SAE English
仁爱版九年级英语教案U3T3CouldyougiveussomeadviceonhowtolearnEnglishwellTopic3couldyougiveussoeadviceonhotolearnEnglishell?SectionAⅠ.TeachingaisanddeandsLearnsoeneordsandphrases:dare,atties,graar,copy,not eboo,eepadiary,pardon,repeatLearnsoeusefulsentences:couldyouaeyourselfunderstoodintheU.S.A.?IdarenotspeaEnglishinpublic.Ibegyourpardon?/Pardon?I’sorry,IonlynoalittleEnglish.Hodoyousay…inEnglish?Learntheusageof“h-+todo”:Idon’tnohattodo.Idon’tnohotosay/spellthatinEnglish.Talaboutlanguagelearningstrategies.Ⅱ.TeachingaidsRadio/blacboard/picturesⅢ.Five-fingerTeachingPlanStep1RevieT:Let’sreviethelasttopic.Iillasonestudenttotellusthediffe rencesbeteenBritishEnglishandAericanEnglish.hocantr y?S1:Letetry.Generallyspeaing,AericanEnglishisdiffere ntfroBritishEnglishinpronunciation,spellingandexpre ssion.Butpeoplefrothetocountriesdonothaveuchdifficu ltyinunderstandingeachother.T:Goodonya,ate.Nohocantellushothesedifferencescaeab out?S2:Ino.Longago,anyBritishpeopleereforcedtoleavethei rcountry.TheybroughttheEnglishlanguagetoothercountr ies,suchasAerica,Australiaandcanada.Sothelanguagech angedlittlebylittlefroonepartoftheorldtoanotherandt’velearnedalot.T:Asyouno,iththedevelopentoftheorld,it’soreandoreiportanttolearnEnglishell.Doyouagreeithe?Ss:yes.T:DoyouthinitiseasytolearnEnglishell?Ss:No,edon’tthinso.T:Doyouanttogetsoesuggestions?Ss:ofcourse.T:o,let’sbeginournelessontotalabouthotolearnEnglishell.Step2PresentationExaple:T:hatproblesdoyouhaveinlearningEnglish?S1:Iforgetneordseasily.T:copytheinanotebooandtaeitithyou.copnotebooT:hataboutyou,S2?S2:Ifinditdifficulttoritepositions.T:eepadiarytopracticeit.eepadiarT:S3,doyouhaveanyproblesinlearningEnglish?S3:yes,I’afraidofspeaingEnglishinpublic.T:youeanyoudarenotspeaEnglishinpublic.Don’tbeshy.Beconfident.dareT:anystudentshavedifficultyinlearningEnglish.Soefor getneordseasily.SoedarenotspeaEnglishinpublic.Soear enotgoodatgraar.SoeevenfeelliegivinguplearningEngli shatties…graarattiesT:Doyouanttogetoresuggestions?Let’slistentothetapeandchecLiing’sdifficulties.Thenatchtheithissang’ssuggestions.T:Here’sapicture.Nolooatthepicture.ho’sthatboy?Ss:Heisangjunfeng.T:yes.HeisbacfrotheU.S.A.Doyouthinhehadagoodtrip?Ss:yes.T:DidhehaveanydifficultiesintheU.S.A.?Ss:ethinso.T:Nolistentothetapeandanserthefolloingquestion.hatdifficultiesdidangjunfengeetintheU.S.A?T:hocananserthequestion?S4:Aericansspoetooquiclyandthereereanydifferentacce nts.T:Doyouagreeithhi/her?Ss:yes.S5:Hecouldn’thavelongconversationsiththepeoplethere.T:Verygood!Hecouldn’taehiselfunderstoodatties.Hecouldn’taehiselfunderstood…Exaple:canyouaeyourselfunderstoodinourclass?T:Listento1aagainandfindouthattroublesLiingandLiXia nghave.Step3consolidationT:No,it’stietoactoutthedialog.First,I’llasagrouptoetotheblacboard.Areyouready?Ss:yes.S1:I’Liing.IdarenotspeaEnglishinpublic.S2:I’angjunfeng,I’veoredhardatit,butIhaven’tadeanyprogress.Ifeelliegivingup.S3:I’LiXiang.It’ssodifficultforetoreeberneords.…Step4PracticeT:angjunfeng,LiingandLiXianghavesoedifficultiesinst udyingEnglish.HocantheystudyEnglishell?Doyounohoeca nhelpthe?Thatistosay,doyounohotohelpthe?Doyounohoecanhelpthe?Doyounohotohelpthe?T:Let’saesoesentencesusingho+todo.S1:Idon’tnohotolearnEnglishell.T:Verygood!No,anseryquestion “Doyounohotohelpthe?”S2:TheycantaepartintheEnglishcorner.S3:Theycancopyneordsinanoteboo.S4:Theycaneepadiary.S5:Theycanbuyagraarboo.S6:…S7:Iforgetneordseasily.S8:youcancopyneordsinanotebooandtaeitithyou.S7:Ican’tpronounceell.S8:youcanoftenlistentothetape.S7:Ianotgoodatgraar.S8:youcanbuyagraarboo.S7:Ianotgoodatritingpositions.S8:youcaneepadiaryinEnglish.T:IfIcan’thearyouclearly,hatshouldIsay?S9:canyouspeaoresloly,please?S10:Sorry,Ican’tfolloyou.T:yes.ecanalsosay “Ibegyourpardon?/Pardon?/Repeatit,please!”beg,pardon,repeatExaple:S11:Excusee,couldyoutellehoIcangettothepostoffice?S12:I’sorry,Ican’tfolloyou.canyouspeaagainoresloly?S11:couldyoutellehotogettothepostoffice?couldyoutellehotogettothepostoffice?couldyoutellehereIshouldgo?couldyoutelleheretogo?Idon’tnohoIlearnEnglishell.Hedoesn’tnohichoneheshouldbuy.Heisthininghetherheisgoingabroadornot.Idon’tnohattietheyillstart.Step5ProjectT:Discussingroupsofsixandfilloutthetable.Thenreport ittoyourclass.youcanasandanserliethis:Exaple:S1:hatdifficultiesdoyouhaveinyourEnglishstudy?S2:Idon’tnohotoritepositionsell.S3:youneedtoeepadiary.T:youcanreportittotheclassliethis:LiLei’sdifficultyisthathedoesn’tnohotopronounceell,andangjun’ssuggestionis…NaeDifficultySuggestion2.Hoeor:riteashortpassageabo utdifficultiesinEnglishstudy.Teachingreflections:SectionBⅠ.TeachingaisanddeandsLearnsoeneordsandphrases:beeain,aloud,ability,aeistaes,taeabreath,toothpaste Goonlearningh-+todo:couldyougiveussoeadviceonhotolearnEnglishell?Hotoiproveitasybiggestproble.couldyoupleasetellehotoiproveyreadingability?Goontalingaboutlanguagelearningstrategies.Ⅱ.TeachingaidsRadio/blacboardⅢ.Five-fingerTeachingPlanStep1RevieT:Ican’treebertheusefulexpressionsinSectionA.hoouldlietohe lpe?S1:couldyouaeyourselfunderstoodintheU.S.A.?S2:IdarenotspeaEnglishinpublic.S3:Idon’tnohattodo.AttiesIfeelliegivingup.T:IfIcan’thearyouclearly,hatshouldIsay?S4:Ibegyourpardon?S5:canyouspeaoresloly,please?S6:Sorry,Ican’tfolloyou.S7:Pardon?T:Sorry,Ican’tfolloyou./Pardon?/…S3:Idon’tnohattodo.AttiesIfeelliegivingup.T:oh,verygood.youaregoodlearners,butsoeofourstudentsareeainEnglish.eshouldhelpeachother.ouldyoulietogi vetheahand?Ss:yes,e’dloveto.beeainS8:TaepartintheEnglishcorner.S9:copyneordsinanotebooandtaeitithyou.S10:eepadiary.S11:…S12:SpeaEnglishasuchaspossible./SpeaEnglisheveryday.T:Goodjob!Butostoftheareafraidofaingistaesandreadin gtheordsaloud.couldyoupleasetellthehotoiprovetheirr eadingability?ell.Let’setoSectionBtofindtheanser.Beforeyouanserthequestio ns,thinaboutthecarefully,taeabreathandsile.Silingis alayshelpful.aeistaes,aloud,ability,taeabreathStep2PresentationT:Listentothetapeandfindouthatsuggestionsangangillg ive.T:Listento1aagainandanserthefolloingquestions.Toinu teslater,let’schectheanserstogether.Hodoesangangreeberneords?Hodoesangangiprovehisreading?T:Read1acarefully.Tryyourbesttofindandunderstandthe neordsandlanguagepoints.Step3consolidationT:Boysandgirls,readtheconversationagain,andfinish1b .Thendiscusshotosolvethedifficultieshicheeetduringt heEnglishstudy.Thenfilloutthefolloingtable.Ifpossib le,youaygiveyouronadvice.DifficultyAdvicepronunciationneordsgraarposition…couldyougiveussoeadviceonhotolearnEnglishell?Hotoiproveitasybiggestproble.h-+todoStep4PracticeT:Pleaseread“Difficulties”in2silently,thenfindouthotosolvetheprobles.Pleasegu esstheeaningof“channel”T:Next,pleaseread“Suggestions”in2.Findoutthelearningstrategiestothedifficultiesan dparetheithyouronlearningstrategies.chectheansersto gether.T:Pleaseread3carefullyandfinishthetasaccordingtothe exaple.Thenchectheanserstogether.toothpasteT:No,boysandgirls,let’splayagae“hodoesquicly”using“h-+todo”.S1:I’onderinghethertogooutornotatnight.S2:Idon’tnohotodriveacar.S3:Ican’tdecidehentoseeyuncle.S4:couldyoutellehotogettothepostoffice?…Step5ProjectT:aeasurveytofindhatdifficultiesehaveinEnglishstudy .Givesoeadviceonhotosolvetheseprobles.NaeDifficultyAdviceangLiangZhangXiaohaiTianyujia…Hoeor:aetensentencesith “h-+todo”.SearchfororeinforationaboutEnglishlearn ingstrategiesandethods.Teachingreflections:SectioncⅠ.TeachingaisanddeandsLearnsoeneordsandphrases:discussion,revie,retell,ethod,aslongas,stictosth.,c hant,ho,iseLearnausefulsentence:I’surethatyouillaegreatprogressaslongasyoustictothe.TalaboutEnglishlearningstrategiesandethods.Ⅱ.TeachingaidsRadio/blacboard/reardsⅢ.Five-fingerTeachingPlanStep1RevieT:Let’sreviethegraar “h-+todo”.Pleasechangethesesentencestothestructur eof“h-+todo”.couldyoutellehoIcangettothestation?Idon’tnohatIshoulddonext.IonderhetherIshouldjoinanEnglishclub.Ican’tdecidehenIillleaveBeijingHeisthiningabouthereheilltravel.angjunfengdoesn’tnohohecanlearnEnglishell.T:ehavenonsoeethodsoflearningEnglish,andeadeasurvey lastlesson.No,let’sdiscussit.Ieanlet’saeadiscussion.Boysandgirls,couldyoutellesoeadviceo nhotolearnEnglishell?ethod,discussionS1:SpeaEnglishasuchaspossible.S2:eepadiaryinEnglish.…T:yes,ecanalsoprevietheday’slessonbeforeclass.previeT:S3,hatisyouropinion?That’stosay,hat’syourlearningethod?Doyouthinrevieisagoodethodoflear ningEnglish?opinion,revieS3:Ithinso.T:Doyouanttonoangang’sandhisclassates’ethods?o,let’slistentothetape.Step2PresentationT:issangisholdingaclasseetingonhotostudyEnglish.Tos tudentsarereportingtheresultsoftheirdiscussion.Let’slistentothetapetogether,thenchecthefolloingsentenc esTrueorFalse.angangprevieedtheday’slessonbeforeclass.LiPingthinsstudyinggraarisiportanthenlearningEnglis h.ShuyanadvicesusthateshouldspeaEnglishithourteachers,classatesandevenithforeigners.T:Read1a,thenanserthefolloingquestions:hatareangang’sethodsoflearningEnglish?hatareShuyan’sethodsoflearningEnglish?hatusefulsuggestionsdidissanggive?retell,chantaslongasstictosth.I’surethatyouillaegreatprogressaslongasyoustictothe.T:Read1aquiclyandthenfillintheblansontheblacboardac cordingto1a.angangtheday’slessonbeforeclass,inclassandrevieedtheafterclass.L inPintoldustoreadapassage.Thentryto.yuZhenthoughtas iportanthenlearningEnglish.XuDuoduosaidthatasthebes taytoiproveherEnglish.chengLeadvisedusto,butshesaid,“eshouldn’ttranslateeveryordhenearereading.”Shuyantolduseshouldithourteachers,classatesandeveni thforeigners.Step3consolidationT:o,class, uldyoutellussoeethods?S1:yes.Previetheday’slessonbeforeclassandtrytounderstandtheainidea.S2:Trytoretellthepassage.S3:Studyinggraarisiportant.S4:jointheEnglishclub.S5:ReadagoodEnglishnespaper.S6:SpeaEnglishithteachersandclassates.…T:Areyouready,boysandgirls?Ss:yes.T:Let’sbegin.I’llgiveyouanintervie.hoouldlietoehere?Don’tbeshy.Tryyourbest!T:Hello,angang!ayIasyouaquestion?S7:yes,please.T:ouldyoulietoshareyourgoodideasinEnglishlearningit hus?S7:I’dloveto.Ithinprevieingtheday’slessonandasteringtheainideaofthelessonareveryiport ant.T:Goodethod.Thanyou.hataboutyou,LinPing?S8:Ithinitisveryiportanttoretellthepassage.T:Goodanser.ouldyoulietotelleyourideas,yuZhen?S9:IthinstudyinggraarisveryiportantforlearningEngli shell.T:Iagreeithyou.Thanyou.hat’syouridea,XuDuoduo?S10:IthinjoiningtheEnglishclubisthebestaytoiproveou rEnglish.T:Goodidea!hat’syouropinion,chengLe?S11:IthineshouldreadagoodEnglishnespaperlieTiesEngl ishPost.T:Goodidea.hataboutyours,Shuyan?S12:IthineshouldspeaEnglishithourteachersandclassat es,evenithforeigners.T:youareallverygreat,andtheethodsareallgood.T:you’reveryclever.Theyareallgoodethods,andecanuseoneoror eofthe.Butreebertochoosethosethatsuityouost.I’sureyouillaegreatprogressaslongasyoustictothe.Step4PracticeT:orinpairs,finish1bandlearnaneord.hohoT:Listentothetapeandchecthephrasesyouhearin2A.T:Listenagain,please.atchthefolloinginforation.ise,learned,tideFailureistheotherofsuccess.Everyinutecounts.Afriendinneedisafriendindeed.Agoodbooisagoodfriend.Aanbeeslearnedbyasingquestions.Allorandnoplayaejaeadullboy.Step5ProjectT:aeasurveyandfillintheblans.NaeethodinEnglishStudXiaoBeiLiuyanangjieLeiGangLanLangHoeor:Doyouhaveanyneideasafterreadingthispassage?riteyour thoughtsinyourdiary.collectatleasttenEnglishproverbsafterclass,thenshar etheithyourpartnersinyourgroup.Teachingreflections:SectionDⅠ.TeachingaisanddeandsLearnsoeneordsandphrases:plete,lastbutnotleast,eepon,textRevietheusageofh-+todo.Talaboutlanguagelearningstrategies.Ⅱ.TeachingaidsRadio/blacboardⅢ.Five-fingerTeachingPlanStep1RevieT:Goodorning,class!Ss:Goodorning,teacher!T:LastlessonelearnedanyethodsoflearningEnglish.hoca ntellussoeofthe?S1:Previetheday’slessonbeforeclassandtrytounderstandtheainideas.S2:Trytoretellthepassageyourself.S3:jointheEnglishclub.S4:ReadagoodEnglishnespaper.…T:IthinthebestayoflearningEnglishistoreadapletepass ageandthentrytoretellityourself.eepontryingeveryday andnevergiveup.Ibelieveyouillaegreatprogress.pleteeepon+v.ingT:o.Let’sreadthetext,thenfindouthoanyethodstheriterentioned .TurntoPage75,1a.textStep2PresentationS1:Dolotsoflisteningpractice.S2:atchEnglishprograsonTV.S3:ListentoEnglishsongs.…dolotsoflisteningpracticeatchEnglishprograsonTVlistentoEnglishsongsjointheEnglishclubreadEnglishagazinestaelotsofgraarnotesinclasseepadiareepontryingandnevergiveupT:Boysandgirls,ehavesoanyethodstolearnEnglishell.yo stbutnotleast,reebertoch oosetheonesthatsuityoubest.lastbutnotleastT:Readthetextagain,thenanseryquestions,o?Ss:yes.T:Hotobeeagoodlanguagelearner?S4:Todolotsoflisteningpractice.T:HotoiproveyoralEnglish?S5:youshouldjointheEnglishclubandspeaEnglishasuchasyoucan.T:IdarenotspeaEnglishinpublic.S6:youshouldn’tbeshyandyoushouldlistentoEnglishsongsandreadoreEng lishagazines.T:Thanyou,and……T:Finish1baccordingto1a,andritedonthelearningethods theriterentionedinthepassage.T:hatindofethodshaveyouused?Aretheyusefulornot?plet etheforithyouropinions.IteethodUsefulUselessListeningSpeaingReadingritingStep3consolidationT:henlearningEnglish,eayeetanyprobles.eanhile,there arealsoanygoodethodstohelpus.Buteustchoosetheonesthatsuitusbest.Nolet’sdiscusstheandjudgehicharegoodethodsandthenritedont heresults.Areyouready?Ss:yes.T:ell,hoillsayfirst?S1:Ithineshouldchecourspellingithadictionary.S2:eshouldlistentoEnglishsongsafterclass.S3:eshouldjoinanEnglishclub.S4:eshouldeepadiary.S5:eshouldreadEnglishboos,nespapersandagazines.…T:They’requiteright.youareveryclever.No,hocantellushatindo fethodsarebad?S6:SpeachineseinEnglishclass.S7:ritechinesepinyinbesidetheEnglishords.S8:BeafraidofspeaingEnglishaloudinpublic.S9:onlystudygraar.S10:……T:That’so.youdidell.enoalotonhotolearnEnglishell.ehaveouronopinions.T:Let’sdiscussthefolloingaysoflearningEnglishandputGorBin frontofeachsentence.Exaple:BritechinesepinyinbesidetheEnglishords.…Step4PracticeT:Pairor.Let’sgoovertheusageof“h-+todo”.Exaple:A:couldyougiveussoeadviceonhotolearnEnglishell?B:yes.Dolotsoflisteningpractice……h-+todocouldyouaeyourselfunderstoodintheU.S.A.?IdarenotspeaEnglishinpublic.Ibegyourpardon?T:hatdoyouthinofyourEnglishno?Pleaseaeyouronself-as sessentaccordingtoPage76,3.T:orinpairs.AndthenaccordingtoyourassessentandtheEnglishlearningethodsyouhavelearned,aeaplanonhotolear nEnglishbetter.Step5ProjectExaple:LiingthinsoralEnglishisveryiportant.Iagreeithhi.jit hinsstudyinggraarisiportantforlearningEnglishell.He alsothinsit’sgoodtolistentothetapeforfiveinuteseveryday.Hoeor:hatgoodethodsoflearningEnglishcanyoulearnfrothissec tion?AndhodoyouplantolearnEnglishbetter?riteashortp assageaboutit.Teachingreflections:。
Modern Linguistics 现代语言学, 2020, 8(6), 783-788Published Online December 2020 in Hans. /journal/mlhttps:///10.12677/ml.2020.86107黑人英语中否定结构的产生背景与翻译选择——以非裔美国人音乐曲名为例金泽玉上海外国语大学国际金融贸易学院,上海收稿日期:2020年11月9日;录用日期:2020年11月24日;发布日期:2020年12月1日摘要非裔美国人白话英语(AAVE, African American Vernacular English),也被称为黑人英语,是为非裔美国人所使用的一种英语变体。
在网络时代,黑人英语所衍生出的种种模因(meme)也在世界范围流行,其中黑人英语中极具特色的否定结构(negative)也被广泛使用、传播;对黑人英语中的否定结构进行分析,可加深我们对此特定用法的理解,提供一种不同于标准美国英语(SAE, Standard American English)的视角和翻译选择。
关键词美国黑人英语,句法,双重否定,非标准英语A Study on the Backgrounds andTranslations of Negations of AfricanAmerican Vernacular English—A Case Study of African-American Music TitlesZeyu JinSchool of Economics and Finance, Shanghai International Studies University, ShanghaiReceived: Nov. 9th, 2020; accepted: Nov. 24th, 2020; published: Dec. 1st, 2020AbstractAfrican American Vernacular English, abbreviated as AAVE, referred to also as Black English, is an金泽玉variety of English mainly spoken by African Americans. Despite colloquial usages, AAVE has be-come an important element for literature and especially music in the English-speaking world since the early twentieth century. In the Internet era, as various memes derived from AAVE have be-come prevalent around the world, negation, a prominent feature of AAVE, has been widely propa-gated. An analysis of negative structures in African American Vernacular English enables us to have a deeper understanding of the specific usages and provides perspectives and translations that differ from ones in Standard American English.KeywordsAfrican American Vernacular English, Syntax, Double Negative, Non-Standard English Array Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言作为最具影响力的非标准英语之一,对于AAVE的现存研究方向较为多元,如语音学、词汇学方向,皆既存相当完备之论述。
仁爱版九年级英语教案U3T2Topic2EnglishisspokendifferentlyindifferentcountriesTopic2Englishisspoendifferentlyindifferentcountries.SectionAⅠ.TeachingaisanddeandsLearnsoeneordsandausefulphrase:Australian,difference,autun,facetofaceLearnsoeusefulsentences:Sorry,Ican’tfolloyou.canyouspeaoresloly,please?EnglishisspoendifferentlyindifferentEnglish-speaing countries.Haveagoodtrip!Ifyouanttosucceedinaingyourselfunderstood,youneedto nosoeofthesedifferences.Learnpresentcontinuoustoshothefuture:I’flyingtoDisneylandtoorro.DiscussthedifferencesinusingEnglisharoundtheorld.Ⅱ.TeachingaidsRadio/blacboardⅢ.Five-fingerTeachingPlanStep1RevieT:InTopic1,e’velearnedtheiportanceofEnglish.Nolet’srevieit.I’llgiveyousoeeyords.Pleasesaysoesentencesusingpassiv evoice.Areyouready?Ss:yes.T:Firstly,theeyords:English,spea.Ss:EnglishisspoenasthefirstlanguageinAerica.T:elldone!Next:English,use.Ss:Englishisidelyusedthroughouttheorld.…T:Goodonya,ate!canyouunderstande?Ss:Sorry,ecan’t.T:Ijustsaid“elldone!”InAustralia,peopleusetheords“Goodonya,ate!”insteadof“elldone!”Goodonya,ate!=elldone!T:Infact,thoughEnglishisidelyspoenaroundtheorld,the rearesoedifferencesaongAericanEnglish,BritishEnglis h,canadianEnglishandAustralianEnglish.hatarethediff erencesbeteenthe?Pleaseread1aandfindouttheansers.different—differenceBritishAustralianStep2Presentationpresent1abylistenning,andsolvethedifficultiesof1a,andthenchecansers Hotosay“hello”inAustralia?InAustralia,hatdopeoplecallalltheirfriends?hocallgirls“sheilas”,canadiansorAustralians?T:Englishisspoendifferentlyindifferentcountries.Nop leaselistentothetapecarefullyandanserthequestionsab ove.findthecorrectpartnersbeteengroupAandgroupBABg’dayelldonesheilasfriendsboothelloatesallgirlsGoodonya,ate!trunStep3consolidationGraar:Shoingthefuturebypresentcontinuous.e.g.①I’ing.②I’leaving.③I’flyingtoDisneylandtoorro.…T:Boysandgirls,pleaselooatPicture1.hat’retheboysdoing?Ss:Theyaregreetinghentheyeetontheaytoschool.T:Doyounohattheyaresaying?Ss:G’day.T:IftheyefroGreatBritain,hatilltheysay?Ss:Theyillsay“Hello/Hi,nicetoeetyou…”T:you’reright.S1:Ladiesandgentleen,I’veryhappytospeahere.ytopicis“Differentcountries,DifferentEnglish”…T:Pleasefinish1cbyyourself,theneillchectheansers.Step4PracticeT:Goodonya,ate!e’velearnedtoexpressthesaeeaningithdifferentords.Nopl easelistento2andfindouthat“fall”eansinthisdialog.autun=fallT:enoEnglishisveryinteresting.Ithasdifferenteanings indifferentcountries.ThereisanotherinterestingEngli sh,hichiscallede-ailEnglish.T:Boysandgirls,doyouliesurfingtheInternet?Ss:yes.T:Doyouoftensende-ailstoyourfriends?Ss:yes.T:o.Doyounotheeaningsofthefolloinge-ailEnglishin3?y oucanreaditfirstly.T:No,let’schectheansers.facetofaceT:canyougiveoreexaplesofe-ailEnglish?Ss:yes.S1:…S2:Iteans…Step5ProjectForexaple:Englishordfrochineseungfu,tofu…chineseordfroEnglish咖啡,可口可乐……Hoeor:collectoreinforationaboute-ailEnglish. Teachingreflections:SectionBⅠ.Teachingaisanddeands Learnaneordandsoephrases:see…off,putout,asforaride,getin,picup,victor Learnsoeusefulsentences: Theforeignerisasingforaride.It’squiteallright.IhopeIon’thaveuchdifficultyunicating. heneveryouneedhelp,sendeane-ailorcalle. Goonlearningpresentcontinuoustoshothefuture: yuncleiseetingustoorro. henareyouleavingforDisneyland?I’leavingthisafternoon. Talaboutsignlanguageandbodylanguage.Ⅱ.TeachingaidsRadio/blacboard/picturesⅢ.Five-fingerTeachingPlanStep1RevieT:enothatEnglishisspoendifferentlyindifferentcountr ies.ThenhotosayhellotoeachotherinAustralia?S1:Theysay“g’day”.T:hatdoestheord“boot”eaninBritishEnglish?S2:It’sthetrunofacar.T:Good!hat’stheeaningof“F2F”ine-ailEnglish?S3:Facetoface.T:hatabout“oIc”?S4:Iteans“oh,Isee.”T:elldone!Infact,Englishspeaersunicateinthisindofsi plifiedfor.Besides,theyalsousegesturestoexpressthei reanings.Looate.Thisisythub.Iputoutyhandithythubrai sed.hat’syeaning?Doyouno?Ss:Sorry,edon’tno.T:IteansthatIaasingforaride.ThubputoutasforarideT:o,looatthepicturein1a,hat’stheforeignerdoing?Ss:Heisasingforaride.T:yes,hereishegoing?Let’’stheforeignergoing?henisangjunfeng’sflight?T:Pleaseread1aandritedonthesentencesthatusepresentc ontinuoustoshothefuture.I’flyingtoDisneyland.I’leavingthisafternoon.yuncleiseetingustoorro.现在进行时表将来时常有“意图”、“安排”或“打算”的含义,这种现在进行时比较生动,给人一种期待感。
世界各种语言常用语句(双语对照)英语(日耳曼语族)•英语:English /"iN lIS/, /IN glIS/•你好:hello /"hE l@U/, /hE low/•再见:good-bye /'gUd "baI/, /gUd baj/•请:please /pli:z/, /pliz/•谢谢:thank you /"T{Nk ju:/, /T&Nk ju/•那个:that one /"D{t wVn/, /D&t wVn/•是:yes /jEs/, /jEs/•不:no /n@u/, /now/•对不起:sorry /'sOri/•我不明白:I don't understand /aI'd@Unt Vnd@:s't{nd/•厕所在哪里?:where's the toilet?•干杯:bottoms up! /'bA t@mz "Vp/, /bA t@mz Vp/•你说英语吗?Do you speak English? /du: ju: spi:k "IN gliS/, /du ju spik IN glIS/阿尔巴尼亚语•阿尔巴尼亚语: shqip /shqip/ (shqEEp)•你好:tungjatjeta /tun gjat ie ta/ (tUhn-ngIAt-IEta)•再见:mirupafshim /mir uh pa fshim/ (mEEr-Uh-oA-fshEEm)•请:ju lutem /iu lu tem/ (iU LU-tehm)•谢谢:faleminderit /fah le mi nde rit/ (fAh-leh-mEE-nde-rEEt)•那个:atë /ateh/ (ATEH)•多少?:sa është? /sa ush te/ (sAh ush-te)•英文:anglisht /an gli sht/ (ahn-GLEE-sht)•是:po /poe/ (POE)•不是:jo /ioh/ (IOH)•对不起:më fal /muh fal/ (mUh FAL)•我不明白: nuk kuptoj /nuk kup toi/ (nUhk KUP-toi)•厕所在哪里?:ku është banjoja? /ku ush teh ba nio ia/ (kuh ush-tEh bA-nio-jA)•干杯:gëzuar /guh zu ar/ (gUh-zuh-ar)•你说英语吗?: flisni Anglish? /fli sni ang lisht/ (flee-snEE ahn-GLEE-sht)阿拉伯语(闪含语系)注意这里使用的是古典阿拉伯语;既然有很多普通的词组,但是他们在当地不同的方言中会有不同,这意味着很多阿拉伯人,甚至是受到教育的人,都会对这些共同词组有不同的理解。
ALL WELDS CONTINUOUS UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. 未注焊缝均为连续焊ALL WELDS 3mm FILLET UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED 未注焊角高3mm.ALL UNSPECIFIED RADI - R3 未注圆角R3REMOVE ALL BURRS AND SHARP EDGES 棱角倒钝CHANNEL 槽钢RSA 708 角钢70X70X8M30X1.5 pitch M30X1.5的锥螺纹Tackweld 点焊OD 1/4" outside dimension 1/4"的缩写外径直1/4"75 CRS 尺寸为75 材质为冷轧钢板410 OPENING REF 410 开口参考尺寸40 REF 尺寸为40,参考值2.5" BSP 2.5” 圆锥管螺纹2.5" BSPT HEXAGON 2.5” 六角圆锥管螺纹(即对丝)30x2.5 FLAT BAR 30X2.5 扁钢TYP 2 POSNS 2处11 TOTAL COILS APROX.9 WORKING COILS APROX.RIGHT HAND WOUND ONLY,END COILS SQUARE TO TOUCH.总圈数约11圈;工作圈数约9圈;右旋;弹簧的端部磨平以便于接触.(此为弹簧技术说明)FEMALE: 内扣(母扣)MALE: 外扣(公扣)偏心轴eccentric shaft /ik’sentrik/销轴PIN开口销COTTER PIN螺杆screw紧定螺钉SET SCREW圆螺母ROUND NUT内六角螺钉SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW六角螺钉HEX HD SET SCREW六角螺栓HEX HD BOLT挡圈closing ring弹性挡圈circlip轴承隔套distance sleeve of axletree轴承axletree深沟球轴承DEEP GROOVE BALL BEARING无扣长non-buckle longth弹簧SPRING吊环螺钉LIFTING EYE BOLT开槽盘头螺钉SLOTTED PAN HEAD SCREW圆锥滚子轴承TAPERED ROLLER BEARING推力球轴承THRUST BALL BEARING平键FLAT KEY弹簧垫圈SINGLE COIL SPRING WASHER平垫圈FLAT WASHER螺母FULL NYLOCK NUT圆螺母ROUND NUT缩写全称翻译ACCESS Accessory 附件ADJ Adjustable,Adjust 调整ADPT Adapter 使适应ADV Advance 提前AL Aluminum 铝ALLOW Allowance 允许ALT Alternate 改变ALY Alloy 合金AMT Amout 数量ANL Anneal 锻炼ANSL Amer Natl Stds InstituteAPPROX Approximate 大约ASME Amer Society of Mech Engrs ASSEM Assemble 装配ASSY Assembly 装配AUTH Authorized 授权的AUTO Automatic 自动的AUX Auxiliary 辅助的AVG Average 平均AWG American Wire GaugeBC Bolt Circle 螺栓圆周BET Between 之间BEV Bevel 斜角BHN Brinell Hardness Number 布氏硬度值BLK Blank ,Block 空白B/NM Bill of Material 材料费BOT Bottom 底部BP or B/P Blueprint 蓝图BRG Bearing 轴承BRK Break 破裂BRKT Bracket 支架BRO Broach 钻孔BRS Brass 黄铜BRZ Bronze 青铜B&S Brown&Shape 棕色&形状BSC Basic 基本的BUSH Bushing 套管BWG Birmingham Wire GaugeC TO C Center-to-Center 中心到中心CAD Computer-Aided Drafting 电脑辅助设计CAM Computer-Aided MfgCAP Capacity 容量CAP SCR Cap Screw 螺帽CARB Carburize 使渗碳CBORE Counterbore 扩孔CCW Counter Clockwise 逆时针CDRILL CounerdrillCDS Cold-Drawn Steel缩写全称翻译EFF Effective 有效的ENCL Enclose,Enclosure 附上ENG Engine 引擎ENGR Engineer 工程师ENGRG Engineering 工程学EQLSP Equally Spaced 等距EQUIV Equivalent 相等EST Estimate 估计EX Extra 额外EXH Exhaust 消耗EXP Experimental 实验性的EXT Exension,External 范围,外部FAB Fabricate 伪造FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FDRY Foundry 铸造FIG Figure 数据FIL Fillet,fillister 带子FIM Full Indicator MovementFIN FinishFLX Fixture 结构FLX Floor.Fluid,Flush 基地,液体,冲洗FLEX Flexible 易弯曲的FLG Flange 边缘FORG Forging 锻炼FR Frame,Front 边框FIG Fitting 装置FURN Furnish 提供FWD Forward 向前GA Gage,Gauge 测量GALV Galvanized 电镀GR Grade 等级GRD Grind 磨碎GRV Groove 凹槽GSKT Gasket 垫圈H&G Harden and Grind 加硬和磨碎HD Head 主要的HDL Handle 处理HDLS Headless 无领导的HDN Harden 使硬化HDW Hardware 硬件HEX Hexagon 六边形HGR Hanger 衣架HGT Height 高度HOR Horizontal 水平的HRS Hot-Rolled SteelHSG Housing 外罩HT TR Heat Treal缩写全称翻译EFF Effective 有效的ENCL Enclose,Enclosure 附上ENG Engine 引擎ENGR Engineer 工程师ENGRG Engineering 工程学EQLSP Equally Spaced 等距EQUIV Equivalent 相等EST Estimate 估计EX Extra 额外EXH Exhaust 消耗EXP Experimental 实验性的EXT Exension,External 范围,外部FAB Fabricate 伪造FAO Finish All OverFDRY Foundry 铸造FIG Figure 数据FIL Fillet,fillister 带子FIM Full Indicator MovementFIN FinishFLX Fixture 结构FLX Floor.Fluid,Flush 基地,液体,冲洗FLEX Flexible 易弯曲的FLG Flange 边缘FORG Forging 锻炼FR Frame,Front 边框FIG Fitting 装置FURN Furnish 提供FWD Forward 向前GA Gage,Gauge 测量GALV Galvanized 电镀GR Grade 等级GRD Grind 磨碎GRV Groove 凹槽GSKT Gasket 垫圈H&G Harden and Grind 加硬和磨碎HD Head 主要的HDL Handle 处理HDLS Headless 无领导的HDN Harden 使硬化HDW Hardware 硬件HEX Hexagon 六边形HGR Hanger 衣架HGT Height 高度HOR Horizontal 水平的HRS Hot-Rolled SteelHSG Housing 外罩HT TR Heat Treal缩写全称翻译NTS Not to ScaleOA Over All 所有OBS ObsotetcOC On CenterOD Outside Diameter 外直径OPP Opposite 对立OPTL Optional 可选择的OR Outside Radius 外半径ORIG Original 初始的PAT. Patent 专利PATT Pattern 形式PC Piece,Pitch Circle 件,节距圆PCH Punch 打孔PD Pitch DiameterPERF Perforate 打孔PERM Permanent 永久的PERP Perpendicular 垂直的PFD Preferred 首选的PKG Package,Packing 包装PL Parting Line,Places,PlatePNEU PncumaticPNL Panel 面板POL Polish 磨光POS Position,Postive 位置PR Pair 对立PRI Primary 基本的PROC Process 程序PROD Product,Production 产品,产量PSI Pounds per Square InchPT Part,Point 零件,点QTR Quarter 四份之一QTY Quantity 数量QUAL Quality 质量R Radius 半径RA Rockwell Harden,A-ScaleRB Rockwell Harden,B-ScaleRC Rockwell Harden,C-ScaleRECD Received 巳收到的RECT Rectangle 长方形REF Reference 相关的REINF Reinforce 增强REL Release,Relief 释放,缓解REM Remove 移除REQD Requird 有需要REE Retainer,ReturnREV Reverse,Revision,RevolutionRFS Regardless of Feature SizeRGH Rough 粗糙的RH Right Hand 右手RIV Rivet 起皱RM Ream 扩展RND Round 周围RPM Revolutions per MinuteRPW Resistance Projection WeldSAE Society of Automotive EngrsSCH Schedule 进度表行业标准规范(英汉对照)-加工工艺standerd of machining and technics (Chinese -English version)1 GB/T 780-1979 汽油发动机化油器出口凸缘尺寸Carbureters fo r automobile engines--Dimensions of outlet flanges2 GB/T 983-1995 不锈钢焊条Stainless steel covered electrodes3 GB/T 984-1985 堆焊焊条Covered electrodes for hardfacing4 GB/T 985-1988 气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding manual arc welding and gas-Shielded arc welding5 GB/T 986-1988 埋弧焊焊缝坡口的基本形式和尺寸Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding6 GB/T 1173-1995 铸造铝合金Casting aluminium alloys7 GB/T 1174-1992 铸造轴承合金cast bearing metals8 GB/T 1176-1987 铸造铜合金技术条件Specification for cast copper alloys9 GB/T 1177-1991 铸造镁合金Casting magnesium alloys10 GB/T 1348-1988 球墨铸铁件Spheroidal graphite iron castings11 GB/T 1954-1980 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊缝铁素体含量测量方法Determination of the weldign seam iron element contentin chromium,nickel austenitic stainless steel12 GB/T 2100-1980 不锈耐酸钢铸件技术条件Stainless acid-resistant steel castings--Specifications13 GB/T 2649-1989 焊接接头机械性能试验取样方法Methods of sampling for mechanical properties tests of welded joint14 GB/T 2650-1989 焊接接头冲击试验方法Method of impact test for welded joint15 GB/T 2651-1989 焊接接头拉伸试验方法Method of tensile test for welded joint16 GB/T 2652-1989 焊缝及熔敷金属拉伸试验方法Method of tensile tests for weld and deposited metal17 GB/T 2653-1989 焊接接头弯曲及压扁试验方法Methods of bend and compression tests for welded joint18 GB/T 2654-1989 焊接接头及堆焊金属硬度试验方法Methods of hardness tests for welded joint and surfacing metal19 GB/T 2655-1989 焊接接头应变时效敏感性试验方法Method of strain-age sensibillity test for welded joint20 GB/T 2656-1981 焊缝金属和焊接接头的疲劳试验法Weld beads metal and welds--Fatigue test21 GB/T 2684-1981 铸造用原砂及混合料试验方法Foundry sands and sand mixtures for casting--Method of testing22 GB/T 3180-1982 中锰抗磨球墨铸铁件技术条件Specification for medium manganese wear-resistant spheroidal iron castings23 GB/T 3375-1994 焊接术语Welding terminology24 GB/T 3669-1983 铝及铝合金焊条Coated electrodes for aluminium and aluminium alloys25 GB/T 3670-1995 铜及铜合金焊条Coated electrodes for copper and copper alloys26 GB/T 3731-1983 涂料焊条效率、金属回收率和熔敷系数的测定Covered electrodes--Determination of the efficiency, metal recovery and deposition coefficient27 GB/T 3934-1983 普通螺纹量规Gauges for general purpose screw threads28 GB/T 3965-1995 熔敷金属中扩散氢测定方法Methods for determination of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal 29 GB/T 4675.1-1984 焊接性试验斜Y型坡口焊接裂纹试验方法Weldability testing--Method of Y-groove cracking test30 GB/T 4675.2-1984 焊接性试验搭接接头(CTS) 焊接裂纹试验方法Weldability testing--Method of controlled thermal severity cracking test31 GB/T 4675.3-1984 焊接性试验T型接头焊接裂纹试验方法Weldability testing--Method of cracking test for welded tee joint32 GB/T 4675.4-1984 焊接性试验压板对接(FISCO) 焊接裂纹试验方法Weldability testing--Method of FISCO cracking test33 GB/T 4675.5-1984 焊接性试验焊接热影响区最高硬度试验方法Weldability testing--Testing method of maximum hard ness in weld heat-affected zone34 GB/T 4863-1985 机械制造工艺基本术语General terminology of machine -building technology35 GB/T 5117-1995 碳钢焊条Carbon steel covered electrodes36 GB/T 5118-1995 低合金钢焊条Low alloy steel covered electrodes37 GB/T 5185-1985 金属焊接及钎焊方法在图样上的表示代号Welding, brazing, braze welding and soldering of metals--List of processes for symbolic representation on drawings38 GB/T 5293-1985 碳素钢埋弧焊用焊剂Fluxes for the submerged arc welding of carbon steel39 GB/T 5613-1995 铸钢牌号表示方法Code for representing cast steels40 GB/T 5614-1985 铸铁件热处理状态的名称、定义及代号The designations definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of iron castings41 GB/T 5615-1985 铸钢件热处理状态的名称、定义及代号The designations, definitions and symbols for heat treatment tempers of steel castings42 GB/T 5676-1985 一般工程用铸造碳钢Cast carbon steels for general engineering purposes43 GB/T 5677-1985 铸钢件射线照相及底片等级分类方法Methods of radiographic testing and classification of radiographs for steel castings44 GB/T 5678-1985 铸造合金光谱分析取样方法The method for sampling cast alloys for spectrochemical analysis45 GB/T 6208-1995 钎料型号表示方法Filler metal for soft soldering and brazing--Designation46 GB/T 6296-1986 灰铸铁冲击试验方法Grey cast iron impact test47 GB/T 6416-1986 影响钢熔化焊接头质量的技术因素Technical factors influencing the quality of the fusion welded joints in steel48 GB/T 6417-1986 金属熔化焊焊缝缺陷分类及说明Classification ofimperfections in metallic fusion welds, with explanations49 GB/T 6418-1993 铜基钎料Copper base brazing filler metals50 GB/T 6967-1986 工程结构用中、高强度不锈钢铸件Medium and high strength stainless steel castings for engineering structure purposes51 GB/T 7032-1986 T型角焊接头弯曲试验方法Method of bend test for T type fillet welded joint52 GB/T 7143-1986 铸造用硅砂化学分析方法Methods for chemical analysis of silica sand for foundry53 GB/T 7216-1987 灰铸铁金相Gray cast iron metallography54 GB/T 7232-1987 金属热处理工艺术语Terminology of metal heat treatment55 GB/T 7233-1987 铸钢件超声探伤及质量评级标准Methods for ultrasonic testing and for specifying quality levels of steel castings56 GB/T 7659-1987 焊接结构用碳素钢铸件Carbon steel castings suitable for welded structure57 GB/T 8063-1994 铸造有色金属及其合金牌号表示方法Designation of cast nonferrous metals and their alloys58 GB/T 8110-1995 气体保护电弧焊用碳钢、低合金钢焊丝Welding wires for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steels59 GB/T 8121-1987 热处理工艺材料名词术语The terminology of technological materials for heat treatment60 GB/T 8263-1987 抗磨白口铸铁技术条件Specification for abrasion resistant white cast irons61 GB/T 8454-1987 焊条用还原钛铁矿粉中亚铁量的测定Determination of ferrous iron content in reduced ilmenite powder for welding rod62 GB/T 8491-1987 高硅耐蚀铸铁件Corrosion resistant high silicon iron castings63 GB/T 8492-1987 耐热钢铸件Heat resistant steel castings64 GB/T 8493-1987 一般工程用铸造碳钢金相Metallograph of cast carbon steels for general engineering purposes65 GB/T 8539-1987 齿轮材料及热处理质量检验的一般规定General specification for quality inspection of gear materials and their heat treatment 66 GB/T 8619-1988 钎缝强度试验方法Method of the strength test for brazed and soldered seam67 GB/T 9437-1988 耐热铸铁件Heat resistant iron castings68 GB/T 9438-1988 铝合金铸件技术条件Aluminium alloy castings--Technical specification69 GB/T 9439-1988 灰铸铁件Grey iron castings70 GB/T 9440-1988 可锻铸铁件Malleable iron castings71 GB/T 9441-1988 球墨铸铁金相检验Metallographic test for spheroidal graphite cast iron72 GB/T 9446-1988 焊接用插销冷裂纹试验方法Welding--Cold cracking test method using implants73 GB/T 9447-1988 焊接接头疲劳裂纹扩展速率试验方法Test method forfatigue crack growth rates of welded joints74 GB 9448-1988 焊接与切割安全Safety in welding and cutting75 GB/T 9450-1988 钢件渗碳淬火有效硬化层深度的测定和校核Determination and verification of the effective depth of carburizod and hardened cases of steel parts76 GB/T 9451-1988 钢件薄表面总硬化层深度或有效硬化层深度的测定Determination of total or effective thickness of thin surface hardened layers of steel parts77 GB/T 9452-1988 热处理炉有效加热区测定方法Testing method for working zone of heat treating furnace78 GB/T 9460-1988 铜及铜合金焊丝Welding wire and rods of copper and copper alloys79 GB/T 10044-1988 铸铁焊条及焊丝Covered electrodes and welding rods for welding cast iron80 GB/T 10045-1988 碳钢药芯焊丝Carbon steel flux cored wires for arc welding81 GB/T 10046-1988 银基钎料Silver brazing filler metals82 GB/T 10858-1989 铝及铝合金焊丝Aluminium and aluminium alloy welding rods and wires83 GB/T 10859-1989 镍基钎料Nickel base brazing filler metals84 GB/T 11350-1989 铸件机械加工余量Machining allowances on castings85 GB/T 11351-1989 铸件重量公差Mass tolerances for castings86 GB/T 11352-1989 一般工程用铸造碳钢件Carbon steel castings for general engineering purposes87 GB/T 11354-1989 钢铁零件渗氮层深度测定和金相组织检验Steel-iron parts—Determination of nitrided case depth and metallographic examination of nitriding structure88 GB/T 11363-1989 钎焊接头强度试验方法Methods of the strength tests for brazed and soldered joint89 GB/T 11364-1989 钎料铺展性及填缝性试验方法Test method of spreadability and clearance filling ability for filler metal90 GB/T 12214-1990 熔模铸造用硅砂、粉Silica sand and flour for investment casting91 GB/T 12215-1990 熔模铸造用铝矾土砂、粉Bauxite sand and flour for investment casting92 GB/T 12216-1990 铸造用合脂粘结剂The residue from distillation of synthetic fatty acids as binder for foundry93 GB/T 12361-1990 钢质模锻件通用技术条件General specification of steel die forgings94 GB/T 12362-1990 钢质模锻件公差及机械加工余量Tolerances and machining allowances of steel die forgings95 GB/T 12363-1990 锻件功能分类Classification of forging functions96 GB/T 12469-1990 焊接质量保证钢熔化焊接头的要求和缺陷分级Quality assurance of welding—Requirement for fusion welding joint of steel andclassification for imperfection97 GB/T 12470-1990 低合金钢埋弧焊用焊剂Fluxes for the submerged arc welding of low alloy steel98 GB/T 12603-1990 金属热处理工艺分类及代号Classification and designation on metal heat treatment99 GB 12935-1991 焊条烘干炉运行能耗标准Energy consumption standard in operation of covered electrode furnace100 GB/T 13311-1991 锅炉受压元件焊接接头机械性能试验方法Boiler pressure parts—Mechanical test for welded joints101 GB/T 13320-1991 钢质模锻件金相组织评级图及评定方法Metallographic grading atlas and assessing method for steel die forgings102 GB/T 13450-1992 对接焊接头宽板拉伸试验方法Method of wide plate tension test for butt welded joint103 GB/T 13679-1992 锰基钎料Manganese base brazing filler metals104 GB/T 13814-1992 镍及镍合金焊条Nickel and nickel alloy covered welding electrodes105 GB/T 13815-1992 铝基钎料Aluminium base brazing filler metals106 GB/T 13816-1992 焊接接头脉动拉伸疲劳试验方法Test method for pulsed tensile fatigue of welded joints107 GB/T 13817-1992 对接接头刚性拘束焊接裂纹试验方法Method of rigid restraint cracking test for welding butt joint108 GB/T 13818-1992 压铸锌合金Zinc die-casting alloys109 GB/T 13819-1992 铜合金铸件Copper alloy castings110 GB/T 13820-1992 镁合金铸件Magnesium alloy castings111 GB/T 13821-1992 锌合金压铸件Zinc alloy die castings112 GB/T 13822-1992 压铸有色合金试样Test specimens for non ferrous diecasting alloys113 GB/T 13914-1992 冲压件尺寸公差Tolerance of dimensions for stampings114 GB/T 13915-1992 冲压件角度公差Tolerance of angles for stampings 115 GB/T 13916-1992 冲压件形状和位置未注公差Unnoted tolerance of shape and position for stampings116 GB/T 13925-1992 铸造高锰钢金相Metallographs for high manganese cast steel117 GB/T 14235.1-1993 熔模铸造模料熔点测定方法(冷却曲线法) Testing method for melting point of pattern materials in investment casting118 GB/T 14235.2-1993 熔模铸造模料抗弯强度测定方法Testing method for bending strength of pattern materials in investment casting119 GB/T 14235.3-1993 熔模铸造模料灰分测定方法Testing method for ash content of pattern materials in investment casting120 GB/T 14235.4-1993 熔模铸造模料线收缩率测定方法Testing method for linear contraction of pattern materials in investment casting121 GB/T 14235.5-1993 熔模铸造模料表面硬度测定方法Testing method for surface hardness of pattern materials in investment casting122 GB/T 14235.6-1993 熔模铸造模料酸值测定方法Testing method for acid number of pattern materials in investment casting123 GB/T 14235.7-1993 熔模铸造模料流动性测定方法Testing method for fluidity of pattern materials in investment casting124 GB/T 14235.8-1993 熔模铸造模料粘度测定方法Testing method for viscosity of pattern materials in investment casting125 GB/T 14235.9-1993 熔模铸造模料热稳定性测定方法Testing method for thermal stability of pattern materials in investment casting126 GB/T 14408-1993 一般工程与结构用低合金铸钢件Low alloy steel castings for general engineering and structural purposes127 GB/T 15055-1994 冲压件未注公差尺寸极限偏差Permissible stamping varitions in dimensions without tolerance indication128 GB/T 15056-1994 铸造表面粗糙度评定方法Evaluation method on cast surface roughness129 GB/T 15111-1994 点焊接头剪切拉伸疲劳试验方法Test method for shear tensile fatigue of spot welded joints130 GB/T 15114-1994 铝合金压铸件Aluminium alloy die-castings131 GB/T 15115-1994 压铸铝合金Die casting aluminium alloys132 GB/T 15116-1994 压铸铜合金Die casting copper alloys133 GB/T 15117-1994 铜合金压铸件Copper alloy die castings134 GB/T 15169-1994 钢熔化焊手焊工资格考核方法Approval testing of manual welders--Fusion welding-steel135 GB/T 15620-1995 镍及镍合金焊丝Nickel and nickel alloy welding wires 136 GB 15735-1995 金属热处理生产过程安全卫生要求Requirements for the safety and health in production process of metal heat treatment137 GB/T 15747-1995 正面角焊缝接头拉伸试验方法Method of tension test for front fillet welded joint138 GB/T 15825.1-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法成形性能和指标Sheet metal formability and test methods--Formability and indexes139 GB/T 15825.2-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法通用试验规程Sheet metal formability and test methods--General test rules140 GB/T 15825.3-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法拉深与拉深载荷试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Drawing and drawing load test 141 GB/T 15825.4-1995 金属薄板成形性能和试验方法扩孔试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Hole expanding test142 GB/T 15825.5-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法弯曲试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Bending test143 GB/T 15825.6-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法锥杯试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Conical cup test144 GB/T 15825.7-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法凸耳试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Earing test145 GB/T 15825.8-1995 金属薄板成形性能与试验方法成形极限图(FLD)试验Sheet metal formability and test methods--Forming limit diagram (FLD) test146 GB/T 15826.1-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差一般要求Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--General reguirement147 GB/T 15826.2-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差盘、柱类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Disks and columns148 GB/T 15826.3-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差带孔圆盘类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Disk swith holes149 GB/T 15826.4-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差圆环类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Rings150 GB/T 15826.5-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差套筒类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Seamles cylinder hushings151 GB/T 15826.6-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差光轴类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Shaft without steps152 GB/T 15826.7-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差台阶轴类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Shaft with steps153 GB/T 15826.8-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差单拐曲轴类Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open dle forgings on hammer--Single throw crankshaft154 GB/T 15826.9-1995 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差黑皮锻件Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer--Forging without machining155 GB/T 15829.1-1995 软钎焊用钎剂分类、标记与包装Soldering fluxes --Classification, labelling and packaging156 GB/T 15829.2-1995 软钎焊用钎剂树脂类钎剂Soldering fluxes--Resin basis fluxes157 GB/T 15829.3-1995 软钎焊用钎剂有机物类钎剂Soldering fluxes--Organic fluxes158 GB/T 15829.4-1995 软钎焊用钎剂无机物类钎剂Soldering fluxes--Inorganic fluxes159 GB/T 16253-1996 承压钢铸件Steel castings for pressure purposes 160 GB/T 16672-1996 焊缝工作位置倾角和转角的定义Welds--Working positions--Definitions of angles of slope and rotation161 GB/T 8541-1997 锻压术语Terminolgy of forging and stamping162 GB/T 16743-1997 冲裁间隙Blanking clearance163 GB/T 16746-1997 锌合金铸件Zinc alloy castings164 GB/T 1175-1997 铸造锌合金Casting zinc alloys165 GB/T 16923-1997 钢件的正火与退火Normalizing and annealing of steel parts166 GB/T 16924-1997 钢件的淬火与回火Quenching and tempering of steel parts167 GB/T 16957-1997 复合钢板焊接接头力学性能试验方法Mechanical tests on welded joints in clad plates168 GB/T 6060.1-1997 表面粗糙度比较样块铸造表面Roughness comparison specimens Cast surfaces169 GB/T 5611-1998 铸造术语Foundry terminology170 GB/T 5680-1998 高锰钢铸件Austenitic manganese steel castings171 GB/T 9442-1998 铸造用硅砂Foundry silica sand172 GB/T 17445-1998 铸造磨球Cast grinding balls173 GB/T 12467.1-1998 焊接质量要求金属材料的熔化焊第一部分: 选择及使用指南Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 1: Guidelines for selection and use174 GB/T 12467.2-1998 焊接质量要求金属材料的熔化焊第二部分: 完整质量要求Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 2: Comprehensive quality requirements175 GB/T 12467.3-1998 焊接质量要求金属材料的熔化焊第三部分: 一般质量要求Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 3: Standards quality requirements176 GB/T 12467.4-1998 焊接质量要求金属材料的熔化焊第四部分: 基本质量要求Quality requirements for welding--Fusion welding of metallic materials--Part 4: Elementary quality requirements177 GB/T 17493-1998 低合金钢药芯焊丝Low alloy steel flux cored electrodes for arc welding自改革开放以来,我国引进了不少国外设备、图纸和其它技术资料,有不少发达国家的机械图样投影方法与我国所采用的投影方法不同。
广告业常用英文术语englishshare with all junior ad boys and girls :What You Should Know About Advertising你应该明白的广告英文知识What is advertising? 什么是广告?Build an impression on the consumer's mind in order to have consumers buy certain product..在消费者脑海中建立一个印象,使得消费者购买某项产品。
The impression is called brand.这个印象就是品牌。
So advertising is to build up the brand因此广告就是建立品牌。
1. How do we come out a piece of advertising 我们如何创作广告Client briefing 客户简报Research Recommendation 市场调研建议SWOT Analysis优劣势分析Advertising Strategy 广告策略Presentation 提案Creative Development 创意发想Creative Presentation 创意提案Media Planning 媒介计划Media Plan Presentation 媒介计划提案Creative Production 创意制作Media Placement 媒介投放Advertising Tracking 「.告F艮踪EC (East China)华东Editorial Calendar媒体刊登计划Effective Communications 有效传播Employee Compensation 员工薪酬Employee Relations 员工关系Environment Analysis 环境分析Environment Issues 环境问题Ethics of the Profession 职业道德Event Management 事件管理Event Planning 事件策划Event事件、活动Executing Phase 执行阶段Execution 执行Executive President 执行总裁Fact Sheet资料(数字或者其他材料•)FAQ常见问题问答Fashion Business 时尚产业Feature article 深度文章Feature文章类型中的通讯Finance Management 财务管理Financial Communications 财经传播Flyer宣传单页Follow-up 跟进Forum论坛GCG (Grand China)大中国区Glossary词汇表Government Affairs 政府事务Government PR政府公关Government Relations 政府关系Govt (Government)政府Graphics图形文件Greetings问候语Health Care医疗保健High Tech高科技Hospital PR医院公关Human Resource Management 人力资源管理IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications)整合营传播Implementation 实施Incentive Plan 激励计划Industry Participation 行业参与Initiating Phase 初始阶段INPUTS Evaluation Tools输入级评估工具Integration Management 整合管理Interactive PR 网上互动公关Internal Magazine 内部期刊Internal Communications System 内部传播系统Internal Communications 内部传播Internal Film内部电影Internal PR内部公关International PR 国际公关Internet Communications 网络传播Internet MediaCommunications 网媒传播Interpersonal Communications 人际传播Interpreter 翻译Interview专访或者面试Introduction Lantern 宣传幻灯Investor Relations 投资者关系Invitation Letter 邀请IPR (Institute of Public Relations)英国公共关系协会IPRA (International Public RelationsAssociation) 国际公共关系协会Issue Diagnosis 问题诊断Issues Management 问题管理ISV (Individual Software Vendor)独立软件开发商Job Evaluation 绩效考核Journalist 记者Key Media关键媒体Key Messages关键信息Keynote Speaker主题演讲人Keynote Speech 主题演讲LA ( Large Account)大客户LE (Large Enterprise)大客户Leadership 领导者Legal Duty法律义务Life Cycle of the Products 产品生命周期Lobby游说Logo标识Long Term Program 长期项目Lucky Draw 抽奖Marcomm (Marketing Communications)营销传播Market Analysis Report 市场分析报告Marketing Communications Mix 营销传播组合Marketing Communications 营销传播Marketing Strategy市场营销战略Marketshare市场份额Mass Media大众媒体MB (Medium business)中客户MC( Master of Ceremonies)主持人MC (Middle China)华中MD (Managing Director)董事总经理、执行董事Media Assistant 媒介助理Media Analysis 媒体分析Media Communications Strategy 媒体传播战略Media Communications 媒体传播Media Coverage媒体覆盖率Media Director 媒介总监Media Executive媒介代表、媒介主任Media Inquiry媒体垂询Media Kit媒体资料包Media List媒体名单Media Manager媒介经理Media Monitor媒体监测Media Relations 媒介关系Media Research 媒体研究Media Tour媒体拜访或者媒体外出巡游Media媒体Meeting Agenda 会议议程Meeting Minutes 会议记录Merchandise促销物品Methodology 方法论Ml (Mind Identity)企业理念识别Ml (Media Index)企业媒体声望指数Mindshare品牌影响力份额Miscellaneous 杂费Monthly Report 月报Multifunctional Task Force 多职能任务小组National Standards of the PR Professional Qualification国家公共关系职业资格标准NC (North China)华北NE (Northeast China)东北Negative Report 负面报道New Product Launch 新产品公布News Clipping 新闻剪报News Release新闻公布Newsletter jSiHNo-profit PR非营利机构公关Norms of Excellent PR Management 卓著公共关系管理标准NW (Northwest China)西北Objective Diagnosis 目标诊断Offering服务内容On Site现场Online Advertisement 线上广告Online Communications 线上传播Online Marketing Communications 线上.营销传播Online media网络媒体Online Roadshow 网上路演Online Survey网上调查OOP (Out-of-Pocket)杂费、日常工作发生的成本Open-day Visits开放日参观Opinion Leader 舆论领袖OUTCOMES Evaluation Tools 输出级评估工具OUTPUTS Evaluation Tools 效果级评估工具Outsourcing 外包OV (One Voice) 一个声音Photo Library 图片库Planning Phase 策划阶段Polish文案润色POP (Point Of Purchase Advertising)导购点广告Positioning 定位Post Event善后工作Poster海报Postmortem会后书面的简短总结报告Postscript 后记PR Agency公关公司PR Consulting Market公关顾问服务市场PRConsulting Practice 公关顾问实务PR Consulting Service 公关顾问服务PRConsulting Tools公关帧问工具PR Directorr公共关系总监PR Evaluation公关评估PR Event公关活动PR Guideline公关方针PR Management Working Code 公关管理工作准则PR Manager公共关系经理PR Procedure公关流程PR Proposal公关建议书PR Supervisor公共关系主管Pre Event前期工作Pre-evaluation 预评估Preface 前言Presentation 演示、陈述President 总裁Press Conference新闻公布会Press Kit媒体新闻夹Press Release 新闻稿Print Media平面媒体Priority优先的Procurement Management 预警管理Product Test产品评测Profession Responsibility 职业义务Professional Association 专业协会Professional Certification 职业认证Professional Consultant 专业顾问Professional fee 专业服务费Professional Grading 专业等级Project Life Cycle 项目生命周期Project Management 项目管理Project Owner项目委托人Project Title项目标题Project公关项目Proposal公关建议书PRSA (Public Relations Society of America)美国公共关系协会Pubic Opinion公众舆论Public Affairs 公共事务Public Relations Consulting 公关顾问Public Relations Crisis 公关危机Public RelationsManagement 公关管理Public Relations 公共关系Public Utility 公用事业Publicity 宣传Q&A问题问答Qualified Project Manager 合格的项目经理Quality Control 质量操纵Quality Management 质量管理Questionnaire 调查问卷Quotation 报价Real Estate 房地产Recommendatory 推荐信Recruitment 招募Reference参考资料Rehearsal预演、彩排Report报告Reputation Management 声誉管理Research Tools研究工具Reseller经销商Retainer长期客户Review回顾、总结Risk Management 风险管理Roadshow巡展、路演Rude question不友好的问题SAE (Senior Account Executive)高级客户代表、高级客户主任SAM (Senior Account Manager)高级客户经理SB (Small business)小客户SC (South China)华南Scope Management 范畴管理Seminar研讨会Senior Consultant 高级顾问Senior Media Executive 高级媒介代表Senior Media Manager高级媒介经理Senior Vice President 高级副总裁Shareholders利靛关系人Simultaneous interpretation 同声传译Slide幻灯片Slogan 口号Social Activities 社会活动Social Responsibility 社会责任Source Materials客户提供的辅助资料Souvenirs & Gifts纪念品与礼品SOV (Share of Voice)Speaking with One Voice 用一个声音说话SpokesPerson Tips 发言人技巧Spokesperson 发n 人Sponsorship Planning 赞助策划Sponsorship 赞助Strategic Consulting 战略咨询Strategy Communications Systems 战略传播系统Strategy 战略Success Story成功故事Summary简介、概述Supplier供应商Survey调查SW (Southwest China)西南SWOT analysis优势、劣势、机遇、威胁分析Synopsis概要总结Target Audience 目标受众Task Marketing 任务营销TBD (To be Detail)需更全面信息Team小组、团队Technical Article 技术文章Theme主题Time Management 管理Time Sheet时间管理表Two-way Asymmetry双向非平衡模式Two-way Communications 双向传播Two-way Symmetry双向平衡模式Vendor供应商Venue会议地点Vertical media 行业媒体VI (Visual Identity)视觉识别VIP Speech讲话稿Virtual Computer 虚拟主机Vision愿景Voiceshare曝光信息份额VP (Vice President)副总裁VSB (Very smallbusiness)特小客户、超小客户Website Construction 网站建设Whitepaper 白皮书Workshops工作研讨Worldwide 全球特写feature articles以货代款in kind机构广告institutional advertising前期市场企业广告market prep corporate advertising营销公关marketing public relation新闻简报news/press release意见抽样opinion sampling招贴posters传媒炒作press agentry传媒工具press/media kit 公共事务public affairs公共关系户public relations 公共关系广告public relations advertising宣传publicity公众publics招聘广告recruitment advertising声望经营reputation management撰写讲演稿speechwriting赛场营销venue marketing新闻通报杀像video news release执行证明书affidavit of performance受众构成audience composition受众占有率audience share时间表avails一刻平均听众数average quarter-hour audience 一刻平均收听率average quarter-hour rating 一刻平均占有率average quarter-hour share 交换辛:迪加barter syndication无线电视broadcast TV有线电视cable TV单位成本CPP千人成本CPM累积听众数cumulative persons累积收听率cumulative rating时段组合day-part mix预定市场区域designated market areas班车时间drive time首播辛迪加first-run syndication形象移植imagery transfer信息式广告informercial互相连接interconnect广播电视网networks网外辛迪加off-network syndication协办participation basis占位价格preemption rate 黄金时段prime time节目式广告PLA节目收率视program rating行止编排形j弋programming formats视听率调查服务公司rating services电台指定时间run-of-station受众总数total audience总体受众计划total audience plan广告网络ad networks广告查询ad request横幅广告banner商业回邮件business reply mail 分类广告Web 站classified ad Web site编辑名录compiled lists 立体创意直邮creative dimensional direct mailing 数字互动媒介digital interactive media 直邮广告direct-mail advertising 内部刊物house organs 互动电视interactive TV互联网Internet互联网服务供应商Internet service provider销售信函sales letters广告礼品advertising specialty展台booths路牌bulletin structure车内尾部招贴car-end posters 电影贴片广告cinema advertising 陈列媒介exhibitive media 全面登场full showing 车内广告牌inside cards户外媒介out-of-home media车体招贴outside posters包装packaging奖品premiums标准户外广告standardized outdoor advertising成品招贴stock posters优惠贿券take-ones商业展示会trade shows交通广告transit advertising广告英语术语一媒介策划用语广行印象advertising impression广告反应曲线advertising response curve注意度attention value 受众audience受众H 标audience objectives品牌开发指数brand development index品种开发指数category development index发行量circulation成本效益cost efficiency单位成本cost per point千人成本cost per thousand创意组合creative mix分布目标distribution objectives仃效频次effective frequency有效到达率effective reach暴露值exposure value 频次frequency市场markets 组合mechanics 媒介media 媒介策划media planning 媒介载体media vehicles AEAccount Executive客户代表,或者客户执行。
EBEA伊顿优秀业务体系评估-Eaton Business Excellence AssessmentEBEA伊顿优秀业务体系优秀大奖-Eaton Business Excellence AwardEBEC伊顿优秀业务体系认证-Eaton Business Excellence CertificateEBE伊顿业务优秀-Eaton Business ExcellenceEBS伊顿业务体系-Eaton Business SystemELSS伊顿精益六西格玛-Eaton Lean Six SigmaELS伊顿精益生产系统-Eaton Lean SystemEQS伊顿质量体系-Eaton Quality SystemEPWP伊顿理念与实践-Eaton Philosophy Work PracticesAPEX争取优秀业绩-Achieving Performance EXcellencePBA基于绩效的审核-Performance Based AssessmentSCU转向器-Steering Control UnitsPV优先阀-Priority ValvesLT交付周期-Lead TimeWIP在制品-Work in processOTD及时交货率-On Time DeliveryDOH库存天数-Days on handABCQ(PSEQ)- Preferred首选的, Standard标准的, Extended扩展的, Quote to order精益生产8大工具-VSM、5S、SW、TPM、SUR、过失预防、CFM、PULL新精益生产8大工具-VSM、5S、SW、TPM、SUR、物料流、问题解决、六西格玛工具精益生产8大浪费-等待、过度加工、运输、废品、库存、过量生产、多余动作、未被采纳的创新〔添加此条〕物有其位,物在其位Place For Everything, Everything In It’s Place, All the Time5S-Sort〔整理〕、Straighten〔整顿〕、Shine〔打扫〕、Standardize〔清洁、标准化〕、Sustain〔素养〕VSM价值流程图-Value Stream MappingSW标准化工作-Standardized WorkTPM全面设备保护-Total Productive MaintenanceSUR快速换活-Set up ReductionCFM持续流动-Continuous Flow Manufacturing过失预防Error Proofing拉动生产Pull SystemEQS 16个方针-Management Review、Quality Training、Change Control Process、Processes to ID Special Characteristics、Eaton Internal Supplier PPAP/FAI、Supplier Quality Mgmt.、(P)FMEA、Process Control、MSA、Fresh Eyes Audit、Common Mfg. & Special Processes Audit、Process Capability Methods & Requirements、Control of Nonconforming Material、Performance Analysis and Improvement Process、Corrective and Preventive Action、Quality Alert SystemBSC平稳计分卡-Balanced ScorecardEPM企业绩效治理-Enterprise Performance ManagementPP利润方案-profit planSP战略方案-Strategic PlanBPI业务流程改良-Business Process ImprovementPIP业绩改良方案-Performance Improvement PlanSWOT-Strengths强项, Weakness弱势, Opportunities机会, Threats要挟KSI关键战略议题-Key Strategic IssuesKSO关键战略目标-Key Strategic ObjectivesCIF持续改良架构-Continuous Improvement FrameworkCI持续改良-Continuous ImprovementOpA运营审核-Operations AssessmentKOF关键运营要素-Key Operating FactorKOR关键运营结果-Key Operating ResultKPI关键业绩指标-Key Performance IndicationAPAC亚太地域-Asia PacificEMEA欧洲中东和非洲-Europe, Middle East, and AfricaFYI供你参考-For Your InformationYTD年初至今-Year To Date质量DPPM百万分比的缺点率-Defective parts per millionFMEA失效模式和后果分析-Failure Mode and Effect AnalysisAPQP先期质量规画-Advanced Product Quality PlanningMSA测量系统分析-Measurement system analysisDOE实验设计-Design of ExperimentCAR纠正和预防方法要求表-Corrective Action RequestSQE供给商质量工程师-Supplier Quality EngineerCPK进程能力分析-Complex Process Capability index纠正方法程序-Corrective Action Processes设备校准Equipment Calibration纠正预防方法Corrective and Preventive Action ProcessesSPC统计进程操纵-Statistical Process ControlTOPS解决问题小组-Team Oriented Problem SolvingQSP质量治理体系程序文件-Quality System ProcedureQM质量手册-Quality ManualQMS质量治理体系-Quality Management SystemMRB质量例会-Material Review BoardCQE注册质量工程师-Certified Quality EngineerQOS质量运营体系-Quality Operating SystemFTFR最终实验不合格率-Final Test Failure Rate8D-8 Disciplines (Structured team problem solving method)解决问题的8个步骤--成立团队、概念问题、采取遏制方法、全然缘故分析、选择和验证解决方案、执行预防方法、采取预防方法、总结鼓舞团队。
samgyetangchicken ginseng soup参鶏汤参鸡汤蔘鸡汤
samsaek-songpyeon half-moon rice cakes松叶で蒸した三色饼三色松糕 三色松糕
bibimbap with wild vegetables
in a hot stone pot
山菜石焼きビビンパ 野菜石锅拌饭山菜石锅拌饭
sanchae-bibimbap bibimbap with wild vegetables山菜ビビンパ 野菜拌饭山菜拌饭
saesongi neutari beoseotmushrooms松茸 平茸 松茸,平菇松茸,金顶侧耳
grilled tenderloin steak with
麻辣火鍋 spicy hot pot
麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
紅豆冰 Shaven ice with red bean
剉冰 shaven ice
八寶冰Eight treasures ice
綿綿冰 Mein mein ice
麥角冰 Oatmeal ice
松茸とヒレステーキ 松茸和嫩牛腩松茸和菲力牛排
sirloin steak with mushrooms松茸とサーロインステーキ 松茸牛柳排 松茸和莎朗牛排
【1】ASSRF(the Affective, Situation, Structure, Rule and Function Method)【2】DAM(the Dual Activity Method)【3】ESP(English for Specific Purpose)【4】FLT (Foreign Language Teaching)【5】LAD(language acquisition device)【6】UG(Universal Grammar)【7】SLA(second language acquisition):第二语言习得(S.D.Krashen)【8】CTB(Content-basedTeaching for ESL purposes)【9】EAP(English for Academic Purpose)【10】CALL(Computer-assisted language learning):计算机辅助语言教学【11】TPR(TotalPhysical Response)【12】CBI(Content-based Instruction)【13】CAH(Contrastive analysis hypothesis)【14】TEFL(Teaching English as a foreign language):外语教学【15】GTM(Grammar-Translation Method)【16】CLT(Communicative Language Teaching)【17】PPP (presentation, practice and production model)【18】CMC (Computer-MediatedCommunication)【19】L2(second language)【20】3DA(Three-Dimensional Approach)【21】OHP(The overhead projector)【22】CLA(Communicative language ability)【23】IELTS(the International English Language Testing System)【24】TESOL(Teaching English to speakers of other language):对外英语教学【25】TENOR(Teaching English for No Obvious Reason):First language (L1), second language (L2),ELT = English Learning and TeachingTESOL=“Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages” “对外英语教学”TEFL= Teaching English as a Foreign Language 外语教学SLA=Second Language Aquisition 第二语言习得(S.D.Krashen)CALL=计算机辅助语言教学(computer-assisted language learning)EAP(English for Academic Purposes)与ESP(English for Specific Purposes)英文全称为:National Matriculation English Test 全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语试题(高考英语)National Matriculation Entrance Test 全国普通高等学校入学考试VP=verb phrases 动词短语NP = noun phrase, 名词短语e.g. "a pretty girl"MT教学法:Mother Tongue母语教学法,PP = , prepositional phrase, e.g. "mainly about"AdvP = adverb phrase (AdvP should be inclulded in VP, verb phrase, e.g. "often think wisely")CP= complement phraseIP = is it "Infl P", inflection phrase?D-structure = deep structureS- structure = surface structureTPR教学法:Total Physical Response全身反应法4、LIKE教学法:L-Language语言,I-Information信息,K-Knowledge知识,E-English英语5、LAD教学法:Learning and Doing学与用相结合6、3S教学法:Skill技能、Strategy策略和Style风格ESL / EFL Abbreviations ExplainedELT - English Language TeachingEFL - English as a Foreign LanguageESL - English as a Second LanguageAE - American EnglishCanE - Canadian EnglishCALL - Computer-Assisted Language LearningCAT - Computer Adaptive TestingCBT - Computer-Based TeachingEAP - English for Academic PurposesEFL - English as a Foreign LanguageEGP - English for general purposesEIP - English as an International LanguageELT - English Language TeachingESL - English as a Second Language.ESOL - English for Speakers of Other LanguagesESP -English for Specific Purposes (business English, English for tourism, etc.) ETS - Educational Testing ServiceGPA - Grade Point AverageIATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language IPA - International Phonetic AssociationK12 - Kindergarten - 12th grade.L1 - Language 1 - native languageL2 - Language 2 - the language you are learningLEP - Limited English ProficienLL - Language LearningMT - Mother TongueNCTE - National Council of Teachers of English:全国英语教师委员会NLP - Neurolinguistic Programming:神经语言程序学NNEST - Non-Native English Speaking Teacher:非英语母语的英语教师NNL - Non-Native LanguageOE - Old EnglishRP - Received Pronunciation - 'standard' British pronunciationSAE - Standard American EnglishTEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign LanguageTEIL - Teaching English as an International LanguageTESL - Teaching English as a Second LanguageTESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages。
2492020年45期总第537期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS南非英语的特点与文化差异研究文/宋 俊出现该现象。
对于双元音/ai/、/au/中的/i/与/u/在非洲的英语中通常会消失,比如,“right”的/rait/会被读成/ræt/,“my”读为/mai/,在南非英语中易被读作/ma/,“allow”读为/ə' lau /,在南非英语中易被读作/ə' la /等。
2. 语法方面。
例如,①If she realize that you are not following in English she switches to Swahili.②Mark protects his wife and insults her.根据①可知,前后的动词方式是不一致的,动词realize后面的“s”丢掉了;②中的动词结尾的音都属于/t/,两个读音相似的音变成过去式“ed”的时候,结尾的音就会被忽视。
Modern Linguistics 现代语言学, 2017, 5(4), 357-365Published Online November 2017 in Hans. /journal/mlhttps:///10.12677/ml.2017.54048Some Characteristics of Black AmericanEnglishShengli Si1, Feifei Li21School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai2Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, ShanghaiReceived: Nov. 8th, 2017; accepted: Nov. 20th, 2017; published: Nov. 29th, 2017AbstractAs the main language used by the special group of American blacks, Black American English (BAE) is the most widely used minority language in American society. The rise of street culture origi-nated from the American blacks leads to the popularity of the Black American English. The Black American English being used nowadays has undergone great changes comparing to the Creole used then. This phenomenon is also consistent with the law of language development. With the improvement of social status, Black American English is being accepted by more and more people, which has brought extensive influence to American society and also affected the development of Standard American English.KeywordsBlack American English, Phonology, Lexical Phenomena, Inflection, Syntax美国黑人英语的一些特点司胜利1,李绯绯21同济大学经济与管理学院,上海2上海对外经贸大学,上海收稿日期:2017年11月8日;录用日期:2017年11月20日;发布日期:2017年11月29日摘要美国黑人英语作为美国黑人这一特殊群体所使用的主要语言,是美国社会应用最广的少数族裔语言。
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.Copyright © 2008 SAE InternationalAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of SAE.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER:Tel: 877-606-7323 (inside USA and Canada)Tel: 724-776-4970 (outside USA)Fax: 724-776-0790Email: CustomerService@ SAE WEB ADDRESS: h ttp://AMS4027NAEROSPACE MATERIALSPECIFICATION Issued 1942-12Reaffirmed 2007-04Revised 2008-07 Superseding AMS4027M Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061; -T6 Sheet, -T651 Plate)Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated(Composition comparable to UNS A96061)RATIONALEAMS4027N is changed to add response to heat treatment requirements. Amended per Spring 2008 Committee DMinutes.1. SCOPE1.1 FormThis specification covers an aluminum alloy in the form of sheet and plate.1.2 ApplicationThese products have been used typically for parts where strength is required and limited formability is acceptable, butusage is not limited to such applications.2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSThe issue of the following documents in effect on the date of the purchase order forms a part of this specification to theextent specified herein. The supplier may work to a subsequent revision of a document unless a specific document issueis specified. When the referenced document has been cancelled and no superseding document has been specified, thelast published issue of that document shall apply.2.1 SAE PublicationsAvailable from SAE International, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, Tel: 877-606-7323 (insideUSA and Canada) or 724-776-4970 (outside USA), .AMS2355Quality Assurance, Sampling and Testing, Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloy, Wrought Products, Except Forging Stock, and Rolled, Forged, or Flash Welded Rings AMS2772Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw MaterialsAS1990 Aluminum Alloy Tempers2.2 ASTM PublicationsAvailable from ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, Tel: 610-832-9585, .ASTM B 660 Packaging/Packing of Aluminum and Magnesium ProductsASTM B 666/B666M Identification of Aluminum and Magnesium Alloy Products2.3 ANSI PublicationsAvailable from American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036-8002, Tel: 212-642-4900, .ANSI H 35.2 Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum Mill ProductsANSI H 35.2M Dimensional Tolerances for Aluminum Mill Products (Metric)3. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS3.1 CompositionShall conform to the percentages by weight as shown in Table 1, determined in accordance with AMS2355.TABLE 1 - COMPOSITIONMaxElement Min0.8Silicon 0.400.7Iron --0.40Copper 0.150.15Manganese --1.2Magnesium 0.80.35Chromium 0.040.25Zinc --0.15Titanium --Other Elements, each -- 0.05Other Elements, total -- 0.15Aluminum remainder3.2 ConditionThe product shall be supplied in the following condition:3.2.1 SheetSolution and precipitation heat treated to the T6 temper (See AS1990) in accordance with AMS2772.3.2.2 PlateSolution heat treated, stretched to produce a nominal 1-1/2% nor more than 3%, and precipitation heat treated in accordance with AMS2772 to the T651 temper (See AS1990).3.3 PropertiesThe product shall conform to the following with AMS2355 on the mill produced size.3.3.1 TensilePropertiesShall be as shown in Table 2.TABLE 2A - MINIMUM TENSILE PROPERTIES, INCH/POUND UNITSNominal Thickness InchesTensileStrengthksiYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetksiElongation in2 inches or 4D%0.006 to 0.007, incl 42.0 35.0 4 Over 0.007 to 0.009, incl 42.0 35.0 6 Over 0.009 to 0.020, incl 42.0 35.0 8 Over 0.020 to 0.499, incl 42.0 35.0 10 Over 0.499 to 1.000, incl 42.0 35.0 9 Over 1.000 to 2.000, incl 42.0 35.0 8 Over 2.000 to 4.000, incl 42.0 35.0 6 Over 4.000 to 6.000, incl 40.0 35.0 6 TABLE 2B - MINIMUM TENSILE PROPERTIES, SI UNITSNominal ThicknessmmTensileStrengthMPaYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetMPaElongation in50.8 mm or 4D%0.15 to 0.18, incl 290 241 4Over 0.18 to 0.23, incl 290 241 6Over 0.23 to 0.51, incl 290 241 8Over 0.51 to 12.67, incl 290 241 10Over 12.67 to 25.40, incl 290 241 9Over 25.40 to 50.80, incl 290 241 8Over 50.80 to 101.60, incl 290 241 6Over 101.60 to 152.40, incl 276 241 63.3.2 BendingProduct shall withstand, without cracking, bending at room temperature through an angle of 180 degrees around a diameter equal to the bend factor shown in Table 3 times the nominal thickness of the product with axis of bend parallel to the direction of rolling.TABLE 3 - BENDING PARAMETERSNominal ThicknessInches Nominal ThicknessMillimetersBendFactor0.006 to 0.020, incl 0.15 to 0.51, incl 2 Over 0.020 to 0.036, incl Over 0.51 to 0.91, incl 3 Over 0.036 to 0.064, incl Over 0.91 to 1.63, incl 4 Over 0.064 to 0.128, incl Over 1.63 to 3.25, incl 5 Over 0.128 to 0.249, incl Over 3.25 to 6.32, incl 6 Over 0.249 to 0.499, incl Over 6.32 to 12.67, incl 73.3.3 Response to Heat Treatment3.3.3.1 Response to Heat Treatment (T62 Condition)When specified, the product, as received by purchaser, shall, without the subsequent imposition of cold working or forming operations, develop these properties after being solution heat treated and aged in accordance with AMS2772 to the -T62 condition (See AS1990). Tensile properties shall be as shown in Table4.TABLE 4A - MINIMUM TENSILE PROPERTIES, INCH/POUND UNITSNominal Thickness InchesTensileStrengthksiYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetksiElongation in2 inches or 4D%0.006 to 0.007, incl 42.0 35.0 4 Over 0.007 to 0.009, incl 42.0 35.0 6 Over 0.009 to 0.020, incl 42.0 35.0 8 Over 0.020 to 0.499, incl 42.0 35.0 10 Over 0.499 to 1.000, incl 42.0 35.0 9 Over 1.000 to 2.000, incl 42.0 35.0 8 Over 2.000 to 4.000, incl 42.0 35.0 6 TABLE 4B - MINIMUM TENSILE PROPERTIES, SI UNITSNominal ThicknessmmTensileStrengthMPaYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetMPaElongation in50.8 mm or 4D%0.15 to 0.18, incl 290 241 4Over 0.18 to 0.23, incl 290 241 6Over 0.23 to 0.51, incl 290 241 8Over 0.51 to 12.67, incl 290 241 10Over 12.67 to 25.40, incl 290 241 9Over 25.40 to 50.80, incl 290 241 8Over 50.80 to 101.60, incl 290 241 Product shall withstand, without cracking, bending at room temperature through an angle of 180 degreesaround a diameter equal to the bend factor shown in Table 3 times the nominal thickness of the product withaxis of bend parallel to direction of rolling. Response to Heat Treatment (T42 Condition)When specified, the product, as received by purchaser, shall, without the subsequent imposition of cold working or forming operations, develop these properties after proper solution heat treatment and natural aging in accordance with AMS2772 to the -T42 condition (See AS1990). Aging Period Before TestingSpecimens in the T42 condition will not be required to be tested within 4 days after completion of the solution heat treatment. If, within this period, the manufacturer elects to test specimens, which thereupon fail to meet the requirements, they can discard these original test results and test additional specimens selected after four days of aging. These specimens shall be selected from the same location in the production lot or sample as those tested previously in accordance with AMS2355. Tensile properties shall be as shown in Table 5.TABLE 5A - MINIMUM TENSILE PROPERTIES, INCH/POUND UNITSNominal Thickness InchesTensileStrengthksiYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetksiElongation in2 inches or 4D%Over 0.006 to 0.007, incl 30.0 14.0 10 Over 0.007 to 0.009, incl 30.0 14.0 12 Over 0.009 to 0.020, incl 30.0 14.0 14 Over 0.020 to 0.249, incl 30.0 14.0 16 Over 0.249 to 1.000, incl 30.0 14.0 18 Over 1.000 to 3.000, incl 30.0 14.0 16 TABLE 5B - MINIMUM TENSILE PROPERTIES, SI UNITSNominal ThicknessmmTensileStrengthMPaYield Strengthat 0.2% OffsetMPaElongation in50.8 mm or 4D%0.15 to 0.18, incl 207 97 10Over 0.18 to 0.23, incl 207 97 12Over 0.23 to 0.51, incl 207 97 14Over 0.51 to 6.32, incl 207 97 16Over 6.32 to 25.40, incl 207 97 18Over 25.40 to 76.20, incl 207 97 Product shall withstand, without cracking, bending at room temperature through an angle of 180 degreesaround a diameter equal to the bend factor shown in Table 6 times the nominal thickness of the product withaxis of bend parallel to direction of rolling.TABLE 6 - BENDING PARAMETERSNominal ThicknessInches Nominal ThicknessMillimetersBendFactor0.006 to 0.020, incl 0.15 to 0.51, incl 2Over 0.020 to 0.036, incl Over 0.51 to 0.91, incl 3Over 0.036 to 0.064, incl Over 0.91 to 1.63, incl 3Over 0.064 to 0.128, incl Over 1.63 to 3.25, incl 3Over 0.128 to 0.249, incl Over 3.25 to 6.32, incl 3Over 0.249 to 0.499, incl Over 6.32 to 12.67, incl 43.4 QualityThe product, as received by purchaser, shall be uniform in quality and condition, sound, and free from foreign materials and from imperfections detrimental to usage of the product.3.5 TolerancesShall conform to all applicable requirements of ANSI H35.2 or ANSI H35.2M.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for InspectionThe vendor of the product shall supply all samples for vendor's tests and shall be responsible for the performance of all required tests. Purchaser reserves the right to sample and to perform any confirmatory testing deemed necessary to ensure that the product conforms to specified requirements of this specification.4.2 Classification of TestsTests4.2.1 AcceptanceComposition (3.1), tensile properties (3.3.1), and tolerances (3.5) are acceptance tests and, except for composition, shall be performed on each lot.Tests4.2.2 PeriodicBending (3.3.2) is a periodic test and shall be performed at a frequency selected by the vendor unless frequency of testing is specified by purchaser. Response to heat treatment (3.3.3) is performed when specified by purchaser.4.3 Sampling and TestingShall be in accordance with AMS2355.4.4 ReportsThe vendor of the product shall furnish with each shipment a report stating that the product conforms to the composition and showing the numerical results of tests to determine conformance to the other acceptance tests. This report shall include the purchase order number, producer lot number(s), AMS4027M, product form, size, and quantity. The report shall also identify the producer and the size of the mill product.4.5 Resampling and RetestingShall be in accordance with AMS2355.5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY5.1 IdentificationShall be in accordance with ASTM B 666/B 666M.5.2 Packaging5.2.1 Product shall be protected from damage during storage and shipment by a method determined by vendor unlessspecified by purchaser. Examples of typical protective methods include but are not limited to interleaving with paper or oiling of the surface.5.2.2 The product shall be prepared for shipment in accordance with ASTM B 660 and in compliance with applicablerules and regulations pertaining to the handling, packaging, and transportation of the product to ensure carrier acceptance and safe delivery.6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTA vendor shall include this specification number and its revision letter in all quotations and when acknowledging purchase orders.7. REJECTIONSProduct not conforming to this specification, or to modifications authorized by purchaser, will be subject to rejection.8. NOTES8.1 A change bar (|) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technicalrevisions, not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.8.2 Dimensions and properties in inch/pound units are primary; dimensions and properties in SI units are shown as theapproximate equivalents of the primary units and are presented only for information.8.3 Terms used in AMS are clarified in ARP1917.8.4 Purchase documents should specify not less than the following:AMS4027NForm and size of product requiredQuantity of product requiredResponse to heat treatment.8.5 Similar SpecificationsAMS-QQ-A-250/11 is listed for information only and shall not be construed as an acceptable alternate unless all requirements of this AMS are met.8.6 These mechanical properties have been taken from QQ-A-250/11 and have not been substantiated by AMSstatistical procedures.PREPARED BY AMS COMMITTEE "D"。
第一课专业英语基础一、专业英语概论专业英语的英文原文:English for Special Purpose专业英语教学的特点:语言密切结合专业知识教材来源:相关的专业文献,如理工科的专业文献有文摘、论文、专著、教科书、研究报告、专利说明书、标准、产品样本和说明书等其中,论文、专著和教科书的语言风格相近,又是科技人员的主要阅读对象,应该作为专业阅读课的主要内容。
科技文献写作的特点:严谨、简洁专业英语阅读要点:理解二、专业英语的基本特点在文章结构方面:逻辑严谨,层次分明在用词方面:大量专业词汇和专业术语在语法方面:非人称的语气和客观的态度,较多地使用被动语态,并采用图表等非语言因素的表达手段第二课因特网的信息检索一.因特网的信息资源1、World Wide Web信息资源2、Telnet信息资源3、FTP信息资源4、Usenet用户服务组信息资源5、Gopher信息资源二.因特网信息检索1、因特网检索工具2、因特网图书与期刊信息检索1)图书馆公共可检索目录(OPAC)2)电子期刊3)机械工程专业信息检索ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers),SAE ( Society of Automobile Engineers ) ,IMECHE (Institution of Mechanical engineers )第三课文献检索按出版类型划分,专业文献可分为图书、期刊和特种文献三大类。
一、期刊和会议文献的检索1、Engineering Index, Ei美国工程索引是最具有影响力的工程技术文摘性期刊,报道的内容遍及工程技术的各个领域,Ei从五千多种国际性期刊和会议文集中收录文献和文摘,并且它所报道的文摘都是经过专家们精心挑选编撰的,具有很高的学术价值,深受广大工程技术人员的欢迎。
南非英语发音特点The English language, with its diverse accents and dialects, is a true testament to the global influence ofthe British Empire. One such variant, South African English, stands out not only for its unique vocabulary but also for its distinct pronunciation patterns. This article delvesinto the characteristics of South African English pronunciation, examining its historical roots, common features, and the challenges it poses for learners.**Historical Roots of South African English**South African English, often referred to as SAE or Afrikaans-English, has a rich history that dates back tothe 17th century. The first settlers in South Africa, primarily from the British Isles, brought their languageand cultural practices with them. Over time, as the colony grew and attracted immigrants from various parts of the world, English evolved to accommodate the influx of new words and phrases. This linguistic evolution was further influenced by the integration of Afrikaans, a Dutch-based language, into the local lexicon.**Common Features of South African English Pronunciation**1. **Vowel Shifts**: South African English is characterized by vowel shifts that are not typically found in other varieties of the language. For example, the vowel sound in the word "dance" is often pronounced more like "drawnce" in SAE.2. **Rhotic Accent**: Unlike many other varieties of English, South African English is rhotic, meaning that the 'r' sound is pronounced in words like "car" and "far". This gives SAE a distinctive, almost rolling, quality to its pronunciation.3. **Glottal Stop**: Another unique feature of South African English is the frequent use of the glottal stop, a sound produced by briefly closing the glottis (the space between the vocal cords) to interrupt the airflow. This can be heard in words like "button" and "action", where the 't' sound is replaced by a brief pause.4. **Extended Consonants**: South African English speakers tend to elongate consonant sounds, especially at the end of words. For instance, the "s" in "class" may be pronounced more like "classy" or the "th" in "this" may sound more like "thisss".**Challenges for Learners**For non-native speakers, learning to pronounce South African English can be challenging due to its unique features. Here are some tips for overcoming these challenges:* **Listen and Mimic**: The best way to learn any new pronunciation is by listening to native speakers and trying to mimic their sounds. Listen to podcasts, watch TV shows, and speak with locals to familiarize yourself with the SAE accent. * **Practice Regularly**: Consistency is key when it comes to improving pronunciation. Dedicate regular time to practice speaking South African English, focusing on the unique vowel shifts, consonant elongations, and glottal stops. * **Be Patient with Yourself**: Learning a new accent takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and don't be afraid to make mistakes. With enough practice, you'll eventually master the nuances of South African English pronunciation.**Conclusion**South African English, with its distinct pronunciation patterns and historical roots, is a fascinating variant ofthe global language. Its unique vowel shifts, rhotic accent, glottal stops, and extended consonants give it a recognizable and charming quality that sets it apart from other varieties of English. While learning to pronounce South African English may pose some challenges for non-native speakers, with dedication and practice, these obstacles can be overcome, allowing for a deeper understanding and appreciation of this unique linguistic phenomenon.。
韩国新村运动Saemaul Undong-English(2004)
Saemaul Undong in KoreaAt the end of the Asian continent is the Korean peninsula. 5000 years of culture and heritage is a part of the Korean people. A country colonized at the end of the 19th century. A land divided in half as a result of the cold war. A country that started as the poorest and now is the 12th largest economical powerhouse. The host country of the 88 Olympics and the 2002 FIFA World Cup. From rags to riches, Korea has shown enormous potential. We will like to show the basis of what made all this possible - Saemaul Undong.Korea's Saemaul UndongDespite all the invasions and war, Korea has maintained a unique culture that was not influenced by any of these incidents.However, the Japanese annexation at the end of the 19th century and the Korean War took away all that. Until the late 1960's, the Korean society was uprooted by differences in ideas and ravished by poverty. The per capita GNP at that time was 85 dollars. The majority of Korean people barely had enough to buy food.Since the Korean economy was based on agriculture, consistent floods and draught caused nationwide famine.Lethargy, chaos and frustration defined the Korean society at that time. The major concern of the government was to thwart poverty. Export manufactured products the main source of income growth. The 5-year economic plan that started in 1962 started to show results, and from the 1970s, the Korean economy began to take off.Due to this economic expansion, young people started flocking into the cities. In the 1960s, the government worked in increasing the production of foodstuffs. But premodern living environment still remained in rural communities.Until 1970, 80% of the rural communities had thatched roofs, and 80% were living with the help of oil lamps in place of electricity.The Birth of Saemaul UndongAfter the floods of 1969, the people were repairing roofs and roads without government aid. This caused great inspiration to President Park Jung Hee to help the rural community.President Park realized that government aid would be useless unless the people decided to do things byself-helping spirit. Moreover, motivating the rural community's self help and cooperation was the key to developing the rural areas.These ideas were the basis for Saemaul Undong.Implementing Saemaul UndongDuring the 1970's, the government had no funds to start the project. However, with a little government aid, there were many basic needs that could be improved. The government experimentally proposes the 10 major projects for improving rural areas. These include expanding and straightening local roads, improving roofs, kitchens and fences, opening laundry facilities, community wells, building bridges and improving water systems.And the 35 thousand rural villages received an average of 355 sacks of cement for free. The projects were under the sole custody of the village council. 16,000 villages, which are more than half of all the villages in the rural area, showed major improvements.The majority of the projects were done by village funds and used self-labor. During the second year of the nationwide project, villages with major improvements were supplied with extra 500 sacks of cement and another 1 ton of steel wire by the government. The government decided to help villages that help themselves.Thatched roofs and mud fences were replaced with modern tiles and cemented walls. Roadsides were expanded, riverbanks were repaired, and bridges were built in rural villages.The villages developed with blinding speed. The rural people regained their confidence. Lethargic neighbors were stimulated to develop their own villages. Korea's rural areas showed signs of urbanization and development.Gaining confidence on the 3rd year, the government decided to split the 35 thousand villages into 3 categories depending on their level of development. And there was a difference in the amount of government aid in the 3 different categories.Environment projects increased in size as the years progressed. Hosing and other facilities were restructured to fit the rural community. Modernization in kitchen and bathrooms along with new water pipelines were implemented. Community and public facilities such as village centers, multi purpose recreational centers along with public baths, warehouses and other public facilities were built.The success of the environmental projects led to the projects for increase productivity. The people repaved the small paths into roads, so farming vehicles could make way into the fields. The government played a major role for the increase in rural income. In 1974, the rural output reached unprecedented levels.Agricultural education caused a revolution in farming methods. Conventional farming methods for raisingrice and barely were radically changed to composite farming.Making agriculture complexes for profitable products such as mushrooms and tobacco helped to increase the overall income. Using greenhouses allowed the farmers to harvest fresh vegetables during the winter. Making community work places enabled the people to reduce unnecessary money loss due to individual labor.Raising cows, pigs and chicken allowed for more profits. Fishing villages changed their production methods from fishing to breeding fish.Moreover, developing watering systems, cleaning the streams and farming areas were the key developing points for increasing the productivity of the rural community.Big projects such as building roads and sewage systems were done as a joint venture with neighboring villages to reduce costs.Moreover, the government built factories at the rural areas to increase the income of rural areas. Saemaul factories gave women a workplace and a chance to increase the total income.As a result, rural income steadily increased. In 1974, the rural income surpassed the urban income. In 1978, 98% of all villages became economically self-reliant.The success of Saemaul Undong in the rural areas caused a spread to non-farming areas such as schools, work places, cities and factories, along with many other fields.The cities started the projects to stop corruption and to build a new metropolitan paradise.The three campaigns of Saemaul Undong consist of 3 components. They are mental, behavioral, and environmental initiatives.The mental campaign include better ties with neighbors, inheriting and advancing traditional ethics propped up by filial piety and strengthening community awareness.The behavioral campaign emphasized on public order on the streets, positive interactions, public manners, and prohibiting drunken misconduct.The environmental campaign stressed cleanliness of the area around an individual's home or business, controlling the street environment and developing greener cities and streams.At the workplace, the project concentrated on making healthy values and beliefs along with a decent social interaction between co-workers. Creating a oneness within the workplace, helping the rural community, helping the homeless, and staying in line were some of the project's objectives.The factory Saemaul Undong directed its energy to restoring the trust and affection of consumers and the general public as a whole.Emphasis was placed on consolidating the foundation for industrial peace and coexistence by bridging the gap in value systems between labor and management, and establishing sound corporate ethics. Moreover, rural community service was another way of establishing sound moral ethics.The Saemaul schools were the foundations of the Saemaul spirit. Students learned about Saemaul Undong and its contributions to society.Villages and work places provided further education of Library Saemaul Undong along with places for recreational activities.Especially, the rural libraries provided information for new methods of farming. This was a major breakthrough for the rural community, and was the reason for increased income.What is Saemaul Undong?Saemaul Undong did not start off as a major project. After 3 years of experimentation, the government realized that without the self-will of the people, Saemaul Undong would lead to failure.Saemaul Undong is not only an action based project, but also a mental reform based on the conviction that anything can be done and the will that we can do it.In other words, Saemaul Undong is a struggle for a better life, not only for the individual but also for the benefit of the society as a whole.Wealth is not only a material concept, but also a mental one. It is important not only for the people to lead better lives but also for their descendants as well. It is a project to build a foundation for a better life. A better life for the family and neighbors, along with society and the nation is the goal for Saemaul Undong. The 3 main values for Saemaul Undong are diligence, self-help and cooperation.Diligence leads to sincerity. As the phrase, "The early bird catches the worm." shows diligence leads to sincerity, a value that doesn't allow for falseness, hypocrisy and vanity.Self-help defines one's fate based on one's effort. The proverb, "Heaven helps those who help themselves." shows that one is the master of one's fate. One has to be totally independent and must not ask for help from the outside.Cooperation is based on a pursuit for community growth. "Two heads are better than one." As this proverb shows, community growth should be a team effort.Therefore, these 3 values and ethics of Saemaul Undong are the essence for a new society and building a prosperous nation.Ultimately, the goal of Saemaul Undong is building a united community and nation and storing peace and order to mankind.How did Saemaul Undong Practice?The prototype Saemaul Undong started as the government was being in charge while giving self-governance to the village council. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was in charge of the project. Other branches of the government took minor roles in the project for a smooth operation. County councils andprovince council also took part in this project. Town and village councils made a village executive committee to ensure the smooth operation of the project and the villages had a male and female Saemaul leader along with a municipal development committee.The development committee had a division of women and a division of youths along with other subcommittees. The village development committee made new plans and ran the other subcommittees. The committee's mission was to increase the income of the village and implementing new values and beliefs.Saemaul projects were based on the county council's decision and was needed authorization from the magistrate.The criteria for selecting new projects were based on the necessity for the residents, complementation of regional conditions serving all residents in the project area and the long-term effects of the project. Implementation of the projects starts as raising as much of the necessary funds as the residents can afford, applying for and receiving external assistance in the forms of raw materials, money and technology. Public servants are asked to visit, at least twice a month to check and guide the progress of the national initiative in their jurisdiction.A public employee who is a division chief is briefed monthly and there is an annual progress report. Stage evaluation was an important part of Saemaul Undong. There is a pre project report, an interim report and a post project report. The effects of the previous project were taken in deep consideration for the development of new projects. The post project reports were used widely as a merit system for village with achievements.Educating Saemaul LeadersAfter a year of experimentation, the government recognizes the importance of a leader. Villages with a leader followed the national guidelines properly but villages without one spent their resources uselessly. Therefore, the development and poor implementation of Saemaul Undong needed dedicated leaders for the cause.Since the government realized the importance for a leader, the government opened the training institute for Saemaul leaders in 1972. Each village had a male and female appointee.The leadership training emphasized on self-sacrifice and setting a positive example. Education took place in a communal camp, where they would learn teamwork and cooperation.Interactive education done by sharing success stories during small group discussions, and offers for continued guidance and assistance were given to the leaders. The leaders after the training were the main source of leadership and guidance for the other villagers.During a time where female involvement was limited, the involvement of the female population broughtradical changes. The women raised funds for the development of the village. They saved rice and put their energy in city-beautiful movements. Moreover, the women helped to ban gambling and drinking. The number of bars and pubs started to decline during this time.The education that was aimed for Saemaul leaders started to influence politicians, media people, religious leaders and foreigners. Politician's leaders that didn't show interest in Saemaul Undong were highly influenced by Saemaul educational system. This was a cause in an increase for Saemaul Undong funds and the reason why Saemaul Undong became a nationwide project.The Success of Saemaul Undong and its ProblemsThe success of Saemaul Undong has two major reasons.First was the policy of government using a competitive system that caused total involvement of the rural community. The inspired leadership of the government and the funding was a stimulus for the villagers. Moreover, praising and rewarding successful villages was another motivation for success.Second were the dedication of the Saemaul leaders and the total involvement of the villagers. The people were surprised by the results and felt accomplishment. This accomplishment led to self-confidence and this confidence gave birth to a purpose for success. People became diligent and understood the true meaning of cooperation.There was great success, but every achievement has its dark side.The total involvement of the government was the major source of success in the beginning but became the major setback.Standardized government planning based on the merit system became another problem. Success was only based on material wealth. This caused people to rely on outside funding and was a cause for the passive attitude of the people. Moreover, it was a major cause for environmental destruction along with the loss of tradition and culture.Challenges, endeavors and pioneering are the main ingredients of human history.In any era, in any country that has a successful race and people, it has a strong foundation of moral ethics and drive for success.A better life! A better life for the future!It has been 30 years since that slogan has driven the Korean people toward success. From a country with GNP less than 100 dollars to a country with a GNP of 10,000 dollars, this is the miracle done by the hands of the Korean people.Now for the prosperity for mankind, Saemaul Undong will provide the foundation. It is the wish of the Korean people that Saemaul Undong will be a key part in providing the world a chance to prosper andthrive. Thank you.。
【1】ASSRF(the Affective, Situation, Structure, Rule and Function Method)【2】DAM(the Dual Activity Method)【3】ESP(English for Specific Purpose)【4】FLT (Foreign Language Teaching)【5】LAD(language acquisition device)【6】UG(Universal Grammar)【7】SLA(second language acquisition):第二语言习得(S.D.Krashen)【8】CTB(Content-basedTeaching for ESL purposes)【9】EAP(English for Academic Purpose)【10】CALL(Computer-assisted language learning):计算机辅助语言教学【11】TPR(TotalPhysical Response)【12】CBI(Content-based Instruction)【13】CAH(Contrastive analysis hypothesis)【14】TEFL(Teaching English as a foreign language):外语教学【15】GTM(Grammar-Translation Method)【16】CLT(Communicative Language Teaching)【17】PPP (presentation, practice and production model)【18】CMC (Computer-MediatedCommunication)【19】L2(second language)【20】3DA(Three-Dimensional Approach)【21】OHP(The overhead projector)【22】CLA(Communicative language ability)【23】IELTS(the International English Language Testing System)【24】TESOL(Teaching English to speakers of other language):对外英语教学【25】TENOR(Teaching English for No Obvious Reason):First language (L1), second language (L2),ELT = English Learning and TeachingTESOL=“Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages” “对外英语教学”TEFL= Teaching English as a Foreign Language 外语教学SLA=Second Language Aquisition 第二语言习得(S.D.Krashen)CALL=计算机辅助语言教学(computer-assisted language learning)EAP(English for Academic Purposes)与ESP(English for Specific Purposes)英文全称为:National Matriculation English Test 全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语试题(高考英语)National Matriculation Entrance Test 全国普通高等学校入学考试VP=verb phrases 动词短语NP = noun phrase, 名词短语e.g. "a pretty girl"MT教学法:Mother Tongue母语教学法,PP = , prepositional phrase, e.g. "mainly about"AdvP = adverb phrase (AdvP should be inclulded in VP, verb phrase, e.g. "often think wisely")CP= complement phraseIP = is it "Infl P", inflection phrase?D-structure = deep structureS- structure = surface structureTPR教学法:Total Physical Response全身反应法4、LIKE教学法:L-Language语言,I-Information信息,K-Knowledge知识,E-English英语5、LAD教学法:Learning and Doing学与用相结合6、3S教学法:Skill技能、Strategy策略和Style风格ESL / EFL Abbreviations ExplainedELT - English Language TeachingEFL - English as a Foreign LanguageESL - English as a Second LanguageAE - American EnglishCanE - Canadian EnglishCALL - Computer-Assisted Language LearningCAT - Computer Adaptive TestingCBT - Computer-Based TeachingEAP - English for Academic PurposesEFL - English as a Foreign LanguageEGP - English for general purposesEIP - English as an International LanguageELT - English Language TeachingESL - English as a Second Language.ESOL - English for Speakers of Other LanguagesESP -English for Specific Purposes (business English, English for tourism, etc.) ETS - Educational Testing ServiceGPA - Grade Point AverageIATEFL - International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language IPA - International Phonetic AssociationK12 - Kindergarten - 12th grade.L1 - Language 1 - native languageL2 - Language 2 - the language you are learningLEP - Limited English ProficienLL - Language LearningMT - Mother TongueNCTE - National Council of Teachers of English:全国英语教师委员会NLP - Neurolinguistic Programming:神经语言程序学NNEST - Non-Native English Speaking Teacher:非英语母语的英语教师NNL - Non-Native LanguageOE - Old EnglishRP - Received Pronunciation - 'standard' British pronunciationSAE - Standard American EnglishTEFL - Teaching English as a Foreign LanguageTEIL - Teaching English as an International LanguageTESL - Teaching English as a Second LanguageTESOL - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages。
8药物临床期间SAE严重不良事件报告表 中英文对照版
严重不良事件报告表(SAE)新药临床研究批准文号:编号:报告类型□首次报告□随访报告□总结报告报告时间:年月日医疗机构及专业名称电话申报单位名称电话试验用药品名称中文名称:英文名称:药品注册分类及剂型分类:□中药□化学药□治疗用生物制品□预防用生物制品□其它注册分类:剂型:临床研究分类□Ⅰ期□Ⅱ期□Ⅲ期□Ⅳ期□生物等效性试验□临床验证临床试验适应症:非小细胞肺癌受试者基本情况姓名拼音缩写:出生日期:性别:□男□女身高(cm):体重(Kg):合并疾病及治疗:□有□无1.疾病:__________治疗药物:__________用法用量:_______________2.疾病:__________治疗药物:__________用法用量:_______________3.疾病:__________治疗药物:__________用法用量:_______________SAE的医学术语(诊断)SAE情况□死亡______年___月___日□导致住院□延长住院时间□伤残□功能障碍□导致先天畸形□危及生命□其它SAE发生时间:_______年___月___日研究者获知SAE时间:_______年___月___日对试验用药采取的措施□继续用药□减小剂量□药物暂停后又恢复□停用药物SAE转归□症状消失(后遗症□有□无)□症状持续SAE与试验药的关系□肯定有关□可能有关□可能无关□肯定无关□无法判定SAE报道情况国内:□有□无□不详;国外:□有□无□不详SAE发生及处理的详细情况:报告单位名称:报告人职务/职称:报告人签名:Serious Adverse Event Report(SAE)Report Institution:Position Title of the Reporter:Reporter’s Signature:。
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4)常用控制图表类 常用控制图表类 P-Chart X-R-Chart UCL CL LCL Master control chart 5)常用术语 CAR(corrective action request) CSP(continuous sampling plan) AQL(acceptable quality level) SPC(statistical process control) TQS(TDK quality system) QCC(quality control cycle) DPPM(defect part per million) QA抽检到的坏品数占抽检数的百万分比率 4M1E: man machine marterial method enviroment 5W1H: why what who where when how PDCA: plan do check action 计划 执行 检查 总结 为什么 做什么 又谁做 何处 何时 如何做 人 机 料 法 环 纠正措施要求 连续抽样计划 可接受质量水平 统计过程控制 TDK品质体系 品管圈 不合格品率控制图 平均值-极差控制图 上控制线 中线 下控制限 标准件控制图表
4.生产管理用 生产管理用 accept approve audit cancel complain confirm copy data date update 5.品质管理知识常用名词 品质管理知识常用名词 1)标识类 Part No Lot No Project No Traveller Marking 2)不合格品處理方法類 RTV(return to vendor) UAI(use as is) Rework Salvage scrap 3)盽常用品質文件類 QM(Quality Manual) QSP(Quality System Procedure) QCFC(Quality Control Flow Chart EI(Engineering Insturction) IC(Instruction Card) ECN(engineering Change Notice) ENW(Engineering Notice/Waiver) QAI(Quality Assurance Instruction) PA(Production Aid) PI(production Instruction) 品質手冊 品質系統程序 品質控制流程圖 工程指示 工作程序指示 工程變更通告 工程通告/暫允 品質保証指示 生產輔助 生产操作指示 退回供應商 暫允使用 翻修 產品主件回收 報廢 产品编号 产品批号 品种代号 流程纸 標記 影印。拷贝 数据 日期 更新 接受 批准 审核 删除,注销 投诉
Substrate Leading Edge Air Bearing Surface
磁座 引入边 气垫面
Slider Damper Load Gram Spacer Bearing Slider Actuator
磁头 缓冲片 L/G位 底片 轴承 磁头 制动臂
noise over curing outer diameter(O.D) iter(O/W) packing peel strength pit potting resistance check read current resolution(RES) signal solvent mark tin dip torque UV chamber curing wire bonding wire tacking write current
噪声 矩炉烘干 外径 覆写 包装 拉力测试 花点 粘和 电阻测试 读电流 分辨能力 信号 水渍或溶渍 上锡 扭力 紫外线箱烘干 线连接 线加胶 写电流
3.生产工序常用名词 生产工序常用名词 action adhesive adjustment anti-static average carton box check point chip crack clean room computer contamination cycle time defect disk down time equipement fall time final visual inspection finger cot fixture inch indicator label lead time limit list machine maintain man hour material master delete description exit flow good input inspection internal audit ISO management maximum(MAX) memorandum(MEMO) 行动 胶 调校 抗静电 平均 纸箱 检查要点 崩 裂缝 无尘室 电脑计算机 污染,污渍 循环次数 坏品,缺陷 碟片 停机时间 器材,设备 下降时间 最终外观检查 脂套 夹具 英寸 显示器,指示器 贴纸,标签 流程时间 限度,极限 一览表,目录 机器 维护,维持 人手效率 材料 标准件,原稿 删除,消除 内容 退出,出口 流程 良好 输入 检查 内部审核 国际标准化组织 管理 最大 备忘录 minimum(MIN) material review board(MRB) output packing list pass percent plan poor record rate reject remark report schedule specification sort target tray profile inspector opereator metal meter microscope press process project prototype prototype package Q-tip sample solvent spare part quality quantity start stop switch temperature tooling vacuum wafer wire yield 最小 不会格品评审组 出数,产量 包装清单 合格 百分比 计划 不良 记录 比率,等级 拒收 注解 报告 计划,编排 规格 分类,整理 目标 架子,托盘 轮廓,外形 检查者 操作者 金属 议表 显微镜 压,按 工序 品种 试制样品 样品试制资料 棉签 样本,样品 溶剂 配件 质量 数量 开始 停止 开关 温度 工具 真空 磁片,集磁块 线 优率
SAE 常用英语
1穝新科产品结构名称 穝新科产品结构名称
1)Composite Slider(合成磁头) Leading Edge 引入边 Glass 玻璃 Coil Slot 绕线槽 Gap 隙口 Air Groove 通气槽 2)MR(Magneto Ressistance 磁组磁头) Pole 极尖 Bond Pad 焊线位 Trailing Surface 尾随面 Air Groove 通气槽 3)HGA(Head Gimbal Assembly 磁头折片组合) Wire 线 Crimber 钳管 Suspension 折片 Service loop 线弯位 4)HSA(Head Stack Assembly 磁头臂组合) Voice Coil 音圈 Flex Cable 软线路板 Suspension 折片 2.MFG部门生产工序常用名词 部门生产工序常用名词 部门生产工序常用名词 A-B dimension A-B尺寸检查 add sliver 加银油 assembly 装配 ball stacking 钢珠嵌合 bent 折痕 comb 分隔叉 conformal coating 加胶 crimping 钳线 effective track width(ETW) 有效磁轨阔度 dirty 污渍 dynamic performance test 动态性能测试 flyign height test 飞行高度测试 high frequency 高频率 hook up 焊线 incoming inspection 来料检查 inner diameter(I.D) 内径 load gram check 荷重力检查 low frequency(LF) 低频率 moonlander test 登月测试(静能测试) Housing Core Trailing Edge Air Bearing Surface 磁座 磁心 尾随面 气垫面