatures who call NYC home—the Staten Island Zoo is one of them. Once you’ve finished learning about the wildlife in the animal nursery, reptile (爬行动物) side rooms, horse barn and other areas of the attraction, make sure to mark your schedule for fun seasonal happenings, such as the Easter Egg Games and the scary, crazy Halloween Shows.Entry on Wednesdays is by suggested donation; children aged two and under free.Children’s Museum of the ArtsThe Children’s Museum of the Arts welcomes 135,000 little visitors each year through its doors. Once inside, the whole family can enjoy interactive programs, exhibitions (展览) and events that celebrate the changed power of the arts on youngsters and grown-ups alike.Pay-as-you-wish Thursdays, 3-6 p. m.Wave HillEveryone needs a few hours of calm now and then-kids included-and you’d be hard- pressed to find a more peaceful spot within city limits than Wave Hill the broad grounds located above the river, covering 28 acres of public gardens, plus woodlands and grasses to wander. Jump in on nature walks, story times and family art projects often led by local artists and free with general admission.Pay — as — you — wish Tuesdays and Saturdays,9 a. m — noon.New York Hall of ScienceNaturally, kids love it when the New York Hall of Science pleases them with neat exhibits and fun hands-on activities. The museum’s playground is themost attractivetochildren A tube slide (管道滑梯) will give little ones the knowledge on science topics, while the climbing area mirrors a giant spider web. There are also wind pipes, metal drums, sand- boxes and much more. What better way to make the mostout of science?Free entry Sep-Jun on Fridays, 2 — 5 p. m,and Sundays, 10 —11 a. m.1. What can children do in Staten Island Zoo?A. Feed injured animals.B. Join in seasonal activities.C. Build a home for creatures.D. Deal with the donations to the zoo.2. What do Children’s Museum of the Arts and Wave Hill have in common?A. They both have peaceful spots.B. They both are located by a river.C. They both have public gardens.D. They both have activities about arts.3. Which place can be free of charge for all?A. Wave Hill.B.Staten IslandZoo.C. New York Hall of Science.D. Children’s Museum of the Arts.BEach year, the women of Olney and Liberal compete in an unusual footrace. Dressed in aprons (围裙) and headscarves, they wait at both towns’starting lines. Each woman holds a frying pan with one pancake inside. At the signal, the women flip (轻抛) pancakes and they’re off!This “pancake racing” tradition is said to have started on Shrove Tuesday, 1445, in Olney. Shrove Tuesday is the day beforethe Christian season of Lent (大斋戒) begins. During Lent, many people decide to give up sugary or fatty foods.Legend says that in 1445, an Olney woman was making pancakes to use up some of her sugar and cooking fats before Lent. She lost track of time and suddenly heard the church bells ring, signaling the beginning of the Shrove Tuesday service. Realizing that she was going to be late for church, she raced out the door still wearing her apron and headscarf and holding her frying pan with a pancake in it. In the following years, the woman’s neighbors imitated her dash to church, and pancake racing was born.The rules are simple. Racers must wear the traditional headscarf and apron. They must flip their pancakes twice - once before starting and once after crossing the finish line. After the race, there are Shrove Tuesday church services. Then Liberal and Olney connect through a video call to compare race times and declare a winner.In both towns, the races have grown into larger festivals. Olney’s festival is an all-day event starting with a big pancake breakfast. Liberal’s festival lasts four days and includes a parade, a talent show, and contests that feature eating and flipping pancakes. Although the women’s race is still the main event, both towns now hold additional races for boys and girls of all ages.4. How did pancake racing start?A. A woman in Olney created it.B. Women made pancakes before Lent.C. A woman dashed to church with a pancake.D. People followed the suit of an interesting incident.5. What should racers obey during the race?A. They can wear fashionable headscarves and aprons.B. They must flip their pancakes once in the race.C. They must flip their pancakes at the beginning of the race.D. They can flip their pancakes in the middle of the race.6. What can we learn about the race from the last paragraph?A. People can show their talent in Olney festival.B. People can enjoy a one-day holiday in Liberal.C. The race is not only intended for women now.D. People can have a big pancake breakfast in both towns.7. What is the text mainly about?A. The origin of pancake racing.B. The history of pancake racing.C. The development of pancake racing.D. The introduction to pancake racing.CEver wondered if dogs can learn new words? Yes, say researchers as they have found that talented dogs may have the ability to grasp new words after hearing them only four times.While previous evidence seems to show that most dogs do not learn words, unless eventually very well trained, a few individuals have shown some extraordinary abilities, according to a study published in the journal Scientific Reports.“We wanted to know under which conditions the gifted dogs may learn novel words” said researcher xuekw Claudia Fugazza from theEötvösLorándUniversityinHungary. For the study, the team involved two gifted dogs, Whisky and Vicky Nina. The team exposed the dogs to the new words in two different conditions.In the exclusion-based task, presented with seven known toys and one new toy, the dogs were able to select the new toy when presented with a new name. Researchers say this proves that dogs can choose by exclusion when faced with a new word, they selected the only toy which did not have a known name.However, this was not the way they would learn the name of the toy. In fact, when they were presented with one more equally new name to test their ability to recognize the toy by its name, the dogs got totally confused and failed.The other condition, the social one, where the dogs played with their owners who pronounced the name of the toy while playing with the dog, proved to be the successful way to learn the name of the toy, even after hearing it only 4 times. “The rapid learning that we observed seems to equal children’s ability to learn many new words at a fast rate around the age of 18 months,” Fugazza says. “But we do not know whether the learning mechanisms(机制) behind this learning are the same for humans and dogs. ”To test whether most dogs would learn words this way, 20 other dogs were tested in the same condition, but none of them showed any evidence of learning the toy names, confirming that the abilityto learn words rapidly in the absence of formal training is very rare and is only present in a few gifted dogs.8. What was the purpose of the study published in Scientific Reports?A. To better train dogs’ ability to learn new words.B. To further confirm previous evidence about dogs.C. To prove extraordinary memory abilities of gifted dogs.D. To explore favorable conditions for gifted dogs’ new-word learning.9. How did the dogs react when exposed to two new names in the first condition?A. Slow to understand.B. Quick to learn.C. At a loss.D. In a panic.10. What was found about dogs’ new-word learning in the social condition?A. Learning through playing applied to most dogs.B. The social condition helped dogs learn new words.CDogs’ new-word learning turned out to be less effective.D. Dogs shared similar learning mechanisms with children.11. Which of the following is the best title for the text?A. Gifted Dogs Can Learn New Words Rapidly.B. Dogs Identify Newly-named Toys by Exclusion.C. Dogs Can Acquire Vocabulary through Tons of Training.D. Gifted Dogs Have Similar Learning Abilities to Humans.DHumans are the only creature that gets around by standing up and putting one foot in front of the other. Our ability to walk upright has allowed humankind to travel great distances and survive changing climates, environments and landscapes.Countless scientific studies have found that walking is really good for us and this simple act can provide a number of healthimplications, which help people live longer. In fact, a walking routine, if done properly, might be the only exercise people need.How much walking should one aim for? You’ve likely heard we need 10,000 steps a day. That’s about 5 miles. But contrary to popular belief, this recommendation doesn’t come from science. Instead, itis from a 1960s advertising campaign to promote a pedometer (计步器) in Japan. Perhaps because it’s a round number and easy to remember, it stuck.Since the 1960s, researchers have studied the 10,000-steps-a-day standard and have turned up mixed results. Although 10,000 steps is certainly a healthy and worthwhile goal, it’s not fit for all.For instance, a recent Harvard University study involving more than 16,000 senior women found that those who got at least 4,400 steps a day greatly reduced their risk of dying early when compared with less active women. The study also noted that these benefits continued up to 7,500 steps. This 7,500 mark isn’t surprising: It’s similar to common public health recommendations, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate (适度的) physical activity a week for adults.12. What does the underlined word “implications” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. BenefitsB. Problems.C. Habits.D. Manners.13. Where does the 10,000-steps-a-day standard come from?A. A Harvard University study.B. Science research on health.C. A pedometer advertisement.D. Public health recommendation.14. What can we know from the last paragraph?A. 7,500-steps-a-day standard is the best choice for all.B. More than 16,000 old people were involved in the study.C. Those who walk at least 4,400 steps a day won’t die early.D. 150-minute moderate exercise a week for adults is advised.15. What does the author mainly want to tell readers?A. The more you walk a day, the healthier you will be.B. We can benefit from continuous and proper walking.C. Walking upright helps humankind to explore the world.D. Advertisements can always tell us some scientific suggestions .第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



a b c
16.已知点(1,2)A 和直线1:2l x -(1)若点A 在直线1l 上,求a 的值;
(2)若直线2l 过点A 且与直线1l 17.已知函数()(2cos sin f x x x =(1)求()f x 的最小正周期和f (2)当,2x ππ⎡⎤
时,求函数f 18.已知ABC 中,(3cos b C +(1)求A ;(2)若1
3,cos 3
a B ==-
,求c .19.如图,已知正方体ABCD A -(1)求证:1BD 平面1DC E ;
(2)若点F 是线段1BD 的中点,求直线20.如图,在四棱锥P ABCD -
(1)求证:AB ⊥平面PAD ;
(2)求平面PAD 与平面PBC (3)在棱PB 上是否存在点G 为2
的值,若不存在,说明理由.21.已知集合{}1,2,,n S = (),1i j a A a A i j m ∈∈≤≤≤则称A 是S 的m 元完美子集.
(1)判断下列集合是否是S =①{}11,2,3A =;②{}22,4,5A =.
(2)若{}123,,A a a a =是{S =。

创造适应学生发展的教育 北京市延庆区第二中学

创造适应学生发展的教育 北京市延庆区第二中学




1.2011-2016年北京市延庆区中小学生视力不良发展趋势分析 [J], 王绍华;张镇权;万帝;孟庆军
2.创优质教育品牌走内涵发展之路——访北京市怀柔区第二中学许建军校长 [J],
3.北京市延庆县第二中学创建优秀教工之家促进学校和谐发展 [J], 李小琴;张子禄
4.北京市延庆区姚家营中心小学多元教育助力学生发展 [J],
5.生态校园,浸润生长——北京市延庆区第三中学生态文明教育纪实 [J],



延庆区二中2018-2019学年高二上学期数学期末模拟试卷含解析 班级__________ 座号_____ 姓名__________ 分数__________一、选择题1. 已知f (x )是R 上的偶函数,且在(﹣∞,0)上是增函数,设,b=f (log 43),c=f (0.4﹣1.2)则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为( )A .a <c <bB .b <a <cC .c <a <bD .c <b <a2. 设集合{}|22A x R x =∈-≤≤,{}|10B x x =-≥,则()R A B =ð( )A.{}|12x x <≤B.{}|21x x -≤<C. {}|21x x -≤≤D. {}|22x x -≤≤【命题意图】本题主要考查集合的概念与运算,属容易题. 3. 已知函数()2sin()f x x ωϕ=+(0)2πϕ<<与y 轴的交点为(0,1),且图像上两对称轴之间的最小距离为2π,则使()()0f x t f x t +--+=成立的t 的最小值为( )1111] A .6π B .3π C .2π D .23π4. 在复平面内,复数(﹣4+5i )i (i 为虚数单位)的共轭复数对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限 B .第二象限 C .第三象限 D .第四象限5. 已知三棱锥S ABC -外接球的表面积为32π,090ABC ∠=,三棱锥S ABC -的三视图如图 所示,则其侧视图的面积的最大值为( )A .4B .C .8D .6. 已知函数()xe f x x=,关于x 的方程2()2()10f x af x a -+-=(a R Î)有3个相异的实数根,则a 的取值范围是( )A .21(,)21e e -+?-B .21(,)21e e --?-C .21(0,)21e e --D .2121e e 禳-镲睚-镲铪【命题意图】本题考查函数和方程、导数的应用等基础知识,意在考查数形结合思想、综合分析问题解决问题的能力.7. 已知抛物线C :24y x =的焦点为F ,定点(0,2)A ,若射线FA 与抛物线C 交于点M ,与抛 物线C 的准线交于点N ,则||:||MN FN 的值是( )A. B. C.1: D(1 8. 在ABC ∆中,若60A ∠=,45B ∠=,BC =AC =( ) A. B.C.D9. 等比数列的前n 项,前2n 项,前3n 项的和分别为A ,B ,C ,则( )A .B 2=ACB .A+C=2BC .B (B ﹣A )=A (C ﹣A )D .B (B ﹣A )=C (C ﹣A )10.已知函数211,[0,)22()13,[,1]2x x f x x x ⎧+∈⎪⎪=⎨⎪∈⎪⎩,若存在常数使得方程()f x t =有两个不等的实根12,x x(12x x <),那么12()x f x ∙的取值范围为( )A .3[,1)4B.1[8 C .31[,)162 D .3[,3)811.已知{}n a 是等比数列,25124a a ==,,则公比q =( )A .12-B .-2C .2D .1212.下列命题正确的是( )A .很小的实数可以构成集合.B .集合{}2|1y y x =-与集合(){}2,|1x y y x =-是同一个集合.C .自然数集 N 中最小的数是.D .空集是任何集合的子集.二、填空题13.设函数f ′(x )是奇函数f (x )(x ∈R )的导函数,f (﹣1)=0,当x >0时,xf ′(x )﹣f (x )<0,则使得f (x )>0成立的x 的取值范围是 .14.设,x y满足条件,1,x y ax y+≥⎧⎨-≤-⎩,若z ax y=-有最小值,则a的取值范围为.15.一个圆柱和一个圆锥的母线相等,底面半径也相等,则侧面积之比是.16.设函数f(x)=若f[f(a)],则a的取值范围是.17.命题:“∀x∈R,都有x3≥1”的否定形式为.18.设曲线y=x n+1(n∈N*)在点(1,1)处的切线与x轴的交点的横坐标为x n,令a n=lgx n,则a1+a2+…+a99的值为.三、解答题19.已知数列{a n}满足a1=,a n+1=a n+,数列{b n}满足b n=(Ⅰ)证明:b n∈(0,1)(Ⅱ)证明:=(Ⅲ)证明:对任意正整数n有a n.20.定义在R上的增函数y=f(x)对任意x,y∈R都有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y),则(1)求f(0);(2)证明:f(x)为奇函数;(3)若f(k•3x)+f(3x﹣9x﹣2)<0对任意x∈R恒成立,求实数k的取值范围.21.已知函数f(x)=e﹣x(x2+ax)在点(0,f(0))处的切线斜率为2.(Ⅰ)求实数a的值;(Ⅱ)设g(x)=﹣x(x﹣t﹣)(t∈R),若g(x)≥f(x)对x∈[0,1]恒成立,求t的取值范围;(Ⅲ)已知数列{a n}满足a1=1,a n+1=(1+)a n,求证:当n≥2,n∈N时f()+f()+L+f()<n•()(e为自然对数的底数,e≈2.71828).22.已知,其中e是自然常数,a∈R(Ⅰ)讨论a=1时,函数f(x)的单调性、极值;(Ⅱ)求证:在(Ⅰ)的条件下,f(x)>g(x)+.23.甲、乙两支篮球队赛季总决赛采用7场4胜制,每场必须分出胜负,场与场之间互不影响,只要有一队获胜4场就结束比赛.现已比赛了4场,且甲篮球队胜3场.已知甲球队第5,6场获胜的概率均为,但由于体力原因,第7场获胜的概率为.(Ⅰ)求甲队分别以4:2,4:3获胜的概率;(Ⅱ)设X表示决出冠军时比赛的场数,求X的分布列及数学期望.24.已知中心在坐标原点O的椭圆C经过点A(2,3),且点F(2,0)为其右焦点.(1)求椭圆C的方程;(2)是否存在平行于OA的直线l,使得直线l与椭圆C有公共点,且直线OA与l的距离等于4?若存在,求出直线l的方程;若不存在,说明理由.延庆区二中2018-2019学年高二上学期数学期末模拟试卷含解析(参考答案)一、选择题1. 【答案】C【解析】解:由题意f (x )=f (|x|). ∵log 43<1,∴|log 43|<1;2>|ln |=|ln3|>1;∵|0.4﹣1.2|=|1.2|>2∴|0.4﹣1.2|>|ln |>|log 43|.又∵f (x )在(﹣∞,0]上是增函数且为偶函数, ∴f (x )在[0,+∞)上是减函数. ∴c <a <b . 故选C2. 【答案】B【解析】易知{}{}|10|1B x x x x =-≥=≥,所以()R A B =ð{}|21x x -≤<,故选B.3. 【答案】A 【解析】考点:三角函数的图象性质. 4. 【答案】B【解析】解:∵(﹣4+5i )i=﹣5﹣4i , ∴复数(﹣4+5i )i 的共轭复数为:﹣5+4i ,∴在复平面内,复数(﹣4+5i )i 的共轭复数对应的点的坐标为:(﹣5,4),位于第二象限. 故选:B .5. 【答案】A 【解析】考点:三视图.【方法点睛】本题主要考查几何体的三视图,空间想象能力.空间几何体的三视图是分别从空间几何体的正面,左面,上面用平行投影的方法得到的三个平面投影图.因此在分析空间几何体的三视图时,先根据俯视图确定几何体的底面,然后根据正视图或侧视图确定几何体的侧棱与侧面的特征,调整实线和虚线所对应的棱,面的位置,再确定几何体的形状,即可得到结果. 要能够牢记常见几何体的三视图.6.【答案】Dxy Oe1第Ⅱ卷(共90分)7. 【答案】D 【解析】考点:1、抛物线的定义; 2、抛物线的简单性质.【 方法点睛】本题主要考查抛物线的定义和抛物线的简单性质,属于难题.与焦点、准线有关的问题一般情况下都与拋物线的定义有关,解决这类问题一定要注意点到点的距离与点到直线的距离的转化:(1)将抛物线上的点到准线距转化为该点到焦点的距离;(2)将抛物线上的点到焦点的距离转化为到准线的距离,使问题得到解决.本题就是将M 到焦点的距离转化为到准线的距离后进行解答的. 8. 【答案】B 【解析】考点:正弦定理的应用. 9. 【答案】C 【解析】解:若公比q=1,则B ,C 成立;故排除A ,D ; 若公比q ≠1,则A=S n =,B=S 2n =,C=S 3n =,B (B ﹣A )=(﹣)=(1﹣q n)(1﹣q n)(1+q n)A (C ﹣A )=(﹣)=(1﹣q n )(1﹣q n )(1+q n);故B (B ﹣A )=A (C ﹣A );故选:C .【点评】本题考查了等比数列的性质的判断与应用,同时考查了分类讨论及学生的化简运算能力.10.【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:由图可知存在常数,使得方程()f x t =有两上不等的实根,则314t <<,由1324x +=,可得14x =,由213x =,可得3x =(负舍),即有121113,422x x ≤<≤≤,即221143x ≤≤,则()212123133,162x f x x x ⎡⎫=⋅∈⎪⎢⎣⎭.故本题答案选C.考点:数形结合.【规律点睛】本题主要考查函数的图象与性质,及数形结合的数学思想方法.方程解的个数问题一般转化为两个常见的函数图象的交点个数问题来解决.要能熟练掌握几种基本函数图象,如二次函数,反比例函数,指数函数,对数函数,幂函数等.掌握平移变换,伸缩变换,对称变换,翻折变换,周期变换等常用的方法技巧来快速处理图象.11.【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:∵在等比数列}{a n 中,41,2a 52==a ,21,81q 253=∴==∴q a a . 考点:等比数列的性质. 12.【答案】D 【解析】试题分析:根据子集概念可知,空集是任何集合的子集,是任何非空集合的真子集,所以选项D 是正确,故选D.考点:集合的概念;子集的概念.二、填空题13.【答案】 (﹣∞,﹣1)∪(0,1) .【解析】解:设g (x )=,则g (x )的导数为:g ′(x )=,∵当x >0时总有xf ′(x )<f (x )成立, 即当x >0时,g ′(x )恒小于0,∴当x >0时,函数g (x )=为减函数,又∵g (﹣x )====g (x ),∴函数g (x )为定义域上的偶函数又∵g (﹣1)==0,∴函数g (x )的大致图象如图所示:数形结合可得,不等式f (x )>0⇔x •g (x )>0⇔或,⇔0<x <1或x <﹣1.∴f (x )>0成立的x 的取值范围是(﹣∞,﹣1)∪(0,1). 故答案为:(﹣∞,﹣1)∪(0,1).14.【答案】[1,)+∞ 【解析】解析:不等式,1,x y a x y +≥⎧⎨-≤-⎩表示的平面区域如图所示,由z ax y =-得y ax z =-,当01a ≤<时,平移直线1l 可知,z 既没有最大值,也没有最小值;当1a ≥时,平移直线2l 可知,在点A 处z 取得最小值;当10a -<<时,平移直线3l 可知,z 既没有最大值,也没有最小值;当1a ≤-时,平移直线4l 可知,在点A 处z 取得最大值,综上所述,1a ≥.15.【答案】 2:1 .【解析】解:设圆锥、圆柱的母线为l ,底面半径为r , 所以圆锥的侧面积为: =πrl圆柱的侧面积为:2πrl所以圆柱和圆锥的侧面积的比为:2:1 故答案为:2:116.【答案】 或a=1 .【解析】解:当时,. ∵,由,解得:,所以;当,f (a )=2(1﹣a ),∵0≤2(1﹣a )≤1,若,则,分析可得a=1. 若,即,因为2[1﹣2(1﹣a )]=4a ﹣2,由,得:.综上得:或a=1. 故答案为:或a=1.【点评】本题考查了函数的值域,考查了分类讨论的数学思想,此题涉及二次讨论,解答时容易出错,此题为中档题.17.【答案】 ∃x 0∈R ,都有x 03<1 .【解析】解:因为全称命题的否定是特称命题.所以,命题:“∀x∈R,都有x3≥1”的否定形式为:命题:“∃x0∈R,都有x03<1”.故答案为:∃x0∈R,都有x03<1.【点评】本题考查全称命题与特称命题的否定关系,基本知识的考查.18.【答案】﹣2.【解析】解:∵曲线y=x n+1(n∈N*),∴y′=(n+1)x n,∴f′(1)=n+1,∴曲线y=x n+1(n∈N*)在(1,1)处的切线方程为y﹣1=(n+1)(x﹣1),该切线与x轴的交点的横坐标为x n=,∵a n=lgx n,∴a n=lgn﹣lg(n+1),∴a1+a2+…+a99=(lg1﹣lg2)+(lg2﹣lg3)+(lg3﹣lg4)+(lg4﹣lg5)+(lg5﹣lg6)+…+(lg99﹣lg100)=lg1﹣lg100=﹣2.故答案为:﹣2.三、解答题19.【答案】【解析】证明:(Ⅰ)由b n=,且a n+1=a n+,得,∴,下面用数学归纳法证明:0<b n<1.①由a1=∈(0,1),知0<b1<1,②假设0<b k<1,则,∵0<b k<1,∴,则0<b k+1<1.综上,当n∈N*时,b n∈(0,1);(Ⅱ)由,可得,,∴==.故;(Ⅲ)由(Ⅱ)得:,故.由知,当n≥2时,=.【点评】本题考查了数列递推式,考查了用数学归纳法证明与自然数有关的命题,训练了放缩法证明数列不等式,对递推式的循环运用是证明该题的关键,考查了学生的逻辑思维能力和灵活处理问题的能力,是压轴题.20.【答案】【解析】解:(1)在f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)中,令x=y=0可得,f(0)=f(0)+f(0),则f(0)=0,(2)令y=﹣x,得f(x﹣x)=f(x)+f(﹣x),又f(0)=0,则有0=f(x)+f(﹣x),即可证得f(x)为奇函数;(3)因为f(x)在R上是增函数,又由(2)知f(x)是奇函数,f(k•3x)<﹣f(3x﹣9x﹣2)=f(﹣3x+9x+2),即有k•3x<﹣3x+9x+2,得,又有,即有最小值2﹣1,所以要使f(k•3x)+f(3x﹣9x﹣2)<0恒成立,只要使即可,故k的取值范围是(﹣∞,2﹣1).21.【答案】【解析】解:(Ⅰ)∵f(x)=e﹣x(x2+ax),∴f′(x)=﹣e﹣x(x2+ax)+e﹣x(2x+a)=﹣e﹣x(x2+ax﹣2x﹣a);则由题意得f′(0)=﹣(﹣a)=2,故a=2.(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知,f(x)=e﹣x(x2+2x),由g(x)≥f(x)得,﹣x(x﹣t﹣)≥e﹣x(x2+2x),x∈[0,1];当x=0时,该不等式成立;当x∈(0,1]时,不等式﹣x+t+≥e﹣x(x+2)在(0,1]上恒成立,即t≥[e﹣x(x+2)+x﹣]max.设h(x)=e﹣x(x+2)+x﹣,x∈(0,1],h′(x)=﹣e﹣x(x+1)+1,h″(x)=x•e﹣x>0,∴h′(x)在(0,1]单调递增,∴h′(x)>h′(0)=0,∴h(x)在(0,1]单调递增,∴h(x)max=h(1)=1,∴t≥1.(Ⅲ)证明:∵a n+1=(1+)a n,∴=,又a1=1,∴n≥2时,a n=a1••…•=1••…•=n;对n=1也成立,∴a n=n.∵当x∈(0,1]时,f′(x)=﹣e﹣x(x2﹣2)>0,∴f(x)在[0,1]上单调递增,且f(x)≥f(0)=0.又∵f()(1≤i≤n﹣1,i∈N)表示长为f(),宽为的小矩形的面积,∴f()<f(x)dx,(1≤i≤n﹣1,i∈N),∴[f()+f()+…+f()]=[f()+f()+…+f()]<f(x)dx.又由(Ⅱ),取t=1得f(x)≤g(x)=﹣x2+(1+)x,∴f(x)dx≤g(x)dx=+,∴[f()+f()+…+f()]<+,∴f()+f()+…+f()<n(+).【点评】本题考查函数、导数等基础知识,考查推理论证能力和运算求解能力,考查函数与方程的思想、化归与转化的思想、数形结合的思想,考查运用数学知识分析和解决问题的能力.22.【答案】【解析】解:(1)a=1时,因为f(x)=x﹣lnx,f′(x)=1﹣,∴当0<x<1时,f′(x)<0,此时函数f(x)单调递减.当1<x≤e时,f′(x)>0,此时函数f(x)单调递增.所以函数f(x)的极小值为f(1)=1.(2)因为函数f(x)的极小值为1,即函数f(x)在(0,e]上的最小值为1.又g′(x)=,所以当0<x<e时,g′(x)>0,此时g(x)单调递增.所以g(x)的最大值为g(e)=,所以f(x)min﹣g(x)max>,所以在(1)的条件下,f(x)>g(x)+.【点评】本题主要考查利用函数的单调性研究函数的单调性问题,考查函数的极值问题,本题属于中档题..23.【答案】【解析】解:(Ⅰ)设甲队以4:2,4:3获胜的事件分别为A,B,∵甲队第5,6场获胜的概率均为,第7场获胜的概率为,∴,,∴甲队以4:2,4:3获胜的概率分别为和.(Ⅱ)随机变量X的可能取值为5,6,7,∴,P(X=6)=,P(X=7)=,∴随机变量X的分布列为【点评】本题考查离散型随机变量的分布列,期望的求法,独立重复试验概率的乘法公式的应用,考查分析问题解决问题的能力.24.【答案】【解析】解:(1)依题意,可设椭圆C的方程为(a>0,b>0),且可知左焦点为F(﹣2,0),从而有,解得c=2,a=4,又a2=b2+c2,所以b2=12,故椭圆C的方程为.(2)假设存在符合题意的直线l,其方程为y=x+t,由得3x2+3tx+t2﹣12=0,因为直线l与椭圆有公共点,所以有△=(3t)2﹣4×3(t2﹣12)≥0,解得﹣4≤t≤4,另一方面,由直线OA与l的距离4=,从而t=±2,由于±2∉[﹣4,4],所以符合题意的直线l不存在.【点评】本小题主要考查直线、椭圆等基础知识,考查运算求解能力、推理论证能力,考查函数与方程思想、数形结合思想、化归与转化思想.。

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2、能在无氮培养基中生长的微生物: 、能在无氮培养基中生长的微生物: 无氮培养基中生长的微生物
①圆褐固氮菌②根瘤菌 圆褐固氮菌②
3、能在含抗生素(青霉素)的培养基中生长的微生物: 、能在含抗生素(青霉素)的培养基中生长的微生物: 含抗生素 中生长的微生物
真菌① 真菌①酵母菌 霉菌( ②霉菌( 1 、根霉 2、青霉 3、曲霉) 、 、曲霉)
培养基是一种人工配制的、 培养基是一种人工配制的、适 合生物生长繁殖或产生代谢产物用 的混合养料。 的混合养料。
以下这些培养你熟悉吗? 以下这些培养你熟悉吗?
利用溶液培养法的原理,把植物体生长 利用溶液培养法的原理, 发育过程中所需要的各种矿质元素, 发育过程中所需要的各种矿质元素,按照一 定的比例配制成营养液, 定的比例配制成营养液,并用这种营养液来 栽培植物的技术。 栽培植物的技术。
3、按用途是—— 按用途是—— 二、所培养微生物的 同化作用类型: 同化作用类型:
三、微生物的营养 碳源—— 碳源 氮源—— 氮源 生长因子—— 生长因子
1、能在无氧条件(隔绝空气)生长的微生物: 、能在无氧条件(隔绝空气)生长的微生物: 无氧条件
乳酸菌③光合细菌④甲烷杆菌⑤ ①酵母菌 ② 乳酸菌③光合细菌④甲烷杆菌⑤链球菌 破伤风棒状杆菌⑦大肠杆菌⑧ ⑥破伤风棒状杆菌⑦大肠杆菌⑧反硝化细菌
一、培养基分类: 培养基分类:
1、按物理性质是—— 按物理性质是—— 2、按化学成分是—— 按化学成分是——
NaNO3 K2HPO4 KCl MgSO4. H2O FeSO4 (CH2O) H 2O 青霉素
3g 1g 0.5g 0.5g 0.01g 30g 1000ml 0.1万单位 0.1万单位
氮源 能源
有机碳 异养厌 氧型
有机碳 异养需 氧型
有机碳 异养厌 氧型
代谢 类型
自养需 氧型
假设实验室有以下两种微生物① 假设实验室有以下两种微生物①酵母菌 大肠杆菌,它们的标签丢失, ②大肠杆菌,它们的标签丢失,如何根据两种 微生物生理特点的不同,采用实验的方法将它 微生物生理特点的不同, 们鉴别和分开呢? 们鉴别和分开呢?
矿质元素、蔗糖、维生素、 矿质元素、蔗糖、维生素、 植物激素、有机添加剂、 植物激素、有机添加剂、琼脂
葡萄糖、氨基酸、无机盐、 葡萄糖、氨基酸、无机盐、 维生素和动物血清
微生物需要的营养物质: 微生物需要的营养物质:
碳源、氮源、生长因子、无机盐、 碳源、氮源、生长因子、无机盐、水
成分 牛肉膏 0.5克 克 蛋白胨 NaCl 1克 克 0.5克 克 琼脂 2克 克 蒸馏水 100毫升 毫升 NaOH 1mol/L
成 分 Ca(NO3)2 MgSO4 KH2PO4 KCl FeCl3 钼等微量元 素 H2O
含 量
1.0 克
o.25克 克
0.25克 克
0.12 克
0.005 克
1000 ml
大量元素: 大量元素 CaN、P、S、K、Ca、Mg 微量元素: 微量元素 Fe、Cl、Mo
有关培养基知识的学习和各种能 力的提高,只靠一节课还远远不够, 力的提高,只靠一节课还远远不够, 需要我们共同努力。 需要我们共同努力。
加油! 加油!
例2 假设实验室有以下几种微生物① 假设实验室有以下几种微生物①乳酸菌 青霉菌③光合细菌④酵母菌⑤ ②青霉菌③光合细菌④酵母菌⑤硝化细菌 圆褐固氮菌,它们的标签丢失, ⑥圆褐固特点的不同,采用实验 据各种微生物生理特点的不同, 的方法将它们鉴别和分开呢? 的方法将它们鉴别和分开呢?