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company body.” 3. Higher purpose than shareholder value/profit—Money is not enough
4. Culture of relentless, constant improvement—the DNA of growth
5. High employee engagement—an implied social contract; an accountable “family.”
Research: High performance organizations
9 consistent findings (cont.)
6. Customer centricity & closeness—Being better is more important than being bigger.
3. (1997) DeGeus, The Living Company
7. (2007) Hess, The Road to Organic Growth
4. (2000) O’Reilly & Pfeffer, Hidden Value
8. (2009) Simon, Hidden Champions
9. An internal, aligned, consistent, self-reinforcing System (strategy, culture, structure, HR policies, leadership behavior, measurements, rewards, communications) that enables, motivates and rewards desired behaviors.
Key points
➢ As a business grows, the entrepreneur’s success becomes more and more dependent on others.
➢ It’s critical to hire the right people.
➢ It’s critical for the entrepreneur to be a “people person,” with good people skills.
7. Humble, passionate operators who are values-based leaders—devaluation of elitism.
8. Execution & service champions—excellence everyday, every way, by everyone.
➢ Success depends on teaching, motivating and relating, and on a daily basis, engaging employees and managers in the pursuit of excellence and high performance.
Research: High performance organizations
➢ Most of the research involves public companies.
➢ 8 major studies: ALL found similar characteristics.
➢ My private company research confirmed that most of the findings are applicable to building a great private business.
Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses
Part II
Week 2: The Secret of High Performance is High
Employee Engagement
Ed Hess
Copyright© 2013 Ed Hess
1. (1982) Peters &Waterman, The Search for Excellence
5. (2001) Collins, Good to Great
2. (1994) Collins & Porras, Built to Last
6. (2003) Joyce, et. al., What Really Works
Research: High performance organizations (cont.)
9 consistent findings (the “not-so-secret” sauce”):
1. Simple, focused strategy—an “elevator pitch” business model. 2. Structures that enable entrepreneurial behavior—“Small company soul in a large
➢ One of the 8 research projects involved private German companies—the “Mittelstand” companies.
Research: High performance organizations (cont.)
The “best” 8 studies:
➢ Employees are proud of where they work.
Quiz #1
WБайду номын сангаасat is high employee engagement (“HEE”)?
➢ Employees are emotionally engaged and personally invested in doing great work.
➢ Employees view their work as more than a paycheck.