



英语音标归类练习卷班级: 姓名: 学号:英语共有48个音标,其中辅音音标28个,元音音标20个。



单元音:[i:][i] [e] [æ][a:] [ʌ] [ə:][ə] [u:][u] [כ:] [כ]双元音:[ai] [ei] [iə] [əu] [uə][au] [eə] [כi]辅音音标:分为清辅音和浊辅音,清辅音发音时声带不振动,浊辅音发音时声带振动。

清辅音:[p][t][k][f][s][θ][∫][ts] [t∫][tr][h]浊辅音:[b][d][g][v][z][ ð][ ʒ] [dz] [dʒ][dr][r][m][n][ŋ][w][j] [l]/i:/ bee/bi:/ feet/fi:t/ keep/ki:p/ key/ki:/ team/ti:m/ meet/mi:t/ police field believe stream/i/ it /it/ big/big/ city/siti/ give/giv/ sick/sik/ money happy monkey give/e/ get/get/ best/best/ text/tekst/ help/help//æ/ fat/fæt/ have/hæv/ cat/kæt/ back/bæk/ hat/hæt//a:/ laugh/la:f/ glass/gla:s/ half/ha:f/ farm/fa:m/ park/pa:k// ɔ:/ horse/hɔ: s/ saw/sɔ:/ corn/kɔ:n/ course/kɔ:s/ salt/sɔ:t// ɔ / dog/dɔg/ pot/pɔt/ cost/kɔst/ what/wɔt/ honest/′ɔnist//u:/ food/fu:d/ moon/mu:n/ rule/ru:l/ loose/lu:s/ noon/nu:n/ soon/su:n//u/ book/buk/ put/put/ good/gud/ would/wud/ should/ ʃ ud/ could/kud// ʌ / must/mʌst/ does/dʌz/ money/′mʌni/ month ugly/′ʌgli/ come/kʌm//ə:/ nurse/nə:s/ bird/bə:d/ burn/bə:n/ turn/tə:n/ girl/gə:l/ person work word/ə / better/betə/ never/nevə/ worker/wə:kə/ welcome/welkəm//ei/ may/mei/ name/neim/ game/geim/ eight/eit/ age/eidʒ/ they hey rain/əu/ no/nəu/ home/həum/ hope/həup/ wrote/rəut/ note/nəut/ pose/pəuz/ window tomorrow hold cold fold/ai/ eye/ai/ time/taim/ buy/bai/ right/rait/ bike/baik/ kite/kait/ fly my/au/ now/nau/ out/aut/ how/hau/ about/ ə′baut/ south/sauθ/ house/haus//ɔi/ boy/bɔi/ toy/tɔi/ noise/nɔiz/ voice/vɔis/ point/pɔint/ coin/kɔin/ soil join/iə/ ear/iə/ near/niə/ idea/ai′diə/ hear/hiə/ mere/miə/ spear/spiə/ really here deer dear here fear/εə/ air/εə/ tear/tεə/ care/kεə/ dare/dεə/ fair/fεə/ there/ðεə/ chair/ tʃεə//uə/ poor/puə/ sure/ʃuə/ tour/tuə/ tourist/p/ pea/pi:/ pie/pai/ top/tɔp/ cap/kæp/ people/pi:pl/ pride/praid//b/ bee/bi:/ by/bai/ buy/bai/ black/blæk/ bear/bεə//t/ let/let/ sat/sæt/ feet/fi:t/ team/ti:m/ tide/taid//d/ led/led/ sad/sæd/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/diə//k/ lack/læk/ take/teik/ clock/klɔk/ duck chick comic class/kla:s/ weekend/′wi:kend/ school Chritmas/g/ big/big/ leg/leg/ glass/gla:s/ gum/gʌm/ good/gud/ guest/gest/ guess/f/ face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/sə:f/ favorite/′feivərit/ laugh cough enough photo phone/v/ very/′veri/ five/faiv/ fever/′fi:və/ serve/sə:v/ never/′nevə/ of/ɔv//θ/ bath/ba:θ/(v洗澡) thick/θik/ mouth/mauθ/ breath/breθ/(n呼吸) north thought/θɔ:t/ author/´ɔ;θə/ truth/tru:θ/ month think thin three south/ð/the/ ðə/ they/ðei/ that/ðæt/ mother/′mʌðə/ thus/ðʌs/ then/ðen/ together them there their father brother this/s/face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/kæps/ likes/laiks/ stops/stɔps//z/ close/kləuz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/bɔiz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz/ cleans digseasy busy/tʃ/ catch/kætʃ/ cheep/tʃi:p/ rich/ritʃ/ watch/wɔtʃ/ child/tʃaild/ question/′kwestʃən/ teach/ti:tʃ/ challenge/′tʃlindʒ/ nature picture /dʒ/orange/′ɔridʒ/ large/la:dʒ/ juice/dʒu:s/ job/dʒɔb/ age June July/tr/ tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ trouble/′trʌbl/ track/træk / train/dr/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drink/driŋk/ hundred/′hʌndrid//ʃ/ she/ʃi:/ sharp/ʃa:p/ fish/fiʃ/ shock/ʃɔk/ shoe/ʃu:/ sure shelf should/ʒ/ pleasure/′pleʒə/ measure/′meʒə/ television/′teliviʒən//ts/let′s/lets/ sports/spɔ:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts/ that's/dz/ hands/hændz/ birds/bə:dz/ friends/freindz/ beds/bedz/ stands/stændz//h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/hə:d/ half/ha:f//l/ like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/lə:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait//m/ my/mai/ more/mɔ:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/ men/men//n/ nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain/ know knee/ŋ/ sing/siŋ/ wing/wiŋ/ ring/riŋ/ long/lɔŋ/ beautiful/bju:təfl//j/you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zik/ student/′stju:dnt/ excuse/ik′skju:z//w/ work/wə:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/wɔt/ twelve/twelv/ twin/twin//r/ red/red/ road/rəud/ write/rait/ wrong/rɔŋ/ problem/′prɔbləm/音标综合练习:比较拼读。



6A音标单词Unit 1a lw ay s /'ɔ: lw eɪz/qu e s tion/'kw e s t⎰ən/a sk /ɑ:sk/m ea n /m i:n/m u st /mΛst/sh ou ld /⎰ʊd/t a ke a w al k /t eɪkə wɔ:k/ p i ck /pɪk/p u bl i c /'pΛblɪk/s ig n /s aɪn/c ou sin /'kΛzn/d a ng er/'d eɪndʒə/a w ay/ ə'w eɪ/gr a ss /grɑ:s/k ee p o ff /k i:p ɒf/sh ou ldn’t /⎰ʊdnt/b ir d /bɜ:d/qu ie t / 'kw aɪət/m a ke n oi se /m eɪk nɔɪz/ sm o ke /sməʊk/l i tt er/lɪtə/p ar k /pɑ:k/s u dd e nl y /sΛdənlɪ/ s o meth i ng /sΛmθɪŋ/n o te /nǝʊt/l oo k a r ou nd /lʊk ə'r aʊnd/ n ear b y/,nɪǝ'b aɪ/qu i ckl y /'kwɪklɪ/p i ck u p /pɪk Λp/k ee p er/k i:pə/c o me u p /kΛm Λp/p oi nt /pɔɪnt/f i ne /f aɪn/unit 2b ir thd ay/'bɜ:θd eɪ ; bɜ: θdɪ/ d a te /d eɪt/wh e n /w e n/s e c o nd /'s e kənd/M ar ch /mɑ: t /th ir d/θɜ:d/A pr i l /'eɪprəl/f our th /fɔ:θ/M ay/m eɪ/J u ne /dʒu:n/O ct o b er /ɒk' təʊbə/ wh e n’s /w e nz/ Au g u st /'ɔ:gəst/ a s / æz ; əz/pr e s e nt /'pr e zənt/ VCD /v i:s i:d i:/A l a dd i n /ə'lædɪn/Let’s w ai t /w eɪt/ and seeJ a n ua r y /'dʒæn jʊərɪ/F e br ua r y /'f e brʊərɪ/f i fth /fɪfθ/s i xth /sɪksθ/J u l y/dʒʊ'l aɪ/tw e lfth /tw e lfθ/tw e nt ie th /'tw e ntɪɪθ/S e pt e mb er/s e p't e mbə/tw e nt y-f ir st /,tw e ntɪ'fɜ:st/ N o v e mb er/nəʊ'v e mbə/D e c e mb er/dɪ's e mbə/d oor be ll /'dɔ:b e l/t a ke o ff /t eɪk ɒf/c o st u me /'kɒst ju:m/H a pp y b ir thd ay t o y ou! bl ow/bləʊ/ou t /aʊt/ c a ndle /'kændl/Unit 3w a s /wəz wɒz/ e xc i t e d /ɪk's aɪtɪd/m o m e nt /'mәʊmәnt/ a g o/ә'gәʊ/w ere /wɜ: ; wә/j u st /dʒʌst/ n ow/n aʊ/m o b i le ph o ne/,mәʊb aɪl'fәʊn/ gl a ss e s /glɑ:sɪz/sp or ts /spɔ:ts/d ay/d eɪ/r u nn i ng /r nɪŋ/ r a ce /r eɪs/ c a m e r a/'kæmərə/e xc i t i ng /ɪk's aɪtɪŋ/f i lm /fɪlm/gr ou nd /gr aʊnd/ear ph o ne /'ɪəfəʊn/d ia r y/'d aɪərɪ/CD W al kman /'wɔ:kmən/r o ll /rəʊl/r e m e mb er/rɪ'm e mbə/w ere n’t /wɜ:nt/Unit 5H o l i d ay /'hɒləd eɪ; 'hɒlədɪ / l a st /lɑ:st/ear ly /ɜ:lɪ/m ee t /m i:t/b e f ore/bɪ'fɔ:(r)/d i d /dɪd/p u ll/pʊl/ upt a ste /t eɪst/f ar m /fɑ:m/N a tion a l /'næ∫nəl/ Dayc a rr o t /'kærət/m i lk /mɪlk/c ow/k aʊ/f u n /fʌn/w o nd er ful /'wʌndəfl/ z oo/z u:/c a mp /kæmp/v o ll ey b al l /'vɒlɪbɔ:l/ m ou nt ai n /'m aʊntən/Unit 6Chr i stm a s /'krɪsməs/ New Year’s Dayp eo ple /'p i:pl/h a d /hæd/w e nt /w e nt/Ch i ldr e n’s /'t∫ɪldrən/ Daya ls o /'ɔ:lsəʊ/f e st i val /'f e stɪvl/Spr i ng /sprɪŋ /Festivald i dn’t /dɪdnt/r e l a t i ve /'r e lətɪv/d e l i c iou s /dɪ'lɪ∫əs/f a v ou r i te /'f eɪvərɪt/dr e ss /dr e s/ upM i d-Au t u mn/,mɪd'ɔ:təm/Festival M oo n /m u:n/ c a ke /k eɪk/Ea st er/'i:stə(r)/M ay D ay/m eɪ d eɪ/Dr a g o n/'drægən/ B oa t/bəʊt/ Festival p o p u l ar /'pɒp jələ(r)/b ea ch /b i:t∫/r a ce /r eɪs/d u mpl i ng/'dʌmplɪŋ/Unit 7y our s /jɔ:z/m i ne /m aɪn/h er s /hɜ:z/our s /aʊəz/in fr o nt /frʌnt/ ofb e s i de /bɪ's aɪd/a nsw er/ɑ:nsə(r)/th eir s /ðeəz/Chr i stm a s D ayh i s /hɪz/w a ll e t /wɒlɪt/You’re w e lc o me./'w e lkəm/ t ea p o t /t i:pɒt/c a lc u l a t or /kælk jʊl eɪtə(r)/ sk a teb oard /'sk eɪtbɔ:d/ h air dr yer /'h eədr aɪə(r)/c o mb /kəʊm/m i rr or /'mɪrə(r)/s u nn y/'sʌnɪ/s a t /sæt/b a ck /bæk/at the back ofget offg o t /gɒt/s aw /sɔ:/s ea t /s i:t/n o b o d y /'nəʊbədɪ/a sk /ɑ:sk/p o l i ce st a tion /pə'l i:s st eɪ∫n/。




()1.A.pen B.me C.he()2.A.easy B.bread C.seat()3.A.bike B.like C.this()4.A.fat B.hat C.dad()5.A.bike B.kite C.back二、从A、B、C三个选项中选出与所给单词画线部分读音相同的选项。

()e A.bus B.put ually()2.bad A.father B.paper C.fat()3.huge A.age B.gate C.great()4.wood A.look B.school C.food()5.ready A.each B.sweater C.clean三、选出画线部分发音不同的一项。

()1.A.ocean B.seat C.bread()2.A.she B.bee C.get()3.A.past B.cat C.bad()4.A.wood B.good C.pool()5.A.month B.think C.with四、判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的打“T”,不同的打“F”。

1.bee sweet()2.wild holiday()3.sea read()4.music club()5.apple black()五、读单词,判断划线部分发音是否相同,用“√”和“×”表示。

(6分)()1.A.dad B.many C.black()2.A.bee B.sweet C.three()3.A.cook B.rice C.picture()4.A.upB.us C.our()5.A.cool B.food C.room()6.A.think B.thank C.These六、找出与所给划线字母读音相同的单词,将其写在括号内。

(5分)()1.bed A.pet B.she()2.bread A.tea B.head()3.dad A.apple B.hate()4.any A.make B.many()5.sea A.read B.bread七、请在句子中找出一个含有与例词划线部分发音相同的单词,将其写在括号内。



沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A音标写单词习题(附答案)沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A 看音标写单词习题Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions.1. These are my _________ /?rel?t?vz/.2. The lovely girl is my ________ /?ɡr?nd??t?(r)/.3. I always go __________ /?sw?m??/ with my sister on Saturday.4. She was introduced to (被介绍给) all the _________ /?memb?(r)z/ of his family.5. Can you draw a ________ _______ /?f?m?li ?tri?/ now, Danny?6. Tom is my example. He is ________ /?nev?(r)/ late for school.7. My grandma has ________ /??l?redi/ been to Ocean Park.8. Are there any ________ /??e?(r)/ questions?9. Good friends should always help ________ ________ /?i?te?(r)/.10. The girl in red is very ________ /?frendli/ and helpful.11. Would you like to _________ /spend/ a day out with me?12. Last year, Jason took a trip to Hainan _________ /?a?l?nd/.13. Where is Sandy _________ /be?/?14. What do you and your sister do at _________ /?wi?k?endz/?15. Kitty lives ________ /fɑ?(r)/ away from her school.16. How much do you know about the __________ /?dr?ɡ?n/ Boat Festival?17. Hong Kong is a beautiful _________ /?si?sa?d/ city.18. I bought the fruit in the new __________ /?mɑ?k?t/.19. It’s funny for people to walk in _________ /spe?s/.20. I visited New Music _________ /mju?zi??m/ with Tom last Friday.21. You can choose (选择) one from these different kinds of_________ /?k?t?v?tiz/.22. Linda enjoys making _________ /?s?ndkɑ?sl z/ on the beach.23. Kitty likes _________ /k??lekt??/ stamps from different countries.24. There is only one photo in that __________ /??lb?m/.25. Let’s have a __________ /?bɑ?b?kju?/ in Century Park this afternoon.26. We ________ /??l/ go to visit the park tomorrow.27. We are _______ /?pl?n??/ to visit Dragon Bay this Sunday.28. Little Tom always gets up at six ________ /??kl?k/ in the morning.29. These shirts _______ /k?st/ me 200 yuan in all.30. Jason wanted to take a ________ /tr?p/ to Canada.31. My grandparents live on a small ________ /?a?l?nd/.32. Where would you like to _______ /spend/ your summer holiday?33. I was _______ /?l?ki/ to pass the driving test.34. Our school is planning to visit Space __________ /mju?zi??m/ next week.35. I went to a ________ /?mɑ?k?t/ to buy some vegetables yesterday.36. He is a ________ /?rel?t?v/ of mine.37. They may go cycling on the ________ /?a?l?nd/.38. How much do you know about air _________ /p??lu??n/?39. Jack wants to visit the art _________ /mju?zi??m/.40. It’s __________ /d??st/ w hat I wanted!41. Tom has many _________ /?rel?t?vz/.42. It’s winter ________ /??l?redi/.43. If you make a _________ /?pr?m?s/, you should keep it.44. I want to spend a few days at the __________ /?si?sa?d/.45. If the weather is wet or cold, choose an indoor __________ /?k?t?v?ti/.46. My aunt Mary is a bank _________ /klɑ?k/.47. Tom is going to see a _________ /?dent?st/ this afternoon.48. The ________ /?sekr?tri/ is answering the phone now.49. Do you think Lucy is an excellent ___________ /p??li?sw?m?n/?50. How many ________ /?p??snz/ are there in the photo?51. Unluckily, a young _________ /?fa??m?n/ died in the big fire.52. What does a _________ /'p??stm?n/ do every day?53. I’d like to be a __________ /?sekr?tri/ in the future.54. Finally, the _________ /?pa?l?t/ landed (使着陆) the broken plane safely.55. Miss Guo ________ /?ti?t??z/ Chinese in the No.1 Middle School.56. What’s your _________ /e?d?/?57. The reporter is _________ /??nt?vju/ our headmaster now.58. We have already _________ /?f?n??t/ the meeting.59. How old is the young _________ /?fa??m?n/?60. The beautiful shop __________ /??s?st?nt/ is my sister.61. Mike is a very good __________ /?p??sn/ to work with.62. Can you _________ /ti?t?/ me how to ride a bike?63. I don’t know _________ /?f/ it will rain tomorrow.64. We will have an ________ /??nt?vju?/ this afternoon.65. In fact(事实上), I need two _________ /?sekr?triz/.66. Alice would like to be a _________ /sekr?tri/ because she likes typing letters.67. A good teacher’s jo b is to _________ /ti?t?/ children how to learn well.68. It’s a good habit to __________ /?f?n??/ homework on time.69. Asking a woman’s ________ /e?d?/ is not polite (礼貌的).70. He went back home to see _________ /?f/ there was something wrong.参考答案:1, relatives 2, granddaughter 3, swimming 4, members 5, family tree 6, never 7, already 8, other9, each other 10, friendly 11, spend 12, island 13, bay 14, weekends 15, far 16, Dragon 17, seaside 18, market 19, space 20, museum 21, activities 22, sandcastles 23, collecting 24, album 25, barbecue 26, shall 27, planning 28, o'clock 29, cost 30, trip 31, island 32, spend 33, lucky 34, museum 35, market 36, relative 37, island 38, pollution 39, museum 40, just41, relatives 42, already 43, promise 44, seaside 45, activity 46, clerk 47, dentist 48, secretary 49, policewoman 50, persons 51, fireman 52, postman 53, secretary 54, pilot 55, teaches 56, age57, interviewing 58, finished 59, fireman 60, assistant 61, person 62, teach 63, if 64, interview 65, secretaries 66, secretary 67, teach 68, finish 69, age 70, if。



牛津上海版(深圳用)2019-2020学年小学英语六年级上册期末专题复习:音标B卷姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、根据图片,判断下列句子是否正确。

(共6题;共12分)1. (2分)据图片判断句子是否正确。

The pens are in the box.2. (2分)根据图片判断句子正误I see two butterflies(蝴蝶).3. (2分)根据图片,判断句子正误I see a policeman(警察).4. (2分)Look at the bird. Flying in the sky.5. (2分)Let's count to ten6. (2分)看着夜晚的天空,你对妈妈说:I can see the sun in the sky.二、给下列行为选择合适的提示语。

(共1题;共5分)7. (5分)选出正确的答语。

A. Sure!B. Yes,I am.C. I like milk and eggs for breakfast.D. My favourite food is chicken.E. No, thanks.(1)—Are you hungry?—_______(2)—May I use your ruler?—_______(3)—Would you like some juice?—_______(4)—What's for breakfast?—_______(5)—What's your favourite food?—_______三、单项选择。

(共5题;共10分)8. (2分)____ a big cow !A . HowB . WhatC . Where9. (2分)—Does Tonny eating ice creams?— Yes, he does.A . areB . likeC . likes10. (2分)—What's this?—________ a book.A . ItB . It'sC . This11. (2分)_____ shout in the classroom.A . Doesn'tB . Don'tC . Didn't12. (2分)—are you?—Fine,thank you.A . HowB . WhatC . Where四、连词成句。



深圳小学英语(牛津版)六年级上册同步单词、音标、注释、例句Unit 11. month [mʌnθ] n. 一个月的时间;月份[ 复数 months ]2. cute [kjuːt]adj. 可爱的;[ 比较级 cuter 最高级 cutest ]3. Pretty ['prɪtɪ]adj. 漂亮的4. Handsome ['hæns(ə)m] adj. 英俊的;帅气的[ 比较级 handsomer 最高级 handsomest ]5. turtle['tɜːt(ə)l] n. 乌龟[ 复数 turtle或turtles ]6. catch [kætʃ] vt. 逮住;扑捉[ 过去式 caught 过去分词 caught 现在分词 catching ]7. fly [flaɪ]n. 苍蝇[ 复数 flies 过去式 flew 过去分词 flown 现在分词 flying ]8. grow up [ grəʊʌp ] 长大;成长9. junior high school['dʒuːnɪə] [haɪ][skuːl] 初级中学10. (be) born [bɔːn] 出生例句:Some people are born brainy. 有些人生来就聪明。

Unit 21. famous ['feɪməs] adj. 著名的;出名的2. during['djʊərɪŋ] prep. 在...期间3. spend [spend] vt. 度过[ 过去式 spent 过去分词 spent 现在分词 spending ]4. everyone ['evrɪwʌn] pron. 每个人;所有人5. countryside ['kʌntrɪsaɪd] n. 乡村;农村[ 复数 countrysides ]6. pick[pɪk] vt. 采摘[ 过去式 picked 过去分词 picked 现在分词 picking ]7. summer holiday['sʌmə] ['hɒlɪdeɪ;-dɪ]暑假Unit 31. healthy ['helθɪ] adj. 健康的;有益于健康的2. unhealthy[ʌn'helθɪ] adj. 不健康的;损害健康的3. hamburger [ˈhæmbɜ:gə]n. 汉堡包4. cola ['kəʊlə] n. 可乐5. yesterday [ˈjestədɪ;-deɪ]n. 昨天6. fruit [fruːt] n. 水果[ 复数 fruits或fruit ]7. pie [paɪ] n. 馅饼8. pizza ['piːtsə; 'pɪtsə] n. 比萨饼9. sandwich ['sæn(d)wɪdʒ; -wɪtʃ] n. 三明治[ 复数 sandwiches ]10. vegetable [ˈvedʒtəbl]n. 蔬菜[ 复数 vegetables ]11. chicken ['tʃɪkɪn]n. 鸡肉12. chocolate ['tʃɒk(ə)lət]n. 巧克力13. a little ['lɪt(ə)l] adj. 少量的!14. fish and chips [fɪʃ] [ənd ][tʃɪps] 炸鱼薯条Unit41. neighbour ['neɪbə] n. 邻居2. son [sʌn]n. 儿子3. daughter['dɔːtə] n. 女儿4. noisy [ˈnɔɪzɪ] adj. 吵闹的5. owl [aʊl] n. 猫头鹰6. dig [dɪg] vt. 挖(土),掘(洞)[ 过去式 dug或 digged 过去分词 dug或 digged 现在分词 digging ]7. make noise [meɪk][nɔɪz] 制造噪音Unit 51. thousand ['θaʊz(ə)nd] n. 一千[ 复数 thousand或thousands ]2. hundred ['hʌndrəd] n. 一百[ 复数 hundreds或hundred ]3. wild [waɪld] adj. 野生环境;野生的4. South China tiger 华南虎[ manchurian tiger 东北虎]5. blue whale [bluː] [weɪl] 蓝鲸6. way [weɪ] n. 路;方式,方法7. die [daɪ] vi. 死;死亡8. rhino ['raɪnəʊ] n. 犀牛rhinoceros [raɪ'nɒs(ə)rəs][ 复数 rhinos或 rhino ]9. learn [lɜːn] vt. 学会,学习[ 过去式 learned或 learnt 过去分词 learned或 learnt 现在分词 learning ] 10. send [send] vt. 安排去,寄,送[ 过去式 sent 过去分词 sent 现在分词 sending 第三人称单数 sends ]11. in danger[ˈdeɪndʒə(r)] 面临危险12. in the past 在过去例句:In the past she drank nothing, except coffee.她过去除了喝咖啡什么都不喝。



牛津译林版六年级英语6A辨音题专项练习1.SD2.SD3.SD4.SD5.SD6.SD7.SD8.SD9.SD10.SD11.SD12.SD13.SD14.SD15.SD16.SD17.SD18.SD19.SD20.SD32.SD33.SD34.SD35.SD36.SD37.SD38.SD39.SD40.SD41.SD42.SD43.SD44.SD45.SD46.SD47.SD48.SD49.SD50.SD51.SD65.SD66.SD67.SD68.SD69.SD70.SD71.SD72.SD73.SD74.SD75.SD76.SD77.SD78.SD79.SD80.SD81.SD82.SD1.The words "arm" and "card" are XXX。

2.The words "come" and "to" are XXX。

3.The words "year" and "near" are XXX。

4.The words "farm" and "star" are XXX。

5.The words "got" and "ago" XXX。

6.The words "find" and "drink" XXX。

7.The words "went" and "e" XXX。

8.The words "clothes" and "long" are XXX。

9.The words "card" and "party" XXX。

10.The words "mountain" and "shout" XXX。

沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A 音标课课练(附答案)

沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A 音标课课练(附答案)

沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A 音标课课练Ⅰ.看音标写单词和词性。

Unit 11. /ˈrelətɪv/ ________ ________2. /ˈɡrandɔːtə/ _______ ________3. /ˈɡrænsʌn/ ________ ________4. /ˈəʊnli/ ________ ________5. /ˈmembə(r)/ _______ _______6. /ˈklɑːsmeɪt/ _______ ________7. /ʃɒp/ ________ ________8. /els/ ________ ________9. /ˈbædmɪntən/ _______ _______10. /ˈsaɪkl/ ________ _________ Unit 211. /ˈɔːlməʊst/ ________ _______12. /ˈnevə(r)/ ________ ________13. /ˈʌðə(r)/ ________ ________14. /iːtʃˈʌðə(r)/ _______ ________15. /ˈfrendli/ ________ ________16. /ˈhelpfl/ _______ ________17. /kaɪnd/ ________ ________18. /ˈnɔːti/ ________ ________19. /laɪ/ ________ ________20. /ˈəʊʃn/ ________ ________21. /jet/ ________ _________22. /dʒʌst/ ________ _________23. /ɔːlˈredi/ ________ ________24. /ɜːθ/ _________ __________25. /ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt/ _______ ____26. /pəˈluːt/ _______ ________27. /pəˈluːʃn/ ________ ________28. /lænd/ ________ ________29. /kiːp/ ________ ________30. /ˈɪntə/ _________ _________31. /ˈrʌbɪʃ bɪn/ ________ _______32. /liːv/ _______ ________33. /ˈprɒmɪs/ _______ ________34. /dɪˈskʌs/ _________ ________35. /ˌriːˈjuːz/ ________ ________Unit 336. /spend/ _______ _______37. /ˈaɪlənd/ ________ ________38. /beɪ/ ________ ________39. /ˈdræɡən/ _______ _______40. /ˌwiːkˈend/ _______ _______41. /ˈsiːsaɪd/ _______ _______42. /ˈlʌki/ ________ ________43. /ˈmɑːkɪt/ ________ ________44. /speɪs/ ________ ________45. /mjuˈziːəm/ _______ _______46. /ækˈtɪvəti/ ________ _______47. /ˈbɑːbɪkjuː/ ________ _______48. /kaɪt/ _________ _________49. /ˈsændkɑːsl/ _______ _______50. /kəˈlekt/ _________ ________51. /ˈælbəm/ _________ _______52. /plæn/ ________ ________53. /ʃæl/ _________ _________54. /əˈklɒk/ ________ ________55. /kɒst/ ________ ________56. /trɪp/ ________ ________Unit 457. /ˈsekrətri/ _______ _______58. /bæŋk/ _______ ________59. /klɑːk/ _______ ________60. /pəˈliːswʊmən/ ________ ____61. /ˈdentɪst/ ________ ________62. /ˈpaɪlət/ ________ ________63. /ˈfaɪəmən/ ________ _______64. /ˈpəʊstmən/ _______ _______65. /ˈʃɒp əsɪstənt/ ________ ____66. /ˈpɜːsn/ ________ ________67. /tiːtʃ/ ________ ________68. /ˈɪntəvjuː/ ________ ________69. /ɪf/ _________ _________70. /ˈfɪnɪʃ/ __________ __________71. /eɪdʒ/ _________ ________72. /ˈprəʊɡræm/ ________ _____73. /ˈentrəns/ _________ _______74. /ˈkwaɪə(r)/ __________ ___________75. /ˈnəʊtɪsbɔːd/ __________ _________76. /ˈpeərənt/ ________ ________77. /əˈraɪv/ ________ _______78. /fɜːst/ ________ ________79. /ˈklɑːsruːm/ _______ _______80. /nekst/ ________ ________81. /'prɒdʒekt/ _______ ________82. /krɑːft/ _________ ________83. /klʌb/ _________ __________84. /ˈfaɪnəli/ _________ ________85. /ɡraʊnd/ _________ ________86. /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn/ ________ ______87. /ˈjestədeɪ/ _______ ________ Unit 688. /ˈtrævl/ ________ _________89. /əˈbaʊt/ _________ ________90. /ˈmɪnɪt/ _________ ________91. /ˈferi/ _________ __________92. /ˈaʊə(r)/ _________ _______93. /həʊˈtel/ _________ _______94. /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ _______ _____95. /bɔːd/ _________ _______96. /wen/ _________ _______97. /laɪt reɪl/ ________ ________98. /dɪˈpɑːtmənt stɔː(r)/ ______ __99. /ˈkindəˌɡɑ:tən/ _______ _____ 100. /ˈhaʊzɪŋ ɪsteɪt/ ________ ___ 101. /ˈtempl/ ________ ________ Unit 7102. /ruːl/ _______ _______ 103. /ˈentə(r)/ ________ ____ 104. /ˈlaʊdli/ ________ ______ 105. /miːn/ _________ ______ 106. /lɪft/ _________ ________ 107. /ˈeskəleɪtə(r)/ ________ ____ 108. /ˈsentə(r)/ _________ ______ 109. /ˈeksɪt/ ________ _______ 110. /ˌʌpˈsteəz/ ________ ______ 111. /ˈmɪdl/ ________ ________ 112. /tʃeɪs/ __________ _______ Unit 8113. /ˈmenjuː/ _________ _____ 114. /ˈkæbɪdʒ/ __________ _____ 115. /ˈɡɑːlɪk/ _________ _______ 116. /ˈnuːdl/ ________ ________ 117. /ˈsiːfuːd/ ________ ________ 118. /stiːm/ _________ _________ 119. /prɔːn/ __________ _______ 120. /ˈɔːlsəʊ/ __________ ______ 121. /kaɪnd/ __________ _______ 122. /fraɪ/ _________ ________ 123. /ˈbeɪkən/ _________ ______ 124. /bɔɪl/ ___________ ______ 125. /wɪŋ/ ___________ _______ 126. /stɔːl/ ___________ _______ 127. /ˈsekʃn/ ___________ ______ 128. /ˈfrəʊzn/ ___________ _____ 129. /ˈdʌmplɪŋ/ __________ ____ 130. /ˈpækɪt/ _________ ______ 131. /beɪk/ _________ ________ 132. /ˈhæmbɜːɡə(r)/ ________ ___ Unit 9133. /fʌn/ ________ ________ 134. /ˈkəʊlə/ _________ _______ 135. /ˈspaɪsi/ _________ ______ 136. /nʌt/ _________ ________ 137. /ˈlemən/ ________ _______ 138. /snæk/ _________ ________ 139. /ˈsɔːlti/ _________ _______ 140. /ˈtʃɪli/ ________ _________ 141. /ˈsaʊə(r)/ _________ _____ 142. /ˈbɪtə(r)/ __________ ______ 143. /ˈteɪsti/ _________ _______ 144. /dɪˈlɪʃəs/ _________ _______ 145. /spred/ ___________ ______ 146. /prɪˈpeə(r)/ _________ _____ 147. /ɪˈnʌf/ ________ ________ Unit 10148. /ˈhelθi/ _______ _______ 149. /ˈiːtɪŋ/ _______ _________ 150. /ˈdaɪət/ ________ _______ 151. /ˈpɪrəmɪd/ _________ _____ 152. /sɔːlt/ __________ _______ 153. /ˈjɒɡət/ __________ ______ 154. /freʃ/ __________ _________155. /ʌnˈhelθi/ _________ ______ 156. /ˈeksəsaɪz/ __________ ____ 157. /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ _________ ____ 158. /fɪt/ _________ __________ 159. /steɪ/ ___________ _______ 160. /ˈpɒrɪdʒ/ __________ _____ 161. /ðən/ __________ ________ 162. /ˈhæbɪt/ _________ _______ 163. /kwɪz/ ________ ________ 164. /bɪˈfɔː(r)/ _______ ________ 165. /ʃʊd/ ________ _________ 166. /səˈdʒestʃən/ _______ _____参考答案:1, relative n. 2, granddaughter n. 3, grandson n. 4, only adv.5, member n. 6, classmate n. 7, shop v. 8, else adv.9, badminton n. 10, cycle n.11, almost adv. 12, never adv.13, other pron./adj.14, each other pron.15, friendly adj. 16, helpful adj. 17,kind adj. 18, naughty adj. 19, lie n. 20, ocean n. 21, yet adv. 22, just adv. 23, already adv. 24, Earth n. 25, environment n. 26, pollute v. 27, pollution n. 28, land n. 29, keep v. 30, into prep. 31, rubbish bin n. 32, leave v.33, promise v./n. 34, discuss v. 35, reuse v. 36, spend v. 37, island n. 38, bay n.39, dragon n. 40, weekend n. 41, seaside n. 42, lucky adj. 43, market n. 44, space n. 45, museum n. 46, activity n. 47, barbecue n. 48, kite49, sandcastle n. 50, collect v. 51, album n. 52, plan v.53, shall modal v. 54, o’clock adv. 55, cost v./n. 56, trip n.57, secretary n. 58, bank n.59, clerk n. 60, policewoman n. 61, dentist n. 62, pilot n.63, fireman n. 64, postman 65, shop assistant n.66, person n. 67, teach v.68, interview v. 69, if conj.70, finish v. 71, age n.72, programme n. 73, entrance n. 74, choir n. 75, noticeboard n. 76, parent n. 77, arrive v.78, first adv. 79, classroom n. 80, next adv. 81, project n. 82, craft n. 83, club n.84, finally adv. 85, ground n. 86, invitation n. 87, yesterday n. 88, travel v. 89, about adv. 90, minute n. 91, ferry n.92, hour n. 93, hotel n. 94, advertisement n. 95, board n. 96, when conj. 97, light rail n. 98, department stall n.99, kindergarten n.100, housing estate n.101, temple n. 102, rule n. 103, enter v. 104, loudly adv. 105, mean v. 106, lift n.107, escalator n. 108, center n. 109, exit n. 110, upstairs adv. 111, middle n. 112, chase v. 113, menu n. 114, cabbage n. 115, garlic n. 116. noodle n. 117, seafood n. 118. steam v. 119, prawn n. 120, also adv. 121, kind n. 122, fry v.123, bacon n. 124, boil v. 125, wing n. 126, stall n. 127, section n. 128, frozen adj. 129, dumpling n. 130, packet n. 131, bake v. 132, hamburger n. 133, fun n. 134, cola n. 135, spicy adj. 136, nut n. 137, lemon n. 138, snack n. 139, salty adj. 140, chilli n. 141, sour adj. 142, bitter adj. 143, tasty adj. 144, delicious adj. 145, spread v. 146, prepare v. 147, enough adj. 148, healthy adj. 149, eating n. 150, diet n. 151, pyramid n. 152, salt n. 153, yogurt n. 154, fresh adj. 155, unhealthy adj. 156, exercise n. 157, countryside n. 158, fit adj. 159, stay v. 160, porridge n. 161, than conj. 162, habit n.163, quiz n. 164, before conj. 165, should modal v.166, suggestion n.。



全册单词音标集合a lw lway ay s /'/'ɔɔ: lw e ɪz/ 总是总是 qu que e s tion /'kw /'kwe e st òən / 问题问题 a sk /ɑ:sk/ 问m ea n /m /mi:i:n/ 意思是,意指意思是,意指 m u st /m L st/ 必须;应当必须;应当sh shou ou ld /òʊd/ 应当,应该应当,应该t a ke ke a a w al k /t /te e ɪk ə w ɔ:k/ 散步散步 p i ck /p /pɪɪk/ 拾 p u bl bli i c /'p L bl blɪɪk/ 公共的;公众的公共的;公众的s i gn /s /sa a ɪn/ 标注;告示牌标注;告示牌c ou sin /'k L zn/ 堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹d a ng nger er /'d /'de e ɪnd ndʒʒə/ 危险危险 a w ay / ə'w 'we e ɪ/ (离)开(离)开 gr gra a ss /gr /grɑ:ɑ:s/ 草;草地草;草地 k ee p o ff /k /ki:i:p ɒf/(使)让开;(使)不接近(使)不接近 sh shou ou ldn ldn’’t /òʊdnt/ b ir d /b /bɜɜ:d/ 鸟 c a ge /k /ke e ɪd ʒ/ 笼子笼子 qu quie ie t / 'kw kwa a ɪət/ 安静的安静的 m a ke n oi se /m /me e ɪk n ɔɪz/ 发出(喧闹)声音发出(喧闹)声音 sm smo o ke /sm /sməʊəʊk/ 吸烟吸烟l i tt tter er /'l /'lɪɪt ə/ 乱丢杂物乱丢杂物 p ar k /p /pɑ:ɑ:k/ 停放(车辆等)停放(车辆等) s u dd dde e nl nly y /'s L d ənl nlɪɪ/ 突然(地)突然(地) s o meth methi i ng /'s L mθmθɪɪŋ/ 某事;某物某事;某物n o te /n /nǝʊǝʊt/ 钞票;纸币钞票;纸币l oo k a r ou nd /l /lʊʊk ə'r 'ra a ʊnd/ 环顾;往四下看环顾;往四下看 n ear b y /,n ɪǝ'b a ɪ/ 附件(的)附件(的)qu qui i ckl ckly y /'kw kwɪɪkl klɪɪ/ 快地快地 p i ck u p /p ɪk L p/ 拾起;捡起拾起;捡起 k ee p er /'k /'ki:i:p ə/ 看守人看守人c o me u p /k L m L p/ 上来上来p oi nt /p /pɔɪɔɪnt/ 指f i ne /f /fa a ɪn/ 罚款罚款b ir thd thday ay /'b ɜ: θd θde e ɪ ; b ɜ: θd θdɪɪ/ 生日生日 d a te /d /de e ɪt/日期日期 wh whe e n /w /we e n/ 什么时候;何时什么时候;何时 s ec o nd /'se k ənd/ 第二(的)第二(的)M ar ch /m ɑ: t ò/ 三月三月th thir ir d /θ/θɜɜ:d/ 第三(的)第三(的)A pr pri i l /'/'e e ɪpr prəəl/ 四月四月f our th /f /fɔɔ: θ/ 第四(的)第四(的) M ay /m /me e ɪ/ 五月五月 J u ne /d /dʒʒu:n/ 六月六月 O ct cto o b er /ɒk ' t əʊb ə/ 十月十月 wh whe e n ’s /w /wee nz/ Au g u st /'ɔ:g əst/ 八月八月a s / æz / 作为;当做作为;当做pr pre e s e nt /'pr /'pre e z ənt/ 礼物;赠品礼物;赠品 VCD /v /vi:i:s i:d i:/ 影视光碟影视光碟A l a dd ddi i n /ə'l 'lææd ɪn/ 阿拉丁阿拉丁Let Let’’s w ai t /w /we e ɪt/ and see 让我们等着瞧。

沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A 看音标写单词练习(附答案)

沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A 看音标写单词练习(附答案)

沪教版牛津英语六年级第一学期6A 看音标写单词练习1. Do you know the _______ /ˈprəʊɡræm/ for the Open Day?2. Tom’s _________ /ˈpeərənts/ are both doctors.3. Will we meet at the ________ /ˈentrəns/ of the cinema?4. How many students are there in the school ________ /ˈkwaɪə(r)/?5. The English ________ /klʌb/ opens two hours a day.1. Where is the Arts and _________ /krɑːfts/ room?2. The dining hall is on the _________ /ɡraʊnd/ floor.3. _________ /nekst/, we will clean the classroom.4. We had a birthday party for Tom __________ /ˈjestədeɪ/.5. Luckily, we found the information on the ________ /ˈnəʊtɪsbɔːd/.1. Who is ________ /ˈwelkəmɪŋ/ the parents at the school gate?2. Now let’s go to look at the class ________ /ˈprɒdʒekt/!3. When will we listen to the school ________ /ˈkwaɪə(r)/?4. Can you tell me the way to the _________ /hɔːl/?5. _______ /ˈfaɪnəli/, they found the little boy in the park.1. We like _______ /ˈtrævəlɪŋ/ to school on foot.2. It takes me ________ /əˈbaʊt/ half an hour to walk to school.3. Tom spent thirty ________ /ˈmɪnɪts/ on his homework last night.4. How can I get to the ________ /ˈferi/ station?5. Does Alice live _______ /nɪə(r)/ school?1. Tom lost his _______ /ˈpeərənts/ when he was only five years old.2. Alice will ________ /əˈraɪv/ in Pairs with her mother tonight.3. I’m very glad to receive your _________ /ˌɪnvɪˈteɪʃn/ to your birthday party.4. Daniel paid a visit to our school ________ /ˈjestədeɪ/.5. I found her lying on the _________ /ɡraʊnd/.1. Don’t spend too many _______ /ˈaʊə(r)z/ on computer games!2. Which _______ /həʊˈtel/ will you stay at, Grace?3. Nowadays, we can see a lot of ________ /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənts/ on the bus.4. OK! I’ll write it up on the ________ /bɔːd/.5. Bill has _________ /fjuː/ friends in the new neighbourhood.1. However, two big ________ /dɪˈpɑːtmənt/ stores are in the small town.2. My brother Mike works in the biggest _________ /ˈkɪndəɡɑːtn/.3. There are lots of _________ /ˈtemplz/ in Henan Province.4. A swimming pool was built in this ________ /ˈhaʊzɪŋɪsteɪt/.5. Let’s go to the __________ /ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt/ to buy some food and drink.1. I can see a big library _______ /wen/ I’m walking home.2. Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest ________ _______ /laɪt reɪl/ station?3. How can we go to the new _______ /həʊˈtel/?4. Peter took the ________ /ˌʌndəˈɡraʊnd/ to Shanghai Zoo yesterday?5. We will go to a big ________ /ˈrestrɒnt/ to celebrate the festival.1. T he Greens will ________ /ˈtrævl/ to Pairs next month.2. I still need another five ________ /ˈmɪnɪts/ to finish my work.3. They have stayed at the ________ /həʊˈtel/ for two days.4. The film will last for one ________ /ˈaʊə(r)/ and a half.5. I will return to China in ________ /əˈbaʊt/ three weeks.1. Do you have any ________ /ˈrelətɪvz/ in Beijing?2. ________ /ˈɔ:lməʊst/ every student in our class is from Shanghai.3. Hainan ________ /ˈaɪlənd/ is an interesting place.4. Tomorrow she will _______ /ˈɪntəvju:/ Mary in her office.5. The students are working on the school ______ /ˈprɒdʒekt/.1. We also have some _______ /ruːlz/ in the library.2. We must not talk ________ /ˈlaʊdli/ in the hospital.3. What does this word _______ /miːn/ in Chinese?4. Tom was standing in the ________ /ˈmɪdl/ of the room.5. Someone _______ /ˈentə(r)d/ the room behind me.1. The _______ /saɪn/ tells us what we can’t do here.2. A word often has several _______ /ˈmiːnɪŋz/.3. How can I get to the ________ /ˈeksɪt/ of the cinema?4. There are two _______ /lɪfts/ in this building?5. On your ________ /raɪt/, you can see a post office.1. Which lift can take us __________ /ˌdaʊnˈsteəz/?2. The museum is in the _________ /ˈsentə(r)/ of Shanghai.3. Take the ________ /ˈeskəleɪtə(r)/ to the third floor and then turn right.4. We have lots of ________ /ru:lz/ in different places.5. Look! A policeman is ________ /ˈtʃeɪsɪŋ/ a thief.1. How many ________ /ˈeskəleɪtə(r)z/ are there on the ground floor?2. Which bus should I take to go to the city ________ /ˈsentə(r)/?3. Oh, no! We can’t find the ________ /ˈeksɪt/ of the cinema.4. Now we can go ________ /ˌʌpˈsteəz/ by lift.5. What is the _________ /ˈmi:nɪŋ/ of this sign?参考答案:1, programme 2, parents 3, entrance 4, choir 5, club1, Crafts 2, ground 3, next 4, yesterday 5, noticeboard 1, welcoming 2, project 3, choir 4, hall 5, Finally1, travelling 2, about 3, minutes 4, ferry 5, near1, parents 2, arrive 3, invitation 4, yesterday 5, ground1, hours 2, hotel 3, advertisements 4, board 5, few1, department 2, kindergarten 3, temples 4, housing estate5, supermarket1, when 2, light rail 3, hotel 4, underground 5, restaurant 1, travel 2, minutes 3, hotel 4, hour 5, about1, relatives 2, almost 3, island 4, interview 5, project1, rules 2, loudly 3, mean 4, middle 5, entered 1, sign 2, meanings 3, exit 4, lifts 5, right1, downstairs 2, center 3, escalator 4, rules 5, chasing 1, escalators 2, center 3, exit 4, upstairs 5, meaning。

Unit 7 Rules around us提升练习(二)(有答案)牛津上海版英语六年级上册

Unit 7 Rules around us提升练习(二)(有答案)牛津上海版英语六年级上册

上海牛津版6AU7Rules around us提升练习(二)一、根据音标写单词1.Can you __________ /drɔ: /me a map of how to get there?2.The __________/rəʊdz/in Shanghai are often crowded with buses and cars3.Shhhh! All the students in the libraryshould keep __________/’kwaɪət/!4.My best friend lives __________/ə’krɒs/the street5.Look! There is a no smoking __________ /saɪn/in the hall.Keys:1.draw2.roads3.quiet4.across5.sign二、单选题1.________ late for class again, Lily.A.Be B.Can’t C.Don’t arrive D.Don’t2.We had __________good time at the party yesterday afternoon.A.аB.an C.the D./3.Put some green peppers _________ the right.A.in B.on C.at D.of4.Here is a photo of my father and___________A.I B.me C.mine D.my 5.Students must not _________ Chinese in our English lessons.A.say B.tell C.talk D.speak6._________wonderful birthday party our friends have prepared!A.How B.What C.What a D.What an7._____ run in the street. There is too much traffic.A.No B.Not C.Don’t D.Can’t 8.Happy Town is not far away from Sandy Bay, so we can visit __________of them in a day. A.both B.neither C.all D.some9.Jill wants to be a ________ in the future. He wants to fly the plane.A.dentist B.pilot C.doctor D.fireman10.It usually takes Mum an hour __________to work by underground.A.go B.going C.to go D.goes 11.Don’t eat _________ drink in the classroom.A.and B.or C.but D.as12.—Must they go to school on Saturdays?—_________.A.Yes, they can B.No, they mustn’t C.Yes, they will D.No, they needn’t 13.Look, Polly __________the flowers in the park. Let's stop him.A.picks B.picked C.has picked D.is picking 14.--Which do you prefer, tea or coffee?-- __________is OK.I don’t care.A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.AllKeys:1.C2.A3.B4.B5.D6.C7.C8.A9.B10.C11.B12.D13.D14.A1.Go up and see what they are doing __________.2.Which lift must we use? The __________in the middle.3.She got up late, but she __________school yesterday4.We can find __________everywhere in the park5.We mustn't __________the driver when he is driving.6.The schoolbag __________is my favorite schoolbag.Keys:1.C2.F3.A4.B5.D6.E四、用所给单词的正确形式填空1.It's dangerous for us to run ___________(cross) the road.2.We mustn't speak ____________ (loud) in reading room.3.When we see the green light, we should walk ___________(quick) across the road. 4.The words on the blackboard are too small. I can't see them ____________ (clear). 5.Don't _____________ (entrance) the teachers' office without permission.6.The ___________ (play) in green will be the first.7.This is the _____________ (one) time for me to come here.8.There are different _____________ (rule) around us.Keys:1.across2.loudly3.quickly4.clearly5.enter6.player7.first8.rules五、句型转换1.It took us forty minutes to arrive at the entrance. (划线提问)________ ________ ________ it _______you to arrive at the entrance?2.Most of the students have lunch at school.(改为一般疑问句)___________ most of the students ___________ lunch at school?3.Let's go to the cinema to see the new film.(改为反意疑问句)Let's go to the cinema to see the new film, ___________ _____________?4.I like ice cream because it's sweet. (就画线部分提问)________ ___________ you like ice cream?5.The sign means "Don't throw rubbish. "(就画线部分提问)___________ __________ the sign mean?6.It takes me 30 minutes to read English every day.(就画线部分提问)__________ ________does it take you to read English every day?7.Don't eat on the bus. Don't drink on the bus. (合并为一句)Don't eat ________drink __________you are on the bus.Keys:1.How long did take 2.Do have 3.shall we 4.Why do 5.What does 6.How long7.or when六、阅读(A)Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs. They spent that in a film or on TV. We may see elephants, monkeys, dogs, bears, or other animals doing a lot of things. If you watch carefully, you may find that those animals are given something to eat in return for doing them. The scientists say that many different animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs if they get something to eat.Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house, and elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs .And we can also teach animals to work in factories. Apes(猿猴),for example have been used in America to help make cars and scientists believe that these monkeys may one day get in crops and even drive trains.1.Animals must work for us one day.2.Animals are given something to eat in return for doing things.3.Dogs can be used to do some heavy jobs.4.The scientists think that animals mustn’t be taught to do simple jobs if they don’t get something to eat.5.The scientists believe that the monkeys can drive trains one day.Keys:1.F2.T3.F4.F5.T(B)1.When does Tom White eat breakfast?A.At 5:30.B.At 7:00.C.At 8:00.D.At 9:00.2.How many (多少) people work at home?A.One.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.3.________ can sing and ________ can write books.A.John Smith;Mona Black B.Mary Green;Tom WhiteC.John Smith;Tom White D.Mary Green;Mona Black4.If (如果) you want to buy a nice T­shirt in a clothes store,________ can help you.A.John Smith B.Tom WhiteC.Mona Black D.Mary GreenKeys:1.D2.A3.B4.C(C)Two sisters find new jobs as saleswomen in a company. The first month is not 1 .They work hard but sell 2 . The younger sister gives up in the second month. She leaves the company and finds another job. The older sister 3 . She says she wants to have one last try. One year later, the older sister owns a car and a house. But the younger sister is still 4 .The younger asks her sister, "Why?" The older sister says," I got my first order the day you left. They liked my work. So they gave me more orders. Now 5 is good for me."So, keep working and never give up. You'll get what you want.1.A.difficult B.easy C.interesting D.different 2.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything 3.A.leaves B.comes C.stays D.goes4.A.rich B.happy C.sad D.poor5.A.life B.work C.money D.timeKeys:1.B2.A3.C4.D5.A(D)Sam Smith and his sister Ann are students. Sam always goes to school by bus, so does Ann. They n__1__walk to school because the school is far away from their home. But some of their friends usually w_2__ to school every day because their homes are near the school. Sam and Ann get home at about a q_3__ past four in the afternoon. They do their h__4__ before dinner because they know study always comes first. They s_5__ watch TV after dinner. They often go to bede_6__.Sam and Ann usually have three meals a day-breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They have breakfast at home. F_7__ Monday to Friday, they have lunch at school. Their father Mr. Smith has a good j_8__. He works at a radio s_9__. He comes home from w__10_ at five. Then the Smiths eat dinner at six. How happy they are!Keys:1.(n)ever2.(w)alk3.(q)uarter4.(h)omework5.(s)ometimes6.(e)arly7.(F)rom8.(j)ob 9.(s)tation10.(w)ork(E)The bicycle is one of the most important vehicles in the world. In every country people use bicycle for work, for sport or just for fun.Bicycle riding is good exercise. It helps people become fit. Bicycle riding can make the riders’ hearts and lungs strong. It is also good for the environment because bicycle do not cause pollution.Bicycles share the road with cars and trucks. Drivers do not always notice bicycle riders must pay attention to the traffic around them and know traffic signals. They must know and obey the safety rules. They must wear helmets to protect their heads. When riding at night , they must wear light-colored clothes, and have lights in the front and reflectors on the back of their bicycle. A bicycle accident may be serious. In case of an accident, bicycle riders should know how to give first aid. If an injury is serious, they must call 120 for help. In a word, the best way to be safe is to be careful.1.What do people use bicycle for?____________________________________________________________2.Why is bicycle riding good exercise?____________________________________________________________3.How do bicycle riders protect their heads ?____________________________________________________________4.What must bicycle riders do when riding at night?____________________________________________________________5.If a bicycle rider is badly hurt in a traffic accident, what should he /she do ?____________________________________________________________Keys:1.People use bicycle for work, for sport or just for fun.2.It helps people become fit. Bicycle riding can make the riders’ hearts and lungs strong. 3.They must wear helmets to protect their heads.4.They must wear light-colored clothes, and have lights in the front and reflectors on the back of their bicycle.5.He/She must call 120 for help.七、话题作文Write at least 50 words on the topic "Rules in Our School". (以“学校的规则”为题,写一篇至少50个单词的短文,要求语句正确通顺、内容连贯;标点符号不占格。



六年级下英语音标题专项练习一、找出下列划线部分发音不同的单词.( )1.A.cake B.take C.nap D.wave( )2.A.bread B.eat C.tea D.seat( )3.A.never B.leg C.red D.he( )4.A.good B.too C.book D.neighborhood ( )5.A.father B.crab C.shark D.car( )6.A.soda B.hot C.box D.not( )7.A.bike B.five C.my D.his( )8.A.order B.doctor C.boring D.corner( )9.A.what B.water C.walk D.talk( )10.A.go B.no C.to D.nose ( )11.A.day B.play C.they D.Sunday ( )12.A.lot B.not C.to D.follow ( )13.A.each B.idea C.theatre D.dear( )14.A.flower B.follow C.how D.brown( )15.A.slide B.hi C.toilet D.bike ( )16.A.you B.house C.blouse D.trousers ( )17.A.study B.puzzle C.bus D.busy( )18.A.find B.dining-room C.behind D.pumpkin( )19.A.kitchen B.sandwich C.China D.sick( )20.A.street B.coffee C.meet D.see( )21.A.toilet B.apple C.bottle D.table( )22.A.back mp C.parent D.have( )23.A.pig B.light C.swim D.swing ( )24.A.music B.telescope C.newspaper D.maths( )25.A.sofa B.off C.pot D.lot( )26.A.room B.foot C.too D.food ( )27.A.teacher B.driver C.term D.waiter( )28.A.behind B.bedroom C.jacket D.eleven( )29.A.family B.camping C.dance D.blanket( )30.A.over B.other C.clothes D.home( )31.A.morning B.horse C.door D.tomorrow ( )32.A.diamond B.around C.elephant D.change( )33.A.house B.blouse ugh D.mouth( )34.A.building B.child C.children D.buscuit( )35.A.tennis B.find C.white D.kite( )36.A.street B.theatre C.triangle D.tree( )37.A.wash B.want C.parent D.what( )rge ugh C.sofa D.vase( ) mp C.camping D.am( )40.A.food B.cook C.foot D.look ( )41.A.cry B.circle C.class D.picture( )42.A.thing B.theatre C.bathroom D.there( )43.A.wash. B.sure C.shape D.square( )44.A.on B.diamond C.crayon D.o’clock( )45.A.near B.heart C.tear D.Hear二、判断发音是否相同练习.1. five nice ()2. bed we ()3. stop know ()2. peak eat () 5. dish hi () 6. kettle west ()3. gas as ()8. van father ()9. egg he ()4. ask park ()11. sun hungry ()12. cut put ()5. come from ()14. thank this ()15. mom room ()6. sing evening ()17. usually she ()18. bird mirror ()7. learn shirt ()20. juice who ()21. hook foot ()8. woof wood ()23 drop pot ()24. short shirt ()9. wait play ()26. cake apple ()27. train bag ()10. make name ()29. like little ()30. pine side ()11. try fly ()32. pain pine ()33. boy my ()12. toy joy ()35. go no ()36. so do ()13. know now ()38. rose not ()39. how house ()14. sour flower ()41. dear bear ()42. pear near ()15. deer cheer ()44. pair chair ()45. hungry thank ()16. pig big ()47. her dirty ()48. her fisher ()参考答案一、C A D B B A D B A C D C A B C A D D C B A C B A A B C B C B D D C B A C C D A A B D D B B二、T F F T F F T F F T T F F F F T F F T F T T T F T F F T F T T F F T T F F F T F F F T T F T T F。










1. /i:/, /ɪ/音标/i:/和/ɪ/都代表长元音,但它们的发音略有不同。



2. /e/ ,/æ/音标/e/和/æ/代表短元音。



3. /u:/, /ʊ/音标/u:/和/ʊ/代表长元音。



4. /ɔ:/, /ɒ/音标/ɔ:/和/ɒ/代表长元音。



5. /i:, u:, ɜ:/音标/i:/,/u:/,/ɜ:/代表长元音。



【精品】六年级上册英语期末专题复习:音标判断题 牛津上册海版(三起)(含答案)

【精品】六年级上册英语期末专题复习:音标判断题 牛津上册海版(三起)(含答案)

小学英语六年级上册期末专题复习:音标判断题一、判断题(共9题;共52分)1.floor root2.knock often3.becau se daughter4.stop robot5.balloon stalk6.watch water7.判断下列各组单词画线部分发音是否相同(1)earth those(2)ocean police(3)fork north(4)school choose(5)plant blank(6)picture picnic8.判断下列各组单词画线部分的发音是否相同(1)bee teeth(2)insect everyone(3)ant anything(4)kind finger(5)joy boy(6)heart hear(7)cute museum(8)anything these9.判断所给单词画线部分的发音是否相同(1)father past(2)giraffe garden(3)colour home(4)watch rabbit (5)seed read (6)club duck答案解析部分一、判断题1.【答案】错误【考点】音标【解析】【分析】单词划线字母的发音:floor/ɔ:/, root/u:/. 比较可知,它们发音不同,故答案为:错误【点评】本题考查单词划线字母组合oo的发音,平时要注意掌握。

2.【答案】正确【考点】音标【解析】【分析】单词划线字母的发音:knock/ɔ/, often /ɔ/ . 比较可知,它们发音相同,故答案为:正确【点评】本题考查单词划线字母o的发音,平时要注意掌握。





牛津英语6B期末音标专项复习1. There is a wonderful _________ in the museum.2. Paris is the _________ of France.3. Peter has found some important _________ .4. About five _________ people visit this county every year.5. The Summer _________ of China is very famous in the world.6. I will meet you at the airport. Can you tell me the _________ time?7. The corridor is full of _________ .8. Don’t _________ about me.9. Have you got _________ space in your suitcase?10. I had lived two doors away from this supermarket for _________ years.11. The soldier was wounded in the _________ .12. We also call the Spring _________ Chinese New Year.13. I like the big athletic (田径) _________ at the Olympics.14. _________ to write to us when you get there.15. Why don’t we crack open a bottle of champagne (香槟酒) to _________ ?16. Measures have been taken to solve traffic _________ in big cities.17. Tommy has collected many airplane _________ .18. He’s had too much ice-cream. So he has a _________ .19. My mother has a _________ today and she can’t go to work today.20. We should do some _________ every day.21. Why do I always have a _______ ?22. We held a party to _______ our success.23. Don’t _______ about your son and he will be better soon.24. Tokyo is the _______ of Japan.25. Please _______ to turn off the lights before you leave the room.26. There are about 8 _______ people in Bangkok.27. Peter has left his _______ at home.28. You’d better _______ swimming once a week.29. My hobby is making _______ planes.30. I am _______ you don’t wear enough clothes.31. Look! The girls are taking _________ over there.32. I would like to be a _________ .33. My uncle works in a _________ .34. Don’t press the _________ , Jason. It’s dangerous.35. Is he _________ enough to lift that heavy box?36. If you want to succeed, you should make a _________ .37. My mother bought a _________ for my father yesterday.38. I didn’t see the _________ because it is above the door.39. The new _________ is too big for Linda.40. It’s very hot in the _________ . Let’s go out quickly.41. People can see a lot of large _________ in Shanghai.42. I have been to Y unnan _________ times.43. Jason is telling something about _________ changes.44. —Would you like some apples? —Yes, please. I _________ like apples.45. People in China usually eat dumplings to _________ the Spring Festival.46. Many people like _________ by train nowadays.47. All the _________ are waiting for the plane to arrive.48. Do you _________ live at the same address?49. Look! There is a _________ under the tree.50. Don’t ride your bike on the _________ !51. Don’t press the _________ on the wall because it’s very dangerous.52. The _________ from the U.S.A. is interviewing Mr Black now.53. Lucy chose the red _________ because it’s her favourite colour.54. _________ all of the people won’t travel by ferry in the future.55. In the past, there were almost no _________ buses running in the street.56. In the future, he will be about 180 _________ tall.57. My brother wants to be an _________ when he grows up.58. Last week, he lost his public _________ card on the bus.59. There are many _________ between Pudong and Puxi nowadays.60. She likes to study in an _________ room because it’s comfortable.61. We can use cotton to make _________ .62. _________ all of the students in this school have lunch at school.63. Our teacher asked us to collect some pictures about this topic on the _________ .64. My cousin Jacky is an _________ boy.65. There is going to be a reading _________ next Friday.。

六年级下册英语素材-小升初音标复习(2) 牛津上海版

六年级下册英语素材-小升初音标复习(2)  牛津上海版


/i//////u////e//æ//i://://://a://u://ei//ai//i//au//u//i//ε//u/二、28个辅音:爆破音(6个):/p//b//t//d//k//g/put but tea sad pick pig a big park摩擦音(12个):/f//v//θ////s//z////3//r//h//j//w/few view thin this pass puzzle ship pleasure red high鼻音(3个):/m//n///舌侧音(1个):/l /leave破擦音(6个):/ts//dz//tr//dr////d3/seats reads tree dream cheap jeep其中摩擦音/j//w/又称半元音。

yet when and whereStep 3. 本节课重点:音节的划分一、关于音节的基本知识音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。



但英语辅音字母中有 4 个辅音[m],[n],[ng],[l]是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节。






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一.写出单词中划线部分的音标[] A.beef B.we[] A.picture B.fish[] A.teach B.keep[] B.knee[] A.cat B.map[] A.thing B.think二.根据音标选单词。

()1.[`midl] A.middle B.needle()2.[gri:n] A.gray B.green()3.[∫i:p] A.ship B.sheep( )4.[ʧi:t] A.cheat B.sheet()5.[ges] A.gas B.guess ()6.clean A.[kli:n] B.[sli:n] ()7.this A.[tis] B.[ðis] ()8.nice A.[nais] B.[nis]()9.fish A.[fi∫] B.[fi:∫]()10.hospital A.[`hɒspɪtl] B.[`hɔ:spelt]三.写出元音字母在开音节和闭音节的发音。


1)/tr/____/ts/_____/tʃ/_____/θ/_____/i:/____/ ð/_____/iə/_____/ŋ/______ 写出元音字母在“r”音节的读音。


()1.A.home B.coffee C.clothes D.over()2.A.shape B.stand C.paper D.table()k B.with C.kitchen D.ride()4.A.there B.three C.these D.their()5.A.grape B.watch C.day D.game()6.A.show B.flower C.brown D.down()7.A.sofa B.doctor C.what D.want()8.A.bed B.chess C.behind D.red一.找出划线部分读音不同的单词。

( )1.A.ask B. basket C. table D. grass ( ) B. grade C. that D. late ( )3.A.like B. kite C. my D. city ( )4.A.second B. mess C. cinema D. February ( )5.A.season B. beach C. read D. great ( )6.A.month B. sixth C. with D. birthday ( )7.A.he B. egg C. dress D. bed ( )8.A.duck B. much C. music D. lunch ( )9.A.go B. hot C. not D. coffee ( )10.A.room B. school C. look D. goose ( )11.A.flower B. how C. brown D. yellow ( )12.A.house B. young C. out D. ground ( )13.A.any B. animal C. many D. friend ( )14.A.water B .want C. what D. watch ( )15.A.walked B. jumped C. kicked D. wanted ( )16.A.rain B. train C. said D. paint ( )17.A.forty B. worker C. born D. horse ( )18.A.today B. play C. stay D. Sunday ( )19.A.goat B. old C. do n’t D. h ot ( )20.A.try B. my C. why D. happy二.找出划线部分不同读音的词。

1. ( ) A cool B afternoon C school D book2.( ) A good B book C food D foot3. ( ) A their B father C maths D with4. ( ) A other B these C mouth D clothes5.( ) A keep B see C coffee D meet6. ( ) A meat B bread C breakfast D dead7. ( ) A, blow B show C how D know8. ( ) A cake B come C circle D biscuit9. ( ) A class B fast C ask D hat10.( ) A only B some C mother D love11.( ) A word B horse C short D sport12.( ) A year B july C june D january13.( ) A mouse B young C around D found14.( ) A actively B game C late D take15.( ) A go B box C home D photo16.( ) A mess B never C he D seldom17.( ) A will B trip C visit D bike18.( ) A hot B wrote C whole D photo19.( ) A where B who C whale D when20.( ) A where B there C here D air21.( ) A born B forty C sorry D story22.( ) A walked B wanted C jumped D liked23.( ) A played B talked C learned D lived24.( ) A liked B planted C counted D wanted25.( ) A used B enjoyed C learned D watched26.( ) A warm B hard C card D car27.( ) A from B come C love D worry28.( ) A speak B teacher C great D meat29.( ) A happy B has C many D palace30.( ) A buses B classes C houses D glasses一、语音1-5 :D C C C C 6-10:A C C D A11-15:A A BAB16-20: C D A B C21-25: C B B A D 26-30:A A C C C答案一、语音。

Ⅰ、1× 2× 3√ 4√ 5√ 6× 7√ 8× 9× 10√Ⅱ、1—5 C C D C D 6—10 C A C A C 11—15 D B C A D 16—20 C B D D D英语音标练习题姓名: 分数:一. 读出48个国际音标(每个1分,共48分)错误音标是:二. 找出画线部分读音不同的单词(每题2分,共20分)( ) 1. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach( ) 2. A. back B. fast C. have D. map( ) 3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party( ) 4. A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good( ) 5. A. book B. moody C. look D. cook( ) 6. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu( ) 7. A. push B. fun C. sun D. ugly( ) 8. A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over( ) 9. A. go B. no C. cold D. hot( ) 10.A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday四.填空(每空1分,共9分)1.英语共有_______个音标.2.音标分为______音和______音两大类.3.元音有________个,分为_____元音和_____元音.4.辅音有________个,按声带振动情况分为____辅音和____辅音.五.判断下列单词的音标,打√或×(每题0.5分,共3分)( ) 1. listing 读成[listin].( ) 2. yes 读成[jes].( ) 3. wash 读成[wa:∫].( ) 4. mind 读成[maid].( ) 5. change 读成[t∫ein d ].( ) 6. tests 读成[tests].二.1.(C)2.(B)3.(C)4.(D)5.(A)6.(A)7.(A)8.(C)9.(D)10.(C)四.1.英语共有48个音标.2.音标分为元音和辅音两大类.3.元音有20个,分为单元音和双元音.4.辅音有24个,按声带振动情况分为清辅音和浊辅音.五.( 错) 1. listing 读成[listin].( 对) 2. yes 读成[jes].( 错) 3. wash 读成[wa:∫].( 错) 4. mind 读成[maid].( 错) 5. change 读成[t∫ein d ].( 对) 6. tests 读成[tests].。
