人教版高一英语必修一 Unit 1 单元基础复习练习题 含答案
人教版高一英语必修一Unit 1 单元基础复习练习题一、单项选择1. This is the reason ____he explained to me just now.A. whyB. whichC. becauseD. about which2. The reason he is late is there was a breakdown on the railway.A. why; whyB. because; thatC. that; becauseD. why; that3. I will never forget the day _____ we worked together in London.A. whenB. on thatC. whichD. while4. I will never forget the day _____ we spend together.A. whenB. on thatC. whichD. while5. Because he was six, he decided to _____ himself.A. wearB. have onC. dressD. put on6. It was 8 o’clock _____ I went back home last night.A. thatB. whenC. whichD. what7. __________ you missed such a fine lecture?A. How it was thatB. It was how thatC. How was it thatD. Was it how that8. I just wonder _______ that makes you so excited.A. why it doesB. what he doesC. how it isD. what it is9. It was not until she got home __ Mary realized she had lost her keys.A. thatB. whenC. whereD. before10. What do you think ______ cut down the big tree?A. we can'tB. can't weC. that we can'tD. that can't we二、用括号里所给词汇的正确形式填空1. I find the story really worth ______(read).2. Where ____you ___ (be) for the past few years?3. They are practising _______(sing) the new songs.4. What do you think ______ (cause)an apple ______ (fall) to the ground?5. This book deals with questions _________(concern) Anti-Japanese War.三、用方框里所给词汇的正确形式填空join ; join in ; take part in; attend1. Will you ________ the lecture on science?2. Would you like to _______ us ___ playing football?3. After ____________ the League, he often helps others.4. She ______________ the music competition.5. We _______ a country club that year.6. We’re going to visit the flower show tomorrow. Will you ____ us?7. The boy ________ the English Evening and had a good time.8. He didn’t _________ school yesterday because of his illness.四、从方框内选用合适的内容,并用其适当形式完成下面短文(每项限用一次)。
必修一第一单元测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 必修一第一单元的主题是:A. 古代文明的兴起B. 工业革命的影响C. 现代国家的建立D. 科学革命的成果2. 以下哪项不是必修一第一单元中提到的古代文明?A. 古埃及文明B. 古希腊文明C. 古罗马文明D. 古印度文明3. 必修一第一单元中提到的“四大发明”是指:A. 造纸术、火药、印刷术、指南针B. 轮子、火药、印刷术、指南针C. 造纸术、轮子、印刷术、指南针D. 轮子、火药、指南针、计算机4. 必修一第一单元中,以下哪个不是古代文明的共同特征?A. 农业的发展B. 城市的兴起C. 文字的创造D. 蒸汽机的发明5. 必修一第一单元中,关于古代文明的叙述,哪一项是错误的?A. 古埃及文明以尼罗河为中心B. 古希腊文明以海洋为中心C. 古罗马文明以地中海为中心D. 古印度文明以黄河为中心6. 必修一第一单元中,以下哪个不是古代文明的代表性建筑?A. 金字塔B. 帕台农神庙C. 罗马斗兽场D. 埃菲尔铁塔7. 必修一第一单元中,以下哪个不是古代文明的代表性思想家?A. 孔子B. 苏格拉底C. 亚里士多德D. 牛顿8. 必修一第一单元中,以下哪个不是古代文明的代表性艺术作品?A. 《蒙娜丽莎》B. 《大卫》C. 《最后的晚餐》D. 《清明上河图》9. 必修一第一单元中,以下哪个不是古代文明的代表性文学作品?A. 《荷马史诗》B. 《伊利亚特》C. 《奥德赛》D. 《悲惨世界》10. 必修一第一单元中,以下哪个不是古代文明的代表性科学成就?A. 阿基米德定律B. 欧几里得几何学C. 牛顿三大定律D. 毕达哥拉斯定理二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 必修一第一单元中提到的“四大文明古国”是指________、________、________和________。
12. 必修一第一单元中,古代文明的农业发展主要得益于________的发明。
高中数学(必修一)第一章 全称量词与存在量词 练习题
高中数学(必修一)第一章 全称量词与存在量词 练习题(含答案解析)学校:___________姓名:___________班级:_______________一、单选题1.下列命题中,是全称量词命题的是( )A .R x ∃∈,20x ≤B .当3a =时,函数()f x ax b =+是增函数C .存在平行四边形的对边不平行D .平行四边形都不是正方形2.下列命题中是全称量词命题的个数为( )①任意一个自然数都是正整数;①有的等差数列也是等比数列;①三角形的内角和是180︒.A .0B .1C .2D .33.下列命题中是存在量词命题的是( )A .①x ①R ,x 2>0B .①x ①R ,x 2≤0C .平行四边形的对边平行D .矩形的任一组对边相等4.下列命题是全称量词命题的是( )A .有些平行四边形是菱形B .至少有一个整数x ,使得23x x +是质数C .每个三角形的内角和都是180°D .x ∃∈R ,220x x ++=5.下列命题中,是真命题的全称量词命题的是( )A .实数都大于0B .梯形两条对角线相等C .有小于1的自然数D .三角形内角和为180度6.设非空集合P ,Q 满足P Q Q ⋃=,则下列命题正确的是( )A .x P ∀∈,x Q ∈B .∃∈x Q ,x P ∉C .x P ∃∈,x Q ∉D .x Q ∀∈,x P ∉7.给出下列命题:①若a b b c-=-,则-a ,b ,-c 成等比数列(abc ≠0);①若b 2=ac ,则a ,b ,c 成等比数列;①若an+1=anq (q 为常数),则{an }是等比数列.其中正确的命题有( )A .0个B .1个C .2个D .3个二、填空题8.根据下述事实,得到含有量词的全称量词命题或存在量词命题为_______________.13+23=(1+2)2,13+23+33=(1+2+3)2,13+23+33+43=(1+2+3+4)2,13+23+33+43+53=(1+2+3+4+5)2,……9.已知集合{}25A x x =-≤≤,{}121B x m x m =+≤≤-,若命题:p x B ∀∈,x A ∈是真命题,则m 的取值范围为______.10.若“[]01,1x ∃∈-,020x a +->”为假命题,则实数a 的最小值为______.三、双空题11.下列命题中,是全称量词命题的是________,是存在量词命题的是________.(1)正方形的四条边相等;(2)所有两个角是45︒的三角形都是等腰直角三角形;(3)正数的平方根不等于零;(4)至少有一个正整数是偶数;(5)所有正数都是实数吗?四、解答题12.判断下列命题属于全称命题还是特称命题,并用数学量词符号改写下列命题:(1)任意的m >1方程x 2﹣2x +m =0无实数根;(2)存在一对实数 x ,y ,使2x +3y +3>0成立;(3)存在一个三角形没有外接圆;(4)实数的平方大于等于0.13.判断下列语句是不是命题,如果是,说明是全称命题还是特称命题.(1)任何一个实数除以1,仍等于这个数;(2)三角函数都是周期函数吗?(3)有一个实数x,x不能取倒数;(4)有的三角形内角和不等于180︒.14.判断下列命题是全称量词命题还是存在量词命题,并判断其真假.(1)有理数都是实数;(2)至少有一个整数,它既能被11整除,又能被9整除;(3)∀x①{x|x>0},x1x+>2.15.ABC的三边长分别为a,b,c,试判断命题“若222a b c ab bc ca++=++,则ABC为等边三角形”是真命题还是假命题,并证明你的结论.参考答案与解析:1.D【分析】全称命题是含有全称量词的命题,全称量词有所有,任意,每一个. A C选项是特称命题,细化分析B选项存在一个3a=使得函数是增函数,所以B选项也是存在命题. D选项是全称命题.【详解】全称命题是含有全称量词的命题,全称量词有所有,任意,每一个.A C选项含有存在量词:存在,所以是特称命题,B选项存在一个3a=使得函数是增函数,所以B选项也是特称命题. D选项所有的平行四边形都不是正方形,所以是全称命题.故选:D.2.C【分析】利用含有全称量词的命题为全称量词命题对①①①逐个进行分析,即可得到结果.【详解】命题①含有全称量词,为全称量词命题;命题①含有存在量词,为存在量词命题;命题①可以叙述为“每一个三角形的内角和都是180°”,为全称量词命题.故有2个全称量词命题.故选:C.3.B【分析】判断每个命题的量词,即可判断选项.【详解】A含有全称量词①,为全称量词命题,B含有存在量词①,为存在量词命题,满足条件.C省略了全称量词所有,为全称量词命题,D 省略了全称量词所有,为全称量词命题.故选:B .4.C【分析】根据全称量词命题和存在量词命题的定义即可得到答案.【详解】根据全称量词和存在量词命题的定义可知,A ,B ,D 是存在量词命题,C 是全称量词命题. 故选:C.5.D【分析】利用全称量词的定义,分别判断选项.【详解】A.实数都大于0,是全称量词命题,假命题;B.梯形两条对角线相等,是全称量词命题,假命题;C.有小于1的自然数,是特称命题,真命题;D.三角形的内角和为180度,是全称量词命题,真命题.故选:D6.A【分析】由已知得P Q ⊆,再依次判断选项.【详解】因为非空集合P ,Q 满足P Q Q ⋃=,所以P Q ⊆,对于AC ,由子集的定义知P 中任意一个元素都是Q 中的元素,即x P ∀∈,x Q ∈,故A 正确,C 错误; 对于BD ,由P Q ⊆,分类讨论:若P 是Q 的真子集,则∃∈x Q ,x P ∉;若P Q =,则x Q ∀∈,x P ∈;故 BD 错误.故选:A .7.B【分析】根据等比数列定义结合对命题①,①,①的题设条件进行分析即可判断作答.【详解】对于①,题设条件与等比数列定义相一致,①正确;对于①,满足题设条件的a ,b ,c 值有a =b =0或c =b =0或a =b =c =0之一发生时, a ,b ,c 不成等比数列; 对于①,满足题设条件的q=0时,{an }不是等比数列,即命题①,①,①中,只有①是正确的命题.故选:B8.∀n ①N *,13+23+33+…+n 3=(1+2+3+…+n )2【分析】观察到从1开始加,连续的几个数的三次方相加,就得其和的三次方,总结一下就是:任意从1开始的连续n 个整数的三次方和等于其和的三次方.【详解】解:根据已知条件的规律结合13=12可得:∀n ①N *,13+23+33+…+n 3=(1+2+3+…+n )2.故答案为:∀n ①N *,13+23+33+…+n 3=(1+2+3+…+n )29.{}3m m ≤【分析】由题可得B A ⊆,然后分类讨论根据集合的包含关系即得.【详解】由于命题:p x B ∀∈,x A ∈是真命题,所以B A ⊆,当B =∅时,121m m +>-,解得2m <;当B ≠∅时,12112215m m m m +≤-⎧⎪+≥-⎨⎪-≤⎩,解得23m ≤≤,综上,m 的取值范围是{}3m m ≤. 故答案为:{}3m m ≤.10.3【分析】由题意可知命题的否定是真命题,从而可求出a 的取值范围,进而可求得a 的最小值【详解】“[]01,1x ∃∈-,020x a +->”的否定为“[1,1]x ∀∈-,都有20x a +-≤”,因为“[]01,1x ∃∈-,020x a +->”为假命题,所以“[1,1]x ∀∈-,都有20x a +-≤”为真命题,所以2a x +≥在[1,1]x ∈-上恒成立,所以3a ≥,所以实数a 的最小值为3,故答案为:311. (1)(2)(3) (4)【分析】利用全称量词命题和存在量词命题和定义判断即可【详解】(1)表示所有的正方形,所以是全称量词命题,(2)含有全称量词,所以是全称量词命题,(3)表示所有的正数,所以是全称量词命题,(4)含有存在量词,所以是存在量词命题,(5)不是命题,故答案为:(1)(2)(3),(4)12.(1)全称命题;∀m>1,方程x2﹣2x+m=0无实数根;(2)特称命题;∃一对实数x,y,使2x+3y+3>0成立;(3)特称命题;∃一个三角形没有外接圆;(4)全称命题;∀x①R,x2≥0.【分析】根据全称命题和特称命题的定义进行逐一求解即可.【详解】解:(1)任意的m>1方程x2﹣2x+m=0无实数根,是一个全称命题,用符号表示为:∀m>1,方程x2﹣2x+m=0无实数根;(2)存在一对实数x,y,使2x+3y+3>0成立,是一个特称命题,用符号表示为:∃一对实数x,y,使2x+3y+3>0成立;(3)存在一个三角形没有外接圆,是一个特称命题,用符号表示为:∃一个三角形没有外接圆;(4)实数的平方大于等于0,是一个全称命题,用符号表示为:∀x①R,x2≥0.13.(1)是全称命题;(2)不是命题;(3)是特称命题;(4)是特称命题.【分析】(1)根据题中包含的全称量词可确定为全称命题;(2)根据命题的概念即可确定答案;(3)根据题中的描述可确定为特称命题;(4)根据题中的描述可确定为特称命题.【详解】解:对于(1),任何一个实数除以1,仍等于这个数,是命题,且是全称命题;对于(2),三角函数都是周期函数吗?不是判断句故不是命题;对于(3),有一个实数x,x不能取倒数,是命题,是特称命题;对于(4),有的三角形内角和不等于180 ,是命题,是特称命题.14.(1)全称量词命题,且是真命题(2)是存在量词命题,是真命题(3)是全称量词命题,假命题【分析】(1)(2)(3)根据特称命题和全称命题的定义判断即可.(1)命题中隐含了全称量词“所有的”,所以此命题是全称量词命题,且是真命题.(2)命题中含有存在量词“至少有一个”,所以此命题是存在量词命题,举例99既能被11整除,又能被9整除,所以是真命题.(3)命题中含有全称量词“∀”,所以此命题是全称量词命题, 因为当x =1时,x 1x+=2,所以命题是假命题. 15.真命题,证明见解析【分析】直接配方化简即得解.【详解】解:是真命题,证明如下:因为222a b c ab bc ca ++=++,所以2220a b c ab bc ca +--+-=,所以()()()2220a b b c c a -+-+-=,所以0a b -=,0b c -=,0c a -=,即a b c ==.所以ABC 为等边三角形.所以原命题是真命题.。
人教版高一语文必修一第一单元测试题(带答案)一、(15分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中加点字的注音全都正确的一项是( )A.斡旋(wò) 苍穹棕榈(lǘ) 令人咋舌(zà)B.敕造(chì) 唆使混沌(hùn) 屡见不鲜(xiān)C.梦魇(yǎn) 菁华(jīn河蚌(bànɡ) 呼天抢地(qiǎng)D.懵懂(měng) 箴言泊车(bǒ) 少不更事(gēng)2.下列词语书写全都正确的一项是A.囊括切蹉荟萃一堂克不容缓B.匮乏峻工器宇轩昂不负重望C.濒临牟取金碧辉煌严惩不贷D.睿智草介枉废心机理屈词穷3.依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是(1)在家庭浓厚的美术氛围的下,儿子也深深地爱上了绘画。
5.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是( )A.如何在肯定草根文化的同时,不过分鼓吹偶像崇拜,而是放大草根中“励志”的因素,把社会主流价值观传递给大众,是值得娱乐媒体深思的问题。
高一英语必修一第一单元测试题及答案高一英语必修一第一单元测试题( 满分 100 分 )姓名 ___________ 得分 _____________Ⅰ . 词语翻译: (40 分 , 每小题 2 分 )1. 爱上 __ __________________2. 经历,遭受 ____________________3. 与… 相处 , 进展 ____________________4. 在黄昏时刻_____________________5. 故意 _______________________6. 为了 ________________________7. 痊愈 ; 恢复 ____________________ 8. 在户外 ________________________ 9. 对…… 厌烦 _____________________ 10. 定居 _________________________ 11. 不理睬 ______________________ 12. 提示 , 小费 ____________________ 13. 十几岁的青少年 ________________ 14. 感激的 ____________________15. a series of ___________________ 16. add up _______________________ 17. pack ( sth) up___________________ 18. no longer_______________________19. hide away ____________________ 2 0. calm down________________ II . 单词拼写 , 用本单元中出现的词语填空: (15 分 , 每小题 1.5 分 )1. The r_______ why she was ill was that she had eaten bad meat.2. He gave me some a_______ on how to learn a foreign language .3. The boy felt u________ because he didn ’ t do well in the exam.4. N_________ is everything in the world and you can ’ t go against it.5. You shouldn ’ t have hurt her f_______.6. If you work hard, you can get good p________ in the exam.7. I ________________( 碰巧 ) to be reading upstairs when he came in.8. To get as much information as possible, we should learn to_________( 交流 ).9. It ’ s ________ ( 正好 , 确切) twelve o ’ clock..10. Her husband has gone abroad on business. She is quite _________ ( 牵挂 ) about him.Ⅲ . 完成句子: ( 10 分 , 每小题 2 分 )1. He _________ ___________ _____________( 痴迷 ) computers.2. This is the first time that I ________ __________ _____( 写信 ) to a foreigner.3. It ’ s wrong of you _____ ________ ________ ( 作弊 ) .the exam.4. The two world leaders are holding a final talk ________ ___________( 面对面 ).5. I hope you won ’ t ________ __________ ________ ( 有困难 ) your work. Ⅳ . 将下列句子进行直接引语和间接引语的相互转化 : (15 分 , 每小题 3 分 )1. “ When shall we go outing this autumn? ” the studen ts asked.2. The teacher asked Wang Ying why she hadn ’ t gone to school the day before.3.The teacher told the students that they were going to have a meeting at three o ’ clock.4. “ T here is something wrong with your bike. ” Uncle Wang. said to m e.5. He said, ” I want to visit the Great Wall, and my father will go with me then. ”V. 根据课文内容 , 完成下面短文 . ( 20 分 , 每小题 2 分 )In Anne ’ s letter, she told Kitty everything that happened to her. She hadn ’ t been able to be 1) ____________ for so lon g that she had grown so 2) ___________ __________ nature. She remembered one evening she 3)___________ awake 4) _______ __________ until half past eleven 5)__________ ____ have a good look at the moon.. Another time, she 6)___________to be upstairs one evening when the window was open. The dark , rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds 7)________her entirely 8)______________ __________. It was the first time in a year and a half that she 9).__________ _________ the nigh t 10) ________ ________ ___高一英语必修一第一单元测试题答案:Ⅰ . 词语翻译: (40 分 , 每小题 2 分 )1. fall in love2. suffer3. get along with4. at dusk5. on purpose6.in order to7. recover 8. outdoors 9. get tired of 10. settle 11. ignore 12. tip13. teenager 14. grateful 15. 一连串的 ;一系列 16. 合计17. 将(东西)装箱打包 18. 不再 19. 躲藏;隐藏 20. (使)冷静下来II . 单词拼写 , 用本单元中出现的词语填空: (15 分 , 每小题 1.5 分 )1. reason2. advice 3 upset 4. Nature 5. feelings6. points7. happenedmunicate9. exactly 10. concernedⅢ . 完成句子: ( 10 分 , 每小题 2 分 )1. is crazy about2..have written3. to cheat in4. face to face5. have trouble withⅣ . 将下列句子进行直接引语和间接引语的相互转化 : ( 15 分 , 每小题 3 分 )1. The students asked when they would go outing that autumn.2. “ Why didn ’ t you came to school yesterday? the te acher asked Wang Ying.3. The teacher said to the students, “ We are going to have a meeting at three o ’ clock. ”4. Uncle Wang told me there was something wrong bike.5. He said that he wanted to visit the Great Wall and that his father would go with him then.V. 根据课文内容 , 完成下面短文 . ( 20 分 , 每小题 2 分 )1) outdoors 2) crazy about 3) stayed 4) on purpose 5) in order to6) happened 7)held 8)in their power . 9).had seen 10) face to face .高一学生如何学好英语1.预习:听录音,朗读课文,扫清单词发音障碍,了解重点语法内容,阅读重点课文并回答课文后的问题。
人教版高一数学必修一第一单元《集合与常用逻辑用语》单元练习题(含答案)人教版高一数学必修一第一单元《集合与常用逻辑用语》单元练题(含答案)一、单选题1.设命题p: ∀x∈R。
x^2-4x+2m≥0 (其中m为常数),则“m≥1”是“命题p为真命题”的()A。
高一化学(必修一)《第一章 物质的分类及转化》练习题及答案
高一化学(必修一)《第一章 物质的分类及转化》练习题及答案班级:___________姓名:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.酸溶液中都含有H +,因此不同的酸表现出一些共同的性质。
下列关于H 2SO 4性质的描述中不属于酸的共同性质的是A .能使紫色石蕊溶液变红色B .能与烧碱反应生成水C .能与Na 2CO 3溶液反应生成气体D .能与Ba(OH)2溶液反应生成沉淀2.含碳元素物质间发生转化:C −−→①CO ②−−−−→CO 2−−−−→③H 2CO 3④−−→K 2CO 3,其中碳元素化合价发生变化的是A .①③B .③④C .①②D .②④3.下列物质在一定条件下,跟酸、碱、盐都能反应的是A .MgOB .Ca(OH)2C .K 2CO 3D .CO 24.X 、Y 、Z 、W 各代表一种物质,若X +Y=Z +W ,则X 和Y 之间不可能是A .盐和盐的反应B .酸性氧化物和水的反应C .酸与碱的反应D .碱性氧化物和酸的反应5.甲、乙、丙有如图所示的转化关系(”→”表示反应一步实现,部分物质和反应条件已略去)。
下列各组物质按照甲、乙、丙的顺序不符合要求的是A .C 、CO 、CO 2B .H 2O 2、H 2O 、O 2C .KOH 、K 2CO 3、KNO 3D .Fe 2O 3、FeCl 3、Fe(OH)36.下列物质间的转化不能一步实现的是A .CaO→Ca(OH)2→CaSO 4B .Fe→Fe 2O 3→FeCl 3C .C→CO→CaCO 3D .Cu→CuO→CuSO 4 7.下列关于化学反应类型的叙述中,正确的是A .生成物只有一种的反应一定是化合反应B .复分解反应一定没有单质参加C .分解反应的生成物中一定有单质D .生成一种单质和一种化合物的反应一定是置换反应8.以下表示的是碳及其化合物的转化关系,其中涉及的基本反应类型依次是()22H O 22332C H Ca OH CuO CO CO CaCO CO →→→→高温高温A .化合、置换、分解、复分解B .置换、复分解、化合、分解C .置换、化合、分解、复分解D .置换、化合、复分解、分解9.已知:物质X 与2Ca(OH)在水溶液中能发生反应,反应的化学方程式为22X+Ca(OH)=Y+Cu(OH)↓。
人教高中 英语必修1unit-1练习题(含答案)
人教高中英语必修1u n i t-1练习题(含答案)------------------------------------------作者xxxx------------------------------------------日期xxxxUnit 1I. 根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词)。
1. The phone rang, but she i________ it.2. He had never been abroad and spent his e________ life in China.3. The ship was helpless against the p________ of the storm.4. Farm workers spend most of their time ________ (在户外).5. The books looked old, ________ (积满灰尘的) and unused.6. Open those heavy ________ (窗帘) and let some sunlight in.7. She was very ________ (心烦的) to hear that the holiday had been cancelled.8. The teacher asked the students to choose a(n) ________ (合作者) for the next activity.9. I haven't fully r________ from that flu I had.10. After years of travel, we decided to s________ here.11. The man wore a hat, gloves and a(n) ________ (大衣).12. He put a few clothes in a(n) ________ (手提箱), took his wallet and left.II. 用适当的介词或副词填空。
人教版高一英语必修一Unit 1 练习题Passage 1 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分Once upon a time, there was a bird made of stone. She was beautiful and magic. She lived near the entrance to a beautiful 31 between two mountains. The bird was so 32 that she had to walk on the ground instead of 33 in the sky.Though she couldn’t fly, she 34 looking up at the trees every day. She 35 one day being able to fly and see the 36 forest from up high. 37 , that dream was gone after a great fire.When the fire was 38 put out, all that was left of the trees were stumps(树桩).39 plants and animals that had live there were gone. The stone bird was the only one that didn’t 40 in the fire. When she saw what had 41 to the trees, she felt very sad. Looking at the burnt trees, she couldn’t 42 crying. She cried for hours and days. She cried with such a feeling that her 43 were wearing away her stone 44 . Finally all her body was worn away and the bird had 45 some water.But when the 46 came out, the water rose into the sky and became a happy little cloud which could fly over the trees and see everything 47 .Since then, the little cloud has traveled all over the world. She enjoyed the 48 of all the forests and beautiful countryside. She never 49 what had burnt the trees, so she was very careful to pour her rain down on any tree she saw 50 . She saved a lot of trees.31.A. field B. lake C. sea D. forest32.A. proud B. surprising C. heavy D. pretty33.A. walking B. trying C. singing D. flying34.A. needed B. began C. enjoyed D. disliked35.A. made up B. dreamed of C. gave up D. talked about36.A. dusty B. poor C. small D. beautiful37.A. However B. Also C. Therefore D. So38.A. sadly B. possibly C. finally D. suddenly39.A. Some B. All C. Few D. No40.A. change B. live C. watch D.die41.A. happened B. come C. moved D. climbed42.A. continue B. start C. keep D. stop43.A. minds B. feelings C. hands D. tears44.A. house B. heart C. body D. habit45.A. cared about B. turned into C. turned up D. looked for46.A. star B. air C. moon D. sun47.A. below B. above C. backward D. ahead48.A. views B. areas C. colours D. numbers49.A. found B. explained C. forgot D. knew50.A. falling B. burning C. growing D. shaking阅读Passage 1—FriendshipHave you ever wondered what goes through your mind when you choose where to sit in a new classroom? Or in a waiting room full of strangers? Or on a bus? Researchers have found out some interesting facts.Perhaps unsurprisingly, we prefer to sit closer to people like ourselves. Girls sit by girls and boys sit by boys. Adults sit together and young people choose another young person to sit near. But it goes further than this. We even choose to sit near someone who looks like us. People with glasses are more likely to sit near other people with glasses. People with long hair sit closer to other people with long hair.We seem to believe that people with similar habits or hobbies will share similar attitude and we are more likely to be accepted by people like ourselves or even, we think we may be safer with people who look like us. Sometimes that’s true but it's a pity if we always stick to the same people, the same group. The danger in always staying in our comfort zone (舒适区)is that we just recycle the same opinions, the same tastes and the same ideas. We lose the chance to learn something new, find out about interesting things, hear funny stories and discover difference. When we always stick to the same people, how can we ever break down the barriers which prevent us from getting to know people with different ideas? And how can we avoid the ignorance (无知),which too often leads to prejudice (偏见) and even fear? If instead you want to live in a society that opens to changes and new things and different opinions, be the cat among the pigeons.Move out of your comfort zone. Go and sit next to someone different. And don't just sit there in silence. Say hello. Ask a question. Start a conversation. That’s how we make friends. That’s how we learn about people. That’s how we open our minds to new ideas. That's how we live an exciting life.66. From the passage, we know that people prefer sitting by someone whoA. is like themselvesB. has a sense of humor C. is open-mindedD. lives an exciting life67. People like staying in their comfort zone because they mayA. remain comfortable and specialB. be accepted easily and feel safeC. find out more interesting thingsD. discover differences among themselves68. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To tell us just to be ourselves in social life.B. To introduce ways to learn about the world.C. To explain how people communicate with others.D. To encourage us to meet people of different kinds.Passage 2Everyone needs friends. We all like to feel close to someone. It is nice to have a friend to talk , laugh and do things with. Surely, there are times when we need to be alone. We don't always want people around. But we would feel lonely if we never had a friend.No two people are the same. Sometimes friends don't get along well, which doesn't mean that they no longer like each other. Most of the time they will go on being friends. Sometimes friends move away, then we feel very sad. We miss them much, but we can call them and write to them. Maybe we would never see them again, and we can make new friends. It is surprising to find out how much we like new people when we get to know them. Families sometimes name their children after a close friend. Many places are named after men and women, if they are friendly to people in a town. Some libraries are named this way. So are some schools. We think of these people when we go to these places.There's more good news for people, if they have friends. These people live longer than those people if those don't have friends. Why? It could be that they are happier. Being happy helps you stay well. Or it could be just knowing that someone cares, if someone cares about you, you take better care of yourself.56. The first paragraph tells us __________.A. we always need friends around usB. none needs friendsC. making friends is the need in people's lifeD. we need to be alone57. Which of the following is what the writer doesn't say in the passage?A. People are happy when their friends leave them.B. People may never see their friends after their friends move away.C. People can know their friends in different ways.D. People like their friends very much if they get to know them.58. Which of the following is the most probable place people name after friendly people?A. A house.B. A room.C. A library.D. A village.59. If people have friends, they would live longer, because __________.A. they feel happier and healthierB. they get a lot of help from their friendsC. they take better care of themselvesD. both A and C60. This passage tells us __________.A. that people are all friendsB. that people need friendsC. how to get to know friendsD. how to name a placePassage 3Many teenagers feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family members don't know them as well as their friends do. In large families, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight with each other and then they can only go to their friends for some ideas.It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a group of friends. Even when they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This communication is very important in children's growing up, because friends can discuss something. These things are difficult to tell their family members.However, parents often try to choose their children's friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. Have you ever thought of the following questions?Who chooses your friends?Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?Have you got a good friend your parents don't like?Your answers are welcome.61. Many teenagers think that _____ can understand them better.A. friendsB. brothersC. sistersD. parents62. When teenagers have something difficult to tell their parents, they usually____.A. stay alone at homeB. fight with their parentsC. discuss it with their friendsD. go to their brothers and sisters for help63. The sentence "Your answers are welcome." means ____.A. you are welcome to discuss the questions with usB. we've got no idea, so your answers are welcomeC. your answers are always rightD. you can give us all the right answers64. Which of the following is the writer's attitude?A. Parents should choose friends for their children.B. Children should choose everything they like.C. Parents should understand their children better.D. Teenagers should only go to their friends for help.65. When teenagers stay alone, the usual way of communication is to ____.A. go to their friendsB. talk with their friends on the phoneC. watch TvD. have a discussion with their parentsPassage 4应用文(细心做,要争取全对)The National Gallery Description:The National Gallery is the British national art museum built on the north side of Trafalgar Square in London. It houses a diverse collection of more than 2, 300 examples of European art ranging from 13th-century religious paintings to moremodern ones by Renoir and Van Gogh. The older collections of the gallery are reached through the main entrance while the more modern works in the East Wing are most easily reached from Trafalgar Square by a ground floor entrance.Layout:The modern Sainsbury Wing on the western side of the building houses 13th- 15th-century paintings, and artists include Duccio, Uccello, Van Eyck, Lippi, Mantegna, Botticelli and Memling. The main West Wing houses 16th-century paintings, and artists include Leonardo da Vinci, Cranach, Michelangelo, Rapael, Bruegel, Bronzino, Titian and Veronese.The North Wing houses 17th-century paintings, and artists include Caravaggio, Rubens, Poussin, Van Dyck, Velazquez, Claude and Vermeer.The East Wig houses 18th-to early 20th-century paintings, and artists include Canaletto, Goya, Turner, Constable, Renoir and Van Gogh.Opening Hours:The Gallery is open every day from 10am to 6pm (Fridays 10am to 9pm) and is free, but charges apply to some special exhibitions.Getting There:Nearest underground stations: Charing Cross (2-minute walk), Leicester Square (3-minute walk), Embankment (7-minute walk), and Piccadilly Circus (8-minute walk).68. In which century’s collection can you see religious paintings?A. The 13th.B. the 17th.C. The 18th.D. The 20th.69. Where are Leonardo da Vinci’s works shown?A. In the East WingB. In the main West WingC. In the Sainsbury WingD. In the North Wing70. Which underground station is closest to the National Gallery?A. Piccadilly CircusB. Leicester SquareC. EmbankmentD. Charing Cross.Passage 5 --故事A year ago,I paid no attention to English idioms,though my teacher emphasized (强调)the importance again and again. But soon, the importance of English idioms was shown in an amusing experience.One day, I happened to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be astonished(惊讶). Gently shaking his head,shrugging(耸)his shoulders, he said,“You don’t say!” “You don’t say!” I was puzzled(疑惑不解). I thought , perhaps this is not an appropriate(适当的)topic. “Well, I’d better change the topic.” So I said to him. “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? By the way, have you ever been there?” “Certainly, everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave China without seeing it. It was magnificent.” He was deep in thought when I began to talk like a tourist guide. “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. We are very proud of it.” Soon I was interrupted(打断) again by his words: “You don’t say!” I couldn’t help asking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about it?” “Well, I didn’t request yo u to do so,” he answered, greatly surprised. I said, “Didn’t you say‘you don’t say’?”Hearing this, the Englishman laughed to tears. He began to explain “ ‘You don’t say’ actually means ‘really!’ It is an expression of surprise. Perhaps you don’t pay atten tion to English idioms.” I realized I had made a fool of myself. Since then I have been more careful with idiomatic expressions. Remember: what the English teachers said is always right to us students.69.A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms because______.A. English idioms were not importantB.I was not careful with English idiomsC. My teacher didn’t emphasize the importance of themD.I had no interest in them70.At first, on hearing “You don’t say,” I thought the foreigner meant_______ .A. he was not interested in the topicB.he was only interested in the Great WallC.I had talked too muchD.I had to stop talking71.The underlined word amusing in the first paragraph probably means_____ .A.interesting B.important C.terrible D.unlucky 72.Which of the following is true according to the passage ?A.The Englishman left China without seeing the Great Wall.B.The Englishman wanted to see the Great Wall after I talked about it.C.The Englishman wanted me to act as his guide.D.The Englishman visited the Great Wall and thought it worth visiting. 73.After the Englishman explained the idiom, ___________ .A.I thought the Englishman had made me a foolB.the Englishman became a real foolC.I felt very sillyD.I became more carefully in everythingUnit 1 练习答案完型答案:DCDCB DACBD ACDDC BDACB1 : ABD23阅读ACACB4--A篇---ABDD; 【答案与解析】本文向我们讲述了作者因为不明白“You don’t say”英语习语的确切含义而发生的一场笑话。
高一必修一第一章测试题# 高一必修一第一章测试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是描述物质的属性?- A. 质量- B. 体积- C. 密度- D. 温度2. 物质的量单位是:- A. 千克- B. 摩尔- C. 米- D. 秒3. 摩尔质量的单位是:- A. 千克- B. 克- C. 千克/摩尔- D. 克/摩尔4. 阿伏伽德罗常数的值是:- A. 0.012 kg/mol- B. 6.02×10^23 mol^-1- C. 1 mol- D. 1 mol/L5. 物质的量浓度是指:- A. 每升溶液中溶质的摩尔数- B. 每千克溶液中溶质的摩尔数- C. 每摩尔溶液中溶质的质量- D. 每升溶液中溶质的质量6. 质量守恒定律适用于:- A. 化学反应- B. 物理变化- C. 核反应- D. 生物变化7. 化学反应中的能量变化通常表现为: - A. 光能- B. 电能- C. 热能- D. 机械能8. 以下哪个是化学平衡状态的特征? - A. 反应速率为零- B. 正逆反应速率相等- C. 反应物和生成物浓度不变- D. 所有选项都是9. 化学动力学研究的是:- A. 反应物的浓度- B. 反应的条件- C. 反应速率与反应条件的关系- D. 反应物的纯度10. 以下哪个是化学平衡的移动原理?- A. 勒夏特列原理- B. 阿伏伽德罗定律- C. 道尔顿分压定律- D. 盖斯定律二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. 摩尔是表示________的单位。
12. 1摩尔的任何物质都含有相同的________。
13. 摩尔质量在数值上等于物质的________。
14. 物质的量浓度的计算公式为________。
15. 化学平衡状态的特点是正逆反应速率________,各组分的浓度保持________。
16. 勒夏特列原理指出,在一定条件下,如果改变影响平衡的一个条件,平衡会向减弱这种改变的方向移动。
(15分)1.______get a better score , she has been studying hard all day.A. So as toB. In order toC. So thatD. In order that2. Readers can _____ XXX each word.A. get overB. get inC. get alongD. get through3. How long do you think it will be ____ XXX?Atleast 20 years, XXX.before4. He ____ XXX.A. XXX. They all went to big cities ______ XXX.A. with the purpose ofB. for the XXX6.You are always full of _____. Can you tell me the secret?XXX.A. XXX7. The boy _____ XXX to live a normal life.A. XXX ______ the XXX when he was at school.A. joined XXX9. Please ____ the numbers and I’m sure they will ______ more than 5000.A. add up; addB. add up; add upC. add up; add up toD. add; add up10. To parents’ worry, some students are ______ the computer XXX.A. XXX11. This is the first time that I _______ XXX.A. had XXX12. The teacher asked the foreign student _________.A. where was he fromB. where he was fromC. what country did he comefromD. what country he was come from13. XXX ______, she didn’t feel ______.A. alone; XXX; aliveD. alive; lively14. As far as I ________, I don’t object to your decision..A. XXX concern15. While watching TV, _________________.A. XXXD. we heard the doorbell ringsII.完形填空。
高中英语必修一Unit1练习题高中英语单元同步练习高一英语第一单元测试题2022年-8-23I. 单项选择:1. What he has said about the incident and done with it ____ our trouble.A. added up toB. added toC. added upD. were added to2. Protesters ____ the meeting by singing and shouting.A. upsetB. attendedC. heldD. ignored3. The water of the lake was so ____ that it looked like glass.A. silentB. calmC. stillD. quiet4. Anything that ____ Mr Green interests me.A. concernsB. mattersC. dealsD. worries5. The young should be good ____ the old in our society, for they ever did good ____ our society.A. for, toB. for, forC. to, toD. of, at6. You'd better have the second-hand car ____ before you sell it.A. repairedB. repairC. to repairD. repairing7. I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early ____ I can have time for a cup of tea.A. as soon asB. as a resultC. in caseD. so that8. If this dictionary is not yours, ____ can it be?A. what elseB. who elseC. which else’sD. who else’s9. Where was it ____ you think you had your wallet stolen?A. whichB. whoC. in whichD. that10.All these gifts must be mailed immediately ____ in time for Christmas.A. in order to have receivedB. so as to be receivedC. in order to receiveD. so as to be receiving11. “I have some difficulty ____ my pronunciation” means “I have some trouble ____ words”.A. with, in pronouncingB. in, with pronouncingC. at, in pronouncingD. with, in12.I really don’t know ____ I had left my umbrella.A. when was it thatB. that it was whenC. where it was thatD. it was where that13.____ is dangerous to swim in this river.A. OneB. ThisC. ThatD. It14.The teacher asked, “Are you waiting for the bus?”The teacher asked ____ for the bus.A. if I was waitingB. was I waitingC. you are waitingD. I was waiting15.Mother asked the youngest kid ____ with his toy car.高中英语单元同步练习A. what the matter wasB. what was the matterC. what the matter isD. what is the matter16.They ____ each other for many years before they ____.A. had been in love, got marriedB. fell in love, got marriedC. had fallen in love, marriedD. love, got married17.His work is concerned ____ the effect of pollution on the earth.A. withB. ofC. aboutD. in18.In winter people in the north ____ many activities, ____ skiing and running.A. join, such asB. take part in, such asC. take part in, so onD. join, so on19.We have learned 1,700 new English words ____ in the last two years.A. after allB. at allC. in allD. above all20.The teacher told us that light ____ faster than sound.A. travelledB. had travelledC. is travellingD. travels21.----You broke the glass, didn’t you?----Yes, but I didn’t do it ____. It was an accident.A. for pleasureB. with pleasureC. on purposeD. for purpose22.He saw a ____ of white arrows painted on the road.A. seriesB. lotsC. plentyD. amount23.The flowers are dead. You ____ them often.A. should waterB. could waterC. should have wateredD. could have watered24.The man has gone ____ many interesting things in the past two years.A. withB. overC. onD. through25.----How are you ____ your classmates?----Very well.A. getting onB. getting alongC. getting offD. getting on with26.When he got off the train, it happened ____.A. to rainB. to be rainingC. rainingD. to raining27. Today, ____ trees are still being cut down somewhere in the world.A. much tooB. too muchC. many tooD. too many28. She told us ____ story that we all forgot about the time.A. such an interestingB. such interestingC. so an interestingD. a so interesting29. The roof fell ____ we had time to dash into the room to save the old woman.A. afterB. beforeC. sinceD. when30. She dares to go alone, ____?A. does sheB. dares sheC. doesn’t sheD. dare not she31. It ____ long before we ____ the result of the experiment.A. will not be, will knowB. is, will know高中英语单元同步练习C. will not be, knowD. is, know32. ----Do you know our town at all?----No, this is the first time I ____ here.A. wasB. am comingC. cameD. have come33. With a lot of difficult problems ____, the new president will have a hard time.A. settledB. settlingC. to settleD. being settled34. ----Why did you turn off your alarm clock?----____ get up early.A. In order toB. In order don’tC. In order not toD. In orderto not35. I avoid fatty food, ____ I would have my stomach upset.A. butB. howeverC. norD. or36. The weather ____ cold all day.A. wentB. turnedC. becameD. stayed37. She used to sit ____ herself and read novels.A. byB. toC. forD. at38. When the teacher came in, she ____ a novel.A. was happening to readB. happened to readC. happened to be readingD. happened to be read39. I finished the work with the girl ____me.A. to helpB. helpingC. helpD. being helping40. What ____ he gave us!A. an important adviceB. a good adviceC. good piece of adviceD. a good piece of adviceII. 短文改错:I am very glad to have received your photo taken by41._______the Kenston Lake. They are very beautiful and high praised 42._______by whomever sees them. I am going to send some to43._______Mr Harris to see if they can be choosing for the photo 44._______exhibition. I am going on the holiday next month. I would 45._______like to visit you in Kenston. I have an aunt there, but I 46._______can stay wither. Then we shall meet and spend a three-days 47._______holiday together. I’ll go by train, for there’s so many traffic 48._______on the road that driving is not at all pleasant. Of course, 49._______I’ll take my tools so that we can go fish. 50._______。
所有的正数 B。
等于2的数 C。
接近于2的数 D。
{x|x+3=3} B。
{(x,y)|y=-x,x,y∈R} C。
{x|x≤0} D。
(AC)(BC) B。
(AB22BB)(AC) C。
(AB)(BC) D。
0个 B。
1个 C。
2个 D。
锐角三角形 B。
直角三角形 C。
钝角三角形 D。
3个 B。
5个 C。
7个 D。
2)-5∉N,16∈N3) 2-3+2+3∈x|x=a+6b,a∈Q,b∈Q2.若集合A={x|x≤6,x∈N},B={x|x是非质数},C=A-B,则C的非空子集的个数为。
答案:A={1,5}2.已知A={x-2≤x≤5},B={xm+1≤x≤2m-1},B⊆A,求m 的取值范围。
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1.童谣中这些星星大多属于()A.行星 B.恒星 C.流星 D.星云2.下列天体中属于上题所述类型的是()A.太阳 B.月球 C.木星 D.陨星3.目前人类所能观测到的宇宙范围是()A.河外星系 B.银河系 C.总星系 D.地月系4.下列属于天体的是()①地球②河外星系③天空中飘动的云④星际空间的气体和尘埃⑤陨星⑥流星体A.①②④ B.①③④ C.②④⑤ D.①④⑥5.距离地球最近的恒星是()A.太阳 B.金星 C.比邻星 D.北极星6.在晴朗的夜空,我们能看到的一闪即逝的天体和拖着长尾巴的天体是()A.月亮和流星 B.月亮和彗星 C.流星和彗星 D.流星和星云7.下列四个选项中,能正确说明下图含义的是()A.①太阳系②总星系③银河系④地月系B.①地月系②银河系③河外星系④太阳系C.①太阳系②总星系③河外星系④银河系D.①地月系②总星系③银河系④太阳系8.“坐地日行八万里,巡天遥看一千河”中的“一千河”喻指的天体系统是( )A.总星系B.银河系C.太阳系D. 地月系9.太阳系八大行星中,公转周期最长的是()A.水星B.地球C.木星D. 海王星10.2008年6月20日,国际天文联合会宣布批准将中山大学学生叶泉志发现的161 715号小行星命名为“汶川星”,以此悼念在汶川大地震中的罹难者。
“汶川星”应位于 ( ) A. ①和②之间B.②和③之间C. ③和④之间D.④和⑤之间①②③④11.下列各组行星分属类地行星和远日行星的是()A.木星和地球B.木星和天王星C.金星和海王星D.火星和土星12.据美国宇宙网站报道,科学家预计2012年太阳活动将达到史无前例的高峰期。
如果2011~2012年是太阳活动强烈的时段,那么上一个活动强烈时段约是 ( )A.2000~2001年B.2022~2023年C.2006~2007年D.2087~2088年13.以下天体系统中,不包含火星的是()A.太阳系B.河外星系C.银河系D.总星系读“天体系统的不同级别划分示意图”,回答14~15题。
14.与仙女座河外星系的级别相同的天体系统是 ( ) A.A B.B C.C D.D15.D系统中的中心天体与太阳系其他行星相比独特而优越的条件是 ( ) A.安全的宇宙环境 B.地球表面存在大气层C.具有适宜的温度 D.具有水体存在16.在夜空中寻找除地球以外的七大行星,应该去 ( ) A.地球公转轨道面附近 B.赤道面附近C.南北极上空 D.南北纬45°上空地球是太阳系中唯一有生命生存和繁衍的特殊行星。
17.地球表面适宜温度的形成条件是()A.日照条件长期稳定B.大小行星对地球没有干扰C.地球内部放射性元素衰变致热D.日地距离适中,地球自转与公转周期适当18.地球上原始的水来自于()A.地球内部B.大气中氢和氧的结合C.太阳D.其他星球19.地球是太阳系中一颗既普通又特殊的行星,其特殊性表现在( ) A.能自转又能公转B.地球上有大气C.地球与太阳的距离适中D.地球上有生命20.下列属于天体系统的是:()①宇宙中的基本天体------恒星和星云②宇宙中级别最高和最低的天体系统------总星系和地月系③相互吸引的两颗恒星或两颗行星④沿同一轨道运行的流星群或小行星带⑤大熊座⑥相互吸引且相互绕转的大小天体A.②⑥B.③⑥C.②④⑥D.②③⑤⑥中国新闻网2008年8月6日报道了美国探测到火星土壤中存在英吉林种有毒物质,这一发现可能意味着火星存在生命的可能性比以前的推测低。
A.①B.②C.③D.④22.美国探测的星球是图中的()A.①B.② C.③D.④23.与地球生命形成无关的是()A.有液态水存在B.大气中含有氧气C.稳定的太阳光照条件D.磁暴现象24.2010年1月,美国发射的“勇气”号、“机遇”号探测器先后登陆火星。
读下表相关资料,说明火星表面温度比地球表面低得多,其主要原因是()A.距日远,太阳辐射能密度小B.大气对太阳辐射的削弱作用强C.大气无保温作用D.昼夜更替周期长25.太阳的主要能量来源于()A.黑子和耀斑放射出的能量B.太阳风抛出的带电粒子流C.放射性元素衰变产生的热能D.太阳内部物质的核聚变反应26.下列地区中,森林生物量最丰富的是()A.亚马孙平原B.横断山区 C.江南丘陵D.大兴安岭27.关于太阳辐射能,叙述正确的有()①可再生能源②早已被广泛使用③清洁能源④一切能量的源泉A. ①② B.③④ C.①③ D .②④28.下列各组能源中,其成因与太阳辐射无关的是()①风能②水能③生物能④地热能⑤潮汐能⑥核能A. ①②③B.②④⑥C.①③⑤ D .④⑤⑥29.读“太阳及其大气结构示意图”,回答问题太阳黑子和耀斑 ( )A.都发生在①层B.分别发生在①层和②层C.都发生在②层D.分别发生在②层和③层30.当太阳黑子和耀斑增多时,发出的强烈射电直接会扰乱 ( ) A.极光 B.电离层 C.无线电长波通信 D.磁暴31. 当太阳风暴到达地球时,地球上可降低太阳活动对其影响的保护层是()A.水圈B.生物圈C.岩石圈D.地球磁场32.关于太阳活动的叙述,不正确...的是 ( ) A.太阳黑子是太阳表面的低温区域B.太阳黑子的多少和大小,可以作为太阳活动强弱的标志C.耀斑爆发是太阳活动最激烈的显示D.太阳黑子与耀斑出现的周期存在很大差异33.下列现象属于太阳活动对地球产生影响的是()A.地球两极地区出现极昼极夜现象 B.无线电长波通讯受到干扰C.大气中二氧化碳增多,气温升高 D.干扰地球磁场,产生“磁暴”现象34.下列地理现象和太阳活动无关的是()A.无线电短波突然衰减B.指南针不能正确指示方向C.最近几年全球各地气候的异常D.昼夜长短的季节变化35.右图为某天文爱好者拍摄的日全食照片,照片中肉眼所能看到的太阳大气层及相应的太阳活动是 ( )A.色球.耀斑B.日冕.耀斑C.色球.太阳风D.光球.日珥36.日全食照片中未被遮住的这一层太阳大气剧烈活动时产生的影响可能是 ( ) A.影响我国南方地区的交通运输B.影响我国北方地区的有线网络通信C.轮船航行过程中指南针突然失灵D.流星现象突然异常增多读太阳黑子与温带乔木年轮相关性曲线图,完成37~38题。
37.图中年轮宽度与太阳黑子相对数之间的关系是 ( ) A.正相关 B.负相关 C.成反比 D.没有相关性38.此图所反映的问题是 ( ) A.太阳活动能影响地球气候B.太阳活动发射的电磁波能扰动地球的电离层C.太阳活动时,抛出的带电粒子流扰动地球磁场,产生“磁暴”现象D.太阳活动时,太阳风使两极地区出现极光,从而影响中、高纬度地区树木的生长下图是“M.N两地太阳辐射的年变化示意图”,完成39~40题。
39.M地最可能位于 ( )A.赤道 B.回归线C.极圈 D.极点40.5~7月如果N地获得的太阳辐射较低,最主要的原因可能是 ( )A.太阳高度角大 B.昼夜长短C.天气状况 D.地面状况二.综合题41.读太阳系示意图,回答下列各题。
(5)地球上存在生命物质与其所处的宇宙环境关系密切,此图所反映的有利宇宙环境是________________________________ 。
42.阅读下列材料,回答问题材料一 21世纪以来,人类又一次经历了太阳活动的高峰期,在高峰期间,太阳活动对人类生产和生活产生了一系列影响。
(1) 10°N与60°N相比,6月太阳辐射总量较高的是____________。
简述产生上述变化的主要原因___________________________________ 。
(3)太阳活动的类型较多,其中最主要的是 _______和_______,它们是太阳活动的重要标志。
(3)材料一中“人造太阳”的工作原理是什么?(4)我国的“人造太阳”实验装置已于2006年9月 28日首次成功完成了放电实验,其首次成功放电意味着什么?高一地理第一章单元练习题参考答案41. (1)水星金星(2)火星木星(3)西东图略(逆时针方向)(4)两太阳系太阳质量巨大(5)大小行星各行其道,互不干扰,使地球处于安全的宇宙环境中;有稳定的太阳光照。