MOSA 4600 Plus Series技术手册
Avaya 4600系列IP电话安装中文说明书
IP Office4600 系列 IP 电话安装40DHB0002CHCJ - Issue 6 (12/05/2003)目录4600 IP 电话安装指导手册 (3)管理员 (3)安装要求 (4)DHCP 安装 (5)DHCP 安装准备 (5)DHCP 电话安装 (6)用户 PC 连接 (7)备注 (7)4600 IP 电话安装介绍本指南介绍了如何在 IP Office 上安装 4600 系列的 IP 电话。
IP Office 目前支持以下的 4600 系列电话:• 4602• 4606• 4612• 4624安装要求在 IP Office 上安装 4600 系列 IP 电话需要满足以下要求:• 电源插座:每部 IP 电话都需要一个带开关的电源插座,其规格为:110-240V AC,50-60Hz。
• LAN 接口:每部 IP 电话都需要一个10/100Mbps 的RJ45 以太网 LAN 连接点。
• 按类别 5 布线4600系列 IP 电话使用的所有 LAN 电缆和 LAN 布线体系都必须符合类别 5 布线要求。
• LAN 电缆:请检查 IP 电话是否附带提供了用来连接电源设备的 RJ45 LAN电缆。
您还需要另外一条 RJ45 LAN电缆(用于连接电源设备和用户的 LAN)。
• 为了通过 IP 电话将用户的 PC 和 LAN 相连,可能需要另外的 RJ45LAN电缆。
• 1151B1 电源设备:该设备将通过 LAN 电缆为 IP 电话供电。
4602/4606/4612/4624 型电话还可以使用符合 IEEE 802.3af 标准的 LAN 电源。
• 语音压缩模块:IP Office 控制单元必须装有语音压缩模块。
• DHCP 服务器:如果没有其它的 DHCP 服务器,IP Office 控制单元可以承担此任。
• TFTP 服务器:运行 Manager 应用程序的 PC可承担此任。
版本:ES4600_UM_CN_V1.Байду номын сангаас.3
注意事项 ...................................................................................................................................................................iv 1 参数 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1-1 技术参数........................................................................................................................................................ 1 1-2 条码预设参数................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 开始使用 ...................................................
AOPA Air Safety Foundation Garmin 430 530 基本操作指南说明
Large Right Knob (GPS) selects between the displayed page groups: NAV, WPT, AUX or NRST. It also allows you to move the cursor about the page.
Small Right Knob (GPS) selects pages within a group listed above. Pressing it momentarily displays the cursor.
The COM power/volume turns the unit on and sets the desired radio volume. The self test screen will display briefly. If the airplane has an Avionics Master switch, turn it on.
COM Flip-Flop Key swaps the active and standby COM frequencies. Press and hold it to automatically tune the emergency frequency (121.5).
VLOC Volume Knob controls volume for the VOR/Localizer (VLOC). Pressing it momentarily enables or disables the ident tone.
艾默生网络能源有限公司 地址:深圳市南山区科技工业园科发路一号 邮编:518057 公司网址: 客户服务投诉热线:0755-86010800 E-mail: info@
2.1 安全规定 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.2 安装准备 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 机械安装 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
启动电池保护的优点为电池电压较低时可以保护电池;缺点为电池电压下降到一定水平即切断电池,使 得所有负载,包括重要与非重要的负载断电。 软件取消电池保护的优点为延长重要负载供电时间,缺点为无法保护电池。也不能避免误操作或设备故 障导致的非预期的误下电。而硬件取消电池保护则可以避免设备故障与误操作造成的非预期误下电,以 最大限度地保证重要负载供电的不中断。
fsx and fxo说明
?? 內線群組 (Group Hunting)
?? 熱線 (Hot Line)
當分機欲找尋外線撥打網外電話時,可簡單的按下外線群組抓取碼如”9” ,本機將會自
?? 自動路由選擇 / 最便宜路由選擇 (ARS/LCR)
當分機使用 ”自動選擇路由” 功能撥打外線電話時,系統會根據事先規劃的電信號碼路
?? 跟隨 (Call Forward)
?? 網外跟隨 (Offnet Call Forward)
此乃MOSA IP PBX 的獨特設計,當分機使用者無法利用其桌上分機應答來話時,可將
符合RFC3261 標準的SIP 終端設備 (Gateway,IP Phone,Softphone 或是 Wi-Fi phone) 可
以註冊到MOSA 4600 Plus,成為整個網路電話交換機的一支分機,使SIP 終端設備可以跟
MOSA 4600 Plus 本身也具備SIP Client後就
?? 內建自動總機 (Build-in DISA)
二. 产品规格
• S4600-28P-SI端口规格
• 24个10M/100M/1000M自适应RJ45电口 • 4个SFP千兆双模端口
10M/100M/1000M 自 适 应 RJ45 电 口 , 芯 片 集 成 RTL8218B外Phy。
SFP端口,芯片集成RTL8214FC, 外 phy, 支 持 符 合 (SFF8472/IEEE802.3) 标 准 (SR/LR)的SFP光模块。
二. 产品规格
3 :S4600-10P-SI规格参数 • 机箱尺寸 250*180*43.6(mm) • 重量 约1.1kg(标配) • 电源输入 100 ~ 240VAC(50~60Hz) • 系统功耗 最大20W • 运行温度 -5°C~50°C • 储藏温度 -40°C~70°C • 相对湿度 5%~95%,无凝结 • 噪声 无噪声
系统指示灯:绿色常亮 表示系统正在启动,绿 色慢闪( 1s 频率)表示 系统运行正常,绿色常 亮或者绿色灭灯表示系 统故障
电源指示灯:绿色常亮表 示正常供电,灭表示无电
二. 产品规格
100~240V AC 50~60HZ 36W电源模 块(标配1个,无冗余设计)
down时,环路收敛时间大于50ms 产生条件:当ERPS环路节点为port-channel逻辑端口
3:缺陷三 Bug号: RDM33196 问题现象:在QOS功能中,动作设置为同时修改报文IP DSCP和cos时,只有一个动作生效。 产生条件:需要同时修改报文的IP优先级及cos的应用场景 规避措施:无 4:缺陷四: Bug号: RDM34188 问题现象:配置端口的入口带宽限制,端口进入的流量为TCP应用时,传输数据限速波动达到50% 产生条件:配置入口带宽限制,当流量为TCP应用时,比如利用tcp上传文件,传输的速率会上下波
MOSA 4600 Plus 产品规格
名稱 MP3008 MP3108
類比內線數 8 0
類比外線數 0 8
Page 1
MOSA 4600 Plus 產品規格
MOSA 4616 Plus 440mm x 66mm x 254mm
MOSA 4608 Plus 440mm x 44mm x 254mm
Newwave– NW1034
IDT - 821034
Newwave– NW1034 IDT - 821034
Newwave– NW1034 IDT - 821034
軟體平台 : (不分機型)
Operating System
SIP Protocol Stack
Voice Processing (DSP)
Telogy (TI)
所以 MOSA 4600 Plus 皆是使用合法且相容性、穩定度高的元件開發,絕無侵權的故慮。
MOSA 4600 Plus 提供多重管理介面讓管理者進行遠端管理及參數設定與調整。 網頁瀏覽器(Web Browser) : 可進行遠端檢視 MOSA 4600 Plus 系統資訊、各端口等即 時狀態和各種參數設定、軟體升級。 Telnet : 可進行遠端檢視 MOSA 4600 Plus 系統資訊和部份參數設定。 TFTP : 可進行遠端軟體升級。 終端機 : 可進行近端檢視 MOSA 4600 Plus 系統資訊和部份參數設定。 話機 : 當以系統管理者之密碼登入時,可進行部份系統資訊和參數設定。而若以個人 密碼登入則可進行該分機之功能設定。 電腦多功能撥號器 (Smart Pad) : 可遠端進行該分機之功能設定。
Egde-Core VP3302 SIP PHONE登入MOSA 4600 PLUS 的简易安装及操作说明
Edge–Core VP3302 SIP Phone登入MOSA 4600PLUS 的簡易安裝及操作說明一、設定鍵操作說明:二、設定IP地址的步驟:(本例將機器設定為DHCP模式)(1)設定機器IP模式:c按【Menu∕OK】進入話機設定主選單d按【DOWN】鍵,選擇【2﹒Configure】e輸入密碼【135】,在按一次【Menu∕OK】鍵f選擇【1﹒Network】,在按一次【Menu∕OK】鍵5選擇【1﹒Dynamic IP】,利用【Menu∕OK】鍵切換IP模式為【Yes】 (2)取得IP地址的步驟:c按【Menu∕OK】進入話機設定主選單d選擇【1﹒View】,在按一次【Menu∕OK】鍵e選擇【1﹒Network Value】,在按一次【Menu∕OK】鍵f選擇【1﹒IP Address】,在按一次【Menu∕OK】鍵5得知IP Address為【】三、輸入SIP帳號∕密碼及Proxy Server之IP地址:(1)輸入IP地址後,開啟WEB Brower,例如IE瀏覽器進入機器網頁設定SIP Server步驟1:開啟瀏覽器輸入IP地址IP地址為【】步驟2:Username請輸入出廠預設值【root】步驟3:Password的預設值均為【1234】,客戶步(2)進入【SIP】畫面:請先向系統管理員取得一組SIP帳號、密碼以及Proxy Server之IP地址,本範例中SIP帳號以【1020】代表、密碼為【1234】、Proxy Server之IP地址以【】代表、PORT以【5060】代表。
(3)進入【Phone】畫面:(4)進入【System】畫面:將機器重新啟動步驟1:Phone Number請輸入Password請輸入【1234】Auth.ID請輸入【1020】步驟2:SIP Domain Name輸入【】Port【5060】步驟3:請勾選【Proxy On】Proxy Addr請輸入Proxy Port【5060】步驟4:請勾選【Outbound Proxy】Outbound Proxy IP【】步驟1:DTMF Relay:請點選【RFC2833】步驟2:DTMF Payload:請點選【101】步驟1:請點選【Restart】註:設定完成後請檢查話機面板是否有出現SIP帳號,若出現SIP帳號即表示註冊成功。
General DescriptionThe MAX4580/MAX4590/MAX4600 dual analog switches feature low on-resistance of 1.25Ωmax. On-resistance is matched between switches to 0.25Ωmax and is flat (0.3Ωmax) over the specified signal range. Each switch can handle Rail-to-Rail ®analog signals. The off-leakage current is only 2.5nA max at +85°C. These analog switches are ideal in low-distortion applications and are the preferred solution over mechanical relays in automat-ic test equipment or applications where current switching is required. They have low power requirements, require less board space, and are more reliable than mechanical relays.The MAX4580 has two NC (normally closed) switches,the MAX4590 has two NO (normally open) switches,and the MAX4600 has one NC (normally closed) and one NO (normally open) switch.These switches operate from a +4.5V to +36V single supply or from ±4.5V to ±20V dual supplies. All digital inputs have +0.8V and +2.4V logic thresholds, ensuring TTL/CMOS-logic compatibility when using a +12V sin-gle supply or ±15V dual supplies.ApplicationsReed Relay Replacement Test EquipmentCommunication Systems PBX, PABX SystemsFeatureso Low On-Resistance (1.25Ωmax)o Guaranteed R ON Match Between Channels (0.25Ωmax)o Guaranteed R ON Flatness Over Specified Signal Range (0.3Ωmax)o Rail-to-Rail Signal Handlingo Guaranteed ESD Protection >2kV per Method 3015.7o Single-Supply Operation: +4.5V to +36V Dual-Supply Operation: ±4.5V to ±20V o TTL/CMOS-Compatible Control InputsMAX4580/MAX4590/MAX46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches________________________________________________________________Maxim Integrated Products119-1394; Rev 1; 6/03Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.Rail-to-Rail is a registered trademark of Nippon Motorola, Ltd.Pin Configurations/Functional Diagrams/Truth TablesOrdering InformationFor pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .M A X 4580/M A X 4590/M A X 46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.V+ to GND..............................................................-0.3V to +44V V- to GND...............................................................+0.3V to -44V V+ to V-...................................................................-0.3V to +44V V L to GND....................................................-0.3V to (V+ + 0.3V)All Other Pins to GND (Note 1) ...........(V- - 0.3V) to (V+ + 0.3V)Continuous Current (COM_, NO_, NC_) .......................±200mA Peak Current (COM_, NO_, NC_)(pulsed at 1ms, 10% duty cycle) ..............................±300mAContinuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)16 SSOP (derate 7.1mW/°C above +70°C).................571mW 16 Wide SO (derate 9.52mW/°C above +70°C) ..........762mW 16 Plastic DIP (derate 10.53mW/°C above +70°C).....842mW Operating Temperature RangesMAX4_ _0C_E ....................................................0°C to +70°C MAX4_ _0E_E ..................................................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range ...........................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec) ............................+300°CELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS–Dual Supplies(V+ = +15V, V- = -15V, V L = +5V, V IN_H = +2.4V, V IN_L = +0.8V, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.)Note 1:Signals on NC_, NO_, COM_, or IN_ exceeding V+ or V- are clamped by internal diodes. Limit forward diode current tomaximum current rating.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS–Dual Supplies (continued)MAX4580/MAX4590/MAX46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches (V+ = +15V, V- = -15V, V L= +5V, V IN_H= +2.4V, V IN_L= +0.8V, T A = T MIN to T MAX, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are atT A= +25°C.)_______________________________________________________________________________________3M A X 4580/M A X 4590/M A X 46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches 4_______________________________________________________________________________________ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS–Single Supply(V+ = +12V, V- = 0, V L = +5V, V INH = 2.4V, V INL = 0.8V, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T = +25°C.)MAX4580/MAX4590/MAX46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches_______________________________________________________________________________________5ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS—Single Supply (continued)(V+ = +12V, V- = 0, V L = +5V, V IN_H = 2.4V, V IN_L = 0.8V, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C.)Note 2:The algebraic convention, where the most negative value is a minimum and the most positive value a maximum, is used inthis data sheet.Note 3:Guaranteed by design.Note 4:∆R ON = R ON(MAX)- R ON(MIN).Note 5:Flatness is defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum value of on-resistance as measured over thespecified analog signal range.Note 6:Leakage parameters are 100% tested at maximum-rated hot temperature and guaranteed by correlation at +25°C.Note 7:Off-isolation = 20 log 10[V COM / (V NC or V NO )], V COM = output, V NC or V NO = input to off switch.Note 8:Between any two switches.Note 9:Leakage testing at single supply is guaranteed by testing with dual supplies. vs. V COM(DUAL SUPPLIES)V COM (V)R O N (Ω)ON-RESISTANCE vs. V COMAND TEMPERATURE (DUAL SUPPLIES)V COM (V)R O N (Ω)129-12-9-63-360. vs. V COM(SINGLE SUPPLY)V COM (V)R O N (Ω)2220181614121086421234524Typical Operating Characteristics(Circuit of Figure 1, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(Circuit of Figure 1, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)M A X 4580/M A X 4590/M A X 46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches 6_______________________________________________________________________________________ON-RESISTANCE vs. V COMAND TEMPERATURE (SINGLE SUPPLY)V COM (V)R O N (Ω)11108923456710.250.500.751.001.251.501.752.002.2500120.0010.010.11100101000-4020-20406080100POWER-SUPPLY CURRENTvs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)I +, I - (n A )10,0000.0010.01110-4020-20406080100ON/OFF-LEAKAGE vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)L E A K A G E (n A )-500-3000200400-400-100100300500-15-50-10515CHARGE INJECTIONvs. V COMV COM (V)Q (p C )10-2000-1000.011100.1100-80FREQUENCY (MHz)L O S S (d B )P H A S E (d e g r e e s )-60-40-20-90-70-50-30-10+180-720-540-360-1800-630-450-270-90+9050100150250300-4010-15356085TURN-ON/TURN-OFF TIME vs. TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE (°C)t O N , t O F F (n s )MAX4580/MAX4590/MAX46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches_______________________________________________________________________________________7801202001602402801012111314151617181920TURN-ON/TURN-OFF TIME vs. SUPPLY VOLTAGEV+, V- (V)t O N , t O F F (n s )Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(Circuit of Figure 1, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)TURN-ON/TURN-OFF TIME vs. V COMV COM (V)t O N , t O F F (n s )8642-2-4-6-8120140160180200220100-1010Pin DescriptionM A X 4580/M A X 4590/M A X 46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches8__________________________________________________________________________________________________Applications InformationOvervoltage ProtectionProper power-supply sequencing is recommended for all CMOS devices. Do not exceed the absolute maxi-mum ratings, because stresses beyond the listed rat-ings can cause permanent damage to the devices.Always sequence V+ on first, then V-, followed by the logic inputs, NO, or COM. If power-supply sequencing is not possible, add two small signal diodes (D1, D2) in series with supply pins for overvoltage protection (Figure 1). Adding diodes reduces the analog signal range to one diode drop below V+ and one diode drop above V-, but does not affect the devices’ low switch resistance and low leakage characteristics. Device operation is unchanged, and the difference between V+and V- should not exceed 44V. These protection diodes are not recommended when using a single supply.Figure 1. Overvoltage Protection Using External Blocking DiodesFigure 2. Switching-Time Test CircuitMAX4580/MAX4590/MAX46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches_______________________________________________________________________________________9Figure 4. Off-Isolation Test Circuit Figure 5. Crosstalk Test CircuitM A X 4580/M A X 4590/M A X 46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches 10______________________________________________________________________________________Ordering Information (continued)___________________Chip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 100Figure 6. Switch Off-Capacitance Test CircuitFigure 7. Switch On-Capacitance Test CircuitPackage InformationMAX4580/MAX4590/MAX46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches (The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline informationgo to /packages.) Array______________________________________________________________________________________11M A X 4580/M A X 4590/M A X 46001.25Ω, Dual SPST,CMOS Analog Switches S O I C W .E P SPackage Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)Ma xim ca nnot a ssume responsibility for use of a ny circuitry other tha n circuitry entirely embodied in a Ma xim product. No circuit pa tent licenses a re implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.12____________________Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600©2003 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.。
CATEGORY PAGECHECK LIST2QUICK START3SAFE OPERATION & PROGRAMMING3HOW TO OPEN YOUR SAFE3CHANGING THE USER CODE3LOW BATTERY WARNING4CHANGING YOUR BATTERIES4OVERRIDE KEY INSTRUCTIONS5© 2015 MESA SAFE COMPANYMSL-5 ELECTRONIC LOCK INSTRUCTIONS |PG.2 DEAR VALUED CUSTOMER:Congratulations on choosing your new Mesa Safe to secure and protect your valuables! You have made an excellent choice in your security measures.M ESA S AFE C OMPANY has built a solid reputation on integrity and quality craftsmanship.We pride ourselves on delivering the best products in the industry and consistently exceed customer expectations.Before using your unit, thoroughly read and understand the Operating Instructions of the unit. This will ensure maximum efficiency and usability.!IMPORTANT : DO NOT RETURN SAFE TO STOREIf you are missing parts, have difficulty programming the lock or opening your safe, or any additional questions regarding the use and care of your safe, DO NOT RETURN your safe to the store. Please contact M ESA S AFE C OMPANY Technical Support : 888.381.8514 [Monday thru Friday 7AM - 4PM/PST] for assistance. ArrayCHECK LISTn9V Battery [not included]m2 Override Keyso1 Anchor KitShelves & Shelf Clips [refer to your model’s specifications to make sure all required shelving is in your safe]QUICK START1 Install a 9-Volt Battery [notincluded]2Enter3 Turn handle before the green lightturns off4 To lock your safe, close door & turnhandle back to the locked positionIMPORTANT : Always make sure your safe is locked before walking away! If your code is correct a green light will turn on for approximately 5 seconds & you will also hear a ‘Click’If the code is incorrect, a red light will turn on, followed by 5 ‘Beeps’NOTE : Be sure to press firmly & ONLY use your finger tips to press the keys on the keypad. DO NOT USE your finger nail, a pen, etc. This will damage the keys.SAFE OPERATION & PROGRAMMINGUSER CODE is factory set to :IMPORTANT : Because the code is factory set, we highly recommend changing the codes to your own unique codes immediately!HOW TO OPEN YOUR SAFE1 Input : Code [light stays green for 5 seconds]2 Turn the handle to the unlocked position before the green light disappearsExample :Invalid Code: 5 ‘Beeps’Wrong Try PenaltyIf 3 wrong codes are entered consecutively, the keypad will shut down for a period of 5 minutes. During this lock out period, the keypad will not accept any codes and the orange light will appear for 3 seconds with any entries. CHANGING THE USER CODE [Code length: 6 digits]NOTE : ALWAYS perform these following steps with the door open and test the new codes several times before closing the door!Code cannot be1 Enter 0 six times [Lock will ‘Beep’2 times with 2green flashes]2 Enter the existing code [Lock will ‘Beep’ 2 times with 2green flashes]3 Enter your new 6 digit code[Lock will ‘Beep’ 2 times with 2green flashes] PG.3|MSL-5 ELECTRONIC LOCK INSTRUCTIONSMSL-5 ELECTRONIC LOCK INSTRUCTIONS |PG.4 4 Enter your new 6 digit code again[Lock will ‘Beep’ 2 times with2green flashes]Unsuccessful Code Change : 5 ‘Beeps’ while the red light is on. The lockwill shut down for 1 minute and the orange light will appear for 3seconds with any entries during this period. [The old code is still valid;repeat steps 1 - 4]LOW BATTERY WARNINGGreen light and orange light appear with 2 sets of 5‘Beeps’Enter your code & get a valid response but the lock does not respondCHANGING YOUR BATTERIES1 Locate the battery cover on the bottom edge of the keypad & open thecover by sliding the battery compartment door to the left2 Carefully & gently remove the 9-V battery from the compartmentCAUTION : Hold onto battery connector to avoid pulling wires out ofhousing.3 Carefully re-insert the new 9V battery, do not force the battery into thecompartment4 The lock will retain all current codes & settingsPG.5 | MSL-5 ELECTRONIC LOCK INSTRUCTIONSOVERRIDE KEY INSTRUCTIONSCHECK LISTBefore proceeding, make sure you have your Override Key available.If you need to order a new Override Key, contact M ESA S AFE C OMPANYCustomer Care : 888.381.8514[Monday thru Friday 7AM - 4PM/PST] 1 Override Key1 Phillip’s Head Screw-Driver[not included]CAUTION : REMOVE THE BATTERY. Do NOT pull or tug on keypad face or wires. It is crucial that these wires stay intact & connected for the lock to operate. Please note: you are liable for any damages that occur to the lock while accessing the override key slot.LOCATING THE OVERRIDE KEYThe Override Key is concealed yet easy to access in case of an emergency or loss of code.1 Remove the battery.2 Looking at the keypad, locate the “MESA ” bubblesticker; top, center.3 Remove this bubble sticker.Place the bubble sticker aside, face down, so tonot stick to anythingDo not lose bubble stickerSeeFigure A4 Using a Phillip’s Head screw-driver, remove thescrew connecting the keypad face to the keypadcollar.See Figure BKeypad Face : the keypad & surrounding chromeedgeKeypad Collar : the black housing that isattached to the safe. Houses the battery, wires &electronic component 5 Carefully let the keypad face hang with wires stillattached. See Figure C 851381VE THE BAT sta 1.85TH 123456789#*0MSL-5 ELECTRONIC LOCK INSTRUCTIONS |PG.6USING THE OVERRIDE KEY1With the keypad face removed, locate theoverride key slot inside the keypad collar, on theleft.See Figure E2Using your key, with the larger/longer notchesfacing DOWN, place the key into the slot.You may need to angle the key slightly in orderfor it to slide in properly.See Figure D3Make sure the key slides completelyinto the slot.See Figure E4Once key is snug, turn clockwise [right] to the11 o’clock position.Your safe will be unlocked.See Figure FREINSTALL THE KEYPAD FACECAUTION : Be EXTREMELY careful with the wiring.Do NOT pinch wires in between the keypad face & thekeypad collar.1With your fingers, carefully grip the keypad face,holding it so the face is out & the numbers are right side-up.2Re-attach to the keypad collar by inserting bottom first, so the notch connects, then carefully press/push into keypad collar casing.3Once the keypad face is snug in place, screw the keypad face back to the keypad collar & replace the “MESA” bubble sticker.。
D3716-US REV A April 14, 2008EZ4600Operators ManualFt. Atkinson, Wisconsin USAPanningen, The NetherlandsHELLOEZ4600Table of ContentsFEED MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE (4)CAB CONTROL (WIRELESS) (5)BEFORE CHARGING BATTERY OR WELDING (6)INDICATOR OVERVIEW (7)OPERATION (9)TURN ON INDICATOR (9)DATA TRANSFER (10)DATAKEY MODE (10)RF DATALINK MODES (10)INDICATOR DATA FORMATS (11)LOADING AND FEEDING (11)COMPLETE LOADS MODE (11)STARTING A RECIPE (11)RESIZE RECIPE WEIGHT (12)LOADING RECIPE (13)UNLOADING TO PENS (14)RECIPE AND PEN LIST MODE (15)STARTING A RECIPE (15)LOADING RECIPE (16)UNLOADING PENS (16)ADVANCED COMMANDS (17)UNLOAD PARTIAL PENS (17)GO BACK TO SKIPPED INGREDIENT (17)CHANGE FEEDING NUMBER (18)USE ARROW KEYS RECIPE OR PENS LIST (18)CLEAR INDICATOR MEMORY (19)RE-USE RECIPE AND PEN DATA (19)ADD A PEN TO PEN LIST (20)HOLD (21)PRINTING (21)BACKLIGHT INTENSITY (21)COMMONLY USED DIRECT ACCESS NUMBERS (22)PRE-ALARM (22)AUTO INGREDIENT / MANUAL PEN ADVANCE (22)AUTO ADVANCE (23)TOLERANCE (23)PEN TOLERANCE (23)DELAY TIME (23)DRIVE RATIO (24)SCALE ID OR TRUCK ID (24)RADIO NUMBER (25)RESIZE OPTION (25)CHANGE TIME (26)CHANGE DATE (26)2 D3716Operators ManualD3716 3DIRECT ACCESS NUMBERS LIST.............................................................27 MENU 1. BASIC FEATURES IN MOST INDICATORS ............................27 MENU 2. CLOCK, PRINTER, COMMUNICATIONS & ESTIMATEDWEIGHT FEATURES................................................................................27 MENU 3. SCALE CALIBRATION SETTINGS...........................................28 MENU 4. PRESET. BATCHING & ROTATION COUNTER FEATURES .28 CALIBRATION...........................................................................................29 TROUBLESHOOTING..................................................................................30 INSTALLATION.............................................................................................32 INDICATOR MOUNTING..........................................................................32 LOAD CELL DIRECTION..........................................................................32 CABLE CONNECTION..............................................................................33 CONNECT LOAD CELLS TO J-BOX........................................................34 CHANGE SETUP AND CALIBRATION NUMBERS.................................34 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT..............................................................................35 ROTATION COUNTER SENSOR.............................................................35 TRANSMITTER/RECEIVER......................................................................35 REMOTE INDICATORS. (35)EZ46004 D3716FEED MANAGEMENT SOFTWAREFor additional information go to A full featured Windows R based system that offers powerful features that are easy to use. Entry level system easily upgraded. Based on features of TMR TrackerRemote site monitoring software. Works with email service to connect Tracker to remote location Front-end tool for beef feeding customers to enter ingredient, recipe, corral and wagon information.Operators ManualD3716 5CAB CONTROL (WIRELESS)Features• Wireless remote with full key control of indicator on mixer • Mount remote in easy view of loading • Improves loading accuracy Functions• Communicates with multiple mixers• Easily call-up recipes without leaving loader Specification• Internally mounted 2.4 GHz radios • Up to 1000 foot range • 24 channels• 12 or 24 volt DC systemFor additional information go to EZ46006 D3716BEFORE CHARGING BATTERY ORWELDINGImportant PrecautionDisconnect all indicator leads before charging battery or welding. Damage may occur to indicator and load cells .Disconnect all cordsScale IndicatorRemote IndicatorOptionalJ-BoxOperators ManualD3716 7INDICATOR OVERVIEW1 -press and hold for 3 seconds to zero balance indicator.2 Pre-Alarm Light – Flashes and alarm sounds when weight is withinpreset limit. See page 223 – holds displayed weight when moving machine.4 – not used.5 – - turns indicator on, press quickly 2 times to run self test.6 - turns indicator off.7 Upper Display Window – Displays current actions.8 Lower Display Window – Lists 3 lines (i.e. ingredients, recipes, pens).123456789101112131415161718192021Note: See page 32-34 for installation instructionsEZ46008 D37169- temporary zero (Net Mode).10 - records to memory or prints displayed weight. 11 - toggles between Net and Gross weights.12 - selects recipes in memory.13 - enter user number and feeding number. Any number can be usedfor user until number assigned by management software. 14 –Clear (backspace).15 – press in List Mode to begin pen unloading. See page 16 16 – accepts change or proceeds to next item. 17 Directional Arrows - moves through list of information.18 Keypad – inputs numbers or letters as required. 19 – performs the task displayed by select.20 – displays additional tasks. 21 – press for additional information.DataKey – Used for data transfer between computer and indicator.Serial/Printer Port – optional, to communicate with computer and other digital input/output devices.Remote Port – optional, for remote display. Load Cell Port– for J-Box cord. Power Port – for power cord.DataKey Port– for DataKey insertion. Turn DataKey to upload/download data.Serial Number Plate – Serial Number of indicator.Operators ManualD3716 9OPERATIONTurn on indicator1. Press .1. E nter ID Number if required.2. P ress .1. E nter Feeding Number (only req’d 1st time in loads mode).2. P ress .1. Press and hold for 3 seconds to zero balance indicator. Digi-starFeed delivery systemHELLOENTER ID NUMBER ON KEYPAD ENTER user id110:41A 2JL07 PRESS RECIPE TO LOADEZ460010 D3716DATA TRANSFERDataKey ModeTo upload data:1.Insert DataKey turn clockwise. 2. P ress .Note: If indicator displays uncompleted data in memory, press to overwriteuncompleted data.Remove DataKey when transfer complete.To download data:Insert DataKey, turn clockwise,indicator automatically sends data to DataKey. Remove DataKey.RF DataLink ModesOperation MessageDataLink connects with indicator ←PC → DataLink sends data to indicator DL ←INIndicator receives dataALL FEED LINES RECIVED -PRESS RECIPE KEY TO CONTINUEData compete, indicator sends data toDataLink ←PC →Data sending DL →OUT To send data to PC if operator does not complete all feeding at end of feeding schedule. Press until display shows message (right column), press to selectEZ →PCThe indicator marks uncompleted data as completed and sends feeding data to DataLink.Note: After sending, uncompleted data erased.Indicator Data FormatsComplete Loads Mode: Each load built by PC software. It assigns pens to a recipe and builds exact load for pens.Recipe and Pen List Mode: PC software sends recipe data and pen data in two different fields. Operator selects recipe to build and pen deliveries.LOADING AND FEEDING COMPLETE LOADS MODEStarting A Recipe1. Press .1. I ndicator scrolls feeding number,first recipe and pen number. Recipes listed below. 2. P ress and to find desired recipe.3. Desired recipe in upper display line, press .10:41A 2JL07 PRESS RECIPE TO LOADFeeding 1 Milk- 6 Fresh- 5 Milk-11Resize Recipe WeightNote:Press to resize bynumber of head in pen.Note: Press to accept pen values without resizing.Note: If indicator warns resized amount is over capacity, press to override. Indicator gives option to resize pen load weight.1. E nter a new weight or keep original weight.2. P ress .23000 Enter number of animals To feed pen 6 Animal 230 p reset 206432Loading Recipe1. F irst ingredient weight flashes in upper display, load ingredient.2. W eight approaches zero, alarm will flash and sound.3. a. Manual Advance: Weight reached, press to accept. Press again to start next ingredient. or3. b. Auto Advance: When preset weight reached, indicator advances to next ingredient.AlfalfFd- 1 ctr- 000 ing alfa 2n-0-rec milk pre-2760 6 o use advance to log123Displayed when in load or unload mode.Line 1:feeding number: FD-2number of rotations during pen delivery: CTR-000 (RC option only) pen name: PEN-1Line 2:zone number: ZN-1name of recipe: REC-PREFRE call weight of pen: PRE-1200Line 3:gross weight: G-10000Instruction data: USE ADVNCE TO LOGUnloading to PensNote: Do not press .Note:If different pen needed press or to find desired pen.Press for pen delivery. Ingredients loaded, indicator displays first pen to unload.1. Manually advancing, press for 1st pen. When weight reached press to accept. Press again to start next pen.or1. b. Auto Advance: When presetweight reached, indicatoradvances to next pen.Last pen complete, indicatordisplays: “Recipe Complete”Start deliveries Pen 6 pre- 206401RECIPE AND PEN LIST MODE Starting a Recipe1. Press : .2. D isplay reads:Example:Line 1: Recipe R1Line 2: R1 - 25000 TOT- 50000Line 3: R2 - 20000 TOT-18000Line 4: R3 - 20000 TOT- 100003. Press and to selectrecipe, to start.Indicator will display: RESIZE, then theresize weight.4. D isplay reads:Example:Line 1: 25000Line 2: Enter load amountLine 3: (No Data)Line 4: R1 - 25000 TOT- 500005. E nter the amount to build in thisload.6. P ress ..Recipe - riR1 - 25000 TOt 5000R2 – 20000 tot – 18000R3 – 20000 tot - 1000025000Enter amount to be loaded1243Loading RecipeUnloading Pens1. F irst ingredient and weight flash in upper display. Begin loading ingredient.2. W eight reached, alarm will flash and sound.3.a. Manual Advance: Weight reached, press . Press to start next ingredient. or3. b. Auto Advance: When preset weight reached, indicator advances to next ingredient.1. When ingredient loading complete, display reads “Recipe Complete ”. Press . Indicator displays unloading pens.2. Press or to select desired pen.3. P ress .4. P en and weight displayed, begin unloading to pen.5. a. Manual Advance: Weight reached, press to accept. Press again to start next pen. or5. b. Auto Advance: When preset weight reached, indicatoradvances to next pen.6. When unloading is complete press to start next recipe.412Alfalf Pen 1ADVANCED COMMANDS Unload Partial PensGo Back To Skipped Ingredient1.Press to advance to nextpen without finishing current pen.Note: If pen tolerance is set andfeeding stopped before preset weightreached, alarm sounds, indicatordisplays:Pen Underfed – Press PrintTo remove pen from list-Press on to keep penSee page 23 for Pen Tolerance set-up.1. P ress or to moveback.2. P ress .Note: Ingredient weight changedmore than 4 display counts cannotrestart that ingredient.Example: If minimum display changeis 10 lbs/kgs, more than 40 lbs/kgs,cannot restart that ingredient.1Change Feeding NumberUse Arrow Keys Recipe or Pens List1. P ress .2. E nter user number.3. P ress .4. E nter feeding number (1-9).5. P ress .1. Press or to move listthree lines at a time.Ing-cluhay pre- 2850 Ing-cornsi pre- 9690 Ing-311pel pre- 3140Press advance11Clear Indicator Memory Re-Use Recipe and Pen Data 1.Press .2. Press and hold .3. Press continue holdingindicator reads:On=Clear Clear=Reuse Net=exit.Release .4. Press to erase feedingmemory.1. Indicator .2. Press and hold .3. Press continue holdingindicator scrolls:On=Clear Clear=Reuse Net=exit.Release .4. Press again to re-use recipeand pen data.Note: When re-using data stored in indicator, it takes recipe and pen information and removes completed weights loaded or unloaded and marks them undone. It will not accumulate data day to day. Download data to DataKey before re-using recipe and pen data stored.Note: For continuous re-use, set D.A.N. 466 to on. See page 29.On=ClearClear=reuseDigi-starFeed delivery systemDigi-starFeed delivery system3Add a Pen to Pen List1.Enter pen name or number. 2. Press . 3. Press .1. Press or to find desired recipe.2. P ress .1. Enter amount to unload to pen.2. P ress .1. Enter number of animals / pen.2. P ress .1. I f zones are active display reads: “Enter Zone 0-9”2. P ress .calf10:29a 08aug07 Press recipe to load212Recipe calfCalf select recipe Clsups drycow3000Enter amount to be unloaded12Enter zone 0-9HoldHold mode prevents displayedweight from changing while moving.1. Press .2. P ress indicator normal.If weight added in hold mode, press to cancel hold. PRINTINGBacklight Intensity1. R eference technical manual D3648 at .1. P ress until dimmer is displayed.2. P ress . to reduce backlight intensity by 60%. Press again for full intensity.HOLDFeed 1- ctr 000 Pen 62n-0-rec-milk pre 206401212COMMONLY USED DIRECT ACCESSNUMBERSPre-AlarmSelect weight or percentage method, enter value to activate early warning indicator reaching preset.Auto Ingredient / Manual Pen AdvanceIngredients automatically advance pens manually advance.1. Enter 401and press .2. Press again to change between WEIGHT and PERCENT.3. Press .4. Enter Pre-Alarm value. Press .1. Enter 461 and press .2. Press , choose on/off.3. Press .40111:38a 08aug07 Press recipe to load Press pens to deliver446111:38a 08aug071Auto AdvanceAllows hands free operation of programmed recipes. When auto advance feature activated, indicator automatically advances to next ingredient once tolerance, and delay time requirements met.Tolerance1. Enter 442 and press .Press again to choosedesired percentage. Percentagesettings:OFF, 0.5, 1 - 5, 7, or 10.2. P ress .Pen ToleranceAvailable in List Mode Only.Delay TimeChanges time indicator waits beforeautomatically advancing to nextingredient.1. Enter 462 and press .Press again to choose weightor percent.2. Press , screen will display“pentol”.3. Enter weight or percentagedesired.4. Press .1. Enter 443 and press .Press again to select delaytime (In seconds: Manual, 1, 2, 3,5, 7, 10, 20, 30, or 60).2. P ress .Note: Set to Manual preventsautomatic advance.44211:38a 08aug07Press recipe to loadPress pens to deliver11:38a 08aug07Press recipe to loadPress pens to deliver21324462111Drive RatioDrive ratio is number of turns seen by sensor divided by number of mixing rotations.Scale ID or Truck ID Each indicator has scale ID. 1. E nter 422and press to enter drive ratio value.2. P ress .1. Enter 108 and press .2. Press to erase old ID, enter new ID.3. Press .Note:TMR Tracker or Diet Manager, software ID must match.422 11:38a 08aug07 Press recipe to load Press pens to deliver21108 11:38a 08aug07 Press recipe to load Press pens to deliver111Radio NumberResize OptionMake weight change to pen unloadweight or recipe load size.1. Enter 231 and press . 2. Press to erase number, enter new number. 3. P ress .Note: Do not use same number for two different indicators.1. Enter 448 and press , press again choose on/off.2. Press .23144811:38a 08aug07 Press recipe to load Press pens to deliver131Change TimeChange Date 1. Enter202 and press .2. P ress to move cursor.3. Press sets time.4. P ress .1. E nter 204 and press .2. Press to move cursor. Formatddmmyy, set date.3. P ress .11:36:5311:38a 08aug07Press recipe to loadPress pens to deliver08080711:38a 08aug07Press recipe to load312DIRECT ACCESS NUMBERS LIST Enter D.A.N. press displays setting name, allows value change. Press to save setting.SETTING/ DISPLAY D.A.NNO.OPTIONS(BOLD=DEFAULT)DESCRIPTIONMENU 1. BASIC FEATURES IN MOST INDICATORSLANGUAGE {langag} 101English(ENGLSH)(NEDERL)French (FRANCS)Dutch(DEUTSH)Italian (ITAL)Portuguese (PORT)Spanish (ESPAN)Danish (DANSK)(MAGYAR)(VESTA)Select language to be displayed.TR HOLD { tr hld} 107 ON/OFFDisplay gross weight if TR key isheld for 3 seconds.SCALE ID SETUP {scalid} 108 NEWEZIdentity of scale location (truck idor Mixer number).MENU 2. CLOCK, PRINTER, COMMUNICATIONS & ESTIMATED WEIGHT FEATURESTIME FORMAT {time f} 20124 HRAM/PMSelect time format -AM/PM or 24hour1 TIME {time) 202 XX:XX:XXSelect key changes time,function key chooses hh:mm:ss.DATE FORMAT {date f} 2031-mm-dd2-mm/dd/yy3-mm/dd/yyyy4-dd-mm5-dd/mm/yy6-dd/mm/yyyy7-ddmoyy8-ddmoyyyy.Select date formatDATE {date} 204 EnterXXXXXXSelect key changes date -function key chooses mm/dd/yy .SCALE NUMBER SCL NO 231Select scale number for cabcontrol communicationSETTING/ DISPLAY D.A.NNO.OPTIONS(BOLD=DEFAULT)DESCRIPTIONREMOTEDISPLAY RMDISP234 Select type of remote display MENU 3. SCALE CALIBRATION SETTINGSDISPLAY UNIT {lb-kg} 303 LB/KGDisplay pounds -lb or kilograms -kgMIMIC TYREL {tc1300} 321 OFF/ONIf ON -records preset weights likea TYREL TCX-1300 indicator.Indicator Tracks gross weightwhile batching.MENU 4. PRESET. BATCHING & ROTATION COUNTER FEATURESPRE ALARM {p mthd} & {p-alm} .. 401WEIGHTPERCNTSelect weight or percentagemethod, then enter a value toactivate an early warning thatindicator is reaching the preset.BUZZER {buzzer) 404 1-4, ON/OFFALARM BUZZER -allows user toturn off alarm horn.TIMER/COUNTER {tmrctr) 421REVTIMESelect time or mixer revolutionsto decrement mix timer/counter.DRIVE RATIO {dratio} 422 0001.00Enter the number of input pulsesthat equal 1 mixer revolution.ENTRY METHOD E MTHD 441 1,2,3Select batch 1-amount/animal2-percent/load3- amount/loadTOLERANCE {toler) 442 OFF,.5,1-5,7,10Select tolerance weightpercentage to accept ingredient.INGR. ADVANCE DELAY {delay)443MANUAL, 1-3,5,7, 10,20,30,60Select seconds to delay beforeadvancing to next ingredient.FORCE USER ID {userid} 446 ON/OFFIf ON -operator must enter userID to use indicator.RESIZE RECIPE {resize} 448 ON/OFFIf ON -operator can changerecipe size.TOLER OVER LOCK {overlk} 453 ON/OFFIf ON -prevents auto-advancing ifpreset exceeds toleranceFEED ZONE {fdzone} 454 ALL, 1-9Select feed zone for recipedeliveries.UNDONE RECIPES {undn 1} 455 ON/OFFIf ON -displays all incompleterecipes or enable if indicator isstationary mixer/batch whenusing Datalink.SETTING/ DISPLAYD.A.N NO. OPTIONS(BOLD=DEFAULT)DESCRIPTIONAUTO START PENS{autpen)458ON/OFF If ON -starts pens list after recipe is loaded in list mode format. MANUAL PENADVANCE {manpen) 461ON /OFF If ON -overrides automatic advance for pens.PEN TOL{t mthd} & {pentol}462WEIGHT PERCNT Select weight or percentage method, then enter pen tolerance.PEN WEIGHT {pen wt}463LOAD GROSS NET Select method for displaying pen Weight -net, load, or gross. DOUBLE KEYPRESS PREV{dbkey}.465 ON/OFF Select method ignores double pressing of keys when advancing ingr. While loading mixer. RECIPE REMAINACTIVE (RE-USE)466ON /OFFSelect ON to reuse recipes.CALIBRATIONSETUP NUMBER SETUP871Quick entry method selects weigh method 1-4lbs, 5-8 kg, gain 1-9, display counts 1-9 and capacity *1000CALIBRATION NUMBERCAL872Weight displayed at 0.4mV/V for these load cellsTROUBLESHOOTINGINSTALLATIONIndicator MountingRail Mount (Standard), Wing Mount w/ hardware, RAM Mount Kit w/ hardware kit.Load Cell DirectionObserve direction of arrow on load cell when installing load cell.Rail Mounting IncludedWing Mount OptionalRAM Mount OptionalIndicator Connection DiagramFigure 1. Bottom Panel Cable ConnectionsRemote Indicator(Optional)SeeFigure 2.J-BoxPower CordSee Figure 1IndicatorDigital Input/ Output Connection Remote Indicator Connection Power Cord Connection J-Box ConnectionDataKey InsertionPin To 12VDC Power Supply 1Red +Terminal 2Black -Terminal 3Orange Alarm Out 4Blue Remote InputConnect Load Cells To J-BoxFigure 2. J-Box ConnectionsChange Setup and Calibration Numbers1. E nter 871 and press .2. I ndicator shows SETUP briefly then show a 6 digit number. Enter new number.3. P ress .Follow same procedure changes calibration number except use 872.Connect load cell wires to terminalblocks.Tighten nutsLoad cell cableJ-Box CableWire Color Key Color Description 1 White Signal + 2 Green Signal - 3 Red Excitation +4 Black Excitation - 5 Shield ShieldConnect to Indicator bottom panel. See Figure 1 1460401231OPTIONAL EQUIPMENTRotation Counter SensorTransmitter/ReceiverRemote IndicatorsUse with EZ3600 or EZ4600 indicators equipped with rotation counter port. Sensor allows operator to program indicator to count auger or PTO rotations for accurate mix.Transmitter (shown) with factory installed receiver in indicator. Use to zero indicator from remote location. Operating range about 90 feet.RD440 small remote display with 1” high numbersRD2400V backlit remote display with 1.7” high numbersRD4000 LED remote display with 4” high numbers。
亚洲 美国有限公司产品说明书:Series 79P 气动阀门驱动器
PneumaticSeries 79P ActuatorInstallation, Operation and Maintenance ManualUSER INFORMATIONTable of Contents Description (3)Air Requirement (3)Installation (4)Type 21 Ball Valves (4)Type 23 Ball Valve (3-way) (4)Type 56 / 57 / 57L Butterfly Valves (4)Type 75 Butterfly Valves (5)Operation (6)Single Acting: (6)Double Acting: (6)Optional Solenoid Valve (See drawing #004PNU) (6)Maintenance (7)Dis-assembly of Actuator (7)Assembly of Actuator (7)Repair Kits (8)Engineering Data (9)Actuators (9)Solenoids (9)Exploded Views (10)A79, B79, & B579 (10)C79, C579, D79, & D579 (11)E79, F79, & G79 (12)Series 79P Pneumatic Actuator IntroductionDescriptionThe Series 79P Pneumatic Actuator is a quarter turn operator, that has two opposed pistons with racks engaging with a single pinion on the actuator shaft. Racks and pinion engage with massive teeth over full length of pinion, resulting in balanced forces with minimal backlash.Pistons and racks are molded polyarilamide for sizes A through D5, and Aluminum Alloy for sizes E through G. Piston guides are Polyacetal for sizes A through D5, and PTFE Bronze for sizes E through G. Pinion gears are Cataphoresis coated Aluminum Alloy. Body and end caps are 316SS, Polyamide glass filled, or cast Aluminum Alloy Cataphoresis and Rilsan coated inside and outside. Actuator shaft is Stainless Steel (Series 300) for sizes A through D, and Cataphoresis coated steel for sizes D5 through G. O-Rings are self-Lubricating BUNA-N. Air connections are ¼” FNPT.Air RequirementThe condition and quality of the compressed air supply to an actuator will affect the efficiency and the life of the seals, guides, and actuator in general. We recommend installing a shutoff valve ahead of actuator to allow shutoff of air to allow removal of valve and actuator for maintenence.Clean, instrument quality dry air or gas is recommended for satisfactory operation. Lubricated air is acceptable, but is not necessary as the o-ring material is self-lubricating BUNA-N.If air lubricators are used, the lubricant selected must be compatible with actuator internals!Actuator may be used with liquid as the power source as long as liquid is compatible with actuator internals, and contains no suspended particles.The actuator environment temperature limits are -25°F and 195°F.InstallationType 21 Ball ValvesPosition the valve and the actuator to corresponding positions (either OPEN or CLOSED). The flats on the actuator shaft extension and the indicator knob should indicate valve positionType 21 Ball Valves (See Drawing #0114BV sizes ½” – 2”)Install mounting bracket #3 to actuator #2 using bolts #8 and washers #9. Insert coupling #4 on stem of valve #1 and then bolt valve #1 to mounting bracket #3 using bolts #5, nuts #6, and washers #7.Note: All bolts should be snug and not excessively over tightened. Type 21 Ball Valves (See Drawing #0115BV sizes 2-1/2” - 4")Install mounting bracket #3 to actuator #2 using bolts #8 and washers #9. Insert coupling #4 on stem of valve #1 and then bolt valve #1 to mounting bracket #3 using bolts #5, nuts #6, and washers #7.Note: All bolts should be snug and not excessively over tightened.Type 23 Ball Valve (3-way)Position the valve and the actuator to corresponding positions (either OPEN or CLOSED). The flats on the actuator shaft extension and the indicator knob should indicate valve positionType 23 Ball Valves (3-way): (See Drawing #0139BV, sizes ½” - 4”) Install mounting bracket #3 to actuator #2 using bolts #8 and washers#9. Insert coupling #4 on stem of valve #1 and then bolt valve #1 to mounting bracket #3 using bolts #5, nuts #6, and washers #7.Type 56 / 57 / 57L Butterfly ValvesPosition the valve and the actuator to corresponding positions (either OPEN or CLOSED). The flats on the actuator shaft extension and the indicator knob should indicate valve positionCAUTION: If valve is in line, system must be shut down and have no line pressure before removing throttle plate and retaining washer.Butterfly Valves(Type-57/57L See Drawing # 0204BF57 sizes 1-1/2” – 6”) No specially machined stem or valve body drilling required. Remove handle (remove handle cap and hex head bolt) to expose throttle plate screws. Remove throttle plate and retaining washer to expose existing bolt pattern.Insert coupling #4 into actuator. Mount bracket #3 to actuator with bolts #8 & washers #9 and tighten evenly. Install valve #1 onto mounting bracket and align stem of valve to engage with actuator shaft coupling. (Line scribed on top of stem indicates disc orientation). Install bolts and nuts #5 thru #7 and tighten evenly. Flats on actuator shaft indicate valve position. (Disc Orientation)Butterfly Valves (Type-56 (16” only) See Drawing #0167BF size 16”) Butterfly Valves (Type-57/57L See Drawing #0167BF57 sizes 8” – 14”)No specially machined stem or valve body drilling required. Remove gear operator by removing 4 thru bolts in body of valve to gear operator and lift off. Insert actuator shaft adapter #9 into actuator. Mount bracket #2 to actuator #10 using bolts #7 and washers #8. Install valve #1 to mounting bracket #2 using bolts #3, nuts #6, and washers #4, keeping in mind line scribed in valve stem indicates disc orientation before mounting and by flats on actuator shaft after mounting.Type 75 Butterfly ValvesButterfly Valves (See Drawing #1230 sizes 18” - 24”)No specially machined stem or valve body drilling required. Remove gear operator by removing 4 thru bolts in body of valve to gear operator and lift off. Insert actuator shaft adapter #9 into actuator. Mount bracket #2 to actuator #10 using bolts #7 and washers #8. Install valve #1 to mounting bracket #2 using bolts #3, nuts #6, and washers #4, keeping in mind line scribed in valve stem indicates disc orientation before mounting and by flats on actuator shaft after mounting.CAUTION: If mounted unit is installed other than straight up, the actuator should be supported individually in order to prevent side loading and loosening up of fasteners.OperationSingle and Double Acting:Pressurized air is introduced via the bottom port and displaces two opposed pistons. When the pistons are displaced, they in turn rotate the actuator output shaft counterclockwise, which opens the valve. This action is the same for single acting and double acting actuators.Single Acting:When the pressurized air is removed from the bottom port, the compressed springs located at the opposite side of the pistons relax. As the spring relax, they in turn rotate the actuator output shaft in a clockwise rotation, which closes the valve. Although the term “relax” is used, the springs are NEVER relaxed, and are ALWAYS under tension, so caution must be exercised.Double Acting:When the pressurized air is removed from the bottom port, the unit remains in the same position until pressurized air is applied to the top port (unlike the single acting actuator). When the pressurized air is introduced to the top port, it is channeled to the opposite side of the pistons, driving them to their original position, which in turn rotates the actuator output shaft in a clockwise direction, closing the valve.Optional Solenoid Valve (See drawing #004PNU)An optional solenoid valve (ASCO 8401 NAMUR mount) can be supplied mounted directly to the actuator. The cycling is accomplished by energizing the solenoid coil for one valve position (typically open), and de-energizing for the opposite valve position (typically closed). The unit is electrically fail safe; so it will return to its de-energized position on electrical failure, provided the air supply is not interrupted.The 8401 solenoid is equipped with speed controls, a manual override, and 18 inch long #18 AWG lead wire.The speed controls are needle valves that will reduce the C V value or increase the cycle time by creating back pressure within the actuator. Speed control adjustments are independent for the opening and closing strokes.Caution: If speed control adjustments are screwed in too far, actuator can not exhaust properly and will not cycle!!The manual override is engaged by pressing and rotating the red slotted screw clockwise 90 for the open position. Once the valve is open, simply rotate the red screw counter-clockwise 90 for the closed position.Caution: Manual override will not work without air supply!!MaintenanceThe Series 79P double rack and pinion actuators do not need anypreventative maintenance.Periodic checks should be performed to ensure proper tightness of allfasteners.Caution: Isolate actuator from electrical power supply and compressedair supply before any maintenance is performed. Make sure both sides ofpistons have been bled off.Dis-assembly of Actuator 1.Place actuator in press and compress actuator. 2.When pressure is on end cap remove snap ring from groove. 3.Slowly release press, allowing springs to fully extend. 4.Remove end cap and springs 5.Repeat steps 1 through 4 for opposite end cap 6.Rotate shaft counter-clockwise to remove pistons. 7.Remove snap ring from shaft. 8.Slide shaft through actuator body and out the bottom. Assembly of Actuator 1.Install shaft, washer, and secure with snap ring; making sure that the snap ring is seated 2.With the air inlet ports facing you, install pistons into actuator body with the rack of the right piston facing the air inlet ports. 3. Rotate shaft CCW (beyond open position) to engage both racks. Next,rotate shaft CW to pull pistons to the closed fully position (actuatorshaft should not be cocked, and there should be equal distancebetween the actuator body and the pistons).4. Install desired number of springs and end cap to actuator body.5. Compress springs with machine press6. When end cap is in place, install snap ring; making sure that the snapring is seated7. Slowly remove pressure from press to insure proper seating of endcap.8.Repeat steps 4 through 8 for other end. CAUTION --- DANGER Failure to use proper tools can result in SERIOUS INJURY! The actuator springs are very strong and are compressed when actuator is assembled. A machine press (not a vise), customfixture, and proper tools are required to disassemble actuator.Repair KitsNOTE: When ordering replacement actuator parts and/or options specifymodel # and voltage.Actuator Model Part Number Actuator Model Part NumberD79P 2398020 A79P 2398001D579P 2398025 B79P 2398000B579P 2398005 E79P 2398030F79P 2398040 C79P 2398010C579P 2398015 G79P 2398050 Each repair kit includes the following (Please reference exploded views)NumberDescription Item1 set of piston o-rings 111 set of piston guides 91 set of guide rings 101 set of end cap o-rings 31 set of upper shaft o-rings 121 set of lower shaft o-rings 131 shaft washer 61 shaft snap ring 7Engineering DataActuatorsSolenoidsAll solenoid coils may be used at +10% to -10% of rated voltages. Coils are 50/60 Hertz and are rated for continuous duty if operated at 60 Hertz.Note: Consult factory for non-standard voltages and for continuous duty at 50 Hertz.Rated Voltage In Rush Current Milliamp @ 60 Hz Holding Current Milliamp @ 60 Hz Watts @ RatedVoltages120 VAC113 71 6.2 24 VAC566 360 6.2 240 VAC56 35 6.2 12 VDC --- 583 724 VDC --- 292 7Solenoids are furnished with 18 inch long #18 AWG lead wire.Attachments: 8 drawings: 0114BV, 0115BV, 0139BV, 0167BF, 0167BF57, 0204BF57 1230, 0004PNU.AIR CONSUMPTION (CUBIC INCHES) Air to Air Air to Spring Model No. Open Port A Close Port B Air Stroke A79P 4.58 3.05 4.58 B79P 9.15 6.1 9.15 B579P 17 15.25 17 C79P 21.35 19.52 21.35 C579P 39.66 33.56 39.66 D79P 48.82 42.72 48.82 D579P 91.54 79.33 91.54 E79P 125.1 115.95 125.1 F79P 323.43 219 323.43 G79P 640.75 427.17 640.75 CYCLE TIME (SECONDS PER STROKE) Air to Air Air to Spring Model No.Open Port A Close Port B Open Port A Close Port B A79P 0.100.10 0.15 0.30 B79P 0.150.15 0.20 0.40 B579P 0.200.20 0.40 0.80 C79P 0.250.25 0.60 1.10 C579P 0.300.30 1.00 1.50 D79P 0.400.40 1.70 2.00 D579P 0.500.50 2.70 3.90 E79P 0.600.60 3.80 5.50 F79P 1.20 1.20 5.80 12.00G79P 2.00 2.00 18.20 19.00NOTE: Actuator supplied with 80 psi, and l d。
埃尔迪电子A4200 A4600压力传感器安装说明书
Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationContents1. Introduction (1)Safety (2)2. Mechanical Installation (3)General Installation Guidelines for Tank Mounts (3)Installing the A4200/4600 (4)3. Load Cell Wiring (6)4. Junction Box Connections, Adjustments & Calibration (7)5. Troubleshooting (7)6. Maintenance and Replacement Parts (8)7. A4200/A4600 Limited Warranty (9)Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationThe A4200/A4600 Load Cell Mounting Kit provides an extremely accurate method for weighing medium and large capacity tanks and hoppers that are subject to large thermal expansion/contraction or vibration forces. The design uses a LowProfile ™ compression disk load cell (350Ω bridge) and transmits the load with a rocker pin on the load-bearing hub of the cell. This design is very effective in providing for thermal expansion/contraction with little friction.In most applications, the assemblies are self-checking and held captive with no need for check or stay rods, making this mount a good choice for areas with frequent seismic activity. The rocker pin design eases load cell installation and replacement without the need to raise the weighed vessel a large amount, which could disturb piping and other connections.The A4200/A4600 is available in mild steel or stainlesssteel, in capacity sizes from 2,500 lbf to 50k lbf.The A4200/A4600 is also available with hermetically-sealed stainless steel load cells which are available incapacities from 25k lbf to 50k lbf.The installation should be planned by a qualifiedstructural engineer. Each installation is unique, andthis manual is meant to serve only as a general guideline for installation.1.0 IntroductionSafetyFailure to heed may result in serious injury or death.The installation should be planned by a qualified structural engineer. Each installation is unique, and this manual is meant to serve only as a general guideline for installation.Do NOT install or work on this equipment unless you have read and understand the instructions and warnings in this manual.DO NOT use for purposes other than weight measurement.DO NOT use any load-bearing component that is worn beyond 5% of the original dimension.DO NOT use this product if any of the components are cracked.DO NOT exceed the rated load limit of the unit.DO NOT make alterations or modifications to the unit.Proper care is your responsibility.2Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationGeneral Installation Guidelines for Tank Mounts1. T he mounting surface for base and top plate must be level. After installation, the top and bottom plates must be level within ±0.5°. If the mounting surfaces are not level, then shims and or grout may be used to level the mount.If possible, check that the mount is level when the vessel is fully loaded because excessive deflections in legs and supporting structures may cause additional side forces which greatly affect accuracy. Deflection of the mount’s top or base plate due to loading should not exceed ±0.5°. Reinforcement of legs or other support structures may be necessary to correct this. Vessels with long legs should have cross bracing applied between adjacent legs to keep them from spreading under load.2. C ompression mounting systems use three, four, or more mounts. More than eight-mount systems should be avoided as even weight distribution becomes extremely difficult to achieve. The load on each mount assembly should vary by no more than 20%. Add shims where necessary to achieve correct load distribution.3. I f the actual load cells are used during installation, take extreme care to prevent overload damage. A tank or hopper can exert huge forces when dropped only a fraction of an inch. Dummy load cells can be used during installation.4. I t is crucial that all piping or conduitbe horizontal and flexible. If flexiblepiping is not used, make sure distancefrom vessel to the first pipe support is20-30 times pipe diameter. In smaller,lower capacity tanks and hoppers,isolating resultant forces becomesextremely critical.5. L oad cells should not be installed inmounts until all welding is completed.The heat generated from weldingcurrent passing through a load cell can damage the adhesive holding thestrain gauge to the body. If possible,use a dummy load cell when welding to maintain finished height. If weldingis unavoidable after load cell installation, connect the ground in such a way that the current does not flow through the load cell. For example, if welding on the mount top plate, the ground must be connected to the vessel, not to the mount base or support structure. Also, protect the load cell and cable from weld splatter.6. U se only “hermetically sealed” load cells in washdown applications. “Environmentally protected” load cells are not suitable for such applications and will be damaged. If tanks and surrounding equipment are frequently steam cleaned or if the load cell is subjected to direct washdown, a protective shroud for the weighing assembly is recommended. Proper drainage is necessary so the weighing assembly is not standing in water.7. A ll support points should be equally stiff so that they deflect by the same amount as the vessel is loaded.Indicatorbinding or lack of flexibility?2. D etermine where to position each mount. The A4200/A4600 is designed to allow forlateral movement in any direction. Sample mounting orientations to accommodatedifferent vessel shapes are as follows:(1" Recommended)4Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationInstalling the A4200/A4600(Continued)3. M ake necessary preparations to the mounting surfaces. A 1" sub plate is recommended toensure a good mounting surface.4. T he mounts are normally factory assembled. If mounts are not already assembled,complete the assembly by placing the rocker pin and boot in the load cell hub socket, place the top plate on top with the rocker pin in the top plate socket, and install theshoulder screws through the top plate into the base plate risers. Torque the shoulderscrews to 100 ft-lb. Tighten the shoulder screw set screws.5. L ift and block the vessel to the same height as the assembled mounts.6. R emove the block from one support point and slide that mount into position.7. I f the mount is being fitted under the leg of a vessel, verify that the leg’s center line passesthrough the center of the top plate (through the center of the load cell).8. L ower the corner or side of the vessel carefully onto the top plate. The force of a vesselweighing several tons can damage a load cell if dropped only a fraction of an inch.9. W ith the top plate positioned approximately level, mark holes for attaching the top plateto the vessel’s mounting surface. Drill holes and attach top plate loosely to vessel with suitable fasteners.10. R epeat steps 4-10 for the mounting assemblies at the remaining corners or sides.11. V erify that there is no initial misalignment between the base plate and top plate and thatthe rocker pin is in the center of the hole in the top plate.12. A ttach the base plates to the foundation using suitable anchors for concrete or by boltingor welding to a steel structure or subplate. Verify that the base plates are as level aspossible. They should be fully supported. Shimming is not recommended.13. C heck that the top plates are no more than ±.5° out or level. Shim if necessary and fullytighten mounting bolts.14. T o achieve equal load distribution, final height adjustments can be made with shimsbetween the top plate loading bracket and the weighing vessel. The variation in load among the cells should be no more than 20%. The load distribution can be checkedaccurately by exciting each load cell in turn and measuring the output with a voltmeter.6Load Cell Mounting Kit Installation3.0 Load Cell Wiring1. R oute the load cell cables so they will not be damaged or cut. Cable should not be routed near heat sources greater than 150 °F. Do not shorten any load cell cable. The load cell is temperature compensated with the supplied length of cable. Cutting the cable will affect temperature compensation. Coil and protect excess cable so it will not be mechanically damaged or be sitting in water.2. P rovide a drip loop in all cables so that water or other liquids will not run directly down the cables onto either the load cells or the junction box. Attach load cell cable to the dead structure, not the vessel.3. I f conduit protection is necessary against mechanical or rodent damage to the load cell cables, use flexible conduit and conduit adapters at the load cells.4. C onnect cables for load cells to the summing board in the junction box according to the guide shown below and the labels on the terminal strips of the junction box. To verify the wiring scheme, see the certification shipped with each load cell.5. F or better performance, use positive and negative remote sense lines if the wiring running from the junction box to the indicator is longer than 25 feet.6. F or best protection against lightning strikes, it is recommended to install a grounding strap from tank leg or vessel mounting point to ground, bypassing the load cell.Load Cell Wire ColorsWire ColorFunction Negative Reading Positive Reading Red+EXC +EXC Black-EXC -EXC Green+SIG -SIG White-SIG +SIG Gray or Bare Shield ShieldStrap4.0 Junction Box Connections, Adjustments& Calibration1. Refer to junction box manual for trimming details.2. Refer to indicator manual for system calibration details.5.0 TroubleshootingIf the system powers up and gives some type of stable digital readout that varies with the load on the system, any system problems are probably caused by factors other than the load cells. The load cells are often blamed for a malfunctioning system, but 90% of the time, the problem lies elsewhere. Look for mechanical causes for your problem first.If the system can be calibrated but doesn’t return to zero, loses calibration, or demonstrates non-linearity or non-repeatability, see the following chart for possible causes and do the following checks.Symptom Possible CauseNo Return Zero Mechanical binding or debris in seals or under load cells;may have lost system calibrationNon-Linearity Thermal expansion or deflection under load causing bindingor side loadNon-Repeatability Loose load cell mount; drifting caused by moisture;load cell overload or shock damage; mechanical binding Lost Calibration Out of level or plumb; moisture problem;mechanical bindingDrifting Readout Moisture in junction box, cables, or load cell;mechanical binding1. C heck load cell mount for debris restricting load cell movement or debris between scaleand structure.2. Check that tank/vessel and mounts are plumb, level, and square at critical areas.3. Check all piping and conduit for connections which restrict vessel movement.4. If check rods are used, loosen all connections to finger tight only for testing.5. Check load cell cables for physical or water damage.6. Check all electrical connections, especially in the junction box.If the problem still is not found:7. C heck possible indicator malfunction by using a load cell simulator to input a known goodsignal into the indicator.8. D isconnect each load cell’s signal leads at the junction box and check individual load celloutputs with a multimeter. Then check input/output impedances for comparison with load cell manufacturer’s specifications.9. I f after all these checks the problem still cannot be isolated, reconnect all but one load cell.Replace load cell with a load cell simulator. Alternate so that each load cell is individually disconnected and replaced with a simulator. If there is a problem with a particular load cell, the symptom should disappear when that load cell is disconnected and replaced with simulator.8Load Cell Mounting Kit InstallationA4200/A4600 Mild Steel Mounts A4200/A4600 Stainless Steel Mounts(1" Recommended)NoDescription Replcement Part Numbers1Top Plate Contact Factory 2Shoulder Screw 3Load Cell Bolts 4A4200/A4600 Load Cell 5Bearing, Upper Insert 6Base Plate 7Rocker Pin 8Dust Boot 9Set Screws NoDescription Replcement Part Numbers1Top Plate Contact Factory 2Shoulder Screw 3Load Cell Bolts 4A4200/A4600 Load Cell 5Bearing, Upper Insert 6Base Plate 7Rocker Pin 8Dust Boot 9Set Screws7.0 A4200/A4600 Limited WarrantyInterface, Inc. warrants that all Interface brand load cells properly installed by a Distributoror Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) will operate per written specifications. All load cell products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for two (2) years. Products marked as “waterproof” are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship relating to moisture ingress.Interface warrants that the equipment sold hereunder will conform to the current written specifications authorized by Interface. Interface warrants the equipment against faulty workmanship and defective materials. If any equipment fails to conform to these warranties, Interface will, at its option, repair or replace such goods returned within the warranty period subject to the following conditions:• U pon discovery by Buyer of such non-conformity, Interface will be given prompt written notice with a detailed explanation of the alleged deficiencies.• E xamination of such equipment by Interface confirms that the non-conformity actually exists, and was not caused by accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, improper installation, improper repair or improper testing; Interface shall be the sole judge of all alleged non-conformities.• S uch equipment has not been modified, altered, or changed by any person other than Interface or its duly authorized repair agents.• I nterface will have a reasonable time to repair or replace the defective equipment. Buyer is responsible for shipping charges both ways.• I n no event will Interface be responsible for travel time or on-location repairs, including assembly or disassembly of equipment, nor will Interface be liable for the cost of any repairs made by others.THESE WARRANTIES EXCLUDE ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER INTERFACE NOR DISTRIBUTOR WILL, IN ANY EVENT, BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.INTERFACE AND BUYER AGREE THAT INTERFACE’S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY HEREUNDER IS LIMITED TO REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT OF SUCH GOODS. IN ACCEPTING THIS WARRANTY, THE BUYER WAIVES ANY AND ALL OTHER CLAIMS TO WARRANTY. SHOULD THE SELLER BE OTHER THAN INTERFACE, THE BUYER AGREES TO LOOK ONLY TO THE SELLER FOR WARRANTY CLAIMS.No terms, conditions, understanding, or agreements purporting to modify the terms of this warranty shall have any legal effect unless made in writing and signed by a corporate officer of Interface and the Buyer.7401 East Butherus Drive Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 USA phone: 480.948.5555toll-free: 800.947.5598**************************©2014 Interface Inc. IFF00005 RevA 12/14。
Q & A ...................................................................... 23
12. WHAT DOES CHANNEL NO. MEANS IN WEB PATH: CHANNEL\? ..................................................................... 24 13. WHAT IS LOCAL DOMAIN SERVER ? .............................................................................................................. 24 14. WHAT IS PUBLIC DOMAIN SERVER ?.............................................................................................................. 24 15. IS A SINGLE 4600B ABLE TO ACT BOTH PUBLIC DOMAIN SERVER AND LOCAL DOMAIN SERVER? .................... 25 16. UNABLE TO MAKE CALL TO OTHER SIP PHONE............................................................................................... 25 17. HOW TO KNOW MY VODNET ID?................................................................................................................. 26
MOSA 4600 PLUS一.产品特色:整合模拟外线、模拟分机、SIP外线、SIP分机之网络交换机MOSA 4600 Plus于一台设备中整合了各类的电信接口,在外线部分提供了模拟PSTN 端口及SIP端口;而在内线部分同样也提供模拟的分机端口以及SIP的分机端口。
内建注册服务器及代理服务器,并支持标准之SIP终端设MOSA 4600 Plus内建注册服务器及代理服务器,凡是符合SIP Protocol-RFC 3261、RFC-2833之SIP终端设备,如SIP Gateway、SIP话机、SIP软件电话或是SIP Wi-Fi 手机等,都可以向MOSA4600 Plus注册登录而成为MOSA4600 Plus的一支分机,并可使用所有的交换机功能。
SIP终端设备即插即用,充分发挥行动办公室的效MOSA 4600 Plus允许客户使用虚拟IP地址(NAT设备)来建构其网络交换机系统。
内建Media Relay使SIP终端设备得以穿透NAT,让终端设备能够即插即用,不须变更NAT之设定,充分发挥行动办公室的效益。
一号多机应用,符合出差人员的需求MOSA 4600 Plus可提供一号多机之应用,将多台电话设备共享一个分机号码。
HP Photosmart C4600 All-in-One series 基础知识手册
标签 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
描述 彩色图形显示屏(也称显示屏) 控制面板 开/关机按钮 照片指示灯 Memory Stick 卡的存储卡插槽 Secure Digital 和 xD 卡的存储卡插槽 纸盒 纸盒延长板(也称延长板) 墨盒舱门 墨盒检修区域 墨盒托架
1 HP Photosmart 概述
使用 HP Photosmart 能够轻松快速地实现如下任务,如复印、扫描文档、打印 存储卡中的照片等。您可以从控制面板直接访问许多 HP Photosmart 功能,不 必打开计算机。
注意 本手册介绍了基本操作和疑难排解,并提供了有关联系 HP 支持中心和 订购耗材的信息。 电子版帮助详细介绍了完整的特性和功能,包括如何使用 HP Photosmart 随 附的 HP Photosmart 软件。
“复印”:从“首页”屏幕中打开“复印菜单”。当查看除“首页”屏幕之 外的其他屏幕时,选择与当前显示相关的选项。
在多种印刷和电子版资源中都提供了 HP Photosmart 的安装和使1章
《从这里开始》手册 《从这里开始》指南提供了有关 HP Photosmart 和软件的安装说明。请务必按顺 序执行《从这里开始》指南中的步骤。 如果在安装过程中遇到问题,请参阅《从这里开始》指南最后一节中的“疑难排 解”,或者参阅本指南中的位于第 14 页的“疑难排解和支持”。
电子版帮助 电子版帮助详细介绍了本手册中没有描述的 HP Photosmart 的功能,包括那些 只有在使用 HP Photosmart 随附的软件时才可使用的功能。电子版帮助还提供 了规范和环境信息。
N-Channel Power MOSFET XR46000 1 6 REV1B说明书
N-Channel Power MOSFETXR 46000DescriptionThe XR46000 is a silicon N-channel enhanced power MOSFET. With low conduction loss, good switching performance and high avalanche energy, it is suitable for various power supply system, especially for AC step driving application for LED lighting.The package type is SOT-223, which comply with the RoHS standard.Key ParametersV DSS 600V I D1.5A P D (T C = 25°C)20W RDS,ON,typ7.0ΩGateFigure 1. Equivalent CirucitDrain GateSource132DrainPin ConfigurationSOT-223, Top ViewEquivalent CircuitAbsolute Maximum RatingsStresses beyond the limits listed below may cause permanent damage to the device. Exposure to any Absolute Maximum Rating condition for extended periods may affect device reliability and lifetime.T C = 25°C unless otherwise noted.V DSS drain-to-source voltage (600V)I D continuous drain current (T C = 25°C) .......................1.5A I D continuous drain current (T C = 100°C) ...................0.85A I DM pulsed drain current ..................................................6A V GS gate-to-source voltage .........................................±30V P D power dissipation (T C = 25°C) ................................20W P D derating factor above 25°C .............................0.16W/°C T STORAGE storage temperature range .........-65°C to 150°C E AS single pulse avalanche energy .............................80mJ NOTE:Unless otherwise noted, all tests are pulsed tests at the specified temperature, therefore: T J = T C = T A.Operating ConditionsT J operating junction temperature .............................150°C T A operating ambient temperature ................-40°C to 85°CElectrical Characteristics = 25°C unless otherwise noted.T CTypical Performance Characteristics0.0010.010.11101100V DS , Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)I D , D r a i n C u r r e n t (A )101000Figure 2. Safe Operating Area67101112410V GS , Gate-to-Source Voltage (V)R D S (O N ), D r a i n -t o -S o u r c e O N R e s i s t a n c e(Ω)61498812Figure 3. Typical Drain-to-Source ON Resistance vs. Gate Voltage and Drain Current00.522.5-100100T J , Junction Temperature (°C)R D S (O N ), D r a i n -t o -S o u r c eO N R e s i s t a n c e , N o r m a l i z e d02001.5150150-50Figure 4. Typical Drain-to-Source ON Resistance vs. Junction TemperaturePackage DescriptionThe content of this document is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by MaxLinear, Inc. MaxLinear, Inc. assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational content contained in this guide. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced into, stored in, or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of MaxLinear, Inc.Maxlinear, Inc. does not recommend the use of any of its products in life support applications where the failure or malfunction of the product can reasonably be expected to cause failure of the life support system or to significantly affect its safety or effectiveness. Products are not authorized for use in such applications unless MaxLinear, Inc. receives, in writing, assurances to its satisfaction that: (a) the risk of injury or damage has been minimized; (b) the user assumes all such risks; (c) potential liability of MaxLinear, Inc. is adequately protected under the circumstances.MaxLinear, Inc. may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from MaxLinear, Inc., the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.MaxLinear, the MaxLinear logo, and any MaxLinear trademarks, MxL, Full-Spectrum Capture, FSC,, AirPHY and the MaxLinear logo are all on the products sold, are all trademarks of MaxLinear, Inc. or one of MaxLinear’s subsidiaries in the U.S.A. and other countries. All rights reserved. Other company trademarks and product names appearing herein are the property of their respective owners. © 2016 - 2019 MaxLinear, Inc. All rights reserved.5966 La Place Court Suite 100Carlsbad, CA 92008Tel.: +1 (760) 692-0711Fax: +1 (760) Ordering Information(1)NOTES:1. Refer to /XR46000 for most up-to-date Ordering Information.2. Visit for additional information on Environmental Rating.Revision History。
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OMEGA Series FLR-1600A和FLV-4600A水流计和控制器说明书
Accessories for FLR-1600A/FLV-4600A Series
Model No. FMA1600-BP
Price $210
Battery pack for portable use (for FLR-1600 water meters only)
100 (3.9) 104 (4.1) 106 (4.2) 111 (4.4)
104 (4.1)
61 (2.4) 61 (2.4) 61 (2.4) 102 (4.1)
92 (3.7)
27 (1.05) 27 (1.05) 27 (1.05) 41 (1.6)
27 (1.05)
Please allow approximately 44.5 mm (1.75") on top of unit for electrical cable connection.
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MOS A 4600 Plus Series技術手冊(使用中文管理介面)Edition 2.0Update: 2006/10/14Firmware: 1.02.2DCC No.: 9171006xx2目錄1外觀說明 (4)前面板 (4)後面板 (5)模組 (6)燈號說明 (8)連接埠說明 (9)2 網頁畫面說明 (10)系統資訊摘要 (10)1.1.Basic Information (12)1.2.功能碼 (16)1.3.分機表 (19)1.4.外線群組/種類 (21)1.5.下車授權 (23)1.6.特定路由表 (27)1.7.允撥行動號碼 (29)1.8. PIN 用戶識別碼 (32)2.1.總覽 (33)2.2.使用狀態 (50)3.1.SIP (51)3.2.上線用戶 (53)3.3.外線登錄資訊 (56)3.4. IP外線加減碼 (59)3.5.共用資訊 (61)4.1.類比外線加減碼 (63)4.2.簡碼撥號 (67)4.3.長控表設定 (68)4.4.電話參數 (71)4.5.轉接伺服器 (74)4.6.話務分配伺服器 (76)5.1.撥入認證 (78)5.2.撥出認證 (80)5.3. IP外線電話簿 (82)5.4.外部IP及STUN (83)6. IP 位址 (85)7.電話簿 (87)8.更新與備份 (89)IP 查詢/電話號碼查詢/顯示路由 (91)-重新開機- (93)1 外觀說明前面板MOSA 4603MOSA 4604A/B/C/D PLUSMOSA 4608 PLUSMOSA 4616 PLUS後面板MOSA 4603MOSA 4604 PLUS A/B/C/DMOSA 4608 PLUSMOSA 4616 PLUS模組MOSA 4600 PLUS可使用的模組有MP3008+、MP3108+及MP3208+三種。
MP3008+ (8類比內線(FXS))MP3108+ (8類比外線(FXO))MP3208+ (4類比內線(FXS) + 4類比外線(FXO))燈號說明LED 標示 說明 PWR 燈亮 電源供電正常ALRAM 燈亮開機時,系統自動執行硬體偵測,若偵測過程中發現故障,則持續亮燈燈亮 CPU 正常運作 CPU/ACT燈閃爍 CPU 正在執行工作 燈亮系統已連結上TIME SERVER提示:若時間來源選擇”自動校時”,系統時間會由NTP Server 來取得燈閃爍 曾經連結上TIME SERVER ,但目前未連結上 TIME SRVR燈滅系統尚未連結上TIME SERVER 燈亮 已登錄上 NETMOSA 或VODNET 燈滅 沒有登錄上 NETMOSA 或VODNET NETMOSA燈閃爍同時設定NETMOSA 和VODNET 之資訊, 但只有一種登錄成功燈亮 IP 外線(SIP)註冊上SIP Proxy Server 燈滅 IP 外線(SIP)沒有註冊上SIP Proxy Server DeviceREG燈閃爍己設定IP 外線(SIP)註冊之資訊,但其中有一些Entity 註冊上SIP Proxy Server ,但其他Entity 沒有註冊上SIP Proxy Server燈亮 網路已正常連結(Link Up) 燈閃爍 資料正在傳輸Link/ACT 燈滅網路未正常連結(Link Down) 燈亮 網路傳輸速度爲100Mbps 10/100 Ethernet100Mbps燈滅 網路傳輸速度爲10Mbps燈亮 類比內線(FXS)端口偵測到回路電流(已拿起電話)LOOP/ RINGOUT (FXS)燈閃爍送出振鈴訊號燈亮 類比外線(FXO)端口造成回路訊號(已接起電話) PortInformation LOOP/ RING IN (FXO)燈閃爍正在振鈴連接埠說明連接頭標示說明FXS(PHONE) 用以接至一般類比電話機或是傳真機語音FXO(LINE) 用以接至電信局電話線路(外線)BROADCAST (僅用以接至擴大器或揚聲器(耳機, 喇叭)MOSA 4603有此埠)網路To W AN (MDI-X) RJ-45 MDI-X接頭,用以接至廣域網路(WAN)To LAN (MDI) RJ-45 MDI 接頭,用以接至區域網路(LAN)CDR 用以連接計費器(CDR)RS-232CONSOLE 用以連接系統終端機2 網頁畫面說明系統資訊摘要類別欄位敘述出廠預設值系統資訊區域代碼顯示本機區域代號(國名) (唯讀)MAC 顯示本機硬體MAC地址(唯讀)所在地顯示本機辨識名稱(唯讀)軟體版本顯示本機軟體版本(唯讀)電話號碼顯示本機的電話號碼(全碼) (唯讀)網路電話號碼顯示本機的VODNET ID代碼(唯讀)類比介面型態顯示本機介面卡種類(唯讀)(唯讀) 類比端口數顯示本機的類比介面種類Line:類比內線(FXS)端口數量Trunk:類比外線(FXO)端口數量SIP 端口數顯示本機的SIP介面種類(唯讀)Line:IP內線(SIP)端口數量Trunk:IP外線(SIP)端口數量外部 IP 位址顯示本機的外部IP位址 / PBX信令端口(唯讀)(唯讀) IP 位址顯示本機的內部IP位址 / PBX信令端口 / SIP信令端口子網路遮罩顯示本機的子網路遮罩(唯讀)預設閘道顯示本機的預設閘道器(唯讀)日期顯示本機目前的日期(唯讀)時間顯示本機目前的時間(唯讀)系統安全金鑰顯示本機駐留安全密碼(唯讀)1.1.Basic Information區域代碼顯示本機區域代號 0(唯讀)軟體版本顯示本機軟體版本(唯讀)韌體版本顯示本機啟動軟體版本(唯讀)硬體版本顯示本機硬體版本(唯讀)類比介面型態顯示本機介面卡種類(唯讀)SIP 分機數顯示本機IP內線(SIP)數量(唯讀)SIP 外線數顯示本機IP外線(SIP)數量(唯讀)開機時間顯示自上次啟動至現在之使用時間(唯讀)MAC 位址顯示本機硬體MAC地址(唯讀) 系統資訊所在地可供輸入本機辨識名稱時間來源選擇系統日期和時間同步方式自動:自動和系統同步手動:手動輸入日期及時間啟動日期以手動方式輸入日期,只在"時間來源"選擇“手動"時才有效年(西元)/月/日 yyyy/mm/dd時間以手動方式輸入時間,只在"時間來源"選擇“手動"時才有效小時/分/秒 hh/mm/ss時區選擇系統所在時區之選項系統時間日光節約時間選擇有無日光節約時間啟動:有日光節約時間關閉:無日光節約時間OFFPBX 信令端口利用此UDP 端口互傳信號封包,可設定範圍為0 – 65535(設定完成後需重新啟動才生效)2000SIP 信令端口利用此UDP 端口互傳SIP信號封包,可設定範圍為0 – 65534(必須設定為偶數才會生效)(設定完成後需重新啟動才生效)5060代接區代接區(Pickup Section)使用之端口。
代接其他MOSA 4600系列設備之電話時,代接及被代接之設備必須設定相同之子網路遮罩及代接區。
2999UDP 端口設定語音起始端口利用此UDP 端口互傳語音封包,此為設定起始端口,可設定範圍為0 – 65534 (必須設定為偶數才會生效)(設定完成後需重新啟動才生效)10000自動總機類比外線來話自動應答撥入類比外線介面,自動總機是否應答啟動:應答關閉:不應答啟動IP 外線來話自動應答撥入SIP 外線介面,自動總機是否應答 啟動:應答關閉:不應答啟動IP 來話自動應答以網路(內網)電話撥入,自動總機是否應答 啟動:應答 關閉:不應答啟動未應答等候時間 聽到語音後撥分機號碼,分機之應答等待時間(若分機無人應答,則啟動第6段語音) 25應答訊息模式可設定撥放上班時間語音的設定自動日/夜時段設定 (按鈕):點選設定整個星期的問候語模式排程國碼使用地之電信國碼(如中國 86 美國 1) (依區域代碼所在地之國碼)區碼 使用地之電信區碼(如上海 21 臺北 2)(依區域代碼所在首都之區碼) 本機電話號碼 電話號碼使用之電話號碼(建議填入類比外線介面外線號碼,或公司代表號) (依Mac 位址產生之電話號碼)VODNET 網路電話號碼 顯示VODNET ID 之代碼;註冊成功則會顯示OK取得取得VODNET ID本機網路電話號碼Netmosa 網路電話號碼顯示NETMOSA 之代碼;註冊成功則會顯示OK使用者名稱網頁登入帳號 WEB密碼 網頁登入密碼網頁登入密碼 密碼確認確認網頁登入帳號(須與上欄之Password 相同)時間排程類別欄位敘述出廠預設值星期一到星期日的設定(反黃的顏色代表今日) 上班時間 日間語音的開始時間 09:00 下班時間日間語音的結束時間(上班時間到下班時間的時間是撥放日間語音,其他的時間是撥放夜間語音18:00 全天模式 選日間代表是整天都撥放日間語音(設備第一段語音)選夜間代表是整天都撥放夜間語音(設備第五段語音)應答訊息日/夜設定所有設定同星期一 (按鈕)點選後星期二到星期日的設定都會參照星期一的設定1.2.功能碼功能碼自動路由電話撥打網路或自動路由電話功能碼**抓取類比外線抓取類比外線群(FXO)之功能碼 9抓取IP外線抓取SIP外線群(SIP Trunk)之功能碼 8進入話機設定模式系統話機設定之功能碼 *0簡碼撥號:簡碼撥號之功能碼 *2代接代接電話之功能碼 *7代接指定分機:代接指定分機號碼之功能碼 *4總機撥入DISA之總機碼 0撥打VODNET 電話直接撥打VODNET ID的功能碼 *3*9抓取遠端外線抓取遠端設備的中繼群組的功能碼,但有先決條件,被抓取端設備內的1.5.下車授權名單必須有抓取端的資料,直接抓取外線必需為開放,且開放相關路由種類,撥打方式為<抓取遠端外線功能碼> + <國碼> + <區碼> + <#>。
假設台北一台、上海一台,台北分機端可利用此功能碼去抓取上海端的外線,例如*9 8621#。
*8抓取指定種類外線抓取指定設備的某一個外線種類的功能碼,但有先決條件,被抓取端設備內的1.5.下車授權名單必須有抓取端的資料,直接抓取外線必需為開放,且開放相關路由種類,1.3.分機表內要有指定設備的資料,撥打方式為<抓取指定種類外線功能碼> + <設備前置碼/分機號碼> + <外線種類碼> + <#>,例如*8 10 2#。