HIPAA Compliance Master Template
Sample Letter to Document Disability From Primary Care PhysicianTo Vocational RehabilitationDateTO: NAME OF VR COUNSELOROffice of Rehabilitation ServicesADDRESSCITY, STATEFROM: DOCTOR’s NAME (its better if this is on the physician’s letterhead)RE: John (XXXXXX) XXXXXXX, Age 18, DOB XX/XX/1986Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXGraduate of XXXXXX High School as of June 9, 2004Dear NAME OF VR COUNSELOR,The purpose of this letter is to document significant chronic health conditions that impair activities of daily living for XXXXXXX – XXXXXX. I have been his primary care physician for18 years.XXXXXX’s health issues and their effect on school and potential employment do meet the definition of disability by Utah’s Vocational Rehabilitation criteria [Title 53A Chapter 24, 102(3)] and ADA and Section 504 requirements (see fact sheet on last page).SIGNIFICANT HEALTH IMPAIRMENTS• Endocrine System - TYPE ONE DIABETES• Digestive System - ULCERATIVE COLITIS• Immune System - ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITISCONFIDENTIALITY SAFEGUARDS - In compliance with HIPAA confidentiality mandates permission for this personal health information has been obtained by the patient, and as such this letter should be treated as highly confidential records and not shared without the patient’s permission.What follows is an overview of the health issues that XXXXXX lives with. Enclosed are relevant reports and findings of recent and past health related medical testing.TRAINING FOR EMPLOYMENT & IMPORTANT OF HEALTH CARE BENEFITSIt is important to consider what XXXXXX could do to meet his potential, live independently, and remain as healthy as possible. XXXXXX is a very bright young man who has displayed numerous talents in music, art, writing, literature, and science.Given his educational performance, intellectual abilities and aspirations, he certainly has the potential to do well in competitive employment through post-secondary college courses – if supported. It will be essential that career development be aimed at stable; well-paying jobs that offer comprehensive benefits to assure maintain health status and financial independence.In sum, I believe that offering XXXXXX financial and technology support through the Office of Rehabilitative Services would ensure not only employability but also would support all important aspects of independent living and optimal quality of life. Please contact me if you require further information.Sincerely,XXXXXXXXX, M.D.Etc.XXXXXX XXXXXX Chronic Health Issues1. TYPE ONE DIABETES, ICD-9 CODE: 250.01, Diagnosed: 1998; age 12 yearsHealth Impact to XXXXXX – He requires daily insulin, strict dietary management, and daily/hourlymonitoring and management of blood sugar levels. He has been hospitalized several times, either forsevere hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis.2. ULCERATIVE COLITIS, ICD-9 CODE: 556.9, Diagnosed: Diagnosed 2000; age 14 yearsXXXXXX required surgery for this. He had a colectomy.Health Impact to XXXXXX – Although he technically no longer has ulcerative colitis due to the absence of a colon, he continues to suffer from acute episodes of pouchitis. Symptoms, including steadily increasingstool frequency that may be accompanied by incontinence, bleeding, fever and/or feeling of urgency. Most cases can be treated with a short course of antibiotics. Additionally, absence of a colon causes problemswith nutritional absorption and is associated with XXXXXX’s below-average weight.3. ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS, ICD-9 CODE: 720.0, Diagnosed: 2000; age 14 yearsHealth Impact to XXXXXX – his degenerative spinal arthritis that causes episodes of severe pain andlimitations on his physical capabilities, requiring medication and a physical therapy regime formanagement.ACCOMODATIONS REQUIRED – SCHOOL /EMPLOYMENT TRAINING/PREPARATIONIn order to maximize XXXXXX’s performance level that will not jeopardize health status, some accommodations and modifications are required:1. DAILY MONITORING- XXXXXX’s diabetes management requires that he be able to take frequent breaks whenthe need arises to a) treat low blood sugars, b) use the restroom, c) test his glucose levels, and d) administer insulin. Although XXXXXX’s diabetes management has been relatively stable, the presence of additionalautoimmune diseases puts his future diabetes management and long-term health at risk.2. WATER INTAKE & BATHROOM BREAKS - XXXXXX’s lack of a colon causes him to use the restroom frequently,and he must drink a large amount of water throughout the day to prevent dehydration.3. LIMIT PHYSICAL EXERTION - His ankylosing spondylitis causes him days with severe back pain, makingrigorous activity very painful. Tasks requiring heavy lifting or having to sit or stand for a prolonged period of time without breaks exacerbate his condition and are harmful to his spine. Class schedules and location of classrooms, time needed to change travel to next class need to be evaluated. There may be a need foradditional accommodations in the future, such as mobility assistance, elevator use, use of laptop or cell phone to alleviate unnecessary physical travel.4. ATTENDANCE - Episodes of severe hypoglycemia or ketoacidosis, pouchitis infections, and severe spinal paincan result in XXXXXX’s need for additional sick days to treat the accompanying fever, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Teachers will need to allow for increased time to make up schoolwork or other forms of instruction if absenteeism is due to noted health issues.5. ACCOMODATIONS - XXXXXX has had a 504 plan in place at school (K-12) to ensure these accommodationshave been allowed. The individualized employment plan / individual written rehabilitation plan, that will be developed between VR and XXXXXX will need to specify needed accommodations. While in college, XXXXXX will need to coordinate accommodations (health, learning and testing) for maximized performance with the Disability Resource Centers on campus.。
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二、模板特点1. 多种页面布局:templatemaster 提供了多种页面布局选项,包括单页和多页布局,用户可以根据自己的需要选择合适的布局。
2. 响应式设计:模板支持响应式设计,可以自适应不同设备和屏幕尺寸,保证用户在各种设备上都能流畅访问全球信息站。
3. 丰富的插件和组件:templatemaster 集成了各种实用的插件和组件,包括轮播图、导航菜单、表单、地图等,用户可以轻松地将它们添加到自己的全球信息站中。
4. 自定义选项:模板提供了丰富的自定义选项,用户可以定制颜色、字体、排版等,以满足自己的品牌形象和设计需求。
5. 优化性能:templatemaster 采用了优化的代码结构和技术,确保全球信息站具有良好的性能和加载速度。
三、使用技巧1. 了解需求:在开始使用 templatemaster 之前,用户应该清楚自己全球信息站的需求和目标,包括全球信息站类型、目标用户、关键功能等,这有助于选择合适的页面布局和功能组件。
2. 学习文档:模板提供了详细的使用文档和教程,用户应该仔细阅读并学习这些文档,了解模板的各种功能和配置选项。
医案数据处理流程The process of handling medical records involves several important steps to ensure the accuracy and security of the data. 医案数据处理流程包括数据获取、数据清洗、数据存储、数据分析和数据挖掘等重要步骤。
First and foremost, the data must be obtained from reliable sources such as hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. 首先,数据必须从可靠的来源获取,如医院、诊所和其他医疗机构。
This entails collecting patient information, diagnosis, treatment plans, and other relevant medical details. 这涉及收集患者信息、诊断、治疗计划和其他相关医疗细节。
The data then needs to be thoroughly cleaned and organized to remove any errors or inconsistencies. 然后,数据需要经过彻底清理和组织,以删除任何错误或不一致之处。
This involves checking for duplicate records, correcting spelling mistakes, and standardizing the format of the data. 这涉及检查重复记录,纠正拼写错误,并标准化数据的格式。
Once the data has been cleaned, it must be stored in a secure and accessible manner. 一旦数据被清洁,必须以安全和可访问的方式存储。
Information Security Management
Information Security Managementis a crucial aspect of any organization's operations, as it involves the protection of sensitive data and information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction. In today's digital age, where most businesses rely heavily on technology and online platforms, the need for effective information security measures has become more important than ever.One of the key elements of information security management is risk assessment and management. This involves identifying potential threats to an organization's information assets, evaluating the likelihood of these threats occurring, and determining the impact they could have on the business. By conducting regular risk assessments, organizations can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities in their systems and processes before they are exploited by malicious actors.Another important aspect of information security management is the implementation of security controls and measures to protect against potential threats. This includes the use of firewalls, antivirus software, encryption, access controls, and security policies. By implementing a layered approach to security, organizations can create multiple barriers that make it more difficult for hackers to infiltrate their systems.Furthermore, employee training and awareness programs are essential components of information security management. Employees are often the weakest link in an organization's security posture, as they may inadvertently click on malicious links or disclose sensitive information. By educating employees on best practices for information security, organizations can empower their workforce to recognize and respond to potential security threats.In addition to preventative measures, organizations must also have incident response plans in place to effectively manage and mitigate security breaches. This includes protocols for detecting, containing, and eradicating security incidents, as well as procedures for communicating with stakeholders and regulatory bodies in the event of abreach. By having a well-defined incident response plan, organizations can minimize the impact of security incidents and quickly return to normal operations.Finally, information security management also involves regulatory compliance and adherence to industry standards. Depending on the nature of the organization and the data it handles, there may be specific legal requirements and guidelines that need to be followed to ensure the protection of sensitive information. By staying up to date with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or PCI DSS, organizations can avoid costly fines and reputational damage resulting from non-compliance.In conclusion, information security management is a critical function that every organization must prioritize to protect its data and preserve the trust of its stakeholders. By implementing comprehensive risk assessments, security controls, employee training programs, incident response plans, and regulatory compliance measures, organizations can build a strong foundation for safeguarding their information assets from cyber threats. Investing in information security management is not only a matter of compliance but also a strategic business decision that can help mitigate risks, enhance reputation, and ensure the long-term success of the organization.。
药店新员工带教流程及学习内容English Answer:Onboarding Process for New Pharmacy Staff.The onboarding process for new pharmacy staff typically includes the following steps:1. Pre-employment screening: This involves verifying the candidate's credentials, including their license, certification, and experience.2. Orientation: This provides the new employee with an overview of the pharmacy, its policies and procedures, and the company's culture.3. Shadowing: The new employee shadows a more experienced pharmacist to learn the daily workflow and responsibilities.4. Training: The new employee receives formal training on various aspects of pharmacy operations, including dispensing medications, patient counseling, and medication safety.5. Probationary period: The new employee is typically placed on a probationary period during which their performance is monitored and evaluated.Training Curriculum for New Pharmacy Staff.The training curriculum for new pharmacy staff typically covers the following topics:Pharmacy law and ethics: This includes the legal and ethical responsibilities of pharmacists, including medication dispensing, patient counseling, and HIPAA compliance.Medication dispensing: This covers the proper procedures for dispensing medications, including verifying prescriptions, calculating dosages, and providing patientinstructions.Patient counseling: This includes techniques for effectively communicating with patients about their medications and providing them with the necessary information.Medication safety: This covers the principles of medication safety, including preventing medication errors, identifying and managing adverse drug reactions, and reporting medication errors.Pharmacy operations: This includes the day-to-day operations of a pharmacy, including inventory management, billing, and customer service.中文回答:药店新员工带教流程。
住院病历销毁的流程英文回答:Hospital Medical Record Destruction Process.The destruction of hospital medical records is a critical process that must be carried out in a secure and compliant manner. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and other regulations require that protected health information (PHI) be destroyed in a way that prevents its unauthorized disclosure.Steps in the Hospital Medical Record Destruction Process.The following steps should be followed when destroying hospital medical records:1. Identify and Segregate Records to Be Destroyed: Determine which medical records have reached the end oftheir retention period and can be destroyed.2. Obtain Authorization: Secure written authorization from the patient or their legal representative to destroy the records.3. Remove Identifiable Information: Remove or redact any PHI from the records, including names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and medical information.4. Shred or Pulverize Records: Use a secure shredder or pulverizer to physically destroy the records.5. Document the Destruction: Maintain a record of the destruction process, including the date, time, method used, and individuals involved.6. Dispose of Shredded Records: Dispose of the shredded records in a secure manner, such as through a medical waste disposal company.Security Measures.To ensure the security of the destruction process, the following measures should be implemented:Designated Destruction Area: Establish a dedicatedarea for record destruction to minimize unauthorized access.Trained Personnel: Train staff on the properprocedures for record destruction and HIPAA compliance.Secure Storage: Store records to be destroyed in a locked and secure location until they are destroyed.Monitoring and Auditing: Regularly monitor and auditthe destruction process to ensure compliance.Compliance and Legal Considerations.Compliance with HIPAA and other applicable regulationsis essential when destroying hospital medical records. Failure to properly destroy records can result in fines, penalties, and reputational damage. It is important toconsult with legal counsel to ensure that the destruction process is fully compliant.Duration of Retention Period.The retention period for hospital medical records varies depending on the type of record and the applicable regulations. In general, records should be retained for at least six years after the last date of service or until the patient reaches the age of 21, whichever is later.中文回答:住院病历销毁流程。
英语可行性报告范文英文回答:Feasibility Report on the Establishment of a New Healthcare Facility.Executive Summary.The establishment of a new healthcare facility presents both opportunities and challenges. This feasibility report provides a comprehensive analysis to assess the viability of this project. The report considers factors such as market demand, financial resources, operational considerations, and regulatory compliance. The findings of this report indicate that the proposed healthcare facility is feasible with the right strategies in place to mitigate risks.Market Assessment.A thorough market assessment was conducted to analyze the need for a new healthcare facility. The study revealeda growing population with an increasing demand for healthcare services. The target market is underserved by existing healthcare providers, with long wait times and limited access to specialized care. The proposed facility would address these unmet needs by providing a comprehensive range of services in a convenient location.Financial Analysis.The financial analysis examined the costs associatedwith establishing and operating the proposed healthcare facility. The report estimates the initial investment, operating expenses, and revenue potential. The financial projections indicate that the project is financially viable, with positive cash flow and a reasonable return on investment over a five-year period.Operational Considerations.The operational plan outlines the organizationalstructure, staffing requirements, equipment needs, and quality assurance protocols for the proposed healthcare facility. The report addresses issues such as patient flow, staff training, and infection control to ensure the smooth operation of the facility.Regulatory Compliance.The proposed healthcare facility must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations. The report reviews building codes, licensure requirements, and HIPAA compliance. The findings indicate that the facility can be designed and operated in accordance with all applicable regulations.Recommendations.Based on the findings of this feasibility report, the following recommendations are made:Proceed with the development of the proposed healthcare facility.Develop a comprehensive marketing plan to educate the target market about the facility.Secure financing through a combination of debt and equity investment.Establish strategic partnerships with other healthcare providers to enhance service offerings.Continuously monitor and evaluate the facility's performance to ensure ongoing success.Conclusion.The establishment of a new healthcare facility is a complex endeavor that requires careful planning and analysis. This feasibility report provides ample evidence to support the viability of the proposed project. By implementing the recommendations outlined in this report, the facility can successfully address the unmet healthcare needs of the target population and achieve its financialand operational objectives.中文回答:可行性报告,新建医疗保健机构。
医疗行业 数据保护标准
医疗行业数据保护标准The healthcare industry is increasingly reliant on technology to store and manage patient data. This trend has led to growing concerns about the protection of sensitive information and the potential risks of data breaches. As a result, data protection standards have become a paramount priority for healthcare organizations around the world. 医疗保健行业越来越依赖技术来存储和管理患者数据。
One of the most important aspects of data protection in the healthcare industry is compliance with regulatory requirements. Healthcare organizations are subject to strict regulations regarding the handling of patient data, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in severe penalties and damage to the organization's reputation. 在医疗保健行业数据保护中最重要的一环是遵守监管要求。
Memorandum of Understanding Guide and Template Many California Community Colleges (CCC) have been able to buildadditional capacity to provide mental health services to students byentering into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with localagencies. Partners have included county departments of behavioraland mental health; community- and faith-based mental healthproviders; and clinical care settings such as hospitals and treatmentcenters. These collaborations have enabled CCCs to appropriatelyrefer students in distress or at risk of distress to appropriate mentalhealth services.This guide is designed to help CCC understand the nature, purpose, and scope of an MOU with a provider. The “Sample Discussion Questions” serve as a starting point for potential partners to identify common goals; terms of engagement; and roles and responsibilities. Once there is agreement on key decision points, the “MOU Template” can serve as a tool to help partners design an implementation plan for their joint activities. Please note that the template is for planning purposes only; each partner should engage their legal team before finalizing an MOU.What is an MOU?A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is a document that two or more collaborating parties use to codify the details of their alliance. An MOU is a formal document that is signed by all parties. In general, an MOU must identify the signing parties, explain the purposes and/or objectives of the alliance, and summarize the terms of the alliance. An MOU may also contain disclaimer language that specifies when and how signing parties may dissolve the agreement. It may also create specific outcomes, measurements, and expected benefits for the mutually served population.Why use an MOU?An MOU summarizes the common goals between partners and gives authority and responsibility to both partners; this minimizes potential problems in the future. It helps create ongoing pathways to mental health services that are sustainable and can weather staffing transitions at both organizations. An MOU clarifies how decisions will be made and by whom; how conflict willbe resolved; and how the scope of the partnership can be changed. The data sharing agreements that are part of a standard MOU ensure that both parties adhere to HIPAA and FERPA privacy laws. The MOU is a map that helps both parties navigate the process of collaboration. Who should be engaged in creating the MOU? Collaborative endeavors are often led by champions who are committed to a particular cause. The person who initially negotiates on behalf of the college should be invested in student mental health outcomes and familiar with existing opportunities and challenges on campus. Begin investigating providers by connecting with your local Mental Health Services Association Coordinator; he or she should can link you to other county and community agencies. /contact-us . What services should the MOU cover? Knowing which services are needed on your campus will determine your choice of partners, and your MOU can specify which services will be delivered by your provider partner. You may already have a specific service in mind, or you can explore the options with county departments and agencies in your community. The table below contains a range of specialized services that may be available in your community and accessible by your students. Each county has different resources and responsive to diverse needs, so not all of these services are available in all communities.Mental Health/Substance UseTreatmentEmotionalSupport Basic Needs Support• Onsite counseling• Individual• Couples/family• Group• Crisis/Urgent Care• Day treatment• Detox/Residential• 12-step• Psychiatric medications • Support groups • Peer navigators • Peer support • Phone check-ins • Coping skills groups • Drop-in centers • Chat rooms • Wellness programs • ACA/Covered CA/Medi-Cal sign-up • Cal Fresh outreach • Food Banks/Pantry • Financial education services • CalWORKs application • Transportation servicesSample Discussion Questions for Colleges and ProvidersWhat are the goals of the collaboration between College/District and Providers?•How will services under the MOU address the unmet mental health needs of college students?•What are the expected outcomes as a result of forming this partnership?What are the terms of the MOU?•Who needs to give permission for the MOU to move forward?•Who is responsible for ensuring support at each organization?•How long will the MOU be in effect? Will it be renewable and if so, what would be the renewal process?Which students will be served under the terms of the MOU?•Which students will be able to access Provider services (e.g., referral source; nature of distress; age of student)?•How will these students be identified?•What is the referral process between College and Provider, including emergency and after-hours referrals?•Will some student populations be prioritized for intervention (e.g., students struggling academically; homeless students; foster youth students)?What are the responsibilities of the College?•What information or training will the College provide to Provider (e.g. about the needs of students and its current mental health services/support programs)?•What role will the College play in reporting and evaluation activities?•How will the College maintain contact with Provider to ensure that all necessary information and updates on college mental health programs, policies, and services are shared?•How will the College comply with required authorization to release confidential student information?•Who will serve as administrative point of contact with Provider? What administrative supports will College provide to Provider?What are the responsibilities of Provider?•What information or training, if any, will Provider bring to the College (e.g. service eligibility criteria, required documentation)?•What role will Provider play in reporting and evaluation activities?•Who will serve as an administrative point of contact with College?•How will Provider maintain contact with College to ensure all necessary information and updates on programs, policies, and services are communicated?•How will Provider coordinate with College services (e.g. student health, disability services, counseling center)?What are the policies and procedures for referring student to Provider?•What services will students referred to Provider receive? How are fees-for-service paid?•Who can make the referral to Provider (i.e., student self-referral, faculty, college counselor, health center)?•What documentation is needed for referral (e.g. must students referred to Provider be diagnosed by a Ccllege licensed clinician or healthcare provider or have documentation of their diagnosis by an off-campus qualified provider prior to referral? Must a diagnosis indicate that the student has a disability—i.e. that the student has a psychiatric condition severe enough to interfere with a major life activity)?•Do students need to be at least 18 years of age to be referred to Provider?•Are referrals to Provider limited to full-time students?•Is there a limit on how many students may be referred to Provider?•How can we best prepare our students for the intake process when we refer them to Provider?What is the follow-up process after a student has been referred to Provider?•Who from College will notify Provider that a referral has been made?•What systems navigation assistance will Provider give newly referred students?•Who from Provider will notify College that a student has been seen?•What information will be shared between College and Provider?•Who will ensure that students have signed appropriate consent forms to share information between College and Provider?•Does Provider notify College when treatment has been terminated (e.g., student stops showing up; student ends treatment against clinical advice)?•If student has separated from the College for mental health reasons, what protocols will be in place to support their reentry?California Community Colleges Health & WellnessDeveloped with contributions by Sally Jue, MSPublication Date: February 2019CCC Health & Wellness is a partnership between the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO) and the Foundation for California Community Colleges (Foundation).MOU TemplatePurposeNote: Include a brief statement identifying the two parties and summarizing thepurpose of the agreement.Example: This memorandum of understanding (MOU) represents an agreementbetween (“provider”) and (“college/district”). The purpose of this agreement is to create dedicated referral pathways between College and Provider. Both parties are committed to providing mental health services to students that position them to succeed in school, work, and family.Term of AgreementNote: Specify the dates through which the agreement will be honored and the process for amending the agreement between those dates. Identify the terms under which the agreement can be terminated.Example: This MOU is valid from xx/yy/zz through xx/yy/zz. During this period modifications can be made through mutual agreement between parties that is appropriately documented in writing. Either party may terminate this agreement by providing written notice at least three weeks prior to the action.LocationNote: Specify where agreed upon services will be provided and which party is responsible for ensuring that services are provided in appropriate settings.Example: The services outlined in this MOU will be delivered on Provider premises at:1234 Spring StreetCenterville, CA 95009Provider is responsible for maintaining facilities in compliance with relevant federal, state, and local laws, including the protection of patient privacy.Service RecipientsNote: Include information about which populations will be served under the terms of the MOU and identify any restrictions that effect access to services.Example: Services will be provided to youth of transition age (16-24 years) who are referred to Provider though college counseling center. Provider is not obligated to accept referrals made by other college staff or faculty.Description of ServicesNote: Specify the services to be delivered in as much detail as possible.Example: This MOU covers the following Provider services:•Onsite or remote counseling for students 16-24 years old•Crisis assessment and intervention•Case management•Community referrals as needed that are appropriate for the client’s needsStaffingNote: Identify which party is responsible for hiring, training, and supervising staff who deliver the services. Include assurances of qualifications and mandated reporting.Example: Provider is solely responsible for hiring, training, and supervising staff delivering services under this MOU. Provider certifies that staff are trained according to prevailing professional standards for mental health treatment and that all staff will be adequately supervised. Provider certifies that staff follow legal guidelines on reporting child abuse and child neglect. Provider is responsible for keeping fingerprinting and TB records up to date.Communication and Collaboration.Note: Specify the points of contact for each party and identify the format and schedule of communication between parties.Example: College and Provider agree that mental health services are an integral component of student success. Both parties will engage in ongoing collaboration and communication in service of student wellness, including but not limited to monthly one-hour calls between College and District agents. Agenda, facilitation, and follow-up communication will alternate between parties.College POC:Ebony Edwards123-456-7891********************Provider POC:Chaz Chui123-456-7891******************Confidentiality, Record Keeping, and Information Sharing.Note: Describe how information will be kept confidential; where and how the records will be stored; and what and how information will be shared between parties.Example: Both parties recognize that the confidentiality of student records is defined by provisions of state and federal law. Both College and Provider will adhere to these laws, including but not limited to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Provider agrees to maintain best-practice record keeping that assures the privacy and confidentiality of all student and family data. College agrees to make a good-faith effort to obtain signed releases from students granting permission to share educational and behavioral health data with Provider where appropriate.BillingNote: Identify who will cover the costs associated with mental health services for students and any additional funding streams that will be accessed.Example: Provider is responsible for costs associated with services under this MOU. Services will be provided to referred students at no cost to the student, family, or College. Services delivered under this MOU are funded by federal block grants and county prevention and early intervention funds. As appropriate, Provider may bill Medical for covered services delivered to eligible students.LiabilityNote: It is customary for both parties to commit to defend and indemnify the other party against lawsuits. In addition, some parties specify the amount and type of insurance coverage they maintain.Example: Both parties shall defend and indemnify the other party, its officers, agents, and employees again all claims, regardless of form, and lawsuits for damages for death or injury to persons or property arising from or connected with services rendered by Provider, its officers, agents, or employees under this agreement.Signature of College RepresentativeSignature of Provider Representative。
Respecting privacy is a fundamental aspect of our social interactions and is crucial in fostering trust and understanding among individuals.In todays digital age,where information is readily accessible and privacy concerns are on the rise,it is essential to consider the importance of respecting privacy in various contexts.Firstly,respecting privacy is a matter of personal dignity.Every individual has the right to control their personal information and to decide what they share with others.This includes aspects such as ones health status,financial details,and personal relationships. When we respect someones privacy,we acknowledge their autonomy and allow them to maintain control over their own life.In the workplace,respecting privacy is essential for creating a healthy and respectful environment.Employers should avoid intrusive surveillance or monitoring of employees personal communications,as this can lead to a culture of mistrust and may even be illegal in some jurisdictions.Instead,fostering an environment where employees feel their privacy is respected can lead to increased job satisfaction and productivity.In the digital realm,respecting privacy means being mindful of the information we share online.This includes being cautious about what we post on social media,as well as being aware of the privacy settings on various platforms.It also involves being vigilant about phishing scams and protecting our personal information from potential breaches.Moreover,respecting privacy is a legal obligation in many ws such as the General Data Protection Regulation GDPR in the European Union and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA in the United States have been enacted to protect individuals privacy rights.Adhering to these regulations not only safeguards individuals rights but also helps organizations avoid legal repercussions.In the context of relationships,respecting privacy is a key component of trust.Whether its a romantic relationship,a friendship,or a professional partnership,respecting the other persons privacy demonstrates that you value their personal space and boundaries.This can lead to stronger,more resilient relationships.In conclusion,respecting privacy is a multifaceted concept that encompasses personal dignity,workplace ethics,digital responsibility,legal compliance,and relational trust.By being mindful of these aspects,we can create a more respectful and secure environment for everyone.It is our collective responsibility to uphold the value of privacy and to ensure that it remains a cornerstone of our social interactions.。
emergency prostate surgery defined as within 30 days of AUR.n T o measure the association between 5ARI LOT and monthly BPH-associated medical costs.n G eneralized linear modeling was used to evaluate LOT and BPH-associated costsafter controlling for age, previous AB therapy or AUR, hematuria, stones, urologistconsultations, BPH stage, comorbidity index, and previous BPH-associated medicalcosts.HR – hazard ratio*Significant (P<0.05)†Dichotomous variable: 1 = yes; 0 = no‡Score ranges from 0 to 16, with higher values indicating more severe comorbidity status§Dichotomous variable: 1 = complicated BPH (defined as Stage >1.2 per Medstat disease staging criteria);0 = uncomplicated BPHKey: AB – alpha blocker; AUR – acute urinary retention; CI – confidence interval; BPH – benign prostatic hyperplasia*Significant (P<0.05)†Dichotomous variable: 1 = yes; 0 = no‡Score ranges from 0 to 16, with higher values indicating more severe comorbidity status§Dichotomous variable: 1 = complicated BPH (defined as Stage >1.2 per Medstat disease staging criteria);0 = uncomplicated BPH6. M adersbacher S, Alivizatos G, Nordling J, Sanz CR, Emberton M, de la Rosette JJ. EAU 2004 guidelines on assessment, therapy and follow-up of menwith lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic obstruction (BPH guidelines). Eur Urol. 2004;46(5):547-554.7. Avodart [package insert]. Research Triangle Park, NC: GlaxoSmithKline; 2010.8. Proscar [package insert]. Whitehouse Station, NJ: Merck & Co, Inc.; 2010.。
Office of the Chief Information O fficer Array M E M O R A N D U MTo: Employees and Appointees, University at Albany and its Affiliated EntitiesFrom: Office of the Chief Information OfficerRe: Protection of University at Albany Business RecordsFaculty and staff at the University at Albany are required to collect and use a wide variety of information. Grades, research data, application submissions, health records,and financial transactions are just some of the types of academic and business records we use in the course of performing our work.As criminal fraud incidents involving stolen or lost information have proliferated, statesand the federal government have imposed increasingly stringent requirements on businesses and government entities to ensure that adequate protections are appliedto collections of business records containing sensitive, personal information.The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) are two examples of federal legislation that require specific levels of protection and authorize penalties for failure to comply with those requirements.Two statutes in New York State, the Information Security Breach and Notification lawand the Social Security Protection law, impose severe penalties for the mishandlingand misuse of social security numbers.Because of the possible sanctions the University could suffer resulting from the loss or exposure of regulated information, and the increasing threats targeting that information, it is vitally important that University employees accept the role of informed guardians of campus business records.By signing the attached Employee Access and Compliance Agreement, you agreeto comply with the applicable laws and University policies and procedures governingthe handling and use of those records. Your efforts in protecting information vital tothe campus's mission of teaching, learning, and research are greatly appreciated.July 2010University Hall, 208 1400 Washington Avenue,Albany, NY 12222 PH: 518-956-8080 FX:518-956-8085 University at AlbanyOffice of Human Resources ManagementOffice of the Chief Information OfficerEMPLOYEE ACCESS AND COMPLIANCE AGREEMENTI understand that I am being granted access to information and data that may contain records subject to federal or state regulations (“regulated data”) regarding privacy and confidentiality, and that I may handle other information considered Personal, Private, and Sensitive. My continued access to this information is based on my agreement to comply with the following terms and conditions:• I will comply with all state and federal laws and University policies that govern access to and use of information about employees, applicants, students or donors.• My right to access this is strictly limited to the specific information and data that is relevant andnecessary for me to perform my job-related duties.• I am prohibited from accessing, using, copying or otherwise disseminating regulated data that is not relevant and necessary for me to perform my job-related duties.• I will not share regulated data unless explicitly authorized to do so, and in no instance will I share regulated data with third parties without appropriate authorization.• I will sign-out of electronic records systems when I am not actively using them.• I will keep my account credentials (e.g., NetID, password) confidential, and will not disclose or share them with anyone. (Please note: Any request for your UAlbany password(s) in any format, by phone, email, or in person, should be considered fraudulent.)I understand that violations of this agreement may result in the revocation of my access privileges to University information systems, may result in appropriate administrative action, including, but not limited to, disciplinary action, and may also subject me to prosecution by federal or state authorities.I certify that I have read this Access and Compliance Agreement and the attached NYS policy excerpt pertaining to Personal, Private, and Sensitive Information (PPSI), that I understand both, and that I agree to comply with the above terms and conditions._Signature Name (Please print) Date_Title Department*Please return form to Office of Human Resources, UAB 300Revision Date: Oct. 6, 2010New York State Cyber Security Policy P03-002: Information Security Policy Rev. Date: August 1, 2007Personal, Private, and Sensitive Information (PPSI): Any information where unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, destruction or disruption of access to or use of such information could severely impact the University, its critical functions, its employees, its customers, third parties, or citizens of New York. This term shall be deemed to include, but is not limited to, the information encompassed in existing statutory definitions, e.g., General Business Law §§399-dd; 399-h(1)(c),(d),(e); 899-aa(1)(a)(b); Public Officers Law, §§86(5); 92(7), (9); State Technology Law §§202(5); 208(1)(a).PPSI includes, but is not limited to:•Information concerning a person which, because of name, number, personal mark or other identifier, can be used to identify that person, in combination with:o Social Security Number or any number derived from the Social Security Number;o driver’s license number or non-driver identification card number; oro mother’s maiden name; oro financial account identifier(s) or other information which would permit access to a person’s financial resources or credit.•Information used to authenticate the identity of a person or process (e.g., PIN, password, passphrase, biometric data). This does not include distribution of one-time-use PINs, passwords, or passphrases.•Information that identifies specific structural, operational, or technical information, such as maps, mechanical or architectural drawings, floor plans, operational plans or procedures, or other detailed information relating to electric, natural gas, steam, water supplies, nuclear or telecommunications systems or infrastructure, including associated facilities, including, but not limited to: o training and security procedures at sensitive facilities and locations as determined by the Office of Homeland Security (OHS);o descriptions of technical processes and technical architecture;o plans for disaster recovery and business continuity; ando reports, logs, surveys, or audits that contain sensitive information.•Security related information (e.g., vulnerability reports, risk assessments, security logs).•Other information that is protected from disclosure by law.。
Arista HIPAA 合规指南和远程员工说明书
HIPAA Compliance and Remote EmployeesWorking remotely has become the new normal for many industries, healthcare included. Outside of the first responders, medical practitioners, or specialists in hospitals and healthcare facilities treating patients, there are other departments who provide services to patients. These employees routinely have access to personal health information (PHI), and are working to ensure that any follow up care, additional services, or even simple patient record keeping is updated and protected following the strict HIPAA guidelines.HIPAA Violations in the Real WorldIn October of 2020, City of New Haven agreed to pay HIPAA violations up to $200,000 for a failure to terminate network access and credentials of a former employee. The investigation found that an employee was able to log into their account eight days after termination and access patient personal information. It also found that this employee shared their login and password information with an intern who was routinely using it to access patient information.Also in October 2020, Aetna agreed to may $1 million dollars in HIPAA violations after it was determined that plan-related documents were accessible without login credentials and subsequently made searchableby various internet search engines, affecting 5,002 people.Other examples of HIPAA violations include stolen devices, social media posts and video commentary, as well as delays in practitioners providing their patients with medical records.While these instances may seem few and far between, HIPAA violations are at a higher risk of happening now, while more employees are working from home, than ever before.The health of patients continues to be a priority for everyone in the healthcare industry. This health also extends to patient data and keeping information that could be used to harm patients in the future safe and secure today.Working with networkadministrators to create a robust and comprehensive WFH policy will ensure that patient data and organization-related data is safe and employees can focus on giving their patients the best services possible.How to Remain Compliant When Working From HomeAdministrators, now more than ever, need to remain vigilant against HIPAA violations and how easily these can happen while so many employees are working from home. Listed below are key considerations that administrators, along with their IT teams, need to make moving forward:Make VPN MandatoryVirtual private networks, or VPNs, extend the same protections and policies that employees receive in the office tothe home when properly connected. Using VPN connectivity can create a shield around incoming and outgoingtraffic from remote devices, keeping all communications encrypted and secure.Maintain Complete Network Activity ReportsNetwork administrators should keep an updated list of every employee working from home, devices attributedto them, and the level of network access each person has. This level of detail, paired with network activityreports, can be extremely effective in noticing suspicious activity and closing the loop when employees leave anyorganization.Continuous Employee TrainingKeeping employees informed about what phishing emails, suspicious links, or other overall cyber securitypolicies are in place will go a long way during this time. As employees continue to adapt, work from home, andserve patients in need, they may often overlook glaring red flags in emails that have malicious intentions. Trainemployees to notice suspicious activity and report it to the proper channels before it becomes an out of controlcyber attack.Enforce Clean Password HygieneWith employees working from home and in constant contact with sensitive personal information, keepingpasswords secure is paramount. Passwords for home networks should be changed monthly, using strongpasswords - combinations of characters, symbols, and numbers that cannot easily be guessed. In addition toupdating home network passwords, login credentials, laptop passwords, and other password-specific applicationsshould also be changed monthly to ensure that they do not lapse or can be easily accessed.Deploy Multi-Factor AuthenticationMFA, or sometimes known as two-factor authentication (2FA), can add an additional layer of defense to any loginor credentialed-access portal. This additional authentication asks for either a text message, secondary email, orother form of access confirmation, and most times this cannot be faked by hackers. In addition to another layerof authentication, this can also be the first warning that someone is trying to access an account. If you receivean email asking for confirmation or an access code, it could be a signal that someone is trying to access anotheraccount of yours without being authorized.Sourceshttps:///hipaa-violation-cases/https:///hipaa-compliance-working-remotely/Santa Clara—Corporate Headquarters 5453 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054Phone: +1-408-547-5500 Fax: +1-408-538-8920 Email:***************Copyright © 2023 Arista Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. CloudVision, and EOS are registered trademarks and Arista Networks is a trademark of Arista Networks, Inc. All other company names are trademarks of their respective holders. Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Certain features may not yet be available. Arista Networks, Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. January 23, 2023Ireland—International Headquarters 3130 Atlantic AvenueWestpark Business Campus Shannon, Co. Clare IrelandVancouver—R&D Office9200 Glenlyon Pkwy, Unit 300 Burnaby, British Columbia Canada V5J 5J8India—R&D OfficeGlobal Tech Park, Tower A, 11th Floor Marathahalli Outer Ring RoadDevarabeesanahalli Village, Varthur Hobli Bangalore, India 560103Singapore—APAC Administrative Office 9 Temasek Boulevard #29-01, Suntec Tower Two Singapore 038989How Arista Can HelpArista’s Cognitive Unified Edge (CUE) solutions help enable school IT administrators to monitor, protect and control their networks while also providing protection from evolving threats. CUE products provide enhanced security and connectivity, flexible PoE switching, and Wi-Fi 6/6E offerings that work together seamlessly to ensure connectivity, protection, monitoring, and control across the entire network.Centralized Cloud Based Management• Visibility across globally dispersed networks & endpoints • Zero touch deployment for hardware appliances • Advanced alerting & reporting for CIPA complianceNext Generation Firewall• Next-gen firewall, with IPS, VPN & more• Protection, encryption, control & visibility anywhere • Block students from accessing inappropriate content• Onboard security for small network appliances & IoT devices • Full security processing on-premises or in the cloudWAN Optimization• Secure, WAN-optimized connectivity for learning• Seamless scalability with centralized policy management• Optimal predictive routing technology for first packet, dynamic path selectionWired Connectivity• Scalable PoE compact switches with 12 to 48 ports • Based on Arista’s Extensible Operating System (EOS) • Wire rate encryption/tunneling• Multi-gigabit uplink speeds from 1 to 100 GbpsWi-Fi 6 Access Points• Enterprise class Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E technologies• Optimized performance to scale from 1 to hundreds of users per AP • Multi-gigabit uplink choices based upon bandwidth needs• Open, published APIs for integration with ITSM and monitoring toolsNetwork Security for Healthcare •Stop viruses and other malware before they can enter the network •Integrate with existing Active Directory/LDAP to bring preconfigured user context into your organization •Set up different policies to control Internet access tailored specifically for doctors, administrators and other medical staff •Identify every user on the network with Captive Portal to allow access to network resources only to those that require it •Filter web content based on different types of users from medical staff to visiting patients with user policy based web filtering •Prioritize mission-criticalapplications that directly affect the level of care provided to patients •Prevent network slowdowns caused by any individual or group of users and applications。
HIPAA :隐私惯例通知 – 2016 年 6 月本通知说明您的健康信息将如何受到使用和披露 以及您可以如何获取这些信息。
我们将仅在法律允许的情况下使用和披露您的个人健康信息 (“PHI”)。
我们对员工和雇员进行培训,让他们对隐私保持敏感,并尊重您的 PHI 的保密性。
依照法律要求,我们应当维护患者的 PHI 的隐私性,并应当向您提供一份通知,说明我们在有关于您的 PHI 方面所负有的法律责任以及我们的隐私惯例。
我们保留权利可在必要时变更本通知中的条款,并使新通知对我们拥有的所有 PHI 生效。
本通知的条款适用于 Penn Medicine ,其由 Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania 以及 University of Pennsylvania Health System 及其附属机构和所属人员(包括但不限于 Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania 、Pennsylvania Hospital 、Penn Presbyterian Medical Center 、Chester County Hospital 、Lancaster General Hospital 、Clinical Practices of the University of Pennsylvania (“CPUP”)、Clinical Care Associa tes (“CCA”)、Penn Home Care and Hospice 、Good Shepherd Penn Partners 、Clinical Health Care Associates of New Jersey ,以及在这些护理设施中为患者提供诊断和治疗的医生、执照人员、雇员、义工、培训人员)组成。
【罚单的单词】Docket 路税单Infringement 侵权Violation 违规Penalty 罚金Fine 罚金Summons 传票Notice 通知Court Order 法庭命令Warning 警告Offense 违法行为Speeding 超速Illegal Parking 违规停车Environmental Violation 环境违规Community Service 社区服务License Suspension 吊销执照Frequent Violator 惯犯Appeal 上诉Comply with Regulations 遵守规定Law Enforcement 执法机关Criminal Offense 刑事犯罪Serious Offense 严重违规Public Safety 公共安全Legal Consequences 法律后果Punishment 惩罚Felon 罪犯Misdemeanor 轻罪Court Appearance 出庭Settlement 解决Reckless Driving 鲁莽驾驶Respect the Law 尊重法律Obey Rules 遵守规则Law Abiding Citizens 守法公民Serve Justice 伸张正义Rights and Responsibilities 权利与责任Civil Liability 民事责任Traffic Warden 交通警察Legal System 法律体系Rule of Law 法治Judicial System 司法制度Adjudication 裁决Due Process 应有程序Revocation 取消Service of Process 传票达达Legal Action 法律行动Guilty 有罪Innocent 无罪Charged 被控Under Arrest 被捕Restricted License 限制驾照Littering 乱丢垃圾Illegal Dumping 非法倾倒Pay the Ticket 付罚金Appeal the Decision 上诉决定Default Judgment 默认判决Dispute 争议Administrative Penalty 行政处罚Fugitive 逃犯Warrant 颁发令Indictment 控告书Road Rules 道路规则Duty-bound 理应如此Code of Conduct 行为准则Noise Control 噪音控制Ethical Conduct 道德行为Good Citizenship 良好公民行为Professional Ethics 职业道德Honesty 诚实Moral Values 道德价值观Compliance Program 遵从方案Ethics Committee 道德委员会Whistleblower 揭发者Anti-Corruption Policy 反腐政策Regulatory Framework 规范框架Compliance Review 合规评审Risk Management 风险管理Data Protection Compliance 数据保护合规Confidentiality 保密性Data Processing 数据处理HIPAA Compliance HIPAA 合规International Standards 国际标准Best Practices 最佳实践Monitoring 监控第二篇示例:罚单的种类有很多,根据违法行为的不同,罚单的内容也会有所不同。
2. 软件即服务(SaaS)这种类型的云计算通过浏览器把程序传给成千上万的用户.在用户眼中看来,这样会省去在服务器和软件授权上的开支;从供应商角度来看,这样只需要维持一个程序就够了,这样能够减少成本.3. 平台即服务(PaaS)平台即服务(Platform as a Service,PaaS)是一种无需下载或安装,即可通过因特网发送操作系统和相关服务的模式。
由于平台即服务能够将私人电脑中的资源转移至网络云,所以有时它也被称为“云件"(cloudware).平台即服务是软件即服务(Software as a Service)的延伸.软件即服务是将软件部署为托管服务并通过因特网提供给客户.4。
而Rackspace、Gogrid、Flexisc ale、Gridlayer等后来者发展势头也不错.5。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
涵盖实体保持或传输受保护的健康资料是由安全规则要求(见45病死率§ 164.306),以便:确保其机密性,完整性和保护健康的所有电子信息涵盖实体的创建,接收,保存或者传输的可用性。
应急计划必须:建立(并推行需要)为应对紧急情况或其他事件(例如,火灾,人为破坏,系统故障,自然灾害)的政策和程序,损害赔偿制度,包含电子保护的健康信息(行政保障措施- § 164.308(一)(7)(i)条)。
他们必须:(1)执行政策和程序,以限制物理访问其电子信息系统和设施,或在他们所住的设施,同时确保适当授权的访问是允许的(实物保障- § 164.310(一)(1))。
(2)应急行动的建立和实施程序,使工厂在支持恢复丢失的数据下访问灾难恢复计划和应急模式操作,在发生紧急事件计划(§ 164.310(一)(2)(i)项)。
此外,涵盖实体必须实施具体的技术保障措施(§ 164.312),除其他事项:(1)限制访问受保护的健康信息和电子。
在备份过程中,所有的数据- 包括病人和帐单纪录- 在离开前将加密用户的计算机(s)和从来没有用户的加密密钥访问。
此外,2003年6月,256 - AES法被批准用于加密机密,美国政府的文件中使用“最高机密。
此外,所有用户数据传输和两个冗余的四级安全的数据储存中心,位于远隔千里,相互每个数据中心拥有24 / 7现场监控,先进的安全技术,如生物识别门禁控制,冗余连接和备用发电机到互联网。